HKSL Annual Report 2009-2010

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香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

香港小交響樂團為香港大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall

「香港古典音樂的觀眾層面能夠不斷擴大, 葉詠詩和小交都居功至偉。」 《音響技術》 「具穿透力和震蕩人心的演奏。」 《大公報》 “A beautiful performance that also showed the Hong Kong Sinfonietta is worthy of standing among the ranks of European orchestras.” L’Eco di Bergamo

• 進一步將古典音樂融入香港市民的生活 To further the integration of the art of music with the lives of the people in Hong Kong • 提高音樂藝術及音樂家在香港的地位 To elevate the status of the art of music and musicians in Hong Kong • 著重以土生土長和區內的音樂專才提供高質素之 管弦樂演奏 To achieve the best quality of music making possible with emphasis on promoting local talents as well as those in the neighbouring regions

目錄 Contents 主席報告 Chairman’s Report


音樂總監報告 Music Director’s Report


財政報告 Financial Statements


鳴謝 Acknowledgements


樂季概覽 2009/2010 Season


樂團架構 Personnel Lists


Published by the Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited © Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited, 2010

香港小交響樂團有限公司 HONG KONG SINFONIETTA LIMITED 香港灣仔譚臣道 98 號運盛大廈 3 樓 3/F Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, HONG KONG 電話 Tel: (852) 2836 3336 傳真 Fax: (852) 2783 9819

w w w . H K S L . o r g

香港小交響樂團有限公司為註冊之非牟利慈善團體; 捐款 HK$100 或以上可憑收據申請扣稅。 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited is a registered charity and all donations over HK$100 are tax-deductible.

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2009/2010 年報


主席報告 Chairman’s Report 香港小交響樂團 2009/2010 年

在音樂總監葉詠詩的領導下,樂團在 2009 年應邀出訪意大





資源,讓超過 100,000 名觀眾現場欣


賞樂團共 98 場的演出;此外,讓更多聽眾及 觀眾通過大氣電波,在香港電台或歐洲廣播聯盟的電台欣賞樂 團的演出。樂團在本地舉辦的音樂會-即不包括伴奏節目和免 費音樂會-平均上座率為 91% ,當中 16 場音樂會全院滿座, 充分證明了樂團受歡迎的程度。

瑞特和張漢娜的合作等。 香港小交響樂團一直致力「培育文化新一代」,除了開拓新的觀 眾外,亦銳意為有潛質的華裔音樂家及作曲家提供演出平台, 讓他們有機會進一步發展和成長。 2009/2010 年樂季,樂團分 別攜同華沙蕭邦鋼琴大賽得獎者李嘉齡到訪意大利,及與麥







樂季裡,樂團既一如過往以極受歡迎的音樂會系列(如《古典 音樂速成》、《古典音樂知多少》、《我的音樂日記》、《我個名 叫麥兜兜.古典音樂小計劃》、《最 Hit 電影名曲》和《中電經 典樂逍遙》)吸引新觀眾,另外又推出多個嶄新的項目,進一步 開拓新的觀眾群。當中的亮點節目有《我的音樂日記:幼兒 篇》,由駐團藝術家黎志華為學前幼兒精心挑選了多首悅耳動聽 的交響名曲,並設計了家長及幼兒皆可一同參與的互動環節。

香港小交響樂團多年來一直抱著一個單純的宗旨:推動宣揚古 典音樂,為香港建設美好的將來。在此我們感謝香港政府、贊 助商、捐助者、觀眾及各界友好的認同和支持,使我們能為香 港的文化發展盡一分力。隨著樂團不斷成長,我們盼能贏得更 廣泛的支持,讓樂團能持續發揮力量,為香港、為西九龍文化 區創建文化未來。


香港小交響樂團有限公司 主席



2 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2009/2010 Annual Report

“Yip [Wing-sie] brought about a sweeping grandeur, with the orchestra playing gloriously.” Time Out Hong Kong

2009/2010 was a very successful year for the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. During the season, we stretched our resources and performed in 98 performances. Despite the not so ideal economic situation, we were able to achieve a 91% average attendance for the ticketed concerts we presented ourselves (i.e. not including accompaniment projects and free programmes). 16 of these concerts were sold out, demonstrating a high demand for performances by Hong Kong Sinfonietta. Within this season, more than 100,000 people saw the orchestra live on stage or off stage, and many more via television and radio broadcasts at home and abroad via RTHK or the European Broadcasting Union. With innovative programming and audience development initiatives, Hong Kong Sinfonietta has successfully closed the gap between classical music and the people of Hong Kong. Over the years, we have touched and moved many who have become loyal supporters of the orchestra. This season, we continued to attract new audiences to our popular concert series including Short-cut to Classical Music, Know Your Classical Music, HKS for Kids, HKS McDull Music Project, Sounds Great and CLP Light Classics. Also in 2009/2010, we launched several new initiatives to further broaden our audience base. We devised an exclusive programme for infants and toddlers and produced Classical Music for Babies, where Artist Associate Jason Lai picked easy-listening masterpieces and engaged the babies AND their parents. Other pilot programmes reached out to different target groups in the community. Under the leadership of Music Director Yip Wing-sie and flying the Hong Kong, China flag, Hong Kong Sinfonietta went on tour three times this season to Italy, Japan and Macao, serving as the city’s

cultural ambassador. At home, the orchestra made top news in the music calendar with its complete Beethoven symphony cycle and concerts with star artists including Pinchas Zukerman, David Garrett and Han-Na Chang. We continued to feature Hong Kong and Chinese artists and composers in 2009/2010, providing a platform for them to shine. We took Warsaw Chopin Piano Competition prize-winner Colleen Lee with us to Italy and McDull, Ng Cheuk-yin, Amy Sze and Kam Wing-chong to Macao. The orchestra played new works by George Tsz-kwan Lam and Charles Kwong, and collaborated with many Chinese artists including Ning Feng, Chien Wen-pin, Ken Lam and Mary Wu Mei-loc. Our mission remains pure – to spread the goodness of classical music, for a better Hong Kong. I would like to take this opportunity to thank the Hong Kong Government, our sponsors, donors, audiences and friends, whose generous support over the years has enabled us to realize our mission and to nurture the musical culture of the city. As Hong Kong Sinfonietta grows, we hope to gain wider support so that we can continue to make key contributions to the building of a cultural tomorrow, which includes a vibrant West Kowloon Cultural District.

