House Programme - High Res

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It’s the Most Wonderful Time of the Year

Winter Wonderland

Cinema Paradiso Have Yourself a Merry Little Christmas

The Phantom of the Opera

Let it Snow!

Les Misérables

Mary Poppins Medley

Sleigh Ride

The Christmas Song

Silver Bells

演 唱 Singer

朗尼 John Langley Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves: Everything I do

演 唱 Singer

奧瑪妮 Jayne O’Mahony

All I Want for Christmas is You

Moulin Rouge: Come What May

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall 12月6 及7 日演出贊 助 6 & 7 Dec performances sponsored by


星 期 五 Fri 8pm

7.12.2013 星 期六 Sat 8pm

8.12.2013 星 期日 Sun 3pm

香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港小交響樂團為香港大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall

Opening Doors! Visa Infinite, Visa Signature & Visa Platinum cardholders may enjoy 15% discount privilege on regular priced tickets purchased at URBTIX offices Programme Enquiries: 2836 3336

★★★★★ BBC Music Magazine

“Fearless and thrilling… a rare talent!” Gramophone © Sussie Ahlburg

“A pianist of exceptional gifts.” The Daily Telegraph

鋼琴 Piano

葛羅夫納 Benjamin Grosvenor

28.2.2014 (星期五 Fri)8:00pm

Winner of: • 2004 BBC Young Musician Competition at age 11 • “Young Artist of the Year 2012” & “Instrumental Award”, Gramophone • “Jeune Talent”, Diapason d’Or • Classic Brits Critics’ Award • UK Critics’ Circle Award

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $380 $260 $150

鄺展維 布列頓 史達拉汶斯基 Charles Kwong Britten Stravinsky

《如川,不舍晝夜》(世界首演) 鋼琴協奏曲,作品13 《彼得魯斯卡》(1947) As the Streams Never Cease (world première) Piano Concerto, Op 13 Petrushka (1947)

門票由12月7日起於城市電腦售票網發售 Tickets available at all URBTIX outlets from 7.12.2013 門票查詢及購票 Ticketing Enquiries & Bookings: 2111 5999 | 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries 2836 3336 香港小交響樂團保留更改節目及表演者之權利 Hong Kong Sinfonietta reserves the right to change the programme and artists


第四十二屆 (2014年) 香港藝術節節目 A programme of the 42nd Hong Kong Arts Festival (2014)

Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

香港小交響樂團為香港大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall



音樂總監/ 指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie

香港小交響樂團有限公司 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited

樂團事務及節目 Orchestra & Programme 樂團經理 Orchestra Manager: 節目經理 Special Projects Manager: 節目經理 Project Manager: 節目主任 3URJUDPPH 2IÀFHU 樂團事務主任 2UFKHVWUD 2IÀFHU 譜務主任 /LEUDU\ 2IÀFHU 舞台經理 Stage Manager: 藝術行政主任 $UWV $GPLQLVWUDWLRQ 2IÀFHUV

陳成美 李 莉 李頌威 卓嘉堯 鄭穎欣 陳藹晴 楊植生

Marylu CHAN Lily LEE Brian LI Polly CHEUK Carly CHENG Ivy CHAN Bobby YEUNG

黃紫菱 Athena WONG 丘靄雪 YAU Oi-suet Icy 陳靄婷 Tobie CHAN

6-8.12.2013 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall



捐款表格 Donation Form 請將回條寄回香港灣仔譚臣道 98 號運盛大廈 3摟,或傳真至 2783 9819 。 Please return this form to 3/F Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong or fax to 2783 9819.


I would like to support the Hong Kong Sinfonietta with

以支持樂團的 for its

日常經費 General Fund 學生票資助計劃 Student Ticket Scheme



每月定期捐款 monthly donation 一次性捐款 one-off donation

HK$ __________________


先生/小姐/女士/博士/教授 Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Prof

First Name

電話 Tel

電郵 E-mail

地址 Address 刊登於場刊之鳴謝姓名 Name to be acknowledged in house programme (如捐款超過港幣1,000 元 if donation is more than HK$1,000) (中文)先生/小姐/女士/博士/教授 (Eng) Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Prof

無名氏 Anonymous

閣下提供的個人資料,香港小交響樂團有限公司將絕對保密,只用作郵寄回條及其他通訊之用。 Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used for issuing official receipts and other communication purposes.


支票 Cheque

本人附上劃線支票作一次性捐款予 「香港小交響樂團有限公司」。

I enclose a cheque of the above stated amount as my one-off donation to the “Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited ”.

信用卡 Credit Card 匯財卡 Visa

萬事達卡 Mastercard

美國運通卡 American Express

此卡只適用於一次性捐款 This card is for one-off donation only.

如選擇每月定期信用卡捐款 For monthly credit card donation: 本人授權香港小交響樂團有限公司由本人之信用卡賬戶內每月定期扣除上述之帳 款,直至本人另行通知為止。本人同意此授權書於本人之信用卡有效期後及獲續發 新卡時繼續生效,並無需另寫授權書。(如需要取消或更改本授權書,請於取消或 更改生效日期十個工作天前通知香港小交響樂團有限公司。) I hereby authorize the bank to debit my credit card account to make a monthly donation of the above stated amount to the Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited until further notice. I agree the validity of this agreement will continue before or after the expiry date of my credit card account. Cancellation or variation of this authorization shall be given to the Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited ten working days prior to the date on which such cancellation or variation is to take effect.

