Reved Quarterly—Fall 2013

Page 1

Issue #34

Revelstoke's Arts, Culture and Lifestyles Publication


INSiDE: Pg. 4 -

The Fight for French Immersion

You, your bike

Pg. 7 -

and Wandering Wheels Pg. 8 -

Jeff Scott will not be stopped

Pg. 9 - The Evolution of

the Beer Parlour

Cover: street art among the alley litter in Kerala, India. Photo: Joanna Lee



FALL '13

Artist in

Climbing Revelstoke’s Artist Ladder


wasn’t so pleased about going to my first painting class,” Cecilia Lea laughs. “I went in with a lip on, rolling my eyes and grumbling.” It was 1990 and Cecilia was working in a Calgary craft shop with a painting section. Her boss had enrolled her—without telling her— for a weekend workshop to better understand what she was selling. “It's funny looking back at this woman I never really liked and would never have brought into my life voluntarily–but look at what she gave me.” By the end of the first day, Cecilia was hooked. She soon enrolled in classes at the Alberta College of Art and Design and never looked back. She was 42 at the time and had always been a little crafty from the get go. “I was always on the latest craze. I did macramé and quilting. I was a seamstress when my children where in school. I tried pottery. I didn't get very far, though I enjoyed it. I've always liked to use my hands and be creative.” The art that speaks to Cecilia personally is “the quiet pieces that sneak up on you. That didn't talk to you right away but you find more the more you look.”

by Imogen Whale

“I'm looking at shadows and colour and defin- involves submitting 10 digital images of work to be juried. Jurors are educated art critiques, ition while I hike.” who study the technical and compositional One of Cecilia's favourite paintings of her own aspects of art pieces. Cecilia was judged came as a commission. A gentleman got in and accepted. touch with her after coming across her web site, ( He explained he had just “It feels wonderful,” she enthused, “because been diagnosed with terminal brain cancer these are people who really know their stuff.” and wanted something special to give his son. Years earlier his family had visited a mountain Cecilia is now an active member and can sublake in Jasper. His son was five at the time and mit individual pieces, which are juried and the trip stuck in his father’s memory as a won- accepted or denied, into federation art shows. She has had a piece accepted for a show in derful bonding experience. downtown Vancouver and has four pieces acCecilia rarely interprets or personalizes her cepted to be shown on their online gallery. art. This case was an exception. In the bot- Once Cecilia has a certain number of works tom left corner of the painting she added a log, shown she will move to the next level of memfrom one end twisting roots, from the other bership. There are three levels. The top level several branches. Beneath the tree lay a flat includes well-known Canadian artists. Cecirock, beside it a small island of grass and under lia's pieces have been purchased and shipped to New Zealand, Germany, Scotland, Switzerthe branches a small rock. land, the USA and Bermuda. “The wife, whom he described as the foundation of the family, was represented in the flat “The piece in Bermuda is of glaciers, which is rock,” Cecilia explains. “His daughter, young kind of neat,” she says. but ready to grow, was the little island of grass. His son was the small rock. And he was the Do you know what else is kind of neat? tree, his roots going back to Peru, where he was Cecilia offers beginner oil painting lesoriginally from and his branches supporting sons at the Revelstoke Visual Art Center (RVAC) throughout the year. Keep an and giving strength to his family.” eye on the RVAC's web site for details. It was a beautiful sentiment the family loved and appreciated. Watching people enjoy “People always come in [to the classes] and say and interpret art is something that brings Ce- ‘I can't paint,’ and I always ask ‘How do you cilia great pleasure. She recently joined Revel- know?’ I had no idea I could paint until I gave it a go.” stoke's local art co-op, Art First.

Her own work is a testament to quiet painting. Beautiful realist landscapes filled with incredible detail. “I believe art should last for years,” Cecilia ex- “It's great to see people come in and plains. “I don't follow fads in colour or look at the art,” she says, “everyone sees something different.” style. I paint what I love.”

Cecilia loves the mountains. She loves This past year Cecilia was accepted into the hiking, exploring and travelling. All Federation of Canadian Artists. The process but one of her paintings—that of a scene in Timbuktu—are places she has been to and seen in person. Cecilia often paints outdoors in addition to taking copious photos to work from later. “My file of pictures for works I want to create is packed.” Becoming an artist has changed Large painting, top: Spirit Island, Cecilia Lea's commissioned the way she spends her time outpiece for a terminally ill client. Paintings left side, top to bottom: Another Day Done, Treasure on the Forest Floor, Old House Along the doors. “Now I analyze everything,” she admits. Road, Gunsight Peak at Lake O'Hara, juried into the Federation of Canadian Artists. . Right: Nova Scotia Colours. Photos of paintings courtesy of Cecilia Lea.


Cecilia Lea in her favourite place for inspiration. Photo: Brent Lea

by Heather Lea


retty much everyone procrastinates. No matter what you’re working on right now you should probably be doing something else. (But don't stop reading.) So the question is not do you procrastinate but rather do you procrastinate well?

Like many of you I was brought up to believe the early bird gets the worm. But what’s left after those early birds are gone with their slimy worms? Something tastier? As the saying goes, it's better to be the second mouse to the cheese than the first who gets attacked by the cat. There are countless acts of literary kindness promising to aid you in your quest to stop procrastinating. Some even encourage multi-tasking (the merits of which are questioned in a previous Reved editorial I wrote: Multi-tasking, the Art of Screwing Up Several Things at Once— summer, 2011). But not so many books spout the advantages of waiting until the last minute.



Putting the 'Pro' in Procrastinate If you got everything done on time and all that was left was for you to sharpen a couple of dull pencils and unload the dishwasher, what self-respecting human would believe their worth at that moment?


'don’t just do something, stand there,' was a surgeon.

stereotyping and extraneous opinions, to cloud judgement. Personally, I need time to proactively procrastinate until I’m ready to make my move. The only time thinking fast has ever worked to my advantage is in areas where I have a trained response, like when someone says, “Want a beer?”

Also it’s comforting to know there’s something pending in your future. If you got everything done on time and all that remained was for you to sharpen a couple of dull pencils and unload the dishwasher, what self-respecting human would believe their worth at that moment? It’s much better to do something else now instead of working on that huge project you have to hand in by midnight because as long as you keep putting important things off, you’re of value. People need you before they can proceed. You’ll have something to say when people stop you on the street and ask how things are going. So what if you’re a person who doesn’t naturally procrastinate? Frank Partnoy’s advice is to build time into the day to just stare off into space. Sound indulgent? Call it meditation. Whether you’re for or against putting things off until the last moment, what’s important is you feel good about your decisions and have enough time leftover to do something you love everyday. Be the second mouse! Now go find something not to do.


Publisher/editor Heather Lea

Stopping to think has rarely served me wrong but what about Reved readers? I posted this question on our Facebook page: "Do you think it's better to procrastinate before making a decision or trust your immediate response and act intuitively?" One comment suggested procrastinating means you’ll be older and wiser once you actually make the decision. Another said there’s no quick decision that can’t be fixed with a sincere apology and a credit card. The overall consensus was a near 50-50 split; half preferred to give their response some time while the other half trusted their gut and liked to act on impulse. A more indepth survey might reveal the success of each groups' decision outcomes but I think I'll do some delay management on that one for now.

