Know Your Ballet Music 演奏曲目選自:
德利布 浦羅哥菲夫 雷史碧基 柴可夫斯基 史達拉汶斯基
《夢偶情緣》 《仙履奇緣》 《奇妙的玩具店》 《胡桃夾子》 《彼得魯斯卡》
Programme includes excerpts from:
Delibes Prokofiev Respighi Tchaikovsky Stravinsky
Coppélia Cinderella La Boutique Fantasque The Nutcracker Petrushka
舞者 Dance Artists
伍宇烈 Yuri Ng 駐團藝術家 編舞 主持 Artist Associate Choreographer Presenter
白家樂 Carlo Pacis 李思颺 Justyne Li 李朗軒 Li Long-hin Roy
奏+ 舞者示範 解+ 講 鬆 輕
音樂總監 指揮 主持 Music Director Conductor Presenter
葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie
27 & 28.7.2012
星期五及六 Fri & Sat 7:30pm 星期日 Sun 3pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall︱$280, $180, $120* *部分座位視線受阻 Some seats may have restricted view
門票由5月11日起於城市電腦售票網發售 Tickets available at all URBTIX outlets from 11.5.2012 媒體伙伴 Media Partners
Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall
繼去年演出好評如潮後,音樂總監葉詠詩與駐團藝術家伍宇烈今年暑假帶來另一套 《芭蕾音樂知多少》!只要指揮棒輕輕一揮,芭蕾舞中的經典公仔角色:芭蕾娃娃、俄羅斯 木偶、灰姑娘、胡桃夾子等等一一聞歌起舞!屆時香港小交響樂團除了演奏經典芭蕾曲目外, 伍宇烈與多位舞者更會藉著音樂的神奇力量,化身芭蕾娃娃舞出公主王子以外的另一童話世界。
Tick, tock, tick, tock, and the dolls and toys spring to life!
Ever wondered what your toys do at night? Or how a pumpkin turned into the beautiful carriage that took Cinderella to her Prince? There are many such stories in the world of ballet where one travels between fantasyland and reality. Join Yip Wing-sie and Yuri Ng in this special Hong Kong Sinfonietta concert and they will show you how music and dance have come together to create these magical moments.
Can-Can Doll Coppélia Petrushka Cinderella The Nutcracker La Boutique Fantasque
門票查詢及購票 Ticketing Enquiries & Bookings : 2111 5999│www.URBTIX.hk 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries : 2836 3336│info@hksinfonietta.org 香港小交響樂團保留更改節目及表演者之權利 Hong Kong Sinfonietta reserves the right to change the programme and artists
D e e p w o r k s ho p
設有全日制學生、60歲或以上高齡人士、殘疾人士及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士半價優惠。 每次購買「國際綜藝合家歡」4-9張演藝 電影節目的正價門票,可獲9折優惠;10-19張可獲85折優惠;20張或以上可獲8折優惠。 每次購買「國際綜藝合家歡」3-4場不同演藝 電影節目的正價門票,可獲9折優惠;5場或以上可獲85折優惠。 每次購票只可享有上述其中一項優惠。 Half-price tickets available for full-time students, senior citizens aged 60 or above, people with disabilities and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance (CSSA) recipients. 10% discount for each purchase of 4-9 full-price tickets for International Arts Carnival (IAC) performing arts/film programme; 15% discount for 10-19 tickets; 20% discount for 20 tickets or more. 10% discount on full-price tickets for each purchase of 3-4 different IAC performing arts / film programmes; 15% discount for 5 different programmes or more. Patrons could enjoy only one of the above discounts for each purchase.
I l l u s t r at ion : M o k Win g h u n g
門票由5月11日起於城市電腦售票網發售 Tickets available at all URBTIX outlets from 11.5.2012