HKSL Brochure 2010

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香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

香港小交響樂團為香港大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall

香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

香港小交響樂團為香港大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall 香港小交響樂團為香港大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall

目錄 Content 音樂總監的話 Message from the Music Director


關於香港小交響樂團 About Hong Kong Sinfonietta


駐團藝術家 Artist Associates


支持香港小交響樂團 Support us


音樂會分類索引 (欣賞/增值/減壓/海外演出/還有) Concert index by series (Appreciate/Learn/Relax/Tours/What Else)


音樂會介紹 Concert descriptions


票務資訊 Ticketing information



我很慶幸生於一個音樂家庭,父母親都是音樂 家,我家���都�然����古典音樂的� 份成長,每天的生活都不離開古典音樂。 當我逐漸長大的時候,發現除了古典音樂以 外,還有別的音樂。身邊的朋友都是透過各種 不同的途徑接觸音樂,例如學校的課堂、音樂 會、唱片、電視或電台。無論如何,總會有人 為初入門者擔當嚮導,很多時候,這人不是老 師便是父母。當然,在現今這互聯網世代,要 欣賞任何種類的音樂都易如反掌了。 作為香港小交響樂團的音樂總監,我擔當的角色 就是帶領各位遊覽古典音樂世界的領航員。事實 上,在我們的觀眾當中,不但有初入門者,也有 比我認識更多作曲家名字的朋友!古典音樂的一 個可親可愛之處就是,如果您想走近去認識它、 了解它,永沒太早,也沒太遲,而且,不論聽者 資歷深淺,皆能樂在其中。我總能夠在古典音樂 中找到許多趣味,即使是指揮過多次的作品, 每次重新閱讀都會有新的發現。 剛過去的樂季,我以觀眾身份欣賞我們樂團為 零至二歲幼兒演奏的音樂會。我發現即使只有 數月大的嬰兒都能對台上的活動及聲音作出反 應。我們平日為愛樂者演奏,但那天我們多踏 出一步,充當那群幼兒生命中的第一位嚮導。 通往古典音樂世界的路徑眾多,如果您與我們 同途,相信您會找到適合您的欣賞模式。


音樂總監葉詠詩的話 Message from Yip Wing-sie, Music Director 《古典音樂知多少》系列特別為求知慾豐富的 觀眾而設,《中電經典樂逍遙》音樂會及《我

I was lucky. Music came naturally to me via my parents, who were both musicians. I was immersed in classical music as a young child and so for me and my sisters, we cannot remember life without it.

的音樂日記》系列充滿歡樂和趣味,適合一家 大小去欣賞,最新推出的《樂聚一小時》系列 時間較短而且觀賞方式較輕鬆,最適合繁忙的 都市上班一族,當然,我們也會為大家在香港

As I grew up, I realised that people encountered music in different ways, and that there were different kinds of music. Sometimes in a more formal way through school, and other times in more passive ways through attending performances or listening to CDs. Either way, there is someone somewhere who “makes the introduction”. Most of the time, this is either the music teacher, or, in fact, more directly, the parents. Sometimes, you get in touch with music by chance – like your older siblings listening to their favourite songs… and of course, today, you can get in touch with any kind of music over the internet!

大會堂音樂廳演奏多場常規音樂會,精心挑選 動聽的曲目,以及邀請出色的音樂家和我們合 作。在這本新樂季小冊子,您會找到我們為您 準備好的精彩音樂。 好音樂,由此起。希望在我們新樂季的音樂會 中見到您。

As Music Director of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, I am your “gatekeeper” into the world of classical music. In fact, our audiences range from complete beginners to people who know more orchestral works and composers than I do! The good thing about classical music is that it is never too early or too late to get closer to it – and it is enjoyable at different levels. Even as a professional musician, I still find new things in the music every time I conduct, even for works that I have conducted many times before. Last season, I attended one of our own concerts for babies, conducted by our Artist Associate Jason Lai. I realised that even at a few months old, the babies in the audience reacted to movements and sounds on stage. After performing for musicloving adults and keen learners of symphonic music, here we were, showing the way to babies and toddlers! I think there are many ways to classical music – but if you come with us, and get into the “Hong Kong Sinfonietta way”, you would be able to choose the way YOU want your music “delivered” – in a more analytical way via our Know Your Classical Music series; or in a fun way with the whole family with our CLP Light Classics Concert or HKS for Kids; or would you want it in a casual and light way through One-Hour Classics, or the proper and serious way, with our regular concerts at the City Hall Concert Hall? You will see in this season brochure that we have in store for you in the new season many “ways” you can reach GOOD MUSIC and I hope to see more of you joining us for an orchestral experience. We show you how amazing this “instrument” is! So, GOOD MUSIC, OUR WAY!



好音樂,由此起 — 香港小交響樂團 Good Music, the Hong Kong Sinfonietta way 藝術昇華 — 1990年一小撮本地音樂畢業生由零開始,組成香港小 交響樂團。經過 1999 年的架構重整, 2002 年葉詠詩接任音樂總 監,樂團今天有50多位合約團員,每年演出超過90場次。不論是台 上的音樂會或為歌劇、芭蕾舞作伴奏,樂團不但令每位合作的藝術 家留下深刻印象,亦成功觸動每一位觀眾的心。 以人為本 — 香港小交響樂團深信音樂對人們的生活具深遠影響。 而沒有創作人、演奏者,便沒有音樂。因此,樂團致力打造空間, 培育有才能的音樂人。一隊交響樂團所奏出的聲音是獨特的 — 因 為它來自一群希望與您分享對音樂熱忱的有心音樂人。 與眾同樂 — 香港小交響樂團除了演奏傳統古典曲目之外,每年均 創作嶄新跨界製作,亦曾為電視台演繹主題曲及插曲,為流行音樂 加上新色彩。樂團深信所有人都可以欣賞交響樂,而一隊在本地紮 根的樂團是應該深入民心而不是曲高和寡。 教育使命 — 香港小交響樂團相信古典音樂應普及化。自 2000 年 起,樂團針對不同年齡及音樂背景的觀眾,創作別樹一格的「教育」 音樂會,當中包括《我的音樂日記》、《古典音樂速成》和《古典音 樂知多少》等系列,努力拓展古典音樂觀眾的層面。 作客海外 — 除本地演出外,樂團常作客海外,包括在法國的聖里 奇音樂節及漢斯夏季音樂會、意大利的米凱朗傑利國際音樂節和維 琴察音樂節、立陶宛的兩個音樂節、上海之春國際音樂節及著名的 波蘭華沙愛樂音樂廳演出。樂團自 2006 年起成為東京《熱狂 日》 音樂祭的常客,於2007、2009及2010年載譽重訪音樂祭。除日本 外,樂團於2010年亦獲邀赴巴西、烏拉圭、北京及上海的多個藝術 節演出,當中包括第二屆中國交響樂之春(北京國家大劇院)及中 國上海國際藝術節(世博會「香港周」閉幕節目)的演出。

Artistically Impressive — Starting life in 1990 as a small ensemble made up of local music graduates, Hong Kong Sinfonietta has now grown into a mid-size symphony orchestra. With fulltime management since 1999 and the appointment of Yip Wing-sie as Music Director in 2002, the orchestra entered a new era of development. Today, the orchestra with 50-plus contract members performs more than 90 times throughout the year, on and off the stage, capturing not only the hearts of collaborating artists, but also of the audience. Musicians are assets — Hong Kong Sinfonietta believes that music has a lasting and transforming effect on the lives of people. Without musicians, there will not be music. Hong Kong Sinfonietta contributes to the nurturing of musicians by providing them with a platform. The orchestral sound is unique – it is the sound of a group of musicians sharing their passion with you. Keeping music alive — Apart from standard orchestral repertoire, Hong Kong Sinfonietta is enthusiastic about performing contemporary works. It actively commissions new works every year and also ventures into crossover projects with other art forms. Believing that all stage performances should be a “completely live” experience, Hong Kong Sinfonietta also provides accompaniment to opera and ballet performances. Educational mission — The Hong Kong Sinfonietta believes that classical music should be accessible to all. Therefore, it has since 2000 pioneered specially-designed “educational” concerts for different age groups. New concepts on the Hong Kong concert stage, HKS for Kids (for children), Short-cut to Classical Music and Know Your Classical Music (for adults) have provided a new realm in “audience development”. Hong Kong Sinfonietta also reaches out to the community via the media, making classical music a part of people’s lives. Tour — The Hong Kong Sinfonietta has performed at the Saint-Riquier Festival and Les Flâneries Musicales d’Été de Reims in France, Festival Pianistico Internazionale Arturo Benedetti Michelangeli and Settimane Musicali al Teatro Olimpico in Italy, festivals in Lithuania, Shanghai Spring International Music Festival and at the National Philharmonic Hall in Warsaw. Since 2006, the orchestra has become a regular guest at La Folle Journée in Tokyo with returned visits in 2007, 2009 and 2010. In 2010, the orchestra will make its début in Beijing at the National Centre for the Performing Arts and in South America in Rio de Janeiro, São Paulo and Montevideo. It will also return to Shanghai to perform at the China Shanghai International Arts Festival (Hong Kong SAR Programme for Expo 2010 Shanghai – Hong Kong Week Closing Performance).