This suggests that procrastination is not, in part, defined by time. Waiting to make a decision can take place within a millisecond—as for a competing Olympian, or within a week or a year—as for those making decisions about company mergers, We might also consider that putting off future life mates, etc. something one day might become the Another way to harvest a wait advantage very something you choose to do the next is during an exam. I recently took a test day because you’re putting off something where there was a skip button on the else. My house is never more clean than screen. You could continue and come back when I have a looming deadline for an to the question later instead of wasting article. Then I’ll start writing that article precious time mulling it over. Towards at 2 a.m. instead of sleeping. The next day I the end there was plenty of time left to might need a nap, which there’s now time attempt the ones I’d skipped and answer for because my article is done–see what I did there? with less stress.

Wait: the Art and Science of Delay is, however, one such book fostering the idea that deciding on impulse or under pressure may have a negative effect. The idea is to take some time before answering that e-mail or even voicing an apology. To quote the book’s author, Frank Partnoy, whose research included groups in government positions and professional sports, "The most successful individuals aren't those who react the quickest, Also many people will agree that when it's those who are most successful at angry, the best course of action is to put some time between themselves and managing delay." the event that sparked the sparks. It’s Frank uses the simple act of apologiz- too easy to lash out with an immediate ing as one example, saying that waiting response that might prove unfavourto offer an, "I'm sorry," gives the re- able in the long run. And with time the ceiver a chance to react appropriately. problem might naturally go away and Obviously after stepping on someone’s become a non-issue. toes in the elevator you’re not going to wait, let the person decide if he’s angry, By giving a voice to procrastination I’m then apologize. However, Frank thinks not endorsing a lazy lifestyle of couchwhen it comes to more complex matters, ing it and hoping something else besides such as hurting a spouse, you might do you will solve your problems. Even while better to give things some time. He rea- procrastinating we must be proactive but sons the person needs time to process a within that activeness is what we put off reaction. If you come in with an apology and for how long–in essence a triage of right after a wrongdoing you’re denying decision-making. that person’s right to vent, which is a Frank Partnoy’s Wait is opposing conwhole other topic. tent to what fills the pages of Blink, a The ‘managing delay’ theory has been book that, despite its nine-year old pubproved in odd places. In an August 2012 lishing date, still holds acclaim. Its auCBC interview, Frank speaks of people we thor, Malcolm Gladwell, presents the may assume are making quick responses, idea that, “spontaneous decisions are like those working in emergency rooms often as good as—or even better than— or athletes in a race against time, who carefully planned and considered ones.” are actually waiting until the last pos- The underlying message in his book is sible second to make their move. Inter- the sooner we make a decision the less esting to note the source for the phrase, time there is for murky information, like

reved quarterly

Reved Quarterly

Ad sales/marketing Heather Lea

Design/layout Heather Lea

Copy Editor Lea Storry

Distribution Emily Beaumont

Staff Writers/Columnists Alison Lapshinoff Colin Titsworth Rory Luxmoore Giles Shearing Imogen Whale Katie Marti Contributors Joanna Lee Taryn Walker

Pg.2 Pg.3 Pg.4 Pg.5 Pg.6 Pg.7 Pg.8 Pg.9 Pg.10 Pg.11 Pg.12 Pg.13 Pg.14

Reved Quarterly

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Artist in Profile Editorial Emerging What Matters From the Streets What's your Biz'ness Know Your Neighbour Around the World Out There Heritage Moments Music Notes The Scene Sleeps, Eats n' Sips Health and Wellness Directory

Reved Quarterly is independently owned and funded solely by the advertising within its pages. We publish in March, June, September and December. We print between 12,000 and 14,000 copies per year and distribute to over 200 locations in Revelstoke and surrounding cities such as Golden, Nelson, Vernon, Kelowna and Vancouver. ALL CONTENT COPYRIGHT 2013 by Reved Media and

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Revelstoke's Youth


French Immersion by Imogen Whale


evelstoke is grappling with French immersion. It's is a hot topic, locally and nationally. Bilingualism is a part of both the Canadian identity and official Canadian public policy. Revelstoke does have a francophone school, L'ecole de Glaciers, but there are restrictions for enrollment. “The francophone school is for families of francophone descent or if a parent is fluent in French,” immersion enthusiast Kendra Von Bremen explains. To qualify, a parent (or parents) are interviewed in French to ensure their fluency. They also agree to speak the language at home. In Canada careers in international business, politics and diplomacy are among many that require French. The Ontario based group Canadian Parents for French report bilingual Canadians take home 10 per cent higher pay. Statistics Canada shows French immersion students regularly outperform non-immersion students. In Revelstoke some parents are trying to make the French immersion program a reality. “Because French immersion programs

“Start up funding for the first year of French immersion is provided for by Ottawa,” explains Stephanie Melnyk, a parent who has spent three years fighting for immersion. “There's also ongoing funding for French material that would need to be purchased in subsequent years.”


financially better off families...60 per cent are girls.” The Canada Council on Learning reports immersion classes to have fewer special education students. It implies students in immersion classes receive more instruction; teachers have involved parents and do not have to deal with higher need students. Therefore, immersion classes lack the diversity offered in regular English classrooms while English classes lose high performing students.

In Canada, careers in international business, politics and diplomacy are among many that require French.

Immersion supporters were told there was insufficient interest to offer the program. Typically, the school district attempts to run kindergarten classes with no fewer than 15 children and no more than 20. Vanessa Morrow and Stephanie presented the school trustees with a study detailing 17 committed students and several others contemplating enrollment for a kindergarten class starting in 2014. Allan Chell, the school board chair, publicly supports French immersion. Four of the school board trustees (voted into position by the public) said they would support French immersion at the time of election but declined to support the program once they were elected. Even though the community support to run a French immersion class was there. Stephanie found the entire process ridiculous. “Board meetings for the school trustees are not transparent,” she said. “You can attend but not speak or ask questions.”

“It's frustrating,” she expands, “when I started to push French immersion I was told it would never happen because it was 'Revelstoke.' I grew up in Uxbridge, Ontario—a rural town of 7,000—and I went to French immersion.” Today the Uxbridge program has become so popular that rather than having a French immersion class it has spawned an entire French immersion school. One reason immersion is being opposed may be due to the risk of disrupting Revelstoke's number one provincial ranking in the standardized Early Development Instrument (EDI) administered in kindergarten. The EDI evaluation measures how prepared kindergarten students are. From knowing their alphabet and being able to count to 10 (neither of which is a prerequisite for kindergarten) to being well rested and ready for class. It's a testament to Revelstoke's incredible early childhood education programs. The other issue is “streaming.” Statistics Canada reports, “Students in French immersion programs tend to come from


The Fight for

are meant for anyone who wants their children to learn French,” Kendra said. “Parents need no French background or prior French.”

Some districts in Alberta and Ontario are tackling this issue by offering educational support in French immersion classes to accommodate children with cognitive, behavioural and physical disabilities. A recent CBC documentary relayed research showing children with disabilities, who became bilingual perform at a equal or greater level than their English counterparts in not only language but also music and math.

