President’s Pointers by Shirley M. Johnson T h is y e a r Ma rc h b eg in s the season of Lent, which is a time for self-examination, selfreflection, prayer and repentance. Take a moment to consider yourself – your thoughts, your actions toward others or when no one is looking. This Easter, find a place of gratitude and move forward with a forgiven and renewed sense of purpose and action.
the Area of Compliance - Southwest Region 20162017 Sorority Year. Thanks to the committee chairs and membership for making this recognition possible. We are indeed HMAC Proud!
March is also Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. National Sisterhood Month. During the month of March, let’s reflect on one of our 22 Founders each day and close the month out focusing on the Jewels. This glorious organization has stood for sisterhood, scholarship and service for 104 years and we have much to be proud of and thankful. May GOD continue to bless our Sisterhood.
We applaud the Program Planning and Development Committee leader and chairs, the Economic Development Committee and the amazing Carnivale Mystique chairs and committee. (See Insert). Your hard work and dedication makes us HMAC Proud and I encourage each committee to continue the outstanding work you do!
Also, thanks to sorors who attended the TX/New Mexico State Summit in Dallas, TX. We had a lot to cover with a limited number of members but your remained steadfast and attended as many workshops allowed. Thank you for your unwavering dedication and commitment.
Congratulations to Houston Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter on its Five Star Standard of Excellence Award for Outstanding Achievement in
HMAC Sisters Lighting the Way: March is Sisterhood Month! March is Sisterhood Month! HMAC Sorors, let’s ponder the question: What does Sisterhood mean to me? And let’s celebrate and fellowship at one or all of the following sisterhood activities this month. March 17th The Delta Divas invite the Dears and the Dolls to come out and paint your own masterpiece at Paint Party Place. The time is from 7pm to 9:30. The cost to paint is $35 and you can pay online. The location is 3434 FM 1092 Missouri City, 77459. March 23rd The Delta Dears invite the Divas and the Dolls to come out to register voters or assist sorors registering voters at Madison High School from 10:30am to 1pm. The location is 13719 White Heater Drive, Houston, 77045. March 24th The Delta Dolls invite the Dears and the Divas to come out to the Escape Room to help solve the mystery of the Scarlet Scam. The time is from 7:30pm to 8:30pm. The cost is $28 and the first 10 sorors can pay at
Metropolitan Place. The other mystery available is Mo’s Safehouse and the time is from 7pm to 8pm for which you can pay online. The location is 100 Jackson Street, Houston 77002.
Metropolitan Leadership
Program STOPlight: 2 Collegiate Transition Taskforce Detour to Grace & Gratitude Committee Crossroads
2 Insert
Membership Services
Budget & Finance
HMAC in Pictures (Online) Visit: to view photos.
Executive Board Meeting Monday, March 6, 2017 6:30 pm Metropolitan Place 5441 Trafalgar Drive General Chapter Meeting Saturday, February 11, 2017 10:00 am Metropolitan Place 5441 Trafalgar Drive Business Attire
Celebrate Sisterhood!
Note: All meetings will begin promptly and as scheduled. Hostess assignments are listed on the Insert page.
This month plan to attend church service with sorors, take pictures and share your experiences w i t h t h e c h a p t e r .
Happy HMAC!
Do’t compare your life to others. You have no idea what their journey is all about.
Program STOPlight: Collegiate Transition Taskforce Month by Eryka M. Robinson Shirley M. Johnson President Eryka Robinson 1st Vice-President Keesha Bone-Smith 2nd Vice-President Candra O. Lacy Corresponding Secretary Karen Jackson Recording Secretary Patricia Allison Financial Secretary Elizabeth Humphrey Ja’Milla K. Lomas Assistant Financial Secretaries Sherri L. Daniels Treasurer Mary Kaye Childs-Henry Chaplain Jacquelyn Blossom Delta Internal Development Cassandra Brooks Historian Pamela Cashaw Journalist Gloria Hays Keeper of Properties Barbara Branch Parliamentarian Victoria Lackey Cynthia Larkin Sergeants-at-Arms Chemene Jackson Webmaster
February was Collegiate Transition Taskforce month. On February 18th, we celebrated by having our first “Chat n Chew” with the collegiates. Membership Services invited the visiting members of Delta Gamma (Texas Southern University) to join us for lunch after chapter meeting. Alumnae sorors shared their experiences transitioning from a collegiate chapter to an alumnae chapter and the collegiate sorors asked questions of the alumnae sorors. A huge thanks to Sorors Candra Lacy, Lindsay Seymour, Brianna Wasson, Gloria Davis and Soror President Shirley Johnson for sharing their wisdom and knowledge with the collegiates. Delta Gamma shared that the “Chat n Chew” was a valuable experience for them. Check out the pictures from the event.
with CTT! Detour to Grace and “Hatred stirreth up strife: but love covereth all sins.” Proverbs 10:12 The work we do as women of Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. is inspired by love. Our work is so important, so life-changing, so powerful that we should be hard pressed find room for hatred, confusion and disdain in our hearts. If we claim to walk with God, let us walk in love, for it is love that makes us the force that we are. Dear Lord, we are grateful for your everlasting love. We pray that the love you’ve shown us is exemplified in our daily walk and talk as Deltas and as representatives of You. Amen.
