Fine-spotted Trout
Arctic Char, Loch Brodainn
Spawning Dolly Varden Char
Sea-run Brown Trout
Atlantic Salmon
La Truite Zébrée
SPRING 2013 Amago
Sea Trout
Sharp-nosed Lenok
Marble Trout
Fine-spotted Brown Trout
Sonaghen Trout
Brown Trout
Cutthroat Trout
Adirondack Brook Trout
Longfin Char
Brown Trout
Softmouth Trout
Non-marmorated Brown Trout
Large Arctic Char
s pr i n g 2013
115 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011
SpringAdult_PB.indd 1
10/30/12 8:46 AM
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97 8 -1 - 61 76 9 - 0 6 9 -3
97 8 -1 - 61 76 9 - 070 - 9
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 920 -3
97 8 -1 - 61 76 9 - 07 2 -3
4 copies Did I Do That? neW 978-1-4197-0678-3 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
3 copies Paris Street Style neW 978-1-4197-0681-3 (HC) US $24.95 CAN $27.95
3 copies Bake It Like You Mean It neW 978-1-61769-013-6 (HC) US $29.95 Can $32.95
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97 8 -1 - 61 76 9 - 07 1 - 6
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 92 1 - 0
3 copies Home Made Summer neW 978-1-61769-015-0 (HC) US $35.00 CAN $40.00
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2 copies Home Made 978-1-58479-946-7 (HC) US $40.00 CAN $45.00
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SHIPS 3/6/13
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97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 926 - 5
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2 copies Pot Culture 978-0-8109-9440-9 (HC)
1 copy How to Read a Painting 978-0-8109-5576-9 (HC) US $37.50 CAN $42.50
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97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 925 - 8
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 92 7-2
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S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 1
Also of Interest 138 eBooks 140 Photography and Art Credits 141 Alphabetical Index 142 Category Index 143 Information to the Trade 144 Art of Selling Books Inside Gatefold
10/12/12 1:19 PM
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z Abrams 10/12/12 1:20 PM
William Klein: ABC ■
By W I l l I A m K l E I n
E S S Ay By DAV I D C A m PA n y
s e lling points ■ William Klein is considered one of the greatest creators of photo books; this is his own summation
A career survey of the work of master photographer William Klein
of his life’s work ■ A provocative work of social protest and cultural criticism chronicling 50 years of artistic engagement
s pecifications 196 color illustrations 184 pages, 11½ × 8" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH AmerICA PUB MONTH: mArCH PHotogrAPHy ISBN 978-1-4197-0749-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-0749-0 US $40.00 CAN $45.00
orn in New York in 1929, William Klein is one of the
9 781419 707490
leading photographers of the postwar era, as well as an
influential filmmaker, painter, and graphic artist. This astonishing
book, selected and designed by Klein himself, offers a visual
also aVail aB le
survey of his long and varied career. It includes his poetic street photography of New York, Moscow, Rome, Tokyo, and Paris; his exciting fashion photography; stills and posters from his bitingly satirical films; and his graphically powerful painted contact sheets. Klein, whose achievement puts him on a level with Robert Frank, Richard Avedon, and Irving Penn, lives in Paris and is revered in Europe. This is the first comprehensive book on his work published in the United States in 20 years. William Klein has been creating groundbreaking photographic books since the 1950s. He lives in Paris. David Campany is a writer, curator, teacher, and the author of several books, including Photography and Cinema and Art and Photography. He lives in London.
ISBN 978-1-4197-0215-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-0215-0 US $29.95 CAN $32.95
9 781419 702150
Avedon: Murals and Portraits ISBN 978-1-4197-0563-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-0563-2 US $100.00 CAN $115.00 10000
9 781419 705632
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 5
Lillian Bassman: Lingerie
10/12/12 1:20 PM
Barbara Nessim AN ARtfUl lIfe ■
E D I T E D A n D W I T h A n I n T R o D u C T I o n By DAV I D G A l lo WAy
E S S AyS By C h R I S To P h B E n jA m I n S C h u l z , A n n E T E lf o R D, E lyS S A
D I m A n T, S TE V E n h E l lE R , Ro G E R B l AC K , C y n T h I A G o o D m A n , D o u G l A S D o D DS , K I Š A l A l A , Ph I l I P Ko E T h E R , G lo R I A S T E I n E m , A n D m I lTo n G l A S E R s e lling points
Five decades of influential art and illustration from one of the most formative graphic stylists
■ Nessim will have a one-person exhibition at the V&A in london in february–May 2013, a rare event for a living artist ■ Nessim’s innovative techniques and conceptual approach to making images are inspiring for artists and art students
s pecifications 300 color illustrations 272 pages, 10 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLD PUB MONTH: mArCH Art
rtist and illustrator Barbara Nessim’s images of
ISBN 978-1-4197-0768-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-0768-1 US $60.00 CAN $69.00
female figures, originating in the counterculture
of the 1960s and continuing up to the present, put her in the tradition of such icons as Keith Haring and Peter Max.
9 781419 707681
A constant innovator, Nessim incorporates fashion, computers, and photography into her popular art. This book captures not only the work—ranging from the sketchbooks that are the wellspring of her art to prominent magazine assignments, such as a Rolling Stone cover of John Lennon, to elaborate large-scale projects—but also the life that carried her from New York’s high bohemia as a young artist to the world of cutting-edge visual journalism. David galloway is an independent curator and author. Contributors include: Christoph Benjamin Schulz, art historian and curator; Anne telford, founding editor of Communication Arts magazine; elyssa Dimant, fashion historian; Steven Heller, design critic and historian; roger Black, pioneering magazine designer; Cynthia goodman, former director of the IBM Gallery in New York; Douglas Dodds, curator at the V&A; Kiša Lala, curator and essayist; Philip Koether, architect; gloria Steinem, journalist and activist; and milton glaser, graphic designer.
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 6
z Abrams 10/12/12 1:21 PM
World tour V I N tAG e H ot e l l A B e l S f R o M t H e C o l l e C t I o N o f G A S to N - lo U I S V U I t to N ■
By f R A n C I S C A m AT T E o l I
s e lling points ■ leather-bound package embodies the chic luxury synonymous with the louis
Armchair travelers will delight in this striking compendium of vintage trunk labels from the Vuitton archives
Vuitton brand ■ Bold typography, vivid colors, and timeless imagery make this a must-have for any fan of graphic design ■ ties in with louis Vuitton’s recently released “100 legendary trunks” iPad app ■ Includes facsimiles of vintage travel ephemera
s pecifications 1,000 color illustrations and photographs 512 pages, 6½ × 9½" Hardcover with embossed leather, 10 postcards RIGHTS: WorLD eNgLISH, exCLUDINg FrANCe
PUB MONTH: mArCH how me your luggage and I’ll tell you who you are,” proclaimed a 1920s Louis Vuitton slogan.
World Tour takes readers back to a time when travel was a true adventure, when elegant passengers embarked on grand tours aboard ocean liners, took flight in the first airplanes, rode the Orient Express, journeyed to exotic locales, and stayed in one luxurious hotel after another.
FASHIoN • trAveL ISBN 978-1-4197-0682-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-0682-0 US $60.00 CAN $69.00
9 781419 706820
also aVail aB le
Throughout his life, the famous trunk maker and inveterate traveler Gaston-Louis Vuitton amassed a collection of over 3,000 hotel publicity stickers and labels, which globetrotters proudly affixed to their luggage. Spanning the 1920s to the 1950s, this book features more than 900 labels, a wealth of period photographs, and vintage postcards, all from around the globe, including the favorite destinations and pursuits of cosmopolitan travelers: seaside stays on the French Riviera, skiing in Chamonix and Zermatt, cultural tours of Athens and Mexico, beach vacations in Honolulu and Capri, and more. Francisca matteoli has devoted her career to writing travel accounts, contributing to Condé Nast Traveler and National Geographic, among others. A native Chilean, she resides in Paris.
ISBN 978-1-4197-0556-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-0556-4 US $125.00 CAN $145.00 12500
9 781419 705564
Louis Vuitton: 100 Legendary Trunks ISBN 978-0-8109-8247-5 ISBN 978-0-8109-8247-5 US $125.00 CAN $150.00 12500
9 780810 982475
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 7
Louis Vuitton: The Birth of Modern Luxury Updated Edition
10/12/12 1:21 PM
Multiface(t)s: Swarovski S t y l e yo U R S e l f W I t H J e W e l Ry ■
By n AT h A l I E C o l I n
T E x T By l A E T I T I A WA j n A P E l
How to top off any outfit with the perfect jewelry? Look in the mirror and let Swarovski be your guide
s e lling points ■ Swarovski was founded in 1895 by Daniel Swarovski, who revolutionized the cutting and polishing of crystal. Its signature is the unique sparkle that illuminates collections of jewelry, fashion accessories, and decorative home accessories ■ Book features an actual mirror on the cover, in which readers can see themselves “wearing” a fantastic Swarovski necklace ■ Presents Swarovski’s own advice on jewelry styling from creative director Nathalie Colin, with tips from Glenda Bailey and Nina Garcia
s pecifications 250 four-color illustrations 216 pages, 7¾ × 11¼" Hardcover with mirrored front RIGHTS: WorLD eNgLISH PUB MONTH: mArCH JeWeLry ISBN 978-1-4197-0769-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-0769-8 US $55.00 CAN $62.00
9 781419 707698
ewelry and other accessories transform a woman’s style, imparting personality and sophistication to any outfit. The
problem is knowing how to achieve the desired effect. Now
Swarovski, the world leader in cut crystal, has created a fabulous guide on how to wear jewelry—daytime, nighttime, anytime! Swarovski creative director Nathalie Colin offers pitchperfect advice on how to wear jewelry no matter where you are and where you plan to go next. Whether for work, dinner dates, cocktail parties, nightclubs, vacations, or even your own wedding, here are simple strategies for making the most of the jewelry you already own as well as smart ways to grow your accessories wardrobe. Striking images of Swarovski creations and photographs of international fashion icons show how jewelry offers endless possibilities for personal expression. This stunning book will inspire women to sparkle every day of the year. Parisian Nathalie Colin has been Creative Director of Swarovski since 2006. She has a degree in marketing from France’s prestigious École Supérieure de Commerce and attended the Fashion Institute of Technology in New York. Laetitia Wajnapel is a Paris-born journalist based in London and founder of the fashion and lifestyle blog Mademoiselle Robot.
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 8
z Abrams 10/12/12 1:21 PM
Punk Press ReBel RoCK IN tHe UNDeRGRoUND PReSS, 1968–1980 ■
By V I n C E n T B E R n I è R E A n D m A R I E l P R I m o I S
A spectacular visual tour through the history of punk, one of music’s most influential movements, as seen in the work of the media that helped propel it
s e lling points ■ Includes more than 160 full-page facsimiles from magazines, including Punk, the New York Rocker, the East Village Eye, Ripped & Torn, Situation, In the City, Slash, Sniffin’ Glue, and Search and Destroy ■ features the most popular punk artists from the United States, U.K., and france, including Iggy Pop, the New york Dolls, the Ramones, Blondie, the Sex Pistols, and many more
s pecifications 160 color photographs 240 pages, 9 × 13¼" Paperback with flaps
RIGHTS: WorLD eNgLISH unk was born on the East Coast in the late 1960s,
later crossing the Atlantic and exploding in London
and Paris. This dynamic countermovement churned
ISBN 978-1-4197-0629-5
out heaps of professional magazines and photocopied,
ISBN 978-1-4197-0629-5 US $40.00 CAN $45.00
hand-stapled fanzines, all expressing ideas on music, art, and current events. By creating its own press, the
9 781419 706295
punk movement secured its place in the history of 20thcentury culture. Featuring collages, cutouts, and handcrafted typography, Punk Press compiles the stunning graphics created
also aVail aB le
by these publications, spanning from the East Village to East London to the Left Bank. With unforgettable images of punk’s greatest bands—the Ramones, the Sex Pistols, the Clash, the Dead Kennedys, Iggy Pop, and more—this is a captivating look at some of music’s most fascinating personalities and greatest talents.
Commando vincent Bernière is a reporter for the French magazine Technikart. He is also an editor of graphic novels, comic book scriptwriter, exhibition curator, and producer of radio documentaries. He lives in France. mariel Primois has served as artistic director for magazines such as Globe, VSD, Actuel, Nova, and Fooding. She lives in France. Primois and Bernière are coauthors of Abrams’ Sex Press.
9 780810 996601
Punk 365 ISBN 978-0-8109-9404-1 ISBN 978-0810994041 US $32.50 CAN $37.50
9 780810 994041
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 9
ISBN 978-0-8109-9660-1 ISBN 978-0-8109-9660-1 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
10/12/12 1:21 PM
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z Abrams 10/12/12 1:21 PM
Serpentine ■
By m A R K l A I TA
I n T R o D u C T I o n By W I l l I A m T. Vo l l m A n n
Internationally award-winning photographer Mark Laita focuses his artistic expertise on the world of snakes s e lling points ■ laita’s style of photography is extremely popular, as proven by the great publicity and impressive sales of his last book, Sea ■ More than 1 million people own snakes as pets, and trade in snakes generates more than $100 million annually
s pecifications 100 color illustrations 200 pages, 12 × 12" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLD eNgLISH, exCLUDINg AUStrALIA AND NeW ZeALAND PUB MONTH: mArCH NAtUre • PHotogrAPHy ISBN 978-1-4197-0630-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-0630-1 US $50.00 CAN $57.50
9 781419 706301
also aVail aB le
hotographer Mark Laita unveils a pantheon of spectacular snakes in this electrifying collection. Inciting both allure and
alarm, shining pastel pythons and vibrant green vipers slither across the pages. An illuminating essay by William T. Vollmann accompanies the images, delving into the associations with snakes that haunt our collective imagination.
From the iridescent blue Malaysian coral snake to the candy-
ISBN 978-1-4197-0087-3
cane-striped albino Honduran milk snake, the aptly named beautiful
ISBN 978-1-4197-0087-3 US $50.00 CAN $57.50
pit viper, and the gleaming black mamba, the world’s most dangerous
and gorgeous snakes are pictured in Serpentine, showing off their fascinating colors and textures—as well as the sensual forms their
9 781419 700873
movement creates. Through Laita’s lens, there is nothing they can do,
ISBN 978-0-8109-9653-3
no position they can take, that fails to be anything but mesmerizing.
ISBN 978-0-8109-9653-3
US $50.00 mark Laita has spent most of his career photographing nature and American cultures. His work has been exhibited at many galleries in the United States and Europe. Laita is also the author of Abrams’ Sea. He lives in Los Angeles. William t. vollmann is a novelist, journalist, short story writer, essayist, and winner of the National Book Award. He lives in Sacramento.
780810 996533
Equus ISBN 978-0-8109-7142-4 ISBN 978-0810971424 US $65.00 CAN $78.00 56500 9 780810 971424
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 11
CAN $57.50 55000
10/12/12 1:22 PM
Van eyck in Detail ■
By m A x I m I l I A A n m A R T E n S A n D A n n I C K B o R n
s pecifications 250 color illustrations 256 pages, 9¾ × 12½"
amed for his focused observation of nature, Flemish painter Jan van Eyck (c. 1395–1441)
studied fauna and flora in their natural environment
Hardcover with jacket
and under carefully chosen lighting conditions,
and then achieved a breathtaking and convincing
realism in his paintings. Each panel is a collection
of minuscule details rendered with superb clarity from foreground to background—or at least that is
ISBN 978-1-4197-0752-0
the impression at first glance. As this book reveals,
ISBN 978-1-4197-0752-0 US $65.00 CAN $75.00
that is precisely where Van Eyck’s exceptional talent lay: He understood that the human brain is
9 781419 707520
able to supplement visual perception where nec-
“Van Eyck understood that realism
essary. Here, details from Van Eyck’s paintings are
doesn’t require verisimilitude, but
organized by such themes as nature, architecture,
only just enough visual clues to
daily life, fabrics, glass, jewelry and mirrors, and
exploit the mind’s credulity.”
portraits. This is an unprecedented look at the
—Peter Schjeldahl, New Yorker
work of a popular master. maximiliaan martens teaches art history at Ghent State University and is an expert on early Netherlandish painting. Annick Born is his assistant.
the Unfinished Painting ■ s pecifications 120 color illustrations 240 pages, 9¾ × 12½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: US AND CANADA PUB MONTH: mArCH Art
By n I C o VA n h o u T
hroughout history, works of art have been left unfinished, for a wide variety of reasons.
Some of these have, over time, become as valuable—or more—than completed works by the same artist. Spanning the 15th to the 20th centuries, The Unfinished Painting looks at 50 such works by old and modern masters, including
Van Eyck, Da Vinci, Michelangelo, Gilbert Stuart,
ISBN 978-1-4197-0751-3
Manet, Cézanne, Matisse, and Mondrian, and
ISBN 978-1-4197-0751-3 US $65.00 CAN $75.00
exposes the reason for each one’s abandonment,
9 781419 707513
from the illness or death of the artist to war, lack of funds for materials, cancelled commissions, or dissatisfaction with the subject or medium. A discussion of the way unfinished works from centuries ago—some crude, some unpolished, some simply abandoned ideas—have influenced modern paintings in styles ranging from Cubism to Abstraction accompanies superb colorplates, revealing the past from an unusual vantage point. Nico van Hout is curator of the department of 17th-century painting at the Royal Museum of Fine Arts, Antwerp.
