《我的音樂日記》 Good Music fo r Kids
The Incredible Voyage of 麥萊叔叔 Alasdair Malloy 上天下海大冒險 主持 Devised & Presented by
指揮 Conductor
麥萊 Alasdair Malloy
葉詠媛 Vivian Ip
10.1.2020 11.1.2020 12.1.2020 星期五 星期六 星期日 Fri 7:30pm
Sat 3pm
香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall 香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助
Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall
Sun 3pm
2019/2020 Season 樂季 www.HKSL.org
指揮 Conductor
主持 Devised & Presented by
葉詠媛 Vivian Ip
麥萊 Alasdair Malloy Programme
龐基耶利 葛利格
《歌女喬康達》: 時辰之舞(選段) 第一《皮爾.金》組曲, 作品46:晨
La Gioconda : Dance of the Hours (excerpt)
Peer Gynt Suite No 1, Op 46: Morning
《東方快車謀殺案》: 圓舞曲
Richard Rodney Bennett Murder on the Orient Express : Waltz
《音樂玩笑》,K522:IV 急板
Mozart / Malloy arr
A Musical Joke , K522: IV Presto
Johann Strauss Jr
On the Beautiful Blue Danube , Op 314
John Williams / Malloy arr
Harry Potter : The Hero of Hogwarts
《星球大戰》組曲: 帝國進行曲
John Williams
Star Wars Suite: The Imperial March
Mussorgsky / Ravel orch Pictures at an Exhibition : The Great Gate of Kiev
— 中場休息15分鐘 —
— 15-minute intermission —
約翰.史特勞斯/麥萊編 《拉德茨基進行曲》
Johann Strauss / Malloy arr Radetzky March
Alan Menken / Malloy arr
Aladdin : A Whole New World
Saint-Saëns / Malloy arr
The Carnival of the Animals : The Elephant
林-曼努爾.米蘭達/ 《魔海奇緣》音樂劇精選 霍艾/麥萊編
Lin-Manuel Miranda / Opetaia Foa’i / Malloy arr
Musical Highlights from Moana
巴德特/齊默爾/麥萊編 《加勒比海盜》:藏寶箱
Klaus Badelt / Hans Zimmer/ Malloy arr
Pirates of the Caribbean : Treasure Chest
Yellow Submarine John Lennon / Paul McCartney / Malloy arr
Henry Mancini / Malloy arr Peter Gunn
《歌女喬康達》: 時辰之舞(選段)
場 地 規 則 House Rules 各 位 觀 眾 Dear Patrons, 為了令大家對今次演出留下美好印象,我們希望各位切勿在場內攝影、錄音或錄影,亦請勿吸煙或飲食。 在節目進行前,請關掉手提電話、其他響鬧及發光的裝置。多謝各位合作。 In order to make this performance a pleasant experience for the artists and other members of the audience, please refrain from recording, filming, taking photographs, and also from smoking, eating or drinking in the auditorium. Please ensure that your mobile phones and any other sound and light emitting devices are switched off before the performance. Thank you for your kind co-operation.
La Gioconda : Dance of the Hours (excerpt)
香港小交響樂團問卷調查 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Audience Survey 感謝您蒞臨欣賞香港小交響樂團的演出,現誠邀您提供 對是次音樂會的意見。請登入網頁或於前台索取並填妥 問卷,將有機會獲得限量版精美禮品一份。 Th a n k s f o r c o m i n g t o o u r c o n c e r t ! We w o u l d love to have your feedback. Please complete our questionnaire online or at the reception for a chance to win a limited edition gift.
葉詠詩 YIP Wing-sie 首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor: 柏鵬 Christoph POPPEN 音樂總監 Music Director:
香港小交響樂團是香港的旗艦樂團之一。樂團與音樂總 監葉詠詩一直致力拉近古典音樂與普羅大眾間的距離, 銳意「培育文化新一代」,並以富創意的節目及充滿熱 忱的演奏見稱。 自1999年起,香港小交響樂團經常與國際知名音樂家及 音樂總監 Music Director: 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 藝團合作,包括亞殊堅納西、杜明高、傅聰、譚盾、霍 活特、巴伐洛堤、彭德雷茨基、蘇嘉文、馬林斯基大劇 院芭蕾舞團、莫斯科大劇院芭蕾舞團、英國皇家芭蕾舞 團、英國國家芭蕾舞團、美國芭蕾舞劇院、紐約市芭蕾 舞團、斯圖加特芭蕾舞團及翩娜.包殊烏珀塔爾舞蹈劇 場等。樂團亦經常應邀與本地藝術節及藝團合作,如香 港藝術節、法國五月、香港芭蕾舞團及香港歌劇院等。 2018年舉辦第一屆香港國際指揮大賽,吸引了310位來 自49個國家及地區的參賽者。 樂團全年無休,每樂季演出逾100場次,自2009年起是 香港大會堂的場地伙伴。除了傳統的管弦樂章外,樂團 每年均委約作曲家為樂團譜新曲,亦銳意與不同界別的 藝術家製作嶄新的跨界節目,自2006年起更舉辦「駐團 藝術家」計劃,由音樂總監親自邀請本地藝術家與樂團 緊密合作及交流,培育新一代藝術家之餘更為古典音樂 創造新的可能性。樂團灌錄過多套唱片,收錄不少華人 作曲家的優秀作品;由DECCA發行的三輯《就是古典音 樂》系列,均獲白金及金唱片佳績。最新雙CD《一屋寶 貝音樂廳》於2018年由DECCA出版。 樂團深明培育下一代的重要性,針對不同年齡的觀眾, 舉辦多套別樹一格的普及音樂會。《我的音樂日記》及 2
由葉詠詩主持的《古典音樂速成》、《古典音樂知多少》 和《我個名叫麥兜兜.古典音樂小計劃》等節目,創辦 至今深受歡迎,大大拓展古典音樂觀眾的層面。另外, 樂團經常在音樂廳以外的場地舉行室樂及跨界音樂會, 為觀眾提供更多節目選擇。 除本地演出外,樂團常應邀作客海外,包括:美國紐約 林肯中心羅斯劇院、加拿大多個以出色音效著稱的音樂 廳;南美洲的巴西、阿根廷及烏拉圭;在歐洲計有法國 的拉羅克.昂迪榮國際鋼琴音樂節、法國蒙頓音樂節、 德國東弗里斯蘭「浪潮」音樂節、波蘭貝多芬復活節音樂 節、意大利的米凱朗傑利國際音樂節和維琴察音樂節、 葡萄牙馬爾旺國際音樂節、立陶宛的兩個音樂節、瑞士 蘇黎世、日內瓦和弗里堡;北京第二屆中國交響樂之春 (國家大劇院)、中國上海國際藝術節(世博會「香港活 動周」閉幕節目)、上海之春國際音樂節、韓國統營國 際音樂節、新加坡、台灣、日本長野、新潟和金沢等, 並五度獲邀參與東京《熱狂の日》音樂祭演出。去年樂 團再度出訪日本及台灣。 樂團音樂總監葉詠詩享譽亞洲樂壇,2010年獲英國皇家 音樂學院頒授院士榮銜(FRCM)。她曾獲法國貝桑松第 35屆國際青年指揮家大賽冠軍和「金豎琴」獎、哥士域 斯基獎學金、小澤征爾獎學金以及第八屆東京國際指揮 大賽獎項,並曾隨小澤征爾、伯恩斯坦、米亞、羅徹迪 霍斯基及狄瑪爾等大師學藝。
香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta
Hong Kong Sinfonietta is one of Hong Kong’s flagship orchestras. With conductor Yip Wing-sie as Music Director, the orchestra has brought music closer to the community, and has achieved significant recognition locally and internationally for its passionate performances and innovative programming. Since 1999, Hong Kong Sinfonietta has collaborated with an illustrious array of international musicians and groups, including Vladimir Ashkenazy, Plácido Domingo, Augustin Dumay, Fou Ts ’ ong, Christopher Hogwood, Luciano Pavarotti, Krzysztof Penderecki, Pinchas Zukerman, Mariinsky Ballet, Bolshoi Ballet, The Royal Ballet, English National Ballet, American Ballet Theatre, New York City Ballet, Stuttgart Ballet and Tanztheater Wuppertal Pina Bausch. The orchestra has also been a regular participant at all the major festivals in Hong Kong including the Hong Kong Arts Festival, Le French May, Hong Kong International Film Festival and festivals presented by the Hong Kong Government. It also partners regularly with Hong Kong Ballet and Opera Hong Kong in their staged productions. In 2018, the orchestra organised the 1 st Hong Kong International Conducting Competition, which attracted 310 applications from 49 countries/regions. The orchestra performs year-round with over 100 performances a season and has been the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall since 2009. Apart from standard orchestral repertoire, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, as an avid believer of keeping music alive and contemporary, commissions and performs new works every year and ventures into crossover concerts both at the City Hall and at the residency at ArtisTree. Launched in 2006, the HKS Artist Associate scheme provides a platform for intensive collaboration with local artists from different arts disciplines to expand the horizon of classical music. The orchestra’s discography includes CDs of works by Chinese composers on HUGO, and three double-CD albums This is Classical Music on DECCA which have been awarded Platinum and Gold Records. Its newest album, The Passage Beyond in Concert by Leon Ko, was released on DECCA in 2018. Hong Kong Sinfonietta has also pioneered speciallydesigned concert series for different audiences and age groups, including Good Music for Babies, Good Music for Kids, Know Your Classical Music, Short-cut to Classical
