ABRAMS Spring 2011 Catalog

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SPRING 2011 2 Abrams Abrams ComicArts

44 Stewart, Tabori & Chang STC Craft | Melanie Falick Books

72 Abrams Image 88 Distributions 5 Continents Editions


Booth-Clibborn Editions


Royal Academy of Arts Publications 98 Tate Publishing 103 V&A Publishing 108

120 ABRAMS Calendars 130 Also of Interest Photography and Art Credits


Category Index of New Titles 142 Index of New Titles 143 Information to the Trade


The little black dress was born from an idea of Coco Chanel’s in 1926, and rechristened the “Ford dress” by US Vogue. And just like Henry Ford’s Model T, the LBD instantly became the epitome of an elegant and modern simplicity. Chanel was well aware of its poise: when rival couturier Paul Poiret teased her by asking “Madame, for whom are you in mourning?,” she replied smartly: “For you, monsieur!”


z Abrams

Fashion Box ■

By A n to n i o M A n c i n e l l i

s e lling points ■ A complete overview of the key moments and styles that have defined fashion from the 1950s to present ■ Features Audrey Hepburn, Marilyn Monroe, Sarah Jessica Parker, Brigitte Bardot, and many more fashion icons ■ In an attractive box format with a magnetic closure: the perfect gift for any fashionista

s pecifications 250 color photographs 480 pages, 6⅝ × 8⅝" Hardcover with flaps, magnetic closure RIGHTS: NortH AMerIcA PUB MONTH: FeBrUAry FASHIoN

From Natalie Wood and capris to Audrey Hepburn and the little black dress, 16 essential wardrobe items and the women who wore them


he miniskirt. A crisp, white button-down shirt. The enigmatic trench coat. All key wardrobe pieces

that are accessible and never lose their appeal. Fashion

Box, in the appealing format of the successful Photo:Box, celebrates 16 of these essential items and showcases

ISBN 978-0-8109-9754-7 ISBN$29.95 978-0810997547 US CAN $35.95


9 780810 997547

Features special binding with magnetic closure

photographs of the iconic women who wore them well: Marilyn Monroe and jeans. Ursula Andress and the

also aVail aB le

bikini. Grace Kelly and the twinset. Also included are the celebrities who continue to reinterpret and redefine these classics today, among them Angelina Jolie, Sarah Jessica Parker, and Scarlett Johansson. Practical as well as entertaining, this book offers tips and inspiration for dressing with effortless style.


Antonio Mancinelli is an editor at Italian Marie Claire, and has worked for several fashion magazines, including Vogue Italia, Max, Maxim, Elle, and Vanity Fair.

z Abrams

ISBN 978-0-8109-8435-6 ISBN$29.95 978-0810984356 US CAN $38.95


9 780810 984356



Graphic Style F R o M V I c to R I A N to N e w c e N t U Ry ■

By S t e v e n H e l l e r A n d S e y M o u r c H wA S t

s e lling point

A new, updated edition of the bible of graphic design styles, by two giants in the field

■ Graphic Style has been the essential resource for designers since its original publication in 1988

“A very impressive undertaking. Heller and Chwast know their subject, and they present it simply and winningly . . . a treasure trove of visual riches.” —Print Magazine "A fascinating visual compendium."

s pecifications

—New York Times

700 illustrations 280 pages, 8¾ × 11½" Paperback RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: FeBrUAry GrAPHIc deSIGN ISBN 978-0-8109-9791-2 ISBN$29.95 978-0810997912 US CAN $35.95


9 780810 997912


his visual survey of graphic design styles through the ages is an essential resource for designers, art

and design students, and art lovers. With more than 700 illustrations, it is the only wide-ranging history of graphic design to be completely visual, and many readers treasure it for its amazing trove of images. This new edition has been brought completely up to date, with sections devoted to styles of the twenty-first century, including the

widely popular Street Art and Hand Lettering movements. Graphic Style, says Studio Magazine, “should be on the

also aVail aB le

shelf of every serious designer/illustrator.” Steven Heller is a historian and critic of graphic design. He is the author, coauthor, or editor of more than 130 books on design and popular culture. The recipient of the 1999 AIGA Medal for Lifetime Achievement, he lives in New York City. Seymour chwast is a cofounder and

Illustration ISBN 978-0-8109-7284-1 ISBN$40.00 978-0810972841 US CAN $44.00


9 780810 972841



now the director of the Pushpin Group, an internationally acclaimed design firm. His award-winning illustrations and designs have been used in advertising and posters as well as in 30 books for children.

z Abrams

Human Anatomy A V I S UA l H I S to Ry F R o M t H e R e N A I S S A N c e to t H e D I G I tA l AG e ■

By B e n jA M i n A . r i f k i n A n d M i c H A e l j . Ac k e r M A n

B i o g r A p H i e S By j u d i t H f o l k e n B e r g

Now in a new format!

For the artist and general science reader—the human body revealed

s e lling points ■ A chronological survey from the Renaissance to today, of the portrayal of human anatomy ■ the perfect reference for artists, art students, medical professionals, and readers of general science ■ A superb compendium of historical anatomical images

s pecifications 276 color illustrations 344 pages, 6 × 9" Flexibind RIGHTS: US ANd cANAdA PUB MONTH: FeBrUAry


Art • ScIeNce raised by Nature (“stunning”), the London Times (“remarkable”), and the Guardian (“mesmeric”),

this lavishly illustrated book chronicles the remarkable

history of anatomical illustration. Before the invention of photography, artists played an essential role in medical

ISBN 978-0-8109-9798-1 ISBN$16.95 978-0810997981 US CAN $19.95


9 780810 997981

science, recording human anatomy in startlingly direct and often moving images. Over 400 years, beginning with Vesalius, they charted the main systems of the body, made precise studies of living organs, documented embryonic development, and described pathologies. Human Anatomy includes portfolios of the work of 19 great anatomical artists, with concise biographies, and culminates with the Visible Human Project, which uses digital tools to visualize the human body. Benjamin A. rifkin is an art historian with a keen interest in scientific illustration. Michael J. Ackerman is a biomedical engineer and a pioneer in the field of medical informatics. He was the primary developer of the initial concept for the Visible Human Project, and has received numerous science awards. Judith Folkenberg is a freelance writer and book artist who binds and makes books by hand.

z Abrams



E d I T E d BY A l E x S T E f f E N

I N T r o d u C T I o N BY B I l l M c K I B B E N

d E S I g N BY S Ag M E I S T E r I N C .


ive years after the initial publication of

Worldchanging, the landscape of environmen-

talism and sustainability has changed dramatically.

The average reader is now well-versed—even inundated—with green lifestyle advice. In 2011, green is the starting point, not the destination. This second edition of the bestselling book is extensively revised to include the latest trends, technologies, and solutions in sustainable living. More than 160 new entries include up-to-the-minute information on the locavore movement, carbon-neutral homes, novel transportation solutions, the growing trend of ecotourism, the concept of food justice, and much more. Additional new sections focus on the role of cities as the catalyst for change in our society. With 50 percent new content, this overhauled edition incorporates the most recent studies and projects being implemented worldwide. The result is a guided tour through the most exciting new tools, models, and ideas for building a better future. Alex Steffen is the cofounder of WorldChanging.com, one of the world’s leading sustainability-related publications. Steffen makes regular speaking appearances at multinational corporations like Nike, Yahoo!, and Amazon. He is a leading voice in planetary futurism and has inspired over 600 stories in the media, including a CNN documentary. Bill McKibben is an environmentalist and the author of The End of Nature and Eaarth: Making a Life on a Tough New Planet. Time magazine has called him “the world’s best green journalist.”



z Abrams


UPDATED A complete overhaul of the bestselling book with the latest information on the movement for global change














s e lling points ■ A guided tour through the most exciting new tools, models, and ideas for building a better future ■ Up-to-the-minute information on everything from embracing a post-ownership mentality, to localizing health care and designing a climate-friendly diet ■ 50 percent revision, with new chapters that explore the latest studies, trends, and solutions ■ Author Alex Steffen is recognized internationally as a leading thinker on green design and technology ■ National author speaking and media tour

s pecifications 300 color illustrations 600 pages, 6⅝ × 9½" Paperback RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: MArch ENvIroNMENt • NAtUrE • ScIENcE ISBN 978-0-8109-9746-2 ISBN$24.95 978-0810997462 US CAN $29.95


9 780810 997462

“From the time he stepped on the field, I watched him.” —Phil Rizzuto “You know he’s going to be calm. Everyone sees that and it makes them calm, too.” —Reggie Jackson “How can I ever dog Derek Jeter? It’s impossible.” —Alex Rodriguez “Thank God Jete was there.” —Shane Spencer “There’s no better job.” —Derek Jeter


z Abrams

Derek Jeter F R o M t H e PAG e S o F t H e N e w Yo r k T i M e S ■

i n t r o d u c t i o n By t y l e r k e p n e r

A lavishly illustrated you-are-there account of Derek Jeter’s memorable career with the New York Yankees from the pages of the New York Times

s e lling points ■ A living legend, Jeter is admired not just by yankee fans, but by baseball fans the world over ■ Draws on the superb sports photography and reporting of the New York Times ■ Major promotion planned throughout the baseball season, including opening Day and Father’s Day

s pecifications 100 color photographs 224 pages, 8¼ × 10⅞" Hardcover with jacket


RIGHTS: World erek Jeter is a sports hero in the tradition of Ruth,


Gehrig, DiMaggio, and Mantle. Admired for his


leadership, performance under pressure, and work ethic,

Jeter is the face of the New York Yankees. He is also a

also aVail aB le

ISBN 978-0-8109-9656-4 ISBN$29.95 978-0810996564 US CAN $35.95


quintessentially modern star, appealing to baseball’s diverse audience, savvy about dealing with the press,

9 780810 996564

and publicly enjoying the fruits of his celebrity. Derek Jeter draws upon more than 5,000 news articles and features from the New York Times by the paper’s superb sports reporters and columnists, including Dave Anderson, Jack Curry, Buster Olney, and George Vecsey, as well as Tyler Kepner, who has written the introduction. This book is filled with entertaining

101 Reasons to Love the Yankees (Revised) ISBN 978-1-58479-715-9 ISBN$14.95 978-1584797159 US CAN $16.95


stories, penetrating insights, and colorful voices: not only Jeter himself, but also George Steinbrenner, Joe Torre, Alex Rodriguez, and a host of players, past and present.

9 781584 797159

In words and photographs, it covers Jeter’s rise, his style of play, his best moments on (and off) the field, his character as a teammate and a leader, and his place in Yankee history. tyler Kepner is the national baseball reporter for the New York Times. From 2002 to 2009, he reported on the Yankees for the paper, and for two years before that he covered the New York Mets. He lives in Connecticut.

z Abrams

New York Yankees 365 ISBN 978-0-8109-8261-1 ISBN$29.95 978-0810982611 US CAN $38.95


9 780810 982611




z Abrams

MM—Personal F R o M t H e P R I VAt e A R c H I V e o F M A R I ly N M o N R o e ■

By lo i S B A n n e r

p H oto g r A p H S By M A r k A n d e r S o n

s e lling points ■ An unprecedented look at the private life of Marilyn Monroe

A historically groundbreaking collection of artifacts from Marilyn Monroe’s private archive, thought lost since 1962, never before revealed to the public and now in one place

■ Marilyn Monroe remains one of the most recognizable female celebrities of all time, with her image appearing globally and with a huge, dedicated fan base ■ the story of the archive and images from it were first featured as a Vanity Fair cover story in october 2008

s pecifications 310 color photographs 336 pages, 8 × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: MArcH FASHIoN • FIlM • BIoGrAPHy


arilyn Monroe is our supreme icon of glamour,

ISBN 978-0-8109-9587-1

vulnerability, and the quintessential American


dream, and her legend continues to grow four decades

after her death. MM—Personal is a new look behind the

ISBN$35.00 978-0810995871 US CAN $42.00

9 780810 995871

veil of that legend, reproducing the most fascinating relics from her private archive—once thought to have been lost and never before revealed to the public—to clarify, qualify, or reverse many common conceptions about the “blond bombshell.” Selected from more than 10,000 largely unseen and heretofore unpublished items from Marilyn’s own file cabinets, these documents, snapshots, letters, memorabilia, and ephemera reveal shades of her genius that have never before been fully understood. lois Banner is professor of history and gender studies at USC. She is the author of numerous biographies and studies of women, including the classic American Beauty. Mark Anderson is an internationally known editorial and commercial photographer. He has contributed to Vanity Fair, Elle, Esquire, and Vogue.

z Abrams



the Plucker A N I l lU S t R At e D N oV e l By B R o M

Now available in paperback, with eight new pages of art and a new afterword by Brom s e lling points ■ Brom is a legend in the sci-fi/ fantasy community ■ the marketplace has been waiting for a paperback edition of this dark fantasy ■ Brom’s work has been featured in books, games, and films, including tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow, as well as a line of Brom fetish toys from Fewture and a series of bronzes from the Franklin Mint

s pecifications 96 color illustrations 160 pages, 9½ × 11½" Flexibind RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: MArcH FANtASy ISBN 978-0-8109-9602-1 ISBN$19.95 978-0810996021 US CAN $23.95



he Plucker, now updated with new art and an afterword from world-renowned dark fantasy artist

Brom, is a window into a world where fairy-tale tradition

9 780810 996021

collides with vileness and depravity, love and heroism, suffering and sacrifice. In this shadowy land of makebelieve, Jack and his box are stuck beneath the bed with the dust, spiders, and other castaway toys, and forced to face a bitter truth: Children grow up, and toys are left behind. Jack thinks this is the worst fate that can befall a toy. But when the Plucker, a malevolent spirit, is set loose upon the world of make-believe, Jack is thrust into the

also aVail aB le

unlikely role of defending Thomas, the very child who abandoned him, and learns that there are worse ends for a toy than abandonment. As desperation mounts, Jack is thrown together with Thomas’s other toys—Monkey, the Nutcracker, and the ethereally beautiful porcelain doll Snow Angel—as they struggle to rise above their simple roles as playthings and save the boy they love.

The Devil’s Rose ISBN 978-0-8109-9353-2 ISBN$22.95 978-0810993532 US CAN $27.95


9 780810 993532



Brom is the world-renowned illustrator whose vision has graced a wide range of fantasy and sci-fi fiction, games, and films, including Tim Burton’s Sleepy Hollow.

z Abrams

Extraordinary Pigs ■


A celebration of all things pig! S E LLING POINTS ■ Stephen Green-Armytage, author of the successful Extraordinary Chickens, brings his barnyard savoir faire to the pigpen ■ Features different breeds from all over the world ■ They’re adorable!

S PECIFICATIONS 120 color photographs 112 pages, 9 × 10" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: MARCH NATURE • PHOTOGRAPHY ISBN 978-0-8109-9742-4 ISBN$24.95 978-0810997424 US CAN $29.95



rom the author of Extraordinary Chickens comes the latest extraordinary animal—the pig. One of the

9 780810 997424

6-copy counter pack

most intelligent animals on earth, the pig is a fascinating

ISBN 978-0-8109-9836-0

creature with an abundance of personality. Photographer

ISBN-13: 978-0-8109-9836-0 US $149.70 CAN $179.70 14970

Stephen Green-Armytage captures these lively and energetic animals as they play and forage on the farm,

9 780810 998360

prance around in the show ring, or strut across a studio backdrop.


Extraordinary Pigs displays an enormous variety of swine, 38 in total, including tiny Kunekunes, wrinkled Meishans, spotted Gloucester Old Spots, curly-coated Mangalitzas, wild boars, and some miniatures, which are highly prized as pets. Breeds from around the world are featured here—from the United States, England, Wales, Austria, Belgium, Hungary, New Zealand, China, Vietnam, Africa, Indonesia, and the Philippines.

Extraordinary Chickens ISBN 978-0-8109-9065-4 ISBN$12.95 978-0810990654 US CAN $16.95


Stephen Green-Armytage is the author of Abrams’ Extraordinary series of books on chickens, pheasants, and pigeons, and his photographs have appeared in such magazines as Sports Illustrated, LIFE, Fortune, and Smithsonian. His chicken photographs are the subject of a popular series of calendars.

9 780810 990654

Extra Extraordinary Chickens ISBN 978-0-8109-5924-8 ISBN$24.95 978-0810959248 US CAN $34.95


9 780810 959248

z Abrams



The Mahler Album N e w, e x PA N d e d e d I T I o N ■

By G i l B e r t K a p l a n

s e lling points ■ 2011 is the 100th anniversary of Mahler’s death; 2010 marked the 150th anniversary of his birth ■ Symphonies all over the world will be celebrating these

A celebration of the 150th anniversary of composer and conductor Gustav Mahler’s birth

anniversaries with Mahler performances

pe rformance scHe DUle Sampling of upcoming Mahler events in the US/UK New York, Oct 17–24, 2010 Valery Gergiev conducts a Mahler cycle with the Mariinsky Orchestra at Carnegie Hall. london, Sept 22, 2010–Oct 9, 2011 Mahler Anniversary Celebration at

“Exquisitely designed and printed, the book is greater than the sum of its

Southbank Centre; 27 concerts in 14

parts. Taken together, the pictures offer a perspective of Mahler that is rounder


and richer than any biographer has provided.” —Daily Telegraph, London

los angeles, Jan 13–15, 2011 Gustavo Dudamel conducts Mahler’s Ninth Symphony with the LA Philharmonic and a full cycle of Mahler is planned for 2011–2012. New York, Mar 25, 2011


he Mahler Album is the definitive collection of all known photographs of the legendary composer and

conductor Gustav Mahler (1860–1911). Mahler broke new

ground in both composition and conducting, and today

Gilbert Kaplan lecture at

his music is more popular than ever. Selected by Gilbert

Metropolitan Museum of Art

Kaplan, a renowned expert, the beautifully reproduced

Boulder, colorado, May 18–23, 2011

images are enhanced by photographs of Mahler’s family,

Annual MahlerFest XXIII

his homes, the opera houses in which he worked—including the Metropolitan Opera in New York—and by a rich selection of drawings, paintings, and sculpture.

s pecifications

This expanded edition, published to celebrate

345 color and black-and-white

the 150th anniversary of Mahler’s birth (and the 100th


anniversary of his death), presents newly discovered

340 pages, 9 × 10⅝"

photographs and works of art, and a selection of colorful

Hardcover with jacket

postage stamps featuring Mahler. Informative captions


ISBN$50.00 978-0810998339 US CAN $60.00


9 780810 998339

Founder of Institutional Investor magazine, Gilbert Kaplan is one of the foremost authorities on Mahler. He

ISBN 978-0-8109-9833-9


and revealing commentary provide historical background.


has written and lectured extensively on Mahler, and as a conductor, he has led more than 50 orchestras around the world in acclaimed performances of the Second Symphony.

z Abrams

Birds of the world 3 6 5 dAyS ■

By p h i l i p p e J . D u B o i s

For the 40 million bird-watchers worldwide— an exploration of the daily lives of birds from all over the world

s e lling points ■ Illustrated with beautiful pictures by some of the best avian photographers working around the world ■ Global selection of species organized by season ■ Books on birds are perennially popular ■ New addition to bestselling 365 series

s pecifications 365 color photographs 744 pages, 9 × 6" Hardcover RIGHTS: World ENGlISH PUB MONTH: MarcH NatUrE ISBN 978-0-8109-9613-7 ISBN$29.95 978-0810996137 US CAN $34.95



irds of the World: 365 Days gives this perennially

9 780810 996137

popular subject the 365 treatment: ornithologist

and conservationist Philippe J. Dubois presents a “day in the life” of a year’s worth of species from five continents.

The stunning images of birds in action, taken by some of the best avian photographers in the world, illustrate the text beautifully. The birds represented here are a truly global group,

also avail ab le

including passerines, waterfowl, raptors, and everything in between. In addition to scientific information, Dubois gives insight into the bird’s cultural significance, whether it is regarded by its human neighbors as a pest or a blessing. An engineer, environmentalist, and ornithologist, Philippe J. dubois is responsible for the French League for the Protection of Birds (LPO), and he also studies the consequences of climate change on birds. He lives in France.

Fifty Places to Go Birding Before You Die ISBN 978-1-58479-629-9 ISBN$24.95 978-1584796299 US CAN $29.95


9 781584 796299

z Abrams



Wisdom WIth thRee NeW INteRvIeWS ■

A deeply revealing portrait of the common experiences that unite generations

By A n d r e w Z u c k e r m A n

s e lling points ■ Includes three new interviews: Yoko Ono, Jeanne Moreau, and helmut Jahn ■ Unique passcode gives readers access to a documentary film and exclusive behind-the-scenes footage

s pecifications 120 color photographs 216 pages, 12 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World ENglISH ExclUdINg AUStrAlIA, NEW ZEAlANd, SoUtH AfrIcA PUB MONTH: MArcH PHotogrAPHy

ISBN 978-0-8109-9777-6 ISBN$50.00 978-0810997776 US CAN $60.00


9 780810 997776


nspired by the idea that one of the greatest gifts one generation can give to another is the wisdom it has

gained from experience, multi-award-winning photogra-

also aVail aB le Music ISBN 978-0-8109-9652-6 ISBN$50.00 978-0810996526 US CAN $60.00


pher and filmmaker Andrew Zuckerman has recorded the thoughts and ideas of more than fifty of the world’s most prominent writers, artists, designers, actors, politicians, musicians, and religious and business leaders—all over sixty-five years old, from Nelson Mandela to Vanessa Redgrave. To create profound, honest, and truly revealing

9 780810 996526

Wis dom minis

portraits of these luminaries, Zuckerman has captured their

US $16.95

voices, their physical presence, and their written words.

CAN $21.95 All

Wisdom: Ideas ISBN 978-0810984387 ISBN 978-0-8109-8438-7 51695 9 780810 984387

exclusive, behind-the-scenes footage. Andrew Zuckerman was born in Washington, DC, in

9 780810 984394

Wisdom: Love ISBN 978-0810984417 ISBN 978-0-8109-8441-7 51695

9 780810 984417

Wisdom: Peace ISBN 978-0810984424 ISBN 978-0-8109-8442-4


9 780810 984424

passcode is also included, which will give readers access to online content, including a documentary film and

Wisdom: Life ISBN 978-0810984394 ISBN 978-0-8109-8439-4 51695


This edition includes three new interviews from Yoko Ono, Jeanne Moreau, and Helmut Jahn. A unique


1977 and spent his teenage years photographing local bands for small magazines. He moved to New York to attend the School of Visual Arts before opening his own studio, where he has created award-winning still-life and portrait photography. In 2006 he cofounded Late Night & Weekends, which has produced the critically acclaimed film High Falls and the feature documentary Still Bill.

z Abrams

“If you could bottle up the been-there, done-that between these pages, you’d have an elixir for the ages.” —American Profile

Gnomes Deluxe collector’s edition ■

By w i l H u yg e n

i n t r o d u c t i o n By B r i A n f r o u d

i l lu S t r At i o n S By r i e n p o o r t v l i e t

s e lling points

The million-copy #1 New York Times bestseller, now in a special deluxe collector’s edition

■ 35th-anniversary edition of this classic ■ Introduction by bestselling author Brian Froud ■ eight removable and framable prints

8 frameaBl

Rien Poortvliet



in ts



s De



■ All-new gnome sketches by

s pecifications 200 color illustrations 8 removable prints 224 pages, 8¼ × 11⅞" Hardcover with jacket


RIGHTS: World he delightful classic Gnomes has been repack-


aged in this exceptional collector’s edition to


celebrate the 35th anniversary of this magical book. The beloved Gnomes was first published in 1976 and the world became enchanted with the simple and diligent ways of these special creatures. Based on Rien Poortvliet

and Wil Huygen’s scientific observation of the local

ISBN 978-0-8109-9846-9 ISBN$29.95 978-0810998469 US CAN $35.95


9 780810 998469

gnome population in Holland, Gnomes covers all areas of gnome culture: architecture, education, courtship, medicine, industry, and relationships with other mythical creatures. Thirty-five years later, this beautifully illustrated book continues to bring joy to readers of all ages. This revised collector’s edition of Gnomes features a new introduction, eight removable prints in a back cover enve-

also aVail aB le

lope, and an all-new signature of never-before-published gnome sketches by artist Rien Poortvliet on distinctive sketchbook paper. rien Poortvliet (1932–1995) was a popular Dutch artist. He illustrated more than twenty books before his death in 1995. The Rien Poortvliet Museum in Middelharnis, Holland, is dedicated to his works. Wil Huygen (1923– 2009) was born in Amersfoort, Holland. He was a physician and children’s author.

Faeries Deluxe Collector’s Edition ISBN 978-0-8109-9586-4 ISBN$29.95 978-0810995864 US CAN $35.95


9 780810 995864

z Abrams



Werner Spies: The Eye and the Word C o l l E C T E d W R I T I N G S o N A R T A N d l I T E R AT u R E , T h E G AG o S I A N E d I T I o N

s e lling points

By W e r n e r S p i e S

Tr anSl aTed By John GaBriel, Michael FoSTer, Michael SuFFil, eT al.

SlipcaSe deSiGned By a n d r e a S G u r S k y

■ Werner Spies is an internationally acclaimed and award-winning curator, critic, and art writer ■ This limited edition is essential for art libraries and museums

s pecifications 10 volumes More than 1,400 color illustrations 4,500 pages, 4⅞ × 8⅜" Hardcover with jacket, slipcased RIGHTS: World eNGlISH PUB MONTH: AprIl Art


he art of the 20th century can be understood fully only from a perspective that ignores boundaries

between countries and continents. Werner Spies (b. 1937), teacher, critic, curator of major international exhibitions,

and close friend to many major artists, has always had

ISBN 978-0-8109-9835-3 ISBN$250.00 978-0810998353 US CAN $300.00


9 780810 998353

an open eye and mind. His critical appraisals of trends in both Europe and the United States continue to stimulate art lovers around the globe. Spies’s collected writings first appeared in German in 2008, and sold out immediately. Now these 10 volumes, beautifully printed with over 1,400 color illustrations and presented in a slipcase designed by Andreas Gursky, are being made available in English for the first time. The subjects addressed include Picasso, Ernst, Pop and Op Art, Surrealism, and much more. In their wealth of detail, and in their reflection of personal encounters and impressions, Spies’s writings constitute an important resource on modern art. Werner Spies, former director of the Musée national d’art moderne, Centre Pompidou, Paris, has authored catalogues raisonnés of major 20th-century artists and conceived and curated major exhibitions. He has published a number of monographs and has written for decades for leading German newspapers. Andreas Gursky is one of the most acclaimed artists at work today.



z Abrams

A must-have resource on 20th-century art by Werner Spies, one of the most acclaimed curators and writers at work today

100 Places to Go Before they Disappear ■

f o r e w o r d By r A n j e d r A k . pAc H Au r i

e S S Ay By d e S M o n d t u t u

s e lling points ■ Includes an essay by Nobel Prize– winning activist Desmond tutu ■ A call to action to defend these vital, unique places on earth ■ An inspiring book for travelers

An international bestseller—a testament to our planet’s fragile beauty

(armchair and otherwise) and environmentalists

s pecifications 100 color photographs 256 pages, 9 × 9" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World eNGlISH


PUB MONTH: APrIl hat would our world look like if the planet’s average temperature were to rise by only a few

degrees? Venice, Bangkok, London, Chicago, and New

York would experience severe flooding. The tea fields of Sri Lanka and the vineyards of France would suffer heat

eNvIroNMeNt • PHotoGrAPHy • cUrreNt eveNtS ISBN 978-1-4197-0003-3 ISBN-13: 978-1-4197-0003-3 US $24.95 CAN $29.95 52495

and drought. Beijing and Timbuktu would be transformed into deserts, and the Great Barrier Reef’s coral colonies

9 781419 700033

would die. The entire nation of Tuvalu would sink into the Pacific Ocean. As plants and animals vital to local ecosystems

also aVail aB le

continue to perish due to climate change, the face of our planet is already being transformed. 100 Places to Go Before They Disappear features the locations on all seven continents in the greatest danger of disappearing within our lifetime. With an essay by Desmond Tutu, this stunning book will inspire travelers and environmentalists to save gorgeous places that might soon be only a memory.

The New Earth from Above: 365 Days

desmond tutu, archbishop emeritus of the Anglican Church of South Africa, received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1984 for his nonviolent struggle against apartheid in his homeland. dr. rajendra K. Pachauri, chairman of the United Nations’ Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), accepted the Noble Peace Prize in 2007 on behalf of the IPCC, along with former Vice President Al Gore.

ISBN 978-0-8109-8461-5 ISBN$29.95 978-0810984615 US CAN $38.95


9 780810 984615

Vanishing World ISBN 978-0-8109-9464-5 ISBN$40.00 978-0810994645 US CAN $48.00


9 780810 994645

z Abrams




z Abrams

How to See Faeries ■

By B r i A n f r o u d A n d j o H n M At t H e w S

Two bestselling authors team up for this interactive book on how to discover faeries wherever you are s e lling points ■ Faerie festivals take place during spring and summer all over the United States, from Maryland to oregon ■ Faerie worlds and Faeriecon sites attract more than 5 million hits and 160,000 unique views per month ■ Brian Froud is signed on as the conceptual designer for the Dark Crystal sequel, The Power of the Dark Crystal ■ John Matthews’s Pirates was on the New York Times bestseller list for 22 weeks

s pecifications 80 color illustrations 80 pages, 8½ × 9¾" Hardcover with lenticular cover, 2 interior lenticulars, 5 flap-andreveals, a booklet, a reflective mirror, and more RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: APrIl


FANtASy nternational bestselling artist Brian Froud and New York

ISBN 978-0-8109-9750-9

Times bestselling author John Matthews come together

for the first time to create a spectacular interactive book

ISBN$24.95 978-0810997509 US CAN $29.95


also aVail aB le

that opens the doors to the enchanted world of Faerie.

