HKSEC 2021-22 Grand Final Booklet

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HKSEC 2021 – 2022 Grand Final


Content Message from HAB ——————————


Competition Stages —————————


Message from CfE ——————————


Judging Criteria ————————————


Media Presence ————————————


Retrovert ————————————————


KOL Campaign ———————————— Briefing Sessions


Time To Gold ——————————————


Kinnectus: Connect Us ———————


Planeteers ———————————————


Neurodyssey Association ————— 心腦歷情


Seekr ———————————————————


HKSEC 2021-22 ———————————— Inauguration


Training Workshop 1 —————————


2030 SDGs Game Training Training Workshop 2



Mixer Gatherings ———————————


MedMind Technology ————————


Semi Final Highlights





Distinguished Judges ————————


Acknowledgment ———————————



HKSEC 2020 Startup Awards ———




Message from the Acting Secretary for Home Affairs

特區 政 府一直致力推 動社會企業發展,除了為個別社企提 供 財政 資助、支持 社企提升能力外,更積極促 進 跨界別協 作,不斷加強公眾對 社企的認識,為社企提 供 更有利的營 商環境。 自 2008年起,民政事務局贊助由香港中文大學創業研究中

Over the years, the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has strived to promote the development of Social Enterprise (SE) through a multi-pronged approach. To create a better business environment for SEs, the Government has all along been adopting various means, including providing funding support for individual projects, supporting the SE sector in capacity building, promoting cross-sector collaboration and enhancing public understanding of SEs.

心策劃的「香港社會企業挑戰賽」。過去十四年,挑戰賽為 充滿創意和創業理 念的青年人提供一個實 踐夢想的平台, The Home Affairs Bureau has been the sponsor of the Hong Kong Social Enterprise 讓他們互相砥礪學習,累積寶貴經驗。 今年,挑戰賽以「健康公平」為主題,鼓勵參 賽隊伍以創新 思維回應世紀疫情對社會以至全球的挑戰。今屆挑戰賽收

Challenge (HKSEC), organised by the Center for Entrepreneurship of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, since 2008. For the past 14 years, the competition provides a platform for creative and innovative young people to realise their dreams and gain a rewarding experience through knowledge exchanges amongst the participants.

到 91項社企計劃,參 賽隊伍的創意概 念 涵蓋各行各業。他 們除了關注精神健康、復康訓練、醫學治療外,還關心文化

The theme of HKSEC this year is “Fairly Healthy”, which aims to encourage participants to provide ingenious solutions in response to the challenges brought by the pandemic of the century at both community and global level. With 91 submissions received, the 挑 戰賽不但可以讓青年人體 驗創業的過程,也加深了他們 innovative proposals cover a wide range of industries and social issues, spanning from 對社會議題的認識和關注。我鼓 勵各 參 賽隊伍把握機會, mental health, rehabilitation training and medical treatment to cultural conservation, 發揮創意,發揚社企「營商揚善」的精神。 women’s empowerment and environmental protection.


展望未 來,特區 政 府定會一如以往,積極推 動社企持續發 展,與社會各界攜手建設一個創新共融的美好社會。 陳積志太平紳士

Through participating in the HKSEC, young people not only gain valuable experience in founding a start-up, but also enhance their understanding and awareness on social issues. I would like to encourage young people to seize the opportunity to give full play to their creativity and promote the spirit of “Doing Business for Good” in SEs.


Looking forward, the Government will continue to promote the sustainable development of SE and collaborate with all in building an innovative and inclusive society. CHAN Jick Chi Jack, JP Acting Secretary for Home Affairs



Message from Center for Entrepreneurship, The Chinese University of Hong Kong


During this pandemic, we have experienced many sudden and unprecedented changes to our way of life and how we work. Over the past 2 years, wearing masks, heighted 在努力適應「新常態」之際,或許會忽略社會上尚有一些弱 awareness of hygiene and social distancing have become our “new normal”. Whilst many 勢社群,他們連享有健康這種基本權利也欠奉。有見及此, of us are preoccupied with how we can adapt to the demands of our new lifestyle as 為回應這個社會需要,本屆香港 社會企業挑戰賽 (HKSEC) individuals, we may be oblivious to the challenges of socially marginalised groups, who 便有 483位青年,傳遞多達 91個社企點子,以創新精神為社 are deprived of a fundamental human right - the right to health. This year, 483 young 會帶來改變。 people presented 91 innovative ideas in the Hong Kong Social Enterprise Challenge (HKSEC) in attempt to bring about positive changes to our society where some needs of 為回應疫情對社會帶來的挑戰,HKSEC特意伙拍香港中文 our citizens are remaining unmet. 大學健康公平研究所,於今屆以「Fairly Healthy」為主題, 期望參賽隊伍以創新方法把健康公平元素融入社企的營商 In partnership with the Institute of Health Equity of the Chinese University of Hong Kong, 理念,當中最能應對健康問題的隊伍將獲「適時效益」獎。 the theme of this year’s competition is “Fairly Healthy”. It encourages participants to experiment with weaving elements of health and justice into their social ventures. In face 香 港 政 府 一直 透 過 各項 措 施 促 進 本 地社 企 發 展,並 鼓 勵 of our current challenges, the team that can best address health issues will receive the 青 年到大灣區城市創業和工作;HKSEC近年也積極向外拓 Timely Impact Award. 離,生活模式 和經 濟活動均經 歷前所未有的變化,但大家