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With declining enrollment numbers for school in general Revelstoke already has trouble filling its elementary schools. If students joined French immersion from a variety of catchments, (the three in Revelstoke are: Columbia Park/Big Eddy, Arrow Heights and downtown area), decreasing an English class to less than 15 pupils, remaining students in that catchment would be bused to another school or enrolled in grade one/kindergarten split classes. For example, if there were too few children in Columbia Park Elementary to run a kindergarten class, those pupils would be bused, perhaps to Begbie View Elementary or possibly divided between Begbie View and Arrow Heights Elementary, depending on class size and availability. Another option for remaining students in the school would be to create several kindergarten/grade one splits to keep the pupils on site. Regardless of logistics, parents of dozens of children want French immersion as an option. “I think every kid should be bilingual,” Stephanie says. “No streaming, no nonsense politics. Do it when it's not a challenge for the kids. Core French should start in kindergarten.” Though still fighting for French immersion, Stephanie thanks being fluent in French to her own immersion upbringing and has enrolled her kindergarten aged son in L'ecole de Glaciers.


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Next year the school board trustees are up for election. If interest in Revelstoke stays strong, we may see the fight for French immersion finally pay off.

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Fall Into Volunteerism by Giles Shearing


t must be fall in Revelstoke. The temperature of the lakes we swim in have cooled to closely match the temperature of the air around us. The anthocyanin cells in leaves are transitioning colour pigments resulting in a colorful aesthetic that brightens our view in the absence of summer sun. The excitement of hotter times is subdued while anticipation warms us like a blanket for the coming snow. Fall is a generally a quieter time, a transition of sorts. Sure there are still great offerings like chopping wood, riding muddy trails, exploring our great museums and local fairs like the Handmade Parade and Cornucopia, and getting in a few extra preparatory yoga classes for a busy ski season. Still you may find yourself looking for new opportunities for engagement come fall. Might I suggest volunteering?


The Buddhist scholar Gil Fronsdal once said, “It’s natural to care about the home we live in and the home we live in is not just the house but the neighborhood and the world around us…the world around us is an extension of us and we’re an extension of the world.” Dr. Fondsdal went on to say that often when we hear about the suffering of the world it comes with a heavy sense of obligation. Rather than obligation, or a sense of guilt, he suggests that by cultivating awareness and opening our hearts a response will happen free of burden. Volunteering is one form of such a response.

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Need a Volunteer?

The Community Centre has a volunteer bulletin board. Fill out a form at the front desk and the staff will post it. You can also post online at:

Want to Volunteer?

Check out the Community Centre volunteer bulletin board or the online postings.

During a visit to India in 2002, I experienced two very different types of volunteer experiences. I spent a week working at Mother Teresa’s Mission in Kolkata. The personal reward was instantaneous, measured by exhaustion of the best kind and a sense of accomplishment in bringing joy to those who needed it. Later I spent a month evaluating a large non-government organization in the city of Udaipur for a Canadian sponsorship group I volunteered with back home. The impact here felt less tangible. There was less person-to-person interaction and the fruition of my efforts were not easily seen. Perhaps my time in Udaipur had longer lasting impacts than my young mind could appreciate. From these experiences I learned that responding to an open heart and awakened mind through volunteering actually has no limitations or boundaries. When we are motivated to assist, the size of the task or breadth of the impact is insignificant when compared to the intrinsic value of the action. In other words, no kind act is too small. Although it’s natural, and important, to want to tend to the greater world’s needs by volunteering, starting in your local community is a great way to meet new friends, create experiences and participate in healthy activities. Volunteering is at the heart of what makes Revelstoke so wonderful. I’ve counted over 200 different organizations in Revelstoke that need volunteers like you! In speaking of the finite human resource that is time, the Lebanese poet and philosopher Khalil Gibran states: You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give.

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*Editor's Note: Giles Shearing is an active volunteer with Revelstoke Search and Rescue.

Yarn bombing Playing music for strangers Do anything positive for others, for free Help rake a neighbour’s yard Paint inspirational messages on small rocks and leave around town Set up a free hug stand Ask your kid’s local daycare and school if you can help Pick up garbage Be a designated driver Collect food and items for the food bank at your next house party Make cookies and give them to random people Give event tickets to strangers Hand out free flowers Offer to babysit Organize a random event for strangers Create a new organization for doing good Have tea with an elder

Local Organizations: (visit and find pg. 5 under Current Issue to easily click on the links below.) The Gleaning Project: fruit picking (share some, keep some, bears none): Make a radio show or volunteer with an existing one: Drive those who need a ride to medical appointments: e-mail Clear snow for the elderly and those unable to do it for themselves: e-mail Help those new to computers become proficient: e-mail Revelstoke Fire Department volunteers: index.aspx?NID=95 Revelstoke Search and Rescue volunteers: RevelstokeSearchAndRescue Care for lost and abandoned animals with the Revelstoke Humane Society: Food Bank volunteers: Revelstoke Multicultural Society: Help coach one of the many youth and adult sports teams Help save our local chunk of the planet with the North Columbia Environmental Society: Build and fix trails with the Revelstoke Cycling Association: Help maintain the nature we all love with the Illecillewaet Greenbelt Society: Get your rad on volunteering with the Revelstoke Roller Derby: Find ideas for youth on the Stoke Youth Network: Become a youth mentor: e-mail Help welcome new immigrants to Revelstoke: e-mail Columbia Valley Skateboard Association: help make it happen. See their Facebook page. Revelstoke Theatre Society: about-us.html Partners for Others: help fold clothes for people worldwide: Okanagan College: adult tutors needed: 250-837-4235 Meals on Wheels: help drive meals: 250-837-3147 Give blood, give life: Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre: help usher and see a free show. E-mail Reved Quarterly: going out of town? Help spread the Reved Love and drop a few copies wherever you go. Call Emily: 250-837-1162.

There are many more organizations looking for people like you! Find more here: volunteers/groups.html LOOK FOR the Volunteer Fair again this fall on Sat. Oct. 5th where there will be Spirit of Revelstoke Awards for outstanding volunteerism.




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Rosemary Beaumont “Fibre artist.”

Emily Beaumont "Animal rescue!" [Aside from her current side-job as Reved's fabulous distributor, of course.]


Lilly-Jo Pierlot “I would make food for people.”

Tom Kent “I’d be the mayor of Revelstoke.”


Mark Hartley “Right here. Same stuff." [Stoke Roasted Coffee Co.]

Interviews and photos by Taryn Walker.


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Matt Yaki and Wiley on top of Sale Mountain admiring the view before descending Martha Creek trail. Photo: Steve Shannon

Wandering Wheels


he hills are alive with the sound of squealing brakes and enthusiastic hollers of mountain bikers. Revelstoke’s spectacular terrain and our ever-growing network of trails is starting to attract bike enthusiasts of all forms and abilities to our mountain paradise. While the inviting trails wait for you to discover them, finding the best trails to suit your riding ability and your time frame can be a challenge. Want a flowy, fun ride? How about a demanding technical trail and adrenaline rush? Do wildflowers and alpine air lure you? To help riders enjoy a unique, safe and rewarding experience on a bicycle, Revelstoke’s Wandering Wheels offers shuttles, mountain bike lessons and tours to individuals and group riders.

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Owner and operator, Matt Yaki, can find a suitable ride for you within an hour of Revelstoke on challenging downhills, like Boulder Mountain and Martha Creek, or scenic destination rides such as Frisby Ridge and Keystone Standard Basin trail. Looking more for cross-country riding? Ask Matt about the extensive trails Mount McPherson offers to cyclists of all abilities. Part of the benefit of going with a guide means you won’t have to take out a map at every intersection and you will be in good hands. Matt and his certified mountain biking guides know the trails well and have accumulated over 50 hours of wilderness first aid training. Wiley, Matt’s fourlegged tailgunner, will keep the group together and ensure bears keep their

by Rory Luxmoore

distance helping you have an enjoyable and safe ride. Sometimes getting to the trailheads can be problematic. You may not have access to a vehicle or perhaps you are nervous about taking your vehicle off-road. Wandering


Shuttling means you can chill in someone else’s vehicle and focus on getting the most out of your riding day.