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z Abrams 10/12/12 1:22 PM
How to Read Contemporary Art E x P E R I E N C I N G t H E A R t o f t H E 2 1 S t C E N t u Ry ■
By M i c h a e l W i l s o n s e lling points ■ the How to Read . . . series is an
The ever-changing world of 21st-century art, explored in a striking new survey by a leading art writer
established success ■ Includes more than 200 seminal works of art in all media from the last 20 years by living artists from all over the world ■ Excellent price, great flexibind format ■ Lavishly illustrated and well documented ■ Contemporary art is often very difficult to understand; this book explains many styles, media, and types of art
s pecifications also aVail aB le in the s e rie s
600 color illustrations 400 pages, 6¾ × 9½" Flexibind RIGHTS: US aNd CaNada PUB MONTH: MarCh art hIStory
How to Read a Painting ISBN 978-0-8109-5576-9 ISBN 978-0-8109-5576-9 uS $37.50 CAN $42.50 53750
ISBN 978-1-4197-0753-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-0753-7 US $39.95 CAN $44.95
oday’s artists create work that’s challenging, complicated, and often perplexing, and this book
offers a guide to understanding—and enjoying—the wide range of works on display in museums and galleries worldwide. How to Read Contemporary Art provides
9 780810 955769
9 781419 707537
How to Read a Modern Painting ISBN 978-0-8109-4944-7 ISBN 978-0810949447 uS $37.50 CAN $42.50 53750
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
a thoughtful, accessible, and lavishly illustrated look at the ever-changing world of art at the beginning of
How to Read Bible Stories and Myths in Art ISBN 978-0-8109-8400-4 ISBN 978-0810984004 uS $37.50 CAN $42.50 53750
9 780810 949447
the 21st century. Organized alphabetically, the book encompasses photography, installation, sculpture, painting, video art, performance, and more. Author Michael Wilson explores the impact of a broad selection of the
9 780810 984004
How to Read Italian Renaissance Painting ISBN 978-0-8109-8940-5 ISBN 978-0-8109-8940-5 uS $35.00 CAN $42.00 53500
most prominent artists at work around the world today, including Francis Alÿs, Allora & Calzadilla, Luc Tuymans, and Marina Abramović. Michael Wilson is an editor and writer on art and visual culture who has written for Artforum and Art in America. He has a master's degree from the Royal College of Art and an MFA from the University of Ulster. He lives in Brooklyn.
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC4.indd 13
How to Read a Photograph ISBN 978-0-8109-7297-1 ISBN 978-0810972971 uS $37.50 CAN $42.50 53750 9 780810 972971
9 781419 701139
780810 989405
How to Read World History in Art ISBN 978-0-8109-9683-0 ISBN 978-0-8109-9683-0 uS $35.00 CAN $42.00 53500
How to Read Erotic Art ISBN 978-1-4197-0113-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-0113-9 uS $35.00 CAN $40.00 53500
780810 996830
10/17/12 10:58 AM
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 14
z Abrams 10/12/12 1:22 PM
Beautiful Whale ■
By B RyA n T Au S T I n
f o R E W o R D By S y lV I A A . E A R l E
Astonishing photography of whales from the leading publisher of superb books on the natural world s e lling points ■ Bryant Austin is the only photographer in the world producing high-resolution, lifesize photographs of whales ■ the perfect gift for readers interested in photography, ecology, or marine life
s pecifications 80 color illustrations 124 pages, 15 × 12" Hardcover with jacket, 2 gatefolds RIGHTS: WorLD
hotographer and conservationist Bryant Austin’s breathtaking photographic project Beautiful Whale
ISBN 978-1-4197-0384-3
is the first of its kind: It chronicles his fearless attempts to
ISBN 978-1-4197-0384-3 US $50.00 CAN $57.50
reach out to whales as fellow sentient beings. Featuring Austin’s intimate images—some as detailed as a single haunting eye—that result from encounters based on
9 781419 703843
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
mutual trust, Beautiful Whale captures the grace and intelligence of these magnificent creatures. Austin spent days at a time submerged, motionless, in the waters of remote spawning grounds waiting for humpback, sperm, and minke whales to seek him out. As oceanographer Sylvia A. Earle says in her foreword to the book, “As an ambassador from the ocean—and to the ocean—Bryant
also aVail aB le
Austin is not only a source of inspiration. He is cause for hope.” Bryant Austin is a photographer and the founder of Marine Mammal Conservation Through the Arts. His photographs have been exhibited in the United States,
A Shadow Falls
Norway, and Japan. He lives in Carmel, California.
ISBN 978-0-8109-5415-1
Sylvia A. earle is an oceanographer and the founder of
ISBN 978-0-8109-5415-1
US $50.00
Mission Blue, an organization dedicated to establishing marine conservation sites around the world.
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 15
CAN $60.00 55000
780810 954151
10/12/12 1:22 PM
trout of the World R e V I S e D A N D U P DAt e D e D I t I o N ■
By jA m E S P R o S E K
An Abrams classic, reissued with 30 new paintings, a new preface, and a bonus poster
s e lling points ■ Trout of the World grossed more than 32,000 copies over the course of its first three printings ■ Author is a well-known trout enthusiast and frequent contributor to the New York Times
s pecifications 100 color illustrations 224 pages, 10 × 7" Hardcover with jacket, poster RIGHTS: WorLD PUB MONTH: mArCH NAtUre ISBN 978-1-61769-023-5 ISBN 978-1-61769-023-5 US $35.00 CAN $40.00
9 781617 690235
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
n the rereleased edition of Trout of the World, fans of James Prosek’s unique painting talent will revel in the addition of 30 new fish paintings and a newly penned preface.
First released in 2003, Trout of the World features original watercolors of trout from
around the world, ranging from the Oxus trout of eastern Afghanistan to the small golden brown trout of British chalk streams. Each unique painting is coupled with a historical profile of the fish, as well as personal reflections from the author. Prosek savors the beauty of various fishing spots, along with the fate of the species, contemplating man’s role in the extinction of animals. Both sensitive and informative, Trout of the World is a must for the library of the recreational fisherman as ichthyologist. James Prosek wrote his first bestselling book, Trout: An Illustrated History, while he was an undergraduate at Yale. Since then he has illustrated and penned 10 more, including The Complete Angler, Early Love, Brook Trout, and Eels. When he’s not chasing trout, Prosek lives in Easton, Connecticut.
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 16
z Abrams 10/12/12 1:22 PM
How to fake a Moon landing exPoSING tHe My tHS of SCIeNCe DeNIAl ■
W R I T T E n A n D I l lu S T R AT E D By DA R R y l C u n n I n G h A m
I n T R o D u C T I o n By A n D R E W C . R E V K I n
“Darryl Cunningham continues
s e lling points
his comics crusade to untangle
■ Nonfiction is the fastest-growing
lies, myths, and misconceptions.
segment of comics publishing
As usual, he does so with wit, charm, and quiet persistence.” —Scott McCloud, Understanding Comics
■ Cunningham is a respected science writer and illustrator; he spoke at the 2010 International Comics and Medicine Conference in london and was keynote speaker at the Graphic Medicine Conference in leeds, england, in 2011 ■ Includes an introduction by noted science journalist and academic Andrew C. Revkin ■ the graphic format and accessible text will have crossover appeal to the education market, general readers, comics and science fans, as well as the young Adult market
s pecifications 150 color illustrations 176 pages, 5½ × 8¼" Hardcover
Cool, clear analysis of today’s hot-button science controversies . . . in pictures!
RIGHTS: NortH AmerICA PUB MONTH: APrIL SCIeNCe ISBN 978-1-4197-0689-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-0689-9 US $16.95 CAN $18.95
s hydro-fracking safe? Is climate change real? Did the moon landing actually happen? How about evolution:
9 781419 706899
fact or fiction? Author-illustrator Darryl Cunningham looks
at these and other hot-button science topics and presents
See page 140
a fact-based, visual assessment of current thinking and research on eight different issues everybody’s arguing about. His lively storytelling approach incorporates comics,
also aVail aB le
photographs, and diagrams to create substantive but easily accessible reportage. Cunningham’s distinctive illustrative style shows how information is manipulated by all sides; his easy-to-follow narratives allow readers to draw their own fact-based conclusions. A graphic milestone of investigative journalism! Darryl Cunningham is a prolific cartoonist, photographer, and sculptor. Andrew C. revkin writes the Dot Earth blog for the New York Times.
Economix ISBN 978-0-8109-8839-2 ISBN 978-0-8109-8839-2 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
9 780810 988392
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 17
10/12/12 1:23 PM
By Eric W. Sanderson
The national r, bestselle now in ck paperba
Mannahatta A N At U R A l H I S to Ry o f N e W yo R K C I t y ■
By E R I C W. S A n D E R S o n
I l lu S T R AT I o n S By m A R K l E y B oy E R
s e lling points ■ Mannahatta has sold more than 40,000 copies in hardcover
any experts agree that energy is the defining issue
of this century. Economic recessions, foreign wars, and foreclosures are
■ Mannahatta received great press from the New York
only a few of the results of America’s
Times Book Review, New
dependence on oil. In Terra Nova,
York Law Journal, the San
ecologist Eric Sanderson elucidates
Francisco Chronicle, and
the interconnections between oil and
Plant Talk, among others
money, cars and transportation, and suburbs and land use. He then charts a path toward renewed economic growth, enhanced national security,
s pecifications
revitalized communities, and a sustain-
120 color illustrations
able environment: a new form of the
352 pages, 7½ × 10"
American Dream. Taking a uniquely cross-
Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: WorLD
disciplinary, accessible approach,
Sanderson delves into natural history,
HIStory • NAtUre ISBN 978-1-4197-0748-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-0748-3 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
n September 12, 1609, Henry Hudson first set foot on the land that would become
Manhattan. Today, it’s difficult to imagine what he saw, but for more than a decade, landscape ecolo-
gist Eric Sanderson has been working to do just that. 9 781419 707483
Mannahatta: A Natural History of New York City is the astounding result of those efforts, reconstructing in words and images the wild island that millions
also aVail aB le
now call home. By geographically matching an 18thcentury map with one of the modern city, examining
architecture, chemistry, and politics, to show how the American relationship to nature shaped our past and predicates our future. Illustrated throughout with maps, charts, and infographics, the book suggests how we achieve a better world through a self-reinforcing cycle of tax reform, retrofitted towns and cities, bicycles and streetcars, and investment in renewable energy.
volumes of historic documents, and collecting and
Mannahatta (HC) ISBN 978-0-8109-9633-5 ISBN 978-0810996335 US $42.00 CAN $48.00 54200 9 780810 996335
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 18
analyzing scientific data, Sanderson re-creates the
eric W. Sanderson is a senior
forests of Times Square, the meadows of Harlem,
conservation ecologist in the Global
and the wetlands of downtown. His lively text
Conservation Programs of the Wildlife
guides readers through this abundant landscape,
Conservation Society. He is adjunct
while breathtaking illustrations transport them back
faculty member at Columbia University
in time. Mannahatta is a groundbreaking work that
and New York University and has
provides not only a window into the past, but also
lectured at Princeton, Harvard, and
inspiration for the future.
Oxford universities, and at TED.
z Abrams 10/12/12 1:23 PM
The New World After Oil, Cars, and Suburbs This groundbreaking exploration of America’s oil dependence also provides a comprehensive plan for an oil-free future
s e lling points ■ the first book to outline realistic solutions to America’s crippling oil dependence ■ Sanderson is a celebrated scholar with a strong publishing track record; Mannahatta, published in 2009, has garnered major media coverage ■ fascinating subject matter is illustrated with maps, infographics, and renderings ■ Academic marketing plan includes a teacher’s guide and an interactive digital component
s pecifications 100 two-color illustrations 192 pages, 6½ × 9½" Hardcover RIGHTS: WorLD PUB MONTH: APrIL CUrreNt eveNtS ISBN 978-1-4197-0434-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-0434-5 US $29.95 CAN $32.95
9 781419 704345
also aVail aB le
Worldchanging, Revised and Updated Edition ISBN 978-0-8109-9746-2 ISBN 978-0-8109-9746-2 US $24.95 CAN $29.95
9 780810 997462
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 19
10/12/12 1:23 PM
ThE FAShION I Carefully curated compendiums of hotspots, hidden gems, and classic haunts in two of the world’s most stylish cities
s e lling points ■ Author is the New york correspondent for french Vogue and well-connected in the fashion industry ■ Chic inside and out, the books are beautifully designed and filled with drawings from wellknown fashion illustrators ■ Contributions from local fashion insiders add to the books’ hip and authentic appeal
also aVail aB le
The Little Dictionary of Fashion ISBN 978-0-8109-9461-4 ISBN$19.95 978-0810994614 US CAN $25.95
9 780810 994614
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 20
z Abrams 10/12/12 1:23 PM
By C A R o l E S A B A S
he Fashion Insiders’ Guides are carefully curated compendiums of the current hotspots, classic haunts, and hidden gems of
the world’s greatest fashion destinations. A former Parisian living in
New York, French Vogue correspondent Carole Sabas was often approached by friends and colleagues on their way to Paris for Fashion Week, looking for the best place for a quick facial, early morning yoga, or to meet a friend for a drink. So many people asked, in fact, that she produced a small guide filled with advice, which she gave out for free. Requests for more information and other cities came pouring in. Abrams is now making Sabas’ Paris and New York guides available to everyone, with expanded content including chapters such as “Eating and Drinking,” “Beauty,” “Health,” “Shopping,” “Art,” and an eclectic selection of odds and ends called “Might Be Useful One Day.” Written with a light touch and in a friendly tone, each entry includes a description of the recommended spots with hints about when to go, who to ask for, and what to get, as well as location and contact information. The inclusion of additional advice from local fashion celebrities on their favorite places to frequent puts readers confidently in-the-know. Peppered throughout with drawings by a noted and local fashion illustrator, these beautifully designed guides will be the must-have accessories of the season.
Carole Sabas was born in Marseilles, France, and has worked as French Vogue’s New York correspondent for the past five years. She lives in New York.
s pecifications for e ach 50 color illustrations 192 pages, 4½ × 6½"
Fashion Insiders’ Guide to New York
Hardcover with cloth case and
ISBN 978-1-4197-0723-0
ribbon bookmark
ISBN 978-1-4197-0723-0 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
9 781419 707230
Fashion Insiders’ Guide to Paris ISBN 978-1-4197-0722-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-0722-3 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
See page 140 9 781419 707223
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 21
10/12/12 1:23 PM
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 22
z Abrams 10/12/12 1:23 PM
faeryland tHe SeCRet WoRlD of tHe HIDDeN oNeS ■
By j o h n m AT T h E W S
I l lu S T R AT E D By m AT T DA n G l E R
An exciting new foray into the land of faerie by a New York Times bestselling author
s e lling points ■ fantasy is going mainstream with the success of HBo’s A Game of Thrones and True Blood and blockbuster films such as The Lord of the Rings ■ John Matthews is the New York Times bestselling author of Pirates ■ the interactive format makes Faeryland truly stand out in the genre ■ features newly commissioned artwork alongside classic pieces, making this book one of a kind
s pecifications 60 color illustrations 64 pages, 10 × 10" Hardcover with removeable inserts RIGHTS: WorLD PUB MONTH: APrIL FANtASy ISBN 978-1-4197-0673-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-0673-8 US $27.50 CAN $31.50
he author of Abrams’ How to See Faeries (with Brian Froud)
9 781419 706738
opens the land of faerie to all readers. The book provides a
broad overview of faeries, including a Who’s Who of Faeries; Good
also aVail aB le
Faeries vs. Bad Faeries; Faerie Courts; Faerie Spells; and Faerie Sightings. Faeries of the British Isles as well as those of Scandinavia, Germany, North America, and even the Asian, Arabic, and African worlds are discussed. Matt Dangler and other contemporary fantasy artists bring the land of faerie to life alongside such fine artists as William Blake, Henry Fuseli, and J. M. W. Turner. Faeryland contains
How to See Faeries
an envelope of faerie photos to use as postcards; an invitation from
ISBN 978-0-8109-9750-9
Puck to a Faerie Ball; a 19th-century faerie pull-out map (currently
ISBN$24.95 978-0810997509 US CAN $29.95
housed in the Library of Congress!) and more. John matthews is the New York Times bestselling author of Pirates
9 780810 997509
and is well known for his books on history and folklore. He lives in Oxford, England. matt Dangler’s fantasy paintings are widely
ISBN 978-0-8109-9586-4
sought after and have been published in fantasy annuals and other
US $29.95
books. He lives in New Jersey.
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 23
ISBN 978-0-8109-9586-4
CAN $35.95 52995
780810 995864
10/12/12 1:23 PM
An inside look at O’Brien’s acclaimed design studio and store and the evolution of his signature warm modern style s e lling points ■ In 2013, Aero Studios will be celebrating its 20th anniversary ■ features never-before-seen personal snapshots, design details, store scenes, and interiors from throughout Aero’s history and o’Brien’s homes ■ Anniversary products and publicity timed to launch with book
s pecifications 600 color photographs 256 pages, 9½ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLD PUB MONTH: APrIL INterIor DeSIgN ISBN 978-1-4197-0675-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-0675-2 US $50.00 CAN $57.50
9 781419 706752
also aVail aB le
American Modern ISBN 978-0-8109-8478-3 ISBN 978-0-8109-8478-3
US $50.00 9
CAN $60.00 55000
780810 984783
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 24
z Abrams 10/12/12 1:23 PM
B eG I N N I N G to N oW
T hom a s o’Br i e n I n the follow-up to the bestselling American Modern, Aero celebrates 20 years of the famed Aero design studio with an intimate look at its founder Thomas O’Brien’s design philosophy. From O’Brien’s vivid reminiscences
about his early days in art school in Manhattan to the opening and development of his paired studio and
store, Aero covers the history and aesthetic of this Soho, New York, landmark. Aero is where Thomas O’Brien formulated the “warm modern” look that first brought him to prominence, though his style is truly about finding modern and classic form in many things: downtown’s industrial and artistic loft culture, the luxurious elegance of the prewar city uptown, and the essential simplicity of American country antiques and rural living. Showcasing never-before-seen images of the store through the years, O’Brien’s first homes, Soho lofts, and Aero’s signature refurbished vintage furniture, this book gives readers access to the archives of a working design studio and store. Aero: Beginning to Now traces the themes and details that have become keys to Aero’s influential style. It is a rare, rich portrait filled with unvarnished and charming honesty and O’Brien’s personal stories of the New York design world. thomas o’Brien is an interior and home furnishings designer based in Manhattan. He is the founder and president of Aero Studios, one of America’s most respected design firms, and the proprietor of AERO, the influential home boutique located in the studio in Soho. He lives in New York City and Long Island.