展合作關係,而在國際議題上的參與也拓闊了青年的視野, 並豐富了他們的經歷。

The Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government has fostered the development of local social enterprises through various supportive policies and measures. It has 社會革新,需要眾志成城。我謹藉此機會感謝民政事務局一 encouraged and provided opportunities for young people to work and start their 直以來的贊助,以及社會各界鼎力支持,包括香港社會服務 social businesses in the Greater Bay Area. In recent years, HKSEC has been expanding 聯會、花旗集團基金、聯合國開發計劃署、聯合國可持續發 partnerships beyond the territory, in order to widen participants’ horizons, enrich their 展解決 方案網絡 香港地區分會、Ashoka、經濟通、知識產 experiences and capitalise on the opportunities in the Greater Bay Area on offer. 權署及香港互聯網註冊管理有限公司等,並 感謝沿途 搭肩 同行的各合作伙伴、機構、導師與評判,以及各大專院校, I would like to take this opportunity to extend my gratitude to the Home Affairs Bureau 繼續與我們在逆境下共創美好前景,成就更多「商社共贏」 的社會企業。 區玉輝教授 吳頴鋒博士 香港中文大學創業研究中心

for their longstanding sponsorship of the HKSEC, as well as the unfailing support from various sectors which provide strong impetus for social change. Amidst the adversity of the pandemic, we are grateful for the continued friendship of the Hong Kong Council of Social Service, Citi Foundation, the United Nations Development Programme, the Hong Kong Chapter of the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Solutions Network, Ashoka, ET Net Limited, the Intellectual Property Department and Hong Kong Internet Registration Corporation Limited, as well as other partnering individuals, organisations, mentors, adjudicators, and all higher education institutions. Together, with our partners we are delighted to see the birth of more “Business for Good” social enterprises. Prof. AU Yuk Fai Kevin Dr. NG Wing Fung Frank CUHK Center for Entrepreneurship 3


Media Presence

面對疫情挑戰,隊伍更需要增加曝光率以接觸公眾。今年,我們繼續為得獎隊 伍提供額外宣傳資源。HKSEC 2020-21 年度4 隊得獎隊伍一共得到 14 項媒體 報道。此外,我們亦加強社交媒體宣傳,在社交平台上介紹歷屆 HKSEC 隊伍, 大大提高了他們的曝光率。

In face of challenges arising from the pandemic, HKSEC teams needed more media exposure to engage with the public. This year, we continued to provide additional publicity resources for the winning teams. 4 winning teams of HKSEC 2020-21 won a total of 14 media coverage. In addition, we enhanced our own social media campaigns by introducing past winning teams across various social media platforms, which greatly increased their exposure.



KOL宣傳計劃 KOL Campaign


Briefing Sessions

2021.9 - 2021.10

為宣傳新一屆 HKSEC,我們特意邀請兩隊冠軍隊伍「軟膳點」和 「吞嚥易」,與 YouTube 頻道「非實力派」合作度身訂造了宣傳短 片。大家可以在多個社交平台上搜尋「非實力派 軟餐學堂」,看看 KOL們的學習成果。 另外,我們亦邀請Business Focus 和麥明詩小姐作宣傳,在社交平 台上呼籲有志改變社會的年青人參加HKSEC,一起為社會出力。

To promote the 15th HKSEC, we invited two champion teams, Mealingful and SeniorDeli, to collaborate with the YouTube channel “Very Surprise” in order to create a custom-made promotional video. Search for the “ 非實力派 軟餐學堂 “ on various social media platforms to see what the KOLs learned about social enterprises. In addition, we invited Business Focus and Ms. Louisa MAK to promote HKSEC on various social media platforms in order to encourage young people who want to make a positive social change to join HKSEC and contribute to society.

為應對疫情挑戰,我們特意安排了多場網上簡介會,讓更多 同學們能安坐家中參與。他們除了可了解 HKSEC的參賽流 程外,亦能直接向HKSEC 項目總監發問,解答疑難。

In order to meet the challenges posed by the pandemic, we arranged multiple online briefing sessions to allow more students to engage with HKSEC from the comfort of their homes. Besides learning about HKSEC competition process, students were also able to participate in an interactive Q&A with HKSEC Project Director.


HKSEC 2021-22 開幕典禮 HKSEC 2021-22 Inauguration

香港社會企業挑戰賽深深體會疫情為香港帶來前所未有的挑戰,今年特以「Fairly Healthy」為主題。我們期望參賽者在逆境下,以創新 方法把健康公平元素融入社企的營商理念。是次典禮亦透過Facebook作現場直播。 開幕典禮中,HKSEC 請來香港中文大學健康公平研究所鍾嘉麒博士分享公平健康的意義和社企如何實踐這個概念,又邀請去屆得獎者向 來賓分享參加 HKSEC比賽的得着。其中去年亞軍Breer 的代表強調 HKSEC是一個一站式平台,參加者可以認識到新朋友、與商界人士交 流及取得專業意見,更有機會得到啟動獎金。