Wheels offers shuttle services to and from many biking destinations in the area. Shuttling means you can chill in someone else’s vehicle and focus on getting the most out of your riding day. The shuttle vehicle, a Ford F-150 pickup complete with a custom made bike rack, accommodates six riders in search of biking heaven. Whether you want to experience a bike park in Silver Star, Sun Peaks and Kicking Horse or explore some of the classic cross-country or downhill rides nearby, Matt and his team can get you there and back in style.

helping to make things flow better and make you more comfortable on your bike.” Wandering Wheels offers a wide range of lessons to the beginner, novice and intermediate rider. Their informative web site explains, “Whether you're brand new to the sport, want to try downhilling for the first time or want to improve your riding to find that flow you've been missing, we can help.” Matt is excited to offer mountain biking services in Revelstoke. He appreciates the positive biking culture in this mountain community. Thanks to the collaboration of Revelstoke Cycling Association, local and regional governments and bike enthusiasts he gets to showcase a growing treasure trove of trails. He spends time with what he contends are the best kind of tourists: mountain bikers. They come from near and far to play in our backyard. For the most part, they appreciate Revelstoke’s natural beauty and contribute to the local economy. As Matt puts it, “they are hungry and thirsty but are too tired to get into trouble.” And he loves being able to help create memorable experiences. Recently Matt had the opportunity to guide a 14 year old on Frisby Ridge trail for his birthday.

The hills will continue to reverberate with the sounds of mountain bikers enjoying our breathtaking scenery and dreamy trails. Perhaps your biking experience could be enhanced with one or more of Wandering To be transformed into the rider you Wheels' services. aspire to be, you may want to gear up for a lesson. As Matt explains, “les- For more about Wandering Wheels sons improve your overall riding, find them at


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cathartic but also a major source of inspiration as the two spent hours dreaming up a foundation that would help other folks with recent spinal cord injuries continue to pursue their passions in the outdoors.

Know Your


will not be stopped

upcoming FALL programs

The incredible Live It Love It Foundation ( sponsors individual athletes and hosts adventure camps in an effort to bring people together in a community of mutual support and to remind those affected by spinal cord injury that life isn’t over—not by a long shot. Or, as Jeff puts it, Live It Love It simply “aims to stoke the fire before it goes out.” Last summer’s camp, held in Whistler, B.C., gave participants the chance to go bungee jumping, biking, kayaking and ziplining in spite of their individual physical challenges.

by Katie Marti

Photos from top: Jeff and Al Kennedy cashing in on air miles on Boulder Mountain, Revesltoke, Photo: Nadine Overwater. Jeff smiling for the camera, Photographer unknown. Surfing with the Life Rolls on Foundation and Access Surf in Hawaii, Photographer unknown. Out for a paddle with the Thompson brothers in Whistler. Photo: Ben Thompson.


eff Scott’s introduction to Revelstoke will sound familiar to many: he came for the snow. An aspiring snowmobiler, Jeff fell in love with the backcountry on a trip up from Rossland in the winter of 2008. By 2010 he owned a house in the Big Eddy, a pass at the hill and was logging as many hours as possible on his sled.


Jeff knocked himself out, broke his C5-6 vertebrae, located in the lower neck, and effectively ended 15 years of snowboarding. In his words, his “able-bodied and independent life became both a memory and a pipe dream.”


[My] able-bodied and independent life became both a memory and a pipe dream.

“I would go out whenever I could with whomever I could,” he recalls. He partnered with local Jeremy Hanke, exploring the impact of snowmobiles on the slopes, drawing the attention of The Canadian Avalanche Association. The Association was interested in their findings and even asked Jeff and Jeremy to speak at an upcoming Annual General Meeting. As it turned out, however, Jeff didn’t make that meeting. On April 11, 2010, the last day the hill was open, Jeff was injured in a snowboarding accident that ultimately saw him lose the use of his legs. “It was a gorgeous day, total spring conditions,” he remembers. “I saw a gap up ahead and just sort of went for it. Bottom line is, I suck at physics,” he says. “I didn’t give enough respect to not having actually looked at what I was jumping and came up short.”

The next year was spent in hospitals and rehab centres with his tight-knit community of friends and family close at hand the entire time.

“I had a solid riding group of local rippers,” explains Jeff. “They were my first responders and stayed with me to the hospital. I thought I was alone when I got down to Vancouver but the first thing I heard was my sister’s voice asking the ambulance attendant if I was Jeff Scott. I couldn’t figure out how she’d beaten me to the hospital because she was supposed to be at school in Edmonton but as soon as I heard her voice, I knew I was going to be alright.” By the time Jeff was released from the G.F. Strong Rehabilitation Centre in Vancouver a year later, he and his good friend, fellow adventure seeker and pro-skier, Izzy Lynch, had hatched a plan to drive across Canada in a van adapted for his wheelchair. “I got out on a Friday and we hit the road the following Monday,” he chuckles. The trip was

Live It Love It has just finished applying for charity status and the crew hopes to grow the foundation steadily by increasing the number of camps held per year and the amount of support they’re able to offer recently injured athletes. Financial aid comes from all sorts of amazing places, it seems. Two fire crews in the area—the Monashee Unit Crew out of Revelstoke and the Nadina Zone Unit Crew out of Burns Lake—have been huge supporters, given that Jeff fought fires for years prior to his own injury and continues to have a strong community of friends in the industry. As well, Izzy organized the Martha Creek Meltdown last summer, a downhill mountain bike race to raise money and awareness for the foundation. Also, the Big Eddy Pub frequently hosts gigs with proceeds going directly to Live It Love It. There is no shortage of support it would seem and rightly so. In a town like Revelstoke, where daily lives are fueled by adrenaline and the risk of injury is everpresent, a beautiful cause coming from such an authentic source is bound to resonate.

As for Jeff, he continues to make progress on his own personal road to recovery. He recently entered a contest with National Mobility and Equipment Dealers and was one of only three out of 1200 applicants, and the first Canadian ever, to win the grand prize—a 2013 Chrysler Town and Country minivan fully equipped with hand controls so he can drive on his own. Anyone who knows Jeff understands it wasn’t a shiny new van he was after. Independence is something we all seek and Jeff’s injury robbed him of more than simply the use of his legs. To be able to physically drive from one adventure to another without relying on others will represent a level of freedom and flexibility he hasn’t felt since before the accident three years ago—as long as he passes the exam. “I’ve gotta redo my driver’s test tomorrow. Wish me luck,” he laughs as we wrap up our conversation. “Hopefully this time tomorrow I’ll be a licensed driver once again."* I leave our brief chat feeling inspired by Jeff and his infectious positivity. My own flame has been stoked listening to his story and learning more about the Live It Love It Foundation and the community it fosters. Jeff is a great reminder that Revelstoke is teeming with incredible people doing remarkable things to improve the lives of others and I, for one, am full of gratitude for neighbours like him. *Editor’s Note: Jeff did pass his driver’s exam.