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 25
10/12/12 1:24 PM
farmhouse Revival ■
By S T E V E G R o S S A n D S u S A n DA l E y
A look at historic preservation of an iconic American building style s e lling points ■ features 20 farmhouses maintained in their original design ■ Perfect for fans of architecture and restoration ■ Steve Gross and Susan Daley are well-known architectural photographers
s pecifications 225 color photographs 192 pages, 9¾ × 9¾" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLD PUB MONTH: APrIL ArCHIteCtUre • INterIor DeSIgN ISBN 978-1-4197-0586-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-0586-1 US $40.00 CAN $45.00
9 781419 705861
he American farmhouse represents integrity, ingenuity, self-reliance, and agricultural
heritage. Today, the vernacular farmhouse is a rare
also aVail aB le
survivor from another era that can be found sensitively reinterpreted by artists, carefully preserved by original family owners, or functionally maintained by farm-to-table food producers. In more than 200 stunning images, Steve Gross and Susan Daley have artfully photographed 20 of the most beautifully preserved farmhouses in the Northeast. Some
Creole Houses
are working farmhouses that have been passed
ISBN 978-0-8109-5495-3 ISBN 978-0810954953 US $37.50 CAN $45.00
Terry John Woods’ Summer House ISBN 978-1-58479-924-5 ISBN 978-1-58479-924-5 US $45.00 CAN $54.00
from neglect and restored to their former splendor. Each house is accompanied by an overview of the farmhouse owner and how he or she maintains the property. Fans of the farm-to-table movement as well as historic architecture and preservation will
9 781584 799245
Terry John Woods’ New Farmhouse Style ISBN 978-1-58479-792-0 ISBN$45.00 978-1584797920 US CAN $58.50
9 781584 797920
made productive again by a whole new generation of organic farmers. Still others have been rescued
9 780810 954953
down in families for generations; some have been
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 26
find this an intriguing and beautiful read. Steve gross and Susan Daley are award-winning photographers who document American architecture and design for books and magazines. They live in New York City.
z Abrams 10/12/12 1:24 PM
Magni Modernism ■
By jA m E S m AG n I
T E x T By m A R C K R I S TA l
f o R E W o R D By m Ay E R R u S
Dramatic minimalist living environments s e lling points ■ Magni is one of Architectural Digest’s top 100 Designers ■ the New York Times has called Magni a "prophetic designer" ■ Magni is a sought-after designer around the world
s pecifications 150 color photographs 240 pages, 11½ × 11½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLD PUB MONTH: APrIL
INterIor DeSIgN ames Magni’s highly sophisticated, modern home design is highly sought after the world over and showcased here
for the first time. Magni Modernism displays the designer’s
ISBN 978-1-4197-0671-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-0671-4 US $60.00 CAN $69.00
sensibilities through 14 private residences found in such diverse locales as Beverly Hills, Mexico City, Jackson Hole,
9 781419 706714
Aspen, and Moscow. With elegant restraint, Magni’s interiors complement the architecture of these magnificent homes, reflecting his training as an architect and spotlighting the buildings’ dramatic lines, open spaces, and spectacular views. From the limestone walls of a penthouse in Mexico City to the dark wood and concrete of a home in the mountains of Jackson Hole, each residence is beautifully captured in photographs and accompanied by an insightful and engaging
also aVail aB le
text by design writer Marc Kristal. James magni is an award-winning architect and designer based in Hollywood, California. His work has been featured in magazines such as Architectural Digest, the New York TImes, and Robb Report. His home furnishing line is available in major cities across the United States. marc Kristal is the author and coauthor of nearly a dozen architecture and design books, and has contributed to Dwell, the New York Times, Architectural Digest, and Elle Décor.
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 27
The Iconic Interior ISBN 978-1-61769-005-1 ISBN 978-1-61769-005-1 US $65.00 CAN $75.00
9 781617 690051
10/12/12 1:24 PM
the 7 laws of the Golf Swing V I S UA l I z I N G t H e P e R f e C t S W I N G to M A x I M I z e yo U R G A M e ■
By n I C K B R A D l E y
Back in print!
Nick Bradley’s classic bestselling first book, now back in print!
sing groundbreaking imagery, Nick Bradley’s The 7 Laws of the Golf Swing gives
readers an incredibly practical blueprint for golf suc-
cess by giving them the ability to build and maintain their own winning technique.
s pecifications 100 illustrations 192 pages, 7½ × 10½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH AmerICA PUB MONTH: APrIL SPortS ISBN 978-1-4197-0912-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-0912-8 US $29.95 CAN $32.95
9 781419 709128
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 28
z Abrams 10/12/12 1:25 PM
Primal Golf t H e I N S tA N t WAy to B e t t e R P l Ay ■
By n I C K B R A D l E y
f o R E W o R D By B u TC h h A R m o n
s e lling points ■ Bradley is a top teaching pro, working with International tour players
Golf innovator Nick Bradley uses his revolutionary visual art style and potent insights to guide players to a better golf game
■ 115 extraordinary composite images show the right way to play ■ Bradley is a frequent guest on popular radio and tV shows, and contributor to magazines
s pecifications 117 color and black-and-white illustrations 196 pages, 7½ × 10½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLD PUB MONTH: APrIL SPortS ISBN 978-0-8109-8360-1 ISBN 978-0-8109-8360-1 US $29.95 CAN $32.95
n Primal Golf, Nick Bradley uses 115 extraordinary photographs,
9 780810 983601
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
accompanied by clear, direct text, to raise the bar on golf instruction
and give golfers—amateur or professional—a unique way of actually feeling their way to mastering the game. Offering insights that words
alone cannot convey, the book provides a vastly improved golf game as the reward. Drawing upon his deep knowledge of trade and Tour secrets, Bradley shows how to build a powerful and consistent game while also debunking many of the myths that cloud the confidence and hinder the
also aVail aB le
performance of the novice and developing golfer. Throughout Primal Golf, Bradley boils down the very essence of swing motion and technique, blends it with a feeling, and then creates an image that says it all. Take one look, and you’ll get the picture. Consultant, coach, author, and course designer Nick Bradley is a
golf magazine Private Lessons
frequent contributor to Golf Digest, Golf World, Golf International, and
ISBN 978-0-8109-8482-0
Golf Monthly. Bradley has worked with some of the world’s top golfers,
ISBN 978-0-8109-8482-0
US $29.95
including Ryder and Walker Cup players, and winners on the European Tour and British Open. A London native, he now resides in North Carolina.
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 29
CAN $38.95 52995
780810 984820
10/12/12 1:25 PM
also aVail aB le
By Audrey Niffenegger Once there was a Postman who fell in love with a Raven.
The Night Bookmobile
o begins the tale of a postman who encounters a fledgling raven while on the
ISBN 978-0-8109-9617-5
edge of his route and decides to bring her home. The unlikely couple falls in love
ISBN 978-0-8109-9617-5
US $19.95
and conceives a child—an extraordinary raven girl trapped in a human body. The raven girl feels imprisoned by her arms and legs and covets wings and the ability to fly. Betwixt
CAN $23.95 51995
780810 996175
and between, she reluctantly grows into a young woman, until one day she meets an unorthodox doctor who is willing to change her. One of the world’s most beloved storytellers has crafted a dark fairy tale full of wonderment and longing. Complete with Audrey Niffenegger’s bewitching etchings and paintings, Raven Girl explores the bounds of transformation and possibility. Audrey Niffenegger is the author of the international bestsellers The Time Traveler’s Wife and Her Fearful Symmetry, as well as a fine artist who has published three illustrated books with Abrams: The Three Incestuous Sisters, The Adventuress, and The Night Bookmobile. She lives in Chicago and London.
The Three Incestuous Sisters ISBN 978-0-8109-5927-9 ISBN 978-0810959279 US $29.95 CAN $32.95
9 780810 959279
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 30
10/12/12 1:25 PM
an illustrated novella by the New York Times bestselling author of The Time Traveler’s Wife
s e lling points ■ Niffenegger is the New York Times bestselling author of The Time Traveler’s Wife, which has sold more than 7 million copies worldwide and was made into a feature film ■ Niffenegger’s second novel, Her Fearful Symmetry, was also a New York Times bestseller ■ Raven Girl will be the subject of a new ballet debuting at the Royal opera House Ballet in london in spring 2013 ■ Jonathan Cape will be publishing the U.K. edition simultaneously
s pecifications 20 color illustrations
ISBN 978-1-4197-0726-1
80 pages, 6¾ × 9"
ISBN 978-1-4197-0726-1 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
Hardcover RIGHTS: NortH AmerICA
9 781419 707261
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 31
10/12/12 1:25 PM
Yann arthus-Bertrand
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 32
Brian skerrY
z Abrams 10/12/12 1:26 PM
A spectacular photographic exploration of the world’s oceans, from above and below s e lling points ■ yann Arthus-Bertrand’s books have sold millions of copies worldwide ■ Includes 200 photographs of our planet’s oceans ■ Created in tandem with the release of the new documentary Planet Ocean
s pecifications 200 full-color illustrations 304 pages, 10 × 13½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLD eNgLISH PUB MONTH: mAy
PHotogrAPHy • NAtUre panning from the arctic to the tropics, from large-
ISBN 978-1-4197-0823-7
scale views of Australia’s barrier reef to close-up
ISBN 978-1-4197-0823-7 US $50.00 CAN $57.50
images of sea turtles, Man and Sea is a compelling, entirely
unique journey through a fascinating world. Spectacular
9 781419 708237
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
aerial images by yann Arthus-Bertrand and striking underwater photographs by Brian Skerry offer a top-tobottom tour of the world’s oceans, while the enlightening text covers the sea’s critical mechanisms, from currents to
also aVail aB le
food chains. Inspiring interviews of some of the world’s most respected researchers and activists also offer cutting-edge insight into the many challenges, such as overfishing and pollution, facing the oceans today. Exploring the critical and ever-evolving relationship between mankind and the ocean, Man and Sea is an unforgettable portrait of the global issue of sustainable development.
Earth from Above
New York from the Air
Tenth Anniversary Edition
ISBN 978-0-8109-9384-6
yann Arthus-Bertrand is the award-winning photographer
ISBN 978-0-8109-9693-9
ISBN 978-0-8109-9384-6 US $60.00 CAN $69.0
and author of more than 40 books, including the
US $60.00
ISBN 978-0-8109-9693-9
international bestseller Earth From Above, which has sold more than 3 million copies. Brian Skerry is a photographer
CAN $70.00 56000 9 780810 993846
780810 996939
renowned for creating thrilling underwater images for
The New Earth from Above 365
magazines such as Sports Illustrated, BBC Wildlife, GEO,
Revised Edition
Smithsonian, and Esquire, among many others. he is the
ISBN 978-0-8109-8461-5
author of the book Ocean Soul.
ISBN 978-0810984615 US $32.50 CAN $37.50
9 780810 984615
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 33
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S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 34
10/12/12 1:27 PM
Good Riddance A G R A P H I C M e M o I R o f D I Vo R C e ■
By C y n T h I A C o P E l A n D
C o lo R I n G By f R A n K m . yo u n G
s e lling points ■ Copeland has an established fan base for her family-oriented
A funny, insightful journey through divorce . . . and out the other side
nonfiction, with more than 580,000 copies of her titles in print ■ Memoirs are a growing genre in the graphic novel category ■ Divorce is a high-interest topic, given the 40 percent divorce rate in the United States; this is one of the few graphic works on the subject ■ Crossover appeal for the graphic novel and women’s book audiences as proven with books like the bestselling Cancer Vixen
s pecifications 220 two-color illustrations 224 pages, 6 × 9" Paperback RIGHTS: WorLD PUB MONTH: mAy grAPHIC NoveL
ISBN 978-1-4197-0670-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-0670-7 US $17.95 CAN $19.95
hen you think you live in a Norman Rockwell painting—married 18 years, three kids, beautiful old
house in the country, successful career as a writer—you don’t
expect there’s another side to the canvas. Until you read a lovesick e-mail to your husband . . . that didn’t come from you! Good Riddance is an honest and funny graphic memoir about suffering through and surviving divorce. Cynthia Copeland chronicles the deep pain, confusion, awkwardness,
9 781419 706707
6-CoPy PrePACK ISBN 978-1-4197-0891-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0891-6 US $107.70 CAN $119.70 10770
9 781419 708916
See page 140
and breakthroughs she experiences in the “new normal” as a wife who’s been deceived, a mom who’s now single, a divorcée who’s dating, and a woman who’s on her own figuring out what she truly wants from her life. Copeland tells her story with an emotional candor and spot-on humor that makes Good Riddance poignant, painful, and hilarious all at once. Cynthia Copeland is the author of several humorous books on parenting, including The Diaper Diaries, Fun on the Run, and Really Important Stuff My Kids Have Taught Me. She lives in Keene, New Hampshire.
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 35
10/12/12 1:27 PM
Bazooka Joe and His Gang a
tr a d i n g ca r d Bo o k
By T h E To P P S C o m PA n y
I n T R o D u C T I o n By n A n C y m o R S E A n D K I R K TAy lo R
P R E fAC E By TA l l E y m o R S E
E S S Ay S By R . S I Ko RyA K A n D B h o B S T E WA R T
A f T E R W o R D By jAy ly n C h
s e lling points ■ 2013 marks the 60th anniversary of Bazooka Joe and the 75th anniversary of topps ■ Beginning in January 2013, Bazooka Bubble Gum is going to be relaunched by topps with an extensive promotional campaign, including tV advertising ■ Bazooka Bubble Gum sells over half a billion pieces each year to approximately 100,000 retailers around the world ■ Bazooka has 97 percent brand awareness among adults and 89 percent among kids
The story behind the world’s most beloved bubble-gum icon—Bazooka Joe
s pecifications 200 color illustrations 224 pages, 7⅛ × 5½" Hardcover with wax jacket, pink-stained edges, 4 bonus
azooka Joe and his Gang have been synonymous with
trading cards RIGHTS: WorLD
bubble gum ever since their debut in 1953, providing
an irresistible combination of cheap laughs wrapped around
pink, sugary sweetness. This book celebrates the iconic
mini-comics that are recognized the world over. The story of
ISBN 978-1-4197-0632-5
Bazooka Bubble Gum is also detailed with extensive essays,
ISBN 978-1-4197-0632-5 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
including a profile of Wesley Morse, the original illustrator
of Bazooka Joe. Included are reproductions of more than
9 781419 706325
100 classic comics spanning six decades—including the complete first series, reprinted in its entirety for the first
See page 140
time—as well as jokes, fortunes, and tiny ads for mail-order merchandise. Like Bazooka Bubble Gum itself, the book
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
is pure nostalgia and guaranteed to appeal to kids and adults alike.
also aVail aB le
Wacky Packages ISBN 978-0-8109-9531-4 ISBN 978-0-8109-9531-4
US $19.95 9
CAN $21.95 51995
780810 995314
Garbage Pail Kids
Wacky Packages New New New
ISBN 978-1-4197-0270-9
ISBN 978-0-8109-8838-5
ISBN 978-1-4197-0270-9 US $19.95 CAN $21.95 51995
US $19.95
9 781419 702709
ISBN 978-0-8109-8838-5
CAN $21.95 51995
the topps Company, Inc., founded in 1938, is the preeminent creator and brand marketer of sports cards, entertainment products, and distinctive confectionary.
780810 988385
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10/12/12 1:28 PM
legends of the Blues ■
W R I T T E n A n D I l lu S T R AT E D By W I l l I A m S To u T
s e lling points ■ Stout is an award-winning artist with a strong fan base for his work in comics, films, and other media ■ Includes bonus music CD of 14
Portraits of legendary blues musicians by one of the great fantasy artists of our time
classic blues tracks ■ High-interest topic that will draw in readers from both the comics and music audiences
s pecifications 100 color illustrations 224 pages, 5½ × 7⅛" Hardcover with jacket, bonus CD RIGHTS: WorLD PUB MONTH: mAy mUSIC • grAPHIC Art ISBN 978-1-4197-0686-8
ISBN 978-1-4197-0686-8 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
obert Johnson, Ma Rainey, Billie Holiday, Howlin’ Wolf, Bessie Smith, Muddy Waters—say their names out loud
9 781419 706868
6-CoPy PrePACK
and you can just hear the blues. Now, acclaimed artist William
ISBN 978-1-4197-0890-9
Stout visualizes these artists and their music with 100 stunning
ISBN 978-1-4197-0890-9 US $119.70 CAN $131.70 11970
portraits. This graphically powerful collection includes profiles of classic musicians drawn by a master illustrator. Stout
9 781419 708909
beautifully captures the signature style of each blues legend and then adds authoritative biographical text with personal
also aVail aB le
and humorous writing that brings it on home. Includes recommended playlists and an exclusive bonus music CD. William Stout is an award-winning artist and writer who has worked for over 45 years in various media, including comics (Tarzan and Little Annie Fanny, with Harvey Kurtzman); film (with Monty Python, Jim Henson, Steven Spielberg, Guillermo del Toro, and Disney); the record industry; magazine illustration; and public murals at museums across the country, including the San Diego Natural History Museum and the Houston Museum of Natural Science. He lives in Pasadena, California.