Music and HKS McDull Music Project . Since 2010, Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s chamber music concerts have continued to break down barriers between music and audience as we perform at unconventional spaces. On tour, Hong Kong Sinfonietta has been invited to perform in North America in Canada and New York City; in Brazil, Argentina and Uruguay in South America; in Europe at the prestigious Festival International de Piano La Roque d’Anthéron, Festival de Musique Menton, SaintRiquier Festival, Les Flâneries Musicales d’Été de Reims and Festival Les Nuits Romantiques in France, in Germany at Gezeitenkonzerte Ostfriesland, at Beethoven Easter Festival in Poland, in Switzerland at Tonhalle Zürich, Geneva Victoria Hall and Fribourg, Festival Pianistico Internazionale Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli and Settimane Musicali al Teatro Olimpico in Italy, in Portugal at the Marvão International Music Festival, and in Lithuania; in China at the Shanghai Spring International Music Festival and China Shanghai International Arts Festival (Expo 2010 Shanghai), in Beijing at the National Centre for the Performing Arts; in Japan at La Folle Journée in Tokyo and Niigata, Nagano and Kanazawa; in Korea at the Tongyeong International Music Festival and in Singapore at the Esplanade, and in Taiwan. Last year, the orchestra returned to Japan and performed at Asia Orchestra Week, and gave two concerts in Taiwan. Music Director Yip Wing-sie, one of Asia’s most respected conductors, was the winner of the First Prize and LYRE d’OR in the 35th Concours International de Jeunes Chefs d’Orchestre de Besançon, the Koussevitsky Scholarship, the Seiji Ozawa Fellowship Award and a prizewinner in the 8th Tokyo International Conducting Competition. She has studied with Seiji Ozawa, Leonard Bernstein, Gustav Meier, Gennady Rozhdestvensky and Norman Del Mar.
香港小交響樂團有限公司為註冊之慈善團體。 The Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited is a registered charity. 香港灣仔譚臣道98 號運盛大廈3 樓 3/F Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong 電話 Tel : 852 2836 3336 傳真 Fax : 852 2783 9819 電郵 Email : enquiries@hksinfonietta.org 網址 Website : www.HKSL.org 3
指揮 Conductor
葉詠媛 Vivian Ip 葉詠媛生於香港,經常於香港、美國及歐洲各地演出。 她現為星兒交響樂團音樂總監,2018年帶領樂團於維 也納第六屆世界樂團藝術節贏得金獎,葉詠媛則獲卓越 指揮獎。葉詠媛亦為2011年第六屆國際青年合唱指揮 大賽特別獎之得主。
2016/2017及2017/2018樂季,葉詠媛獲香港管弦樂團 音樂總監梵志登委任,出任樂團的助理指揮。她曾與 波蘭波羅的海愛樂、維也納室樂團、Musica Vitae 室樂 團、維也納Pro Arte樂團、香港弦樂團等合作,亦曾於 斯洛文尼亞音樂大學擔任碩士音樂會助理指揮。作為合 唱指揮,葉詠媛曾指揮柏林電台合唱團、丹麥國家聲樂 合唱團、香港聖樂團、香港兒童合唱團、印第安納大學 交響合唱團、印第安納大學兒童合唱團等。 葉詠媛於香港中文大學音樂系以一級榮譽畢業,後獲尤 德爵士紀念基金全費獎學金,遠赴美國印第安納大學修 讀合唱指揮,修業期間亦為系內副導師之一。完成音樂 碩士後,葉詠媛再往維也納國立音樂大學深造,取得管 弦樂指揮藝術碩士,師隨維德納及拉約維奇。此外,葉 詠媛又曾參加指揮大師班,隨雷西、楊格、德.比利及 里霖等大師學習。 2019年起葉詠媛於其母校香港中文大學音樂系任教碩 士課程。
Hong Kong native Vivian Ip is an active orchestral and choral conductor, who has worked and performed in Hong Kong, the USA and Europe. Currently Music Director of Xing-er Symphony Orchestra, she led the orchestra to win the Gold Award at the 6 th World Orchestra Festival in Vienna in 2018, where she also received the Talented Conductor Prize. She was the Winner of Special Prize in the 6th International Competition for Young Choral Conductors in 2011. In the 2016/2017 and 2017/2018 seasons, Ip was appointed Assistant Conductor of the Hong Kong Philharmonic Orchestra, where she conducted subscription concerts, community concerts, and assisted its Music Director Jaap van Zweden and guest conductors such as Christoph Eschenbach and Charles Dutoit. She has worked with Polish Baltic Philharmonic, Vienna Chamber Orchestra, Kammerorchester Musica Vitae and Pro Arte Orchestra Vienna. She has also assisted in ensembles for Master Studies Recitals at the Ljubljana Music University, Slovenia. As a choral conductor, she has conducted the Berlin Radio Choir, DR VokalEnsemblet, Hong Kong Oratorio Society, Hong Kong Children’s Choir, Indiana University Symphonic Choir, Indiana University Children’s Choir, among others.
Ip received her Bachelor of Arts degree in music with First-class Honours at the Chinese University of Hong Kong (CUHK). With an Associate Instructorship and the Sir Edward Youde Memorial Fellowship for Overseas Studies, she received her Master of Music degree in Choral Conducting from Indiana University, Bloomington. She received her Mag Art degree in Orchestral Conducting with Distinction at the University of Music and Performing Arts Vienna in the class of Johannes Wildner and Uroš Lajovic. She has participated in masterclasses by Fabio Luisi, Simone Young, Bertrand de Billy and Helmuth Rilling. Currently Ip teaches Conducting and Practical Studies in Musicianship and Choral Conducting at her alma mater, CUHK Music Department.