HKSEC「適時效益」獎配合今年主題,嘉許參賽隊伍中具備最適切應對當前社會挑戰的營商理念者,得獎隊伍能獲得 50,000 港元以實現他們的創新理念。

HKSEC is highly aware of the unprecedented challenges to Hong Kong resulting from the pandemic, and this is reflected in this year’s theme “Fairly Healthy”. The theme encourages participants to incorporate elements of health equity into their business philosophy in an innovative way, even under adverse circumstances. The opening ceremony was broadcast live via Facebook. During the opening ceremony, Dr. CHUNG Ka Ki Gary from the Institute of Health Equity of the Chinese University of Hong Kong explained the significance of “Fairly Healthy” and illustrated how social enterprises could implement this concept. A representative from last year’s first runner-up, Breer, shared that HKSEC is a one-stop platform for participants to meet new friends, obtain professional advice, and a chance to win a Startup Award. HKSEC’s “Timely Impact Award” will recognise the team with the most relevant business idea for meeting current challenges in society. The winning team of this award will receive HK$50,000 to make their new ideas come true.



去屆得獎者寄語各參加者「想做就做」,以創新方法幫助有 需要的人 Last year’s awardee sent a message to the current participants to “follow your own inspiration” and innovate to assist socially marginalised groups

由署理民政事務局局長陳積志太平紳士擔任開幕禮的主禮嘉賓及 致開幕辭 CHAN Jick Chi Jack, JP, Acting Secretary for Home Affairs , officiated at the opening ceremony and delivered the opening address

主講嘉賓鍾嘉麒博士以「Be Healthy, Be Fair」為題演說 Keynote speaker Dr. CHUNG Ka Ki Gary spoke on the topic of “Be Healthy, Be Fair” 7

培訓工作坊 (一) : 社會創新訓練日營

Training Workshop 1: Social Innovation Daycamp 培訓工作坊(一)共分為兩天舉行,教授挑戰者演說技巧及各種 營銷策略。當中更設有「真人圖書館」時段,6 位來自各不同 界別的「真人圖書」分享創立社企心得,讓參賽隊伍更深入了 解社企界別。 本屆 HKSEC 的主題為「Fairly Healthy」,設有「適時效益 獎」,具備最適切應對 2021-22 年當前社會健康挑戰的參賽 隊伍,即有機會獲此獎項。有見及此,第二天的工作坊誠邀中 文大學健康公平研究所黎子俊教授解說如何令「健康公平」 的概念融入社企發展之中。

2021.10.30-31 「真人圖書館」的嘉賓與參賽隊 伍交流心得 Guests of the “Human Library” shared their experience with the participating teams

Training Workshop (1) was divided into two days and taught challengers presentation skills and various marketing strategies. There was also a “Human Library” session to assist participating teams to gain a deeper understanding of the social enterprise sector. 6 “human books” shared their personal experiences of setting up a social enterprise. The theme of this year’s HKSEC is “Fairly Healthy”, and the “Timely Impact Award” will be awarded to the team with the most appropriate response to the current social health challenges in 2021-22. In view of this, Prof. Eric LAI from the Institute for Health Equity of the Chinese University of Hong Kong was invited to explain how to integrate the concept of “Health Equity” into the development of social enterprises on the second day of the workshop.

參賽者就「健康公平」主題的小組討論問題作出分享 Participants shared the views in a group discussion on the theme of “Health Equity”

香港中文大學健康公平研究所黎子俊教授向參賽隊伍講解「健康 公平」的概念 Prof. Eric LAI of the Institute for Health Equity, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, explained the concept of “Health Equity” to participating teams 8

2030 可持續發展目標遊戲工作坊 2030 SDGs Game Training


本屆首設2030可持續發展目標(SDGs) 遊戲工作坊,利用線上遊戲配套,讓 參賽隊伍學習透過磋商和合作,來訂 立及達成目標。參賽隊伍透過置身於 模擬 2030 年的世界中,能夠獲得共同 創造一個可持續發展世界的體驗。

This first 2030 Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) Game Workshop this year, was an online experimental game that educated teams on setting and achieving goals through negotiation and cooperation. Through a simulation of the 2030 world, teams were able to experience of participating in co-creating a sustainable world.

參賽者就遊戲中的個人與共同目標進行磋商 Participants negotiated and discussed individual and common goals in the game

培訓工作坊 (二) : 綜合技術訓練

Training Workshop 2: Integrated Skills Training


為準決賽隊伍而設的培訓工作坊 (二) 內容豐 富,包括 網店建立、專業演說與 財務管理技 巧,當中加入了大量社企的個案例子分析與 練習,為各隊伍提供實戰經 驗,鞏固他們的 軟、硬技能,奠定創業基礎。 是次工作坊更特別邀請了HKSEC 2019冠軍隊伍「軟膳點」分享經驗,讓各隊伍了解初創社企在 各階段面對的挑戰,以及如何應對困難,讓參賽者獲益良多 。

The training workshop (2) for semi-final teams included a wide range of content, such as setting up an online store, pitching skills and financial management skills. Case studies from social enterprises provided teams with practical learnings, which assisted teams to consolidate their soft and hard skills, and lay the foundation for future entrepreneurship. The workshop also invited the HKSEC 2019 champion team, Mealingful, to share their experience. Participants benefitted from understanding the challenges faced by social enterprises at various stages and how Mealingful dealt with these difficulties.

