Hong Kong Sinfonietta 2022/2023 Annual Report

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使命 Mission “The young flagship orchestra definitely fills a crucial gap in Hong Kong, contributing another sound dimension to the musical landscape.” Bachtrack

“The Hong Kong Sinfonietta continued to sparkle with its diverse and creative programming.” South China Morning Post

進一步將古典音樂融入香港市民的生活 To further the integration of the art of music with the lives of the people in Hong Kong

提高音樂藝術及音樂家在香港的地位 To elevate the status of the art of music and musicians in Hong Kong

著重以土生土長和區內的音樂專才提供高質素之管弦樂演奏 To achieve the best quality of music-making possible with emphasis on promoting local talents as well as those in the neighbouring regions

目錄 Contents 「樂團標榜銳意『培育文化新一代』,是講得出,做得到!」 《星島日報》

主席報告 Chairman’s Report


桂冠音樂總監報告 Music Director Emeritus’ Report


鳴謝 Acknowledgements


樂季概覽 2022/2023 Season 駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associates


委約作品及首演 Commissioned Works & Premières


第二屆香港國際指揮大賽 18 2nd Hong Kong International Conducting Competition 小提琴新星選 Auditions on Stage – Violin


樂季主要節目 Major Programmes


樂團架構 Personnel Lists




Financial Statements Cover artwork by Vivian Ho (HKS Artist Associate) Published by the Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited © Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited, 2023

香港小交響樂團有限公司 HONG KONG SINFONIETTA LIMITED 香港灣仔譚臣道 98 號運盛大廈 3 樓 3/F Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, HONG KONG 電話 Tel: (852) 2836 3336 傳真 Fax: (852) 2783 9819 enquiries@hksinfonietta.org


香港小交響樂團有限公司為註冊之非牟利慈善團體; 捐款 HK$100 或以上可憑收據申請扣稅。 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited is a registered charity and all donations over HK$100 are tax-deductible.

主席報告 Chairman’s Report

雖然 2022/2023 樂季仍受疫情影響,但香港小交響樂團











唯一大型指揮比賽。是次大賽吸引了 194 位來自 45 個


國家及地區的年輕指揮參加,經遴選後的 16 強在香港





這樂季樂團繼續以「看見音樂」為主題,在香港大會 堂和元朗劇院舉辦了 25 套節目(共 41 場演出,平均 出席率為 91% ,當中 23 場演出更達 100%)、九場免 費午間音樂會,以及在香港和台中共七場香港小交響 2 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

優勝者范曉星擔任獨奏的西貝遼士小提琴協奏曲外, 還包括特別為這次大賽委約本地作曲家鄺展維創作的 新作。三輪賽事均設網上直播及重播,向全球觀眾展 示香港作為文化藝術之都的實力。

畫出自己在音樂會所聽到的美樂;三場樂團的音樂會 電影放映;在大會堂大堂首次舉行的藝術展覽,展出 何博欣及 Jessica Zoob 以音樂為靈感的作品;以及把 整個大堂沉浸在何博欣畫作元素的裝飾中。 這樂季香港小交響樂團推出新嘗試,在同時期邀請兩 位演奏家來港,除了分別與樂團作協奏曲演出外,兩 人還一起為香港觀眾獻上室樂演奏會。兩對演奏家當 中包括在 2020 年首位無懼隔離、飛到香港與樂團及 首席客席指揮柏鵬合作的德國鋼琴家克里奇。雖然當 時的演出因為疫情不能接待現場觀眾,但拍攝成的音 樂會電影《Back On Stage II (Quarantined!)》 ,至今放 映近 30 場。本樂季在 MOViE MOViE「Life is Art」電 影節的兩場放映,克里奇終於能親身參與,並與觀眾 見面。 樂季其他亮點節目還包括多首委約作品和與海外樂團 聯合委約作品的首演、法國五月藝術節的數場音樂會 和獨奏會、與鋼琴家紀弗朗和柯列斯尼科夫、小提琴 家李智慧和林品任、大提琴家阿利耶夫和葛哈特等著 名演奏家的合作、多套合家歡音樂會,以及兩套香港 芭蕾舞團的製作。 2022/2023 年合計有超過 65,000 位 觀眾親身欣賞樂團的好音樂。此外,我們繼續透過網 上多個不同的系列,如《Tiny Galaxy Concerts @ Wontonmeen》和委約作品首演的系列,跟本地及 海外觀眾保持聯繫,並獲高度評價。 最後,我們很高興在 2023 年 2 月宣佈,將由德國指揮 柏鵬從 2023/2024 樂季起出任香港小交響樂團的音樂 總監。柏鵬是在國際音樂界中享負盛名的指揮家、 因場地關閉而延期半年的香港大會堂 60 周年及香港 藝術節 50 周年聯合誌慶音樂會,終於在 9 月順利舉 行。糅合音樂、舞蹈、舞台光影的跨界製作《影幻形 光》,由桂冠音樂總監葉詠詩指揮,委約伍宇烈編舞 及設計整個舞台概念,演奏曲目包括鄺展維為香港大 會堂音樂廳特別創作的「場域特定作品」,是樂團首

小提琴家、室樂演奏家及音樂教育家,自 2015 年起 擔任樂團的首席客席指揮,無論樂團或是香港觀眾對 他一點都不陌生。我相信他會跟樂團桂冠音樂總監 葉詠詩緊密合作,攜手帶領香港小交響樂團的發展, 鞏固香港作為中外文化藝術交流中心的地位,創建文 化明天。

次跟城市當代舞蹈團的大型合作,見證香港大會堂光 輝歲月 60 載,綻放藝術璀璨光芒。 此前在夏季,樂團為香港大會堂觀眾送上了一個為期 十天的「藝術節」,當中包括:兩場《古典音樂速 成:能看見的音樂》音樂會結合駐團藝術家何博欣及

香港小交響樂團有限公司 主席

國際知名畫家 Jessica Zoob 的畫作,讓觀眾聽見色


彩,看見音樂,並在演出後邀請他們參加繪畫比賽, 香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 3

Although the 2022/2023 season began amidst the last

concerts (41 performances at 91% average

round of venue closure, and the various pandemic-

attendance at Hong Kong City Hall and Yuen Long

related regulations were not relieved until very late

Theatre, of which 23 were sold out), nine free Good

into the season, I am proud to report that Hong Kong

Music This Lunch concerts, and seven screenings of

Sinfonietta has once again met the challenge with

the orchestra’s concert films in Hong Kong and in

poise, and presented a triumphant concert season

Taichung. Unfortunately all orchestra tours had to be

with diverse programmes. My heartfelt thanks to all

cancelled due to the pandemic. Nonetheless,

our collaborative partners, the guest conductors and

international exchange continued with our work in

artists who worked with us to bring good music to the

Hong Kong, especially through our organisation of the

city despite the quarantine requirements and travel


complications, and every member of Hong Kong

Competition, the only large-scale international

Sinfonietta for their enormous energy and dedication.

conducting competition in Asia. 16 Candidates

I would also like to thank the Hong Kong

shortlisted from the 194 applications from

Government, sponsors, donors and audiences for their

45 countries and regions competed in front of an

continuous trust and support, without which we could

international Jury and Hong Kong audience at City

not have made such remarkable achievements. In

Hall, conducting a rich repertoire that included a new

particular, with the Government’s Art Development

commissioned work by Charles Kwong and a concerto

Matching Grants Scheme, we were also able to further

featuring the winner of the orchestra’s Auditions On

expand on our efforts in audience development and

Stage – Violin, Fan Hiu-sing. All three Rounds of the

the nurturing of young talents, and enhance the

Competition were also streamed live, showcasing to

orchestra’s organisational capacity.

the world Hong Kong’s status as an international arts

Under the season theme of “see the music”, Hong

hub. Including the online playback, the Competition

Kong Sinfonietta presented 25 sets of ticketed

has already garnered 300,000 views within the first




10 days since the launch of Round 1! 4 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report


We celebrated the 60th Anniversary of Hong Kong

Other highlights included premières of commissioned

City Hall and 50th Anniversary of Hong Kong Arts

works and international co-commissions, concerts at

Festival this season with the special commissioned

the French May Arts Festival, collaborations with guest

concert Reflections on Refractions, which also marked

artists such as pianists François-Frédéric Guy and Pavel

our first full-scale collaboration with City

Kolesnikov, violinists Jehye Lee and Richard Lin, and

Contemporary Dance Company. Conducted by Music

cellists Jamal Aliyev and Alban Gerhardt, the various

Director Emeritus Yip Wing-sie, the crossover

family concert programmes, as well as two staged

production featured the world premières of a site-

productions by Hong Kong Ballet. In sum, over 65,000

specific work by Charles Kwong, as well as a new

audience members saw Hong Kong Sinfonietta in

dance work by Yuri Ng that cleverly utilised stage

action in the 2022/2023 season. On the internet, the

lighting and the acrylic panels in the dancers’ hands to

orchestra’s performances and online chamber music

create reflective and refractive effects at the historic

series Tiny Galaxy Concerts @ Wontonmeen continued

concert hall.

to reach out to international viewers.