主持 Presenter
麥萊 Alasdair Malloy 問。他亦與法國斯特拉斯堡愛樂樂團、摩納哥蒙地卡羅 愛樂樂團、巴黎室樂團、奧維涅交響樂團和波爾多國家 樂團等歐洲樂團合作無間。此外,麥萊經常與香港小交 響樂團、馬來西亞愛樂樂團及新加坡交響樂團等亞洲樂 團演出,他在上海的首演節目《點蟲蟲》更榮獲中國國 家兒童節目銀獎。他於2010年與夏洛特交響樂團進行的 美國首演亦大獲好評。 麥萊擔任BBC音樂會樂團的敲擊樂首席超過25年,期間 於多個音樂會中擔任獨奏,並在自己設計的節目中融入 敲擊樂元素。麥萊同時活躍於古典音樂以外的界別,參 與編曲及錄音工作,並與卡克和沃克等知名歌手演出。 麥萊於2012年倫敦奧運開幕禮的演出標誌着他與流行歌 手奧菲德合作20年。
麥萊是位多才多藝的音樂家,涉足的音樂領域廣泛,橫 跨不同崗位;他既是音樂會主持,亦有演奏敲擊樂與玻 璃琴,並擔任節目策劃和編曲。他為一家大小度身訂造 的音樂教育節目廣受歡迎,題材由數學、科學、運動到 魔法、神秘故事、甚至乎海盜都有包含,編制適合小型 合奏組合以至整個交響樂團演出。 麥萊定期為不同英國樂團主持音樂會,如哈雷樂團、 阿爾斯特交響樂團、伯明翰市交響樂團、伯恩茅斯交響 樂團、利茲的北部歌劇團、德比的Viva樂團、牛津愛樂 樂團及皇家利物浦愛樂樂團等。2019年7月麥萊獲邀擔 任慶祝登陸月球50周年的「飛躍阿波羅」計劃的藝術顧
作為英國首屈一指的玻璃琴演奏家,麥萊曾於阿姆斯特 丹皇家音樂廳、倫敦史密斯廣場、倫敦藝文中心及布里 斯托爾的聖喬治音樂廳等知名場地演出,亦曾經在阿爾 特堡音樂節亮相。此外,他與蘇格蘭室樂團及皇家利物 浦愛樂樂團分別進行賀恩的玻璃琴作品《蒸汽》及《螢 火蟲》的首演。在2014年10月,麥萊於波蘭首演著名 波蘭作曲家普萊斯納為ICE克拉科夫會議中心開幕儀式 所寫的作品。麥萊經常獲邀與頂尖音樂家,如冰島流行 歌手Björk一同錄音,他的演奏亦在不少電影原聲配樂中 出現,包括兩套《哈利波特》以及獲得英國BAFTA電影 獎和奧斯卡金像獎的電影《引力邊緣》及近期的《熱汽 球飛行家》。2019年10月麥萊也為美國視覺藝術家奇 胡利於邱園舉行的玻璃裝置展覽作現場演出。 麥萊自1998年於BBC逍遙音樂節作獨奏首演後,已成為 該音樂節的常客,並經常獲邀於英國及挪威各地音樂節 中演出。 麥萊於2017年獲西蘇格蘭大學頒授榮譽博士榮銜。
Alasdair Malloy is a creative musician crossing musical boundaries, working as a concert presenter, percussionist, glass harmonica player, programme deviser and arranger. Highly acclaimed for producing unique educational and family concert programmes, Malloy has an extensive collection covering mathematics, science and sports to magic, mystery and pirates for small ensemble through to symphony orchestra. As a concert presenter, Malloy regularly appears in the UK with the Hallé, Ulster Orchestra, City of Birmingham and Bournemouth Symphony Orchestras, the Orchestra of Opera North, Sinfonia Viva, Oxford Philharmonic and Royal Liverpool Philharmonic. In July 2019, Malloy was chosen to become an Artistic Advisor to the “Apollo: One Giant Leap” project celebrating the 50 th anniversary of the moon landing, working closely with composer Geoff Edge and Dorchester Arts. In Europe, Malloy has established strong relationships with orchestras such as Orchestre Philharmonique de Strasbourg, Orchestre Philharmonique de Monte-Carlo, Orchestre de Chambre de Paris, Orchestre d’Auvergne and Orchestre National de Bordeaux-Aquitaine. In Asia, Malloy appears regularly with Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Malaysian Philharmonic and Singapore Symphony Orchestra. In China, the première of his highly acclaimed programme Bugs!! won the National Silver Award for the best national performance for children. 2010 saw Malloy’s USA début with the Charlotte Symphony to great acclaim. Principal Percussionist with the BBC Concert Orchestra for over 25 years, and a regular soloist with them, Malloy incorporates percussion-inspired features within his own programmes. Malloy is also active as a percussionist in other genres and regularly arranges, records and performs
with many celebrated artists including Jarvis Cocker and Scott Walker. His 20th year of working with Mike Oldfield culminated in his performance at the London 2012 Olympic Games opening ceremony. As the leading British glass harmonica specialist, Malloy has performed at the Concertgebouw in Amsterdam, Aldeburgh Festival, St John’s Smith Square, Kings Place in London and St George’s Bristol. Malloy premiered David Horne's Vapours and Fireflies with Scottish Chamber Orchestra and Royal Liverpool Philharmonic respectively. In October 2014, Malloy performed at the opening of the ICE Kraków Congress Centre in Krakow, Poland for which the noted Polish film composer Zbigniew Preisner composed a work specifically for the occasion. He is regularly invited to record with acclaimed artists such as Icelandic pop star Björk and can be heard on numerous film soundtracks; two of the Harry Potter films, and the BAFTA & Oscar-winning Hollywood blockbuster Gravity and Aeronauts . In October 2019, Alasdair was invited to perform at Chihuly Nights , an exhibition that transformed Kew Gardens, showcasing American artist Dale Chihuly’s glass sculptures. Having made his BBC Proms solo début in 1998, Malloy has made a number of subsequent appearances there as well as performing at other notable music festivals including Bury St Edmunds, Chester, Henley, Arundel, Lichfield and Risør in Norway. Malloy was awarded an Honorary Doctorate by the University of the West of Scotland in 2017.
• 由下方出發,朝寶藏山方向前進,途中必須撿起5條鑰匙 Start from the bottom, pick up all the 5 keys in the maze and find a route to reach the Treasure Hill • 圈出隱藏於圖中的6隻動物 Circle 6 animals you see in the maze
終點 Finish
起點 Start
答案在第15頁 Answer on page 15 8
麥萊叔叔的話 我常常期待回到香港,與香港小交響樂團的朋友們再聚一堂。我也很享受從蘇格蘭出發的旅程。我駕車到機場,乘 坐大型客機一飛衝天,飛越多個國家、海洋、人民與動物,最後在世界的另一端著陸,那種感覺真是暢快無比。但 這次事情卻不如我想像般順利,稍後你便會知道! 今場音樂會的節目,有助我告訴大家我的旅行故事。有時我乘搭的交通工具,從音樂的標題就能顯示出來,有時音 樂是受到某種旅行方式的啟發或與之有關,有時音樂的聲音本身似乎就暗示了在我旅程的某一階段所經歷的過程。 請大家安坐在座位上,繫好安全帶,和我一起上天下海吧!
這首音樂是歌劇《歌女喬康達》中一系列芭蕾舞曲的 其中一部份。整套芭蕾舞代表了清晨、白晝和夜晚的時 刻,而這個選段描繪了一個聽起來非常忙亂的早晨。你 可能認出,它曾經在迪士尼電影《幻想曲》(Fantasia ) 中一個瘋狂的場景裏出現過:鴕鳥、河馬、大象和鱷魚 都想化身成為芭蕾舞蹈員!
