Hong Kong Sinfonietta: 2015/2016 Season Brochure

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“World Class performance.” South China Morning Post

“Modest in proportion yet certainly not modest in ability.” American Record Guide

香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region 香港小交響樂團為香港大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall


「邁入二十一世紀,當許多古典音樂的演奏家和樂團, 還在思考著如何去打動、拉攏新世代聽眾, 香港小交響樂團早己與時俱進了十多年。 在指揮家葉詠詩神奇的指揮棒下,即使兩、三百年前的古老經典, 也能不斷煥發出鮮活、新潮的時代感。」 《MUZIK 古典樂刊》


音樂總監談2015/2016樂季 Music Director on the 2015/2016 season


首席客席指揮柏鵬 Principal Guest Conductor: Christoph Poppen


駐團藝術家石家豪 HKS Artist Associate: Wilson Shieh


鳴謝 Acknowledgements


支持香港小交響樂團捐助表格 Donation form


音樂會介紹 Concert programmes


票務資訊 Ticketing information

香港小交響樂團有限公司 HONG KONG SINFONIETTA LIMITED 封面插圖:石家豪(駐團藝術家) Cover Illustration : Wilson Shieh (HKS Artist Associate)

香港灣仔譚臣道98號運盛大廈3樓 3/F Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, HONG KONG 電話 Tel: (852) 2836 3336 | 傳真 Fax: (852) 2783 9819 enquiries@hksinfonietta.org


音樂總監 Music Director:

小提琴 Violin 格德霍特 樂團首席

張文蕊 副樂團首席

李海南 第二小提琴首席

蔡路 第二小提琴助理首席

葉詠詩 YIP Wing-sie James CUDDEFORD Concertmaster

CHEUNG Man-yui Kitty Associate Concertmaster

LE Hoai-nam Second Violin Principal

TSAI Loo Second Violin Assistant Principal

柏鵬 Christoph POPPEN

長笛 Flute 上杉晃代


雙簧管 Oboe ● 金勞思 福原真美

Marrie Rose KIM Mami FUKUHARA

單簧管 Clarinet ● 方曉佳 陳秋媛

FONG Hiu-kai Johnny CHEN Chiu-yuan

巴松管 Bassoon ● 秦慶生 田口美奈子

CHIN Hing-sang Minako TAGUCHI

圓號 Horn ● 包文慶 東出真澄 岑慶璋 關山明

PAW Man-hing Hermann Masumi HIGASHIDE SHUM Hing-cheung Benny KWAN

小號 Trumpet ● 黃山 丹尼路


長號 Trombone ● 羅澤基 陳學賢

Christopher RODGERS CHAN Hok-yin

蔡柏沂 馮佳 ���子 賈舒晨 顧洛臻 呂灝然 羅蔚敏 彭曉筠 佐 木智佳子 楊宇思 葉紹羲 ★ 陳劭楠 ★ 周止善 ★ 許榮臻

CAI Pak-yi FENG Jia Eiko HOSAKA JIA Shu-chen John KRUER Ambrose LUI LUO Wei-min PANG Hiu-wan Chikako SASAKI YANG Yu-si YIP Siu-hay CHAN Shaw-nan Sharon Kiann CHOW Mark HUI

中提琴 Viola ● 陳子信 ▼ 劉琛彥 陳敏聰 錢江 金普玹 顏星安

CHAN Tsz-shun Elvis LAU Sum-yin Ringo CHAN CHIN Kong KIM Bo-hyun NGAN Sing-on

低音長號 Bass Trombone KONG Tze-man Jason 江子文

CHANG Pei-chieh Laurent PERRIN HO Kwok-chee Karey PARK Si-won WU Yin-yin YIP Chun-hei Eric

大提琴 Cello ● 張培節 ▼ 貝樂安 何國芝 朴詩媛 吳迎盈 葉俊禧

低音大提琴 Double Bass Masami NAGAI ● 永井雅美 Santiago COSTA MARTÍNEZ ▼ 高斯達 CHENG Hiu-man Phoebe ★ 鄭曉文


首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor:

大號 Tuba ● 林榮燦

LAM Wing-tsan

定音鼓 Timpani ● 村本曉洋


敲擊樂 Percussion ● 周展彤 小山理惠子

CHAU Chin-tung Rieko KOYAMA

豎琴 Harp ● 黃士倫


鍵琴 Keyboard ● 朱偉恆

Alan CHU

● 首席 Principal ▼ 助理首席 Assistant Principal ★ Orchestral Associate


「Inspiration」其實是甚麼?我實在也不懂得真正的答案。 我只知道,「靈感」能令平凡變得特別,美麗的事物變得更 璀璨⋯⋯甚或會改變我們的人生觀,影響我們的命運。 我認為「靈感」並不局限於創作或科研的範疇,每個人從日 常生活中的大小事物都可以獲得啟發。重點是我們先要願意 打開我們的心扉,否則再明顯的「靈感」在眼前,我們也會 視而不見。所以,若我們能時常抱有開放的態度,再小再普 通的事物 — 如日出日落、一句說話、一段美妙的音樂,也可 以觸動我們的心靈,啟發我們。 這樂季我們請來香港小交響樂團成立以來的首位首席客席指揮 柏鵬,他將與我在靈感路上並肩。柏鵬在指揮、室樂演奏和教 育方面均經驗豐富,我期待未來與他在不同音樂範疇同行。 我們也首次邀請了一位視覺藝術家出任樂團的駐團藝術家。 石家豪是本地非常著名的視覺藝術家,我一直很欣賞他的作品, 很高興能在未來一年與他合作,激發更多突破界限的靈感。 這樂季我們繼續邀請了多位國際知名的音樂家來港與香港 小交響樂團合作 — 有些是老朋友,有些則是首度亮相。他們 包括世界聞名的作曲家彭德雷茨基、合唱指揮大師里霖、 傳奇小提琴家甘祈頓和小號大師赫登伯格等。除了與樂團演 出,有些音樂家還會主持一些加料活動,近距離與大家分享 他們的寶貴經驗,為大家帶來新的靈感。有興趣的朋友, 請密切留意樂團網上的公佈。而樂團今年亦獲邀到韓國、 日本及瑞士多個城市演出。 在此邀請大家和我們一起敞開心扉,讓音樂為我們帶來靈 感,為生命增添力量和喜悅。



Inspiration is one of those undefinable things that makes all the difference to our lives. It makes something standard special, and the already beautiful astounding. It is that moment of significance that touches you, that changes your perspective, energises you, and points you in a certain direction. Sometimes, it can even change your life forever. Although the world today heavily associates “inspirations” with artists and people who work in a creative environment, I would argue that it is not something reserved for people from a certain sector. Everyone can benefit from inspirations in our daily lives, to keep us going, to enhance our experiences, and on the simplest level – to enjoy life. It is the essential surge of hope and meaning which brings energy to each individual. Inspirations come in all shapes and sizes. It can come from wonderful music or magnificent scenery, a moving story or a convincing speech, a beautiful person or a cute dog. There are more universally appreciated inspiring moments (e.g. a beautiful sunset) or something as personal as a smile from a neighbour! We only need to be aware of them and allow ourselves to be inspired.

On the Artist Associate front, we have for the first time also, a visual artist. I have admired the works of Wilson Shieh from afar on many occasions and we are so excited to have him with us this season to collaborate at different junctures – for some cross inspirations. We have invited many international names to collaborate with us in Hong Kong – some of them our friends and others visiting for the first time. Some are playing more than a concerto with us so look out for their extra activities! Among them is the world famous composer Krzysztof Penderecki, who will be visiting Hong Kong after a long absence. The veteran choral director Helmuth Rilling will return this time for a Bach masterpiece. And if you are a fan of Gidon Kremer, or Håkan Hardenberger, you are in luck. Apart from concerts in Hong Kong, we will be touring in Korea, Japan and Switzerland this season. We chose the theme “Inspired by Music” this season because we wish to invite everyone to open and re-open their hearts to music, so that there is renewed energy, and more joy in our lives.

The Chinese translation of the word inspiration is 靈感, which literally means “inner spirit” and “feeling” (a feeling that touches one’s inner spirit). This actually is similar to what the word means in English today, and it is apparently a connection with our inner-self. The possible origin of the word “inspirer” (French: to breathe), paints an even clearer picture on how essential the connections are. Music acts as a direct conduit – to connect the beauty and energy to our inner-self. With active awareness when listening to music, we open our innerself and let ourselves to be inspired. With me on this inspirational journey is our new Principal Guest Conductor Christoph Poppen, who is the first Principal Guest Conductor of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. With Christoph’s experience as a conductor, a chamber musician and an educator, I look forward to working with him in many different ways in years to come.

Music Director, Hong Kong Sinfonietta


這樂季起出任香港小交響樂團首席客席指揮的德國指揮家 柏鵬,同時亦是位享負盛名的小提琴家、室樂演奏家和教育 家。去年他首度來港指揮樂團演出,並主持了《樂在咫尺》 系 列 的 首 個 講 座 : 「 古 典 音 樂 對 教 育 及 社 會 的 影 響 」, 與觀眾分享了他寶貴的經驗。 總結去年與樂團的合作和交流,柏鵬認為「香港小交響樂團 絕對是亞洲最教人興奮的樂團之一!葉詠詩能夠在樂團成立 短短十數年間便把樂團提昇到這個水平,實在了不起。我很 期待與這群出色的樂師緊密合作。」柏鵬於1978年創立凱魯 比尼四重奏,在1980及1990年代帶領四重奏在世界各地演 出,並灌錄過多張廣受讚譽的唱片。「我認為管弦樂團其實 就是把一大群室樂演奏家組織在一起,而指揮只不過是他們 的一份子。就如室樂演奏一樣,樂團與指揮的合作越多越緊 密,奏出來的音樂自然也越細膩精彩。」 柏鵬一直致力以音樂拉近人與人之間的距離,他希望能與香港 小交響樂團一起,培育香港新一代的音樂家與觀眾。「我很喜 歡香港,期待能與香港的音樂家及觀眾開展更深的連繫。」 柏鵬將在2015/2016樂季指揮香港小交響樂團多場音樂會,並 與音樂總監葉詠詩及樂團在藝術上作多方面的合作和交流。


Acclaimed German conductor / violinist / chamber musician / educator Christoph Poppen begins his tenure as Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s Principal Guest Conductor this season. He first conducted the orchestra last season in May and also shared his invaluable insights into “the impact of classical music on education and society” in the inaugural dialogue session of our UpClose Encounters series. In his new capacity he will conduct the orchestra and work closely with Music Director Yip Wing-sie on various artistic matters.


“Hong Kong Sinfonietta is certainly one of the most exciting orchestras in Asia,” commented Maestro Poppen. “It is amazing for the level Yip Wing-sie has built up with the orchestra in the relatively few years of its existence. I am very much looking forward to working regularly together with these wonderful musicians. Having been a string quartet

首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor

“Under his conducting, the excitement never drops.” Klassik.com

“Enlightening and immensely rewarding.” BBC Music Magazine

player for many years my idea of orchestral playing has always been creating a large group of chamber musicians – with the conductor just taking the role of a primus inter pares. And the sensitivity which we need for this approach can of course develop in a much better way if we have the chance to work together more often.” Dedicated to bringing people together through music, Maestro Poppen also hopes to strengthen the orchestra’s work in nurturing the musicians and audiences of Hong Kong. “I am also looking forward to building up an emotional rapport to the audience – which for me is an important part of the performance. The way and intensity of listening has a much bigger influence on the quality of a concert than most people think.”

Maestro Poppen will open Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s 2015/2016 season with a special concert that features the great Gidon Kremer and the Tongyeong Festival Orchestra.