Shih Wing-ching Chairman, Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 香港小交響樂團有限公司 2009/2010 年報


「葉詠詩對於節奏和速度的 掌握是獨具大師風範。」 《音響技術》 “The focused, intense and very precise Yip Wing-sie succeeded in always obtaining excellent ensemble, intonation and participation.” Giornale di Brescia

音樂總監報告 Music Director’s Report 香港小交響樂團在 2009/2010 年樂季悉心設計了各類多元化的 節目,為觀眾送上觸動人心的音樂。 這樂季的重點作曲家是音樂巨人貝多芬。我們除了演奏他的全套 九首交響曲之外,還選演了他的協奏曲和序曲,又在不同的「增 值」音樂會中向觀眾剖析他的一生及音樂,當中有由指揮林敬基 主持的《貝多芬解碼》,以及讓大小觀眾認識貝多芬九首交響曲 的音樂主題的《麥兜超級音樂記憶法》。貝多芬交響曲系列的壓 軸音樂會,是由樂團和香港歌劇院合作的《合唱》交響曲(我們 在較早前亦與他們合演了威爾第感人肺腑的《安魂彌撒曲》)。 我們還在這樂季裡慶祝了幾位作曲家的週年紀念(包括韓德爾 逝世 250 週年、海頓逝世 200 週年和孟德爾遜出生 200 週 年),更為觀眾挑選了不少劃時代作曲家的代表作:有較「傳統」 的孟德爾遜和舒曼、民族特色較重的德伏扎克和法國印象派大 師拉威爾、以及 20 和 21 世紀不斷創新的作曲家柏特、武滿 徹、陳其鋼、于京君和譚盾等的作品。此外,我們委約香港作 曲家林子鈞為樂團寫了兩首新作《歲月留聲》和《不辭而別》, 並為郭文景歌劇《詩人李白》作香港首演。 本樂季的客席演奏家陣容鼎盛,如明星演奏家嘉瑞特和張漢 娜、殿堂級大師蘇嘉文、謝利、戴柏圖和迺狄克、以及極具實 力的年青一代如瓦絲莉耶娃、甘普夫、特魯斯勒和駐團藝術家 黎志華等等。 我們深信音樂無疆界,無論年齡、國籍都不為所限。我們這樂 季除了繼續為不同背景觀眾度身訂造各音樂會系列之外(如 《我的音樂日記》、《古典音樂速成》和《古典音樂知多少》), 4 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2009/2010 Annual Report

還大膽嘗試舉辦全港首個專為零至兩歲幼兒設計的親子管弦音 樂會《我的音樂日記:幼兒篇》,讓幼兒從小能在音樂廳內感受 音樂動人之處。此外,我們推出了《古典音樂解碼》系列,為 觀眾解構不同作曲家的音樂與生平逸事,剖析音樂背後動人的 力量。而《樂聚一小時》系列,則為觀眾提供傳統音樂會以外 的新選擇。 香港小交響樂團在 2009 年被邀請到多個海外的音樂節演出, 包括第三度獲邀到日本東京《熱狂 k日》音樂祭作五場演出, 首次出訪意大利布雷西亞及貝爾加莫參與第 46 屆米凱朗傑利國 際音樂節,以及於有超過 400 年歷史的維琴察奧林匹克劇院演 出。樂團又在樂季初連同麥兜登入澳門文化中心,透過港澳的 茶餐廳文化及食物介紹動人樂曲。 轉眼間香港小交響樂團成為專業樂團已經十年,樂團的進步、 對活化和推廣古典音樂的貢獻、在本地及海外演出的成績,有 目共賭。我們相信音樂擁有無邊的力量,用心演奏出來的音 樂,自然能夠打動人心,更能為創意社會灌注靈感和動力。希 望我們可在社會上得到更多支持和認同,讓樂團能夠再進一步 把好的音樂送給更多人,為香港締造充滿文化的明天。

香港小交響樂團 音樂總監


「在葉詠詩指揮棒下,小交卓然有成, 擁有大批『粉絲』。」 《頭條日報》

As we celebrated our 10th year as a professional orchestra in the 2009/2010 season, Hong Kong Sinfonietta brought to the community a rich programme mix under the theme of Music that Moves. Apart from paying tribute to the anniversary composers Handel, Haydn and Mendelssohn, we performed Beethoven’s nine symphonies and some of his overtures and concertos. We also tried to make it easier for different kinds of audience to appreciate the musical giant and his music, so through Decoding Beethoven and HKS McDull Music Project 4, where we invited McDull and his friends to show how the main themes from the nine symphonies could be easily memorised! The Beethoven cycle ended with two sold-out performances of the great Choral Symphony. It was a collaboration with the Opera Hong Kong Chorus, as was the performance of another monumental work earlier in the season, Verdi’s Requiem. Other movers and shakers in classical music who were also featured include the more conventional Brahms, Tchaikovsky and Ravel, all the way to ground-breaking composers in the 20th and 21st centuries including Bartók, Stravinsky, Arvo Pärt and Tan Dun. Not forgetting our tradition featuring new works by Chinese composers, we commissioned two works from Hong Kong composer George Tsz-kwan Lam and performed the Hong Kong première of Guo Wen-jing’s opera, Poet Li Bai. Guest artists of the highest calibre joined the orchestra to deliver these moving works to the Hong Kong audience. To name just a few, they include star artists David Garrett and Han-Na Chang, maestros Pinchas Zukerman, Howard Shelley, Michel Dalberto and Charles Neidich, and from the younger generation Tatjiana Vassilieva, Freddy Kempf, Matthew Trusler and of course, our own Artist Associate, Jason Lai. While we continued to bring audience our “designer” concerts such as

HKS for Kids, Short-cut to Classical Music and Know Your Classical Music, we launched a few pilot programmes: A first on the Hong Kong stage were live orchestral concerts for 0 to 2-year-olds, Classical Music for Babies, where both toddlers and their parents were fascinated by the moving music played by the orchestra; Decoding Classical Music, targeting more advanced audience, is a new concert series which demystified why and how music moves. Conductor Ken Lam began with Decoding Beethoven , and veteran conductor/educator John Forster took audience through the life of Haydn. Under the One-Hour Classics umbrella we presented concerts at unconventional hours to suit different needs, from students and families to office workers and chamber music lovers. Outside of Hong Kong, the orchestra made its début in Italy in 2009 at Festival Pianistico Internazionale Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli in Brescia and Bergamo, and also performed in the 400-year-old Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza. Closer to home we took McDull to Macao and were invited to Tokyo’s La Folle Journée Festival for the third year.

