Will and the Waste Monster

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Š Sarah Banning, HMC DFF 2014. All rights reserved. No part of this presentation may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy or any information storage and retrieval system without express permission from Sarah Banning and HMC DFF.


As architects, planners, and designers,

Colleagues Pablo La Roche, Eera

We know that adults often are more

we have the opportunity to design

Babtiwale, and Sandy Kate discussed

receptive to a child’s suggestions, than to

sustainable structures and environments,

how to take their efforts to create a

another adult’s, to change their daily habits.

but many of us have come to realize that

sustainable world beyond architecture.

We also know that behaviors are set when

a comprehensive, positive impact on

They saw a great opportunity to plant a

we are young, and bad habits and behavior

our environment requires a major shift

seed for behavioral and cultural change

are harder to break as adults. Our hope

in our society’s behavior and culture.

within children, the future caretakers of

is to ignite a chain reaction, as each child

We can include features such as natural

our environment. Pablo, Eera and Sandy

encourages a change in four other people,

ventilation systems, photovoltaics, natural

wished to ignite in young children a passion

and then those four pass the message and

lighting opportunities, efficient plumbing

to treasure and care for our planet. They

urgency on to four others. The message

fixtures, and native landscaping in our

hoped that the children would share their

and the passion for sustainability will

man-made environments; but often, the

concern with their families, friends, and

grow to thousands, and a new culture of

building occupants, without realizing it, fail

teachers, and even encourage community

environmental stewardship will take hold.

to correctly use or embrace these green

businesses to change wasteful and careless

Let’s inspire our children to bring about

strategies. Instead, they continue wasteful

habits — such as letting water run when it is



not needed, wasting paper, or leaving lights on in unoccupied rooms.


To pursue a quest for a greener planet,

The HMC Designing Futures Foundation,

All energy and water data in this book is

To download these USGBC award-

Pablo, Eera, Eric and Sandy wrote a

in partnership with McKinley Elementary

referenced from EPA Water Trivia Facts,

winning interactive workshop outlines and

grant request to HMC’s Designing Futures

School staff, created informative

2014; EPA Water Sense Kids; ARCH

other educational activities focusing on

Foundation for funds to partner with

workshops for elementary schools,

2030 Inc., 2015; Energy Kids- US Energy

sustainability, go to:

the staff at McKinley Elementary School

along with this children’s story, to explain

Information Administration; EPA Energy

and the Santa Monica Malibu School

concepts of our natural environment

Star Kids.

District. The partnership would develop a

and how humans impact it. While the

series of children’s interactive workshops

workshops include many basic science

Since launching this project in

and discussions that provide a deeper

concepts and align with the content in the

collaboration with McKinley Elementary

understanding and concern for our planet’s

Common Core Curriculum adopted by

School in SMMSD, the HMC Architects

natural resources and concepts such

most states for curriculum standards, the

team has shared the project with multiple

as energy, water use, and waste. While

team felt it was most important to inform

school districts throughout California

elementary schools teach the scientific

students of the consequences of human

including Corona-Norco USD, Walnut

concept of energy and the natural water

behavior on our planet, emphasizing that

Valley USD, Etiwanda SD, Claremont

cycle, the lessons may not include how our

they have the power to make a positive

USD, Cucamonga SD, and Escondido

use of certain types of energy, water, or

difference. The goal was to empower our

Union School District. The project was

other resources relates to our daily actions

youth to change the direction in which our

honored with the USGBC Malcolm Lewis

and continually impacts our environment.

global environment is heading.

Impact Award.



SARAH BANNING Sarah is an artist, illustrator, and graduate of California State University, Fullerton with a BFA in animation and an incredible ability to make important concepts come to life with her creative characters. Sarah is currently pursuing freelance illustration work while she completes her first graphic novel. Sarah partnered with Richard Jefferies, a graphic designer and webmaster to create the pages for this story.

PABLO LA ROCHE PhD Pablo is a professor of Architecture at Cal Poly Pomona, Interim Director of the Lyle Center for Regenerative Studies and Associate Vice President & Sustainable Design Leader at CallisonRTKL. His teaching, practice, and research are dedicated to the design of buildings integrated with the environment that reduce our impact on climate change. He has taught, consulted and published extensively, recently chairing the 2016 Passive Low Energy Architecture (PLEA) conference in Los Angeles and authoring the second edition of his book “Carbon-Neutral Architectural Design.”

EERA BABTIWALE HMC DESIGNING FUTURES FOUNDATION For the past 70 years HMC Architects has built schools, hospitals, and civic and cultural facilities where students learn, patients heal, and communities unite. HMC’s commitment to building community goes beyond architecture. In 2009, HMC founded the Designing Futures Foundation (DFF), a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization as a way to positively impact the communities in which HMC operates and our employees live and work. The mission of the DFF is to build a better world by investing in social causes that align with the firm’s core values: architecture and design, education, sustainability, and livable communities. Through HMC’s social innovation initiatives, corporate giving, the HMC Designing Futures Foundation, community partnerships, employee volunteerism, pro bono design services, in kind donations, and responsible business practices, HMC is building a better world for future generations.

SANTA MONICA MALIBU UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District (SMMUSD) is headquartered in Santa Monica, California, west of Los Angeles, serving the cities of Santa Monica and Malibu. SMMUSD is committed to providing high quality public education to every student in the district. SMMUSD is well-situated in two communities known for their exceptional commitment to sustainability. McKinley Elementary School is a Title I school serving 500 enthusiastic students in transitional kindergarten through grade 5 and 60 children in a preschool program in the SMMUSD. The school has dedicated staff who are committed to creating a sustainable culture for their school.

With strong design skills and passionate environmental awareness, Eera Babtiwale has delivered numerous building projects that are functional, creative, and sustainable. She is passionate about designing a better future for our next generation of environmental stewards by using architectural design as a means of teaching and inspiring them. As Vice President of Sustainability at HMC she is dedicated to the research and development of advancing high-performance architecture that supports the health and well being of occupants at every age. Eera sits on the board of the United States Green Building Council, Inland Empire Branch.

SANDY KATE Sandy is an associate principal at HMC and has specialized in the planning and designing of educational facilities throughout the U.S. for more than 35 years. She strongly believes that environments can support, encourage, inspire, and even hug children – improving the quality of the experience in the spaces where they learn and grow. It is this belief that drives her passion for creating learning environments for and with children.

ERIC CARBONNIER PhD Eric is an architect and Vice President of Sustainability at HMC Architects focused on energy conservation strategies leading to zero-net energy architecture. Eric’s doctoral research studied high-performance windows using photothermal efficient nanofluids to transform windows into transparent generators. He was a Graduate Teaching Fellow at the University of Oregon instructing design studios, technical courses, and engaged in R&D efforts with the Energy Studies in Buildings Laboratory (ESBL). Eric’s sustainable design initiatives resonate throughout his career, and has collaborated on numerous high performance designs and award winning projects.

ISBN 978-0-692-38592-0


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