In the summer, we presented a 10-day “festival” at City Hall to let audience “see the music” through two crossover performances – Short-cut to Classical Music: Seeing beyond the sound & notes that fused the paintings (some animated) of HKS Artist Associate Vivian Ho and world-renowned artist Jessica Zoob with the music, three screenings of the orchestra’s concert films in the Concert Hall, the first-ever art exhibition in the foyer, foyer decorations using elements from Ho’s works, as well as a drawing competition inviting audience to paint the images they “saw” from the music they heard in the concerts. This season we launched a “DOUBLE ACTs” pilot,

Last but not least, we were happy to announce in

where two guest artists were invited to Hong Kong

February 2023 the appointment of Christoph Poppen

around the same period, each playing a concerto

as Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s new Music Director from

concert with the orchestra and also a duo recital in

the 2023/2024 season. As the orchestra’s Principal

between. The two pairs of “DOUBLE ACTs” were

Guest Conductor since 2015, the renowned conductor,

violinist Aylen Pritchin and pianist Rémi Geniet, and

violinist, chamber musician, festival director and

cellist Maximilian Hornung and pianist Alexander

educator is no stranger to Hong Kong audience. He

Krichel. Krichel was the very first guest artist (along

will work closely with Music Director Emeritus Yip

with Principal Guest Conductor Christoph Poppen)

Wing-sie and the Hong Kong Sinfonietta team to

who braved the 2-week hotel quarantine in order to

contribute to the building of a cultural tomorrow.

work with Hong Kong Sinfonietta in 2020, filming performances for the concert film Back On Stage II (Quarantined!) when no audience was allowed in concert halls. This time he was finally able to meet with Hong Kong audience, not only at the concerts, but at the screenings of his film at MOViE MOViE’s 2022 “Life is Art” Film Festival.

Patrick S C Poon Chairman, Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 5

桂冠音樂總監報告 Music Director Emeritus’ Report

6 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report


2022/2023 樂季是值得高興和感恩的一年,疫情慢慢


退去,樂團的運作和節目亦終於可以逐步回復正常。 更加令人雀躍的是整個樂季來跟我們合作的音樂家大 部分都是二、三十歲的年輕人,大提琴家阿利耶夫、 霍農、小提琴家李智慧、普利欽、林品任、鋼琴家柯 列斯尼科夫、克里奇、尚尼埃、雙簧管演奏家畢杜 等,都是天才橫溢,充滿朝氣的年輕藝術家,他們與 另外兩位資深演奏家紀弗朗和葛哈特除了跟樂團合作 演奏協奏曲外,更提早幾天到達香港,舉行獨奏會或 大師班,這個安排正是香港小交響樂團從這樂季開始 刻意策劃的,務求讓香港觀眾和音樂學生有更多欣賞 和接觸世界頂尖藝術家的機會。 這個樂季不只演奏家以年輕人居多,就連駐團藝術家 何博欣也是香港目前其中一位人氣最高的青年畫家, 她的作品在疫情期間已出現在我們的網上室樂音樂會 《Tiny Galaxy Concerts》系列中,今個樂季更有機會 跟她在《古典音樂速成》音樂會中合作,更加拉近了 音樂和視覺藝術的距離。 最後不能不提的,當然是第二屆香港國際指揮大賽, 16 位從近 200 位報名者挑選出來的參賽者有機會在 五天的賽程當中指揮香港小交響樂團,施展渾身解數 展示出他們的實力和魅力。整個比賽的過程都有現場 直播和錄播,讓全世界的觀眾都可以欣賞到這些年輕 指揮的才華,我們樂團確實為下一代年輕指揮提供了 一個不可多得的舞台。所有評委和參賽者對於是次比 賽各方面的安排都讚不絕口,過程令他們感受到無限 的��,十分�受這次�得的��。在這��的�� 揚香港小交響樂團全體樂手和行政人員在籌劃及比賽 進行中顯現出最高的專業精神和辦事能力,確實是 香港人的驕傲! 新一代音樂家是我們的將來,我們樂團會繼續努力為 他們提供不同的平台如今年初試啼聲的「小提琴新星 選」,讓他們發揮所長,發亮發熱!我也很高興多年 的夥伴樂團首席客席指揮柏鵬於 2023/2024 樂季起接 任樂團音樂總監一職,通過他的藝術造詣和專業知 識,讓樂團及新一代音樂家的水平繼續不斷提升。

香港小交響樂團 桂冠音樂總監

葉詠詩 香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 7

“Yip directed the Sinfonietta with focus and much attention to detail.” South China Morning Post

The 2022/2023 season was a year to be happy and grateful for. As the pandemic slowly subsided, the orchestra was able to gradually get back up to speed with its operations and programming. Even more exciting was the fact that most of the artists who performed with us this season were young talents only in their 20s and 30s: cellists Jamal Aliyev and Maximilian Hornung, violinists Jehye Lee, Aylen Pritchin and Richard Lin, pianists Pavel Kolesnikov, Alexander Krichel and Rémi Geniet, oboist Gabriel Pidoux etc – all of whom were exceptionally skilled, bright and passionate musicians. Along with veteran artists François-Frédéric Guy and Alban Gerhardt, they all arrived in Hong Kong a few days earlier to present recitals or masterclasses on top of playing a concerto with Hong Kong Sinfonietta. This was a new initiative born this season, as the orchestra aimed to offer even more opportunities for local audiences and students to experience, enjoy and find inspiration in world-class music-making. Young faces were not only popping up in our concert programmes this season; joining our line-up of HKS Artist Associates this year was the wonderful Vivian Ho, one of the most in-demand and accomplished young visual artists in Hong Kong today. Having already featured her work in our online chamber concert series Tiny Galaxy Concerts during the pandemic, it was a pleasure to work with her in more depth this season at the Short-cut to Classical Music concerts, where the relationship between music and visual arts was explored.

Last but certainly far from least, the 2nd Hong Kong International Conducting Competition successfully took place this season. 16 participants were chosen from almost 200 applications from around the world to compete in Hong Kong, where they had the chance to conduct Hong Kong Sinfonietta over five days and show their mettle to the world as all rounds were livestreamed online. This was an invaluable platform for the next generation of great conductors to advance their careers, and one which was highly praised by Jury members and participants alike, who unanimously expressed their gratitude for the care and support they felt over the course of the competition, and the meticulous organisation of the competition rounds. I would like to thank and congratulate all musicians and administrative staff of Hong Kong Sinfonietta, who displayed professionalism of the highest level in planning and delivering the competition. You truly are the pride of Hong Kong! The new generation of artists is our future, and Hong Kong Sinfonietta will continue to explore a range of platforms for them to shine, such as this season’s new venture Auditions On Stage – Violin. I am also delighted that my work partner of many years, Principal Guest Conductor Christoph Poppen took up the position of Music Director starting from the 2023/2024 season. With his expertise, I have no question the orchestra and the new generation of artists will only go onwards and upwards from here.

Yip Wing-sie Music Director Emeritus, Hong Kong Sinfonietta

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 9

「能夠在現場聽到本地樂團及指揮的超水平演繹,實在無悔今生!」 《國際演藝評論家協會》

“Hong Kong Sinfonietta produced playing of passion, precision and power.” South China Morning Post

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 13

駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associates 香港小交響樂團自 2006 年起舉辦「駐團藝術家」 計劃,為不同界別的藝術家提供發光發亮的平台, 也讓他們能與樂團緊密合作,發展新意念及拓闊古典 音樂的界限,並在他們卸任後繼續保持連繫和合作。 本樂季除了新任駐團藝術家何博欣外,樂團還與多位 「老朋友」在不同類型的節目中攜手,當中包括作曲 家伍卓賢(2006-2008)和鄺展維(2020-2022)、指揮 黎志華(2009-2011)、鋼琴家李嘉齡(2010-2011)、 舞蹈鬼才伍宇烈(2011-2013),和創作麥兜(20192020)的謝立文及麥家碧。

The HKS Artist Associate scheme has been providing a platform since 2006 for talented artists to grow and shine, and to work closely with Hong Kong Sinfonietta to explore new ideas and expand the horizon of classical music. Former HKS Artist Associates continue to work with the orchestra and often collaborate among themselves, building new partnerships. Apart from this season’s HKS Artist Associate Vivian Ho, the orchestra also featured old friends including composers Ng Cheuk-yin and Charles Kwong, conductor Jason Lai, pianist Colleen Lee, choreographer Yuri Ng, and McDull by Brian Tse and Alice Mak.