音樂總監 Music Director

香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta 小提琴 Violin 格德霍特

大提琴 Cello James CUDDEFORD Concertmaster Designate



Joseph VICKERS Associate Concertmaster



LE Hoai-nam Second Violin Principal





小號 Trumpet

● 張培節

CHANG Pei-chieh

● 馮嘉興

FUNG Ka-hing

▼ 貝樂安

Laurent PERRIN

▼ 顏熾權

Joseph NGAN




HO Kwok-chee Karey


PARK Si-won


WONG Ka-fai David

長號 Trombone



● 新妻裕子 Yuko NIITSUMA 陳學賢 CHAN Hok-yin

Second Violin Assistant Principal


CAI Ying-qiong

低音大提琴 Double Bass


Sylvia CHOW

● 永井雅美






LAM Sun-chun

長笛 Flute


Ambrose LUI

● 翁斯貝


LUO Wei-min


PANG Hiu-wan




TENG Yuk Sophia


WONG Yu-cheung


YIP Siu-hay

單簧管 Clarinet


Jonathan YUEN

● 方曉佳




低音長號 Bass Trombone 江子文

KONG Tze-man Jason

大號 Tuba WENG Si-bei

● 林榮燦

LAM Wing-tsan

Akiyo UESUGI 定音鼓 Timpani

雙簧管 Oboe 福原真美

● 村本曉洋 Akihiro MURAMOTO Mami FUKUHARA 敲擊樂 Percussion

陳秋媛 中提琴 Viola

● 周展彤 FONG Hiu-kai Johnny


CHAU Chin-tung Mandy LO

CHEN Chiu-yuan 豎琴 Harp

● 陳子信

CHAN Tsz-shun Elvis

巴松管 Bassoon

▽ 劉琛彥

LAU Sum-yin

● 秦慶生




Cecilia HO


NGAN Sing-on


WU Shee-lok

● 首席


▼ 助理首席

Assistant Principal

▽ 署理助理首席 Acting Assistant Principal


葉詠詩 YIP Wing-sie


● 黃士倫


CHIN Hing-sang Minako TAGUCHI

鍵琴 Keyboard ● 周琬婷

圓號 Horn 東出真澄



SHUM Hing-cheung


Benny KWAN

CHOW Yuen-ting Eunice

駐團藝術家 Artist Associates 2010/2011 Jason Lai

香港小交響樂團自 2006 年起舉辦「駐團藝術家」計劃,由音樂總監葉詠詩邀請不同範疇的藝術家在樂季中以不同形式與樂 團交流和合作,亦為古典音樂創造新的可能性。過去的駐團藝術家包括集合流行/爵士/古典音樂於一身的作曲家伍卓賢、 葛蘭傑弦樂四重奏及作曲家兼多媒體創作人楊嘉輝。 2010/2011 年樂季,上樂季的駐團藝術家、指揮黎志華將繼續留任,此 外我們亦邀得香港鋼琴天之驕女李嘉齡加入成為新任駐團藝術家。 除了指揮和主持多場音樂會,黎志華於本樂季亦會參與樂團舉辦的教育計劃。黎志華在2002年至2005年擔任BBC 愛樂的助 理指揮,亦在歐洲及亞洲各地指揮音樂會,近年常參與 BBC電台及電視台的古典音樂節目,並熱衷於教育工作。畢業於英國 吉爾德霍爾音樂及戲劇學院和牛津大學的黎志華曾贏取多個比賽獎項,包括BBC青年指揮家工作坊大賽。 李嘉齡過去已跟樂團合作無間,去年就曾經一起在意大利演奏三場音樂會。本樂季,她除了會跟我們演奏協奏曲及出訪南 美,更會在新推出的《樂聚一小時》系列跟我們演奏室樂作品。李嘉齡在 2005 年的波蘭華沙蕭邦國際鋼琴大賽中獲得第六 名,成為首位於該大賽獲獎的香港人,此外也是多個大賽的冠軍得主,並常獲邀到歐美及亞洲各地演出。 The Artist Associate Scheme aims to provide a platform for intensive collaboration with an individual artist or group during the course of the season, when new ideas and initiatives are explored to expand the horizon of classical music. First launched in 2006, a diverse range of artists have since participated in the scheme: classical/jazz/pop composer Ng Cheuk-yin, Grainger Quartet, composer/multi-media artist Samson Young and conductor Jason Lai. Jason Lai continues his work with the orchestra this season and will conduct more concerts and contribute to our educational initiatives. A cellist, pianist and composer by training, Jason Lai was Assistant Conductor to the BBC Philharmonic from 2002 to 2005 as the winner of the BBC Young Conductors Workshop. Colleen Lee Today, apart from conducting in Europe and Asia, he is also a broadcaster for the BBC and a keen educator. Pianist Colleen Lee will join as our new Artist Associate and collaborate with the orchestra in a variety of exciting projects ranging from concerto performances and chamber concerts to multi-media performances. A true Hong Kong star, Colleen Lee was the first Hong Kong pianist ever to reach the final of the prestigious Chopin International Piano Competition in Warsaw, 2005, and has also won a number of other international competitions.


香港小交響樂團有限公司 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 榮譽監察委員 金董建平女士

Honorary Governors


Ms Serena YANG

監察委員會 施永青先生(主席)

Board of Governors

陳鋈鋆先生 鍾樹根先生


康繼弘女士 林煥樟博士 羅文鈺教授

Mrs Mary LAM

李敬天先生 李再唐先生 梁進強先生

Mr Frank LEE

請支持 香港小交響樂團 Support Us

Mrs Alice KING

好音樂,由此起 香港小交響樂團的發展有賴您的贊助或捐 款,以資助我們的學生票、教育音樂會、 委約新作、培育新一代音樂家,讓我們能 夠為香港帶來更豐富的藝術空間。

Mr SHIH Wing-ching (Chairman) Mr CHUNG Shu-kun

義務核數師 安永會計師事務所

Honorary Auditor

義務公司秘書 卓佳登捷時有限公司

Honorary Company Secretary

Mr Patrick LEE


Honorary Legal Consultant

Mr Andrew LEUNG



羅榮生先生 陳智文先生

Mr Vincent LO

義務骨科專科醫生 傅偉俊醫生

Honorary Orthopaedic Surgeon



Music Director

曾耀強先生(司庫) 萬美宜女士 黃奕鑑先生 王學良先生


音樂總監 葉詠詩 駐團藝術家 黎志華 李嘉齡

Artist Associates

行政總裁 楊惠

Chief Executive Officer

Dr Steven LAM Prof Japhet LAW

Mr Stephen TAN (Treasurer)

Ms Christine VAN Mr Michael Y K WONG Mr Paul WONG

Ernst & Young Tricor Tengis Limited

Dr Dan HOOLEY YIP Wing-sie Jason LAI Colleen LEE Margaret YANG

* From 1 May 2010, Lovells will combine with Hogan & Hartson to form Hogan Lovells,


subject to regulatory clearance.

Help us lead the way in bringing good music to everyone Your support is vital to fund student tickets, educational concerts, new works, new talent and to help our mission to bring classical music closer to all parts of our community. Please support our work by making a donation or becoming a sponsor, and be part of investing in a cultural tomorrow. See p11 or visit the Support Us page at

2010/2011年樂季贊助機構 Sponsors of the 2010/2011 Season 感謝以下熱心人士及機構本樂季對香港小交響樂團的支持! Thank you to the following individuals and corporations whose support has enabled us to bring you a variety of programmes this season.

主要贊助機構 Major Sponsors

商業機構贊助計劃 Corporate Members 白金會員 Platinum Members

「香港古典音樂的觀眾層面能夠不斷擴大, 葉詠詩和小交都居功至偉。」 《音響技術》

感謝以下各機構對香港小交響樂團一直的支持! Thank you to the following parties for their continued support! CASH音樂基金 CASH Music Fund The Fleming 法國駐港澳總領事館 Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong et Macao 民政事務局 Home Affairs Bureau 康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 香港電台 Radio Television Hong Kong 太古港島東 Swire Island East 通利琴行 Tom Lee Music Co Ltd


多謝 Thank you 香港小交響樂團對以下熱心人士及機構在去年(2009/2010)的捐款致以衷心謝意。 Thank you to the individuals, foundations and corporations who supported us in the last season (2009/2010).

贊助人及捐款者 Patrons & Donors SuperSTAR Patrons (HK$100,000 to HK$499,999)

施永青基金有限公司 Shih Wing Ching Foundation Ltd 芝蘭文化基金 Zhilan Foundation STARplus Donors (HK$30,000 to HK$99,999) Asia Financial Group 信興教育及慈善基金 Shun Hing Education and Charity Fund Dr K H Chan 多位無名氏Anonymous 梁烈安先生及夫人 Mr & Mrs Leung Lit-on STAR Donors (HK$10,000 to HK$29,999) 查懋成及史美倫 Victor & Laura Cha 陳德茂教授 Prof Daniel T M Chan 陳真光醫生 Dr Jane C K Chan 陳求德醫生及夫人 Dr & Mrs Chan Kow Tak Ella Cheong (HK) 張黎慧文 Vivian W M Cheung

張綺年醫生 Dr Vivian Y N Cheung The Dedicated Violinist Fund Stephanie & Amelie Jat 郭立成律師 Dr Arthur van Langenberg 莫扎特迷 Mozart’s Fan 柏斯琴行 Parsons Music Ruth & Sidney

The STG Group (in fond memory of Mr Sin Sing Chiu) 通利琴行 Tom Lee Music Co Ltd Eric Tsang Patrick & Selena Tsang Ada Tse & James Yang Michael Y K Wong 多位無名氏 Anonymous

Table Patrons of the 2009 Gala Evening Head Table

施永青基金有限公司 Shih Wing Ching Foundation Ltd Platinum Table 中原地產代理有限公司Centaline Property Agency Ltd 陳鋈鋆 Chan Yuk-kwan 施永青基金有限公司 Shih Wing Ching Foundation Ltd 詹德隆 T L Tsim 楊雪姬 Serena Yang Gold Table 蔡建中Choi Kin Chung 康繼弘Mary Lam Chien Lee 羅榮生Vincent W S Lo Sal Oppenheim (Hong Kong) Limited Yip Wing-sie

Silver Table 林煥樟博士 Dr Steven Woon-cheong Lam 萬美宜 Christine Van 王學良 Paul Wong

Donors (HK$1,000 – HK$9,999) Believing Music Can Mr & Mrs M D W Bowker 加拿大琴行 Canada Piano Co Prof Johannes Chan P S Chan The Hon Paul M P Chan 陳葆酉 Po Chan Prof Sophia Chan Chau, Ku & Leung Architects & Engineers Ltd 陳樂怡 Laura Chen 鄭慧博士 Prof David Clarke 柏德學校校友 An Engineer Stephen Eno


Foon Hei Cats 馮新健 John Sun-kin Fung 孔令華 Hung Ling Wah 席信 Paul Jackson 官陳靜珊 Tasha Lalvani 紀念劉葉珍女士 Loretta Lee Ming Lee 梁鎮宇 Allan Leung 林純慧 Amy LY Lok Philippe de Marcillac 大通會計事務所 Masterpoint Professional Limited

Martin Matsui N W F Ng Patricia Or Stefan & Carolyn Robertsson Colin Russel Sun Wai Ying Amy Tam Ethan Tsang & Anton Tsang Henry & Esther Tsang Paul Tsang Tsui Lap Lee Anson Wong 黃乃禧 Wong Nai Hay Russell Yeh 多位無名氏 Anonymous

Premium Friends of the 2009/2010 Season 藝倡畫廊 Alisan Fine Arts – Alice King Gallery Thomas H C Cheung 馮元志Louis Fung 關啟昌Kwan Kai Cheong Timothy Lam

李韶博士及李梅以菁博士 Dr Lee Shiu & Dr Jennie Mui Lee 顏安德Ngan On Tak 岑啟基Robert Shum 冼為堅David Sin Wai-kin 萬美宜Christine Van 無名氏Anonymous

捐款回條 Donation Form

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您可用以下途徑捐款: • 登入我們的網頁 在「支持我們」版頁以信用咭 在網上付款。 或 • 填妥此回條連同支票或信用咭 資料寄回給我們。 You can make a donation in the following ways: • Make a secure online payment by credit card by visiting the Support Us page at OR • Complete this form and send to us with your cheque or credit card details.