R. Crumb’s Heroes of Blues, Jazz & Country ISBN 978-0-8109-3086-5 ISBN 978-0810930865 US $21.95 CAN $24.95
9 780810 930865
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 37
Jimmy Page is the legendary guitarist, songwriter,
10/12/12 1:28 PM
Creating the Worlds of Star Wars Available now
3 6 5 DAyS ■
The complete storyboards for Episodes I to III collected— for the first time ever—in one handsome, flexibound volume
By j o h n K n o l l
The definitive Star Wars book is back in stock with a striking new cover featuring a classic image from Return of the Jedi
n 1997, as George lucas worked to complete early drafts for Star Wars: Episode I The Phantom Menace, he enlisted the talents of some of the
greatest storyboard artists of the modern era to illustrate conceptual storyboards that would inform the development of the final shooting script, as well as the finished film. Working from lucas’s ideas for scenes
and sequences, these artists produced beautiful drawings that helped lay the foundations for the worlds, characters, and shots of the Star Wars Prequel Trilogy. Together, these conceptual storyboards show early takes on favorite scenes; alternate, unused approaches to character designs and environments; and entirely different approaches to key moments. like wordless comic books, they have an energy and rhythm all their own that is fascinating to explore. now, for the first time, lucasfilm has opened its archives to present the best of the conceptual storyboards for Episodes I, II, and III. Star Wars Storyboards: The Prequel Trilogy collects the best storyboards from all three films together in one striking volume, along with relevant
excerpts from the shooting scripts. Throughout this book, readers will he single most comprehensive collection of Star Wars images— hundreds of which have never been seen before—Creating the
Worlds of Star Wars: 365 Days is the only book that covers all six films.
find insight into how these conceptual storyboards helped to contribute both to the creation of the Prequel Trilogy and the expansion of the Star Wars universe.
Visual effects supervisor John Knoll takes readers on a guided tour of the spectacular worlds created by George Lucas and his crew.
J. W. rinzler, executive editor at lucasfilm ltd., is the author of the New York Times bestsellers The Making of Star Wars and The Making of Star Wars:
John Knoll is visual effects supervisor at Industrial Light & Magic, a threetime Academy Award nominee for his visual effects work, an Academy Award winner for Pirates of the Caribbean: Dead Man’s Chest, as well as the cocreator of the world-changing digital image-processing program Photoshop.
Revenge of the Sith, as well as the London Times bestseller The Complete Making of Indiana Jones. Iain mcCaig is a Chesley nominated illustrator and conceptual designer whose film credits include Terminator 2, Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire, John Carter of Mars, and The Avengers. he is best known for his Star Wars designs for Queen Amidala and Darth maul.
s e lling points
s pecifications
■ the only book that covers all six
also aVail aB le
1,000 full-color illustrations
Star Wars films!
744 pages, 9¼ × 6¼" Hardcover
■ the most comprehensive collection of images related to
the six Star Wars films, including
sets, models, costumes, concept
PerFormINg ArtS
Star Wars Art: Visions
art, props, film stills, digital effects, behind-the-scenes, and more
ISBN 978-1-4197-0704-9
ISBN 978-0-8109-9589-5
ISBN 978-1-4197-0704-9 US $32.50 CAN $37.50
US $40.00
9 781419 707049
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 38
ISBN 978-0-8109-9589-5
CAN $48.00 54000
780810 995895
Star Wars Art: Illustration ISBN 978-1-4197-0430-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-0430-7 US $40.00 CAN $45.00
9 781419 704307
z Abrams 10/12/12 1:28 PM
Star WarS StoryBoardS ■
EDITED By j. W. RI nzlER
The Prequel Trilogy
I nTRo DuC TI o n By I A I n m c C A IG
s e lling points ■ exclusive access behind the scenes of the creative process ■ Never before seen by the public, these storyboards were a key component to the creative
w York
process of developing the films
■ Star Wars is the most successful entertainment
r and
licensing franchise in history
■ New York Times bestselling author of multiple
lucasfilm franchise books
s pecifications 1,200 full-color illustrations 352 pages, 9 × 12" Flexibind with rounded corners RIGHTS: WorLD PUB MONTH: mAy FILm • PerFormINg ArtS ISBN 978-1-4197-0772-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-0772-8 US $35.00 CAN $40.00
9 781419 707728
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 39
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out of line tHe ARt of JUleS feIffeR ■
By m A R T h A fAy
f o R E W o R D By l E o n A R D S . m A R C u S
s e lling points ■ exclusive access to feiffer’s archive of original art
The first illustrated celebration of acclaimed artist and writer Jules Feiffer
■ the first book to combine feiffer’s art and personal story ■ All images in the book are reproduced from the original art ■ Includes never-before-seen images from the classic book The Phantom Tollbooth ■ foreword by leonard S. Marcus, the renowned historian, biographer, and critic
s pecifications 300 color and black-and-white illustrations 224 pages, 11¼ × 10½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLD PUB MONTH: mAy Art
veryone knows a Feiffer illustration when they see one: His characters leap across the page,
each line belying humor and psychological insight.
Over Feiffer’s prolific 70-year career, his nimble and singular imagination has given us new perspectives
ISBN 978-1-4197-0066-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-0066-8 US $40.00 CAN $45.00
as well as biting satires on politics, love, marriage, and religion—alternating with stories imbued with the playful anarchy of a child. Feiffer’s varied output includes children’s books (The Phantom Tollbooth
9 781419 700668
See page 140
and Bark, George), plays (Little Murders), movies (Carnal Knowledge and Popeye), and comic strips (most notably in his Pulitzer Prize–winning Village Voice comic strip of 42 years). Out of Line: The Art of Jules Feiffer is the long-awaited illustrated retrospective of Feiffer’s celebrated career, provid-
also aVail aB le
ing a revealing glimpse into his creative process and his role as America’s foremost Renaissance man of the arts. martha Fay is an essayist and the author of several works of nonfiction, including A Mortal
Cats, Dogs, Men, Women, Ninnies & Clowns ISBN 978-0-8109-9577-2 ISBN 978-0-8109-9577-2 US $40.00 CAN $45.00
9 780810 995772
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 40
Condition and walking guides to New York City, Rome, and Tuscany. She lives in Brooklyn and Italy. Jules Feiffer (born 1929) is an awardwinning writer, illustrator, screenwriter, playwright, children’s book author, and cartoonist. He lives in Southampton, New York.
z Abrams 10/12/12 1:29 PM
Vision and Art R e V I S e D A N D e x PA N D e D e D I t I o N ■
m A R G A R E T l I V I n G S To n E
f o R E W o R D By DAV I D h u B E l
The acclaime bestselle d r, revised a now expandend with ne d discoveriw es
s e lling points ■ every artist and neuroscientist should have this reference tool ■ features two new chapters plus existing text expanded and updated with the latest findings
A groundbreaking study by Harvard neurobiologist Margaret Livingstone
from livingstone’s research
“An accessible, thought-provoking resource for anyone interested in how the human vision system works.”—New Scientist
s pecifications 150 illustrations, 108 charts and plates + new text 240 pages, 9 × 11" Hardcover with jacket
RIGHTS: WorLD ith the original release of Vision and Art in
2002, Harvard professor Margaret Livingstone
Art • SCIeNCe
successfully bridged the gap between science and art,
ISBN 978-1-4197-0692-9
exploring how great painters fool the brain: why Mona
ISBN 978-1-4197-0692-9 US $40.00 CAN $45.00
Lisa’s smile seems so mysterious, or Monet’s Poppy Field appears to sway. In the revised and expanded edition,
9 781419 706929
Livingstone presents two new chapters of her latest observations, has substantially expanded other chapters, and updates the rest of the existing text with new insights gleaned from her ongoing research, bringing
also aVail aB le
the book to the cutting edge in the field of neuroscience. Accompanying Livingstone’s lively prose are many charts and diagrams that lucidly illustrate her points, as well as in-depth analyses of the phenomena found in major works of art. Be it the explanation of common optical illusions or the breakdown of techniques painters use to
Portraits of the Mind
create those illusions, Vision and Art provides a wealth of
ISBN 978-0-8109-9033-3
information for artists, scholars, and scientists alike.
ISBN 978-0-8109-9033-3
US $35.00 margaret Livingstone is a professor of neurobiology at Harvard Medical School. She has published numerous scholarly articles about vision. She lives in Brookline, Massachusetts. David Hubel is a professor of neurobiology at Harvard Medical School and shared the 1981 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine.
780810 990333
The Artist’s Eyes ISBN 978-0-8109-4849-5 ISBN 978-0810948495 US $45.00 CAN $52.00
9 780810 948495
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 41
CAN $42.00 53500
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S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 42
z Abrams 10/12/12 1:29 PM
Norman Rockwell’s treasury for fathers ■
By S u S A n h o m E R A n D T h E R o C K W E l l E S TAT E
s e lling points ■ Celebrate fatherhood with this great father’s Day gift ■ New compilation of Rockwell art
The third book in the successful Rockwell series, this original collection celebrates Dad with classic stories, poems, and iconic artwork
and American classics ■ over one million copies of Norman Rockwell’s Christmas Book sold
s pecifications 100 color illustrations 224 pages, 8¾ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLD PUB MONTH: JUNe Art ISBN 978-1-4197-0618-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-0618-9 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
9 781419 706189
n the tradition of the bestselling Norman Rockwell’s
Christmas Book and Norman Rockwell’s Spirit of
America, this third book in Abrams’ Norman Rockwell series will focus on “dear ol’ Dad.” Like the previous books in the series, it pairs Rockwell’s illustrations with songs, poetry, short stories, and excerpts from novels,
also aVail aB le
all of which convey the spirit of fatherhood. Additionally, it will contain a chapter on the quintessential pastimes enjoyed by fathers and their children, including playing catch, skipping stones, flying kites, and fishing, as well as easy-to-follow instructions that make these hobbies accessible for any dad. Norman Rockwell’s Treasury for Fathers will not only be a perfect Father’s Day gift, but also a great gift for Rockwell fans at any time of year. Norman rockwell (1894–1978) was a 20th-century American painter known for his illustrations of everyday
and the Four Freedoms series.
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 43
Norman Rockwell’s Spirit
Christmas Book
of America
ISBN 978-0-8109-8262-8
ISBN 978-1-4197-0065-1
ISBN 978-0-8109-8262-8
US $24.95
life. His most famous works were created for the Saturday Evening Post and include Rosie the Riveter, Saying Grace,
Norman Rockwell’s
CAN $29.95 52495
780810 982628
ISBN 978-1-4197-0065-1 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
9 781419 700651
10/12/12 1:29 PM
Crab Monsters, teenage Cavemen, and Candy Stripe Nurses R o G e R C o R M A N , K I N G o f t H e B - M oV I e ■ ■
By C h R I S n A S h AWAT y I n T R o D u C T I o n By j o h n l A n D I S
s e lling points
The first illustrated book on the life and career of Roger Corman, king of the B-movie and the world’s most successful independent director
■ A-list celebrity contributors include Peter Bogdanovich, James Cameron, francis ford Coppola, Robert De Niro, Jonathan Demme, Peter fonda, Dennis Hopper, Ron Howard, and Martin Scorsese ■ Corman was awarded an lifetime Achievement oscar at the 2009 Academy Awards ■ Uses the same journalistic model featured in bestsellers such as tom Shales’s Live from New York and legs McNeil’s Please Kill Me
rab Monsters, Teenage Cavemen, and
Candy Stripe Nurses is an outrageously
s pecifications 125 color illustrations 272 pages, 8 × 10⅞" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WorLD
rollicking account of the life and career of Roger
Corman—one of the most prolific and successful independent producers, directors, and writers of all time, and self-proclaimed king of the B-movie. As told by Corman himself and graduates of “The Corman Film School,” including Peter
Bogdanovich, James Cameron, Francis Ford
PerFormINg ArtS
Coppola, Robert De Niro, and Martin Scorsese,
ISBN 978-1-4197-0669-1 ISBN 978-1-4197-0669-1 US $35.00 CAN $40.00
9 781419 706691
this comprehensive oral history takes readers behind the scenes of more than six decades of American cinema, as now-legendary directors and actors candidly unspool recollections of working with Corman, continually one-upping one another with tales of the years before their big breaks. Crab Monsters is supplemented with
“From him, I learned how to put a picture together. He was like a great professor”—Martin Scorsese
dozens of full-color reproductions of classic Corman movie posters; behind-the-scenes photographs and ephemera (many taken from Corman’s personal archive); and critical essays
“He didn’t go with the status
on Corman’s most daring films—including The
quo. He was a master at spotting
Intruders, Little Shop of Horrors, and The Big Doll
talent. It’s one thing to talk a
House—that make the case for Corman as an
game; Roger let you play the
artist like no other.
game.”—Sylvester Stallone Chris Nashawaty is a senior writer at Entertainment Weekly. Nashawaty has also written for Esquire, Sports Illustrated, and WIRED. He lives in Connecticut.
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 44
z Abrams 10/12/12 1:30 PM
Roman Polanski A RetRoSPeCtIVe ■
By jA m E S G R E E n B E R G
s e lling points
A richly illustrated tribute to one of the world’s most prolific and influential film directors
■ the only comprehensive retrospective of Polanski’s career to have his direct participation ■ Published to coincide with Polanksi’s 80th birthday in August 2013 ■ Illustrated with more than 250 essential and rare images, many from Polanski’s own archive ■ follows bestselling retrospectives on Clint eastwood and George lucas ■ Sure to spark debate and media attention
s pecifications 250 color and black-and-white photographs 288 pages, 9¾ × 11½" Hardcover with jacket
RIGHTS: WorLD eNgLISH oman Polanski: A Retrospective is the definitive
tribute to one of the world’s most prolific and
FILm • PerFormINg ArtS
influential film directors. Editor and film critic James
Greenberg takes readers chronologically through Polanski’s extraordinarily rich and varied career, offering unique insight into every one of Polanski’s movies, from Knife in the Water (1962) to Carnage (2011). Richly illustrated with more than 250 images, including behind-the-scenes photographs from
ISBN 978-1-4197-0721-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0721-6 US $40.00 CAN $45.00
9 781419 707216
also aVail aB le
Polanski’s work, the book illuminates the achievements of a director whose own harrowing childhood and controversial story could inspire a movie. During his five-decade career, Polanski has provided generations of filmgoers with many engaging, enchanting, and haunting movies, and this retrospective is a testament to his unrivaled and distinctive talent.
Clint Eastwood ISBN 978-1-4197-0388-1 ISBN 978-1419703881 US $40.00 CAN $45.00
James greenberg is editor in chief of the DGA Quarterly, the journal of the Directors Guild of America. A former film critic for Los Angeles magazine and Daily Variety, he has written for the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, and Entertainment Weekly. He lives in Los Angeles.
The Cinema of George Lucas ISBN 978-0-8109-4968-3 ISBN 978-0810949683 US $55.00 CAN $62.00
9 780810 949683
z Abrams S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 45
9 781419 703881
10/12/12 1:30 PM
Bestsellers Cupcakes and Cashmere
Sh*tty Mom
A G U I D e f o R D e f I N I N G yo U R S t y l e , R e I N V e N t I N G yo U R S PAC e , A N D e N t e R tA I N I N G W I t H e A S e
t H e PA R e N t I N G G U I D e foR tHe ReSt of US
A lI C I A y BA R B o, A n D m A Ry A n n zo E l ln E R
By E m I ly S C h u m A n
Publishers Weekly Bestseller
By l Au R I E K I lm A RTI n , K A R E n m o l I n E ,
New York Times Bestseller
“Inspiration for anyone looking to update her wardrobe,
“A totally hilarious and uncensored look at some of the
decorate her home, or throw a fab party.” —Shape magazine
impossible situations we mothers find ourselves in.”
“Packed with photos, lists, how-tos, checklists, and recipes, the
book serves as a one-stop resource for all things stylish.”
“Smartly, brashly, nearly criminally funny. It also—no small
—Cleveland Plain Dealer
thing—carries a powerful message to all parents, but especially moms, that distilled to its essence is this: chill.” —
■ Based on Emily Schuman’s popular lifestyle blog of the same name, Cupcakes and Cashmere is the must-have guide
■ Let’s face it: Parenting is hard, overwhelming, and lonely—but
for those looking to establish their own sense of style, create a
that doesn’t mean you should let your kids win the battle! Sh*tty
signature look, organize and decorate their home, or throw an
Mom is the ultimate parenting guide, written by four moms who have
easy and stylish party. Organized by season, the book expands
seen it all. This book is about how to survive babies, and what they
on Schuman's blog by including DIY projects, organization tips,
grow into: children. It’s about shortcuts and parenting with 40% effort,
party-planning ideas, beauty how-tos, and seasonal recipes.
about doing a half-assed job, but doing it well enough so that no one but you notices. This book is a both a How To, and a How Not To.
100 full-color illustrations 176 pages, 7 × 8" Hardcover RIGHTS: WorLD FASHIoN • eNtertAININg
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 46
176 pages, 5½ × 8¼" ISBN 978-1-4197-0210-5
ISBN 978-1-4197-0210-5 CAN $21.95 51995
US $19.95
9 781419 702105
Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: NortH AmerICA HUmor • PAreNtINg
ISBN 978-1-4197-0459-8
ISBN 978-1419704598 CAN $19.95 51995
US $18.95
9 781419 704598
10/12/12 1:30 PM
Bestsellers economix
A AvA l l ilA no b le w!