9 780810 997509

How does one discover faeries in one’s backyard or a garden, forest, or meadow? Through insets, hidden messages, magical signs, reflective mirrors, and other paper mechanics, Froud and Matthews reveal how anyone may discover the way to the land of Faerie. All you need is to believe and to own this book!

The Heart of Faerie Oracle ISBN 978-0-8109-8823-1

Brian Froud’s name is synonymous with faeries, and his books have been widely published. He is the author of Faeries, The Heart of Faerie Oracle, The Goblins of Labyrinth, and The Runes of Elfland. He lives in Devon, England. John Matthews is the New York Times bestselling author of Pirates. He is well known for his books on history and folklore. He lives in Oxford, England.

z Abrams

ISBN$25.00 978-0810988231 US CAN $32.50


9 780810 988231

Faeries ISBN 978-0-8109-9586-4 ISBN$29.95 978-0810995864 US CAN $35.95


9 780810 995864



The Comics The ComPleTe ColleCTIoN ■

By B r i a n Wa l k e r “A stunning survey . . . unique and not to be missed.” —The Comics Journal “These twin tomes are the best histories of the medium around.” —R. C. harvey

s e lling points ■ Comprehensive and graphically stunning ■ Perfect for course adoption and the casual fan

A must-have omnibus of classic American newspaper comic strips from 1896 to 2007

■ more than 1,300 classic illustrations, from Krazy Kat to Mutts ■ Finally—two classic books in one (original retail value: $100.00)

s pecifications 1,322 illustrations 672 pages, 9¼ × 12½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: AprIl ComIC Art ISBN 978-0-8109-9595-6 ISBN$40.00 978-0810995956 US CAN $48.00


9 780810 995956


rian Walker’s two comprehensive guides to

American comics, Before 1945 and The Comics

Since 1945, are combined here in one beautifully designed omnibus edition, The Comics: The Complete

Collection. Cartoon authority Brian Walker has amassed over a century of strips—more than 1,300 images—including rare examples provided by the artists themselves. Featured cartoonists include George Herriman (Krazy

also avail ab le

Kat), Walt Kelly (Pogo), Charles Schulz (Peanuts), Bill Watterson (Calvin and Hobbes), Scott Adams (Dilbert), Patrick McDonnell (Mutts), and many more. Organized by decade, with biographical profiles and analysis of the different genres, The Comics is a graphically stunning, and terrifically priced survey of American newspaper comics.

The TOON Treasury of Classic Children’s Comics ISBN 978-0-8109-5730-5 ISBN$40.00 978-0810957305 US CAN $49.95


9 780810 957305



Brian Walker has written and edited more than two dozen books and curated more than 70 cartoon exhibitions. Since 1984 he has been part of the creative team that produces the comic strips Beetle Bailey and Hi and Lois. He lives in Wilton, Connecticut.

Fairy Tales for Angry Little Girls ■


S E LLING POINTS ■ Angry Little Girls enjoy continuing popularity through apparel, dolls, tote bags, and other merchandise


Angry Little Girls hijack classic fairy tales

Color illustrations throughout 168 pages, 7⅛ × 9½" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: APRIL COMICS • GRAPHIC NOVEL ISBN 978-0-8109-9593-2 ISBN$17.95 978-0810995932 US CAN $21.95


9 780810 995932

6-copy counter pack ISBN 978-0-8109-9864-3 ISBN-13: 978-0-8109-9864-3 US $107.70 CAN $131.70 10770

9 780810 998643



Angry Little Girls he girls are back and angrier than ever! The fourth book in the successful Angry Little Girls

series features the hilarious return of this beloved cast

of characters, this time recast as fairy-tale heroines. Kim, the angry little Asian girl, stars in “Snow Yellow and the Seven Short Men”; Wanda, the fresh soul sistah, stars in “RapPunsWell”; Xyla, the gloomy girl, stars in “Little Miss Wears a Hood”; and the other girls star in furiously fractured versions of “Beauty and the Beast” and “The Princess and the Pea.” Filled with Lela Lee’s culturally charged humor, this

ISBN 978-0-8109-5868-5 ISBN$14.95 978-0810958685 US CAN $19.50


9 780810 958685

Angry Little Girls in Love ISBN 978-0-8109-7275-9 ISBN$14.95 978-0810972759 US CAN $16.95


9 780810 972759

Back in print!

clever collection of new comics proves that there’s an angry little girl inside of everyone.

Still Angry Little Girls Lela Lee is the author of Angry Little Girls, Still Angry Little Girls, and Angry Little Girls in Love. She lives in Los Angeles.

ISBN 978-0-8109-4915-7 ISBN$14.95 978-0-8109-4915-7 US CAN $20.95


9 780810 949157



How to Dress for Success ■


Legendary designer Edith Head’s classic guide to personal style, now back in print S E LLING POINTS ■ Pocket-size format and elegant design make it the perfect gift for every fashionista ■ Vintage fashion handbook that appeals to fashion devotees

S PECIFICATIONS 35 black-and-white illustrations 192 pages, 5⅛ × 7" Hardcover with cloth cover, ribbon RIGHTS: NORTH AMERICA PUB MONTH: APRIL FASHION ISBN 978-0-8109-2133-7 ISBN$19.95 978-0810921337 US CAN $23.95


9 780810 921337

6-copy counter pack ISBN 978-0-8109-9863-6 ISBN-13: 978-0-8109-9863-6 US $119.70 CAN $131.70 11970

9 780810 998636


ou can do anything you want in life if you dress for it,” says Edith Head in How to Dress for Success.

Would you like to look younger, prettier, slimmer? Would

you like to attract a new man and hold on to the current


one? Would you like to get a better job and earn more money? Then this is your book. Edith Head (1897–1981) dressed stars from Grace Kelly and Elizabeth Taylor to Sophia Loren and Audrey Hepburn. This reprint of Head’s 1967 tome serves as a timeless reference to looking your best. Head offers no-nonsense, and often hilarious,

The Little Dictionary of Fashion ISBN 978-0-8109-9461-4 ISBN$19.95 978-0810994614 US CAN $25.95


fashion advice. Illustrated with Head’s original black-andwhite line drawings and packaged with a chic cloth cover, this pocket-size guide is packed with smart tips on how to accessorize, dress for all occasions, and develop your own personal style.

9 780810 994614

Edith Head (1897–1981), a doyenne of motion-picture costume, was famous for her remarkable career that spanned fifty years and earned her eight Academy Awards, more Oscars than any other woman has won.

ABC of Men’s Fashion ISBN 978-0-8109-9460-7 ISBN$19.95 978-0810994607 US CAN $23.95


9 780810 994607



She was responsible for some of the best-known Hollywood fashion images of her day, with her costumes being worn by the most glamorous and famous actresses in films. Recently, Edith Head’s likeness inspired the beloved Pixar character Edna Mode in The Incredibles.

z Abrams

A Game to love I N c e l e B R At I o N o F t e N N I S ■

By M i k e p o w e l l

s e lling points ■ Stunning photographs of the tennis stars of today—Roger Federer, Serena williams, Rafael Nadal, Andy Roddick, Kim clijsters, Venus williams, Andy

500 unforgettable images of today’s greatest tennis players

Murray, and others—in action ■ commentary from Roger Federer, John Mcenroe, Billie Jean King, Boris Becker, and other tennis greats ■ 500 evocative images that celebrate one of today’s mostwatched sports, by an awardwinning sports photographer ■ the perfect gift for tennis fans

s pecifications s pecifications 500 color photographs 208 pages, 10 × 11"


Hardcover with jacket

Game to Love is the stunning publishing debut


of award-winning sports photographer Mike


Powell. Featuring 500 highly evocative images, the book


celebrates the passion for tennis that exists around the


world. Powell’s extraordinary images capture the char-


acter and brilliance of the greatest players in the game today and are complemented by the words of many of the game’s legendary greats of yesteryear, among them John McEnroe, Billie Jean King, Steffi Graf, Boris Becker, and Rod Laver. From superstar players, veterans, and

ISBN 978-1-4197-0001-9 ISBN-13: 978-1-4197-0001-9 US $40.00 CAN $48.00 54000

9 781419 700019

juniors to the spectating cognoscenti and tennis haute couture; from screaming coaches, businesslike trainers, and long-suffering officials to the players’ boxes, real fans, and “fan fashion”; from the intimate details of hands-on racquets and the wiping of brows to the textures of clay, grass, and hard court, A Game to Love is a luscious and original visual tribute to one of today’s most-watched and most-loved sports. Having started at the age of 17, Mike Powell has been photographing sport for 25 years. His work has been prominently featured in magazines such as Sports Illustrated, Newsweek, and ESPN, and he has won numerous awards. He lives and works in Los Angeles.

z Abrams



The Szyk Haggadah ■

By A r t h u r S z y k

w i t h t r A n S l At i o n A n d

c o m m e n tA ry By By r o n l . S h e r w i n w i t h i r v i n u n g A r

s e lling points

A Haggadah unlike any other—modern and illuminated— illustrated by a master miniaturist

■ A Haggadah for everyone— appeals to an audience of all ages, Jewish as well as Christian ■ For both the family Seder and the library ■ Available in hardcover and paperback ■ Szyk crafted his Haggadah on the eve of the Nazi occupation of his native Poland ■ Stunning and unusual—printed from the original art ■ Passover is April 19–26, 2011

s pecifications 48 color illustrations 128 pages, 9 × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLd PUB MONTH: AprIL reLIgIoN ISBN 978-0-8109-9745-5 ISBN$40.00 978-0810997455 US CAN $48.00



rthur Szyk (pronounced “Shick”) created his magnificent Haggadah in Lodz, on the eve of the Nazi

occupation of his native Poland. There is no Haggadah like it, before or since, filled with sumptuous paintings of

Jewish heroes and stunning calligraphy.

9 780810 997455

This edition, reproduced from Szyk’s original art,

Also available in paperback

boasts an authoritative and extremely practical English text by Rabbi Byron L. Sherwin, ideal for use at any family

ISBN 978-0-8109-9753-0 ISBN$16.95 978-0810997530 US CAN $19.95


Seder, and commentary by Rabbi Sherwin with Irvin Ungar that gives insight into both the rituals of the Seder and Szyk’s rich illustrations.

9 780810 997530

Available in both hardcover and paperback, The Szyk Haggadah will transform the Seder, bringing the story of the Exodus from Egypt into a more contemporary light. Arthur Szyk (1894–1951) was an acclaimed iluminator and political illustrator. Eleanor Roosevelt once referred to him as a “one-man army,” and indeed, he saw himself as a “soldier in art.” Byron L. Sherwin, a Jewish scholar and ethicist, has served on the faculty of the Spertus Institute of Jewish Studies since 1970. He lives in Chicago. Irvin Ungar, an antiquarian bookseller and former rabbi, has championed the rediscovery of Szyk’s work. He lives in Burlingame, California.



z Abrams

Artists’ Handmade Houses ■

P h oto g r A P h S By d o n F r e e m A n

t e x t By m i c h A e l o w e n g ot k i n

A gorgeous collection of houses handcrafted by some of the finest artists and craftsmen in America s e lling points ■ Don Freeman’s striking photography captures the attention paid to every handcrafted detail in these homes ■ Each home/studio is a unique work of art ■ Features Russel Wright, Sam Maloof, George Nakashima, and other well-known artists/ craftsmen

s pecifications 230 color photographs 240 pages, 9½ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLd PUB MONTH: MAY


ArcHItectUre • INterIor

rtists’ Handmade Houses is a collection of


13 homes handcrafted by the finest artists and

craftsmen in America, including George Nakashima,

ISBN 978-0-8109-9584-0

Henry Varnum Poor, Sam Maloof, Wharton Esherick, and

ISBN$60.00 978-0810995840 US CAN $78.00


Russel Wright. Built over the course of 75 years, from the late-19th century to the mid-20th century, these homes

9 780810 995840

were each designed and built by the artists as an expression of their aesthetic sentiments, and in many cases, as extensions of their artwork. As such, these private domains are utterly unique and deeply imbued with each artist’s singular vision and talent. A few of the homes have been awarded National Historic Landmark status, and several are open to the public, while still others have sadly

also avail ab le

fallen into disrepair or are now in the hands of new owners. In a few cases, the photographs in this book represent the last record of the house as created by its artist resident. don Freeman’s photographs appear regularly in The World of Interiors, Vogue, House Beautiful, and Vanity Fair, among others. He has published two books and is based in New York. Michael owen gotkin is a landscape architect and city planner in New York City. His articles have appeared in World of Interiors and Pin-Up.

z Abrams

Wharton Esherick ISBN 978-0-8109-9575-8 ISBN$80.00 978-0810995758 US CAN $95.00


9 780810 995758




Empire State A LOV E S TO RY ( O R N OT ) ■


S E LLING POINTS ■ Jason Shiga’s unique visual

A romantic comedy à la One Day

storytelling and distinctive use of color create a standout in the graphic novel field ■ Shiga’s previous graphic novel, Meanwhile, received starred reviews in Publishers Weekly, Booklist, and the Bulletin of the Center for Children’s Books

S PECIFICATIONS Two-color illustrations throughout 144 pages, 6¼ × 8" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: MAY COMICS • GRAPHIC NOVEL ISBN 978-0-8109-9747-9 ISBN$17.95 978-0810997479 US CAN $21.95



9 780810 997479

6-copy counter pack immy is a stereotypical geek who works at the

ISBN 978-0-8109-9865-0

library in Oakland, California, and is trapped in his

own torpidity. Sara is his best friend, but she wants to get

a life (translation: an apartment in Brooklyn and a publishing internship). When Sara moves to New York City, Jimmy is rattled. Then lonely. Then desperate. He screws

ISBN-13: 978-0-8109-9865-0 US $107.70 CAN $131.70 10770

“Crazy + Genius = Shiga” —Scott McCloud, author of Understanding Comics


up his courage, writes Sara a letter about his true feelings,

“Empire State tells a heartfelt story

and asks her to meet him at the top of the Empire State

about love, jealousy, and desperation.

Building (a nod to their ongoing debate about Sleepless

It offers definitive proof that math

in Seattle).

geniuses like author Jason Shiga

Jimmy’s cross-country bus trip to Manhattan is as

actually have souls.” —Gene Luen Yang,

hapless and funny as Jimmy himself. When he arrives

author of American Born Chinese,

in the city he’s thought of as “a festering hellhole,” he’s

winner of the ALA’s Michael J. Printz

surprised by how exciting he finds New York, and how

Award and the Eisner Award, and

heartbreaking—he discovers Sara has a boyfriend!

a National Book Award finalist

Jason Shiga’s bold visual storytelling, sly pokes at popular culture, and subtle text work together seamlessly in Empire State, creating a quirky graphic novel comedy about the vagaries of love and friendship. Jason Shiga is the creator of the bestselling graphic novel Meanwhile. Shiga won the 2003 Eisner Award

9 780810 998650

Meanwhile ISBN 978-0-8109-8423-3 ISBN$15.95 978-0810984233 US CAN $19.95


“Like his previous works, Empire

9 780810 984233

State will amuse, thrill, and most

About Meanwhile:

importantly, befuddle you.” —Derek Kirk Kim, author of Same Difference and Other Stories, winner of the Eisner, Harvey, and Ignatz Awards

★ “. . . an enchanting graphic novel and a delightful physical object . . . it’s refreshing to encounter a work that makes such unique use of

for Talent Deserving of Wider Recognition. He lives in

the physical nature of the book.”

Oakland, California.

—Publishers Weekly, starred review



Strawberry Fields C E N T R A L PA R K ’ S M E M O R I A L TO J O H N L E N N O N ■


S E LLING POINTS ■ Central Park is among the top 10 tourist attractions in New York, and Strawberry Fields is one of its most popular spots ■ Fans of John Lennon and

Published to coincide with the celebration of the 25th anniversary of Strawberry Fields in Central Park

the Beatles will want this keepsake book ■ Photographed and written by the official historian and photographer of the Central Park Conservancy ■ An important record of the place where thousands of fans come to remember John Lennon’s legacy

S PECIFICATIONS 100 color photographs 96 pages, 7 × 7" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: MAY REGIONAL


trawberry Fields is one of the most visited spots in

Central Park and one of the most popular tourist

ISBN 978-0-8109-9786-8 ISBN$16.95 978-0810997868 US CAN $19.95


attractions in New York City. This keepsake volume is a celebration of the 2.5-acre teardrop-shaped living memorial to John Lennon’s life and work. The year 2010

9 780810 997868

marks the 25th anniversary of its dedication, as well as

6-copy counter pack ISBN 978-0-8109-9837-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-8109-9837-7 US $101.70 CAN $119.70 10170

what would have been Lennon’s 70th birthday. Located in the park directly across the street from the Dakota, the building where John and Yoko lived for several years before his untimely death, Strawberry Fields was

9 780810 998377

originally conceived as a “peace garden.” Yoko invited the entire world to donate trees, shrubs, and stones to fill this parcel of land, and today, the garden flourishes with


contributions from 121 countries. A rich and lively patchwork of text and imagery will tell the story of John and Yoko’s love affair with the park and of the creation of this unique corner of the park through an unprecedented collaborative effort between Yoko Ono, the Central Park Conservancy, and city officials.

Seeing Central Park ISBN 978-0-8109-9628-1 ISBN$19.95 978-0810996281 US CAN $25.95


9 780810 996281



Sara Cedar Miller has been the official historian and photographer of the Central Park Conservancy since the 1980s. She is the author of Abrams’ Central Park, An American Masterpiece and Seeing Central Park.

z Abrams

New York from the Air ■

P h oto g r a P h S By ya n n a r t h u S - B e r t r a n d

t e x t By J o h n tau r a n aC

s e lling points ■ the New York skyline captured by the world’s most renowned aerial photographer ■ Completely updated with

The bestselling book on New York, now fully updated and expanded

previously unpublished photographs and new text ■ An up-to-date portrait of New York’s ever-changing landscape

s pecifications 180 color photographs 216 pages, 10½ × 14¾" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World eNglISH PUB MONTH: May PHoTograPHy • Travel


ompletely updated with new photographs and text, New York from the Air is a lush, romantic, and

ultimately hopeful tribute to one of the most thrilling cities in history. World-renowned bestselling photographer

ISBN 978-0-8109-9384-6 ISBN$40.00 978-0810993846 US CAN $48.00


9 780810 993846

Yann Arthus-Bertrand—shooting from vantage points that few people ever attain—presents the power and beauty of Manhattan’s amazing skyscrapers, the bucolic joys of Central Park, the majesty of the Upper West Side’s castle-like apartment buildings, and much, much more. This new edition includes unpublished photographs of landmarks built since the previous edition in 2003. New

also avail ab le

York historian and cartographer John Tauranac’s lively commentaries lead readers on a truly spectacular tour from above the city that never sleeps. yann arthus-Bertrand’s many books include the multimillion-copy international bestseller Earth from

Earth from Above, Tenth

Above. He is based in Paris. John Tauranac is a native

Anniversary Edition

New Yorker whose cartographic work includes the 1979

ISBN 978-0-8109-9693-9

redesign of the MTA’s system map. He writes regularly for

ISBN$60.00 978-0810996939 US CAN $70.00


the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and other 9 780810 996939

publications. He lives in New York.

z Abrams



PS Magazine t H e B e S t o F t H e P R e V e N t I V e M A I N t e N A N c e M o N t H ly ■

By w i l l e i S n e r

p r e fAc e By A n n e i S n e r

ov e r v i e w By e d d i e c A M p B e l l ■

i n t r o d u c t i o n By

g e n e r A l p e t e r j . S c H o o M A k e r , u S A ( r e t. ) s e lling points ■ Published to coincide with the 60th anniversary of PS Magazine ■ the perfect gift for veterans, comics fans, and military and

The missing link in legendary artist Will Eisner’s career, this collection is a testament to the teaching power of comics

history buffs ■ will eisner is one of the most beloved and important creators in comics, and his work continues to be relevant and influential ■ eddie campbell is an awardwinning comics writer and artist whose work includes From Hell with Alan Moore, the autobiographical Alec: The Years Have Pants, and The Playwright with Daren white ■ Introduction by General Peter J. Schoomaker, USA (Ret.), who served from 1969 to 2000 and then was recalled to active duty as the 35th Army chief of Staff from 2003 to 2007


ill Eisner—best known for his influential comic book series The Spirit and his groundbreaking

graphic novel A Contract with God—believed in the

s pecifications 270 color illustrations 272 pages, 5⅝ × 7⅞" Hardcover with round corners

teaching power of comics, and from 1951 to 1971 he produced PS Magazine for the U.S. Army. This Preventive Maintenance Monthly, called PS because it was a postscript to the standard technical manuals, was aimed at teaching American soldiers everything about weapons


safety for vehicles, aircraft, firepower, and electronics.


Eisner illustrated these vital lessons in drawings, pinups,

coMIcS • MIlItAry HIStory

step-by-step guides, and comic strips. This collection contains the best of Eisner’s 227 issues of PS Magazine,

ISBN 978-0-8109-9748-6 ISBN$19.95 978-0810997486 US CAN $23.95


9 780810 997486

reproduced in a portable digest format. This relatively unknown work by Eisner is finally explored—the missing link between his comic book work and his later, mature graphic novel style. Will eisner (1917–2005) is one of the most beloved and important creators in comics. His work includes the comic book The Spirit and more than two dozen graphic novels, including A Contract with God. The comics industry’s most prestigious award, the Eisner, was created in his honor.



Krazy Kat & the Art of George Herriman A c e l e B R At I o N ■

e d i t e d By c r A i g yo e

w i t H A n A p p r e c i At i o n By B i l l wAt t e r S o n s e lling points ■ 2010 marked the 100th anniversary of the characters

An illustrated collection of rare comic strips, photographs, paintings, memorabilia, essays, and interviews

Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse ■ George Herriman is widely considered the first great comic strip artist ■ Herriman’s work has hung in museums, been the subject of academic treatises, been reprinted in prestigious tomes, and even appeared on a U.S. postage stamp

s pecifications 200 color illustrations 176 pages, 9 × 12¼" Hardcover with tip-on plate RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: MAy coMIcS • GrAPHIc Art


ISBN 978-0-8109-9594-9 ISBN 978-0-8109-9594-9

razy Kat & the Art of George Herriman is a

tribute to one of the most influential and innovative comic strips and creators of all time. This unique collection of rare art, essays, memorabilia, and biography highlights the career of the first genius of comics, George Herriman, and his iconic creations, Krazy Kat and Ignatz Mouse.

US $29.95 9

CAN $35.95 52995

780810 995949

“George Herriman was one of the very great artists, in any medium,

During its 31-year run, Krazy Kat was enormously popular with the public, as well as influential writers,

of the 20th century.” —Michael

artists, and intellectuals of the time. This book includes

chabon, author of The Amazing

original essays by Jay Cantor, Douglas Wolk, Harry Katz,

Adventures of kavalier & Clay

Richard Thompson, Dee Cox (Herriman’s granddaughter), Craig McCracken, Bill Watterson, and authorized reprints of two seminal essays on Herriman by Gilbert Seldes

also aVail aB le

and E. E. Cummings, alongside newly discovered vintage essays by TAD, Summerfield Baldwin, and Toots Herriman. With Krazy Kat & the Art of George Herriman, Craig Yoe reveals this influential artist and writer for a whole new generation. craig yoe runs the New York design firm YOE! Studio

Krazy Kat

with Clizia Gussoni, and is the author of more than 30

ISBN 978-0-8109-9185-9

books, including The Art of Mickey Mouse and Secret

978-0-8109-9185-9 USISBN $19.95 CAN $30.00


Identity: The Fetish Art of Superman’s Co-creator Joe Shuster. Yoe lives in Peekskill, New York.


780810 991859




z Abrams

the wild west: 365 Days ■

By M i c H A e l wA l l i S w i t H S u Z A n n e f i t Zg e r A l d wA l l i S

r o B e r t g . M c c u B B i n , p i c t u r e e d i to r

365 vignettes bring the Wild West to life—a rip-roaring ride through the untamed frontier s e lling points ■ Award-winning author separates myth from fact ■ one-of-a-kind material from the country’s premier collection of old west photographs, books, and ephemera ■ the wild west continues to have widespread appeal, with an everexpanding tourist industry ■ Important addition to Abrams’ bestselling 365 series ■ Great gift for Father’s Day

s pecifications 700 color and black-and-white illustrations 744 pages, 9¼ × 6¼"


Hardcover he Wild West: 365 Days is a day-by-day adventure


that tells the stories of pioneers and cowboys, gold


rushes and saloon shoot-outs in America’s frontier. The lure of land rich in minerals, fertile for farming, and plenti-

ful with buffalo bred an all-out obsession with heading

also aVail aB le

westward. The Wild West: 365 Days takes the reader

ISBN 978-0-8109-9689-2 ISBN$29.95 978-0810996892 US CAN $35.95


back to these booming frontier towns that became the

9 780810 996892

stuff of American legend, breeding characters such as Butch Cassidy and Jesse James. Author Michael Wallis spins a colorful narrative, separating myth from fact, in 365 vignettes. The reader will learn the stories of David Crockett, Wild Bill Hickok, and Annie Oakley; travel to the O.K. Corral and Dodge City; ride with the Pony Express; and witness the invention of the Colt revolver. The images are drawn from Robert G. McCubbin’s extensive collection of Western memorabilia, encompassing rare

The American Civil War ISBN 978-0-8109-5847-0 ISBN$29.95 978-0810958470 US CAN $41.95


9 780810 958470

books, photographs, ephemera, and artifacts, including Billy the Kid’s knife. Michael Wallis is the author of many books on the West, including Billy the Kid and The Real Wild West. He has written 16 books and won numerous honors and awards. robert G. Mccubbin is one of the founders of the Wild West History Association and the country’s premier collector of American West photographs and books.

z Abrams

World War II 365 Days ISBN 978-0-8109-9637-3 ISBN 978-0810996373 US $29.95 CAN $32.95 52995

9 780810 996373



The New Eighteenth‑Century Home ■

By M i c h è l e l a l a n d e

p h oto g r a p h s By g i l l e s t r i l l a r d

s e lling points ■ A must‑have for design enthusiasts ■ Secondhand objects in new settings that enhance their

Dynamic combinations of treasured heirlooms and contemporary design elements

vintage charm ■ A beautiful new addition to Abrams’ popular eighteenth‑ century style books

s pecifications 300 color photographs 272 pages, 9⅞ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLd ENGLISH PUB MONTH: May INTErIor dESIGN • dEcoraTIvE arTS ISBN 978-0-8109-9867-4 ISBN$40.00 978-0810998674 US CAN $48.00



he author-photographer team that brought us

The New Eighteenth-Century Style and The New

French Décor has returned with 29 all-new homes, decorated in the modernized, eclectic version of Pompadour décor that has become so popular in this young century.

The resulting blend of ostentatious luxury and repur-

9 780810 998674

posed treasures, the natural and the manufactured, is a

also avail ab le

warm, lived-in style that perfectly embodies the comforts of home. Gilles Trillard’s delightful photographs reveal interiors of breezy elegance, where Pop Art and industrial design mingle with patinaed highboys and carved candelabra; texts by Michèle Lalande highlight the playful, surprising details that personalize these spaces. A perfect companion to the two previous volumes, The

The New Eighteenth-Century Style ISBN 978‑0‑8109‑5496‑0 ISBN$40.00 978-0810954960 US CAN $48.00


The New French Décor ISBN 978‑0‑8109‑9459‑1 ISBN$40.00 978-0810994591 US CAN $44.00


9 780810 994591

been made new once more—and it’s here to stay. Michèle Lalande is a stylist and journalist who has contributed to shelter magazines in France and around

9 780810 954960


New Eighteenth-Century Home proves that the old has


the world. She lives in Paris. Gilles Trillard has been a freelance photographer for 25 years, specializing in interior decoration. His work is regularly published in magazines such as Elle Décoration and Campagne et Décoration. He lives in Paris.

z Abrams

Dale chihuly: A celebration ■

e S S Ay By r o c k H u S H k A

A celebration of Chihuly and his inspiration s e lling points ■ chihuly’s work is displayed in museums and public spaces around the world ■ A showcase of chihuly’s enduring interest in the arts of the Pacific Northwest ■ An insider’s view of chihuly’s famous workspace, the Boathouse, and objects that inspire his art ■ exhibition at tacoma Art Museum beginning June 2011

s pecifications 130 color illustrations 128 pages, 8 × 8" Hardcover with jacket “Where’s the best possible place to show work? A museum. I can


control the lighting, I can control the space. I can get the support


of the museum to do what I have to do.” —Dale chihuly



ale Chihuly, the hugely popular artist who works in glass, celebrates his 70th birthday in 2011.

