FALL 2013
115 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011
FALL 2013
FALL 2013
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AD U LT A sso r Tm e nTs fo r fALL 2013
For full terms, visit www.abramsbooks.com/artofsellingbooks Contact your ABRAMS rep or call us at 212-519-1236.
Don’t miss our ChilD Chil D ren’s Assortments in the ChilD Chil D ren’s CAt CA tA log
AvA i l A b l e to r e tA i l e r s o n ly
N i C k B r A N dt A s s o r tm e Nt
C r A F t A s s o r tm e Nt
itA lY A s s o r tm e Nt
tr e N d s e t te r A s s o r tm e Nt
97 8 -1 - 41 97-1 1 1 7- 6
97 8 -1 - 41 97-1 1 0 8 - 4
97 8 -1 - 41 97-1 1 1 2 -1
97 8 -1 - 41 97-1 1 1 5 -2
3 copies Pasta Modern neW 978-1-61769-062-4 (HC) US $35.00 CAN $40.00
3 copies Vanity Fair 100 Years neW 978-1-4197-0863-3 (HC) US $65.00 CAN $75.00
3 copies Lena Corwin’s Made by Hand neW 978-1-61769-059-4 (HC) US $29.95 CAN $32.95
2 copies At Home in Italy 978-0-86565-286-6 (HC) US $45.00 CAN $52.00
2 copies Vogue: The Covers 978-0-8109-9768-4 (HC) US $50.00 CAN $57.50
2 copies Printing by Hand 978-1-58479-672-5 (HC) US $29.95 CAN $35.95
2 copies Dolci: Italy’s Sweets 978-1-58479-898-9 (HC) US $35.00 CAN $40.00
1 copy W: The First 40 Years 978-1-4197-0447-5 (HC) US $75.00 CAN $86.00
2 copies Across the Ravaged Land neW 978-1-4197-0945-6 (HC) US $65.00 CAN $75.00 2 copies A Shadow Falls 978-0-8109-5415-1 (HC) US $65.00 CAN $75.00 1 copy On This Earth, A Shadow Falls 978-1-4197-0507-6 (HC) US $160.00 CAN $185.00
ON SALE DATE 9/3/2013 US $420.00 CAN $485.00
ON SALE DATE 10/1/2013 US $204.75 CAN $233.75
m u s i C A s s o r tm e Nt
P l A N e t e A r th A s s o r tm e Nt
97 8 -1 - 41 97-1 1 07-7
97 8 -1 - 41 97-1 1 0 5 -3
3 copies Bun B’s Rap Coloring and Activity Book neW 978-1-4197-1041-4 (PB) US $12.95 CAN $13.95
2 copies Earth from Space neW 978-1-4197-0962-3 (HC) US $50.00 CAN $57.50
3 copies Understand Rap 978-0-8109-8921-4 (PB) US $12.95 CAN $13.95
1 copy Man and Sea 978-1-4197-0823-7 (HC) US $50.00 CAN $57.50
2 copies The Merciless Book of Metal Lists 978-1-4197-0738-4 (PB) US $18.95 CAN $21.95
2 copies New Earth from Above: 365 Days 978-0-8109-8461-5 (HC) US $32.50 CAN $37.50
ON SALE DATE 9/3/2013 US $115.60 CAN $127.60
ON SALE DATE 10/1/2013 US $265.00 CAN $304.00
ON SALE DATE 10/15/2013 US $370.00 CAN $426.00
PA r i s A s s o r tm e Nt
i Nte r i o r d e s i g N A s s o r tm e Nt
97 8 -1 - 41 97-1 1 1 3 - 8
97 8 -1 - 41 97-1 1 1 4 - 5
2 copies J’aime Paris neW 978-2-84123590-2 (HC) US $45.00 CAN $52.00
2 copies Glamorous Retreats neW 978-1-4197-0853-4 (HC) US $50.00 CAN $57.50
2 copies Fashion Insiders’ Guide: Paris 978-1-4197-0722-3 (HC) US $24.95 CAN $27.95
2 copies Glamorous Rooms 978-0-8109-4974-4 (HC) US $50.00 CAN $57.50
2 copies Paris Street Style 978-1-4197-0681-3 (PB) US $24.95 CAN $27.95
1 copy Katie Ridder Rooms 978-0-86565-272-9 (HC) US $55.00 CAN $62.00
ON SALE DATE 10/1/2013 US $189.80 CAN $215.80
ON SALE DATE 10/1/2013 US $255.00 CAN $292.00
li q u o r A s s o r tm e Nt
h e A lth Y e At s A s s o r tm e Nt
97 8 -1 - 41 97-1 1 1 6 - 9
97 8 -1 - 41 97-1 1 1 0 -7
ON SALE DATE 11/1/2013 US $215.00 CAN $247.50
FA s h i o N A s s o r tm e Nt
N e w Yo r k C it Y A s s o r tm e Nt
97 8 -1 - 41 97-1 1 0 9 -1
97 8 -1 - 41 97-1 1 1 1 - 4
ON SALE DATE 10/22/2013 US $197.35 CAN $235.35 3 copies Eating in Color neW 978-1-61769-029-7 (HC) US $27.50 CAN $31.50
1 copy World’s Best Whiskies 978-1-58479-886-6 (HC) US $40.00 CAN $48.00
2 copies The Complete Kitchen Garden 978-1-58479-856-9 (PB) US $24.95 CAN $29.95 2 copies The Produce Bible 978-1-58479-599-5 (HC) US $29.95 CAN $35.95
2 copies The Chelsea Market Cookbook neW 978-1-61769-037-2 (HC) US $29.95 CAN $32.95
3 copies Drinkology: Revised and Updated 978-1-58479-828-6 (HC) US $22.50 CAN $29.50
2 copies ABC of Men’s Fashion 978-0-8109-9460-7 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $23.95
1 copy New York in Color 978-1-4197-0061-3 (HC) US $50.00 CAN $57.50
k e N N e dY A s s o r tm e Nt
2 copies Little Dictionary of Fashion 978-0-8109-9461-4 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $25.95
3 copies Mapping Manhattan 978-1-4197-0672-1 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
2 copies A to Z of Style 978-1-4197-0255-6 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
3 copies I LEGO N.Y. 978-0-8109-8490-5 (HC) US $14.95 CAN $16.95 ON SALE DATE 10/1/2013 US $214.60 CAN $240.10
ON SALE DATE 1/7/2014 US $192.30 CAN $226.30
3 copies The Kings County Distillery Guide to Urban Moonshining neW 978-1-4197-0990-6 (HC) US $29.95 CAN $32.95
3 copies A to Z of Classic Hollywood Style neW 978-1-4197-0851-0 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
ON SALE DATE 9/17/2013 US $179.55 CAN $209.55
FallAdult_PB.indd 2
2 copies Weekend Handmade 978-1-58479-940-5 (HC) US $27.50 CAN $31.50
97 8 -1 - 41 97-1 1 0 6 - 0
3 copies The Kennedy Years neW 978-1-4197-0855-8 (HC) US $40.00 CAN $45.00 3 copies Portrait of Camelot 978-0-8109-9585-7 (HC) US $35.00 CAN $42.00
ON SALE DATE 10/15/2013 US $225.00 CAN $261.00
4/1/13 2:03 PM
FA LL 20 13
Stewart, Tabori & Chang
Abrams Image
Abrams ComicArts
STC Craft | Melanie Falick Books
SelfMadeHero 89
Distributions Vendome Press V&A Publishing Tate Publishing Royal Academy of Arts Publications Booth-Clibborn Editions 5 Continents Editions
Also of Interest 135 eBooks 139 Photography and Art Credits 140 Alphabetical Index 141 Category Index 142 Information to the Trade 144 Art of Selling Books Inside Gatefold
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100 Y EA R S F ROM T H E JA ZZ AG E T O OU R AG E Edited by Graydon Carter
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A lAvishly illustrAted
celebration of the most
mAgAzine of our dAy ■
EdITEd And wITh An InTRoduCTIon
By G R Ay d o n C A R T E R
anity Fair 100 Years showcases a century of personality and power, art and commerce, crisis and culture—both highbrow and low. From its inception in
1913, through the Jazz Age and the Depression, to its reincarnation in the boom-boom Reagan years, to the image-saturated Information Age, Vanity Fair has presented the modern era
s e lling points
as it has unfolded, using wit, imagination, peerless literary
■ Vanity Fair will launch a major
s pecifications 300 color illustrations
narrative, and bold, groundbreaking imagery from the greatest
marketing campaign for its 100th
448 pages, 11 × 14"
photographers, artists, and illustrators of the day. This sumptuous
Hardcover with jacket
book takes a decade-by-decade look at the world as seen by the magazine, stopping to describe the incomparable editor Frank Crowninshield and the birth of the Jazz Age Vanity Fair, the magazine’s controversial rebirth in 1983, and the history of the glamorous Vanity Fair Oscar Party. With its exhaustive sweep, visual impact, and timecapsule format, Vanity Fair 100 Years is the book everyone will
■ Vanity Fair Portraits generated
HIstory • PHotoGrAPHy
■ Exceptional content and standout
Isbn 978-1-4197-0863-3
packaging will make this the gift
ISBN 978-1-4197-0863-3 Us $65.00 CAN $70.00
book of 2013
9 781419 708633
want in 2013. Graydon Carter has been the editor of Vanity Fair since 1992.
great publicity and was a national
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
z Abrams F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 5
See page 139
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4/1/13 12:43 PM
Maurice Sendak A C E L E b R AT I O n O F T H E A R T I S T A n D H I S W O R k ■
By J u S T I n G . S C h I l l E R A n d d E n n I S M . V. dAV I d
E d I T E d By l E o n A R d S . M A R C u S
Availab le now!
Catalog tie-in to exhibition at the Society of Illustrators in New York City (June 11–August 17, 2013) s e lling points ■ More than 200 full-color and black-and-white images, including previously unpublished studies, sketches, photographs, ephemera, and more ■ Twelve essays by noted scholars and historians: Frank Corsaro, Dennis M. V. David, Steven Heller, Joyce Malzberg, Leonard S. Marcus, Iona Opie, Patrick Rodgers, Justin G. Schiller, Ginger Shuler, Judy Taylor, Ahron D. Weiner, and Paul O. Zelinsky ■ Rare and previously unpublished artwork from Where the Wild Things Are ■ Curated by Justin G. Schiller and Dennis M. V. David, prominent authorities on Maurice Sendak and his art
■ Edited by Leonard S. Marcus, he preeminent children’s book artist of the 20th century,
noted children’s book historian
Maurice Sendak and his 60-year career are celebrated in
and critic
this full-color catalog of more than 200 images being exhibited at
the Society of Illustrators in New York City from June 11–August 17, 2013. Accompanied by 12 essays from such noted scholars and
s pecifications
historians as Leonard S. Marcus, Iona Opie, Steven Heller, and Paul
More than 200 illustrations
O. Zelinsky, Maurice Sendak: A Celebration of the Artist and His Work
224 pages, 10½ × 11¼”
showcases the collection of Justin G. Schiller and Dennis M. V. David,
Hardcover with jacket
prominent authorities on Sendak’s artwork, and is a deeply personal
and thoughtful tribute to a seminal artist whose singular vision has
captured the imaginations of countless children and grownups
throughout the world.
Isbn 978-1-4197-0826-8 Justin G. schiller and dennis M. V. david are curators and rare book
ISBN$45.00 978-1-4197-0826-8 Us CAN $52.00
dealers specializing in children’s literature and art books. Schiller was one of the principal founders of the International Wizard of Oz
9 781419 708268
Club in 1957, and is the author of a number of journal and magazine articles, including “Sendak All Around” (2003), as well as the catalog Sendak in Asia (1996). Justin G. Schiller Ltd. is the oldest specialist in antiquarian children’s books. Schiller and David live in Kingston, New York, and New York City.
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A to Z of Classic Hollywood Style ■
By S I n T y S T E M P
s e lling points
A chic guide to glamour from the icons of Hollywood’s Golden Age
■ Follows in the footsteps of the successful Little Dictionary of Fashion and A to Z of Style ■ Features style from some of the world’s best-loved classic film stars ■ Compact size and elegant design make this a go-to gift for fashionistas and film buffs
s pecifications 80 black-and-white photographs 160 pages, 5⅛ × 7" Hardcover with cloth case RIGHTS: nortH AMErICA PUB MONTH: sEPtEMbEr FAsHIon • FILM
he latest book in the clothbound series that includes the bestselling Little Dictionary
of Fashion and A to Z of Style, A to Z of Classic
Hollywood Style is the perfect compendium of fashion wisdom from Hollywood’s most glamorous era.
Isbn 978-1-4197-0851-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-0851-0 Us $19.95 CAN $21.95
9 781419 708510
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
From Alfred Hitchcock on elegance, to Sophia Loren on sex appeal, to Edith Head on making a woman more beautiful, this book gathers the opinions of the world’s most beloved classic film stars, as well as directors, designers, and critics. Including Joan Crawford’s five fashion rules and Marlene Dietrich’s tips for dressing on a budget, A to Z of Classic
sinty stemp, daughter of the noted fashion
Hollywood Style is packed full of stylish advice for
illustrator and artist Eric Stemp, was a reader
would-be starlets—or simply anyone who loves the
in English literature and history before work-
Golden Age of Hollywood style.
ing with the British fashion designer Jean Muir.
also aVail aB le
A to Z of Style ISbn 978-1-4197-0255-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0255-6 US $19.95 CAN $21.95 51995 9 781419 702556
FA L L 2 0 1 3
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The Little Dictionary of Fashion ISbn 978-0-8109-9461-4 ISBN 978-0810994614 US $19.95 CAN $25.95 51995 9 780810 994614
How to Dress for Success ISbn 978-0-8109-2133-7 ISBN 978-0810921337 US $19.95 CAN $23.95 51995 9 780810 921337
ABC of Men’s Fashion ISbn 978-0-8109-9460-7 ISBN 978-0810994607 US $19.95 CAN $23.95 51995 9 780810 994607
z Abrams 4/1/13 12:43 PM
Things I have learned in my life so far U P DAT E D E D I T I O n ■
By S T E fA n S AG M E I S T E R
w I T h dA n I E l n E T T l E , S T E V E n h E l l E R , A n d n A n C y S P E C To R s e lling points ■ The first edition sold
An updated edition of Sagmeister’s popular and influential book
50,000 copies ■ Contains three additional signatures (48 pages) covering new works ■ Sagmeister’s feature-length documentary, The Happy Film, is scheduled to premiere in Fall 2013
s pecifications 275 color illustrations 296 pages, 6¾ × 9½" 18 unbound signatures in a shink-wrapped laser-cut slipcase RIGHTS: WorLd ExCLUdInG GErMAn PUB MONTH: sEPtEMbEr Art • GrAPHIC dEsIGn Isbn 978-1-4197-0964-7
ISBN 978-1-4197-0964-7 Us $45.00 CAN $52.00
n 2006, Stefan Sagmeister published Things I have learned in my life so far, a book born from a running list he
9 781419 709647
keeps in his diary. With the support of his clients, Sagmeister
See page 139
began transforming these personal maxims into typographic artworks, which appeared on billboards, in magazines, and in public spaces all over the world. The result is an intriguing
also aVail aB le
blend of personal revelation, visual audacity, and examination of the pursuit of happiness. This revised and updated edition includes all of the aphorisms from the first book along with an additional 48 pages of new ones, and incorporates recent material from Sagmeister’s exhibitions at the Deitch Projects gallery in
Sagmeister: Made You Look ISbn ISBN 978-0-8109-0597-9 978-0-8109-0597-9 US $40.00 CAN $44.00 54000
Soho and the Institute of Contemporary Art in Philadelphia, as well as his current project, The Happy Film. The book retains its unique packaging, now with 18 unbound signatures gathered into a laser-cut slipcase.
stefan sagmeister is one of the most influential graphic designers working today. He lives in New York. daniel nettle is a reader in psychology at Newcastle University and is the author of Happiness: The Science Behind Your Smile. steven Heller is cochair of the MFA Design program at the School of Visual Arts. nancy spector is deputy director and
780810 905979
Sagmeister: Another Book . . . ISbn 978-1-4197-0139-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-0139-9 US $40.00 CAN $48.00 54000
9 781419 701399
Things I have learned in my life so far (original edition) ISbn 978-0-8109-9529-1 ISBN 978-0810995291 US $45.00 CAN $52.00 54500
chief curator at the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum. 9 780810 995291
z Abrams F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 9
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1 0 ■ FA L L 2 0 1 3
z Abrams
■■ Brandt’s books have together
50 tritone photographs
sold more than 100,000 copies ■■ Brandt is the founder of Big Life
120 pages, 15 × 13" Hardcover with jacket
cross the Ravaged Land is the third and final volume in Nick Brandt’s trilogy of books docu-
menting the disappearing animals of eastern Africa.
The book offers a darker vision of this world, still filled
Foundation, an organization
with a stunning beauty but now tragically tainted and
fighting to protect the wildlife of
East Africa
fast disappearing at the hands of man.
■■ The plight of the African
ISBN 978-1-4197-0945-6
elephant is a major international
ISBN$65.00 978-1-4197-0945-6 US CAN $70.00
news story, making the front page of the New York
9 781419 709456
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
Times and the cover of National Geographic
In addition to a range of starkly powerful animal portraits, Brandt introduces some new themes, as humans make an appearance for the first time. He also contributes two essays summing up his photographic odyssey, which has taken more than a decade of intensive work to complete. Nick Brandt photographs exclusively in Africa, where
since 2001 he has been working on a last testament to wild animals and wild places. The first two volumes of the trilogy were recently combined and published together as On This Earth, A Shadow Falls. Brandt’s work has been widely exhibited in the United States
A Shadow Falls ISBN 978-0-8109-5415-1 ISBN 978-0-8109-5415-1 US $65.00 CAN $75.00 56500 9 780810 954151
On This Earth, A Shadow Falls ISBN 978-1-4197-0507-6 ISBN 978-1419705076 US $160.00 CAN $185.00 16000
and Europe. In 2010, he founded Big Life Foundation to help preserve critical ecosystems in Kenya and Tanzania. Born and raised in England, he lives in the mountains of Southern California.
9 781419 705076
z Abrams
FA L L 2 0 1 3 ■ 1 1
Star Trek® a
T H E O R I G I n A L TO P P S T R A D I n G C A R D S E R I E S ■
By PAu l A M . B lo C K A n d T E R Ry J . E R d M A n n
tr a d i n g ca r d Bo o k
Reprinted for the first time since their original publication in 1976
s e lling points ■ Star Trek is one of the most popular entertainment properties in the world, with countless (and wildly profitable) films, television spinoffs, books, toys, and other merchandise ■ Includes wax-wrapper jacket and a bonus set of 4 limited-edition trading cards
s pecifications More than 100 color illustrations 216 pages, 5½ × 7⅛" Hardcover with wax jacket, 4 trading cards RIGHTS: WorLd PUB MONTH: sEPtEMbEr PoP CULtUrE Isbn 978-1-4197-0950-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-0950-0 Us $19.95 CAN $21.95
9 781419 709500
6-CoPy dIsPLAy Isbn 978-1-4197-1119-0 ISBN$119.70 978-1-4197-1119-0 Us CAN $131.70
9 781419 711190
See page 139
ver since Star Trek first aired on television in
1966, the series has had a strong influence on
pop culture. In 1976, due to the show’s rising popularity in syndication, Topps released a series of collectible trading cards featuring full-color images from the classic television series created by Gene Roddenberry, as well
as synopses and information on the cast and crew of the Starship Enterprise. This first-ever compilation includes the fronts and backs of all 88 cards and 22 rare and hard-to-find stickers (which were originally sold one per
also aVail aB le
pack), as well as text and commentary by Star Trek insiders Paula M. Block and Terry J. Erdmann—guaranteed to please the die-hard Trekkie as well as a whole new generation of fans.
Star Trek: The Original Series 365 ISbn 978-0-8109-9172-9 ISBN 978-0-8109-9172-9 US $29.95 CAN $34.95 52995 9 780810 991729
Star Trek: The Next Generation 365 ISbn 978-1-4197-0429-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-0429-1 US $29.95 CAN $32.95 52995 9 781419 704291
Paula M. block worked on the Star Trek franchise at Paramount Pictures and CBS for 19 years, and with motion picture publicist terry J. Erdmann, has written numerous books including Star Trek: The Original Series 365, Star Trek: The Next Generation 365, and Star Trek 101. They live in Oregon. the topps Company, Inc., founded in 1938, is the preeminent creator and brand marketer of sports cards, entertainment products, and distinctive confectionary.
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Crab Monsters, Teenage Cavemen, and Candy Stripe nurses R O G E R C O R M A n , k I n G O F T H E b M OV I E ■
By C h R I S n A S h AwAT y
I n T R o d u C T I o n By J o h n l A n d I S s e lling points ■ A-list celebrity contributors include Peter bogdanovich, James Cameron, Francis Ford
The first illustrated book on the life and career of Roger Corman, the world’s most successful independent director
Coppola, Robert De niro, Jonathan Demme, Peter Fonda, Dennis Hopper, Ron Howard, and Martin Scorsese ■ Corman was awarded a Lifetime Achievement Oscar at the 2009 Academy Awards ■ Uses the same journalistic model featured in bestsellers such as Tom Shales’s Live from New York and Legs Mcneil and Gillian McCain’s Please Kill Me
s pecifications 150 color illustrations 272 pages, 8 × 11" Hardcover with jacket
RIGHTS: WorLd rab Monsters, Teenage Cavemen, and Candy
Stripe Nurses is an outrageously rollicking
PErForMInG Arts
account of the life and career of Roger Corman—one of the most prolific and successful independent producers, directors, and writers of all time, and self-proclaimed
Isbn 978-1-4197-0669-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-0669-1 Us $35.00 CAN $40.00
king of the B movie. As told by Corman himself and graduates of “The Corman Film School,” including Peter Bogdanovich, James Cameron, Francis Ford Coppola, Robert De Niro, and Martin Scorsese, this comprehensive oral history takes readers behind the scenes of more than six decades of American cinema, as now-legendary directors and actors candidly unspool recollections of working with Corman, continually one-upping one another with tales of the years before their big breaks.
9 781419 706691
“Crab Monsters, Teenage Cavemen, and Candy Stripe Nurses is fantastic—a treasure. Beautifully designed and written with clarity and insight. I think it would be impossible to love 20th-century film and not love this book.” —Stephen king
Crab Monsters is supplemented with dozens of full-color reproductions of classic Corman movie posters; behind-the-scenes photographs and ephemera (many taken from Corman’s personal archive); and critical essays on Corman’s most daring films—including The Intruder, Little Shop of Horrors, and The Big Doll House— that make the case for Corman as an artist like no other. Chris nashawaty is a senior writer at Entertainment Weekly. Nashawaty has also written for Esquire, Sports Illustrated, and WIRED. He lives in Connecticut.
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Painted on 21st Street H E L E n F R A n k E n T H A L E R F R O M 1 9 5 0 TO 1 9 5 9 ■
By J o h n E l d E R f I E l d
I n C o o P E R AT I o n w I T h T h E E S TAT E o f h E l E n f R A n K E n T h A l E R
P U b L I s H E d by G AG o s I A n G A L L E ry
s e lling points ■ Frankenthaler is a major 20th-century American painter ■ book is lavishly produced, includes archival images and texts, and will shed much
A stunning new volume on abstract artist Helen Frankenthaler’s work from the 1950s
new light on this important American artist ■ Text is by John Elderfield, a leading American art historian and writer, and author of the principal monograph on Frankenthaler
s pecifications 104 illustrations and 29 large colorplates 168 pages, 11 × 11½" Hardcover, 3-piece binding RIGHTS: WorLd EnGLIsH PUB MONTH: sEPtEMbEr Art Isbn 978-1-4197-1061-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-1061-2 Us $100.00 CAN $113.00 10000
9 781419 710612
elen Frankenthaler (1928–2011) has long been recognized as one of the great American
artists of the 20th century. This beautifully illustrated new book devoted to Frankenthaler’s paintings from the 1950s brings together nearly 30 paintings, including important works from Frankenthaler’s estate. A new essay by John Elderfield and important historical texts by the poet and art critic Frank O’Hara (1960) and former Rose Art Museum director Carl Belz (1981) shed light on the work, and a new, full chronology of Frankenthaler’s life and work in the 1950s draws upon previously inaccessible archival sources and includes a number of never-before-seen documentary images. Published to accompany an exhibition held at Gagosian Gallery, New York, in Spring 2013, this lavish volume is the first to be published since this acclaimed abstract painter’s death.
John Elderfield is chief curator emeritus of Painting and Sculpture at the Museum of Modern Art, New York, and a consultant at Gagosian Gallery. He is the author of many important books and of the principal monograph on Frankenthaler.
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Claude Monet’s Gardens at Giverny ■
P h oTo G R A P h S By J E A n - P I E R R E G I l S o n
T E x T By d o M I n I q u E lo B S T E I n s e lling points ■ Features Monet’s most beloved inspirational motif though all four seasons
A lush and insightful tour of Monet’s living work of art— the Gardens of Giverny
■ Giverny receives more than half a million visitors every year ■ Strong interest proven by new York botanical Garden’s extremely popular Monet exhibition in 2012
s pecifications 80 color photographs 136 pages, 9½ × 12" Hardcover with jacket
RIGHTS: WorLd EnGLIsH ater lilies, reflecting ponds, a Japanese
footbridge, and blankets of glorious flowers:
GArdEnInG •
Nothing evokes Claude Monet’s Impressionist paintings
quite like images from his gardens at Giverny, about 50 miles northwest of Paris. Monet discovered a profound source of artistic renewal in these gardens, a motif that
Isbn 978-1-4197-0960-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-0960-9 Us $35.00 CAN $40.00
appears in hundreds of his works. In Claude Monet’s Gardens at Giverny, Dominique Lobstein’s dynamic text
9 781419 709609
introduces us to the many personalities that have strolled through these gardens and the role this setting played in Monet’s life, while Jean-Pierre Gilson’s lush four-season
also aVail aB le
photographs offer a tour through the literally thousands of flowers—daffodils, irises, poppies, tulips, and more— winding pathways, arching trellises, cherry trees heavily laden with blossoms, and, of course, the iconic water garden. This book brings to life critical moments in Monet’s biography, presenting a vivid glimpse into the beloved artist’s personal experiences and creative universe. Jean-Pierre Gilson is an acclaimed landscape photographer whose work has been exhibited around the world and has appeared in several books, including Scotland, Ireland, and Territoires de France. dominique Lobstein, head of the Musée d’Orsay’s library, is an experienced author and expert on mid- to late-19th-century art.
z Abrams F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 15
Gardens Around the World 365 ISbn 978-0-8109-4980-5 ISBN 978-0810949805 US $32.50 CAN $37.50 53250 9 780810 949805
Natural Companions ISbn 978-1-58479-901-6 ISBN 978-1-58479-901-6 US $40.00 CAN $45.00 54000 9 781584 799016
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The Kenn e
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n edy years F r o m T h e pa g e s o F
RichaRd Reeves, General editor Foreword by Jill abRamson
T h e d e f i n i T i v e l o o k aT T h e k e n n e dy p r e s i d e n c y, e x pe r ience d T hrough or igina l r e porTing f rom The New Yor k T im es
a n d n e w e s s ay s f r o m m a j o r h i s T o r i a n s a n d j o u r n a l i s T s
he year 2013 is the 50th anniversary year of the assassination of John F. Kennedy, who still ranks as one of the top five presidents in every major annual survey. To
commemorate the man and his time in office, the New York Times has authorized a book, edited by Richard Reeves, based on its unsurpassed coverage of the tumultuous Kennedy era. The Civil Rights Movement, the Bay of Pigs, the Cuban Missile
Crisis, Vietnam, the space program, the Berlin Wall—all are covered in articles by the era’s top reporters, among them David Halberstam, Russell Baker, and James Reston. Also included are new essays by leading historians such as Robert Dallek and Terry Golway, and by Times journalists, including Sam Tanenhaus, Scott Shane, Alessandra Stanley, and Roger Cohen. With more than 125 color and black-and-white photos, this is the ultimate volume on one of history’s most fascinating figures. richard reeves, senior lecturer at the Annenberg School for Communication and Journalism at USC, is a presidential historian and syndicated columnist who has received dozens of awards for his work in print, television, and film.
s e lling points
s pecifications
■ 2013 is the 50th anniversary year of the
150 color and black-and-
assassination of President kennedy
white photographs 400 pages, 8½ × 10⅞"
■ Official New York Times books have a
Hardcover with jacket
strong sales track record
■ Reeves is a Pulitzer Prize finalist and author
also aVail aB le
of the bestselling Portrait of Camelot
HIstory Portrait of Camelot ISbn 978-0-8109-9585-7 ISBN 978-0-8109-9585-7 US $35.00 CAN $42.00 53500 9
780810 995857
See page 139
Isbn 978-1-4197-0855-8 Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
ISBN 978-1-4197-0855-8 Us $40.00 CAN $45.00
9 781419 708558
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Photorealism in the Digital Age ■
By lo u I S K . M E I S E l
s e lling points ■ Meisel is the premier collector
The documentation of Photorealism in the 21st century
and historian of Photorealism ■ Features more than 800 full-color images
s pecifications 850 color illustrations 320 pages, 10 × 13" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLd PUB MONTH: oCtobEr Art • PHotoGrAPHy Isbn 978-1-4197-0828-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-0828-2 Us $90.00 CAN $102.50
his luxurious volume—the fourth in a series by Louis K. Meisel—is a comprehensive documentation of
21st-century Photorealism, one of the most popular art movements since the late 1960s. Photorealists work
9 781419 708282
painstakingly from photographs to create startlingly realistic paintings, and where they once used film for gathering information, they now rely on digital technology, which has vastly expanded the amount of detail that can be captured. In these visual marvels they bring insights to vernacular subjects—cars, cityscapes, portraits—and make the commonplace uncommon. Illustrating the book with more than 850 works created since 2000, Meisel
also aVail aB le
covers every major Photorealist still active (including Ralph Goings, Richard Estes, Tom Blackwell, Richard McLean, and John Salt) as well as remarkable newcomers. For the first time he also includes Verist sculptors such as John De Andrea and Duane Hanson. Louis K. Meisel is the author of Abrams’ Photorealism,
Vision and Art ISbn 978-0-8109-9554-3 ISBN 978-0810995543 US $27.50 CAN $31.50 52750 9 780810 995543
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Photorealism Since 1980, Photorealism at the Millennium, and Richard Estes, among other books. He is a New York art dealer whose gallery helped to establish the Photorealism movement.
z Abrams 4/1/13 12:46 PM
Damien Hirst AbC ■
By dA M I E n h I R S T
A n ot H E r C r I t E r I A P U b L I C At I o n
Board book format!
s e lling points ■ Damien Hirst is one of the most famous artists in the world ■ book uses Hirst’s themes to illustrate the alphabet: b is for butterflies, C is for Cow (cut in half and in formaldehyde), S is for Spin (spin paintings), k is for
D is for Diamonds and V is for Vitrine in British artist Damien Hirst’s adult alphabet, illustrated with his most famous works of art
kaleidoscope, and much more ■ Hirst himself appears in the book, in n is for nurse
s pecifications 26 color illustrations 56 pages, 9⅞ × 8¼" board book RIGHTS: WorLd EnGLIsH PUB MONTH: oCtobEr Art Isbn 978-1-906967-63-5 ISBN$22.50 978-1-906967-63-5 Us CAN $25.50
amien Hirst (b. 1965), arguably the most
9 781906 967635
well-known artist at work today, has here
created a fantastic ABC, using his art to illustrate the
also aVail aB le
alphabet in a large-format board book for art lovers of all ages. Filled with disscected cows and sheep, butterflies, the incredible diamond skull, and many other well-known Hirst themes, the book spans his entire career, and illustrates how his body of work addresses the scientific, philosophical, and religious issues that lie at the heart of human existence. Born in Bristol, England, damien Hirst studied at Goldsmith’s College and in 1988 curated the now-renowned London exhibition, Freeze. In 1991, he had his first solo exhibition, and in 1992 his work was a major part of the groundbreaking Young British Artists exhibition at the Saatchi Gallery. Hirst was awarded the prestigious Tate Gallery Turner Prize in 1995. Hirst’s work has been shown in numerous important group and solo shows in major museums and galleries throughout the world, and is in many major museum collections. In 2012 the most comprehensive exhibition of Hirst’s work to date broke attendance records at Tate Modern, London.
z Abrams F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 19
Entomology Cabinets and Paintings, Scalpel Blade Paintings and Colour Charts ISbn 978-1-906967-60-4 ISBN 978-1-906967-60-4 US $88.00 CAN $100.00 58800 9 781906 967604
Damien Hirst ISbn 978-1-84976-010-2 ISBN 978-1-84976-010-2 US $39.95 CAN $44.95 53995 9 781849 760102
Freedom Not Genius—Works from the Murderme Collection ISbn 978-1-906967-56-7 ISBN 978-1-906967-56-7 US $110.00 CAN $125.00 58000 9 781906 967567
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■ ■
By M AT T Zo l l E R S E I T Z
I n T R o d u C T I o n By M I C h A E l C h A B o n
es Anderson is one of the most influential voices from the past two decades of
American cinema. A true auteur, Anderson is known for the visual artistry, inimitable
tone, and idiosyncratic characterizations that make each of his films—Bottle Rocket, Rushmore,
The Royal Tenenbaums, The Life Aquatic with Steve Zissou, The Darjeeling Limited, Fantastic Mr. Fox, and Moonrise Kingdom—instantly recognizable as “Andersonian.” The Wes Anderson Collection is the first in-depth overview of Anderson’s filmography, guiding readers through his life and career. Previously unpublished photos, artwork, and ephemera complement a booklength conversation between Anderson and award-winning critic Matt Zoller Seitz. The interview and images are woven together in a meticulously designed book that captures the spirit of his films: melancholy and playful, wise and childish—and thoroughly original. Matt Zoller seitz, a Pulitzer Prize finalist for criticism, currently writes for New York magazine. He lives in Brooklyn. Michael Chabon is the Pulitzer Prize–winning author of many novels, the most recent being Telegraph Avenue. He lives in Berkeley, California, with his wife and four children.