Live orchestral music is beautiful. At Hong Kong Sinfonietta we believe good music delivered with passion can touch, move and inspire, and is good for the society. I hope more and more people will share this vision with us as we try to reach out to as many people as possible, and to build a better future for the next generation of Hong Kong.

Yip Wing-sie Music Director, Hong Kong Sinfonietta 香港小交響樂團有限公司 2009/2010 年報


「動人心魄。」 《音響技術》 「氣勢磅礡,感人至深。」 《頭條日報》

香港小交響樂團一向以富創意的節目及充滿熱忱的演奏見稱。在 2009/2010 年樂季,我們除了 慶祝韓德爾、海頓和孟德爾遜的週年紀念外,還選演了貝多芬多首感動人心的作品(包括他全套 九首交響曲);樂團還在多個「增值」音樂會中,以獨特的形式向觀眾介紹貝多芬及其音樂,讓 大家進一步認識這位音樂偉人。 In addition to featuring works by the anniversary boys Handel, Haydn and Mendelssohn, Hong Kong Sinfonietta programmed into this season some of the great works (including all the symphonies) by the musical giant Beethoven. To cover the cycle, the orchestra included works by Beethoven not only in the Appreciate concerts but also in the Learn series – where Beethoven’s works were featured in different formats – often in ways which made them even more memorable…!

貝多芬交響曲系列的壓軸音樂會- 由音樂總監葉詠詩指揮樂團與 香港歌劇院合唱團的《合唱》交響曲。 The grand finale of the Beethoven symphony cycle, where Opera Hong Kong Chorus and soloists from the USA joined the orchestra and Music Director Yip Wing-sie in the monumental Choral Symphony.

麥兜與姬聲雅士的馮國東 支持《麥兜超級音樂記憶法》, 以動畫、錄像和現場示範, 教懂觀眾貝多芬九首交響曲 的音樂主題。最後更由樂團 演奏鄺展維特別為音樂會 而寫的《貝多芬交響曲大串燒》 ! Through visuals and demonstrations, McDull and friends “taught” the audience how to recognise (and even memorise) the main themes of all the Beethoven symphonies. Composer Charles Kwong even concocted a Beethoven symphony theme medley for this concert! 「貝多芬先生」親臨《貝多芬解碼 1 及 2》音樂會, 與指揮林敬基一起向觀眾講述他的故事。 Conductor Ken Lam and “Mr Beethoven” shared the story of Beethoven’s life with the audience in Decoding Beethoven 1 & 2.

6 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2009/2010 Annual Report

Statement of Income and Expenditure 收支表 For the year ended 31 March 2010

截至 2010 年 3 月 31 日







Government grants – subvention for the year




Government grants – supplementary subvention




Government grants – outbound cultural exchange

政府撥款 — 海外表演



Performance fees & sponsorship from the Leisure & Cultural Services Department












Revenues from concerts & other performances


Revenues from outbound cultural exchange performances


Donations, sponsorship & other grants


Other income






Salaries & artist honorariums




Production expenses




Overseas touring expenses



Marketing expenses




Fundraising expenses




Administration expenses












Surplus for the year


Transfer from/(to) Touring Reserve



(3,200,000 )

Accumulated surplus at the beginning of the year
















Balance Sheet 資產負債表 As at 31 March 2010

2010 年 3 月 31 日









(4,470,199 )

(2,796,671 )






Touring Reserve




Income & Expenditure Account






The Serena Yang Fund





Extracted from Audited Financial Statements 節錄自核數師報告

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2009/2010 年報


「觀眾個個很高興的離開⋯⋯ 他們會比以前更喜歡管弦樂, 尤其是小交演奏的管弦樂!」 《HiFi Review》

既好聽又好玩的音樂會-《我的音樂日記:音樂運動誇啦啦》! Music (and concerts) should be about enjoyment and fun – even for adults ! HKS for Kids: Top Scores!

香港小交響樂團相信音樂能打動人心,為創意社會灌注靈感和動力。自 2000 年起,樂團不斷推 陳出新,針對不同年齡的觀眾,舉辦別樹一格的音樂會系列,如極受歡迎的《我的音樂日記》和 《古典音樂知多少》等。本樂季,我們推出了多項嶄新的嘗試,均贏得觀眾的一致讚譽。 Hong Kong Sinfonietta believes that music inspires everyone and is a positive energy for a creative society. Over the years, we have presented concert series which were tailor-made for audience of different ages and backgrounds. Apart from the immensely popular series such as HKS for Kids and Know Your Classical Music, we launched a few pilot programmes in 2009/2010, which were hugely successful.

樂團銅管樂組走進社區,在港島東的新場地 ArtisTree 與觀眾分享及介紹銅管音樂和樂器。 American trumpeter James Thompson and Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s brass ensemble reached out to the community at Island East’s new venue ArtisTree.

小觀眾沉醉於柴可夫斯基的《天鵝湖》圓舞曲中。 A toddler captivated by Tchaikovsky’s Waltz from Swan Lake in HKS for Kids: Classical Music for Babies. 香港首個專為零至兩歲幼兒及家長們設計的管弦音樂會。 For the first time in Hong Kong, an exclusive concert of LIVE classical music for babies (age 0-2) and their parents.