ISBN 978-1-4197-0000-2 ISBN-13: US $19.95978-1-4197-0000-2 CAN $23.95 51995

Tacoma Art Museum, in his hometown, owns more than 150 examples of his work and is mounting an exhibition

9 781419 700002

in his honor. Both this book and the exhibition showcase Chihuly’s enduring interest in the arts and natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest, which are a major influence on his work. For the first time, Dale Chihuly: A Celebration focuses on the importance of these influences. From Native American baskets to wool trade blankets, the gritty Tacoma of the 1960s, and Puget Sound, this exhibition and

also aVail aB le

book follow Chihuly’s development and accomplishments and how he grew and evolved while maintaining close ties to Tacoma. The essay by curator Rock Hushka traces Chihuly’s creative process and the ways in which his abiding interest in the American Northwest enriches his work. rock Hushka is the curator of contemporary and northwest art at Tacoma Art Museum. dale chihuly is an icon in American art. His universal appeal cuts across all boundaries.

Chihuly: 365 Days ISBN 978-0-8109-7088-5 ISBN$29.95 978-0810970885 US CAN $38.95


9 780810 970885

z Abrams




The CompleTe Transformers Universe | feaTUring rare ColleCTibles ■

By pA B lo H i dA lg o


fficially licensed by Hasbro, Transformers Vault:

The Complete Transformers Universe reveals,

for the first time ever, a comprehensive history of the

transformers. fans now have a hands-on guide to the epic battle between the Autobots and decepticons, including the toys, the original animated series, comics, collectibles, and merchandise, as well as animated and live-action feature films. this heavily illustrated book features never-beforeseen images from the Hasbro archives, seven interactive pieces of memorabilia, and an acetate slipcase with a unique “morphing” effect. five visually driven chapters go behind the scenes of everyone’s favorite robots in disguise, featuring early animation sketches, interviews with creators, patents, prototypes, action-figure designs that never made it to production, vintage packaging art, and development art from the films. Pablo Hidalgo is the author of G.I. Joe vs. Cobra: Guide.. He is the managing editor for The Essential Guide wars.com and lives in San francisco. Hasbro Hasbro is is one Star Starw

s e lling points ■ Popular book-vault format with interactive pieces of memorabilia

of the largest and most successful makers of toys and

■ Never-before-seen images from the Hasbro archives

board games in the world. Hasbro was involved in the

■ Goes behind the scenes with your favorite robots

development of all three live-action transformers films.

■ Published in time for new Transformers 3 movie ■ transformers is consistently one of the most profitable licenses globally, with a huge nostalgia-driven following

s pecifications 250 color illustrations 160 pages, 10¾ × 9¼" Hardcover with slipcase

also aVail aB le

RIGHTS: World eNG eNGl l ISH excl exclU U d ING AUS UStr trA tr A l IA IA,, Ne NeW W Ze ZeA A l AN ANd, d, AN ANd d JJAPAN APAN PUB MONTH: JJUN UNe UN e F I l M • Po PoP Po P cU cUlt ltU lt U re

ISBN 978-0-8109-9868-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-8109-9868-1 US $35.00 CAN $42.00 53500


The Art of Avatar

ISBN 978-0-8109-9172-9

ISBN 978-0-8109-8286-4

ISBN$29.95 978-0810991729 US CAN $34.95

ISBN$29.95 978-0810982864 US CAN $38.95


9 780810 998681


Star Trek: The Original Series 365

9 780810 991729

z Abrams


9 780810 982864

The only book To char charTT The comple compleTTe his hisTTory of everyone’s favori favoriTTe robo roboTTs in disguise

The Fashion Universe of Jean Paul Gaultier F R o m T h e S T R e e T To T h e S Ta R S ■

f o r e w o r d s by J e a n Pau l G au lt i e r a n d n at h a l i e b o n d i l

e s s ay by s u z y M e n k e s

coPublished with the Montreal MuseuM of fine arts


i n t e r v i e w s by f lo r e n c e M ü l l e r a n d t h i e r ry lo r i ot

ubbed the enfant terrible of fashion ever since his prêt-à-porter collections were first shown in 1976,

Jean Paul Gaultier, whose avant-garde and bold fashions very early on reflected the issues facing contemporary society, is one of the leading designers in recent decades. Published in conjunction with the first-ever retrospective on Gaultier, organized by the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, this stunning monograph explores the ties between the designer and the pop/rock music scene, film, and dance, and sheds light on his sources of inspiration, which are as eclectic as they are impertinent. Packed with rare and unpublished images (archival and fashion-show photographs), this luxurious volume includes many interviews with artists (Dita von Teese, Kylie Minogue, Madonna, Catherine Deneuve, Marion Cotillard, Pedro Almodóvar, and others), Gaultier’s close associates (Martin Margiela, the head of Gaultier’s studio, and others), and personalities (Carla Bruni-Sarkozy, Inès de la Fressange, Polly Mellen, and others), as well as an essay by one of the fashion world’s most influential figures, fashion editor Suzy Menkes. It also features interviews between Gaultier and each of the exhibition curators, and an expanded and illustrated biography with all his collections. The Fashion Universe of Jean Paul Gaultier is a fitting and much-deserved tribute to a grand couturier, and a reference book on fashion. Nathalie Bondil is the director and chief curator of the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. Suzy Menkes is a fashion journalist and editor at the New York Times and the International Herald Tribune. Florence Müller, the exhibition’s guest curator, teaches fashion history and contemporary fashion at the Institut français de la mode in Paris. Thierry Loriot is the exhibition curator.



z Abrams

A celebration of Jean Paul Gaultier’s 35 years in fashion S E LLIng pOIntS ■ The first and only comprehensive survey of one of the greatest designers of all time ■ Lavishly illustrated with numerous never-before-published images from the most celebrated photographers (Testino, Pierre & Gilles, Roversi, mondino, Ritts, Doisneau, Rheims, avedon, meisel, Corbijn, and others) ■ Interviews with international celebrities and artists who have worked with Jean Paul Gaultier or worn his clothes ■ Includes a foreword by and candid interviews with the couturier

E XHIB ItIOn ScHE DULE The montreal museum of Fine arts, Jun–Oct 2011 Dallas museum of art, Nov 2011–Mar 2012 Fine arts museums of San Francisco, Mar–Aug 2012 Foundation mapfre, madrid, Sept 2012–Jan 2013 Paris (to be confirmed), spring–summer 2013

S pEcIfIcAtIOnS 500 black-and-white and color photographs 424 pages, 11¼ × 14⅛" Hardcover RIGHTS: WorLd ENgLISH PUB MONTH: JULy FaSHIoN ISBN 978-1-4197-0002-6 ISBN-13: 978-1-4197-0002-6 US $100.00 CAN $120.00 10000

9 781419 700026


Yves Saint Laurent


ISBN 978-0-8109-9608-3

ISBN 978-88-87029-44-4

ISBN$55.00 978-0810996083 US CAN $71.50

ISBN$125.00 978-8887029444 US CAN $162.50


9 780810 996083


9 788887 029444

How to Cook Indian By Sanjeev Kapoor anjeev Kapoor burst onto the scene in India with an easy,

no-fuss cooking approach. More than a decade later, he is a

global sensation with an international media empire that is rooted in this philosophy. In How to Cook Indian, Kapoor introduces American audiences to this simple cooking approach with a definitive book that is the only Indian cookbook you will ever need.

His collection covers the depth and diversity of Indian recipes, including such favorites as butter chicken, palak paneer, and samosas, along with less-familiar dishes that are sure to become new favorites, including soups and shorbas; kebabs, snacks, and starters; main dishes; pickles and chutneys; breads; and more. The ingredients are easy to find, and suggested substitutions make

Sanjeev Kapoor is one of the biggest culinary stars in the world. CNN has called him the “Rachael Ray of India.” He lives in Mumbai.

s e lling points ■ Sanjeev Kapoor has the longest-

s pecifications 500 recipes

running TV show in India and his

512 pages, 8 × 10"

own food magazine, and is set to

Hardcover with jacket

launch India’s first TV network


devoted to food in fall 2010 ■ His website gets a staggering 25 million hits a month

ExclUdINg INdIa Pub MONTH: aprIl Food & WINE

■ His readymade line of spices, mixes, and gourmet chutneys is available throughout the United States ■ National US publicity and tour



ISBN 978-1-58479-913-9 ISBN$29.95 978-1584799139 US CAN $35.95


9 781584 799139


500 Classic Recipes for the Modern Kitchen


these simple recipes even easier.





International culinary superstar Sanjeev Kapoor’s first US cookbook, featuring 500 classic recipes updated for today’s cooks

Recipes Include / Masala Chai with leMongrass (tea with lemongrass and spices) / Majjika (sweet yogurt shake) / Medu wada (South Indian dumplings with coconut chutney) / Palak Paneer (spinach and paneer cheese in curry sauce) / Murg do Piazza (chicken with onion and cashews) / Makki di roti (cornmeal bread) / dal Makhani (spiced lentils from the Punjab region) / hirvi MirChi theCha (green chili, garlic, and sesame seed chutney) / PaPaya ka launj (papaya marmalade) / rasMalai (sweet dumplings garnished with pistachio nuts)

also avail ab le The Spice Bible ISBN 978-1-58479-695-4 ISBN$29.95 978-1584796954 US CAN $32.95


9 781584 796954

The L Life E x T R AO R D I N A RY L E S B I A N S M A K I N G A D I f f E R E N C E ■

By E R I N M c H u g H

p H oTo g R A p H s By J E N N I f E R M Ay

s e lling points ■ Interviews with many important women in the gay community, including Jane Lynch, Christine Quinn, Alison Bechdel, and Kate Clinton ■ Outreach to GLBT organizations nationwide including gay and lesbian community centers and V-Day organizers ■ Book launch events in New York City and Los Angeles during Women’s History Month (March) and Gay Pride Week (June)

s pecifications 55 color photographs 160 pages, 9 × 9" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World Pub MONTH: MarcH gay/lESBIaN INtErESt ISBN 978-1-58479-833-0 ISBN$32.50 978-1584798330 US CAN $39.95


9 781584 798330

A celebration of the lives of lesbians who have made their mark in our world


here have been few cultural touchstones to open

people’s eyes to everyday lesbian life—until now.

Through fascinating interviews and stunning portrait pho-

tography, The L Life introduces us to the women who are changing our view of the world. This candid collection is a celebration of real women, alongside headline-makers such as breast cancer researcher and bestselling author Dr. Susan Love; groundbreaking authors Alison bechdel and Ann bannon; entertainers such as actress Jane Lynch and comedian Kate Clinton; Congresswoman Tammy baldwin and longtime activist Phyllis Lyon; award-winning film producer Christine Vachon; and many more. Erin McHugh is a former publishing executive and the author of 19 books, including the five-volume series The Portable Queer. She lives in New York City and South Dartmouth, Massachusetts.



Get to Know Your Kid ■


100 questions to ask your child, with space to record their answers—a one-of-a-kind keepsake S E LLING POINTS ■ A personal and precious fill-in memento of childhood—a beautiful gift for both parent and child “I love this book and so does my daughter. Get to Know Your Kid is a delightful way to connect with your child.

■ Removable sticker on cover in order to personalize this keepsake with child’s name

It’s a must-have keepsake of those early precious years. I highly recommend it to parents everywhere.” —Jane Clayson, CBS News correspondent

S PECIFICATIONS 128 pages, 5½ × 8" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: MARCH FAMILY • RELATIONSHIPS ISBN 978-1-58479-862-0 ISBN$16.95 978-1584798620 US CAN $19.95


9 781584 798620

6-copy counter pack ISBN 978-1-5847-9890-3


ISBN-13: 978-1-5847-9890-3 US $101.70 CAN $119.70 10170

hese days, parents barely remember to take the time to record the whimsical and wonderful things

their children say. Get to Know Your Kid allows parents to capture the innocence, the wisdom, and the joy of childhood in one easy step. One hundred questions are specifically designed to encourage young children to open up and share their

9 781584 798903

Have you ever made a really big mistake? What happened?


thoughts, hopes, fears, and dreams. Geared toward children aged four to ten, and prepared with the help of two child and adolescent psychologists, fun questions include “What do you like best about our family?” and “What

Grandmother Remembers

do you think it will feel like to be an adult?” With each question, there is room to write in children’s answers, or have older kids write for themselves, giving parents a memorable keepsake to cherish forever. Shana Connell Noyes is a lawyer who lives in Southern California. She worked as a consultant to actor Julia Roberts and director Alan J. Pakula on the film The Pelican Brief. She is also the author of Acing Your First Year of Law School and the mother of two small children.

ISBN 978-0-941434-32-4

Have you ever done anything really brave? Tell me about it.

ISBN$19.95 978-0941434324 US CAN $25.95


9 780941 434324

Grandmother Remembers Holidays ISBN 978-1-58479-841-5 ISBN$19.95 978-1584798415 US CAN $25.95


9 781584 798415



A Knitter’s Home Companion A H E A R T WA R M I N G C O L L E C T I O N O f S TO R I E S , PAT T E R N S , A N D R E C I P E S ■

By M I C H E l l E E d wA R d s

s e lling points

A charming compendium that captures the spirit of a knitter’s life

■ Author’s popular monthly essays are featured in Lion Brand’s e-newsletter (circulation 750,000) and on their website, www.lionbrand.com ■ Tie-in promotion and author events with Lion Brand, one of America’s oldest and most successful yarn companies

s pecifications 18 photographs; 35 illustrations 160 pages, 5½ × 8" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World Pub MONTH: MarcH craFt ISBN 978-1-58479-916-0 ISBN$17.95 978-1584799160 US CAN $21.95


9 781584 799160

“This is a charming and utterly alluring book that makes you want to cook and knit and have a little chat about the kids. I love Michelle Edwards’s drawings, and the design of the book is an artwork in itself.” —Jane Smiley, author of many novels and knitter of many sweaters


Knitter’s Home Companion is an illustrated collection of stories, patterns, and recipes from beloved

knitter and essayist Michelle Edwards. This heartwarming title will appeal to knitters interested in not only stitches, yarn, and patterns, but also in the lives of other knitters, the lessons that can be learned from their craft, the ways knitting helps knitters cope during difficult times, and the role of knitting in family life. “Let [this book] keep you company when you need another knitter’s voice beside you,” Edwards writes in her introduction. Like a good friend,

“When I read Edwards’s stories, I think about the legacy I am leaving to my daughter by teaching her the craft that I love so much and what a treasure a handmade gift really is.” —Vanna White

A Knitter’s Home Companion will inspire readers to laugh, cry, remember, be thoughtful, cook, and, of course, pick up their needles. Divided into four chapters—Motherhood, Home, Community, and Legacy—stories range from “but She Doesn’t Have Any underpants,” about the challenges of knitting for family to “Home Ec Workshop and the

“A cozy and charming collection of

Mystery of the Indian Slipper,” about finding community at a

essays about the joys of knitting,

local yarn shop. Projects range from mittens and socks to a

complete with lovely patterns and

baby blanket and afghan.

yummy recipes to leave you feeling warm and inspired.” —Kate Jacobs,

Michelle Edwards is an essayist for Lion brand Yarn

author of the friday Night Knitting

Company’s e-newsletter and the award-winning author/illus-

Club series and Comfort Food

trator of many children’s books. She lives in Iowa City, Iowa.



Oliver + S Little Things to Sew 2 0 C L A S S I C AC C E S S O R I E S A N D TOYS f O R C H I L D R E N ■

By l I E s l g I B s o N s e lling points ■ Both classic and fresh, Oliver + S

Fresh, fun accessories and toys for children from popular pattern company Oliver + S

designs appeal to traditional and non-traditional sewers ■ Whimsical yet practical items for children, including hat, scarf, vest, tutu, art smock, and quilt ■ The book’s jacket is illustrated with projects from the book that can be cut out to dress the two cardstock paper dolls included ■ Major national promotion beginning with book launch at Houston Quilt Market

s pecifications 40 photographs; 180 illustrations 136 pages, 7¾ × 9¼" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World Pub MONTH: MarcH craFt


ome sewers love to dress the children in their

lives in garments they have handcrafted. No one

understands this better than Liesl Gibson, who is both a mom and the founder of Oliver + S, a sewing pattern company known for its contemporary yet classically sen-

ISBN 978-1-58479-910-8 ISBN$27.50 978-1584799108 US CAN $33.00


9 781584 799108

sible kids’ designs as well as its precise, easy-to-follow instructions and charming paper doll–inspired packaging. In Oliver + S Little Things to Sew, Gibson presents us with 20 accessories for children, such as a hat with bear ears, scarf, vest, tutu, art smock, backpack, and quilt—all impeccably photographed by Laurie Frankel. The book includes two full-size pattern sheets and, as

also avail ab le

an added bonus, two cardstock paper dolls that can be dressed with “clothing” cut from the book’s jacket—a little something extra to keep young ones occupied while grown-ups stitch new items for their wardrobes! liesl gibson is the founder and creative force behind Oliver + S. She is a graduate of New York’s Fashion Institute of Technology and previously worked as a designer for Tommy Hilfiger and Ralph Lauren. She lives in brooklyn, New York.

Wee Wonderfuls ISBN 978-1-58479-858-3 ISBN$27.50 978-1584798583 US CAN $35.95


9 781584 798583



Fenway has an aura in Boston like the ruins in Rome. The place has a mystery. It has ghosts. It has an interesting set of shadows. The tragedy of the Red Sox constantly failing in the fall gave it a sensibility that attracted an underworld, underground people. Two thousand four in my view is still the greatest sports story ever told. The idea that you would have the Red Sox win their first World Series in 86 years, to do it at the expense of the Yankees, and to do it in something that hadn’t been done in 140 years in a seven-game series in baseball.


Remembering fenway Park A N O R A L A N D N A R R AT I V E H I S TO RY O f T H E H O M E O f T H E B O S TO N R E D S Ox ■

By H A R v E y f R o M M E R

f o R E w o R d By J o H N N y p E s K y

s e lling points ■ frommer’s unparalleled access to current and former Red Sox, as well as famous fans, makes this the definitive book on the stadium ■ A priceless collection of 200 historical and current images—a keepsake for all Red Sox fans ■ Published in anticipation of the 100th anniversary of fenway Park

s pecifications 250 color photographs 240 pages, 11 × 10" Hardcover with jacket



o other ballpark has the feel and tradition

Pub MONTH: MarcH

of Fenway. Entering the grandstand, one is


transported back through time as the spirits of all those who came before seem to inhabit the cozy confines. built by Red Sox owner John I. Taylor, Fenway Park opened in the spring of 1912, making it the oldest ballpark in the major leagues. Remembering Fenway Park beautifully documents the stadium’s entire career through a decadeby-decade account, a priceless collection of historical photographs, and vivid, first-person reminiscences

A celebratory look back at the 100-year history of one of the world’s most beloved sports arenas

ISBN 978-1-58479-852-1 ISBN$45.00 978-1584798521 US CAN $54.00


9 781584 798521

of the people to whom this great place has meant so much: journalists, players, and fans. No Red Sox fan—no baseball fan—will resist this incredible book. Harvey Frommer is the author of Remembering Yankee

also avail ab le

Stadium and more than 40 sports books. The oral historian and sports journalist is a professor in the Master of Arts in Liberal Studies program at Dartmouth College and professor emeritus at City university of New York. He lives in Lyme, New Hampshire. Johnny pesky was known as “Mr. Red Sox” for his seven and a half seasons playing and many years as a coach and commentator for the team. The Red Sox honored Pesky by officially naming the right-field foul pole “Pesky’s Pole” and retiring his No. 6 in 2008.

Remembering Yankee Stadium ISBN 978-1-58479-716-6 ISBN$45.00 978-1584797166 US CAN $48.95


9 781584 797166




By E l l E N E C K E R o g d E N

s e lling points ■ Ellen Ecker Ogden is the cofounder of America’s premier seed company, The Cook’s Garden, now owned by the Burpee seed catalog ■ This is both a gardening book and a cookbook ■ Kitchen gardens are hugely popular, with first Lady Michelle Obama’s White House kitchen garden bringing national attention to a growing trend for many households

s pecifications 300 color and black-and-white illustrations 100 recipes 256 pages, 7¼ × 9¼" paperback RIGHTS: World Pub MONTH: MarcH cooKINg • gardENINg ISBN 978-1-58479-856-9 ISBN-13: 978-1-58479-856-9 US $24.95 CAN $29.95 52495

9 781584 798569


he Complete Kitchen Garden is an inspiring collec-

tion of garden designs and recipes for the home

gardener and cook. based on the seasonal cycles of the garden, each chapter provides a new way to look at the planning stages with themes and designs such as “the salad lover’s garden,” “the heirloom maze garden,”

“the children’s garden,” and “the organic rotation garden.” More than 100 recipes featuring the food grown in each

also avail ab le

specific garden encompass a full range of soups, salads, main course savory dishes, and desserts, as well as condiments and garnish to dress up the plate. Ellen Ecker ogden is cofounder of The Cook’s Garden seed company, now owned by the burpee seed catalog.

Canning for a New Generation ISBN 978-1-58479-864-4 ISBN$24.95 978-1584798644 US CAN $29.95


9 781584 798644



She is the author of From the Cook’s Garden and The Vermont Cheese Book. Ellen has written articles for Country Living, Organic Gardening, EatingWell, the Boston Globe, and the Herb Companion. She lives in Manchester Village, Vermont.

Kitchen garden expert Ellen Ogden offers the plans and layouts for 15 themed gardens and 100 recipes for the home gardener and cook

The Beekeeper’s Bible B E E S , H O N E Y, R E C I P E S & OT H E R H O M E U S E S ■

By R I C H A R d A . J o N E s

A N d s H A R o N s w E E N E y- ly N C H

A comprehensive guide for active beekeepers as well as a gorgeous book for armchair enthusiasts

s e lling points ■ The most comprehensive guide on the market—no other book covers the history of bees, practical beekeeping, harvesting instructions, and recipes ■ Includes nearly 100 recipes and craft instructions ■ Backyard beekeeping is a growing trend ■ Highly illustrated with more than 400 color photographs and unique etchings ■ Timely and pertinent—honeybees and their predicament have been widely reported in the media

s pecifications 418 color photographs and illustrations 416 pages, 72⁄5 × 97⁄10" Hardcover


RIGHTS: NortH aMErIca ExclUdINg caNada

he Beekeeper’s Bible is as much an ultimate guide

Pub MONTH: aprIl

to the practical essentials of beekeeping as it is a

gardENINg • NatUrE

beautiful almanac to be read from cover to cover. Part history book, part handbook, and part cookbook, this illustrated tome covers every facet of the ancient hobby of beekeeping, from how to manage hives safely to harvesting one’s own honey, and ideas for how to use

honey and beeswax. Detailed instructions for making

ISBN 978-1-58479-918-4 ISBN$35.00 978-1584799184 US NCR


9 781584 799184

candles, furniture polish, beauty products, and nearly 100 honey-themed recipes are included. Fully illustrated with how-to photography and unique etchings, any backyard enthusiast or gardener can confidently dive into

also avail ab le

beekeeping with this book in hand (or daydream about harvesting their own honey while relaxing in the comfort of an armchair). richard a. Jones is a writer, ecologist, and high-profile uK expert on insects, and is a contributor and scientific advisor to BBC Wildlife Magazine and New Scientist. Sharon Sweeney-lynch is a freelance writer for the Guardian, the Independent, the Times Higher Education Supplement, and various consumer magazines.

For the Birds ISBN 978-1-58479-717-3 ISBN$19.95 978-1584797173 US CAN $21.95


9 781584 797173



“Will playing with hot sugar be fun? Hell, yes.”



By g E s I N E B u l lo C K- p R A d o

s e lling points ■ Author’s product line, Gesine Confectionary, was launched on the Rachael Ray show last year, with wider distribution to come in spring 2011 ■ Bullock-Prado takes the intimidation out of cooking with sugar, with detailed instructions and witty commentary ■ Includes removable gift labels ■ Just in time for Easter!

s pecifications 40 color photographs More than 100 recipes 224 pages, 9 × 9" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World Pub MONTH: aprIl

From marshmallows to macaroons, featuring more than 100 mouthwatering, easy-to-master recipes


ookbooks with recipes for baking with sugar (in

Food & WINE ISBN 978-1-58479-897-2 ISBN$29.95 978-1584798972 US CAN $35.95


9 781584 798972

the oven), continue to top the bestseller lists. And

yet, no one has set out to do a cookbook with recipes on cooking with sugar (on the stovetop)—until now. In Sugar

also avail ab le

Baby, Gesine bullock-Prado offers totally unintimidating step-by-step advice; the simplest instructions; recipes for candy, confections, and treats that integrate stovetop work into finished desserts; and a hilarious voice. Organized by temperature and chemical stages, here are more than 100 recipes for lollipops, caramel, rock candy, chocolate mousse, macaroons, marshmallows, pudding pops, cakes, and much more. Sugar Baby will satisfy even the most demanding sweet tooth. gesine Bullock-prado, founder of the Gesine Confectionary product line and author of My Life from Scratch, has been featured in People, on the Food Network, and in many other national publications. She lives in Vermont.

Baked ISBN 978-1-58479-721-0 ISBN$29.95 978-1584797210 US CAN $38.95


9 781584 797210

Baked Explorations ISBN 978-1-58479-850-7 ISBN$29.95 978-1584798507 US CAN $35.95


9 781584 798507




Bears of the Last Frontier ■

By C h r i s M o r g a n

A lavishly illustrated tie-in to the PBS Nature documentary filmed in Alaska s e lling points ■ Nature’s three-part special airs in May 2011 on PBS ■ Will be offered by PBS affiliates for pledge drives ■ Includes 200 gorgeous color photographs, including behindthe-scenes shots taken on location during more than two years of filming

s pecifications 200 color photographs 224 pages, 9⅞ × 9⅞" Hardcover with jacket



ollow the epic journey of wildlife conservationist


and bear biologist Chris Morgan as he travels by


motorcycle across Alaska while filming the PBS Nature documentary Bears of the Last Frontier. From thick forests to the icy arctic, his immersion into the bears’ world

ISBN 978-1-58479-931-3 ISBN-13: 978-1-58479-931-3 US $35.00 CAN $42.00 53500

reveals, as never witnessed before, an astonishingly intimate portrait of North America’s three bear species: brown

9 781584 799313

bears, black bears, and polar bears. Morgan treks deep into the wild and magical habitat of brown bears on the Alaska Peninsula, grizzly bears in Denali National Park, and polar bears on the sea ice. He also uncovers the mystery and beauty of these awe-inspiring animals and gets to know the native people who live in the same landscape. The book also follows the PBS TV crew as they travel more than 4,000 miles around Alaska, and it details the

also aVail aB le

hardships and challenges that come with filming a nature documentary. Packed with gorgeous color photographs of bears in their natural habitats, Bears of the Last Frontier is a keepsake for anyone interested in wildlife conservation. Chris Morgan is a British conservation ecologist specializing in international bear research and conservation. He is a regular lecturer at Western Washington University and is the codirector of the North Cascades Grizzly Bear Outreach Project.

Jane Goodall: 50 Years at Gombe ISBN 978-1-58479-878-1 ISBN$29.95 978-1584798781 US CAN $35.95


9 781584 798781



Bettane and Desseauve’s Guide to the Wines of france ■

By M I C H E l B E T TA N E A N d T H I E R Ry d E s s E Au v E

s e lling points ■ The authors are acknowledged experts in the field, each with more than 20 years of experience ■ Covers thousands of wines from older, established wineries and

A comprehensive guide to thousands of French wines, by two of today’s most distinguished French wine experts

up-and-coming new producers ■ The United States is the world’s largest importer of french wines, ensuring a large market for the book

s pecifications

“The more you know about

832 pages, 5⅝ × 11"

wine, the greater the pleasure.”


—Bettane and Desseauve

RIGHTS: World ENglISH Pub MONTH: aprIl Food & WINE

ISBN 978-1-58479-732-6 ISBN$35.00 978-1584797326 US CAN $42.00



ichel bettane and Thierry Desseauve are French wine experts known all over the world by wine

professionals and consumers alike. Now they bring

9 781584 797326

their expertise to the English-speaking market in their encyclopedic Guide to the Wines of France. This comprehensive buying guide is organized by region, including not only such celebrated areas as burgundy and bordeaux, but also lesser-known wine-making provinces such as Languedoc and Jura. Within each chapter, a complete picture of the region is presented through entries for individual wineries and

also avail ab le

detailed information about their wines; each wine is rated using the familiar 100-point scale. Written in clear, user-friendly language, the guide is accessible even to wine novices. Whether you’re looking to stock your cellar or to expand your wine-tasting horizons, Bettane and Desseauve’s Guide to the Wines of France is the

Grands Crus Classés ISBN 978-1-58479-877-4 ISBN$65.00 978-1584798774 US CAN $78.00


9 781584 798774



oenophile’s essential companion. Michel Bettane is one of the best-known wine tasters in the world. thierry desseauve is a journalist and the former publisher of the Revue du Vin de France.