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The first illustrated book on one of America’s most beloved and idiosyncratic film directors
s e lling points ■ Includes previously unpublished behind-thescenes materials and ephemera ■ Moonrise Kingdom debuted in 2012 as one of the highest-grossing independent films of the year
s pecifications 400 color and black-and-white photographs 336 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover RIGHTS: WorLd PUB MONTH: oCtobEr FILM • PErForMInG Arts Isbn 978-0-8109-9741-7 ISBN 978-0-8109-9741-7 Us $40.00 CAN $45.00
See page 139
9 780810 997417
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By M I C h E l dAu B E R T w I T h T h E h E R G é M u S E u M
s e lling points ■ Sales of Tintin books have exceeded 200 million copies worldwide, and the stories
A fresh look into the world of Tintin’s creator, featuring a wealth of never-published material in a cool, collectible package
have appeared in more than 50 languages ■ Steven Spielberg and Peter Jackson’s film, The Adventures of Tintin, won the Golden Globe for best Animated Film ■ Features never-before-published images of Hergé’s drawings, original plates, photographs, and ephemera
s pecifications 320 color and black-and-white illustrations 480 pages, 8¼ × 8¼" Hardcover 2-piece binding with leatherette spine, perfect-bound, red edge stain
ince 1929, Tintin has captivated generations of children and adults alike with his thrilling
adventures, published in 24 bestselling books.
Millions followed Tintin from the wilds of the Congo
to the streets of Prague, Moscow, New York, and
CoMICs Art
more. Lavishly illustrated with photographs, original
Isbn 978-1-4197-1093-3 ISBN$40.00 978-1-4197-1093-3 Us CAN $45.00
9 781419 710933
plates, and ephemera, Tintin: The Art of Hergé offers fresh insight into the story behind this iconic character, with unprecedented access to original sources from the Hergé Museum in Belgium. Offering a new and nuanced look into the world of Tintin, journalist Michel Daubert explains how the artist Georges Remi became the world-famous Hergé. The book also includes profiles on the beloved characters, selections from Hergé’s earliest work, and chapters that trace the
also aVail aB le
development of a rough sketch into a masterpiece. With its dynamic narrative and visual treasures, Tintin underscores the artist’s varied inspirations, revealing how Hergé’s creations have become modern classics.
The Art of Harvey Kurtzman ISbn 978-0-8109-7296-4 ISBN 978-0810972964 US $45.00 CAN $52.00 54500 9 780810 972964
Michel daubert is a journalist who has contributed to Le Figaro, Télérama, and Formule 1, among other publications. He is the author of many articles on Hergé and of the book Musée du Quai Branly.
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Rock and Roll Stories ■
By ly n n G o l d S M I T h
s e lling points ■ PbS documentary about
Iconic photographer Lynn Goldsmith shares a lifetime of intimate stories and evocative photographs of rock and roll’s most famous faces
Goldsmith scheduled to air in 2013 ■ Follow-up to Goldsmith’s highly successful Rock and Roll ■ Updated and expanded edition of 1995’s PhotoDiary
s pecifications 400 color and black-and-white photographs 400 pages, 10 × 13" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLd
PUB MONTH: oCtobEr he story of rock lives in Lynn Goldsmith’s photographs. After coming of age in the Midwest in the
tumultuous 1960s, she crashed the music scene in New
York and emerged as one of its leading image-makers. She chronicled Bruce Springsteen’s passage to glory, the Rolling Stones’s legendary stadium tours, Michael
PHotoGrAPHy • MUsIC Isbn 978-1-4197-0958-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0958-6 Us $60.00 CAN $65.00
9 781419 709586
Jackson’s staggering ascent, U2’s arrival in New York, and the brooding force of Bob Marley. Culture heroes like Bob Dylan and Patti Smith became frequent subjects for her lens. The range of her work is staggering. In Rock and Roll Stories, she shares the best of this work. Her commentary takes the reader into the studio, the tour bus, the concert hall, and the streets where the pictures were made, offering revealing perspectives on
also aVail aB le
her subjects and herself. A greatly expanded and newly designed edition of her very successful book PhotoDiary (1995), this volume captures the story of a generation’s loyalty to rock and roll. Lynn Goldsmith’s previous books include Rock and Roll, Springsteen: Access All Areas, The Police, and New Kids on the Block, a New York Times bestseller. She lives in Aspen, Colorado, and New York City.
9 780810 997721
z Abrams F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 23
Rock Seen ISbn 978-0-8109-9772-1 ISBN 978-0-8109-9772-1 US $45.00 CAN $52.00 54500
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Art Is . . . ■
By T h E M E T R o P o l I TA n M u S E u M o f A R T
s e lling points ■ Attractive, user-friendly package makes the topic of art universally approachable
Highlights from the world-famous Metropolitan Museum of Art in an appealing compact format
■ The Metropolitan Museum of Art welcomes over 6 million visitors annually
s pecifications 188 color illustrations 384 pages, 5½ × 6⅝" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: WorLd EnGLIsH PUB MONTH: oCtobEr Art
hat is art? This engaging book from
The Metropolitan Museum of Art offers
nearly 200 illustrated answers to that question, all
presented in simple, concise observations about selected works in the Museum’s collection. For example, a Nigerian mask is symmetry, a Van Gogh still life is composition, a Babylonian lion is fierce, a Duccio portrait is tender. Some of the statements
Isbn 978-1-4197-1125-1
speak to technique, while others are descriptive or
ISBN$18.95 978-1-4197-1125-1 Us CAN $21.95
evocative. All are simple reflections that encourage
9 781419 711251
readers to observe, to think, to debate, and to develop their own definitions of art. Reaching across all periods and media, from ancient statues to medieval tapestries to Baroque instruments to Impressionist paintings to contemporary costumes, the selected works gathered in this clever little book are sure to inspire both novice and seasoned art lovers. the Metropolitan Museum of Art is the largest museum in the western hemisphere and the world’s most encyclopedic art museum under one roof. Founded in 1870, its permanent collection, housed in 17 curatorial departments, embraces more than 2 million works of art spanning 5,000 years of world culture, from prehistory to the present, from every part of the globe, in all artistic media, and at the highest levels of creative excellence.
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Aero b E G I n n I n G TO n O W ■
By T h o M A S o ’ B R I E n
s e lling points ■ In 2013, Aero Studios will be celebrating its 20th anniversary ■ Features never-before-seen personal snapshots, design details, store scenes, and
An inside look at O’Brien’s acclaimed design studio and store and the evolution of his signature warm modern style
interiors from throughout Aero’s history and O’brien’s homes
s pecifications 600 color photographs 272 pages, 9½ × 11"
Hardcover with jacket n the follow-up to the bestselling American Modern, Aero
celebrates 20 years of the famed Aero design studio with
PUB MONTH: oCtobEr IntErIor dEsIGn
an intimate look at its founder Thomas O’Brien’s design philosophy. From O’Brien’s vivid reminiscences about his
Isbn 978-1-4197-0675-2
early days in art school in Manhattan to the opening and
ISBN 978-1-4197-0675-2 Us $50.00 CAN $57.50
development of his paired studio and store, Aero covers
the history and aesthetic of this Soho, New York, landmark. Aero is where Thomas O’Brien formulated the “warm
9 781419 706752
modern” look that first brought him to prominence, though his style is truly about finding modern and classic forms in many things: downtown’s industrial and artistic loft culture, the luxurious elegance of the prewar city uptown, and the essential simplicity of American country antiques and rural living. Showcasing never-before-seen images of the store through the years, O’Brien’s first homes, Soho lofts, and Aero’s signature refurbished vintage furniture, this book
also aVail aB le
gives readers access to the archives of a working design studio and store. Aero is a rare, rich portrait filled with unvarnished and charming honesty. thomas o’brien is an interior and home furnishings designer based in Manhattan. He is the founder and presi-
American Modern ISbn 978-0-8109-8478-3 ISBN 978-0-8109-8478-3 US $50.00 CAN $60.00 55000
dent of Aero Studios, one of America’s most respected design firms, and the proprietor of Aero, the influential home boutique located in the studio in Soho. He lives in New York City and Long Island.
z Abrams F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 25
780810 984783
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Hearst Ranch FA M I LY, L A n D, A n D L E G AC Y ■
By V I C To R I A K A S T n E R
f o R E w o R d By S T E P h E n T. h E A R S T
s e lling points ■ William Randolph Hearst’s 150th birthday was in April 2013 ■ Includes historical images from the vast Hearst archives
An intimate look inside the world-famous 82,000-acre Hearst Ranch
■ A behind-the-scenes tour of areas never seen by visitors
s pecifications 250 color and black-and-white photographs 240 pages, 9 × 11¾" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLd PUB MONTH: noVEMbEr trAVEL • PHotoGrAPHy Isbn 978-1-4197-0854-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-0854-1 Us $50.00 CAN $57.50
9 781419 708541
earst Ranch offers readers an exclusive behindthe-scenes tour of the stunningly beautiful
82,000-acre cattle ranch surrounding William Randolph Hearst’s legendary Hearst Castle. Much of this spectacular landscape is still privately owned and has never been seen—but this book changes that. Through historical images from the vast Hearst archive and full-color photography commissioned for this volume, the Hearst Ranch and its many century-old ranch buildings and residences designed by Julia Morgan are revealed for the
also aVail aB le
first time. Kastner’s engaging and insightful text shares new tales of the Hearst family, of the talented Morgan and her staff, of the many colorful ranch employees, and of the countless Hollywood movie stars who joined Hearst and Marion Davies as they went roughing it out on the ranch. Featuring stunning vistas of the California
Hearst’s San Simeon ISbn 978-0-8109-7290-2 ISBN 978-0810972902 US $55.00 CAN $62.00 55500
coastline and dramatic scenes of the Hearst cowboys in action, this book tells an unforgettable story and provides an in-depth look at a remarkable family and their love for one of the most beautiful places on Earth.
9 780810 972902
Hearst Castle ISbn 978-0-8109-3415-3 ISBN 978-0810934153 US $50.00 CAN $57.50 55000 9 780810 934153
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Victoria Kastner, Hearst Castle’s historian, has written and lectured about Hearst Castle and San Simeon’s land and buildings for nearly 30 years. She is the author of Abrams’ Hearst Castle and Hearst’s San Simeon.
z Abrams 4/1/13 12:48 PM
Vietnam: The Real War A P H OTO G R A P H I C H I S TO RY bY T H E A S S O C I AT E D P R E S S ■
By T h E A S S o C I AT E d P R E S S
I n T R o d u C T I o n By P E T E h A M I l l
s e lling points ■ 2013 is the 50th anniversary of the start of the Vietnam War
The Vietnam War vividly recounted through the powerful photojournalism of the Associated Press
■ The Associated Press won six Pulitzer Prizes for their unprecedented coverage of the war ■ The Vietnam Veterans Memorial in Washington, D.C., receives 3 million visitors each year ■ Steven kasher Gallery exhibit tied to publication (Oct. 2013)
s pecifications 300 color and black-and-white photographs 304 pages, 10¼ × 9¾" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLd
PUB MONTH: oCtobEr o cover the Vietnam War, the Associated Press
HIstory • PHotoGrAPHy
gathered an extraordinary group of superb photo-
journalists in its Saigon bureau, creating one of the great
Isbn 978-1-4197-0864-0
photographic legacies of the 20th century. Collected
ISBN 978-1-4197-0864-0 Us $40.00 CAN $45.00
here are images that tell the story of the war that left a deep and lasting impression on American life. These are pictures that both recorded and made history, taken by unbelievably courageous photojournalists. In a moving
9 781419 708640
See page 139
essay, writer Pete Hamill, who reported from Vietnam in 1965, celebrates their achievement. As we begin to look back from the vantage point of half a century, this is the book that will serve as a photographic record of the drama and tragedy of the Vietnam War. the Associated Press won an unprecedented six Pulitzer Prizes for its coverage of the Vietnam War. To create this book, the agency selected 300 photographs from the thousands filed during the conflict. Pete Hamill is an American journalist, novelist, essayist, editor, and educator. The recipient of numerous awards, Hamill is currently a Distinguished Writer in Residence at the Arthur L. Carter Journalism Institute at New York University.
z Abrams F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 27
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The Kings CounTy DisTillery how To M a K e a n D
A spirited diY guide to whiskeY
s e lling points
s pecifications
■ Hot topic! The Moonshiners show on
25 color illustrations
Discovery is the number one prime
208 pages, 6 × 9"
time show on cable with over 3 million
viewers per week
■ Well-connected authors, with a booming brooklyn business, who
Isbn 978-1-4197-0990-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0990-6 Us $24.95 CAN $27.95
9 781419 709906
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
Food & WInE • HoW-to See page 139
garner fantastic publicity ■ This book will appeal to fans of booze, history, craft brewing, and distilling
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guiDe To urban Moonshining Drin K w hisK ey ■
By C o l I n S P o E l M A n A n d dAV I d h A S K E l l
new generation of urban bootleggers is distilling whiskey at home, and cocktail enthusiasts have embraced
the nuances of brown liquors. Written by the founders of
Kings County Distillery, New York City’s first distillery since Prohibition, this spirited, illustrated book explores America’s age-old love affair with whiskey. It begins with chapters on whiskey’s history and culture from 1640 to today, when the DIY trend and the classic cocktail craze have conspired to make it the next big thing. For those thirsty for practical information, the book next provides a detailed, easy-to-follow guide to safe home distilling, complete with a list of supplies, step-by-step instructions, and helpful pictures, anecdotes, and tips. The final section focuses on the contemporary whiskey scene, featuring a list of microdistillers, cocktail and food recipes from the country’s hottest mixologists and chefs, and an opinionated guide to building your own whiskey collection. Colin spoelman, a former rooftop moonshiner from Kentucky, and david Haskell, the great-grandson of a prohibition-era bootlegger from New York, founded Kings County Distillery in 2010 to make small-scale batches of moonshine, bourbon, and other whiskeys. Spoelman also works in architecture and Haskell is a features editor at New York magazine.
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Paula ■
By h E n d R I K K E R S T E n S
A LU d I o n b o o K
s pecifications
ince 1995, Hendrik Kerstens has been
photographing his daughter, Paula, creating
70 color illustrations 128 pages, 9¾ × 13"
moving portraits in the spirit of Vermeer. His images
Hardcover with jacket
are now in museums around the world and have inspired tastemakers as diverse as Elton John and
Alexander McQueen. (McQueen used Kerstens’s
now-iconic portrait Bag as the invitation for his fall
Art • PHotoGrAPHy
2009 collection.) Here, Kerstens lovingly portrays Paula as a self-possessed young woman (with a
Isbn 978-1-4197-1064-3
sense of humor), as well as projecting onto her his
ISBN 978-1-4197-1064-3 Us $55.00 CAN $65.00 55500
fascination with the Dutch Master painters of the 17th century. The resulting portraits seem at once
9 781419 710643
contemporary and timeless. Kersten’s beautiful, haunting images, filled with “Dutch light,” express both paternal love and a deep respect for craft. Born in The Hague in 1956, Hendrik Kerstens is a self-taught photographer whose work has been shown in more than 40 exhibitions across Europe and the United States. His work is in major museum collections and is frequently featured in the New York Times magazine.
200 color illustrations
bruegel in Detail
256 pages, 9¾ × 12½"
s pecifications
Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: nortH AMErICA PUB MONTH: oCtobEr Art HIstory Isbn 978-1-4197-0995-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-0995-1
Us $65.00
CAN $75.00 56500
9 781419 709951
By M A n f R E d S E l l I n K
A LU d I o n b o o K
lemish painter Pieter Bruegel the Elder (1525–
1569), known for his beautiful landscapes
and peasant scenes, is among the most popular artists in the history of Netherlandish painting. Reproducing all of Bruegel’s best-known paintings, drawings, and prints—this book reveals them as never before, in stunning large close-up details that showcase his mastery. Organized by his major
also aVail aB le
themes—landscapes, daily life, Biblical subjects, and festive celebrations, it offers astonishing views of popular works of art such as Hunters in the Snow, Peasant Wedding, and The Tower of Babel. The printings and drawings section includes his series
Van Eyck in Detail ISbn 978-1-4197-0752-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-0752-0 US $65.00 CAN $75.00 56500
on Sins and Virtues. Breugel expert Manfred Sellink reveals how Bruegel introduced new subject matter into fine art and examines his use of landscape, perhaps the artist's greatest innovation.
9 781419 707520
Bruegel ISbn 978-1-4197-0309-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0309-6 US $75.00 CAN $86.00 57500 9 781419 703096
FA L L 2 0 1 3
F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 30
Manfred sellink, author also of Bruegel: The Complete Paintings, Drawings and Prints, is the director of City Museums of Bruges, and is a former curator at the Boijmans Van Beuningen Museum, Rotterdam.
z Abrams 4/1/13 12:49 PM
How to Read Impressionism WAYS O F LO O k I n G ■
By JA M E S h . R u B I n
A LU d I o n b o o K
A dynamic exploration of the enormously popular 19th-century art movement s e lling points ■ The “How to Read” series has
also aVail aB le in the s e rie s
sold extremely well ■ Impressionism is probably the world's most accessible and popular art movement, with works in the vast majority of art museum collections ■ Features a new approach to the
How to Read a Painting ISbn 978-0-8109-5576-9 ISBN 978-0-8109-5576-9 US $37.50 CAN $42.50 53750
movement and new views on seminal works by Monet, Renoir, Degas, and Cézanne
9 780810 955769
■ Attractive price point, great
How to Read a Modern Painting ISbn 978-0-8109-4944-7 ISBN 978-0810949447 US $37.50 CAN $42.50 53750
flexibind format ■ beautifully printed, lavishly illustrated—600 color images, and thoroughly researched
9 780810 949447
s pecifications 600 color illustrations 400 pages, 6¾ × 9½"
How to Read Contemporary Art ISbn 978-1-4197-0753-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-0753-7 US $39.95 CAN $44.95 53500
RIGHTS: nortH AMErICA PUB MONTH: oCtobEr Art HIstory
ow to Read Impressionism is a new, original exploration of the 19th-century movement that changed art forever,
9 781419 707537
How to Read a Photograph ISbn 978-0-8109-7297-1 ISBN 978-0-8109-7297-1 US $37.50 CAN $42.50 53750
and made household names of painters such as Monet, Renoir, Degas, Seurat, Cassatt, and others. James Rubin organizes this new look at the movement by subject matter, rather than by artist or chronologically, looking at urban views and city life, interiors and
Isbn 978-1-4197-0996-8 ISBN$39.95 978-1-4197-0996-8 Us CAN $44.95
9 781419 709968
9 780810 972971
still life, family and friends, and other common themes. Discussing Impression in this way, he provides readers with the tools to think critically and analytically about the movement, and offers a new understanding of the collective momentum that drove the artists to work with such originality and commitment to modern themes.
How to Read Bible Stories and Myths in Art ISbn 978-0-8109-8400-4 ISBN 978-0810984004 US $37.50 CAN $42.50 53750
Through close readings and comparisons of specific paintings, and a wealth of illustrations, Rubin establishes links between the broad visual culture of the period and the various Impressionist artists, and within the artists’ own careers. The entire history of Impressionism is covered, in an entirely new way.
9 780810 984004
How to Read Italian Renaissance Painting ISbn 978-0-8109-8940-5 ISBN 978-0-8109-8940-5 US $35.00 CAN $42.00 53500
James H. rubin is an art historian specializing in the history, theory, and criticism of 19th-century European art, especially that of France. He is professor of art history at the State University of New York at Stony Brook, where he was department chair for 15 years.
z Abrams F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 31
How to Read Erotic Art ISbn 978-1-4197-0113-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-0113-9 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 53500
780810 989405
9 781419 701139
How to Read World History in Art ISbn 978-0-8109-9683-0 ISBN 978-0-8109-9683-0 US $35.00 CAN $42.00 53500
780810 996830
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4/1/13 12:50 PM
Clothes for Heroes T H E P U n k FA S H I O n S O F V I V I E n n E W E S T W O O D A n D M A LC O L M M c L A R E n ■
By P u n K P I S To l
I n T R o d u C T I o n By J o n S AVAG E
s e lling points ■ Follows on the heels of The Metropolitan Museum of Art’s
1970s punk fashion revolution
Costume Institute exhibit Punk: Chaos to Couture (Spring 2013) ■ Showcases rare—and in many cases previously unpublished— garments, designs, and photographs ■ Westwood is one of the fashion world’s most celebrated figures, with a body of work that continues to influence contemporary design and culture
s pecifications 400 color illustrations 320 pages, 9 × 12" Hardcover with slipcase RIGHTS: nortH AMErICA PUB MONTH: oCtobEr FAsHIon • MUsIC
lothes for Heroes: The Punk Fashions of Vivienne
Westwood and Malcolm McLaren is a visual history
of the 1970s fashion revolution that was born out of a small
Isbn 978-1-4197-0993-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-0993-7 Us $65.00 CAN $75.00
London boutique at 430 King’s Road. Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren not only dressed the Sex Pistols, but also pioneered the confrontational, taboo-busting punk
9 781419 709937
aesthetic that continues to inspire designers to this day. From T-shirts adorned with rubber to bondage trousers and clothes made of muslin, their designs were meant to shock. The author has amassed what is perhaps the world’s largest and most significant collection of clothing from the shop’s history, much of which has never appeared in print. The book, housed in a striking slipcase, features stunning images of the clothing and rare photos of the 1970s punk scene, accompanied by interviews and commentary from those who were there. PunkPistol (simon Easton) is an archivist who sources and preserves vintage Vivienne Westwood and Malcolm McLaren clothing. His collection has appeared in a number of exhibitions, including AngloMania at The Metropolitan Museum of Art and the spring 2013 show PUNK: Chaos to Culture, and in publications such as Vogue and the New York Times. Jon savage is a critic and the author of the acclaimed England’s Dreaming: Sex Pistols and Punk Rock and Teenage: The Creation of Youth, 1875–1945.
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z Abrams 4/1/13 12:50 PM
Hollywood Costume ■
E d I T E d By d E B o R A h n A d o o l M A n l A n d I S
s e lling points
100 years of unforgettable fashion and films seen through the eyes of the costume designer for the first time
■ Published in conjunction with an exhibition launched at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London ■ Covers the best costume design over the years from The Wizard of Oz and Cleopatra to Pirates of the Caribbean and Avatar ■ Wide appeal sure to attract film fans, history buffs, and fashionistas alike
s pecifications 400 color and black-and-white illustrations 320 pages, 9½ × 12 ¼" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: nortH AMErICA
PUB MONTH: oCtobEr eaturing the most beloved costume designs from the past 100 years of Hollywood films, Hollywood Costume celebrates, for
the very first time, the costume designer’s contribution to the telling
FAsHIon • FILM Isbn 978-1-4197-0982-1 ISBN$55.00 978-1-4197-0982-1 Us CAN $62.00
of the cinematic story. Published in conjunction with an exhibition launched at the Victoria and Albert Museum in London that the New York Times called “extraordinary,” the book showcases the talents
9 781419 709821
of renowned designers such as Adrian, Edith Head, and Sandy
e xhiB ition sche dule
Powell, among many others, whose work spans the silent era to
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts,
the Golden Age of Hollywood to the present day. Essays by a wide
Nov 2, 2013–Feb 17, 2014
variety of leading scholars, archivists, and private collectors, as well
Phoenix Arts Museum,
as contributions by contemporary costume designers, actors, and
Mar 22, 2014–Jul 2014
directors, take a close look at the conventions of what is considered “costume” and the role of the designer in creating a film’s characters and helping to shape its narrative. With memorable wardrobe classics from The Tramp, Ben-Hur, Cleopatra, The Wizard of Oz, Gone with the Wind, Pirates of the Caribbean, Ocean’s Eleven, Sherlock Holmes, Avatar, and many more, Hollywood Costume is the ultimate volume for fashionistas and film lovers alike. deborah nadoolman Landis is the Academy Award–nominated costume designer of Coming to America. Her other costume credits include The Blues Brothers, Raiders of the Lost Ark, and Michael Jackson’s Thriller.
z Abrams F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 33
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4/1/13 12:50 PM
The Vintage Fashion 1,000 D E F I n I T I V E D E S I G n E R C L A S S I C S , 1 9 0 0 –2 0 0 0 ■
By P é n é lo P E B l A n C K A E R T A n d A n G è l E R I n C h E VA l h E R n u
s e lling points ■ Features the work of legendary
An extravagantly illustrated survey of fashion history, through the lens of the most extraordinary vintage clothing and bags of the last century
designers including Hermès, Dior, Louis Vuitton, Chanel, Alexander McQueen, and many more ■ More than 1,000 images tell a story that will appeal to fashion fans and history buffs alike ■ Includes practical vintage shopping tips and a list of the best places to buy vintage around the world
s pecifications More than 1,000 photographs 504 pages, 7½ × 10" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLd EnGLIsH PUB MONTH: oCtobEr FAsHIon
he Vintage Fashion 1,000 is an encyclopedic visual journey through women’s fashion that features
the most remarkable vintage items ever sold on the
resale market. Classified by decade and accompanied
Isbn 978-1-4197-1042-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-1042-1 Us $55.00 CAN $62.00
by the history of each item’s creation, the 850 articles of clothing and 150 bags depicted in this book offer a panoramic look across the evolution of style. In addition,
9 781419 710421
illustrated features explore memorable fashion moments and personalities, from a designer’s retrospective, to a collector’s biography, to an interview with an expert. This comprehensive volume also includes a practical guide to the best addresses for vintage shopping around the world, as well as tips for bargain hunting and getting the most out of auctions.
also aVail aB le
Pénélope blanckaert is an authority on contemporary and vintage fashion. After working for Yves Saint Laurent, first in fabrics and then in the studio, she organized the first AuctionArt fashion auction and the contemporary fashion fair Rendez-Vous, and she continues to collaborate with many Parisian auction houses. Angèle
Louis Vuitton: Birth of Modern Luxury, Updated Edition ISbn 978-1-4197-0556-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-0556-4 US $125.00 CAN $145.00 12500 9 781419 705564
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rincheval Hernu began her career in ready-to-wear with Hermès, Prada, and Miu Miu. She worked at the communication department at Yohji Yamamoto for two years before becoming a freelance writer for Parisian cultural clubs and the web magazine Maison d’Exceptions.
z Abrams 4/1/13 12:51 PM
The Most beautiful Opera Houses in the World ■
P h oTo G R A P h y By G u I l l Au M E d E l Au B I E R
T E x T By A n To I n E P E C q u E u R s e lling points ■ Follows de Laubier’s highly successful The Most Beautiful Libraries in the World
A lavish visual exploration of more than 25 of the world’s most stunning opera houses
■ Packed with vivid, brand-new, previously unpublished behindthe-scenes photographs ■ Opera has a passionate fanbase of more than 6.6 million Americans
s pecifications 200 color photographs 240 pages, 11 × 11" Hardcover with jacket
RIGHTS: WorLd EnGLIsH pera houses—temples to the art of Mozart, Verdi,
Tchaikovsky, and more—have been created by
Art • PErForMInG Arts
some of the most talented architects and designers of their generations, inspiring centuries of veneration from
audiences, filled with royalty and commoners alike. In this
Isbn 978-1-4197-0961-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0961-6 Us $60.00 CAN $69.00
sumptuous book, photographer Guillaume de Laubier and journalist Antoine Pecqueur explore more than 25 of
9 781419 709616
the world’s most beautiful opera houses, from Tokyo to Covent Garden, from Oslo to Chicago, from Milan to New York. The buildings are described in their historical contexts, while stunning photography reveals the theaters’ most captivating spaces. In addition to offering sweeping views of ornate auditoriums and facades, the book opens doors normally closed to the public, entering the artists’ dressing rooms, rehearsal halls, scenery workshops, and
also aVail aB le
more, presenting a wide-ranging and compelling look into a spectacular world. Guillaume de Laubier, a photographer who has regularly contributed to Elle Décor, Vogue, and Maison Française, is the author of several books, including Abrams’ The Most Beautiful Libraries in the World. Antoine Pecqueur is a journalist for Le Monde, the French television channel Mezzo, and the classical music periodical La Lettre du Musicien.
9 780810 946347
z Abrams F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 35
The Most Beautiful Libraries in the World ISbn 978-0-8109-4634-7 ISBN 978-0810946347 US $60.00 CAN $72.00 56000
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4/1/13 12:51 PM
Football nation F O U R H U n D R E D Y E A R S O F A M E R I C A’ S G A M E F R O M T H E L I b R A RY O F C O n G R E S S ■
By S u S A n R E y B u R n
s e lling points ■ Successful track record for Library of Congress books
A comprehensive visual history of football in America
(Baseball Americana sold 40,000 copies) ■ never-before-published images from the Library of Congress’s vast archive ■ Covers the history of both college and pro football
s pecifications 350 color illustrations 256 pages, 9⅛ × 11½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLd PUB MONTH: oCtobEr sPorts • HIstory
xploring football’s wide-ranging presence in
American life, Football Nation draws from the
immense collections of the Library of Congress, offering
Isbn 978-0-8109-9762-2 ISBN 978-0-8109-9762-2 Us $30.00 CAN $33.00
an image-driven exploration of football’s history. The book traces the game from the colonial era to its modernization in both college and professional sports to its rise
9 780810 997622
to the national phenomenon it is today. Images include the earliest football cards, game programs, cartoons, film stills, magazine covers, posters, photographs, and other ephemera. With its fast-paced narrative and one-of-a-kind image selection, the book expresses the game’s unique American identity, as witnessed in tradition, notable personalities, fan participation, mass media, tailgate cuisine, team rivalries, and much more. Quite simply, the book reveals how the United States became Football Nation. the Library of Congress is the largest library in the world, with extensive archives that contain millions of images. susan reyburn is a writer and editor for the Library whose books include Baseball Americana: Treasures from the Library of Congress, The Library of Congress World War II Companion, and Women Who Dare: Amelia Earhart. Athena Angelos is a veteran Library of Congress photo editor who worked on Abrams’ World War II: 365 Days.