Prayer Requests Please keep the following members and their families in pray er: Bettye J. Booker Family Bettye Zachery Cynthia Jones Doris Price Linda Shankle Tawana Muhammad Valerie Deese Family Victoria Lackey Vivian Vincent Zoia Jones March Birthdays * Marna Arvie Nikita Buskey-Davis Norma J. Cooper Michelle Elijah Sandra Finger
Valencia Fletcher Ahmesha Graham Brenda Jefferson Frankie Long Natasha Martinez Jan Matthews Cydnee Merriweater Ava McFarland Sharon Moore Willie Alfreda Oates-Hill Doris L. Price Berdine Randle Lindsay Seymour * Please contact Eryka M. Robinson, 1st Vice President and Membership Services Chair for corrections or additions.
The Torch Contributors Candra O. Lacy, Editor-In-Chief Cassandra Brooks, Photographer Pamela Cashaw, Journalist
March Contributors MaryKaye Childs-Henry, Sherri Daniels, Sonika Kwarteng, Shirley M. Johnson, Eryka Robinson, and Donna Scott and all announcing committees.
On Saturday, February 18th we celebrated the month of love by giving our Delta Caregivers gifts for all that they do to take care of their love ones. They are Sorors Jacqueline Bostic, Dannie Simmons, Mary Kay Childs-Henry, Donna Scott, Pamela Cashaw, Maureen Gordon, Constance LuckyWilson, Jewell Le Lu Davis-Lomas, Cynthia Jones, Victoria Lackey, Grace Macklin, Karolyn Williams, Jacquelyn Blossom, and Barbara Demazeliere Mouton. We also celebrated Black History Month by honoring our own Black History Violet, Soror Grace Macklin. Soror Macklin was chosen for her service to the community and for the numerous positions she’s held in Houston Metropolitan Alumnae. She received a standing ovation from sorors as she was presented with a dozen of roses. We salute Soror Macklin for her commitment to the community and especially her dedication to HMAC. Thank you! Membership Services would like to thank Dr. Brenda Washington for preparing and sharing her treats
MEMBERSHIP DUES The Finance Team is accepting dues for the 2017-2018 fiscal year. Annual chapter and Grand Chapter dues and fees for the upcoming/ensuing fiscal year are payable January 1, 2017 through March 31, 2017 without incurring a late fee of $5. Golden Life and Diamond Life member dues are $240, and never incur late or reinstatement fees. Regular member dues are $365, and are subject to late or reinstatement fees. HMAC's deadline will be March 24, 2017 to allow processing time to meet Grand Chapter's March 31, 2017 deadline. Dues paid between April 1, 2017 to June 30, 2017 should include the late fee of $5 (i.e. $370 for Regular members). HMAC's deadline will be June 23, 2017 to allow processing time to meet Grand Chapter's June 30, 2017 deadline. Reinstatement fee of $15 (i.e. $380 for Regular members) is due for 2017-2018 if you were not financial for the 2016-2017 fiscal year. Reinstatement fee of $25 (i.e. $390 for Regular members) is due if you have not been financial for two or more fiscal years.
(pecan pie, chocolate cake, key lime cheesecake, carrot cake and ice cream!) with HMAC after chapter meeting in February. She is truly a Delta sweetheart for helping us to celebrate a belated Valentines’ Day! Monthly Jewel: Justice is the respectful observance of all that is fair and equitable in human relations. Write a letter to your State/US Representatives or Senators explaining any injustices you have experienced or are aware of. Attend a Town Hall meeting with a soror or sorors. Future Membership Services Updates If you have any questions or concerns about any of the Membership Services projects or activities or if you want more information on how to join this committee, contact Eryka M. Robinson, 1st Vice President & Membership Services Chair at for details about these items.
Please complete the "Annual Membership Dues Renewal FY 2017-2018" form and place it inside the HMAC payment envelope along with your payment of cash, check, or money order. Forms will be available at the Finance Table. Dues must be paid in full and cannot be divided into installment payments. CREDIT CARD PAYMENTS ACCEPTED VIA PAYPAL To make any payment to the chapter, login to and send money to Please include a brief description of payment purpose in the Memo area. If your payment is for membership dues, you still need to complete the Annual Membership Dues Renewal form. Please contact Soror Sherri L. Daniels for an electronic copy of form at SPECIAL NOTE: Grand Chapter has advised that Local Chapters are to bear the PayPal fees for membership dues only. If you incur a fee associated with membership dues payment, please provide the support to Soror Daniels for reimbursement.
