HKUSTSU O book 2016

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序言 Foreword


學生會篇 Students' Union


學生會簡介 Introduction of the Students' Union 學生會設施與服務 Facilities & Services 學生會會員福利 Members' Welfare

校園篇 Campus


學業篇 Academic


住宿篇 Accommodation


For International Students


校內無線上網服務 Campus Wi-Fi Connection 科大交通 HKUST Transportation 學術設施 Academic Facilities 常用設施 Useful Facilities 康樂文化設施 Leisure and Cultural Facilities 預約場地設施 Facilities Booking 飲食指南 Restaurant and Cafeteria

學生證 Student ID card 啟動 ITSC 戶口 ITSC Activation MyPortal 課程報讀 Course Registration Print budget Personal Response System (PRS) 資助及優惠計劃 Finance Assistance and Students' Discount

宿舍介紹 Introduction of Student Halls 宿費 Hall fee 宿分 Hall Composite Score System 申請宿位 Apply for Accommodation

屬會篇 Affiliated Societies


屬會介紹 Introduction of Student Societies 屬會宣傳 Affiliated Societies Promotion

其他資訊 Other Information 常用網頁 Useful Websites 科大術語 (Chinese version only)


Content 目錄




新學年伊始 , 歡迎大家成為科大的一份子 , 在此開展你的 大學生活。自二十五年前創校以來 , 科大聲譽日隆 , 今天 已成為全球頂尖的年輕大學之一。校園環山靠海 , 綠意盎 然 , 大學致力為同學提供全人教育及培育創意的氛圍 , 讓 各位能夠發掘自我 , 盡展所長。我希望各位同學會善用未 來四年時間 , 深入了解自己 , 不但在學術上取得卓越成就 , 亦成為一位有承擔、關懷社會、品格高尚的世界公民。 作為一所研究型大學 , 我們努力創造知識 , 亦致力塑造一 個能讓各位同學發揮潛能的環境。除了鑽研學術及應付考 試 , 我鼓勵各位把握機會參加海外交流與課餘活動 , 學習 不同地方的文化 , 建立友誼 , 擴闊視野。科大為同學積極 開拓學習機會 , 各位應抱持開放態度多嘗試新事物 , 培養 不同興趣 , 與來自不同背景的同學相處 , 成為一位能獨立 思考、具國際視野的科大人。大學生活是一趟探索自我的 旅程 , 你會漸漸了解自己的長短處 , 發掘自己的志趣。當 然 , 各位同學亦應善用時間 , 在學業、興趣及社交等方面 , 兼顧得宜。


1. 追求卓越、堅守誠信、維護學術自由 2. 放眼全球發展 , 貢獻地方社會 3. 凡事皆可為的精神 4. 和諧共融、匯聚多元、彼此尊重 5. 同一科大


科大以一系列核心價值為指導原則 , 推動大學按其使命與理 念持續發展。待各位同學畢業之時 , 無論你們身處世界何地 , 實踐這些價值將令你們在工作上表現卓越 , 擔當出色的領袖 , 並會推己及人 , 成為有承擔的世界公民。科大的核心價值是 :

在科大生活、成長 , 你會漸漸明白到這些價值的重要性 , 而 且我相信當你成為科大人後 , 定會將這些價值付諸實行。 我誠邀各位同學參加於九月一日舉行的科大開學晚宴 , 認識 新朋友。我期待於未來日子與你們在校園見面交流 , 謹在此 再次歡迎大家。

陳繁昌 校長


Message from the HKUST President

On this day when you begin a new chapter in your life, I would like to welcome you to the HKUST family, one of the top young universities in the world today that has seen its reputation rose meteorically since it was founded 25 years ago. In this campus surrounded by striking natural beauty, HKUST offers you holistic education and an environment to unearth and pursue your interests. I suggest you spend the 4 year university life wisely to learn more about yourself and discover your own passions, not only striving for academic excellence, but also becoming a responsible citizen of the world who cares about the community. As a world-class research university, it is one of our major goals to create knowledge and provide you with an environment where you can realize and unleash your full potential. You will learn, study, and be challenged by exams, but I would also encourage you to learn the beauty and values of different cultures, make new friends and broaden your minds through our exchange programs, extra-curricular activities, and a sprawling network of student clubs.


I encourage you to try things which you have never done before, find new, different interests, work and live with students from different background, and develop a strong sense of independent thinking with a global perspective. University life is a journey of discovery. Take your time to think, get to know yourself, your own strengths and weaknesses, interests and passion. Of course, you should also organize your time well, and strike a balance between your academic, interests and social life.

HKUST is supported by a set of core values that form the guiding principles towards the advancement of the University’s mission and vision. These values will make you as a HKUST graduate distinctive at work, as a leader, and as a thoughtful and responsible citizen in whichever part of the world you choose to put down roots. They are:


Through these many learning opportunities available in HKUST,

1. Excellence, Integrity, and Academic Freedom 2. Global Vision and Local Commitment 3. Can-do Spirit 4. Inclusiveness, Diversity, and Respect 5. 1-HKUST As you grow in HKUST, you will learn about the importance of these values, and I believe that you will come to embrace them when you become a member of the HKUST community. Join the University Welcome Dinner on Sept 1 where you will meet many fellow newcomers. I am looking forward to meeting some of you in person on campus in the years to come. welcome you to the HKUST big family. Again, I welcome you to the HKUST big family.

Tony F Chan President


Message from the President of the Students' Union Hello Freshers, Welcome! On behalf of HKUST Students' Union, I would like to extend my warmest welcome to all of you. Right now - I am very sure there must be so much going on in your head and you have mixed feelings about them. On one hand, you may be excited about the new paths and options ahead, the taste of living away from home after almost eighteen years, the chances of running into some awesome people who also share the same interest, making some new friends for life and many more… while on the other, you may be having millions of questions and confusions about the new faces, new systems, new environment or even a new self that you come across. Your call - Owing to its completely different nature with high school, University is going to be your whole new experience. In here, you will be experiencing more freedom, more openness and less restriction that ever but they also come with more unknowns. It is easy to get lost in the maze of unfamiliarities and may even feel tired of running into it after some time. You many wonder how many ways are there to complete the maze but no one ever knows since no single uni life is the same. Don’t copy and paste because it doesn’t work. There is just one golden rule: The ball is always in your court. Challenge yourself to not only play the game but to play it in a way that is perfect for you.


Have fun - Our campus is decorated with all kinds of student activities throughout the semesters and each of them is great in their own way! Go experience them and I am sure you will love the dynamism here, and remember, we do count on you to pass on the passion and enthusiasm!


Reach out - While projects and midterms are inevitable, striving for academic excellence is never the only goal of a university student. Make your move, reach out to society and give your attention to the world. You will be surprised by the many things that you can never ever find in a library; you will be amazed by how minute we all are as reflected by the outside world but you will also see how we as youth can contribute and bring changes by shaping ourselves into critical thinkers and responsible individuals.

Take risks - Here is the place that often linked with possibilities and dreams with one prerequisite: willingness to take risks. For freshers like yourself, there is no better timing than now to sail away from the safe harbour. It is youth that allows us to embrace the howling wind and dance in the pouring rain; it is by doing challenges that uncover potentials and surprise yourself. For no risk, no return. Carpe diem - Time flies, it does fly. Grab every minute and make the most out of your years in the University! Because some years from now, you will be more disappointed by things you didn't do than by the ones you did. Once again, welcome to the UST community and I wish you every success in the amazing odyssey you are about to embark. Best of luck to you all! Gloria Chiu President HKUST Students' Union






學生會簡介 Introduction of the Students' Union 香港科技大學學生會成立於 1992 年,是一個非牟利的學生組織。學生會有五大 成立目的 : 1) 推廣康樂、文化、體育及學術活動予會員 2) 提高會員公民意識 3) 為會員尋求福利 4) 在影響到會員利益的事務上代表會員 5) 協助大學發展 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union is a non-profit student organization established in 1992. The Union was established for five objectives: 1) To promote social, cultural, sporting and academic activities amongst members; 2) To promote civic consciousness amongst members; 3) To promote the welfare of members; 4) To represent members in matters affecting their interest; and 5) To facilitate the development of the University. 學生會由四大架構組成,分別為 : The Union is composed of four divisions, namely, 1) 幹事會 The Executive Committee; 2) 編輯委員會 The Editorial Board; 3) 評議會 The Council; 4) 仲裁委員會 The Court 各司其職 , 幹事會掌行政 ; 評議會掌立法 ; 仲裁委員會掌司法 ; 編委會掌傳媒。 另外 , 學生會轄下亦有超過一百個屬會 , 為科技大學建構一個多元化社區。 The Executive Committee, the Editorial Board, the Council and the Court are at the helm of Administration, Press Release, Legislation and the Regulation of Finance, and Judicature respectively.


學生會幹事會負責學生會的行政工作 , 處理學生會所有日常的事務,如跟校方 商討課程及學制、跟外界交流、接待傳媒及外國交流團、出版各種刊物、為政 治經濟事務發聲、組織文化活動、協助各學會發展等等。 幹事會需要更多有理想和有遠見的同學加入,一同為同學服務,為創建更理想 的校園而努力。 The Executive Committee, also known as Ex-Co, is responsible for the administration work and daily matters of the union, such as discussing curriculum and school system with the University, communicating with external stakeholders, receiving the press and exchange visitors, managing a variety of publications, making announcements on political and economic affairs, organizing cultural activities and helping the development of different societies. The Executive Committee needs more prospective and passionate students to join, to serve students and to create a better learning environment for all students.

網址 Website:


幹事會 (The Executive Committee)

編輯委員會 (The Editorial Board)

編輯委員會作為學生會的出版組織,負責製作學生會的官方刊物 ---《振翅 WINGS》及《振翅之高飛報》和網誌。編輯委員會透過出版不同刊物以達成向 外界推廣學生會,為同學提供發表意見的渠道,給予同學更多機會接觸不同類 型的資訊及提升同學的文學水平等目的。 The Editorial Board, abbreviated as EB, is the body that maintains the official publication of HKUSTSU, i.e. “WINGS”, “WINGS High Fly Post”, and the blog. The Editorial Board aims at promoting the objectives of the Union and providing a channel for students to express opinions, so as to enable students to access a greater variety of information and improve students' language proficiency. 網址 Website:


評議會 (The Council)

評議會是學生會四大架構中的立法機構,主要負責監察學生會內各組織、處理屬 會成立的申請、審批學生會的財政預算案和批閱屬會的資助申請。另外,評議會 也會於全民大會上對學生會憲章 (Constitution) 作闡釋,更會考慮是否接納幹事 會、編輯委員會和普選評議員的中期報告。 評議會設有四十六個議席,大約每隔三至四個星期舉行一次會議。評議會轄下有 五個常務委員會,包括屬會委員會、選舉委員會、憲章委員會、財務委員會和評 議會行政委員會,負責協調處理評議會的事務。同時,只有評議員可以擔任常務 委員會的職務。 The Council acts as the legislative branch of the Students' Union. Its duties include examining applications for affiliation to the Union, supervising and passing rules and regulations on all sub-organizations. Moreover, the Council is responsible for interpreting and proposing amendment to the Constitution, approving the Master Budget of the Union and application of Union subsidies, together with other issues and matters. The Council has forty-six seats in total, and will conduct a meeting every three or four weeks. There are five standing committees under the Council to deal with different issues, which are the Affiliated Societies Committee, Election Committee, Constitution Committee, Finance Committee and Council Administration Committee. Only councilors can get into the standing committees. 網址 Website:

仲裁會 (The Court)

仲裁會是學生會四大架構中的司法機構,其主要的工作範圍為處理學生會內部的 糾紛。同時,在發生重大事件時,仲裁會會負責仲裁事件中涉及的人物。 The Court is the judiciary body of HKUSTSU and have several duties including settling disputes within the Union. In cases when major incident occurs, the Court will also arbitrate the person involved. 網址 Website:


學生會辦公室 The office of the Students' Union

本會辦公室位於 LG5,同學可到辦公室找職員或在 場的學生會幹事,查詢本會的事宜。 另外,在辦公室門口位置,亦有放置了一些不同的 刊物及申請表格,例如本校學生報、其他大學學生 團體刊物、消閒雜誌、實習工作表格等,同學可以 免費索取。 Our Office is located at LG5. All students are welcome to come and look for the Executive Committee or our staff, to inquire about services provided by the Students' Union. Moreover, different publications are placed outside the office, such as magazines, WINGS, and application forms for internship, which are free for students to take. 辦公時間 : 周一至周五 10:00- 13:00, 14:00- 18:00 Opening Hours: 10:00- 13:00, 14:00- 18:00 Mon to Fri

大字報牆 Big Character Poster Wall

學生會在 LG1 Learning Commons 門外旁設置了一塊大型壁報版,同學可以自 由在該大字報牆上張貼文章,表達對時事議題、校政和學生會政策等意見。希 望同學用此大字報牆時能尊重校內不同聲音和意見的發表,維護同學的言論自 由不受侵犯和剝奪,讓同學能從中多角度思索問題。而在張貼前,任何大字報 牆上的文章,均需要把其 soft copy 電郵至,學生 會會盡快作出安排,以希望同學們能多留意校內及校外事務,帶動更多討論。 有關使用大字報牆的守則已張貼於大字報牆旁邊。 The Students' Union provides an enormous notice board beside the LG1 Learning Commons, where students can post their views or opinions towards different issues, such as current affairs and school policies. It is hoped that students can embrace different voices and opinions, respect the freedom of speech, and also see issues from different angles. Please observe the regulations posted next to the wall, and send a soft copy to before posting any materials.


學生會設施與服務 Facilities & Services


自動販賣機 Vending Machines

學生會在校園內的不同角落設有自動販賣 機,供同學購買各式各樣的飲品和零食。 現時,全校已有超過二十部自動販賣機。 The Students' Union has arranged vending machines in different locations of campus. Up to now, there are over twenty vending machines, selling various drinks and snacks.