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z Abrams 4/1/13 12:52 PM
Star Wars ® Art: Concept ■
f o R E w o R d By J o E J o h n S To n
I n T R o d u C T I o n By d o u G C h I A n G
P R E fAC E By RyA n C h u R C h ■
A f T E R w o R d By E R I K T I E M E n S s e lling points
The latest in the George Lucas–curated Star Wars Art series features rarely seen concept art produced for Star Wars films, television series, and video games
■ The fourth title in Abrams’ highly successful Star Wars Art series contains conceptual artwork and designs from the franchise’s most sought-after artists, including the legendary Ralph McQuarrie
s pecifications 125 color illustrations 176 pages, 10½ × 12½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLd PUB MONTH: oCtobEr PErForMInG Arts Isbn 978-1-4197-0862-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0862-6 Us $40.00 CAN $45.00
9 781419 708626
liM ite d e dition
175 color illustrations 244 pages Hardcover with cloth case, 5 hand-signed prints Isbn 978-1-4197-0865-7 rom Ralph McQuarrie and Joe Johnston to
ISBN 978-1-4197-0865-7 Us $400.00 CAn $460.00 40000
Doug Chiang, Ryan Church, Iain McCaig, Erik
Tiemens, and the next generation of animation and video-game artists, Star Wars Art: Concept collects,
9 781419 708657
TERMS: 30% discount, non-returnable
for the first time ever, the very best Star Wars conceptual artwork. As curated by George Lucas, the artwork that helped bring the Star Wars Saga to life
also aVail aB le
is revealed in all its glory, featuring pre-production drawings and paintings from the Original Trilogy, the Prequel Trilogy, the TV shows, and the video games, including an exclusive preview of artwork from the highly anticipated 1313. Spanning the years from 1975
Star Wars Art: Illustration ISbn 978-1-4197-0430-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-0430-7 US $40.00 CAN $45.00 54000
to the present, Star Wars Art: Concept is a fascinating look at the process of conceptual design. From pen and paint and paper to the digital realm, the result is the creation of breathtaking iconic worlds, vehicles,
9 781419 704307
Star Wars Art: Visions ISbn ISBN 978-0-8109-9589-5 978-0-8109-9589-5 US $40.00 CAN $48.00 54000
and characters that successive generations have embraced and made their own. Joe Johnston served as a storyboard and concept artist on the original Star Wars trilogy. He has since directed The Rocketeer, Jumanji, and Captain America: The First Avenger. He lives in Los Angeles. © 2013 Lucasfilm Ltd. And ™. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization.
z Abrams F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 37
780810 995895
Star Wars Art: Comics ISbn 978-1-4197-0076-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-0076-7 US $40.00 CAN $45.00 54000
9 781419 700767
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4/1/13 12:53 PM
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z Abrams 4/1/13 12:54 PM
fraMes A deluxe, yet affordable edition of George Lucas’s coveted, personal shot-by-shot selection of iconic and unexpected frames from the complete Star Wars saga
S E LE C TE D By G E o r G E Lu C a S
s e lling points ■ Previously available only in an ultra-deluxe, $3,000 format ■ Lucas’s definitive look back at the franchise is perfectly timed, as he passes the baton to a new generation of filmmakers ■ Star Wars is the most popular and beloved film franchise in the history of cinema
s pecifications 1,416 color illustrations 736 pages, 12 × 13½" boxed set: 2 hardcover volumes RIGHTS: WorLd PUB MONTH: noVEMbEr PErForMInG Arts Isbn 978-1-4197-0470-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-0470-3 Us $150.00 CAN $160.00 15000
9 781419 704703
also aVail aB le
fter George Lucas finished work on Episode III: Revenge of the Sith, he wanted to look back on the Star Wars saga through an entirely new point
of view: isolating stills, or frames, from each of the six Star Wars films, focusing on them intensely as works of photography and design, and reproducing them in a book. For two years Lucas went through more than 200,000 frames per film, editing more than 1 million frames down to the 1,416 images that now comprise
Star Wars: Frames, a testament to the hard work, craftsmanship, and dedication
Star Wars: Storyboards— The Prequel Trilogy ISbn 978-1-4197-0772-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-0772-8 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 54000 9 781419 707728
evident in every frame of every film. Star Wars: Frames brings together Lucas’s personal shot-by-shot selections into a lavishly designed two-volume hardcover set—one volume for the Original Trilogy and one volume for the Prequel Trilogy. For collectors and fans, Star Wars: Frames is the ultimate look on this grand project devoted to a cinematic phenomenon—and the ultimate Star Wars collector’s tome. George Lucas is the creator of the Star Wars films. © 2013 Lucasfilm Ltd. And ™. All Rights Reserved. Used Under Authorization.
Creating the Worlds of Star Wars: 365 Days ISbn 978-1-4197-0704-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-0704-9 US $32.50 CAN $37.50 53250 9 781419 707049
z Abrams F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 39
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4/1/13 12:54 PM
Glamorous Retreats ■
By JA n S h o w E R S
s e lling points ■ Follow-up to the highly
An exclusive tour of the most exotic vacation homes across North America
successful Glamorous Rooms, which was featured in House Beautiful, Traditional Homes, Veranda, and Luxe ■ Showers is a celebrated interior designer with excellent connections
s pecifications 200 color photographs 240 pages, 9 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLd PUB MONTH: oCtobEr IntErIor dEsIGn Isbn 978-1-4197-0853-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-0853-4 Us $50.00 CAN $57.50
he follow-up to the bestselling Glamorous Rooms,
Glamorous Retreats takes readers inside Jan
Showers’s luxurious interiors in vacation locales across
9 781419 708534
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
North America and the Caribbean, from the mountains of Colorado, to the beaches of Florida and the Bahamas, to the ranches of Arizona and Texas. With more than 200 never-before-seen photographs, this book showcases the renowned designer’s elegant eclecticism, which blends Hollywood high style, mid-century modernism, and classic 18th-century French styles, here set against the backdrop of stunning resort destinations. Mixing
also aVail aB le
aspects of the local flavors and lifestyles into her own designs, Showers provides accessible and useful design tenets that will inspire readers to create their own luxurious yet relaxed homes. Jan showers is the author of Glamorous Rooms and one of the world’s most celebrated interior designers. Her col-
Glamorous Rooms ISbn 978-0-8109-4974-4 ISBN 978-0-8109-4974-4 US $50.00 CAN $57.50 55000 9
780810 949744
FA L L 2 0 1 3
F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 40
lection is available in showrooms throughout the United States. Her work is featured internationally in interiors and architecture magazines and has landed her spots on lists of the Top 100 Designers. She lives in Dallas.
z Abrams 4/1/13 12:55 PM
Silk and Cotton T E x T I L E S F R O M T H E C E n T R A L A S I A T H AT WA S ■
By S u S A n M E l l E R
s e lling points
A stunning survey of the traditional textiles of Central Asia
■ Meller has a successful track record with similar titles, Russian Textiles and Textile Designs ■ Deep research and unprecedented documentation guarantee this seminal survey will become a classic ■ Lavish illustrations will inspire designers and crafters of all levels
s pecifications 836 color and black-and-white illustrations 336 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLd
PUB MONTH: noVEMbEr he traditional textiles of Central Asia are unknown
FAsHIon • tExtILEs
treasures. Straddling the legendary Silk Road, this
vast region stretches from Russia in the west to China in the east. Whether nomadic or sedentary, its peoples created textiles for every aspect of their way of life, from ceremonial objects marking rites of passage, to
Isbn 978-1-4197-0674-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-0674-5 Us $60.00 CAN $69.00
9 781419 706745
everyday garments, to practical items for the home. There were suzanis for the marriage bed; prayer mats; patchwork quilts; bridal ensembles; bags for tea, scis-
also aVail aB le
sors, and mirrors; lovingly embroidered hats and bibs; and robes of every color and pattern. Author Susan Meller has spent years assembling the 590 textiles illustrated in this book. She documents their history, use, and meaning through archival photographs and fascinating travelers’ narratives spanning many centuries. Her book will be a revelation to designers, collectors, students of Central Asia, and travelers to the region. Silk and Cotton is destined to
9 780810 993815
become a classic. susan Meller is the author of Russian Textiles: Printed Cloth for the Bazaars of Central Asia and the coauthor of Textile Designs. She lives in Berkeley, California.
z Abrams F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 41
Russian Textiles ISbn 978-0-8109-9381-5 ISBN 978-0810993815 US $55.00 CAN $66.00 55500
Textile Designs ISbn 978-0-8109-2508-3 ISBN 978-0-8109-2508-3 US $50.00 CAN $57.50 55000 9 780810 925083
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4/1/13 12:55 PM
Earth S pac E fro m
B Y Ya n n a r t h u s - B e r t r a n d
Stunning satellite images capture an unprecedented view of the state of our planet
rom space, Earth is a magnificent sight, splashed with vivid colors, patterns, textures, and abstract forms. Views from above can also
provide telling information about the health of our planet. To help us understand the more than 150 breathtaking satellite photographs in
Earth from Space, Yann Arthus-Bertrand, an aerial photographer and devoted environmental activist, discusses the impact of deforestation, urban sprawl, intensive farming, ocean pollution, and more. Using highresolution imagery, we can monitor the evolution of vegetation around the Chernobyl nuclear disaster site, snow loss on Mount Kilimanjaro, and the health of migratory bird populations. Earth from Space’s compelling selection of satellite images raises important questions about our future, while also showcasing the planet’s beauty—leaving no doubt that it is something crucial to protect. yann Arthus-bertrand is the founder of GoodPlanet, an organization dedicated to preserving the environment, and the award-winning author of more than forty books, including the international bestseller Earth from Above.
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z Abrams 4/1/13 12:56 PM
s e lling points ■ Arthus-bertrand’s books have sold millions of copies worldwide ■ Showcases Earth’s natural beauty alongside critical information about our planet’s ecological future ■ Includes 150 images, many of which have never been published before
s pecifications 150 satellite photographs 256 pages, 10 × 13½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: nortH AMErICA PUB MONTH: noVEMbEr nAtUrE • PHotoGrAPHy Isbn 978-1-4197-0962-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-0962-3 Us $50.00 CAN $57.50
9 781419 709623
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
also aVail aB le Earth from Above Tenth Anniversary Edition ISbn 978-0-8109-9693-9 ISBN 978-0-8109-9693-9 US $60.00 CAN $70.00 56000 9
780810 996939
The New Earth from Above 365, Revised Edition ISbn 978-0-8109-8461-5 ISBN 978-0810984615 US $32.50 CAN $37.50 53250
Man and Sea ISbn 978-1-4197-0823-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-0823-7 US $50.00 CAN $57.50 55000 9 781419 708237
9 780810 984615
z Abrams F13_01ABR_pc3.indd 43
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4/1/13 12:56 PM
Area 1983–1987 ■
By E R I C G o o d E A n d J E n n I f E R G o o d E
s e lling points ■ Authors’ network of hotels, restaurants, and influential
Travel back in time to the famed downtown club nexus of art, fashion, nightlife, and pop culture in 1980s New York
connections ■ Publication will tie in with Area’s 30th anniversary ■ Photos of A-list celebrities will appeal to anyone interested in the art, music, fashion, society, and pop culture of the 1980s
s pecifications 500 color and black-and-white photographs 368 pages, 9½ × 12" Hardcover RIGHTS: WorLd EnGLIsH PUB MONTH: noVEMbEr PoP CULtUrE
he fabled New York nightclub Area opened its doors in September 1983 and virtually overnight became
the nexus of one of the most vibrant downtown art and
club scenes in New York. Despite its short-lived history (it
Isbn 978-0-8109-7276-6 ISBN 978-0-8109-7276-6 Us $75.00 CAN $86.00
9 780810 972766
closed in 1987), Area was the place where A-listers from disparate worlds went to see and be seen. Area was the brainchild of four guys from California, among them author Eric Goode, whose vision was to create an art project on a monumental scale: Every six weeks, they gutted the enormous space at 157 Hudson and transformed it with a different art theme. Their wildly creative invitations to the opening night of each new installation became the hottest tickets in town, coveted by writers and photographers who together chronicled the club’s legendary scene. Drawing from an incredibly rich archive of material, Eric and Jennifer Goode tell the behind-the-scenes story of the club and its people, creating an illustrated memoir of an exciting time and place in the annals of New York nightlife. Eric Goode is the co-owner of several hotels and restaurants in New York, including the Bowery Hotel, Bowery Bar, the Maritime Hotel, and the Waverly Inn. He is also the founder of the Turtle Conservancy. He lives in New York. His sister, Jennifer Goode, lives in Brooklyn.
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z Abrams 4/1/13 12:57 PM
By M A R C E l dZ A M A
S h o R T S To R I E S By dAV E E G G E R S
f o R E w o R d By R Ay M o n d P E T T I B o n
I n T E R V I E w By S P I K E J o n Z E
E S S Ay By B R A d l E y B A I l E y s e lling points ■ Dzama is a pop-culture icon
Include s 34 × 21 " poster!
whose work has been featured on the covers of notable CDs and books ■ Includes three original stories by
The first monograph on Marcel Dzama, one of the contemporary art world’s hottest stars
Dave Eggers ■ Dzama’s fan base ranges from major collectors to college students
s pecifications 500 color illustrations 288 pages, 9¾ × 12" Hardcover with poster RIGHTS: WorLd
his lavishly illustrated monograph is the definitive publication on the internationally renowned
Isbn 978-1-4197-0407-9
Canadian artist Marcel Dzama. Characterized by an
ISBN 978-1-4197-0407-9 Us $60.00 CAN $69.00
immediately recognizable cast of fanciful and frightening
characters, Dzama’s work draws from a diverse range of influences, including Dada and Marcel Duchamp. While
9 781419 704079
the artist is best known for his delicate psychosexual drawings, his work also includes sculpture, painting, and film. More than 500 color images from the late 1990s through the present trace the artistic evolution and tremendous talent of this highly acclaimed young artist. Textual contributions include a foreword by the contemporary artist Raymond Pettibon, three original short stories inspired by Dzama’s work by Dave Eggers, an
also aVail aB le
essay by the art historian Bradley Bailey, and an interview with Dzama by the filmmaker Spike Jonze. raymond Pettibon is an internationally acclaimed American artist known for his drawings. dave Eggers is a highly acclaimed writer, editor, and publisher.
Yoshitomo Nara: Nobody’s Fool ISbn 978-0-8109-9414-0 ISBN 978-0-8109-9414-0 US $60.00 CAN $78.00 56000
spike Jonze is an Oscar-winning director, producer, screenwriter, and actor. bradley bailey is an assistant professor of art history at Saint Louis University and coauthor of Marcel Duchamp: The Art of Chess.
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The Art of Rube Goldberg A ) I n V E n T I V E b ) C A R TO O n C ) G E n I U S ■
S E l E C T E d A n d w I T h C o M M E n TA Ry By J E n n I f E R G E o R G E
I n T R o d u C T I o n By A dA M G o P n I K
By A n d R E w B A R o n o f P o P y R u S S T u d I o
C oV E R PA P E R E n G I n E E R I n G ■
E S S Ay S By A l JA f f E E ,
C A R l l I n I C h , P E T E R M A R E S C A , PAu l T u M E y, A n d B R I A n wA l K E R
A celebration of the quintessential American cartoonist
s e lling points ■ Featuring moveable cover, which animates the invention in the cartoon, engineered by Andrew baron of Popyrus Studio ■ For the first time, many of Rube Goldberg’s most famous cartoons are reproduced from the original art and reprinted at a substantive size ■ Includes rare and early works that have never been reprinted since their initial publication more than 100 years ago
Moveable cover insert!
■ Adam Gopnik is a New Yorker staff writer, three-time national Magazine award-winner, and author of multiple bestsellers, including Paris to the Moon
from Merriam-Webster’s Collegiate Dictionary: Rube Gold·berg. adjective \ˈrüb-ˈgōl(d)-ˌbərg \ Accomplishing by complex means what
s pecifications
seemingly could be done simply <a kind of Rube Goldberg contraption . . . with five
300 color illustrations
hundred moving parts —l. T. Grant>; also: characterized by such complex means.
192 pages, 14 × 10" Hardcover with moveable insert RIGHTS: WorLd
PUB MONTH: noVEMbEr ILLUstrAtEd CoMICs • ot many of us make it into the dictionary as an adjective. But then again, Rube Goldberg was no ordinary noun. He was a cartoonist, humorist,
sculptor, author, engineer, and inventor, and in a 72-year career he wrote and
illustrated nearly 50,000 cartoons. Goldberg (1883–1970) was the most famous cartoonist of his time, best known for his comical inventions, which were syndicated in daily newspapers throughout the world. Author Jennifer George
CoMICs • HUMor Isbn 978-1-4197-0852-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-0852-7 Us $60.00 CAN $69.00 56000 9 781419 708527
See page 139
celebrates all aspects of her grandfather’s career, from his very first published drawings in his high school newspaper and college yearbook to his iconic inventions, his comic strips and advertising work, and his later sculpture and Pulitzer Prize–winning political cartoons. Also included are essays by noted
also aVail aB le
comics historians, rare photographs, letters, memorabilia, and patents, many reproduced here for the first time. Brilliantly designed and packaged to capture the inventiveness of Rube Goldberg’s work, The Art of Rube Goldberg is a coffee table book the whole family can enjoy. Jennifer George is the granddaughter of Rube Goldberg and the daughter of Rube’s son George W. George (a producer whose film credits include My Dinner with Andre and whose Broadway credits include Memphis). Jennifer is a writer, and a clothing and jewelry designer. She lives in New York City.
The Art of Walt Disney ISbn 978-0-8109-9814-8 ISBN 978-0-8109-9814-8 US $85.00 CAN $98.00 58500 9 780810 998148
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bound for Glory A M E R I C A I n C O LO R 1 9 3 9 – 4 3 ■
I n T R o d u C T I o n By PAu l h E n d R I C K S o n
Now back in print!
s e lling points ■ The FSA’s photographs have received more than 3 million views on Flickr ■ Startling photographs from the dawn of kodachrome
s pecifications 175 color photographs
Color photographs of American life from the Depression to WWII
192 pages, 11½ × 8" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLd AVAILAbLE noW PHotoGrAPHy Isbn 978-0-8109-4348-3 ISBN 978-0-8109-4348-3 Us $35.00 CAN $52.50
he photographs of the Farm Security Administration (FSA), which recorded American life in the late 1930s
and early 1940s, remain among the most moving and famous documentary images from the first half of the 20th
9 780810 943483
century. Yet few people know that, along with thousands and thousands of black-and-white photographs, the FSA photographers also took color pictures. Here, for the first time, is a selection of the best of the FSA color photographs—introduced by National Book Award finalist Paul Hendrickson and assembled to create a vivid portrait of America as it emerged from the Great Depression to fight World War II. Covering countryside and city, farm and factory, work and play, the images in this book open a window onto our national experience from 1939 to 1943, revealing a world that we have always seen in our mind’s eye exclusively in black and white. Never before has there been a book that paints this picture in full color. Paul Hendrickson, a longtime feature writer for the Washington Post, teaches nonfiction writing at the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of Looking for the Light: The Hidden Life and Art of Marion Post Wolcott, among other books.
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The Louis Vuitton Cup Updated Edition
Availab le now!
YAC H T R AC I n G A n D T H E P U R S U I T O F T H E A M E R I C A' S C U P ■
By B R u n o T R o u B l é A n d f R A n ç o I S C h E VA l I E R
f o R E w o R d By J o h n B E R T R A n d s e lling points
The behind-the-scenes history of the glamorous, action-filled competition leading to the world’s preeminent yachting regatta, the America’s Cup
■ Updated and expanded edition includes more than 60 new images and four new chapters ■ Capitalizes on the incredible reach and appeal of the Louis Vuitton brand ■ Louis Vuitton: The Birth of Modern Luxury has sold more than 13,000 copies
s pecifications 200 color and black-and-white illustrations 260 pages, 9¼ × 12¼" Hardcover RIGHTS: WorLd EnGLIsH
AVAILAbLE noW ince 1983, the Louis Vuitton Cup has determined who qualifies to compete for the America’s Cup
competition, today’s most coveted prize in sailing.
sPorts Isbn 978-1-4197-0991-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-0991-3 Us $80.00 CAN $92.00
The Louis Vuitton Cup profiles the Cup’s prominent winners and pays tribute to the talented yachtsmen who
9 781419 709913
have helped forge the regatta’s inimitable reputation. Published in anticipation of the 2013 America’s Cup in San Francisco, the new edition presents a fully up-to-date look at the exciting world of sailing competitions and the history of one of the world’s oldest and most prestigious sporting trophies. bruno troublé began competing for the America’s
also aVail aB le
Cup aboard France I in 1997 and competed in the 1980 and 1983 series. From 1983 until 2007, he was the chief organizer of the Louis Vuitton Cup. François Chevalier is a yacht designer and professor of naval architecture at the University of Nantes. He is the author of J Class and America’s Cup Yacht Designs, among other publications. John bertrand is a legend in yachting, as he skippered Australia II to victory in the 1983 America's Cup, ending 132 years of American supremacy. He is the author of Born to Win.
9 780810 982475
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Louis Vuitton 100 Legendary Trunks ISbn 978-0-8109-8247-5 ISBN 978-0-8109-8247-5 US $125.00 CAN $150.00 12500
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66 Square Feet A DeLiciouS LiFe ■
By M a r i e V i l j o e n
s e lling points
An eloquent and charming story of gardening, cooking, and entertaining on a tiny terrace by the author of the popular blog
■ 66SquareFeet.com has been featured in the New York Times and Martha Stewart Living ■ Viljoen brings a well-traveled global attitude to her gardening and cooking ■ Viljoen’s blog receives more than 30,000 and growing unique views a month
s pecifications 100 color illustrations 224 pages, 8 × 10" Hardcover RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr CookINg • gardENINg
ISBN 978-1-61769-050-1 outh Africa–born Marie Viljoen captures the hearts of
ISBN 978-1-61769-050-1 US $29.95 CAN $32.95
her readers as she blogs about cooking and gardening
on her tiny 66-square-foot terrace in Brooklyn. Named one
9 781617 690501
of the top 10 gardening blogs by Apartment Therapy and the Discovery Channel, 66 Square Feet has also been covered in
See page 139
the New York Times. The book draws the reader into Viljoen’s beautiful world of unfolding city seasons as she forages through New York City and harvests from her garden to create elegant and inspiring meals that encourage the reader to pause and savor life. Each chapter is a month, and ends in the kitchen, with a menu inspired by her terrace and roof gardens, farmer’s markets, and the occasional weed. Set against a backdrop of growing up in South Africa and moving to the United States, meeting her French husband, and finding a culinary and emotional home in Brooklyn, Viljoen’s book is a love letter to living seasonally in the most famous city on the planet. Marie Viljoen blogs at 66 Square Feet. She also teaches at the Brooklyn Botanic Garden and contributes to Edible Brooklyn and Edible Manhattan. She has appeared on NBC, NY1, CBC, and NPR, and in the New York Times and Martha Stewart Living.
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The Doodle circle A F i L L- i n J o u r n A L F o r B F F s ■
By Daw n D e V r i e s s o ko l
s e lling points ■ Sokol’s previous books have sold more than 55,000 copies since
A fill-in book to pass around and share with your friends, from the renowned “Doodle Queen”
publication in 2010 ■ This is the first round-robin-style book in the booming fill-in doodle book category ■ This creative book will appeal to tweens who adore crafting and doodling
s pecifications Color illustrations throughout 160 pages, 5¼ × 7¼" Paperback RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr CrafT
hether it’s The Sisterhood of the
Traveling Pants or the sisters from
ISBN 978-1-61769-053-2 ISBN 978-1-61769-053-2 US $12.95 CAN $13.95
Little Women, there is no denying that young girls develop a strong bond as they grow up together.
The Doodle Circle is an interactive fill-in journal that 9 781617 690532
is passed around yearbook-style, allowing BFFs to document the tight bond they share by contributing to each other’s books. Perfect for slumber parties or after-school hangouts, the colorful prompts encourage girls to work both together and independently to ponder, doodle, and collage. When the book is complete, each girl will have a special memento of friendship
as well as words of love and praise that will remind her how amazing she is as she goes through this fun-filled (yet decidedly insecure) time of life. dawn deVries Sokol is the author of 1,000 Artist Journal Pages, Doodle Diary, Doodle Sketchbook, and Art Doodle Love. Often referred to as the
Art Doodle Love iSBn 978-1-61769-012-9 ISBN 978-1-61769-012-9 uS $15.95 CAN $17.95 51595 9 781617 690129
“Doodle Queen,” Sokol teaches popular workshops online (dblogala.com), at creative retreats, and through her DVD workshop Art Journaling: Pages in Stages. She lives in Tempe, Arizona.
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The Yarn Whisperer MY unexPecTeD LiFe in KniTTing ■
By C l a r a Pa r k e s
s e lling points ■ Parkes’s three previous books have more than 88,000 copies
“Clara Parkes explores the fabric of her life, quite literally, in the stitches she creates on her needles, and proves she is as skilled in the craft of writing as she is in the craft of knitting.” —Debbie stoller, author of the stitch ’n Bitch series of knit and crochet books
in print ■ Parkes’s weekly e-newsletter and website reach more than 200,000 unique viewers each month
s pecifications 160 pages, 5½ × 8" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr CrafT • MEMoIr
Stockinette, ribbing, cables, even the humble yarn over can
ISBN 978-1-61769-002-0
instantly evoke places, times, people, conversations, all those
ISBN 978-1-61769-002-0 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
poignant moments that we’ve tucked away in our memory banks. Over time, those stitches form a map of our lives. —From the preface
9 781617 690020
6-CoPy dISPlay ISBN 978-1-61769-093-8
n The Yarn Whisperer: Reflections on a Life in Knitting, renowned
ISBN$119.70 978-1-61769-093-8 US CAN $131.70
knitter and author Clara Parkes ponders the roles knitting plays
in her life via 22 captivating, poignant, and laugh-out-loud funny
9 781617 690938
essays. Recounting tales of childhood and adulthood, family, friends, adventure, privacy, disappointment, love, and celebration, she hits upon the universal truths that drive knitters to create and explores the ways in which knitting can be looked at as a metaphor
for so many other things. Put simply, “No matter how perfect any one sweater may be, it’s only human to crave another. And another, and another.” Clara Parkes, a celebrated raconteur, is the bestselling author of The Knitter’s Book of Yarn, The Knitter’s Book of Wool, and The Knitter’s Book of Socks. She is also the founder and publisher of KnittersReview.com, a weekly e-newsletter that explores the pleasures and subtleties of yarn. She lives in Maine.
A Knitter’s Home Companion iSBn 978-1-58479-916-0 ISBN 978-1584799160 uS $17.95 CAN $21.95 51795 9 781584 799160
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Pie Love i n V e n T i V e r e c i P e S F o r S W e e T A n D S AVo rY P i e S , g A L e T T e S , PA S T rY c r e A M S , TA r T S , A n D T u r n oV e r S ■
By wa r r e n B r o w n
P h oto g r a P h s By j o s h ua C o g a n
s e lling points ■ Brown continues to garner fabulous publicity from the TODAY show, Food network, nPr, and more
Warren Brown celebrates the pastry that sparked his love of baking—pies
■ Brown’s previous books have netted more than 50,000 copies ■ Delicious recipes from sweet to savory, with 100 full-color illustrations
s pecifications 100 color illustrations 192 pages, 8 × 9" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: oCToBEr CookINg
n his fourth cookbook, Warren Brown takes on the illustrious pie. It was his love of apple pie as a
child that sparked his interest in baking, and he has
ISBN 978-1-58479-895-8 ISBN 978-1-58479-895-8 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
9 781584 798958
wanted to write this cookbook ever since he added pies to the menus in his CakeLove bakeries and saw his customers’ enthusiastic responses. Brown answers every baker’s questions about making the perfect pie and includes recipes that range from
See page 139
sweet to savory, mixing recipes for traditional fillings with fun, unique takes: blueberry maple pie, mango and strawberry tart, apple lasagna, shroom-ikopita, chicken potpie, Jamaican beef patties, and much more. Of course, piecrusts and cream pies are covered as well.
ALSO AVAIL AB LE Warren Brown left a career in law to pursue his love of baking. In 2002, he opened his first bakery, CakeLove, and he now has seven shops in the greater Washington, D.C., and Baltimore areas. In 2010 he added pies
CakeLove iSBn 978-1-58479-662-6 ISBN 978-1-58479-662-6 uS $27.50 CAN $31.50 52750 9
781584 796626
CakeLove in the Morning iSBn 978-1-58479-894-1 ISBN 978-1-58479-894-1 uS $24.95 CAN $27.95 52495 9 781584 798941
United Cakes of America iSBn 978-1-58479-839-2 ISBN 978-1-58479-839-2 uS $29.95 CAN $38.95 52995 9
781584 798392
to his shop menu. The author of CakeLove, United Cakes of America, and CakeLove in the Morning, he lives with his wife and children in Washington, D.C.
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Pasta Modern n e W & i n S P i r e D r e c i P e S F r o M i TA LY ■
By F r a n C i n e s e g a n
P h oto g r a P h s By lu C y s C h a e F F e r
s e lling points ■ recipes researched throughout
A cutting-edge collection of Italy’s most exciting, tradition-twisting, contemporary pasta dishes
all regions of italy ■ Segan will be curating an exhibition on pasta at the italian cultural center in new York city ■ easily accessible recipes perfect for home cooks
s pecifications 60 color illustrations 208 pages, 9 × 10" Hardcover with jacket
RIGHTS: World n Pasta Modern, Italian food authority Francine Segan
challenges the notion that pasta must be traditional or
old-world. In this beautifully photographed cookbook,
Segan details the hottest, newest, and most unusual pasta dishes from Italy’s food bloggers, home cooks, artisan pasta makers, and vanguard chefs. The 100 distinctive pasta recipes, including many vegan and vegetarian specialties, range from simple and elegant (Gemelli
ISBN 978-1-61769-062-4 ISBN 978-1-61769-062-4 US $35.00 CAN $40.00
9 781617 690624
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
with Caramelized Oranges and Crispy Pancetta) to more complex (Neapolitan Carnevale Lasagna) to cutting-edge
See page 139
(Cappuccino Caper Pasta). Tips and anecdotes culled from Segan’s Italian travels enhance the easy-to-follow directions, and a glossary of more than 50 extraordinary dried pastas showcases shapes to revive any pasta lover’s repertoire. For contemporary, authentic Italian pasta, Pasta Modern is the go-to guide.
francine Segan is the author of five cookbooks, including Dolci and The Opera Lover’s Cookbook. She has contributed to Tribune Media Services, Food Arts, and Gastronomica, and has appeared on hundreds of TV programs including the Today show, The Early Show, and Sunday Morning. She has lectured across the country for the Smithsonian, the American Museum of Natural History, and many others. She divides her time between New York and Italy.
Dolci: Italy’s Sweets iSBn 978-1-58479-898-9 ISBN 978-1-58479-898-9 uS $35.00 CAN $40.00 53500 9 781584 798989
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Bountiful V e g e TA B L e A n D F r u i T r e c i P e S i n S P i r e D BY o u r g A r D e n ■
By D i a n e C u a n D to D D P o r t e r
The first cookbook from the superstar duo behind the popular blog WhiteOnRiceCouple.com S E LLIng pOIntS ■ Whiteonricecouple.com has 400,000 views a month, and they have a massive following on social media ■ cu and Porter regularly sell out photography lectures around the country and were the keynote speakers at BlogHer Food in 2012 ■ Lots of new material and original recipes, along with a few fan favorites from the blog
s pecifications 100 color illustrations 304 pages, 8¼ × 10½" Hardcover RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: oCToBEr food & WINE • CookINg
ISBN 978-1-61769-048-8 ISBN 978-1-61769-048-8 US $35.00 CAN $40.00
his is the first cookbook from Diane Cu and Todd Porter,
renowned creators of the immensely popular food writing
and photography blog WhiteonRiceCouple.com. Bountiful
9 781617 690488
See page 139
offers 100 seasonal, simple, and approachable recipes, 90 of which have not been seen on the blog, each featuring a vegetable or fruit as the star of the meal, from Kabocha Squash Stuffed with Pork and Wild Rice to Meyer Lemon Curd and Goat
Cheese Strudel. Peppered with personal stories from Porter’s childhood on a cattle ranch in Oregon and Cu’s journey from Vietnam to the United States, this cookbook shares the authors’ beautiful love story as well as their diverse recipes.
Home Made iSBn 978-1-58479-946-7 ISBN 978-1-58479-946-7 uS $40.00 CAN $45.00 54000
diane Cu and Todd Porter are the creators of the popular food and photography blog WhiteonRiceCouple.com, which has nearly 400,000 monthly readers. They also photograph for clients such as Whole Foods, Williams-Sonoma, Food & Wine, and the Food
9 781584 799467
Canning for a New Generation iSBn 978-1-58479-864-4 ISBN 978-1-58479-864-4 uS $24.95 CAN $27.95 52495
Network. They are sought-after speakers at conferences such as IACP, BlogWorld, BlogHer, and Food Blog Forum. They have been featured in Sunset magazine and the Los Angeles Times and on the Cooking Channel.