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• Snorkeling and Scuba • T'ai Chi • Swim Lessons • Yoga • Red Cross courses • Zumba • Song writing classes • Aquafit • Kids baking and adventures • Saturday night teen swim • Swim and movie night • Pro D Day-1 day camps • 2014 Street Banner program • Family pumpkin carving • FREE Coaching course - intro to Comp B


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Around the

World ¡

Photos from top L to R: Joanna Lee with her plate of roadside melon in Dehradun. Street art in Fort Kochi, Kerala. Women of the Sainji Village in the Himalayas. Sunrise in Dehradun. A gecko silhouette on a rest house window in Rajaji National Park. Elephants on a morning trek in Periyar Tiger Reserve. Participating in the holy Aarti ceremony on the banks of the Ganges River in Haridwar. Thali, a traditional south Indian lunch. Photos contributed by Joanna Lee and Madison Magalski.

India, Heartbreakingly Beautiful by Joanna Lee


from deep within forest floors and in animals’ mouths. The air is a thick and heavy mix of humidity, smoke, fuel and feces at the worst times but carries aromas of spices, flowers, fresh vegetation and delectable roadside food vendors at the best. And, as you’re walking down the street trying to soak it all in, people are moving a mile a minute in every direction around you. They’re pushing, begging, bartering, shouting to each other in a foreign tongue and almost every single person is staring at you. Cars are haphazardly driving in all directions trying to pass each other, often in the wrong lane with no regard for pedestrians, all while honking and blinking a secret Indian vehicle language. How I did not witness one vehicle collision in a whole month of this will forever be beyond my understanding.

expected everything and nothing from India. As a 22 year old Natural Resource Conservation student, I, along with four fellow students and our professor, Dr. Suzie Lavallee, landed at the New Delhi Indira Gandhi International Airport on May 12, 2013. We were about to partake in the University of British Columbia (UBC) Faculty of Forestry’s first annual “Forestry and Conservation in India” field school. For over four weeks our small group would travel mostly within the northern state of Uttarakhand and the southern state of Kerala to learn from researchers, students and locals about the history of forestry and struggles of conservation, all while immersing ourselves in everything that makes India so heartbreakingly beautiful. Over the weeks of constantly moving and learning, my appetite for the exotic Indian dishes flourished. When Growing up in Revelstoke this was my first experience will I ever get another chance to eat roti, an Indian flying overseas to a developing country a world away bread, so fresh out of the fire it still has ashes on it? Or from my own. In a half-asleep and over-travelled daze, sip pure pineapple shakes, eat coconut rice off a banana our group promptly drove eight hours to Dehradun, leaf and pull fresh ocean fish straight off the skeleton? where we would be spending two weeks at the Wild- With a temporary home-base in Dehradun, we spent life Institute of India (WII). As we wound through the a weekend in Rajaji National Park, participated in the rural roads I took in my first Indian sights: whole fam- holy Aarti ceremonies on the Ganges River in Hariilies packed onto single-seat motorbikes, men sleep- dwar, visited humbling Himalayan communities and ing atop swerving trucks, people hanging out of buses, swapped knowledge with researchers and students. We bony cattle pulling carts of bricks and children running spent many hot afternoons on our little back decks at barefoot through dusty streets. WII, reflecting on the day's experiences while dripping from the elbows with fresh mango and watermelon The pollution in India, especially in these northern juice, listening to the birds, insects and music from a states we passed through, will stick with me forever. nearby mosque and secretly feeding our leftovers to the Everywhere you look there are shiny plastic wrap- (terrifying) troop of resident Rhesus monkeys. pers—on the road, in ditches, in gardens, glinting Mid-trip, a brief day’s stop in Delhi came with a longanticipated yet blistering 47 degree Celsius visit to the Taj Mahal and Agra Fort (our hottest day yet). All Got a great starting to feel the effects of such extreme heat on our travel story? bodies and morale, we were relieved to arrive in the southern state of Kerala to a mild 30 degrees Celsius and the summer monsoons quickly approaching. Our main destination of the south was Periyar Tiger Reserve, reached by a scenic drive through the Western Ghats (a global biodiversity hotspot) where we kept our noses pressed against the windows taking in the landscape of tea, spice and rubber plantations mixed with tropical rainforest and quaint mountain villages. At Periyar we learned about eco-tourism from the local



Send us your best, worst or most heinous story from travelling anywhere in the world and you could see it published here in the next issue!

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Live entertainment weekly Daily food and drink specials Best burgers in Revelstoke Check our Facebook page for upcoming events! 200 Third St. W. 250.837.2121 9

The air is a thick and heavy mix of humidity, smoke, fuel and feces at the worst times but carries aromas of spices, flowers, fresh vegetation and delectable roadside food vendors at the best.


Munnar tribe, who had been displaced to the perimeter of Periyar National Park around 1982. We were lucky enough to view multiple troops of wild elephants (even up close and on foot), watch monkeys swing around the canopy, see wild boar, expertly-camouflaged frogs, oddly-shaped spiders, countless butterflies, insects and tropical birds. Periyar was followed by a few days in the tourist town of Fort Kochi, where we continued on the theme of eco-tourism and took a (monsoon soaked) backwaters tour on traditional Keralan houseboats and canoes. We were served yet another delectable traditional meal and got a sneak peek into the everyday lives of the families living along the backwaters— raising chickens and goats, doing laundry, growing spices, picking fresh fruit and of course, fishing. There is just so much that cannot be put into words about the diversity of landscapes, people, food and culture found in India. I took over 2,000 photos yet will never be able to adequately describe the magnificence of the Taj Mahal, the Himalayas, the richness of the Western Ghats, the serene Kerala backwaters, the poverty-stricken slums, the friends made and the exhilarating experiences had. Not once did I feel particularly unsafe or threatened and I never truly realized the power of a smile until I saw it spread across the genuine faces of local people. I would recommend travelling abroad on a school program to anyone considering as I found it to be an incredibly rewarding way to learn about myself and gain new perspectives on my field of study. I wouldn’t take a single moment of this trip back. I loved every sweaty moment.

The Farmer's Market Coupon Program gives lower income individuals a chance at better health. Photo: Alison Lapshinoff


Market Value

by Alison Lapshinoff


t is easy for some to forget about the importance of maintaining a healthy diet and lifestyle. But the fact is proper nutrition is our first line of defence against disease. Sadly it is often cheaper to eat poorly than to eat well, leaving lower income British Columbians at an increased risk for ill health.