LG5 學生會合作社 Co-op shop

學生會於 LG5 設有學生會合作社。店內主要售賣以下產品: The Students' Union operates the Co-Op Shop on LG5. The following items are available: • 不同種類的文具 Stationaries • 日常所需的生活用品 Daily necessities • 電腦產品 IT products • 印有學校或學生會標記的紀念品 Souvenirs with logos of the University or the Students' Union • 借用電子產品一天 ( 只要出示有效的學生證,遞交申請表和借用產品價值 10% 的按金,同學就可以借用電子產品 ) Loan of IT products: simply show your student ID card, fill in an application form and pay a deposit of 10% of the products’cost.


• 售賣較便宜的小食 Snacks 店內也設有 Apple Experience Center,讓同學可以親身體驗蘋果產品,例如 : iPhone;另外學生可以教育價購買指定產品。 There is also an Apple Experience Center, which allows students to try out Apple products such as iPhone. Students can purchase designated items with an Education-pricing discount.

學生會影印場 Print Shop

本會於 LG5 設有影印場,放置了多部影印機及釘裝機,提供列印及釘裝等服務。 影印場的收費為:黑白影印每面 $0.2 (A4) 及 $0.5 (A3),彩色影印每頁 $1.8 (A4) 及 $2.7 (A3),相較於圖書館和電腦室的收費為便宜。所有印刷服務均以八達通 卡收費。 場內有職員當值,提供傳真和釘裝服務,協助解決同學使用時的困難;同時, 場內人流較少,方便同學大量複印文件。 開放時間 : 每日 09:00 - 21:00 職員辦公時間:周一至周四 10:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 19:00 周五 10:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 18:00


此外,合作社在新學年將會增設借傘服務﹕同學只需完成登記並繳付按金,便 可借用雨傘三個工作天。 Moreover, the Co-Op shop is going to launch the Umbrella Loaning Service: Just register and pay a deposit to borrow an umbrella for 3 days. 合作社亦設有會員優惠,同學只需在付款前出示學生會會員證 , 便可享有折扣優 惠。 Co-op shop also provides members' privilege; enjoy discounts by showing Students' Union Membership Card upon payment. 營業時間 : 周一至周四 10:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 20:00 周五 10:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 19:40 Opening Hours: Mon-Thu 10:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 20:00 Fri 10:00 - 13:00, 14:00 - 19:40

The Students' Union has set up a Print Shop in LG5, which is equipped with a number of photocopiers, and binding-machine. Printing in Print Shop in Black and White costs $0.2 (A4) and $0.5 (A3), while in Color costs $1.8 (A4) and $2.7 (A3), each side. The cost of printing is lower than that of Library and Computer barn. All printing services should be paid by Octopus Card in Print Shop. Also, there is staff on duty to facilitate faxing and binding service, and deal with any difficulties students may encounter. Opening Hours: 09:00 - 21:00 Daily Staff Office Hours: Mon-Thu 10:00 - 13:00 Fri 14:00 - 18:00


學生會 Facebook 專頁 SU Facebook Page

HKUSTSU 專頁會不時發佈學生會的最新消息和動向,如派發學生會會員福利產 品、學園資訊、社會時事等,新生們請讚好緊貼學生會的最新動態。 Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Students' Union Facebook Page releases the latest news and events e.g. Welfare distribution, University information and social events. “Like”our fanpage to to keep up with our news. 網址 Website:

學生會會員證 Membership Card

每年九月,學生會會於香港賽馬會大堂擺放櫃檯,會員可以到埸辦理學生會會員 證,有效期至該學年尾。 科大學生會為香港大專福利聯盟的成員之一,同學能在惠顧特定商店時憑此證享 有相關的優惠。 Every September, the Students' Union sets up a counter at the Atrium for membership card application, with the expiry date as the end of the Academic year. HKUSTSU is a member of the Hong Kong Joint-University Welfare Union. Students are able to get a discount by patronizing any related companies.


福利產品派發 Welfare Distribution

每年學生會均會有兩次的福利產品派發,向各會員派發符合同學需要的產品。 於開學之首,會派發行事曆,讓同學於新一學年有更好的計劃;而第二次所 派發的產品則基於早前所完成的問卷調查決定,務求回應同學所需。 The Students' Union distributes two welfare products that meet students' need each year. In light of the beginning of the semester, schedule books will be distributed to kick-off a fresh start. As for the subsequent welfare distribution, the product choice will be based on the result of survey conducted earlier to cope with the students' demand.

特賣場 Mega Sale

學生會今年將會於學術廊舉行兩場 Mega Sale。於舉行期間,參展商會提供 一些特別折扣優惠,或以低於市價的價格,向同出售價廉物美的產品。而部 份攤位亦會留給屬會,藉此托展更多各式各樣的貨品種類,迎合不同同學的 需要。 Students' Union will organize two Mega Sales at the academic concourse this year. During the event, exhibitors will offer various merchandise at a discount, benefiting students with a bargain buy. In addition, the Students' Union will reserve some booths for affiliated societies to diversify the goods for sale to cater with the needs of different students.


學生會會員福利 SU Members' Welfare


常務委員會 Standing Committees 幹事會轄下亦有八個常務委員會 , 協助幹事會之行政工作﹔ There are eight standing committees superintended by the Executive Committee, which assist and support its administrative work: 1) 學術事務委員會 The Academic Affairs Committee 此委員會的成員主要協助本會的學術事務主任處理及舉辦一些有關學術事務的 活動,鼓勵身邊的同學參與相關的討論。 Members of this committee mainly assist the Academic Affairs Officer to deal with academic affairs and hold related activities, and to encourage students to involve in such topics. 2) 外務事務委員會 The External Affairs Committee 主要工作為協助幹事會處理一切的外務工作,並舉行有關時事的活動,從而推 動學生會會員對於社會事務的關注和參與。 This committee deals with all external matters, and holds events related to current affairs. This serves to raise students' social awareness and participation. 3) 公共事務委員會 The Public Relations Committee 成員需協助本會的公共關係主任處理一切有關學生會的公共關係事宜。 Members of this committee assist the Public Relations Officer to deal with matters related to public relations. 4) 出版事務委員會 The Publication Committee 主要為協助出版事務主任所有 ( 除編輯委員會的既定工作外 ) 的出版活動。 This committee mainly assists the Publication Officer in all publishing events (excluding publications of the Editorial Board). 5) 文娛康樂事務委員會 The Social Committee 委員會的成員需協助文娛康樂事務主任處理有關學生會的文娛康樂工作。 This committee helps the Social Affairs Officer to process any social affairsrelated work. 6) 福利委員會 The Welfare Committee 主要工作為協助福利主任處理所有會員的福利事宜。 This committee helps the Welfare Officer to deal with the Students' Union welfare.


8) 迎新事務委員會 The Orientation Affairs Committee 委員會的工作為處理所有的迎新事務,包括 : 迎新日、迎新營及迎新週。 This committee deals with matters related to orientation events, including Orientation Days, Orientation Camps, and Orientation Week. 有意參加幹事會常設委員會的同學可於開學之後申請成為 Standing Committee 的一份子,協助各常務委員會工作! Interested students can join our Standing Committee after the school starts, and help in the Students' Union's work!


7) 大學事務委員會 The University Affairs Committee 成員主要的職責為協助本會的大學術事務主任處理及舉辦一些有關大學事務的 活動,鼓勵身邊的同學參與相關的討論。 Members of this committee mainly help the University Affairs Officer to deal with university affairs and hold related activities, and to encourage students to involve in such topics.


學生會電腦節 Students' Union Electronics Fiesta 手提電腦訂購計劃是學生會每年舉辦的活動,本年將重新命名為學生會電腦節。 讓同學以優惠價錢購買手提電腦、平板電腦、桌上電腦和電腦軟件及周邊配件。 遺憾至本刊出版為止,本年度之詳情仍需與供應商商榷。如欲查詢有關詳情,請 留意我們的 Facebook 專頁或以下網址: The Notebook Ownership Program is an Annual event of the Students' Union. It is renamed to Electronics Fiesta starting from this year. Students could purchase Notebook, Tablet, Desktop PC, Software and other accessories in a favorable price. For further information, please visit


本屆幹事會的年度計劃如下,請同學踴躍參與並支持我們 ! Our year plan is as follows, please support us with your active participation! 二零一六年 2016 八月 August 新生註冊日 Registration Day for Undergraduates 迎新營 Orientation Camp 手提電腦訂購計劃 Electronics Fiesta 九月 September 手提電腦訂購計劃 Electronics Fiesta 起居節 Home Fiesta 迎新週 Orientation Week 派發福利產品 Distribution of Welfare product 民主教室 Democracy Class 資訊日 Information Day 十月 October 校長論壇 President's Forum 文化週 Cultural Week 十一月 November 招莊會 Recruitment Talk 民主教室 Democracy Class 二零一七年 2017 二月 February 宣傳期 Promotion Period


年度計劃 Year Plan

三月 March 特賣場 Mega Sale 福利產品派發 Distribution of Welfare Product 出版 X-Post Publication of X-Post


Campus Sectio


CAMPUS on Cover page 校園


校園地圖 Campus Map





校內 / 校外無線上網服務

On/Off Campus Wi-Fi Connection

校園大部分範圍均設有 Wi-Fi 覆蓋,同學可透過 Universities WiFi /eduroam 連接 到互聯網。用戶名稱為 <ITSC account>,密碼為 ITSC 密碼。此外,大 學的戶口亦可登入到部份校外 WiFi,詳情請見下方表格: Wi-Fi service is available in most parts of HKUST campus; students can access Internet via Universities WiFi or eduroam. login name is <ITSC account>@ust. hk, WiFi password is your ITSC password. Moreover, you can also access offcampus WiFi using your ITSC account. Details are as follow:


Universities WiFi


Universities via CSL/Y5ZONE

Coverage All Universities M o s t Some Shopping in HK U n i v e r s i t i e s malls in HK worldwide

路線小幫手 Path Advisor Web & App

科大學術大樓的課室主要依照升降機的位置而編排。同學要知道課室的位置, 可以使用網頁 Path Advisor 或 Lift Advisor App。 Classrooms in the academic building are numbered according to the position of lifts. Path Advisor web and Lift Advisor App will come in handy for finding classroom locations.

Path Advisor

同學只需登入 myPortal 便可以頁面 找到 Path Advisor, 然後輸入想要 到達的地方, 頁面便會顯示接近該 地方的電梯及該樓層平面圖。 Students simply need to login myPortal and enter the desired location. The page will then show the nearest lift and the floor plan of the location. 網址 website:

Lift Advisor App 1) iOS system: Download m.HKUST


2) Android system: Download HKUST Lift Advisor

巴士及小巴服務 Bus and minibus service

北閘 North Gate

北閘巴士站主要供前往西貢以及將軍澳的路線使用。逢秋季學期及春季學期上 課日提供服務的九巴 91P 線亦以北閘車站為早上時段班次之總站。下列車費表 為於北閘上車時應繳付之金額,大部份路線均設有分段收費。 The North Gate provides bus access to mainly Sai Kung and the Tseung Kwan O. The KMB 91P route, which is available throughout fall and spring semester takes the North Gate station as the terminus during the morning. The following is the fare to be paid when boarding on North Gate. Many of the routes have segmented charges. 使用北閘車站的巴士路線 Bus Route in North Gate 路線編號 起點 終點 Route No. Origin Destination 鑽石山站 清水灣 Diamond Hill Station Clear Water Bay 鑽石山站 寶琳 Diamond Hill Station Po Lam 鑽石山站 香港科技大學(北) Diamond Hill Station HKUST 將軍澳站 西貢 Tseung Kwan O Station Sai Kung 西貢 將軍澳站 Sai Kung Tseung Kwan O Station

科大地理位置偏僻,而且一直以來都沒有鐵路直達,因此對公共交通服務的需 求不亞於任何一所大學。為照顧科大同學及教職員對公共交通需求,巴士公司 及小巴公司皆開辦或安排多條路線接駁科大校園及九龍市區。科大校園共設有 兩個巴士站,分別位於北閘正門及南閘出口,以分流前往不同目的地的乘客, 故同學乘車時需留意應前往那個車站。 HKUST is located in an remote location with no railway links, the demand for public transportation services is just as high as any other universities. To cater for the HKUST students and staff, bus and minibus companies have offered and arranged multiple routes connecting the HKUST campus and urban Kowloon. HKUST campus has two bus stops, which are located at the main entrance of the North Gate and South Gate, which divert passengers heading to different locations, so students should pay attention to the stops.


科大交通 HKUST Transportation

車費 班次 Fare Frequency $7.4 15-20 分鐘 15-20 min $6.1 12-20 分鐘 12-20 min $6.1 10-12 分鐘 10-12 min $6.9 12-25 分鐘 12-25 min $4.8 12-25 分鐘 12-25 min

** 九巴 91M 與多條九巴路線設轉乘優惠 ** KMB line 91M has Bus-Bus interchange discount with many other lines.


使用北閘車站的小巴路線 Minibus Route in North Gate 路線編號 起點 終點 車費 備註 Route No. Origin Destination Fare Remark 彩虹站 坑口村 $6.6 Choi Hung Station Hang Hau Village 香港科技大學 坑口站 $4.8 HKUST Hang Hau 彩虹站 寶琳 $7.9 通宵服務 Choi Hung Station Po Lam Night service 寶琳 西貢 $10.1 Po Lam Sai Kung * 通宵小巴路線 11S 班次於 0200 前為 15 分鐘一班,0200 後為 50 分鐘一班 * Mid-night minibus line 11s comes every 15 minutes before 2am, and every 50 minutes after 2am.