Goat M e at, M I l k , C h e e S e ■

By B r u c e W e i n s t e i n a n d M a r k s c a r B r o u g h

p h oto g r a p h s By M a r c u s n i l s s o n

The first goat cookbook in America, with more than 100 delicious recipes for meat, milk, and cheese

s e lling points ■ Goat is the next big thing in food, with coverage in national media ■ Goat products have wonderful health benefits since no hormones and few antibiotics are used ■ authors have a great publicity track record

s pecifications 40 color photographs More than 100 recipes 272 pages, 7½ × 9 ¼" Hardcover RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: AprIl


rom appearances at the most high-end restaurants to street food carts coast-to-coast, goat meat and

dairy products are being embraced across the country as the next big thing. With its excellent flavor, wide-ranging versatility, and numerous health benefits, goat meat,

Food & WINe ISBN 978-1-58479-905-4 ISBN$29.95 978-1584799054 US CAN $35.95


9 781584 799054

milk, and cheese are being sought by home cooks. And while goat is the world’s primary meat (upwards of 70 percent of the red meat eaten around the world is goat) never before has there been a cookbook on this topic in the United States. Goat is a no-holds-barred goatapedia, laugh-out-loud cooking class, cheesemaking workshop,

also aVail aB le

and dairy-milking expedition all in one. With recipes such as Pan-Roasted Chops with Blackberries and Sage, Meatballs with Artichokes and Fennel, and ChocolateDipped Goat Cheese Balls, this book is sure to become the resource for this new frontier. Goat is Bruce Weinstein and Mark Scarbrough’s 18th cookbook. They write for many national food publications, including Fine Cooking, EatingWell, Cooking Light, and the Washington Post. They live in Colebrook, Connecticut. Their blog is www.realfoodhascurves.com.

Ham ISBN 978-1-58479-832-3 ISBN$29.95 978-1584798323 US CAN $38.95


9 781584 798323



Modern Paper Crafts A 2 1 S T- C E N T U RY G U I D E TO f O L D I N G , C U T T I N G , S C O R I N G , P L E AT I N G , A N D R E C YC L I N G ■

By M A R g A R E T vA N s I C K l E N

s e lling points ■ Author is leader in paper craft community ■ Projects for novice as well as advanced paper crafters

More than 20 fresh, hip projects that put a modern twist on traditional paper craft techniques

■ follows on the heels of the author’s spectacularly successful Origami Page-A-Day Calendar and Joy of Origami

s pecifications 70 photographs; 250 illustrations 144 pages, 8¼ × 8¼" Spiral-bound hardcover RIGHTS: World Pub MONTH: aprIl craFt


n Modern Paper Crafts, well-known origami guru

ISBN 978-1-58479-866-8 ISBN$24.95 978-1584798668 US CAN $29.95


Margaret Van Sicklen blows the dust off traditional

origami and paper crafting, presenting more than 20 projects that rely on classic paper craft techniques, but are suited to 21st-century style and aesthetics.

9 781584 798668

The suite of contemporary projects in Modern Paper Crafts ranges from gift wrap, holiday ornaments, and note cards to frames, boxes, bowls, silhouettes, wall art, mobiles, and even a folding screen. Projects are divided into five chapters: folding, cutting, scoring and sculpting, pleating, and recycling. Each chapter begins with an overview and step-by-step photo tutorials of basic techniques,

also avail ab le

and each project includes step-by-step instructions and illustrations. A variety of papers are used for the projects, from standard cardstock and scrapbooking paper to art papers and recycled corrugated cardboard. All of the projects are accessible to the novice paper crafter but will also appeal to the more advanced crafter.

Printing by Hand ISBN 978-1-58479-672-5 ISBN$27.50 978-1584796725 US CAN $30.00


9 781584 796725



Margaret Van Sicklen is the author of the bestselling annual Origami Page-A-Day Calendar, The Joy of Origami, and Origami On-the-Go. She lives in Santa barbara, California.


By A l i s o n R e i d

s e lling points ■ the practicality of a reference guide with the added appeal of 15 inspiring projects

Simple, fascinating techniques for sewers, quilters, and other textile artists

■ Create entirely new fabrics and textures through folding, cutting, pleating, tucking, and stitching ■ Surprisingly simple techniques produce fabrics that look complex and sophisticated ■ Unique projects are budgetfriendly and quick

s pecifications 120 photos; 200 illustrations 144 pages, 7½ × 10" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: US ANd CANAdA PUB MONTH: APRIl CRAft

ISBN 978-1-58479-911-5


ISBN$22.50 978-1584799115 US CAN $26.95


n Stitch Magic, fashion and textile expert Alison Reid teaches sewers how to manipulate and sculpt fabric

9 781584 799115

by using such techniques as folding, cutting, pleating,

tucking, gathering, and stitching, creating entirely new surfaces and textures in the process. The resulting

also avail ab le

fabrics, which look sophisticated and complex but are actually relatively simple and inexpensive to produce, can be used for entire textiles, such as cushions or blinds, or to create fashion accessories or embellishments. Stitch Magic serves as both a technical reference guide, which the sewer can consult time and again, as well as an inspiring project book. Among the beautiful, modern projects included are curtains and cushions, a throw, shawl, cape, necklace, and bag. Detailed illustrations throughout make all of the instructions easy to follow. Alison Reid is an author, illustrator, and professor of fashion and textiles. She lives in Liverpool, England.

Alabama Stitch Book ISbN 978-1-58479-638-1 ISBN$35.00 978-1584796381 US CAN $39.00


9 781584 796381

Alabama Studio Style ISbN 978-1-58479-823-1 ISBN$35.00 978-1584798231 US CAN $45.50


9 781584 798231



From a very young age, I knew that my family made magic in the kitchen. If you’ve ever walked down the pasta aisle in a supermarket, you know my dad’s family: the name is Boiardi . . . as in Chef Boyardee.


Delicious Memories R E C I P E S A N D S TO R I E S f R O M T H E C H E f B OYA R D E E fA M I LY ■

By A N N A B o I A R d I A N d s T E p H A N I E ly N E s s

s e lling points ■ More than 80 easy-toprepare, traditional, delicious Italian recipes ■ filled with vintage ads and lively family anecdotes this cookbook brings to life the iconic Boyardee brand ■ Cross-promotions with author’s dessert line, Delicious Memories, which is distributed nationwide and on QVC ■ Published in time for Mother’s Day ■ National and NYC media

s pecifications 50 color photographs More than 80 recipes 208 pages, 8 × 9½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World


he boiardi name has reached tables across

America for more than 70 years. Most Americans

have fond memories of this iconic brand, evoking

nostalgia for a simpler time. From a very young age, Anna boiardi spent countless hours helping her mother and grandmother, kneading and folding, and listening to stories as rich as the tortellini she and her mother would work to perfection. Now, for the first time, Anna brings us the authentic recipes that inspired the brand, including Ravioli with Ricotta and Squash Filling,

Pub MONTH: May

Anna boiardi, granddaughter of one of the Chef boyardee founders, shares the authentic family recipes that inspired the iconic brand

Food & WINE ISBN 978-1-58479-906-1 ISBN$27.50 978-1584799061 US CAN $33.00


9 781584 799061

Cotechino with Lentils, and baked Fennel with butter and Parmesan. Recipes for sauces, meats, and of course

also avail ab le

pasta dishes are just some of the secrets Anna shares in Delicious Memories. anna Boiardi is the granddaughter of Mario boiardi and the great-niece of Hector boiardi, founders of the Chef boiardi Food Product Co. born and raised in Italy in a family of chefs, boiardi learned to cook at home with her mother and grandparents. After college, she launched Cucina Academy, which has been featured on CNbC, and she appears regularly on QVC presenting her dessert line, Delicious Memories. boiardi lives in New York.

Giuliano Hazan’s Thirty Minute Pasta ISBN 978-1-58479-807-1 ISBN$27.50 978-1584798071 US CAN $35.95


9 781584 798071



“A sense of whimsy and frivolity seems to go along with this frilly textile form. But at the same time, there is a seriousness to the simple beauty of the openwork stitches. Fortunately, the pastime of knitting has never faded away, and knitters have never lost their love for the sheer art of working these astounding stitches.� —From the introduction to Loop-d-Loop Lace


Loop-d-Loop Lace M O R E T H A N 3 0 N OV E L L AC E D E S I G N S f O R K N I T T E R S ■

By T E vA d u R H A M

s e lling points ■ Lace is a hot topic among knitters ■ Groundbreaking volume shatters the notion that lace is old-fashioned ■ Eagerly anticipated addition to the popular Loop-d-Loop series ■ Author’s designs and yarn line have a well-established and enthusiastic fan base

s pecifications 115 color photographs 160 pages, 8½ × 10¾" Hardcover RIGHTS: World Pub MONTH: May craFt

ISBN 978-1-58479-834-7 ISBN$29.95 978-1584798347 US CAN $35.95


9 781584 798347


oop-d-Loop Lace is the third volume in the groundbreak-

also avail ab le

ing Loop-d-Loop series by Teva Durham. In this install-

ment, Durham shatters the idea that lace is old-fashioned by presenting more than 30 cutting-edge knitting designs that are as up-to-the-minute style-wise as they are thoroughly steeped in lace tradition. The projects cover a wide spectrum, from classic shawls and camisoles that utilize traditional laceweight yarns and revered stitch patterns, to ultramodern pullovers and accessories in bold colors and chunky yarns that showcase lace at a larger scale. Projects range from easy to advanced. Detailed swatch photos throughout illuminate the stitchwork, while color fashion photos show off the finished garments with the series’ signature modern, romantic appeal.

A modern collection of novel, elegant knitted lace designs from the author of Loop-d-Loop

Loop-d-Loop ISBN 978-1-58479-414-1 ISBN$29.95 978-1584794141 US CAN $35.95


9 781584 794141

teva durham is a former editor at Vogue Knitting International, and the author of STC Craft’s Loop-d-Loop (2005) and Loop-d-Loop Crochet (2007). Her designs and articles are featured in top knitting and crochet magazines and numerous books, including STC Craft’s Reversible Knitting and Weekend Knitting. Her yarn and pattern line, called Loop-d-Loop, is distributed by Tahki Stacy Charles. She lives in Jersey City, New Jersey.

Loop-d-Loop Crochet ISBN 978-1-58479-580-3 ISBN$27.50 978-1584795803 US CAN $33.00


9 781584 795803



The Repurposed Library 3 3 C R A f T P R OJ E C T S T H AT G I V E O L D B O O K S N E W L I f E ■

By l I s A o C C H I p I N T I

s e lling points ■ Most projects require only a book to be deconstructed, an x-Acto

33 DIY creations that transform books into art objects and functional items for the home

knife, and glue ■ Unique topic with far-reaching appeal in DIY community ■ Quirky and inventive subject matter guarantees word-ofmouth buzz and publicity hits ■ A timely response to the rising popularity of e-books

s pecifications 75 photographs; 150 illustrations 144 pages, 7⅜ × 9⅝" Hardcover RIGHTS: World Pub MONTH: May craFt


e all love to read and learn from books, but The

ISBN 978-1-58479-909-2 ISBN$24.95 978-1584799092 US CAN $29.95


9 781584 799092

Repurposed Library takes our passion even

further, presenting us with 33 projects to make—quite

literally—out of books. For these projects, Lisa Occhipinti rescues and repurposes orphaned and outdated books from flea markets and library sales and turns them into new art objects and practical items for the home. Her creations range from artfully constructed mobiles, wreaths, and vases, to functional items like shelves, storage boxes, and even a Kindle “keeper” for those who want to replicate the sensation of holding a “real”

also avail ab le

book while reading from an e-reader. Projects utilize every imaginable part of a book—from hardback cover to individual pages—and are a DIY celebration of a new way to view a book’s potential. lisa occhipinti is a former faculty member at the New Hampshire Institute of Art and Currier Museum of Art

AlternaCrafts ISBN 978-1-58479-456-1 ISBN$19.95 978-1584794561 US CAN $27.95


9 781584 794561



Center. Her work has been featured in the Boston Globe and on multiple websites and blogs, including Apartment Therapy, Publishers Weekly, and the New Yorker. She lives in Venice beach, California.

Wimbledon 1 0 1 R E A S O N S TO LOV E T H E G R E AT E S T TO U R N A M E N T I N T E N N I S ■


S E LLING POINTS ■ A pictorial history of the tournament’s 133 years,

A tribute to Wimbledon’s legendary champions, greatest matches, and rich traditions

Wimbledon pairs classic sports photography with fascinating facts, stats, and trivia ■ The book’s release date will coincide with Wimbledon 2011 (June 20–July 3) ■ Wimbledon is the longestrunning tournament in tennis history, with record-breaking attendance in recent years

S PECIFICATIONS 120 color and black-and-white photographs 128 pages, 7 × 8" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD


anicured playing lawns. Royal patronage. Spiff y white sporting apparel. There is no spectator

event quite like Wimbledon. For more than a century, tennis’s most legendary players—among them Roger Federer, Martina Navratilova, Boris Becker, Pete Sampras, Helen Wills Moody, and Fred Perry—have gracefully volleyed their way to glory on the hallowed grounds of the All England Club. But it is

also on this same turf that some of the game’s finest have

PUB MONTH: MAY SPORTS ISBN 978-1-58479-908-5 ISBN$18.95 978-1584799085 US CAN $22.95


9 781584 799085

6-copy counter pack ISBN 978-1-5847-9928-3 ISBN-13: 978-1-58479-928-3 US $113.70 CAN $137.70 11370

faltered, often because they were unable to master the very thing that gave lawn tennis its name—the grass. The

9 781584 799283

only Grand Slam tournament still played on the game’s original surface, Wimbledon has become as much of


a showcase of British culture and tradition as it has an elite sporting event. Wimbledon: 101 Reasons to Love the Greatest Tournament in Tennis celebrates the athletes, the matches, the history, and the rituals that have come to define this prestigious competition. David Green is principal and creative director of Brightgreen Design in Orangeburg, New York. He is the author of seven books in STC’s 101 Reasons to Love series.

The Masters ISBN 978-1-58479-694-7 ISBN$18.95 978-1584796947 US CAN $20.95


9 781584 796947



Terry John Woods’ Summer House ■

By T e r ry J o h n W o o d s

P h oTo g r a P h s By K i n d r a C l i n e f f

s e lling points ■ With more than 200 evocative color photographs of summer house interiors, decor, and gardens ■ Author’s honest approach and simple design ideas show how to transform any home into a tranquil retreat ■ Woods’ folk art, teddy bears, and home designs have been featured in Country Home, Country Living, and many other national publications

s pecifications More than 200 color photographs 224 pages, 9⅞ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: JUNe INTerIor deSIgN ISBN 978-1-58479-924-5 ISBN$45.00 978-1584799245 US CAN $54.00


9 781584 799245

A gorgeous volume that inspires the reader to capture the beauty of the summer house style year-round


erry John Woods’ Summer House captures the

feeling that summer evokes with memories that last

beyond the seasons. This gorgeous volume explores the

freedom of creating meaningful and cozy spaces meant solely for relaxing and entertaining. Unencumbered with the necessities of year-round living, a summer home can

also avail ab le

accommodate beautiful and thoughtful family treasures. Accompanied by luscious photographs of summer house interiors and gardens, this book is sure to delight and inspire. As Woods says: “Summer homes lend themselves to the creation of quiet, comfortable spaces where time stands still.”

Terry John Woods’ New Farmhouse Style ISBN 978-1-58479-792-0 ISBN$45.00 978-1584797920 US CAN $58.50


9 781584 797920



Terry John Woods’s signature vintage-style teddy bears are collected internationally, and his design work has been featured in numerous publications worldwide. Woods is the author of Terry John Woods’ New Farmhouse Style and lives in Vermont and Maine.

Campfire Cookery A DV E N T U R E S O M E R E C I P E S A N D OT H E R C U R I O S I T I E S f O R T H E G R E AT O U T D O O R S ■

By s A R A H H u C K A N d JA I M E E yo u N g

p H oTo g R A p H s By TA R A d o N N E s e lling points ■ Takes campfire cooking to the next level, offering savory breakfast treats, tantalizing lunch fare and exotic dinner menus, cocktails and desserts included ■ As practical as it is beautiful, this volume contains many tips on packing and storing food as well as how to build a campfire ■ Authors are part of New York Times’ food columnist Melissa Clark’s recipe-development team

s pecifications 30 color photographs More than 100 recipes 304 pages, 8½ × 9⅛" Hardcover

Leave your hot dogs at home with this imaginative culinary treat offering more than 100 gourmet recipes

RIGHTS: World ENglISH Pub MONTH: JUNE Food & WINE ISBN 978-1-58479-907-8 ISBN$29.95 978-1584799078 US CAN $35.95


9 781584 799078


amping fare typically includes burgers and hot

dogs, and while these are certainly easy, get

ready to rethink the cuisine that can be savored over the

open flame. With recipes like Spiced Currant Scones, Maple-Glazed Salmon, and Tomato Tarte Tatin, Huck and Young celebrate delicious food and the great outdoors.

also avail ab le

They also include step-by-step instructions for activities such as stargazing, foraging for woodland berries, and minding one’s fruits of the sea (or, how to clean a fish). Campfire Cookery proves that the campfire can not only be a blissful escape but a true culinary destination. Sarah Huck and Jaimee young have acted as recipe testers and developers on many cookbooks including Paula Deen’s The Deen Family Cookbook. They live in brooklyn, New York.

Good to the Grain ISBN 978-1-58479-830-9 ISBN$29.95 978-1584798309 US CAN $35.95


9 781584 798309



BY S h i r l e Y h a l p e r i n


merican Idol: Celebrating 10 Years is a photographic celebration of the first 10 years of the hit

television show that changed the face of popular culture and the music industry throughout the world. Bringing contestants from obscurity to mega stardom in a sensational display, there have been countless memorable moments over the past decade. Beginning with a triumphant image of Kelly Clarkson from the Season 1 finale, then covering highlights from the following seasons, this book contains many never-before-published images from behind the scenes, on stage, in the dressing rooms, and in the rehearsals, as well as images of unforgettable performances. This book is the ultimate collector’s item for American Idol fans! American Idol aficionado Shirley Halperin has covered the show throughout its 10-year run for Entertainment Weekly and the Los Angeles Times blog. She lives in os a angeles. los



c e l e B r At I N G



■ Major television, print feature, radio, and online media

. Season 10 debuts January 2011 Fox’s #1 show for 9 straight years 34.4M viewers watched Season 9 winner get crowned Over 3 billion votes to date Viewed in more than 150 countries Multi-platinum selling winners

■ Major marketing and promotional support from FremantleMedia, licensor and producer of American Idol, including feature coverage on the American Idol website and social networking pages, as well as tie-ins with media affiliates ■ Includes behind-the-scenes photos from the official American Idol archive ■ Features chapters on the judges and images of all American Idol contestants and their greatest moments on the show ■ Author has had access to past and present contestants, judges, and behindthe-scenes information throughout the

Year-round American Idol Experience attraction at Walt Disney World

show’s 10-year run

s pecifications 250 color photographs 224 pages, 9½ × 10" Hardcover RIGHTS: Nort NortH H Amer AmerII c A PUB MONTH: mA mArc rcH rc H PoP Po P cU cUlt ltU lt U re ISBN 978-0-8109-9830-8 ISBN$22.95 978-0810998308 US CAN $27.95

american idol® is a registered trademark of 19 TV ltd. and FremantleMedia north america, inc. © 2010 FremantleMedia north america, inc. and 19 TV ltd. all rights reserved. licensed by FremantleMedia enterprises. www.americanidol.com


9 780810 998308

A Radiant Life T H E S E L E C T E D J O U R N A L I S M O F N UA L A O ’ FAO L A I N ■



Passionate and original essays from bestselling author Nuala O’Faolain— published in the United States for the first time

S E LLING POINTS ■ A collection of O’Faolain’s columns from the Irish Times and Ireland’s Sunday Tribune ■ Extensive fan base in the United States based on bestselling memoirs and novels ■ Online reader’s guide

S PECIFICATIONS 320 pages, 5½ × 8¼" Paperback with flaps FROM THE ESSAY


“Sex Matters”



PUB MONTH: MARCH LITERATURE “One of the greatest columnists ever to inhabit the English language.”

ISBN 978-0-8109-9806-3 ISBN$18.95 978-0-8109-9806-3 US CAN $22.95


9 780810 998063

6-copy counter pack ISBN 978-0-8109-9840-7 ISBN-13: 978-0-8109-9840-7 US $113.70 CAN $137.70 11370

9 780810 998407


—Fintan O’Toole Radiant Life presents the unequivocal voice of Nuala O’Faolain tackling a vast range of subjects

from Catholicism to feminism, from Sinatra to Africa, and

old age. Of course, this doesn’t mean that

never less than trenchant and were always passionate.

young men bursting with testosterone only

“I was blinded by the habit of translating everything into

manage three times a minute. But there can

personal terms,” she writes apologetically, but this is the

have been few people so detached from the

power of her journalism. Through the prism of casual,

subject that when they read the reports of the

rative, an inadvertent chronicle of a transformed Ireland

“A reader’s writer” —Vogue

by one of its sharpest observers and canniest critics.

scend topicality. The result is a cumulative historical nar-

“Searing, unsentimental”

else. Good old Ireland—bringing up the rear, as always, when it comes to investigating the body, or pleasure, or any experience which has not been presorted according to hierar-

Somebody? and Almost There) and novelist (My Dream

chies of class and gender importance.

of You and Best Love, Rosie), Nuala O’Faolain was for two decades a columnist for the Irish Times. She died in

insight” —Newsweek

Dublin in 2008.


survey of the Irish and sex . . . they did not pause to compare themselves to everybody

An international bestselling memoirist (Are You

“Brilliant writing and heartbreaking

sexuality is a profoundly important theme during the whole lifespan from puberty to people think about sex all the time; even



with their own sexuality and how the individual thinks other people perceive their

from Irish American culture to Islam and the West. Curious

reaching beyond the prompting of the moment to tran-

“Rich, fierce” —New Yorker

knows that. So does not having sex.

What arrangements an individual makes

and funny, tender and scathing, O’Faolain’s columns were

everyday encounters, O’Faolain presses her subject,

—Boston Globe


A Radiant Life

aving sex really matters. Everyone

Kraken T H E C U R I O U S , E XC I T I N G , A N D S L I G H T LY D I S T U R B I N G S C I E N C E O F S Q U I D ■


A new exploration of one of the most popular and intriguing animals on the planet

S E LLING POINTS ■ The first book in more than a decade about the fascinating squid ■ Includes current squid-enabled research, such as finding a cure for Alzheimer’s and designing more effective ways to camouflage soldiers on the battlefield ■ Will appeal to fans of Cod and The Big Oyster

from the introduction to Kraken


Tantalizing clues hint that some species of squid may be intelligent and capable of learning from


raken is the traditional name for gigantic sea monsters, and this book introduces one of the most

Humboldt squid, like dolphins,

Hardcover with jacket

hunt in well-coordinated packs.


Cuttlefish communicate with

and skin patterns. Octopuses

along the way addressing some riddles about what intel-

build themselves houses.

ligence is, and what monsters lie in the deep. In addition

(They also like cast-off beer

and the cuttlefish, and explores their otherworldly abilities,

bottles, but prefer brown glass to clear, and short

such as camouflage and bioluminescence. Accessible and

necks to long necks.)

entertaining, Kraken is also the first substantial volume on

Some octopuses can untie

the subject in more than a decade and a must for fans of popular science.


each other in intricate code, using a language of flashing colors

equally enthralling cephalopods, including the octopus

and photographs 224 pages, 5¼ × 9"

the squid. The pages take the reader on a wild narrative

to squid, both giant and otherwise, Kraken examines other

30 black-and-white illustrations

experience. We’ve seen that the

charismatic, enigmatic, and curious inhabitants of the sea: ride through the world of squid science and adventure,


ISBN 978-0-8109-8465-3 ISBN$21.95 978-0810984653 US CAN $25.95


9 780810 984653

6-copy counter pack ISBN 978-0-8109-9839-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-8109-9839-1 US $131.70 CAN $155.70 13170

9 780810 998391

silk surgical sutures.

Wendy Williams’s writing has appeared on the front pages of the Boston Globe, the Christian Science Monitor, and the Baltimore Sun. She’s also written for the New York Times, Parade Magazine, the Wall Street Journal, and Science. Williams is the coauthor of Cape Wind, which was named one of 2007’s ten best environmental books by Booklist and one of the year’s best science books by Library Journal. She lives on Cape Cod, Massachusetts.



Country Club

birthDay party



Creative Job interview

rainy Day


What to Wear, Where T H E H O W -TO H A N D B O O K F O R A N Y S T Y L E S I T UAT I O N ■



S E LLING POINTS ■ Media-star authors have been

Less expensive than a personal shopper and more honest than a friend

profiled in People, the Wall Street Journal, US Weekly, and Elle, among many others ■ Multi-city author tour ■ Promotions on WhoWhatWear.com and authors’ e-newsletter (more than 400,000 daily subscribers) ■ Celebrity and style maven Nicole Richie wrote the foreword

S PECIFICATIONS 150 color photographs 160 pages, 6½ × 9" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: MARCH FASHION


ISBN 978-0-8109-9703-5 ISBN$18.95 978-0810997035 US CAN $22.95


ife is stressful; your outfi t shouldn’t be. That’s the philosophy behind What to Wear, Where, the second

9 780810 997035

book from the authors of the popular style guide Who

6-copy counter pack

What Wear. This time Hillary Kerr and Katherine Power give readers exactly what they’ve asked for: specific advice on how to put together the perfect look for any social occasion. What to Wear, Where addresses more than 50 major social situations, explains what you should wear and what you shouldn’t wear, and shows you exactly

“Your go-to source for cool, ‘It’ girl style . . . It’s truly relatable for women of all ages, styles and locations.” —celebrity stylist and

ISBN 978-0-8109-9838-4 ISBN-13: 978-0-8109-9838-4 US $113.70 CAN $137.70 11370

9 780810 998384

bestselling author Rachel Zoe

what the authors would wear. What to Wear, Where is loaded with practical tips and style suggestions, making it the perfect resource for anyone who wants to feel more confident about her outfi t choices. It’s your go-to guide for wardrobe advice and inspiration!

“Authors Hillary Kerr and Katherine


Power know fashion, and their book, which shares the name of their style-advising business, WhoWhatWear, offers enlightening

Hillary Kerr is the cofounder and editorial director of

insights.” —Wall Street Journal

WhoWhatWear.com. Kerr was previously an associate

“WhoWhatWear.com does such a great

editor at Elle and has written for Teen Vogue, Maxim, and

job of compiling the newest trends.

Nylon. Katherine Power is the cofounder and creative

And the founders have a good eye

director of WhoWhatWear.com and was formerly the West

for putting together inspiring clothing

Coast editor of Elle. Both authors live in Los Angeles.

combinations.” —Rachel Bilson

Who What Wear ISBN 978-0-8109-8045-7 ISBN$18.95 978-0810980457 US CAN $24.95


9 780810 980457



Yoga Dogs ■


A hilarious photo collection of dogs and puppies in yoga poses (via the wonders of Photoshop) S E LLING POINTS ■ Yoga Dogs calendars and an upcoming line of greeting cards have paved the way for this laugh-out-loud book ■ 30 million people practice yoga and at least 77.5 million people own dogs in the United States— this will appeal to both

S PECIFICATIONS 45 color photographs 112 pages, 7⅞ × 7⅞" Paperback RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: MARCH PETS ISBN 978-0-8109-9682-3 ISBN$15.95 978-0810996823 US CAN $18.95


9 780810 996823

6-copy counter pack ISBN 978-0-8109-9841-4 ISBN-13: 978-0-8109-9841-4 US $95.70 CAN $113.70 59570


nspired by a friend’s mastiff that would imitate its master’s morning yoga routine, photographer Dan

Borris created Yoga Dogs, a full-color collection of 45 dif-

ferent dogs and puppies doing human yoga poses. Don’t 9 780810 998414

worry: No animals were harmed during the making of the images; instead, their extreme flexibility can be chalked up to some very effective digital trickery. The results are


silly and curious all at once, and the inherently humorous pictures are complemented by information about the poses and some funny and punny canine meditations. Dan Borris is a professional photographer widely recognized for his portraiture. His images have appeared in Vanity Fair, Rolling Stone, the New York

Dogplay ISBN 978-1-58479-827-9 ISBN$12.95 978-1584798279 US CAN $16.95


9 781584 798279



Times, and Smithsonian. His work has been honored by Communication Arts, American Photography, and the Art Directors Club of New York. He lives in San Antonio, Texas.

Man Down P R O O F B E YO N D A R E A S O N A B L E D O U B T T H AT W O M E N A R E B E T T E R C O P S , D R I V E R S , G A M B L E R S , S P I E S , W O R L D L E A D E R S , B E E R TA S T E R S , H E D G E F U N D M A N AG E R S , A N D J U S T A B O U T E V E RY T H I N G E L S E ■

BY DA N A B R A M S S E LLING POINTS ■ Dan Abrams is the chief legal analyst for NBC News and MSNBC, is a regular on the Today show, and has appeared on most national talk shows

Fact: Women are smarter, healthier, and unequivocally better than men Proof: Read this book

■ Abrams has published numerous articles in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, and USA Today and is the legal columnist for Men’s Health ■ Perfect gift for men stuck in the doghouse everywhere and the women who put them there! ■ National media



ISBN 978-0-8109-9829-2 adies and gentlemen of the jury, everyone is familiar with the tired clichés: women are bad drivers and are not

good with money; only guys play video games and they give bad directions. Dan Abrams tackles the toughest case of his career in Man Dan. Drawing on years of legal experience and research studies, Abrams explains step-by-step why women

ISBN$19.95 978-0810998292 US CAN $23.95


9 780810 998292

6-copy counter pack ISBN 978-0-8109-9843-8 ISBN-13: 978-0-8109-9843-8 US $119.70 CAN $143.70 11970

are better than men in just about every way imaginable, from managing money to fl ying planes to living longer. Abrams

9 780810 998438

uses his trademark charm to get his point across without opining on the issue himself. Chock-full of fun facts and conversation starters, this book may not end the debate of men versus women, but it will definitely make it more interesting. Dan Abrams is the chief legal analyst for NBC News and MSNBC. In the past year he launched the media news site Mediaite.com, GossipCop.com, Styleite.com and Geekosystem.com. Abrams has published articles in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today magazine, and the Huffington Post, and is the legal columnist for Men’s Health magazine. Never married, Abrams lives in New York and is still learning how to talk to the better gender.