For donation and sponsorship enquiries, please contact the Development Manager at





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我以下列方式捐款 I would like to make my donation using the following method:

劃線支票 Crossed cheque (抬頭請填「香港小交響樂團有限公司」Payable to “HK Sinfonietta Ltd”)

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地址 Address

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請將回條寄回香港灣仔譚臣道 98 號運盛大廈 3 樓,或傳真至 2783 9819 ,謝謝。 Please return this form to 3/F Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong, or fax to 2783 9819. Thank you.


音樂會分類索引Concert index by series





Great Piano Concertos: Peter Donohoe Plays Brahms p17

蕭邦第二鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: Cédric Tiberghien Plays Chopin



法國五月:香港小交響樂團.《幻想交響曲》 Le French May: Nemanja Radulovic & Hong Kong Sinfonietta



Great Piano Concertos: Colleen Lee Plays Prokofiev p25

舒密特小提琴獨奏會 Benjamin Schmid Violin Recital



《最愛小提琴》:貝多芬小提琴協奏曲 Great Violin Concertos: Benjamin Schmid Plays Beethoven





18 & 19.2.2011


Know Your Classical Music: Schumann

Stravinsky’s A Soldier’s Story





擊情• Martin Grubinger Percussion Fantastic

Great Cello Concertos: Li Wei Qin Plays Schumann p39

葉詠詩• 西崎崇子• 莫華倫 For the Love of Music



HKS for Kids: Fantastic Creatures



14 -16.1.2011


Christopher Hogwood & Hong Kong Sinfonietta



HKS for Kids: Story of Mozart







Tchaikovsky: Pathétique





Great Piano Concertos: Peter Donohoe Plays Tchaikovsky




2011香港藝術節: 《最愛小提琴》:柴可夫斯基小提琴協奏曲 HK Arts Festival 2011: Great Violin Concertos: Ray Chen Plays Tchaikovsky





最 HIT 電影名曲 6 - 戀戀夏日

北京之旅 HKS in Beijing : 第二屆中國交響樂之春

23 -25.7.2010

The 2nd Spring of the Chinese Symphony

Sounds Great! 6 - Summer Lovin’ p27


Hit TV Music Themes





CLP Light Classics



香港國際電影節:《大都會》(終極修復版) HK International Film Festival: Fritz Lang’s Metropolis (The Final Restored Version) p18


日本之旅 HKS in Japan : 東京《熱狂 日》音樂祭: 蕭邦 宇宙


La Folle Journée: “The Universe of Chopin”



Disney in Concert




Good Music This Day p29


香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta @ ArtisTree

南美之旅 HKS in South America : 巴西及烏拉圭


Brazil & Uruguay



香港芭蕾舞團:《睡美人》 p35

上海之旅 HKS in Shanghai : 香港特區參與2010年上海世博會節目— 香港周閉幕節目 A Hong Kong SAR Programme for Expo 2010 Shanghai — Hong Kong Week Closing Performance

The Hong Kong Ballet: The Sleeping Beauty


香港芭蕾舞團:《胡桃夾子》 The Hong Kong Ballet: The Nutcracker


Great Piano Concertos: Peter Donohoe Plays Tchaikovsky Brahms

“Exhilarating.” The Daily Telegraph

音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor



鋼琴 Piano



星期五 Fri 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $280, $200, $120

星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $280, $200, $120

多諾浩 Peter Donohoe 笙 Sheng

盧思泓 Loo Sze-wang 陳慶恩 柴可夫斯基 舒曼 Chan Hing-yan

《鳳舞九天》為笙及樂隊而作 (世界首演) 降B小調第一鋼琴協奏曲,作品 23 C大調第二交響曲,作品61 Hark the Phoenix Soaring High for sheng & orchestra (world première)

Tchaikovsky Schumann

20% OFF 凡同時購買兩場音樂會之 正價門票,可獲8折優惠

Get a 20% discount when you purchase full-price tickets to both concerts

Piano Concerto No 1 in B-flat minor, Op 23 Symphony No 2 in C, Op 61

陳慶恩 舒曼 布拉姆斯 Chan Hing-yan

《鳳舞九天》為笙及樂隊而作 D小調第四交響曲,作品120 降B大調第二鋼琴協奏曲,作品83 Hark the Phoenix Soaring High for sheng & orchestra

Schumann Brahms

Symphony No 4 in D minor, Op 120 Piano Concerto No 2 in B-flat, Op 83

英國鋼琴大師多諾浩 2008 年與樂團演奏拉赫曼 尼諾夫全套四首鋼琴協奏曲,其超凡演繹震撼 不少樂迷,是次重臨獻技,演奏兩首膾炙人口 的鋼琴協奏曲,為樂團新樂季打響頭炮。 Hailed by many as one of the greatest living British pianists, Peter Donohoe opens Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s new season with two of the best-loved romantic piano concertos ever. 2010年是舒曼誕生200周年紀念,樂團於本樂季會演奏他全部 四首交響曲,在這兩場音樂會先演奏第二和第四交響曲。

2010 marks the 200th anniversary of Schumann’s birth. The orchestra is playing all four of his symphonies this season and begins with No 2 and No 4 in these two concerts.

14 14

Peter Donohoe


葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie

門票於城市電腦售票網發售Tickets available at URBTIX

Loo Sze-wang

Yip Wing-sie

18.4.2010 (星期日 sun) 2:30-5:30pm 連串精彩節目!

在音樂廳舉行之音樂會於3:15pm開始 Performance at Concert Hall begins at 3:15pm

香港大會堂Hong Kong City Hall 查詢 Enquiries: 2836 3336 |

北京之旅 HKS in Beijing

第二屆中國交響樂之春 The 2nd Spring of the Chinese Symphony 23.4.2010 北京 Bejing

星期五 Fri 7:30pm 國家大劇院音樂廳 The National Centre for the Performing Arts Concert Hall 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 鋼琴 Piano

多諾浩 Peter Donohoe 笙 Sheng

盧思泓 Loo Sze-wang

由中國國家大劇院舉辦的第二屆中國交響樂之春以「醇香.新韻」 Peter Donohoe 為題,雲集中國十多個交響樂團,展示中國交響樂的傳統勁旅以 及新創作品。音樂總監葉詠詩特別為國內觀眾送上香港作曲家陳 慶恩為笙及樂隊而作的《鳳舞九天》,由香港笙演奏家盧思泓及 Loo Sze-wang 樂團奏出一段段中與西、傳統與現代的對話。 The 2nd Spring of the Chinese Symphony showcases a combination of traditional masterpieces and new compositions performed by outstanding orchestras and musicians in China. Hong Kong Sinfonietta will play a commissioned work by local composer Chan Hing-yan, Hark the Phoenix Soaring High.

陳慶恩 《鳳舞九天》為笙及樂隊而作 柴可夫斯基 降B小調第一鋼琴協奏曲,作品 23 舒曼 C大調第二交響曲,作品61 Chan Hing-yan Hark the Phoenix Soaring High for sheng & orchestra Tchaikovsky Piano Concerto No 1 in B-flat minor, Op 23 Schumann Symphony No 2 in C, Op 61

16 16

門票 Tickets :

Chan Hing-yan

Yip Wing-sie

蕭邦第二鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: Cédric Tiberghien Plays Chopin

Winner of Long-Thibaud Competition “Tiberghien’s approach has all the requisite poetry, fire and colour… this is how Chopin himself played when he was on good form.” International Record Review “Very close to what we know about Chopin’s own playing.” The Telegraph

Cédric Tiberghien

星期四 Thu 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $280, $200, $120 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 鋼琴 Piano

堤伯肯恩 Cédric Tiberghien 敲擊 Percussion

周展彤 Chau Chin-tung

© Eric Manas

伍卓賢 《白》為中國敲擊及樂隊而作 蕭邦 F小調第二鋼琴協奏曲,作品 21 舒曼 降B大調第一交響曲,作品38,「春」 Ng Cheuk-yin White for Chinese percussion & orchestra Chopin Piano Concerto No 2 in F minor, Op 21 Schumann Symphony No 1 in B-flat, Op 38, “Spring”

堤伯肯恩是位光芒四射的法國鋼琴家、樂評推崇至極 的蕭邦演繹者,有評論說過他「能帶出蕭邦音樂裡一 切應有的詩意、火花及音色—蕭邦本人就是像他這 樣演奏」。 Cédric Tiberghien is one of the most exciting pianists to emerge from France in recent years, having won extraordinary praise from critics worldwide. Come and listen to his Chopin!


Chau Chin-tung Yip Wing-sie 門票於城市電腦售票網發售Tickets available at URBTIX


日本之旅 HKS in Japan

東京《熱狂 日》音樂祭: 蕭邦 宇宙 La Folle Journée: “The Universe of Chopin” 2-4.5.2010

香港小交響樂團第四度獲邀參與東京《熱狂 日》音樂祭,演出五場音樂會!今年的主題「蕭 邦 宇宙」特別為慶祝蕭邦誕生200周年而設,一連三日,來自世界各地的出色音樂家將演奏 蕭邦及一些同期作曲家的音樂,日以繼夜舉行超過300場音樂會,實為樂壇一大盛事!