何博欣 Vivian Ho (駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2022-2024)

Hong Kong artist Vivian Ho is passionate about creating sensory images that redefine aesthetics and address cultural values. Her works are collected by the M+ Museum, Valmont Foundation, Nishiji Collection and Copelouzos Family Art Museum, and she has held multiple solo and group exhibitions in Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai, Singapore, Paris, Rome and the US. 藝術家及插畫家何博欣畢業於美國衛斯理大學,主修

Ho has previously created the key images of the

藝術及經濟。作品獲香港 M+ 博物館、瑞士法爾曼基

orchestra’s popular online chamber concert series


Tiny Galaxy Concerts @ Wontonmeen and concert film


All-Star Tiny Galaxy @ Wontonmeen, retelling the


stories of an old Hong Kong while interweaving the

上室樂系列《Tiny Galaxy Concerts @ Wontonmeen》

timeless beauty of classical music into its fabric. This

及音樂會電影《All-Star Tiny Galaxy @ Wontonmeen》

season she continued to help Hong Kong Sinfonietta


audience “see the music” in various capacities.


Highlights included the crossover audience development


concerts Short-cut to Classical Music: Seeing beyond the


sound & notes, where her works were animated and


fused with music by Ravel and Gardel.

14 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

駐團藝術家何博欣參與《古典音樂速成:能看見的音樂》跨界音樂會,拓闊音樂廳內外觀眾的想像空間 Seeing beyond the sound & notes! The crossover concerts feature Vivian Ho and her works inside and outside of the Concert Hall

何博欣為香港小交響樂團 2022/2023 樂季帶來新意念 Vivian Ho brings new perspectives to the Hong Kong Sinfonietta concert season

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 15

委約作品及首演 Commissioned Works & Premières 委約作品 Commissioned Works

鄺展維:《AtLasT》 (2021-2022) 為分散並流動的樂隊而寫

Charles Kwong: AtLasT (2021-2022) for Spatialised & Mobilised Orchestra 世界首演 World première: 16 & 17.9.2022

伍宇烈:舞蹈作品《影幻形光》 Yuri Ng: Dance work Reflections on Refractions 世界首演 World première: 16 & 17.9.2022 由香港小交響樂團委約 Commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta

由香港小交響樂團委約 Commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta

「上半場與下半場的舞蹈空間雖然不同 — 「我不單看到原創性,亦看得出作品的主題思想。」

但伍宇烈皆利用得很成熟 — 以他對空間的掌握程度,


香港沒有一個表演場地會難倒他。」 香港電台第四台《藝壇快訊》

林儷: 《沒有像家的地方》 (測試版) Lam Lai: There is No Place Like Home (Beta)

鄺展維: 《無限掌中置》 Charles Kwong: Infinity in the palm for Orchestra

世界首演 World première: 9.3.2023

世界首演 World première: 26.3.2023

由香港小交響樂團委約,費用由香港作曲家及作詞家協會 轄下的「CASH 音樂基金」贊助 Commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta with sponsorship from CASH Music Fund

“The concert opener was intriguing.” South China Morning Post

由香港小交響樂團委約 Commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta

「比賽委約鄺展維用現代技法,特別為比賽創作 《無限掌中置》,作為決賽規定曲目。」 北京《音樂周報》

16 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

與國際夥伴聯合委約的作品 International Co-commissions (2020) 阿迪斯: 《水手歌 — 在海上》 Thomas Adès: Shanty – Over the Sea (2020) 亞洲首演 Asian première: 11.6.2022 由澳洲室樂團、新澤西州交響樂團、慕尼黑室樂團、香港小交響樂團、 阿姆斯特丹小交響樂團、瑞典室樂團、巴塞爾室樂團/格施塔德曼奴軒音樂節、 伊斯坦堡音樂節、與巴比肯中心/布列頓交響樂團委約 Commissioned by Australian Chamber Orchestra, New Jersey Symphony Orchestra, Münchener Kammerorchester, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, Amsterdam Sinfonietta, Swedish Chamber Orchestra, Kammerorchester Basel with Gstaad Menuhin Festival & Academy, Istanbul Music Festival & Barbican Centre with Britten Sinfonia

安德森:大提琴協奏曲《禱告》(2018-2019)* Julian Anderson: Litanies – Concerto for Cello & Orchestra (2018-2019)* 亞洲首演 Asian première: 4.2.2023 由法國電台、香港小交響樂團、伯明翰市交響樂團、挪威室樂團、瑞典室樂團 及洛桑室樂團委約 Commissioned by Radio France, Hong Kong Sinfonietta, City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra, Norwegian Chamber Orchestra, Swedish Chamber Orchestra & Orchestre de Chambre de Lausanne

*獎項:格文美作曲大獎 Award: Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition 2023

「樂團幾經波折,終於能夠為阿迪斯所寫的 《水手歌 — 在海上》作亞洲首演, 而樂團亦是其中一隊委約單位之一⋯⋯ 作品模糊的主體與標題, 卻帶給聽眾無限的猜想。」 《國際演藝評論家協會》

克蘭茵: 《喧囂與憤怒》 (2019) Anna Clyne: Sound and Fury (2019) 亞洲首演 Asian première: 27.8.2022 由蘇格蘭室樂團、法國里昂國家樂團與香港小交響樂團委約 Commissioned by Scottish Chamber Orchestra, Orchestre National de Lyon & Hong Kong Sinfonietta


其他首演 Other Premières

非常出色;而樂團的技巧水平及最終表現, 亦是水準極高而完美,令人非常滿意和欣賞!」 《國際演藝評論家協會》

紀伯特遜: 《美與好的》 (2018) Michael Gilbertson: The Beautiful & The Good (2018) 亞洲首演 Asian première: 24.9.2022

“The score is a fascinating one: an imaginative fusion of light and dark aspects, new and old musical devices… The Sinfonietta under [Ken] Lam played with energy, clarity and precision.” South China Morning Post

艾特沃殊: 《與莫扎特的對話》 (2016) Peter Eötvös: Dialog mit Mozart – Da Capo for Orchestra (2016) 亞洲首演 Asian première: 8.10.2022

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 17

第二屆香港國際指揮大賽 2nd Hong Kong International Conducting Competition 初賽 Round 1

22.3.2023 Wed

準決賽 Round 2 (Semi-Finals)

23-24.3.2023 Thu-Fri

決賽 Round 3 (Finals)

26.3.2023 Sun

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

2018 年創辦、原定四年一屆的香港國際指揮大賽,因疫情關係,第二屆

評審 Jury

延至 2023 年舉行。由香港小交響樂團主辦的香港國際指揮大賽是亞洲絕

聯合主席 Co-chairs


葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie *^


香港小交響樂團 桂冠音樂總監 Music Director Emeritus, Hong Kong Sinfonietta

術家經理人組成。第二屆大賽吸引了 194 位來自 45 個國家及地區的參賽 者,經遴選後 16 強到港參賽,指揮樂團演繹多首不同曲目,包括在準決 賽由香港小交響樂團「小提琴新星選」的優勝者范曉星擔任獨奏的西貝遼 士小提琴協奏曲,以及在決賽作世界首演的委約作品、鄺展維的《無限掌 中置》。經歷三輪比賽,最後由來自委內瑞拉的巴拉斯奪得冠軍及樂團大 獎,台灣的吳曜宇及以色列的梅靈分別位列第二及第三名,吳曜宇更同時 獲得現場觀眾大獎和增設的新委約作品最佳演繹獎,而網上觀眾大獎則由 來自委內瑞拉的帕狄尼諾奪得。 四日的賽事均設有現場觀眾及網上直播,讓香港及全球各地的音樂愛好者 見證整個比賽過程,也是向世界藝壇推廣香港文化藝術的一個機會。整個 比賽的策劃,賽後獲各參賽者、評審及媒體的高度評價。

柏鵬 Christoph Poppen *^ 香港小交響樂團 候任音樂總監 / 科隆室樂團 首席指揮 / 以色列室樂團 首席客席指揮 / 葡萄牙馬爾旺國際音樂節 藝術總監 Music Director Designate, Hong Kong Sinfonietta / Principal Conductor, Cologne Chamber Orchestra / Principal Guest Conductor, Israel Chamber Orchestra / Artistic Director, Marvão International Music Festival

評審委員 Members of the Jury 呂紹嘉 Lü Shao-Chia ^ 台灣愛樂 榮譽指揮 Conductor Emeritus, Taiwan Philharmonic

Following the triumph of the first edition in 2018, the 2nd Hong Kong International Conducting Competition was held in March 2023 at Hong Kong City Hall, winning high international acclaims. As the only major conducting competition in the region, the Competition – featuring an international Jury made up of conductors and people shaping the music business today – helps provide a platform for young conductors to establish a network in Asia. 16 Candidates shortlisted from the 194 applications from 45 countries and regions came to Hong Kong to conduct Hong Kong Sinfonietta, performing a set list of works including Sibelius’ Violin Concerto that featured the orchestra’s 2022 Auditions on Stage – Violin winner Fan Hiu-sing, as well as the world première of a new commissioned work, Infinity in the palm, by Charles Kwong. After three Rounds of competition, Rodolfo Barráez from Venezuela was awarded 1st Prize as well as Orchestra Prize, while Yao-Yu Wu from Taiwan won the 2nd Prize, Audience Prize (Live Audience) as well as Best Interpretation of the New Commissioned Work. The 3rd Prize went to Mikhail Mering from Israel, and Abner Padrino from Venezuela took home the Audience Prize (Online Audience).