HoW AND WHy oUR eCoNoMy WoRKS (AND D o e S N ' t W o R K ), I N W o R D S A N D P I C t U R e S ■
By m I C h A E l G o o DW I n
f o R E Wo R D By DAV I D B AC h
I l lu S TR ATE D By DA n E . B u R R ■
I n TRo D u C TI o n By j o E l BA K A n
New York Times Bestseller ★ “Goodwin brilliantly contextualizes economic theories with historical narrative . . . to help the reader visualize difficult concepts.” —Publishers Weekly, starred review “Economix is a book I’m going to buy and give to people.” —Mark Frauenfelder, Boing Boing “Michael Goodwin hasn’t just written a good graphic novel—he’s written one that should be required for every school, newsroom, and library in the United States.” —Minneapolis Star Tribune
■ Stimulus plans: good or bad? Social Security: Ponzi scheme or life support? Jobs: Can we afford them? Occupy Wall Street . . . worldwide! Everybody’s talking about the economy, but how can we, the people, understand what Wall Street or Washington knows—or say they know? Read Economix. With its clear, witty writing and quirky, iconic art, this important graphic novel transforms “the dismal science” of economics into a fun, fact-filled story about human nature and our attempts to make the most of what we’ve got . . . and sometimes what our neighbors have got. Economix explains it all, from the beginning of Western economic thought, to markets free and otherwise, to economic failures, successes, limitations, and future possibilities. It’s the essential, accessible guide to understanding the economy and economic practices. A must-read for every citizen and every voter.
280 black-and-white illustrations
ISBN 978-0-8109-8839-2
304 pages, 6½ × 9¼"
ISBN 978-0-8109-8839-2 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: WorLD ComICS • BUSINeSS •
9 780810 988392
See page 140
S13_01ABR_passPC3.indd 47
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S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 48
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S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 49
10/12/12 2:11 PM
bake it by
gesine bullock-prado
p h oto g r a p h s by t i n a r u p p
esine Bullock-Prado says it’s what’s inside that really counts, and in this visually sumptuous book, the author of
Sugar Baby and Pie it Forward showcases cakes that are beautiful from the inside out. Each chapter is devoted to a technique of making different types of cake, beginning with the easiest recipe and moving to the more technically difficult as the chapter
Delicious cakes that are beautiful on the outside—and on the inside—from Sugar Baby and Pie It Forward author Gesine Bullock-Prado
progresses. When the cakes are cut, they will reveal intricate layers of patterns and designs, such as hearts, checkerboards, helixes, and colorful stripes, that will bring a smile to everyone who enjoys them. This compendium of gorgeous cake recipes and techniques will yield glorious meringues, sponge cakes, pound cakes, cheesecakes, and tarts for all levels of bakers. With her trademark wit and enthusiasm for the world of confections and baking, Gesine’s latest book will delight her fans. Gesine Bullock-Prado is the creator of Gesine Confectionary, based in Vermont. She has been featured on the TODAY show, the Rachael Ray Show, and Food Network. Her new PBS cooking show, Life from Scratch, is set to air in spring 2013. She lives in Vermont.
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 50
10/12/12 2:12 PM
mean it GorGeous
cakes from
inside out s e lling points ■ Great sales record with
s pecificAtions 75 color photographs
previous titles Sugar
252 pages, 9 × 9"
Baby and Pie It Forward
Hardcover with jacket
■ 75 color photos
throughout—twice the
number of photos in
author’s previous books ■ Gesine Bullock-Prado will promote on her new PBS
ISBN 978-1-61769-013-6 ISBN 978-1-61769-013-6 US $29.95 CAN $32.95
show, Life from Scratch, airing in spring 2013
9 781617 690136
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
Also AVAil AB le
Sugar Baby
Pie It Forward
ISBN 978-1-58479-897-2
ISBN 978-1-58479-963-4
ISBN 978-1-58479-897-2 US $29.95 CAN $35.95 52995 9 781584 798972
ISBN 978-1-58479-963-4 US $29.95 CAN $32.95
9 781584 799634
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10/12/12 2:12 PM
AdVAnce pr Ais e “J’aime Ducasse—he has an extraordinarily creative and curious mind. this beautiful book exemplifies that.” —Nina and Tim Zagat “this gorgeous book is a welcome and heartfelt guide to the restaurant world of nyC by one the world’s culinary leaders. it is a requisite for any food-obsessed new yorker.” —Stanley Tucci “in the complex and contradictory food universe that new york represents, alain’s observations are unique and essential.” —Milton Glaser
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 52
10/12/12 2:13 PM
J’aime New York 1 5 0 C U l I N a RY D e S T I N aT I o N S f o R f o o D lov e R S ■
by a l a i n D u C a s s e
t e x t by a l e x Va l l i s
p h oto g r a p h s by p i e r r e M o n e t ta s e lling points ■ alain Ducasse is a worldrenowned chef with restaurants in New York, Washington, D.C., and las vegas
World-renowned chef Alain Ducasse shares his 150 favorite NYC food spots—from fine Manhattan restaurants to greenmarkets, corner bakeries, and ethnic eateries in all five boroughs
■ Spans the full scope of New York City’s food world ■ More than a guide, more than a food memoir, this book is an armchair visual feast
s pecificAtions More than 2,000 color and blackand-white photographs 620 pages, 7½ × 9½" Hardcover RIGHTS: NORtH AMeRICA
“Travel is one of my greatest passions. Not simply for my love
of discovery and pastures new, but also for the pleasures of
‘stumbling across’ objects, products, or unusual, novel ways of doing things; it all stimulates my curiosity before inhabiting
ISBN 978-1-61769-044-0
my memories, imagination and pleasures.” —Alain Ducasse
ISBN $40.00 978-1-61769-044-0 U.S. CAN $45.00
9 781617 690440
rom hot dogs in Brooklyn to Manhattan’s most chic restaurants, world-renowned chef Alain Ducasse reveals a palette
of flavors, colors, images, and aromas from all four corners of the
Also AVAil AB le
globe: his own gourmet New York. This beautiful work of photographic reportage reveals his favorite spots, special finds, and gourmet delights. Ducasse reveals New York’s finest products, as well as the histories of its places and people and his encounters with them, in this personal culinary voyage around a city with an important place in his heart. With text by New York–based food
“J’aime New York takes us
writer Alex Vallis, this gorgeously illustrated book is a treasure
on a delectable journey
J’aime New York
trove for food lovers in New York and beyond.
of the city’s vibrant
ISBN 978-2-84123-402-8 ISBN 978-2-84123-402-8 US $100.00 CAN $115.00 10000
culinary landscape.” Alain Ducasse is one of the most renowned chefs of his generation, with fine restaurants all over the world. He is also a restaurant
—David Rockwell
9 782841 234028
Grand Livre de Cuisine
designer, hotelier, and teacher of the culinary arts. Alex Vallis is
ISBN 978-2-84844-054-5
the digital features editor of Food & Wine magazine; she also writes
ISBN 978-2-84844-054-5
US $80.00
for New York magazine and its food blog, Grub Street, NBC, and Saveur. Pierre Monetta is a Paris-based photographer.
CAN $95.00 58000
782848 440545
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 53
10/12/12 2:13 PM
Bakeless Sweets P U D D I N G , Pa N N a C oT Ta , f lU f f, I C e B ox C a K e , aND MoRe No -BaKe DeSSeRTS ■
by Fa i t h D u r a n D
p h oto g r a p h s by s taC y n e w g e n t
s e lling points ■ More than 100 of the recipes are naturally gluten free, and glutenfree cooks are a big book-buying
No-bake desserts from the executive editor of Apartment Therapy’s TheKitchn, featuring puddings, fluffs, cookies, cakes, bars, and more
audience! ■ author will promote on TheKitchn (3.5 million unique readers a month) ■ edgy design and photographs by Stacy Newgent, photographer of the bestselling Jeni’s Ice Cream
s pecificAtions 50 color illustrations 224 pages, 8 × 10½" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: MAy COOkING ISBN 978-1-61769-014-3 ISBN 978-1-61769-014-3 US $29.95 CAN $32.95
9 781617 690143
See page 140
essert usually makes the home cook think of turning on the oven and setting aside several hours
for baking and cooling. Not so fast! Here are 125 recipes for delicious desserts to be made without turning on the
oven. From Rich Chocolate Custard to Double Cream Coconut Pudding to Peach and Buttermilk Panna Cotta to Triple Chocolate Cream Icebox Cake, there is something here for everyone. These are easy, quick recipes perfect
Also AVAil AB le
for a quick weeknight dessert, weekend get-together, or a special occasion. Chapters include Stirred Puddings and Custards; Rice, Tapioca, and Whole-Grain Puddings; Panna Cotta and Gelled Puddings; Natural Fruit Jellies; Whipped Cream Desserts and Fluffs; and Icebox Cakes and Pies.
Dolci: Italy’s Sweets ISBN 978-1-58479-898-9 ISBN 978-1-58479-898-9 US $35.00 CAN $40.00
9 781584 798989
Faith Durand is the executive editor of TheKitchn, a website for home cooks that is an offshoot of Apartment Therapy with 3.5 million unique readers each month. She lives in Columbus, Ohio.
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 54
10/12/12 2:13 PM
art Doodle love a J o U R N a l o f S e l f - D I S C ov e RY ■
by Daw n D e V r i e s s o ko l
The perfect g for the c ift rea person intive your life
s e lling points ■ a great new choice in the fast-growing category of fill-in doodle books ■ author has an enthusiastic fan base and is known in the art journal community as the “Doodle Queen”
Explore your creative side with this playful, thoughtful, hands-on art journal
■ author’s previous books have sold over 100,000 copies worldwide ■ available in time for valentine’s Day
s pecificAtions Color illustrations throughout 160 pages, 6½ × 8" Paperback RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: FeBRUARy CRAFt
any women love the idea of leading a more creative life, but don’t know where to begin.
ISBN 978-1-61769-012-9 ISBN 978-1-61769-012-9 US $15.95 CAN $17.95
With Art Doodle Love, art journal expert Dawn DeVries
Sokol provides the perfect jump start: an interactive fill-in book of prompts that will motivate women to “discover” themselves and their inner creative goddesses. Loosely inspired by Eat Pray Love, Elizabeth Gilbert’s memoir of self-discovery, Art Doodle Love overflows with colorful pages for recording thoughts and collecting ideas, as
9 781617 690129
6-COPy PRePACk ISBN 978-1-61769-065-5 ISBN 978-1-61769-065-5 US $95.70 CAN $107.70
9 781617 690655
well as venting, soul-searching, and documenting everyday life. By following the insightful prompts, the journal keeper develops her artistic skills, gains confidence in her natural creativity, and learns about herself through self-reflection. Dawn DeVries Sokol is the author of several art journaling books, including 1000 Artist Journal Pages, Doodle Diary, and Doodle Sketchbook. She teaches popular workshops through her blog,, at Interweave Press’s Create Retreat, and through her DVD workshop, Art Journaling: Pages in Stages. She lives in Tempe, Arizona.
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10/12/12 2:14 PM
k a f f e
f a s s e t t
Q U I L t s
SHOTS AND STRIPES 24 new Projects Made with shot cottons and striped fabrics
s e lling points ■ fassett’s previous books have sold over a million copies
A quilting legend goes bold with solids and stripes in 24 new projects
worldwide, and his fabrics, including those featured in this book, are sold in approximately 900 shops in the United States ■ fassett travels worldwide, teaching, lecturing, and promoting his books and fabrics ■ a broad range of projects will appeal to beginning and advanced quilters alike ■ Promotion at International Quilt Market tied in with fassett’s fall 2012 autobiography
s pecificAtions ■ ■ By K a f f e fa s s e t t a n d L i z a P r i o r Lu c y
100 color illustrations 176 pages, 9 × 10"
n Kaffe Fassett Quilts Shots and Stripes, quilt master kaffe Fassett
Hardcover with jacket
and coauthor liza prior lucy present 24 projects—small and large,
beginner and advanced—made with iridescent solid-colored cotton
fabrics (called shot cottons) and woven striped cotton fabrics, all
photographed in and around his weekend home on england’s southern coast. inspired by worldwide travels and a plethora of ethnic textiles,
ISBN 978-1-61769-016-7
including amish quilts in america, Japanese indigo patched work
ISBN 978-1-61769-016-7 US $35.00 CAN $40.00
clothes, and african weavings, the projects featured include full-size 9 781617 690167
bed quilts as well as smaller pieces that can be completed more quickly,
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
such as throws, wall hangings, table runners, and pillows. with Shots and Stripes, Fassett answers the current call for quilts that make bold graphic statements but are not necessarily as time-consuming as some of the work for which he has been previously celebrated.
Also AVAil AB le
kaffe Fassett, widely acknowledged as a visionary in the use of color, is a fabric designer for rowan patchwork and the primary knitwear designer for rowan yarns. he is the author of 16 books, which have sold over a million copies worldwide, including stC Craft’s Kaffe Fassett’s Simple Shapes, Spectacular Quilts and his biography, Kaffe Fassett: Dreaming in Color. he lives in london. Liza Prior Lucy is an
Kaffe Fassett: Dreaming
Kaffe Fassett’s Simple Shapes
expert quilt maker and the owner of glorious Color (,
in Color
Spectacular Quilts
ISBN 978-1-58479-996-2
ISBN 978-1-58479-837-8
a source for fabrics designed by kaffe Fassett and friends. she works with Fassett on his fabric lines and books. she lives in new hope, pennsylvania.
ISBN 978-1-58479-837-8
ISBN 978-1-58479-996-2 US $40.00 CAN $45.00 54000 9 781584 799962
US $35.00 9
CAN $42.00 53500
781584 798378
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10/12/12 2:14 PM
Why I fly fish Pa S S I o N aT e a N G l e R S o N T h e Pa S T I M e ’ S a P P e a l aND hoW IT haS ShaPeD TheIR lIveS ■
by C h r i s s a n t e l l a
s e lling points ■ Santella’s fifty Places series and
Life lessons and inspiration from some of the world’s greatest fly fishermen—a richly illustrated “Chicken Soup for the Fly-Fisherman’s Soul”
previous fly-fishing titles have sold more than 350,000 copies ■ Contributions from well-known fly-fishing enthusiasts such as henry Winkler, Carl hiaasen, and the legendary lefty Kreh ■ 50 full color photographs, including personal photos from contributors
s pecificAtions 50 color illustrations 160 pages, 6½ × 7½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: APRIL SPORtS ISBN 978-1-61769-024-2 ISBN 978-1-61769-024-2 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
hris Santella, bestselling author of the Fifty Places series, is back in action
with the inspirational gift book Why I Fly
9 781617 690242
Fish. Based on 25 interviews with fly-fishing
See page 140
professionals and celebrity hobbyists alike, Why I Fly Fish encapsulates the life lessons fly-fishing aficionados have learned from their
Also AVAil AB le
favorite pursuit. Featured contributors include Donald Trump Jr., Bill Ford (CEO of Ford Motor Company), Conway Bowman (host of several flyfishing TV programs), actor Henry Winkler, Lefty Kreh (the world’s best-known fly-fisherman) and many more. With personal photographs by the contributors themselves, Why I Fly Fish is
Fifty More Places to Fly Fish
an inspirational and intimate reflection on the
Before You Die
beloved sport and pastime.
ISBN 978-1-58479-937-5 ISBN 978-1-58479-937-5 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
9 781584 799375
Fifty Places to Fly Fish Before You Die ISBN 978-1-58479-356-4 ISBN 978-1-58479-356-4
US $24.95 9
CAN $27.95 52495
781584 793564
Chris Santella is a freelance writer and marketing consultant. A regular contributor to the New York Times and, he has also contributed to the New Yorker, Travel & Leisure, Golf, American Lawyer, and Delta’s Sky magazine. Santella is the author of seven other titles in the Fifty Places series, as well as Fifty Favorite Fly-Fishing Tales. He lives in Portland, Oregon.
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 58
10/12/12 2:14 PM
Savory Bites M e a l S Yo U C a N M a K e I N Yo U R C U P C a K e Pa N ■
by h o l l i s w i l D e r
p h oto g r a p h s by t i n a r u p p
Savory meals to make in your cupcake pan from two-time Food Network Cupcake Wars champion Hollis Wilder
s e lling points ■ author’s publicity coverage is endless; USA Today has dubbed her “queen of the cupcake world” ■ author will promote in her immensely popular bakeries, Sweetbyholly ■ These recipes will appeal to busy parents and casual cooks of all levels ■ author will appear on Cupcake Wars for a third time in May 2013
s pecificAtions 40 color illustrations 208 pages, 8 × 9" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: MAy COOkING
ollis Wilder, the first two-time champion of Food Network’s Cupcake Wars takes the traditional
ISBN 978-1-61769-019-8 ISBN 978-1-61769-019-8 US $27.50 CAN $31.50
sweet cupcake in a new direction, with fresh flavors and
a new savory look. The trusty cupcake pan works just as well for satisfying mini meals as it does for decadent
9 781617 690198
See page 140
sweets. Small, uniform portions make it easier to avoid overeating, and the meals are perfect for making ahead of time and freezing for the week in single or family-size portions. Hollis provides tips for having children help with the cooking to make a more enjoyable family mealtime. With 100 exciting recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner, such as Apple-Sausage Breakfast Cakes, Fig and Blue
Also AVAil AB le
Cheese Tarts, Pumpkin Risotto, and Curried Chicken with Mango, Savory Bites proves a cupcake pan isn’t just for sweets and is sure to please any palate or budget. Hollis Wilder is the first two-time Cupcake Wars champion and owner of the bakery SweetbyHolly, with locations in Orlando and Jacksonville, Florida. A former L.A.-based private chef, she has appeared on Food Network, the Cooking Channel, CBS, NBC, ABC, and Fox News. She lives in Florida.