8 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2009/2010 Annual Report

香港小交響樂團在 2009/2010 樂季獲下列機構及人士資助,謹此致謝: A big thank you to the following organizations and persons who supported the Hong Kong Sinfonietta financially in the 2009/2010 season: Financial Support 資助

Hong Kong Special Administrative Region Government 香港特別行政區政府 Major Sponsors 主要贊助機構

Corporate Members 商業機構贊助計劃 白金會員 Platinum Members

Premium Friends

Other Supporters

Alisan Fine Arts – Alice King Gallery 藝倡畫廊 Thomas H C Cheung Louis Fung 馮元志 Kwan Kai Cheong 關啟昌 Timothy Lam Dr Lee Shiu & Dr Jennie Mui Lee 李韶博士及李梅以菁博士 Ngan On Tak 顏安德 Robert Shum 岑啟基 David Sin Wai-kin 冼為堅 Christine Van 萬美宜

CASH Music Fund CASH 音樂基金 Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong et Macao 法國駐港澳總領事館 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 康樂及文化事務署 Leo Burnett Swire Island East 太古港島東 Radio Television Hong Kong 香港電台 Table Patrons of the 2009 Gala Evening Tom Lee Music Co Ltd 通利琴行 Head Table Shih Wing Ching Foundation Ltd 施永青基金有限公司

Patrons & Donors 贊助人及捐款者 SuperSTAR Patrons

STARplus Donors

Shih Wing Ching Foundation Ltd 施永青基金有限公司 Zhilan Foundation 芝蘭文化基金

Asia Financial Group Dr K H Chan Mr & Mrs Leung Lit-on 梁烈安先生夫人

Partner Hotel 酒店伙伴

Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund 信興教育及慈善基金 Anonymous 多位無名氏

STAR Donors Victor & Laura Cha 查懋成及史美倫 Dr Jane C K Chan 陳真光醫生 Dr & Mrs Chan Kow Tak 陳求德醫生及夫人 Prof Daniel T M Chan 陳德茂教授 Ella Cheong (HK) Vivian W M Cheung 張黎慧文

Dr Vivian Y N Cheung 張綺年醫生 The Dedicated Violinist Fund Stephanie & Amelie Jat 郭立成律師 Dr Arthur van Langenberg Parsons Music 柏斯琴行 Mozart's Fan 莫扎特迷 Ruth & Sidney

The STG Group (in fond memory of Mr Sin Sing Chiu) Tom Lee Music Co Ltd 通利琴行 Eric Tsang Patrick & Selena Tsang Ada Tse & James Yang Michael Y K Wong Anonymous 多位無名氏

Donors Believing Music Can Mr & Mrs M D W Bowker Canada Piano Co 加拿大琴行 Prof Johannes Chan P S Chan The Hon Paul M P Chan Po Chan 陳葆酉 Prof Sophia Chan Chau, Ku & Leung Architects & Engineers Ltd Laura Chen 陳樂怡

Prof David Clarke An Engineer 柏德學校校友 Stephen Eno Foon Hei Cats John Sun-kin Fung 馮新健 Hung Ling Wah 孔令華 Paul Jackson 官陳靜珊 Tasha Lalvani 紀念劉葉珍女士 Loretta Lee

Ming Lee Allan Leung 梁鎮宇 林純慧 Amy L Y Lok Philippe de Marcillac Masterpoint Professional Limited 大通會計事務所 Martin Matsui N W F Ng Patricia Or Stefan & Carolyn Robertsson

Colin Russel Sun Wai Ying Amy Tam Ethan Tsang & Anton Tsang Henry & Esther Tsang Paul Tsang Tsui Lap Lee Anson Wong Wong Nai Hay 黃乃禧 Russell Yeh Anonymous 多位無名氏

Platinum Table Centaline Property Agency Ltd 中原地產代理有限公司 Chan Yuk-kwan 陳鋈鋆 Shih Wing Ching Foundation Ltd 施永青基金有限公司 T L Tsim 詹德隆 Serena Yang 楊雪姬 Gold Table Choi Kin Chung 蔡建中 Mary Lam 康繼弘 Chien Lee Vincent W S Lo 羅榮生 Sal Oppenheim (Hong Kong) Limited Yip Wing-sie Silver Table Dr Steven Woon-cheong Lam 林煥樟博士 Christine Van 萬美宜 Paul Wong 王學良

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2009/2010 年報


駐團藝術家黎志華在本樂季中,一再擴闊他的指揮視野。 Jason Lai, as Artist Associate, is encouraged to extend his profile as a conductor.

香港小交響樂團一直致力「培育文化新一代」,除了開拓新的觀眾外,亦銳意為有潛質的 華裔音樂家及作曲家提供演出平台,並自 2006/2007 年樂季起推出「駐團藝術家」計 劃,讓藝術家在樂季中有更多機會與樂團合作,同時亦為古典音樂創造新的可能性。 Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s way of investing in a cultural tomorrow is to cultivate the next generation of audience as well as nurture the next generation of Chinese musicians and composers. In addition to the most direct form of inviting them to share our platform with us, we often engage in longer-term commitments such as collaborations on projects, as well as being part of our Artist Associate scheme.

在大會堂舉行學生音樂會前黎志華走訪各參與音樂會的學校,為學生作足準備。 Jason Lai at a school visit preceding school concerts at City Hall.

香港小交響樂團駐團藝術家 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Artist Associates

駐團藝術家黎志華與音樂總監葉詠詩在演前演後常交換心得。 Artist Associate Jason Lai and Music Director Yip Wing-sie often exchange views after performances.

10 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2009/2010 Annual Report

伍卓賢 Ng Cheuk-yin


葛蘭傑弦樂四重奏 Grainger Quartet


楊嘉輝 Samson Young


黎志華 Jason Lai


李嘉齡 Colleen Lee


委約作品及首演 Commissions & Premières 15.5.2009

穆索斯基/于京君:《圖畫展覽會》室樂版 中國首演 Mussorgsky/Julian Yu: Pictures at an Exhibition (for chamber orchestra) Chinese première

這樂季與樂團合作的華裔藝術家 Chinese artists who collaborated with the Hong Kong Sinfonietta in 2009/2010


林子鈞:《歲月留聲》 George Tsz-Kwan Lam: The Queen's Gramophone

器樂演奏家 Instrumentalists 甘穎昶 Kam Wing-chong 李嘉齡 Colleen Lee (駐團藝術家 Artist Associate 2010/2011) 寧峰 Ning Feng • 施敏倫 Amy Sze • 馬駿一 Ma Jun-yi 浦立偉 William Pu • 唐俊喬 Tang Jun-qiao • 吳美樂 Mary Wu Mei-loc


林子鈞:《不辭而別》為旁白及樂團而寫 George Tsz-Kwan Lam: The Gestures of Farewell

指揮家 Conductors 簡文彬 Chien Wen-pin

30.7–2.8.2009 貝多芬/鄺展維:《貝多芬交響曲大串燒》 Beethoven/Charles Kwong: Beethoven Symphonies Medley

(for narrator & orchestra)

黎志華 Jason Lai (駐團藝術家 Artist Associate 2009-2011) • 林敬基 Ken Lam 作曲家 Composers 陳其鋼 Chen Qi-gang • 郭文景 Guo Wen-jing 鄺展維 Charles Kwong • 林子鈞 George Tsz-Kwan Lam 伍卓賢 Ng Cheuk-yin (駐團藝術家 Artist Associate 2006-2008) 于京君 Julian Yu 歌唱家及聲樂指導 Vocalists & vocal coaches 陳晃相 Jimmy Chan • 遲黎明 Chi Li-ming • 朱蕙心 Katherine Chu 江其虎 Jiang Qi-hu • 梁寧 Ning Liang • 莫華倫 Warren Mok 田浩江 Tian Hao-jiang • 吳蔚 Wu Wei • 楊博 Yang Bo 周曉琳 Zhou Xiao-lin

林子鈞為旁白(黎志華)及樂團而寫的 《不辭而別》,於 2010 年香港藝術節作世界首演。 World première of George Lam’s The Gestures of Farewell for Narrator and Orchestra (Jason Lai played narrator).