Horseplay by Imogen Whale Maria Michel and her horse, Cricket, going for a winter trail ride. Photo: Sepp Felder


Jerry Munro, a long time club member, doesn't define his riding by any discipline. “My relationship with horses is more down in the dirt I think,” Jerry explains. “I just like horses, being around them, working with them and getting in touch with There are several English riders in the land. I do the work that over time town. English riding refers to the pays off with a solid friendship.” style of riding distilled from European cavalry. English disciplines re- The relationship between horse and quire a specific saddle; flatter than a rider is the reason Karen Urquhart Western saddle, lacking a high cantle, joined the club. deep seat, saddle horn or knee pads. English itself has several disciplines, “I warn the mom's who come down the most common being dressage, with their kids,” she laughs. “That's how I got into horses. My daughhunters, polo, jumpers and racing. ter was such a great excuse.” Karen Revelstoke local, Emily Wright, was enjoys trail riding, doing ground a competitive hunter while living in work and focusing on bettering Ontario during her high school years her riding and bonding with her not too long ago. Unlike its name horse, Cutie. suggests, hunters is a jumping discipline. Like figure skating, judging There are many Western riders at the is subjective but based on rhythm, grounds. Western riding has a histemperament, form, consistency, the tory steeped in ranching and warfare. horse's movement and the rider's Saddles are built to be ridden for longs days and over varied terrain. ability to make it look effortless. Horses are taught to rein (change “We were fairly successful,” Emily direction from light rein pressure on says modestly of her horse, Circad- the neck) allowing cowboys to free up ian Rhythm aka Tyke, and herself. In their other hand, often to deal with fact they showed up to 3'6” at the na- or rope cattle. Disciplines encomtional level, winning championships pass ranch work to rodeo's, including at the provincial level. (3'6” indi- cutting, reining, barrel racing, pole cates the height of the jump. Because bending and Western pleasure. classes are marked on much more than speed and whether a horse takes Growing up in Revelstoke Traci down jump rails, 3'6”is a high ama- Ludwig competed in the High School Rodeo Finals in Ogden, teur level in hunters.) Utah in 1973. She competed provAlong with loving competition, after incially for years. Traci continued moving to Revelstoke Emily and Tyke to show in Western classes and (now semi-retired) enjoy trail riding. Gymkhanas (which include barrel racing—a timed rodeo event where “He's great around traffic, loose dogs horse and rider race around three preset barrels in a clover-leaf pator children,” says Emily. any residents know of the Selkirk Saddle Club horse grounds. They've biked through or brought their children for pony rides. But what else does the Saddle Club do? A lot, as it turns out.

tern) and work as a trainer. Traci now teaches her students Western disciplines. “It's really rewarding,” Traci says. Currently Traci practices Western pleasure, cutting and trail riding.

Patti Larson, director of Outreach Services at Community Connections, is also in charge of running Revelstoke’s food bank. She sees first-hand the need for fresh, healthy food among lower income earners.

Tanya Secord and her two daughters, Danica and Rhena, have horses at the grounds. “I met Traci,” Tanya laughed, “and was encouraged to fulfill a lifelong dream.” Tanya is in the process of obtaining her Therapeutic Riding certification. By the new year she hopes to be able to offer riding/horse interaction for physically, mentally and emotionally challenged children.

“The fruit and vegetables are always the first to go,” she tells me. “People want to eat healthy, nutritious food. They just can’t afford it.”

Rhena has spent the summer learning to pole bend, a speed event which requires weaving a serpentine pattern around six poles, displaying rider and horse communication.

The program began on a much smaller scale with funding coming solely from Community Connections. In 2008 Patti applied for Revelstoke to be one of four communities in the Interior Health region to participate in a pilot project that would provide market coupons solely to clients of the food bank.

“It's so great for kids,” Tanya explains, “they learn responsibilities and gain confidence.” Not everyone is always riding their horse. Hans Michel and his daughter Maria share a barn. Maria, a horse trainer, regularly teaches horses, mules or miniature horses to pull carts. Additionally, Maria competes with her miniature horses in agility and recently placed second in her first horse starting (breaking a horse to accept a rider) trainer challenge. This is but a tiny sampling of the people who ride at the grounds. With a beautiful new covered arena nearing completion, riding in Revelstoke will only get more popular. And with many styles of riding, there is something for everyone.


BA sausages at

Fortunately our provincial government is taking a pro-active approach to the health of its constituents. In July of 2013 Health Minister Terry Lake announced the Liberals will be investing $2 million into the existing Farmer's Market Coupon Program. Running July through October the program provides lower income families, seniors and pregnant women with $15 worth of coupons per week redeemable for fresh B.C. fruit, vegetables, meat, fish, eggs, nuts, dairy and herbs at their local farmer’s market.


The food bank receives no core government funding; instead it relies on grants from organizations like the Columbia Basin Trust, BC Gaming, Revelstoke Community Foundation and private donations. Patti explains how money is always a concern as there is never any concrete funding from year to year. Some fresh fruit and vegetables are available at the food bank through donations from the community garden, private gardens and gleaning projects such as organizations like Bear Aware but there is not always enough to go around. The Farmer's Market Coupon Program guarantees a supply of fresh, local produce to families and seniors each week.

“They were amazed,” Patti says of the coupon recipients. “It meant fresh fruit and vegetables weekly instead of not having anything.” It was from these humble beginnings the current program has blossomed. For Revelstoke, the $2 million grant means $9,000 going directly into our local market this season, as well as bringing people out who may otherwise never come. The farmer's market is a very social atmosphere everyone should have the opportunity to experience. It is a way of staying in touch with what is in season, connecting with friends and buying fresh, locally grown and made food. Fresh food means good health, which in turn means less disease and a reduced strain on our health care system. “We do a hunger count every year in March,” Patti explains. This year 224 adults and 45 children have used our local food bank. Sixtysix households are currently registered with the Farmer's Market Coupon program. To receive the coupons, program participants must enroll with Community Connections at 314 2nd Street East and participate in a skill building activity which, in Revelstoke, is called Food Skills for Families. In a small group of six to eight people, participants are taught cooking techniques as well as learn about food and nutrition. The program is free and childcare may be available. Patti works hard to make sure programs like the food bank get the funding they need to stay afloat and ensure everyone has enough to eat. The Farmer's Market Coupon Program is a small step toward ensuring some of that food is fresh and healthy. “Access to healthy, fresh food means less illness and will improve the health of families and seniors,” Patti says. “It’s nice to see money coming from the government going directly to people who need it.” Contact Community Connections at: 250-837-2920.

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One look at these unwelcoming faces and any woman might clutch her favourite hooch to her bosom and flee to the all-female quarters. Photo courtesy of Revelstoke Museum and Archives.

The Evolution of the Beer Parlour


he men and women were required by law to be segregated. Who knew what trouble might ensue if the sexes were permitted to mingle while indulging in a controlled substance. They were even allotted separate entrances; one for men only, the other for women with an escort. Indeed a single lady would not frequent such a place; in fact why would a lady want to drink beer at all?

by Alison Lapshinoff

bought memberships. Members could store their booze at the club and pay a dispensing fee to be served their own drink. Court challenges ensued. Five years after prohibition ended, in an effort to gain control over an industry that was determined to flourish, the government began issuing licences to beer parlours. They were spartan, cheerless and highly regulated places. No music or any form of entertainment was allowed, nor was food or initially, even women. Patrons were required to remain seated while drinking and if one wished to move to a different table, a male waiter would transport his drink for him upon a tray. Beer was the only offering; nothing else was permitted.