南閘巴士站主要供前往九龍東市區的路線使用。逢秋季學期及春季學期上課日 提供服務的九巴 91P 線以南閘車站為下午班次之起點站。下列之車費為於南閘 上車時應繳付之金額。 The South Gate provides bus access to urban Kowloon East. Throughout fall and spring semester, the KMB 91P route takes the South Gate station as the terminus during the afternoon. The Bus fare is as follows: 使用南閘車站的巴士路線 Bus Route in South Gate 路線編號 起點 終點 車費 班次 Route No. Origin Destination Fare Frequency 清水灣 鑽石山站 $7.4 15-20 分鐘 Clear Water Bay Diamond Hill Station 15-20 min 寶琳 鑽石山站 $6.1 12-20 分鐘 Po Lam Diamond Hill Station 12-20 min 香港科技大學(南) 彩虹站 / 坪石 $6.1 15 分鐘 HKUST Choi Hung Station/ 15 min Ping Shek


南閘 South Gate

** 九巴 91M 與多條九巴路線設轉乘優惠 ** KMB line 91M has Bus-Bus interchange discount with many other lines.

使用南閘車站的小巴路線 Minibus Route in South Gate 路線編號 起點 終點 車費 Route No. Origin Destination Fare 坑口村 彩虹站 $6.6 Hang Hau Village Choi Hung Station 香港科技大學 彩虹站 $6.6 HKUST Choi Hung Station 寶琳 彩虹站 $7.9 Po Lam Choi Hung Station 香港科技大學 牛頭角站 $7.6 HKUST Ngau Tau Kok Station

備註 Remark

通宵服務 Night service

通宵小巴路線 11S 班次於 0200 前為 15 分鐘一班,0200 後為 50 分鐘一班

各交通營運商於秋季學期及春季學期上課日期間均會留意各路線的需求,於有需 要時會加密班次接載同學往返科大。有關各路線詳情請瀏覽個別營運商或運輸處 網站。 The service providers will keep track of the demands of each transportation route and, if necessary, increase the line operation times. For details, you can visit the website of the operators or the Transportation Department.


校巴服務 Shuttle Bus Service

為應付上課日來往科大的龐大客量,科大校方亦會於秋季學期及春季學期上課日 營運兩條校巴路線來往附近的港鐵站,接送同學上下課。另外,校方亦於上課日 午飯時間提供免費穿梭巴士服務來往科大及東港城。校園服務處會於各學期開學 前透過集體電郵,通知同學有關各條校巴線的營運日期、班次及車站位置等資 料。 To cope with the school day and the huge passenger volume to and from HKUST, shuttle buses are also located near the MTR station in the fall and spring semester, which includes day operations of two shuttle bus routes. In addition, the school also provides free shuttle services at lunchtime to and from HKUST and East Point. Campus Services Department will collectively email students to inform them about each of the shuttle bus lines and their operating dates, schedules, station locations and other information. 起點 終點 服務時間 班次 車費 Origin Destination Service Time Frequency Fare 鑽石山(上元街) 科大廣場 0815-0840 10 分鐘 $6.2 Diamond Hill HKUST (Piazza) (Sheung Yuen Street) 科大廣場 鑽石山(上元街) 1800-1900 20 分鐘 HKUST (Piazza) Diamond Hill (Sheung Yuen Street) 將軍澳 ( 寶邑路 ) 科大廣場 0820-0845 5-8 分鐘 $4.5 Tseung Kwan O HKUST (Piazza) (Po Yap Road) 科大廣場 將軍澳 ( 寶邑路 ) 1800-1900 20 分鐘 HKUST (Piazza) Tseung Kwan O (Po Yap Road) 東港城 科大廣場 1340-1350 5 分鐘 免費 East Point City HKUST (Piazza) Free 科大廣場 東港城 1235-1255 10 分鐘 HKUST (Piazza) East Point City 同學需於登車時出示學生證方可使用校巴服務。 Shuttle bus users are required to show their student or staff ID cards upon boarding


教務處 學生紀錄及註冊 Academic records and registration, Academic Registry (ARR)

同學如果在需要辦理學業有關事務,例如轉學、休學、退學、或是遺失學生證 等,可以到 ARR 辦理。 ARR handles and deals with most of your important academic affairs, such as Program Transfer, deferment, quitting, or even replacement of Student ID card. 開放時間: 週一至週五 09:00 - 17:15 位置:1381 室 (Barn B 對面 ) 聯絡電話:2623 1111 Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 09:00 - 17:15 Location: Room 1381 (Opposite to Barn B) Tel: 2623 1111


常見學校部門 HKUST Office

學生事務處 Student Affairs Offfice(SAO)

基本上學生日常活動所有事務都與學生事務處有關。轄下有多個部門,包括就 業中心、輔導、運動等等。主要關注學生在大學生活期間的事務和學生的校園 生活,鼓勵學生追求卓越學術表現和能力,發展自己的大學教育。 開放時間: 週一至週五 08:45 - 13:00, 14:00 - 17:30 電郵地址 聯絡電話:2358 0842 位置:Room 1006 - 1008 (Starbucks 樓上 ) Many of the Student activities are related to SAO. It has several teams, including Career Center, counseling, and sports & Wellness. They mainly concerns students' campus life, encourage students to pursuit academic excellence and competencies development. Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 08:45 - 13:00, 14:00 - 17:30 Location: Room 1006 - 1008 (Above Starbucks) Email: Tel: 2358 0842


學生住宿及舍堂生活事務處(SHRLO) Student Housing and Residential Life Office

學生住宿辦事處負責處理所有有關學生宿舍的事務,如房間分配、檢閱學生 住宿記錄和管理宿舍內的設施,也幫助學生尋找校外住宿。辦事處的主要功 能是處理宿舍入住和推行大學所制定之有關政策。 SHRLO is responsible for hall affairs like room allocation, student residential records, and hall facilities management. They also assist students to find off-campus accommodation. Implementing hall allocation and university' s housing policies are also duties of this office. 開放時間: 週一至週五 08:45 - 13:00, 14:00 - 17:30 電郵地址 聯絡電話:2358 6664 位置:G/F, UG Hall II Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 08:45 - 13:00, 14:00-17:30 Location: G/F, UG Hall II Tel: 2358 6664

保安控制中心(Security Control Center)

保安控制中心負責校園內的保安事宜,內裡有職員當值。同學可在此報失、 認領失物、申請泊車位及申請車輛入校許可證等服務。 位置:G/F (lift 2) 電話:2358 8999 Security Control Center is responsible for all the security matters in the campus; and there are staffs on duties inside the center. The office provides lost property registration, storage, enquiry, and retrieval services. Parking lots applications are also done here. Location:G/F (lift 2) Telephone:2358 8999


李兆基圖書館 Lee Shau Kee Library

科大李兆基圖書館通常被稱為「拉把」( 取「圖書館」的英文「library」的 「libra」發音 ),是同學自修、閱讀書本和等待上堂時消磨時間的好地方。全 個圖書館樓高五層,內裡設有電腦室(Information Commons)、自修室等設 施。圖書館提供不同類型的書給同學借閱,普通書本可以借閱一個月,多媒 體資料為 7 天,課堂書本則為 2 個小時。 同學如要辦理書本續借、預約和一般查詢服務,只需登上圖書館的網站辦理 便可,而不用每次親身前往圖書館。要留意的是圖書館的開放時間不是固定 的,在考試期間會開放較長時間。同學應預先留意圖書館的開放時間。 位置: G/F ( 近 lift 10-12) 開放時間:Mon-Fri 08:00 - 13:00 Sat 09:00 - 19:00 Sun 10:00 - 21:00 網址: Lee Shau Kee Library is often abbreviated as "Liba" by the local students. It is a great place for self-revision, reading, and passing the time between classes. The library is five stories high, and consists of facilities such as Information Commons and Revision Zones. It provides different genre of books for students to read and borrow. Ordinary books can be borrowed for 1 month, Multimedia resources for 7 days, and textbooks for 2 hours. For enquires, renewal and reservation services, simply access the library website instead of visiting in-person. Please noted that opening hours of the library is not fixed, it is usually extended during examination period. Remember to check the opening hours before hand. Location: G/F (Near lift 10-12) Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 08:00 - 13:00 Sat 09:00 - 19:00 Sun 10:00 - 21:00 Website:


學術設施 Academic Facilities


Chevalier Learning Commons (LC)

LC 是圖書館其中一部份,位於 LG1。 Learning Commons 以提供學術交流, 作為接觸學術資料及服務平台和電子化學習中心。作為學習平台,LC 有不同 分區及相關設備。學習分區設有 17 間 Group Study Room,可各供七至十人使 用。若然不喜歡困於房中,Open Study Area 及 Idea Corner 可提供學習設備 於開放空間。同學可根據學習模式﹣個人或一組人學習,去選取 Open Study Area 各種不同設計及自由組合度設備。而於 Idea Corner,同學可用於 牆上的輕觸式電腦,以促進學習。 Learning Commons is a part of the library, located at LG1. LC provides a platform for intellectual exchanges, and a center for academic resources, services, and digitized learning. To facilitate learning, LC is divided in to different sectors and installed with various equipment. 17 Group Study Room is available for group of 7-10 people. For those who desire an open space, Open Study Area and Idea Corner will be a good choice. For Open Study Area, students can choose from a great variety of equipment according to their own needs. For Idea Corner, touchpads are installed to promote learning. 位置 Location: LG1 開放時間 Opening Hours: 24 Hours - 7 Days a Week

網上預約圖書館自修室 & Learning Commons (LC)

Online Reservation for Group Study Room and Learning Commons (LC) 進入圖書館網站 →按頁首的 Reserve Rooms/ PCs →登入 ITSC 戶口 → Group Study Rooms/ Group Study Rooms (LC)→於月 曆選預約日期→按進相對的方格→填表 Login to Library Website → Click on Reserve Rooms/ PCs on the front page → Login your ITSC account Group Study Rooms/ Group Study Rooms (LC) → Select the corresponding date → Click the corresponding boxes → Fill in the form


為了提升同學的語言能力,學校特別開設了語文教育中心。中心提供了不同的 書本、多媒體資料、電腦和會議室供同學使用,亦有輔助導師協助同學學習, 以改進同學各種語言的能力。 聯絡電話:2358 7880 位置: Room 3018 - 3019(near lift 2/3) 電郵地址 To improve students’ language proficiency, the university started the Center for Language Education. The center provides different reading materials, multi-media resources, computers, and conference rooms. Instructors are present to help students in need, as to improve students’ skills of different language. Location Room: 3018 - 3019 (Near lift 2/3) Email: Tel: 2358 7880


語文教育中心 Center for Language Education

吳家瑋學術廊 Chia-Wei Woo Academic Concourse

吳家瑋學術廊為一條連接南閘和北閘的學術廊,大部分課室和演講廳都座落於 學術廊,另外理學院的 OAAS 和工學院的 E2I 都是座落於此。 Chia-Wei Woo Academic Concourse is the connection between North and South gate. Most classrooms and Lecture Theatres are located there. This is also, where OAAS of Science School and E2I of Engineering School are placed. Office of Academic Advising and Support(OAAS) OAAS 為 4 年制理學院的學生提供學術指導,理學 院同學平時可以前往休息或尋求指導。 OAAS provides academic advice for Science Student in the 4-year-syallabus. Students can rest or seek assistance. Centre For Engineering Education Innovation(E2I) E2I 的功能與 OAAS 差不多,不過則是為 4 年制 工學院的學生提供學術指導。 E2I serves similar function to OAAS, but for Engineering Students.


ITSC 電腦室 Computer Barns

科大一共有四個 ITSC 電腦室供同學使用電腦和列印。使用列印服務時,同學要 留意學校每年只會給予 120 元的 Print Budget。若同學需要增值 Print Budget, 可透過已增值的科大卡購買 Print Budget。另外,同學若在 Barn 使用電腦時遇 上任何疑難,可前往 Help Desk 向當值的 Helper 尋求協助。同學亦可以登入電 腦室的網址,查找如詳細開放時間及使用守則等資訊。 There are a total of four computer barns in the campus. Please note that only $120 print budget is provided by the university. To top-up the budget, students can purchase additional budget by using Student ID card. When encounter any difficulty using the computers in the barn, staffs on duty are available to provide technical support. Students can visit the Computer Barn website to find out details of opening hours and users regulation. Location 位置 : Barn A: Room 4402 - 4404 (lift 17-18) Barn B: Room 1101 ( 學術廊出面 Near the Concourse) Barn C: Room 4578 - 4580 (lift 27-28) Barn D: LSK G010 (G/F) Opening Hours: Barn A,C,D: 週一至週五 Mon-Fri 08:15 - 22:45; 週六 Sat 08:15 - 16:15 週日 Sun Closed 公眾假期 Public Hoilday Closed Barn B: 週一至週五 Mon-Fri 08:15 - 00:45; 週六至週日 Sat-Sun 08:15 - 00:45 公眾假期 Public Hoilday Closed Website:

鄭裕彤樓 Cheng Yu Tung Building

鄭裕彤樓是一座樓高 8 層的研究和教學大樓,設有先進的跨學科實驗室及教研 設施,以促進跨學科研究。新大樓的亦設有大型多用途演講廳 (LT-L),可用作 教學及藝術表演。 Cheng Yu Tung Building is a 8-storey high structure for research and education. It is installed with Interdisciplinary Laboratory and equipment to promote cross-disciplinary research. Furthermore, the building has large multipurpose lecture theatre (LT-L) for education or performances.


位於南閘那邊的李兆基校園內,主要讓商學院的同學使用。 It is located at the LSK campus near South Gate, mainly used by students from School of Business


Institute for Advanced Study (IAS) building 盧家驄薈萃樓位於李兆基校園內,內有開放式禮堂、研論室、討論室等,為學 術研究提供優質環 境。 This campus building is located at the LSK campus. It consists of an open auditorium, seminar rooms, conference room etc. to provide an ideal pace for intellectual interactions.


李兆基商學院大樓 Lee Shau Kee business building

李達三葉耀珍伉儷李本俊會議大樓 Li Dak Sum Yip Yio Chin Kenneth Li Conference Lodge

位於李兆基校園內,為重要會議和活動的舉行場地。 The Conference Lodge is located at the LSK Campus. This tower is the venue of important conference and other activities.

海岸海洋實驗室 Coastal Marine Laboratory

一間座落在海邊的海洋實驗室,專門進行海洋科學研究。 The laboratory is sited at the seaside, mainly for Marine Science research purpose.