name appears on HMAC sign-in sheets and financial roster. If updates are needed, please login and make them. If assistance is needed with your Sister Portal account, please contact Grand Chapter at (202) 986-2400. VOUCHER REIMBURSEMENTS When submitting vouchers for reimbursement of expenses, if your receipt is an ink generated one (i.e. Walmart), please include original receipt and a copy of the receipt behind the voucher. Due to the fact that ink fades, the copy is needed by Internal Audit for verification purposes during Quarterly Audits. Also, please provide vouchers or notify Soror Daniels of needed reimbursement at the beginning of HMAC meetings. Once the Finance Table is closed, vouchers will need to be provided at the next HMAC meeting. of needed reimbursement at the beginning of HMAC meetings. Once the Finance Table is closed, vouchers will need to be provided at the next HMAC meeting. - Y ou r
F a i th fu l
F in a n c e
Te a m
NAME CHANGES Your profile in the Sister Portal of the National website dictates how your 3
Place Postage Here
Houston Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter Post Office Box 56108 Houston, Texas 77256-6108
The Houston Metropolitan Alumnae Chapter (HMAC) was charted by Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, Inc. in October of 1974. Since its inception, HMAC has been actively involved in supporting national and local service agencies, all while sponsoring and presenting community workshops, awareness forums and health fairs. HMAC members and partners have provided over $700,000 in scholarships, directly benefitting the youth of the Greater Houston area. If you or your company/organization are interested in joining our community efforts, visit us at to learn how.
One Heart! One Purpose! Southwest!
March 2017 Hostess Assignments The following sorors will host the March meetings. Please see your lead to plan and coordinate this assignment.
EXECUTIVE BOARD MEETING Ava McFarland Daphne Moss Stephanie Adams CHAPTER MEETING Jacqueline Moton
Barbara Mouton Tawana Muhmmad Ella Newson Willie Oates-Hill Johnanna Overstreet Julia Patterson Dawn Paul
Melba Shaw Doris Price Paulette Prince Jalisa Ray DyMisha Richardson Akwete Riley Darlene Robinson
Committee Crossroads: Announcements & Updates Committee Kudos!
Foundation. Your vision inspires our kids!
Congratulations and Thank You to the members of the Carnivale Mystique Committee, their sponsors and their supporters. The event took our Mardi Gras Celebration to new heights and we look forward to a bigger and better event in 2018! Special thanks to event chair Grace Macklin and Delta Education and Charitable
Going for Gold! Congratulations to the Economic Development committee as winners of the 5-Point Programmatic Thrust Impact Award in Economic Development for their Journey to Financial Freedom Program (dFree and 52-Week Savings Challenge). Thank you to the committee chairs (Mary Kaye Childs-Henry, Donna Scott and April Inman) and the hardworking committee for your efforts!
May Week
Debutante Ball Attention…DEBUTANTE SEASON…Get Set…Ready…Go !!! It’s time to start your recruiting efforts to gather young ladies who are interested in the 2017-2018 Debutante Ball Season. The young ladies must be graduating high school seniors (2018), or college students, no older than 20 years old. Our first committee meeting is Thursday, March 9th at 6:30 PM, and the first parent interest meeting will be held in April. If you know of any prospective debutantes, please email their information to Daphne Moss at or Ava McFarland @
Physical & Mental Health The Physical and Mental Health Committee is excited to announce that HMAC will participate in the Sisters Network’s 8th Annual Stop the Silence 5k Walk/Run on Saturday, April 8th, 2017 with a VIRTUAL TEAM! Sisters Network is one of our Project 13 Partners as outlined by Grand Chapter, so your financial contributions are needed! A portion of the funds raised from this event will benefit Sisters Network Inc. Breast Cancer Assistance Program (BCAP). Registration is $35. Please make your donation at and look for Team HMAC-DST. Let’s go, #TeamHMAC!
The May Week Committee needs your help! The Committee is seeking a Title One school that may benefit from the Walk in My Shoes Campaign. Shoes will be donated in April or May, culminating with the May Week activities. If you are an educator at a Title One School and have a good rapport with the staff and can help students in the school who need shoes, then you are the person we need to meet. Email Victoria Lackey at or Soror Daphne Moss, or Cynthia Larkin. Worship Service If you are a member of a Methodist church and would like the Chapter to visit, please submit the following information in writing by emailing Cynthia Larkin, Daphne Moss or Vickie Lackey. You must be a member of that church, the church must have a scholarship fund, adequate and designated seating at the church, and available parking. The deadline to submit the above information is Thursday, March 23, 2017.
Nominations The call for nominations application deadline for all elected leadership positions in the chapter are due electronically AND postmarked via the US postal service by Saturday, March 18th. DO NOT DELAY. All qualified sorors are encouraged to submit an application. Please contact committee chair Courtney Smith at 713-443-3314 or for more details or to request an application.