Cupcakes Year-Round ISBN 978-1-58479-403-5 ISBN 978-1584794035 US $18.95 CAN $21.95
9 781584 794035
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hello, I’m Pregnant! a JoURNal ■
by a l i s s a Fa D e n
s e lling points ■ fresh, modern design will appeal
A pregnancy journal for the Cupcakes and Cashmere market
to contemporary women ■ full of fun and unique prompts and simple fill-in questions ■ Includes attached envelope inside back cover to hold appointment cards, test results, mementos, and other important documents
s pecificAtions 144 color illustrations 144 pages, 6 × 8" Spiral-bound hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: APRIL PAReNtING ISBN 978-1-58479-965-8 ISBN 978-1-58479-965-8 US $17.95 CAN $19.95
9 781584 799658
6-COPy PRePACk ISBN 978-1-58479-979-5 ISBN 978-1-58479-979-5 US $107.70 CAN $119.70 10770
ello, I’m Pregnant! is a pregnancy journal that is both easy and fun
to fill out. Full of bold graphics and fun
prompts like “Build-a-Baby” and “Breast News Ever?,” Hello, I’m Pregnant! takes an
9 781584 799795
expectant mother through her nine months
See page 140
of pregnancy and into the first month with her newborn. With plenty of room to record the excitement, fear, and other
Also AVAil AB le
emotions that accompany pregnancy, plus space for pasting in ultrasound photos and other keepsakes, Hello, I’m Pregnant! will serve as both a journal and an entertaining memento for years to come. Alissa Faden is a freelance designer
This Is Your Book ISBN 978-1-58479-948-1 ISBN 978-1-58479-948-1 US $16.95 CAN $18.95
9 781584 799481
and writer. Formerly a senior designer at ABRAMS, she was a coeditor and author of D.I.Y.: Design It Yourself and D.I.Y.: Design Deck. She lives in Washington, D.C.
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 60
10/12/12 2:15 PM
Grandmother Remembers a W R I T T e N h e I R lo o M f o R M Y G R a N D C h I l D, 3 0T h a N N I v e R S a RY e D I T I o N ■
by J u D i t h l e V y
s e lling points ■ a New York Times bestseller
Includes wrappin paper an g notecard d a convenie for gift givin nt g!
The 30th Anniversary special edition of the million-copy bestseller
that has sold more than 1.6 million copies ■ levy actively promotes the book at her many speaking engagements
s pecificAtions 64 color illustrations 64 pages, 8½ × 11" Hardcover, with wrapping paper and note card RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: MAy PAReNtING
N oT e C a R D ISBN 978-1-61769-032-7 ISBN 978-1-61769-032-7 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
9 781617 690327
randmother Remembers is the original, bestselling keepsake book for grand-
mothers to record important memories, family traditions, favorite recipes, and special stories to pass along to their grandchildren. With more
W R a P P I N G Pa P e R
than 1.6 million copies sold, the book continues to appeal to new generations of grandmothers. This special 30th anniversary edition includes specially designed wrapping paper and a notecard with envelope for convenient gift giving. Judith Levy is the author of several keepsake books, including Grandmother Remembers Holidays. She and her husband, Herb, were named Grandparents of the Year in 2007 for the state of Florida, where they live.
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 61
10/12/12 2:15 PM
Past & Present 24 favo R I T e M o M e N T S I N D e C o R aT I v e a R T S h I S To RY a N D 24 M o D e R N D I Y P R oJ e C T S I N S P I R e D BY T h e M ■ ■ ■
by a M y a z z a r i to ■ F o r e w o r D by g r aC e b o n n e y i l lu s t r at i o n s by J u l i a r ot h M a n p h oto g r a p h s by e l l e n s i lV e r M a n
s e lling points ■ Based on the popular Design*Sponge column of the
Decorative arts come to life in this collection of entertaining essays, whimsical illustrations, and gorgeous projects from a roster of today’s hippest DIY designers
same name ■ Design*Sponge will promote the book to its enormous fan base of more than 75,000 daily readers, 380,000 Twitter followers, and 50,000 facebook fans ■ all-star roster of contributors includes Todd oldham, Jonathan adler, erica Domesek, and Design*Sponge founder Grace Bonney ■ The combination of fascinating essays and unique DIY projects will engage design and craft enthusiasts alike
s pecificAtions 100 color illustrations 144 pages, 8 × 10" Flexibind RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: MARCH
rom the Palladian columns of our government buildings to Victorian-style taxidermy and terrariums,
highlights from past decorative eras frequently resurface in our modern lives. In Past & Present, Design*Sponge
managing editor Amy Azzarito presents 24 pairs of
ISBN 978-1-61769-020-4
essays and craft projects that explore the connection
ISBN 978-1-61769-020-4 US $27.50 CAN $31.50
between decorative arts history and present-day design
9 781617 690204
trends. From a Wedgwood-inspired headboard made using molding from the hardware store to an art nouveau– style tree-branch chandelier, the projects celebrate their
roots yet fit perfectly into our contemporary living spaces. The projects have been contributed by some of today’s best-known arbiters of design, such as Todd Oldham, Jonathan Adler, and Grace Bonney, adding extra allure to an already fascinating topic.
Crafting a Meaningful Home ISBN 978-1-58479-867-5 ISBN 978-1-58479-867-5
US $24.95 9
CAN $32.50 5 2 4 9 5
781584 798675
Amy Azzarito is the managing editor of the popular blog Design*Sponge. Formerly the digital producer at the New York Public Library, she graduated from Parsons/CooperHewitt with a master’s degree in the history of decorative arts and design. She lives in Brooklyn, New York.
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 62
10/12/12 2:15 PM
The Shape of Knitting a MaSTeR ClaSS IN INCReaSeS, DeCReaSeS, a N D oT h e R f o R M S o f S h a P I N G ■
by ly n n e b a r r
p h oto g r a p h s by t h ay e r a l lys o n g o w Dy s e lling points ■ Book does double duty as
A trailblazing knitwear designer offers a master class in knitting techniques
a technical reference and a collection of fashion-fresh projects ■ author is revered in knitting community for her innovative genius
s pecificAtions 300 color illustrations 168 pages, 8½ × 9⅞" Hardcover RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: APRIL CRAFt
n The Shape of Knitting, innovative designer Lynne Barr gives readers a fascinating, in-
ISBN 978-1-61769-021-1 ISBN 978-1-61769-021-1 US $29.95 CAN $32.95
depth master class on the techniques that can be used to shape flat and dimensional pieces
9 781617 690211
of knitting—increases, decreases, short rows, dividing and combining stitches, and adding sections. She both reviews tried-and-true methods,
Also AVAil AB le
explaining their pros and cons, and showcases many new ones that she has masterminded herself. To illustrate the best uses of these innovations, she includes 24 fashion-fresh, easy-to-wear projects, focusing mainly on accessories that can be finished quickly, such as scarves, cowls, shawls, hats, and mittens. Fun, cool photos of the finished designs combined with clear, close-up, step-by-step photos make this groundbreaking book both beautiful and hardworking. Lynne Barr is the author of two STC Craft books: Knitting New Scarves and Reversible Knitting. She lives in Cornish, Maine.
Knitting New Scarves ISBN 978-1-58479-633-6 ISBN 978-1584796336 US $22.95 CAN $25.95
9 781584 796336
Reversible Knitting ISBN 978-1-58479-805-7 ISBN$29.95 978-1584798057 US CAN $38.95
9 781584 798057
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10/12/12 2:16 PM
Modern Mediterranean e a S Y, f l avo R f U l h o M e C o o K I N G ■
by M e l i a M a r D e n
p h oto g r a p h s by lu C y s C h a e F F e r
s e lling points ■ Marden is executive chef of
Mediterranean home cooking made easy, from the executive chef at New York City’s Lower East Side hotspot The Smile
The Smile, which GQ magazine called “The white-hot epicenter of New York Cool” ■ 125 simple and delicious Mediterranean recipes ■ food editors, reviewers, and celebrities alike rave about Marden’s cooking
s pecificAtions 75 color illustrations 240 pages, 8½ × 11" Hardcover RIGHTS: NORtH AMeRICAN eNGLISH PUB MONTH: APRIL COOkING
elia Marden grew up in New York and Greece, where she enjoyed great seasonal food and a
ISBN 978-1-61769-018-1 ISBN 978-1-61769-018-1 US $35.00 CAN $40.00
family that loved to entertain. As executive chef at New
York City’s hotspot, The Smile, she develops an ever-
9 781617 690181
changing seasonal menu rooted in Mediterranean flavor that has been raved about by Frank Bruni and Padma
See page 140
Lakshmi and is loved by celebrities. Now, in Marden’s first book, she presents 125 easy Mediterranean-inspired recipes for the home cook. From Minted Snap Peas to Watermelon Salad to Summer Steak Sliced Over Corn to Almond Cream with Honey, these are recipes calling for fresh ingredients and bold flavor but requiring no special techniques or equipment. Including 100 photos, this is a gorgeous, unique package that will charm and inspire home cooks everywhere. Melia Marden is the executive chef at The Smile and The Smile To-Go. She is a graduate of Harvard and the French Culinary Institute. She and her food have been featured in GQ, Vogue, the New York Times, a national Converse shoe campaign, and more. She lives in New York City.
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 65
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S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 66
10/12/12 2:17 PM
Knit to flatter T h e o N lY I N S T R U C T I o N S Yo U ’ l l e v e R N e e D To K N I T S W e aT e R S T h aT M a K e Yo U lo o K G o o D a N D f e e l G R e aT ! ■
by a M y h e r zo g
p h oto g r a p h s by k a r e n p e a r s o n s e lling points ■ author’s fit to flatter online series draws 10,000 visitors each month ■ author teaches popular fit to flatter courses in yarn shops
Celebrate real beauty with this straight-talking guide to knitting for any body type
across the country ■ Patterns are written in 10 sizes, from xxS to 5xl, ensuring no knitter will be left out
s pecificAtions 80 color illustrations 160 pages, 8½ × 9⅞" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: APRIL CRAFt ISBN 978-1-61769-017-4
ISBN 978-1-61769-017-4 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
nit to Flatter is about celebrating the body you have been given and creating sweaters that make
9 781617 690174
you look and feel great. Part instruction manual and part pattern collection, Knit to Flatter teaches you how to assess your shape—top-heavy, bottom-heavy, or proportional—and then knit accordingly. With a great sense of
Also AVAil AB le
fun and acceptance, Amy Herzog presents silhouettes and styles that work with each body shape, along with four ideal sweater patterns per category. She then provides patterns for 10 more sweaters with guidelines for customizing, so they can be tailored to flatter. Each pattern is written in up to 10 sizes, and the garments are
Custom Knits
photographed on models with genuine curves. No smoke
ISBN 978-1-58479-713-5
and mirrors here. Just real beauty!
ISBN 978-1-58479-713-5
US$27.50 Amy Herzog is the creator of the Fit to Flatter online series (, and teaches courses in
781584 797135
Modern Top-Down Knitting
yarn shops across the country. Her pattern designs have
ISBN 978-1-58479-861-3
been published online at Twist Collective, in Knitscene
ISBN 978-1-58479-861-3
US $27.50
magazine, and in the book Knitting It Old School. She lives in Somerville, Massachusetts.
CAN $35.95 52750
CAN $35.95 52750
781584 798613
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 67
10/12/12 2:17 PM
Pottery Handbook
A renowned cer Amicist presents indispensAble s t e p - b y- s t e p i n s t r u c t i o n s A n d h o w -t o v i d e o s o n d v d
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 68
10/12/12 2:17 PM
by s i M o n l e aC h
w i t h b r u C e D e h n e r t ■
p h oto g r a p h s by Ja r e D F lo o D
anD bruCe Dehnert
t one time or another, every potter gets frustrated at the wheel. whether struggling
to center the clay or attach a handle with precision,
potters of all levels crave advice and answers, and world-renowned ceramicist and youtube sensation simon leach has plenty to give. in Simon Leach’s Pottery Handbook—a book-and-DVD package—he presents clear tutorials and loads of original instruction on all of the core techniques, from studio setup to basic throwing, to applying appendages, trimming, glazing, and firing. For each technique, detailed step-by-step photography captures the subtle, intricate movements that typically fly by too fast to be learned when watching a video lesson; callouts then lead readers to the relevant video on the DVD so they can see the technique demonstrated in real time—an ideal combination that makes learning from the master easy.
Also AVAil AB le
s e lling points ■ each technique is accompanied by clear instructions and step-by-step photos ■ lay-flat format with concealed wire-o binding is perfectly suited to the studio ■ accompanying DvDs includes author’s
Mastering Knife Skills
most popular video tutorials to be
ISBN 978-1-58479-667-1
viewed alongside the text
ISBN 978-1584796671 us $37.50 CAN $42.50
Simon Leach is an internationally celebrated third-generation ceramicist, descended from the renowned leach family of Cornwall, england. he can be seen online, demystifying techniques at his potter’s wheel in his more than 800 youtube videos ( he also teaches hands-on workshops throughout the country. he lives in williamsburg, pennsylvania. Bruce Dehnert is the head of the ceramics program at peters Valley Craft Center in new Jersey.
9 781584 796671
s pecificAtions 800 color illustrations 240 pages, 8½ × 9½" Spiral-bound hardcover with 2 DVDs rights: WORLD pub Month: MAy CRAFt ISBN 978-1-61769-022-8 ISBN 978-1-61769-022-8 US $29.95 CAN $32.95
9 781617 690228
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10/12/12 2:18 PM
by yvette van boven photography by oof verschuren
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 70
10/12/12 2:18 PM
the follow-up to the successful HOME MADE and
HOME MADE WINTER, featuring summertime recipes
ome Made and Home Made
Winter blew readers away with
their stunning packages, delicious recipes,
beautiful photos, step-by-step instructions,
s pecificAtions
and hand-drawn artwork throughout. Now,
150 color illustrations
in Home Made Summer, Yvette van Boven
256 pages, 7¾ × 9¾"
takes the same signature approach and
presents her absolute favorite recipes
for spring and summer. Inspired by her
childhood in Ireland and her frequent
sojourns in France, van Boven has created
a collection of recipes that will truly inspire you to step into the kitchen. Using seasonal
ISBN 978-1-61769-015-0
ingredients, such as freshly picked apples
ISBN 978-1-61769-015-0 US $35.00 CAN $40.00
and berries, delicate summer lettuces and fresh herbs, she presents recipes
9 781617 690150
for Breakfast, Brunch & Lunch, Snacks, Beverages, Appetizers, and Dessert.
See page 140
yvette van Boven splits her time between
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
Amsterdam and Paris. She is a freelance food stylist and recipe writer and runs a restaurant and catering business with her cousin in Amsterdam. She also illustrates books and magazines. She is the author of the critically acclaimed Home Made and Home Made Winter.
pr Ais e for home made
s e lling points ■ Home Made has an excellent track record, now in its fourth printing this year ■ Home Made garnered fabulous publicity with outlets such as People, Details, Bon Appetit, The Kitchn, and the Wall Street Journal
Also AVAil AB le
“You’ll want to eat everything in this book!” —PEOPLE Style Watch “[Yvette van Boven] is fearless in the kitchen, taking on everything from cheese-making to preserving, infusing, and all sorts of other
Home Made
projects that are sure to expand your
ISBN 978-1-58479-946-7
ISBN 978-1-61769-004-4
ISBN 978-1-58479-946-7 US $40.00 CAN $45.00
ISBN 978-1617690044 US $35.00 CAN $40.00
culinary horizons.” —Serious Eats
Home Made Winter
9 781584 799467
9 781617 690044
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10/12/12 2:18 PM
Pierre hermé Pastries RevISeD eDITIoN ■
by p i e r r e h e r M é
p h oto g r a p h s by l au r e n t Fau
Available now!
s e lling points ■ Pierre hermé, an internationally renowned pastry chef, has his own line of pastry shops in Paris and Tokyo and is the author of numerous cookbooks ■ features 50 iconic and 50 original desserts and mouthwatering photographs ■ first english-language cookbook in 10 years ■ each sugary treat has its own story with fascinating trivia about the dessert’s history
pr A i s e fo r Pie rre he rmé Pastrie s
“The photographs are stunning. The recipes are the stuff of custard-rich dreams.”—Publishers Weekly
Deliciously inventive and classic dessert recipes from the renowned Pierre Hermé, dubbed the “Picasso of Pastry” by Vogue
s pecificAtions 80 four-color illustrations 288 pages, 11⅞ × 10¼" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD eNGLISH AVAILABLe NOW
fter divulging the intriguing histories behind 50 iconic desserts, master pastry chef Pierre
Hermé shares his tried-and-tested recipes for the great
classics of French pastry and other definitive desserts
ISBN 978-1-61769-027-3
from around the world—and then he reveals how to
US $50.00
reinvent them.
CAN $57.50
9 781617 690273
Rose-scented almond paste and a compote of raspberries and lychees fill Hermé’s croissants; his Saint Honoré cake combines green tea, chestnuts, and
Also AVAil AB le
passion fruit; and caramelized mango adorns his foie gras crème brûlée. The luscious photographs and 100 recipes featured in Pierre Hermé Pastries flaunt Hermé’s mastery of technique and his talent for combining textures and flavors that have earned him the reputation as one of the world’s
The Fundamental Techniques of Classic Pastry Arts ISBN 978-1-58479-803-3 ISBN 978-1584798033 US $80.00 CAN $92.00
9 781584 798033
most skilled and inventive pastry chefs. Pierre Hermé is a master pastry chef with his own line of shops in Paris and Tokyo. He has published numerous books, including Desserts by Pierre Hermé and Chocolate Desserts by Pierre Hermé.