達古貝 Thierry d’Argoubet ^

All Rounds of the Competition were open to the public and streamed live, and the playback was also available on the internet, showcasing Hong Kong as an international hub of arts and culture.

* 遴選 Preliminary Round ^ 初賽至決賽 Rounds 1-3

18 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

法國圖盧茲國家樂團 前總經理 Former General Manager, Orchestre National du Capitole de Toulouse

恩斯特 Philipp Ernst ^ 德國慕尼黑室樂團 藝術策劃及副總監 Artistic Planning & Deputy Managing Director, Munich Chamber Orchestra–Münchener Kammerorchester

胡弦月 Xenia Groh-Hu ^ 德國 karsten witt 音樂經理人公司 總監 Managing Director, karsten witt musik management

格德霍特 James Cuddeford * 香港小交響樂團 樂團首席 Concertmaster, Hong Kong Sinfonietta

貝樂安 Laurent Perrin ^ 香港小交響樂團 大提琴助理首席 Assistant Principal Cello, Hong Kong Sinfonietta

「一場大賽揭秘樂隊指揮奧義。」 北京《音樂周報》

“The competition, which was live-streamed and made available to watch free of charge on the Sinfonietta’s YouTube channel after the event, gives a taste of just what it is that orchestral conductors do and what a difference it makes when different people conduct the same piece of music.” South China Morning Post

第二屆香港國際指揮大賽成功在香港大會堂舉行,賽事全程均設有現場觀眾及網上直播,向世界藝壇推廣香港文化藝術 The 2nd Hong Kong International Conducting Competition was also streamed on the internet, highlighting Hong Kong as an international arts hub

「香港國際指揮大賽是香港及 鄰近亞太地區絕無僅有的指揮大賽。」 《灼見名家》 「指揮大賽將香港放在國際樂壇顯眼位置, 展示了香港有樂團具備舉辦 這類國際賽事的能力,更成為中西樂界 加深交流的橋樑,成功拓闊了亞太區 大型指揮比賽(西樂)這片空間。」 《文匯報》

16 位參賽者與評審團於賽後留影 The 16 Candidates and the Jury members of the 2nd Hong Kong International Conducting Competition

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 19

巴拉斯 Rodolfo Barráez

吳曜宇 Yao-Yu Wu

梅靈 Mikhail Mering

冠軍及樂團大獎 1st Prize & Orchestra Prize

亞軍、現場觀眾大獎及新委約作品最佳演繹獎 2nd Prize, Audience Prize (Live) & Best Interpretation of the New Commissioned Work

季軍 3rd Prize

「這次指揮大賽除了看到高水平的指揮 及樂團出色的演出,讓香港與來自世界 各地的參賽者,以至評審團成員有加深 認識的機會,更叫人驚喜的是, 它成功地說好香港故事!」 《文匯報》

第二屆香港國際指揮大賽「期間限定」電車 遊走香港島,說好香港故事 The special Hong Kong International Conducting Competition tram with artwork by renowned Czech artist Jiří Votruba

16 位參賽者與評審團在 指揮大賽結束翌日一起登上電車, 開啟一段溝通交流的旅程 Meetings with individual Jury members after the Competition prepared the 16 Candidates for their new journeys ahead

「[評審呂紹嘉] 以參賽過來人分享,『比賽是一種不得已之下的選擇, 這次是我看過最富人性溫暖的國際比賽, 16 位指揮不論晉級與否,全數受到平等殷勤接待至比賽結束, 包括與評審共進兩次豐盛餐會,並有充分賽後溝通互動的機會。』」 《灼見名家》 20 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

小提琴新星選 Auditions on Stage – Violin 21-23.7.2022 Thu-Sat 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

評審 Selection Panel

桂冠音樂總監/指揮 Music Director Emeritus/Conductor

柏鵬 Christoph Poppen

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 桂冠音樂總監 Music Director Emeritus

首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor

格德霍特 James Cuddeford 樂團首席 Concertmaster

為了發掘及培育年輕藝術家,樂團於本樂季首次舉辦「小提琴新星選」,並由駐團藝術家何博欣的畫作作為主要圖像。 入圍的三位小提琴手(另有一位因未克回港而退出)與樂團的綵排及正式試演均由樂團桂冠音樂總監葉詠詩執棒。三位評審在 參考樂團成員的投票及意見後,最終選出范曉星為優勝者。除了將於 2023/2024 樂季的音樂會中擔任獨奏,范曉星亦獲邀在 第二屆香港國際指揮大賽準決賽中亮相,演出了八次西貝遼士小提琴協奏曲的第一樂章,讓本地及網上觀眾一睹他的實力。 A new initiative held this season was Auditions on Stage – Violin (key image by HKS Artist Associate Vivian Ho), where aspiring young violinists competed to be featured in the orchestra’s concert season. The three shortlisted candidates (a fourth candidate unfortunately had to withdraw) rehearsed and played a concerto of their own choice with the orchestra, conducted by Music Director Emeritus Yip Wing-sie. Eventually Fan Hiu-sing, a Juilliard and Munich Hochschule graduate, won the Auditions. In addition to winning the chance to be a featured soloist in the 2023/2024 season, Fan was invited to play with the orchestra and the 8 Semi-Finalists in the 2nd Hong Kong International Conducting Competition, and his performance was made available to audiences worldwide on the internet. 「今屆延續上一屆的做法,在準決賽中安排了一位香港獨奏家 參與協奏曲部份的演出,這除了考驗參賽者與獨奏家合作的能力, 也藉著社交媒體的現場直播,向國際樂迷推介本地的演奏家, 今屆邀請的是年輕的小提琴家、去年香港小交響樂團主辦的 『小提琴新星選』冠軍得主范曉星。」 《文匯報》

「小提琴新星選」優勝者范曉星獲邀在第二屆香港國際指揮大賽準決賽中擔任獨奏 Fan Hiu-sing, winner of Auditions on Stage – Violin, was featured in the 2nd Hong Kong International Conducting Competition and audiences around the world could see his 8 performances of Sibelius’ Violin Concerto (1st movement) online!

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 21

本樂季主要節目 Major Programmes in 2022/2023 設現場觀眾之節目 Programmes with Live Audience 日期 Date

場地 Venue

節目名稱 Programme Title

演出者 Artists


台中國家歌劇院戶外劇場 National Taichung Theater Outdoor Theater

NTT 放映室 香港小交響樂團音樂會電影 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Concert Film: Back on Stage II (Quarantined!)