Christoph Poppen • Principal Conductor, Cologne Chamber Orchestra • Artistic Director, Marvão International Music Festival, Portugal • Professor of Violin & Chamber Music, Hochschule für Musik und Theater, Munich • Music Director, Deutsche Radio Philharmonie (2007–2011) • Artistic Director, Munich Chamber Orchestra (1995–2006) • Artistic Director, ARD International Music Competition (2001–2005) • President, Hanns Eisler Hochschule für Musik, Berlin (1996–2000) • 1st Violin & Co-founder, Cherubini Quartett


駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate (2015/2016)

香港小交響樂團再作跨界嘗試, 2015/2016樂季邀得本港著名視覺藝術 家石家豪擔任駐團藝術家,與樂團合 作,由音樂出發,以畫筆結合音樂,為 觀眾帶來多元的藝術體驗。 以畫筆結合音樂的具體例子,見諸本 樂 季 小 冊 子 的 「 Inspired by Music」 封面。石家豪表示:「纏枝綠葉、花果 是樂器變形」,而樂季既是四月春天時 節始發,因此「以多彩花紋為主,以達 耀目效果」。 石家豪1994年於香港中文大學藝術系畢 業,2001年取得藝術碩士學位,其後於 香港火炭工業區設工作室。他早期的創 作手法以中國工筆技巧為主,描寫現代 人物及幻想題材;作品內容涵蓋性別、 角色、服裝及重構香港文化符號等。近 年創作媒介擴展至版畫、塑膠彩、素 描、拼貼、裝置及出版等。 石家豪曾參與多個於台灣、澳洲等地舉行 的重要聯展。其作品獲香港、台灣、澳洲、 美國及英國的藝術館及博物館收藏。 《香港最高五幢大樓》Five Tallest Buildings in Hong Kong 水墨及不透明水彩,絹本 Ink and gouache on silk 90 x 115 cm, 2011 《德語系巴羅克、古典派及浪漫派作曲家》 German-Speaking Baroque, Classical and Romantic Composers 木顏色,紙板 Colour pencil on cardboard 76 x 102 cm, 2012 作品圖片提供:石家豪及奧沙畫廊 Artwork Credit: Wilson Shieh and Osage Gallery

2015/2016 marks the 10th anniversary of Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s Artist Associate scheme and we welcome for the first time a visual artist, Wilson Shieh, as the new HKS Artist Associate. In his first “official” collaboration with the orchestra, Shieh paints the cover of this brochure with the colours of spring and transforms musical instruments into flowers and fruits. “Since the concert season launches in April, the colourful springtime ‘pattern’ will make a vibrant key image,” says Shieh.

Born in Hong Kong and graduated from The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Wilson Shieh is one of the city’s most important contemporary artists. He is well-known for his imaginative traditional Chinese gong-bi (fine brush) figure paintings on subjects that range from sexuality, role play, costume change to the reconstruction of local cultural symbols. In recent years, he expands his creative media to printmaking, acrylic painting, drawing, collage, installation and publication.

Shieh has been featured in major international exhibitions in countries including Taiwan and Australia, and his works can be found in museums in Hong Kong, Taiwan, Australia, UK and the USA. He set up his studio in Fotan industrial district in 2008. As the world of art is often inspired by music and vice versa, we look forward to expanding our artistic horizon through many more fruitful and inspirational encounters with Shieh this season.


This is Hong Kong Sinfonietta. 我們相信古典音樂適合所有人。 香港小交響樂團一直致力拉近古典音樂與普羅大眾間的距離。 除了常規音樂會,樂團亦積極以富創意及別樹一格的手法 把古典音樂帶給觀眾。 因為我們深信,以熱誠奏出的音樂能觸動和激勵人心。 有賴您的支持,我們的音樂才可接觸更多的市民。 請捐款支持 樂團或學生票資助計劃! 捐款表格刊於第 15 頁。 年度捐款 HK$100 或以上? 謝謝!我們會為您準備收據作申請扣稅之用。 年度捐款 HK$1,000 或以上?

謝謝! 我們會為您準備收據作申請扣稅之用, 並在樂團一年內舉辦的主要音樂會的場刊中,鳴謝 HK$1,000 或以上的捐款。

This isis the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. This ALSO Hong Kong Sinfonietta. WE BELIEVE THAT CLASSICAL MUSIC IS FOR EVERYONE. Apart from standard orchestral repertoire, we go an extra mile to design special concerts tailor-made for different music lovers because we believe good music delivered with passion can touch, move and inspire our society. Hong Kong Sinfonietta relies on public support. Please donate to our General Fund or Student Ticket Scheme! Donation form can be found on p 15. Planning to donate over HK$100? Thank you! We will prepare an official receipt for you for tax deduction. Planning to donate over HK$1,000? Thank you! We will prepare an official receipt for you for tax deduction AND your name will be acknowledged for one year in house programmes of major ticketed Hong Kong Sinfonietta concerts. ć&#x;ĽčŠ˘ Enquiries : fundraising@hksinfonietta.org or (852) 2836-3336.

謝謝!Thank You Partners! 2015/2016 樂季贊助機構 Sponsors of the 2015/2016 Season 主要贊助機構 Major Sponsors

Serena Yang 酒店伙伴 Partner Hotel

商業機構贊助計劃 Corporate Members 白金會員 Platinum Members


謝謝!Thank You! 香港小交響樂團對以下的捐款者及機構致以衷心謝意。 Thank you to the following donors and organisations who have supported us with a donation in the past year.

贊助人及捐款者 Patrons & Donors MegaSTAR Patron (>HK$500,000)

施永青基金有限公司 Shih Wing Ching Foundation Ltd SuperSTAR Patrons (HK$100,000 to HK$499,999)

STARplus Donors (HK$30,000 to HK$99,999)

亞洲保險有限公司 Asia Insurance Co Ltd

陳嘉何醫生夫人 Dr & Mrs Chan Ka Ho

陳鋈鋆先生 Mr Chan Yuk-kwan

Mr Patrick Chan

林護紀念基金有限公司 Lam Woo Foundation Limited

Dedicated Violinist Fund

羅鷹瑞醫生夫人 Dr & Mrs Lo Ying Sui Archie

梁烈安先生及夫人 Mr & Mrs Leung Lit On

潘燊昌博士及夫人 Dr & Mrs Patrick S. C. Poon 唐柏泉醫生 Dr Patrick Tong

STAR Donors (HK$10,000 to HK$29,999) 北山堂基金 Bei Shan Tang Foundation Prof T M Chan 周愛琳醫生 Dr Irene Chau Dr Polly Cheung 張�昌博士 Dr Thomas H C Cheung Dr Vivian Cheung 張黎慧文 Vivian W M Cheung 鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen Mr Eugene Fung 關卓然先生 Mr William Kwan Cheuk Yin

Mr Allan Leung 莫扎特迷 Mozart’s Fan 彭嘉碧女士 Ms Rotina Pang Ruth & Sidney 冼為堅先生 Mr David Sin Wai-kin Mrs Lisa Siu Mr and Mrs Robert C. Tang Patrick & Selena Tsang Ms Veronica Wai 曹延洲醫生 Dr Tsao Yen-chow Dr & Mrs Arthur Van Langenberg 多位無名氏 Anonymous

Mr Eric Tsang 多位無名氏 Anonymous

Donors (HK$1,000 to HK$9,999) BELIEVING MUSIC CAN 加拿大琴行 Canada Piano Co Dr Eugene K Chan Jonman, Monika & Joel Chan Family Mr Chan Si Nang 陳燕婷 Mrs Elizabeth Chao Ms Laura Chen 張綺華小姐 Ms Helen Cheung 張玉堂先生 Kenyon & Leonard Chow Mr Lewvis Choy Ms Amanda Chui 馮新健先生 Mr John Sun-kin Fung 馮元志 Louis Fung 何靖邦先生 Mr Ho Ching Pong Ms Rose Ho Dan and Sheryl Hooley Mrs Elsie Hui 高靜芝 Sophia Kao Ms Betsy Lai

Mr Jackson Lam Ms Lisa Lau Ms Anna Lo Mr Ambrose Lui 馬宗傑先生 Mr Tony Ma Hayden Majajas & Andy Chen Philippe de Marcillac 大通會計事務所 Masterpoint Professional Ltd 吳志強先生 Ms Jane Ng 魏玉華小姐 Ms Winnie Ngai Poon Shing Chi and Liao E Wen Ms Amy Tam Ms Eunice Tong 曾健鵬先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Paul Tsang Wig the Pig Mr Wong Ho Ming Augustine Mr Peterson Wong 葉紹羲先生 Mr Yip Siu-hay 徐閔女士 Ms Helen Zee 多位無名氏 Anonymous


學生票資助計劃 Student Ticket Scheme Donors Diamond Donors (>HK$100,000)

Ms Cecilia Fok 潘燊昌博士及夫人 Dr & Mrs Patrick S.C. Poon 施永青基金有限公司 Shih Wing Ching Foundation Ltd 芝蘭基金會 Zhilan Foundation Jade Donors (HK$50,000 to HK$99,999)

CLP Holdings Limited


無名氏 Anonymous

Ruby Donor (HK$30,000 to HK$49,999)

陳求德醫生 Dr Chan Kow Tak

鍾思源醫生 Dr Chung See Yuen

Pearl Donors (HK$10,000 to HK$29,999)

Opal Donors (HK$1,000 to HK$9,999)

亞洲保險有限公司 Asia Insurance Co Ltd Mr Patrick Chan 周愛琳醫生 Dr Irene Chau 張德賢博士伉儷 Dr & Mrs Douglas Cheung 高惠充先生 Mr Geoffrey Ko Mr and Mrs Lam Ting Kwok Paul Nathaniel Foundation Limited 彭嘉碧女士 Ms Rotina Pang 孫永輝及施熙德 Edith and Stephen Sun 偉華基金 Wai Wah Foundation Ms Christine Yip 多位無名氏 Anonymous

BELIEVING MUSIC CAN Mr Iain Bruce Dr Eugene K Chan Jonman, Monika & Joel Chan Family Mr Chan Kwan Ho Ms Anastasia Chao Mr P L Choy Prof David Clarke Mr Paul Jackson 岳家 Jacobelli Family Stephanie & Amelie Jat Tasha Lalvani 紀念劉葉珍女士 李樹榮博士 Dr Ernest Lee 廖炳輝醫生 Dr Liu Bing Fai Ms Anna Luk Hayden Majajas & Andy Chen

Prof Mak Su-yin 莫嫣小姐 Miss Jennifer Mok 吳卓橋和吳悅希 Nathan Ng & Nathalie Ng 吳思博伉儷 Mr & Mrs Nigel & Winny Ng 吳榮奎先生 Mr Ng Wing Fui Nicholas 蘇國輝先生 Mr Mark Tong 曾健鵬先生夫人 Mr & Mrs Paul Tsang 詹德隆先生 Mr T L Tsim Dr Wong Hin Yeuk 黃乃禧先生 Mr Wong Nai Hay 王煒東先生 Mr Marcus Woo Ms Alice Yeung 多位無名氏 Anonymous

Premium Friends 藝倡畫廊 Alisan Fine Arts 張�昌博士 Dr Thomas H C Cheung 林煥樟博士 Dr Steven Woon-cheong Lam 李韶博士 及 李梅以菁博士 Dr Lee Shiu & Dr Jennie Mui Lee 羅榮生 Vincent W S Lo 冼為堅先生 Mr David Sin Wai-kin Mr T L Tsim 萬美宜 Christine Van 多位無名氏 Anonymous


感謝以下各機構對香港小交響樂團一直的支持! Thank you to the following parties for their continued support! CASH音樂基金 CASH Music Fund 法國駐港澳總領事館 Consulat Général de France à Hong Kong et Macao

康樂及文化事務署 Leisure and Cultural Services Department 香港電台 Radio Television Hong Kong

民政事務局 Home Affairs Bureau

太古地產 Swire Properties 通利琴行 Tom Lee Music Co Ltd

捐款表格 Donation Form

請將回條寄回香港灣仔譚臣道98號運盛大廈3摟,或傳真至2783 9819。 Please return this form to 3/F Winsan Tower, 98 Thomson Road, Wanchai, Hong Kong or fax to 2783 9819.