多瑙河是歐洲第二長的河流,流經10個國家和四個國家 的首都。奧地利作曲家小約翰‧史特勞斯(他父親也是 一位作曲家,也叫約翰‧史特勞斯,稍後我們便會聽到 他的作品)受到流經維也納的多瑙河的景色啟發,創作 了這首膾炙人口的樂曲來讚美它。此作品常被認為是奧 地利「非正式」的國歌。
約翰.威廉斯(1932年生)/麥萊 編
第一《皮爾.金》組曲,作品46:晨 《哈利波特》:霍格華茲的英雄 這是挪威作曲家葛利格為戲劇《皮爾‧金》撰寫的其中一 首配樂。這部挪威的民間故事講述皮爾‧金的冒險歷程。 音樂營塑了劇中不同場景的氛圍,而這首樂曲似乎形容了 挪威山中清新的空氣,以及北歐峽灣裏清可見底的海水。 但場景其實是描寫摩洛哥的沙漠!作品曾經被用作多個電 視廣告的插曲,推銷的產品包括汽車和地氈清潔劑。
哈利波特在羅琳(J K Rowling)創作的小說系列中,會 乘搭一些令人難忘的交通工具。他乘搭霍格華茲快車到 學校,用掃帚和飛車來飛行。他坐過騎士公車,又策乘 過好幾種會飛行的生物,包括一頭龍。約翰‧威廉斯的 音樂有效地渲染這些魔幻神秘的氣氛,而這首樂曲則包 含了這套電影系列的頭三部中,充滿魔力的配樂。
《東方快車謀殺案》:圓舞曲 東方快車是一趟由歐洲到「亞洲閘口」伊斯坦布爾的長途 客運列車,它在1883年開始營運。這列美侖美奐的蒸汽 火車,是豪華與舒適旅程的典範,畢竟要旅行這麼長的路 途,在當時來說仍是相當艱苦和危險的。英國作家克里斯 蒂(Agatha Christie)一部著名的偵探小說,便以東方快 車作為背景。1974年小說被拍成電影時,英國作曲家斑 尼特創作了這首優美華麗的圓舞曲配樂,它的引子完美地 捕捉了令人讚嘆的列車緩緩開出車站,逐漸加速的情景。 莫扎特(1756–1791)/麥萊 編
《音樂玩笑》,K522 : IV 急板 莫扎特甚有幽默感,又喜歡玩桌上遊戲,特別是桌球。 在他的作品《音樂玩笑》裏,他開了其他作曲家一個小 玩笑。在樂曲的末尾,作為玩笑的點睛之筆,他甚至對 演奏這首作品的樂手玩了一個把戲——請你們細聽!因為 曲中有奔騰的節奏,作品曾被BBC用作年度最佳賽馬節 目的配樂,製作人也選了一個加上了其他節奏的版本, 今天大家聽到的就是這個版本了。 10
《星球大戰》組曲:帝國進行曲 約翰‧威廉斯為第一部星球大戰電影開始創作配樂時, 借用了一種許多部歌劇都採用的手法,那就是不同的角 色會有自己的音樂主題;他們出場時,這些主題就會出 現。「帝國進行曲」的旋律還沒響起,聽眾就能憑其節 奏馬上認出這首樂曲。它代表了那位曾經是絕地武士的 英雄,後來變節投靠了原力的黑暗面,成為了黑武士。 穆索斯基(1839–1881) 拉威爾(1875–1937)配器
《圖畫展覽會》:基輔大門 穆索斯基從他朋友的畫作展覽中,獲取了創作這套組曲 的靈感。當中的樂曲都由一個簡短的、稱為「漫步」的 主題串連起來,它捕捉了作曲家在展覽廳漫步瀏覽畫作 時情緒的變化。雖然「基輔大門」似乎是形容一些很巨 大的東西,我們也可以想像到那扇宏偉的大門,但畫作 其實是一幅很小的建築繪圖。穆索斯基在樂曲末尾,也 加入了「漫步」主題,像提醒我們是在觀賞一幅圖畫, 而非大門本身。
約翰.史特勞斯(1804–1849)/麥萊 編
《拉德茨基進行曲》 約翰‧史特勞斯有三個兒子,他們都成為出色的作曲家。 小約翰、約瑟夫和愛德華,和他們的父親一起為維也納的 舞廳提供了多首著名的樂曲。但他們的音樂並非全部都與 舞蹈有關,這首作品就是一首鼓舞人心的進行曲。它讓舞 者可以暫時休息一下,雖然他們總是會隨著音樂的節拍鼓 掌。現在著名的維也納新年音樂會也依然維持這個傳統。 曼肯(1949年生)/麥萊 編
《阿拉丁》:全新世界 《天方夜譚》(又名《一千零一夜》)這部故事書收錄 了來自中東和南亞的多個故事,成書過程經歷了多個世 紀。這些故事有些特別有名,如《仙巴歷險記》、《阿里 巴巴和四十大盜》,以及拍成了迪士尼動畫的《阿拉丁和 他的神燈》。這首樂曲就來自《阿拉丁》這部電影,在阿 拉丁和茉莉公主坐上一種與別不同的交通工具時響起。 聖桑(1835-1921)/麥萊 編
《動物嘉年華》:大象 「大象」是聖桑著名的《動物嘉年華》中的其中一個 樂章。低音大提琴這在弦樂部最大的樂器,在此扮演 了最大的陸上動物。在這首聽起來笨拙的樂曲中段,聖 桑開玩笑地插入了白遼士《精靈之舞》(Dance of the Sylphs )一曲中的一些音符。輕盈細小在飛舞的精靈,與 大象相映成趣! 林–曼努爾‧米蘭達(1980年生)/霍艾/麥萊 編
《魔海奇緣》音樂劇精選 這部動畫講述了莫娜(Moana)的故事。她是波利尼 西亞一個部落首領的女兒,被海洋選中,將一件神秘的 遺物歸還給一位女神。像《風中奇緣》中的寶嘉康蒂 (Pocahontas)一樣,莫娜也與大自然有著神奇的 聯繫,她的任務也得到會變身的半神人毛伊(Maui) 的協助。電影的配樂贏得了多個獎項,「我能走多遠」 (How Far I’ll Go)一曲更在2017年獲提名為奧斯卡金 像獎的最佳原創歌曲。
巴德特(1968年生)/齊默爾(1957年生)/麥萊 編
《加勒比海盜》:藏寶箱 這首樂曲選自極為賣座的《加勒比海盜》電影系列。巴 德特與傳奇作曲家齊默爾(他曾為《獅子王》、《帝國 驕雄》等電影配樂)合作多年,為系列的第一部電影創 作了所有配樂。之後他和齊默爾一同為餘下的幾部電 影提供了極有戲劇性的樂曲,完全釋放了現代管弦樂團 奔放的聲音力量。「藏寶箱」是麥萊根據片中配樂特 別改編的樂曲,他把主題音樂和頭三部電影中的插曲 串連在一起。大家仔細聽聽代表主角傑克船長(Jack Sparrow)的大提琴獨奏。
連儂(1940–1980)/麥卡尼(1942年生)/麥萊 編
《黃色潛水艇》 這是披頭四1968年的一首金曲,主要由麥卡尼執筆。 他說有一晚快要入睡時,歌曲的旋律忽然在他的腦海響 起。他將之想像成一首胡鬧的兒歌,又因為他想到由樂 隊的鼓手史塔爾(Ringo Starr)扮演詼諧的叔叔,對 著小孩子講無聊故事的樣子,於是便說服史塔爾擔任主 唱。 曼西尼(1924–1994)/麥萊 編
《彼得.根》 荷里活的作曲家曼西尼,擅長將音樂與銀幕上的角色配 合得天衣無縫。他最著名的作品包括《傻豹》、《獵獸奇 觀》中的「小象起行」(The Baby Elephant Walk)和 《彼得‧根》。後者是美國同名偵探電視連續劇的主題 音樂,結合了爵士樂和搖滾樂的風格,充滿機趣且才氣 橫溢。
節目介紹:麥萊 中文翻譯:行之
Some words from Alasdair Malloy: I always look forward to being back in Hong Kong with my friends in the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, and I also usually enjoy the journey from Scotland – travelling by car to the airport, and then the excitement of taking off in a large aircraft and travelling high above countries, oceans, people and animals before finally landing on the other side of the world. However, this time things did not quite work out as I expected, as you will discover! All of the music in today’s concert will help me tell you my tales of travel. Sometimes the form of transport I ended up on is obvious from the title of the music, sometimes the music was inspired by or has a connection with a particular kind of transport, and sometimes the sound of the music itself seems to suggest how I ended up travelling at some points of my journey. So, sit back, fasten your seatbelt and join me as I tell you all about my Incredible Voyage!