HKSEC 2019 冠軍隊伍「軟膳 點」與參賽者分享參賽及成立 社企的經驗

吳家嘉(Boutir掌舖創辦人兼行 政總裁)向參賽隊伍教授建立 網店的技巧

HKSEC 2019 champion team Mealingful shared their experience of participating the competition and setting up a social enterprise with the participants

Eric NG (Founder and CEO of Boutir) taught participating teams the process for setting up an online store 9


Mixer Gatherings

2021.11.6 & 2021.12.11

本屆共設有兩次交流指導聚會供不同階段的隊伍參加,首次聚會在培訓工作坊 (一) 結束後舉行,第二次則是為準決賽隊伍 而設。HKSEC 誠邀業界專才與參賽隊伍交流寶貴心得及分享經驗。 除了導師指導,還有個別商務導修。準決賽預演後,HKSEC 項目總監親自督導每個計劃,讓更多點子持續發展。

This year, there were 2 Mixer Gatherings for teams at different stages of the competition. The first Mixer for all teams took place after the Training Workshop (1) and the second Mixer was for semi-finalists. HKSEC invited industry professionals to share their valuable insights and experiences with the participating teams. In addition to mentorship, there were individual business coaching sessions. After the semi-final presentation rehearsal, HKSEC Project Director supervised each project to assist teams to develop their ideas further.



Semi Final Highlights


準決賽以全網上形式進行。今年共有 1 隊來自「好薈社」的 推薦隊伍及 2 隊來自「創新園」的推薦隊伍以邀請賽的形式 參與準決賽。爭奪八強之餘,更有機會奪得新設的「適時效 益」獎。

The Semi Final battlefield was conducted entirely online. This year, we had 1 recommended team from ‘‘Good Seed’’ and 2 recommended teams from “Innovator Farm” to join our Semi Final in the format of an invitation match. Apart from aiming for the eight spots at the Grand Final, they also competed for the “Timely Impact Award”.

準決賽隊伍正就計劃向評判進行演說 The Semi Final teams were pitching ventures to judges 11

HKSEC 2020 社會企業啟動獎金 HKSEC 2020 Startup Awards

HKSEC 2020冠軍隊伍「吞嚥易」及「樂旼共融教育」各獲得由民政事務局贊助高達 300,000 港元的啟動獎金,並在導師指導下,分階段履行他們的社會企業計劃。亞軍隊伍「Breer」及 「思健」亦分別獲得高達150,000 港元的創業資助,實踐他們的社企夢。 SeniorDeli and Snaildy, the Champion teams of HKSEC 2020, received a Startup Award of up to HK$300,000 sponsored by the Home Affairs Bureau. They implemented their social venture plans in phases under mentorship. The first runner-up teams, Breer and SreenMat, received a Startup Award of up to HK$150,000 to make their dream come true.

樂旼共融教育 Snaildy 「樂旼共融教育」是一個協助學校處理與特殊教育需要 (SEN) 學生相關行政工作的系統平台,透過整合相關資 料,縮短教師處理文件所需時間。

Snaildy is a platform that helps schools handle administrative tasks related to students with special education needs (SEN). The platform integrates relevant information and reduces the time required for teachers to process documents.

吞嚥易 SeniorDeli 「吞嚥易」致力研發原貌軟餐和相關產品,為院舍和照顧者提供價 錢廉宜的產品,期望提高吞嚥困難人士和長者食慾,助他們重拾進 食的快樂。

SeniorDeli is dedicated to assisting persons with swallowing difficulties and the elderly to regain the joy of eating. Senior Deli is developing original soft meals and related products to provide inexpensive options for residential care homes and carers. 12

思健 SreenMat 「 思 健 」的 手 機 應 用 程 式 讓 長 者 能 隨 時 隨 地 以 畫 畫 方 式 作 恆 常 檢 測,並實時分辨用家的腦部認知狀況,把高風險患者轉介至社福機 構跟進,從而減輕社會醫療系統的負擔。

SreenMat’s mobile app allows seniors to draw pictures anytime, anywhere for real time regular cognitive testing. By identifying the cognitive status of users in real time and referring high-risk patients to social welfare agencies for follow-up, SreenMat reduces the burden on the social healthcare system.

Breer 「Breer」回收麵包店和餐廳剩下的完好麵包用以釀造高級精釀啤 酒。除減少因棄置剩餘麵包而造成的食物浪費,亦為需要不斷創新 的手工啤行業帶來改變。

Breer recycles leftover bread from bakeries and restaurants to make premium craft beer. In addition to reducing food waste by using discarded leftover bread, Breer is also revolutionising the craft beer industry, which is ripe for innovation. 13


Competition Stages

第一階段 — 首輪評選

Stage 1 First Round Selection

第二階段 — 準決賽

Stage 2 Semi-Finals

第三階段 — 總決賽

Stage 3 Grand Final


參賽隊伍必須提交一份 5 頁的業務概要及概念圖,闡述其社企意念、可改善的社會問題和營運模式。參賽材料經過「維 誠」─ 防止抄襲及剽竊的前端分析系統核實後,大約30人的評判團隊合共評選了91支參賽隊伍的業務概要,選出24隊進 入準決賽。

Each competing team was required to submit a 5-page Executive Summary and Concept Deck to illustrate the concept and operations of its proposed business model and how it addresssed the social problems. Subsequent to the verification by VeriGuide, a plagiarism detection and document analysis software, a panel of approximately 30 judges reviewed the summaries prepared by 91 contesting teams and selected 24 Semi Final teams.