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 72
10/12/12 2:19 PM
Bordeaux Legends T h e 1 8 5 5 F I R S T G R o w T h w I N e S : C h âT e AU x h AU T- B R I o N , L A F I T e R oT h S C h I L d, L ATo U R , M A R G AU x A N d M o U To N R oT h S C h I L d ■
By Ja n e a n s o n
Fore word By Fr ancIs Ford coPPol a
P h oto g r a P h s By I s a B e l l e r oz e n B au m
s e lling points
Château Haut-Brion, Château Lafite Rothschild, Château Latour, Château Margaux, and Château Mouton Rothschild: five names that changed the world of French wine
■ Accessible text tells the fascinating story of the five legendary châteaux of French wine ■ Includes rare documents, such as bottles, labels, and archival photographs ■ Foreword by film director and winery owner Francis Ford Coppola
s pecifications 170 color and black-and-white photographs 288 pages, 8⅞ × 10⅝" Hardcover with French-fold jacket and cloth case RIGHTS: WoRld ENglISH ExclUdINg FRANcE
PUB MONTH: ApRIl ordeaux Legends traces the 500-year history of
Food & WINE
the five world-renowned Bordeaux wines known
ISBN 978-1-61769-035-8
as “First Growths”—four crowned in 1855, and Mouton
ISBN 978-1-61769-035-8 US $55.00 CAN $62.00
Rothshild joining them more than a century later. Wine educator and journalist Jane Anson presents the fascinating story of what it means to be a first-growth wine, what
9 781617 690358
makes these wines so extraordinary, and what that
also avail ab le
means to the legions of merchants, dealers, and wine lovers who hold them in such high esteem. For the first time, this book brings the estate’s separate stories together into one sweeping saga, filled with revealing anecdotes and lively historical detail. With a foreword by Academy Award–winning director and winery owner Francis Ford
Heart of Bordeaux
Coppola and stunning new photographs, this book makes
ISBN 978-1-58479-814-9
it clear why these five wines are considered among the
ISBN 978-1-58479-814-9
US $50.00
very best in the world. Jane Anson is a wine teacher at the École du Vin de Bordeaux and a contributing writer for Decanter magazine and the Michelin Green Guide: Wine Regions of France. Isabelle Rozenbaum is a well-known food photographer.
CAN $64.99 55000
781584 798149
Saint-Émilion ISBN 978-1-58479-944-3 ISBN 978-1-58479-944-3 US $55.00 CAN $62.00
9 781584 799443
S13_02STC_passPC4.indd 73
10/17/12 10:15 AM
Gluten Is My Bitch R a N T S , R e C I P e S , a N D R I D I C U lo U S N e S S f o R T h e G lU T e N - f R e e ■
by a p r i l p e V e t e au x
s e lling points
Recipes on how to navigate a gluten-free lifestyle from a popular, brutally honest, and hilarious blogger
■ Gluten-free cooks are a big bookbuying audience ■ hilarious and edgy—Skinny Bitch for the gluten-free market ■ Cross-promotion with author’s blogs Gluten Is My Bitch, CafeMom, and Cooking With My Kid (total outreach: more than 8 million!)
s pecificAtions 208 pages, 6 × 9" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: WORLD eNGLISH PUB MONTH: MAy COOkING • HeALtH & DIet
ISBN 978-1-61769-030-3 ISBN 978-1-61769-030-3 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
9 781617 690303
6-COPy PRePACk ISBN 978-1-61769-066-2 ISBN 978-1-61769-066-2 US $119.70 CAN $131.70 11970
9 781617 690662
See page 140
luten Is My Bitch offers a brutally honest and hilarious take on the realities of living a
“I was once like you: just
gluten-free life. As the 18 million gluten-intolerants and
waking up from anesthesia
3 million celiac disease sufferers in the United States
and finding out that ‘Waffle
can attest, living gluten-free isn’t a lot of fun, but author
Wednesdays’ are now a
April Peveteaux has at least managed to make it funny. Described as the “Chelsea Handler of the gluten-free set,”
thing of the past. Sure I was
April employs her unique sense of humor to provide the
angry, peeved, and petulant.
perfect guide to navigating a gluten-free life. In addition
But then I realized how to be
to her hysterical wisdom, she offers 40 gluten-free com-
totally, 100% okay with cut-
fort food recipes that will make even the most frustrated
ting gluten out of my diet. It’s
gluten-intolerant smile with relief.
absolutely no problem to go
April Peveteaux is the creator and cook behind the popu-
gluten-free as long as every-
lar blog Gluten Is My Bitch. Before the one-two punch of
one else in the entire world
moving to Los Angeles and being diagnosed with celiac
does it too.”
disease, April worked as an editor and writer in New York for publications in print and online. Most notably, April
was part of the award-winning editing team of Babble. April has had numerous television appearances on NBC, CBS, and a much-bragged about role as an extra on Saturday Night Live!
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 74
10/12/12 2:19 PM
I Scream Sandwich! I N S P I R e D R e C I P e S f o R T h e U lT I M aT e f R oZ e N T R e aT ■
by J e n n i e s C h aC h t
p h oto g r a p h s by s a r a r e M i n g to n
s e lling points
The first cookbook to focus on today’s coolest dessert trend, the ice cream sandwich
■ Recipes are accessible to cooks of all skill levels and time commitments—creative swap-outs using store-bought ingredients are included for each sandwich ■ Ice cream sandwiches are a rapidly growing trend in the blogosphere, garnering features in many top food blogs ■ With more than 80 recipes for holders, fillings, and extras, the book encourages personalization and customization with suggestions for embellishments, substitutions, and presentation ideas ■ “National Ice Cream Sandwich Day” is august 2
s pecificAtions 45 color illustrations 176 pages, 7 × 9" Hardcover
RIGHTS: WORLD n I Scream Sandwich!, cookbook author Jennie Schacht redefines this hugely popular sweet treat and shows
us how it can easily be the star of a dinner party, child’s
ISBN 978-1-61769-036-5
birthday bash, family picnic, or just a lazy summer
ISBN 978-1-61769-036-5 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
afternoon. The book includes a variety of ice cream sandwich recipes, from the classic (chocolate cookie bars with vanilla ice cream), to the exotic (kaffir lime and lemongrass sorbet on five-spice cookies), to the seasonal
9 781617 690365
6-COPy PRePACk ISBN 978-1-61769-067-9 ISBN 978-1-61769-067-9 US $119.70 CAN $131.70 11970
(blackberry-buttermilk ice cream on crispy meringues), to the upscale (pistachio gelato on a brioche bun). In addi-
9 781617 690679
tion to cookies and ice cream, sandwiches are made with brownies, bars, cakes, brioche, crusts, gelatos, sorbets,
Also AVAil AB le
and dairy-free options. This idea-filled book also includes recipes for sauces, roll-ins, and decorations. Jennie Schacht is a culinary writer and consultant. Her articles have appeared in national and international publications, and she is the author of Farmers’ Market Desserts, as well as the coauthor of The Wine Lover’s Dessert Cookbook, Without Reservations, Sweet and Skinny, and The Starch Solution. She lives in Oakland, California.
Great Grilled Cheese ISBN 978-1-58479-338-0 ISBN 978-1584793380 US $17.95 CAN $18.95
9 781584 793380
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 75
10/12/12 2:19 PM
Wee Wonderfuls 24 D o l l S To S e W a N D lov e ■
by h i l l a ry l a n g
p h oto g r a p h s by J e n g otC h
Now in paperba ck
s e lling points ■ answers the ongoing call for all
Irresistible handmade dolls for children (and children at heart)
things cute in the craft world ■ Certain to appeal to traditional doll- and toymakers as well as the new generation of DIYers ■ Detailed, illustrated instructions make each project easy to replicate ■ Wee Wonderfuls is a popular online brand, with more than 150,000 visitors to its website,, each month
s pecificAtions 60 color and 75 black-and-white illustrations 168 pages, 8½ × 9½" Paperback RIGHTS: WORLD PUB MONTH: MARCH CRAFt ISBN 978-1-61769-041-9 ISBN 978-1-61769-041-9 US $18.95 CAN $21.95
uper cute! Darling! How adorable is that?! Welcome to the world of Wee Wonderfuls. In this
charming collection, acclaimed toymaker and popular
9 781617 690419
blogger Hillary Lang presents a captivating gang of 24 huggable, lovable creatures to sew—from classics like Margot, a topsy-turvy doll, and the button-jointed teddy
bear Bjorn Bjornson, to irresistible Evelyn, a wool felt inchworm decked out in mod glasses and a kerchief, and Koji, a fiercely cute spiked softie monster. There’s something for everyone here—from kids to grown-ups and from beginning sewers to advanced dollmakers. Each pattern includes clear illustrations and pattern templates to ensure perfect results.
Kata Golda’s Hand-Stitched Felt ISBN 978-1-58479-798-2 ISBN 978-1-58479-798-2
US $19.95 9
CAN $25.95 51995
which she sells doll and embroidery patterns. She has
781584 797982
Oliver + S Little Things to Sew ISBN 978-1-58479-910-8 ISBN$27.50 978-1584799108 US CAN $33.00
9 781584 799108
Hillary Lang is the creator of the blog Wee Wonderfuls ( as well as the online shop through contributed to numerous books, including STC Craft’s Last-Minute Patchwork + Quilted Gifts. Her work has been featured in the Land of Nod catalog and BUST magazine, and on the websites Daily Candy Chicago and Craftzine. She lives in Wheaton, Illinois.
S13_02STC_passPC1.indd 76
10/12/12 2:20 PM
Weekend Sewing M o R e T h a N 4 0 P R oJ e C T S a N D I D e a S f o R I N S P I R e D S T I TC h I N G ■
by h e at h e r r o s s
p h oto g r a p h s by J o h n g r u e n
Now in paperba ck
Celebrates the pleasures of spending the weekend sewing beautiful projects
s e lling points ■ Bestseller in hardcover with over 60,000 copies in print ■ Ross’s website and blog attract more than 70,000 visitors each month ■ Ross’s fabric lines are sold at chain stores and independent retailers nationwide
s pecificAtions 75 color photographs; 100 color illustrations 40 projects 160 pages, 8½ × 9½" Paperback with pull-out pattern pages
RIGHTS: WORLD ore than just a pair of days, a weekend is also
a state of mind—a feeling of relaxation and the
freedom to immerse ourselves fully in a favorite activity.
In Weekend Sewing, designer Heather Ross presents creative projects for clothing, accessories, and home
ISBN 978-1-61769-042-6 ISBN 978-1-61769-042-6 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
items that can be made in a weekend or less. Some, such as the Quick Garden Gloves and Ruby’s Bloomers, take a
9 781617 690426
few hours; others, such as the Weekend-Away Travel Bag and Trapeze Sundress, require a day or two—but all of
Also AVAil AB le
them capture that weekend feeling. And because weekends are often the most fun when they’re social, Ross features ideas that encourage us to share our stitching and our time, such as a recipe for soup to simmer while sewing, then serve to guests later in the day, and tips for transporting a sewing machine to a friend’s house for an afternoon of social stitching. The sewing instructions are beautifully illustrated, and patterns for the projects are included on pullout sheets. Heather Ross is a celebrated sewist, fabric designer, illustrator, blogger (, and teacher. She is the author of STC Craft’s Heather Ross Prints and the illustrator of the Crafty Chloe book series, among other children’s titles. She lives in New York City.
Weekend Knitting ISBN 978-1-58479-769-2 ISBN 978-1584797692 US $19.95 CAN $22.95
9 781584 797692
Heather Ross Prints ISBN 978-1-58479-995-5 ISBN 978-1-58479-995-5 US $24.95 CAN $27.95 52495 9 781584 799955
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10/15/12 11:03 AM
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10/15/12 11:03 AM
Paris Street Style A G u I d e to e f f o R t l e S S C h I C ■
By I s a B e l l e T h o m a s a n d F r é d é r I q u e V e y s s e T s e lling points ■ the book’s fun, eclectic design mixes fantastic photos with handdrawn sketches ■ Pitch-perfect wardrobe advice is accompanied by a list of essential french boutiques and restaurants ■ Includes advice from designers,
An indispensable guide to easy everyday chic, straight from the streets of Paris
stylists, editors, and more
s pecifications 180 illustrations 192 pages, 6¼ × 9½" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: World ENglISh PUB MONTH: MArCh FAShIoN
ISBN 978-1-4197-0681-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-0681-3 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
ne city always seems to win the award for most-wanted style—
Paris, where people walking down the avenues mix timeless 9 781419 706813
and trendy pieces in a way that appears effortless. French fashion
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
writers Isabelle Thomas and Frédérique Veysset break down the “je ne sais quoi” of Paris street style, describing the essential elements that should be in everyone’s wardrobe. Renowned experts on French style—designers, stylists, editors, and celebrities—also chime in to reveal their favorite accessories and how to create multidimensional looks and make affordable clothing appear luxurious. Starring both fashion icons and anonymous women met on the streets of Paris and richly illustrated with hand-drawn sketches and
also aVail aB le
Veysset’s striking photographs, Paris Street Style is an inspirational fashion guide that will allow you, no matter where you are from, to cultivate an everyday style of timeless glamour, careless, easy chic—votre style français. Isabelle Thomas is a personal stylist, journalist, and editor. She writes the blog Mode personnel(le) for the magazine L’Express styles. Frédérique Veysset is a fashion photographer, who contributes to publications such as Allure, Vanity Fair, Marie Claire, and Glamour. She also writes the fashion blog FredisBlog. Both authors live in France.
A to Z of Style
I Want to Be Her! ISBN 978-1-4197-0401-7
ISBN 978-1-4197-0255-6
ISBN 978-1-4197-0401-7 uS $19.95 CAN $21.95
ISBN 978-1-4197-0255-6 uS $19.95 CAN $21.95
9 781419 704017
9 781419 702556
S13_03IMG_passPC1.indd 81
10/15/12 11:03 AM
things to do with domo ■
By B I g T e n T e n T e r Ta I n m e n T l lC
DIY Domo! Twelve fan-inspired, original craft projects featuring Domo! s e lling points ■ domo is a huge merchandising brand, with plush toys, t-shirts, and collectible figurines, and he has been featured in advertising campaigns for 7-11 and target ■ domo appears on more than one million fansites and web pages, has 230,000 fans on facebook, and his fan-created videogame has been downloaded more than 2 million times. Youtube videos featuring domo have hundreds of thousands of hits ■ Small board book format features fun interactive activities for domo fans
s pecifications 36 color illustrations 34 pages, 6 × 6" Board book, with temporary tattoos, Cubee, stencil sheet RIGHTS: World ENglISh ExClUdINg ASIA PUB MONTH: APrIl PoP CUlTUrE • ACTIVITy Book
his fun and interactive board book features
16 colorful spreads of Domo activities
ISBN 978-1-4197-0691-2
perfect for every die-hard Domo fan, young
ISBN 978-1-4197-0691-2 US $12.95 CAN $13.95 51295
or old. Users can bake a Domo cake, make a Domo bento box, make a Domo costume (for a human and for a dog!), make a Domo Cubee,
9 781419 706912
paint Domo on their fingernails, apply tempo-
also aVail aB le
rary tattoos, and Domo-ize T-shirts, tote bags, skateboards, and more! Extras are packaged in a resealable envelope at the back of the book. Extras include Domo-themed temporary tattoos, a Domo Cubee, and a Domo stencil sheet. Domo is the funny, square-ish, brown
Domo in the World ISBN 978-0-8109-9815-5 ISBN 978-0-8109-9815-5 uS $12.95 CAN $14.95
I Heart Hello Kitty Activity Book ISBN 978-1-4197-0551-9 ISBN 978-1419705519 uS $10.95 CAN $11.95
9 781419 705519
Japanese TV network, but who has blown up into a beloved international phenomenon. His fuzzy, grinning mug has appeared everywhere
9 780810 998155
creature that began life as a mascot for a
from plush toys to figurines, T-shirts to key chains, as well as on more than one million fan sites and on his official Facebook page, where he has made over 230,000 friends. But Domo has never had his own activity book . . . until now.
S13_03IMG_passPC1.indd 82
10/15/12 11:04 AM
Mapping Manhattan A lov e ( A N d S o M e t I M e S h At e ) S to RY I N M A P S BY 7 5 N e w Yo R k e R S ■
By B e C k y C o o p e r
F o r e w o r d B y a da m g o p n I k
s e lling points
An unconventional atlas showcases 75 beautiful, personal maps of the Big Apple
■ Contributors include notable New Yorkers, such as New Yorker writer Adam Gopnik, Yoko ono, Momofuku’s david Chang, and more ■ Gorgeously illustrated with artful watercolors, hand-drawn sketches, and line drawings of New York ■ In keeping with its dIY aesthetic, the book includes a blank map to be filled out by the reader
s pecifications 75 color illustrations, 20 blackand-white line drawings 120 pages, 5½ × 10" hardcover
RIGHTS: NorTh AMErICA rmed with hundreds of blank maps she had
painstakingly printed by hand, Becky Cooper
walked Manhattan from end to end. Along her journey she
ISBN 978-1-4197-0672-1
met police officers, homeless people, fashion models, and
ISBN 978-1-4197-0672-1 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
senior citizens who had lived in Manhattan all their lives.
She asked the strangers to “map their Manhattan” and to mail the personalized maps back to her. Soon, her P.O. box
9 781419 706721
6-CoPy PrEPACk
was filled with a cartography of intimate narratives: past
ISBN 978-1-4197-0892-3
loves, lost homes, childhood memories, comical moments,
ISBN 978-1-4197-0892-3 US $119.70 CAN $131.70
and surprising confessions. A beautifully illustrated,
PostSecret-style tribute to New York, Mapping Manhattan includes 75 maps from both anonymous mapmakers and
9 781419 708923
notable New Yorkers, including Man on Wire aerialist Philippe Petit, New York Times wine critic Eric Asimov, Tony
also aVail aB le
award-winning actor Harvey Fierstein, and many more. Becky Cooper is an award-winning writer and cartographer. Born and raised in Queens, she recently graduated from Harvard University with a degree in comparative literature. She is the creator of the website mapyourmemories.
com, and lives in New York. New Yorker staff writer Adam
ISBN 978-0-8109-8490-5
gopnik is a three-time National Magazine Award winner
ISBN 978-0-8109-8490-5
uS $14.95
and the author of multiple national bestsellers, including Paris to the Moon.