Amilcare Ponchielli(1834–1886)
La Gioconda: Dance of the Hours (excerpt) This music is part of a ballet sequence from an opera called La Gioconda . The complete ballet represents the hours of dawn, day, twilight and night, and this part depicts a very frantic-sounding morning. You might recognise it from the Disney film Fantasia in a crazy scene featuring ostriches, hippos, elephants and alligators all trying to be ballet dancers! Edvard Grieg(1843–1907)
Peer Gynt Suite No 1, Op 46: Morning The Norwegian composer Edvard Grieg wrote this as part of the music for a play telling of the adventures of Peer Gynt, a character from Norwegian folk tales. The music helps set the different scenes and settings of the play and this movement, which has been used in television advertisements to sell everything from cars to carpet cleaners, seems to conjure up the fresh clear air of the Norwegian mountains and the deep clear water of the fjords, even though the setting is a Moroccan desert! Richard Rodney Bennett(1936–2012)
Murder on the Orient Express: Waltz The Orient Express was a long-distance passenger train service created in 1883 travelling across Europe to Istanbul, the “Gateway to Asia”. This fabulous steam train was a showcase of luxury and comfort at a time when travelling such distances was still rough and dangerous. It provided the setting for a famous detective novel by the English writer Agatha Christie, and when this was turned into a film in 1974, the English composer Richard Rodney Bennett provided this elegant and glamorous waltz with its introduction perfectly capturing the great train slowly leaving the station and building up speed.
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart(1756–1791) Arranged by Alasdair Malloy
A Musical Joke, K522: IV Presto Mozart had a great sense of humour and enjoyed playing various games, especially billiards. In his Musical Joke, he made gentle fun of some other composers and right at the end, for the punchline of his joke, he played the ultimate trick on the musicians playing the piece – listen out for that! This piece, with its galloping rhythm, has been used by the BBC for television coverage of the Horse of the Year show, and they picked a version which added some extra rhythms to Mozart’s music, which is how you will hear it today. Johann Strauss Jr(1825–1899)
On the Beautiful Blue Danube, Op 314 The river Danube is the second longest river in Europe and it flows through 10 different countries, including four capital cities. The Austrian composer Johann Strauss Jr (his father was also a composer called Johann Strauss and we will hear one of his pieces later) was inspired by the sight of the river running through Vienna and he composed this much-loved waltz in honour of it. This piece of music is often regarded as the unofficial National Anthem of Austria. John Williams(born 1932) Arranged by Alasdair Malloy
Harry Potter: The Hero of Hogwarts Harry Potter has some memorable transportation in the series of books by J K Rowling. He travels to school on the Hogwarts Express, flies on a broomstick and in a flying car; he has a ride on the Knight Bus and on the back of various flying creatures including a dragon. John Williams’ music certainly helps create the magical and mysterious atmosphere, and this sequence contains magical music from the first three films in the series.
John Williams(born 1932)
Star Wars Suite: The Imperial March When John Williams started writing the music for the very first Star Wars film, he borrowed an idea which had been used in many operas – each of the main characters would have their own musical theme which would always be heard when they appeared or were about to appear. “The Imperial March” is instantly recognisable even from the rhythms which are heard before the tune itself, and it represents someone who was once a heroic Jedi Knight but then switched to the dark side of the Force and became a Sith Lord. Modest Mussorgsky(1839–1881) Orchestrated by Maurice Ravel(1875–1937)
Pictures at an Exhibition: The Great Gate of Kiev Mussorgsky took his inspiration for a series of compositions from an exhibition of his friend’s paintings and drawings. Many of the pieces are linked by a short theme called “Promenade”, which captures the composer’s changing feelings as he walks around the various pictures. Although “The Great Gate of Kiev” seems to describe something huge and we can imagine a very large and spectacular gate, the picture was actually a small architectural drawing, and Mussorgsky includes his “Promenade” theme towards the end to remind us that we are looking at a picture rather than the gate itself.
Johann Strauss(1804–1849) Arranged by Alasdair Malloy
Radetzky March Johann Strauss had three sons who also became celebrated composers – Johann Jr, Josef and Edward – and between them they provided much of the music heard at the famous dances in Vienna known as balls . However not all of the music played at such occasions was for dancing, and this piece – a stirring march – gave the dancers a chance to rest though they always clapped along in time to the music. This tradition continues to this day at the famous New Year Concert in Vienna. Alan Menken(born 1949) Arranged by Alasdair Malloy
Aladdin : A Whole New World The collection of stories The Arabian Nights (also known as 1001 Nights ) is a series of tales from the Middle East and South Asia gathered together over many centuries. Some of them are particularly well known such as The Seven Voyages of Sinbad the Sailor, Ali Baba and the Forty Thieves , and the one which features this song in Disney’s animated version, Aladdin and his Magic Lamp. The song is heard as Aladdin and Princess Jasmine enjoy a very unusual form of transport. Camille Saint-Saëns(1835–1921) Arranged by Alasdair Malloy
The Carnival of the Animals: The Elephant This is one of the movements of the famous Carnival of the Animals composed by Saint-Saëns. Here the largest of the string instruments, the double bass, represents the largest of the animals, the elephant. In the middle of his lumbering tune, Saint-Saëns pops in a few notes from a piece by another composer, Berlioz, as a musical joke – it is the Dance of the Sylphs , the tiniest and delicate flying fairies. Very unlike an elephant!
Lin-Manuel Miranda(born 1980)/Opetaia Foa’i Arranged by Alasdair Malloy
Henry Mancini(1924–1994) Arranged by Alasdair Malloy
Musical Highlights from Moana
Peter Gunn
This beautifully animated film tells the story of Moana, the daughter of the chief of a Polynesian tribe who is chosen by the ocean itself to reunite a mystic relic with a goddess. Like Pocahontas, Moana has a powerful connection with nature and she is helped in her mission by Maui, a demigod shape-shifter. The music of the film has won many awards, and the song “How Far I’ll Go” was nominated for Best Original Song at the Academy Awards in 2017.
Henry Mancini was the Hollywood composer who had the knack of perfectly matching his music to the characters on screen. He is best known for tunes like The Pink Panther , The Baby Elephant Walk and Peter Gunn, which was the theme tune for an American TV detective series, and combines the musical styles of jazz and rock and roll with great wit and flair. Programme notes by Alasdair Malloy
Klaus Badelt(born 1968)/Hans Zimmer(born 1957) Arranged by Alasdair Malloy
Pirates of the Caribbean: Treasure Chest A selection of music from the hugely popular Pirates of the Caribbean films. Klaus Badelt spent several years working alongside the legendary composer Hans Zimmer (The Lion King, Gladiator ) and composed all of the music for the first film in the series. They then collaborated for the remaining films, providing dramatic scores unleashing the full range of swashbuckling sounds available in a modern orchestra. “Treasure Chest” is a sequence specially put together by Alasdair Malloy featuring the main themes and musical sequences from the first three films. Listen out for the cello solo representing Jack Sparrow.