Patti Smith 1969–1976 ■

By J u dy L i n n

A f t e r w o r d By PAt t i S m i t h

Never-before-seen intimate photographs of Patti Smith before she was an icon s e lling points ■ A unique portrait of Patti Smith and her confidants Robert Mapplethorpe and Sam Shepard ■ An insider’s view of the downtown New York cultural scene of the 1970s ■ Perfect companion to Patti Smith’s bestselling memoir, Just Kids

s pecifications 100 black-and-white photographs 144 pages, 10 × 8" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLd PUB MONTH: MarcH PHotograPHy

ISBN 978-0-8109-9832-2 ISBN-13: 978-0-8109-9832-2 US $24.95 CAN $29.95 52495

9 780810 998322


efore she was a world-renowned singer-songwriter and dubbed “the Godmother of Punk,” Patti Smith

was a struggling poet posing for the lens of photographer

also avail ab le

Judy Linn. In intimate portraits of an artist as a young woman, Linn captures Smith at her most vulnerable, as a raw performer on the verge of becoming an iconic artist. Linn’s photographs offer a fascinating document of Smith’s maturation into one of the most influential women of her generation while also spotlighting her close relationships with other artists, including Robert

Max’s Kansas City ISBN 978-0-8109-9597-0 ISBN$24.95 978-0810995970 US CAN $29.95


Mapplethorpe and Sam Shepard. This book captures a moment lost in time, when a poet experimenting with music crossed paths with a young artist experimenting with photography. A must-have for anyone interested

9 780810 995970

in the evolution of an artist, Patti Smith 1969–1976 showcases the collaboration between Smith and Linn that rewrote the definition of what it means to be a woman and an artist. Judy Linn is a photographer who is represented by

CBGB & OMFUG ISBN 978-0-8109-5786-2 ISBN$24.95 978-0810957862 US CAN $27.50


9 780810 957862



Feature Inc. Gallery. Her work is in the collections of the Whitney Museum of American Art, the Detroit Art Institute, and the Dallas Museum of Fine Arts. She lives in New York City.

Eddie Trunk’s Essential hard Rock and heavy Metal ■

BY e d d i e T r u n K

F O r e w O r d BY r O B h a l F O r d O F J u da S p r i e S T s e lling points ■ Eddie Trunk has worked for 25 years in the world of rock ■ Eddie currently hosts his own national TV show as well as two radio shows ■ Will appeal to fans of black Sabbath, Metallica, Megadeth, bon Jovi, Mötley crüe, and more!

s pecifications 150 color photographs 240 pages, 8 × 9" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: APrIl mUSIc

Required reading for all rock-and-roll fans


ISBN 978-0-8109-9831-5 ISBN$19.95 978-0810998315 US CAN $23.95


9 780810 998315

nown as a leading expert on all things hard rock and heavy metal, Eddie Trunk continues to enter-

tain fans on the radio and as the host of VH1 Classic’s

hit television program That Metal Show with his passion for music. In his debut book, Eddie discusses his most

also avail ab le

essential bands, his unique personal experiences with them, his favorite “Stump the Trunk” anecdotes and trivia, as well as his favorite playlists. Whether you’re a classic Metallica or Megadeth metalhead or prefer the hair metal of old-school Bon Jovi or Poison, Eddie Trunk’s Hard Rock and Heavy Metal salutes all who are ready to rock! eddie trunk is the host of VH1 Classic’s That Metal Show. He is also heard on two weekly radio shows: Eddie Trunk Live on XM satellite radio, and Friday Night Rocks, live in New York City. He lives in New Jersey.

Led Zeppelin: Good Times, Bad Times ISbN 978-0-8109-5009-2 ISBN$35.00 978-0810950092 US CAN $45.50


9 780810 950092



After school, some kids have hobbies.

Billy likes dress up.


We also play dress up.

In and Out with Dick and Jane A LOV I N G PA R O DY ■


The classic children’s book characters find themselves in some rather naughty situations

S E LLING POINTS ■ Sweet, retro-inspired art combined with perverse scenarios creates some funny and whacked-out humor ■ The package mimics classic beloved books that we all remember and love

S PECIFICATIONS 50 color illustrations 96 pages, 5½ × 7½" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD


PUB MONTH: APRIL oss MacDonald, the award-winning illustrator, and


James Victore, the celebrated graphic designer, have

gotten together to create a parody featuring the classic kids’

book characters Dick and Jane. This time around, though, our straitlaced protagonists are venturing into some rather dark, twisted, and bawdy places. The images are perfectly rendered in warm, nostalgic shades, and the tone of the text is sweet and simple, but the content leans toward sex, drugs, and violence, with healthy doses of innuendo. To top it off, this

ISBN 978-0-8109-9759-2 ISBN$14.95 978-0810997592 US CAN $17.95


9 780810 997592

6-copy counter pack ISBN 978-0-8109-9842-1 ISBN-13: 978-0-8109-9842-1 US $89.70 CAN $107.70 58970

laugh-out-loud satire is situated inside a handsome, imitationcloth volume resembling an old-fashioned kids’ book.

9 780810 998421

Ross MacDonald is a contributing editor of Virginia Quarterly Review and a contributing artist for Vanity Fair.


His award-winning illustrations have appeared in the New Yorker, Newsweek, the Wall Street Journal, and Rolling Stone. He was also the subject of a one-man retrospective at the New York Times. He lives in Newtown, Connecticut. James Victore is an independent graphic designer based in New York City whose clients include Moët & Chandon, Target, Amnesty International, the Shakespeare Project, the New York Times, and MTV. He has won an Emmy for television animation, and gold and silver medals from the New York Art Directors Club.

Understand Rap ISBN 978-0-8109-8921-4 ISBN$12.95 978-0-8109-8921-4 US CAN $15.95


9 780810 989214



S’Mother T H E S TO RY O F A M A N , H I S M O M , A N D T H E T H O U S A N D S O F A LTO G E T H E R I N S A N E L E T T E R S S H E ’ S M A I L E D H I M ■


S E LLING POINTS ■ A unique and funny Mother’s

One son’s hilarious memoir about the mother of all mothers

Day gift ■ Laugh out loud—even if you didn’t grow up with a neurotic mother ■ Perfect counterpoint to the bestselling book Sh*t My Dad Says

Adam— Enclosed find this insurance document in case my plane crashes. Looking forward to seeing you in the show. Love, Mom

S PECIFICATIONS 35 2-color illustrations 176 pages, 5¼ × 7¾" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD ENGLISH PUB MONTH: MAY MEMOIR • HUMOR ISBN 978-0-8109-9645-8 ISBN$15.95 978-0-8109-9645-8 US CAN $18.95



dam Chester is the son of a very loving mom, who for almost 30 years has peppered his life with

unsolicited advice, news updates, and opinions in the form

of thousands of inappropriate, embarrassing, and utterly

9 780810 996458

crazy letters. S’Mother is a hilarious memoir based on

6-copy counter pack

this correspondence showing the pathological extremes

ISBN 978-0-8109-9844-5

maternal instincts can take. Why is a grown woman so

ISBN-13: 978-0-8109-9844-5 US $89.70 CAN $107.70 58970

frantic that her adult son screw on his windows to keep out killer bees? And are adult trick-or-treaters really that much

9 780810 998445

of a threat? Adam saved his mom’s letters as proof this all happened and reproduces many of them in the book.


And now, with time, perspective, and plenty of therapy, he acknowledges and accepts the comedy of it all and is proud to share his story with you, if for no other reason than to make you feel better about your own mother. Adam Chester works as a professional composer and

11,002 Things to Be Miserable About ISBN 978-0-8109-8363-2 ISBN$10.95 978-0810983632 US CAN $11.95


9 780810 983632



singer-songwriter who is employed as the official “surrogate Elton John.” (Adam sits in as Elton John, playing piano and singing while rehearsing his band for various appearances.) Based in Los Angeles, he is married and has two boys. His mom lives about 20 minutes away and still writes Adam at least four times a month.

Adam— Don’t have anything to do with your paternal grandmother. Love, Mom Adam— Please don’t go into Mexico because they are kidnapping Americans and cutting off their heads!! Love, Mom

The Steampunk bible A N I L LU S T R AT E D G U I D E TO T h E W O R L D O F I M AG I N A RY A I R S h I P S , c O R S E T S A N D G O G G L E S , M A D S c I E N T I S T S , A N D S T R A N G E L I T E R AT U R E ■

BY J e F F Va n d e r M e e r w i T h S . J . C h a M B e r S

The first definitive guide to the internationally popular sci-fi/Victorian movement

s e lling points ■ highly illustrated must-have for Steampunks, appealing to aficionados and novices alike ■ From 2009’s blockbuster film Sherlock Holmes to comic con, Steampunk’s influence is everywhere ■ Only book to tell the history of the movement and profile its origins, main figures, and impact ■ contributions from Jake von Slatt, bruce Sterling, Jess Nevins, and other noted members of the community ■ Steampunk movement has thousands of devotees worldwide

s pecifications 150 color illustrations 224 pages, 7 × 10" Hardcover


RIGHTS: World teampunk—a grafting of Victorian aesthetic and punk rock attitude onto science-fiction culture—is

a phenomenon that has come to influence film, literature,

PUB MONTH: mAY PoP cUltUre • ScIeNce FIctIoN

art, music, fashion, and more. The Steampunk Bible is the first compendium about the movement, tracing its roots in

ISBN 978-0-8109-8958-0

the works of Jules Verne and H. G. Wells through its most


recent expression in movies such as Sherlock Holmes. Its adherents celebrate the inventor as an artist and hero,

ISBN$24.95 978-0810989580 US CAN $29.95

9 780810 989580

re-envisioning and crafting retro technologies including antiquated airships and robots. A burgeoning DIY community has brought a distinctive Victorian-fantasy style to

also avail ab le

their crafts and art. Steampunk evokes a sense of adventure and discovery, and embraces extinct technologies as a way of talking about the future. This ultimate manual will appeal to aficionados and novices alike as authors Jeff VanderMeer and S. J. Chambers take the reader on a wild ride through the clockwork corridors of Steampunk history. Jeff Vandermeer is an award-winning author and coeditor of a bestselling anthology of Steampunk literature. S. J. chambers is a writer and Poe scholar focusing on his importance to genre literature like Steampunk.

Boilerplate ISbN 978-0-8109-8950-4 ISBN$24.95 978-0810989504 US CAN $32.50


9 780810 989504



Tate Publishing

Booth-Clibborn Editions

5 Continents Editions V&A Publishing

Royal Academy of Arts

The First Medusa. Caravaggio ■

t e x t s By M i n a G r e G o r i , M au r i z i o M a r i n i , a n d M au r i z i o s e r ac i n i

FroM 5 CoNtINeNtS edItIoNS


s pecifications 229 color illustrations

his stunning book reveals how a version of the Medusa in private hands has been

newly attributed to Caravaggio (1571–1610). The

160 pages, 11 × 11"

similarity of the work, and its frame, to the better-

Hardcover with jacket

known version at the Uffizi in Florence attracted


the attention of experts. X-rays and new tech-

Italy aNd FraNCe

nologies eventually confirmed that this version


was the original. Here, the results of historical


and technological research are accompanied

ISBN 978-88-7439-582-8

by superb illustrations and close-ups of the

ISBN$60.00 978-8874395828 US CAN $78.00

painting, the X-rays, and more, enabling art lovers


the opportunity to appreciate this previously neglected work.

9 788874 395828

Mina Gregori is professor emeritus at Florence University. Maurizio Marini is a distinguished scholar of Caravaggio. Maurizio Seracini is director of the Center of Interdisciplinary Science for Art, Architecture and Archaeology at the University of California, San Diego.

Looking Up™: Yinka Shonibare, MBE ■

F o r e w o r d By P r i n c e s s c a r o l i n e o F H a n ov e r

t e x t s By M a r i e - c l au d e B e au d, B é at r i c e B l a n c H y, n at H a l i e

r o s t i c H e r G i o r da n o, e t a l .

s pecifications 100 color illustrations 176 pages, 8¼ × 8¼"

FroM 5 CoNtINeNtS edItIoNS


inka Shonibare (b. 1962), a NigerianEnglish artist and Turner Prize nominee

who has had major international solo exhibitions,

Bilingual: English and French

likes to unite different worlds in a single space


because he himself is a product of multicultural-

RIGHTS: World exClUdING Italy aNd FraNCe PUB MONTH: MarCH art

ism. His reflections on identity and memory, often rendered as wax models of middle-class Victorian figures represented as headless mannequins, are instantly recognizable. Here, models, sculptures, photographs, and videos by Shonibare are exhib-

ISBN 978-88-7439-564-4

ited in rooms at the Nouveau Musée National

ISBN$34.95 978-8874395644 US CAN $41.95

de Monaco. HRH Princess Caroline of Hanover,


9 788874 395644

daughter of the late Prince Rainier and Princess Grace of Monaco, contributes a foreword. Marie-Claude Beaud is director, and Béatrice Blanchy is a curator, at the Nouveau Musée National de Monaco. Nathalie rosticher Giordano is a former cultural programmer at the Grimaldi Forum.



5 Continents

Buckminster Fuller and Isamu Noguchi BEST oF FRIENdS ■

By s H oj i s a dao

FroM 5 CoNtINeNtS edItIoNS s e lling points ■ Accessible, firsthand account offers new and interesting insights into the lives and

The friendship between two major figures of 20th-century art, architecture, and design written by a collaborator and close friend of both

friendship of Noguchi and Fuller ■ While reams have been written about both artists, this is the first publication to examine the friendship and artistic relationship between Fuller and Noguchi ■ Includes never-before-seen archival photographs and poignant personal anecdotes ■ Published for the Noguchi Museum’s 25th anniversary

s pecifications 264 duotone illustrations 256 pages, 9 × 11½" Hardcover RIGHTS: World exClUdING Italy aNd FraNCe PUB MONTH: MarCH art • deSIGN


ISBN 978-88-7439-543-9 his intriguing book is an informal, close-up biography of the friendship between Buckminster

Fuller (1895–1983) and Isamu Noguchi (1904–1988).

ISBN$65.00 978-8874395439 US CAN $78.00


9 788874 395439

Author Shoji Sadao, who was friend and business partner to both, chronicles the respect, affection, and support they had for one another. Fuller’s development of his Dymaxion Map and Car, and Geodesic geometry, are discussed in detail as is Noguchi’s multifaceted career as sculptor, landscape architect, industrial designer, danceset designer, and artist without borders who challenged the artificial opposition between the fine and applied arts. Sadao’s role as partner to both gives him privileged access to details unavailable to others, resulting in a warm and intimate—and fully illustrated—narrative that documents an exceptional relationship. Shoji Sadao is an architect who collaborated with both R. Buckminster Fuller and Isamu Noguchi. He was executive director of the Isamu Noguchi Foundation, Inc. from 1991 to 2003.

5 Continents



The New Pinocchio ■

a da P t e d By c H r i s t i n e n ö s t l i n G e r

a n to n i o s au r a

i l lu s t r at e d By

FroM 5 CoNtINeNtS edItIoNS


s pecifications 187 color illustrations

arlo Collodi’s The Adventures of Pinocchio, first published in 1883, has been adapted

304 pages, 8½ × 9½"

in many ways and translated into many languages.


Here, award-winning German children’s book writer Christine Nöstlinger and renowned Spanish


artist Antonio Saura offer The New Pinocchio, with

Italy aNd FraNCe

entirely original illustrations. First published to


great acclaim in Spain in 1994, this stunning new


edition is now available in English.

ISBN 978-88-7439-570-5 ISBN 978-8874395705

US $60.00

The works of antonio Saura (1930–1998) are in

CAN $72.00 56000

major collections around the world, including the

9 788874 395705

National Gallery and Tate Modern, London; the LA County Museum of Art; and the Guggenheim and Metropolitan in New York. Christine Nöstlinger (b. 1936) is arguably today’s most famous Germanlanguage children’s book author. A number of her prize-winning works have been translated. In 1984, she was awarded the Hans Christian Andersen Medal.

Relics of the Past T R E A S U R E S o F T h E G R E E k o R T h o d ox C h U R C h A N d T h E P o P U L AT I o N E xC h A N G E ■ s pecifications 80 color illustrations 216 pages, 9½ × 11¼" Bilingual: English and French

By a n n a B a l l i a n

FroM 5 CoNtINeNtS edItIoNS


acred Christian art objects—including tabernacles, plates, bottles, bibs, votives,

crosses, and more—reveal the amazing skill

and creativity of Greek craftsmen living in the

Paperback with flaps

predominantly Muslim Ottoman Empire. Precious


metals, like gold and silver, beautifully decorated

Italy aNd FraNCe

with carvings, embossed, and adorned with pre-


cious stones like rubies and sapphires, are pic-

art • deCoratIve artS

tured here and analyzed in terms of historical and artistic significance. The objects come from the

ISBN 978-88-7439-575-0 ISBN 978-8874395750

US $42.50

CAN $51.00 54250

9 788874 395750

Greek Orthodox community living on what is now the Turkish coast, under the rule of the Ottoman Empire from the 14th through 17th centuries. anna Ballian is the senior curator at the Benaki Museum of Islamic Art in Athens, Greece. She has published extensively on Byzantine, postByzantine, Islamic, and Armenian art, and has curated several exhibitions.



5 Continents

The Art of daily Life P o R TA B L E o B j E C T S F R o M S o U T h E R N A F R I C A ■

By c o n s ta n t i n e P e t r i d i s

FroM 5 CoNtINeNtS edItIoNS

w i t H a n e s s ay By K a r e l n e l


ublished to accompany an exhibition at the Cleveland Museum of Art, this book

s pecifications 100 color and 50 black-and-white

showcases 85 exceptional works from Southern


Africa. Whether figurative or abstract, carved

112 pages, 9½ × 11¼"

out of wood, ivory, or horn, or made of cloth,


glass beads, or clay, these exquisitely designed functional objects include snuff containers, pipes, headrests, staffs, sticks, beer vessels, and beaded garments. Constantine Petridis is curator of African art at the Cleveland Museum of Art and adjunct professor of art history at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland. Karel Nel is associate

RIGHTS: World exClUdING Italy aNd FraNCe PUB MONTH: aPrIl art ISBN 978-88-7439-578-1 ISBN 978-8874395781

US $30.00

CAN $36.00 53000

9 788874 395781

professor in the Department of Visual Arts at the University of the Witwatersrand in Johannesburg.

e XHiB ition scHe DUle Cleveland Museum of Art, OH Apr 17, 2011–Feb 19, 2012

Bori hEALERS oF ThE SoUL ■

P H oto G r a P H s By c a r o l i n e a l i da

adeline Masquelier

c o n t r i B u t i o n By

FroM 5 CoNtINeNtS edItIoNS


his book of exquisite duotone photographs looks at the Bori, a West African shamanist

s pecifications 55 duotone photographs

cult centered on possession by the spirits of

128 pages, 9½ × 9½"

ancestors. Its followers, priests (also known as

Bilingual: English and French

Bori), and assistants are clairvoyants or faith

Hardcover with jacket

healers. They perform ecstatic ritual dances to conjure up djinns—spirits—to protect society and its individual members from evil. Faith healers (Boka) employ traditional plants to heal the sick. Caroline Alida’s black-and-white portraits of the Bori and the objects used in their ritual practices were taken in dim natural light, imbuing the photos with a contemplative atmosphere.

RIGHTS: World exClUdING Italy aNd FraNCe PUB MONTH: MarCH PHotoGraPHy ISBN 978-88-7439-565-1 ISBN 978-8874395651

US $35.00

CAN $42.00 53500

9 788874 395651

Caroline alida is a photographer who studies the power of the intangible. Since 2001 she has made regular trips to Niger to research the Bori. adeline Masquelier is head of the anthropology department at Tulane University, New Orleans.

5 Continents



Charlotte Perriand: Photography A WIdE -ANGLE EYE ■

By jac q u e s B a r s ac

F o r e w o r d By a l F r e d Pac q u e M e n t

i n t r o d u c t i o n By F r a n ç o i s c H e va l

FroM 5 CoNtINeNtS edItIoNS

s e lling points ■ Perriand is known for her interior and furniture designs, many of which are still produced today ■ Published to coincide with an exhibition in Paris—the first devoted to her photographs ■ The perfect visual inspiration for photography and furniture design buffs, and fans of avantgarde art

s pecifications 438 color and duotone photographs 368 pages, 9½ × 11¾" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World exClUdING Italy aNd FraNCe PUB MONTH: aPrIl PHotoGraPHy • deSIGN ISBN 978-88-7439-548-4 ISBN 978-88-7439-548-4

US $70.00

CAN $84.00 57000


n 1927, when 24-year-old Charlotte Perriand (1903–

1999) walked into Le Corbusier’s studio and asked

The first look at famed furniture designer Perriand’s stunning photography

him to hire her as a furniture designer, he responded,


788874 395484

e XHiB ition scHe DUle

“We don’t embroider cushions here.” After seeing her remarkable designs, however, Le Corbusier enjoyed a

Petit Palais, Paris

long collaboration with Perriand, who would go on to

Apr 1–Sept 18, 2011

work as an architect, town planner, and political activist. This revelatory book is the first to show Perriand’s photography, an important tool in her creative process and intellectual development, and a reflection of her political views. Made from the late 1920s through 1941, these striking images, many previously unpublished, testify to the collaborative spirit of the avant-garde movement, in which painters, architects, and photographers worked together to achieve creative breakthroughs. Jacques Barsac is an award-winning documentary filmmaker. François Cheval is director of Musée Nicéphore Niépce in Chalon-sur-Saône. alfred Pacquement is director of the Centre Pompidou in Paris.



5 Continents

Artists of Nigeria ■

By o n y e M a o F F o e d u - o K e K e

FroM 5 CoNtINeNtS edItIoNS


s pecifications

rtists of Nigeria charts the development of modern Nigerian art, analyzes work

1,158 color illustrations

by significant Nigerian artists, and explores art

720 pages, 9½ × 12"

movements both within the country and beyond

Hardcover with jacket

its borders over the past 100 years. The vibrant


creative accomplishments of Nigerian artists,

Italy aNd FraNCe

which are often overlooked in global publications,


are here given the attention they deserve. Among


the featured artists are Olowere, whose work is in the collections of the British Museum, the

ISBN 978-88-7439-547-7

Detroit Institute of Arts, and the Smithsonian

ISBN 978-88-7439-547-7

US $95.00

Institution; Chike Aniakor, who has a PhD from Indiana University; and Uche Okeke, whose work has been shown at the Sherman Gallery at


CAN $114.00 59500

788874 395477

Boston University. onyema offoedu-okeke is an artist, curator, and art historian whose work documents contemporary art in Nigeria and Africa. His work has been shown in important international exhibitions.

Five Lucky Charms SYMBoLISM IN ChINESE ART ■

By e s t e l l e n i K l è s va n o s s e lt

FroM 5 CoNtINeNtS edItIoNS


his gorgeously produced book reveals the hidden meaning behind motifs in Chinese

s pecifications 263 color illustrations

decorative arts. When any Westerner looks at

264 pages, 8½ × 10¾"

Chinese art, it is immediately apparent how much

Paperback with flaps

the depiction of animal and plant life differs from its American or European equivalent. This exceptional world teems with flowers, trees, birds, fish, shellfish, and insects, mixed with fantastic creatures or figures taken from legend and mythology. Various motifs can appear together in one scene, and if the viewer understands the language, the images are charged with symbolism. This absorbing study explores the rich symbolic language of exquisite works in ceramic, jade,

RIGHTS: World exClUdING Italy aNd FraNCe PUB MONTH: aPrIl art ISBN 978-88-7439-557-6 ISBN$55.00 978-8874395576 US CAN $66.00


9 788874 395576

lacquer, glass, and silk from the world-renowned Baur Collection. estelle Niklès van osselt is associate curator of the Baur Foundation in Geneva.

5 Continents



VISIONS OF AFRICA SERIES ■ The Visions of Africa series is the only series to examine African art systematically, tribe by tribe, in an affordable and accessible format, with information based on field research, written by leading experts in the field, and featuring both well-known masterpieces and rare objects from museums and private collections.

s e lling points ■ For African and primitive art collectors, curators, and scholars

Bamum ■

By c H r i s t r au d M . G e a ry

FroM 5 CoNtINeNtS edItIoNS

and students of anthropology


and African and ethnographic studies ■ only monograph available

n the late 19th and early 20th centuries, artists working for the royal court of Bamum, in

Cameroon, created elaborate bead-covered

dedicated exclusively to the art

thrones and stools, wooden sculptures,

of Bamum

masks in human and animal form, architectural carvings, and fine objects in bronze,

s pecifications

ivory, and clay. This book focuses on the his-

64 color and 15 black-and-white

tory, iconography, and meaning of these royal


arts and looks at Western collectors who

160 pages, 6½ × 9½"

were fascinated by King Ibrahim Njoya (ruled


1886/7 to 1931) and the splendor of the royal


court. Visual and written sources—including

Italy aNd FraNCe

testimony by King Njoya and his courtiers,


and extensive archival records—cast light


on the strategies of a monarch who allowed visitors to acquire these arts to enhance the

ISBN 978-88-7439-573-6

kingdom’s reputation in distant Europe. The

ISBN$34.95 978-8874395736 US CAN $41.95

history of Bamum arts thus offers unique per-


spectives on African creativity and ingenuity, 9 788874 395736

and European ways of collecting.

also aVail aB le in tHe s e rie s






ISBN 978-88-7439-410-4

ISBN 978-88-7439-404-3

ISBN 978-88-7439-348-0

ISBN 978-88-7439-386-2

ISBN 978-88-7439-297-1

ISBN$34.95 978-8874394104 US CAN $41.95

ISBN$34.95 978-8874394043 US CAN $45.50

ISBN$34.95 978-8874393480 US CAN $38.95

ISBN$34.95 978-8874393862 US CAN $38.95

ISBN$34.95 978-8874392971 US CAN $38.95


9 788874 394104


9 788874 394043


9 788874 393480


9 788874 393862


9 788874 392971






ISBN 978-88-7439-401-2

ISBN 978-88-7439-384-8

ISBN 978-88-7439-350-3

ISBN 978-88-7439-293-3

ISBN 978-88-7439-295-7

ISBN$34.95 978-8874394012 US CAN $38.95

ISBN$34.95 978-8874393848 US CAN $38.95

ISBN$34.95 978-88-7439-350-3 US CAN $38.95

ISBN$29.00 978-8874392933 US CAN $32.00

ISBN$29.00 978-8874392957 US CAN $32.00


9 788874 394012




9 788874 393848


9 788874 393503


9 788874 392933

5 Continents


9 788874 392957

The Lost Album A V I S UA L h I S To RY o F 1 9 5 0s B R I TA I N ■

By B a s i l H y M a n

a B o ot H - C l I B B o r N e d I t I o N S B o o K

s e lling points ■ A new slant on 1950s Britain, with a vibrant design that includes front cover pockets filled with facsimile ephemera from

A nostalgic, intimate look back at the long-gone era of 1950s Britain, with facsimile ephemera

the period ■ A personal look at a decade that was hugely influential and of vital historical importance ■ A story of everyday life in 1950s Britain—along with two major events, the Festival of Britain and the Coronation of Elizabeth II—told through images and ephemera from the period

s pecifications 300 color and black-and-white photographs, 7 color inserts, facsimile booklets 240 pages, 9½ × 11⅞" Hardcover with plastic jacket with inserts RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa


PUB MONTH: MarCH asil Hyman, a keen amateur photographer, took

HIStory • ColleCtIBleS

hundreds of photographs of everyday life in

Britain during the 1950s. The Lost Album is a nostalgic look back at this long-gone era, filled with photographs made during a time of enormous social change—just

after World War II and before the “Swinging Sixties”—

ISBN 978-1-86154-320-2 ISBN$55.00 978-1861543202 US CAN $66.00


9 781861 543202

and a wealth of ephemera: theater tickets and playbills, newspaper advertisements, ration books, and much more. Special inserts include actual facsimiles of some of these now-obscure items—talismans from a slower time, when formality, pride, and courtesy prevailed. There are special sections on two major events: the Festival of Britain in 1951, and the Coronation of Queen Elizabeth II in 1953. With brief, lively introductions and captions, this is a captivating snapshot of how people lived and played in Britain in those years. Basil Hyman is the author, with Steven Braggs, of The G-Plan Revolution. He is the third generation of a family that has been in the furniture business since the 1920s, and has taken photographs all his life.




henry Rushbury: Prints A C ATA Lo G U E R A I S o N N é ■

By j u l i a r u s H B u ry a n d to d r a M o s

Felicit y owen

i n t r o d u c t i o n By

a r oya l aC a d e M y o F a r t S P U B l I C at I o N


s pecifications 120 color illustrations

ir Henry Rushbury (1889–1968) is a forgotten treasure of 20th-century British

108 pages, 8 × 9"

art. Internationally renowned during his lifetime,

Hardcover with jacket

Rushbury portrayed the landscapes, cities, and street life of Britain and Europe. He was a modern


master of the ancient art of drypoint: with a few


minute grooves and flecks cut in the surface of a


copperplate, he conjured extraordinary effects of mood and atmosphere.