781584 798644
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The grand central oyster Bar & restaurant cookbook r e c i P e S & TA L e S F r o M A c L A S S i c A M e r i c A n r e S TAu r A n T ■
By s a n Dy i n g B e r w i t h r oy F i n a M o r e
P h oto g r a P h s By i a i n B ag w e l l
S E LLIng pOIntS ■ A major tourist attraction, the oyster Bar draws diners from across the united States, europe,
Celebrating 100 years of mouthwatering recipes at the famous Oyster Bar
and Asia ■ Peppered with behind-thescenes stories ■ Features the best examples of classic and contemporary American cooking tested for success in the home kitchen
S pEcIfIcAtIOnS 75 color illustrations 224 pages, 10 × 9" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr CookINg ISBN 978-1-61769-061-7 ISBN 978-1-61769-061-7 US $35.00 CAN $40.00
9 781617 690617
See page 139
n any discussion of New York City landmark restaurants, the Grand Central Oyster Bar &
Restaurant stands in a class by itself. From its unique position in the Terminal’s lower level, with the famous
“Whispering Gallery” at its entrance, waiters have been serving up platters of the freshest seafood for a century. Here are more than 100 of the restaurant’s classic recipes—some dating back to its opening in 1913—along with behind-the-scenes stories, historical
anecdotes, and a wealth of expert information on buying, cooking, and serving fish. An ocean’s worth of delicious eating is provided: from raw bar and seafood buffet favorites, to stews and chowders, to fish dishes fried, broiled, and grilled. Featured throughout are vintage images and ephemera, along with sumptuous
J’aime New York iSBn 978-1-61769-044-0 ISBN 978-1-61769-044-0 uS $45.00 CAN $52.00 54000 9 781617 690440
Grand Central Terminal iSBn 978-1-58479-994-8 ISBN 978-1-58479-994-8 uS $40.00 CAN $45.00 54000 9 781584 799948
food photography. Part history, part souvenir, The Grand Central Oyster Bar & Restaurant Cookbook is a must-have for visitors and New Yorkers alike. Sandy Ingber is executive chef at the Grand Central Oyster Bar & Restaurant. roy finamore is a highly respected cookbook author, editor, and photography stylist. He is the author of Fish Without a Doubt (with Rick Moonen), among others.
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The chelsea Market cookbook 1 0 0 r e c i P e S F r o M n e W Yo r K ’ S P r e M i e r i n D o o r F o o D H A L L ■
By M i C h a e l P h i l l i P s w i t h r i C k r o D g e r s
P h oto g r a P h s By j e n n i F e r M ay
Chelse a Market’ procee s d be don s will ated to charity
S E LLIng pOIntS ■ Timed for the 15th anniversary of the iconic market
New York’s immensely popular food emporium celebrates its 15th anniversary with 100 recipes
■ chelsea Market attracts 6 million national and international visitors annually ■ Features recipes from big-name contributors—including Bobby Flay, giada De Laurentiis, Anita Lo, Marc Vetri, Bill Telepan, and Alex guarnaschelli
s pecifications 75 color illustrations 224 pages, 8 × 10" Hardcover RIGHTS: World
PUB MONTH: oCToBEr n the landmark National Biscuit Company building,
Chelsea Market has inspired countless tourists and
locals alike with its vegetable, meat, and seafood shops,
top-notch restaurants, kitchen supply stores, and every-
ISBN 978-1-61769-037-2 ISBN$29.95 978-1-61769-037-2 US CAN $32.95
thing food-related in between. In celebration of its 15-year milestone, The Chelsea Market Cookbook collects the most interesting and famous recipes from the market’s
9 781617 690372
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
eclectic vendors and celebrity food personalities. Archival images, gorgeous food photography, and
See page 139
cooking and entertaining tips and anecdotes accompany the 100 recipes, ranging from Buddakan’s Hoisin Glazed Pork Belly, to Sarabeth’s Velvety Cream of Tomato Soup, to Ruthy’s Rugelach. This keepsake volume is sure to bring the fun and tastes of this immensely popular food emporium to your home kitchen. Michael Phillips is the COO of Jamestown, the real estate firm that runs Chelsea Market. He oversees the merchandising, leasing, branding, and marketing of the Market. rick rodgers is the author of more than 40 cookbooks, including the bestselling Thanksgiving 101. He has written more than a dozen books for Williams-Sonoma, and his recipes have appeared in Cooking Light, Fine Cooking, and Bon Appétit, among other media outlets.
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Home cooking for Your Dog 7 5 H o L i S T i c r e c i P e S F o r A H e A LT H i e r D o g ■
By C h r i s t i n e M . F i l a r D i
s e lling points ■ The first holistic cookbook for dogs includes 75 vet-approved
Holistic meals and treats for happier, healthier four-legged friends
recipes for cooked and raw meals, plus treats ■ Americans spend more than $50 billion on their pets annually ■ includes a removable bookmark with feeding charts for easy
A port the pro ion of ce support eds will anim rescue al
reference ■ Features photos of dogs and humorous line art throughout
s pecifications 60 illustrations 160 pages, 7 × 9" Hardcover with bookmark RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: oCToBEr PETS • gIfT ISBN 978-1-61769-055-6 ISBN 978-1-61769-055-6 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
ome Cooking for Your Dog is the first holistic cookbook for dogs to include recipes for cooked
meals, treats, and the raw food diet—a big trend in the pet industry. User-friendly, chop-licking recipes like
Fido’s Fishcakes, Potluck Polenta, and Peanut Butter and 9 781617 690556
See page 139
Coconut Cakes call for healthy ingredients you can find in your local grocery store (or may already have at home) to create balanced, nutritious meals for a healthier, happier dog. Headnotes provide nutrition information, cooking tips, and anecdotes from the author about her own four dogs to help readers transition their dogs to a homemade diet. Illustrated with a combination of irresistible color photographs of dogs and humorous line art, the book is a must-have for dog owners everywhere. A portion of the proceeds will support animal rescue. Christine M. filardi is a certified holistic chef for animals and the founder of BowMeowRaw, a company that coaches dog and cat owners on transitioning their pets to a holistic lifestyle. For more than 10 years, she has worked with pet owners, veterinarians, rescue organizations, and shelters to improve the health and well-being of their animals. She lives in East Atlantic Beach, New York.
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Kittenhood LiFe-Size PorTrAiTS oF KiTTenS in THeir FirST 12 WeeKS ■
By s a r a h B e t h e r n h a r t
A kitten for every heart—in life size s e lling points ■ Highlights the unique features of each breed ■ ernhart is an award-winning photographer ■ includes information about adoption, fostering, and volunteering
S pEcIfIcAtIOn S 100 color photographs 128 pages, 13 × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: oCToBEr PETS ISBN 978-1-61769-057-0 ISBN 978-1-61769-057-0 US $29.95 CAN $32.95
9 781617 690570
ittenhood showcases adorable kittens in
See page 139
life-size photographs taken in the early
weeks of their lives. The book itself is oversize
at 13 by 11 inches, allowing enough space to bring each of these little ones to life. Twenty-five
breeds are captured in engaging photographs, showing all the details that make kittens so irresistible, from their soft, fluffy bellies to their tiny teeth, large eyes, beautiful coloring, and expressive tails. The book features the most popular breeds, including Siamese, tabby, tuxedo, RagaMuffin, Persian, American shorthair, and Oriental shorthair, among others. Kittenhood is a unique gift book for cat lovers everywhere.
Puppyhood iSBn 978-1-58479-984-9 ISBN 978-1-58479-984-9 uS $29.95 CAN $32.95 52995 9 781584 799849
Sarah Beth Ernhart is an award-winning photographer and the founder of Joy Sessions, which aids terminally ill pets. She is dedicated to helping shelters and rescues and donates a portion of her fees to a different organization each month. Her work has been featured in many publications and blogs, including Professional Photographer, Minnesota Monthly, Minneapolis Picks, Phetched, and Mod-Dog. She lives in Minneapolis.
The Life and Love of Cats iSBn 978-1-4197-0404-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-0404-8 uS $50.00 CAN $57.50 55000 9 781419 704048
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Let’s Get This Party Started! D i Y c e Le B r ATi o n S F o r Yo u A n D Yo u r K i D S To c r e ATe To g e TH e r
DIY maven Soleil Moon Frye presents fun and affordable party ideas that parents and kids can create together
S E LLIng pOIntS ■ Frye is a regular contributor on nBc’s TODAY show ■ Frye has more than 1.4 million Twitter followers
By s o l e i l M o o n F ry e
and her blog, Moonfrye.com,
P h oto g r a P h s By M e e n o
gets tens of thousands of
unique visitors per month et’s Get This Party Started is a guide to more than 15 parties you can throw for your kids that are inexpensive, wildly inventive, and fun. Each
party includes two crafts, one game, and one recipe—all of which you can put
S pEcIfIcAtIOn S
together with your child. Author Soleil Moon Frye also offers countless tips and
250 color illustrations
ideas that will inspire you. Among the thematic parties featured in the book are
176 pages, 7¾ × 9¾"
the fairy party, the pirate party, the movie-on-the-lawn party, the camp party,
Paperback with flaps
the ’80s party, the rainbow party, the Halloween party, the luau, and many more, captured in gorgeous and colorful images by Frye’s brother, photographer Meeno. Timely and fun, this book is a must-have for parents who love entertaining with their kids.
Enthusiastic, spunky, and positive, Punky Brewster was the quintessential
ISBN 978-1-61769-034-1
’80s kid. Today, Soleil Moon frye, who played the classic character on TV,
ISBN$22.50 978-1-61769-034-1 US CAN $25.50
is a married mom of two, an author, a regular contributor on NBC’s TODAY show, a momtrepreneur who parlayed her successful kids’ clothing line into a partnership with Target and now serves as Target’s Mommy Ambassador,
9 781617 690341
See page 139
and a social media maven with more than 1.4 million followers on Twitter and a Facebook community of more than 600,000. Frye resides in Los Angeles with her husband, Jason, and their two daughters, Poet and Jagger.
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J’aime Paris A TA S T e o F PA r i S i n 2 0 0 c u L i n A rY D e S T i n AT i o n S ■
By a l a i n D u C a s s e
P h oto g r a P h s By P i e r r e M o n e t ta
t e x t By F r é D é r i C k e . g r a s s e r h e r M é
aN alaIN dUCaSSE Book
Porta Guide ble bo Includ ok ed!
s e lling points ■ Alain Ducasse is a worldrenowned chef with fine restaurants all over the world ■ Spans the full scope of the Paris
World-renowned chef Alain Ducasse shares his 200 favorite Paris food spots
food world, from restaurants to markets to chocolate shops ■ Beautiful photographic reportage fills the pages with more than 2,000 color and black-and-white photographs ■ includes a portable illustrated
“A beautifully indulgent book”
guidebook (56 pages, 5⅝ × 8¼")
—Food and Travel
complete with addresses
“J’aime Paris is very much a culinary
and contact information for
homage to Paris”—Daily Telegraph
venues listed
s pecifications 2,000 color and black-and-white photographs 596 pages, 7½ × 9½" Hardcover with padded cover, 56-page portable guidebook insert RIGHTS: NorTH aMErICa PUB MONTH: oCToBEr food & WINE • TraVEl
n J’aime Paris, internationally acclaimed chef Alain Ducasse offers his lovingly curated selection of the
best culinary addresses in Paris. From warm breakfast
croissants along the Canal Saint-Martin to a magical dinner at the Eiffel Tower, Ducasse takes us on the
ISBN 978-2-84123590-2 ISBN$45.00 978-2-84123-590-2 US CAN $52.00
9 782841 235902
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
ultimate gourmet voyage around the city famous for its cooking. Here is a guide to the finest fresh ingredients, artisanal products, cafés, restaurants, wine bars, cheese and chocolate shops, and much more—complete with the histories of the places and stories about the people who create culinary delights every day. Like Ducasse’s J’aime New York, this volume is
a stunning work of photographic reportage, featuring more than 2,000 photographs and a handy, removable guidbook. This gorgeous volume is essential for tourists, armchair travelers, and food lovers. alain ducasse is one the most renowned chefs of his generation and has fine restaurants all over the world.
J’aime New York iSBn 978-1-61769-044-0 ISBN 978-1-61769-044-0 uS $45.00 CAN $52.00 54000 9 781617 690440
He is also a restaurant designer, hotelier, and teacher of the culinary arts. frédérick E. grasser Hermé is a French food editor and author. Pierre Monetta is a Paris-based photographer.
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Terry John Woods’ Farmhouse Modern ■
By t e r ry j o h n w o o D s
P h oto g r a P h s By k i n D r a C l i n e F F s e lling points ■ Designer/photographer team with a strong track record
In-depth profiles of classic farmhouses with a modern twist
■ includes tips for shopping at flea markets, yard sales, and estate sales ■ Farmhouse style is one of the most popular genres in interior design
S pEcIfIcAtIOn S 150 color illustrations 224 pages, 9⅞ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: oCToBEr INTErIor dESIgN ISBN 978-1-61769-031-0 ISBN 978-1-61769-031-0 US $45.00 CAN $52.00
n the third installment of their successful farmhouse-
9 781617 690310
style series, designer Terry John Woods and
photographer Kindra Clineff profile farmhouses in the
Northeast that blend traditional and modern elements
in new and interesting ways. Fans of Woods’s previous books will be delighted with the breadth of farmhouses profiled and the variety of locales, from Vermont to Maine to New Hampshire. Known for celebrating imperfections, Woods designs with intention, and his homes are places filled with warmth, texture, and light. He takes an honest approach to his subject, offering simple but beautiful ideas that will transform the home. Pairing the clean lines and industrial feel of modern design with the rustic, hand-
Terry John Woods’ Summer House iSBn 978-1-58479-924-5 ISBN 978-1-58479-924-5 uS $45.00 CAN $54.00 54500
forged, and natural elements of more traditional design allows Woods to explore contrast and space in a way that
9 781584 799245
has never been seen before. Terry John Woods’s career has included painting and sculpture, garden and interior design, and styling features for national publications. His folk-art talents were developed in the 1980s with his design and creation of vintagestyle teddy bears, which are now collected internationally. Visit his website at terryjohnwoods.com. kindra Clineff specializes in location photography for commercial and editorial clients. Visit her website at kindraclineff.com.
Terry John Woods’ New Farmhouse Style iSBn 978-1-58479-792-0 ISBN 978-1584797920 uS $45.00 CAN $58.50 54500 9 781584 797920
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Lena corwin’s Made by Hand A c o L L e c T i o n o F P r oJ e c T S To P r i n T, S e W, W e AV e , DY e , K n i T, A n D oT H e r W i S e c r e AT e ■ By l e n a C o r w i n ■ P h oto g r a P h s By M a r i a a l e x a n D r a V e t t e s e anD stePhanie CongDon Barnes s e lling points ■ corwin’s first book, Printing
A one-stop-shop for modern crafting techniques from bestselling author Lena Corwin
by Hand, has sold more than 45,000 copies ■ captures the hip, maker-friendly style of the contemporary DiY community ■ Projects contributed by buzzworthy, fashion-forward DiYers and designers
s pecifications 385 color illustrations 176 pages, 8½ × 9½" Hardcover RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: oCToBEr CrafT ISBN 978-1-61769-059-4 ISBN 978-1-61769-059-4 US $29.95 CAN $32.95
n 2009, tastemaker and bestselling author Lena Corwin turned the top floor of her Brooklyn brownstone into
a studio and began hosting classes for local crafters. In Lena Corwin’s Made by Hand, she re-creates and builds
9 781617 690594
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
upon her popular workshop series in order to reach crafters in Brooklyn and beyond. For this “best of” collection, she has chosen expert teachers and her favorite projects:
Jenny Gordy introduces us to knitted socks and elegantly sewn tops and dresses; Cal Patch teaches how to make a modern embroidery sampler as well as a braided rag rug; and Corwin herself presents her favorite screen-printing and stamping techniques. In total, there are 26 lessons/ projects, all presented with step-by-step photos and illustrations.
Printing by Hand iSBn 978-1-58479-672-5 ISBN 978-1584796725 uS $29.95 CAN $35.95 52995 9 781584 796725
Weekend Handmade iSBn 978-1-58479-940-5 ISBN 978-1-58479-940-5 uS $27.50 CAN $31.50 52750 9 781584 799405
lena Corwin is the author of STC Craft’s Printing by Hand, the illustrator for STC Craft’s Kids Crochet and Kids Weaving, and the curator of an independent art and design publishing collective called Lines & Shapes. She has worked as a graphic and textile designer for Marithé + François Girbaud, Calvin Klein, and Jill Stuart, and has designed textiles and home goods for Anna Sui, Trina Turk, Rebecca Taylor, Target, and Urban Outfitters.
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The Knitted Slipper Book S L i P P e r S A n D H o u S e S H o e S F o r T H e e n T i r e FA M i LY ■
By k at i e s ta r t z M a n
P h oto g r a P h s By M i k a n a k a n i s h i
s e lling points ■ The first book from a major
A knitter’s guide to cozy footwear for every member of the family
publisher on the subject of knitted slippers and house shoes ■ Built-in market, as demonstrated by the popularity of projects and discussions on ravelry.com
s pecifications 150 color photographs 160 pages, 7¾ × 9¼" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: NoVEMBEr CrafT
ISBN 978-1-61769-058-7 ISBN 978-1-61769-058-7 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
nitted slippers and house shoes: These are the
new frontier for the legions of knitters passionate
about sock knitting. And The Knitted Slipper Book is an
9 781617 690587
everything-you-need-to-know guide to making this exciting variation on the sock. Whatever your preference— moccasins, mukluks, clogs, ballet flats, boots, booties, or Mary Janes—you’ll find all of the instruction you need. This eclectic collection of 30 designs is meant to satisfy the slipper styles of everyone in the family, young and old, male and female. In addition to the knitting instructions, techniques covered include felting; shaping; sizing;
attaching soles, linings, and insoles; and finishing with tassels, pom-poms, and other trims. Step-by-step photos assure beautiful, hard-wearing, and well-fitting results. katie Startzman writes about knitting and other crafts (including making her own leather sandals and
Knitted Socks East and West iSBn 978-1-58479-799-9 ISBN 978-1-58479-799-9 uS $22.50 CAN $29.50 52250
building a chicken coop in her backyard) on her blog, DuoFiberworks.com, which she shares with her sister. She sells individual knitting patterns from her blog and on Ravelry.com. She lives in Berea, Kentucky.
781584 797999
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Design Brooklyn r e n oVAT i o n , r e S To r AT i o n , i n n oVAT i o n , i n D u S T rY ■
By a n n e h e l l M a n
P h oto g r a P h s By M i C h e l a r n au D
s e lling points ■ More than 150 photos shot exclusively for this book
An exclusive tour of Brooklyn’s most exceptional architecture, innovative interiors, and distinctive design
■ An illustrated resource section features Brooklyn designers and their products ■ includes case studies of public and private spaces throughout the neighborhoods of Brooklyn
s pecifications 150 color photographs 256 pages, 8 × 11" Hardcover RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: oCToBEr INTErIor dESIgN ISBN 978-1-61769-052-5 ISBN 978-1-61769-052-5 US $40.00 CAN $45.00
esign Brooklyn is a visual exploration of the unique and diverse architecture, interiors, and design
of public and private spaces in today’s Brooklyn, from mechanics’ shops renovated into restaurants, to newly built
9 781617 690525
See page 139
museums, to restored brownstones and modern townhouses. Chapters focusing on renovation, restoration, innovation, and industry come to life with more than 150 original photographs representing various neighborhoods and trends. Including studies of the Brooklyn Academy of Music’s newest addition, Fort Greene Park, and Boerum Hill’s Flavor Paper, Design Brooklyn will appeal to anyone interested in urban living, design, and trendsetting Brooklyn style. anne Hellman is a Brooklyn-based writer and editor. She is the coauthor most recently of LogoLounge 7 and of Designers on Design. She is a regular contributor to the LogoLounge blog. Michel arnaud is an acclaimed photographer of interiors and fashion. His work has appeared in Vogue, Harper’s Bazaar, Town & Country, Architectural Digest, Oprah, House & Garden, the New York Times, and InStyle, and in many solo and group exhibitions in Europe and the United States. He divides his time between New York City and upstate New York.
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More Modern Top-Down Knitting 24 g A r M e nT S BA S e D o n BA r BA r A g . WA LK e r ’ S 12 To P - D oW n Te M P L AT e S ■
By k r i s t i n a M c g o wa n
P h oto g r a P h s By a n n a w i l l i a M s s e lling points ■ Mcgowan’s first book has sold
The eagerly awaited follow-up to the bestselling Modern Top-Down Knitting
more than 20,000 copies ■ inspired by the iconic knitter Barbara Walker’s groundbreaking book Knitting from the Top ■ 24 customizable projects channel a classically feminine style
s pecifications 75 color photographs 160 pages, 8½ × 9⅞" Hardcover RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: NoVEMBEr CrafT
ISBN 978-1-61769-033-4
arbara Walker’s Knitting from the Top, originally
ISBN 978-1-61769-033-4 US $27.50 CAN $31.50
published in 1972, is a treasure trove of inspiration
about the technique of knitting garments from the top down (for example, knitting a sweater from the neck
9 781617 690334
down to the hem or a hat from the crown down to the brim). In 2010, STC Craft published Kristina McGowan’s successful Modern Top-Down Knitting, a collection of fashion-conscious top-down designs inspired by Walker’s book. Knitters not only loved the technique, which allows for easy, try-on-as-you-go custom fitting, but also applauded McGowan’s modern sense of style. For More Modern Top-Down Knitting, McGowan has dug even
deeper into Walker’s iconic work—this time challenging herself to design two garments based on each of Walker’s 12 basic top-down templates. The results come together to form a fresh, stylish wardrobe that includes everything from sweaters and dresses to capes, skirts, hats, and even pants and shorts.
Modern Top-Down Knitting iSBn 978-1-58479-861-3 ISBN 978-1-58479-861-3 uS $27.50 CAN $35.95 52750
kristina Mcgowan is a New York City–based knitwear designer. Her first book, Modern Top-Down Knitting, was published in 2010 by STC Craft.
781584 798613
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Fifty Places to Fly Fish Before You Die iSBn 978-1-58479-356-4 ISBN 978-1-58479-356-4 uS $24.95 CAN $29.95 52495 9
781584 793564
Fifty More Places to Fly Fish Before You Die iSBn 978-1-58479-937-5 ISBN 978-1-58479-937-5 uS $24.95 CAN $27.95 52495 9 781584 799375
Fifty Places to Go Birding Before You Die iSBn 978-1-58479-629-9 ISBN 978-1-58479-629-9 uS $24.95 CAN $29.95 52495
781584 796299
Fifty Places to Bike Before You Die iSBn 978-1-58479-989-4 ISBN 978-1-58479-989-4 uS $24.95 CAN $27.95 52495 9 781584 799894
Fifty Places to Hike Before You Die iSBn 978-1-58479-853-8 ISBN 978-1-58479-853-8 uS $24.95 CAN $32.50 52495
781584 798538
Fifty Places to Sail Before You Die iSBn 978-1-58479-567-4 ISBN 978-1-58479-567-4 uS $24.95 CAN $32.50 52495 9
781584 795674
Fifty Places to Dive Before You Die iSBn 978-1-58479-710-4 ISBN 978-1-58479-710-4 uS $24.95 CAN $27.50 52495 9
781584 797104
Fifty Places to Play Golf Before You Die iSBn 978-1-58479-474-5 ISBN 978-1-58479-474-5 uS $24.95 CAN $34.95 52495 9
781584 794745
Fifty More Places to Play Golf Before You Die iSBn 978-1-58479-793-7 ISBN 978-1-58479-793-7 uS $24.95 CAN $32.50 52495 9
781584 797937
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Fifty Places to Ski and Snowboard Before You Die D o W n H i L L e x P e r T S S H A r e T H e W o r L D ' S g r e AT e S T D e S T i n AT i o n S ■
By C h r i s s a n t e l l a s e lling points ■ The Fifty Places series has sold
World-class skiing and snowboarding experts share the best destinations
more than 400,000 copies ■ contributors include olympic champions and x games winners ■ Features breathtaking national and international destinations ■ Special promotions to celebrate the 10th book in the series
s pecifications 45 color illustrations 224 pages, 7 × 8" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: NoVEMBEr SPorTS
ISBN 978-1-61769-054-9 ifty Places to Ski and Snowboard Before You Die—the 10th
ISBN 978-1-61769-054-9 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
book in the popular Fifty Places series—takes readers to
some of the world’s most inspiring skiing/snowboarding destinations: the Chugach Mountains (Alaska); Aspen, Crested Butte,
and Steamboat Springs (Colorado); Tuckerman Ravine (New Hampshire); Rusutsu (Japan); Chamonix (France); Portillo (Chile); and Whistler Blackcomb (British Columbia). Based on interviews with leading experts, the book chronicles the rich history of these sports and the people who have mastered them, including Tommy Moe, Jonny Moseley, Billy Kidd, and Greg Harms. Above
9 781617 690549
6-CoPy dISPlay ISBN 978-1-61769-094-5 ISBN$119.70 978-1-61769-094-5 US CAN $131.70
9 781617 690945
See page 139
all, Santella provides readers with the gorgeous scenery, the glamorous ambiance, and the always thrilling experience of visiting mountains from the Alps to the Rockies, whether it’s après-ski in Cortina or helicopter rides into virgin Alaskan powder. Chris Santella is a freelance writer and marketing consultant based in Portland, Oregon. A regular contributor to the New York Times and Forbes.com, he has also contributed to the New Yorker, Travel & Leisure, Golf, American Lawyer, and Delta Sky. Santella is the author of nine other titles in the Fifty Places series, as well as STC’s Fifty Favorite Fly-Fishing Tales and Why I Fly Fish.
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Wrigley Field A n o r A L A n D n A r r AT i V e H i S To rY o F T H e H o M e o F T H e c H i c Ag o c u B S ■
By i r a B e r ko w
F o r e w o r D By k e r ry w o o D
By j u s t i C e j o h n Pau l s t e V e n s
ContriBution By josh noel
s e lling points ■ Available in time for press coverage of the 100th anniversary in April 2014 ■ The chicago cubs have a passionate fanbase, with more than 2 million fans online and more than 3 million visitors a year to Wrigley Field ■ Bestselling author Berkow has interviewed notable fans such as Barack obama, george F. Will, and many others
S pEcIfIcAtIOnS 200 color illustrations 224 pages, 11 × 10" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: JaNUary SPorTS
Celebrating the 100th anniversary of beloved Wrigley Field
his stunning tribute to “the one and only,” written by Pulitzer
Prize–winning journalist Ira Berkow, is timed to coincide
ISBN 978-1-58479-915-3
with the 100th anniversary of Wrigley Field in 2014. Wrigley Field
ISBN 978-1-58479-915-3 US $45.00 CAN $52.00 54500
brilliantly and beautifully documents the stadium’s entire career
9 781584 799153
See page 139
through a decade-by-decade account, a priceless collection of historical photographs and memorabilia, and vivid first-person reminiscences of the people to whom this great place has meant so much. Notable fans interviewed for this book include Barack Obama, Scott Turow, Joe Mantegna, Sara Paretsky, Jim Bouton, and George F. Will, among others. Rounded out by a foreword by former player Kerry Wood and an afterword by associate justice John Paul Stevens, this is a book that no Cubs fan—and no baseball fan—will be able to resist.
Ira Berkow, born and raised in Chicago and a Northwestern University graduate, was a sports columnist for the New York Times for 26 years. He shared a Pulitzer Prize for National Reporting and was a Pulitzer finalist for
101 Reasons to Love the Cubs iSBn 978-1-58479-499-8 ISBN 978-1584794998 uS $15.95 CAN $17.95 51595 9 781584 794998
Remembering Yankee Stadium iSBn 978-1-58479-716-6 ISBN 978-1584797166 uS $45.00 CAN $48.95 54500 9 781584 797166
Commentary. He is the author of 21 books, including the bestsellers Red: A Biography of Red Smith and Maxwell Street: Survival in a Bazaar. He lives in New York City with his wife, Dolly.
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Luminous interiors ■
By B r i a n j . M c C a r t h y
s e lling points ■ Mccarthy’s work has been featured in Architectural Digest, Elle Décor, Vogue, Town & Country, and more ■ Mccarthy is the first designer since elsie de Wolfe to design rooms for the Frick mansion ■ Features 10 of the most luxurious and exclusive homes in the united States
S pEcIfIcAtIOn S 200 color illustrations 256 pages, 11½ × 11½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: NoVEMBEr INTErIor dESIgN ISBN 978-1-61769-043-3 ISBN 978-1-61769-043-3 US $60.00 CAN $69.00
Leading interior designer Brian McCarthy shares his astonishing residences
9 781617 690433
See page 139 n the tradition of Parish Hadley alumni such as Bunny Williams and David Easton, renowned interior
designer Brian J. McCarthy creates the most sumptuous homes. Known for his attention to detail and love of texture, he brings his astonishing vision to this beautiful volume, which explores 10 of his favorite projects around the country, from the Hamptons to
Southern California. In hundreds of photographs chronicling his unique approach toward design and renovation, McCarthy features spectacular city apartments and country mansions that will inspire readers to create luxury in their own residences. Brian J. McCarthy launched his own firm in 1991 after working with Albert Hadley since 1983; he was honored that same year by Pratt Institute as a leader in the field of design. His work has been featured in Architectural Digest, Town & Country, House & Garden, Vogue, and Elle Décor, as well as New York magazine and the New York Times. He lives in New York City.
The Joy of Decorating iSBn 978-1-58479-961-0 ISBN 978-1-58479-961-0 uS $50.00 CAN $57.50 55000 9 781584 799610
Bunny Williams’ Point of View iSBn 978-1-58479-624-4 ISBN 978-1-58479-624-4 uS $65.00 CAN $75.00 56500 9 781584 796244
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eating in color D e L i c i o u S , H e A LT H Y r e c i P e S F o r Yo u A n D Yo u r FA M i LY ■
By F r a n C e s l a r g e M a n - r ot h
P h oto g r a P h s By Q u e n t i n B aC o n
A fun, accessible approach to a healthier diet S E LLIng pOIntS ■ From a New York Times bestselling author, who is a frequent guest on the TODAY show, Dr. Oz, and other national TV shows ■ includes 90 accessible recipes for family meals, highlighting antioxidant-rich fruits, vegetables, and whole grains ■ Features ingredient profiles that discuss seasonality and health benefits, and how to choose, store, and use 60 healthy ingredients
S pEcIfIcAtIOn S 50 color illustrations 224 pages, 8 × 9" Hardcover RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: JaNUary CookINg
f art throughout the ages is any indication, few things are as visually
ISBN 978-1-61769-029-7
stunning as the intensity of color present in nature. In Eating in Color,
ISBN$27.50 978-1-61769-029-7 US CAN $31.50
registered dietitian and bestselling author Frances Largeman-Roth
offers home cooks an easy, fun plan for utilizing the color spectrum to bring more vividly hued food to the table. From deep green kale to
9 781617 690297
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
vermilion beets, Eating in Color showcases vibrant, delicious foods that have been shown to reduce the risk of heart disease and stroke,
See page 139
some cancers, diabetes, and obesity. Avocados, tomatoes, farro, blueberries, and more shine in stunning photographs of 90 colorcoded, family-friendly recipes, ranging from Caramelized Red Onion and Fig Pizza to Cran-Apple Tarte Tatin. Clear preparation instructions and nutritional information make this an essential resource for eating well while eating healthy. frances largeman-roth is a registered dietitian and the former food and nutrition director of Health magazine. Currently she is a contributor to and TV spokesperson for Cooking Light magazine. She is the author of Feed the Belly: The Pregnant Mom’s Healthy Eating Guide and coauthor of the New York Times bestselling The CarbLovers Diet and The CarbLovers Diet Cookbook.
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A one-of-a-kind guide to cat love, from Michael Showalter, the hilarious genius behind The State and Wet Hot American Summer
Diagram of a Cat
Cat Lady
Cool Guy
F13_03IMG_pc3.indd 80
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Guys Can Be Cat Ladies Too A G u i d e B o o k F o r M e n A n d T h e i r C AT s ■
By M i c h a e l S h o wa lt e r
s e lling points ■ showalter has a huge social media platform with more than 260,000 Twitter followers ■ showalter is extremely well connected and is a beloved star in the comedy world ■ Cat humor is a bestselling category—2012’s How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You and I Could Pee on This sold more than 200,000 copies combined ■ Authour proceeds will go to the new York humane society
s pecifications 60 illustrations 176 pages, 5½ × 8" Paperback RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr HUMor • PETS ISBN 978-1-4197-0690-5
ISBN 978-1-4197-0690-5 US $14.95 CAN $16.95
ichael Showalter’s Guys Can Be Cat Ladies Too is the hilarious all-access guide to help a man
comprehend, appreciate, and bond with the felines in
9 781419 706905
See page 139
his life. They say dogs are a man’s best friend. True! But what if that man’s girlfriend/boyfriend, wife/husband, or mother-in-law has a cat? Is that the end for him? Is he resigned to an eternity of estrangement from this furry creature with which he shares his life partner, his favorite chair, and his sock drawer? Showalter offers hope for men everywhere in their
6-coPy dISPlAy ISBN 978-1-4197-1120-6 ISBN$89.70 978-1-4197-1120-6 US CAN $101.70
9 781419 711206
quest to understand and love cats. In this intimate portrait of one man’s love for cats, you will learn the answers to burning questions such as: “Why are they all aloof and weird and stuff?”; “They hate me, right?”; and “Is it true that they have nine lives?” Armed with these and countless other valuable lessons, by the book’s end any guy can be on the fast track to becoming a cat’s best friend. Michael Showalter is a comedian, actor, writer, and director. He lives in New York.