我樂意支持香港小交響樂團培育文化新一代,現捐助 I would like to support the Hong Kong Sinfonietta with ___________________ 以支持樂團的 for its □日常經費 General Fund □學生票資助計劃 Student Ticket Scheme

□ 每月定期捐款 monthly donation □ 一次性捐款 one-off donation



先生/小姐/女士/博士/教授 Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Prof


First Name

電話 Tel

電郵 E-mail

地址 Address 刊登於場刊之鳴謝姓名 Name to be acknowledged in house programme (如捐款超過港幣1,000元 if donation is more than HK$1,000) (中文)先生/小姐/女士/博士/教授 (Eng) Mr/Miss/Mrs/Ms/Dr/Prof

□無名氏 Anonymous

閣下提供的個人資料,香港小交響樂團有限公司將絕對保密,只用作郵寄回條及其他通訊之用。 Your personal data will be treated as strictly confidential and will be used for issuing official receipts and other communication purposes.

捐款方式 DONATION METHOD 支票 Cheque 本人附上劃線支票作一次性捐款予 「香港小交響樂團有限公司」。

銀行自動轉賬 Autopay Direct Debit (只適用於每月捐款 Monthly Donation Only) 收款之一方(受益人)Name of Party to be Credited (The Beneficiary)

香港小交響樂團有限公司 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited

I enclose a cheque of the above stated amount as my one-off donation to the “Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited”.

銀行號碼 Bank No.

分行號碼 Branch No.

賬戶編號 Account No.



165066 001

信用卡 Credit Card

本人(等)在結單/存摺上所記錄的名稱 My/Our Name(s) as recorded on Statement/Passbook

本人(等)的銀行及分行的名稱 My/Our Bank Name and Branch

(in block letters)

銀行號碼 Bank No.

□匯財卡 Visa □萬事達卡 Mastercard □美國運通卡 American Express

此卡只適用於一次性捐款 This card is for one-off donation only.

I hereby authorize the bank to debit my credit card account to make a monthly donation of the above stated amount to the Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited until further notice. I agree the validity of this agreement will continue before or after the expiry date of my credit card account. Cancellation or variation of this authorization shall be given to the Hong Kong Sinfonietta Limited ten working days prior to the date on which such cancellation or variation is to take effect.

信用卡號碼 Card Number 有效日期 Expiry Date 發卡銀行 Issuing Bank 信用卡持有人姓名 Cardholder’s Name on Card 信用卡持有人簽署 Cardholder’s Signature

日期 Date

本人(等)的戶口號碼 My/Our Account No.

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如選擇每月定期信用卡捐款 For monthly credit card donation: 本人授權香港小交響樂團有限公司由本人之信用卡賬戶內每月定期扣除上述之帳 款,直至本人另行通知為止。本人同意此授權書於本人之信用卡有效期後及獲續發 新卡時繼續生效,並無需另寫授權書。(如需要取消或更改本授權書,請於取消或 更改生效日期十個工作天前通知香港小交響樂團有限公司。)

分行號碼 Branch No.

本人(等)銀行戶口的簽署 My/Our Bank Account Signature(s)

日期 Date 此欄不用填寫 For Official Use Only

本機購專用 For Hong Kong Sinfonietta Use Only (Donor’s Ref. #)

銀行專用 For Bank Use Only (Signature(s) verified) • 現授權本人(等)的上述銀行,(根據收款人或其往來銀行及/或代理行不時給予本人 (等)銀行的指示)自本人(等)的戶口內轉賬予上述收款人。惟每次轉賬金額不得超過 以上指定的限額。 • 本人(等)同意本人(等)的銀行毋須證實該等轉賬通知或沖銷通知是否已交予本人(等) 。 • 如因該等轉賬而令本人(等)的戶口出現透支(或令現時的透支增加),本人(等)願共同 及個別承擔全部責任。 • 本人(等)明白本人(等)須在指定的轉賬日期(即根據本人(等)的銀行從收款人或其往來 銀行及/或代理行不時收到的指示)前一個營業日(分行辦公時間內),在戶口內備有足 夠款項以便支付該等授權轉賬。本人(等)並同意如本人(等)的戶口並無足夠款項支付 該等授權轉賬,本人(等)的銀行有絕對酌情權不予轉賬,且本人(等)的銀行可收取慣 常的收費,並可隨時取消該等授權轉賬且毋須通知本人(等) 。為避免疑問,本人(等)的 銀行可隨時自行決定取消該等授權轉賬且毋須通知本人(等) 。 • 本直接付款授權書將繼續生效直至另行通知為止或直至上列到期日為止(以兩者中最早 的日期為準)。本人(等)同意如本人(等)已設立的直接付款授權的戶口連續三十個月內 未有根據本授權而做出過賬的記錄,本人(等)的銀行保留權利取消本直接付款安排而 毋須另行通知本人(等) ,即使本授權書並未到期或未有註明授權到期日。 • 本人(等)同意,本人(等)取消或更改本授權書的任何通知,須於取消/更改生效日最少 兩個工作天之前交予本人(等)的銀行。 • I/We hereby authorize my/our above named Bank to effect transfers from my/our account to that of the above named beneficiary in accordance with such instructions as my/our Bank may receive from the beneficiary and/or its banker and/or its banker’s correspondent from time to time provided always that the amount of any one such

transfer shall not exceed the limit indicated above. • I /We agree that my/our Bank shall not be obliged to ascertain whether or not notice of any such transfer or reversal notice has been given to me/us. • I/We jointly and severally accept full responsibility for any overdraft (or increase in existing overdraft) on my/our account which may arise as a result of any such transfer(s). • I/We understand that I/we must maintain sufficient funds in the account one business day (before the close of branch banking hours) before the transfer date (as specified in the instructions received by my/our Bank from the beneficiary and/or its banker and/or its banker’s correspondent from time to time) for the transfer authorized herein. I/We agree that should there be insufficient funds in my/our account to meet any transfer authorized herein, my/our Bank will be entitlted, at its absolute discretion, not to effect such a transfer in which event the Bank may levy its usual charges and may cancel this authorization at any time without notification to me/us. For the avoidance of doubt, the Bank may cancel this authorization at its sole discretion at any time without prior notice. • This direct debit authorization shall have effect until further notice or until the expiry date written above (whichever shall first occur). I/We agree that if no transaction is performed on my/our account under such authorization for a continuous period of 30 months, my/our Bank reserves the right to cancel the direct debit arrangement without prior notice to me/us, even though the authorization has not expired or there is no expiry date for the authorization. • I/We agree that any notice of cancellation or variation of this authorization which I/we may give to my/our Bank shall be given at least two working days prior to the date on which such cancellation/variation is to take effect.



Honorary Governors

金董建平女士 施永青先生 楊雪姬女士

Mrs Alice KING


Board of Governors

Mr SHIH Wing-ching Ms Serena YANG

陳鋈鋆先生(主席) Mr Y K CHAN (Chairman) 潘燊昌博士(司庫) 陳育明先生 鍾思源醫生 翟紹唐先生 林煥樟博士 劉文文女士 陳智文先生 楊偉添先生 16

Dr Patrick S C POON (Treasurer) Mr Patrick CHAN Dr CHUNG See-yuen Mr JAT Sew-tong

行政總裁 Chief Executive Officer

楊惠 Margaret YANG 義務公司秘書 Honorary Company Secretary

卓佳登捷時有限公司 Tricor Tengis Limited


Wilson SHIEH



CHU Pak-him




MAK Su-yin


Honorary Legal Consultant


Wendy LAW




LOO Sze-wang


Hogan Lovells


Yuri NG



Colleen LEE


Honorary Orthopaedic Surgeon


Jason LAI


傅偉俊醫生 Dr Dan HOOLEY


Samson YOUNG



NG Cheuk-yin


Dr Steven LAM Ms LAU Man-man Lisa Mr Stephen TAN Mr Patrick YEUNG

駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associates


香港小交響樂團音樂會 Hong Kong Sinfonietta Concert

31.3.2015 韓國統營音樂廳 Tongyeong Concert Hall, Korea 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie

Yip Wing-sie

鋼琴 Piano

塞伊 Fazıl Say

Fazıl Say

女中音 Mezzosoprano

金宣延 Kim Sun-jung

Stravinsky Fazıl Say Fazıl Say Shostakovich

Concerto in D for String Orchestra Silk Road, Op 4 (1994) Gezi Park 3, Op 54 (2014) Chamber Symphony in C minor, Op 110a

統營音樂節樂團*音樂會 Tongyeong Festival Orchestra* Concerts

5.4.2015 韓國統營音樂廳 Tongyeong Concert Hall, Korea

7.4.2015 日本金澤石川縣立音樂堂音樂廳 Ishikawa Ongakudo Concert Hall, Kanazawa, Japan

9.4.2015 香港文化中心音樂廳 HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall 首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor

柏鵬 Christoph Poppen 小提琴 Violin

甘祈頓 Gidon Kremer 女高音 Soprano

歐莉熙 Carolina Ullrich (See p19 for the programme)

18 海外演出 Tours

香港小交響樂團首度獲邀參與韓國統營國際音樂節,期間將與風靡無數樂迷的鋼琴家 塞伊及小提琴大師甘祈頓合作,樂團成員更會與各地音樂家組成統營音樂節樂團, 於韓國及日本獻演,壓軸演出將回港為香港小交響樂團2015/2016樂季揭開序幕。 Hong Kong Sinfonietta will make its Korean début with Music Director Yip Wing-sie and pianist Fazıl Say at the 2015 Tongyeong International Music Festival. Following the Festival theme “Voyages”, Hong Kong Sinfonietta will join the Tongyeong Festival Orchestra in a special programme featuring the legendary violinist Gidon Kremer and Principal Guest Conductor Christoph Poppen in Tongyeong, Japan and Hong Kong. timf.org | fazilsay.com


★★★★★ The Times

“Kremer makes the most extraordinary sounds.” Gramophone

星期四 Thu 8pm 香港文化中心音樂廳 HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall $600 $480 $340 $260 $180 首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor

柏鵬 Christoph Poppen 小提琴 Violin

甘祈頓 Gidon Kremer 女高音 Soprano

歐莉熙 Carolina Ullrich


Gidon Kremer


Christoph Poppen

尹伊桑 西貝遼士 馬勒 Isang Yun Sibelius Mahler

《禮樂》(1966) D小調小提琴協奏曲,作品47 G大調第四交響曲 Réak (1966) Violin Concerto in D minor, Op 47 Symphony No 4 in G

www.gidonkremer.net | www.christophpoppen.com * The 2015 Tongyeong Festival Orchestra consists of musicians from Hong Kong Sinfonietta; Ensemble TIMF (Korea); Orchestra Ensemble Kanazawa, Osaka Philharmonic Orchestra (Japan); NDR Sinfonieorchester, Südwestdeutsche Philharmonie Konstanz (Germany); National Symphony Orchestra (USA); Sinfonieorchester St Gallen, Kammerorchester Basel (Switzerland); Melbourne Symphony Orchestra (Australia); Kremerata Baltica (The Baltic States) and Budapest Symphony Orchestra (Hungary).