數學支援中心 Math support centre(MSC)

數學支援中心提供數學輔導支援予修讀數學課程的學生,特別對需要使用 WebWork 網上作業系統的同學非常有用,例如 MATH1013 和 MATH1014。 位置:Room 3011-3013 (Lift 3) MSC provides tutoring support for students taking Mathematics courses. It is most useful when facing Math WeBWorK from courses such as MATH1013


常用設施 Useful Facilities 迅網站 Express Stations

全科大有多個迅網站,供同學瀏覽網頁以及查閱學校資 訊。 There are some Express stations in the campus available for students to browse the Internet and look for general information of the University

科大卡增值機 Value-adding Machines

同學使用校園內之收費服務時,例如 Print Budget 增值、 申請 Locker、繳交宿舍冷氣費和洗衣費等,都需要使 用學生證來付款,同學可以到增值機為自己的學生證儲 值,享用這些服務。 增值方法十分簡單,同學百佳外插入學生證,然後放入 紙幣即可(只接收一百元、五十元和二十元的紙幣)。除了增值外,同學亦可 透過增值機查閱學生證餘額。 除 了 增 值 機 外,5 樓 (Lift 17-18) 的 Finance office 和 G 樓 (Lift 17-18) 的 紀 念 品 店 亦 可 增 值, 詳 情 請 瀏 覽 explain.htm。 Using paid services, such as Locker Application, Hall Air-con fee payment, Cloth-washing fee, or Print Budget top-up, require student to pay with student ID card. Students can load their student ID card with this machine to enjoy those services. To top-up, simply insert the student ID card, then insert the banknote (only 100, 50 and 20 dollar note is accepted). Students can also enquire ID card endbalance. Besides Value-adding Machines, Finance office (5/F) and Souvenir Shop (near Lift 17-18, G/F) can also reload student ID cards. 位 置: 1/F (lift 17-18, Barn B 對 面 ) LG 7(lift 10-12, 百佳外 ) UG Hall VI G/F(Seafront 內 ) Location: 1/F (Lift 17-18) LG 7 (Lift 10-12) UG Hall VI G/F


曾肇添展藝廳平時會有展覽、講座和表演,考試期 間會成為部分科目的考試場地。 Tsang Shiu Tim Art Hall usually holds exhibition, seminar, and performances. It can also be a venue for examinations during examination period.

何善衡體育館 The S.H.Ho Sports Hall

大學書店 Book Store

何善衡體育館是一個多功能體育館,可供科大學生進行籃球、羽毛球等活動, 而考試期間會成為部分科目的考試場地。 S. H. Ho Sports Hall is a multi-purpose sports hall, suitable for sports like basketball and badminton. It can also be a venue for examinations during examination period.


曾肇添展藝廳 Tsang Shiu Tim Art Hall

新學年即將開始,如果同學需要用到教科書、課外書籍或參考書,可以直接在 大學書店購買,享有折扣優惠。另外,書店與一間相連的星巴克成為學生服務 大樓的一部分,讓同學可以一邊看書,一邊飲咖啡,忙裡偷閒。 服務時間為星期一至五,09:00-13:00 星期六、日及公眾假期休息。 With the start of a new academic year, students may be required to purchase new textbooks, reference books, or other reading materials. Students can enjoy discounts when buying in the university bookstore. On the other hand, the bookstore is connected to a Starbucks and become a part of Student Services Complex. This provides a cozy place for students to gather and mingle. 位置 Location: G/F (Near Lift 3)


科大髮廊 Hair Salon(Mega Hair)

當同學要理髮時,前往 Mega Hair 是一個比較 方便和便宜的選擇。除基本的洗剪吹外,店內 亦提供電髮和染髮服務,其服務範圍與街外的 髮廊無異。 Mega Hair is an economy and convenient choice for hairdressing services. Services include hair cutting, shampooing, blowdrying, coloring, and perming. 位置 Location:LG7 (lift 10-12) 營業時間 Opening Hours: Mon to Fri 10:30 - 19:00 Sat 10:30 - 18:30 Sun 11:00 - 17:00

百佳超級市場 Supermarket (PARKnSHOP)

對於住 Hall 的朋友來說,日用品及食物是宿舍內不可或缺的東西。因此,科 大的百佳超級市場令同學不用走出校園便可購得生活所需,非常方便。同學只 須在科大百佳超級市場付款時出示學生證,即可享有九七折優惠(指定貨品除 外)。 For those who live in hall, daily necessities and food are essential. The supermarket provides these merchandise within the campus. Students can enjoy a 3% off discount when presenting their student ID card upon payment (except designated items). 位置 Location:LG7 (lift 10-12) 營業時間: 週日至週五 08:30 - 24:00 週六及公眾假期 08:30 - 21:00 Opening Hours: Sun to Fri: 08:30 - 24:00 Sat and Public Holiday: 08:30 - 21:00


科大校園總共設有三間銀行分行,除提供銀行服務外, 亦會處理同學的學費及住宿費繳交事項。同時,部分銀 行在分行內及學術廊一樓位置設有自動櫃員機,為同學 提供廿四小時的提款及匯款服務。 位置: 中國銀行 分行 ﹣ G/F (lift 1) 東亞銀行 分行 ﹣ G/F (lift 4) 恒生銀行 分行 ﹣ G/F (lift 1) There are three banks in the campus. In addition to the ordinary banking services, students can also pay the hall fees and the tuition fees there. Meanwhile, there are also ATMs on the first floor to provide 24-hour withdrawal and remittance services to students. Location: Bank of China (Hong Kong) Ltd.-G/F (Lift1) The Bank of East Asia – G/F (Lift4) Hang Seng Bank –G/F (Lift 1)


銀行 Banks

保健中心 Health Center

保健中心內設有診療所及學生牙科診所。所有科大學生只要攜帶自己的學生證, 便可免費使用診療所的普通門診服務,方便同學在生病時不用四出尋找診所求 診。科大同學通常稱它為「獸醫」,至於為何有這個稱呼,就得問你們的組爸 組媽吧。 至於牙科服務,科大新生在每個學年開始時都可到學生牙科診所免費檢查口腔 一次。另外同學可以付費享用脫牙、補牙等其他服務。要注意所有牙科服務均 須同學親身前往預約。 The Health Center has a medical clinic and dental clinic. Students can enjoy a free outpatient service by showing their student ID card, so that students can get medical care within campus. For dental service, each students can get a free dental check-up in the first year. Students can also enjoy paid service such as teeth extractions and fillings. Please note that all dental services require booking in-person. 辦公時間 Opening Hours: 週一至週五 Mon-Fri 09:00 - 16:45 週六 Sat 09:00 - 11:45 位置 Location: LG1 (lift 4) 電話 Tel.: 診療所 Medical clinic - 2358 6670 牙科診所 Dental service - 2358 8580 網址 Website:


紀念品中心 Souvenir Shop

紀念品中心內有不同的科大紀念品售賣, 其中以印有 HKUST 的科大 hoodie 最受學 生歡迎,賣到經常缺貨。 Souvenir Shop sales different kinds of HKUST souvenir. The HKUST hoodie is the most popular among all. It is always out of stock. 位置:G/F (lift 2) 保安控制中心旁 Location: G/F (lift 2) near security control center

盧家聰大學中心 Lo Ka Chung University Centre (UC)

大學中心內有田家炳廳及教職員休息室,地下有 UC Bristo 以及 Uni-bar。 Inside Lo Ka Chung University Center, there is Tin Ka Ping Hall and a staff lounge. UC Bristro and Uni-Bar is on the ground floor. 位置:偷情小徑旁 Location: Near Love Trail

LG3 設施服務櫃枱 LG3 Amenities Service Centre

同學可以在設施服務櫃枱使用學生證借用學校不同的設施,例如桌球、琴房。 旁邊有一部自助證件相機,在繳交入宿表格或八達通申請表等需要證件相時候 非常有用。 Students can book different facilities within the campus here by using student ID card, such as Pool Table and Piano Room. A photo-taking machines is set nearby, it comes in handy with taking photos for application forms.


科大運動設施完善,同學只需預先進行網上預約便可使用,費用全免。這些 運動設施包括: HKUST is well furnished with sports facilities, all free-of-charge. Students only need to make reservations to use them. The facilities include:

國際標準室外泳池 50-meter Outdoor swimming pool 室內暖水池 25-meter Indoor swimming pool 田徑運動場 400 m Athletic track 籃球場 Basketball Courts 小型足球場 Mini-soccer Pitch 網球場 Tennis Courts 壁球場 Squash Courts 何善衡體育館 The S.H.Ho Sports Hall 攀石牆 Climbing Wall 舞蹈鏡房 Multi-Purpose Room 乒乓球室 Table Tennis Room 壘球場 Softball Field 健身室 *Fitness center


康樂文化設施 Leisure and Cultural Facilities

* 同學需完成 HLTH1010 的健身室理論及實習課,並取得許可證後方可使用 健身室內的設施。 *Students are required to complete the fitness training class from course HLTH1010 to learn the use of fitness equipment before using them. 校外人士只需購買一張二十元的許可證,便可以整天使用以上運動設施。 For outsiders, purchase a $20 permission card to gain access to all sports facilities for the day.


燒烤場 Barbecue Sites

科大校園一共有兩個燒烤場,一個在碼頭附近,另一個則在海洋實驗室附近。 同學只要經 Lift 3 前往 LG3 Indoor Sports Complex 內的設施服務櫃檯 , 便可 預約使用這些燒烤場。 There are two barbecue sites in the campus, one near the pier and another near the Marine Laboratory. Students can make reservations in Indoor Sports Complex on 3/F near Lift 3. Location: Seaside

LG4 Common Room

LG4 Common Room 空間寬敞,是同學休息、溫習和聚會的好地方,亦是屬會 經常舉辦派對聚會的地方。 位置 : LG4 (Lift 3) The spacious LG4 common room is an ideal place for students to study, rest or gather and mingle. Parties are usually held here. Location: LG4 (Lift 3)

音樂室 Music Rooms

音樂室鄰近 LG4 Common Room,設有琴房、Band 房等,讓同學一展音樂才華。 The music room is near LG4 common room. It has a piano room, band room etc., letting students to show off their music talent. 位置 Location: LG4(Lift 3)


科大有些設施需要預約場地才可以使用,如 Sports Hall 內的羽毛球場,籃球 場,排球場(需自備球、球拍)。 Some facilities require reservation before booking, such as badminton court, basketball court and volleyball court in Sports Hall (requires bringing your own ball and racket).

網上預約體育場地及學生設施 Sports facilities and student Amenities Booking 1. myPortal → Admin Info & Services for students → Campus Services(Sports Facilities and Student Amenities Booking) → Facilities General Booking ( 2. 填相關資料和選擇場地,按下符合同學想要日期及時間的格子便可。所有場 地只可在一星期前預約,加上場地需求量大,故大部份場地都會於一星期前預 約好。 Enter the related information and choose the venue, then click on the desired date and time. Reservations can be made one week before. Due to huge demand of venue, it is recommended to book the facilities exactly one week earlier.


預約場地設施 Facilities Booking


校園景點 Campus Attractions 科大北閘迴旋處 North Gate

簡稱北閘,是部分新生來科大第一個見到的地方, 也是科大北部的交通中心,北閘車站主要開往坑 口、寶琳和西貢方向。 This will be the place most freshmen first see when they reach HKUST. It is also the transportation center. Transportations of North Gate usually travel to Hang Hau, Po Lam, and Sai Kung.

火雞 The Turkey

「火雞」原本只是一個紅色日晷,但由於外形像 一隻火雞,所以就被學生命名為「火雞」。慢慢 這個日晷就變成了科大的象徵,為每一個到訪旅 客和畢業同學拍照留念的必停站,而這亦是科大 學生會的會徽。 The Turkey is actually a sundial, but it got this nickname because of the similar shape. It has now become a symbolic structure of HKUST, and a "compulsory stop”for taking photos. This is also the logo of HKUSTSU.

香港賽馬會大堂 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Atrium

全名是香港科技大學香港賽馬會大堂,簡稱 Atrium,基本上是學生上課必經 之地,亦是很多的活動和宣傳舉辦地方,所以平時上學日的時候,這裡都是 人來人往。由於對著大堂的觀景台有個半圓型拱門看似蘑菇,所以大家稱觀 景台的位置作蘑菇,在觀景台可以飽覽全科大景色和海景。 The Hong Kong Jockey Club Atrium, or simply Atrium, is a place where all students walk by when going to lessons. In addition, it holds various functions and promotion events; therefore, the atrium is always crowded. There is observatory deck that has a semi-circle arc, and often jokingly called "the mushroom". From this "mushroom", you can have a full view of HKUST.


Bridge Link

Bridge Link 是通往大部分宿舍的必經地 方,兩邊會有各屬會的宣傳海報,中央 部份有智慧石和名為「母與子」的雕塑。 Bridge Link is a link between halls and academic building. There are posters on both side of the walkway. There is also a “wisdom-stone” and a sculpture in the middle of the Bridge Link.


天一泉 One-World-Fountain

天一泉是一個噴水池,旁邊有一個國 父孫中山像,環境優美,通常用作 拍攝畢業相,亦會被作為是 Ocamp check point。 It is a water fountain, with a statue of Sun Yat-Sen beside it. The beautiful view here makes this place a popular site for graduation photos and O-camp checkpoint.

智慧石 Wisdom Stone

智慧石原本是 Bridge Link 上其中一張石椅,給人休息之 用,但相傳科大學生站在上面,就會成績 GPA「爆四」 入 Dean's List;或者成績大退步,退學收場! It was supposedly a stone-bench for resting. However, the Wisdom Stone is now alleged that when students stood on it, he or she will either get into "Dean's List" or be expelled. Take your chance, fellas!

羅馬廣場 Roman Plaza

羅馬廣場位於 Bridge Link 智慧石旁樓梯直上,是個設有石階的廣場,原為小 型劇場,不過甚少有人表演。但可以遠眺海景,亦是宿舍前往教學大樓上課 的捷徑。 This plaza is right beside the bridge link. It was a theatre for performances, but hasn't been used for a long time. Here, you can have a good view of the see, also it is also a shortcut to the academic building.


偷情小徑 Love Trail

偷情小徑羅位於馬廣場旁,是一條很少人經過 的行人小徑,兩旁有樹木包圍,一到夜晚就變 得昏暗,所以被稱為「偷情小徑」。 It is located beside University Center; you can feast your eye on the sea view here.