何龍章(導演) 柏鵬(首席客席指揮/小提琴)、克里奇(鋼琴) Stanley Ho (Director) Christoph Poppen (Principal Guest Conductor/Violin) Alexander Krichel (Piano)

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

法國五月藝術節 香港小交響樂團: 《最愛大提琴》 French May Arts Festival Hong Kong Sinfonietta: Cellomania with Jamal Aliyev

葉詠詩(桂冠音樂總監/指揮) 阿利耶夫(大提琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director Emeritus/Conductor) Jamal Aliyev (Cello)

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

弦.續巴羅克 Baroque Connections

格德霍特(小提琴/領奏) James Cuddeford (Violin/Director)

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

蘇格蘭幻想曲 Scottish Fantasy

葉詠詩(桂冠音樂總監/指揮)、李智慧(小提琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director Emeritus/Conductor) Jehye Lee (Violin)


21.5.2022 Sat

28.5.2022 Sat

11.6.2022 Sat

“The highly virtuosic works on the programme were simply jaw-dropping.” Bachtrack

香港小交響樂團法國五月藝術節音樂會《最愛大提琴》 Hong Kong Sinfonietta: Cellomania with Jamal Aliyev

22 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

香港小交響樂團音樂會電影再次登陸台灣, 於台中國家歌劇院「NTT 放映室」上映 Concert film screening at National Taichung Theater

《弦.續巴羅克》音樂會帶領觀眾穿梭三世紀, 體驗古今作曲家的無盡創意 Led by Concertmaster James Cuddeford, Baroque Connections paints unique soundscapes of works from the 17th to the late 20th centuries

「她高超的音樂感和清晰而近乎完美的技巧, 把這首歌唱性及節奏感極濃的民俗特色作品, 演繹得令人相當感動。」 《國際演藝評論家協會》

李智慧首度與樂團及桂冠音樂總監葉詠詩合作,演繹《蘇格蘭幻想曲》 Bavarian Radio Symphony Orchestra Principal Second Violin Jehye Lee plays Scottish Fantasy

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 23

日期 Date

場地 Venue

節目名稱 Programme Title

演出者 Artists


香港大會堂劇院 HK City Hall Theatre

幼兒愛音樂 Good Music for Kids (3-6 years old)

葉詠媛(指揮/主持) Vivian Ip (Conductor/Presenter)

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

法國五月藝術節 畢杜雙簧管獨奏會 French May Arts Festival Gabriel Pidoux Oboe Recital: Romance

畢杜(雙簧管) 李嘉齡(鋼琴/駐團藝術家 2010-2011) Gabriel Pidoux (Oboe) Colleen Lee (Piano/HKS Artist Associate 2010-2011)

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

法國五月藝術節 香港小交響樂團: 佛漢.威廉士雙簧管協奏曲 French May Arts Festival Hong Kong Sinfonietta: Vaughan Williams Oboe Concerto

黎志華(指揮/駐團藝術家 2009-2011) 畢杜(雙簧管) Jason Lai (Conductor/HKS Artist Associate 2009-2011) Gabriel Pidoux (Oboe)

香港科技大學 逸夫演藝中心 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Shaw Auditorium

香港小交響樂團音樂會電影 何龍章(導演) Hong Kong Sinfonietta Concert Film: 柏鵬、格德霍特(小提琴)、拉.馬爾卡(中提琴) All-Star Tiny Galaxy @ Wontonmeen 柏斯卡爾(大提琴)、納卡里亞科夫(小號/柔音小號) 李嘉齡(鋼琴/駐團藝術家 2010-2011)、蘇柏軒(鋼琴) Stanley Ho (Director) Christoph Poppen, James Cuddeford (Violin) Adrien La Marca (Viola), Aurélien Pascal (Cello) Sergei Nakariakov (Trumpet/Flugelhorn) Colleen Lee (Piano/HKS Artist Associate 2010-2011) Perry So (Piano)

香港文化中心大劇院 HK Cultural Centre Grand Theatre

國際綜藝合家歡 香港芭蕾舞團: 《仙履奇緣》 International Arts Carnival Hong Kong Ballet: Cinderella

葉詠詩(桂冠音樂總監/指揮) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director Emeritus/Conductor)

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

小提琴新星選 Auditions on Stage – Violin

詳見第 21 頁 See p21 for details


21.6.2022 Sat

23.6.2022 Thu

24.6.2022 Fri

8-10.7.2022 Fri-Sun

21-23.7.2022 Thu-Sat

「在整場獨奏會中,畢杜在藝術與色彩方面的表現, 的確令人眼界大開。⋯⋯他與李嘉齡兩人都從容灑脫, 帶來極品級的演奏體驗。」 《國際演藝評論家協會》

雙簧管演奏家畢杜首度來港, 除與樂團演出外,還與 鋼琴家李嘉齡在獨奏會中合作 Gabriel Pidoux Oboe Recital Romance accompanied by Colleen Lee

24 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

「最令我感動的是父母(很多還是非常年輕) 在音樂會中展現給孩子感官刺激的那份投入, 跟孩子一起跳又一起唱。」 《頭條日報》

葉詠媛首次指揮及主持《幼兒愛音樂》音樂會,大獲好評 Fun for kids and parents in Good Music for Kids (3-6 years old)

「我在這種喜孜孜的演奏中完全放鬆了身心, 如同置身一個無重力的地方,太舒服了! ⋯⋯一曲奏畢,全場掌聲雷動。」 《文匯報》

“Gabriel Pidoux tackled Vaughan Williams’ concerto with significance and aplomb.” Bachtrack

黎志華指揮香港小交響樂團及畢杜演繹佛漢.威廉士的雙簧管協奏曲 Gabriel Pidoux and Jason Lai performing Vaughan Williams’ Oboe Concerto

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 25

日期 Date

場地 Venue

節目名稱 Programme Title

演出者 Artists


香港大會堂大堂 HK City Hall Foyer

展覽會 Exhibition: See the Music!

何博欣(畫家/駐團藝術家) Jessica Zoob (畫家) Vivian Ho (Artist/HKS Artist Associate) Jessica Zoob (Artist)


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

香港小交響樂團音樂會電影 何龍章(導演) Hong Kong Sinfonietta Concert Film: 柏鵬(首席客席指揮)、柏斯卡爾(大提琴) Back on Stage III: DESTINY Stanley Ho (Director) Christoph Poppen (Principal Guest Conductor) Aurélien Pascal (Cello)

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

香港小交響樂團音樂會電影 何龍章(導演) Hong Kong Sinfonietta Concert Film: 柏斯卡爾(大提琴)、李嘉齡(鋼琴/駐團藝術家 2010-2011) Vive la Musique! 格德霍特、李海南(小提琴)、陳子信(中提琴) Stanley Ho (Director) Aurélien Pascal (Cello) Colleen Lee (Piano/HKS Artist Associate 2010-2011) James Cuddeford, Le Hoai-nam (Violin) Elvis Chan (Viola)


3.8.2022 Wed

6-7.8.2022 Sat-Sun

8.8.2022 Mon

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

《古典音樂速成》 :能看見的音樂 Short-cut to Classical Music: Seeing beyond the sound & notes

葉詠詩(桂冠音樂總監/指揮/主持) 格德霍特(小提琴) 何博欣(畫家/駐團藝術家)、 Jessica Zoob (畫家) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director Emeritus/Conductor/Presenter) James Cuddeford (Violin) Vivian Ho (Artist/HKS Artist Associate), Jessica Zoob (Artist)

香港小交響樂團音樂會電影 詳見第 24 頁 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Concert Film: See p24 for details All-Star Tiny Galaxy @ Wontonmeen

首次在香港大會堂大堂舉行的藝術展覽會 Art exhibition See the Music! courtesy of artists Vivian Ho and Jessica Zoob

26 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

《古典音樂速成:能看見的音樂》音樂會結合音樂 與視覺藝術,讓觀眾聽見色彩,看見音樂 The Short-cut to Classical Music: Seeing beyond the sound & notes concerts integrate orchestral masterpieces with visual arts

在音樂會中展現的何博欣及 Jessica Zoob 的畫作,亦刊載於場刊,方便觀眾參照 The concert house programme pages listing the paintings of Vivian Ho and Jessica Zoob used in the concerts

香港小交響樂團的其中三齣音樂會電影首次於香港大會堂音樂廳放映,並設映後座談會 Music Director Emeritus Yip Wing-sie, Concertmaster James Cuddeford and CEO Margaret Yang meeting with audience after a concert film screening at City Hall

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 27

日期 Date

場地 Venue

27.8.2022 Sat

16-17.9.2022 Fri-Sat

節目名稱 Programme Title

演出者 Artists

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

《最愛小提琴》 : 浦羅哥菲夫第一小提琴協奏曲 Great Violin Concertos: Luka Faulisi Plays Prokofiev

林敬基(指揮) 霍利斯(小提琴) Ken Lam (Conductor) Luka Faulisi (Violin)

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

香港大會堂 60 周年及 香港藝術節 50 周年聯合誌慶音樂會 《影幻形光》 Joint Celebration Concert of Hong Kong City Hall 60th Anniversary & Hong Kong Arts Festival 50th Anniversary Reflections on Refractions

葉詠詩(桂冠音樂總監/指揮) 格德霍特(小提琴/領奏) 鄺展維(作曲家/駐團藝術家 2020-2022) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director Emeritus/Conductor) James Cuddeford (Violin/Director) Charles Kwong (Composer/HKS Artist Associate 2020-2022) 創作團隊 @CCDC Creative Team 伍宇烈(編舞/舞台及服裝概念/駐團藝術家 2011-2013) 黃狄文、龐智筠、黃振邦、柯志輝(創作舞者) 梁曉端(藝術統籌)、羅文偉(燈光設計) Yuri Ng (Choreographer/Stage & Costume Concept/ HKS Artist Associate 2011-2013)