欣賞 Appreciate

The 2015 Tongyeong International Music Festival is supported by

| 門票於城市售票網發售 Tickets available at URBTIX


18.4.2015 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320 $220 $140

“An impressive interplay of refined colours, musical depth and virtuosity.” Das Orchester

音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 長號 Trombone

米利謝爾 Fabrice Millischer

Fabrice Millischer • Winner, Concert Recording of the Year, ECHO Klassik 2014 • Révélation Soliste Instrumental de l’Année, Victoires de la Musique Classique 2011 • Grand Prix, Académie Charles-Cros 2011 • First Prize, ARD International Music Competition, Munich 2007

西貝遼士 貝爾根 貝多芬 Sibelius Patrick Burgan Yip Wing-sie


《戀人組曲》 ,作品14 《墮落天使路西法》(2009)(為長號和樂隊而作的交響詩) A大調第七交響曲,作品92 Rakastava, Op 14 (The Lover) La Chute de Lucifer (2009) Symphonic Poem for Trombone & Orchestra


門票於城市售票網發售 Tickets available at URBTIX |

Symphony No 7 in A, Op 92Op 131

欣賞 Appreciate


25.4.2015 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320 $220 $140 指揮 Conductor

佛里斯.維塞斯 Roberto Forés Veses 鋼琴 Piano

奧歷 Florian Uhlig

貝多芬 舒曼 西貝遼士 Beethoven Schumann Sibelius

第三《蕾奧諾拉》序曲,作品72b A小調鋼琴協奏曲,作品54 A小調第四交響曲,作品63 Leonore Overture No 3, Op 72b Piano Concerto in A minor, Op 54 Symphony No 4 in A minor, Op 63

“A stroke of genius!” Die Zeit

Florian Uhlig

“A perceptive Schumann interpreter.” The Guardian

★★★★ BBC Music Magazine

Roberto Forés Veses • Chief Conductor and Artistic Director, Orchestre d’Auvergne, France

www.robertofores.com | florian-uhlig.com

欣賞 Appreciate

| 門票於城市售票網發售 Tickets available at URBTIX


1 & 2.5.2015 星期五及六 Fri & Sat 7:30pm 香港大學李兆基會議中心大會堂 Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, The University of Hong Kong $280 $200 $140 主要以粵語演出 Mainly in Cantonese 音樂總監/指揮/主持 Music Director/Conductor/Presenter

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 單簧管 Clarinet

方曉佳 Fong Hiu-kai Johnny 指揮演出時要背向觀眾,作為觀眾的您是否好奇樂團演奏時指揮 其實是在做甚麼?指揮棒的由來又是怎樣?香港小交響樂團特別炮製 這場別開生面的音樂會,由音樂總監葉詠詩親自介紹她的指揮工作, 透過演奏多首莫扎特、貝多芬、馬勒、韋伯、伯恩斯坦等大師的 管弦經典選段,與您一起揭開樂團指揮的神秘面紗。


What does a conductor do? What do all those wavings mean? Join Hong Kong Sinfonietta and Music Director Yip Wing-sie in Story of the Conductor and learn more about the performer whom you normally only see the back of!

Fong Hiu-kai Johnny

贊助 Sponsored by

Serena Yang 22

門票於購票通發售 Tickets available at Cityline |

增值 Learn

Yip Wing-sie

23.5.2015 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $360 $220 $140 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 單簧管 Clarinet

梅耶 Paul Meyer

“Paul Meyer is a figure of rare grace and relaxed elegance in classical music.”

《悼念公主的帕凡舞曲》 單簧管協奏曲,作品57 第一單簧管狂想曲 第六交響曲,作品104 Pavane pour une Infante Défunte Clarinet Concerto, Op 57 Première Rhapsodie Symphony No 6, Op 104

Herald Tribune

“[Paul Meyer] plays beautifully, with smooth, silken tone, immaculate dynamic control and unfailingly sensitive phrasing.” Gramophone Paul Meyer


拉威爾 尼爾森 德布西 西貝遼士 Ravel Nielsen Debussy Sibelius

獨家贊助 Exclusive sponsor www.paulmeyer.fr

聯合主辦 Co-presenter 康樂及文化事務署 贊助場地及售票服務 Venue and ticketing services sponsored by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department

欣賞 Appreciate

| 門票於城市售票網發售 Tickets available at URBTIX


6.6.2015 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320 $220 $140 指揮 Conductor

林敬基 Ken Lam • • • •

Music Director, Charleston Symphony Orchestra Associate Conductor, Baltimore Symphony Orchestra Artistic Director, Baltimore Symphony Youth Orchestra Resident Conductor, Brevard Music Center

小提琴 Violin

索科洛夫 Valeriy Sokolov • First Prize & Special Prize “Remember Enescu”, George Enescu International Competition 2005

“Technically immaculate.”

Valeriy Sokolov

The Strad

“His performance of Bartók’s Second Concerto is a revelation.” Classic FM © SIMON FOWLER

“Intense, vibrant, technically superb, Sokolov exploited every nuance of genius in Bartók’s music.”


Belfast Telegraph


盧托斯瓦夫斯基 交響變奏曲 巴托克 第二小提琴協奏曲 舒曼 D小調第四交響曲,作品120 Symphonic Variations Bartók Violin Concerto No 2 Schumann Symphony No 4 in D minor, Op 120

Ken Lam

欣賞 Appreciate

kenlam.org | www.valeriy-sokolov.com

門票於城市售票網發售 Tickets available at URBTIX |

11.6.2015 星期四 Thu 7:30pm

12.6.2015 星期五 Fri 11am & 2:30pm

13.6.2015 星期六 Sat 2:30pm & 5pm

14.6.2015 星期日 Sun 2:30pm & 5pm 好的精神食糧與均衡營養對寶寶(成人亦然) 同樣重要。音樂總監葉詠詩與大家分享她兒時 所聽所愛的「精神食糧」,讓寶寶與家長一起打開 耳朵重拾童趣,一家融融共度美好的音樂親子時光。

香港大會堂劇院 HK City Hall Theatre $360, $260 3歲或以上小童及全日制學生 Children aged 3 or above & full-time students: $180, $130

Join Music Director Yip Wing-sie in this special concert featuring works by Bach, Brahms, Rossini and Johann Strauss Jr, hand-picked for you and your babies!

3歲以下幼兒 Babies aged below 3: $80 適合零歲或以上大小朋友 For ages 0+ 音樂會約長1小時,不設中場休息 Approximately 1 hour with no intermission 音樂總監/指揮/主持 Music Director/Conductor/Presenter


葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie

增值 Learn

| 城市售票網 URBTIX opens: 14.4.2015


3 & 4.7.2015 星期五及六 Fri & Sat 8pm 藝穗會 奶庫 The Fringe Club – Fringe Dairy 中環下亞厘畢道二號 2 Lower Albert Road, Central

$220 (包括飲品一杯 A drink is included) 粵語演出 In Cantonese 概念/演唱/導演 Concept/Vocal/Direction

謙 Chu Pak-him

(駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2014-2015) 音樂監製及編曲/鋼琴 Music Direction & Arrangement/Piano

盧宜均 Anna Lo 結他/編曲 Guitar/Music Arrangement

崔展鴻 Tsui Chin-hung 音響設計 Sound Design

馮璟康 King Kong

朱 謙將夥拍一眾好友與您分享 他們的私密愛歌清單,有地道粵語 流行金曲、本地音樂劇、卡通片歌、 更有朱 謙寫的歌。Jazzy、Sexy、 宅男、Kidult,完全朱 謙香港成長 的音樂故事。


網上訂票 Online booking: via www.HKSL.org from 1.6.2015 |

減壓 Relax

17.7.2015 星期五 Fri 7:15pm 香港文化中心音樂廳後台 7樓排演室CR2 Rehearsal Room CR2, 7/F HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall Backstage $250 英語講解 In English 鋼琴/主持 Piano/Presenter

杜蘭 David Dolan 您可知道,在巴羅克和古典時期的演奏 家,往往不會只奏出樂譜上的音符?他們 或會為樂句加上裝飾音,甚至即興將作曲 家的樂思進一步發展,奏出屬於演奏家自 己的新版本。鋼琴家杜蘭教授是研究古典 時期「即興」演奏的權威,他將以兩首莫 扎特的作品為材,與多位香港小交響樂團 首席樂師現場示範古典即興演奏。 A master of the lost art of classical improvisation, Prof David Dolan joins the principals of Hong Kong Sinfonietta in an all-Mozart programme that demonstrates the intuitive and instinctive process of music-making in an ensemble setting.

莫扎特 莫扎特 Mozart Mozart

降E大調鋼琴及木管五重奏,K452 C大調第13 鋼琴協奏曲,K415 Quintet for Piano & Winds in E-flat, K452 Piano Concerto No 13 in C, K415 “David Dolan is giving new life to classical music.” Yehudi Menuhin

David Dolan

• Professor of Classical Improvisation & Head of the Centre for Creative Performance & Classical Improvisation, Guildhall School of Music and Drama, London

增值 Learn

| 網上訂票 Online booking: via www.HKSL.org from 13.6.2015


25.7.2015 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320 $220 $140 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 小提琴 Violin

鄺展維 // 黑夜之前 /(世界首演) 蕭斯達高維契 A小調第一小提琴協奏曲 西貝遼士 《藍敏凱寧的傳奇》,作品22 Charles Kwong // beforedark . hk . cn / (world première) Shostakovich Violin Concerto No 1 in A minor Sibelius Lemminkäinen – Four Legends, Op 22

Veronika Eberle

“Eberle’s introverted intensity and interpretive boldness made an immediate impression.” The New York Times

“Her tone is warm, invariably lucid and resonant, and she possesses an admirable ability to adapt it to the character and style of the composition.” Süddeutsche Zeitung


城市售票網 URBTIX opens: 23.5.2015 |

欣賞 Appreciate


艾白娜 Veronika Eberle

31.7.2015 星期五 Fri 11am 香港大會堂劇院 Hong Kong City Hall Theatre $220 $160 音樂會約長1小時15分鐘,不設中場休息 Approximately 1 hour 15 mins with no intermission 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie* 牧童笛 Recorder

譚銘恩 Stefan Temmingh 古鍵琴 Harpsichord

柏拉狄素 Anna Paradiso 小提琴 Violin


格德霍特 James Cuddeford


Stefan Temmingh

憑音樂會門票可換領咖啡或茶一杯 Complimentary coffee or tea will be served after the concert

韋華第 薩馬天尼 巴赫 霍夫邁亞 Vivaldi Sammartini Bach Hendrik Hofmeyr

牧童笛協奏曲,RV443 F大調牧童笛協奏曲 D大調第五勃蘭登堡協奏曲,BWV1050 牧童笛、古鍵琴及弦樂協奏曲 (2012)* Recorder Concerto, RV443 Recorder Concerto in F Brandenburg Concerto No 5 in D, BWV1050 Concerto for Recorder, Harpsichord & Strings (2012)*

www.stefantemmingh.com | www.annaparadiso.se

Anna Paradiso

James Cuddeford

減壓 Relax

| 城市售票網 URBTIX opens: 30.5.2015


香港小交響樂團 ArtisTree 駐場計劃 Hong Kong Sinfonietta ArtisTree Residency

29.7-4.8.2015 ������古����979號康和大廈1樓 ArtisTree ArtisTree, 1/F Cornwall House, Taikoo Place, 979 King’s Road, Quarry Bay, Hong Kong 免費入場 Free admission (歡迎六歲以上觀眾 For ages 6+) 牧童笛/主持 Recorder/Presenter