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i, Toto T h e Au To B i o G r A p h Y o F T e r rY, T h e d o G w h o wA s ToTo ■
By w i l l a r d c a r r o l l
s e lling points ■ Just in time for the 75th anniversary of the world-famous film
This Abrams classic— updated with a brand-new cover—is back to celebrate the 75th anniversary of The Wizard of Oz
■ warner Bros. is releasing a special restored and 3-d version of The Wizard of Oz on Blu-ray in 2013 ■ new major motion picture, Oz the Great and Powerful, starring James Franco, coming out in 2013
s pecifications 150 color and black-and-white illustrations 96 pages, 6½ × 8¼" Paperback RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr PErforMINg ArTS ISBN 978-1-4197-0983-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-0983-8 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
uring the expansion of the Ventura Freeway in Los Angeles, Willard Carroll unearthed a
leatherbound scrapbook from a site that was once a
pet cemetery. To his amazement, its yellowing pages contained the rags-to-riches story of Terry, the cairn terrier who played Toto in the enduring film The Wizard of Oz. Reprinted here in its entirety, I, Toto traces the canine
9 781419 709838
star’s tragic beginnings, her exhilarating film career,
6-coPy dISPlAy ISBN 978-1-4197-1121-3 ISBN$119.70 978-1-4197-1121-3 US CAN $131.70
9 781419 711213
and her happy retirement in Southern California. Best of all, it offers the inside scoop on Toto’s signature role, her costars, and the making of The Wizard of Oz. Toto’s lovingly illustrated scrapbook features 150 photographs collected over the dog’s life. This unique autobiography, reissued just in time for the film’s 75th anniversary, is a must-have for every fan of the classic movie and its equally classic canine star. Willard carroll is an Emmy Award–winning producer, writer, and director. He has written and directed the feature films The Runestone, Tom’s Midnight Garden, Playing by Heart, and Marigold. He has amassed the world’s largest collection of Wizard of Oz memorabilia, documented in 100 Years of Oz: A Century of Classic Images from The Wizard of Oz Collection of Willard Carroll. Together with Tom Wilhite, he founded the National Oz Museum.
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Bun B’s rap Coloring and Activity Book ■
By S h e a S e r r a n o a n d B u n B
s e lling points ■ The rap Coloring Book Tumblr has been featured on the
A hilarious and witty coloring/activity book for hip-hop lovers everywhere
Huffington Post, on BuzzFeed, in Spin magazine, and in New York magazine’s Approval Matrix ■ will be promoted on many celebrity social media accounts including Bun B, ice-T, and others ■ Features Ludacris, drake,
“what every hip-hop
Childish Gambino, Macklemore,
head wishes they
Queen Latifah, and many more
had as a child.” —Washington Post
s pecifications Colored in example
48 pages, 8 × 10" Paperback RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: SEPTEMBEr HUMor • MUSIc • PoP cUlTUrE ISBN 978-1-4197-1041-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-1041-4 US $12.95 CAN $13.95
9 781419 710414
apper Bun B lends his street cred and occa-
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
sionally his face to the creative, hilarious, and
just flat-out fun imaginings of Shea Serrano in Bun
B’s Rap Coloring and Activity Book. Described by the Washington Post as “what every hip-hop head wishes they had as a child,” this imaginative work started as a series of printable rap-related coloring and activity images. The 48-page, fully interactive book of coloring pages, unbelievably clever activities, and smart plays on rap culture brings these
also avail ab le
stars and their music right into your living room. Shea Serrano is a Houston-based writer who has written about music and popular culture for the past five years for magazines, newspapers, and websites. Bun B is a legendary figure in rap, currently the most popular form of music on the planet. As part of the groundbreaking group UGK, he helped pioneer Southern rap in the 1990s.
Understand Rap isBn 978-0-8109-8921-4 ISBN 978-0-8109-8921-4 us $12.95 CAN $13.95 51295 9 780810 989214
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By e d d i e t r u n k
Fore word By Sl aSh
n the much-anticipated sequel to the best-
also avail ab le
selling Eddie Trunk’s Essential Hard Rock and
Heavy Metal, Trunk picks up where he left off by featuring 35 new bands, both legendary and forgotten, and sharing his passion for all things metal. Complete with his favorite playlists, band
“Eddie Trunk is one of the greatest true rock-and-roll fans I’ve ever met. He hears it, sees it from all angles, with an unusually unbiased point of view.” —slash
discographies, memorabilia, trivia, and more than 200 color photographs, this new book combines brief band histories with Trunk’s unique personal experiences and anecdotes in a must-read for all fans of rock and roll. Featuring a diverse lineup, from Marilyn Manson and Ace
“Eddie’s a true flag-waving
Frehley to Lita Ford and Whitesnake, Volume 2
defender of all things
salutes all those who are ready to rock!
Eddie Trunk’s Essential Hard Rock and Heavy Metal isBn 978-0-8109-9831-5 ISBN 978-0-8109-9831-5 us $19.95 CAN $23.95 51995
rock.” —Bret Michaels “Eddie’s name should be spelled
Eddie Trunk is the host of VH1 Classic’s That
M-E-T-A-L. All of us should
Metal Show and is heard on two weekly
be thanking him because he
radio shows: Eddie Trunk Live, which airs on
has kept this scene alive for
Sirius-XM Radio’s the Boneyard channel, and the
everyone.” —ronnie James dio
FM-syndicated Eddie Trunk Rocks, broadcast
9 780810 998315
live in New York City on Q104.3. He lives in New Jersey.
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A hard-rocking follow-up! s pecifications 200 color photographs
s e lling points ■ Trunk has a powerful
240 pages, 8 × 9"
promotional platform with
Paperback with flaps
a popular TV show and two
radio programs
■ That Metal Show is filming its
12th season and is the most
popular show on Vh1 Classic ■ Trunk has a large and active
ISBN 978-1-4197-0869-5 ISBN$19.95 978-1-4197-0869-5 US CAN $21.95
Facebook presence, and more than 100,000 Twitter followers
9 781419 708695
See page 139
■ introduction by renowned guitarist slash, formerly of Guns n’ roses
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wonderbook T h e i L Lu s T r AT e d G u i d e To C r e AT i n G i M AG i n AT i V e F i C T i o n ■
By J e F F Va n d e r M e e r
s e lling points ■ Amazing top-tier contributors include George r. r. Martin, Lev
A fully illustrated guide to writing fantasy by the bestselling author of The Steampunk Bible, and packed with advice from many other bestselling fantasy authors
Grossman, neil Gaiman, Michael Moorcock, paolo Bacigalupi, karen Joy Fowler, and more ■ Many of the bestselling books in this genre have gone mainstream and brought wider audiences to fantasy books ■ The Steampunk Bible has sold 47,800 copies net
s pecifications 100 color illustrations 352 pages, 7 × 10" Paperback RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: ocToBEr rEfErENcE ISBN 978-1-4197-0442-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-0442-0 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
9 781419 704420
See page 139
his all-new definitive guide to writing imaginative fiction takes a completely novel approach and fully
exploits the visual nature of fantasy through original drawings, maps, renderings, and exercises to create a spectacularly beautiful and inspiring object. Employing
an accessible, example-rich approach, Wonderbook energizes and motivates while also providing the practical, nuts-and-bolts information needed to improve as a writer. Aimed at aspiring and intermediate-level writers, Wonderbook includes helpful sidebars and essays from
also avail ab le
some of the biggest names in fantasy today, such as George R. R. Martin, Lev Grossman, Neil Gaiman, Michael Moorcock, Catherynne M. Valente, and Karen Joy Fowler, to name a few. Jeff VanderMeer is the author of more than 20 books and a two-time winner of the World Fantasy Award. His books have made the year’s-best lists of Publishers Weekly, LA Weekly, the Washington Post, Amazon, the San Francisco Chronicle, and many more. He is the
The Steampunk Bible isBn 978-0-8109-8958-0 ISBN 978-0810989580 us $24.95 CAN $27.95 52495 9 780810 989580
cofounder and codirector of Shared Worlds, a unique writing camp for teenagers, and has taught at Clarion, the world’s premier fantasy/sci-fi workshop for adults. VanderMeer is based in Tallahassee, Florida.
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Much Loved ■
By M a r k n i xo n
A weird and whimsical photography collection of well-worn, but well-loved, stuffed animals s e lling points ■ nixon’s stuffed animal portraits have been featured on BuzzFeed, Flavorwire, and scores of other sites ■ nixon’s website is highly trafficked—it received 1.5 million hits in 10 days
s pecifications 60 color photographs 128 pages, 7 × 9" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: ocToBEr PHoTogrAPHy
ISBN 978-1-4197-1012-4 ward-winning photographer Mark Nixon has
ISBN 978-1-4197-1012-4 US $17.95 CAN $19.95
created a trove of quirky and nostalgic portraits
of teddy bears and other stuffed animals that have been lovingly abused over years of play. Much Loved collects
60 of these images along with their accompanying background tales. An exhibit in the photographer’s studio
9 781419 710124
6-coPy dISPlAy ISBN 978-1-4197-1118-3 ISBN$107.70 978-1-4197-1118-3 US CAN $119.70
led to a small sensation on the Internet when a few of the pictures circulated unofficially on scores of blogs and on
9 781419 711183
many legitimate news sites. Viewers have been intrigued by the funny, bittersweet images and their ironic juxtaposition of childhood innocence and aged, loving wear and tear. When you see these teddy bears and bunnies with missing noses and undone stuffing, you can’t help but think back to childhood and its earliest companions, who asked for nothing and gave a lot back. Mark Nixon is a two-time winner of Overseas Photographer of the Year (British Photographic Awards) and winner of Irish Photographer of the Year (Irish Professional Photographers Association). He is based in Dublin, Ireland.
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Glamorous by George ■
By G e o r G e kot S i o p o u lo S
s e lling points ■ kotsiopoulos is a regular on e!’s popular weekly series Fashion Police ■ kotsiopoulos was named one
Every woman can look red-carpet ready with this fun and frank guide from Fashion Police’s George Kotsiopoulos
of the Hollywood Reporter’s 25 Most powerful stylists in hollywood ■ Follows in the footsteps of Abrams’ successful Tim Gunn: A Guide to Quality, Taste and Style
s pecifications 50 color photographs 176 pages, 6¼ × 8¼" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: World ENglISH PUB MONTH: JANUAry fASHIoN ISBN 978-1-4197-0879-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-0879-4 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
ith the advent of inexpensive but beautifully designed clothing available nationwide,
elegance is within everyone’s reach. And George Kotsiopoulos—the breakout star of E!’s Fashion
Police—will show you the way. Glamorous by George 9 781419 708794
See page 139
offers easy-to-achieve tips for looking like a movie star. With practical advice and blunt observations, this simple, no-nonsense guide is accessible to people of all ages and income levels. George addresses clothing, accessories, and fashion, as well as the best pieces for different body types and skin colors. And because movie-star style also extends to surroundings, Glamorous by George also guides readers to budget-friendly ideas for easy
also avail ab le
decorating and entertaining. george Kotsiopoulos is a fashion editor, consultant, and stylist. He is currently the cohost of the hugely popular series Fashion Police on E!. Kotsiopoulos began his career in the style department at the New York Times Magazine. In 2011 and 2012, he was named one of the
Tim Gunn isBn 978-0-8109-9284-9 ISBN 978-0-8109-9284-9 us $19.95 CAN $22.95
Hollywood Reporter’s “25 Most Powerful Stylists in Hollywood” and was featured in the coveted OUT100, Out magazine’s annual list of the most influential people in the LGBT communities.
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We Won’t See Auschwitz ■
By J é r é m i e D r e s
An uplifting semi-autobiographical work about the search for identity s e lling points ■ Appeals to fans of historical fiction and Jewish interest as well as second- and third-generation American Jews whose relatives arrived during and after World War II
s pecifications 208 pages, 6½ × 9½" Paperback RIGHTS: North AmerIcA PUB MONTH: SePtemBer GrAPhIc Novel
ISBN 978-1-906838-63-8 ISBN 978-1-906838-63-8 US $22.95 CAN $25.95
9 781906 838638
fter their grandmother’s death, Jérémie and his brother attempt to learn more
about their family’s Jewish-Polish roots. But
Jérémie is less interested in how the Holocaust affected his family and more interested in understanding what it means to be Jewish and Polish in today’s world. They decide not to do the Holocaust trail—they won’t go to Auschwitz—but instead go to Żelechów, the vil-
Also AvAil Ab le
lage where their grandfather was born; Warsaw, their grandmother’s hometown; and Kraków, the city that hosts Europe’s largest festival of Jewish culture. In their quest for identity, they gradually put together the pieces of their family history, while at the same time discovering a country still affected by its past and a culture
A Chinese Life ISBN 978-1-906838-55-3 ISBN 978-1-906838-55-3 US $27.50 CAN $31.50
9 781906 838553
greater than themselves. Jérémie Dres lives in Paris, France. This is his first graphic novel.
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Rebetiko ■
By Dav i D P r u D h o m m e
An unusual tale of music, history, and politics, and the clash between cultures s e lling points ■ Crossover appeal to music fans, similar to Chico & Rita (SelfMadeHero, Spring 2012) ■ Rebetiko has won several prestigious awards at European film and comics festivals
s pecifications 104 pages, 6½ × 9½" hardcover RIGHTS: North AmerIcA PUB MONTH: SePtemBer GrAPhIc Novel • mUSIc
ISBN 978-1-906838-51-5 ISBN 978-1-906838-51-5 US $22.95 CAN $25.95
9 781906 838515
ebetiko refers to the fusion of West and East, Greece and Asia Minor, in
music. However, to General Metaxas, it is only a
reminder of the Turkish influence on his country. The ruthless Greek dictator is determined to crack down on rebetis and their way of life, creating strict censorship. A small group of
Also AvAil Ab le
friends—Rebetiko musicians—wind their way through the Athenian backstreets, ouzeris, and market squares, dodging the police while settling disputes over hashish and women. With music at its heart, the narrative portrays a day in the life of the Rebetiko musicians in Athens in 1936. David Prudhomme is a graduate of the Arts School of Angoulême and an award-winning graphic novelist. He lives in Bordeaux, France.
Chico & Rita ISBN 978-1-906838-29-4 ISBN 978-1-906838-29-4 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
9 781906 838294
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The (True!) History of Art ■
By s y lva i n C o i s s a r D a n D a l e x i s l e m o i n e
A humorous gift book unveiling the mysteries behind the world’s greatest paintings s e lling points ■ The perfect gift for arty friends and family ■ A treat for art lovers of all ages as well as anyone who enjoys a good laugh
s pecifications 66 color illustrations 48 pages, 9½ × 5½"
“Smart, funny, imaginative . . . a magical little
book.” —Anna Gavalda, Elle France
RIGHTS: North AmerIcA PUB MONTH: octoBer Art • hUmor ISBN 978-1-906838-71-3 ISBN$15.50 978-1-906838-71-3 US CAN $17.50
9 781906 838713
his small book contains big revelations. It unveils the mysteries behind the world’s great paintings. Or, it
might not. The (True!) History of Art takes an outrageously speculative look at the stories behind the works of
Monet, Rembrandt, and other masters of art. In a series of hilarious parodies, Sylvain Coissard and Alexis Lemoine
Sylvain coissard is a literary agent special-
answer the nagging questions of art history: what caused
izing in children’s books and graphic
Munch’s subject to scream? Why is Van Gogh’s Yellow
novels. He lives in Nîmes, France. This is
Bedroom so suspiciously tidy? Why is Cézanne wearing
his first book. Alexis lemoine studied at
a bandage in his famous self-portrait? The (True!) History
the Estienne art school in Paris and, in 1997,
of Art is for anyone who wants to know what happened
became a professional illustrator. He works
before the Mona Lisa smiled. Or, rather, what might
for the French press (notably Libération).
have happened.
He lives in Paris, France.
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Pachyderme ■
By F r e D e r i k P e e t e r s
s e lling points ■ Frederik Peeters has established a strong fan base with his award-
A surreal and poetic tale of mystery and imagination
winning graphic novels Blue Pills and Sandcastle (SelfMadeHero, Spring 2013), which won the Best Science Fiction Graphic Novel of 2011 at Utopiales and was nominated for the grand prize at the 2011 Angoulême International Comics Festival ■ Crossover appeal for science fiction, and mystery readers, and fans of existentialism ■ Foreword by French comic book legend Moebius
s pecifications 88 pages, 6½ × 9½" hardcover RIGHTS: North AmerIcA PUB MONTH: octoBer GrAPhIc Novel
ISBN 978-1-906838-60-7 ISBN 978-1-906838-60-7 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
9 781906 838607
his cinematic tale opens surrealistically: with a traffic jam caused by a wounded
elephant. Our heroine, Carice, abandons her car and walks trancelike through a wood to
visit her husband in the hospital. Along the way she meets a few odd characters, including a blind pig keeper and an alien-looking baby. The surreal encounters do not stop
Also AvAil Ab le
there. The hospital is eerie and foreboding. When Carice’s whistling wakes up an apparently dead body in the morgue, she soon realizes that the aged cadaver she’s talking to is her future self. Frederik Peeters has been nominated five times at Angoulême in the best book category, and won the best series prize in 2013. He lives in Geneva, Switzerland.
Sandcastle ISBN 978-1-906838-38-6 ISBN 978-1-906838-38-6 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
9 781906 838386
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The Shadow Out of Time ■
By h . P. lov e C r a F t
a Da P t e D a n D i l lu s t r at e D By i . n . J . C u l B a r D
s e lling points ■ Adapter and artist I. N. J. Culbard has won awards and widespread critical acclaim for his previous titles, At the Mountains of
A disturbing tale for H. P. Lovecraft fans of all ages
Madness and The Case of Charles Dexter Ward ■ Appeals to readers who bought The Lovecraft Anthology, Volume I, Volume II, and The Case of Charles Dexter Ward ■ H. P. Lovecraft has a vast cult following similar to that of Edgar Allan Poe and has inspired modern masters such as Stephen King and Alan Moore
s pecificAtions 120 pages, 6½ × 9½" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: North AmerIcA PUB MONTH: NovemBer GrAPhIc Novel ISBN 978-1-906838-68-3 ISBN 978-1-906838-68-3 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
9 781906 838683
Also AvAil Ab le
n 1908, Nathaniel Wingate Peaslee experiences an unfortunate fainting spell. Five years
later, he finally returns to his senses, but has
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward ISBN 978-1-906838-35-5 ISBN 978-1-906838-35-5 US $19.95 CAN $21.95 51995
no recollection of these lost years of his life. As he attempts to discover what happened during this time, he becomes increasingly tormented by vivid, disturbing dreams—dreams that will lead him on a journey through space and
9 781906 838355
Lovecraft Anthology, Volume 1 ISBN 978-1-906838-53-9 ISBN 978-1-906838-53-9 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
time to unlock the secrets of his past and of the universe.
h. P. lovecraft (1890–1937) was one of the most 9 781906 838539
influential horror writers of the 20th century.
Lovecraft Anthology, Volume 2 ISBN 978-1-906838-43-0 ISBN 978-1-906838-43-0 US $19.95 CAN $21.95 51995
9 781906 838430
I. N. J. culbard has adapted several classics for SelfMadeHero, including At the Mountains of Madness and The Case of Charles Dexter Ward. He lives in Nottinghamshire, England.
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4/1/13 1:32 PM
The Castle ■
By F r a n z k a F k a
a Da P t e D By Dav i D z a n e m a i r o w i t z
i l lu s t r at e D By Ja r o m í r 9 9
s e lling points ■ Kafka is one of the most famous
A powerful tale of isolation transformed into an innovative, enigmatic graphic novel
and influential writers of the 20th century, and his works are part of the core curriculum in schools throughout the country ■ Crossover appeal with fans of Kafka and other Modernist writers ■ The Castle, Kafka’s last novel, published in 1926, remains a must-read literary classic and is now easily accessible to a broad array of readers in this graphic novel format
s pecifications 144 pages, 6½ × 9½" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: North AmerIcA PUB MONTH: NovemBer GrAPhIc Novel
ISBN 978-1-906838-67-6 ISBN 978-1-906838-67-6 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
he protagonist of this Kafka classic, K., finds himself
9 781906 838676
in a faraway, snow-covered village with a castle
looming above. The inhabitants of the mysterious castle
are also the strict officials who govern the village. When K. tries to reach out to the officials, he gets himself into a complex misunderstanding over the contradictory rules and regulations that dictate the daily life of the villagers. The Castle explores the conflicting tension of power between individuals—represented by K.—and the
Also AvAil Ab le
authorities—the officials in the castle. Franz Kafka (1883–1924) is considered one of the most seminal writers of the early 20th century. David Zane mairowitz is an author, playwright, radio director, and translator. He lives in France. Jaromír 99 (a.k.a. Jaromír Švejdík) is an artist, musician, and animator. He won the European Academy Award for his animated film Alois Nebel, which is also a graphic novel. He lives in the Czech Republic.
The Complete Don Quixote ISBN 978-1-906838-65-2 ISBN 978-1-906838-65-2 US $27.50 CAN $31.50
9 781906 838652
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Vendome Press V&A Publishing Tate Publishing Royal Academy of Arts Publications Boothâ&#x20AC;&#x2018;Clibborn Editions 5 Continents Editions
F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 97
4/1/13 1:34 PM
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Vendome 4/1/13 1:34 PM
Tom Scheerer Decorates ■
by M i M i R e a d
P h oto g R a P h s by F R a n c e s c o L ag n e s e
s e lling points ■ First book on the work of Tom Scheerer, who has a devoted following among the shelter magazines and decorating blogs
Top interior designer Tom Scheerer creates rooms that are crisp, confident, and visually enthralling
■ Full publicity and promotion campaign with numerous appearances in major markets ■ Prepublication features in House Beautiful and T: The New York Times Magazine ■ Extensive list of sources ■ Successful genre: will appeal to buyers of other contemporary designers’ monographs
s pecifications 225 color photographs 240 pages, 10 × 12" hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICAn EngLIsh PUB MONTH: sEPTEMBER InTERIoR dEsIgn •
dECoRATIVE ARTs n a world where over-the-top accessorizing and conspicuous luxury get all the attention, Tom Scheerer has cultivated his own, more
restrained brand of chic, a look he modestly describes as “cheerful”
and “no nonsense.” In New York apartments, Brooklyn brownstones, Bahamian country clubs, and Maine summer houses, Scheerer
IsBn 978‑0‑86565‑305‑4 ISBN 978-0-86565-305-4 Us $55.00 CAN $62.00
9 780865 653054
has created rooms that are crisp and confident, but also visually enthralling. The magic is in the way Scheerer combines classic, old-fashioned decorating with modernist touches à la Albert Hadley and Billy Baldwin, but with a keener attention to natural materials, unpretentious vernacular crafts, and the prettiest color combinations this side of India. He cherishes the simplest, least manipulated fab-
Also AvAil Ab le
rics—cottons, linens, dimities, even candlewicking—and loves certain inexpensive accents as much as he does truly fine ones. All this adds up to fresh, relaxed interiors that look like no others. Exquisitely photographed, this first book of Scheerer’s work perfectly illustrates what makes that work so unforgettable. Mimi Read writes about architecture and design for numerous publications. Francesco Lagnese’s work appears regularly in Condé Nast Traveler, Vanity Fair, House Beautiful, Town & Country, and other publications.
ISBN 978-0-86565-272-9 ISBN 978-0-86565-272-9 US $55.00 CAN $62.00 55000 9 780865 652729
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Katie Ridder Rooms
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4/1/13 1:34 PM
Habsburg Treasures AT T H E K U N S T H I S To r I S C H E S M U S E U M , V I E N N A ■
by s a b i n e h a ag a n d F R a n z K i R s c h w e g e R
s e lling points ■ The spring opening of Vienna’s famed Kunstkammer (closed for nearly 10 years after the theft of
Masterpieces from the world-renowned, newly reopened Kunstkammer (Art Room) at the Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna
Cellini’s Saltcellar) was one of the important art events of 2013, covered in all major media ■ Each exceptional object has been newly photographed and is accompanied by an enlightening text by the Kunstkammer’s director and curator ■ Museum collection books are enjoying a renewed popularity
s pecifications 215 color and black-and-white illustrations 304 pages, 9½ × 11¾" hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICAn EngLIsh PUB MONTH: sEPTEMBER ART
en years after the tragic theft of Benvenuto Cellini’s masterpiece, a gold and enamel saltcellar, Vienna’s
Kunstkammer (Art Room) at the Kunsthistoriches Museum
IsBn 978-0-86565-298-9
has reopened. Completely renovated, the gallery is once
ISBN 978-0-86565-298-9 Us $90.00 CAN $102.50 59000
again showcasing the Habsburg dynasty’s exceptional
9 780865 652989
collection of art and wonders. Here is a trove of sculptures and bronzes by such giants as Donatello and Giambologna, the world’s greatest collection of Baroque carved-ivory figures, and glorious Baroque silver goblets and vessels, as well as magically endowed natural wonders, such as ostrich eggs mounted in jewels, gold, and silver gilt. Pride of place is held by the Cellini saltcellar, which was found nearly three years after its disappearance in the woods 55 miles north of Vienna, as were the thieves. It had been buried underground and survived in perfect condition. With text by the museum’s director, Sabine Haag, and the curator of the Kunstkammer, Franz Kirchweger, alongside specially commissioned photography, this book celebrates a marvelous collection, at last reunited. sabine haag is the director of the Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna. Franz Kirchweger is the curator of the Kunstkammer.
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Vendome 4/1/13 1:34 PM
The Art Glass of Louis Comfort Tiffany ■
by Pau L e . d o R o s
F o R e w o R d by a L i c e c o o n e y F R e L i n g h u y s e n
P h oto g R a P h s by dav i d s c h L e g e L
FRoM ThE VEndoME PREss s e lling points ■ Tiffany Favrile glass remains highly sought after and is increasingly valuable ■ The first volume in a generation devoted solely to Louis Comfort
The first volume devoted to Louis Comfort Tiffany’s highly collectible Favrile art glass
Tiffany’s Favrile glass ■ Exceptional, specially commissioned photography ■ A companion volume to Vendome’s acclaimed The Lamps of Louis Comfort Tiffany ■ A must-have for collectors and would-be collectors
s pecifications 225 color illustrations 228 pages, 10 × 12" hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICAn
EngLIsh ouis Comfort Tiffany considered his Favrile glass,
produced between the 1890s and 1920s, his signature
artistic achievement. Now highly collectible, the glass underscores one-of-a-kind quality—every piece was blown and decorated by hand. This definitive account explores
IsBn 978-0-86565-304-7 ISBN 978-0-86565-304-7 Us $75.00 CAN $86.00
the full range of Tiffany Studios’ remarkably diverse and innovative styles and forms, captured here in sumptuous
9 780865 653047
photographs. From the exquisite delicacy of the Flowerform vases to the dramatic golden flow of the Lava vases, the book highlights a variety of unique masterpieces. With a biography of Louis Comfort Tiffany, a history of the glasshouse and its extraordinary technical innovations, and profiles of the gifted glassworkers and scientists behind the
Also AvAil Ab le
artworks, as well as never-before-published documents and archival photographs of Tiffany and his family, The Art Glass of Louis Comfort Tiffany showcases the mastery and vision behind these remarkable works. Paul E. doros is a former glass expert in Christie’s Twentieth Century Decorative Arts Department and curator of Glass at the Chrysler Museum of Art in Norfolk, Virginia. Alice Cooney Frelinghuysen is the Anthony W. and Lulu C. Wang Curator of American Decorative Arts, Metropolitan Museum of Art. david schlegel is a staff photographer at Christie’s.
Vendome F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 101
The Lamps of Louis Comfort Tiffany ISBN 978-0-86565-296-5 ISBN 978-0-86565-296-5 US $35.00 CAN $40.00
9 780865 652965
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4/1/13 1:35 PM
FiFth Avenue S A De sign e r ’ s n e w Yor k A pA rt m e n t ■
by h o wa R d s L at K i n
P h oto g R a P h s by t R i a g i ova n
oward Slatkin’s philosophy is that a home should be a deeply personal refuge that gives pleasure
and comfort. Focusing on his own masterfully imagined Fifth Avenue apartment, Slatkin demonstrates how any space can achieve a level of sophisticated calm through careful lighting and floor planning, clever arrangement of furniture, and decorative displays. In this gorgeously illustrated volume, Slatkin, an interior designer and founder of the iconic home-fragrance and lifestyle brand Slatkin & Co., shares his practical—and often ingenious—methods for creating unique, personal rooms that are comfortable and functional as well as beautiful,
and reveals his secrets to entertaining with ease and flair. Slatkin shows how rooms should flow naturally, how to create an intimate feeling, and how to find imaginative solutions for turning awkward spaces and limitations into assets. howard slatkin is an interior designer and the co-founder of Slatkin & Co. His interiors have appeared in Architectural Digest, Town & Country, and House & Garden. Tria giovan’s work has been published in Aperture, Elle, Esquire, Harper’s, Graphis, Travel & Leisure, Smithsonian, Vogue, and many other publications.
1 02
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e Style
An intimate tour of interior designer and lifestyle brand founder Howard slatkin’s exquisite Fifth Avenue apartment
s pecifications
s e lling points ■ Creative and practical decorating and entertaining tips and advice from one of New York’s most exclusive designers ■ An all-access pass to a legendary Fifth Avenue apartment ■ First serial sold to New York magazine ■ Slatkin & Co.’s home-fragrance and lifestyle products are found in more than 150 million American homes
s pecificAtions 300 color illustrations 240 pages, 10 × 12" hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICAn EngLIsh PUB MONTH: sEPTEMBER InTERIoR dEsIgn • dECoRATIVE ARTs IsBn 978‑0‑86565‑289‑7 ISBN 978-0-86565-289-7 Us $60.00 CAN $70.00
9 780865 652897
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4/1/13 1:35 PM
by o s c a R t u s q u e t s b L a n c a , M a R t i n e d i ot, a d e L a ï d e d e s av R ay,
J é R ô M e c o i g n a R d, a n d J e a n d e t h i e R ■
s e lling points
A showcase of the astonishing staircases created throughout history, from the stepped pyramids of the ancient Maya to computer-aided designs
■ Covers a broad range of architectural styles and periods, from ancient times to today ■ Appeals to the architecture and interior design market ■ The text explores the aesthetics, as well as the religious, mystical, and hierarchical meaning with which staircases were often endowed
s pecifications 238 color and black-and-white illustrations 240 pages, 9¾ × 12¼" hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA PUB MONTH: oCToBER ARChITECTURE IsBn 978-0-86565-309-2 ISBN 978-0-86565-309-2 Us $75.00 CAN $86.00
he essential purpose of a staircase is utilitarian: to facilitate ascent and descent. Yet the design of even
the simplest stair is complex, requiring great knowledge,
skill, and ingenuity. This volume showcases the astonishing 9 780865 653092
diversity of staircases over the centuries, from the stepped pyramids of the Maya to the exquisitely proportioned stairs of the Renaissance, to the elaborate balustraded confections of the Baroque period, to the virtuosic, computer-aided designs of today. Among the scores of featured staircases are Michelangelo’s double stair at the Palazzo dei Senatori on the Capitoline Hill in Rome; the double-spiral stair at Château de Chambord in France’s Loire Valley; the entrance stair in the Winter Palace (now the Hermitage) in St. Petersburg; the radical spiral ramp of Frank Lloyd Wright’s Guggenheim Museum; and the exterior stair at the Pompidou Center in Paris. Architectural tours de force all, often charged with religious, mystical, and hierarchical meaning, these staircases are inherently dynamic, as is every page of this fascinating and beautifully illustrated book. oscar Tusquets Blanca is an architect, designer, painter, and writer.