入選的準決賽隊伍須遞交更精進的業務概要和概念圖,清晰地說明其商業模式、財務摘要等內容,同時,參賽隊伍亦要為 其項目作設計,如公司商標、產品、服務設計或產品包裝等,以進一步運用設計的思考模式來提升其社企的形象。準決賽 當日,21名來自不同專業界別的評判,選出最優秀的8隊進入總決賽。

Each of the shortlisted teams is required to prepare a more refined Executive Summary and Concept Deck which included their business model elements and financial summary. Each team is also required to design its company logo, products or service and packaging, in order to enhance its brand image with design thinking. On the day of the Semi Final Presentation, a judging panel of 21 executives from different professions will select 8 Final teams.

躋身總決賽的8支隊伍於總決賽日,接受4位來自不同界別的專業評判考驗。比賽結果將於頒獎禮公布,2支冠軍隊伍及2支 亞軍隊伍的每位隊員,可分別獲得75,000港元和37,500港元的啟動獎金,實踐其社企計劃。

The 8 Final teams will be assessed by 4 judges. The results will be announced in the Award Ceremony. Each member of the 2 Champion Teams and the 2 Runner-Up Teams will receive a Startup Award of HK$75,000 and HK$37,500 respectively to start their own social enterprises.


Judging Criteria 計劃概念 Concept

計劃須顯示隊伍對所述的社會議題/需要有透徹理解,並提出一個可營運的商業模式作為對 策,解決該社會議題/需要。理想的計劃須顯示隊伍盡可能提出嶄新解決方案,並有擴展的 潛力。

The plan should demonstrate sound understanding of a social issue/need and match it with a viable idea and business model that could address that particular issue/need. The team is encouraged to find novel solutions, ideally those with the potential to scale.

處境因素 Context

隊伍須理解處境因素,如市場需要、商機規模、競爭形勢、潛在風險及應對策略,以及 前述因素如何影響商業營運。此外,如適用於該處境的話,隊伍須顧及潛在風險,如監督 制度、稅收條例及政治爭議,並解釋如何管理風險。

The team should demonstrate an understanding of contextual factors such as market demand, size of opportunity, competitive landscape and how these affect the business operation. In addition, they should also consider potential risks and constraints such as regulatory, tax, and political issues and explain how they could manage them as appropriate.

團隊實力 People

隊伍須顯示隊員具有實現目標的能力、相關的技能、人脈網絡及經驗。隊伍須考慮 借助其他夥伴團體/外在人力資源以達成目標。

The team should demonstrate that it has or is able to acquire relevant skills, contacts, and expertise in order to accomplish its goals. The team should consider leveraging external partners/resources to help them achieve the goals.

社會效益 Social Impact

雖然社會效益的量化評估並非必要,然而隊伍必須解釋商業資源的投入、經營的過 程及產品銷售如何產生社會效益。

企業可持續性 Business Sustainability


Though it is not necessary to compute quantified measurements of the social impact, the team must be able to explain how the business inputs, activities and outputs can generate positive social impacts and outcomes.

The team should be able to demonstrate that its social venture business model is self-sustained in order to generate social impact.



We already have enough good clothes. (Re) use them. Retrovert是一間O2O二手衣物平台。在消費主義盛行和資源滿 瀉的世代下,我們希望透過在地回收與重用(香港製造的)時裝 垃圾,推動循環經濟,減輕時尚產業對環境造成的負擔。我們以 「Recycle, Reuse, Recreate」為使命,回收二手衣物,並透過網上 平台、旺角門市及各類體驗活動延續它們的生命,期望帶動本港 二手衣尋寶文化。我們相信,理性消費和選擇不但能改變我們的 生活,更能改變世界。 截至2021年底,各平台分別回收和流轉超過13,000件衣物。部分收 入用於培訓和聘請本地年輕媽媽與雙待青年,協助他們發展才能 和就業,長遠改善他們的生活。

“The Retrolution is here.”

Retrovert 組長 TEAM LEADER 黃雅蓉 (CUHK) WONG Nga Yung Tiffany 組員 TEAM MEMBER 唐珀蔚 (Rice University) TONG Pak Wei 鄧培煌 (CUHK) TANG Pui Wong 周庭譽 (CUHK) CHOW Ting Yu 院校顧問 FACULTY ADVISOR 林曉鋒教授 (CUHK) Prof. LAM Hiu Fung Alan



Time To Gold 砵仔糕、茶粿、芝麻卷這些陪伴不少人成長的傳統糕點,其珍貴的製作手藝因為生產機器



李昕君 (HKU)


LEE Yan Kwan

「糕點時光 Time To Gold」是一間致力保存傳統中式糕點文化的社會企業。我們提供糕點 銷售和寄賣、技能培訓、體驗工作坊及資訊分享等服務,在大眾在享用美食同時,亦促進 了婦女充權和長者就業。 團隊將開設全港首間中式糕點茶室,由金齡婦女負責研發、製作及銷售新造型和新口味的 傳統糕點。我們的宗旨是「活化糕點」,保存傳統文化手藝同時鼓勵婦女充權,讓老師傅 們「Time To Go」 重新出發。

組員 TEAM MEMBER 楊明珠 (HKBU) YEUNG Ming Chu 李昕如 (HKU) LEE Yan Yu 吳漢誠 (HKU) Argens NG 院校顧問 FACULTY ADVISOR 黃培烽博士 (HKU) Dr. WONG Pui Fung Gary



Kinnectus is a matching platform that merges behavioral therapy with technology, to deliver a quality and affordable service for the special educational needs (SEN) community. Through Kinnectus, parents with SEN children can search and book assessments as well as find suitable Chartered Special Needs Tutors (CSNT) and community centres in real time for therapy sessions. However, since the need for qualified CSNTs has often been greater than the resources available, the Chartered Special Needs Tutors Institute was established by Bridge AI to train parents and caregivers to become qualified Chartered Special Needs Tutors (CSNT) to conduct high quality behavioral therapy sessions.