演員、主持及其他創作人 Actors, presenters & other creative artists 馮國東 Fung Kwok-tung • 廖端麗 Diana Liao • 林兆華 Lin Zhao-hua 麥家碧 Alice Mak • 謝立文 Brian Tse 徐瑛 Xu Ying • 易立明 Yi Li-ming 其他表演藝術團體 Other performing arts groups 香港芭蕾舞團 Hong Kong Ballet 澳門文化中心兒童合唱團 CCM Children’s Choir 香港歌劇院合唱團 Opera Hong Kong Chorus

指揮家簡文彬帶領樂團演出貝多芬的《英雄》交響曲。 Conductor Chien Wen-pin conducted an all-Beethoven programme including the majestic Eroica. 樂團代表香港出訪意大利,攜同本地鋼琴家李嘉齡在兩個音樂節演出共三場音樂會。 On the Move – flying the Hong Kong, China flag in Italy. Pianist Colleen Lee was featured in all three concerts at the two festivals.

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2009/2010 年報


Major Performances in 2009/2010 樂季主要演出 欣賞 Appreciate 日期 Date

地點 Venue


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港文化中心音樂廳 HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

節目名稱 Performance Title 《最愛小提琴》 :布魯赫小提琴協奏曲 Great Violin Concertos: David Garrett Plays Bruch

演出者 Major Artists 葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)• 嘉瑞特(小提琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor) David Garrett (violin)

法國五月藝術節 Le French May Arts Festival 葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)• 戴柏圖(鋼琴) 戴柏圖與香港小交響樂團 Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor) Michel Dalberto & Hong Kong Sinfonietta Michel Dalberto (piano) 蘇嘉文與香港小交響樂團 A Gala Evening with Pinchas Zukerman

蘇嘉文(指揮/小提琴) 霍茜(大提琴)• 蓮娜巴赫(小提琴) Pinchas Zukerman (conductor/violin) Amanda Forsyth (cello) • Jessica Linnebach (violin)

法國五月藝術節 Le French May Arts Festival 戴柏圖(鋼琴) 戴柏圖鋼琴獨奏會 Michel Dalberto (piano) Michel Dalberto Piano Recital 香港歌劇院 Opera Hong Kong 威爾第《安魂彌撒曲》 Verdi’s Messa da Requiem

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮) 安潔娜(女高音)• 普羅耶蒂(女中音) 柯貝納(男高音)• 贊尼拉托(男低音) 香港歌劇院合唱團 • 陳晃相(合唱指揮) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor) Chiara Angella (soprano) • Federica Proietti (mezzosoprano) Vicente Ombuena (tenor) • Riccardo Zanellato (bass) Opera Hong Kong Chorus • Jimmy Chan (chorus master)

海頓小號協奏曲 Howard Shelley & Hong Kong Sinfonietta

謝利(指揮/鋼琴)• 湯普森(小號) Howard Shelley (conductor/piano) James Thompson (trumpet)

《最愛大提琴》:德伏扎克大提琴協奏曲 Great Cello Concertos: Tatjana Plays Dvorˇák

塔戈(指揮)• 瓦絲莉耶娃(大提琴) James Tuggle (conductor) Tatjana Vassilieva (cello)

百分百貝多芬 Viva Beethoven!

簡文彬(指揮)• 小川典子(鋼琴) Chien Wen-pin (conductor) • Noriko Ogawa (piano)

貝多芬田園交響曲 Freddy Kempf Plays Schumann

廣上淳一(指揮)• 甘普夫(鋼琴) Junichi Hirokami (conductor) • Freddy Kempf (piano)

《最愛小提琴》:孟德爾遜小提琴協奏曲 Great Violin Concertos: Matthew Trusler Plays Mendelssohn

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)• 特魯斯勒(小提琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor) Matthew Trusler (violin)

《最愛大提琴》:海頓大提琴協奏曲 Great Cello Concertos: Han-Na Chang Plays Haydn

福斯特(指揮)• 張漢娜(大提琴) John Forster (conductor) Han-Na Chang (cello)

12 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2009/2010 Annual Report

日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists



貝多芬第九交響曲 Ode to Beethoven

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)• 韋絲娜(女高音)• 梁寧(女中音) 克羅利(男高音)• 伯恩斯(男低音) 香港歌劇院合唱團 • 陳晃相(合唱指揮) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor) Erika Wueschner (soprano) • Ning Liang (mezzosoprano) Richard Crawley (tenor) • Matthew Burns (bass) Opera Hong Kong Chorus • Jimmy Chan (chorus master)

HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

香港藝術節 2010 Hong Kong Arts Festival 《最愛小提琴》:布拉姆斯小提琴協奏曲 Great Violin Concertos: Ning Feng Plays Brahms

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)• 寧峰(小提琴)• 黎志華(駐團藝術家/旁白) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor) Ning Feng (violin) • Jason Lai (Artist Associate/narrator)

同時為電台廣播之音樂會 Concert with radio broadcast

同時為電視台廣播之音樂會 Concert with TV broadcast

大提琴家張漢娜與樂團的合作,成為 2009 年城中的音樂盛事。 Han-Na Chang’s performance with the orchestra made top news in the musical calendar in 2009.

指揮/小提琴大師蘇嘉文載譽來港。 Pinchas Zukerman’s triumphant return both as a conductor and violinist.

大提琴家瓦絲莉耶娃的香港首演。 Tatjiana Vassilieva’s Hong Kong début.