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Vendome 4/1/13 1:36 PM
The Art Deco Poster ■
by w i L L i a M w. c R o u s e
i n t R o d u c t i o n by a L a s ta i R d u n c a n
s e lling points ■ This is the first book on Art Deco
Posters of the 1920s and 1930s rank among the most popular and influential graphic design collectibles
posters in more than 30 years, and the first one to be almost completely illustrated in color ■ The Art Deco style is immensely popular and influential ■ Poster books are good sellers; they provide inspiration to artists and designers ■ Includes works by well-known artists and designers such as A. M. Cassandre
s pecifications 300 color and 25 black-and-white illustrations 296 pages, 9½ × 11¾"
hardcover with jacket osters of the Art Deco period, which once graced billboards and walls to advertise every variety
of product, service, entertainment, or political cause,
are today prized for the richness of their design and
gRAPhIC dEsIgn • ART
ingenuity; they offer inspiration for graphic designers and are highly collectible. Now, William Crouse, a long-time poster aficionado and collector, has selected more than 300 of the most sought-after examples of poster art created between the world wars to include in this definitive
IsBn 978‑0‑86565‑308‑5 ISBN 978-0-86565-308-5 Us $65.00 CAN $75.00
9 780865 653085
volume. Organized thematically (aviation, communication, fashion, etc.), The Art Deco Poster presents a jaunty cavalcade of international poster design, and includes rare and unique examples by masters of the art form, including Nizzoli, Cassandre, and Beall. Each poster—superbly photographed under carefully controlled conditions—is accompanied by an informative caption that addresses the aesthetic, sociological, economic, and/or political context of the image. The book includes an introduction by well-known Art Deco specialist Alastair Duncan. William W. Crouse is a major collector of 20th-century posters. Alastair duncan was for many years an officer and consultant of Christie’s, New York, and is now an independent consultant on the decorative arts of the 19th and 20th centuries.
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Beyond Chic G r E AT FA S H I o N D E S I G N E r S AT H o M E ■
t e x t a n d P h oto g R a P h s by i va n t e R e s tc h e n Ko
s e lling points
A rare glimpse into the private world of great couturiers— Chanel, Alaïa, Armani, Blahnik— and the homes of their muses, too
■ An unparalleled tour of the homes of the world’s greatest fashion designers ■ Great track record on books with photos of designers’ homes: not just The Private World of Yves Saint Laurent but also The Selby Is in Your Place, Dressing the Home, and others ■ More than 250 color photographs taken by one of the leading photographers of design and architecture
s pecifications 250 color illustrations 284 pages, 9¼ × 12¼" hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICAn EngLIsh
PUB MONTH: oCToBER ome of the most important people in fashion—
Chanel, Alaïa, Yves Saint Laurent, Pucci, Kenzo,
and Missoni—are known for their public image and their iconic designs. But what kind of world have they cultivated behind closed doors? From France to Italy, from England to Morocco, come along on a private
InTERIoR dEsIgn • FAshIon IsBn 978‑0‑86565‑287‑3 ISBN 978-0-86565-287-3 Us $85.00 CAN $98.00
9 780865 652873
visit to the remarkable homes of couturiers, stylists, muses, and fashion personalities. Photographer Ivan Terestchenko shows the décor, works of art, and the personal collections of these legendary designers. Some interiors, such as Chanel’s apartment at 31 rue Cambon, are mythic, while others like those of Giorgio Armani’s
Also AvAil Ab le
châlet or Vanessa Seward, Azzaro’s head designer, are completely unconventional. From minimal (Nicole Farhi) to exotic (Franca Sozanni), to a deceptively simple French farmhouse (Loulou de La Falaise), this book explores the spaces and places created by some of fashion’s biggest names.
The Private World of Yves Saint
Ivan Terestchenko’s photographs have been published in numerous books and magazines, including The Private World of Yves Saint Laurent & Pierre Bergé, Casa Vogue, W, and Elle Décor.
ISBN 978-0-86565-251-4 ISBN$95.00 978-0865652514 US CAN $123.50
9 780865 652514
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Laurent & Pierre Bergé
FA L L 2 0 1 3
1 07
4/1/13 1:36 PM
The English Country House ■
by Ja M e s P e i L L
F o R e w o R d by J u L i a n F e L Lo w e s
P h oto g R a P h s by Ja M e s F e n n e L L
s e lling points ■ Contains intimate views of
A private tour of 10 magnificent English country houses, all still in the hands of their original families
English houses still owned and lived in by the original families ■ Written by James Peill, author of Vendome’s The Irish Country House and curator of Goodwood House—one of the houses featured in the book ■ Specially photographed for this volume by a renowned interior photographer ■ Foreword by Julian Fellowes,
“This book will give great pleasure to any
creator of Downton Abbey
who open its covers.” —Julian Fellowes
s pecifications 225 color photographs 224 pages, 9¼ × 12¼" hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICAn EngLIsh PUB MONTH: oCToBER InTERIoR dEsIgn • dECoRATIVE ARTs IsBn 978-0-86565-306-1 ISBN 978-0-86565-306-1 Us $55.00 CAN $62.00
tately, grand, and a testament to the generations who have cared for them, the 10 English country houses
featured in this volume are architecturally distinctive and
filled with evocative family memorabilia, from commissioned portraits to monogrammed heirloom dinner services to the bells that once summoned the downstairs staff. Like Downton Abbey, these homes are still in the hands of descendants of the original owners.
9 780865 653061
From Kentchurch Court, which has been the seat of
Also AvAil Ab le
the Scudamore family for nearly 1,000 years, to a delightful Gothic house in rural Cornwall to a charming ducal palace to Goodwood House, England’s greatest sporting estate, this beautifully illustrated book showcases a wealth of gardens, interiors, and fine art collections. James Peill, coauthor of Vendome’s The Irish Country House, recounts the ups and downs of the deep-rooted clans who constructed these
The Irish Country House ISBN 978-0-86565-282-8 ISBN 978-0-86565-282-8 US $29.95 CAN $32.95
9 780865 652828
The Scottish Country House ISBN 978-0-86565-288-0 ISBN 978-0865652880 US $50.00 CAN $57.50
9 780865 652880
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homes and illuminates the history and legends behind these marvelous estates, many of which have never before been published. James Peill is the curator of Goodwood House and a former vice president of Christie’s. Julian Fellowes is an actor, novelist, film director, and screenwriter, best known as the creator of Downton Abbey. James Fennell is the photographer of The Irish Country House and The Scottish Country House.
Vendome 4/1/13 1:37 PM
The Art of Drawing BrITISH MASTErS AND METHoDS SINCE 1600 ■
by s u s a n o w e n s
V& A P U B L I s h I n g
his beautiful book reveals works from the
Victoria and Albert Museum’s rich collection
s pecificAtions 155 color illustrations
of drawings ranging from the early 17th century
208 pages, 8⅝ × 11¼"
right up to the present day. Reproducing, often
hardcover with jacket
for the first time, works by foremost British artists, this book offers fresh insights into the wide range of ways in which these artists have used drawing to think on paper, build up ideas, and make finished exhibition pieces. Including examples from the greatest masters—William Blake, Thomas Rowlandson, John Constable, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, Edward Burne-Jones, Paul
RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA PUB MONTH: oCToBER ART IsBn 978-1-85177-758-7
ISBN 978-1-85177-758-7 CAN $45.00 54000
Us $40.00
9 781851 777587
Nash, Lucian Freud, David Hockney, John Piper, Grayson Perry, and others—author Susan Owens discusses the art and craft of drawing, materials, and techniques, and why artists chose them. susan owens is curator of Paintings and Drawings at the V&A. She has published and lectured widely on 19th- and 20th-century British art.
Modern British Furniture DESIGN SINCE 1945 ■
by L e s L e y Jac K s o n
V& A P U B L I s h I n g
ritish furniture designers have made a unique contribution to modern design. This
s pecificAtions 300 color illustrations
book pinpoints the most inventive designers
320 pages, 8½ × 10⅝"
and companies from 1945 to the present—from
hardcover with jacket
postwar pioneers such as Ernest Race, Robin Day, and Robert Heritage, to iconoclastic figures such as Peter Murdoch, William Plunkett, and Max Clendinning, to today’s global superstars led by Tom Dixon, Ron Arad, and Jasper Morrison. This is a story of entrepreneurs—Lucian Ercolani at Ercol, Terence Conran at Habitat, and Rodney Kinsman at OMK, among others—and creative alliances, such as Frank Guille at Kandya. Today, top British designers collaborate
RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA PUB MONTH: oCToBER dEsIgn • ARChITECTURE • InTERIoR dEsIgn IsBn 978-1-85177-759-4
ISBN 978-1-85177-759-4 CAN $75.00 56500
Us $65.00
9 781851 777594
with international companies and foreign-born designers, such as El Ultimo Grito, to inject further variety into British furniture design. Lesley Jackson is an independent writer, curator, and design historian specializing in postwar design.
V&A Publishing F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 109
Also AvAil Ab le British Design from 1948 ISBN 978-1-85177-674-0 ISBN 978-1-85177-674-0 US $75.00 CAN $86.00
9 781851 776740
FA L L 2 0 1 3
4/1/13 1:37 PM
Pearls ■
by b e at R i z c h a d o u R - s a M P s o n w i t h h u b e R t b a R i
V& A P U B L I s h I n g
s e lling points ■ Jewelry is a perennially popular
A beautiful introduction to the history of pearls in jewelry
subject ■ Features everything from rings to tiaras from antiquity to the present ■ Will appeal to those with an interest in fashion and jewelry through the ages ■ Provides insight into sociological, historical, and ritual use of pearls ■ Published to tie in with major exhibition at the V&A
s pecifications 140 color illustrations 160 pages, 8¼ × 9⅝" hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA PUB MONTH: oCToBER JEWELRy • FAshIon IsBn 978-1-85177-755-6 Us $40.00
CAN $45.00
ISBN 978-1-85177-755-6 54000
or millennia pearls have been associated with royalty, glamour, and status, and treasured for their
exquisite beauty. Pearls traces the history of these coveted gems over the centuries and across cultures from East to West, from the Roman Empire right up to the present day. Historical portraits and contextual material explain
9 781851 777556
e XHibition scHe DUle Victoria and Albert Museum, London Sept 21, 2013–Jan 19, 2014
the social and cultural significance of pearls, exploring the changing fashions in how pearls were worn, whether as signs of luxury and status or as attributes of the Virgin Mary, representing purity and chastity. Pearls brings together an impressive range of jewelry, from Renaissance-era pearl necklaces that made history with their intricate stories and intrigues, to the pearl drop worn by England’s Charles I when he went to the scaffold and a brooch given by Prince Albert to Queen Victoria on their third wedding anniversary. From the late 19th century, luxury brands such as Chaumet, Garrard, Cartier, Tiffany, and Bulgari came to the fore, and with the introduction of cultured pearls in the early 20th century, pearls, formerly a symbol of privilege, became a more popular and affordable adornment. Beatriz Chadour‑sampson is a jewelry historian and scholarly author who has published extensively on subjects from antiquity to the present day. hubert Bari is curator at the Qatar Museum Authority.
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V&A Publishing 4/1/13 1:37 PM
Grace Kelly Style FA S H I o N F o r H o L LY W o o D ’ S P r I N C E S S ■
by h . K R i s t i n a h au g L a n d, J e n n y L i s t e R , a n d s a M a n t h a e R i n s a F e R
V& A P U B L I s h I n g
Now in paperba ck
s e lling points ■ Explores Grace Kelly’s status as an enduring style icon with gorgeous photography that
The fashion legacy of Grace Kelly, Hollywood star, royal bride, beloved princess
captures her timeless elegance ■ The V&A exhibition in 2010 was a huge success, now the exhibition catalog is available in paperback at a great price ■ Features fashions by Chanel, Madame Gris, Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Dior, and Balenciaga,
“Examines the iconic style of
among others
Kelly, the actress, the royal bride, and the enchanting fairy-tale princess.”—Scotsman “Sumptuous” —Harper’s Bazaar
s pecifications 80 color and 49 black-and-white illustrations 112 pages, 8½ × 10⅝"
Paperback ollywood star, royal bride, beloved princess—
Grace Kelly (1929–1982) embodied all three titles
with a style all her own. Renowned for her cool beauty
and faultless taste, the young actress stood apart from the other film sirens of the 1950s, with thousands of
IsBn 978‑1‑85177‑699‑3
women, both in the United States and Europe, emulating
ISBN 978-1-85177-699-3 Us $24.95 CAN $27.95
her classic yet accessible style. Her marriage to Prince Rainier of Monaco in 1956 catapulted Grace to further
9 781851 776993
fame and cemented her influence on the world of fashion. From the Parisian catwalks to the pages of Vogue, the “Grace Kelly Look” became the look of the moment. Now available in paperback, this book was published to accompany an acclaimed exhibition at the V&A in April 2010. Sumptuously illustrated, the book introduces
Also AvAil Ab le
Grace’s glamorous wardrobe—dress by dress, couturier by couturier, among them Chanel, Madame Grès, Yves Saint Laurent, Christian Dior, and Balenciaga—as she transformed herself from actress to bride to princess. h. Kristina haugland is associate curator of Costume and Textiles at the Philadelphia Museum of Art. She lives in Philadelphia. Jenny Lister is curator of NineteenthCentury Textiles and Fashion at the V&A. samantha Erin safer was formerly assistant curator of the Fashion and Textile Museum, London.
ISBN 978-1-85177-746-4 ISBN 978-1-85177-746-4 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
9 781851 777464
V&A Publishing F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 111
Ballgowns: British Glamour Since 1950
FA L L 2 0 1 3
4/1/13 1:37 PM
Fashion in Detail 1700–2000 ■
e d i t e d by c L a i R e w i Lc ox
V& A P U B L I s h I n g
Highlights from the acclaimed Fashion in Detail series in one sumptuous volume s e lling points ■ Success of the Fashion in Detail
pr Ais e for tH e fA s Hion in DetAil s e rie s
series, a respected source for designers, students, and fashion
“Provides the ultimate
inspiration.” —InStyle
■ Stunning specially commissioned photographs and line drawings
“Meticulously detailed as well as
showing garments that cannot
gorgeous . . . The color photographs—
normally be seen in close-up—
which cover page after page and
a unique visual resource
capture these intricate designs in close-up—are the main source of
■ V&A fashion titles are widely
delight.” —TimeOut (London)
admired by professionals and the
“Not to be missed by those interested in
general public alike
fashion, dressmaking, costume design,
s pecificAtions
couture, or embroidery.” —Sewing World
525 color illustrations and color and line drawings
600 pages, 11¾ × 11¾" hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WoRLd EngLIsh
he V&A’s renowned Fashion in Detail series has become essential reading for historians, costumers, designers, and fashion students alike. This impressive volume brings
together for the first time highlights from all the titles in the series. Drawn from the V&A’s
Fashion Collection, the largest and most comprehensive in the world, the book showcases
all varieties of dress, accessories, shoes, and hats, from exquisite 17th-century gowns to 20th-century daywear and haute couture. This chronological survey covers 400 years.
IsBn 978-1-85177-768-6
The book contains concise and authoritative texts by V&A curators, glorious color
ISBN 978-1-85177-768-6 Us $85.00 CAN $95.00
photography including large, stunning details, plus specially commissioned line drawings
of complete garments.The result is a visual banquet of textures, patterns, and craftsman-
9 781851 777686
ship and an eye-opening testament to the variety and creativity of dress. Claire Wilcox is senior curator of Fashion at the V&A. She has curated many exhibitions including the V&A’s Vivienne Westwood (2004) and The Golden Age of Couture( 2007) and edited the accompanying books.
Also AvAil Ab le
Seventeenth- and Nineteenth-Century Fashion in Detail
World Dress: Fashion
Underwear: Fashion
Fashion in Detail
Fashion in Detail
in Detail
in Detail
ISBN 978-1-85177-571-2
ISBN 978-1-85177-568-2
ISBN 978-1-85177-572-9
ISBN 978-1-85177-616-0 ISBN 978-1-85177-567-5 ISBN 978-1-85177-571-2 ISBN 978-1-85177-568-2 ISBN 978-1-85177-616-0 ISBN 978-1-85177-567-5 CAN $43.95 US $39.95 CAN $43.95 US $39.95 CAN $43.95 US $49.95 CAN $59.95 5 3 9 9 5 US $39.95 CAN $47.95 53995 53995 54995 53995
ISBN 978-1-85177-572-9
US $39.95 9
781851 775729
FA L L 2 0 1 3
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781851 775675
781851 775712
781851 775682
781851 776160
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Glam rock DA N D I E S I N T H E U N D E r W o r L D ■
by a Lw y n w. t u R n e R
V& A P U B L I s h I n g
s e lling points ■ Numerous celebrity and iconic
A timely look at the rise of glam rock in 1970s, bringing a sensational period to life
images including Lou reed, David Bowie, Mark Bolan ■ Includes many previously unseen as well as classic images and ephemera from the period ■ Innovative book design captures the mood of the period ■ V&A’s collections bring glam to life
s pecifications 150 color and black-and-white illustrations 160 pages, 8½ × 10⅝" hardcover with jacket
RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA n the early 1970s, glam rock changed the face of popular culture in Britain. Against a backdrop of a nation
racked by economical and social crises, the flamboyancy
and theatricality of glam provided an excuse for a party and an escapist dream for musicians and fans alike. British acts like David Bowie, Roxy Music, T. Rex, and Mott the Hoople—together with Americans such as Lou Reed, Alice Cooper, and the New York Dolls—and innovative
IsBn 978‑1‑85177‑764‑8 ISBN 978-1-85177-764-8 Us $40.00 CAN $45.00
9 781851 777648
theatrical productions like The Rocky Horror Show, drew on the original blueprint of rock and roll as well as on Hollywood, cabaret, Broadway musicals, science fiction, and more, and the resulting music was a wild blend of camp artifice and avant-garde decadence. Drawing on the collections of the V&A, Glam Rock
Also AvAil Ab le
narrates the story of glam and explores its impact on fashion, theater, and film. Although by 1975 the era had come to an end, glam never went away. Its attitudes and aesthetics shaped much of what was to come, from disco to punk, the new romantics to Britpop, Prince to Lady Gaga.
David Bowie Is
Alwyn W. Turner’s previous books include Halfway to Paradise: The Birth of British Rock and My Generation: The Glory Years of British Rock.
9 781851 777372
V&A Publishing F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 113
ISBN 978-1-85177-737-2 ISBN 978-1-85177-737-2 US $55.00 CAN $62.00 55500
FA L L 2 0 1 3
4/1/13 1:37 PM
Masterpieces of Chinese Painting 700–1900 ■
e d i t e d by z h a n g h o n g x i n g
V& A P U B L I s h I n g
s e lling points ■ Visually stunning: Includes rarely seen objects from collections all over the world ■ Permanent record of delicate paintings that can only be displayed for short periods of time ■ The paintings tell the story of personal, cultural, religious, and court life in China ■ Strong market for Asian art
s pecifications 400 color illustrations 360 pages, 11¼ × 9¾" hardcover RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA PUB MONTH: oCToBER ART hIsToRy
ainting has always been regarded by the Chinese as a supreme art, equal to those of poetry and phi-
losophy. But dating back over 2,500 years, many Chinese
IsBn 978-1-85177-756-3
paintings were made to be viewed just for a few hours
Us $60.00
or weeks. As a result, the masterpieces of the form have
ISBN 978-1-85177-756-3 CAN $69.00 56000
9 781851 777563
e XHibition scHe DUle
been seen very rarely, and then only by a few. This spectacular book accompanies a major V&A exhibition that brings together some of the world’s greatest paintings
Victoria and Albert Museum,
on silk and paper—many of which will be displayed only
for a short time. All the paintings are reproduced in full,
Oct 26–Dec 29, 2013
A comprehensive, sumptuous overview gathered from collections worldwide
together with enlarged details. Written by international scholars, the book explains the background against which Chinese painters worked, as well as the original social context of the paintings and their display in the palace, temple, studio, or tomb. Essays on technique, materials, and collecting describe why these paintings are considered masterpieces today. The extraordinary range covers 8th-century devotional banners from the Dunhuang caves in the Gobi Desert to self-portraits by artists living in 19th-century Shanghai in an age of Western influence. Together they present a remarkable chronicle of Chinese painting through an appreciation of individual artists. Zhang hongxing is senior curator of Chinese Collections, Asian Department, Victoria and Albert Museum.
FA L L 2 0 1 3
F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 114
V&A Publishing 4/1/13 1:37 PM
In Black and White PrINTS FroM AFrICA AND THE DIASPorA ■
by g i L L s au n d e R s a n d zo e w h i t L e y
V& A P U B L I s h I n g
s pecificAtions
n Black and White explores prints from Africa
and the African diaspora since 1960. As an
80 color illustrations
accessible medium, print bridges the space
144 pages, 8¼ × 11"
between fine and commercial art as a vehicle for
expression and carries with it a tradition of satire
and protest, both social and political. Above all,
prints are a means of communication and cultural
exchange and, in the context of Africa and the African diaspora, these qualities have had a
IsBn 978-1-85177-754-9
particular resonance. This book presents and
Us $30.00
ISBN 978-1-85177-754-9 CAN $33.00 53000
interprets a variety of visual images from the V&A collections in terms of their political and social
9 781851 777549
context, while also addressing their identity as art and design. It includes prints by Uzo Egonu, Carrie Mae Weems, and Chris Ofili, among others, as well as work with an overt political purpose, such as posters attacking the Apartheid policies of South Africa, and material produced by American Black Power organizations such as the Black Panthers.
gill saunders is senior curator of Prints in the Word & Image Department at the V&A. Zoe Whitley is a curator at the V&A.
Baroque & Later Ivories ■
e d i t e d by M a R J o R i e t R u s t e d
V& A P U B L I s h I n g
s pecifications ore than 500 Baroque and later ivories
800 color illustrations
from the V&A’s outstanding collection
544 pages, 9¾ × 11¼"
are illustrated and discussed in this scholarly
hardcover with jacket
catalogue. Included here is every ivory sculpture
made after 1550 from a collection comprising
German, Austrian, Netherlandish, British, French,
Italian, Scandinavian, Russian, and Spanish pieces, as well as examples from the Philippines, Goa, Sri
IsBn 978‑1‑85177‑767‑9
Lanka, and South America. The range of objects
ISBN$150.00 978-1-85177-767-9 Us CAN $172.00
is extensive: statuettes, reliefs, tankards, boxes, cabinets, and cutlery handles are all represented.
9 781851 777679
The high quality of the V&A’s holdings is readily apparent; leading ivory sculptors to be
Limited edition, 30% discount,
found here include Francis van Bossuit, Benjamin
Cheverton, Balthasar Griessman, Joachim Henne, Johann Christoph Ludwig Lüecke, David Le Marchand, and Balthasar Permoser. In addition to
Also AvAil Ab le
detailed entries on each piece, the introduction
Medieval Ivory Carvings
summarizes the history and techniques of
ISBN 978-1-85177-612-2
Baroque and later ivory carving, while indexes of Marjorie Trusted is senior curator of Sculpture at
subjects and artists, in addition to a bibliography,
the V&A. She has published and lectured widely.
provide a full scholarly apparatus.
V&A Publishing F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 115
ISBN 978-1-85177-612-2
US $150.00 9
CAN $195.00 15000
781851 776122
FA L L 2 0 1 3
4/1/13 1:38 PM
by i a n wa R R e L L
F R o M TAT E P U B L I s h I n g
s pecificAtions
.M.W. Turner (1775–1851) was a controversial
200 color illustrations
figure in his day, but is now widely regarded
as one of the greatest landscape painters in
256 pages, 8⅝ × 9⅞"
history, creating compelling and atmospheric
works in oil and watercolor. Commonly known as
“the painter of light,” he was also a skilled print-
maker, and his work is regarded as a preface to
Impressionism. Drawing mainly on Tate’s unparal-
IsBn 978-1-84976-152-9
leled collection, this lavishly illustrated book pro-
Us $55.00
vides a general survey of Turner. Accompanying
ISBN 978-1-84976-152-9 CAN $62.00 55500
a major touring exhibition in Australia and Japan,
9 781849 761529
the book considers his work in relation to colonial art of the time, addresses the importance of the print market, and discusses his methods and
e XHibition scHe DUle
materials. With essays from key academics and a
Art Gallery of South Australia,
detailed biography, this is a welcome addition to
the literature on this great artist.
Feb 8–May 19, 2013
National Gallery of Australia, Canberra Jun 1–Sept 8, 2013
Ian Warrell, an independent curator formerly
Tokyo and Kobe, Japan
at Tate, has written extensively on Turner and
Oct 2013–May 2014
curated exhibitions on many aspects of his art.
Tate Modern Artists:
olafur Eliasson ■ s pecificAtions 100 color illustrations
by M a R c e L L a b e c c a R i a
F R o M TAT E P U B L I s h I n g
lafur Eliasson (b. 1967) pushes the boundaries of space using materials such as lights,
128 pages, 8¼ × 10⅝"
mirrors, and water in conjunction with architectural
and landscape settings. The result is some of
the most ambitious and immersive contemporary art in the world, including The Weather Project, commissioned for the Turbine Hall at Tate Modern in 2003, which used hundreds of yellow lamps
IsBn 978-1-85437-966-5
and enormous mirrors to create a dazzling sunset
ISBN 978-1-85437-966-5 Us $27.50 CAN $31.50 52750
and reflections of viewers and the surroundings.
9 781854 379665
AboUt tHe s e rie s ■ The Modern Artists Series from
Drawing on a wealth of references ranging from nature to science, and using a wide variety of media, including photographs, installations, outdoor projects, videos, films, architecture, and design
Tate Publishing focuses on living
collaborations, his artistic output is remarkable for
artists. Generously illustrated,
its breadth and diversity. This eye-opening addition
accessible, and affordable, these
to the Tate Modern Artists series features new inter-
are essential references for those
views with the artist and over 100 color illustrations.
interested in contemporary visual culture. See abramsbooks.com
Marcella Beccaria is curator at the Castello di Rivoli
for the complete list.
Museum of Contemporary Art in Turin.
FA L L 2 0 1 3
F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 116
Tate 4/1/13 1:38 PM
Chagall MoDErN MASTEr ■
by s i M o n e t ta F R aq u e L L i , a n g e L a L a M P e , a n d
M o n i c a b o h M - d u c h e n
F R o M TAT E P U B L I s h I n g
s e lling points ■ Marc Chagall’s work is well known, accessible, and admired
A visual feast celebrating the early work of one of the most prolific and popular artists of the 20th century
around the world ■ Includes 130 full-color illustrations that capture the beauty and intensity of Chagall’s palette ■ Explores the creative development and early artistic production of a remarkable painter
s pecifications 130 color illustrations 200 pages, 9½ × 11" hardcover
hough his paintings of Russian village life, floating
figures, flying cows, and roosters are instantly familiar,
Marc Chagall (1887–1985) remains one of the least understood artists of his generation. Bringing together more than 60 paintings and a selection of works on paper, this
IsBn 978‑1‑84976‑027‑0 ISBN 978-1-84976-027-0 Us $39.95 CAN $44.95
lavishly illustrated book focuses on the artist’s time in Paris before World War I, his visit to Berlin and his exhibition there in 1914, and the years he spent in his native Russia around the time of the Revolution in 1917, all experiences that reinforced his highly personal visual language. The timeless themes of these early works—including love, suffering, and death—formed the core of his art for the remainder of his long career. Although Chagall promoted an image of himself as a loner and intuitive genius, in
9 781849 760270
e XHib ition scHe DUle Kunsthaus, Zurich Feb 8–May 12, 2013 Tate Liverpool, June 7–Sept 29, 2013 Louisiana Museum for Modern Art, Denmark Oct 2013–Mar 2014
reality he was acutely aware of avant-garde artistic developments. This book, which accompanies a major international exhibition, demonstrates Chagall’s shift from “naive” folkloristic narratives toward an integration of Fauve, Cubist, Expressionist, and Suprematist styles, through which he articulated his native Jewish Russian culture. simonetta Fraquelli is an independent art historian and curator. Angela Lampe is a curator at Centre Pompidou. Monica Bohm‑duchen is an independent writer, lecturer, and curator.
Tate F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 117
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4/1/13 1:38 PM
Barbara Hepworth T H E H o S P I TA L D r AW I N G S ■
by n at h a n i e L h e P b u R n
F R o M TAT E P U B L I s h I n g
s pecificAtions Color illustrations throughout
ne of England’s best-loved sculptors, Barbara Hepworth (1903–1975) was an
important figure in the development of interna-
144 pages, 8½ × 10⅛"
tional abstract art. This book explores a two-year
Paperback with flaps
period of Hepworth’s life when she created nearly
80 figurative drawings of surgeons at work in
hospital operating rooms.
Numerous never-before-seen drawings are featured here alongside images from Hepworth’s
IsBn 978-1-84976-165-9
only surviving hospital sketchbook. A 1950
ISBN 978-1-84976-165-9 CAN $31.50 52750
Us $27.50
lecture in which Hepworth explains the importance of the drawings to her sculptural practice
9 781849 761659
accompanies the illustrations, along with an essay that traces their development and examines the deep and lasting friendship of Hepworth and the surgeon she painted. nathaniel hepburn is founding curator of Mascalls Gallery, a public art gallery in Kent, England.
Schwitters in Britain ■
e d i t e d by e M M a c h a M b e R s a n d K a R i n o R c h a R d
F R o M TAT E P U B L I s h I n g
s pecificAtions 110 color and 20 black-and-white illustrations
urt Schwitters (1887–1948), one of the most influential European avant-garde
artists to come to prominence in the years
168 pages, 8¼ × 10½"
between the world wars, is seen here not as
an artist in isolation but as part of a network of
other refugee artists and figures in the European
avant-garde. Associated at various times with
Dada, Constructivism, and Surrealism, Schwitters produced paintings, collages, sound pieces,
IsBn 978-1-84976-026-3
ISBN 978-1-84976-026-3 CAN $44.95 53995
sculpture, and installation works, as well as jour-
Us $39.95
nalism, criticism, poetry, and short stories. This 9 781849 760263
book concentrates on Schwitters’s lesser-known late works, made during his time in Britain, but sets the scene by recounting and summarizing his
Also AvAil Ab le
earlier achievements.
Three Stories: Kurt Schwitters
Forced to flee Germany in 1936, Schwitters
ISBN 978-1-85437-909-2
took refuge first in Norway and then, after the
ISBN$15.95 978-1854379092 US CAN $18.95
9 781854 379092
FA L L 2 0 1 3
F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 118
German invasion of Norway, in Britain. The last Emma Chambers is curator of Modern British Art
eight years of his life were intensely productive,
at Tate. Karin orchard is curator of Graphics at
and culminated in his famous Merz Barn installa-
the Sprengel Museum, Hanover.
tion in England’s Lake District.
Tate 4/1/13 1:38 PM
Gary Hume ■
e d i t e d by K at h a R i n e s to u t
F R o M TAT E P U B L I s h I n g
e s s ay by Jac K b a n Ko w s K y
orn in 1962, Gary Hume emerged as a lead-
s pecificAtions
ing figure in the YBAs (Young British Artists)
40 color illustrations
and achieved success with paintings based on
72 pages, 8¼ × 11"
hospital doors, rendered in high gloss. In the early
1990s, Hume transitioned to simple, flat, figurative and abstract paintings featuring startling color combinations and images ranging from animals to celebrities to flowers. Hume was nominated for the Turner Prize in 1996, represented Britain at the Venice Biennale in 1999, and was elected a Royal Academician in 2001. Published as a companion to the joint exhibition Gary Hume and Patrick Caulfield at Tate Britain in June 2013, this book showcases 30 works spanning more than 20 years as well as brand-new pieces, and is a timely addition to the bibliography of this important British painter.
RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA PUB MONTH: oCToBER ART IsBn 978-1-84976-143-7
ISBN 978-1-84976-143-7 CAN $27.95 52495
Us $24.95
9 781849 761437
e XHib ition scHe DUle Tate Britain, London Jun 4–Sept 8, 2013
Katharine stout is curator of Contemporary British Art at Tate. Jack Bankowsky is a wellknown art critic.