第8頁遊戲答案 Answer to game on page 8
John Lennon(1940–1980)& Paul McCartney(born 1942) Arranged by Alasdair Malloy
Yellow Submarine A hit for The Beatles in 1968, this song was mainly written by Paul McCartney who has said that it popped into his head one night just before he fell asleep. He imagined it as a nonsense children’s song, and because he could picture the band’s drummer Ringo Starr as being a fun uncle character, telling silly stories to children, he persuaded him to sing it for the recording. 15
Hong Kong Sinfonietta 音樂總監 Music Director
葉詠詩 YIP Wing-sie
小提琴 Violin 格德霍特 樂團首席
首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor
柏鵬 Christoph POPPEN 駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associates
高世章 Leon KO
(2016-2018) 石家豪 Wilson SHIEH
(2015-2016) 朱栢謙 CHU Pak-him
(2014-2015) 麥淑賢 MAK Su-yin 羅詠媞 Wendy LAW
(2013-2014) 盧思泓 LOO Sze-wang (2012-2013) 伍宇烈 Yuri NG
(2011-2013) 李嘉齡 Colleen LEE
(2010-2011) 黎志華 Jason LAI
(2009-2011) 楊嘉輝 Samson YOUNG
(2008-2009) 伍卓賢 NG
Cheuk-yin (2006-2008)
李海南 第二小提琴首席
LE Hoai-nam Second Violin Principal
中提琴 Viola ● 陳子信 ▼ 劉琛彥 卞思琦 陳敏聰 錢江 顏星安 大提琴 Cello ● 張培節 ▼ 貝樂安 何國芝 李恩率 朴詩媛 葉俊禧
CAI Pak-yi CHAN Shaw-nan Sharon Kiann CHOW Eiko HOSAKA JIA Shu-chen John KRUER Sally LAW Ambrose LUI LUO Wei-min PANG Hiu-wan POON Ka-mei Camille YANG Min-yu YANG Yu-si YIP Siu-hay
Elvis CHAN LAU Sum-yin Christina BEAN Ringo CHAN CHIN Kong NGAN Sing-on
CHANG Pei-chieh Laurent PERRIN HO Kwok-chee Karey LEE Eun-sol PARK Si-won YIP Chun-hei Eric
低音大提琴 Double Bass Masami NAGAI ● 永井雅美 Santiago COSTA MARTÍNEZ ▼ 柯斯達 HUANG Tun-pin 黃敦品
Notes 1. Guest Principal Flute 客席長笛首席 2. Freelance Musicians: Trumpet 小號 Percussion 敲擊樂 16
KIM In-sun Acting Assistant Concertmaster
蔡柏沂 陳劭楠 周止善 保坂英子 賈舒晨 顧洛臻 羅莎莉 呂灝然 羅蔚敏 彭曉筠 潘迦薇 陽旻佑 楊宇思 葉紹羲
金仁善 署理助理樂團首席
TSAI Loo 蔡路 第二小提琴助理首席 Second Violin Assistant Principal
麥兜 McDull
陳慶恩 CHAN
James CUDDEFORD Concertmaster
長笛 Flute 上杉晃代
雙簧管 Oboe ● 朴玟映 福原真美
PARK Min-young Mami FUKUHARA
單簧管 Clarinet ● 方曉佳 陳秋媛
FONG Hiu-kai Johnny CHEN Chiu-yuan
巴松管 Bassoon ● 秦慶生 田口美奈子
CHIN Hing-sang Minako TAGUCHI
圓號 Horn ● 包文慶 東出真澄 岑慶璋 關山明
PAW Man-hing Hermann Masumi HIGASHIDE SHUM Hing-cheung Benny KWAN
小號 Trumpet ● 黃山 文曦
長號 Trombone ● 羅澤基 陳學賢
Christopher RODGERS CHAN Hok-yin
低音長號 Bass Trombone KONG Tze-man Jason 江子文 大號 Tuba ● 林榮燦
LAM Wing-tsan
定音鼓 Timpani ● 村本曉洋
敲擊樂 Percussion CHAU Chin-tung ● 周展彤 小山理惠子 Rieko KOYAMA 豎琴 Harp ● 黃士倫
鍵琴 Keyboard ● 朱偉恆
Alan CHU
LEE Yi-wei Angus(李一葦) CHEUNG Ho-sing(張浩昇) Mandy LO(勞善雯)
● 首席 ▼ 助理首席
Principal Assistant Principal
Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 監察委員會 陳鋈鋆先生(主席) 潘燊昌博士(司庫) 周莉莉女士 鍾思源醫生 鍾陳碧璋女士 翟紹唐先生 謝智剛教授 楊偉添先生 阮偉文博士
Board of Governors Mr Y K CHAN (Chairman) Dr Patrick S C POON (Treasurer) Ms Lily CHOW Dr Chung See-yuen Mrs Shirley CHUNG Mr JAT Sew-tong Prof C K Michael TSE Mr Patrick YEUNG Dr Andrew S YUEN
榮譽監察委員 金董建平女士 施永青先生 楊雪姬女士
Honorary Governors Mrs Alice KING Mr SHIH Wing-ching Ms Serena YANG
義務公司秘書 卓佳登捷時有限公司
Honorary Company Secretary Tricor Tengis Limited
義務骨科專科醫生 傅偉俊醫生
Honorary Orthopaedic Surgeon Dr Dan HOOLEY
樂團行政 Administration 行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer 楊 惠 Margaret YANG
樂團事務及節目 Orchestra & Programme
總經理 General Manager 李浩儀 LEE Ho-yee
樂團經理 Orchestra Manager 陳成美 Marylu CHAN
行政秘書 Executive Assistant to CEO 何淑娟 Rose HO
節目經理 Programme Manager 丘靄雪 YAU Oi-suet Icy
會計經理 Accounting Manager 李靄玲 Judith LEE
節目經理 Project Manager 黃紫菱 Athena WONG
辦公室助理 Office Assistant 楊瑞遠 YANG Jui-yuan
樂團事務主任 Orchestra Officer 黎希潼 Carvina LAI
市場推廣及發展 Marketing & Development
特別節目統籌 Special Projects Administrator 柯玉嬌 Noel QUAH
Senior Marketing & Development Manager 莫皓明 Amanda MOK 市場及業務拓展經理
Marketing & Development Manager 何珮鈴 Pauline HO
譜務 Librarian 陳祈信 Samuel CHAN 製作經理 Production Manager 陳冠宏 Eddie CHAN 舞台經理 Stage Manager 楊植生 Bobby YEUNG
Marketing & Development Officer 柯娉庭 Pantane OR
當代音樂研究 Contemporary Music Research 鄺展維 Charles KWONG
Arts Administration Officers 袁穎芝 Christine YUEN 林海欣 Hayley LAM
麥兜McDull (駐團藝術家HKS Artist Associate 2019/2020)
凡捐款HK$1,000或以上即可獲贈 限量編號版「麥兜學指揮」公仔一個(限量1,000個),送完即止! Receive one of the 1,000 hand-numbered Limited Edition Conductor McDull when you donate HK$1,000 or above!
特別為香港小交響樂團20歲生日 度身訂造,不另作發售,極具收藏價值
限量1,000個的「麥兜學指揮」公仔由 麥家碧女士親手編號,獨一無二
This Limited Edition McDull was specially made to celebrate Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s 20th birthday. It is not for sale and not available anywhere else! All 1,000 pcs of McDull are hand-numbered by Alice Mak, the co-creator of McDull
This Limited Edition McDull represents the beautiful collaborative efforts over the years, made possible by the support of all of you who believe in investing in a cultural tomorrow through Good Music!