指揮/鋼琴大師謝利向海頓及孟德爾遜致意。 Howard Shelley play-conducted from the piano in a concert celebrating the anniversaries of Haydn and Mendelssohn.

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2009/2010 年報


增值 Learn 日期 Date

地點 Venue


葵青劇院演藝廳 Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists

《古典音樂速成》:台前幕後睇真 D Short-cut to Classical Music: Orchestra Behind the Scenes

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮/主持)• 張培節(大提琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor/presenter) Chang Pei-chieh (cello)


港島東 ArtisTree

《重新認識古典音樂》:銅管篇 Music that Moves: The Brass Experience

湯普森(小號/指揮/主持) James Thompson (trumpet/conductor/presenter)



《古典音樂知多少》:一定聽過古典名曲 2 Know Your Classical Music: Favourite Orchestral Tunes 2

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮/主持)• 湯普森(小號) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor/presenter) James Thompson (trumpet)

HK City Hall Concert Hall

30.7–2.8.2009 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂劇院 HK City Hall Theatre


香港大會堂劇院 HK City Hall Theatre


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港文化中心音樂廳 HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall

27–29.11.2009 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港大會堂劇院 HK City Hall Theatre


葵青劇院演藝廳 Kwai Tsing Theatre Auditorium


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

國際綜藝合家歡 International Arts Carnival 葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮/主持) 麥兜超級音樂記憶法 謝立文、麥家碧(概念)• 馮國東(主持) HKS McDull Music Project 4 Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor/presenter) Brian Tse, Alice Mak (concept) • Fung Kwok-tung (presenter) 高中學生音樂會:貝多芬解碼 HKS for Schools: Decoding Beethoven

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮/主持) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor/presenter)

《古典音樂解碼》:貝多芬 1 及 2 林敬基(指揮/主持)• 李維智(特別嘉賓) Decoding Classical Music: Beethoven 1&2 Ken Lam (conductor/presenter) • Leon Hill (special guest) 高中學生音樂會:單簧管知多少 HKS for Schools: Know Your Clarinet

《古典音樂知多少》:單簧管 Know Your Classical Music: Clarinet

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮/主持) 迺狄克(巴賽特單簧管/巴賽特管/主持) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor/presenter) Charles Neidich (basset clarinet/basset-horn/presenter) 葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮/主持) 迺狄克(巴賽特單簧管/巴賽特管/主持) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor/presenter) Charles Neidich (basset clarinet/basset-horn/presenter)

學生音樂會:樂團「知」音 葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮/主持) HKS for Schools: Sounds of the Orchestra Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor/presenter) 《我的音樂日記》:音樂運動誇啦啦 HKS for Kids: Top Scores

杜爾文(指揮)• 麥萊(主持) Luke Dollman (conductor) • Alasdair Malloy (presenter)

《古典音樂解碼》:海頓 Decoding Classical Music: Haydn

福斯特(指揮/主持) John Forster (conductor/presenter)

《我的音樂日記》:幼兒篇 HKS for Kids: Classical Music for Babies

黎志華(駐團藝術家/指揮/主持) Jason Lai (Artist Associate/conductor/presenter)

《古典音樂速成》: 1 及 2 Short-cut to Classical Music 1 & 2

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮/主持) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor/presenter)

One-Hour Classics for Schools: Discovering Music

14 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2009/2010 Annual Report

黎志華(駐團藝術家/指揮/主持) Jason Lai (Artist Associate/conductor/presenter)

葉詠詩與四位首席樂師 在《古典音樂速成》中介紹 弦樂家族。 Yip Wing-sie and string principals introduced their instruments to the audience in Short-cut to Classical Music.

美國單簧管演奏家迺狄克 帶來《單簧管知多少》。 Clarinet master Charles Neidich in Know Your Clarinet.

來自英國的麥萊將音樂廳幻化為體育館, 為大小觀眾送上一個別開生面的互動音樂會! Alasdair Malloy transformed the concert hall into a “sports centre” in the interactive concert HKS for Kids: Top Scores.

本樂季的其中一項新嘗試-為高中學生度身訂造的教育音樂會。 A pilot programme for senior secondary school students, conducted and presented by Music Director Yip Wing-sie.

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2009/2010 年報


一位幸運的小觀眾在合家歡音樂會 《中電經典樂逍遙》中,被選中與敲擊樂組一起演出。 A young audience joined the percussion section in CLP Light Classics Concert.

《迪士尼音樂之旅》糅合音樂與錄像, 是首個在港舉行的全迪士尼作品音樂會。 Disney in Concert: the first time a full concert of Disney music was featured in Hong Kong, complete with visuals from Disney’s early days to today’s mega-hits movies.

小提琴明星嘉瑞特和駐團藝術家黎志華在《安歌》音樂會中獻上多首小品樂曲。 Star violinist David Garrett joined Artist Associate Jason Lai in a concert of favourite Encores for violin and orchestra.

欣賞「減壓」系列的音樂會,盡情享受古典音樂的樂趣! Sit back and enjoy! Great fun and music in our Relax series.

16 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2009/2010 Annual Report

減壓 Relax 日期 Date

地點 Venue


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


香港演藝學院音樂廳 The HK Academy for Performing Arts Concert Hall


香港大會堂大堂 HK City Hall Foyer


香港文化中心音樂廳 HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


元朗劇院演藝廳 Yuen Long Theatre Auditorium


節目名稱 Performance Title 《最愛小提琴》ENCORE David Garrett ENCORE

演出者 Major Artists 黎志華(駐團藝術家/指揮)• 嘉瑞特(小提琴) Jason Lai (Artist Associate/conductor) • David Garrett (violin)

悠揚巴羅克 Sunday Baroque

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor)

午間.賞樂 Lunch-time Chamber Concert

香港小交響樂團管樂小組 Wind players of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta

中電經典樂逍遙 CLP Light Classics Concert

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮/主持) 吳美樂(鋼琴)• 格德霍特、戴豪逸(小提琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor/presenter) Mary Mei-loc Wu (piano) James Cuddeford, Joseph Vickers (violin)

迪士尼音樂之旅 Disney in Concert

黎志華(駐團藝術家/指揮/主持) Jason Lai (Artist Associate/conductor/presenter)

最 HIT 電影名曲 5 Sounds Great!!! 5

黎志華(駐團藝術家/指揮/主持)• 戴豪逸(小提琴) Jason Lai (Artist Associate/conductor/presenter) Joseph Vickers (violin)