Tate British Artists:
Patrick Caulfield ■
by c L a R R i e wa L L i s
F R o M TAT E P U B L I s h I n g
nown for his iconic and vibrant paintings of modern life that reinvigorated traditional
s pecificAtions 60 color illustrations
artistic genres such as the still life, Patrick
96 pages, 7½ × 9⅝"
Caulfield (1936–2005) drew his subject matter
more from the masters of modern art, such as Braque and Gris, than from the consumer culture that preoccupied his fellow artists. Celebrating the artist’s mastery of color and graphic elegance as well as his wit, this book offers the chance to reassess his influences and the legacy of his approach to painting, and its publication coincides with a survey of Caulfield’s work at
RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA PUB MONTH: sEPTEMBER ART IsBn 978-1-84976-127-7 ISBN 978-1-84976-127-7 Us $24.95 CAN $27.95 52495
9 781849 761277
Tate Britain. Caulfield favored a reductive, streamlined use of line and the depiction of everyday objects
AboUt tH e s e rie s ■ The British Artists Series from
saturated in color. Introduced to screenprinting
Tate Publishing provides an
by Richard Hamilton and Chris Prater in 1964,
affordable and accessible
Caulfield consistently used the medium for his
introduction, in a hardcover
graphic work thereafter. The deceptive simplicity
format, to some of the greatest
of his images, perfectly matched by the aesthetic
figures in British Art. See
Clarrie Wallis is a curator of Contemporary
capacities of the process, is clear throughout the
abramsbooks.com for the
British Art at Tate Britain.
various phases of his printmaking career.
complete list.
Tate F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 119
FA L L 2 0 1 3
4/1/13 1:38 PM
TATE INTRODUCTIONS ■ The latest title in Tate Introductions, a new series that offers concise, affordable introductions and pictorial overviews of the greatest modern artists and artistic movements
Chagall ■
by M o n i c a b o h M - d u c h e n
s pecificAtions 60 color illustrations 80 pages, 6½ × 8¼"
orn in 1887 in what is now Belarus, Marc Chagall is one of the best-
known artists of the 20th century. His
combination of wistful, fantastical scenes
and vibrant palette have ensured his
enduring popularity, but he is also considered an important pioneer of modern art whose sense of color was rivaled only
IsBn 978-1-84976-037-9
by that of Matisse. Tate Introductions:
ISBN 978-1-84976-037-9 Us $10.95 CAN $11.95 51095
Chagall provides a lucid overview of this familiar, yet mysterious, artist.
9 781849 760379
Monica Bohm‑duchen is an author,
e XHibition scHe DUle
lecturer, and curator.
Kunsthaus, Zurich Feb 8–May 12, 2013 Tate Liverpool, June 7–Sept 29, 2013 Louisiana Museum for Modern Art, Denmark Oct 2013–Mar 2014
Also AvAil Ab le in tHe s e rie s
ISBN 978-1-84976-021-8
ISBN 978-1-85437-941-2
ISBN 978-1-84976-022-5
ISBN 978-1-84976-024-9
ISBN 978-1-84976-021-8 US $10.95 CAN $11.95
ISBN 978-1-85437-941-2 US $10.95 CAN $14.50
ISBN$10.95 978-1-84976-022-5 US CAN $11.95
ISBN 978-1-84976-024-9 US $10.95 CAN $11.95
9 781849 760218
1 20
FA L L 2 0 1 3
F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 120
9 781854 379412
9 781849 760225
9 781849 760249
Tate 4/1/13 1:38 PM
Ellen Gallagher ■
F R o M TAT E P U B L I s h I n g
s e lling points ■ Timely appraisal of an important North American contemporary painter ■ Spans Gallagher’s 20-year career,
New assessment of a major contemporary American artist
including selected new work ■ Accompanies a major exhibition at Tate Modern ■ Gallagher’s work is featured in the collections of major museums such as Tate, MoMA, and the Pompidou Center
s pecifications 120 color illustrations 224 pages, 11⅜ × 13" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA PUB MONTH: oCToBER
ART llen Gallagher (b. 1965) is one of the most acclaimed American artists working today. Her
paintings, collages, drawings, sculpture, animation, and
IsBn 978‑1‑84976‑123‑9 ISBN 978-1-84976-123-9 Us $31.95 CAN $36.95
film installations, which shift between abstraction and figuration, create dynamic encounters between the historic and the present through commentary about race, racism, and cultural identity. Her works explore the language of modernist painting with symbolic or narrative content, often touching on issues of representation—for
9 781849 761239
e XHib ition scHe DUle Tate Modern, London May 1–Sept 1, 2013
example, her 2006 piece Bird in Hand, which forms a central part of this appraisal, is a complex relief built up in layers on canvas through the application of newspaper cuttings, clay, rock crystals, silver paint, and gold leaf, created to evoke the mythical Drexciya or Black Atlantis, an underwater world populated by a marine species descended from drowned slaves. Created in close dialogue with the artist, this book catalogues a unique opportunity to present a selective yet coherent overview of Gallagher’s practice, bringing together significant works from the early 1990s to the present day and examining some of the key themes and issues that emerge, overlap, repeat, and interweave throughout her practice.
Tate F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 121
FA L L 2 0 1 3
4/1/13 1:38 PM
a R t by d u R g a b a i v ya M a n d s u b h a s h v ya M
s to Ry by s R i v i dya n ata R a Ja n a n d s . a n a n d
F o R e w o R d by J o h n b e R g e R
F R o M TAT E P U B L I s h I n g
s e lling points
The stunningly illustrated story of one of India’s most important modern campaigners for social change
■ An outstanding graphic novel achievement that brings modern Indian history to a new audience, captivating both young readers and adults ■ In 2012, Ambedkar was voted “Greatest Indian” in a nationwide poll conducted by CNN India, and his inspiring story continues to resonate today, nearly 60 years
“An extraordinary book.”—John Berger
after his death
“It jettisons sequential, cinematic narrative style and brings visual magic realism to a new universe.” —Washington Post
s pecifications Color illustrations throughout 108 pages, 8 × 11¼" hardcover RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA PUB MONTH: sEPTEMBER CoMICs • gRAPhIC noVEL IsBn 978-1-84976-113-0 ISBN 978-1-84976-113-0 Us $27.50 CAN $31.50
orn a member of India’s “untouchable” caste, Bhimrao Ramji Ambedkar (1891–1956) faced dis-
crimination even at a young age. In school as a boy, upon his return to India after attending Columbia University,
and while traveling later in life, Ambedkar knew firsthand 9 781849 761130
what it was like to be treated as an outsider. Determined to overcome the odds, however, he gained multiple doctorates, campaigned against social discrimination and the caste system, and went on to draft the Constitution of India, becoming one of the country’s foremost revolutionaries. Now, in a book Arundhati Roy called “unusually beautiful . . . unforgettable,” comes the story of a man whose experience continues to haunt India’s 170 million Dalits (considered untouchables), many of whom are still denied water, shelter, and the basic dignities of life. Joe Sacco, author of Palestine, calls Ambedkar “challenging in all the right ways,” and indeed, Pardhan Gond artists Durgabai Vyam and Subhash Vyam interweave historical events with contemporary incidents to infuse fresh energy into the graphic idiom through their magical art. durgabai Vyam and subhash Vyam are Pardhan Gond artists belonging to the same clan as the legendary Indian artist Jangarh Singh Shyam.
FA L L 2 0 1 3
F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 122
Tate 4/1/13 1:38 PM
e d i t e d by da R R e n P i h
F R o M TAT E P U B L I s h I n g
s e lling points ■ First book to fully examine the serious cross-cultural influences of glam—beyond music to art, fashion, film, performance, and more—positioning it as one of the
Excessive, futuristic, and cool, glam gets its due in this dazzling book
20th century’s most excessive and exciting pop movements ■ Includes artwork from David Hockney, Gilbert + George, Cindy Sherman, and richard Hamilton, as well as ephemera such as posters, magazines, and photographs ■ Accompanies a major touring exhibition
s pecifications Color illustrations throughoutw 192 pages, 8¼ × 9⅜" Paperback RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA
PUB MONTH: sEPTEMBER lam, an extravagant, futuristic pop style, emerged
in the early 1970s and remains one of the most
instantly recognizable but critically derided stylistic phe-
nomena of 20th-century art and cultural history. Known
IsBn 978‑1‑84976‑092‑8 ISBN 978-1-84976-092-8 Us $40.00 CAN $45.00
mostly through the music of the era—T. Rex, David Bowie, Roxy Music, and Lou Reed—the style was also evident in other art forms through its acquaintance with theatrics, artifice, mysticism, and androgyny. Published to accompany a major international exhibition, Glam moves beyond nostalgia to reveal the unique exchange between avant-garde art and the showy style. Featuring some 100 artworks, Glam explores key themes: glamour, camp, exaggerated identity, androgyny,
9 781849 760928
e XHib ition scHe DUle Tate Liverpool, Feb 8–May 12, 2013 Schirn Kunsthalle, Frankfurt Jun 13–Sept 22, 2013 Lentos Kunstmuseum, Linz Oct 18, 2013–Feb 2, 2014
eroticism, and dandyism, and showcases artists such as Lynda Benglis, Richard Hamilton, Sigmar Polke, Cindy Sherman, and Andy Warhol, among others. An illustrated timeline features writings by Jean-Christophe Ammann, Michael Bracewell, Chrissie Iles, Dominic Johnson, Simon Reynolds, and Alwyn Turner. The book shows how glam impacted not only visual art, but also fashion, music, film, photography, gender in performance, and postmodernism. darren Pih is a curator at Tate Liverpool.
Tate F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 123
FA L L 2 0 1 3
4/1/13 1:39 PM
Ken Howard’s Switzerland I N T H E F o oT S T E P S o F T U r N E r ■
by K e n h o wa R d, J ü R g g a b at h u L e R , a n d i a n wa R R e L L
A R oyA L AC A d E M y o F A R T s P U B L I C AT I o n
s pecificAtions 190 illustrations
ritish painting past and present meet as Ken Howard (b. 1932), one of England’s
most popular contemporary artists, follows the
176 pages, 9⅝ × 10⅝"
trail of world-renowned painter J.M.W. Turner, one
hardcover with jacket
of his heroes. Over the last several years Howard
has been exploring the Swiss journeys of his illus-
trious predecessor, using Turner’s travels there as
his inspiration for an exciting new body of work. This handsome book contains an introduction
IsBn 978-1-907533-39-6
to Turner’s experience of the breathtaking Swiss
ISBN 978-1-90753-339-6 CAN $45.00 54000
Us $40.00
lakes and mountains, some 100 striking new paintings by Howard, and photographs of him at
9 781907 533396
work in the Alpine landscape. Ken howard is one of Britain’s most popular painters. The Royal Academy of Arts recently published his autobiography, Light and Dark. Jürg gabathuler is a long-standing friend of Ken Howard. Ian Warrell is one of the world’s leading authorities on Turner.
Craigie Aitchison P r I N T S : A C ATA Lo G U E r A I S o N N é ■
s pecificAtions 70 illustrations 144 pages, 9½ × 11" hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA PUB MONTH: sEPTEMBER ART
by a n d R e w L a M b i R t h
A R oyA L AC A d E M y o F A R T s P U B L I C AT I o n
he painter and printmaker Craigie Aitchison (1926–2009) is best known for his spare
compositions and intense, luminous palette. His subject matter is equally distinctive—single
flowers, Bedlington terriers, sheep, and crucifixions—rendered, as in the Italian religious icons that he so admired, in simple but powerful forms. These hallmarks are readily present in Aitchison’s
IsBn 978-1-907533-47-1
ISBN 978-1-90753-347-1 Us $55.00 CAN $62.00 55500 9 781907 533471
prints, most of which are the legacy of his longstanding relationship with the master printers at Advanced Graphics, London. All the prints are brought together for the first time in this handsome catalogue raisonné, which also includes an introduction by Andrew Lambirth exploring the importance of printmaking in Aitchison’s career. Andrew Lambirth is art critic for The Spectator and a long-time friend of Craigie Aitchison. His many books include Nigel Hall: Sculpture and Works on Paper and Barbara Rae: Prints.
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Royal Academy of Arts 4/1/13 1:39 PM
Mexico A r E Vo LU T I o N I N A r T, 1 9 1 0 – 1 9 4 0 ■
by a d R i a n Lo c K e
A R oyA L AC A d E M y o F A R T s P U B L I C AT I o n
s e lling points ■ An in-depth survey of the interplay between art and politics in Mexico at a time of remarkable
A stunning exploration of the art and culture of a country in revolutionary upheaval
social change ■ Generously illustrated with work by celebrated and lesser-known Mexican artists, as well as their European and American counterparts who were drawn to the country, its people, and landscape ■ reveals the important place Mexico held in world art during the early decades of the 20th century
s pecifications 150 color illustrations 208 pages, 8½ × 10½" hardcover with jacket
RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA n the first half of the 20th century, Mexico was
home to a burgeoning of art comparable in energy
to the political revolution that shook the country
between 1910 and 1920. This surge of artistic activity is the subject of this compelling new book,
IsBn 978‑1‑907533‑30‑3 ISBN 978-1-90753-330-3 Us $55.00 CAN $62.00
which presents the work of Mexican artists—from the social-realist painters Diego Rivera and David Alfaro Siqueiros to the photographers Agustín Jiménez and Manuel Álvarez Bravo—alongside that of their international contemporaries, figures as diverse as Philip Guston, Josef and Anni Albers, and
9 781907 533303
e XHib ition scHe DUle royal Academy of Arts, London Jul 6–Sept 29, 2013
Edward Burra. Illustrated with some 150 striking images, Adrian Locke’s incisive text explores the artistic documentation of the dramatic changes wrought by the revolution, the government’s role in employing artists to promote its reforms, the emergence of a native modernism, and the remarkable contribution of European and American artists and intellectuals, including Eisenstein, Trotsky, and André Breton, to Mexico’s cultural renaissance. Adrian Locke is a curator at the Royal Academy of Arts, London. He co-curated the Aztecs exhibition at the Royal Academy in 2002.
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1 25
4/1/13 1:39 PM
Houghton revisited T H E WA L P o L E M A S T E r P I E C E S F r o M C AT H E r I N E T H E G r E AT ’ S H E r M I TAG E ■
by L a R i s s a d u K e L s K aya , J o h n h a R R i s , a n d R e w M o o R e , a n d
t h i e R Ry M o R e L
A R oyA L AC A d E M y o F A R T s P U B L I C AT I o n
s e lling points ■ A portrait of a perfectly preserved English country house—real-life Downton Abbey—and the magnificent art
Sir Robert Walpole’s extraordinary art collection, restored to the beautiful English country estate designed to display it
collection of its former owner, Sir robert Walpole, Britain’s first prime minister ■ Stunning photographs show both Walpole’s extensive collection of old Masters and the opulent William Kent interiors that were designed around the works ■ Expert commentaries explore the wonders of the collection and the extraordinary story of its sale to Catherine the Great, Empress of russia
s pecificAtions 200 color illustrations 256 pages, 8½ × 11" hardcover
his new book offers a portrait of a perfectly
preserved English country house and the magnificent
art collection of its former owner, Sir Robert Walpole (1676–1745), Britain’s first prime minister. Walpole amassed a dazzling array of Old Masters, including paintings by
IsBn 978-1-907533-50-1 ISBN 978-1-907533-50-1 Us $60.00 CAN $69.00
9 781907 533501
e XHibition scHe DUle Houghton Hall, near King’s Lynn, Norfolk, England May 15, 2013–Sept 15, 2013
Van Dyck, Poussin, Rubens, and Rembrandt, and hired celebrated decorator William Kent to design the interiors of Houghton Hall specifically to showcase them. But when Walpole died, his family was shocked to find that he had amassed huge debt, and were forced to sell the treasured collection—to Catherine the Great, Empress of Russia. Now, these masterpieces are returning to Houghton Hall. Essays uncover the wonders of Walpole’s collection and trace its journey to the State Hermitage Museum in Saint Petersburg, to which most of the works now belong. Larissa dukelskaya is curator of English Prints at the State Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg. John harris is a curator, historian of architecture, gardens and architectural drawings, and the author of more than 25 books. Andrew Moore is keeper of art at Norwich Castle Museum and Art Gallery, Norwich, England. Thierry Morel is former director of the Hermitage Foundation UK and a member of the Advisory Board of the Hermitage Foundation USA.
1 26
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F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 126
Royal Academy of Arts 4/1/13 1:39 PM
Matisse T H E C H A P E L AT V E N C E ■
by M a R i e -t h é R è s e P u Lv e n i s d e s e L i g n y
A R oyA L AC A d E M y o F A R T s P U B L I C AT I o n
s e lling points
The glory of Henri Matisse’s famous chapel in the South of France, in stunning new photographs
■ Matisse’s Chapel in Vence is a popular tourist destination for visitors to the South of France ■ There are no other books on the chapel currently in print ■ The book describes and illustrates every aspect of the chapel, from the extraordinary stained-glass windows to the priests’ vestments, all designed by Matisse ■ Stunning photography allows the chapel to be experienced exactly as Matisse envisioned it in 1949 ■ Written by an expert on the artist, who has been curator of Nice’s Musée Matisse for 15 years
s pecificAtions 200 color illustrations 224 pages, 9½ × 12¾" hardcover with jacket
RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA his is the most complete and beautiful study of the
Chapel of the Rosary in Vence, near Nice in the
South of France, considered one of the most important religious structures of the modern age and regarded by Henri Matisse himself as his great masterpiece. Matisse dedicated four years to the creation of this chapel, and the result is one of the most remarkable ensemble pieces
IsBn 978‑1‑907533‑60‑0 ISBN 978-1-907533-60-0 Us $90.00 CAN $102.50
9 781907 533600
of 20th-century art. Every element of the chapel bears the artist’s touch, from the vivid Mediterranean hues of the stained-glass windows to the starkly powerful murals; even the vestments and altar were designed by Matisse. Using superb new photography that demonstrates the dramatic effect of changing light throughout the day, this book is the first to present the experience of being in this sacred space exactly as Matisse envisaged it. MarieThérèse Pulvenis de Seligny’s authoritative text explores the extraordinary story of the chapel’s creation and the challenges faced by the 77-year-old artist in realizing his great vision. Marie‑Thérèse Pulvenis de seligny has been curator of the Musée Matisse since 1997, and has organized numerous exhibitions and written extensively on the artist.
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4/1/13 1:39 PM
by RobeRt hewison and chRis oRR
A R oyA L AC A d E M y o F A R T s P U B L I C AT I o n
s pecificAtions 175 color illustrations
FoRewoRd by MichaeL PaLin
hris Orr (b. 1943) is one of Britain’s foremost printmakers. In this definitive book
256 pages, 10⅝ × 10¼"
he and Robert Hewison explore his remarkable
hardcover with jacket, 6‑page
career, from his early experiments as a student in the 1960s, to his later innovations in lithography,
silkscreen, and digital printing. Hewison also
considers the significant contribution that Orr has
made to printmaking as a teacher. Illustrated with
over 150 of Orr’s theatrical, witty, and willfully allusive prints, this book looks for the first time
IsBn 978-1-907533-37-2
ISBN 978-1-90753-337-2 CAN $62.00 55500
in depth at the gloriously original output of a
Us $55.00
ceaseless inventor.
9 781907 533372
Robert hewison is a critic and cultural historian who has published widely on British art and culture of the 19th and 20th centuries. Chris orr was elected a Royal Academician in 1995. He lives and works in London. Michael Palin is an actor, broadcaster, and writer, most famous as a member of the comedy group Monty Python and for his travel documentaries.
Want K A S M I N ’ S P o S TC A r D S ■ s pecificAtions 100 photographs
by J o h n K a s M i n
A R oyA L AC A d E M y o F A R T s P U B L I C AT I o n
pivotal figure in ’60s British culture, John Kasmin has built an extensive collection
128 pages, 4¾ × 7"
of predominantly early 20th-century postcards.
Traveling to fairs in Europe and the United States,
his inquisitive nature has led him to find images of remarkable quality and poignancy. Beggars are one of the most evocative of the many subjects in his eclectic collection, and the selection in this
IsBn 978-1-907533-46-4
book reflects the arresting imagery and engag-
Us $16.95
ing—although often disturbing—social narratives
ISBN 978-1-90753-346-4 CAN $18.95 51695
9 781907 533464
that first attracted him to the motif. Kasmin questions the reasons these cards were made and why they were more common in some countries, while his brief commentaries establish the origin of each postcard and describe its appeal. John Kasmin (b. 1934) ran his own London art gallery from 1963 to 1992, showing the work of some of the most important artists of the period. Today he collects antiquities, tribal art, photography, and postcards. He lives and works in London.
1 28
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Royal Academy of Arts 4/1/13 1:39 PM
Daumier THE HEroISM oF MoDErN LIFE ■
by J o h n b e R g e R , t. J . c L a R K e , P e t e R d o i g , c at h e R i n e L a M P e R t,
s a R a h L e a , M i c h a e L Pa n ta z z i , e d o ua R d Pa P e t, a n d J u d i t h w e c h s L e R ■
A R oyA L AC A d E M y o F A R T s P U B L I C AT I o n s e lling points ■ The most complete volume on this prolific and versatile artist, demonstrating the extraordinary breadth of his oeuvre
A long-overdue assessment of this hugely influential 19th-century artist
■ Written by an international roster of experts who shed new light on Daumier’s influences and his position in the vibrant art world of 19th-century France ■ Lavishly illustrated with many rarely seen works
s pecifications 160 color illustrations 192 pages, 9½ × 11" hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA PUB MONTH: sEPTEMBER
ART onoré Daumier (1808–1879) is perhaps best known for his political and social caricatures, precise and witty
observations of life in 19th-century France. This authoritative
IsBn 978‑1‑907533‑32‑7 ISBN 978-1-90753-332-7 Us $55.00 CAN $62.00
new study provides a long-overdue assessment of his work, bringing together his paintings, sculptures, watercolors, drawings, and lithographs, all of which were greatly admired in his day. Later fêted by Van Gogh and Picasso, Daumier’s art continues to be appreciated by contemporary artists. Lavishly illustrated with works from throughout Daumier’s
9 781907 533327
e XHib ition scHe DUle royal Academy of Arts, London Oct 26, 2013–Jan 26, 2014
career, including the satirical lithographs that made his name, the book focuses on the innovative paintings and drawings that formed his more private output. These lesser-known works reveal the artist’s ambitious range of subject matter and confirm Daumier’s unique place in art history. John Berger is a well-known art critic, novelist, painter, and poet. T. J. Clark is an art historian. Peter doig is a Scottish-born painter. Catherine Lampert is former director of the Whitechapel Gallery. Michael Pantazzi is former chief curator at the National Gallery of Canada. Edouard Papet is chief curator at the Musée d’Orsay. Judith Weschler is an art historian. sarah Lea is curatorial assistant at the Royal Academy of Arts, London.
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4/1/13 1:39 PM
The Comedy Carpet Blackpool T H E M A K I N G o F A W o r L D C L A S S M o N U M E N T To C o M E DY ■
e s s ays by g o R d o n yo u n g a n d g R a h a M M c c a n n
A B o oT h - C L I B B o R n E d I T I o n s B o o K
s pecificAtions 192 color illustrations
aid out in front of Blackpool Tower in England’s famous seaside resort, the
Comedy Carpet is the largest work of public art
208 pages, 9½ × 11½" hardcover embossed with foil;
in Europe. Thousands of jokes and quotations
jacket unfolds into 18 × 22"
by more than 850 comedians and writers from the early days of variety to the present are set in
2,200 square meters of granite and concrete in a
design inspired by theater posters and bill stick-
ers. From Tommy Cooper, Mae West, and Bob
Hope to Frank Carson, Groucho Marx, and Ricky Gervais, the Comedy Carpet is a unique celebra-
IsBn 978-1-86154-339-4
ISBN 978-1-86154-339-4 CAN $45.00 54000
tion of comic genius—as well as an extraordinary
Us $40.00
feat of design and construction.
9 781861 543394
gordon young was director of the Welsh Sculpture Trust before becoming a full-time artist. graham McCann is the bestselling author of books on Cary Grant, Woody Allen, and Marilyn Monroe.
Sculptures of Jeddah A N E N C o U N T E r W I T H A r A r E C o L L E C T I o N o F 2 0T H - C E N T U rY P U B L I C A r T
s pecificAtions 200 color illustrations 192 pages, 9¼ × 11" hardcover RIGHTS: noRTh AMERICA PUB MONTH: sEPTEMBER ART
e d i t e d by e d wa R d b o ot h - c L i b b o R n
A B o oT h - C L I B B o R n E d I T I o n s B o o K
ohamed Said Farsi became Mayor of Jeddah in 1972 and rejuvenated
the city with public art at its heart. The result-
ing—and unprecedented—urban landscape is now enriched by a diversity of works from world-famous artists, such as Arp, César, Calder, Lipschitz, Miró, Moore, Pomodoro, and Vasarely,
IsBn 978-1-86154-338-7
as well as regional artists including Salah
Us $50.00
Abdulkarim and Shafiq Mazloum. This book shows
ISBN 978-1-86154-338-7 CAN $57.50 55000
9 781861 543387
Saudi Arabia as a place of artistic vision and innovation and allows a glimpse into a city not easily visited. Jeddah has grown since 1972 and now
“To bring delight to the citizen, to
some 53 major pieces are being restored and
give him a sense of wonder, and
relocated to the sea front, known as the Corniche.
also to stir his sense of history.” —Mayor Mohamed Said Farsi
Edward Booth‑Clibborn has edited and published many books, including The History of the Saatchi Gallery, Edge of Arabia, and The Splendor of Iran. Fady Jameel is a patron of the arts who has made it his mission to ensure the preservation of the sculptures of Jeddah for future generations.
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Booth-Clibborn 4/1/13 1:39 PM
Pre-Columbian Art from the Barbier-Mueller Collection ■
e d i t e d by Jac q u e s b L a z y
FRoM 5 ConTInEnTs EdITIons s e lling points ■ The Barbier-Mueller Collection is one of the finest and most
Superb Pre-Columbian art from the world-renowned Barbier-Mueller Collection in a sumptuous slipcased set
wide-ranging art collections in the world; this book focuses on the portion devoted to Pre-Columbian art ■ The Collection will never be seen or examined together again; it was auctioned at Sotheby's in March 2013 ■ Slipcased set is gorgeously produced, and will never be reprinted. Includes two hardcover volumes and the Sotheby’s paperback sales catalogue, all in a cloth-covered slipcase
s pecificAtions 663 color illlustrations 644 pages, 9 × 11¾"
Bilingual: English and French he Barbier-Mueller Collection of Pre-Columbian art, recently auctioned at Sotheby’s, is the most
comprehensive collection of its kind. Comprising some
Cloth slipcase, 2 hardcover volumes and 1 paperback RIGHTS: WoRLd EngLIsh
300 works from Mexico, Central, and South America—
wood and stone sculptures, ceramics, textiles, and ritual
objects—it spans 1200 BC to 1500 Ad. This sumptuous
IsBn 978‑88‑7439‑646‑7
slipcased set presents the collection, which includes
ISBN 978-88-7439-646-7 Us $200.00 CAN $230.00 20000
masterworks from the Aztec, Maya, and other cultures, in two magnificently illustrated books written by the
9 788874 396467
greatest international specialists on the subject, and also
Limited edition, 30% discount,
includes Sotheby’s sale catalogue.
The Barbier-Mueller Collection, one of the most important and wide-ranging art collections in the world, was begun by Josef Mueller in Paris in 1908 with the
Also AvAil Ab le
purchase of works by Hodler and Cézanne; the Swiss Mueller then looked beyond Western art and bought his first Pre-Columbian piece, an Aztec stone water goddess, in 1920. Today, Mueller’s daughter and son-in-law, Monique and Jean Paul Barbier-Mueller, continue to collect Western, African, Oceanic, and Cycladic art that is frequently on loan to museums around the world. Jacques Blazy, an international expert on Pre-Columbian art, has curated a number of exhibitions and written extensively in the field.
Columbian Ecuador ISBN 978-88-7439-596-5 ISBN 978-88-7439-596-5 US $45.00 CAN $52.00
9 788874 395965
5 Continents F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 131
The World of Spirits in Pre-
FA L L 2 0 1 3
4/1/13 1:40 PM
Isamu Noguchi/Qi Baishi/ Beijing 1930 ■ e d i t e d by a M y h au a n d h e i d i c o L e M a n ■ c o n t R i b u t i o n s by b R i t ta e R i c K s o n , n at s u oyo b e , J o -a n n e b i R n i e da n z K e R , b e R t w i n t h e R -ta M a K i , a n d L a n g s h aoJ u n ■ F R o M 5 C o n T I n E n T s E d I T I o n s
s pecificAtions
n 1930, renowned Japanese-American artist
Isamu Noguchi (1904–1988) journeyed to Beijing,
100 color illustrations 128 pages, 9 × 11"
where he studied with the Chinese brush-and-ink
Paperback with flaps
painter Qi Baishi (1864–1957). Qi, greatly admired for his dynamic brushwork and calligraphy, had a
profound impact on Noguchi. As he later said, “All
Japanese art has roots in China.” Isamu Noguchi/
Qi Baishi/Beijing 1930 brings together the work of these two artists for the first time. Published
IsBn 978-88-7439-639-9
ISBN 978-88-7439-639-9 Us $40.00 CAN $45.00 54000
to accompany a traveling exhibition, this volume features some 65 drawings by Noguchi and ink painting and calligraphic works by Qi. Noguchi’s
9 788874 396399
drawings suggest a keen observation of Qi’s mas-
e XHibition scHe DUle
terful skills and artistry with free-spirited lines, bold
University of Michigan Museum of
brushstrokes, and a purposeful use of void space.
Art, Ann Arbor, May 18–Sept 1, 2013 The Noguchi Museum, New York,
Amy hau is director of Administration and
Sept 24, 2013–Jan 26, 2014
External Affairs, and heidi Coleman is archivist,
Frye Art Museum, Seattle,
at the Isamu Noguchi Foundation and Garden
Feb–May 2014
Museum, New York.
Fragments of the Invisible THE rENé AND oDETTE DELENNE CoLLECTIoN oF CoNGo SCULPTUrE ■ s pecificAtions 141 color illustrations
e d i t e d by co n s ta n t i n e P e t R i d i s
F R o M 5 Co nTI n E nT s E d ITI o n s ragments of the Invisible celebrates the acquisition by the Cleveland Museum of
120 pages, 8½ × 12"
Art in 2010 of 35 stellar works of 19th- and 20th-
Paperback with flaps
century Congolese art from the collection of
René and Odette Delenne of Brussels. The book, which accompanies an exhibition at the museum, explores the fragmentary nature of African works in Western collections and sheds light on how,
IsBn 978-88-7439-656-6
ISBN 978-88-7439-656-6 Us $30.00 CAN $33.00 53000 9 788874 396566
e XHibition scHe DUle
in their original settings, many works connected with the invisible world of spirits and deities. Many of the objects have never been published or exhibited before. Constantine Petridis, a member of the Belgian
Cleveland Museum of Art, Ohio, Oct
Royal Academy for Overseas Sciences, is curator
27, 2013–Feb 9, 2014
of African Art at the Cleveland Museum of Art and adjunct professor of Art History at Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland.
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5 Continents 4/1/13 1:40 PM
Textiles from Borneo T H E I B A N , K A N T U, K E T U N G AU, A N D M UA L A N G P E o P L E S ■
e d i t e d by h e R i b e R t a M a n n
FRoM 5 ConTInEnTs EdITIons
s e lling points
Stunning traditional Ikat textiles from Borneo
■ Gorgeously photographed textiles, many of which have never been published before ■ Ikat has resurged in popularity, popping up in home décor and interior design ■ 25 black-and-white documentary images by Hedda Morrison, noted German photographer who lived in Sarawak from 1947–1966, portray traditional life in Borneo
s pecifications 181 color and black-and-white illustrations 224 pages, 9½ × 13" hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WoRLd EngLIsh PUB MONTH: oCToBER dEsIgn
he textile art from northern Borneo, made by the Iban, Kantu, Ketungau, and Mualang tribes, is highly
distinctive and extraordinarily rich. In this remarkable book, more than 150 full-page brilliant color photographs
IsBn 978‑88‑7439‑651‑1 ISBN 978-88-7439-651-1 Us $65.00 CAN $75.00
9 788874 396511
of textiles from one of the world’s outstanding private collections shed new light on this timeless tradition.
Also AvAil Ab le
The works are ceremonial textiles used in rites of passage—birth, marriage, death—dyed with natural colors and woven in traditional Ikat techniques; many have never been published before. Clothing worn during those ceremonies is also represented. As unmistakable as it is colorful, this Southeast Asian textile tradition remains influential for contemporary textile artists and designers. A retired professional violinist, heribert Amann traveled extensively in many African and Asian countries, exploring the cultures, and studying the art and textile traditions. In the past 30 years he has visited Sarawak, Malaysian Borneo, more than 20 times, collecting many examples of Iban and West Kalimantan ceremonial textiles. His collection is one of the finest in the world.