In the days of the wild west, scant regulations existed to control the sale and consumption of alcohol in B.C. Saloons were open 24/7 and public order was difficult to maintain. Thus in the early 1900s, groups, many religious, began to lobby for prohibition, a complete ban on a substance they believed to be sinful and dangerous: liquor. It was a wildly unsuccessful experiment. The iron fist of government control was slow to loosen its grip. It wasn’t until the From 1917 to 1920 the sale and consumption early 1960s in Revelstoke that the River of alcohol in B.C. was banned without excep- City Pub in the Regent Hotel tore down tion. Rum-runners sailed the coast, tens of its wall. The area of the pub where the thousands of cases of liquor hidden on lum- dance floor is today was for ladies with esber ships. Saloons sold ‘near beer’ but hid the corts. On the other side of the room, only real stuff in unmarked containers behind the men were allowed. bar, brazenly flouting the new law. The black market flourished. Wealthy folks stocked up “They were absolutely not permitted to before the ban came into effect and others mingle,” owner Fred Beruschi tells me, recould get their fix from out of province. calling that it wasn’t till the 1970s when Policing costs soared. patrons were allowed to leave their table with a beer or dance and enjoy any form In 1920 the ban was lifted with public sup- of entertainment. It was around this time port leaning strongly in favour of government the first women began waiting tables control. Liquor could be obtained from dark- and bartending. ened government stores, the windows painted over or heavily curtained to hide the elicit Maureen Beruschi began working at the Resubstance within. Restaurants and bars were gent Hotel in 1970, making her one of the not permitted to serve alcohol so canny entre- first female bartenders in B.C. and is still preneurs started ‘beer clubs’ to which people hard at work today. She recalls the revelry of

the 70s at the River City Pub and 112 lounge; wall to wall psychedelic stripes and bell bottoms, cigarettes and martinis, servers clad in short, short skirts with little black aprons. All beneath disco lights and a heavy veil of cigarette smoke. “We used to have streakers!” she recalls with a laugh. “And they had brawls, tables and chairs flying. You don’t see that these days so much.” She comments about a time when the freedom to truly party with reckless abandon at a bar was still in its infancy.

why would ¡

Ancient HeAling WAters AWAit


a lady

want to drink beer at all?

As the B.C. government grapples with the task of reforming some of our archaic liquor laws stemming from the days of prohibition we can at least enjoy music, dancing and mingling of the sexes over a cold one at the bar while we wait.

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Unique selection of B.C. wines and beers 11


From the lawless days of the wild west to total repression and severe regulation, we find ourselves in 2013, still not permitted to enjoy a bottle of wine with our picnic at the park but graciously allowed to cross the bar without a waiter present to transport our drink.

Reved Archived Issues!


I’m very impressed by the quality of musicians we have in town. There is tremendous talent around here—they deserve the stage and the showcase.


Making A Scene

Back Alley Jazz plays the new patio at BenoĂŽt's Wine Bar. Piano: Cathy Cameron-Suchy, sax: Sylvian Hebert, trombone: Carl Laurence, drums: Francois Desrosiers, bass: Dave Marfleet. Photo: Tenille Barber

by Katie Marti


BenoĂŽt Doucet came to Revelstoke long before Revelstoke Mountain Resort (RMR) opened and although he certainly doesn’t mind the business RMR brings to town: “I had my plan to do this before the ski hill designs were even signed,â€? he explains. “I wanted to do it for the community of Revelstoke, for the people who It’s the ultimate trifecta of urban develop- were already here. The ski hill turned out to ment. Here in Revelstoke we’re lucky to have be a big bonus, obviously, because it keeps us a handful of popular cafĂŠs and a slew of op- busy in the winter.â€? tions for outdoor recreation. Fortunately, with BenoĂŽt’s Wine Bar pulling out all the For the past two years, BenoĂŽt’s has been stops we’ve also got ourselves one heck of a building a solid reputation as a classy, quiet alhot spot to complete the package. ternative to many of the other pubs and bars in

town. BenoĂŽt credits this atmosphere to its success as a live music venue. “It’s intimate, not too rowdy,â€? he says. “People are here to listen to the music so artists like to play here, as opposed to a larger space where they may be more in the background instead of the centre of attention.â€? The stage at BenoĂŽt’s has hosted everything from country artists to reggae shows to deejay nights but while he insists he’s open to any sort of music, jazz seems to be the genre that typically fits the bill. Regular Friday night jams attract a wide variety of instru-

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ome would contend a town needs three things in order to qualify as “comfortably livable:� a good coffee shop/bakery (preferably with fresh croissants), access to plenty of dog-friendly green space and a bar with good food, good booze and good music.

ments and musicians— it’s not uncommon to see a trombone playing alongside the piano, for example. And now, with a new patio in place, BenoĂŽt is thrilled to be able to move the stage outdoors when weather permits. Saturday’s, BenoĂŽt’s becomes a piano bar primarily, with local musician Ron Sahlstrom taking the stage each week. He’s got a great repertoire and invites requests, adding an interactive element to an already creative and entertaining event. This was all part of the master plan, BenoĂŽt admits. “When I first designed the place the stage was always there and the plan was always to have a piano in the bar.â€?

Looking ahead BenoĂŽt hopes to continue with his current trend of featuring and promoting local musicians through his own efforts and by partnering with initiatives like the Frostbite Concert Series during the winter. “I definitely want to be part of the music scene in Revelstoke,â€? he says. “I’m very impressed by the quality of musicians we have in town. There is tremendous talent around here—they deserve the stage and the showcase.â€? Who knows what we did to deserve BenoĂŽt’s but it’s a good thing he came to town because, while two out of three ain’t bad, one cannot live on croissants and trail runs alone.

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Vocal and Performance

Coaching by Joanne Stacey To sign up please e-mail or call 250-814-7324

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Fun for all ages and levels

A Woodchuck Chucked

by Colin Titsworth

A real Canadian necessity—and no we don't mean the Pilsner. Photo: Colin Titsworth


We live in PRIME wildlife habitat

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Fall Exhibits

Friday, September 13 to Friday, October 4

Nature at its Finest - Keishia Treber Trail of the Bear - David Rooney Felted Works - Robin Wiltse

Friday,October 11 to Friday, November 1

Revelstoke Quilters Guild Print Making - Call for entry.

Friday, November 8 to Friday, December 6

From the Summit - Art in the Park Holes and Tunnels - Jacqueline Palmer Photographs - Work from Glacier

s the cold season approaches it will soon be time to crank on your home heating devices and battle the brisk nights. For those using wood-fired options this day has been on your mind for months and it is now time to reap the wood shed's bounty. Firewood can be scavenged from the mountains, collected from local wood processors or bought off the Stoke List for home delivery. Regardless of how it’s acquired, a game plan needs to be established for chopping, storing and movement of each piece. Firewood harvesters are forever searching for dead-standing trees and they scope for these deceased pillars whenever travelling on gravel roads. Each tree is unique in overall value when considering species, size, number of branches/knots, distance from town and amount of hassle getting it to the truck. Variety of tree is crucial because heat production varies with different kinds of wood. Heat output for firewood is calculated per cord using British Thermal Units (BTU). Prime firewood such as Douglas fir and birch are pumping out over 20 million BTU per cord, whereas pine and hemlock are closer to 15 million. Keeners follow the snowline up mountain passages to fleece trees that have not survived the winter. Proactive firewood collecting in the spring allows the woodpile to get

crispy dry through the summer and be properly cured for burning. Firewood permits are obtained free of charge from the Ministry of Forests web site where you must agree to the 14 rules of legal firewood collection. Each permit holder can collect a maximum of five cords of firewood per year. As explains, “A cord is 128 cubic feet of stacked wood. Because of the air space between the pieces of wood, the amount of solid wood in a cord may be only 70-90 cubic feet.”


Experienced firewood gatherers have honed their systems, which is evident by capacity loads of split wood cruising through town before lunchtime.