Dominic Wong, Noel Pong, Bruce Wong, Felix Ke (Dance Artists), Melissa Leung (Artistic Coordinator) Lawmanray (Lighting Designer)

「樂團整齊與氣場強烈的表現亦是無懈可擊。」 《國際演藝評論家協會》

“Ken Lam draws passionate playing from Hong Kong Sinfonietta in works by Barber, Stravinsky, Prokofiev and contemporary composer Anna Clyne.” South China Morning Post

林敬基指揮香港小交響樂團的《最愛小提琴》音樂會 Great Violin Concertos: Luka Faulisi Plays Prokofiev features an eclectic 20th- and 21st-century repertoire under conductor Ken Lam

28 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

《影幻形光》糅合音樂、舞蹈、舞台光影的跨界製作,是樂團首次跟城市當代舞蹈團的大型合作 The special crossover commission Reflections on Refractions brings together music, dance and arts technology

文化體育及旅遊局局長楊潤雄及康樂及文化事務署署長劉明光等嘉賓與參與《影幻形光》的台前幕後藝術家和工作人員,一起見證香港大會堂光輝歲月 60 載 Distinguished guests, artists and the masterminds behind Reflections on Refractions

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 29

日期 Date

場地 Venue


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall


25.9.2022 Sun

27.9.2022 Tue

29.9.2022 Thu

4.10.2022 Tue

5.10.2022 Wed

8.10.2022 Sat

3.11.2022 Thu

5.11.2022 Sat

6.11.2022 Sun

葉惠康博士演奏廳 Dr Yip Wai Hong Recital Hall

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

節目名稱 Programme Title


演出者 Artists

布拉姆斯第一鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: Rémi Geniet Plays Brahms

陳康明(指揮) 尚尼埃(鋼琴) Joshua Tan (Conductor) Rémi Geniet (Piano)

普利欽小提琴大師班 Aylen Pritchin Violin Masterclass

普利欽(小提琴) Aylen Pritchin (Violin)

DOUBLE ACTs 鋼琴與小提琴演奏會 Duo Recital by Rémi Geniet & Aylen Pritchin DOUBLE ACTs

尚尼埃(鋼琴) 普利欽(小提琴) Rémi Geniet (Piano) Aylen Pritchin (Violin)

《最愛小提琴》 :孟德爾遜小提琴協奏曲 Great Violin Concertos: Aylen Pritchin Plays Mendelssohn

葉詠詩(桂冠音樂總監/指揮) 普利欽(小提琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director Emeritus/Conductor) Aylen Pritchin (Violin)

林品任小提琴大師班 Richard Lin Violin Masterclass

林品任(小提琴) Richard Lin (Violin)

《最愛小提琴》 :布魯赫第一小提琴協奏曲 Great Violin Concertos: Richard Lin Plays Bruch

連汶華(指揮)、林品任(小提琴) Boon Hua Lien (Conductor) Richard Lin (Violin)

香港演藝學院音樂學院 HK Academy for Performing Arts School of Music

紀弗朗鋼琴大師班 François-Frédéric Guy Piano Masterclass

紀弗朗(鋼琴) François-Frédéric Guy (Piano)

元朗劇院演藝廳 Yuen Long Theatre Auditorium

蕭邦第二鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: François-Frédéric Guy Plays Chopin

柏鵬(首席客席指揮)、紀弗朗(鋼琴) Christoph Poppen (Principal Guest Conductor) François-Frédéric Guy (Piano)

元朗劇院演藝廳 Yuen Long Theatre Auditorium

紀弗朗鋼琴獨奏會 François-Frédéric Guy Piano Recital

紀弗朗(鋼琴) François-Frédéric Guy (Piano)

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

葉惠康博士演奏廳 Dr Yip Wai Hong Recital Hall

香港浸會大學大學會堂 HK Baptist University Academic Community Hall 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

本樂季的新嘗試:在同時期邀請兩位演奏家 與樂團合作,並獻上室樂演奏會 DOUBLE ACTs – Duo Recital by Rémi Geniet & Aylen Pritchin

30 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

小提琴家普利欽首次跟樂團及桂冠音樂總監葉詠詩合作 Aylen Pritchin plays Mendelssohn’s Violin Concerto

鋼琴家尚尼埃與指揮陳康明 Rémi Geniet plays Brahms’ Piano Concerto

林品任與指揮連汶華演繹布魯赫第一小提琴協奏曲 Richard Lin plays Bruch’s Violin Concerto No 1

鋼琴家紀弗朗與首席客席指揮柏鵬 François-Frédéric Guy and Christoph Poppen

柏鵬向元朗劇院的觀眾介紹當代作曲家利蓋蒂為兩個弦樂團而寫的《分枝》 Maestro Poppen introduces Ligeti’s iconic Ramifications for two string orchestras to Yuen Long audience

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 31

日期 Date

場地 Venue

節目名稱 Programme Title


太古城中心 MOViE MOViE MOViE MOViE Cityplaza

MOViE MOViE 光影藝術祭 詳見第 22 頁 “Life is Art” Film Festival See p22 for details 香港小交響樂團音樂會電影 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Concert Film: Back on Stage II (Quarantined!)


15.11.2022 Tue

16.11.2022 Wed

18.11.2022 Fri

20.11.2022 Sun

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

太古廣場 MOViE MOViE MOViE MOViE Pacific Place

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

DOUBLE ACTs 大提琴與鋼琴演奏會 Duo Recital by Maximilian Hornung & Alexander Krichel

演出者 Artists

霍農(大提琴) 克里奇(鋼琴) Maximilian Hornung (Cello) Alexander Krichel (Piano)

MOViE MOViE 光影藝術祭 詳見第 22 頁 “Life is Art” Film Festival See p22 for details 香港小交響樂團音樂會電影 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Concert Film: Back on Stage II (Quarantined!) DOUBLE ACTs 《最愛大提琴》 : 蕭斯達高維契第一大提琴協奏曲 Cellomania: Maximilian Hornung Plays Shostakovich DOUBLE ACTs 貝多芬皇帝鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: Alexander Krichel Plays Beethoven “Emperor”

作為首位在 2020 年無懼隔離飛到香港與樂團合作的海外藝術家, 克里奇終於能親身欣賞當時拍攝的音樂會電影,並與香港觀眾見面 Pianist Alexander Krichel at the screening of his concert film with the orchestra, Back On Stage II (Quarantined!) at the “Life is Art” Film Festival

32 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

葉詠詩(桂冠音樂總監/指揮) 霍農(大提琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director Emeritus/Conductor) Maximilian Hornung (Cello)

葉詠詩(桂冠音樂總監/指揮) 克里奇(鋼琴) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director Emeritus/Conductor) Alexander Krichel (Piano)

“The chemistry between the two was undeniable.” South China Morning Post

「兩人的演繹、技巧和合作完美無瑕, 而且活力與優雅並存, 的確是非常令人興奮的演出。 ⋯⋯他倆的互相配合和默契, 令人深深感受到,合作所帶來了重要 的藝術性,這亦是在當代音樂演奏 越來越只著眼於個人表現的情況下 的一個最佳典範。」 《國際演藝評論家協會》

兩位來自德國的演奏家為香港樂迷送上精彩的獨奏及二重奏曲目 DOUBLE ACTs – Duo Recital by Maximilian Hornung & Alexander Krichel

大提琴家霍農與桂冠音樂總監葉詠詩合作的《最愛大提琴》音樂會 Maximilian Hornung plays Shostakovich’s Cello Concerto No 1 under Music Director Emeritus Yip Wing-sie

克里奇二度訪港,終於能為香港大會堂觀眾 現場演繹貝多芬「皇帝」鋼琴協奏曲 Pianist Alexander Krichel finally gets to perform live for Hong Kong audience

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 33

日期 Date

場地 Venue

節目名稱 Programme Title

演出者 Artists

2-4.12.2022 Fri-Sun

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

麥兜.感人至深小聖誕 McDull . A Sentimental Little Christmas

葉詠詩(桂冠音樂總監/指揮)、謝立文及麥家碧(概念/導演) 格德霍特(小提琴) 麥兜(駐團藝術家 2019-2020) Lunchtime Production Limited(動畫製作) 春田花花教育基金有限公司(合作機構) 葉氏兒童合唱團(特別演出) 李嘉齡(聲音演出/駐團藝術家 2010-2011) 伍宇烈(聲音演出/駐團藝術家 2011-2013) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director Emeritus/Conductor) Brian Tse & Alice Mak (Concept/Co-directors) James Cuddeford (Violin) McDull (HKS Artist Associate 2019-2020) Lunchtime Production Limited (Animation Production) Chun Tian Hua Hua Foundation Ltd (Collaborator) Yip’s Children’s Choir (Special Performance) Colleen Lee (Voice Artist/HKS Artist Associate 2010-2011) Yuri Ng (Voice Artist/HKS Artist Associate 2011-2013)