立即捐款 DONATE NOW: www.HKSL.org/donation
或填妥第21頁的捐款表格 or fill in the donation form on P.21
支持我們 How to SUPPORT ? 單次捐款或每月捐助 Make a one-off or monthly donation! • 捐款HK$100或以上可憑收據申請扣稅 • 樂團會在一年內舉辦的主要音樂會的場刊中,鳴謝HK$1,000或以上的捐款。 捐助人更可獲得限量編號版「麥兜學指揮」公仔一個(本樂季限定,送完即止)。 • Donations of HK$100 or above are tax deductible with a receipt • Donations of HK$1,000 or above will be acknowledged in house programmes of major ticketed Hong Kong Sinfonietta concerts for one year. You will also receive a hand-numbered special Limited Edition Conductor McDull plush (only for this season, while stocks last).
DOUBLE YOUR GIFT! 香港小交響樂團是香港政府認可的藝術發展配對資助計劃藝團之一, 這樂季籌募的捐款將獲一對一配對資助。 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is in the Hong Kong Government’s Art Development Matching Grants Scheme.
您的每 HK$1 捐款會變成 HK$2! Every dollar you donate to us will be DOUBLED!
其他支持方法 (例如商業贊助或廣告形式) For other forms of support (e.g. corporate sponsorship or advertising) 歡迎致電 call us at (852) 2836 3336 或 or 電郵至 email us at fundraising@hksinfonietta.org to discuss.
捐款表格 Donation Form 捐款HK$1,000或以上即可獲贈限量版「麥兜學指揮」公仔一個! Receive a Limited Edition Conductor McDull when you donate HK$1,000 or above!
我樂意支持香港小交響樂團培育文化新一代,現捐助: I would like to SUPPORT the Hong Kong Sinfonietta with: $
以支持樂團的日常經費 for its General Fund
以支持樂團的學生票計劃 for its Student Ticket Scheme
• 您可憑收據申請扣稅 (需捐款HK$100或以上。如需要捐款收據,請填上「✓」號□) • 樂團會在一年內舉辦的音樂會的場刊中,鳴謝您的捐款 (需捐款HK$1,000或以上至其中一個類別) Your donation will be: • tax deductible with a receipt (for donations of HK$100 or above, please tick if you need a receipt □) • acknowledged in the Hong Kong Sinfonietta publications for a year (for donations of HK$1,000 or above to either category)
□ 無需寄贈「麥兜學指揮」公仔,謝謝 □ 無需捐款收據,以節省樂團行政開支
I do not wish to receive the McDull plush for this donation To save administration cost, please do not send me a receipt
我亦同意參加香港政府的藝術發展配對資助計劃,配對我的捐款。 I also agree to my donation being matched by the Government's Art Development Matching Grants Scheme.
請填妥以下個人資料 Please fill in your details below 先生/小姐/女士/博士/教授 Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Prof 中文姓名
姓 Last Name
(請選擇 please circle)
名 First Name
電話 Contact Number
電郵 E-mail
郵寄地址 Postal Address 刊登於場刊之鳴謝姓名 Name to be acknowledged in house programme (如捐款港幣1,000元或以上至其中一個捐款類別 when donating HK$1,000 or above to either donation category)
□ 同上 Same as above
□ 無名氏 Anonymous
我同時希望定期收到有關香港小交響樂團的資訊 I would also like to receive promotional materials from Hong Kong Sinfonietta by:
□ 電郵 Email □ 郵寄 Post
□ 信用卡 Credit Card □匯財卡 Visa □萬事達卡 Mastercard □美國運通卡 American Express 信用卡號碼 Card Number 發卡銀行 Issuing Bank
□ 支票 Cheque 本人附上劃線支票作一次性捐款予「香港小交響樂團有限公司」 。 I enclose a cheque of the above stated amount as my one-off donation to the “Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited”. 請將填妥的捐款表格交回香港小交響樂團有限公司 Please return the completed form to Hong Kong Sinfonietta Ltd
有效日期 Expiry Date
信用卡持有人姓名 Cardholder’s Name on Card
香港灣仔譚臣道98號運盛大廈3樓 3/F Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong fundraising@hksinfonietta.org (852) 2783 9819
信用卡持有人簽署 Cardholder’s Signature 日期 Date
網上捐款 Donate Online www.HKSL.org/donation
hong kong sinfonietta hksinfonietta
閣下提供的個人資料,香港小交響樂團有限公司將絕對保密,只用作郵寄收據及其他通訊之用。有關其他贊助及捐款查詢,請電郵至 fundraising@hksinfonietta.org 或致電(852) 2836 3336。Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used for issuing official receipts and other communication purposes only. If you have any questions or comments, contact us at (852) 2836 3336 or fundraising@hksinfonietta.org.
謝謝!Thank You Partners! 2019/2020 樂季贊助機構 Sponsors of the 2019/2020 Season 主要贊助機構 Major Sponsors
商業機構贊助計劃 Corporate Members 白金會員 Platinum Member
金會員 Gold Member
銀會員 Silver Member
謝謝!Thank You! 香港小交響樂團對以下的捐款者及機構致以衷心謝意。 Thank you to the following donors and organisations who have supported us with a donation in the past year. STARplus Donors (HK$30,000 to HK$99,999)
贊助人及捐款者 Patrons & Donors
• • • • • • • • • • •
MegaSTAR Patrons (>HK$500,000)
• 陳鋈鋆先生 Mr Chan Yuk-kwan • 潘燊昌博士及夫人 Dr & Mrs Patrick S C Poon • 施永青基金有限公司 Shih Wing Ching Foundation Limited • Ms Serena Yang SuperSTAR Patrons (HK$100,000 to HK$499,999)
• 周莉莉女士 Ms Lily Chow • 冼為堅基金有限公司 Sin Wai Kin Foundation
亞洲保險有限公司 Asia Insurance Co Ltd 北山堂基金 Bei Shan Tang Foundation 陳嘉何醫生夫人 Dr & Mrs Chan Ka Ho 陳求德醫生 Dr Chan Kow Tak Lowell and Phyllis Chang Chiu Music Fund 郭立成律師 Mr Chris Kok 關卓然先生 Mr William Kwan Cheuk Yin Ruth & Sidney Dr & Mrs Patrick Tong 多位無名氏 Anonymous
STAR Donors (HK$10,000 to HK$29,999) • Prof Anthony Chan
• Dr Chung Ka Leung
• Mrs Adeline Lui
• Dr Alfred Tam
• 陳真光醫生 Dr Jane C K Chan
• Mr Tony Ma
• Mr and Mrs Robert Tang
• 陳文偉博士 Dr Chan Man-wai
• 鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen
• 莫扎特迷 Mozart’s Fan
• Ms Ronna Chao
• Mr Eugene Fung
• Dr Yvonne Ou
• 曹延洲教授 Prof Tsao Yen Chow
• 周愛琳醫生 Dr Irene Chau
• Mr Ambrose Ho
• Poon Shing Chi and Liao E Wen • 孫永輝及施熙德伉儷 Edith and Stephen Sun
• 張黎慧文 Vivian W M Cheung • 高世章先生 Mr Leon Ko • Ms Queenie Lau • 張綺年醫生 Dr Vivian Cheung • Mr Allan Leung
• 謝智剛教授 Prof C K Michael Tse • 多位無名氏 Anonymous