信用卡號碼 Card Number 有效日期 Expiry Date 發卡銀行 Issuing Bank 信用卡持有人姓名 Cardholder’s Name on Card 信用卡持有人簽署 Cardholder’s Signature

收款之一方(受益人)Name of Party to be Credited (The Beneficiary)

香港小交響樂團有限公司 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 銀行號碼 Bank No.


分行號碼 Branch No.



賬戶編號 Account No.

165066 001

My/Our Name(s) as recorded on Statement/Passbook



My/Our Bank Name and Branch 銀行號碼 Bank No.

(in block letters)

分行號碼 Branch No.

本人(等)的戶口號碼 My/ Our Account No.

本人(等)在結單/存摺上所記錄的地址 My/Our Address as recorded on Statement/Passbook 若與上方地址相同,不需要填寫 if different from above

本人(等)銀行戶口的簽署 My/Our Bank Account Signature(s)

日期 Date 此欄不用填寫 For Official Use Only

本機購專用 For Hong Kong Sinfonietta Use Only (Donor’s Ref. #)

銀行專用 For Bank Use Only (Signature(s) verified) • 現授權本人 (等)的上述銀行,(根據收款人或其往來銀行及/或代理行不時給予本人 (等) • I/We hereby authorize my/our above named Bank to effect transfers from my/our account to that of the above named beneficiary in accordance with such instructions as 銀行的指示)自本人(等)的戶口內轉賬予上述收款人。惟每次轉賬金額不得超過以上 my/our Bank may receive from the beneficiary and/or its banker and/or its banker’s 指定的限額。 • 本人(等)同意本人(等)的銀行毋須證實該等轉賬通知或沖銷通知是否已交予本 人(等)。

• 如因該等轉賬而令本人(等)的戶口出現透支(或令現時的透支增加),本人(等)願共 同及個別承擔全部責任。 • 本人(等)明白本人(等)須在指定的轉賬日期(即根據本人(等)的銀行從收款人或其往 來銀行及/或代理行不時收到的指示)前一個營業日(分行辦公時間內),在戶口內備有 足夠款項以便支付該等授權轉賬。本人(等)並同意如本人(等)的戶口並無足夠款項支 付該等授權轉賬,本人(等)的銀行有絕對酌情權不予轉賬,且本人(等)的銀行可收取 慣常的收費,並可隨時取消該等授權轉賬且毋須通知本人(等)。為避免疑問,本人 (等)的銀行可隨時自行決定取消該等授權轉賬且毋須通知本人(等)。 • 本直接付款授權書將繼續生效直至另行通知為止或直至上列到期日為止(以兩者中最 早的日期為準)。本人(等)同意如本人(等)已設立的直接付款授權的戶口連續三十個 月內未有根據本授權而做出過賬的記錄,本人(等)的銀行保留權利取消本直接付款安 排而毋須另行通知本人(等),即使本授權書並未到期或未有註明授權到期日。 • 本人(等)同意,本人(等)取消或更改本授權書的任何通知,須於取消/更改生效日最少 兩個工作天之前交予本人(等)的銀行。

日期 Date


銀行自動轉賬 Autopay Direct Debit( 只適用於每月捐款 Monthly Donation Only )

《最 HIT 音樂劇及電影名曲》(聖誕版)

correspondent from time to time provided always that the amount of any one such transfer shall not exceed the limit indicated above. • I /We agree that my/our Bank shall not be obliged to ascertain whether or not notice of any such transfer or reversal notice has been given to me/us. • I/We jointly and severally accept full responsibility for any overdraft (or increase in existing overdraft) on my/our account which may arise as a result of any such transfer(s). • I/We understand that I/we must maintain sufficient funds in the account one business day (before the close of branch banking hours) before the transfer date (as specified in the instructions received by my/our Bank from the beneficiary and/or its banker and/or its banker’s correspondent from time to time) for the transfer authorized herein. I/We agree that should there be insufficient funds in my/our account to meet any transfer authorized herein, my/our Bank will be entitlted, at its absolute discretion, not to effect such a transfer in which event the Bank may levy its usual charges and may cancel this authorization at any time without notification to me/us. For the avoidance of doubt, the Bank may cancel this authorization at its sole discretion at any time without prior notice. • This direct debit authorization shall have effect until further notice or until the expiry date written above (whichever shall first occur). I/We agree that if no transaction is performed on my/our account under such authorization for a continuous period of 30 months, my/our Bank reserves the right to cancel the direct debit arrangement without prior notice to me/us, even though the authorization has not expired or there is no expiry date for the authorization. • I/We agree that any notice of cancellation or variation of this authorization which I/we may give to my/our Bank shall be given at least two working days prior to the date on which such cancellation/variation is to take effect.

Sounds Great: Movies & Musicals (Christmas Special)

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