風水亭 Fung Shui Pavilion

風水亭位於大學中心旁,環境優美,可以飽覽 科大海景。在 UC 旁邊。 It is located beside University Center; you can feast your eye on the sea view here.

共振橋 Resonant Bridge

共振橋位於科大南閘附近,而橋身的設計特別 配合共振頻率,當路人在橋上不斷以某一個程 度的頻率搖動橋纜,橋身隨即擺動,非常不可 思議。 This bridge is near the South Gate, it is design to shake with a resonant frequency. When someone shakes the cable on the bridge, the bridge will vibrate simultaneously.

科大南閘 South Gate

簡稱南閘,是另一部分新生來科大第一個見到的地方,亦是科大南部的交通中 心,南閘交通主要開往彩虹和鑽石山方向。 This will be the another place most freshmen first see when they reach HKUST. It is also the transportation center. Transportations of South Gate usually travel to Choi Hung and Diamond Hill.


科大圖書館總共有五層,而在地下層出 面是一個空中花園,配上數套桌椅,供 人可以在天空下細味書卷。 The G/F of the library has a Hanging Garden, letting students to read under the beautiful sky.

龜 lift "Tortoise Lift"

科大 3 號升降機。由於該升降機由 LG7 直往 5 樓,而且在日間經常每層都停,等 待需時甚久,故有「龜 lift」的說法。 This refers to Lift 3. This lift travels across LG7 to 5/F, and stops on every floor, therefore has to wait for ages.


圖書館空中花園 Library Hanging Garden

海堤 Sea Embankment

科大位近海岸,在海岸建有海堤,平時有不少人在海堤跑步,或者與友舉杯相 聚談歡。 It is near the seaside, of course. Students usually jog or gather here.

碼頭 Dock

科大碼頭可供附近的船舢停泊,但沒有特別航線。 For ships to dock, but no specific route established here.


飲食指南 Restaurant and Cafeteria 南北小廚 Chinese Restaurant

南北小廚由美心集團營運,為科大唯一的中菜酒家,提供多種點心。其提供 的點心皆即叫即蒸,質素高之餘價錢亦合理。另外,南北小廚亦會以供學校 不同的組織預約場地作活動或宴會用途。 Chinese Restaurant, operated by Maxim, is the only Chinese restaurant within campus; it offers different kinds of dim sum. All dim sum are cook to order, providing high-quality food with reasonable price. Besides, Chinese Restaurant is available as venue for special events. 推介:點心 位置:G/F 開放時間: 星期一至六 11:00 - 22:00 星期日及公眾假期 10:00 - 22:00 Recommendation: Dim-Sum Location:G/F Opening hours: Mon-Sat 11:00 - 22:00 Sun & Public Holiday 10:00 - 22:00

Canteen II

Canteen II 是美心集團的其中一員,主要提供燒味小炒等快餐,價錢合理, 味道不錯。另設咖啡閣 Baguettes II(開放時間:每日 07:30 - 17:00)供應 咖啡、麵包等食品,其蛋撻頗受學生及教職員歡迎。 Canteen II is operated by Maxim, mainly serves Chinese dishes and Barbecued Meat. They are tasty and come with economic price. A coffee shop, Baguettes II is set up nearby; it offers coffee and baked goods. Eggtart is the most popular among all. 推介:燒味飯及雙拼飯 位置:LG1 開放時間:每日 07:30 - 21:00 Recommendation: Chinese dishes and Barbecued Meat Location: LG1 Opening Hours: Mon-Sun 07:30 - 21:00


科大的 McDonald's & McCafe 和外面的無異,主要提供漢堡包、薯條等快餐, 而所有早晨套餐和正價套餐均有 9 折。 The McDonald's & McCafe are no different from those outside campus. It serves fast foods like hamburgers and fries. All breakfast and meals are 10% off. 位置:LG5 開放時間:每日 07:00 - 00:00 Location: LG5 Opening Hours: Mon-Sun 07:00 - 00:00

Coffee Shop 由美國三文治公司營運,是一所美式餐廳,提供三文冶、沙律、 焗薯等西式食品,據說是全科大最好吃的餐廳,不過價錢也與美味程度成正比。 餐廳設有露天茶座,環境舒適,是閒聊休息、討論 Project 的好地方。其門口 設有置有咖啡閣售賣咖啡及果汁,具有相當水準。 The Coffee Shop is run by The Sandwich, providing western snacks and meals like such as sandwiches, salads, and baked potatoes. It is said to be the best restaurant within campus, however its price is comparable to its quality. The Coffee Shop also has an open-air café, which is perfect for relax or group-projects. The Coffee Corner near the entrance sells juices and coffee, also serves in quality. 推介: 焗意粉、果汁 位置: 學術廊 1/F(lift 25-26 附近 ) 開放時間: 週一至週六 07:30 - 22:30 週日及公眾假期 10:00 - 18:00 Recommendation: Baked spaghetti, juice Location: Academic Concourse (near lift 25-26) Opening Hours: Mon-Sat: 07:30 - 22:30 Sun/Public Holiday: 10:00 - 18:00

Coffee Shop


McDonald's & McCafe


LG7 canteen 1. 泛亞飲食有限公司 Asia Pacific Catering

泛亞飲食有限公司由大家樂集團營運,提供切合本地風味的菜餚,亦會隨著季 節及需要變化餐單,其下午茶時段 ( 下午 2:30 開始 ) 最受科大人歡迎,經常吸 引長長人龍,晚飯時段的鐵板餐亦頗受歡迎。另外,其叉燒飯更在 2014 年初獲 《蘋果》選為 8 間大學飯堂叉燒飯第 2 名。 Asia Pacific Catering is operated by Cafe de Carol. It offers a menu highly adapted to locals' favor and seasonal dishes. The tealunch section and hot-plate meat provided during dinner section are well loved by HKUST students. In addition, its barbecued pork meal is ranked second among 8 universities in Hong Kong. 推介: 下午茶烤脾西多餐,燒味飯 Recommendation: Barbecued Meat, tea-lunch section 開放時間 Opening Hours: Mon-Sat 07:30 - 21:00 Sun&PH 09:00 - 21:00

2. 金飯碗 Gold Rice Bowl Delicious Food

金飯碗,又稱金兜,主要提供日本及東南亞餐飲,價錢相對同層餐廳便宜,且 份量足夠和款式多元化,對男生或大食的人來說是個好選擇。要注意飲品在收 銀處只需購買凍飲或熱飲券,到達水吧才需要表示自己想喝甚麼。 Gold Rice Bowl Delicious, also known as “Gum-dull”, serves Japanese and SouthEast Asian food. The price is relatively cheaper than other restaurants in LG7. The meals serve in big size with and with many choices, perfect for anyone with a huge appetite. Please note that you only need to purchase a drink voucher at the counter, and then order the drink afterwards at the bar. 推介:芝士牛肉炒飯、兩餸飯 Recommendation: Fried rice 開放時間 Opening Hours: Daily 11:00 - 21:00


Milano Fresh 提供西式的餐飲,主要以義大利菜餚為主,價錢合理但份量較少。 對出就是綠油油的草地,可以捧餐出去吃,在優美環境包圍下進餐十分寫意。 Milano Fresh offers western, mainly Italian gourmets. They come with reasonable price but relatively small size. There is a huge green field right beside it, which can be a soothing place to dine. 推介:沙律、薄餅 Recommendation: Salad, pizza 開放時間 Opening Hours: Daily 11:00 - 21:00

海旁小食店 Seafront Cafeteria


3. Milano Fresh

海 旁 小 食 店, 又 稱 Seafront, 是 科 大 營 業 到 最 夜 的 食 肆, 宿 生 通 常 會 到 Seafront 食宵夜。餐廳內提供車仔麵、晚飯、糖水及小食,同時亦有售賣零食 和雪糕。 Seafront Cafeteria, also known as “Seafront”, has the latest closing hour in HKUST. Students living in hall often go there for a night-snack. It provides different kinds of cart-noodles, dinner meals, snacks, and ice cream. 推介:車仔麵、豉油王雞脾、奶醬多 位置:UG Hall VI G/F 開放時間:每日 18:00 - 02:00 Recommendation: cart noodles, chicken leg Location: Hall 6 G/F Opening Hours: Mon-Sun 18:00 - 02:00 (Closed on Saturdays during summer holiday)

清真菜式 Halal Food Counter Ebeneezer's

提供清真菜式,所有菜式都經清真食品認證,價錢略貴但味道不錯。 The Halal Food Counter provides certified Halal food, tasty but slightly expensive. 推介:卡巴、薄餅、炒飯 位置:LSK 大樓地下 開放時間:每日 10:00 - 20:00 Recommendation: Turkish Kebabs, pizza, Fried Rice Location: LSK G/F Opening Hours: Daily 10:00 - 20:00


大學中心西餐廳 UC Bistro & Uni-Bar

位於大學中心,提供質素較高的西式食物,但價錢相對昂貴,主要服務對象為 職員和遊客,同時亦歡迎同學享用,亦是屬會包場舉辦聚會和年度晚宴的地方。 在晚市時段,UC Bistro 更會提供自助餐供應。而 Uni-Bar 則為一所酒吧,提供 各款酒精飲料。 UC Bistro & Uni-Bar are located in the University center. They provide high quality western-food, but come in relatively high price. These restaurants mainly target staffs and tourists, but students are also welcome. They are also the places where societies hold gatherings and anniversary dinners. In the evening, UC Bistro will provide buffet dinner while Uni-Bar will provide all kinds of liquor. 位置:盧家聰大學中心 開放時間:UC Bistro 每日 11:00 - 21:30 Uni-Bar 每日 11:00 - 23:00 Location: University center. Opening Hours: UC Bistro Daily 11:00 - 21:30 Uni-Bar Daily 11:00 - 23:00

李兆基商學大樓餐廳及 Cafe Liscio LSK Business Building Restaurant and Cafe Liscio

李兆基商學大樓餐廳及 Caffe Liscio 由金巴斯集團營運,為在商學大樓上課的 同學提供膳食,價錢合理。 LSK Business Building Restaurant and Cafe Liscio are operated by Compass Group, they provide dining venue for students in LSK Building. 位置 Location:李兆基商學大樓 LSK Business Building G/F 開放時間 Opening hours: 餐廳 Restaurant: Mon-Fri 07:30- 21:00 Sat 07:30 - 19:00

星巴克 Starbucks Coffee


提供優質咖啡和小食,科大成員更享有 7 折優惠。 Provides high quality coffee and cakes, Members of HKUST also enjoy a 30% discount. 地點 Location : Atrium 開放時間 Opening Hours: Mon-Fri 08:00 - 21:00 Sat, Sun 08:30 - 20:00

未來 Subway 將會進駐科大校園,詳情有待校方公布。 Subway will station in UST campus in the coming future. The details will be announced by the University.

申請儲物櫃 Locker Application

學校每年會提供儲物櫃供同學租用,以放置一些較為沉重的書本及物品,方便 各位在出入教學大樓時能更快捷地拿取所需的物品。申請 Locker 的費用為每年 $50,同學可以到電腦室以科大卡值卡登入 My Portal 付錢。同學們應選購較具 保險性的鎖頭,以保障個人財物安全。 The University provides locker rental service for the convenience of students, mainly for storing textbooks or other personal items. The rental fee is $50/ year; students can pay by student ID card through myPortal in computer barns. Students should choose a high-quality lock for better security.


Subway Grab and Go counter (Coming Soon)

更多資料可瀏覽 For more information, please visit: 申請 Locker 的程序 Locker application procedure: Login My Portal → "Campus Services" in "Administrative Information and Services" → Apply for Storage Locker。






學生證 Student ID card

相信大家在 Reg Day 當日都已領取自己的學生證。科 大的學生證又名科大卡,有十分廣泛的用途,主要作 身分辨認,例如在考試身分;學生證亦是繳費工具, 可 以 增 值 Print Budget、 申 請 Locker 等, 而 繳 費 時 預設的 PIN Number 是各位出生日期 YYYYMMDD, 例 如 1997 年 7 月 1 日 出 生,PIN Number 就 是 19970701。注意:如不幸遺失學生證,需到 ARRO 補領並繳交費且 $150。 Students should have received the Student ID card on Reg-day. It has wide applications, mainly for identification (e.g. examination) and payment (e.g. print-budget, locker). The default PIN number is your birthday (YYYYMMDD). For example, a person with the birthday 1st Jul 1997, the PIN will be 19970701. Attention: A $150 fee will be charged for replacement of student ID card.

啟動 ITSC 戶口 ITSC Account Activation

各位科大同學要使用科大各項網上服務,就必須要登記啟用自己的 ITSC 戶口, 因為大多數科大網上服務和校內電腦設施都需要同學以 ITSC 戶口登入方能使 用。 校方早已為各新生安排了一個 ITSC 戶口,只需前往 https://myaccount.ust. hk/ams/commonconsole/acctActivation,並輸入有關資料便可以啟用,同學 亦可以前往設立於科大各個地方的迅網站 (Express Stations,詳情在 p.46), 於主選單選擇 Enquiry for Student A/C,然後輸入有關資料便可以啟用。 系統處理過後,同學便可無拘無束地使用各項科大網上服務並使用 @Connect 電子郵箱。 Freshmen have to activate their own ITSC account to gain access to all online service. Most services or computers within campus require an ITSC account. The University has provided each freshman an ITSC account. To activate, please visit:, and enter the relevant information. Students can also do so using Express Stations, select “Enquiry for Student A/C”, and then activate.


MyPortal 是一個多用途的入門網頁平台,同學 經常會使用到,主要有以下功能: MyPortal is a multi-function portal platform that students always use. The main functions are:

學生資料系統(SIS) Student Information System

學生資料系統為一個記錄學生資訊的系統,同學可透過它查看個人資料,經濟 狀況,課程表和學術記錄。 MyPortal → Student Center → CAS 頁面→輸入個人 ITSC 資料登入 SIS records student information, students can check personal information, financial status, class timetable, and academic record here. MyPortal → Student Center → CAS page → login with ITSC user name and password



除了以上功能,還有以下數個功能 Besides the above function, there are also: My Studies → Calendar Dates:查看月曆 For calendar checking Manage My HKUST Card:管理自己的學生證 Manage your Student ID card Popular Computing Services → Change Network Password:更改 ITSC 密碼 Change your ITSC password Snapshot of Computer Barn:你們可以查看各個 Computer Barn 的使用情況, 再選擇前往較少人的 Barn 列印 You can check the usage of each computer barn, and then go to the one with fewer people accordingly.