屯門大會堂演奏廳 Tuen Mun Town Hall Auditorium


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall



《樂聚一小時》One-Hour Classics: Happy Hour @ City Hall

HK City Hall Concert Hall


Simply Romantic


Romance with Chopin & Schumann


Mesmerising Violin & Piano

格德霍特、李海南(小提琴)• 陳子信(中提琴) 熊胤(大提琴)• 李嘉齡(鋼琴) James Cuddeford, Le Hoai-nam (violin) Chan Tsz-shun Elvis (viola) • Xiong Yin (cello) Colleen Lee (piano) 李嘉齡(鋼琴) Colleen Lee (piano) 格德霍特(小提琴)• 李嘉齡(鋼琴) James Cuddeford (violin) • Colleen Lee (piano)

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2009/2010 年報


還有 What else... 日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists

香港小交響樂團澳門之旅 HKS in Macao 10–11.4.2009

澳門文化中心綜合劇院 Macao Cultural Centre Grand Auditorium

《麥兜茶餐廳嘉年華》 Hong Kong Sinfonietta x McDull Concert

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮) 謝立文、麥家碧(概念/聯合導演)• 伍卓賢(演出嘉賓) 施敏倫、甘穎昶(鋼琴)• 澳門文化中心兒童合唱團 Lunchtime Production Limited(動畫製作) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor) Brian Tse, Alice Mak (concept/co-directors) Ng Cheuk-yin (special guest) • Amy Sze, Kam Wing-chong (piano) • CCM Children’s Choir Lunchtime Production Limited (Animation Production)

香港小交響樂團日本之旅 HKS in Japan 3-5.5.2009


共 5 場音樂會 Five concerts

Tokyo International Forum

東京《熱狂 k日》音樂祭 2009 La Folle Journée 2009

葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)• 渡邊玲子、賴杜洛域奇(小提琴) 高木綾子(長笛)• 古部賢一(雙簧管) 吉野直子(豎琴)• 中野振一郎(古鍵琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor) Reiko Watanabe, Nemanja Radulovic (violin) Ayako Takagi (flute) • Ken-ichi Furube (oboe) Naoko Yoshino (harp) • Shin-ichiro Nakano (harpsichord)

香港小交響樂團意大利之旅 HKS in Italy 12.6.2009

布雷西亞大劇院 Teatro Grande di Brescia


貝爾加莫唐尼采蒂劇院 Teatro Donizetti di Bergamo


維琴察奧林匹克劇院 Teatro Olimpico di Vicenza

第 46 屆米凱朗傑利國際音樂節 葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)• 李嘉齡(鋼琴) Festival Pianistico Internazionale Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/conductor) Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli Colleen Lee (piano) di Brescia e Bergamo 維琴察音樂節 Musical Weeks at the Olympic Theatre in Vicenza (Settimane Musicali al Teatro Olimpico)

“The orchestra performed naturally with enthusiasm and with rich timbres.” Giornale di Brescia

意大利首演:於 16 世紀建成的 維琴察奧林匹克劇院演出。 Début in Italy: performance at the 400-year-old Teatro Olimpico in Vicenza.

18 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2009/2010 Annual Report

日期 Date

地點 Venue

節目名稱 Performance Title

演出者 Major Artists

香港芭蕾舞團:《仙履奇緣》 Hong Kong Ballet: Cinderella

塔戈(指揮)• 艾倫(編舞) James Tuggle (conductor) • David Allan (choreography)

伴奏節目 Accompaniment Projects 21-23.8.2009

香港文化中心大劇院 HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre

16-18, 香港文化中心大劇院 香港芭蕾舞團:《羅密歐與茱麗葉》 23-25.10.2009 HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre Hong Kong Ballet: Romeo and Juliet 4 & 6.12.2009 香港文化中心大劇院 HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre

郭文景歌劇:《詩人李白》 Opera by Guo Wen-jing: Poet Li Bai

18-20, 香港文化中心大劇院 香港芭蕾舞團:《胡桃夾子》 22-27.12.2009 HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre Hong Kong Ballet: The Nutcracker

康尼利斯(指揮)• 凡登士(編舞) Gerry Cornelius (conductor) • Rudi van Dantzig (choreography) 葉詠詩(音樂總監/指揮)• 廖端麗及徐瑛(文本) 林兆華(導演)• 易立明(佈景/服裝/燈光) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director/ conductor) Diana Liao & Xu Ying (libretto) • Lin Zhao-hua (staging) Yi Li-ming (set/costume/lighting) 威爾金斯(指揮)• 謝傑斐(編舞) Ormsby Wilkins (conductor) • Stephen Jefferies (choreography)

樂團第三度被邀到日本東京《熱狂 k日》音樂祭演出,五場音樂會全告爆滿! The orchestra was invited back to Tokyo to perform at La Folle Journée Festival for the third year! All five concerts were sold out! 香港小交響樂團與麥兜出訪澳門, 透過茶餐廳文化介紹動人樂曲。 The orchestra reached out to Macao audience in two sold-out performances of Hong Kong Sinfonietta x McDull Concert.

意大利首演:在第 46 屆米凱朗傑利國際音樂節 演出兩場音樂會。 Début in Italy: the orchestras gave two concerts at Festival Pianistico Internazionale Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli in Brescia and Bergamo.

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2009/2010 年報


香港小交響樂團 (2010 年 10 月 As at October 2010)

Hong Kong Sinfonietta

音樂總監 Music Director 葉詠詩 YIP Wing-sie

小提琴 Violin 格德霍特


候任樂團首席 Concertmaster Designate

駐團藝術家 Artist Associates 伍卓賢 NG Cheuk-yin (2006-2008)

葛蘭傑弦樂四重奏 Grainger Quartet (2007/2008)

楊嘉輝 Samson YOUNG (2008/2009)

黎志華 Jason LAI (2009-2011)

李嘉齡 Colleen LEE (2010/2011)



副樂團首席 Associate Concertmaster


LE Hoai-nam

第二小提琴首席 Second Violin Principal



第二小提琴助理首席 Second Violin Assistant Principal

蔡穎 周惜分 馮佳 保 英子 呂灝然 羅蔚敏 潘力 彭曉筠 高橋真珠 丁鈺 黃裕翔 楊宇思 葉紹羲 袁以恆

CAI Ying-qiong Sylvia CHOW FENG Jia Eiko HOSAKA Ambrose LUI LUO Wei-min PAN Li PANG Hiu-wan Matama TAKAHASHI TENG Yuk Sophia WONG Yu-cheung YANG Yu-si YIP Siu-hay Jonathan YUEN

