heather stebbins 2012-2013
CHIMERA for percussion sextet
Crotales (upper and lower octave) Vibraphone China Cymbal Wind Gong Tam-Tam Thundersheet Metal Mixing Bowl (large/medium size) Brake Drum Metal pipe Heavy Triangle
Marimba (5-octave if possible) Three Wood Blocks Log Drum Two Large Frame Drums Two Bass Drums (or One Bass Drum/One Field Drum)
PLAYER GUIDE* Percussion I Bass Drum, Crotales (upper octave) Special Beaters: sponge, bow, rakes, superball Percussion II Wood Blocks, Frame Drum, Vibraphone, Metal Bowl, China Cymbal Special Plectra: timbale sticks (for frame drum), bow, rakes Percussion III Wood Blocks, Frame Drum, Vibraphone, Triangle, China Cymbal, Wind Gong Special Plectra: timbale sticks (for frame drum), bow, rakes Percussion IV Tam-Tam, Wind Gong, China Cymbal, Thunder Sheet, Marimba, Special Plectra: rakes, bow, superball, rutes Percussion V Metal Pipe, Brake Drum, Marimba, Tam-Tam Special Plectra: bow, superball Percussion VI Bass Drum or field drum, Crotales (lower octave), Brake Drum, Metal Pipe, Log Drum Special Plectra: bow, rakes, superball
*This is a list of instruments that the individual players will play. Players will play on each the same instru-
ment at different times in the piece -- this list should therefore not alter the number of instruments required in the setup. There any many times where players will share instruments. For example, there are sections where two players will be bowing the vibraphone: one player will bow the ‘white key’ side, while the other will bow the ‘black key’ side.
NOTATION Instruments
Specific Mallets*
ç Crotales √ Vibraphone ¥ China Cymbal œ Thunder Sheet ˇ Tam-Tam ˝ Wind Gong ¨ Brake Drum ∆ Lead Pipe å Triangle „ Metal Mixing Bowl
¡ Soft Mallet for warm, dark sound • Rakes ¶ Timbale sticks (frame drum) £ Superball ˜ Sponge
Frame Drum
ı Bass Drum µ Marimba ∑ Wood Block ‘ Log Drum * Mallets are only specified when a very specific sound is desired. All other mallet choices are up to the performer.
Marimba ‘scrape’- hold a wooden stick vertically and scrape the end on any available marimba bar with enough pressure to create a screeching, crying sound. If possible, use two sticks on two different bars at once. Scrape the stick slowly enough to create a continuous sound. Frame Drum Notation
GENERAL NOTES All sounds should be allowed to ring unless otherwise notated. When indicated, players should whistle at the most comfortable octave available. Tremolo with rakes should be performed by scrubbing the rake horizontally on the skin of drum, not vertically as in a roll. This symbol indicates a swirling motion, i.e. with superball or rake. This does not necessarily have to be circular, and the speed should be variable.
thunder sheet TamTam
wind gong
frame drum
tri brake drum/ pipe
wood blocks metal bowl
log drum frame drum
bass drum
! !
bass drum/field drum
! crotales (lower)
crotales (upper)
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