ISBN 978-88-7439-476-0 ISBN$85.00 978-8874394760 US CAN $110.50
9 788874 394760
The Jewish Wardrobe ISBN 978-88-7439-602-3 ISBN 978-88-7439-602-3 US $75.00 CAN $86.00
9 788874 396023
5 Continents F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 133
African Costumes and Textiles
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4/1/13 1:40 PM
Vehicles ArT BrUT SErIES ■
e d i t e d by s a R a h Lo M b a R d i
e s s ays by M i c h e L t h é voz a n d a n i c z a n z i
FRoM 5 ConTInEnTs EdITIons
s e lling points ■ The fully illustrated books in this series will each accompany a Biennale de l’Art Brut exhibition at the extraordinary Art Brut
The first book in an exciting new series on Outsider Art
Collection in Lausanne ■ More than 50 artists are included, with works in numerous media ■ Art Brut is the European term for outsider Art, and is equally fascinating and collectible
s pecifications 130 color illustrations 168 pages, 8 × 10" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: WoRLd EngLIsh PUB MONTH: noVEMBER ART IsBn 978-88-7439-658-0 ISBN 978-88-7439-658-0 Us $40.00 CAN $45.00
9 788874 396580
e XHibition scHe DUle Art Brut Collection, Lausanne Opening Oct 2013
rom the remarkable Art Brut Collection in Lausanne, Switzerland, comes Vehicles, the
first book in an exciting new series. The Art Brut
Collection has created the Biennale de l’Art Brut, a project that capitalizes on the diversity of this superb collection of more than 60,000 works by grouping a selection of them into themed exhibitions. As movement was a recurring theme in Art Brut, the first of these shows, titled Vehicles, features Motooka locomotives, Franz Kernbeis’s bicycle, Willem van Genk’s airships, and Auguste Forestier’s boats. The works represented here highlight a variety of approaches to motion in the form of sculptures, drawings, and constructions by more than 50 artists. sarah Lombardi is an art historian and has been director of the Art Brut Collection since 2012. Michel Thévoz founded the Art Brut Collection in 1976. Anic Zanzi is an art historian and has been a curator at the Art Brut Collection since 2003.
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F13_05DIST_pc3.indd 134
5 Continents 4/1/13 1:40 PM
PAntone ®: Color Puzzles 6 C o Lo r - M AtC h i n g P u z z L e s ■
by pa n to n e
I l lu s t r at e d by ta d C a r p e n t e r
n this fourth Pantone offering from abrams
appleseed, each spread focuses on variations of a
Full-color illustrations
single color category (such as purple), featuring a full-
12 pages, 8¼ × 9¼"
bleed tonal illustration on the left side of the spread
Puzzle board book
and a grid of shades on the right. the illustration has
four removable puzzle pieces that fit into the four
PUB MontH: OcTObEr
associated quadrants, arranged by shade. an appropriately challenging and satisfying matching book for toddlers, preschoolers, and color-conscious adults! PANTONE revolutionized the graphic arts industry with the launch of the Pantone MatCHInG SYSteM® in 1963, which enabled designers and
ISbN 978-1-4197-0939-5
ISBN 978-1-4197-0939-5 US $16.95 Can $18.95 51695 9 781419 709395 !
printers to articulate and reproduce accurate color anywhere in the world. today, Pantone serves not only as the premier color consultant and authority in trends, but as a consumer brand.
AlSO AvAI l Ab lE
PANTONE: Box of Color
isBn 978-1-4197-0180-1
isBn 978-1-4197-0419-2
isBn 978-1-4197-0626-4
ISBN 978-1-4197-0180-1 us $9.95 Can $10.95
ISBN 978-1-4197-0419-2 us $12.95 Can $13.95
ISBN 978-1-4197-0626-4 us $14.95 Can $16.95
9 781419 701801
9 781419 704192
Little ghost Party ■
PANTONE: Color Cards
9 781419 706264
z Abrams Books for Young Readers
by JaC q u e s d u q u e n n oy
S PECIFICATIONS ittle Ghost is hosting a dance party, and you’re invited! By simply tilting the book, children will be
captivated by moving various parts of each party guest
Full-color illustrations 8 pages, 7½ × 5½" children’s novelty book
to replicate the instructed dance moves, or create
their own! evoking memories of such vintage toys as
Wooly Willy and mini labyrinth games, this hilariously
addictive and irresistibly crafted package will draw in
readers of all ages.
ISbN 978-1-4197-0985-2
Jacques Duquennoy has been creating books for almost twenty years, with 70 titles sold in over 10 countries. His most popular subject is ghosts. He lives
ISBN 978-1-4197-0985-2 US $16.95 Can $18.95 51695 9 781419 709852 ! WARNING:
in amiens, France.
Also of Interest F13_06ALSO_pc3.indd 135
FA L L 2 0 1 3
4/1/13 1:44 PM
You Are the Pea, and i Am the Carrot ■
by J . t h e r o n e l k I n s
Cinderella A FA s h i o n A B L e tA L e ■
by s t e v e n G ua r n aC C I a
I l lu s t r at e d
by pa s C a l l e m a I t r e
We belong together. Combined, we make a dish. We’re made for one another, ’Cause together we’re delish.
inderella wants nothing more than to go to the ball, but she doesn’t have a thing to wear! this classic fairy tale of the
young servant girl who experiences a magical night and finally finds her prince receives a fresh and modern retelling from illustrator
Steven Guarnaccia. ome things in life are made for each other: peanut butter and jelly, pancakes and syrup, hot dogs and relish . . . and two best
Guarnaccia’s stylized illustrations give familiar characters new life with a fun, fashion-forward look, using apparel and accessories
friends who together create the ultimate recipe for friendship! Sweet,
inspired by some of the most famous fashion designers of the 20th
rhyming text and sidesplitting illustrations welcome young readers into
and 21st centuries. Young readers will delight in the bright and beauti-
a whimsical world of tasty combinations and tender sentiments and
ful illustrations, and fashion enthusiasts will enjoy the references to
make them hungry for another read. Perfect for friends of any age, You
well-known haute couture designs, including a Vivienne Westwood–
Are the Pea, and I Am the Carrot is a delicious gift for the one you love.
inspired ball gown, a rag dress of patched-together designer patterns, and Prada-inspired crystal slippers. Includes endpapers that detail the
J. Theron Elkins is a first-time picture book author who loves spend-
different featured designs as well as the year they were made.
ing time with his family and believes that each member is an essential “ingredient.” He lives in Little Rock, arkansas. Pascal lemaitre is
Steven guarnaccia is an associate professor of illustration at Parsons
the illustrator of Always by alison McGhee. His editorial work has
the new School for Design in new York City. He is the author of
appeared in the New Yorker. He is based in Belgium.
numerous books, and his art has appeared in many national and international publications. He lives and works in new York City.
S PECIFICATIONS Full-color illustrations
ISbN 978-1-4197-0850-3
ISBN 978-1-4197-0850-3 US $16.95 Can $18.95 51695
32 pages, 8 × 8" hardcover with jacket
S PECIFICATIONS Full-color illustrations
ISbN 978-1-4197-0986-9
ISBN 978-1-4197-0986-9 US $18.95 Can $21.95 51895
32 pages, 9½ × 13½" 9 781419 708503
hardcover with jacket
9 781419 709869
z Abrams Books for Young Readers
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F13_06ALSO_pc3.indd 136
z Abrams Books for Young Readers
Also of Interest 4/1/13 1:45 PM
searching for sarah rector
Young Frank, Architect
t h e r i C h e s t B L AC k g i r L i n A M e r i C A
by F r a n k v I va
by to n ya b o l d e n
arah Rector was once famously hailed as “the richest black girl in america.” Set against the backdrop of american history,
her tale encompasses the creation of Indian territory, the making
oung Frank is an aspiring architect. He lives with his grandfather,
old Frank, who is also an architect, and his spotted dog, eddie.
Using anything he finds—macaroni, pillows, toilet paper, shoes—
of oklahoma, and the establishment of black towns and oil-rich
Young Frank likes to make buildings that twist, chairs with zigzag legs,
boomtowns. Rector acquired her fortune at the age of eleven. this is
and even entire cities. But old Frank disapproves, saying architects
both her story and that of children just like her: one filled with ups and
only create buildings. one day they go to the Museum of Modern art
downs amid bizarre goings-on and crimes perpetrated by greedy and
in new York City. there, they see work by two famous architects named
corrupt adults. From a trove of primary documents, including court
Frank: Frank Gehry’s cardboard wiggly chair and Frank Lloyd Wright’s
and census records and interviews with family members, author tonya
Broadacre City project, among other things. old Frank sees that architects
Bolden painstakingly pieces together the events of Sarah’s life and
can do more than he thought they could. together, old Frank and Young
the lives of those around her.
Frank go home and create structures of every shape and size, using
Tonya bolden has written a number of books about the african
Young Frank feels a little older, and old Frank feels a little younger.
whatever they can get their hands on, even cookies! at the end of the day, american experience. Her work has garnered much praise, including the Coretta Scott King Honor award, James Madison Book award,
In addition to illustrating nine New Yorker covers in the past two years,
School Library Journal Best Book of the Year, YaLSa Best Book of the
illustrator and designer Frank Viva has published two award-winning
Year, and CCBC Best Book of the Year. She lives in new York City.
and bestselling children’s books—Along a Long Road was named one of the New York Times’ ten Best Illustrated Books of 2011. He lives in toronto.
S PECIFICATIONS archival images throughout
ISbN 978-1-4197-0846-6
ISBN 978-1-4197-0846-6 US $21.95 Can $24.95 52195
80 pages, 10 × 10" hardcover with jacket
S PECIFICATIONS Full-color illustrations
ISbN 978-0-87070-893-0 ISBN 978-0-87070-893-0 US $16.95 Can $18.95
40 pages, 9 × 11¾" 9 781419 708466
9 780870 708930
z Abrams Books for Young Readers
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the Meditating Cat A z e n C o Lo r i n g B o o k ■
by J e a n -v I n C e n t s é n aC
how to Draw a Chicken ■
n this beautifully illustrated coloring book, readers are invited to join the Meditating Cat on its journey through the ages. the die-cut
cat sits serenely in the lotus position at the center of the world as
by J e a n -v I n C e n t s é n aC
nyone can draw a chicken, right? Follow Jean-Vincent Sénac’s attempts to draw one as he has to contend with
runaway beaks, sleeping eggs, and hungry hens. the entertaining
characters and witty text in this book of simple outline drawings,
it evolves: Forests, cityscapes, underwater scenes, and futuristic
much like a flip-book, will charm readers of all ages and encourage
landscapes come and go. Readers can add color and creativity to
children and adults alike to draw with humor and imagination.
every page while taking a lesson in peacefulness and calm from one
Illustrated throughout in Sénac’s unique style, this little book will encourage drawing while making readers laugh out loud.
very enlightened cat. Illustrated throughout with die-cuts from the front cover to the back page, this charming book will delight artists and meditation
Jean-Vincent Sénac is an illustrator based in France. He has
buffs of all ages.
produced books, flip-books, and toys, and runs art workshops for children.
S PECIFICATIONS Die-cuts on cover and every page Black-and-white illustrations 56 pages, 7½ × 9 7⁄⁸"
ISbN 978-1-84976-220-5 ISBN 978-1-84976-220-5 US $10.95 Can $11.95
9 781849 762205
S PECIFICATIONS Black-and-white illustrations 72 pages, 57⁄⁸ × 5½" hardcover
PUB MontH: OcTObEr
ISbN 978-1-84976-068-3 ISBN 978-1-84976-068-3 US $10.95 Can $11.95
9 781849 760683
PUB MontH: OcTObEr
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Ph OTOg r A Ph Y A N D A rT c r E D ITS Front Cover From Across the Ravaged Land, Lion Roar, Maasai Mara, 2012. © nick Brandt insiDe Front From Marcel Dzama, artwork © Marcel Dzama BACk Cover From Maurice Sendak, Copyrights in original artwork created by Maurice Sendak are owned and controlled by the estate of Maurice Sendak. PAge 1/ Contents © CneS/Distribution astrium Services/Spot Image PAges 2–3/Abrams opener From Photorealism, Davis Cone, Fremont—California at Dusk, 2005. Courtesy of the artist PAges 4–5 Left page, clockwise from top left: arnold Schwarzenegger by annie Leibovitz, 1997 © annie Leibovitz/Contact Press Images; Kate Moss by Mert alas and Marcus Piggott, 2006 © Mert alas and Marcus Piggott; Greta Garbo by edward Steichen, © 1928 Condé nast/Courtesy Condé nast archive; otis Ferry and Foxhounds by tim Walker, 2007 © tim Walker; Right page: Greta Garbo by Miguel Covarrubias © 1932 Condé nast/ Courtesy Condé nast archive; Jackie and Joan Collins by annie Leibovitz, 1987 © annie Leibovitz/Contact Press Images; Josephine Baker by Paolo Garretto © 1936 Condé nast/Courtesy Condé nast archive PAges 6–7 Copyrights in original artwork created by Maurice Sendak are owned and controlled by the estate of Maurice Sendak. PAge 8 top left: Paramount/ the Kobal Collection; top right: MGM/ the Kobal Collection/ Clarence Sinclair Bull; bottom left: 20th Century Fox/ the Kobal Collection; bottom right: Warner Brothers/ the Kobal Collection PAge 9 © Stefan Sagmeister PAges 10–11 Left to right, top to bottom: Lion Trophy, Chyulu Hills, Kenya 2012; Calcified Fish eagle, Lake natron, 2012; Elephant On Bare Earth, amboseli 2011; The Two Elephants, amboseli 2012; Lion & Wildebeest, amboseli, 2012; Calcified Bat II, Lake natron, 2012. all © nick Brandt PAge 12 tM ® & © 2013 CBS Studios Inc. StaR tReK and all related marks are trademarks of CBS Studios Inc. all rights reserved. topps logo ® & © 2013 the topps Company, Inc. all rights reserved. PAge 13 From The Pit and the Pendulum, Courtesy of the everett Collection PAge 14 top to bottom: Helen Frankenthaler. Untitled. 1951; Mountains and Sea. 1952; Mother Goose Melody. 1959; all images © 2013 estate of Helen Frankenthaler/artists Rights Society (aRS), new York PAge 15 Jean-Pierre Gilson PAge 16–17 Photo by John Dominis/ time Life Pictures/Getty Images; all black-and-white images: George tames/the new York times PAge 18 top to bottom: Peter Maier, Horse-Power (Ben), 2011. Courtesy of the
artist; Stephen Fox, High Curve (Storm), 2010. Courtesy of oK Harris Works of art, new York; Richard estes, 34th Street Cross Town Bus, 2009. © Richard estes. Courtesy Marlborough Gallery, new York PAge 19 all artwork © Damien Hirst PAges 20–21 Photograph of Wes anderson at far right: niko tavernise; cover illustration by Max Dalton PAge 22 top and middle: © Hergé / Moulinsart 2013; bottom: © J. Lenoir – télé 7 Jours PAge 23 top to bottom: Patti Smith; Michael Jackson; Bob Dylan. all © Lynn Goldsmith PAge 24 Courtesy the Metropolitan Museum of art PAge 25 Courtesy of thomas o’Brien/ aero Studios PAge 26 Cover: Richard Field Levine; top to bottom: Courtesy of the Hearst Corporation; alex Vertikoff; Richard Field Levine PAge 27 top to bottom: Photograph by Horst Faas; photograph by Henri Huet; aP Images archive. all © aP PAges 28–29 Ron Howard PAge 30 Photograph © Hendrik Kerstens/nunc Contemporary PAge 32 PunkPistol PAge 33 Cover: Victoria and albert Museum; top right: From the archives of the Roy export Company establishment; middle right: Paramount/ Kobal; bottom right: annie Leibovitz/ Contract Press Images PAge 34 orange dress: © Studio Sébert—photographes; black dress and bag: © Christie’s Images/the Bridgeman art Library PAge 35 Guillaume de Laubier PAge 36 top, top middle: © Library of Congress; bottom middle: © Carol M. Highsmith archive/Library of Congress; bottom: © Jim Prisching/aP Photos PAge 37 © 2013 Lucasfilm Ltd. and ™. all Rights Reserved. Used Under authorization. PAges 38–39 © 2013 Lucasfilm Ltd. and ™. all Rights Reserved. Used Under authorization. PAge 40 Jeff Mcnamara PAge 41 top to bottom: Russian postcard; Suzani; Hat; Robe. all © Susan Meller PAges 42–43 © CneS/Distribution astrium Services/Spot Image PAge 44 Ben Buchanan PAge 45 all artwork © Marcel Dzama; all images courtesy David Zwirner, new York/London and Sies + Höke, Düsseldorf PAges 46–47 Copyright © 2013 Heirs of Rube Goldberg PAge 48 [schoolchildren singing] Photograph by Russell Lee, october 1940. FSa/oWI Collection, the Library of Congress; [Grand Grocery storefront] Photograph by John Vachon, 1939-1943. FSa/oWI Collection, the Library of Congress; [female workers at lunch table] Photograph by Jack Delano, april 1943. FSa/oWI Collection, the Library of Congress; [military plane] Photograph by Howard R. Hollem, august 1942. FSa/oWI Collection, the
Library of Congress PAge 49 top: © François Chevalier; middle: © Robert L. Knudsen (John F. Kennedy Presidential Library and Museum, Boston, Massachusetts); bottom: © Gilles MartinRaget PAges 50–51/stewart, tabori & Chang opener From Design Brooklyn, © Michel arnaud PAges 52–53 Marie Viljoen PAge 54 Dawn DeVries Sokol PAge 56 Lucy Schaeffer PAge 57 Joshua Cogan PAges 58–59 Diane Cu and todd Porter PAge 60 Iain Bagwell PAge 61 Jennifer May PAge 62 Cover photo © nichole Smith; illustrations © Michael Weldon; photograph (bottom) © Susan turner Radin PAge 63 Sarah Beth ernhart PAges 64–65 Meeno PAge 66 Pierre Monetta PAge 67 Kindra Clineff PAge 68 Maria alexandra Vettese and Stephanie Congdon Barnes PAge 69 Mika nakanishi PAge 70 Michel arnaud PAge 71 anna Williams PAges 72–73 Cover: www. ScottMarkewitz.com; top: www. ScottMarkewitz.com; middle: © adam Clark; bottom left: www.ScottMarkewitz. com; bottom right: © Keoki Flagg PAge 74 top: national Baseball Hall of Fame; middle: aP; bottom: Getty Images PAge 75 © Fritz Von der Schulenberg PAges 76–77 Quentin Bacon PAges 78–79/Abrams image opener From Much Loved, Mark nixon PAges 80–81 Illustrations by Son of alan PAge 82 From the Willard Carroll collection PAge 83 Courtesy of Shea Serrano PAges 84–85 Cover: Bob Gruen; other images: Ron akiyama PAge 86 Jeff VanderMeer PAge 87 Mark nixon PAge 88 Courtesy of George Kotsiopoulos PAge 89/ selfMadehero opener From The Shadow Out of Time, illustration by I. n. J. Culbard PAge 90 Jeremie Dries PAge 91 David Prudhomme PAge 92 Sylvain Coissard and alexis Lemoine PAge 93 Frederik Peeters PAge 94 I. n. J. Culbard PAge 95 Jaromir 99 PAges 96–97, DistriBution oPener From Vehicles, atelier de numérisation–Ville de Lausanne, olivier Laffely. © Collection de l’art Brut, Lausanne PAges 98–99 Photos © Francesco Lagnese PAge 100 top and bottom: © Kunsthistorisches Museum, Vienna; center: Feather fan, Mexican. Museum of ethnology, Vienna PAge 101 Photos © David Schlegel PAges 102–103 Photos © tria Giovan PAge 104 top: Rendering; middle: Photo Peter Durant/ aircade; bottom: photograph by Florian Monheim PAge 105 top: Paul Colin; middle: Federico Seneca; bottom: Roger de Valerio. Photos © William Crouse PAges 106–107 Photos © Ivan terestchenko PAge 108 Photos © James Fennell PAge 110 Photos © Victoria and albert Museum, London PAge 111 top:
© the Consulate General of Monaco, new York; bottom: © Rue des archives aGIP PAge 113 Photos © Victoria and albert Museum, London PAge 114 Auspicious Cranes (detail), Liaoning Provincial Museum Liao ICP PAge 117 top to bottom: Love on the Stage. 1920. State tretyakov Gallery, Moscow. The Promenade. 1917/18. the State Russian Museum, St Petersburg. To Russia, Asses and Others. 1911. Musée national d’art moderne / Centre de création industrielle, Centre Pompidou, Paris. Gift of the artist, 1953 PAge 121 © 2013 ellen Gallagher. Courtesy of the Gagosian Gallery, nY PAge 122 Illustrations by Durgabai Vyam and Subhash Vyam © nayavana Publishing 2011 PAge 123 top: andrea Feldman outside Max’s Kansas City, 1970. Courtesy of the artist and Steven Kasher Gallery, new York, photo © anton Perich; bottom: David Bowie, earl’s Court, 1973, photo © Mick Rock PAge 125 top: Hugo Brehme. Untitled, c. 1910–1917. DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, texas. Photo DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, texas; bottom: antonio Ruiz. Bicycle Race, 1938. Philadelphia Museum of art: Purchased with the nebinger Fund, 1949. Photo Philadelphia Museum of art / © archivo antonio Ruiz PAge 127 all images © Copyright Succession H. Matisse by Siae 2013. From Matisse: The Chapel at Vence, by Marie-thérèse Pulvenis de Seligny, photographs by Basilio and Matteo Rodella. International copyright © 2013 editoriale Jaca Book spa, all rights reserved PAge 129 top: Jacques Lefèvre.Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe. Photo © Staatliche Kunsthalle Karlsruhe 2012 / a. Fischer / H. Kohler. Bottom: Man on a Rope. Museum of Fine arts, Boston. tompkins Collection–arthur Gordon tompkins Fund. PAge 130 Henry Moore. Oval with Points. Photo John French, © Henry Moore Foundation PAge 131 © Sotheby’s France SaS PAge 133 © Collection Heribert amann PAge 134 atelier de numérisation–Ville de Lausanne, olivier Laffely. ©Collection de l’art Brut, Lausanne PAge 135 Pantone ® and other Pantone trademarks are the property of Pantone LLC. Pantone Colors may not match Pantone-identified standards. Consult current Pantone Color Publications for accurate color. Pantone LLC is a wholly owned subsidiary of X-Rite, Incorporated. © Pantone LLC, 2013. all rights reserved.
Comicarts is a registered trademark of Harry n. abrams, Inc., registered in the U.S. Patent and trademark office.
FA L L 2 0 1 3
F13_06ALSO_pc3.indd 140
4/1/13 1:45 PM
A lPh A b ETI cA l I N D E x 66 Square Feet 52–53
Design Brooklyn 70
J’aime Paris 66
a to Z of Classic Hollywood Style 8
Doodle Circle, the 54
Ken Howard’s Switzerland 144
across the Ravaged Land 10–11
earth from Space 42–43
Kennedy Years, the 16–17
aero 25
eating in Color 76–77
Kings County Guide to Urban
Rock and Roll Stories 23
ambedkar 122
eddie trunk’s essential Hard Rock
Moonshining, the 28–29
Schwitters in Britain 118
area 44
and Heavy Metal, Volume 2 84–85
Pre-Columbian art from the BarbierMueller Collection 131 Rebetiko 91
Kittenhood 63
Sculptures of Jeddah 130
art Deco Poster, the 105
ellen Gallagher 121
Knitted Slipper Book, the 69
Searching for Sarah Rector 137
art Glass of Louis Comfort tiffany,
english Country House, the 108
Lena Corwin’s Made by Hand 68
Shadow out of time, the 94
Fashion in Detail 1700–2000 112
Let’s Get this Party Started! 64–65
Slik and Cotton 41
art Is . . . 24
Fifth avenue Style 102–103
Little Ghost Party 135
Staircases 104
art of Drawing, the 109
Fifty Places to Ski and Snowboard
Louis Vuitton Cup, the 49
Star trek 12
Luminous Interiors 75
Star Wars art: Concept 37
the 101
art of Rube Goldberg, the 46–47
Before You Die 72–73
Barbara Hepworth 118
Football nation 36
Marcel Dzama 45
Star Wars: Frames 38–39
Baroque & Later Ivories 116
Fragments of the Invisible 132
Masterpieces of Chinese Painting
terry John Woods’ Farmhouse
Beyond Chic 106–107
Gary Hume 119
Bound for Glory 48
Glam 123
Matisse 127
textiles from Borneo 133
Bountiful 58–59
Glam Rock 113
Maurice Sendak 6–7
things I have learned in my life
Bruegel in Detail 30
Glamorous by George 88
Meditating Cat 138
Bun B’s Rap Coloring and activity
Glamorous Retreats 40
Mexico 125
tintin 22
Grace Kelly Style 111
Modern British Furniture 109
tom Scheerer Decorates 98–99
Grand Central oyster Bar &
More Modern top-Down Knitting 71
(true!) History of art, the 92
Most Beautiful opera Houses in the
Vanity Fair 100 Years 4–5
Book 83 Castle, the 95 Chagall 117
Restaurant, the 60
700–1900 114
World, the 35
Modern 67
so far 9
Chagall (tate Introductions) 120
Guys Can Be Cat Ladies too 80–81
Chelsea Market Cookbook, the 61
Habsburg treasures 100
Much Loved 87
Vietnam: the Real War 27
Chris orr 128
Hearst Ranch 26
olafur eliasson 116
Vintage Fashion 1,000, the 34
Cinderella: a Fashionable tale 136
Hollywood Costume 33
Pachyderme 93
Want 128
Claude Monet’s Gardens at
Home Cooking for Your Dog 62
Painted on 21st Street 14
We Won’t See auschwitz 90
Houghton Revisited 126
Pantone: Color Puzzles 135
Wes anderson Collection,
Clothes for Heroes 32
How to Draw a Chicken 138
Pasta Modern 57
Comedy Carpet Blackpool, the 130
How to Read Impressionism 31
Patrick Caulfield 119
Crab Monsters, teenage Cavemen,
I, toto 82
Paula 30
Wrigley Field 74
In Black and White 115
Pearls 110
Yarn Whisperer, the 55
Isamu noguchi/Qi Baishi/Beijing
Photorealism in the Digital age 18
You are the Pea,
Giverny 15
and Candy Stripe nurses 13 Craigie aitchison 124 Damien Hirst aBC 19 Daumier 129
1930 132 J.M.W. turner 116
Pie Love 56
Vehicles 134
the 20–21 Wonderbook 86
and I am the Carrot 136 Young Frank, architect 137
FA L L 2 0 1 3
F13_06ALSO_pc3.indd 141
1 41
4/1/13 1:45 PM
cATE g O rY I N D E x
Architecture Staircases 104 art of Drawing, the 109
Masterpieces of Chinese Painting 700–1900 114
66 Square Feet 52–53
art of Drawing, the 109
Matisse 127
Fashion in Detail 1700–2000 112
Maurice Sendak 6–7
textiles from Borneo 133
Most Beautiful opera Houses in the
Vehicles 134
World, the 35 olafur eliasson 116
Painted on 21st Street 14
Let’s Get this Party Started! 64–65
Patrick Caulfield 119 Paula 30
Photorealism in the Digital age 18
a to Z of Classic Hollywood Style 8
Pre-Columbian art from the BarbierMueller Collection 131
▲ Bountiful 58–59
Beyond Chic 106–107
Chelsea Market Cookbook, the 61
Clothes for Heroes 32
Schwitters in Britain 118
eating in Color 76–77
Glamorous by George 88
(true!) History of art, the 92
Sculptures of Jeddah 130
Grand Central oyster Bar &
Grace Kelly Style 111
▲ art Deco Poster, the 105
things I have learned in my life
art Glass of Louis Comfort tiffany, the 101
so far 9
Restaurant, the 60 Pasta Modern 57
Vehicles 134
Pie Love 56
Barbara Hepworth 118
Art history
Baroque & Later Ivories 116
Bruegel in Detail 30
Doodle Circle, the 54
Chagall 117
Glam Rock 113
▼ Knitted Slipper Book, the 69
Chagall (tate Introductions) 120
How to Read Impressionism 31
Lena Corwin’s Made by Hand 68
Comedy Carpet Blackpool, the 130
Mexico 125
More Modern top-Down Knitting 71
Hollywood Costume 33 Pearls 110
art Is . . . 24
Yarn Whisperer, the 55
Craigie aitchison 124 Damien Hirst aBC 19
Art technique
Daumier 129
Chris orr 128
▲ Silk and Cotton 41
ellen Gallagher 121
Grace Kelly Style 111
Vintage Fashion 1,000, the 34
Fragments of the Invisible 132 Gary Hume 119
Habsburg treasures 100
Cinderella: a Fashionable tale 137
a to Z of Classic Hollywood Style 8
Houghton Revisited 126
How to Draw a Chicken 139
▼ Hollywood Costume 33
In Black and White 115
I am the Pea and You are the
Wes anderson Collection,
Isamu noguchi/Qi Baishi/Beijing 1930 132
Carrot 136
the 20–21
Little Ghost Party 136
J. M. W. turner 116
Meditating Cat 139 Pantone: Color Puzzles 138
culturAl studies
Searching for Sarah Rector 138
Glam 123
Young Frank, architect 137 decorAtive Arts comics
english Country House, the 108
ambedkar 122
Fifth avenue Style 102–103
art of Rube Goldberg, the 46–47
Marcel Dzama 45
Matisse 127 tom Scheerer Decorates 98–99
▲ Ken Howard’s Switzerland 144 comics Art tintin 22
1 42
FA L L 2 0 1 3
F13_06ALSO_pc3.indd 142
4/1/13 1:45 PM
cATE g O rY I N D E x
food & wine
earth from Space 42–43
Bountiful 58–59
Kings County Guide to Urban
Bun B’s Rap Coloring and activity
Hearst Ranch 26
J’aime Paris 66
Moonshining, the 28–29
Kings County Guide to Urban Moonshining, the 28–29
Book 83
Much Loved 87
Clothes for Heroes 32
Paula 30
Fashion in Detail 1700–2000 112
Photorealism in the Digital age 18
art of Rube Goldberg, the 46–47
Rebetiko 91
Rock and Roll Stories 23
Bun B’s Rap Coloring and activity
▼ Rock and Roll Stories 23
Vanity Fair 100 Years 4–5
Book 83
Vietnam: the Real War 27
Guys Can Be Cat Ladies too 80–81
Want 128
(true!) History of art, the 92 PoP culture interior design
area 44 Bun B’s Rap Coloring and activity
aero 25
66 Square Feet 52–53
Beyond Chic 106–107
▲ Claude Monet’s Gardens at
Design Brooklyn 70
Giverny 15
Book 83 ▼ eddie trunk’s essential Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, Volume 2 84–85
english Country House, the 108 Fifth avenue Style 102–103
Star trek 12
gift Home Cooking for Your Dog 62
music nonfiction eddie trunk’s essential Hard Rock and Heavy Metal, Volume 2 84–85
grAPhic design art Deco Poster, the 105 things I have learned in my life
so far 9
earth from Space 42–43
▲ Glamorous Retreats 40
Performing Arts
Luminous Interiors 75
Crab Monsters, teenage Cavemen,
Modern British Furniture 109 terry John Woods’ Farmhouse Modern 67 tom Scheerer Decorates 98–99
and Candy Stripe nurses 13 I, toto 82 Most Beautiful opera Houses in the World, the 35 Star Wars art: Concept 37
grAPhic novel
Star Wars: Frames 38–39
ambedkar 122
Pearls 110
Wes anderson Collection, the 20–21
Castle, the 95 ▲ Pachyderme 93
Rebetiko 91
Yarn Whisperer, the 55
reference Wonderbook 86
sPorts Fifty Places to Ski and Snowboard Before You Die 72–73 Football nation 36 Louis Vuitton Cup, the 49 Wrigley Field 74
Shadow out of time, the 94
Guys Can Be Cat Ladies too 80–81
We Won’t See auschwitz 90
Home Cooking for Your Dog 62
Silk and Cotton 41
Kittenhood 63 history
⊲ Football nation 36
Hearst Ranch 26
Kennedy Years, the 16–17
across the Ravaged Land 10–11
J’aime Paris 66
Vanity Fair 100 Years 4–5
Bound for Glory 48
Vietnam: the Real War 27
Claude Monet’s Gardens at Giverny 15
FA L L 2 0 1 3
F13_06ALSO_pc3.indd 143
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97 8 -1 - 41 97-1 1 1 5 -2
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97 8 -1 - 41 97-1 1 0 6 - 0
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