中提琴 Viola ● 陳子信 ▽ 劉琛彥 錢江 何永妍 顏星安 胡斯樂

CHAN Tsz-shun Elvis LAU Sum-yin CHIN Kong Cecilia HO NGAN Sing-on WU Shee-lok

長笛 Flute 上杉晃代 雙簧管 Oboe ● 金勞思 福原真美

CHANG Pei-chieh Laurent PERRIN HO Kwok-chee Karey

朴詩媛 黃嘉輝

PARK Si-won WONG Ka-fai David

低音大提琴 Double Bass ● 永井雅美 Masami NAGAI

Marrie Rose KIM Mami FUKUHARA

單簧管 Clarinet ● 方曉佳 FONG Hiu-kai Johnny 陳秋媛 CHEN Chiu-yuan 巴松管 Bassoon ● 秦慶生 CHIN Hing-sang 田口美奈子 Minako TAGUCHI 圓號 Horn ● 孔約翰 東出真澄 岑慶璋 關山明

Jonathan KUHNS Masumi HIGASHIDE SHUM Hing-cheung Benny KWAN

小號 Trumpet ● 馮嘉興 FUNG Ka-hing ▼ 顏熾權 Joseph NGAN 丹尼路 Danilo DELFIN 長號 Trombone ● 新妻裕子 Yuko NIITSUMA 陳學賢 CHAN Hok-yin 低音長號 Bass Trombone 江子文 KONG Tze-man Jason 大號 Tuba ● 林榮燦

大提琴 Cello ● 張培節 ▼ 貝樂安 何國芝


LAM Wing-tsan

定音鼓 Timpani ● 村本曉洋 Akihiro MURAMOTO 敲擊樂 Percussion ● 周展彤 CHAU Chin-tung 勞善雯 Mandy LO 豎琴 Harp ● 黃士倫


鍵琴 Keyboard ● 周琬婷

● 首席 Principal ▼ 助理首席 Assistant Principal ▽ 署理助理首席 Acting Assistant Principal

20 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2009/2010 Annual Report

CHOW Yuen-ting Eunice

香港小交響樂團有限公司 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 榮譽監察委員 Honorary Governors 金董建平女士 楊雪姬女士

Mrs Alice KING Ms Serena YANG

監察委員會 Board of Governors 施永青先生 (主席) 詹德隆先生 (執行委員會主席,至 2009 年7月14日) 陳鋈鋆先生 張淑姬女士 (至2009 年7月14日) 鍾樹根先生 郭炎先生 (至2010 年3 月31 日) 康繼弘女士 林煥樟博士 羅文鈺教授 李敬天先生 李再唐先生 梁進強先生(至2010 年7 月30 日) 羅榮生先生 陳智文先生 曾安邦先生 曾耀強先生(司庫) 萬美宜女士 黃奕鑑先生(自 2010 年1 月1 日) 王學良先生

Mr SHIH Wing-ching Mr TSIM Tak-lung Mr Y K CHAN Ms Ella CHEONG Mr CHUNG Shu-kun Mr Peter Viem KWOK Mrs Mary LAM Dr Steven LAM Prof Japhet LAW Mr Frank LEE Mr Patrick LEE Mr Andrew LEUNG Mr Vincent LO Mr Stephen TAN Mr Eric TSANG Mr Paul TSANG Ms Christine VAN Mr Michael Y K WONG Mr Paul WONG

(Chairman) (Chairman, Executive Committee, until 14.7.2009)

(until 14.7.2009)

(until 31.3.2010)

(until 30.7.2010)


(from 1.1.2010)

義務核數師 Honorary Auditor 安永會計師事務所 Ernst & Young 義務公司秘書 Honorary Company Secretary 卓佳登捷時有限公司 Tricor Tengis Limited 義務法律顧問 Honorary Legal Consultant 霍金路偉律師行 Hogan Lovells 義務骨科專科醫生 Honorary Orthopaedic Surgeon 傅偉俊醫生 Dr Dan HOOLEY 音樂總監 Music Director 葉詠詩 YIP Wing-sie 香港小交響樂團創團者 Founders of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta 蔡國田、馮啟文、吳晉、關立學、 梁寶根、黃衛明、余漢翁(以英文姓氏排名) CHOY Kwok-tin Martin, FUNG Kai-man, GOH Ching, KWAN Lap-hok, LEUNG Bo-kun James, WONG Wai-ming, Henry YU (in alphabetical order)

樂團行政 Administration(2010 年 10 月 As at October 2010) 行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer: 楊惠 Margaret YANG 總經理 General Manager: 李浩儀 LEE Ho-yee 行政秘書 Executive Assistant to CEO: 何淑娟 Rose HO 會計經理 Accounting Manager: 李靄玲 Judith LEE 行政主任 Administration Officer : 廖少棻 Sylvia LIU 辦公室助理 Office Assistant : 楊瑞遠 YANG Jui-yuan 樂團事務及節目 Orchestra & Programme 樂團經理 Orchestra Manager: 節目經理 Project Manager: 藝術及觀眾拓展主任 Artistic & Audience Development Officer: 譜務主任 Library Officer: 節目主任 Programme Officer: 節目主任 Project Officer: 舞台經理 Stage Manager:

陳成美 Marylu CHAN 李莉 Lily LEE 李明哲 Sheryl LEE 關明 Jeff KWAN 唐伊嫻 I Shyan TNG 李頌威 Brian LI 楊植生 Bobby YEUNG

高級行政人員薪酬 Remuneration of administration staff of the top three tiers 總薪酬 Annual total salaries (HK$) 職位 Number of positions (連福利 including benefits)

(連空缺 including vacancies)







市場推廣及發展 Marketing & Development 發展經理 Development Manager: Hannah TSATSONIS 公關宣傳經理 PR & Communications Manager: 莫皓明 Amanda MOK 市場推廣主任 Marketing Officer: 何珮鈴 Pauline HO 藝術教育主任 Arts Education Officer: 何偉菱 Celina HO 見習生 Marketing Intern: 周慧禪 Carol CHOW 香港小交響樂團有限公司 2009/2010 年報





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