譚銘恩 Stefan Temmingh 古鍵琴 Harpsichord

柏拉狄素 Anna Paradiso

場地贊助及合辦 Venue Sponsor & Co-presenter

30 樂聚 Encounter

“Stunningly hypnotic.” The Recorder Magazine

“Thoroughly engaging!” Gramophone

“Effortless virtuosity and infectious enthusiasm for the music.” Early Music Today

“The master of recorders.” Abendzeitung München


Stefan Temmingh

常說音樂不受語言、地域、甚至時間所限,不論聽者是誰,好的音樂就是能觸動人心。 究竟箇中有甚麼奧妙?我們從中又能獲得怎樣的啟發,令我們能改善在工作上或日常生 活中,人與人之間各式各樣的溝通? 香港小交響樂團的樂師再度回到ArtisTree,與牧童笛演奏家譚銘恩一起,透過牧童笛這 簡單原始的樂器所奏的協奏曲、獨奏和室樂作品,剖析巴赫、韋華第、以至多位現代作 曲家如何成功地穿越時空,以音樂打動我們,並探討種種能達至真正溝通的元素。

Anna Paradiso


At the ArtisTree this season, we try to find the magic behind the communication processes through musical performances and analyse the why and how. The amazing recorder artist Stefan Temmingh, with his wonderful recorders (one of the most basic of musical instruments) will take us on a journey to find out how we actually communicate and understand how some forms of communications can become more inspiring. Programme details will be announced on our website in early July.

www.stefantemmingh.com | www.annaparadiso.se


Communication is not only about transferring information just as music is not just about playing all the notes. What makes communication effective? What makes music special? Does it differ with people or is there a universally accepted way? How does a successfully transmitted message become inspiring, and how do beautiful sounds become meaningful?

樂聚 Encounter


8.8.2015 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $360 $260 $150 指揮 Conductor

里霖 Helmuth Rilling • Co-founder & Artistic Director, Oregon Bach Festival • Founder, Gächinger Kantoreí • Founder, International Bachakademie Stuttgart • Artistic Director, SingFest 女高音 Soprano © MICHAEL LATZ

華格納 Julia Sophie Wagner 女低音 Alto

寇蒂斯 Lidia Vinyes Curtis 男高音 Tenor

葛勞比茨 Benjamin Glaubitz 男低音 Bass

貝恩特 Tobias Berndt 合唱指導 Chorus Masters

“Rilling’s Bach invariably overwhelms with its simplicity, its sincerity, its dramatic balance and musical logic.”

趙伯承 Patrick Chiu 孫子承 Felix Shuen 合唱團 Choruses

Los Angeles Times

聲蜚合唱學院及2015青年合唱團 SingFest Choral Academy and 2015 Youth Chorus

On Rilling's performance of Bach’s Mass in B minor:

“He has every note of the mass engraved deeply on his consciousness and a complete submission of the self to the responsibilities of conveying Bach’s music.”


The Globe and Mail

Lidia Vinyes Curtis © PETER B. KOSSOK

Julia Sophie Wagner

Benjamin Glaubitz

Tobias Berndt

BACH 330 獲香港特別行政區政府「藝能發展資助計劃」的資助 BACH 330 is financially supported by the Arts Capacity Development Funding Scheme of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region


城市售票網 URBTIX opens: 6.6.2015 |

欣賞 Appreciate

www.helmuthrilling.de | www.singfest.hk


香港小交響樂團由香港特別行政區政府資助 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region

香港小交響樂團為香港大會堂場地伙伴 Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall

Major Performances in 2015/2016 樂季主要節目


Tongyeong Concert Hall (Korea) Ishikawa Ongakudo (Kanazawa, Japan)

9.4.2015 Thu

8pm 香港文化中心音樂廳 HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall $600 $480 $340 $260 $180

18.4.2015 Sat

統營音樂節樂團 Tongyeong Festival Orchestra 指揮 Conductor:柏鵬 Christoph Poppen 小提琴 Violin:甘祈頓 Gidon Kremer 女高音 Soprano:歐莉熙 Carolina Ullrich

舒曼鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: Florian Uhlig Plays Schumann

8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320 $220 $140

指揮 Conductor:佛里斯.維塞斯 Roberto Forés Veses 鋼琴 Piano:奧歷 Florian Uhlig

1 & 2.5.2015 Fri & Sat 7:30pm 香港大學李兆基會議中心大會堂 Grand Hall, Lee Shau Kee Lecture Centre, The University of Hong Kong $280 $200 $140

23.5.2015 Sat

《古典音樂速成》 :樂團指揮睇真D Short-cut to Classical Music: Story of the Conductor 指揮/主持 Conductor/Presenter:葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 單簧管 Clarinet:方曉佳 Fong Hiu-kai Johnny


香港小交響樂團獲韓國統營國際音樂節之邀,首次於韓國 演出,並參與音樂節樂團在統營、日本金澤及香港的音樂會。 Hong Kong Sinfonietta makes its Korean début at the Tongyeong International Music Festival under Music Director Yip Wing-sie. The orchestra will also join musicians from around the world to form the 2015 Tongyeong Festival Orchestra, performing in the Festival Finale as well as in Japan and Hong Kong. p19

Isang Yun Sibelius Mahler

指揮 Conductor:葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 單簧管 Clarinet:梅耶 Paul Meyer

6.6.2015 Sat



Beethoven Schumann Sibelius

指揮 Conductor:林敬基 Ken Lam 小提琴 Violin:索科洛夫 Valeriy Sokolov

Thu 7:30pm Fri 11am & 2:30pm Sat 2:30pm & 5pm

Sun 2:30pm & 5pm 香港大會堂劇院 HK City Hall Theatre $360, $260 8pm

寶寶愛音樂 Good Music for Babies 指揮/主持 Conductor/Presenter:葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 適合零歲或以上大小朋友 For ages 0+

朱謙愛歌 Good Music @ The Fringe with Chu Pak-him & Friends 概念/演唱/導演 Concept/Vocal/Direction:��� Chu Pak-him

Leonore Overture No 3, Op 72b Piano Concerto in A minor, Op 54 Symphony No 4 in A minor, Op 63 p22

音樂總監葉詠詩將以多首名作為例, 生動活潑地介紹樂團指揮的苦與樂。 Music Director Yip Wing-sie tells you the story of the conductor, complete with excerpts from masterpieces. p23

Debussy Sibelius

Pavane pour une Infante Défunte Clarinet Concerto, Op 57 Première Rhapsodie Symphony No 6, Op 104

Bartók Schumann

Symphonic Variations Violin Concerto No 2 Symphony No 4 in D minor, Op 120

巴托克第二小提琴協奏曲 Valeriy Sokolov Plays Bartók Violin Concerto No 2

8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320 $220 $140

Réak (1966) Violin Concerto in D minor, Op 47 Symphony No 4 in G

Sibelius Rakastava, Op 14 (The Lover) Patrick Burgan La Chute de Lucifer (2009) Beethoven Symphony No 7 in A, Op 92

法國五月藝術節 Le French May Arts Festival Ravel 香港小交響樂團:單簧管大師梅耶 Hong Kong Sinfonietta: Paul Meyer Plays Debussy & Nielsen Nielsen

8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $360 $220 $140

藝穗會奶庫 Fringe Dairy $220

《最愛小提琴》 :西貝遼士小提琴協奏曲 Great Violin Concertos: Gidon Kremer Plays Sibelius

指揮 Conductor:葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 長號 Trombone:米利謝爾 Fabrice Millischer

25.4.2015 Sat

3 & 4.7.2015 Fri & Sat

指揮 Conductors:葉詠詩、柏鵬 Yip Wing-sie, Christoph Poppen 鋼琴 Piano:塞伊 Fazıl Say 小提琴 Violin:甘祈頓 Gidon Kremer 女高音 Soprano:歐莉熙 Carolina Ullrich 女中音 Mezzosoprano:金宣延 Kim Sun-jung

《最愛長號》 :墮落天使路西法 The Fall of Lucifer (Symphonic Poem for Trombone & Orchestra)

8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320 $220 $140

11.6.2015 12.6.2015 13.6.2015 14.6.2015

香港小交響樂團韓國及日本之旅 Hong Kong Sinfonietta in Korea & Japan



音樂總監葉詠詩以經典樂曲為寶寶初啟音樂大門。 Inspire your babies with great orchestral tunes by Bach, Brahms, Rossini, Johann Strauss Jr and more!


��������、�������, 跟您分享他們的愛歌清單。

17.7.2015 Fri

我的莫扎特 7:15pm Inspired by Mozart 香港文化中心音樂廳後台7樓排演室CR2 Rehearsal Room CR2, 7/F 鋼琴/主持 Piano/Presenter:杜蘭 David Dolan HK Cultural Centre Concert Hall Backstage $250

25.7.2015 Sat

8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320 $220 $140


����古��和大�1樓 ArtisTree ArtisTree, 1/F Cornwall House, TaiKoo Place, Quarry Bay 免費入場 Free Admission

31.7.2015 Fri

11am 香港大會堂劇院 Hong Kong City Hall Theatre $220 $160

8.8.2015 Sat

8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $360 $260 $150

19.8.2015 20.8.2015 21.8.2015 22.8.2015

Wed 7:30pm Thu 7:30pm Fri 3pm & 7:30pm

Sat 3pm & 7:30pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $380 $260 $150

12.9.2015 Sat

8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $340 $220 $140

19.9.2015 Sat

8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $340 $220 $140


Festival Les Nuits Romantiques (Aix-les-Bains, France) Victoria Hall (Geneva, Switzerland) Tonhalle (Zürich, Switzerland) Aula Magna (Fribourg, Switzerland)

24.10.2015 Sat

8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320 $220 $140

蕭斯達高維契第一小提琴協奏曲 Veronika Eberle Plays Shostakovich Violin Concerto No 1 指揮 Conductor:葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 小提琴 Violin:艾白娜 Veronika Eberle

香港小交響樂團 ArtisTree 駐場計劃 Hong Kong Sinfonietta ArtisTree Residency Inspired Communications 牧童笛 Recorder:譚銘恩 Stefan Temmingh 古鍵琴 Harpsichord:柏拉狄素 Anna Paradiso

早晨美樂 Good Music This Morning 指揮 Conductor:葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie* 牧童笛 Recorder:譚銘恩 Stefan Temmingh 古鍵琴 Harpsichord:柏拉狄素 Anna Paradiso 小提琴 Violin:格德霍特 James Cuddeford


Mozart Mozart

Quintet for Piano & Winds in E-flat, K452 Piano Concerto No 13 in C, K415


Charles Kwong // beforedark . hk . cn / (world première) Shostakovich Violin Concerto No 1 in A minor Sibelius Lemminkäinen – Four Legends, Op 22 Music inspires! Hong Kong Sinfonietta and recorder master Stefan Temmingh bring ArtisTree audience a series of concerts and workshops under the theme of Inspired Communications.