Experienced firewood gatherers have honed their systems, which is evident by capacity loads of split wood cruising through town before lunchtime. Falling trees in the wilderness can be a challenging hobby and safety precautions need to be followed at each step. To increase your competency in this field you can take a three-day bucking, limbing and dangerous Chainsaw Certificate Course at the tree control.” local Okanagan College. In a town deprived of natural gas and As the course description says, “In surrounded by trees, it makes sense the seven-hour in-class session, you’ll to spark a fire for home heating. It’s learn about safe falling, logging, definitely easier to turn on propane, seismic falling and slashing practi- pellet or oil heating systems and in ces, fire protection, environmental the end it may even be cheaper. Howawareness, safe bucking and limbing ever, heating your house with wood techniques, chainsaw maintenance, is a wholesome activity and those emergency response procedures and embarking on this journey will find it bear awareness certification. Dur- a labour of love. Rough Country Maring the 14-hours of hands-on work, ine and Ken’s Repair have been outyou’ll have a chance to assess haz- fitting wood hunters for decades and ards, participate in pre-job meetings they’ll get you sorted with everything and try your hand at falling, slashing, you need. Keep warm this season.

Stewardship Adventure Program

December 13-21

The Christmas Shop

Fall Art Classes Introduction to Watercolour Art Sundays for KIDS 7-14 Pottery Classes for Beginners 3D Fundamentals Block Printing Workshop Gouache and Water Pencils Explore Silk Painting Lightbulb Christmas Decorations Painting with Acrylics - Level 2 Life Drawing 250-814-0261 320 Wilson Street For more info please visit:

A Fall Festival of Events in Revelstoke, BC

O C T1


Elliott Brood The Hip Show Laila Baili

Broken Down Suitcase Good Ol' Goats Whiskey Chief Everything Fitz Loose Moose Improv Kamloops Chamber Symphony


... and more!

food | music | beer | fashion | fun

Acupuncture and Chinese Medicine

Jade Mountain Wellness and Acupuncture Erin Potter R.TCM.P. Kim Nicholls RMT 101 1st St. W. 250-837-3900

Energy Therapy andCoaching

Helios Rehabilitation & Performance Amanda Argue RHN 1605 Victoria Rd. Unit 5 250-837-7171


Namaste Nutrition - Nutritional Counselling Melissa Hemphill, BSc RHN 23-318 Humbert St. 250-814-3207

Guided Energy Work and Soul Counselling Frieda Livesey Classes in Soul Awareness Writing 250-837-3724


Massage Therapy and Bodywork

T'ai Chi

Revelstoke T'ai Chi - Qi Gong

Revelstoke Massage Therapy Clinic David Walker RMT, Liane Dorrius RMT Josiane Maillet RMT 301 1st St. E. 250-837-6677

Traditional Thai Massage





$$$$ 1221 1st St. W. 250-837-2801


815 Mackenzie Ave.

Mustang B&B


Amy Guidinger BScPT RCAMT CGIMA RPT Fraser Sprigins BScPT CAFCI RPT EMR Katie Kenyon BSW, MScPT RPT 1605 Victoria Rd. Unit 5 250-837-7171

Red Cedar Physiotherapy

Ashley Sumner BC RMT Amy Eburne BC RMT Located at the Coast Hillcrest Hotel 250-837-3322


Minto Manor B&B

Helios Rehabilitation & Performance

Repose Massage Therapy and Day Spa 1911 Fraser Dr.

416 Leach St.

Bodylogic Therapeutic Massage

1605 Victoria Rd. Unit 5 250-837-7171

Canyon Motor Inn

(*Note: rental is by month or longer)

Eve Wolters 778-252-0078 (local number) Various locations - find us on Facebook.

Helios Rehabilitation & Performance

$ = under $60 $$ = $60 - $90 $$$ = $90 - $110 $$$$ = $110 and up

Herbert House

Halcyon Hot Springs Village and Spa 5655 Hwy 23, Nakusp 250-265-3554/1-888-689-4699

Beth Purser Massage NHPC Best Western Plus Revelstoke 1925 Laforme Blvd. 250.814.3679

Karen Schneider RMT, Tina Giotsalitis RMT Suite 103 - 103 1st St. E. on the 250-837-3666



Jocelyn Kutcher BScPT RPT Prue Hicks BAppScPT RPT Naomi Gibbs, BPT RPT Suite 204, 555 Victoria Rd. (beside Coopers) 250-837-8519


Balu Yoga and Wellness

Sheri Zebroff RMT and Shendra Kelly RPT Frieda Livesey - Guided Energy Therapy 414 1st St. W. 250-837-3975

Ol' Frontier Motel 122 Hwy 23 N.





Powder Pillow B&B 1103 Pine Ridge Crescent

Powder Springs Hotel 200 3rd St. W.





Regent Hotel 112 1st. St. E.

Sweet View Rooms B&B 1102 Oscar St.





Swiss Chalet Motel 1101 Victoria Rd. W.

Helios Rehabilitation & Performance 1605 Victoria Rd. Unit 5 250-837-7171

Kimberly Olson 250-837-3344

Energy Matters Canada, 250-837-4943 Order via email, pick up downtown

Kimberly Olson Revelstoke Community/Aquatic Centre 600 Campbell Ave. 250-837-3344 Rec Centre: 250-837-9531

Mountain Goodness Natural Foods

Red Cedar Physiotherapy

Natural Health Products

1601 Victoria Rd. 250-837-4352

Small group pilates classes Suite 204, 555 Victoria Rd. (beside Coopers) 250-837-8519

Want your listing on this page? $25/listing or $90/year E-mail: Phone: 604-219-5313

Restaurants/Pubs $ = under $15 $$ = $15 - 25 $$$ = $25 and up

Isabella's Ristorante 112 1st. St. E.


$$$ 107 2nd St. E. 250-837-6606


Big Eddy Pub and Liquor Store 250-814-0095


Carrie's Café 205 Mackenzie Ave.



Conversations Café 205 Mackenzie Ave.

La Baguette Espresso Bar 607 Victoria Rd. & Garden Ave.

Benoit's Wine Bar

2108 Big Eddy Rd.

Ol' Frontier Motel 107 2nd St. E.

112 Restaurant and Lounge



Last Drop

201 2nd St. W.






Main St. Café

317 Mackenzie Ave.

Modern Bake Shop & Café 212 Mackenzie Ave.

Nomad Food Co.

1601 Victoria Rd. 14







$ 122 Hwy 23 N.











Paramjit's Kitchen 116 1st. St. W.

River City Pub 112 1st. St. E.

The Last Tee Clubhouse 171 Columbia Park Dr.

Woolsey Creek Bistro 604 2nd. St. W.

Tree Construction

Building Classics.



Selkirk Mountain Experience . Durrand Glacier Chalet Our helicopter accessed, ecologically sensitive lodge is a Swiss-style, family-run mountain chalet that provides lodge based fully catered and guided ski-touring, ski-mountaineering and avalanche courses in the pristine Northern Selkirk Mountains of B.C.

Includes unlimited laps on Jungle Gym Age: min 2 years old / max 12 years old Guardian 16 years or older required Valid until Oct. 14, 2013 Not accumulable to other discounts

250.837.2381 Revelstoke, BC Drop by our office in Revelstoke at 111 Mackenzie Ave. 15

Reved Quarterly is designed and published by Reved Media and Design. Visit or call 604.219.5313.

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