Sewing Green: 25 Projects Made with Repurposed & Organic Materials by Betz White

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25 PROJECTS MADE WITH REPURPOSED & ORGANIC MATERIALS Plus Tips & Resources for Earth-Friendly Stitching

John GRuEn’S photographs have appeared in many magazines, including Martha Stewart Living, Country Living, and Food & Wine, and in the STC books Kids’ Embroidery, Kids Crochet, and Weekend Sewing. He lives in Lakeville, CT.

Also Available from STC Craft

Weekend Sewing ISBN 978-1-58479-675-6

Alabama Stitch Book ISBN 978-1-58479-666-4

Stewart, Tabori & Chang An imprint of Harry N. Abrams, Inc. 115 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011 Cover photographs © 2009 by John Gruen Cover design by Onethread Author portrait photograph by Chris Elinchev Printed in China

STITCH BEAUTIFULLY, TREAD LIGHTLY Eco-consciousness has changed the cars we buy, the way we build houses, the food we eat, and now it’s becoming a major trend in crafting. In Sewing Green, longtime sewer and environmental advocate Betz White presents us with 25 modern projects made from repurposed fabrics, such as a skirt sewn from pillowcases, an apron constructed from men’s dress shirts, and pillows made from felted wool sweaters, as well as projects stitched from new organic and sustainable fabrics, such as a baby quilt and washcloths made from the softest cottons. A few projects are even made from recycled non-fabrics, such as a tote bag refashioned from used Tyvek envelopes, or an auto sunshade made from discarded Mylar juice pouches.

Sewing Green 25 PROJECTS MADE WITH REPURPOSED & ORGANIC MATERIALS Plus Tips & Resources for Earth-Friendly Stitching


A portion of the proceeds from the sales of Sewing Green will be donated to environmental protection organizations.

U.S. $24.95 / Can. $27.50 / U.K. £14.99 ISBN 978-1-58479-758-6 ISBN 978-1-58479-758-6



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U.S. $24.95 Canada $27.50 U.K. £14.99

Sewing Green

BETz WhiTE is a designer, author, and “green” crafter who combines her whimsical color and design sense with a love for repurposing. In 2005, Betz left her career as a childrenswear designer to pursue a new love: creating one-of-a-kind items from secondhand materials. Her line of home and fashion accessories is sold online and in boutiques around the world and has been featured on Martha Stewart’s television show, in Country Living, Adorn, and CRAFT magazines, and on numerous craft podcasts. Her first book, Warm Fuzzies (North Light), was published in 2007. She lives in North Potomac, MD, with her husband and two sons. Visit her website at

Betz White

Photographs by John Gruen

Along the way, White gives us inspiring profiles about leaders in the eco-sewing movement and plenty of tips to help us stitch beautifully while treading lightly on the planet, such as how to deconstruct old garments for reuse in new creations, how to wrap gifts with leftover fabric scraps instead of paper, and how to set up our sewing space—even do our laundry—in an environmentally responsible way. She entertains us with stories about repurposers of times past—ranging from early American quilters to Scarlett O’Hara, who famously had the idea to transform her lush green curtains into an elegant gown. A complete resources section helps us find organic and sustainable fabrics as well as thrift stores around the nation, plus eco-oriented websites and other publications for further reading. With these tools in hand, stitchers will be fashioning handmade heirlooms and passing on sustainable traditions for generations to come.

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