Kinnectus: Connect Us 組長 TEAM LEADER 黃俊文 (EdUHK) WONG Chun Man Victor 組員 TEAM MEMBER 陳思婷 (HKU) CHAN Sze Ting 黃曉峰 (University of Bath) WONG Hiu Fung Chris 杜雋思 (The University of Sydney) TO Chun Sze Jacqueline 院校顧問 FACULTY ADVISOR 陳苑茵教授 (CUHK) Prof. CHAN Yuen Yan Rosanna 冼權鋒教授 (EdUHK) Prof. SIN Kuen Fung Kenneth


To become qualified, prospective CSNTs will go through online training, practical role-play sessions, practicum training and computer system training. After attaining the qualification, CSNTs will be able to conduct therapy sessions for SEN children anytime, anywhere, further allowing them to reach their full potential. The development of Kinnectus marks an important step as it connects qualified tutors and resources to create stronger communities and a support network. It does so by connecting the parents with SEN children, children with SEN, CSNTs and different community centres. Kinnectus also increases job opportunities, income and allows a flexible schedule for people who are passionate in working with SEN children. Finally, Kinnectus increases the utilization of different community centres in order to serve the needs of the community. Through this support network, low income families with SEN children will be able to receive quality behavioral therapy at a much lower cost.

We at Planeteers envision replacing disposable cutlery with incrEDIBLE! - our 100% vegan, biodegradable, delicious and edible cutlery. If one is too full to eat it, it can be composted completely, enabling an end-to-end closed life cycle loop. Our beneficiaries include our well-known partner restaurants like Treehouse, Green Common, Swire group and Jardines, who are interested in replacing their cutlery with incrEDIBLE! So, diners will enjoy a better culinary experience, and central kitchens will be provided with an additional income source. Technology has been the backbone for us to bring incrEDIBLE! to market. However, in order to replace single-use plastic and wooden cutlery, we had to offer restaurants an extremely competitive price of less than 50 cents/unit to entice them. We are only able to achieve this price by dramatically reducing the opportunity cost for our partner manufacturers to make incrEDIBLE! We achieved this by developing a proprietary mould design which cuts, moulds, and places 25 units of cutlery in the oven within one swift motion. Our design managed to slash production costs and allowed us to match the prices of single-use disposable cutlery! The facts speak for themselves! incrEDIBLE!’s carbon footprint is 4.6 times less than bioplastic and 2.1 times less than wooden cutlery. By 2023, we project that we will be replacing 9 tonnes of disposable cutlery and in the process, manage to reduce emissions equivalent to planting 11,000 trees in Hong Kong! That’s incrEDIBLE!





Neurodyssey Association 心腦歷情 組長 TEAM LEADER 蕭一凡 (CUHK) SIU Yat Fan 組員 TEAM MEMBER 陳凱雯 (PolyU) CHAN Hoi Man 林浩怡 (EdUHK) LAM Ho Yi 張頴彤 (HKBU) CHEUNG Wing Tung Vince 院校顧問 FACULTY ADVISOR 崔志暉博士 (HKSYU) Dr. CHUI Chi Fai Raymond 許沛鴻博士 (PolyU) Dr. HUI Pui Hung Bryant


“Neurodyssey” (心腦歷情) is a social enterprise aiming to promote well-being and boost the physical, cognitive and psychosocial development of SEN kids. We developed the [友童感] Walk Along With the Kids program, a one-stop service platform for SEN families, especially for those in financial difficulties. The program starts with a neuropsychological assessment, then we customize the intervention program based on scientific data. We have developed a set of professional neuropsychological assessments and a tailor-made intervention program for SEN kids with expertise from Dr SIU (Team member: Dr SIU, PhD in Neuropsychology, specializing in neuropsychological assessment and intervention research on children with SEN for over 10 years). We are able to offer a wide variety of interventions supported by our registered therapist pool, including music, horticulture, brick-by-brick [formerly known as Lego Therapy]. We adopted a feedback mechanism to regularly monitor the progress on SEN kids and adjust the intervention program accordingly to ensure high effectiveness.

We have a good network of NGOs and corporates/financial institutions. We also keep a frequent dialogue with NGOs to fill their gap of services by offering our programs, then we pitch corporates/financial institutions for funding and leverage their financial resources to help SEN kids. Nowadays, many large corporate and financial institutions, all have a budget for Corporate Social Responsibility (“CSR”) and Environment, Social, Governance (“ESG”). Our program offering at affordable costs will fit most budgets.


Seekr is a compact wearable for the visually impaired people (VIPs). We wish to transform the assistive device market by using modern technologies such as computer vision and natural language processing to elevate the quality of life for the VIPs.