16-26.12. 2022

香港文化中心大劇院 HK Cultural Centre

香港芭蕾舞團: 《胡桃夾子》 Hong Kong Ballet: The Nutcracker

葉詠媛(指揮) Vivian Ip (Conductor)

Grand Theatre

13-15.1. 2023 Fri-Sun

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

麥萊叔叔超時空之旅 葉詠媛(指揮)、麥萊(主持/敲擊樂) Good Music for Kids: Vivian Ip (Conductor) The Fantastic Symphonic Time Machine Alasdair Malloy (Presenter/Percussion)

《麥兜.感人至深小聖誕》音樂會糅合音樂、故事、動畫和錄像,是充滿創意的本地跨界製作 Music + drama + animation + video art in McDull . A Sentimental Little Christmas

34 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

麥兜與香港小交響樂團及葉氏兒童合唱團再度合作.提早跟觀眾慶祝聖誕 Carol singalong with McDull and Hong Kong Sinfonietta

麥萊叔叔帶來的合家歡音樂會.無論台上台下及音樂廳內外.笑聲歡欣不斷 The Fantastic Symphonic Time Machine with Alasdair Malloy – it is all about good music and fun beyond imagination!

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 35

日期 Date

場地 Venue

節目名稱 Programme Title

演出者 Artists


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

葛哈特大提琴獨奏會 Alban Gerhardt Cello Recital

葛哈特(大提琴)、李嘉齡(鋼琴/駐團藝術家 2010-2011) Alban Gerhardt (Cello) Colleen Lee (Piano/HKS Artist Associate 2010-2011)


4.2.2023 Sat

9-12.2.2023 Thu-Sun

7.3.2023 Tue

香港大會堂音樂廳 《最愛大提琴》 :大提琴大師葛哈特 HK City Hall Concert Hall Cellomania:

柏鵬(候任音樂總監/指揮)、葛哈特(大提琴) Christoph Poppen (Music Director Designate/Conductor) Alban Gerhardt Plays Julian Anderson Alban Gerhardt (Cello)

香港大會堂劇院 HK City Hall Theatre

寶寶愛音樂 Good Music for Babies

陳穎朗(指揮/主持)、格德霍特(小提琴) Ray Chan (Conductor/Presenter), James Cuddeford (Violin)

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

柯列斯尼科夫鋼琴獨奏會 Pavel Kolesnikov Piano Recital: Goldberg Variations

柯列斯尼科夫(鋼琴) Pavel Kolesnikov (Piano)

「兩人之間的精彩合作,實在令觀眾樂而忘返 ⋯⋯葛哈特以音樂為大前提, 一點也不賣弄,確實是頂級演奏家的最高境界!」 《國際演藝評論家協會》 「葛哈特的演奏優美至極,所有樂句在他手上, 似乎都輕而易舉地變得甚具有歌唱性和極動聽。」 《灼見名家》

葛哈特與李嘉齡首次合作,擦出火花 Alban Gerhardt Cello Recital accompanied by Colleen Lee

36 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

候任音樂總監柏鵬指揮樂團 與多個歐洲樂團聯合委約、 安德森《禱告》的亞洲首演, 作品榮獲 2023 年格文美作曲大獎 Asian première of co-commissioned work Litanies by Julian Anderson, winner of the prestigious Grawemeyer Award for Music Composition in 2023

指揮陳穎朗為零至兩歲的小寶寶送上首個管弦音樂會 Good Music for Babies with conductor Ray Chan

“A thought-provoking and poetic reading of Bach’s Goldberg Variations.” South China Morning Post

柯列斯尼科夫以鋼琴為畫布. 繪出色彩斑斕的《哥德堡變奏曲》 Lucky audience to the sold-out recital get to “see” the rich colours from Pavel Kolesnikov’s piano

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 37

日期 Date

場地 Venue

節目名稱 Programme Title

演出者 Artists


香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

拉赫曼尼諾夫第三鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: Pavel Kolesnikov Plays Rachmaninov No 3

葉詠詩(桂冠音樂總監/指揮) 柯列斯尼科夫(鋼琴)、林儷(作曲家/電子音效) Yip Wing-sie (Music Director Emeritus/Conductor) Pavel Kolesnikov (Piano), Lam Lai (Composer/Electronics)

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall

第二屆香港國際指揮大賽 2nd Hong Kong International Conducting Competition

詳見第 18 頁 See p18 for details


22-26.3.2023 Wed-Sun

香港大會堂免費午間音樂會 Hong Kong City Hall Lunchtime Concerts 16.5.2022 Mon


2.6.2022 Thu

HK City Hall Concert Hall

Panasonic Proudly Sponsors: Good Music This Lunch

5.7.2022 Tue

香港小交響樂團樂師及友人 Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians & friends

9.8.2022 Tue 19.9.2022 Mon 15.11.2022 Tue 13.12.2022 Tue 30.1.2023 Mon 20.3.2023 Mon

“The excitement generated by Kolesnikov’s brilliant acrobatic leaps and the warp-speed final flurry — perfectly nailed with the orchestra — ensured the performance was a resounding success.” South China Morning Post

鋼琴家柯列斯尼科夫香港首演,與樂團合作演奏拉赫曼尼諾夫第三鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: Pavel Kolesnikov Plays Rachmaninov No 3

38 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

“There was ample space for one’s own imagination to roam free in Lai’s score.” Bachtrack

委約作品、林儷的《沒有像家的地方》(測試版)結合電子音效及交響樂 World première of commissioned work There is No Place Like Home (Beta) by Lam Lai

在香港大會堂舉行的午間室樂音樂會,因疫情移師到音樂廳,廣受歡迎 The popular chamber music series Good Music This Lunch, attracting over 500 audience members to City Hall every month

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 39

網上節目 Programmes for Online Audience 香港小交響樂團在 2022/2023 樂季繼續衝出音樂廳及

and premières, symphonies and concertos, and the


Season 2 finale episodes of our chamber performance


series Tiny Galaxy Concerts @ Wontonmeen that

本樂季在網上首映的還有《Tiny Galaxy Concerts @

featured star trumpeter Sergei Nakariakov, pianist


Colleen Lee and Concertmaster James Cuddeford.


Specially filmed for online audience, all episodes of the

格德霍特;整個系列的 11 集也曾在電視播放,並跟

popular series were also broadcast on TV this season,

樂團的音樂會電影一起在 Now E 線上影視平台上架。

and were made available on demand on Now E along


with selected Hong Kong Sinfonietta concert films.


Sound files of the orchestra’s commissioned works


also continued to be available on the orchestra’s


website, promoting contemporary music and Hong


Kong composers to the world.


The most ambitious online project this season was


surely the live-streaming (and playback) of all the


Rounds of the 2nd Hong Kong International


Conducting Competition, as well as interviews of the

Outside of the concert halls and cinemas, Hong Kong Sinfonietta continued to reach out to online audience around the world in 2022/2023 through chamber and orchestral programmes on the internet. These included the orchestra’s performances of commissioned works

Candidates, Jury members, featured composer and soloist, and behind-the-scenes highlights. The high quality livestreams and the comprehensive video coverage fully demonstrated Hong Kong’s positioning as a centre of international cultural exchange.