東京國際會議中心 Tokyo International Forum

Hong Kong Sinfonietta has been invited back for the fourth time to La Folle Journée where it will perform five concerts. This year, to celebrate Chopin’s 200th birthday, the festival features music by the great composer and his contemporaries. Over the course of just three days, an incredible 300 concerts will be performed by distinguished artists and ensembles from all over the world, living up the festival’s name, which literally means “Days of Enthusiasm” (or Madness)!

東京 Tokyo

音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie

La Folle Journée originated in Nantes, France in 1995 and has since spread to Bilbao, Lisbon, Japan and Rio de Janeiro, becoming an important event in the music festival calendar.

鋼琴 Piano

科羅拜尼哥夫 Andrei Korobeinikov 科錫克 Marcin Koziak ^ 堤伯肯恩 Cédric Tiberghien*

首屆《熱狂k日》 音樂祭於1995年 在法國南特舉行, 此後推及至西班牙畢 爾包、葡萄牙里斯本、 巴西里約熱內盧及日本東京等地。


小提琴 Violin

© Julianna Voloz

竹澤恭子 Kyoko Takezawa +

Yip Wing-sie

Andrei Korobeinikov

Marcin Koziak

Chopin Chopin Chopin Chopin Mendelssohn Mendelssohn Schumann

18 18

門票 Tickets :

Cédric Tiberghien

Kyoko Takezawa

Piano Concerto No 1 in E minor, Op 11# Piano Concerto No 2 in F minor, Op 21* Krakowiak, Op 14 ^ Variations on Là ci darem la mano, Op 2# Fingal’s Cave, Op 26 Violin Concerto in E minor, Op 64 + Symphony No 4 in D minor, Op 120

《法國五月》 藝術節節目 An event of

香港小交響樂團 •《幻想交響曲》 Nemanja Radulovic & Hong Kong Sinfonietta 15.5.2010 星期六 Sat 8:00pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320, $220, $120

這是一場精彩萬分的法國音樂會!白遼士 的《幻想交響曲》是浪漫時期的重要交響 作品,描述一位情困音樂家的愛情奇想— 甜蜜、絕望、瘋狂⋯⋯各種光怪陸離的幻 覺一一化成音符。賴杜洛維奇的演奏充滿 魅力、技巧高超,被譽為「小提琴的魔法 師」。他將演繹聖桑極富戲劇性的第三小提 琴協奏曲。

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 小提琴 Violin

賴杜洛維奇 Nemanja Radulovic

Award-winning violinist Nemanja Radulovic sets pulses racing wherever he plays. The Strad compared him with Szeryng and Perlman, French critics called him “a violinist who sings at every moment”, and his “impeccable and breathtaking virtuosity” has wowed critics and audiences alike.

佛瑞 《帕凡舞曲》,作品50 聖桑 B小調第三小提琴協奏曲,作品 61 白遼士 《幻想交響曲》,作品14 Fauré Pavane, Op 50 Saint-Saëns Violin Concerto No 3 in B minor, Op 61 Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique, Op 14

Nemanja Radulovic

“Sorcerer of the violin.” Classica “Simply irresistible.”

© Caroline Doutre - Transart

Yip Wing-sie

音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor


Winner of: Hannover International Violin Competition International “George Enescu” Violin Competition

獨家贊助 Exclusive sponsor

Antonio Stradivarius Competition (2nd Prize)

聯合主辦 Co-presenter 贊助場地及售票服務 Venue and ticketing services sponsored by

門票於城市電腦售票網發售Tickets available at URBTIX


李嘉齡 • 浦羅哥菲夫鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: Colleen Lee Plays Prokofiev 29.5.2010 星期六 Sat 8:00pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $280, $200, $120 指揮 Conductor

威爾遜 Dorian Wilson

香港鋼琴天之驕女李嘉齡曾在多個大賽奪冠, 2005 年在地位 崇高的波蘭華沙國際蕭邦鋼琴比賽中獲得第六名,成為首位 於該大賽獲獎的香港人,經常穿梭歐、美及亞洲各地演出。 她將演奏浦羅哥菲夫最受歡迎的鋼琴協奏曲。 Colleen Lee is a true Hong Kong star, being the first Hong Kong pianist ever to reach the final of the prestigious Chopin International Piano Competition in Warsaw in 2005. She performs widely in Europe, America and Asia.

駐團藝術家/鋼琴 Artist Associate/Piano

李嘉齡 Colleen Lee 巴托克 《匈牙利素描》 浦羅哥菲夫 C大調第三鋼琴協奏曲,作品 26 德伏扎克 E小調第九交響曲,作品95,「新世界」 Bartók Hungarian Sketches Prokofiev Piano Concerto No 3 in C, Op 26 Dvorˇák Symphony No 9 in E minor, Op 95, “From the New World”

Dorian Wilson •

Former Music Director of Belgrade Philharmonic

Prize-winner of many competitions including Dimitris Mitropoulos, Kiril Kondrashin, Tokyo International, Antonio Pedrotti, Arturo Toscanini, Nicolai Malko and Jean Sibelius competitions

20 20

門票於城市電腦售票網發售Tickets available at URBTIX

Colleen Lee

收錄首首必聽名曲,特別推介: 柴可夫斯基《胡桃夾子》組曲、比才《卡門》組曲、 巴赫《G弦上的詠嘆調》、莫扎特《費加洛的婚禮》序曲、 羅西尼《威廉.泰爾》序曲、西貝遼士《芬蘭頒》、 杜卡《魔法師的門徒》

《就是古典音樂》第一集銷量超越金唱片, 傳媒熱烈讚賞: 「選曲十分精彩,樂曲表演十分理想, 這是近十年香港樂團灌錄唱片最有誠意之作。」 《明報週刊》

A Classical Album for Everyone! A brand new double CD set by Yip Wing-sie and Hong Kong Sinfonietta, featuring essential masterpieces by Bach, Mozart, Tchaikovsky, Bizet and many more. The previous album sold over 13,000 copies!

「整個樂團的合拍,弦樂的綿密, 銅管的璀璨與及敲擊樂的 激情完全叫人驚喜萬分,Bravo!」 《音響技術》 「這就是真正好音樂的魔力。」 《壹週刊》 「專輯中的樂章統統廣為人識, 演繹水準出眾。」 《快週刊》

於各大唱片店有售 Available at major record stores

香港小交響樂團Hong Kong Sinfonietta @ ArtisTree SIU2

不一樣的音樂體驗:香港小交響樂團將於城中最新最熱的表演藝 術場地 ArtisTree 舉行一系列免費的一小時音樂會,當中包括令 人期待的跨界合作! This season, enjoy good music with Hong Kong Sinfonietta in a BRAND NEW WAY. Join us this June at ArtisTree, one of the newest and hottest performing arts venues in town. Over two weeks, we have in store for you a series of cutting-edge programmes and exciting genre-bending collaborations! Each concert is one-hour long and free!

Samson Young


ArtisTree 港島東太古坊康和大廈一樓 1/F Cornwall House, TaiKoo Place, Island East 港�����A出口或 上落客區:太古坊濠豐大廈地下 Quarry Bay MTR Station Exit A or car drop-off point at G/F, Oxford House, TaiKoo Place

免費入場 Free Admission 入場年齡:六歲或以上 Admission age: 6 or above Except 26.6 All Things Strings for Family(合家歡版)除外: 三歲或以上 3 or above

場地查詢 Venue enquiries: 2284 4877 |


Matthew Barley © Nick White

節目查詢 Programme enquiries: 2836 3336 |

詳情請於稍後參閱音樂會單張或 | For more details, please refer to concert leaflets or closer to the concert dates

(from left to right:) Xiong Yin, Elvis Chan, Colleen Lee, James Cuddeford & Le Hoai-nam in Schumann’s Piano Quintet

18 & 19.6 星期五及六 Fri & Sat 7pm

《電動兒時情景》 Electric Kinderszenen 為鋼琴、裝置藝術和電子聲效而作 for piano, site-specific installation & electronics

究竟何謂「 兒童文學」?當中故事情 節適合兒童閱讀與否,又由誰人判定? 作曲家楊嘉輝將舒曼的鋼琴組曲《兒時 情景》解構重組,以多媒體形式演繹舒 曼百年經典,再探兒童文學新義。 Samson Young's Electric Kinderszenen will turn Robert Schumann's best-loved piano set of 13 pieces for children Scenes from Childhood into a sitespecific multimedia project for piano that challenges, exploits and expands the notion of appropriateness in children's literature. 作曲/裝置藝術 Composer/Installation Artist

楊嘉輝 Samson Young

駐團藝術家/鋼琴 Artist Associate/Piano

李嘉齡 Colleen Lee 8:15-9pm 演後藝人談

Post-concert UNWRAPPED with Samson Young

21 & 22.6

星期一及二 Mon & Tue 7pm

Relaxin’ After Work : Shake it off with Matthew Barley

25.6 星期五 Fri 7pm 香港小交響樂團 All Things Strings

鬆弛神經的大提琴獨奏音樂。 Come stretch your body or relax your mind to an hour of melancholic and soothing cello works.

動人的弦樂作品,包括皮亞梭拉、 舒 曼 、 柴 可 夫 斯 基 及 Simon and Garfunkel 的音樂。 Dazzle to the music of Piazzolla, Schumann, Tchaikovsky, Simon and Garfunkel & more

大提琴 Cello

大提琴 Cello

巴利 Matthew Barley

巴利 Matthew Barley 香港小交響樂團弦樂部 Strings section of Hong Kong Sinfonietta

24.6 星期四 Thu 7pm

26.6 星期六 Sat 3pm

滲透探戈、爵士樂及西班牙色彩的鋼琴 三重奏音樂。 Infused with jazz, Klezmer, tango & Spanish flavour, highlights include Primavera Porteña by Piazzolla, Café Trio by Schoenfield, Suite Populaire Espagnol by Falla & more.