Canvas 是一個由教學促進中心和 ITSC 共同管理的網上學習平臺,讓教授和同 學使用。教授和導師可以在該網發出告示和分享資源,如課程筆記及文件。同 學們亦可以在系統上進行協作活動例如討論,虛擬會議和群組工作。Canvas 簡 單易用而且有特定的 App 支援 iOS 和 Android 手機。 Canvas is a comprehensive eLearning platform maintained by both CEI and ITSC for instructors and students. It allows instructors or TAs to make announcements, share document & notes. Also, students can collaborate for class activities like discussion, virtual conference room, group’s workspace etc. It is very user-friendly and you can use your mobile phone or tablet to access the course materials or participate in the course. 前住 Canvas Access Canvas at:

HLTH 1010 課程 course


HLTH 1010 是所有科大本科生都必須修讀的一個課程,為期一年,目 的是讓同學學習如何維持健康的生活習慣及有效率地管理生活,學習及 工作。 同學需要在 5 個範疇中全部取得合格 ( 可參閱附圖的建議分配時數 ),並 於一學年完成總共 45 小時的課程。新生入學后必須出席一個有關 HLTH 1010 的講座,屆時會有詳細的講解。 * HLTH 1010 通常在 5 月頭完成計算時數 MyPortal → Healthy Lifestyle Course 或 直接前往 HLTH 1010 網頁: HLTH 1010 is a required course for every freshmen, which lasts for one year. It aims to encourage students to maintain a healthy living habit and effectively manage life, work, and study. Students need to get a PASS in all 5 modules (Orientation, wellness, fitness training, sports skill class, activities module), which equals to 45 hours' courses. A HLTH 1010 talk for freshmen is arranged to provide a detailed explanation. * HLTH 1010 usually end at the early May. For more, you can visit the website

當你一成為 UST 的一份子,@Connect 就會自動給你一個可供終生使用的電子 信箱。@Connect 的設計源於 Microsoft’s Office 365 雲端概念,並設有多種 不同功能,更可免費下載 Microsoft Office,例如 : 電節、日曆、文件編寫和其 他社交功能。電郵亦是一個獲取各界消息的重要來源,各個學校部門,學系, 學科教授,學生會及其屬會都會透過電郵方式,向同學通知不同的注意事項、 校方宣佈、 學系重要提醒、 教授通知等等,同學必定要養成定期檢查電郵的習 慣。

@Connect brings you a lifetime email address once you join HKUST as a student. @Connect is based on Microsoft’s Office 365 cloud solution that covers a set of collaboration tools including email, calendaring, document authoring as well as other social networking functions. As a UST student, you have to establish a habit to check the email because every school departments, faculties, professors, the Students’ Union and the affiliated societies will use the email to announce notices or important messages, especially in the beginning of the semester.


Microsoft Office 365

ITSC Virtual Computer Barn

ITSC Virtual Computer Barn 服務讓你的手提或平板電腦在連接網絡後, 於任何地方、任可時間都可以使用電腦室的軟件和打印機。 ITSC Virtual Computer Barn service allows you to access computer barn software and satellite printers from anywhere at any time by connecting your notebook or tablet to virtualized barn desktops over network. 請看看 : Check out:


課程報讀 Course Registration

校方會為同學預先報讀一些必修課程,稱為 Pre Reg。但至於課程是否適 合,或者有否報讀額外課程或是 common core 的需要,大家可以按照自己 的個人喜好而更改。報讀課程則要進入學生資料系統 (Student Information System, SIS),校方把課程報讀的程序分為三部分,分別為 Validation Date, Appointment Date 及 Enrollment Date。 The University will assign required courses to students automatically, called “Pre-reg”. Students can then change, add or drop courses according to their favor. Course Registration procedure is divided into 3 stages, namely Validation Date, Appointment Date, and Enrollment Date. 每名同學的 Enrollment Date 都會有所不同,同學可以在 SIS 內查看自己報讀 課程的的日期和時間 Enrollment date for each students are different, students can check the date through SIS: SIS → Academics → Enroll → Term Information → View My Enrollment Date Validation Date 一般讓同學確認系統是否正常,而校方預先報讀 (Pre- Reg) 的 課程亦會在這個階段告知同學。 Validation Date allows students to check if the system is functional, Pre-reg courses are also announced at this period.

Appointment Date 多為兩至三天。在這個階段,同學可於 SIS 內計劃自己有興 趣修讀的課程:SIS → Academics → Plan → Shopping Cart 一 般 而 言, 尋 找 課 程 有 兩 個 方 法, 分 別 是 Enter Class Number 和 Find Classes。然而,因為前者需要牢記有關課程的 Class Number,所以相對困難, 所以同學大多會用後者來尋找課程。按 Search 後,便會出現以下頁面,輸入 Class Code 後再按 Search,便會出現有關課程的相關資料,例如 Instructor、 Section、Days and Times。


Appointment Date lasts 2 to 3 days. Students can plan their courses in SIS: There are two ways to search courses, “Enter Class Number” and “Find Classes”. The former requires students to enter the class number, while the later simply requires criteria information. The following page will appear after clicking "Search": After entering Class Code and click "Search", course information such as Instructor, Section, Days, and Time will pop-up.

除此之外, 同學可以在 SIS 查看考試時間和地點 Student can check your Exam Schedule by: SIS → Academics → Enroll → Term Information → view my exam schedule

同學亦可以在 MyPortal 的 "HKUST Class Schedule & Quota" 查看課程資料和 詳情;在 MyPortal 的 "Student Time Table Assistant" 預先編排自己的上課時 間表,要留意這裡的編排與報讀課程無關。 You can also checking the details and information of the course in the "HKUST Class Schedule & Quota" from MyPortal and design your own timetable in the "Student Time Table Assistant" from MyPortal.


Enrollment Date 是真正讓同學報讀課程的日子, 同學要於 SIS 內先按 Enroll,再根據個別需要, 進入 Add,Drop 和 Swap 的頁面,然後依照系 統指示便能成功報讀課程。 Enrollment Dates is the day that enables students to register courses. First, press "Enroll", you will enter the page of "Add", "Drop" and "Swap" and follow the instructions of the system.

Common Core

學校不希望同學只學習自己學系的知識,而是學習多元化的學識以擴闊視野。 四年制的學生須在 4 年內,修讀指定範疇的課程 (common core course) 總共 36 個學分。 詳情請瀏覽: Common Core The University wishes students to receive diverse knowledge, but not only limited to their own faculty. Students are required to take 36 credits of common core course within 4 years.


學分及評級 Grade

學期平均分 Term Grade Average (TGA)

學期平均分代表了一個大學生每學期的成績,是衡量學業成績的標準,計算方 法是將該學期修讀的學科成績化成數字後,再除以所讀學科的學分。 TGA represents students' academic results each semester. Calculation is as following:

累積平均分 Cumulative Grade Average (CGA)

累積平均分是會累積大家之前每個學期曾經修讀學科的成績,計算方法是將曾 經修讀的學科成績化成數字後,再除以所讀學科的學分,低於 1.50 時會被列 入 Academic Probation。 CGA is the cumulative academic results of all previous semester. Students will be put into academic probation if CGA is lower than 1.5. Calculation is as following: 注意:若你在某課程只取得 F, 可以考慮重讀該科,爭取更好的成績來取代之 前的成績。 另外, 當你 TGA/CGA 低於 1.70 時, 你便會收到學術警告。若你 被列入 Academic Probation 連續三個學期,或其中一科累積兩次不合格,你 便有可能被強制退學。 Attention: You can retake any course with an F and replace the previous grade with better result. Besides, you will receive a warning when your TGA or CGA is lower than 1.7. If you are listed in academic probation for 3 continuous semester, or fail a same course twice, you may face mandatory withdrawal.

Dean's List

若你在某學期獲得至少 3.70 的 TGA( 需報讀至少 12 學分 ),且沒有不及格課程, 就可進入人稱「顛 list」的 Dean's List When obtaining a TGA 3.7 or above and without any failed course, you will be enlisted in the Dean's List.


Letter Grade A+ A A-

Grade Point 4.3 4.0 3.7

Good Performance

B+ B B-

3.3 3.0 2.7

Satisfactory Performance

C+ C C-

2.3 2.0 1.7

Marginal Pass






Definition Excellent Performance


科大的評級計分由 A+ 至 F。 各個評等有相應的分數,用作計算 TGA /CGA。 HKUST adapted the 4-point grading system. Details are as follows:

同學可以在 SIS 查看自己的成績 You can view your grade point in SIS SIS → Academics → Enroll → Term Information → View my grades


Print budget

Print budget 是科大學生在校園列印文件的費用餘額。每年學校都會提供 $120 的 Assigned print budget 予同學在電腦室 (barn)/Satellite Printer 影印或列印, A4 黑白單面 $0.3,雙面 $0.5。 University allocate $120 print budget for each student in every academic year for printing/copying in computer barn and satellite printer. A4 black & white printing is $0.3 for simplex and $0.5 for Duplex. 查詢 Print budget 餘額 Print Budget Balance Enquiry myPortal → Popular computing services 的 check print budget balance 使用手提電腦連接 Printer 同學只需要安裝一個軟件便可以用自己的 手提電腦連接大學 Printer,安裝步驟請看 : You can print from your own notebook computer to the computer barn / satellite printers by installation an utility. Please refer to here for the installation steps

使用 Web Print Using Web Print

Web Print 提供一個網上影印的方法,同學只需跟隨以下步驟就可以使用個人電 腦 myPortal → Popular computing services 的 check print budget balance → Web Print → Submit a Job → Select a printer → Select Copies → Upload document →到相關打印機收取文件 go to related printer and get the document

購買 Print budget Purchase Print Budget


1. 到有科大卡讀卡機的地方,如 Barn 或迅網站 ( 須確保卡內已存錢 / 到科大卡 增值機增值,增值請參照 p.40) 2. 登入 myPortal → Popular computing services 的 Purchase Print budget 3. 把科大卡插入科大卡讀卡機,選擇希望增值的金額,點 submit。另外同學也 可以用 visa/master card 付款。 1.) Go to a place with a card reader, such as computer barn and express station. (Please ensure the Student ID card is charged; please refer to P.40 for details) 2.) Login myPortal → Popular → computing services Purchase Print budget 3.) Insert the Student ID cards to the card reader, select the wanted amount to charge-up, then click submit. Students can also pay with Visa or Master card.

單面列印多張投影片 Print Multiple Slides on Single Sheet

1. 按 File →按 Print →按 Printer Properties 2. 選 Layout → 在 multiple pages per sheet section 打勾 → 按你喜好調教所 需頁數→按 Ok 3. 用 Print Preview 預覽列印頁面 1. Click File → Click Print → Click Printer Properties 2. Choose Layout → Tick the box on the multiple pages per sheet section → Modify pages per sheet into 6 or 9 pages as desired → Click Ok 3. Use Print Preview and only print the pages you need


Printing Tips

取消列印項目 Cancel Printing Jobs

1. 雙按螢光幕右下方的列印機圖示 2. 右按你想取消的項目 1. Double Click the Printer Icon on the bottom right of your desktop 2. Right click on the job you want to cancel and then click cancel

Personal Response System (PRS)

PRS 是一個促進同學學習的系統,透過它所有學生可以在同一時間回應教授的 問題。PRS 也讓教授可以立即知道學生對課題的認知程度,並可即時得到回 饋。這一個系統也讓學生可以積極參與課堂。建議同學可先借用 PRS 裝置, 以備不時之需。( 注意:同學若遺失裝置,需繳付 $280) 科大亦有新的 iPRS 系統,新系統讓學生可以用智能手機回答問題。HKUST iPRS app 可於 App Store 或 Play Store 下載 The Person Response System (PRS) is a tool to promote active learning. By using the PRS, students in a teaching venue can use PRS handsets to respond to questions posed by the instructor all at the same time. PRS allows the instructors to instantly assess student’s understanding of the subject, and to collect instant feedback from every one of the students. The System also allows students to participate actively in class.It is recommended that students to borrow the PRS as soon as possible in case of needed. (Attention: A fee of $280 is needed for replacement) Also, a new web based iPRS system has been launched. It allows students to use smart phone as answering device. The app "HKUST iPRS" can be downloaded on App Store and Play Store


資助及優惠計劃 Finance Assistance and Students’ Discount 資助專上課程學生資助計劃 Tertiary Student Finance Scheme - Publicly-funded Programmes (TSFS)

專上學生資助計劃是一項須經家庭入息及資產審查的資助計劃。計劃目的是向 合資格的學生提供資助,確保大家不會因經濟困難而失去就讀機會。資助包括 助學金 (Grant) 以及貸款 (Loan),助學金用以支付學費及學習支出;而貸款則 用以支付學生的生活費,貸款須繳付年息 1 釐的利息。 詳情請參閱: TSFS is a programme requiring family and income asset assessment. The TSFS provides means-tested financial assistance to full-time students who are in need. It aims to ensure that no eligible student who has been offered a place in one of the institutions covered by this scheme would be unable to accept it because of lack of means. Financial assistance is provided in the form of a grant and/or loan. The loan is for living expenses and is interestbearing at 1.0% per annum chargeable from the commencement of the repayment period.

資助專上課程及專上學生車船津貼 Student Travel Subsidy for Tertiary or Post-secondary Students

若同學在 2016/17 學年符合資格申請資助專上課程學生資助計劃,且居住地點 與日常上課地點距離超逾十分鐘步行時間及需要乘搭公共交通工具往返學校, 就可同時申請學生車船津貼計劃。 詳情請參閱: To be eligible for the Student Travel Subsidy (STS), a tertiary or postsecondary student must be successful in his application for TSFS, and reside beyond 10 minutes' walking distance from student's normal place of study and travel to school by public transport.