Vivaldi Sammartini Bach Hendrik Hofmeyr

Recorder Concerto, RV443 Recorder Concerto in F Brandenburg Concerto No 5 in D, BWV1050 Concerto for Recorder, Harpsichord & Strings (2012) *

巴赫B小調彌撒曲 BACH 330: Mass in B Minor 指揮 Conductor:里霖 Helmuth Rilling 合唱指導 Chorus Masters:趙伯承、孫子承 Patrick Chiu, Felix Shuen 合唱團 Choruses:聲蜚合唱學院 及 2015青年合唱團 SingFest Choral Academy and 2015 Youth Chorus


女高音 Soprano:華格納 Julia Sophie Wagner 女低音 Alto:寇蒂斯 Lidia Vinyes Curtis 男高音 Tenor:葛勞比茨 Benjamin Glaubitz 男低音 Bass:貝恩特 Tobias Berndt

鷹君集團合家歡系列 Great Eagle Family Series

麥兜.我和我媽媽 McDull • me & my mum



麥兜再次回到音樂廳,送上悅耳的古典音樂 及他和媽媽的感人小故事。

指揮 Conductor:葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 概念/導演 Concept/Co-directors:謝立文及麥家碧 Brian Tse & Alice Mak 特邀演出 Special Guest:伍宇烈 Yuri Ng 動畫製作 Animation Production:Lunchtime Production Limited 合作機構 In collaboration with:春田花花教育基金有限公司 Chun Tian Hua Hua Foundation Ltd

蕭邦第一鋼琴協奏曲 Great Piano Concertos: Ben Kim Plays Chopin 指揮 Conductor:柏鵬 Christoph Poppen 鋼琴 Piano:金鎮秀 Ben Kim

《最愛大提琴》:浦羅哥菲夫交響協奏曲 Cellomania: Pieter Wispelwey Plays Prokofiev 指揮 Conductor:葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 大提琴 Cello:威斯帕維 Pieter Wispelwey

香港小交響樂團法國及瑞士之旅 Hong Kong Sinfonietta in France & Switzerland 指揮 Conductor:葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 單簧管 Clarinet:梅耶 Paul Meyer 大提琴 Cello:梅奈塞斯 Antonio Meneses 作曲家 Composer:鄧慧中 Joyce Wai-chung Tang

彭德雷茨基 與 蕭斯達高維契 Penderecki & Shostakovich 指揮 Conductor:彭德雷茨基 Krzysztof Penderecki 小提琴 Violin:格德霍特 James Cuddeford


Mendelssohn Chopin Brahms

Ruy Blas Overture, Op 95 Piano Concerto No 1 in E minor, Op 11 Symphony No 4 in E minor, Op 98

Stravinsky Shostakovich Prokofiev

Concerto in D for String Orchestra Chamber Symphony in C minor, Op 110a Sinfonia Concertante in E minor, Op 125


香港小交響樂團首度出訪瑞士,應邀到日內瓦、蘇黎世及 弗里堡演出,並會於毗鄰的法國《浪漫之夜》音樂節獻演。 Hong Kong Sinfonietta makes its début in Switzerland and gives the European première of HKS commission, Joyce Tang’s Clear Light.


Penderecki Shostakovich


Violin Concerto No 2, “Metamorphosen” Symphony No 15 in A, Op 141

7.11.2015 Sat

《最愛大提琴》:舒曼大提琴協奏曲 Cellomania: Aurélien Pascal Plays Schumann

8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $340 $220 $140

指揮 Conductor:柏鵬 Christoph Poppen 大提琴 Cello:柏斯卡爾 Aurélien Pascal

12.11.2015 Thu

7:30pm 香港演藝學院 香港賽馬會演藝劇院 HK Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HK Academy for Performing Arts $220 $140

13.11.2015 Fri

8pm 香港演藝學院 香港賽馬會演藝劇院 HK Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HK Academy for Performing Arts $480 $320 $180

3-5.12.2015 Thu-Sat 6.12.2015 Sun 3pm

Håkan Hardenberger x HKS Brass

All About Brass

主持 Presenter:赫登伯格 Håkan Hardenberger

小號大師赫登伯格 Håkan Hardenberger & Hong Kong Sinfonietta 指揮/小號 Conductor/Trumpet:赫登伯格 Håkan Hardenberger

最 HIT 音樂劇及電影名曲(聖誕版) Sounds Great: Movies & Musicals (Christmas Special)


指揮 Conductor:戴維斯 Nick Davies 演唱 Singers:慕妮、朗尼 Janet Mooney, John Langley

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $420 $260 $150

15 & 16.1.2016 Fri & Sat 17.1.2016 Sun 3pm


:超級英雄救地球 7:30pm 《我的音樂日記》

香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $340 $240 $150

28.1.2016 Thu 7:30pm 29.1.2016 Fri 11am & 2:30pm 30.1.2016 Sat 2:30pm & 5pm 31.1.2016 Sun 2:30pm & 5pm

Good Music for Kids: Superheroes: Save the World!

指揮 Conductor:鄧克 Roderick Dunk 主持 Devised & Presented by:麥萊 Alasdair Malloy

寶寶愛音樂 Good Music for Babies 指揮/主持 Conductor/Presenter:葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 適合零歲或以上大小朋友 For ages 0+

Mendelssohn Schumann Brahms

The Fair Melusine Overture, Op 32 Cello Concerto in A minor, Op 129 Symphony No 2 in D, Op 73

The legendary trumpet master shares his insights into brass playing and works with the HKS brass on some essential brass ensemble works.

Haydn Prokofiev Ravel Robert Planel Joni Mitchell/

Trumpet Concerto in E-flat, Hob VIIe:1 Classical Symphony, Op 25 Le Tombeau de Couperin Concerto for Trumpet & Strings Both Sides, Now

Roland Pöntinen arr

for Trumpet & String Orchestra

Jan Lundgren/

The Seagull

Roland Pöntinen arr

for Trumpet & String Orchestra





Celebrate the holiday season with popular Christmas songs and some of the most wonderful tunes from your favourite movies and musicals including The Sound of Music, The Phantom of the Opera and Frozen! Superhero Alasdair returns to the concert hall on a mission to save the world! Join him and discover Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s superstrength, superspeed and supersound!

音樂總監葉詠詩為您精心挑選適合您和寶寶 一起欣賞的古典美樂。 Spend quality time with your family in a concert designed specially for you and your babies.



香港大會堂劇院 HK City Hall Theatre $360, $260

20.2.2016 Sat

8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $400 $280 $180

還有⋯⋯ What else?

《小城大兵的故事》 A Soldier’s Story – The New Generation 指揮 Conductor:葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 小提琴 Violin:曾宇謙 Tseng Yu-chien 導演/編舞 Director/Choreographer:伍宇烈 Yuri Ng 說書人/舞者Narrator/Dance Artist:陳武康 Chen Wu-kang 舞者 Dance Artists:劉傑仁、陳敏兒 Jay Jen Loo, Abby Chan 譯寫 Adaptation:邁克 Michael Lam

Solo violin work Tchaikovsky Violin Concerto in D, Op 35 Stravinsky The Soldier's Tale

除了在音樂廳舉行管弦音樂會,香港小交響樂團還會在不同場地舉行室樂音樂會,如大會堂的 午間音樂會、藝穗會的黃昏系列,以及《樂在咫尺》系列等。請留意樂團網站及Facebook的公佈。 Follow Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s website or Facebook for updates on the orchestra’s chamber music offerings which include Good Music This Lunch, Good Music @ The Fringe and UpClose Encounters. p48-50

香港小交響樂團保留更改節目及表演者之權利 Hong Kong Sinfonietta reserves the right to change the programmes and artists



鷹君集團合家歡系列 Great Eagle Family Series

星期三 Wed 7:30pm

20.8.2015 星期四 Thur 7:30pm

21.8.2015 星期五 Fri 3pm & 7:30pm

22.8.2015 星期六 Sat 3pm & 7:30pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $380 $260 $150 粵語演出 In Cantonese 適合6歲或以上觀眾 For ages 6+ 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 概念/導演 Concept/Co-directors

謝立文及麥家碧 Brian Tse & Alice Mak 特邀演出 Special Guest

伍宇烈 Yuri Ng (駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2011-2013) 動畫製作 Animation Production

Lunchtime Production Limited 合作機構 In collaboration with

春田花花教育基金有限公司 Chun Tian Hua Hua Foundation Ltd

' Bliss

冠名贊助 Title Sponsor

麥兜與古典音樂碰碰撞撞一同成長,長大後的麥兜(伍宇烈飾演)親臨音樂廳, 娓娓道來他和媽媽的感人小故事。悅耳的旋律加上細膩的動畫,打動人心。 McDull returns to the concert hall and share with Hong Kong Sinfonietta audience some of his favourite music and memories with his mum.

增值 Learn

| 城市售票網 URBTIX opens: 20.6.2015


12.9.2015 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $340 $220 $140 首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor

柏鵬 Christoph Poppen 鋼琴 Piano

金鎮秀 Ben Kim • First Prize, ARD International Music Competition, Munich, 2006

Christoph Poppen

★★★★★ “Christoph Poppen conducts with a flowing baton.” The Times

“Christoph Poppen led the orchestra with gentle warmth and emotional power.”


BBC Music Magazine

Berliner Morgenpost

孟德爾遜 蕭邦 布拉姆斯 Mendelssohn Chopin Brahms

《瑞.布拉斯》序曲,作品95 E小調第一鋼琴協奏曲,作品11 E小調第四交響曲,作品98 Ruy Blas Overture, Op 95 Piano Concerto No 1 in E minor, Op 11 Symphony No 4 in E minor, Op 98

Ben Kim

“He plays highly virtuosic with emotional emphasis but never uncontrolled.”


Fono Forum Magazine


城市售票網 URBTIX opens: 11.7.2015 |

「金鎮秀的技巧十分扎實,時而行雲流水,時而張力十足, 與樂團對應緊湊流暢,充滿朝氣。」 《信報》

欣賞 Appreciate

www.christophpoppen.com | www.benkimonline.com

19.9.2015 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $340 $220 $140 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 大提琴 Cello

威斯帕維 Pieter Wispelwey “Cello playing of incomparable technical and musical accomplishment.” The Sunday Times

“Wispelwey’s playing is at once supremely lyrical and furiously intense.” The Guardian

“An outstanding cellist and a really wonderful musician.” Gramophone

Yip Wing-sie

史達拉汶斯基 蕭斯達高維契 浦羅哥菲夫 Stravinsky Shostakovich Prokofiev

D大調弦樂協奏曲 C小調室樂交響曲,作品110a E小調交響協奏曲,作品125 Concerto in D for String Orchestra Chamber Symphony in C minor, Op 110a Sinfonia Concertante in E minor, Op 125


for Cello & Orchestra


欣賞 Appreciate

| 城市售票網 URBTIX opens: 18.7.2015


3.10.2015 法國艾克斯雷班《浪漫之夜》音樂節 Festival Les Nuits Romantiques, Aix-les-Bains, France

Yip Wing-sie

4.10.2015 瑞士日內瓦維多利亞音樂廳 Victoria Hall, Geneva, Switzerland

5.10.2015 瑞士蘇黎世音樂廳 Tonhalle, Zürich, Switzerland

Paul Meyer

6.10.2015 瑞士弗里堡大學大會堂 Aula Magna de l’Université de Fribourg, Switzerland

Antonio Meneses

Joyce Wai-chung Tang

音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 單簧管 Clarinet

梅耶 Paul Meyer 大提琴 Cello

梅奈塞斯 Antonio Meneses 巡演節目包括 The programmes of the Tour include:

Joyce Wai-chung Tang

Clear Light (European première) Commissioned by Hong Kong Sinfonietta in 2015 with sponsorship from CASH Music Fund

36 海外演出 Tours

Beethoven Mendelssohn Mozart Shostakovich Stravinsky Tchaikovsky Tchaikovsky

Symphony No 4 in B-flat, Op 60 Symphony No 3 in A minor, Op 56, “Scottish” Clarinet Concerto in A, K622 Chamber Symphony in C minor, Op 110a Concerto in D for String Orchestra Andante Cantabile for Cello & String Orchestra Variations on a Rococo Theme, Op 33

Tonhalle, Zürich

音樂總監葉詠詩今秋將率領香港小交響樂團遠赴法國及瑞士演出。樂 團將先重回法國,於艾克斯雷班《浪漫之夜》音樂節演出。首度亮相 瑞士,樂團將於著名的蘇黎世音樂廳、日內瓦維多利亞音樂廳,以及 歷史悠久的弗里堡大學的大會堂內與當地樂迷會面。


是次巡演作品包括歐洲首演香港小交響樂團2015委約作品,香港作曲 家鄧慧中創作的《明光》,以及著名單簧管演奏家梅耶和大提琴家梅奈 塞斯演出多首炫技之作。

Victoria Hall, Geneva

Hong Kong Sinfonietta returns to France this autumn to perform at the Festival Les Nuits Romantiques. Under the baton of Music Director Yip Wing-sie, the orchestra will also make its début in Switzerland, giving concerts at the prestigious Tonhalle in Zürich and Geneva’s Victoria Hall, as well as the “Great Hall” (Aula Magna) of the historic Fribourg University. Highlights of the concerts include the European première of Joyce Tang’s Clear Light, Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s 2015 commission, and concertante works with Paul Meyer and Antonio Meneses.