All Things Strings for Family(合家歡版)

Happy Hour: Tango a Tres

小提琴 Violin

格德霍特 James Cuddeford 大提琴 Cello

巴利 Matthew Barley 駐團藝術家/鋼琴 Artist Associate/Piano

李嘉齡 Colleen Lee

香港小交響樂團 節目與25.6《香港小交響樂團 All Things Strings》一樣。此合家歡版會由巴利擔 任主持。(歡迎三歲及以上大小朋友出 席/以英語進行) Same programme as the All Things Strings concert on 25.6. Matthew Barley will take you on a musical journey at this family fun concert. (In English, for aged 3 & above)

26.6 星期六 Sat 9pm onwards Late Night Crossing with SIU2

本地組合SIU2的成員來自中西流行古典 音樂各個界別,把千奇百怪的城市面貌 融入音樂當中,以無限創意造出香港獨 有的新音樂。香港小交響樂團樂師亦會 參與演奏。 Founded by composer Ng Cheuk-yin, SIU2 is known for its ground-breaking and innovative music combining bizarre city soundscapes into eclectic fusion of musical details. (Also featuring members of Hong Kong Sinfonietta)

28 & 29.6

星期一及二 Mon & Tue 7pm

Relaxin’ After Work : Chamber Music for All 兩晚節目不同,讓您輕鬆欣賞包括舒曼 鋼琴五重奏的經典室樂作品。 Jump start your week with some of the most beloved chamber music masterpieces including Schumann’s Piano Quintet.


最HIT 電影名曲Sounds Great! 6 戀戀夏日Summer Lovin’ 4.7.2010 星期日 Sun 3:00pm 香港文化中心音樂廳 HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall $220, $180, $140, $100 駐團藝術家/指揮/主持 Artist Associate/Conductor/Presenter

黎志華 Jason Lai


本樂季的《最 HIT 電影名曲》以愛情為主題,由黎志華 指揮、管弦樂團演奏包括《時光倒流七十年》、《星光 伴我心》、《齊瓦哥醫生》及《阿甘正傳》等經典電影 的音樂。 This concert is guaranteed to tug at your heartstrings as Jason Lai conducts some of the best movie music with the theme of LOVE from classic pictures including Somewhere In Time, Cinema Paradiso, Dr Zhivago, Forrest Gump, among others.

票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 4.5.2010

施密特小提琴獨奏會 Benjamin Schmid Violin Recital “His golden tone, immaculate intonation, faultless technique…truly things of wonder.” The Strad

8.7.2010 星期四 Thu 8:00pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $260, $180, $100

Benjamin Schmid 小提琴 Violin

Winner of: Carl Flesch Competition

施密特 Benjamin Schmid

(First Prize, Beethoven Prize, Mozart Prize and Audience Prize)

Yehudi Menuhin International Competition His many recordings have won international acclaim: Deutscher Schallplattenpreis, Gramophone Editor’s Choice and Echo Klassik Preis

鋼琴 Piano

拉錫克 Dejan Lazic´

莫扎特 F大調小提琴奏鳴曲,K376 貝多芬 C小調第七小提琴奏鳴曲,作品 30之2 拉威爾 G大調第二小提琴奏鳴曲 蓋希文/海費茲 《波吉與貝絲》組曲 Mozart Violin Sonata in F, K376 Beethoven Violin Sonata No 7 in C minor, Op 30 No 2 Ravel Violin Sonata No 2 in G Gershwin/Heifetz Porgy and Bess Suite

20% OFF Dejan Lazic´

© Felix Bröde

© Borgreve

“[Dejan Lazic´] shines like a new star.” The Scotsman

凡同時購買 7月8及10日音樂會 之正價門票,可獲 8 折優惠 Get a 20% discount when you purchase full-price tickets to both concerts on 8 & 10 July

票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 8.5.2010


星期六 Sat 8:00pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $280, $200, $120 指揮 Conductor

楚嘉文 Ariel Zuckermann Chief conductor, Georgian Chamber Orchestra

施密特於國際樂壇地位舉足輕重,他那迷人的音 色、無懈可擊的技巧、獨一無二的個人風格,使他 成為當今最備受注目的小提琴家之一。 Hailed as “one of the most valuable of today’s golden-ageviolinists” by The New York Sun, and compared to Fritz Kreisler by many critics, Benjamin Schmid is one of today’s top violinists. Secure a ticket early to hear him play the great Beethoven concerto.

© Julia Wesely


《最愛小提琴》:貝多芬小提琴協奏曲 Great Violin Concertos: Benjamin Schmid Plays Beethoven

小提琴 Violin

施密特 Benjamin Schmid

20% OFF 凡同時購買7月8及10日音樂會 之正價門票,可獲8折優惠 Get a 20% discount when you purchase full-price tickets to both concerts on 8 & 10 July

羅西尼 《威廉.泰爾》序曲 D大調小提琴協奏曲,作品61 貝多芬 蕭斯達高維契 降E大調第九交響曲,作品70 Rossini William Tell Overture Beethoven Violin Concerto in D, Op 61 Shostakovich Symphony No 9 in E-flat, Op 70

© Felix Bröde

Ariel Zuckermann


票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 8.5.2010

Benjamin Schmid

“Profoundly musical.” The Gramophone

電視金曲今晚夜 Hit TV Music Themes 23 & 24.7.2010 星期五及六 Fri & Sat 8:00pm

Yip Wing-sie

樂團演奏多首經典公仔箱金 曲,同大家重溫電視劇黃金年 代!《電視金曲今晚夜》由多媒 體創作人楊嘉輝執導、爆笑組 合朱凌凌「領銜主演」、多位本 地藝術家創作錄像,合力炮製 �������音樂會! Hong Kong Sinfonietta plays beloved theme tunes from unforgettable TV dramas, taking you on a trip down memory lane — in a most creative way.

25.7.2010 星期日 Sun 3:00pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $250, $180, $120 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie


藝術統籌 Artistic Direction

楊嘉輝 Samson Young

特別嘉賓 Special Guests

朱凌凌 JuicyNing

編曲 Music Arrangements

伍卓賢 Ng Cheuk-yin

票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 23.5.2010


莫扎特小故事 Story of Mozart

Who is Mozart? Why is he so famous? What is so special about his music? Find out more with conductor Jason Lai, as he weaves the story of Mozart in this lively, imaginative family concert.

5-7.8.2010 星期四至六 Thu-Sat 7:30pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $220, $150, $100 主要以英語演出 Mainly in English

根據歷史記載,大名鼎鼎的天才音樂 家莫扎特其實好貪玩。他有甚麼有趣 的故事?他有甚麼著名的作品?想知 更多?這個暑假,一起發掘!

Albert Lim

駐團藝術家/指揮/主持 Artist Associate/Conductor/Presenter

黎志華 Jason Lai 男中音 Baritone

Weng Si-bei

林俊 Albert Lim 長笛 Flute

翁斯貝 Weng Si-bei 小提琴 Violin

李海南 Le Hoai-nam 中提琴 Viola

Le Hoai-nam

陳子信 Chan Tsz-shun Elvis

Jason Lai

多首莫扎特作品之選段:弦樂小夜曲、《魔笛》、 《唐.喬望尼》、「朱庇特」交響曲、第一長笛協奏曲 及交響協奏曲等等 Excerpts from works by Mozart including Eine Kleine Nachtmusik, The Magic Flute, Don Giovanni, Jupiter Symphony, Flute Concerto No 1 & Sinfonia Concertante


票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 14.5.2010

Illustration: Mok Wing Hung

Chan Tsz-shun Elvis

Sala São Paulo

南美之旅 HKS in South America 12-16.8.2010

Hong Kong Sinfonietta makes its début on the South American continent this summer, giving a total of five concerts in Brazil and Uruguay. The programme includes works by local composers Chan Hing-yan and Ng Cheuk-yin.

巴西里約熱內盧市大劇院 Theatro Municipal do Rio de Janeiro

© Jimmy Luk

香港小交響樂團將首次出訪南美洲,在巴西和烏拉圭舉行共 五場音樂會!與當地觀眾分享的音樂包括兩位香港作曲家陳 慶恩和伍卓賢的作品。

巴西 Brazil

巴西聖保羅音樂廳 Sala São Paulo 巴西SESC-Itaquera


烏拉圭 Uruguay Colleen Lee

Yip Wing-sie

Loo Sze-wang

Chau Chin-tung

Chan Hing-yan

Ng Cheuk-yin

陳慶恩 《鳳舞九天》為笙及樂隊而作 蕭邦 F小調第二鋼琴協奏曲,作品 21 伍卓賢 《白》為中國敲擊及樂隊而作 浦羅哥菲夫 C大調第三鋼琴協奏曲,作品 26 舒曼 D小調第四交響曲,作品 120 蕭斯塔高維契 降E大調第九交響曲,作品70 Chan Hing-yan Hark the Phoenix Soaring High for sheng & orchestra Chopin Piano Concerto No 2 in F minor, Op 21 White for Chinese percussion & orchestra Ng Cheuk-yin Prokofiev Piano Concerto No 3 in C, Op 26 Schumann Symphony No 4 in D minor, Op 120 Shostakovich Symphony No 9 in E-flat, Op 70

烏拉圭蒙特維多索德雷 國家音樂廳 Auditorio Nacional Adela Reta del Sodre, Montevideo 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie

駐團藝術家/鋼琴 Artist Associate/Piano

李嘉齡 Colleen Lee 笙 Sheng

盧思泓 Loo Sze-wang 敲擊 Percussion

周展彤 Chau Chin-tung


柴可夫斯基《悲愴》交響曲 Tchaikovsky: Pathétique 11.9.2010 星期六 Sat 8:00pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $250, $180, $120 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie

Yip Wing-sie

鋼琴 Piano

陶康瑞 Conrad Tao

Like the young Mozart, Conrad Tao — currently in his mid-teens — is already an internationally acclaimed piano virtuoso and a promising composer. Born in the USA in 1994, he gave his first public piano recital at age 4, made his concerto début at 8, and has performed under the batons of such luminaries as Eschenbach and Slatkin.