同學若有需要但未能成功申請資助專上課程學生資助計劃的話,可以考慮申請 這項貸款計畫劃,申請前各位需審慎考慮貸款需要及還款能力。 詳情請參閱: For students who are not successful in applying TSFS, they can consider applying NLSFT. However, it is recommended that students to cautiously consider the need of loan and the ability to repay.

港鐵學生乘車優惠計劃 MTR Student Travel Scheme


全日制大專學生免入息審查貸款計劃 Non-means-tested Loan Scheme for Full-time Tertiary Students (NLSFT)

同學入讀了大學後仍可參加港鐵的學生乘車優惠計劃。各位只需要在開學後到 LG5 領取或到港鐵網站列印相關的申請表格, 填妥後將表格在指定日子交予 SAO 的職員 ( 詳情請留意之後的相關電郵 ),在蓋章後將表格投入港鐵站的表 格收集箱內即可。 然後各位需要在 10 月 1 日起到港鐵站的客務中心繳交 $20 的行政費,就可續期各位的學生八達通。( 新申請為並繳交 $90 啟用費用並前 往指定港鐵站領取學生八達通 ) 詳情請參閱: html Students are eligible for this scheme after entering University. Students need to fill in the application form from LG5 or any MTR station, then hand it in to SAO staff at a specific date for stamping (For details, please refer to the email reminder later on), and submit to the collection box in MTR stations afterwards. Each students will need to pay $20 for continuation from 1st October onwards. New applicants will need to pay $90 and collect the new card from a specified MTR station.


2016-17 學年重要日期 Important Dates in the 2016-17Academic Year








宿舍介紹 Introduction of Student Halls 科大總共有九座宿舍,其中五座有社學生會,稱之為 House。其餘的宿舍亦 有學生組織。現行宿舍政策為第一年優先,即新生第一年至少一個學期可以住 宿。 HKUST has a total of nine student halls, five of them have a students’ association, called House. There are also student groups in Hall VI to Hall IX. The current policy guarantees students a hall place for one semester in his first year of study. 科大設有 9 座本科生宿舍 : The student halls and House name are as follows: 社學生會 宿舍名稱 社一 House One UG Hall I 翱峰 Vertex UG Hall II 冰川 Glacier UG Hall III 嶄越 Vista UG Hall IV 卓毅 Endeavor UG Hall V Connection Team UG Hall VI Leadership Team UG Hall VII Organizing Team UG Hall VIII UG Hall IX Organizing Team UG Hall I、UG Hall II、UG Hall III、UG Hall I V 以及 PG Hall II (UG Hall V) 均 設有社學生會服務該宿舍的同學,並提供小賣部、汽水機、影印機等設施。各 社學生會定期舉辦不同活動去帶動宿生間的交流,例如開 sem 飯、燒豬會等, 每個宿舍都有不同的特色。 UG Hall I, UG Hall II, UG Hall III, UG Hall IV and PG Hall II (UG Hall V) have students’ association providing service to students, like snack store, vending machine, photocopying machine. The associations will also hold different activities regularly to enhance interaction between residents.


UG Hall I 是科大最早落成以及最接近學術大樓的宿舍, 由此經 Bridge Link 步行至 LG7 百佳只需五分鐘,買東 西的話的確非常方便。UG Hall I 的特色是一條地下及 一樓的旋轉樓梯,而且它只提供二人房,沒有三人房, 適合不喜歡走遠路不習慣睡雙層床的同學。。 UG Hall I is the first hall built and the nearest to the academic building. It only takes 5 minutes to walk to LG7, and is very convenient when buying from Parknshop. The spiral staircase connecting G/F and 1/F is the icon of Hall I. Moreover, Hall I only provides double room, perfect for students who are not used to double-decker. 社學生會網址 Website:

UG Hall II

社學生會網址 Website:

經過 UG Hall I 再穿過第二條 Bridge Link 便可到達 UG Hall II。UG Hall II 的特色是 底層設有兩個寬敞的 Common Room,一 個提供電視機及椅桌,另一個則是乒乓球 室,方便同學休息及娛樂。 Hall II is at the end of the second bridge link. One of the special features of Hall II is that G/F has 2 large common rooms, one with a television and pool table, another with a ping-pong table. This creates a decent place for students to rest and entertain. 社學生會網址 Website: UG Hall III UG Hall III 雖然離學術大樓較遠 , 但它是靠近海的 宿舍,景觀怡人。UG Hall III 的特色是整棟建築呈 弧形面朝向海,正前方有一個小花園,名為冰川 花園,由二樓開始,所有對上樓層的其中一翼均 設有一個露台。 再者,UG Hall III 於暑假期間剛完 成裝修工程,宿舍內的設施亦會較為新簇 UG Hall III is further from the academic building, but is nearer to the seaside, and has a beautiful view. UG Hall III has an arc-shape facing the sea. In front of the hall, there is a little garden called the Glacier Garden. Moreover, Hall I is currently under renovation, therefore it will have newer equipment.


UG Hall I


UG Hall IV

UG Hall IV 非常接近海旁運動場及其他體育設 施的宿舍,不消數分鐘便可步行至足球場。UG Hall IV 的特色是一面向海,一面朝向荷花池, 所以無論被分配到哪一個房間都有可以欣賞到 美麗的景觀。另外,UG Hall IV 十分接近碼頭, 同學可沿車路步行到海邊。 Hall IV is close to most outdoor sports facilities, the football field is only a few minutes' walk away. The special feature of this hall is that, one side faces the beautiful sea view while the other side faces the Lotus Pond. So, students can enjoy a gorgeous view there no matter which room they are assigned. 社學生會網址 Website:

PG Hall II(UG Hall V)

PG Hall II 本來只供研究生居住的,後來因本科生宿位的需求增加,所以校方將其 轉為本科生宿舍。UG Hall V 的特色是宿費較便宜,而且只提供二人房,沒有三 人房。此外,PG Hall II 是採用中央冷氣系統的宿舍,讓同學能以較低的價錢享用 房間的空調。同時,PG Hall II 設有 band 房,供宿生使用。 Hall V is originally for postgraduates only. However,with a view to the increasing demand for UG hall, the school changes it to a UG Hall. The special thing about this hall is the cheap hall fee, and only double room is provided. Moreover, since it uses the central air-conditioning system, students can pay a little bit cheaper for the air-conditioning fees. This hall also has a band room for students to use. 社學生會網址 Website:


UG Hall VI 的特色是每個房間內均設有洗手盆,方便同學梳洗。UG Hall VI 是 採用匙卡來開門。UG Hall VI 其中一部分暫時沒有學生會,取而代之的是每星 期一次的 Sharing Session,而另一部分則採用 Living Learning Community 的 系統,適合對社學生會沒有興趣的同學。 Hall VI has a sink in every room. It provides double room and triple room. Hall VI has no student association, but instead, a sharing session each week. This allows students to interact with each other from time to time.


UG Hall VII 於 2009 年才建成,設施比較新穎、 乾淨。UG Hall VII 的特色是其中一部分設有單 人房供本科生居住,而且,跟 UG Hall VI 同 樣採用匙卡來開門。整個 UG Hall VII 都採用 Living Learning Community 的系統,所以比 較受外地學生歡迎,適合希望結交其他國藉朋 友的同學。要注意的是,UG Hall VII 的住宿費 較其他宿舍高,有經濟困難的同學可能會因此 而卻步。 Hall VII is established in 2009, therefore the facilities there are relatively new and clean. The special thing about Hall VII is that it provides single room, and all rooms uses keycard to unlock. Hall VII has LLC system, therefore more popular among non-locals, and suitable for those who want to make friends from different places. Hall VII's hall fee is, however, higher than others hall.


UG Hall VI


UG Halls VIII & IX

UG Halls VIII & IX 於 2013 年初正式落成,是目前科大最新的宿舍,室內設計 跟 UG Hall VII 差不多 , 設施是最新穎和乾淨,同樣採用匙卡開門。 UG Halls VIII & IX 臨近海邊,距離學術大樓較遠。UG Halls VIII & IX 樓下有一間健身 室,方便同學運動。此外,UG Halls VIII & IX 會有學生主導的小組組織不同活 動推廣宿舍文化,幫助同學適應宿舍的生活,以及認識更多新朋友。。 UG Halls VIII & IX is newly established in 2013, the newest hall in HKUST. The interior designs of these two halls are similar to Hall VII, and they also uses keycard. UG Halls III & IX are near the seaside, but further away from the academic buildings. A gym room is set up for students to exercise. There are also student-led group to organize various functions to promote hall culture. This can assist students to get adapt to hall life and meet more new friends.

Living Learning Community

有別於其他宿舍,UG Hall VI( 其中一部分 ) 和 UG Hall VII 在一般住宿條件上加 上一項新的元素 - Living Learning Community (LLC) 。Learning Community 是 科大獨有的系統,宿生可以按照自己的興趣加入不同的 Learning Community, 跟自己 Community 的學生交流。不過,有別於其他宿舍,同學需要通過宿舍的 面試並獲得通過後方可入住。 Hall VI and Hall VII have add a new element on top of ordinary hall experience, called Living Learning Community (LLC). LLC is a unique system in HKUST. Students can join different LLC according to their preference, and then interact with others with the same community. Please note that interview is needed to enter these two halls.


本年度 (2015/2016) 的宿費較上年度上升 5%,詳細如下 : Hall fee for this academic year (2015/2016) has raised 5%. Details are as following: 非本地生及留學生 本地生 non-local student and local student exchange-in student

UG Halls I to VI*

$9,540 - $12,690 $10,970 - $14,590

UG Halls VIII to IX^ $15,890 - $23,540 $18,270 - $27,070 * UG Halls I 至 VI 可提供雙人房、雙層床房及三人房 ^ UG Halls VII 至 IX 可提供雙人房、單人房及六人共用公寓式單人房 * Double, Bunk Bed and Triple Rooms are available in UG Halls I to VI ^ Double, Single and Apartment-Type Single Rooms are available in UG Halls VII to IX

因 UG Hall I、UG Hall II、UG Hall III、UG Hall I V 以及 PG Hall II 設有社學生會, 所以同學可以在繳付宿費時額外繳交 $50 作一個學期的會員費。 As UG Hall I, UG Hall II, UG Hall III, UG Hall IV and PG Hall II have Students’ Associations, students can pay an extra $50 for membership fee of one semester along with the hall fee.


宿費 Hall fee

宿分 Hall Composite Score

宿舍分配根據學生居住距離、成績及課外活動貢獻來釐定。特別有關學生居 住距離的部份,分數透過使用運輸署的「香港乘車易」系統,得出的最短乘 車時間來計算居住距離分數。 The Hall Composite Score is calculated based on students' home distance, contribution to campus life and outstanding performance. There is a major change in home distance score in the review last year. The new policy uses E-transport to calculate the shortest time needed to travel to campus. 以下就為宿舍計分方法 : The following link shows the detalied UG Hall Allocation Policy: (Google Search: " HKUST UG Hall Allocation Policy" )


申請宿位 Apply Offer for Accommodation

登 入 MyPortal → Admin Info and Services for Students → Campus Services 這一欄選擇 Apply/Accept Offer for On-Campus Accommodation →進入以下 頁面。 Login MyPortal → Admin Info and Services for Students → Choose "Apply/Accept Offer for On-Campus Accommodation" under "Campus Services" → Get into the application webpage


同學們要注意科大宿舍內的空調收費為 1 元 75 分鐘。 Please note that the hall air-conditioning fee is $1/75mins

Halls I 至 V 空調的收費方式 Payment method for Halls I to V

1. 使用科大卡 ( 須確保卡內已存錢 / 到科大卡增值機增值 ) 增值請參照 p. 46 2. 到科大電腦室將儲值轉成冷氣費 / 將科大卡插進宿舍的 express station 讀卡 機 A. 科大電腦室 : 登入 MyPortal → Admin Info & Services for students → Campus Services(Charge Up Air-Cond Money) B. 宿舍的 express station 讀卡機 直接在主頁選擇 Manage My HKUST Card → Charge Up Air-Cond Money 3. 之後會進以下頁面按 here →選所屬宿舍及希望支付的冷氣費金額 →網頁要 求輸入科大卡密碼 PIN →等待系統處理好後關閉視窗 4. 回房間將科大卡插入冷氣機旁的度數錶內→入科大卡密碼→度數錶會顯示冷 氣機已增值的剩餘可用鐘數 5. 啟動冷氣機 1. Insert a charged Student ID card (Please refer to P.46 for Student ID card top-up) 2. Convert balance to Air-Cond Money at computer barn or express station in hall a. Computer barn b. Express Station 3. You will be then directed to following page: Press ‘here’ → choose your hall and the amount you would like to pay → enter HKUST PIN → wait for the system to proceed. 4. Insert Student ID card to the card reader near the air-con in your room → enter HKUST PIN → the remaining time for air-con will update. 5. Turn on air-con


冷氣費增值 Air-Cond Money Charge Up


Halls VI-IX 空調的收費方式 Payment method for Halls VI-IX

1. 到自己房間的那一層→於近升降機的讀卡器 插入科大卡→輸入房間號碼→輸入科大卡密碼 PIN 和冷氣費金額 2. 啟動冷氣機 1. Insert Student ID card in the card reader near the lift on your own floor → input your room number, PIN, and money you would like to pay. 2. Turn on air-con

洗衣 Cloth washing

每個宿舍附近或內都設有洗衣房,供宿生洗衣乾衣。同學只需在洗衣 / 乾衣機 旁的讀卡器插入科大卡,然後依照指示輸入洗衣 / 乾衣機編號、洗衣 / 乾衣時間、 科大卡密碼 PIN 即可,洗衣每次 $7,乾衣每 6 分鐘 $1。而部分宿舍亦有提供 燙斗予同學燙衣服,詳情可以詢問宿舍員工。 There is a laundry near every hall for students to wash and dry clothes. To use the machine, insert your Student ID card into the card reader, enter the machine code, washing time, and PIN accordingly. Each washing costs $7, while dry-cleaning costs $1 per 6mins. Some laundry also provide ironing, students can ask the staff for details.


