法國五月藝術節節目之一 An event of Le French May
「小提琴的魔法師。」 《古典音樂》雜誌 “Sorcerer of the violin.” Classica “Simply irresistible.” ResMusica “His violin sings magically.” Le Figaro
音樂總監/指揮 Music Director/Conductor
葉詠詩Yip Wing-sie
小提琴 Violin
賴杜洛域奇 Nemanja Radulovic
15.5.2010 8:00pm
(星期六 Sat)
香港大會堂音樂廳 Hong Kong City Hall Concert Hall $320, $220, $120
門票由3月25日起於城市電腦售票網發售 Tickets available at all URBTIX outlets from 25 Mar 2010
佛瑞 聖桑 白遼士 Fauré Saint-Saëns Berlioz
《帕凡舞曲》,作品50 B小調第三小提琴協奏曲,作品61 《幻想交響曲》,作品14 Pavane, Op 50 Violin Concerto No 3 in B minor, Op 61 Symphonie Fantastique, Op 14
Hong Kong Sinfonietta is financially supported by the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region
Hong Kong Sinfonietta is the Venue Partner of the Hong Kong City Hall
聯合主辦 Co-presenter
獨家贊助 Exclusive sponsor 康樂及文化事務署 贊助場地及售票服務 Venue and ticketing services sponsored by the Leisure and Cultural Services Department
“Nemanja Radulovic is the type of musician who can naturally excite the audience. He offers his heart with his music.” Le Monde de la Musique
香港小交響樂團在法國五月將呈獻作曲家白遼士別具故事色彩、於 法國音樂史中舉足輕重的交響曲《幻想交響曲》。音樂描述一位情 困音樂家的愛情奇想,表達當中的甜蜜、沮喪、絕望甚至因此而產 生的光怪陸離的幻覺。作品對後世作曲家影響深遠,其中馬勒和柴 可夫斯基等更以此作為他們的標題交響曲及交響詩的榜樣。 年僅25歲的小提琴家賴杜洛域奇技巧高超、樂感細膩非凡、充滿 魅力,被譽為「小提琴的魔法師」。他曾於多個國際大賽勝出,包 括漢諾威國際小提琴比賽及斯特瓦爾比賽,其唱片亦屢獲殊榮。 他將演繹聖桑充滿戲劇性的第三小提琴協奏曲。 The Strad compared him with Szeryng and Perlman; French critics called him “sorcerer of the violin” with “impeccable and breathtaking virtuosity”. Nemanja Radulovic dazzles audiences worldwide with his refined musicality, exceptional tone and expressive playing. Having won numerous international competitions since his teenage years, his recordings continue to garner him prizes, such as Les Victoires de la Musique Classique and CHOC de Classica. Don’t miss his début in Hong Kong! In Symphonie Fantastique , Berlioz dramatically transformed the passions and fantasies of a lovesick artist into a quintessentially romantic piece of music. The five movements were given highly picturesque titles, such as “Dream of a Witches’ Sabbath” and “Daydreams – Passions”, and the music itself is equally vivid in depicting his visions and emotions.
Winner of: - The Hannover International Violin Competition - International “George Enescu” Violin Competition - Antonio Stradivarius Competition
門票由3月25日起於城市電腦售票網發售 Tickets available at all URBTIX outlets from 25 Mar 2010 全日制學生、高齡人士、殘疾人士及綜合社會保障援助受惠人士可獲半價優惠 | 凡購買正價門票4張或以上,可獲9折優惠
Half-price tickets available for full-time students, senior citizens, people with disabilities and Comprehensive Social Security Assistance recipients 10% discount for group booking of 4 or more adult tickets
媒體夥伴 Media partner
門票查詢及留座 Ticketing Enquiries & Reservations 2734 9009 節目查詢 Programme Enquiries 2836 3336 | info@hksinfonietta.org 信用咭電話購票 Credit Card Telephone Booking 2111 5999 | www.URBTIX.hk 香港小交響樂團保留更改節目及表演者之權利 Hong Kong Sinfonietta reserves the right to change the programme and artists