陳怡 《多耶》為室樂團而寫 莫扎特 A大調第23 鋼琴協奏曲,K488 柴可夫斯基 B小調第六交響曲,作品74,「悲愴」 Chen Yi Duo Ye for chamber orchestra Mozart Piano Concerto No 23 in A, K488 Tchaikovsky Symphony No 6 in B minor, Op 74, “Pathétique”

© Ruiming Wang

柴可夫斯基的《悲愴》交響曲是一首絕對觸動人心的作品,他在 1893年指揮了交響曲的首演不足兩星期便與世長辭,令人不禁聯 想,他在創作此曲時已預料到自己的死亡。年輕鋼琴家陶康瑞當 年以神童姿態踏足樂壇,備受矚目。現年 16歲的他已穿梭世界各 地演出,並跟許多世界知名的指揮和樂團合作過。

Conrad Tao

“The most exciting prodigy to ever come my way.” Harry Goldsmith, Musical America

票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 10.7.2010


中電經典樂逍遙 CLP Light Classics 19.9.2010 星期日 Sun 3:00pm 香港文化中心音樂廳 HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall $200, $160, $120, $80 音樂總監/指揮/主持 Music Director/Conductor/Presenter

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 鋼琴 Piano

查海倫 Helen Cha*

星期天下午一家大小開開心心樂聚天倫的好節目!樂團會演奏多首 悅耳動聽的管弦舞曲,準備好隨著節奏擺動您的身體,讓愉快的正 能量注滿全身! Hong Kong Sinfonietta plays a charming programme of uplifting light classics that will make your heart DANCE. Get ready for some fun audience participation, and an influx of positive energy!

演奏曲目包括:小約翰.史特勞斯《春之聲》圓舞曲、 柴可夫斯基圓舞曲、蕭邦《流暢的行板及華麗的波蘭舞曲》*、 韋伯《舞會邀請》,及牙買加倫巴舞曲和《二人茶座》等。

Helen Cha 獨家贊助 Exclusive sponsor


Weber Ponchielli Tchaikovsky Chopin Falla Saint-Saëns Arthur Benjamin Tommy Dorsey Johann Strauss Jr

票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 18.7.2010

Invitation to the Dance Dance of the Hours Serenade in C: Waltz Andante Spianato & Grande Polonaise Brillante* Ritual Fire Dance Danse Macabre Jamaican Rhumba Tea For Two Cha Cha Cha Voices of Spring

Yip Wing-sie

新篇巴羅克 Christopher Hogwood & Hong Kong Sinfonietta 被譽為「早期音樂的卡拉揚」的霍活特,亦是 19 及 20 世紀「新 古典主義」音樂的權威。他於 1973 年成立早期音樂學院樂團, 至今已跟樂團灌錄了超過 200 張唱片,當中獲獎無數。作為一位 知名學者,他也是多家著名院校的客座教授,包括英國皇家音樂 學院和劍橋大學等,他的著作包括曾獲獎項的韓德爾及莫扎特生 平研究。 One of the most influential proponents of the early-music movement, Christopher Hogwood is equally active in 19th & 20th-century repertoire. He founded the Academy of Ancient Music in 1973, with which he has built up a remarkable, award-winning discography of more than 200 recordings. In his second collaboration with Hong Kong Sinfonietta, the maestro will take you on a journey through time, from Handel’s famous Royal Fireworks Music to arrangements of Baroque masterpieces and original neo-classical works by Stravinsky and Martinu˚.

© Marco Borggreve

“His name is a byword for excellence of playing and quality of supporting scholarship.” BBC Music Magazine

8.10.2010 星期五 Fri 8:00pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320, $220, $120 指揮 Conductor

霍活特 Christopher Hogwood

韓德爾/艾爾加 第二查恩多斯讚美歌:D小調序曲 馬天奈 交響協奏曲 巴赫/拉夫 D小調第二無伴奏小提琴組曲:夏康舞曲 史達拉汶斯基 降E大調協奏曲,「敦巴頓橡樹園」 巴赫/魏本 《音樂的奉獻》:賦格曲 韓德爾 《皇家煙火音樂》 Handel/Elgar Overture in D minor (from Chandos Anthem No 2) Martinu˚ Sinfonia Concertante Bach/Raff Chaconne (from Partita No 2 in D minor for Solo Violin) Stravinsky Concerto in E-flat, “Dumbarton Oaks” Bach/Webern Ricercare (from Musical Offering) Handel Music for the Royal Fireworks 票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 5.8.2010


《士兵的故事》 Stravinsky’s A Soldier’s Story © Huang Yi

15.10.2010 星期五 Fri 8:00pm 香港賽馬會演藝劇院 Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HKAPA

「伍宇烈的編舞,幾乎徹底打破了 原劇的敘事傳統⋯⋯效果盎然。」 《明報》

音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

「該年最優秀的 演藝節目之一。」

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie

導演/編舞 Director/Choreographer

伍宇烈 Yuri Ng


單簧管 Clarinet

方曉佳 Fong Hiu-kai Johnny

Yip Wing-sie

Yuri Ng

舞者 Dance Artists

譯寫 Adaptation

邁克 Michael Lam 舞台設計 Set Designer

陳友榮 Ewing Chan

亞洲舞台最強陣容,一次音樂x舞蹈x戲劇的跨界製作 An exciting collaboration fusing dance, music and drama 《士兵的故事》由香港小交響樂團夥拍香港著名編舞家伍宇烈以及四位亞洲頂尖舞者,把一個浮士 德式、與魔鬼交換靈魂的黑暗故事帶上舞台。 2005年作品首次公演,獲香港各大媒體熱烈讚賞, 2007 年加入新元素載譽重演,榮獲香港舞蹈聯盟頒發之香港舞蹈年獎。本樂季的世博會版本,將 加上樂團演奏史達拉汶斯基的三首單簧管作品和趣意盎然的《紙牌遊戲》。

燈光設計 Lighting Designer

陳焯華 Billy Chan


史達拉汶斯基 史達拉汶斯基 史達拉汶斯基 Stravinsky Stravinsky Stravinsky

三首單簧管作品 《紙牌遊戲》 《士兵的故事》 Three Pieces for Clarinet Solo Jeu de Cartes The Soldier’s Tale

快達票票房售票 HK Ticketing Box Office opens: 14.8.2010

Hong Kong Sinfonietta and multi-talented choreographer Yuri Ng recreates Stravinsky’s dark tale of the soldier who lost his violin to the devil, featuring leading dance artists in Asia. The first production won critical acclaim in 2005 and the subsequent 2007 version won the Dance Award in 2008. © HK Sinfonietta Ltd

邢亮 Xing Liang 白井剛 Shirai Tsuyoshi 劉傑仁 Jay Jen Loo 陳敏兒 Abby Chan

上海之旅 HKS in Shanghai

香港特區參與2010年上海世博會節目 A Hong Kong SAR Programme for Expo 2010 Shanghai


© Yuri Ng

© Joanna Tam

星期五 Fri 7:30pm 上海東方藝術中心東方音樂廳 Shanghai Oriental Art Center Oriental Concert Hall

Xing Liang

Shirai Tsuyoshi

Jay Jen Loo

Abby Chan

Fong Hiu-kai Johnny

“Xing gave a meticulously precise interpretation of the older soldier, while Tsuyoshi excelled as the reckless, struggling conscience... A Soldier’s Story demonstrates the Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s bold artistic vision to experiment.” South China Morning Post 聯合主辦 Jointly presented by 香港特別行政區政府康樂及文化事務署 The Leisure and Cultural Services Department of the Hong Kong SAR Government

本樂季《士兵的故事》將衝 出香港,在上海世博會為香 港周作閉幕演出!節目同時 為中國上海國際藝術節香港 文化周的演出項目。 This exciting production will be the closing performance of the Hong Kong Week at the Shanghai World Expo, being also a programme of the China Shanghai International Arts Festival.

中國上海國際藝術節中心 The Center for China Shanghai International Arts Festival


擊情 • Martin Grubinger Percussion Fantastic 星期五 Fri 8:00pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320, $220, $120 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 敲擊 Percussion

葛魯賓格 Martin Grubinger

奧地利敲擊樂王子葛魯賓格的演奏集合速度、力量與音樂感 於一身,火花四射,令人血脈沸騰,除了是極具震撼力的聽 覺享受,也是絕妙的視覺享受!是次訪港,共演兩首協奏 曲,當中由馬林巴琴重要先驅安倍圭子創作的《稜.狂想 曲》,風格獨特且難度十足,樂迷必定大飽耳福! “Exhilarating” probably best describes Austrian multi-percussionist Martin Grubinger’s performances. The sheer energy in his playing, and his virtuosity and unique musicality set concert halls aflame wherever he plays. Over six concertos have been written especially for him, and he was Artist-in-Residence at the Leipzig Gewandhaus in 2008/2009. If you missed his performance with Hong Kong Sinfonietta in 2008, don’t miss him twice! “Prodigy of sound and movement… a true exceptional talent.” Saale-Zeitung

Martin Grubinger

“An artistic tour de force.” General-Anzeiger Bonn

Yip Wing-sie


莫扎特 華倫 雷史碧基 安倍圭子 Mozart Rolf Wallin Respighi Keiko Abe

票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 26.9.2010

《魔笛》序曲,K620 《妙不可言》為敲擊獨奏及樂隊而寫 《鳥》 《稜.狂想曲》為馬林巴琴及樂隊而寫 The Magic Flute Overture, K620 Das war Schön! for percussion solo & orchestra Gli Uccelli (The Birds) Prism Rhapsody for solo marimba & orchestra

© Felix Bröde


《最愛大提琴》:舒曼大提琴協奏曲 Great Cello Concertos: Li Wei Qin Plays Schumann 6th Prize, International Chopin Piano Competition

Silver medal, Tchaikovsky International Competition

Winner, Hamamatsu Piano Academy Competition


“A meltingly beautiful tone, flawlessly centered intonation and an ironclad technique.” The New York Times

星期五 Fri 8:00pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $280, $200, $120

“Simply breathtaking.” The Independent

駐團藝術家/指揮 Artist Associate/Conductor

黎志華 Jason Lai

大提琴 Cello

秦立巍 Li Wei Qin Li Wei Qin

Colleen Lee

駐團藝術家/鋼琴 Artist Associate/Piano

© Jonathan Keenan

李嘉齡 Colleen Lee*

© Bonbon


Winner, International SEILER Piano Competition

Winner, Naumburg Competition

舒曼/ 楊嘉輝 舒曼 舒曼 Schumann/Samson Young Schumann Schumann

《兒時情景》* A小調大提琴協奏曲,作品 129 降E大調第三交響曲,作品97,「萊茵」 Kinderszenen* Cello Concerto in A minor, Op 129 Symphony No 3 in E-flat, Op 97, “Rhenish”

Jason Lai

票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 3.10.2010


《我的音樂日記》:魔幻精靈音樂會 HKS for Kids: Fantastic Creatures 14 & 15.1.2011

“Alasdair Malloy’s exhilarating performance was strangely hilarious… He was equally entertaining as he guided the audience through the music and mandatory audience participation!” The Herald

星期五及六 Fri & Sat 7:30pm

16.1.2011 星期日 Sun 3:00pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $220, $150, $100

深受大小朋友歡迎的麥萊叔叔將化身成巫師,帶 您探訪各種魔幻精靈和傳說中的動物!—小精 靈、巨人、鳳凰、飛龍、人魚等等。歡迎以別出 心裁的魔法造型參加這次音樂會!