ISBN 978-1-905711-85-7 ISBN 978-1905711857

US $45.00

This catalogue raisonné of Rushbury’s prints

CAN $54.00


offers the opportunity to rediscover and reassess this astonishing body of work. An introduction by

9 781905 711857

art historian Felicity Owen and a biography by the artist’s daughter make a compelling portrait of this superb printmaker. Julia rushbury is the daughter, and tod ramos is the grandson, of Henry Rushbury. Felicity owen is an art historian specializing in 18th- and early 19th-century art.

Frank Bowling ■

s pecifications 110 color illustrations 160 pages, 9½ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa PUB MONTH: aUGUSt art

By M e l G o o d i n G

a r oya l aC a d e M y o F a r t S P U B l I C at I o N


his is the first comprehensive monograph on the art of Frank Bowling. Mel Gooding

explores Bowling’s unique and virtuosic abstract style, his gorgeous use of color, and establishes him as one of the finest artists of his generation in

a book that spans his entire 40-year career. Born in Guyana in 1936, Bowling arrived in England in his late teens, studied at the Royal

ISBN 978-1-905711-96-3 ISBN$45.00 978-1905711963 US CAN $54.00


9 781905 711963

College of Art alongside David Hockney, and by the early 1960s had established himself as an original force in the vibrant London art scene. A move to New York exposed Bowling to his American contemporaries and his work was shown in the 1971 Whitney Biennial. Today, Bowling shows regularly at major galleries and museums worldwide, and his work is in the permanent collections of the Metropolitan Museum and Museum of Modern Art in New York, and Tate in London. Mel Gooding is a professor at the Wimbledon School of Art in England, and an art writer, critic, and curator.



Royal Academy of Arts

Building the Revolution ARt ANd ARchItectuRe IN RuSSIA 1915–1935 ■

By J e a n - Lo u i s C o h e n a n d C h r i s t i n a Lo d d e r

P h oto g r a P h s By r i C h a r d Pa r e

A R oyA L AC A d e m y o f A R t s P u b L i C At i o n s e lling points ■ explores one of the most

The radical architectural legacy of early Communist Russia is resurrected in superb new photographs

dramatic periods of the 20th century—the early years of the Soviet union—from an interdisciplinary approach ■ Includes previously unpublished archival material ■ Many of the buildings that Richard Pare has photographed are the subjects of fervent conservation campaigns; others are little known or visited ■ Written by leading art and architectural history scholars of the period

s pecifications 250 color illustrations 288 pages, 9½ × 11" Hardcover with jacket


RIGHTS: noRtH AmeRiCA his fascinating book charts the dazzling trajectory


of Russian avant-garde architecture during the


brief but intense period of design and construction that took place from c. 1922 to 1935. Fired by the radical new language of Constructivist artists, such architects as

Konstantin Melnikov, Moisei Ginzburg, and the Vesnin brothers produced designs whose innovative style embodied the energy and optimism of the new Soviet Socialist state. Streamlined, flat-roofed, and white-walled, their extraordinarily novel buildings must have seemed like alien forms.

isbn 978-1-905711-91-8 ISBN$60.00 978-1905711918 us CAN $72.00


9 781905 711918

e XHiB ition scHe DUle Royal Academy of Arts, London Oct 22, 2011–Jan 22, 2012

Architectural photographer Richard Pare has spent the last 15 years documenting the remains and ruins of these structures. Here, his spectacular photographs are juxtaposed with vintage images, ephemera, and drawings and paintings by artists such as Malevich, Tatlin, Popova, and Lissitzky. Jean-Louis Cohen is Sheldon H. Solow Professor in the History of Architecture at New York University’s Institute of Fine Arts. Christina Lodder is professor of art history at the University of St. Andrews, Scotland. Richard Pare’s photography has been exhibited and published widely and is represented in major international public collections.

Royal Academy of Arts



Light and dark T h E AU To B I o G R A P h Y o F k E N h o WA R d ■

By K e n H o wa r d

a r oya l aC a d e M y o F a r t S P U B l I C at I o N


s pecifications 50 color illustrations

en Howard (b. 1932) is one of Britain’s best-loved painters. His cityscapes and

288 pages, 7½ × 10"

coastal scenes reveal a deep connection with

Hardcover with jacket

Venice, London, and Cornwall; his studio interiors are masterly evocations of space and light. In


this candid autobiography he reflects on work,


travel, love, and loss. Recalling his early days at

art • BIoGraPHy

art school and the achievements and acclaim that followed, and his national service in the

ISBN 978-1-905711-89-5

Royal Marines and the artistic commissions for

ISBN$30.00 978-1905711895 US CAN $36.00


the British Army that took him all over the world, Howard evokes the professional and the personal

9 781905 711895

with verve and humor. Ken Howard studied at Hornsey School of Art from 1949 to 1953 and at the Royal College of Art, London, from 1955 to 1958. He was elected Royal Academician in 1991.

Modern British Sculpture

s pecifications 180 color illustrations 272 pages, 9½ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa PUB MONTH: MarCH art

e d i t e d By P e n e lo P e c u r t i s a n d K e i t H w i l s o n

a r oya l aC a d e M y o F a r t S P U B l I C at I o N


rom Jacob Epstein to Sarah Lucas, this magnificent book explores sculpture in

Britain over the last 130 years. Including works by varied artists such as Frederic Lord Leighton,

Alfred Gilbert, Eric Gill, Henri Gaudier-Brzeska, Ben Nicholson, Barbara Hepworth, Henry Moore, Anthony Caro, Richard Long, and Damien Hirst, the book highlights the dialogues between

ISBN 978-1-905711-72-7

British and international sculpture, examines

ISBN$60.00 978-1905711727 US CAN $72.00

the importance of the country’s landscape as a


9 781905 711727

location and medium, and looks at the perennial choice faced by the sculptor between figuration and abstraction. Sculpture has changed dramati-

e XHiB ition scHe DUle

cally in the last century. This compelling book documents these seismic shifts.

Royal Academy of Arts, London Jan 22–Apr 7, 2011

Previously director of the Henry Moore Institute, Leeds, Penelope Curtis is director of Tate Britain. Keith Wilson is a sculptor and Reader in Fine Art at the University of Westminster, London.



Royal Academy of Arts

Treasures from Budapest E U R o P E A N M A S T E R P I E C E S F R o M L E o N A R d o To S C h I E L E ■

e d i t e d By dav i d e K s e r dj i a n

a r oya l aC a d e M y o F a r t S P U B l I C at I o N

s e lling points ■ Explores one of the lesser-known, but superb, European collections ■ highlights include the only bronze sculpture associated with

Seven centuries of European art treasures from the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest

Leonardo da Vinci and Raphael’s Esterházy Madonna ■ Texts by leading authorities present new research ■ Extensively illustrated with the finest reproductions

s pecifications 250 color illustrations 288 pages, 9½ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa


PUB MONTH: MarCH eonardo, Raphael, Cranach, Rubens, Rembrandt,


Poussin, Dürer, Monet, Chagall, Picasso, and

Schiele—these and other great European artists are represented in this superb book, which showcases one of Europe’s finest but lesser-known art collections, that of the Museum of Fine Arts, Budapest. The museum was formed in the 19th century by the Hungarian government, with the aim of creating a public collection through the acquisition of private collections. The most significant of these, the Esterházy collection, included important Old

ISBN 978-1-905711-80-2 ISBN$60.00 978-1905711802 US CAN $72.00


9 781905 711802

e XHiB ition scHe DUle Royal Academy of Arts, London Sep 25–Dec 12, 2010

Master paintings and fine Old Master drawings. Building on the Esterházy works, the museum has continued to acquire European art dating from the 14th to the 20th centuries. Over 200 works from the collection are reproduced here alongside a selection of works from the Hungarian National Gallery. Texts by eminent scholars explore the history of the museum and include entries on each work. david ekserdjian is professor of art history and head of the Department of History of Art and Film at the University of Leicester, England. He was previously at Christie’s and was editor of Apollo magazine from 1997 to 2004. He is a trustee of the National Gallery, London.

Royal Academy of Arts



Antoine Watteau T h E d R AW I N G S ■

By lo u i s -a n to i n e P r at a n d P i e r r e r o s e n B e r G

a r oya l aC a d e M y o F a r t S P U B l I C at I o N

s e lling points ■ Watteau’s drawings are the most widely admired aspect of his artistic production ■ A key part of Watteau’s creative process, the drawings are essential to an understanding of his work ■ Includes works that have only recently come to light ■ Written by two of the world’s foremost art historians

s pecifications 120 color illustrations 192 pages, 10⅝ × 9⅝" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa PUB MONTH: May art ISBN 978-1-905711-70-3 ISBN$55.00 978-1905711703 US CAN $66.00


9 781905 711703

The splendid, entrancing drawings of one of the most accomplished draftsmen in the history of Western art


ntoine Watteau (1684–1721) produced some of the most seductive drawings in Western art. This

book, published to accompany an exhibition at the Royal

Academy of Arts, London, reproduces hisfinest examples, revealing the delicacy and freedom of execution that so

e XHiB ition scHe DUle Royal Academy of Arts, London Mar 12–Jun 5, 2011

impressed early commentators and had such a profound effect on subsequent generations of artists, notably François Boucher and Jean-Honoré Fragonard. Well-known art historians Pierre Rosenberg and LouisAntoine Prat examine these masterly studies, focusing on the artist’s development as a draftsman, the techniques that he perfected, and the fascinating role that drawing played in his work. The illustrations, which include recently discovered works, are superbly reproduced. louis-antoine Prat is a curator in the Department of Graphic Arts in the Musée du Louvre, Paris. Pierre rosenberg is an art historian. He was director of the Musée du Louvre from 1994 to 2001. They are coauthors of the catalogues raisonnés of the drawings of Watteau, David, and Poussin.

1 02


Royal Academy of Arts

September A h I S To RY PA I N T I N G BY G E R h A R d R I C h T E R ■

By r o B e r t s to r r

F r o M tat e P U B l I S H I N G

F o r e w o r d By s i r B r i a n u r q u H a r t

What is the meaning of a simple, small, almost abstract depiction of one of the most consequential occurrences in recent world history?

s e lling points ■ First in-depth analysis of Gerhard Richter’s painted response to 9/11 ■ Examines themes of politics and war in Richter’s career ■ Contains close-up details and comparative illustrations ■ Essay is by Robert Storr, one of the most eminent critics and curators in the world

s pecifications 80 color and black-and-white illustrations 96 pages, 7⅛ × 8¾" Paperback RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa PUB MONTH: FeBrUary


art erhard Richter (b. 1932) is one of the most influential artists at work today. His painting

September, a response to the attacks on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001, was made some four years after the event. The eminent American critic and curator

ISBN 978-1-85437-964-1 ISBN$27.50 978-1854379641 US CAN $35.95


9 781854 379641

Robert Storr, who has had a long working relationship with Richter, explores both the painting and the event itself, through a very personal account of his experience in New York on the day of the attacks. Storr shows, both through words and comparative illustrations, how this painting is part of a current running throughout Richter’s career of responses to traumatic, violent, and controversial events, including works based on the bombing of cities in World War II and the capture of the West German Baader-Meinhof terrorist group. robert Storr is an artist, writer, and exhibition maker, and the dean of the Yale University School of Art. He is the author of Gerhard Richter: 40 Years of Painting and Cage: Six Paintings by Gerhard Richter, among many other books and exhibition catalogs. Sir Brian Urquhart is former undersecretary general of the United Nations.






Nam june Paik ■

e d i t e d By s o o K- K y u n G l e e a n d s u s a n n e r e n n e r t

F r o M tat e P U B l I S H I N G

s e lling points ■ Survey of one of the most influential artists of recent times ■ key figure in experimental music, video art, performance, and television

No artist has had a greater influence in imagining and realizing the artistic potential of video and television than Nam June Paik

■ Accompanies a major international exhibition

s pecifications 100 color and black-and-white illustrations 208 pages, 9⅝ × 11⅞" Hardcover RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa PUB MONTH: FeBrUary art ISBN 978-1-85437-924-5 ISBN$45.00 978-1-85437-924-5 US CAN $54.00



am June Paik (1932–2006) was one of the most

9 781854 379245

innovative artists of the 20th century. His influ-

ence is still felt in music, the visual arts, film, and video. Extensively illustrated, with extracts from interviews

e XHiB ition scHe DUle

and reminiscences from many who were close to Paik

kunst Palast, Düsseldorf

during his lifetime, this is the most thorough and illuminat-

Sep 11–Nov 21, 2010

ing exploration of Paik’s legacy yet published.

Tate Liverpool

Born in South Korea, Paik began his career as a composer in Japan and in Germany, where he met John

Dec 17, 2010–Mar 13, 2011 Museo d’Arte Contemporanea

Cage and collaborated with Joseph Beuys. Moving to

donnaRegina, Naples

New York in 1964, he formed relationships with a number

Apr 16–Aug 20, 2011

of artists associated with the Fluxus group, particularly the cellist Charlotte Moorman, who became one of his closest collaborators. He continued to experiment in performance and video art, famously using manipulated

also aVail aB le

televisions as elements in sculptural works, creating robot sculptures and installations. An international range of contributors trace the course of Paik’s life and career, exploring his connections with key figures in the 20th-century avant-garde, his theoretical writings, and his lasting influence.

Installation Art

Sook-Kyung lee is curator of Exhibitions & Displays at Tate Liverpool. Susanne rennert is curator at Kunst Palast, Düsseldorf.

ISBN 978-1-85437-518-6 ISBN$32.50 978-1854375186 US CAN $39.95


9 781854 375186




TATE MODERN ARTISTS SERIES ■ These books are part of the Tate Publishing series focused on living artists. Generously illustrated, accessible, and affordable, the Modern Artists Series is an essential reference for all those interested in contemporary visual culture.

s e lling points ■ Survey of orozco’s entire career, in all media

Gabriel orozco ■

By j e s s i c a M o r G a n

F r o M tat e P U B l I S H I N G

■ Includes new interview with


the artist ■ over 100 full-color illustrations ■ Latest title in established series

abriel Orozco, born in Mexico in 1962, is one of the most influential artists of his

generation. Dividing his time among Mexico City, Paris, and New York, his constant traveling has

s pecifications

been as much a part of his artistic practice as a

More than 100 color illustrations

lifestyle. His works, often playful and character-

128 pages, 8¼ × 10⅝"

ized by an ironic humor, range from photographs


to collages, sculptures, performance, paintings,


and large-scale installation works—including a ball


of Plasticine the same weight as the artist, pushed through the streets of New York, gathering the


detritus of the urban landscape. Here, Jessica

ISBN 978-1-85437-912-2

Morgan traces Orozco’s artistic development.

ISBN$27.50 978-1854379122 US CAN $35.95


With more than 100 color illustrations, six key works examined in depth, and a new interview

9 781854 379122

with Orozco, this is the perfect introduction to one of the most stimulating artists at work today. Jessica Morgan is curator of Contemporary Art at Tate Modern.

also aVail aB le in tHe s e rie s

Louise Bourgeois

Ed Ruscha

Richard Wilson

Rachel Whiteread

Peter Blake

ISBN 978-1-85437-882-8

ISBN 978-1-85437-623-7

ISBN 978-1-85437-570-4

ISBN 978-1-85437-519-3

ISBN 978-1-85437-419-6

ISBN$27.50 978-1854378828 US CAN $35.95

ISBN$27.50 978-1854376237 US CAN $30.00

ISBN$27.50 978-1854375704 US CAN $38.50

ISBN$27.50 978-1854375193 US CAN $33.00

US $24.95


9 781854 378828


9 781854 376237


9 781854 375704

9 781854 375193


Antony Gormley

Tracey Emin

Jeff Wall

Douglas Gordon

ISBN 978-1-85437-797-5

ISBN 978-1-85437-542-1

ISBN 978-1-85437-611-4

ISBN 978-1-85437-464-6

ISBN$27.50 978-1854377975 US CAN $35.95

ISBN$27.50 978-1854375421 US CAN $34.95

ISBN$24.95 978-1854376114 US CAN $38.50

ISBN$24.95 978-1854374646 US CAN $39.95


9 781854 377975



9 781854 375421



9 781854 376114

ISBN 978-1-85437-419-6



9 781854 374646


CAN $39.95 52495

781854 374196

Watercolour ■

By a l i s o n s M i t H

F r o M tat e P U B l I S H I N G


atercolor is a universal medium, used around the world by amateurs and

s pecifications 170 color illustrations

children, as well as by professional artists. British

192 pages, 8½ × 10½"

artists, such as J.M.W. Turner, are widely acknowl-


edged to be among its greatest exponents. What can watercolor achieve that no other media can? This book explores the art of watercolor in Britain from the Middle Ages to the present day, with classic works by famous artists including Turner, William Blake, Samuel Palmer, and the PreRaphaelites, but also by many less-familiar figures. While most books focus on watercolor as an immediate response to nature, this one traces its

RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa PUB MONTH: MarCH art ISBN 978-1-85437-913-9 ISBN$39.95 978-1854379139 US CAN $47.95


9 781854 379139

origins back to medieval illuminated manuscripts and looks at its roots in cartography and scientific illustration. Published to accompany a major Tate exhibition, this stunning book casts new light on an outstanding artistic tradition. alison Smith is curator and head of British art to 1900 at Tate Britain.

Three Stories kURT SChWITTERS ■

By K u r t s c H w i t t e r s

e d i t e d By ja s i a r e i c H a r dt,

w i t H c o n t r i B u t i o n s By e . l .t. M e s e n s a n d e r n s t s c H w i t t e r s ■

F r o M tat e P U B l I S H I N G


he German-born artist Kurt Schwitters (1887–1948) is best known for his “psycho-

logical collages” and his large-scale sculptures.

He also experimented with sound art, typography, and architecture and wrote poetry and prose. This volume presents three short stories and a poem by Schwitters, all published here in English for the first time. Included with them is an appreciation

s pecifications 32 pages, 5⅜ × 7⅞" Hardcover RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa PUB MONTH: FeBrUary lIteratUre • letterS

of Schwitters by his friend, the surrealist pioneer E.L.T. Mesens, commissioned for ARTnews in 1958 and unavailable since then, and a previously

ISBN 978-1-85437-909-2 ISBN$15.95 978-1854379092 US CAN $18.95


unpublished response by the artist’s son Ernst Schwitters. Jasia Reichardt’s introduction places

9 781854 379092

these remarkable documents in the context of Schwitters’s life and career. Jasia reichardt is director of the Themerson Archive in London.



1 07

john Constable o I L S k E TC h E S F R o M T h E V& A s pecifications

By M a r K e va n s

120 color illustrations

v& a P U B l I S H I N G


144 pages, 10 × 9" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa

his exciting book presents a unique insight into the working process of famed English

artist John Constable (1776–1837) through the


V&A’s unparalleled collection. It presents afresh

art • art HIStory

two of the V&A’s most beloved works, the vibrant full-size oil sketches for The Hay Wain and The

ISBN 978-1-85177-626-9

Leaping Horse, newly photographed since their

ISBN-13: 978-1851776269 US $29.95 CAN $35.95


revelatory cleaning. Both reveal their original colors and tonalities for the first time in living

9 781851 776269

memory, and are presented with a spectacular selection of the artist’s small oil sketches, supplemented by an exquisite series of his watercolors and drawings. Mark evans is senior curator of paintings at the V&A. He has written extensively on painting from the Renaissance to the early 20th century and is the author of many books, including The Painted World.

Raphael C A R To o N S A N d TA P E S T R I E S F o R T h E S I S T I N E C h A P E L ■ s pecifications 100 color illustrations 120 pages, 9½ × 8⅛" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa PUB MONTH: FeBrUary art

By c l a r e B r o w n e a n d M a r K e va n s


v& a P U B l I S H I N G

he Italian Renaissance master Raphael designed a sublime set of 10 tapestries

for the Sistine Chapel in 1515. These remarkable works are comparable with Michelangelo’s

Sistine Chapel Ceiling as masterpieces of High Renaissance art. The full-size designs Raphael made for the tapestries—known as the Raphael Cartoons—have been on display in the V&A since

ISBN 978-1-85177-634-4 ISBN$24.95 978-1851776344 US CAN $29.95


9 781851 776344

1865. This book accompanies an exhibition of the four remaining actual tapestries and the Cartoons. It introduces and contextualizes them, looks at how and why they were made, and discusses each subject individually in terms of sources and composition. Accessible and beautiful, it is essential reading for all Raphael and Renaissance enthusiasts. Clare Browne is a curator in the Furniture, Textiles & Fashion Department at the V&A. Mark evans is senior curator in the Word & Image Department at the V&A.



V&A Publishing

A Flower Wedding d E S C R I B E d BY T W o WA L L F Lo W E R S , A FAC S I M I L E E d I T I o N ■

d e c o r at e d By wa lt e r c r a n e

v& a P U B l I S H I N G

s e lling points ■ Perfectly priced and packaged gift

A delightful facsimile edition of a 1905 gift book

■ Facsimile edition with appeal to lovers of Victoriana and the Arts and Crafts movement

s pecifications 48 color illustrations 48 pages, 5 × 7" Clothbound RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa PUB MONTH: FeBrUary GIFt • Poetry ISBN 978-1-85177-639-9 ISBN$14.95 978-1851776399 US CAN $17.95

“Yes, flower bells rang right merry that day, When there was a marriage of flowers, they say.”



9 781851 776399

alter Crane, one the best-loved designers of the British Arts and Crafts movement,

also aVail aB le

produced this beautifully illustrated poem that tells the

delightful story of a wedding day in 1905. This lovely facsimile edition, reproduced in glorious color, bound in real cloth, and embossed with foil, makes a perfect wedding, engagement, or Valentine’s Day gift. Walter Crane (1845–1915) is best known for his paintings and illustrations for children’s books, but he also produced designs for wallpapers, textiles, and ceramics and published important books on design.

V&A Publishing

V&A Pattern: William Morris ISBN 978-1-85177-584-2 ISBN$12.95 978-1851775842 US CAN $16.95


9 781851 775842



Street Art C o N T E M P o R A RY P R I N T S ■

By r i i K K a K u i t t i n e n

v& a P U B l I S H I N G

s e lling points

A global survey of prints by well-known street artists

■ jacket unfolds into a street art poster ■ First book to look at street art prints ■ Featuring Banksy, d*Face, jamie hewlett, and Pure Evil

s pecifications 85 color illustrations 96 pages, 8¼ × 11" Paperback RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa PUB MONTH: FeBrUary art • PoP CUltUre ISBN 978-1-85177-625-2 ISBN$25.00 978-1851776252 US CAN $30.00


9 781851 776252


raffiti has evolved into a rich and democratic form of visual expression that is now most often

labeled “street art.” Although the work is frequently location-specific, the genre has become a global phe-

nomenon as the Web transmits the latest works around the world in an instant. As it matures, street art is moving

also aVail aB le

indoors; galleries now exhibit and sell limited-edition prints by established artists with recognizable selfcreated brands, including Banksy, Blek le Rat, Shepard Fairey, Eine, and Miss Tic. This beautiful book is the first to look specifically at street art prints—now highly prized in their own right. It introduces the artists, symbols, and subject matter that

Posters of the Cold War

dominate the genre and places their prints in the wider

ISBN 978-1-85177-545-3

context of urban art. The jacket unfolds into a poster.

ISBN$29.95 978-1851775453 US CAN $32.95


riikka Kuittinen is a curator living in London. She has 9 781851 775453

worked at the V&A, Historic Royal Palaces, and the Tosca Photography Collection.



V&A Publishing

British Textiles 1 70 0 To T h E P R E S E N T ■

i n t r o d u c t i o n By l i n da Pa r ry, w i t H c o n t r i B u t i o n s

By l i n da Pa r ry, w e n dy H e F F o e d, n G oz i i Ko K u, va l e r i e s M e n d e s , a n d n ata l i e r ot H s t e i n

v& a P U B l I S H I N G s e lling points ■ Brings together the popular British Textiles series—long out

Six individual titles on the V&A’s unparalleled collection of British textiles—now in one sumptuous book

of print—in one volume ■ No other book like it on the market ■ From the unparalleled collection of the V&A ■ Perfect for crafters and designers ■ A great source of inspiration

s pecifications 1,000 color illustrations 496 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa PUB MONTH: MarCH

“Exquisite . . . superb series.” —Crafts

art • CraFt “Contains artifacts of such blazing beauty, such powerful perfection that they need no elaboration.” —Country Life


ISBN 978-1-85177-618-4 ISBN$75.00 978-1851776184 US CAN $97.50


his superbly illustrated book draws on highlights from the V&A’s fabulous collection of woven,

9 781851 776184

printed, and embroidered textiles and their designs.

Based on the V&A’s British Textiles series, with a new introduction, this comprehensive compendium brings together a visual history of British fabrics with over 1,000 lush color images. The fabrics showcase the amazing creative abilities of professional and amateur designers over three centuries. International experts introduce each period and the textiles produced in it, with a short text followed by a plate section for each theme. The book includes technical and artistic innovations and provides an invaluable reading list, glossary of terms, and biographies of the chief figures of the era. linda Parry was a curator in the textile department of the V&A for over 30 years. She is the author of numerous books including William Morris Textiles, Textiles of the Arts and Crafts Movement, and the coeditor of International Arts and Crafts.

also aVail aB le Iranian Textiles ISBN 978-1-85177-615-3 ISBN$55.00 978-1851776153 US CAN $66.00


9 781851 776153

Toiles de Jouy ISBN 978-1-85177-617-7 ISBN$55.00 978-1851776177 US CAN $66.00


9 781851 776177

V&A Publishing




V&A Publishing

Seventeenth-Century Women’s dress Patterns Book oNE ■

e d i t e d By s u s a n n o r t H a n d j e n n y t i r a M a n i

v& a P U B l I S H I N G s e lling points ■ Provides actual patterns and instructions for 15 garments and accessories from the collections of the V&A ■ Instructions and patterns were created by costumers from London’s Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre ■ Includes instructions for making bobbin lace, a knitting pattern for a silk waistcoat, and many complete embroidery designs for whole garments

s pecifications 350 color illustrations, 700 line drawings 160 pages, 12 × 10" Hardcover with jacket


RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa his innovative and breathtakingly detailed book


from the V&A presents dress patterns, construc-


tion details, embroidery, and making instructions (includ-

ing a knitting pattern and lacemaking) for 15 garments and accessories from a 17th-century British woman’s wardrobe. Step-by-step drawings of the construction sequence and scale patterns for each garment enable readers to accurately reconstruct them. There are scale diagrams for making linen and metal thread laces, silk braids, and embroidery designs. Multiple photographs, close-up construction details, and X-ray photography reveal the hidden elements of the clothes, the number of layers, and the stitches used inside. This first book in a

For the first time, complete patterns and instructions for making historical garments from the world-renowned fashion collections of the V&A

new series takes the physical examination and study of historical clothing to a new depth and degree of detail, using the expertise of designers, tailors, and makers from London’s Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre.

ISBN 978-1-85177-631-3 ISBN$65.00 978-1851776313 US CAN $78.00


9 781851 776313

also aVail aB le Seventeenth and EighteenthCentury Fashion in Detail ISBN 978-1-85177-567-5 ISBN$39.95 978-1851775675 US CAN $43.95


Susan North is a curator in the V&A Fashion, Textiles and Furniture Department. Jenny tiramani, luca Costigliolo, Claire thornton, armelle lucas and Christine Prentis, who produced the patterns for this book, were all members of the wardrobe team at Shakespeare’s Globe Theatre.

9 781851 775675

400 Years of Fashion ISBN 978-1-85177-301-5 ISBN$39.95 978-1851773015 US CAN $51.95


9 781851 773015

V&A Publishing



Imperial Chinese Robes FRoM ThE FoRBIddEN CIT Y ■

By M i n G w i l s o n a n d v e r i t y w i l s o n


s pecifications 100 color illustrations

v& a P U B l I S H I N G

n Qing Dynasty China (1644–1911) there were clear rules on what to wear on different

128 pages, 8½ × 10½"

occasions. Official dresses were worn when the

Hardcover with jacket

emperor performed sacrifices and other important rituals. Auspicious dresses were for New


Year, birthdays, and weddings; military dresses


for troop inspection; traveling dresses for hunting

FaSHIoN • HIStory • art

and royal visits to provinces; and ordinary dresses for events of a non-celebrative nature, such as

ISBN 978-1-85177-620-7

mourning. When not performing public duties,

ISBN$50.00 978-1851776207 US CAN $60.00


however, the imperial family could freely choose which garments to wear. This book showcases

9 781851 776207

both the official robes and accessories as well as the more casual but still beautiful clothes created

e XHiBition scHe DUle

for the fashion-conscious court ladies.

V&A Museum, London Dec 7, 2010–Feb 27, 2011

Ming Wilson is senior curator in the Asian Department at the V&A. verity Wilson worked for 25 years at the V&A as a curator in the Far Eastern Department.