香港小交響樂團在透過網上不同的系列,連繫全球觀眾 Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s YouTube channel features past performances and premières of commissioned works

40 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

「[Tiny Galaxy Concerts @ Wontonmeen] 超越地域的限制, 讓不同地區、國家的音樂愛好者,在這親密別致的空間, 一起認識香港音樂與音樂家的才華。」 《文匯報》

《Tiny Galaxy Concerts @ Wontonmeen》第二季的壓軸演出嘉賓包括小號明星納卡里亞科夫和鋼琴家李嘉齡 Sergei Nakariakov and Colleen Lee in the Season 2 finale of Tiny Galaxy Concerts @ Wontonmeen

第二屆香港國際指揮大賽設網上直播及重播,充分展現香港作為中外文化藝術交流中心的實力 Livestreams and playback of the 2nd Hong Kong International Conducting Competition online

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 41

香港小交響樂團 Hong Kong Sinfonietta (2023 年 10 月 As at October 2023) 桂冠音樂總監 Music Director Emeritus

葉詠詩 YIP Wing-sie

小提琴 Violin 格德霍特

柏鵬 Christoph POPPEN



金仁善 音樂總監 Music Director

長笛 Flute James CUDDEFORD KIM In-sun Assistant Concertmaster



LE Hoai-nam Principal Second Violin


○ 上杉晃代


■ 許榮鏗

HUI Wing-hang Bob

雙簧管 Oboe ◆ 薛宇曦



CAI Pak-yi


CHAN Shaw-nan Sharon


Kiann CHOW


CHUA Vince Eliezer N




Sally LAW

巴松管 Bassoon


Ambrose LUI

● 廖冬保

駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associates


LUO Wei-min


PANG Hiu-wan

何博欣 Vivian HO

首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor [至 Until 31.3.2023]

副指揮 Associate Conductor

葉詠媛 Vivian IP


單簧管 Clarinet ● 禹希秀

WOO Hee-soo


CHEN Chiu-yuan


LIU Tung-bo Minako TAGUCHI


POON Ka-mei Camille

圓號 Horn



YANG Min-yu

● 包文慶

鄺展維 Charles KWONG


YANG Yu-si



★ 李威霖

William LEE


CHAN Kar-man Cheryl

★ 梁嘉俊

LEUNG Ka-chun



★ 楊健文

YEUNG Kin-man Sunny


麥兜 McDull (2019-2020)

高世章 Leon KO (2018-2019)

陳慶恩 CHAN Hing-yan (2016-2018)

石家豪 Wilson SHIEH (2015-2016)

朱�� CHU Pak-him (2014-2015)

麥淑賢 MAK Su-yin (2014-2015)

羅詠媞 Wendy LAW (2013-2014)

盧思泓 LOO Sze-wang (2012-2013)

伍宇烈 Yuri NG (2011-2013)

小號 Trumpet ● 黃山

中提琴 Viola ● 陳子信

Elvis CHAN

▼ 劉琛彥

LAU Sum-yin


Christina BEAN


Ringo CHAN


LUNG Kwan-wai Kenny


NGAN Sing-on


TANG Wing-shuen Rebecca


HUANG Shan CHAN Kin-sing Kinson

長號 Trombone ● 羅澤基 陳學賢

Christopher RODGERS CHAN Hok-yin

低音長號 Bass Trombone 陳尚賢

CHAN Sheung-yin

定音鼓 Timpani

大提琴 Cello ● 張培節

CHANG Pei-chieh

▼ 貝樂安

Laurent PERRIN


HO Kwok-chee Karey


LEE Eun-sol


PARK Si-won


YIP Chun-hei Eric

李嘉齡 Colleen LEE

● 村本曉洋


敲擊樂 Percussion ● 周展彤 小山理惠子

CHAU Chin-tung Rieko KOYAMA

豎琴 Harp ● 黃士倫


低音大提琴 Double Bass

黎志華 Jason LAI

● 永井雅美

Masami NAGAI

鍵琴 Keyboard


▼ 曹炯旭

JO Hyung-wook

● 朱偉恆


HUANG Tun-pin

楊嘉輝 Samson YOUNG

PAW Man-hing Hermann


Alan CHU


伍卓賢 NG Cheuk-yin (2006-2008)

42 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

● ▼ ○ ◆ ■ ★

首席 Principal 助理首席 Assistant Principal 署理首席 Acting Principal 客席首席 Guest Principal 客席樂師 Guest Musician Orchestral Associate

香港小交響樂團有限公司 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 監察委員會 Board of Governors

樂團行政 Administration

潘燊昌博士 Dr Patrick S C POON(主席 Chairman)

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer

翟紹唐先生 Mr JAT Sew-tong(副主席 Vice Chairman)

楊惠 Margaret YANG 總經理 General Manager

鍾思源醫生 Dr CHUNG See-yuen(司庫 Treasurer)

李浩儀 LEE Ho-yee

周莉莉女士 Ms Lily CHOW(至 until 10.5.2023)

行政秘書 Executive Assistant to CEO

鍾陳碧璋女士 Mrs Shirley CHUNG(自 from 1.2.2023)

何淑娟 Rose HO 會計經理 Accounting Manager

何汝祥醫生 Dr HO Yu-cheung

李靄玲 Judith LEE

劉文文女士 Ms LAU Man-man Lisa

行政統籌 Administrative Coordinator

柯玉嬌 Noel QUAH

劉勵超先生 Mr Patrick LAU(自 from 4.7.2022)

行政助理 Office Administrator

陳智文先生 Mr Stephen TAN

楊瑞遠 YANG Jui-yuan

謝智剛教授 Prof C K Michael TSE(自 from 1.9.2023) 徐行悅醫生 Dr Michelle TSUI

樂團事務 Orchestra

黃偉雄先生 Mr Addy W H WONG

樂團經理 Orchestra Manager

陳成美 Marylu CHAN

阮偉文博士 Dr Andrew S YUEN

助理樂團經理 Assistant Orchestra Manager

黎希潼 Carvina LAI 榮譽監察委員 Honorary Governors

樂團主任/譜務 Orchestra Officer/Librarian

朱嘉懿 Denise CHU

陳鋈鋆先生 Mr Y K CHAN

製作經理 Production Manager

金董建平女士 Mrs Alice KING

陳冠宏 Eddie CHAN

施永青先生 Mr SHIH Wing-ching 節目及特別節目 Programme & Special Projects

楊雪姬女士 Ms Serena YANG

節目經理 Programme Manager

義務公司秘書 Honorary Company Secretary

丘靄雪 YAU Oi-suet Icy 特別節目經理 Special Projects Manager

Tricor Corporate Secretary Limited

黃紫菱 Athena WONG 節目及市場主任 Programme & Marketing Officer

林海欣 Hayley LAM 特別節目主任 Special Projects Officer

羅希寧 Kening LAW 市場推廣及發展 Marketing & Development 高級市場及業務拓展經理 Senior Marketing & Development Manager

莫皓明 Amanda MOK 市場及業務拓展經理 Marketing & Development Manager

何珮鈴 Pauline HO 行政人員薪酬 Remuneration of Administration Staff (2022/2023) 總薪酬 Annual total salaries (HK$)

職位 Number of positions

(連福利 including benefits)

(連空缺 including vacancies)

HK$1,000,001 – HK$2,500,000


HK$700,001 – HK$1,000,000


HK$400,001 – HK$700,000


HK$400,000 or below 或以下


助理市場經理 Assistant Marketing Manager

袁穎芝 Christine YUEN 市場及業務拓展主任 Marketing & Development Officer

柯娉庭 Pantane OR

當代音樂研究 Contemporary Music Research

鄺展維 Charles KWONG

香港小交響樂團有限公司 2022/ 2023 年報 43

收支表 Statement of Income and Expenditure 截至 2023 年 3 月 31 日 For the year ended 31 March 2023

收入 INCOME 政府年度撥款 Government grants – subvention for the year 政府其他撥款 Government grants – other grants

2023 HK$

2022 HK$

配對資助計劃 Matching Grants

一般基金 General Fund

總計 Total

總計 Total








音樂會及其他表演收入 Revenues from concerts & other performances




海外表演收入 Revenues from outbound cultural exchange performances


捐款、贊助及其他資助 Donations, sponsorship & other grants




其他收入 Other income








扣除 LESS 支出 EXPENDITURE 薪金及表演者酬金 Salaries & artist honorariums





製作開支 Production expenses




海外表演開支 Overseas touring expenses













市場及觀眾拓展開支 Marketing & audience development expenses 籌款開支 Fundraising expenses 行政開支 Administration expenses 折舊 Depreciation















年初累積盈餘 Accumulated surplus at the beginning of the year






2023 HK$

2022 HK$

本年度盈餘(虧損)Surplus / / (Deficit) for the year 轉自配對資助儲備 Transfer from Matching Grants Reserve

資產負債表 Balance Sheet 2023 年 3 月 31 日 As at 31 March 2023

配對資助計劃 Matching Grants

一般基金 General Fund

總計 Total

總計 Total

























基金及儲備 FUND & RESERVES 楊雪姬基金 The Serena Yang Fund







海外演出儲備 Touring Reserve




收支表結餘 Income & Expenditure Account








配對資助儲備 Matching Grants Reserve

節錄自核數師報告 Extracted from Audited Financial Statements

44 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited 2022/ 2023 Annual Report

「實在是很美好的藝術體驗。」 《文匯報》 “The Sinfonietta’s rendition was engaging and grandeur was the order of the day.” South China Morning Post

香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


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