How we make a difference:


1) Our sleek and minimal design blends in with fashion trends and eliminates stigma of using assistive device.


2) Our navigation, object and text detection features offer realtime and s imultaneous feedback.



Lamia Sreya RAHMAN (CUHK)

3) Seekr is easy to use and does not require VIPs to learn new technical knowledge to operate.


4) Seekr ensures that VIPs gain independence and explore new spaces with minimum intervention from others.

Dr. Tristan Camille BRAUD (HKUST)


We are Seekr, your visual companion!



「腦有記」是全港首間以香港本土文化為主,服務長者的一站式互動平台。平台提供互 動認知訓練、健康監察和遊戲等。我們根據權威學術研究,設計出長者友善且充滿本土 文化特色的活動,如打麻雀、書法和模擬日常生活情境等,鼓勵用家主動和持續參與個 人化訓練,緩解長者認知障礙症的症狀。平台同時會收集長者的訓練數據,供服務機構 和照顧者參考,監測他們的情況。 特色:

1. 設有個人帳戶,可以進行個人化或小組

MedMind Technology

訓練,亦可 自 動調整難度,適合不同程度 的長者和上門服務

2. 透過系統化監察,評估用戶的認知健 康,讓機構和 照顧者能及時提供支援

組長 TEAM LEADER 禤彥勳 (Imperial College London) HUEN Yin Fan Denis 組員 TEAM MEMBER 鄭國良 (VTC) CHENG Kwok Leung 李頌羚 (HSUHK) LI Chung Ling 許天浩 (PolyU) HUI Tin Ho 院校顧問 FACULTY ADVISOR 趙立基 (CUHK) CHIU Lap Kee


3. 功能包括遙距控制、多人連線模式、預 設訓練內容 和 時間等,便利於疫情下在家 訓練和社交

Hollo – Mental Health, Articulated. Hollo is a platform of clinical-grade Digital Therapeutics, driven by Behavioral Health AI to treat the mental health of chronic patients.


Chronic health is a leading cause of preventable death, accounting for 75% of annual deaths worldwide. In fact, up to 91% of chronic conditions lead to mental health conditions - which further worsens their chronic conditions. Patients that are depressed claim 2x more from Insurers, and cost Hospitals up to USD 16,000 more in their Cost of Care. With a large social and economic need, and lack of psychological expertise to resolve the issue, this calls for a digital solution (up to clinical standards!). Our Treatments are gamified psychological training modules targeting depression and anxiety in chronic patients. However, our unique Behavioral AI personalizes these treatments using unique Biomarkers and healthcare data analyzed in our Patient app. This digital treatment can be easily prescribed and costs less than traditional Mental Health interventions, allowing: (1) Healthcare providers to lower the Cost of Care through integrated remote chronic management and treatment; (2) health conditions of patients to improve; (3) a clear Care Plan to be provided to Payers (Insurance or Pharma) with measurable impact. We’re aiming to partner with Insurance and Pharma to distribute through hospitals, clinics, and telemedicine. Our doctors can trust Hollo to deliver better Patient Outcomes and better Treatment Adherence because our medical grade software is in the pipeline for clinical studies and approvals from the FDA and University Research Partnerships.


LUK Kin Fai (HKU) CHONG Wing Lam (HKU) 院校顧問 FACULTY ADVISOR 羅就成博士 (HKU) Dr. LAW Chau Sing Rocky



Distinguished Judges Grand Final Judges

Semi Final Judges

蔡海偉 CHUA Hoi Wai

鄭思行 Alex CHENG

盧慧圓 Eugenia LO

屈紫薇 Fiona WAT


Ooosh Tech Lab

Individual Representative

Pedius Hong Kong

The Hong Kong Council of Social Service

Co-Founder and General Partner

Project Advisor and Implementer

總監 Country Director

朱靜華博士 Dr. Teresa CHU

雷煒程 Lawrence LUI

黃少銘 Sammi WONG




Association of Retired Elderly Ltd.

