Memo To: Mr. CTrans Head From: Team Himadri Shekhar Kundu Date: March 31st, 2017 RE: Traffic Congestion in Cubetown
Methods of Transportation Planning, Spring 2017 Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy Rutgers University
This memo is a short summary of the latest research and analysis undertaken by CTrans team Himadri Shekhar Kundu in order to address the growing issue of Traffic Congestion in Cubetown, XZ. The team have considered multiple alternatives as mitigation measures such as improving road network connectivity, capacity expansion for multiple roadways, and compared the various modal splits for the different scenarios. In conclusion, the team decided to investigate further to find a better alternative through improvement in the transit network as a mitigation measure.
ROAD NETWORK EXPANSION MEMO Rutgers University, New Brunswick
ubetown has been lately facing traffic congestion problems. In view of these problems our team have tried to look for a solution by expanding the road network of the city. After making a few changes to the transportation network, we ran the models in Cube incorporating the changes, which helped us understand their potential impacts. Our findings for the different scenarios are stated in this memo. Currently, 7th Avenue North located east of Interstate 29 has a missing road segment between 35th and 25th Street due to a Ford Auto plant spanning multiple blocks. The plant is closing down, so our proposal is to connect the 7th Avenue by tearing down part of the old Ford plant, in order to improve the region’s traffic flow. However, due to this change, there was a shift in the traffic congestion to some other parts of the region which are not even near Cubetown. We ran models for both scenarios (before and after connecting 7th Avenue) and Figure 1 and 2 shows the Level of Service (LOS)1 for the roads in these two cases.
Fig 1. LOS Before Fixing 7th Avenue
There was significant reduction in congestion for eastbound Dakota Drive after fixing 7th Avenue from the previously over-congested nature with a Volume to Capacity Ratio (V/C) of 0.79. The V/C ratio dropped 0.42 following this change in 7th Avenue. There was also reduction in congestion for 35th Street North travelling northbound. However, there was a significant increase in congestion for the eastbound direction along 7th Avenue North with a large increase in traffic volume from 182 to 1050 vehicle per hour and a V/C ratio from 0.37 to 0.69. eastbound travelling 3rd Avenue North West was another road to show an increase in traffic congestion. The second scenario also shows significant reduction in traffic congestion in some parts of the city even though there were increase in some other parts. Thus, it is not possible to conclude that the increase in traffic congestion in the surrounding areas of 7th Avenue was due to the proposed connection. The auto traffic volumes from the two models are shown in Table 1. After connecting 7th Avenue, we also observed few changes in the mode choice. Automobile usage to increase a bit and also a decrease in walking and transit usage.
Fig 2. LOS After Fixing 7th Avenue
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Though the number of trips made by SingleOccupancy Vehicles (SOVs) has reduced, carpooling has increased resulting in an overall increase in auto use as expected. Transit usage has reduced slightly with a significant decrease in walking. The total number of trips has also decreased (Table 2). It is also to be noted that though there are slight changes in use of auto and non-auto modes, the modal split remains the same before and after fixing 7th Avenue. In order to decrease the traffic congestion in some of the areas after fixing 7th Avenue, we widened a 2.5mile segment of Main Avenue between 36th Street West and 4th Street North, changing it from two lanes to three lanes in both directions, increasing its capacity from 1800 to 2700 and the speed limit from 30 miles/hour to 45 miles/hour. Following this step, we ran the model and observed a marginal reduction in congestion along Main Avenue, but like the previous scenario, the congestion spread to other areas as the traffic got distributed to 1st Avenue, the diagonal Fietchner Drive and 34th Street South West. Congestion also increased in the southwestern part of the city, where improvements had been observed after the fixing 7th Avenue.
Automobile Trips
1078000 1076000 1074000 1072000 1070000 1068000 1066000 1064000
Before Fixing 7th After Fixing 7th After Widening After Widening Avenue Avenue Main Avenue 1st Avenue
Fig 3. Automobile Usage for Different Models
Transit Ridership
56500 56000 55500 55000 54500 54000 53500
Before Fixing 7th After Fixing 7th After Widening After Widening Avenue Avenue Main Avenue 1st Avenue
Fig 4. Public Transit Usage for Different Models
Table 1. Auto Traffic Volumes on Selected Roads before and after Completing 7th Avenue
Table 2. Modal Splits for Various Scenarios
*Combining Auto to Public Transport and Walk to Public Transport
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However, the V/C Ratio for Main Avenue decreased from 1.24 to 0.76. The Level of Service for the roads in this model is shown in Figure 5. To fix the congestion further, we widened a 1-mile segment of 1st Avenue between 25th Street North and University Drive. The steps taken are: 1) increase in number of lanes from 1 to 2, 2) increase in capacity from 1700 to 2100 and 3) increase in speed limit from 25 miles/hour to 30 miles/ hour.
Fig 5. LOS After Widening Main Avenue
Following these steps, the congestion reduces for 1st Avenue as expected, the V/C ratio decreasing from 1.1 to 0.9. Reduction is also observed for the diagonal Fietchner Drive. Figure 6 portrays the Level of Service for the roads in this model. For all the four models, transit ridership remains more or less the same regardless of the trip purposes. We feel there is need for further research into the areas of transit network improvement.
Fig 6. LOS After Widening 1st Avenue
1. Transportation Research Board. (1994). Highway Capacity Manual, Special Report 209.
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Himadri Shekhar Kundu Master of City and Regional Planning Edward J. Bloustein School of Planning and Public Policy Rutgers University https://www.linkedin.com/in/hskundu
(732) 948-3243