海外演出 Tours


24.10.2015 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $320 $220 $140 指揮 Conductor


彭德雷茨基 Krzysztof Penderecki 小提琴 Violin

格德霍特 James Cuddeford

Krzysztof Penderecki

當代最具影響力作曲家之一,彭德雷茨基首度與香港小交響樂團合作, 並指揮樂團演出其獲獎作品及蕭斯達高維契第15交響曲。

James Cuddeford

One of the greatest living composers, Penderecki’s prolific career spans more than half a century, winning him numerous awards including the prestigious Prix Italia, Sibelius Gold Medal, Grammy Awards, Grawemeyer Award, UNESCO Music Prize, as well as some of the highest decorations by countries such as his native Poland, Germany, France, Italy & Japan. The Maestro is collaborating with Hong Kong Sinfonietta for the first time, in a concert which also features the orchestra’s Concertmaster James Cuddeford.

彭德雷茨基 蕭斯達高維契 Penderecki Shostakovich 38

第二小提琴協奏曲,「變形」 A大調第15交響曲,作品141 Violin Concerto No 2, “Metamorphosen” Symphony No 15 in A, Op 141

城市售票網 URBTIX opens: 22.8.2015 |

欣賞 Appreciate

“Cuddeford’s playing throughout was of sumptuous finesse and extraordinary polish.” The Times

Grammy Award for Best Classical Contemporary Composition, 1999

www.krzysztofpenderecki.eu | www.HKSL.org/concertmaster

7.11.2015 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $340 $220 $140

“Unparalleled level of virtuosity and musical intuition.” The Strad

“An extraordinary display of dazzling virtuosity and riveting music making.” All Things Strings Community

首席客席指揮 Principal Guest Conductor

柏鵬 Christoph Poppen 大提琴 Cello


柏斯卡爾 Aurélien Pascal

Christoph Poppen

孟德爾遜 《美麗的梅露西娜》序曲,作品32 舒曼 A小調大提琴協奏曲,作品129 布拉姆斯 D大調第二交響曲,作品73 Mendelssohn The Fair Melusine Overture, Op 32 Schumann Cello Concerto in A minor, Op 129 Brahms Symphony No 2 in D, Op 73


Aurélien Pascal • First Prize, Audience Prize & Special Prize, Grand Prix Emanuel Feuermann, 2014 • Révélation Classique, Adami, France, 2014 • Second Prize, International Paulo Cello Competition, Helsinki, 2013 • Guy Bonnemain Prize for the Best New Talent, International André Navarra Competition, Toulouse, 2011


欣賞 Appreciate

| 城市售票網 URBTIX opens: 5.9.2015


12.11.2015 星期四 Thu 7:30pm 香港演藝學院 香港賽馬會演藝劇院 HK Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HK Academy for Performing Arts $220 $140 主持 Presenter

赫登伯格 Håkan Hardenberger 英語講解 In English

神級小號大師赫登伯格將帶大家穿梭演奏銅管樂幕後的種種, 分享他的演奏心得。香港小交響樂團銅管樂組更會現場示範, 演奏必聽銅管樂作品。 Don’t miss this opportunity to see a master at work! The legendary Håkan Hardenberger will share his insights into brass playing and guide Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s brass section through some essential brass ensemble works.


快達票 HK Ticketing box office opens:

12.9.2015 |

增值 Learn

13.11.2015 星期五 Fri 8pm 香港演藝學院 香港賽馬會演藝劇院 HK Jockey Club Amphitheatre, HK Academy for Performing Arts $480 $320 $180 指揮/小號 Conductor/Trumpet

赫登伯格 Håkan Hardenberger

“The best trumpet player in the galaxy.” The Times

“Hardenberger is a solo sensation — and an inspiration to aspiring trumpeters.” Gramophone

海頓 浦羅哥菲夫 拉威爾 普拉尼爾 米歇爾/彭迪南編 龍格蘭/彭迪南編 Haydn Prokofiev Ravel Robert Planel Joni Mitchell/

Roland Pöntinen arr Jan Lundgren/ Roland Pöntinen arr


降E大調小號協奏曲,Hob VIIe:1 古典交響曲,作品25 《庫普蘭之墓》 小號協奏曲 《一體兩面》 《海鷗》 Trumpet Concerto in E-flat, Hob VIIe:1 Classical Symphony, Op 25 Le Tombeau de Couperin Concerto for Trumpet & Strings Both Sides, Now for Trumpet & String Orchestra

The Seagull

for Trumpet & String Orchestra

欣賞 Appreciate

| 快達票 HK Ticketing box office opens: 12.9.2015


3.12.2015 星期四 Thu 8pm

4.12.2015 星期五 Fri 8pm

Nick Davies

5.12.2015 星期六 Sat 8pm


John Langley Janet Mooney

星期日 Sun 3pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $420 $260 $150 英語演出 In English 指揮 Conductor

戴維斯 Nick Davies 演唱 Singers

慕妮、朗尼 Janet Mooney, John Langley

深受歡迎之資深倫敦西區劇院演員再度來港,送上首首聖誕經典,以及 《歌聲魅影》 、《仙樂飄飄處處聞》 、《貝隆夫人》、《魔雪奇緣》等著名 音樂劇及電影名曲,與您提早慶祝聖誕!

12月4及5日演出贊助 4 & 5 Dec performances sponsored by

The music and magic of Christmas comes alive at Hong Kong Sinfonietta as acclaimed West End singers Janet and John bring you holiday favourites and greatest hits from The Phantom of the Opera, The Sound of Music, Evita, Frozen and more! Have yourself a merry little Christmas! www.moviesandmusicals.co.uk

減壓 Relax

| 城市售票網 URBTIX opens: 3.10.2015


星期五 Fri 7:30pm

16.1.2016 星期六 Sat 7:30pm

17.1.2016 星期日 Sun 3pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $340 $240 $150 英語演出 In English 適合6歲或以上觀眾 For ages 6+

繼上一樂季大受歡迎的 《音樂運動誇啦啦》後, 英國鬼馬音樂家麥萊叔叔再次 號召一眾愛玩愛音樂的您, 齊齊發揮小宇宙力量, 化身超級英雄, 用音樂與笑聲拯救地球。 Attention, superheroes! Captain Alasdair Malloy calls on you to join his league and explore the fun and mighty power of music. Come along in your smartest superhero costume and save the world together!



指揮 Conductor

鄧克 Roderick Dunk 主持 Devised & Presented by

麥萊 Alasdair Malloy

Roderick Dunk


城市售票網 URBTIX opens: 14.11.2015 |

Alasdair Malloy

增值 Learn

www.rdunk.co.uk | www.alasdairmalloy.com

28.1.2016 星期四 Thu 7:30pm

29.1.2016 星期五 Fri 11am & 2:30pm

30.1.2016 星期六 Sat 2:30pm & 5pm

31.1.2016 星期日 Sun 2:30pm & 5pm 香港大會堂劇院 HK City Hall Theatre $360, $260 3歲或以上小童及全日制學生 Children aged 3 or above & full-time students: $180, $130 3歲以下幼兒 Babies aged below 3: $80

獨樂樂不如眾樂樂,躲在家中聽唱片不如 帶同寶寶一起走進音樂廳!音樂總監葉詠詩 化身成家長及寶寶的古典音樂領航員, 與學齡前的寶寶一起分享「玩」音樂的心得, 讓小耳朵張開、小眼睛聚焦,與香港小交響樂團 一起現場同樂。

適合零歲或以上大小朋友 For ages 0+ 音樂會約長1小時,不設中場休息 Approximately 1 hour with no intermission 音樂總監/指揮/主持 Music Director/Conductor/Presenter

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie

Spend quality time with your family in a concert


designed specially for you and your babies!

增值 Learn

| 城市售票網 URBTIX opens: 28.11.2015


20.2.2016 星期六 Sat 8pm 香港大會堂音樂廳 HK City Hall Concert Hall $400 $280 $180 音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor

葉詠詩 Yip Wing-sie 小提琴 Violin

曾宇謙 Tseng Yu-chien 導演/編舞/服裝設計 Director/Choreographer/Costume Designer

伍宇烈 Yuri Ng (駐團藝術家 HKS Artist Associate 2011-2013) 說書人/舞者 Narrator/Dance Artist

陳武康 Chen Wu-kang 舞者 Dance Artists

劉傑仁 Jay Jen Loo 陳敏兒 Abby Chan 譯寫 Adaptation

邁克 Michael Lam

Tseng Yu-chien • First Prize, Singapore International Violin Competition 2015 • Audience Prize, Queen Elisabeth Competition 2012 • First Prize, Isang Yun Competition 2011 • First Prize, Pablo Sarasate International Violin Competition 2009

小提琴獨奏作品 柴可夫斯基 史達拉汶斯基 Solo violin work Tchaikovsky Stravinsky 46 欣賞 Appreciate

Yip Wing-sie

D大調小提琴協奏曲,作品35 《士兵的故事》 Violin Concerto in D, Op 35 The Soldier's Tale

《小城大兵的故事》 您願意為名譽、地位、財富而出賣靈魂嗎?又或 者,曾幾何時,您只是一念之差,與戴上面具的 魔鬼作交易?事過境遷後,我們又可否反悔,重 獲救贖? 史達拉汶斯基的《士兵的故事》面世已經差不多 一個世紀,但箇中意念卻歷久常新。鬼才編舞家 伍宇烈再次與香港小交響樂團合作,以這20世紀 經典作品為骨幹,締造一個21世紀的全新音樂體 驗,由20歲台灣小提琴天之驕子曾宇謙擔綱演 出,舞者陳武康兼任說書人及魔鬼一角。 一眾亞洲藝壇精英,為您送上一個新世代的小城 故事。

Yuri Ng

Chen Wu-kang

A Soldier’s Story – The New Generation An ageless tale of temptation, greed and deals with the devil is as relevant to Stravinsky’s Russia as it is to today’s Hong Kong. In this unique version of Stravinsky’s eclectic masterpiece, Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s Music Director Yip W ing-sie and choreographer Yuri Ng join hands in conceiving this “concert drama” featuring the 20-year-old multi prize-winning violinist Tseng Yu-chien, who will move from purity to the glorious limelight in the Tchaikovsky. Dance artist Chen Wu-kang will take up a challenge on a different level by being the narrator as well as portraying the dancing devil.

Jay Jen Loo

Abby Chan

The cautionary tale of human weakness is further flavoured by three other international dance artists who will be the bride, the villagers, the king, the princess, as well as the soldier’s ego and id… Will there be redemption?