指揮 Conductor

廖國敏 Lio Kuok-man

Alasdair returns again by popular demand – after Bugs, The Pirate Party and Top Scores – this time transforming himself into a wizard! He will take you on an amazing adventure to magical lands inhabited by elves, dragons, phoenixes, trolls, imps, merpeople and other fantastic creatures. Boys and girls, come dressed up for the occasion!

主持 Devised & Presented by

麥萊 Alasdair Malloy 英語演出 In English

Lio Kuok-man


票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 13.11.2010

Illustration: Mok Wing Hung

Alasdair Malloy

演奏曲目選自:史達拉汶斯基《火鳥》、法雅 《魔法師之戀》、葛利格《山魔王的殿堂》、聖桑 《酒神之舞》,及《精靈鞋匠》、《兩隻小鬼》、 《小魚仙》等。 Programme includes music from: Stravinsky’s The Firebird, Falla’s Ritual Fire Dance, Grieg’s In the Hall of the Mountain King, Elgar’s Wand of Youth Overture, Mussorgsky’s Pictures at an Exhibition, Saint-Saëns’ Danse Bacchanale, and The Elfin Shoemaker, The Two Imps and The Little Mermaid.

葉詠詩 • 西崎崇子 • 莫華倫 For the Love of Music 28.1.2011 Warren Mok

星期五 Fri 8:00pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $380, $280, $180, $120 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 小提琴 Violin

西崎崇子 Takako Nishizaki 男高音 Tenor

Takako Nishizaki

莫華倫 Warren Mok

三位星級大師將於這場音樂會同台獻技!小提琴家西崎崇子灌錄過超過 100 張唱片,她 的韋華第《四季》唱片銷量驚人,售出超過 100 萬張之多。莫華倫是當今最出色的華籍 男高音之一,演唱足跡遍及世界各地的頂尖歌劇院。巨星列陣,不容錯過!

Yip Wing-sie

Three towering musical figures of the region come together in this special concert. Takako Nishizaki is among the best-selling violinists of all time. Her recording of Vivaldi’s Four Seasons was named the 8th best-selling CD ever with sales exceeding a million copies to-date. Hailed by The Guardian as having “ringing top notes…in rock-like Pavarotti vein”, Warren Mok is one of the most distinguished Chinese tenors of today, and is currently the Artistic Director of Opera Hong Kong. 票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 26.11.2010


《古典音樂知多少》:舒曼 Know Your Classical Music: Schumann

18 & 19.2.2011 星期五及六 Fri & Sat 7:30pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $220, $150, $100 音樂總監/指揮/主持 Music Director/Conductor/Presenter

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie

藝術統籌 Artistic Direction

楊嘉輝 Samson Young

浪漫派大師舒曼至情至性,他透過藝術 熱烈擁抱生命,但奈何一生以悲劇形式 劃上句號。琴技了得的他曾立志成為一 位鋼琴演奏家,但不幸因傷患而無法圓 夢。除了作曲,他也是一位有名的樂評 人,是著名的《新音樂期刊》的創辦 人,大力提拔其他音樂家,包括布拉姆 斯。在這場音樂會,我們以影像及嶄新 的多媒體方式,把舒曼的一生呈現於大 家眼前,並演奏他的經典作品。 The life of Schumann, the quintessential Romantic composer, has every dramatic quality to make into a great movie. In this concert, through a highly original multi-media fusion of music, video, images and narration, his life and music will be uncovered.

Sponsored by



票房售票 URBTIX Box Office opens: 18.12.2010

《最愛小提琴》 : 柴可夫斯基小提琴協奏曲 Great Violin Concertos: Ray Chen Plays Tchaikovsky


2009年伊利莎伯國際小提琴比賽 及2008年曼奴軒小提琴大賽冠軍得主

星期五 Fri 8:00pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $340, $220, $140

Winner of the prestigious Queen Elisabeth Competition (2009) & Yehudi Menuhin Competition (2008)

音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 小提琴 Violin

陳銳 Ray Chen

© Yuliya Smolnikova

“Ray Chen can do pretty much anything he wants on the violin.” The Washington Post “His whole performance was out of this world.” De Standaard Ray Chen

Yip Wing-sie

鄧樂妍 巴托克 柴可夫斯基 Tang Lok-yin Bartók Tchaikovsky

委約作品(世界首演) 嬉遊曲 D大調小提琴協奏曲,作品35 Commissioned work (world première) Divertimento Violin Concerto in D, Op 35

2011年香港藝術節節目 A 2011 Hong Kong Arts Festival Programme

香港藝術節優先訂票將於2010年10月開始 HK Arts Festival Advance bookings start in Oct 2010


香港小交響樂團的音樂會門票,通常於演出前八星期於城市電腦售票網發售(《士兵的故事》門票於快達票發 售)。有關各音樂會的開售日期請參閱內頁。大部份音樂會的門票均設有全日制學生、長者及殘疾人士優惠, 詳情請參閱個別音樂會單張。

票房訂票 Ticketing Information

Tickets are typically available at all URBTIX outlets (except tickets for A Soldier's Story which will be sold via HK Ticketing) 8 weeks prior to the concerts. Please refer to the concert details pages for box office opening dates. There are concessionary tickets for full-time students, senior citizens and people with disabilities for most of the concerts. Please refer to individual concert leaflets.

閣下如欲定期收到香港小交響樂團的節目資 料,請填妥以下表格並傳真至2783 9819。

節目查詢 Programme Enquiries : 2836 3336 / 香港小交響樂團網址 Website :

If you would like to regularly receive promotional leaflets from the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, please complete the following form and fax it to 2783 9819.

城市電腦售票網 URBTIX 門票查詢及留座 Ticketing Enquiries & Reservations : 2734 9009 信用咭電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking : 2111 5999 網上購票 Internet Ticketing Service :

姓 Last Name ( 先生/女士/小姐/教授/博士 Mr/Mrs/Ms/Prof/Dr) 名 First Name 電話 Tel

票房 URBTIX Outlets 香港島

香港大會堂、上環文娛中心、西灣河文娛中心、伊利沙伯體育館、香港藝術中心、 通利琴行(香港仔、西環、灣仔城市大廈、銅鑼灣、太古城中心)及青年廣場(柴灣)


香港文化中心、香港體育館、牛池灣文娛中心、高山劇場、賽馬會創意藝術中心、香港兆基創意書院、 通利音樂藝術中心(紅磡)、通利琴行(金馬倫里、德福廣場、MegaBox)及樂韻琴行(旺角)


葵青劇院、荃灣大會堂、沙田大會堂、屯門大會堂、元朗劇院、北區大會堂、大埔文娛中心、 亞洲國際博覽館Arena及通利琴行(青衣、荃灣、沙田、屯門、元朗、大埔、上水、馬鞍山、將軍澳)

HK Island:

HK City Hall, Sheung Wan Civic Centre, Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Stadium, HK Arts Centre, Tom Lee Music Co Ltd (Aberdeen, Western District, Wanchai City Centre, Causeway Bay, Taikoo Shing Cityplaza) & Youth Square (Chai Wan) HK Cultural Centre, HK Coliseum, Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre, Ko Shan Theatre, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity, Tom Lee Music Academy (Hung Hom), Tom Lee Music Co Ltd (Cameron Lane, Telford Plaza, MegaBox) & Happy Sound Music Ltd (Mongkok) Kwai Tsing Theatre, Tsuen Wan Town Hall, Sha Tin Town Hall, Tuen Mun Town Hall, Yuen Long Theatre, North District Town Hall, Tai Po Civic Centre, AsiaWorld-Arena & Tom Lee Music Co Ltd (Tsing Yi, Tsuen Wan, Shatin, Tuen Mun, Yuen Long, Tai Po, Sheung Shui, Ma On Shan, Tseung Kwan O)

( 手提 M)

( 住宅 H)

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New Territories:

快達票售票網 HK Ticketing

閣下所提供的資料會用作郵寄香港小交響樂團有限公司宣傳品 之用。根據個人資料(私隱)條例,閣下有權要求查閱及更正所提 供之資料。若對填報個人資料一事有任何疑問, 請電 (852) 2836 3336 與香港小交響樂團有限公司聯絡。


票房 HK Ticketing Outlets 通利琴行、香港會議展覽中心、香港演藝學院、演藝學院古蹟校園—伯大尼、藝穗會、亞洲國際博覽館、 HITEC Tom Lee Music Stores, HK Convention & Exhibition Centre, The HK Academy for Performing Arts, The Academy's Landmark Heritage Campus-Bethanie, Fringe Club, AsiaWorld-Expo, HITEC

The personal data collected will be used for mailing publicity materials of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta Ltd. In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to request access to and alter data. For enquiries, please call us at (852) 2836 3336.