Art deco Textiles ■

s pecifications 117 color illustrations

By c H a r lot t e s a M u e l s

v& a P U B l I S H I N G


he age of Art Deco is one of the most innovative and vibrant periods of textile design.

144 pages, 10¼ × 12⅛"

Sophisticated and exotic prints dazzled the world,


and ideas generated by avant-garde artists


transformed fabrics and fashion. This gorgeous book presents a pictorial record of the fabrics that clothed the smart women and furnished the stylish interiors of Europe and America during the

ISBN 978-1-85177-391-6

era of jazz, flappers, the Ballets Russes, and so

ISBN$29.95 978-1851773916 US CAN $38.95

much more.


9 781851 773916

Tracing the evolution of Art Deco style, the bold, dramatic, brilliantly colored and patterned fabrics pictured here encompass luxury silks, woven and embroidered textiles, and man-made synthetics by designers such as Paul Poiret, Raoul Dufy, Robert Bofils, Ruth Reeves, and Marion Dorn. Charlotte Samuels is a curator in the Department of Furniture, Textiles and Fashion at the Victoria and Albert Museum.



V&A Publishing

Yohji Yamamoto ■

By L i g aya S a L a z a r

V& A p u b L i S h i n g

A lavishly illustrated book published to tie in with an exciting V&A exhibition on this major designer

s e lling points ■ Yamamoto is a major figure in contemporary fashion ■ Stunning design and production, with art direction by Peter Saville and photographs by Nick Knight and Paolo Roversi ■ A must-have for anyone interested in fashion ■ V&A’s fashion list has a fine reputation

s pecifications 120 color illustrations 192 pages, 9¾ × 13" hardcover RIGHTS: north AmericA PUB MONTH: mArch


Art • FAShion • DeSign ohji Yamamoto is one of fashion’s continual innovators and this stunning book is a fascinating

insight into his working approach and relationships with

other creative practitioners. This comprehensive and groundbreaking volume includes an insightful interview

iSbn 978-1-85177-627-6 ISBN$60.00 978-1851776276 uS CAN $72.00


9 781851 776276

with Yamamoto, as well as a roundtable discussion with some of his key collaborators, among them Nick Knight, Peter Saville, and Marc Ascoli. Photographer Max Vadukal, who has been working with Yamamoto for more than 25 years, is interviewed by Terry Jones, and long-time collaborator Masao Nihei contributes an essay on some of the wider influences on Yamamoto’s designs

e xhiB ition sche dule Victoria and Albert Museum, London Mar 12–Jul 11, 2011

and how they are presented. Beautifully illustrated using amazing photographs from the likes of Nick Knight and Paolo Roversi, selected from the Yohji Yamamoto archive, this will be an invaluable resource for anyone with an interest in fashion and design.

also aVail aB le

Ligaya Salazar is curator of Contemporary Programmes at the V&A and specializes in fashion and photography. She curated Fashion V Sport and edited the accompanying book.

Vivienne Westwood ISBN 978-1-85177-405-0 ISBN$35.00 978-1851774050 US CAN $49.00


9 781851 774050

V&A Publishing



Chinese Export Ceramics ■

By r o s e K e r r a n d lu i s a e . M e n G o n i

w i t H a c o n t r i B u t i o n By M i n G w i l s o n


s pecifications 180 color illustrations

v& a P U B l I S H I N G

hinese export ceramics are highly valued and collectable. This beautiful book

144 pages, 8½ × 10½"

tells the story of Chinese ceramics exported to

Hardcover with jacket

Europe, the Middle East, and Southeast Asia from the 14th to the 19th centuries through the V&A’s


extensive and celebrated collection. It illustrates


the extraordinary range of styles and decorative


patterns, the integration of European and Middle Eastern shapes and designs, and the circulation

ISBN 978-1-85177-632-0

and uses of exported objects around the world.

ISBN$50.00 978-1851776320 US CAN $60.00


Superb new photography reveals over 200 stunning pieces ranging from bowls, pitchers, and

9 781851 776320

vases, to statuary and much more.

also aVail aB le

rose Kerr was Former Keeper of the Far Eastern

Chinese Ceramics

Department at the V&A. luisa e. Mengoni is a

ISBN 978-1-85177-576-7

curator and Ming Wilson is a senior curator in the

ISBN$45.00 978-1851775767 US CAN $58.50

Asian Department at the V&A.


9 781851 775767

Princely Treasures EURoPEAN MASTERPIECES 1600 –1800, F R o M T h E V I C To R I A & A L B E R T M U S E U M ■ s pecifications 100 color illustrations 192 pages, 8 × 10" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa PUB MONTH: May art • art HIStory ISBN 978-1-85177-633-7 ISBN 978-1851776337

US $30.00

CAN $36.00 53000

9 781851 776337

e d i t e d By l e s l e y M i l l e r

v& a P U B l I S H I N G


he V&A has one of the world’s greatest collections of 17th- and 18th-century European

decorative art. Eighty masterpieces from this magnificent collection, acquired and used by rul-

ers of power, wealth, and taste, provide the focus of this book. Each is contextualized in one of five thematic sections that highlight an important aspect of European courtly life: the importance of war; the role of religion; the peaceful arts of the domestic interior; and the magnificence of personal adornment. Superb new photography reveals a broad range of objects, including paintings and sculpture, ceramics and glass, metalwork and furniture, textiles and dress, prints and drawings. lesley Miller is a senior curator in the Furniture, Textiles and Fashion Department at the V&A. She is a specialist in 18th-century European fashion and textiles.



V&A Publishing

The day of the Peacock ST YLE FoR MEN 1963–1973 ■

By G e o F F r e y aq u i l i n a r o s s

v& a P U B l I S H I N G

Fabulous men’s fashion from Swinging Sixties London s e lling points ■ Personal memoir from British Vogue’s first male fashion editor ■ discusses shops, designers, movie stars, rock stars, and other fashionable men of 1960s London ■ Fantastic photography

s pecifications 150 illustrations 144 pages, 8¾ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa


PUB MONTH: May he 1960s, especially in England, witnessed a


spectacular renaissance of dandyism—a move-

ment in men’s style that the media called the “Peacock

Revolution.” This entertaining book takes a fascinating look at the “Swinging Sixties” London scene—all illustrated with photographs, outfits, and ephemera

ISBN 978-1-85177-600-9 ISBN$45.00 978-1851776009 US CAN $54.00


9 781851 776009

drawn from the V&A’s superb archives. This is a personal memoir of a moment—in which fashion insider Geoffrey Aquilina Ross recalls the era’s most dashing figures, including Savile Row tailor Tommy Nutter, whose clients included Mick Jagger, the Beatles, and Elton John; photographers Patrick Lichfield and David Bailey; and hairdresser Vidal Sassoon; and discusses iconic London shops such as Granny Takes a Trip, Blades, Hung on You, and Mr Fish. Christopher Breward’s introduction places the extraordinary revolution within its social and cultural context.

also aVail aB le Bravehearts: Men in Skirts

Geoffrey aquilina ross has edited several magazines including FHM. During the 1960s he was the first male

ISBN 978-0-8109-6558-4 ISBN$40.00 978-0810965584 US CAN $65.00


fashion editor at Vogue. Named Fashion Writer of the Year in 1972, he has lectured on fashion at Central St. Martins College of Art and Design in London.

9 780810 965584

Christopher Breward is head of research at the V&A.

V&A Publishing



V& A PAT TERN SERIES “An amazing set and resource . . . each has a disc with every image in high resolution for use in your own projects and decorative endeavors.” —Dwell



Chinese Textiles ■

By y u e H - s i a n G c H a n G

ollowing the success of the previous titles in the V&A Pattern series, four new books reveal more of the V&A’s spectacular

and extensive pattern collections. Chinese Textiles by Yueh-Siang Chang moves through the centuries highlighting the motifs of luxurious courtly robes, floral silks intended for the export market, and even the tongue-in-cheek patterns of Vivienne Tam. Spitalfields Silks by Moira Thunder displays delightful floral designs alongside quirky, strikingly modern silks, all produced in

18th-century London. Pop Patterns by Oriole Cullen showcases Andy Warhol’s influence on commercial design in the 1970s, when soup cans, lipsticks, and even men’s haircuts graced dress fabrics and wallpapers.

ISBN 978-1-85177-622-1 ISBN$12.95 978-1851776221 US CAN $15.95

Walter Crane by Esmé Whittaker looks at the works of a key


designer of the Aesthetic movement, incorporating swans, bulrushes, fairy tales, and more into his diverse patterns.

9 781851 776221

oriole Cullen is curator of Fashion in Motion and Modern Textiles


and Fashion at the V&A. esmé Whittaker is assistant curator in

Spitalfields Silks

the Word and Image Department at the V&A. yueh-Siang Chang is assistant curator of Chinese arts in the Asian Department at the

V&A. Moira thunder is curator of design in the Word and Image

By M o i r a t H u n d e r

Department at the V&A.

s pecifications each volume: 65 color illustrations 80 pages, 5 × 7" Hardcover with Cd RIGHTS: NortH aMerICa PUB MONTH: JUNe deSIGN • deCoratIve artS

V&A PATTERn: BoxED SET #3 ISBN 978-1-85177-638-2

ISBN 978-1-85177-635-1

ISBN$47.50 978-1851776382 US CAN $57.00

ISBN$12.95 978-1851776351 US CAN $15.95


9 781851 776382



V&A Publishing


9 781851 776351

also aVail aB le


Pop Patterns ■

By o r i o l e c u l l e n V&A Pattern: Slipcased Set #2 ISBN 978-1-85177-607-8 ISBN$47.50 978-1851776078 US CAN $61.95


9 781851 776078

V&A Pattern: Kimono

V&A Pattern: William Morris

ISBN 978-1-85177-606-1

ISBN 978-1-85177-584-2

ISBN$12.95 978-1851776061 US CAN $16.95

ISBN$12.95 978-1851775842 US CAN $16.95


9 781851 776061


9 781851 775842

ISBN 978-1-85177-636-8 ISBN$12.95 978-1851776368 US CAN $15.95


9 781851 776368

V&A Pattern: novelty Patterns


Walter Crane ■

By e s M é w H i t ta K e r

V&A Pattern: Indian Florals

ISBN 978-1-85177-589-7

ISBN 978-1-85177-586-6

ISBN$12.95 978-1851775897 US CAN $16.95

ISBN$12.95 978-1851775866 US CAN $16.95


9 781851 775897


9 781851 775866

V&A Pattern: Secret Garden

V&A Pattern: The Fifties

ISBN 978-1-85177-588-0

ISBN 978-1-85177-585-9

ISBN$12.95 978-1851775880 US CAN $16.95

ISBN$12.95 978-1851775859 US CAN $16.95


9 781851 775880


9 781851 775859

V&A Pattern: owen Jones

V&A Pattern: Digital Pioneers

ISBN 978-1-85177-637-5

ISBN 978-1-85177-605-4

ISBN 978-1-85177-587-3

ISBN$12.95 978-1851776375 US CAN $15.95

ISBN$12.95 978-1851776054 US CAN $16.95

ISBN$12.95 978-1851775873 US CAN $16.95


9 781851 776375


9 781851 776054


9 781851 775873

ABRAMS CALENDARS 2012 ©/ ®/™ The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.

2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R

s pecifications 16-month calendar 28 pages, 12 × 12" Includes glow-in-the-dark poster RIGHTS: World ENglISh ExclUdINg EUropE

ISBN 978-0-8109-9771-4 ISBN-13: US $14.99978-0-8109-9771-4 CAN $17.99 51499

9 780810 997714

2011 ISBN: 978-0-8109-9691-5

A calendar for the millions of fans who made Avatar the top-grossing movie of all time

Include glow-in-t s dark pos heter!

Return to Pandora, a spectacular world beyond imagination. Go for a ride on an ikran (one of Pandora’s giant flying predators), join the Na’vi tribe, or get an up-close and personal view of the floating Hallelujah Mountains. This 16-month calendar is the perfect piece of Avatar memorabilia for fans of James Cameron’s masterpiece. The Avatar 2012 calendar features more than 40 amazing frame grabs, along with development art and behind-the-scenes photography. Magnificent stills from the movie will transport viewers to fantastical Pandora, while the striking illustrations reveal the creative vision behind this historic movie.

All calendars are published in August unless otherwise noted ABRAMS CALENDARS 2012



Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules 2 0 1 1 –2 0 1 2 M ov I e Wa l l C a l e N Da R ■

By J e f f K i n n e y

Get wimpy with the Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules movie wall calendar!

s pecifications 16-month calendar 36 pages, 12 × 12" RIGHTS: world ISBN 978-0-8109-9871-1

This September, go back to school with Greg

ISBN$14.99 978-0810998711 US CAN $17.99


Heffley, the kid who made “wimpy” cool! Based on Diary of a Wimpy Kid: Rodrick Rules, Twentieth

9 780810 998711

Century Fox’s soon-to-be-released sequel to the

2011 ISBN: 978-0-8109-9690-8

blockbuster Diary of a Wimpy Kid movie, this full 16-month back-to-school calendar features more than 50 image highlights as well as dialogue straight from the script. Being a kid can be tough, but with Greg and his brother Rodrick, the 2011–2012 school year will be full of hilarious mishaps and adventures!

Abram #1 bests s’ back-to-selling ch calendar!ool

The Simpsons 2 0 1 2 Da I ly P l a N N e R

s pecifications Color illustrations throughout 128 pages, 7 × 8⅔" RIGHTS: US, CaNada, Uk, aUStralIa, New ZealaNd ISBN 978-0-8109-9857-5 ISBN$15.99 978-0810998575 US CAN $19.99


9 780810 998575


Spend the year in Springfield with America’s favorite television family—the Simpsons! For the legions of fans who have made The Simpsons the longest-running comedy on television, a spiral-bound desk diary filled with sardonic lines and cartoon portraits of Homer, Bart, and the rest of the gang.




Girl Scouts 100th anniversary 2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R


A calendar for Girls Scouts of the USA’s millions of members and supporters—past, present, and future Growing from 18 members at its founding to more than 3 million members today, Girl Scouts has been building girls of courage, confidence, and character since 1912. This 16-month calendar celebrates the 100th anniversary of an iconic American institution and features never-before-published archival photographs and other memorabilia. A must-have for Girl Scout members, alumnae, volunteers, and supporters.

16-month calendar

ISBN 978-0-8109-9801-8

36 pages, 12 × 12"

ISBN$14.99 978-0810998018 US CAN $17.99



9 780810 998018

The “Girl Scouts” name, mark, and all associated trademarks and logotypes, including the “Trefoil Design,” are owned by Girl Scouts of the USA. Harry n. Abrams, Inc., is an official GSUSA licensed vendor.

DoMo CAleNDARS ■ Hatched from an egg in front of a Tv set, domo-kun first rose to popularity in Japan, where he is the mascot for NHK, Japan’s public broadcaster. In the years since, this television-loving, strangely endearing monster has become an Internet sensation and licensing phenomenon, winning the hearts of people the world over with his gentle soul and sloppy-silly adventures.

RIGHTS: World ENglISh, ExclUdINg aSIa

A licensing sensation, Domo has taken the world by storm

domo 2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R

domo 2 0 1 2 M I N I Wa l l C a l e N da R


New! Includes bonus postcard s!

Includes bonus stickers!

Thanks to his millions of loyal fans, this international superstar is also

Pocket-size but fierce, Domo is perfectly suited

a character brand that has successfully translated to fashion, toys,

to guard lockers and small spaces in this mini wall

games, television, and, of course, calendars.


16-month calendar

ISBN 978-0-8109-9807-0

16-month calendar

ISBN 978-0-8109-9808-7

28 pages, 12 × 12"

US $13.99

28 pages, 7 × 7"

US $7.99

ISBN 978-0810998070

CAN $16.99 51399

ISBN 978-0-8109-9808-7 CAN $9.99 50799

Includes stickers

Includes postcards 9 780810 998070

9 780810 998087




dogs 2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R ■

P H oTo G r A P H S By T I m F l Ac H


A calendar for anybody who loves to look at dogs in their almost infinite variety Based on the magnificent book Dogs by Tim Flach, this calendar features 25 of his compelling portraits of these adored companions. From the exquisite specimens entered in the Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show to shelter dogs lovingly rescued by volunteers, Tim Flach’s images celebrate the astonishing range of color, texture, size, shape, and personality of his furry subjects.

16-month calendar

ISBN 978-0-8109-9852-0

28 pages, 12 × 12"

ISBN$13.99 978-0810998520 US CAN $16.99


RIGHTS: World ENglISh 9 780810 998520

UGlyDoll CAleNDARS By DAV I D H o r VAT H A n D S U n - m I n K I m ■ Since their introduction to the market, millions of award-winning Uglydolls have been sold in special shops all over the world. From plush dolls to books to stationery and beyond, the Uglydolls have taken both their universe and ours by storm.

RIGHTS: US, Uk, caNada, aNd FraNcE

Ugly has never been cuter—or more profitable



2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R

2 0 1 2 M I N I Wa l l C a l e N da R

Includes bonus stickers! Includes bonus stickers!

This wall calendar is filled with the charismatic creatures bringing their

More weird and adorable visitors from the

own strange reality to everyday situations.

Uglyverse inhabit this mini wall calendar.

16-month calendar

ISBN 978-0-8109-9769-1

16-month calendar

ISBN 978-0-8109-9770-7

28 pages, 12 × 12"

US $13.99

28 pages, 7 × 7"

US $7.99

Includes stickers

ISBN 978-0810997691

CAN $16.99 51399

9 780810 997691

2011 ISBN: 978-0-8109-9580-2

1 24



Includes stickers

ISBN 978-0810997707

CAN $9.99 50899

9 780810 997707

2011 ISBN: 978-0-8109-9579-6

ex TR AoRDINARy CAleNDARS P H oTo G r A P H S By S T e P H e n G r e e n -A r m y TAG e RIGHTS: World

Two new eye-popping and bizarrely marvelous calendars join the bestselling Extraordinary Chickens calendar

extraordinary Pigs

extraordinary Piglets

2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R

2 0 1 2 M I N I Wa l l C a l e N da R



Spend 2012 in hog heaven . . . quite literally! From tiny Kunekunes,

Tiny, adorable, and wonderfully weird, these

wrinkled Meishans, and spotted Gloucester old Spots to curly-coated

portraits of rare piglets will enchant everyone

Mangalitzas, wild boars, and miniatures, photographer Stephen

with a passion for pigs.

Green-Armytage has captured pigs—among the most intelligent and beloved animals on earth—in their infinite variety.

16-month calendar

ISBN 978-0-8109-9870-4

16-month calendar

ISBN 978-0-8109-9869-8

28 pages, 12 × 12"

US $13.99

28 pages, 7 × 7"

US $7.99

ISBN 978-0810998704

CAN $16.99 51399

9 780810 998704

ISBN 978-0810998698

CAN $9.99 50799

9 780810 998698

extraordinary Chickens 2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R

A top-selling calendar since 2003, featured in USA Today and by Conan o’Brien Photographer Stephen Green-Armytage’s ever-

16-month calendar

popular calendar has been one of Abrams’ top-

28 pages, 12 × 12"

selling calendars since 2003. This latest edition features more than 25 new portraits of the world’s funniest and fanciest, fairest and freakiest, fowl.

ISBN 978-0-8109-9853-7 ISBN 978-0810998537

US $13.99

CAN $16.99 51399

9 780810 998537

2011 ISBN: 978-0-8109-8913-9



1 25

THe ART oF ANDy WARHol CAleNDARS F r o m T H e A n Dy WA r H o l F o U n DAT I o n ■ Pop artist andy Warhol is a source of continuing fascination and visual excitement. In the years since his death, his brand has become a multimillion-dollar machine that has raised more than $300 million for his nonprofit foundation.

RIGHTS: US aNd caNada

“Pop is for everyone.” —Andy Warhol

The art of andy Warhol

The art of andy Warhol

2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R

2 0 1 2 e N G aG e M e N T C a l e N da R

“you need to let the little

Includes bonus poster!

things that would ordinarily bore you suddenly thrill you.” —andy Warhol

This wall calendar features the most exciting and recogniz-

This 52-week desk calendar includes images of rare paintings,

able images the artist ever created, interspersed with rarer

sketches, and silkscreens from the enormous and exciting archive of

ones—and quotations.

the world-famous artist’s work.

16-month calendar

ISBN 978-0-8109-9848-3

Color illustrations

28 pages, 12 × 12"

US $14.99


ISBN 978-0810998483

CAN $17.99 51499

Includes poster

ISBN 978-0-8109-9847-6

ISBN-13: 978-0-8109-9847-6 US $16.99 CAN $20.99 51699

108 pages, 6¼ × 8½" 9 780810 998483

9 780810 998476

2011 ISBN: 978-0-8109-8916-0

2011 ISBN: 978-0-8109-8915-3

©/ ®/™ The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.

Ultraviolet 2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R : 1 3 P o S T e R S T H aT G lo W I N B l aC K l I G H T ■

By DA n D o n A H U e

Turn out the light and turn on the night!

calenda r pages glow und blackligher t!

This wall calendar highlights 13 beautiful vintage blacklight posters from Abrams Image’s bestselling Ultraviolet, the first book to celebrate this psychedelic, instantly recognizable popular art form. like the book, the calendar is printed with fluorescent inks so that the pages actually glow under blacklight.

16-month calendar

ISBN 978-0-8109-9860-5

28 pages, 10½ × 14½"

US $14.99

ISBN 978-0810998605

CAN $17.99 51499

pages glow under blacklight RIGHTS: World

1 26


9 780810 998605

2011 ISBN: 978-0-8109-8949-8


Monkey Portraits 2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R ■

P H oTo G r A P H S By J I l l G r e e n B e r G

each portrait by this highly acclaimed photographer will likely remind you of someone you know! We share about 98 percent of our DNA with chimpanzees, our closest biological cousins, and never have the similarities been so amusingly—or brilliantly—captured. The intimate portraits in this quirky calendar, shot by renowned photographer Jill Greenberg and drawn from her bestselling book Monkey Portraits, convey a startlingly human range of emotions and personalities.

16-month calendar

ISBN 978-0-8109-9854-4

28 pages, 12 × 12"

US $13.99

ISBN 978-0810998544


CAN $16.99 51399

9 780810 998544

2011 ISBN: 978-0-8109-8917-7

WIllIAM WeGMAN CAleNDARS P H oTo G r A P H S By W I l l I A m W e G m A n RIGHTS: World

Irresistible and adorable Weimaraners for the millions of Wegman fans and dog lovers everywhere

William Wegman Man’s Best Friend

William Wegman Puppies

2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R

2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R

Includes bonus postcard s!

Includes bonus poster!

“William Wegman has not only embraced Americana, but he has also become a part of it.” —New York Times

The 2012 edition of Abrams’ all-time top-selling William Wegman

Wegman’s adorable and artful photographs of puppies promise to

Man’s Best Friend calendar features many never-before-published

enchant fans of all ages throughout 2012.

pictures of his beloved and versatile Weimaraners.

16-month calendar

ISBN 978-0-8109-9861-2

16-month calendar

ISBN 978-0-8109-9862-9

28 pages, 10½ × 14½"

US $14.99

28 pages, 12 × 12"

US $14.99

ISBN 978-0810998612

CAN $17.99 51499

Includes postcards

ISBN 978-0810998629

CAN $17.99 51499

Includes poster 9 780810 998612

2011 ISBN: 978-0-8109-8898-9

9 780810 998629

2011 ISBN: 978-0-8109-8899-6




Carl Warner Food landscapes

Planet Golf 2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R : F e aT U R I N G T H e G R e aT e S T G o l F

2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R

Treehouses of the World 2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R

CoURSeS aRoUNd THe WoRld ■

P H oTo G r A P H S By

■ ■

c A r l WA r n e r

T e x T By DA r I U S


P H oTo G r A P H S By

PeTe nelSon

P H oTo G r A P H S By

J o H n A n D J e A n n I n e H e n e B ry Includes bonus postcard s!

A visual feast for foodies and fantasy lovers

The next best thing to being there

It’s not just eye candy—it’s a full meal!

This stunning calendar highlights 13 of

Welcome to visionary photographer Carl

the finest golf courses from around the

Warner’s curious world, where Parmesan

world. Perfect for active and armchair

Treehouses are the most innovative—and greenest—architectural phenomenon of the 21st century

peaks tower over a desert of paprika and

golfers, it features a year’s worth of

spiky chicory, while a tomato-skin scorpion

John and Jeannine Henebry’s lush

Featuring new photographs and

perches on a potato. every one of the 13

photography in combination with text

commentary by architect and master carpenter Pete Nelson, this bestsell-

complex images featured in this calendar

by Darius oliver, one of the world’s

offers a unique visual feast for foodies and

most authoritative voices on course

ing 16-month calendar will inspire

fantasy lovers.

design and architecture.

dreamers and do-it-yourselfers of all ages.

16-month calendar

16-month calendar

16-month calendar

28 pages, 14 × 12"

28 pages, 14 × 12"

28 pages, 10½ × 14½"

Includes postcards




ISBN 978-0810998513

US $13.99

CAN $16.99 51399

9 780810 998513

ISBN 978-0-8109-9855-1

ISBN 978-0-8109-9859-9

US $13.99

US $13.99

ISBN 978-0810998551

ISBN 978-0-8109-9851-3

CAN $16.99 51399

9 780810 998551

2011 ISBN: 978-0-8109-8910-8

2011 ISBN: 978-0-8109-8948-1

1 28



ISBN 978-0810998599

CAN $16.99 51399

9 780810 998599

2011 ISBN: 978-0-8109-8914-6

Saints 2 0 1 2 Wa l l C a l e N da R : a y e a R I N Fa I T H a N d a R T ■

Norman Rockwell’s

24 Penguins Before Christmas

a dv e N T C a l e N da R

a 365 PeNGUINS

T e x T By r o S A G I o r G I

a dv e N T C a l e N da R ■

T e x T By J e A n - lU c

F r o m e n TA l Includes bonus christma s carol booklet!

Includ bonus ades v calendar!ent

A richly embellished calendar offering blessings throughout the year

I l lU S T r AT I o n S

By J o ë l l e J o l I V e T

Based on Abrams’ bestselling book 365 Penguins

Count down the days until Christmas! This timeless treasure features 25 illustrations

Returning for its fourth successful year, this

by Norman Rockwell, America’s most beloved

calendar offers blessings throughout the

and universally popular artist. Sure to become

in this Abrams holiday favorite, children

year. Inspired by Abrams’ bestselling book

a holiday tradition, this charming advent

will find one, two, three, or even more

Saints: A Year in Faith and Art, the calendar

calendar and bonus Christmas carol booklet

penguins! A miniature book giving door-

highlights more than 40 saints and paint-

promise to bring the Christmas spirit to your

by-door explanations, all in silly rhyme, is

ings by old masters, including Peter Paul

home this year and every year after.

included in the package.

Behind each of the 24 die-cut windows

Rubens, el Greco, Anthony van Dyck, and Fra Angelico.

16-month calendar

18 × 11"

11 × 13¾"

28 pages, 12 × 12"

Includes 8-page carol booklet

Includes 4-page booklet

Includes advent calendar






ISBN 978-0-8109-9856-8

ISBN 978-0-8109-9581-9

ISBN 978-0-8109-9555-0

US $13.99

US $10.99

US $16.99

ISBN 978-0-8109-9581-9

ISBN 978-0810998568

CAN $16.99 51399

9 780810 998568

2011 ISBN: 978-0-8109-8945-0


ISBN 978-0-8109-9555-0

CAN $13.99 50999

780810 995819


CAN $19.95 51699

780810 995550




remember the honoring the

150 th

The American Civil War: 365 Days This visual history of America’s epochal conflict features more than 500 items drawn from the unparalleled collections of the Library of Congress, including iconic photographs; period drawings and lithographs; important manuscripts like the Gettysburg Address; political and theatrical posters; and ephemera like the contents of Lincoln’s pockets the night he was assassinated.

The American Civil War: 365 Days Wagner Abrams Hardcover, 744 pages, 9¼ × 6¼"

ISBN 978-0-8109-5847-0 ISBN 978-0-8109-5847-0 US $29.95 CAN $41.95 52995 9

780810 958470

Traveling the Freedom Road Told through unforgettable first-person accounts from slave narratives, journals, diaries, and other sources—much of it never before published for young people—this book is an overview of the antebellum South, the Civil War, and Reconstruction, 1800 to 1877. In association with the Library of Congress.

Traveling the Freedom Road Osborne Abrams Books for Young Readers Hardcover with jacket, 128 pages, 8½ × 10"

ISBN 978-0-8109-8338-0 US $24.95 CAN $27.50

ISBN 978-0-8109-8338-0




Also of Interest

780810 983380


civil war s anniversary New!

Nurse, Soldier, Spy This fast-paced, high-energy picture book tells the true story of Sarah Emma Edmonds, who at age nineteen, disguised herself as a man in order to fight in the Civil War. The story of this hero comes to life through the signature illustrations and design of John Hendrix and the exciting storytelling of Marissa Moss.

Nurse, Solider, Spy Moss/Hendrix Abrams Books for Young Readers Hardcover with jacket, 48 pages, 9 × 11"

ISBN 978-0-8109-9735-6 ISBN 978-0810997356 US $18.95 CAN $22.95 51895 9 780810 997356


Maritcha A much-needed window into a little-documented time in black history. Based on an actual memoir written by Maritcha Rémond Lyons, this poignant story tells what it was like to be a black child born free and living in New York City in the mid 1800s.