Longevity Design House

HKSTP Ventures

創會主席 Founding Chairperson

聯合創辦人 Co-Founder

投資副總監 Associate Director

何建威建築師 Ar. Stephen HO

陸樺 Warren LUK

黃敍 Tony WONG



Good Lab

Regatta Capital Management Group

Construction Industry Council

行政總裁 CEO

董事 Director

伍灝桓 Reny NG

王頴琪 Vicky WONG



Tri-Bridge Asia Limited

Alibaba Entrepreneurs Fund

董事總經理 Managing Director

Associate Program Director

吳子慧 Tze-wei NG


Stephenson Harwood



Chief Executive

郭愛琼 Susan KWEK 花旗集團香港

Citi Hong Kong 董事總經理兼營運及科技部主管

Managing Director and Head of Operations & Technology

黃英琦太平紳士 Ada WONG, JP 創不同協作

Make A Difference Institute Limited


Assistant Director Industry Development and Estates Office



容蔡美碧 Rebecca CHOY YUNG 社企民間高峰會

Social Enterprise Summit 主席 Chair

關德華博士、工程師 Ir. Dr. William KWAN Intellect Technologies 聯合創辦人及科技總監

Co-Founder & CTO

鄺家俊 John KWONG 普達資訊管理有限公司

ParaDM Co., Ltd 行政總裁 CEO

潘智豪 Steven PUN 博勝集團

Protech Group 聯合創辦人及行政總裁

黎寶茗博士 Dr. P.M. LAI

Co-Founder & CEO


脫嘉靜 Eureka TUET

Hong Kong Retail Technology Industry Association 榮譽會長 Honorary Chairman

林家輝 Steve LAM 香港數碼港管理有限公司

Hong Kong Cyberport Management Company Limited 招募經理 – 創業家組

Manager - Entrepreneurship Team



Inside Out Action Founder, Business Sustainability Consultant & Career Coach

葉蓁蓁 Ada YIP 城泉有限公司

Urban Spring Co., Ltd. Chief Empowerment Officer

The Hong Kong Jockey Club Charity Trust Assistant Charities Manager

尹德恩 Phoebe WAN 和富社會企業

Wofoo Social Enterprises 高級項目經理

Senior Project Manager

First Round Judges 趙漢光 Ranson CHIU

梁懷敏 Edmond LEUNG

謝小江 Nelson TSE


HLS Consultancy Limited



District Capital

董事 Director

Bijas Vegetarian Restaurant

Million Tech Dev. Ltd.

聯合創辦人 Co-Founder


區俊康 Michael AU

董事總經理 Managing Director

陳偉業 Danny CHAN

鍾家鳴 Eric CHUNG 葉氏家族慈善基金


徐鍾冰心博士 Dr. Cecilia TSUI




Innovation Forum Hong Kong

馮景行 Martin FUNG

Co-Founder & CEO



莫紹祥 S.C. MOK


The Yeh Family Philanthropy


項目經理 Programme Manager

創辦人 Chief Praise Maker

陳樹偉 Jimmy CHAN 域思科技有限公司

Studio Place

Vizz Technology Ltd.

創辦人 Founder & Director


黃烈初 Alexis WONG

Display Research Laboratory


甘明明 Ming Ming, Rizal KAM

創辦人 Founder

SLCO Community Resources


蒙悅伶 Karen MONG


Founder and Managing Director

卓冠豪 Kenneth CHEUK Avalade Group Ltd.

Founder and Executive Director 展研實驗室

創辦人兼行政總裁 Founder & CEO

Kenny CHAN

Sales & Marketing Director

盧翰豪 Johnson LO

關以輝 Y.F. KWAN

董事 Director


王建明 Robert WONG

FrieslandCampina (Hong Kong) Limited

IDEA 基金會

營銷總監 Marketing Director

IDEA Foundation Ltd.

First Eastern Investment Group Group Advisor

創辦人及主席 Founder & Director

魏方翎 Icy NGAI 優益生活國際企業

葉少康 MH Nelson YIP, MH

Guru FnB International Enterprise Ltd




Unleash Foundation


Lee Kum Kee Family Foundation

Sales & Marketing Director

創辦人及行政總裁 Founder & CEO

共同創辦人及營運總監 Co-Founder & COO

家族基金主管 Head of Family Foundation


李健 Kendy LEE

The Social Investment Consultancy



大中華區董事 Director, Greater China

Associated British Foods

Fortune River Catering Limited

銷售主管 Head of Sales

共同創辦人 Co-Founder

趙德輝 Ivan CHIU

李衛棠 Richard LEE



Caritas Hong Kong

CUHK Jockey Club Institute of Ageing


經理 Functional Manager

Managing Director

張晧程 Alvin CHEUNG

Caritas Local Service Manager (Kowloon)

劉明燕 May LAU

蕭景威 Kyrus SIU

鄧翠嫺 Fladia TANG OSTC Limited 大中華區主管

Country Head, Greater China

唐慕貞 Jane TONG 歐達家具有限公司

Arredamenti Company Limited 創辦人及執行董事

Founder and Managing Director




陳聯 Leo CHAN

Jeffrey KWOK

王湘文 Jonathan WONG


PMM Media Limited


Dreamers Haven


CUHK Center for Entrepreneurship

影響力設計師 Impact Designer

鄭浩維 Brian CHENG

Honorary Project Director

鄺鈺茜 Tricia KWONG 星展銀行(香港)有限公司

黃喬熙 Qven WONG

Generation: You Employed (HK) Limited

DBS Bank (Hong Kong) Limited

DAQ hub Company Limited

Chief Executive Officer

副總裁, 集團推廣策略與傳訊部

合夥人 Partner

張凱華 Hoi Wah, Gary CHEUNG 機電工程師

Electrical and Mechanical Engineer

Vice President, Group Strategic Marketing & Communications

李嘉雯 Carmen LEE 得閒去飲茶

徐淑梅 Sophie CHUI

Yum Cha Together


聯合創辦人 Co-Founder

HK Youth Innovation and Incubation Development Foundation

Ivan SO

Associate Director, Business Development & Partnership

HDcourse Limited


譚皓元 Ho Yuen TAM

Comedy Professional Coaching Company Limited


Founder & Senior Innovation Trainer & Consultant

創新顧問 Innovation Consultant

Data FOK The Good Lab Workshop Designer, Facilitator and Team Coach


Digital consultant

Education for Good

杜國倫 Alan TO 得閒去飲茶

Yum Cha Together 聯合創辦人 Co-Founder

袁幗兒 Corinna YUEN 香港上海匯豐銀行

HSBC HK Cash Network Manager – Network Management & Enhanced Due Diligence Asia Pacific

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