House Prog: Good Music for Babies (25-27.01.2019)

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Investing in a Cultural Tomorrow



香港小交響樂團現正參與香港政府的藝術發展配對資助試驗計劃, 這樂季籌募的捐款和贊助將獲一對一配對資助。 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is participating in the Art Development Matching Grants Pilot Scheme (operated by the Hong Kong Government).

您的每 HK$1 捐款將會令樂團雙倍受惠 *! Every dollar you donate to us will be DOUBLED*!

您的支持 YOU donate

政府配對 GOVERNMENT matches

效益倍增* DOUBLE* the impact!

年度捐款HK$100 或以上? Planning to donate over HK$100? 謝謝!我們會為您準備收據作申請扣稅之用。 Thank you! We will prepare an official receipt for you for tax deduction.

年度捐款HK$1,000 或以上? Planning to donate over HK$1,000? 謝謝!我們會為您準備收據作申請扣稅之用,並在樂團一年內舉辦的主要音樂會的場刊中, 鳴謝HK$1,000或以上的捐款。 Thank you so much! We will prepare an official receipt for you for tax deduction AND your name will be acknowledged for one year in house programmes of major ticketed Hong Kong Sinfonietta concerts.

其他支持方法(例如贊助或廣告形式),歡迎致電(852) 2836 3336 或 電郵至 fundraising@hksinfonietta.org查詢。

For other forms of support (e.g. sponsorship & advertising), feel free to call us at (852) 2836 3336 or email us at to discuss.

立即行動! MAXIMISE YOUR IMPACT TODAY! * 須受藝術發展配對資助試驗計劃之條款及細則約束 * Subject to conditions of the Government’s Art Development Matching Grants Pilot Scheme

Follow us ONLINE! Stay tuned for first-hand concert, artist and orchestra news by joining our mailing list at or follow us on the following social media platforms! 緊貼樂團最新動向,搶先看獨家台前幕後花絮, 立即到 登記收取樂團資訊,或追蹤以下社交媒體:

Hong Kong Sinfonietta


Hong Kong Sinfonietta 31



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