Maritcha Bolden Abrams Books for Young Readers Hardcover with Jacket, 48 pages, 10 × 10"

ISBN 978-0-8109-5045-0 US $19.95 CAN5 1 $21.95 995

ISBN 978-0810950450

9 780810 950450

To Market, to Market ■

By n I k k I M c c lu r e

A B r A M S B O O k S f O r yO U N g r e A d e r S


s pecifications Two-color illustrations

nown for cut-paper art that celebrates the virtues of community, hard work, and living

40 pages, 10¼ × 10"

gently on the planet, Nikki McClure here explores

Hardcover with jacket

a topic close to her heart: the farmers market. Alternating between story and fact, this lovingly


crafted picture book follows a mother and son to


the weekly market. As they check off items on their

AgeS 4 tO 8 •

shopping list, the reader learns how each particular


food was grown or produced, from its earliest

ISBN 978-0-8109-9738-7

stages to how it ended up at the market. To Market,

US $17.95

to Market is a timely book that shines awareness on

ISBN 978-0810997387

CAN $21.95 51795

the skill that goes into making good food.

9 780810 997387

Nikki McClure is the author and illustrator of Collect Raindrops and Mama, Is It Summer Yet? and the illustrator of All in a Day, by Cynthia Rylant.

aLso aVaiL aB Le

All in a Day

Mama, Is It Summer Yet?

ISBN 978-0-8109-8321-2

ISBN 978-0-8109-8468-4

ISBN$17.95 978-0810983212 US CAN $23.95

ISBN$17.95 978-0810984684 US CAN $23.95


9 780810 983212


9 780810 984684

The Boy Who Bit Picasso ■ s pecifications More than 65 color and black-

By A n to n y P e n r o s e

A B r A M S B O O k S f O r yO U N g r e A d e r S


ony was a boy with a special friend—a world-famous artist by the name of Pablo

and-white illustrations

Picasso. Tony and his parents entertained

48 pages, 7 × 9"

Picasso at their home in England, and they went

Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: US ANd CANAdA PUB MONTH: MArCH AgeS 4 tO 8 • PICtUre BOOk ISBN 978-0-8109-9728-8 ISBN 978-0810997288

US $16.95

CAN $19.95 51695

to visit Picasso and his family in France, too. Tony really did bite Picasso. And Picasso bit him back! This book offers readers a rare glimpse into Picasso’s personal life and features artworks by Picasso and photographs by Lee Miller. Grown-up Tony, the son of photographer Lee Miller and painter-writer Sir Roland Penrose, shares his childhood memories of his remarkable playmate in this one-of-a-kind story.

9 780810 997288

Antony Penrose runs Farley Farm House in southern England, which houses works by surrealist and modern artists.



Also of Interest


I n A s s o c I At I o n w I t h t h e Ac A d e M y o f A M e r I c A n P o e t s

P o e M I N yo U R P o c k e T f o R yo U N G P o e T S

A d U lT e d I T I o N

s e l e c t e d By B r u n o n AvA s k

s e l e c t e d By e l A I n e B l e A k n e y


A B r A M S I M Ag e

Praise for Poem in Your Pocket “Poem in Your Pocket is one of the most inventive poetry collections . . .” —Christian Science Monitor

ISBN 978-0-8109-9142-2

s pecifications

ISBN$12.95 978-0810991422 US CAN $15.95

ISBN 978-0-8109-0636-5 ISBN$14.95 978-0810906365 US CAN $16.95

100 poems



232 pages, 5 × 7"

9 780810 991422

Hardcover with

s pecifications 200 poems 224 pages, 5 × 7"

9 780810 906365

Hardcover with


perforated tear-out


perforated tear-out





AgeS 12 ANd UP • POetry

Page by Paige ■

By l Au r A l e e G u l l e d G e



aige Turner has just moved to New York with her family, and she’s having some

trouble adjusting to the big city. In the pages of

her sketchbook, she tries to make sense of her new life, including trying out her secret identity: artist. As she makes friends and starts to explore the city, she slowly brings her secret identity out into the open, a process that is equal parts terrifying and rewarding. Laura Lee Gulledge crafts stories and panels

s pecifications Black-and-white illustrations 192 pages, 6½ × 9" RIGHTS: WOrld eNglISH PUB MONTH: MAy AgeS 12 ANd UP • grAPHIC NOvel

aVaiLaBLe in tWo foRMats Paperback

with images that are thought-provoking, funny,

ISBN 978-0-8109-9722-6

and emotionally resonant. Teens struggling to

ISBN$9.95 978-0810997226 US CAN $11.95


find their place can see themselves in Paige’s honest, heartfelt story.

9 780810 997226

Hardcover with jacket laura lee gulledge, like Paige, grew up in

ISBN 978-0-8109-9721-9

Virginia and moved to New York. Visit her online

ISBN$18.95 978-0810997219 US CAN $22.95


at whoislauralee.blogspot.com. 9 780810 997219

Also of Interest




Poolside with Slim Aarons Aarons/getty Images/Norwich Abrams

Jones Beach Szabo Abrams Image

Outrageous Yachts Bobrow/Wooton Vendome Press

Hardcover with jacket, 240 pages, 11 × 14"

Hardcover, 112 pages, 10 × 10"

Hardcover, 232 pages, 9 × 12"

ISBN 978-0-8109-9407-2 ISBN 978-0810994072 US $75.00 CAN $90.00 57500

ISBN 978-0-8109-8016-7 ISBN 978-0810980167 US $35.00 CAN $45.50 53500

ISBN-13: 978-0-86565-257-6 US $50.00 CAN $64.99 55000

9 780810 994072

9 780810 980167

ISBN 978-0-86565-257-6

9 780865 652576

America’s Parks Bourseiller Abrams

Nantucket linsley/Pommett Stewart, Tabori & Chang

The Adirondack Chair Mack Stewart, Tabori & Chang

Hardcover with jacket, 400 pages, 11¼ × 14⅜"

Hardcover with jacket, 224 pages, 10 × 11"

Hardcover with jacket, 128 pages, 7 × 7"

ISBN 978-0-8109-3084-1 ISBN 978-0810930841 US $55.00 CAN $70.00 55500

ISBN 978-1-58479-723-4 ISBN 978-1584797234 US $40.00 CAN $44.00 54000

9 780810 930841



9 781584 797234

Also of Interest

ISBN 978-1-58479-568-1 US $17.95 CAN $21.95 51795

ISBN 978-1584795681

9 781584 795681

P.S. I Hate It Here!

“Read it and remember.” —People

kIdS’ leTTeRS fRoM cAMP ■

s e l e c t e d A n d e d I t e d By d I A n e fA l A n G A

As seen on CBS Sunday Morning, Live! With Regis & Kelly, and The Today Show Now in its 5th printing! A hilarious collection of 150 letters from children at camp to their parents. Perfect for the summer camper, their parents, and anyone who ever went to summer camp.

s pecifications 150 full-color illustrations 160 pages, 5 × 7" Paperback AVAILABLE NOW ISBN 978-0-8109-8295-6 ISBN$12.95 978-0810982956 US CAN $16.95


9 780810 982956

Heart Stones Iselin Abrams

Seashells Iselin/Carlson Abrams

Hardcover with jacket, 96 pages, 5 × 5"

Hardcover with jacket, 152 pages, 7 × 7"

ISBN 978-0-8109-9465-2 US $9.95 CAN $12.95 50995

ISBN 978-0810994652

9 780810 994652

ISBN 978-0-8109-9327-3 US $17.95 CAN $21.95 51795

ISBN 978-0810993273

9 780810 993273

Sandcastles Made Simple Wierenga Stewart, Tabori & Chang Paperback, 128 pages, 7 × 8"

ISBN 978-1-58479-767-8 US $10.95 CAN $11.95 51095

ISBN 978-1584797678

9 781584 797678

Also of Interest




Fifty Places to Hike Before You Die Santella/Peixotto Stewart, Tabori & Chang

Fifty Places to Fly Fish Before You Die Santella Stewart, Tabori & Chang

Fifty Places to Sail Before You Die Santella Stewart, Tabori & Chang

Hardcover with jacket, 224 pages, 7 × 8"

Hardcover with jacket, 224 pages, 7 × 8"

Hardcover with jacket, 224 pages, 7 × 8"

ISBN 978-1-58479-853-8 ISBN 978-1584798538 US $24.95 CAN $32.50 52495

ISBN 978-1-58479-356-4 ISBN 978-1584793564 US $24.95 CAN $29.95 52495

9 781584 798538

9 781584 793564

ISBN 978-1-58479-567-4 US $24.95 CAN $32.50 52495

ISBN 978-1584795674

9 781584 795674

The Kentucky Derby tiegreen/Seggerman Stewart, Tabori & Chang

NASCAR green Stewart, Tabori & Chang

Hardcover with jacket, 128 pages, 7 × 8"

Hardcover with jacket, 128 pages, 7 × 8"

ISBN 978-1-58479-809-5 ISBN 978-1584798095 US $18.95 CAN $24.95 51895 9 781584 798095

ISBN 978-1-58479-733-3 US $18.95 CAN $20.95 51895

ISBN 978-1584797333

9 781584 797333

G o l f I N G fAvo R I T e S

Golf Girl’s Little Tartan Book Hannigan Stewart, Tabori & Chang

The Seven Personalities of Golf gee Stewart, Tabori & Chang

Hardcover, 144 pages, 5½ × 7⅝"

Hardcover cloth case, 128 pages, 5½ × 7⅝"

ISBN 978-1-58479-829-3 ISBN 978-1584798293 US $18.95 CAN $24.95 51895 9 781584 798293



ISBN 978-1-58479-731-9 US $17.95 CAN $19.95 51795

ISBN 978-1584797319

9 781584 797319

Also of Interest

18 Game-Changing Lessons Steinbauer/yun Stewart, Tabori & Chang Hardcover, 224 pages, 6 × 8"

ISBN 978-1-58479-812-5 US $19.95 CAN $23.95 51995

ISBN 978-1584798125

9 781584 798125

B A S e B A l l fAvo R I T e S

101 Reasons to Love the Red Sox (Revised) green Stewart, Tabori & Chang

101 Reasons to Love the Yankees (Revised) green Jr. Stewart, Tabori & Chang

101 Reasons to Love the Phillies green Jr. Stewart, Tabori & Chang

Hardcover with jacket, 120 pages, 7 × 7"

Hardcover with jacket, 120 pages, 7 × 7"

Hardcover with jacket, 120 pages, 7 × 7"

ISBN 978-1-58479-714-2 ISBN 978-1584797142 US $14.95 CAN $19.50 51495

ISBN 978-1-58479-715-9 ISBN 978-1584797159 US $14.95 CAN $16.95 51495

9 781584 797142

ISBN 978-1-58479-755-5 US $14.95 CAN $16.95 51495

ISBN 978-1584797555

9 781584 797159

9 781584 797555

1,001 Reasons to Love Baseball Peary Stewart, Tabori & Chang

New York Yankees 365 the Associated Press/Mattingly Abrams

Hardcover with jacket, 320 pages, 7 × 7"

Hardcover, 744 pages, 9¼ × 6¼"

ISBN 978-1-58479-354-0 ISBN 978-1584793540 US $24.95 CAN $31.95 52495

ISBN 978-0-8109-8261-1 US $29.95 CAN $38.95 52995

ISBN 978-0810982611

9 781584 793540

9 780810 982611

The Masters green Sr. Stewart, Tabori & Chang

Planet Golf USA Oliver/Crenshaw Abrams

Golf Courses of the World 365 Days Sidorsky Abrams

Hardcover with jacket, 128 pages, 7 × 8"

Hardcover with jacket, 368 pages, 12¾ × 10"

Hardcover, 744 pages, 9¼ × 6¼"

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Photogr aPhy and art credits

fRoNt coveR From Worldchanging, bee design by sagmeister inc. back coveR

From MM–Personal, © Mark anderson

INSIde fRoNt coveR

From Sugar Baby, photograph

by tina rupp INSIde back coveR From Strawberry Fields, photograph by sara cedar Miller PaGe 1 From The Repurposed Library, photograph by thayer allyson gowdy PaGeS 2–3 clockwise from top left: eliphante from Artists’ Handmade Houses, photograph by don Freeman; times square from New York from the Air, photograph by yann arthus-Bertrand, © 2010 Éditions de La Martinière; from Extraordinary Pigs, photograph by stephen green-armytage PaGe 4 clockwise from top left: courtesy of the everett collection; courtesy of the everett collection; courtesy of twentieth-century Fox/the everett collection; courtesy of Universal/the everett collection PaGe 7 top two images: courtesy of the national Library of Medicine, Bethesda; bottom image: courtesy of the University of toronto PaGe 9 From top: courtesy of Patrick Blanc; courtesy of Project h design; courtesy of transFair Usa PaGe 10 clockwise from top left: courtesy of chang W. Lee/The New York Times; courtesy of Barton silverman/The New York Times; courtesy of richard Perry/The New York Times; courtesy of Marilynn K yee/The New York Times; courtesy of norman ng and dana edelson/ nBc; courtesy of Barton silverman/The New York Times PaGeS 12–13 Lower left: courtesy of the Los angeles county Lifeguard association. all other images © Mark anderson PaGe 15 all photographs by stephen green-armytage PaGe 16 top: courtesy of artothek of the republic of austria, permanent loan, Belvedere, Vienna; bottom: © Bibliothèque Musicale gustav Mahler, Paris PaGe 17 cover © Jari Peltomäki/ Birdphoto; supplementary images © Markus Varesvuo/Birdphoto PaGe 18 all images © andrew Zuckerman PaGe 19 illustrations by rien Poortvliet PaGe 20 andreas gursky. Centre Pompidou. © andreas gursky Vg Bild-Kunst, Bonn 2010. courtesy of sprüth Magers Berlin London PaGe 21 all images courtesy of getty images Ltd. PaGe 24 From top: dick tracy by chester gould. © august 14, 1944, tribune Media services, inc. all rights reserved. reprinted with permission. courtesy of Life Magazine and the international Museum of cartoon art. Polly and her Pals by cliff sterrett © March 3, 1935, King Features syndicate, inc. courtesy of craig yoe and american color. PaGe 26 all illustrations by edith head PaGe 27 all images © Mike Powell. cover shown is concept only and subject to change. PaGe 28 all images © 1940 arthur szyk/© 2008 historicana, Burlingame, california, www.szyk.

com PaGe 29 all photographs by don Freeman PaGe 32 top two photographs by sara cedar Miller; bottom photograph by Bob gruen PaGe 33 all photographs by yann arthus-Bertrand, © 2010 Éditions de La Martinière PaGe 34 the logo and signature of Will eisner is a registered trademark of Will eisner studios, inc. Used by permission. PaGe 35 KraZy Kat™ hearst holdings, inc. PaGe 36 top left, center left, and center right: courtesy of cowan’s auctions, inc.; top right, bottom left, bottom right: courtesy of the collection of robert g. Mccubbin PaGe 38 all photographs by gilles trillard, © 2010 Éditions de La Martinière PaGe 39 all images by terry rishel; © dale chihuly PaGeS 40–41 hasBro and its logo, transForMers and all related characters are trademarks of hasbro and are used with permission. © 2010 hasbro. all rights reserved. © 2010 dreamWorks, LLc and Paramount Pictures corporation. all rights reserved. PaGe 42 Pierre et gilles, La Vierge aux serpents, 2008, galerie Jérôme de noirmont, Paris PaGe 43 Photos © P. stable / Jean Paul gaultier PaGeS 44–45 clockwise from top left: from Modern Paper Crafts, photograph by Jen gotch; from The Complete Kitchen Garden, photograph by ali Kaukas; from Terry John Woods’ Summer House, photograph by Kindra clineff PaGe 46 author photo © alonya Kapoor PaGe 48 all photographs by Jennifer May PaGe 50 all photographs by Jen gotch; illustration by Michelle edwards PaGe 51 all photographs by Laurie Frankel PaGe 52 clockwise from top left: courtesy of the associated Press; courtesy of the Boston red sox; courtesy of robert edwards auctions LLc; courtesy of the associated Press PaGe 54 top photograph by ramsay gourd; all other photographs by ali Kaukas PaGe 55 top and bottom photographs by Bertrand saugier; middle photograph by tim Winter PaGe 56 all photographs by tina rupp PaGe 58 top photograph by chris Weston; middle left photograph by Matthew Felton; middle left and bottom left and right photographs by chris Morgan PaGe 61 all photographs by Marcus nilsson PaGe 62 all photographs by Jen gotch PaGe 63 all photographs by John hesseltine PaGe 64 all photographs by ellen silverman PaGe 66 all photographs by adrian Buckmaster PaGe 68 all photographs by thayer allyson gowdy PaGe 69 all photographs courtesy of the associated Press PaGe 70 all photographs by Kindra clineff PaGe 71 all photographs by tara donne PaGeS 72–73 clockwise from top left: from Patti Smith 1969–1976, photograph © Judy Linn; from Yoga Dogs, photograph by dan Borris; from The Steampunk Bible, illustration by yann Legrand PaGeS 74–75 all images © Fremantle Media PaGe 78 all photographs © Justin coit PaGe 80 all photographs by dan Borris PaGe 82 all photographs © Judy Linn PaGe 83 all photographs © ron akiyama PaGe 87 From top: images by Lastwear/thomas

Becker; datamancer; Vladimir gvozdev PaGeS 88–89 clockwise from top left: From Watercolour, Study of Shells and Coral by sarah stone, the Whitworth art gallery, University of Manchester; from The New Pinocchio, estate of antonio saura / 2010 ProLitteris, Zurich; from Frank Bowling, courtesy the artist and roLLo contemporary art; from V&A Pattern: Pop Patterns, © V&a images; from The Lost Album, © Basil hyman PaGe 91 top: Buckminster Fuller. Fly’s Eye Dome and Dymaxion Car No. 2. Bottom: isamu noguchi. Plaster models of Fuller’s Dymaxion Car. © the isamu noguchi Foundation PaGe 94 © archives charlotte Perriand, Paris PaGe 97 © Basil hyman PaGe 99 top: gustav Klucis. design for rostrum, screen and Propaganda Kiosk. the state Museum of contemporary art—costakis collection, thessaloniki. Photos: © richard Pare PaGe 101 reproduced by kind permission of the Museum of Fine arts, Budapest PaGe 102 top: Two Studies of a Woman, One Holding out Her Apron, the Other, in Half-length, Turned to Her Right. the trustees of the British Museum, London. Photo © the trustees of the British Museum, London. Bottom: seated Violinist turning his instrument. Musée des Beaux-arts, rennes PaGe 103 September (details). the Museum of Modern art, new york. gift of Joe hage and gerhard richter. PaGe 104 top left: TV Chair. nam June Paik estate © 2010, Ken Paik hakuta, executor of the nam June Paik estate. top right: TV Cello. nam June Paik estate © 2010, Ken Paik hakuta, executor of the nam June Paik estate. Bottom: Small Buddha. Block collection, Berlin. Photocredit: achim Kukulies PaGe 107 James abbott Mcneill Whistler, Beach Scene with Two Figures. Birmingham Museums & art gallery. Photocredit: © Birmingham Museums & art gallery PaGe 110 top to bottom: eine. Scare Bear. Meggs. Save Me (From Myself). Kerry roper. Modern Youth. PaGe 111 © V&a images PaGe 115 top: Photograph by inez van Lamsweerde and Vinoodh Matadin. Bottom: Photograph by nick Knight. PaGe 117 top: © V&a images, Middle: © V&a images, Bottom: Photo by Bill King for Queen Magazine PaGe 120 From The Art of Andy Warhol 2012 Engagement Calendar, ©the andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual arts, inc. PaGe 121 copyright © 2011 twentieth century Fox Film corporation. Avatar motion picture © 2009 twentieth century Fox Film corporation. all rights reserved. PaGe 123 domo © nhK-tyo 1998–2011. all rights reserved. Licensed by Big tent entertainment. www.domonation.com. Photographs © chris gritti.

comicarts is a registered trademark of harry n. abrams inc.


1 41

indexes c at e G o Ry I N d e x o f N e w t I t l e S

ARCHITECTURE artists’ handmade houses 29 Building the revolution 99 ART antoine Watteau 102 art of daily Life, the 93 artists of nigeria 95 Bamum 96 British textiles 111 Buckminster Fuller and isamu noguchi 91 chinese export ceramics 116 dale chihuly: a celebration 39 First Medusa. caravaggio, the 90 Five Lucky charms 95 Frank Bowling 98 gabriel orozco 106 henry rushbury: Prints 98 human anatomy 7 imperial chinese robes 114 John constable 108 Light and dark 100 Looking Up™: yinka shonibare, MBe 90 Modern British sculpture 100 nam June Paik 104 new Pinocchio, the 92 Princely treasures 116 raphael 108 relics of the Past 92 september 103 street art 110 szyk haggadah, the 28 treasures from Budapest 101 Watercolour 107 Werner spies: the eye and the Word 20 yohji yamamoto 115 ART HISTORY John constable 108 Princely treasures 116 relics of the Past 92 BIOGRAPHY Buckminster Fuller and isamu noguchi 91 Light and dark 100 MM—Personal 12 CAlEndARS 120 COllECTIBlES Lost album, the 97 transformers Vault 40

1 42


COMIC ART comics, the 24 Ps Magazine 34 Krazy Kat & the art of george herriman 35 COMICS empire state 30 Fairy tales for angry Little girls 25 Krazy Kat & the art of george herriman 35 Ps Magazine 34 COOKInG campfire cookery 71 complete Kitchen garden, the 54 delicious Memories 64 goat 61 how to cook indian 46 sugar Baby 56 CRAFT artists’ handmade houses 29 British textiles 111 Knitter’s home companion, a 50 Loop-d-Loop Lace 66 Modern Paper crafts 62 oliver + s Little things to sew 51 repurposed Library, the 68 stitch Magic 63 CURREnT EVEnTS 100 Places to go Before they disappear 21 Worldchanging 8 dECORATIVE ARTS chinese textiles 118 new eighteenth-century home, the 38 Pop Patterns 119 relics of the Past 92 spitalfields silks 118 Walter crane 119 dESIGn Buckminster Fuller and isamu noguchi 91 charlotte Perriand: Photography 94 chinese textiles 118 Pop Patterns 119 spitalfields silks 118 Walter crane 119 yohji yamamoto 115

EnVIROnMEnT 100 Places to go Before they disappear 21 Worldchanging 8

HISTORY imperial chinese robes 114 Lost album, the 97 Wild West: 365 days, the 36

FAMIlY get to Know your Kid 49 s’Mother 86

HUMOR in and out with dick and Jane 84 s’Mother 86

FAnTASY gnomes deluxe collector’s edition 19 how to see Faeries 22 Plucker, the 14

InTERIOR dESIGn artists’ handmade houses 29 new eighteenth-century home, the 38 terry John Woods’ summer house 70

FASHIOn art deco textiles 114 day of the Peacock, the 117 Fashion Box 4 Fashion Universe of Jean Paul gaultier, the 42 how to dress for success 26 imperial chinese robes 114 MM—Personal 12 seventeenth-century Women’s dress Patterns 112 What to Wear, Where 78 yohji yamamoto 115 FIlM MM—Personal 12 transformers Vault 40 FOOd & WInE Bettane and desseauve’s guide to the Wines of France 60 campfire cookery 71 delicious Memories 64 goat 61 how to cook indian 46 sugar Baby 56 GARdEnInG Beekeeper’s Bible, the 55 complete Kitchen garden, the 54 GAY/lESBIAn InTEREST L Life, the 48 GIFT Flower Wedding, a 109 GRAPHIC dESIGn graphic style 6 GRAPHIC nOVEl empire state 30 Fairy tales for angry Little girls 25

lETTERS s’Mother 86 three stories 107 lITERATURE radiant Life, a 76 three stories 107 MEMOIR s’Mother 86 MIlITARY HISTORY Ps Magazine 34 MUSIC eddie trunk’s essential hard rock and heavy Metal 83 Mahler album, the 16 Patti smith 1969–1976 82 strawberry Fields 32 nATURE Bears of the Last Frontier 58 Beekeeper’s Bible, the 55 Birds of the World 17 extraordinary Pigs 15 Kraken 77 Worldchanging 8 PETS yoga dogs 80 PHOTOGRAPHY 100 Places to go Before they disappear 21 Bori 93 charlotte Perriand: Photography 94 extraordinary Pigs 15 new york from the air 33 Patti smith 1969–1976 82 Wisdom 18

INdex of New tItleS

POETRY Flower Wedding, a 109 POP CUlTURE american idol 74 eddie trunk’s essential hard rock and heavy Metal 83 Man down 81 steampunk Bible, the 87 street art 110 transformers Vault 40 REFEREnCE Man down 81 REGIOnAl strawberry Fields 32 RElATIOnSHIPS get to Know your Kid 49 Man down 81 s’Mother 86 RElIGIOn szyk haggadah, the 28 SCIEnCE human anatomy 7 Kraken 77 Worldchanging 8 SCIEnCE FICTIOn steampunk Bible, the 87 SPORTS derek Jeter 10 game to Love, a 27 remembering Fenway Park 52 Wimbledon 69 TRAVEl 100 Places to go Before they disappear 21 new york from the air 33

24 Penguins Before christmas: a 365 Penguins advent calendar 129 100 Places to go Before they disappear 21 american idol 74 antoine Watteau 102 art deco textiles 114 art of andy Warhol 2012 Wall calendar, the 126 art of andy Warhol 2012 engagement calendar, the 126 art of daily Life, the 93 artists’ handmade houses 29 artists of nigeria 95 avatar 2012 Wall calendar 121 Bamum 96 Bears of the Last Frontier 58 Beekeeper’s Bible, the 55 Bettane and desseauve’s guide to the Wines of France 60 Birds of the World 17 Bori 93 British textiles 111 Buckminster Fuller and isamu noguchi 91 Building the revolution 99 campfire cookery 71 carl Warner Food Landscapes 2012 Wall calendar 128 charlotte Perriand: Photography 94 chinese export ceramics 116 chinese textiles 118 comics, the 24 complete Kitchen garden, the 54 dale chihuly: a celebration 39 day of the Peacock, the 117 delicious Memories 64 derek Jeter 10 diary of a Wimpy Kid: rodrick rules 2011–2012 Movie calendar 122 dogs 2012 Wall calendar 124 domo 2012 Mini calendar 123 domo 2012 Wall calendar 123 eddie trunk’s essential hard rock and heavy Metal 83 empire state 30 extraordinary chickens 2012 Wall calendar 125 extraordinary Pigs 15 extraordinary Pigs 2012 Wall calendar 125 extraordinary Piglets 2012 Mini calendar 125 Fairy tales for angry Little girls 25 Fashion Box 4

Fashion Universe of Jean Paul gaultier, the 42 First Medusa. caravaggio, the 90 Five Lucky charms 95 Flower Wedding, a 109 Frank Bowling 98 gabriel orozco 106 game to Love, a 27 get to Know your Kid 49 girl scouts 100th anniversary 2012 calendar 123 gnomes deluxe collector’s edition 19 goat 61 graphic style 6 henry rushbury: Prints 98 how to cook indian 46 how to dress for success 26 how to see Faeries 22 human anatomy 7 imperial chinese robes 114 in and out with dick and Jane 84 John constable 108 Knitter’s home companion, a 50 Kraken 77 Krazy Kat & the art of george herriman 35 L Life, the 48 Light and dark 100 Looking Up™: yinka shonibare, MBe 90 Loop-d-Loop Lace 66 Lost album, the 97 Mahler album, the 16 Man down 81 MM—Personal 12 Modern British sculpture 100 Modern Paper crafts 62 Monkey Portraits 2012 Wall calendar 127 nam June Paik 104 new eighteenth-century home, the 38 new Pinocchio, the 92 new york from the air 33 norman rockwell’s advent calendar 129 oliver + s Little things to sew 51 Patti smith 1969–1976 82 Planet golf 2012 Wall calendar 128 Plucker, the 14 Pop Patterns 119 Princely treasures 116 Ps Magazine 34 radiant Life, a 76 raphael 108

relics of the Past 92 remembering Fenway Park 52 repurposed Library, the 68 saints 2012 Wall calendar 129 september 103 seventeenth-century Women’s dress Patterns 112 simpsons 2012 daily Planner 122 s’Mother 86 spitalfields silks 118 steampunk Bible, the 87 stitch Magic 63 strawberry Fields 32 street art 110 sugar Baby 56 szyk haggadah, the 28 terry John Woods’ summer house 70 three stories 107 transformers Vault 40 treasures from Budapest 101 treehouses of the World 2012 Wall calendar 128 Uglydoll 2012 Mini Wall calendar 124 Uglydoll 2012 Wall calendar 124 Ultraviolet 2012 Wall calendar 126 V&a Pattern 119 Walter crane 119 Watercolour 107 Werner spies: the eye and the Word 20 What to Wear, Where 78 Wild West: 365 days, the 36 William Wegman Man’s Best Friend 2012 Wall calendar 127 William Wegman Puppies 2012 Wall calendar 127 Wimbledon 69 Wisdom 18 Worldchanging 8 yoga dogs 80 yohji yamamoto 115



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