欣賞 Appreciate

| 城市售票網 URBTIX opens: 14.11.2015


星期二 Tue 12:45pm 香港大會堂低座大堂 HK City Hall Foyer

香港小交響樂團連續第六年在香港大會堂舉行《Good Music This Lunch》免費午間音樂會, 把優美的室樂作品帶到中環。歡迎觀眾自備午餐,輕鬆賞樂。

演出約長45分鐘,不設中場休息 Approx 45 mins

Hong Kong Sinfonietta’s popular lunch-time chamber concert series continues this season. Stay tuned for programme updates on our website. Food and drinks welcomed.

12.5.2015 16.6.2015 7.7.2015 4.8.2015 15.9.2015

27.10.2015 10.11.2015 8.12.2015 19.1.2016 22.3.2016

48 樂聚 Encounter

室樂再多些? Want More Chamber Music? 香港小交響樂團今樂季將繼續於不同的場地 安排一系列的室樂演出,請密切留意樂團網站 及 Facebook 的相關消息。 Subscribe to our eNews and Facebook page for information on more chamber music concerts during the year!

19.5.2015 23.6.2015 21.7.2015 18.8.2015 8.9.2015 17.11.2015 19.1.2016 1.3.2016 星期二 Tue 7pm 藝穗會 奶庫 The Fringe Club – Fringe Dairy 中環下亞厘畢道二號 2 Lower Albert Road, Central

$150 (包括飲品一杯 A drink is included) 詳情請留意網站 www.HKSL.org 公佈。 Stay tuned for more information on www.HKSL.org.

香港小交響樂團今個樂季繼續有樂團首席格德霍特及多位樂團樂師親自編排選曲, 在散發獨特情懷的藝穗會,與觀眾輕談淺酌,分享更多古典與當代室樂作品。 The unique chamber concert series at the Fringe Club continues this season. Come along, have a drink and enjoy the chamber music — from classical to contemporary — programmed by Concertmaster James Cuddeford and Hong Kong Sinfonietta musicians!

樂聚 Encounter

| 網上訂票 Online Ticketing: www.HKSL.org/Fringe


Veronika Eberle

Fabrice Millischer

Krzysztof Penderecki

Paul Meyer

Aurélien Pascal

Pieter Wispelwey

Christoph Poppen

樂在咫尺,埋身接觸 碰面 — 分享藝術家的觀點與角度 樂賞 — 台上近距離欣賞音樂演出

How close-up is UpClose? • Sharing views with artists face-to-face • Appreciating the artists’ performances from the stage

最新詳情請留意網站 www.HKSL.org 公佈。 Visit www.HKSL.org during the season to find out what unique experiences this year’s series offers.

50 樂在咫尺 UpClose Encounters

票務指南 Ticketing Information 閣下如欲定期收到香港小交響樂團的節 目資料,請填妥以下表格並傳真或電郵 至2783 9819 / info@hksinfonietta.org。

香港小交響樂團的音樂會門票,通常於演出前兩個月作公開發售。有關各音樂會的 開售日期請參閱內頁。大部份音樂會的門票均設有全日制學生、長者 (60歲或以 上)、殘疾人士及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士優惠,詳情請參閱個別音樂會單張。

If you would like to regularly receive promotional leaflets from the Hong Kong Sinfonietta, please complete the following form and fax or email it to 2783 9819 / info@hksinfonietta.org.

Tickets are typically available 2 months prior to the concerts. Please refer to the concert details pages for box office opening dates. There are concessionary tickets for full-time students, senior citizens (aged 60 or above), people with disabilities and CSSA recipients for most of the concerts. Please refer to individual concert leaflets for details.

姓 Last Name

節目查詢 Programme Enquiries:2836 3336 / info@hksinfonietta.org 香港小交響樂團網址 Website:www.HKSL.org

(先生/女士/小姐/教授/博士 Mr/Mrs/Ms/Prof/Dr)

城市售票網 URBTIX

名 First Name 電話 Tel

適用於香港大會堂及香港文化中心舉行之節目 For events held at HK City Hall & HK Cultural Centre

門票查詢及購票 Ticketing Enquiries & Bookings:2111 5999 網上購票 Internet Ticketing Service:www.URBTIX.hk


(10am – 8pm daily)

手機應用程式 MY URBTIX APP (住宅H)

電郵或郵寄地址 E-mail or Postal address

票房 Outlets 香港島 HK Island 香港大會堂、上環文娛中心、西灣河文娛中心、伊利沙伯體育館、香港藝術中心、 通利琴行(香港仔、西環、灣仔城市大廈、銅鑼灣、太古城中心)及青年廣場(柴灣) HK City Hall, Sheung Wan Civic Centre, Sai Wan Ho Civic Centre, Queen Elizabeth Stadium, HK Arts Centre, Tom Lee Music Co Ltd (Aberdeen, Western District, Wanchai City Centre, Causeway Bay, Taikoo Shing Cityplaza) & Youth Square (Chai Wan) 九龍 Kowloon

閣下所提供的資料會用作郵寄香港小 交響樂團有限公司宣傳品之用。根據 個人資料(私隱)條例,閣下有權要求 查閱及更正所提供之資料。若對填報 個人資料一事有任何疑問,請致電 (852) 2836 3336與香港小交響樂團 有限公司聯絡。

e-news sign up


The personal data collected will be used for mailing publicity materials of the Hong Kong Sinfonietta Ltd. In accordance with the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, you have the right to request access to and alter data. For enquiries, please call us at (852) 2836 3336.

香港文化中心、香港體育館、牛池灣文娛中心、高山劇場、賽馬會創意藝術中心、 香 港 兆 基 創 意 書 院 、 通 利 琴 行( 金 馬 倫 里 、 黃 埔 花 園 、 奧 海 城 、 M e g a B o x ) 及樂韻琴行(旺角) HK Cultural Centre, HK Coliseum, Ngau Chi Wan Civic Centre, Ko Shan Theatre, Jockey Club Creative Arts Centre, HKICC Lee Shau Kee School of Creativity, Tom Lee Music Co Ltd (Cameron Lane, Whampoa Garden, Olympian City, MegaBox) & Happy Sound Music Ltd (Mongkok) 新界 New Territories 葵青劇院、荃灣大會堂、沙田大會堂、屯門大會堂、元朗劇院、北區大會堂、 大埔文娛中心、亞洲國際博覽館及通利琴行(青衣、荃灣綠楊坊、沙田、元朗、 大埔、馬鞍山、將軍澳、屯門)

Kwai Tsing Theatre, Tsuen Wan Town Hall, Sha Tin Town Hall, Tuen Mun Town Hall, Yuen Long Theatre, North District Town Hall, Tai Po Civic Centre, AsiaWorld-Expo & Tom Lee Music Co Ltd (Tsing Yi, Tsuen Wan Luk Yeung Galleria, Shatin, Yuen Long, Tai Po, Ma On Shan, Tseung Kwan O, Tuen Mun) 門票轉換 Ticket Exchange

新界 New Territories 通利琴行(青衣、荃灣綠楊坊、沙田、元朗、大埔、馬鞍 山、將軍澳、屯門)及亞洲國際博覽館 Tom Lee Music Co Ltd (Tsing Yi, Tsuen Wan Luk Yeung Galleria, Shatin, Yuen Long, Tai Po, Ma On Shan, Tseung Kwan O, Tuen Mun) & AsiaWorld-Expo

客戶凡於城市售票網購買音樂會門票後,如需轉換門票,可 前往任何一間城市售票網售票處辦理手續。轉換之門票必需 是相同節目的另一場音樂會門票,而票價必需是相同或較高 (客戶需補回門票差價),每張門票手續費為港幣五元(門票

快達票 HK Ticketing 適用於香港演藝學院舉行之節目 For events held at The Hong Kong Academy for Performing Arts


門票查詢及購票 Ticketing Enquiries & Bookings:31 288 288

Any ticket purchased from the URBTIX can be exchanged for another performance of the same programme at the same venue and of the same or higher price (ticket-holders will have to pay the price difference). A fee of HK$5 will be charged for each ticket. No ticket sold through URBTIX is refundable and this service is subjected to tickets availability. Please go to any of the URBTIX outlets for this service.

(10am – 8pm daily)

網上購票 Internet Ticketing Service:www.hkticketing.com *須付購票手續費 Handling fee is required

票房 Outlets 香港島 HK Island 香港會議展覽中心、香港演藝學院、藝穗會、伯大尼及通利 琴行(香港仔、西環、灣仔城市大廈、銅鑼灣、太古城中心)

購票通 Cityline 適用於香港大學舉行之節目For events held at The University of Hong Kong

門票查詢及購票 Ticketing Enquiries & Bookings:2111 5333 (10am – 8pm daily)

網上購票 Internet Ticketing Service:www.cityline.com *須付購票手續費 Handling fee is required

票房 Outlets

HK Convention & Exhibition Centre, The HK Academy for Performing Arts, The Fringe Club, Bethanie & Tom Lee Music Co Ltd (Aberdeen, Western District, Wanchai City Centre, Causeway Bay, Taikoo Shing Cityplaza) 九龍 Kowloon K11 Select, 九龍灣國際展貿中心及通利琴行(金馬倫里、 黃埔花園、奧海城、MegaBox)

香港島 HK Island

K11 Select, KITEC & Tom Lee Music Co Ltd (Cameron Lane, Whampoa Garden, Olympian City, MegaBox)

通利琴行(香港仔、西環、灣仔城市大廈、銅鑼灣、太古城 中心)

新界 New Territories

Tom Lee Music Co Ltd (Aberdeen, Western District, Wanchai City Centre, Causeway Bay, Taikoo Shing Cityplaza) 九龍 Kowloon 通利琴行(金馬倫里、黃埔新天地、奧海城、MegaBox) Tom Lee Music Co Ltd (Cameron Lane, Wonderful Worlds of Whampoa, Olympian City, MegaBox)

亞洲國際博覽館及通利琴行(青衣、荃灣綠楊坊、沙田、 元朗、大埔、馬鞍山、將軍澳、屯門) AsiaWorld-Expo & Tom Lee Music Co Ltd (Tsing Yi, Tsuen Wan Luk Yeung Galleria, Shatin, Yuen Long, Tai Po, Ma On Shan, Tseung Kwan O, Tuen Mun) 香港小交響樂團保留更改節目及表演者之權利 Hong Kong Sinfonietta reserves the right to change the programmes and artists


Hogan Lovells proudly supports the Hong Kong Sinfonietta. We like to keep in touch. Hogan Lovells 11th Floor, One Pacific Place 88 Queensway Hong Kong

2,500 lawyers / 45+ offices / 25 countries www.hoganlovells.com Hogan Lovells is an international legal practice that includes Hogan Lovells International LLP, Hogan Lovells US LLP and their affiliated businesses. Š Hogan Lovells 2015. All rights reserved.

葉氏兒童音樂實踐中心 Yip’s Children’s Choral & Performing Arts Centre 音樂總監 Music Director: 葉惠康博士 Dr. YIP Wai-Hong

BBS MH 副音樂總監 Associate Music Director: 葉羡詩 Ms. Sincere YIP

上課地點: 香港 ������� ( 2886 2713) 九龍 佐敦 香港文化中心 ( 2317 0681) 觀塘 ( 2304 8182) 新界 沙田 ( 2634 1382) 葵青屯門 ( 2722 0007) 荃灣 ( 2881 0071) (地址:沙咀道52號A皇廷廣場8樓)

查詢 傳真 : 2375 7838 網頁 : www.yipshk.com 電郵 : enquiry@yipshk.com

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