當同學在宿舍想使用較穩定的網絡服務時,可以透過 Lan 線連接 房間內的網絡接口以及個人電腦。然而,在使用此項有線上網服務前,必須事 先在 ResNet 內進登記。 同學可先於 中查閱 ”How to Connect to Wired ResNet?” 指引,找尋網絡接口編號和網卡 MAC Address 的 方案,再按進 ResNet Application System 進行登記。然後,按指示填入所 需資料,並稍等約十分鐘後便可順利上網。 When students living in hall want a stable network service, they can make use of the LAN cable to connect their personal computers to the . But beforehand, students must first register on the ResNet. Students can read the guidelines "How to connect to Wired ResNet?" on Look for the wall outlet port number and MAC address and enter "ResNet Application System" to register. Students will be able to access the internet.


宿舍有線上網服務—Wired ResNet Residence wired Internet service -"Wired ResNet"





Useful Apps

MTR Next Train (Android, iOS) You can time your trips by simply choosing your departing station and the system will give you the arrival time information for up to the next four trains.

HKeTransport (Android, iOS) Operated by the Transport Department of HK, HKeTransport provides detailed information of all means of transportation routes – including bus, minibus, taxi, tram, ferry, and Mass Transit Railway (MTR). Moreover, the app also lets users check the traffic density across various landmark places in Hong Kong, enabling travelers to best determine their route of travel.

Hong Kong Taxi Translator (Android, iOS) This app, which costs $0.99, is a powerful tool for finding and translating addresses in Hong Kong into written Chinese and phonetic Cantonese. The new version has a total of 3000+ streets, residential areas, buildings, hospitals, beaches, parks, sports grounds, schools, shopping malls and sightseeing spots.


MyObservatory (Andriod, iOS) This app provides information about the weather at the moment or weather forecast in the coming week. It is a offical app provided by the Hong Kong Observatory.


OpenRice Hong Kong (Android, iOS) The most comprehensive Hong Kong foodie database, with over 18,000 restaurants and 500,000 reviews. Simply enter your current location and the tastiest restaurants nearby will be revealed. You’ll also be able to enjoy over 100 discount offers (including ready-touse mobile coupons).

Hong Kong Movie (Andriod, iOS) This app provides information about when and where a movie is in theatre. Useful for movie lovers!


Phone Plans You can get yourself connected to the internet as soon as you land in Hong Kong by getting a prepaid SIM card with data at any convenient store. There are various network providers in Hong Kong and each provider has its own prepaid products with different benefits and features.

After you have settled in, you can easily get a long term plan of over 12 months or 24 months with any network provider. If you are in need of a new phone, most network providers have contracts where your monthly plan also includes a new phone. You will need the following to setup a monthly plan: Passport, HKID, and residential proof from SHRLO.

Octopus Card

Octopus card is something you MUST meed to survive in Hong Kong. You can use this card for transportation fees or buying stuff in convenience stores and cafetera. If you are a full time student, you can apply for MTR Student Travel Scheme where you can enjoy a 50% discount while travling via MTR (refer to p.71 for more infomation).


Lots of Hong Kong-er do speak English, but here are some useful words that might come in handy if you meet one who doesn't. Please note that Hong Kong-ers speak CANTONESE but not any other dialects.

Cantonese Sound Nei hou Wai! Zou son Zou taau Ng goi Do ze Chi D geen Dim guy Mei waa Ngo ng zi Neng jai Neng nui Deoi ng zyu Gau mang Gau mut? Gau gag Chur Wat gay Ho Ho siu Neh sik ng sik ying mon

Meanings Hi Hey! Good Morning Good Night Thank you (after a favor) Thank you (after a gift) See you later Why Pardon I don't know Handsome Pretty Sorry Help What are you doing? Making a joke Tough work Being Over-powered So funny Do you know English


Speak our language ?!






屬會介紹 Introduction of Student Societies HKUST Students' Union

Organization The Executive Committee The Council The Court The Editorial Board

Email ( su_union su_ucoun su_court su_eb

Mail Box No. 1 46 20 2

Art and Cultural Clubs

Name of the Society Email ( Art Club, HKUSTSU su_art Chinese Folk Art Society, HKUSTSU su_cfas Comics and Animation Society, HKUSTSU su_comic Chinese Orchestra, HKUSTSU su_corch Culinary Art and Culture Society, HKUSTSU su_cacs Drama Society, HKUSTSU su_drama Film Society, HKUSTSU su_film Chinese Orchestra, HKUSTSU su_corch Christian Choir, HKUSTSU su_cchoir Christian Fellowship, HKUSTSU su_cf Comics and Animation Society, HKUSTSU su_comic Contract Bridge Club, HKUSTSU su_bridg Culinary Art and Culture Society, HKUSTSU su_cacs Current Affairs Research Enlightenment, su_care HKUSTSU Debating Society, HKUSTSU su_debat Drama Society, HKUSTSU su_drama Film Society, HKUSTSU su_film International Cuisine Society, HKUSTSU su_ics Korean Students' Association, HKUSTSU su_ksa Magic Club, HKUSTSU su_magic South Asian Students' Society, HKUSTSU su_sass Taiwanese Students' Association, HKUSTSU su_tsa The Band Society, HKUSTSU su_band The Photographic Society, HKUSTSU su_photo The University Choir, HKUSTSU su_choir University Philharmonic Orchestra, HKUST- su_upo SU

Mail Box No. 53 68 36 88 31 86 36 10 68 8 88 93 32 31 86 103 47 65 66 75 19 82 61

ICA and Independent Clubs


Name of the Society AIESEC-LC-HKUST, HKUSTSU Campus Crusade for Christ, HKUSTSU Christian Choir, HKUSTSU Christian Fellowship, HKUSTSU

Email ( su_acust su_ccc su_cchoir su_cf

Mail Box No. 37 48 10

su_bridg su_debat su_games su_gcv su_goldz su_munc su_natur su_radio su_prgssust su_roust su_astro

Sports Association and Sports Clubs

Email ( su_sport su_archy su_cricket su_dance su_run su_dboat su_fence su_hbc su_hocke su_judo su_kendo su_korf su_row su_rugby su_shao su_sds su_soft su_climb

Mail Box No. 63 84 105 25 94 45 64 62 66 78 76 18 33 81 55 101 50 --

su_squas su_bball su_bad su_fball su_karat su_swim su_table su_tkd su_taiji su_tball su_net su_tenni su_track su_volly su_wcsoc

40 60 14 29 24 90 71 41 83 85 9 28 34 96

Name of the Society Sports Association, HKUSTSU Archery Club, HKUSTSU Cricket Club, HKUSTSU Dance Society, HKUSTSU Distance Runner' s Club, HKUSTSU Dragon Boat Club, HKUSTSU Fencing Club, HKUSTSU Handball Club, HKUSTSU Hockey Club, HKUSTSU Judo Club, HKUSTSU Kendo Club, HKUSTSU Korfball Club, HKUSTSU Rowing Club, HKUSTSU Rugby Club, HKUSTSU Shaolin Material Arts Society, HKUSTSU Social Dance Society, HKUSTSU Softball Club, HKUSTSU Sport Climbing Students' Society, HKUSTSU Squash Club, HKUSTSU Student Basketball Club, HKUSTSU Students' Badminton Club, HKUSTSU Students' Football Club, HKUSTSU Students' Karate Club, HKUSTSU Students' Swimming Club, HKUSTSU Table Tennis Club, HKUSTSU Tae Kwon Do Club, HKUSTSU Tai Chi Society, HKUSTSU Tchoukball Club, HKUSTSU The Netball Club, HKUSTSU The Student Tennis Club, HKUSTSU Track and Field Club, HKUSTSU Volleyball Club, HKUSTSU Wing Chun Martial Arts Society, HKUSTSU

8 32 38 26 102 73 79 97 57 52 42


Contract Bridge Club, HKUSTSU Debating Society, HKUSTSU Games Society, HKUSTSU Greater China Vision, HKUSTSU Golden Z Club, HKUSTSU Model United Nations Club, HKUSTSU Nature Club, HKUSTSU People's Campus Radio, HKUSTSU Progressust, HKUSTSU Rotaract Club of HKUST, HKUSTSU Student Astronomy Club, HKUSTSU


House Associations Name of the Society The Undergraduate House One Students' Association, HKUSTSU VERTEX, House II Students' Association, HKUSTSU Glacier, HOUSE III Students' Association, HKUSTSU Vista, House IV Students' Association, HKUSTSU Endeavour, House V Students' Association, HKUSTSU

Email ( su_ugh1

Mail Box No. 59









Email ( su_bsu su_esu

Mail Box No. 15 67







School Societies Name of the Society The Business Students' Union, HKUSTSU The Engineering Students' Union, HKUSTSU The Humanities and Social Science Students' Union, HKUSTSU Interdisciplinary Programs Students' Union, HKUSTSU Science Students' Union, HKUSTSU

Departmental Societies (School of Business and Management) Name of the Society Email ( Accounting Students' Society, HKUSTSU su_acct Information Systems, Business Statistics and su_isomss Operations Management Students' Society, HKUSTSU Management Students' Association, su_msa HKUSTSU The Economics Students' Society, HKUSTSU su_econ The Finance Students' Society, HKUSTSU su_fina The Marketing Students' Society, HKUSTSU su_mkss


Mail Box No. 21 30 35 7 27 39

Name of the Society Computer Engineering Students' Society, HKUSTSU Industrial Engineering and Logistics Management Students' Society, HKUSTSU Mechanical Engineering Students' Association, HKUSTSU The Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering Students' Society, HKUSTSU The Civil and Environmental Engineering Students' Society, HKUSTSU The Computer Science and Engineering Students' Society, HKUSTSU The Electronic and Computer Engineering Students' Society, HKUSTSU

Email ( Mail Box No. su_cpueg 77 su_iess












Departmental Societies (School of Science) Email ( Mail Box No.

Biochemistry Students' Society, HKUSTSU Chemistry Students' Society, HKUSTSU International Research Enrichment Students' Society, HKUSTSU Mathematics Students' Society, HKUSTSU The Biology Students' Society, HKUSTSU The Physics Students' Society, HKUSTSU

su_bcss su_chem su_iress

13 17 98

su_maths su_bio su_phy

6 16 5

Name of the Society


Departmental Societies (School of Engineering)

Departmental Societies (Interdisciplinary Programs) Name of the Society Environment Students' Society, HKUSTSU Risk Management and Business Intelligence Students' Association, HKUSTSU

Email ( Mail Box No. su_evss 12 su_rmbisa 100


屬會宣傳 Affiliated Societies Promotion



















110 Contact: Jenny 5305 5446 Victor 6679 7825 Phillip 5480 7771 Email: Website: Magic Club, HKUSTSU, Session 2016-2017

Date: 13-15/8 Fee: $250

Magic Ocamp 2016
















常用網頁 Useful Website HKUST:

HKUST FB page:


HKUSTSU exco FB page:

ITSC activation:


MyPortal 是一個多用途的網頁平台,同學經 常會使用到。 MyPortal is a multi-function online platform that students always use.



一個可供終生使用的電子信箱,設有多種不同 網上預約體育場地及學生設施 功能。 Sports facilities and student Amenities A lifetime email address that covers a set of Booking collaboration tools.


HKUST library:

Path Advisor:

靈活及易用的多功能網上學習平臺,讓教授和 網上預約圖書館自修室 &Learning common 同學使用。 Online Reservation for Group Study Room A f l e x i b l e a n d u s e r - f r i e n d l y l e a r n i n g and Learning Common management system for professors and students.


@connect Email:

FYS website:

同學只需後輸入想要到達的地方, 頁面便會 顯示接近該地方的電梯及該出層平面圖。 一個提供迎新和校園信息的網頁 Students simply need to enter the desired A offical webpage that provide orientation location. The page will then show the and campus information nearest lift and the floor plan of the location.


科大術語 (Chinese version only)



給A/B grade 比例較高的教授

指對學生評分十分嚴謹甚至苛 刻,不時將學生功課及考試評為 不合格的教授。

摺友 指不參加社交活動,只躲在 家或宿舍做自己事情的大學


Sor屎 Sor屎即Source的諧音,意指功 課、Project、Report、資料等。

天地堂 大學的上課時間表並不如中學般緊









LT Lecture Theatre ,演講廳

老鬼 已畢業的學生。

Freerider 指小組 project 中不願意 努力,等著坐享其成的 人



出 pool 也就由 single 變成 in a relationship, 有拖拍。

Re-U 再次舉辦聚會(Reunion)的 簡稱,最常見的是迎新營後 舉辦,讓迎新營參加者重聚 的活動。




即「Students' Union」學

Executive Committee, 即幹事會


Cons Constitution,憲章,學生會與 其各屬會均有其憲章,大部份可 從學生會網頁找到

莊/上莊 莊指校內的組織、學會等內閣的 別稱。上莊則是指擔任校內學生 組織幹事/指上一屆的學生組織 幹事




即叫莊、嗌莊,上莊前在 公開場口嗌口號的活動


之等第分佈嚴格以常態分佈為標準,平均分(Mean)可得B-/C+,平均分加一 個SD就可以有B+/B,而減一個SD就是C/C-,所以一般學生討論成績都以比 mean多/少幾多個SD為標準。 Langmate︰上language 課的同學 Freshman︰新入學之大學生。 走堂:翹課(缺席課堂,尤其指非因病或因事缺席) PIC:Person-in-charge,負責人 Quorum:會議的法定最低人數 樓主︰每層Hall會選一位負責搞活動的人,稱為樓主。 大學五件事︰讀書、上莊、住hall、part-time、拍拖


一個SD︰SD即統計學術語標準差(Standard Deviation)。由於科大多數課程


宿生︰指留宿的學生。 頹飯︰指在大學餐廳內以低廉價格購買的飯餐。 蚊池︰Hall 4樓下的池塘


香港科技大學學生會迎新特刊 2016 HKUSTSU Orientation Book 2016 香港科技大學學生會幹事會 出版 Published by Executive Committee, HKUSTSU, the 24rd Session, 2016 - 2017

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