Donors (HK$1,000 to HK$9,999) • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
壹頤 Amelie and Angus BELIEVING MUSIC CAN In Memory of Birdie 加拿大琴行 Canada Piano Co Mr Barry Chan Ms Cynthia Chan Dr Eugene Chan Jonman, Monika & Joel Chan Family Mr Peter Chan 陳素卿女士 Ms Chan So Hing Miss Chan Yin Fei Joyce 陳燕婷 Ms Catherine Chau Mr Chen Chih Neng Mr Cheng Yue Hang Ms Amy Cheung 張綺華小姐 Ms Helen Cheung Mr Chong Chin Kin Kenyon & Leonard Chow Ms Martina Choy Chun Tian Hua Hua Foundation Ltd Miss Pollyanna Chung
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Ms Suzanna Chung Miss Chung Yi Ling Miss Stephanie Clark Composerchan In memory of Esther Miss Fung Cheuk Yan 馮新健先生 Mr John Sun-kin Fung 興升投資有限公司 Dr Anna Graber & Perry So Mrs Amanda Lam Ho 何偉兒先生 Mr Ho Wai Yee Miss Ho Yan Yan Ms Rose Hofmann Ms Claire Huang Ms Hung Ying Kwan Mr Ralph Ingersoll 高靜芝女士 Ms Sophia Kao Mr Keith Ko Ms Grace Lau 劉慧詩女士 Mrs Lau Wai Sze Mr Sung Chak Kyle Lee Miss Sandra W M Lee
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Ms Sheryl Lee Ms Florence Leung Ms Leung Si Yin Seaze Mr Stewart Leung Dr Xina Lo Mr Lui Ching Tung Mr Lui Wai Ho Mr Loo Sze Wang 馬鳳庸女士 Mr Bernard Man 大通會計事務所 Masterpoint Professional Ltd Ms Mikubo Hiromi Mrs Jiyoung Moon 吳志強先生 Miss Ng Chun Wing 吳思博先生及蕭泳欣女士 Winny & Nigel Ng Mr Ngan Hin-kay, John Niccoloo Strings 戚世遠先生 Mr Qi Shiyuan Mr Robert Shum John & Anthea Strickland
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
Ms Grace Sun 德仔 Sir Ms Elsie Tam ���小姐 Ms I Shyan Tng 曾作強先生 Mr Henry Tsang Mr Paul Tsang 曾健鵬先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Paul Tsang Mrs Hannah Tsatsonis 徐穎儀小姐 Miss Hailey Wing Yee Tsui Ms Kate Westbrook Ms E Wong Mr Wong Kin Lun 忻偉高先生 Ms Joanne Yau Ms Lynn Yau Mrs Lisa Yeung Mr Ito Yoshihisa 楊嘉輝先生 Mr Samson Young Ms Cindy Yu 首領兄弟姊妹 多位無名氏 Anonymous
學生票資助計劃 Student Ticket Scheme Donors Diamond Donors (>HK$100,000)
Jade Donors (HK$50,000 to HK$99,999)
• 鍾陳碧璋女士 Mrs Shirley Chung
• CLP Holdings Limited
• 潘燊昌博士及夫人 Dr & Mrs Patrick S C Poon
• 鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen • 多位無名氏 Anonymous
Ruby Donors (HK$30,000 to HK$49,999)
Patrons of 2019/2020 Fundraising Recital with Tseng Yu-chien (in alphabetical order)
• AFH Charitable Foundation Ltd • 陳鋈鋆先生 Mr Chan Yuk-kwan
• 芝蘭基金會 Zhilan Foundation
• Ms Ronna Chao • 鍾思源醫生Dr Chung See Yuen
Pearl Donors (HK$10,000 to HK$29,999)
• Prof Anthony Chan
• 吳思博先生及蕭泳欣女士 Winny & Nigel Ng • 彭嘉碧女士 Ms Rotina Pang
• 周愛琳醫生 Dr Irene Chau
• PLC. Foundation
• 張德賢博士伉儷 Dr & Mrs Douglas Cheung
• 施永青基金有限公司 Shih Wing Ching Foundation Limited
• 唐柏泉醫生及夫人Dr and Mrs Patrick Tong
• 張�昌博士 Dr Thomas H C Cheung, MH
• 孫永輝及施熙德伉儷 Edith and Stephen Sun
• 楊偉添先生Mr Patrick Yeung
• Ms Bebe Pui Ying Chu
• 謝智剛教授 Prof C K Michael Tse
• 林定國先生夫人 Mr and Mrs Lam Ting Kwok Paul
• Ms Cindy Yu
• 亞洲保險有限公司 Asia Insurance Co Ltd
• 鍾陳碧璋女士Mrs Shirley Chung • 翟紹唐先生Mr Jat Sew-tong • 施永青基金有限公司 Shih Wing Ching Foundation Ltd • 謝智剛教授Prof C K Michael Tse • 阮偉文博士Dr Andrew S Yuen • 多位無名氏 Anonymous
• 多位無名氏 Anonymous
Opal Donors (HK$1,000 to HK$9,999) • • • • • • • • • • •
Alisan Fine Arts BELIEVING MUSIC CAN Jonman, Monika & Joel Chan Family Mr Chan Kwan Ho Cordelia Chan 鄭可傑先生 Mr Cheng Ho Kit Mcdull Chan Ms Josephine Cheng 張莫家倩女士 Mrs Donna Cheung Mr Philip Lawrence Choy ���先生
Premium Friends • 張�昌博士 Dr Thomas H C Cheung, MH • 馮元志先生 Mr Louis Fung • 周莉莉女士 Ms Lily Chow • 李韶博士伉儷 Dr Lee Shiu & Dr Jennie Lee • 潘燊昌博士及夫人 Dr & Mrs Patrick Poon • 冼為堅博士 Dr David Sin Wai-kin • 唐柏泉醫生 Dr Patrick Tong • 謝智剛教授 Prof C K Michael Tse • 多位無名氏 Anonymous
• • • • • • • • • • • •
Chun Tian Hua Hua Foundation Ltd Miss Pollyanna Chung Mr Hui Man Kit 許雅詩女士 Ms Hui Ngar Sze Mr Ralph Ingersoll Luca, Caterina, Maurien, Joseph Jacobelli 紀念劉葉珍女士 李樹榮博士 Dr Ernest Lee Ms Lee On Ki Mr Lee Wai Ho 陸文靜小姐 Ms Anna, Man Ching Luk Mr Tony Ma
• • • • • • • • • • •
吳榮奎先生 Mr Ng Wing Fui Nicholas Mr Mitsuhiro Osada Mr Tin Hing Sin 曾健鵬先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Paul Tsang Ms TT Tsui Ms Alice Yeung Lai Fong Ms Cindy Yu Mr Tyson Yeung Ms Karen Ki-yan Yu 布甸狗與馬卡龍 Pom Pom Purin & Macaron 多位無名氏 Anonymous
感謝以下各機構對香港小交響樂團一直的支持! Thank you to the following parties for their continued support! • Association Culturelle France Hong Kong Ltd • CASH音樂基金 CASH Music Fund • 法國駐港澳總領事館 Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong et Macao • 德國駐港總領事館 German Consulate General Hong Kong • 香港歌德學院 Goethe-Institut Hongkong • 民政事務局 Home Affairs Bureau • 匈牙利駐港總領事館 Consulate General of Hungary in Hong Kong • 日本駐港總領事館 Consulate General of Japan in Hong Kong
• 韓國駐港總領事館 Consulate General of the Republic of Korea in Hong Kong • 光華新聞文化中心 Kwang Hwa Information and Culture Center • 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department • 邁騰路通有限公司 Maestro GT Limited • 荷蘭駐香港及澳門總領事館 Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Hong Kong & Macao • 香港電台 Radio Television Hong Kong • 西班牙駐港總領事館 Consulate General of Spain in Hong Kong • 通利琴行 Tom Lee Music Co Ltd • Mr Jiři Votruba