電話購票 Telephone Booking: 31 288 288 網上購票 Internet Ticketing Service:

香港小交響樂團保留更改節目及表演者之權利 Hong Kong Sinfonietta reserves the right to change the programmes and artists


16.4.10 Fri 8pm

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $280, $200, $120

17.4.10 Sat 8pm

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $280, $200, $120

18.4.10 Sun 2:30-5:30pm 香港大會堂 HK City Hall 免費入場 Free admission

29.4.10 Thu 8pm

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $280, $200, $120

15.5.10 Sat 8pm

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320, $220, $120

29.5.10 Sat 8pm

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $280, $200, $120


ArtisTree, 港島東 Swire Island East 免費入場 Free admission

4.7.10 Sun 3pm

香港文化中心音樂廳 HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall $220, $180, $140, $100

欣賞 Appreciate

增值 Learn

減壓 Relax

還有 What Else p.14

柴可夫斯基鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: Peter Donohoe Plays Tchaikovsky 指揮 Conductor : 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 鋼琴 Piano : 多諾浩 Peter Donohoe 笙 Sheng : 盧思泓 Loo Sze-wang

Chan Hing-yan Hark the Phoenix Soaring High for sheng & orchestra (world première)

Tchaikovsky Schumann

Piano Concerto No 1 in B-flat minor, Op 23 Symphony No 2 in C, Op 61 p.14

布拉姆斯鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: Peter Donohoe Plays Brahms 指揮 Conductor : 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 鋼琴 Piano : 多諾浩 Peter Donohoe 笙 Sheng : 盧思泓 Loo Sze-wang

Chan Hing-yan Hark the Phoenix Soaring High for sheng & orchestra

Schumann Brahms

Symphony No 4 in D minor, Op 120 Piano Concerto No 2 in B-flat, Op 83 p.15

好好音樂日 Good Music This Day


蕭邦第二鋼琴協奏曲 Ng Cheuk-yin Cheuk yin Chopin Schumann

White for Chinese percussion & orchestra Piano Concerto No 2 in F minor, Op 21 Symphony No 1 in B-flat, Op 38, “Spring” p.19

香港小交響樂團 •《幻想交響曲》 Nemanja Radulovic & Hong Kong Sinfonietta Fauré Saint-Saëns Berlioz

Pavane, Op 50 Violin Concerto No 3 in B minor, Op 61 Symphonie Fantastique, Op 14

Great Piano Concertos: Colleen Lee Plays Prokofiev Bartók Prokofiev Dvořák


@ ArtisTree 大提琴/指揮/主持 Cello/Conductor/Presenter : 巴利 Matthew Barley 鋼琴 Piano : 李嘉齡 Colleen Lee 小提琴 Violin : 格德霍特 James Cuddeford 作曲/裝置藝術 Composer/Installation artist : 楊嘉輝 Samson Young 演出 Guests : SIU2

Sounds Great! 6 - Summer Lovin’ 指揮/主持Conductor/Presenter : 黎志華 Jason Lai

23 & 24.7.10 Fri & Sat 8pm 25.7.10 Sun 3pm 5-7.8.10 Thu-Sat 7:30pm

27.8.10 Fri 7:30pm 28.8.10 Sat 3pm & 7:30pm 11.9.10 Sat 8pm

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $250, $180, $120

Hungarian Sketches Piano Concerto No 3 in C, Op 26 Symphony No 9 in E minor, Op 95, “From the New World”

香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta

最 HIT 電影名曲 6 - 戀戀夏日

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $280, $200, $120

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $280, $200, $120


李嘉齡 • 浦羅哥菲夫鋼琴協奏曲 指揮 Conductor: 威爾遜 Dorian Wilson 鋼琴Piano: 李嘉齡 Colleen Lee

10.7.10 Sat 8pm

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $220, $150, $100

Great Piano Concertos: Cédric Tiberghien Plays Chopin

指揮 Conductor : 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 小提琴 Violin : 賴杜洛維奇 Nemanja Radulovic

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $260, $180, $100

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $250, $180, $120

指揮/主持 Conductor/Presenter: 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie

指揮 Conductor : 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 鋼琴 Piano : 堤伯肯恩 Cédric Tiberghien 敲擊 Percussion : 周展彤 Chau Chin-tung

8.7.10 Thu 8pm

A series of special concerts at the intimate space of ArtisTree.

19.9.10 Sun 3pm

香港文化中心音樂廳 HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall $200, $160, $120, $80

8.10.10 Fri 8pm

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320, $220, $120

Orchestral love themes from movies including Somewhere in Time, Dr Zhivago, Cinema Paradiso & Forrest Gump



施密特小提琴獨奏會 Benjamin Schmid Violin Recital 小提琴 Violin : 施密特 Benjamin Schmid 鋼琴 Piano : 拉錫克 Dejan Lazi´c

Mozart Beethoven Ravel Gershwin/Heifetz

Violin Sonata in F, K376 Violin Sonata No 7 in C minor, Op 30 No 2 Violin Sonata No 2 in G Porgy and Bess Suite

香港賽馬會演藝劇場 Hong Kong Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HKAPA


《最愛小提琴》:貝多芬小提琴協奏曲 Great Violin Concertos: Benjamin Schmid Plays Beethoven 指揮 Conductor : 楚嘉文 Ariel Zuckermann 小提琴 Violin : 施密特 Benjamin Schmid

15.10.10 Fri 8pm

Rossini Beethoven Shostakovich

26.11.10 Fri 8pm

William Tell Overture Violin Concerto in D, Op 61 Symphony No 9 in E-flat, Op 70 p.27


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320, $220, $120


《士兵的故事》 Stravinsky’s A Soldier’s Story 指揮 Conductor: 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie Stravinsky Stravinsky 導演/編舞 Director/Choreographer : 伍宇烈 Yuri Ng Stravinsky 單簧管Clarinet : 方曉佳 Fong Hiu-kai Johnny 舞者 Dance Artists : 邢亮 Xing Liang 白井剛 Shirai Tsuyoshi 劉傑仁 Jay Jen Loo 陳敏兒 Abby Chan


擊情 • Martin Grubinger Percussion Fantastic 指揮 Conductor : 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 敲擊 Percussion : 葛魯賓格 Martin Grubinger

Hit TV Music Themes 指揮 Conductor : 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 藝術統籌 Artistic Direction : 楊嘉輝 Samson Young 編曲 Music Arrangements : 伍卓賢 Ng Cheuk-yin

3.12.10 Fri 8pm

特別嘉賓 Special Guests : 朱凌凌 JuicyNing 多位錄像藝術家 Various video artists p.28

《我的音樂日記》:莫扎特小故事 HKS for Kids: Story of Mozart

A selection of famous works by Mozart.

指揮/主持 Conductor/Presenter : 黎志華 Jason Lai 男中音 Baritone : 林俊 Albert Lim 長笛 Flute : 翁斯貝 Weng Si-bei

小提琴 Violin : 李海南 Le Hoai-nam 中提琴 Viola : 陳子信 Chan Tsz-shun Elvis

Disney in Concert (re-run) 指揮/主持 Conductor/Presenter : 黎志華 Jason Lai

Orchestral selections from Disney classics including Beauty and the Beast, The Little Mermaid, The Lion King & Aladdin p.31

柴可夫斯基《悲愴》交響曲 Tchaikovsky: Pathétique 指揮 Conductor : 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 鋼琴 Piano : 陶康瑞 Conrad Tao

中電經典樂逍遙 CLP Light Classics 指揮/主持 Conductor/Presenter : 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 鋼琴 Piano : 查海倫 Helen Cha

Duo Ye for chamber orchestra Chen Yi Mozart Piano Concerto No 23 in A, K488 Tchaikovsky Symphony No 6 in B minor, Op 74, “Pathétique”


Christopher Hogwood & Hong Kong Sinfonietta 指揮 Conductor : 霍活特 Christopher Hogwood

Handel/Elgar Martinu˚ Bach/Raff Stravinsky Bach/Webern Handel

Overture in D minor from Chandos Anthem No 2 Sinfonia Concertante Chaconne Dumbarton Oaks Ricercare from Musical Offering Music for the Royal Fireworks

The Magic Flute Overture, K620 Das war Schön! for percussion solo & orchestra Gli Uccelli (The Birds) Prism Rhapsody for solo marimba & orchestra p.37

《最愛大提琴》:舒曼大提琴協奏曲 Great Cello Concertos: Li Wei Qin Plays Schumann 指揮 Conductor : 黎志華 Jason Lai 大提琴 Cello : 秦立巍 Li Wei Qin 鋼琴 Piano : 李嘉齡 Colleen Lee

Schumann/Samson Young Kinderszenen Schumann Cello Concerto in A minor, Op 129 Schumann Symphony No 3 in E-flat, Op 97, “Rhenish”





14 & 15.1.11 Fri & Sat 7:30pm 《我的音樂日記》:魔幻精靈音樂會 HKS for Kids: Fantastic Creatures 16.1.11 Sun 3pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $220, $150, $100

28.1.11 Fri 8pm

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $380, $280, $180, $120


Light classics with a dance theme including Tchaikovsky’s Waltz from Serenade in C, Chopin’s Andante Spianato & Grande Polonaise Brillante, Saint-Saëns’ Danse Macabre & many more.


Mozart Rolf Wallin Respighi Keiko Abe




香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $280, $200, $120

Three Pieces for Clarinet Solo Jeu de Cartes The Soldier's Tale

指揮 Conductor : 廖國敏 Lio Kuok-man 主持 Devised & Presented by : 麥萊 Alasdair Malloy

葉詠詩 • 西崎崇子 • 莫華倫 For the Love of Music 指揮 Conductor: 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 小提琴 Violin: 西崎崇子Takako Nishizaki 男高音 Tenor: 莫華倫 Warren Mok



Magical music for the orchestra including In the Hall of the Mountain King, The Little Mermaid and “Gnome” from Pictures at an Exhibition.

25.3.11 Fri 8pm

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $340, $220, $140



Magical music for the orchestra including In the Hall of thep.39 Mountain King, The Little Mermaid and “Gnome” from Pictures at an Exhibition.

18 & 19.2.11 Fri & Sat 7:30pm 《古典音樂知多少》:舒曼 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $220, $150, $100



Know Your Classical Music: Schumann 指揮/主持 Conductor/Presenter : 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 藝術統籌 Artistic Direction : 楊嘉輝 Samson Young

A selection of essential Schumann works. p.41

2011 香港藝術節 Hong Kong Arts Festival

《最愛小提琴》:柴可夫斯基小提琴協奏曲 Great Violin Concertos: Ray Chen Plays Tchaikovsky

指揮Conductor : 葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 小提琴 Violin : 陳銳 Ray Chen

Tang Lok-yin Bartók Tchaikovsky

Commissioned work (world première) Divertimento Violin Concerto in D, Op 35

香港小交響樂團保留更改節目及表演者之權利 Hong Kong Sinfonietta reserves the right to change the programmes and artists

香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

香港小交響樂團為香港大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall

香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

香港小交響樂團為香港大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall 香港小交響樂團為香港大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall

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