CAN $16.95 51495
780810 984905
S13_03IMG_passPC1.indd 83
10/15/12 11:04 AM
the Merciless Book of Metal lists ■
By h o w I e a B r a m s a n d s aC h a J e n k I n s
F o r e w o r d B y k e r ry k I n g ( s l ay e r )
a F T e r w o r d B y p h I l I p a n s e l m o ( pa n T e r a )
s e lling points
An all-access backstage pass to the world of heavy metal from two industry insiders
■ Contains original content from heavy hitters of heavy Metal ■ Abrams and Jenkins are well connected to the metal world and media ■ Metal fans are eager for content tailored to them, as evidenced by the continued popularity of Mtv’s 120 Minutes, vh1 Classic’s The Eddie Trunk Show, and Cartoon Network’s Metalocalypse
s pecifications 50 color and 25 black-and-white illustrations 224 pages, 7 × 8" Paperback RIGHTS: World ENglISh PUB MONTH: APrIl MUSIC
he Merciless Book of Metal Lists is an irreverent and illustrated compendium of the most random, funny,
and challenging information about Heavy Metal from the last 40 years. You want to know which Metal albums
ISBN 978-1-4197-0738-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-0738-4 US $18.95 CAN $21.95
“jumped the shark?” Curious to know what non-Metal bands Metalheads love, which album covers feature goats, embarrassing Metal fashion faux pas, and the
9 781419 707384
unfortunate original names Metal bands started with? This is the book. In addition to some highly opinionated lists, this energetically designed volume features quotes, short essays, iconic four-color photography, and contributions from notable metal personalities, including Eddie Trunk, Gary Holt (Exodus), and Scott Ian (Anthrax, S.O.D.),
also aVail aB le
among others. howie Abrams is the former head of In-Effect Records, having worked with the Bad Brains, Scatterbrain, Nuclear Assault, and 24-7 Spyz. He’s held A&R positions at Jive Records, Warner Music, and Roadrunner Records and
Eddie Trunk’s Essential Hard Rock and Heavy Metal ISBN 978-0-8109-9831-5 ISBN 978-0-8109-9831-5 uS $19.95 CAN $23.95
9 780810 998315
worked with many of Metal’s finest. Sacha Jenkins is the former music editor for Vibe magazine and the coauthor of ego trip’s Book of Rap Lists and ego trip’s Big Book of Racism. He has worked as a television producer on such shows as The Boondocks and MTV’s The White Rapper Show. Both authors live in New York City.
S13_03IMG_passPC1.indd 84
10/15/12 11:04 AM
Marijuanamerica O N e M a N ’ S Q u e S t tO u N d e R S ta N d a M e R I c a’ S dyS f u N c t I O N a l lOv e a f fa I R w I t h w e e d ■
By Rya n n e R z
s e lling points ■ for his last book, Eat This Book, Nerz was featured on The
A. J. Jacobs meets Mary Roach and Chuck Klosterman in this candid, shocking, and entertaining look into marijuana’s place in America today
Daily Show with Jon Stewart, the TODAY show, The Glenn Beck Program, FOX & Friends, and more ■ the book will humanize hotbutton topics like medicinal marijuana, legalization issues, and addiction—all strong mainstream media subjects ■ aBRaMS has a great track record with this subject, including Pot Culture
s pecifications 272 pages, 5½ × 8½" Hardcover RIGHTS: WoRld ENglISH PUB MONTH: ApRIl MEMoIR • CUltURAl StUdIES ISBN 978-1-4197-0408-6
ISBN 978-1-4197-0408-6 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
yan Nerz is a Yale-educated author, journalist, and
TV producer. He is also a longtime pot smoker who
9 781419 704086
wanted to better understand the drug’s use and abuse in the
See page 140
United States. Marijuanamerica is the story of his trek across the country, where he encounters an eclectic and eccentric
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
group of dealers and users, medicinal marijuana advocates and legalization opponents, and even ends up apprenticing to a major grower-distributor. Along the way, he asks the questions: Are Americans becoming more dependent on marijuana physically, spiritually, financially? Should we legalize
also aVail aB le
it? Does he need to quit? Entertaining and illuminating, Marijuanamerica is one man’s attempt to humanize some very hot-button topics and learn something about himself along the way. Ryan Nerz is a freelance journalist whose pieces have
Pot Culture
appeared in Esquire, the Village Voice, and Time Out New
ISBN 978-0-8109-9440-9
York. In addition, he has written for NPR and produced televi-
ISBN 978-0-8109-9440-9
uS $19.95
sion shows on Spike TV and the Biography channel. He lives in Brooklyn.
CAN $25.95 51995
780810 994409
S13_03IMG_passPC4.indd 85
10/17/12 2:15 PM
why kn O
How to Tie More THan SixTy ingenious, USefUl, BeaUTifUl, lifesaving, and SecUre KnoTS!
n August 7, 1974, Philippe Petit stepped out on a wire illegally rigged between the New York
World Trade Center’s twin towers, where he performed for nearly an hour. During this history-making walk, and many others throughout his celebrated career, knots have always been indispensable components—the guardian angels protecting his life in the sky. After years of hands-on research, Philippe presents Why Knot?, a guide to tying his essential knots. Philippe’s own practical sketches illustrate original methods and clear, clever tying instructions. Photographs in which special knots were used during spectacular high-wire walks, quirky knot trivia, personal anecdotes, helpful tips, magic tricks, and special tying challenges ensure that, if you’re not already nuts for knots, Petit will transform you into a knot aficionado. Philippe Petit has been artist-in-residence of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine for more than 30 years and has performed on the high wire more than 80 times around the world. He also street juggles, lectures, and practices magic. He is the author of several books, including To Reach the Clouds (Man on Wire). In 2011, he performed his one-man show Wireless!, and in 2012, he was selected as a TED speaker, and he recently finished Cheating the Impossible, the first
TED multimedia book. He lives in New York.
Square Knot
Figure of Eight
Sheet Bend
Clove Hitch
The Gang of Five 86
Bowline Knot
Double Fisherman’s Bend
S13_03IMG_passPC1.indd 86
10/15/12 11:05 AM
written and illustrated by HigH-Wire arTiST
Philippe Petit
The poet laureate of the high wire presents a gorgeously illustrated guide to knots s e lling points
s pecifications
■ unique format boasts a fun,
350 color illustrations and
compact trim size, beautiful
hand-drawn illustrations, dramatic
256 pages, 5½ × 7⅛"
photographs of high-wire walks,
hardcover with die-cut cover
and an enclosed length of Petit’s
revealing enclosed red rope
signature red rope
■ Author is a beloved public figure with an enthusiastic fan base and
extensive media connections ■ Published in time for father’s day, the book makes an irresistible gift
ISBN 978-1-4197-0676-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-0676-9 US $19.95 CAN $19.95
adVance pr ais e
“Philippe Petit achieves the beauty utt y u ar are of simplicity while making us aware
9 781419 706769
8-CoPy CoUNTEr dISPlAy
that nothing is ever simple: not e even ev en
ISBN 978-1-4197-0889-3
simplicity itself. Yes, he is an artist isstt of of
ISBN 978-1-4197-0889-3 US $159.60 CAN $159.60 15960
re e knots: We get taken and sprung ffree micc mi at the same time. This is a dynamic
9 781419 708893
book, eclectic, fun, and practical.l. From Nabokov to the World Trade de
See page 140
Center to improvised handcuffs! Wonderful.” —Colum McCann
French Whipping SPRING 2013
S13_03IMG_passPC1.indd 87
10/15/12 11:05 AM
YSl: Prêt-à-Porter C o lo R I N G , AC t I v I t Y, A N d I N S P I R At I o N B o o k ■
By y V e s s a I n T l au r e n T
An interactive design book that offers a glimpse inside the mind of a fashion icon
s e lling points ■ Both inspiring and interactive, the book includes full-page sketches for the reader to color in ■ A perfect gift for fashion fans of all ages, available at an affordable price point ■ officially authorized by the YSl estate and including original drawings and sketches by the designer
s pecifications 40 illustrations 40 pages, 9.8 × 14.2" Paperback RIGHTS: NorTh AMErICA PUB MoNTh: MAy FAShIoN ISBN 978-1-4197-0677-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0677-6 US $18.95 CAN $21.95
9 781419 706776
6-CoPy PrEPACk ISBN 978-1-4197-0894-7 ISBN 978-1-4197-0894-7 us $113.70 CAN $131.70 11370
elebrating 40 years of glamorous fashion and design, this officially authorized coloring book
and sketchbook is based on the drawings and works of
Yves Saint Laurent (1936–2008). This playful and unique memento allows for a behind-the-scenes look at the
9 781419 708947
creative process of the YSL brand, as well as the chance for the reader to reimagine these famous designs.
also aVail aB le
Yves Saint Laurent was more than just a stylist: He was a genius designer who reinvented the world of haute-couture. From the beginning, YSL wanted his clothing to be accessible to women all over the world. His “Rive Gauche” collection was the first-ever ready-to-wear collection made by a haute-couture designer. This
Saint Laurent Rive Gauche ISBN 978-1-4197-0310-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-0310-2 uS $35.00 CAN $40.00
9 781419 703102
Yves Saint Laurent ISBN 978-0-8109-9608-3 ISBN 978-0810996083 uS $65.00 CAN $75.00 56500 9 780810 996083
collection became an iconic one that bridged the gap between haute-couture and the clothes that women could actually wear. Prêt-à-Porter explores the behind-the-scenes process of this collection and includes original drawings and sketches by Yves Saint Laurent himself. The book is a unique collection of fashion inspiration and interactive design that allows readers to discover Yves Saint Laurent’s design methods in a coloring book that is both stylish and fun.
S13_03IMG_passPC1.indd 88
10/15/12 11:05 AM
wonderbook t h e I l lu S t R At e d G u I d e to C R e At I N G I M AG I N At I v e f I C t I o N ■
By J e F F Va n d e r m e e r
d e s I g n e d a n d I l lu s T r aT e d By J e r e m y z e r F o s s
s e lling points ■ Amazing top-tier contributors include George R. R. Martin, lev Grossman, Neil Gaiman, Michael Moorcock, Paolo Bacigalupi,
A fully illustrated guide to writing fantasy, packed with advice from today’s bestselling fantasy authors
karen Joy fowler, and more ■ the fantasy genre has experienced a resurgence, as many of the bestselling books in this genre have gone mainstream and brought wider audiences to fantasy books ■ Jeff vanderMeer is the bestselling author of The Steampunk Bible (39,000 copies net) as well as several award-winning novels and fiction anthologies
s pecifications
100 color illustrations 272 pages, 7 × 10" his all-new definitive guide to writing imaginative fiction takes a completely novel approach and fully
exploits the visual nature of fantasy through original drawings, maps, renderings, and exercises to create a spectacularly beautiful and inspiring object. Employing
Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: World PUB MONTH: JUNE FANTASy
an accessible, example-rich approach, Wonderbook
ISBN 978-1-4197-0442-0
energizes and motivates while also providing practical,
ISBN 978-1-4197-0442-0 US $22.50 CAN $25.50
nuts-and-bolts information needed to improve as a writer. Aimed at aspiring and intermediate-level writers, Wonderbook includes helpful sidebars and essays from some of the biggest names in fantasy today, such as
9 781419 704420
See page 140
George R. R. Martin, Lev Grossman, Neil Gaiman, Michael Moorcock, Catherynne M. Valente, and Karen Joy Fowler, to name a few.
also aVail aB le
Jeff VanderMeer is the author of more than 20 books and a two-time winner of the World Fantasy Award. His books have made the year’s-best lists of Publishers Weekly, LA Weekly, the Washington Post, Amazon, the San Francisco Chronicle, and many more. He is the cofounder and codirector of Shared Worlds, a unique writing camp for teenagers, and has taught at Clarion,
The Steampunk Bible ISBN 978-0-8109-8958-0 ISBN$24.95 978-0810989580 uS CAN $27.95
the world’s premiere fantasy/sci-fi workshop for adults. VanderMeer is based in Tallahassee, Florida.
9 780810 989580
S13_03IMG_passPC1.indd 89
10/15/12 11:06 AM
did I do that? the BeSt (ANd woRSt) of the ’90S— toYS , G A M e S , S h o w S , A N d ot h e R S t u f f ■
By a m B e r h u m p h r e y
s e lling points ■ Nickelodeon has recently
Include an iron-os retro T-s n h transfer!irt
expanded its Monday night ’90s programming block, “the ’90s Are All that,” to include 20 tv shows from the era ■ Nineties icons are dominating social media: Doug has 5.5 million
The first illustrated book to chart the hottest, wackiest trends of the ’90s
fans on facebook; Beavis and Butt-Head and Rugrats each have 4.5 million; and the Nickelodeon programming block “the ’90s Are All that” has more than half a million fans
s pecifications 200 color illustrations 208 pages, 6 × 8¼" Paperback with iron-on transfer RIGHTS: World ENglISh PUB MONTH: MAy hUMor • PoP CUlTUrE • PErForMINg ArTS ISBN 978-1-4197-0678-3 ISBN 978-1-4197-0678-3 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
id I Do That? The Best (and Worst) of the ’90s relives the decade that brought the Power Rangers,
Saved by the Bell, and Beanie Babies to worldwide stardom.
9 781419 706783
Celebrating the most sought-after, wacky, ubiquitous, and
6-CoPy PrEPACk ISBN 978-1-4197-0893-0 ISBN 978-1-4197-0893-0 us $119.70 CAN $131.70 11970
downright bizarre bits of ’90s pop culture, this chock-fullof-fun, tongue-in-cheek survey looks back at everything kids begged their parents for and comments on what made all that stuff so irresistible. Each of the top 40 pop-culture
9 781419 708930
phenomena of the era—from toys and games to television and film to books and music—gets its own short chapter
also aVail aB le
discussing its rise and fall, spinoffs, favorite moments, and more, along with running commentary on what was hot at the
Now Back in print!
moment and what was suddenly “so five minutes ago.” For anyone who quoted Urkel, saved up her (or his!) allowance for a Spice Girls doll, or traded pogs with friends in study hall, Did I Do That? brings back favorite ’90s toys, fads, and memories from childhood in a fully illustrated, shamelessly nostalgic collection.
Just Can’t Get Enough ISBN 978-0-8109-9433-1 ISBN 978-0-8109-9433-1 uS $19.95 CAN $22.95
9 780810 994331
Amber humphrey has contributed to the San Francisco Bay Guardian,, and Tavi Gevinson’s Rookie. She blogs about the ’90s at She lives in the San Francisco area.
S13_03IMG_passPC1.indd 90
10/15/12 11:06 AM
the Adventure time encyclopaedia I N h A B I tA N t S , lo R e , S P e l l S , A N d A N C I e N t C RY P t wA R N I N G S o f t h e l A N d o f o o o C I R C A 1 9. 5 6 B .G . e .– 5 0 1 A .G . e . ■ ■
C o m p I l e d By h I s lo w n e s s h u n s o n a B a d e e r , lo r d o F e V I l T r a n s l aT e d F r o m T h e s C r o l l s o F o o o By m a r T I n o l s o n s e lling points ■ the first official guide to be
The first official guide to the characters and world of the #1 hit show, in the same subversive, playful spirit as the show itself
published in conjunction with the series ■ Adventure Time is the Cartoon Network’s #1 show among boys ages 6–11; the Season three premiere saw a 92 percent increase in viewership among tweens ages 9–14 ■ Cartoon Network is expanding the Adventure time brand into apparel, toys, and jewelry, and is testing products in national retail chains
Cover not final
s pecifications hat time is it? Adventure Time™! Explore the
125 color illustrations
magical world of Ooo with Jake the dog
160 pages, 6 × 9"
and Finn the human, along with the Ice King, Princess
Bubblegum, Marceline the Vampire Queen, and all your
favorite Adventure Time characters, in this first official
guide to Cartoon Network’s hit animated series.
Written and compiled by the Lord of Evil himself, The Adventure Time Encyclopaedia matches the playful,
ISBN 978-1-4197-0564-9
subversive tone of the series, detailing everything
ISBN 978-1-4197-0564-9 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
anyone will ever need to know about the postapocalyptic land of Ooo and its inhabitants—secret lore and spells,
9 781419 705649
fun places you should visit and places where you will probably die, whom to marry and whom not to marry, how
also aVail aB le
to make friends and how to destroy your enemies—plus hand-written marginalia by Finn, Jake, and Marceline. An indispensable companion to the show, this side-splittingly funny love letter to Adventure Time is sure to appeal to fans of all ages. Heck yeah!
The Simpsons Futurama
Martin olson is a comedy writer, television producer,
Crossover Crisis
stage director, and composer. Olson is best known as
ISBN 978-0-8109-8837-8
a “founding father” of the Boston comedy scene, and he
ISBN 978-0-8109-8837-8
uS $24.95
has received an Emmy nomination and Ace Award for television writing. Olson lives in Los Angeles.
CAN $27.95 52495
780810 988378
S13_03IMG_passPC1.indd 91
10/15/12 11:06 AM
P.S. I hate It here
P.S. I Still hate It here
kIdS' letteRS fRoM CAMP
MoRe kIdS' letteRS fRoM CAMP
pr ais e for P.S . I Hate It He re or every parent who’s ever received a letter from a
“Inspired by her daughter’s ‘melodramatic rants’ from camp,
homesick child or anybody who’s ever written their
Diane Falanga collected 150 hilarious, poignant letters
parents with crazy requests from their bunk, P.S. I Hate it
from kids 8–16 . . . Read it and remember.”—People
Here and its hilarious sequel, P.S. I Still Hate it Here, will
“Kids just left for sleepaway camp? See how their letters
delight with funny and heartwarming real-life letters. These
from home measure up to the humorous missives in
collections of letters written to their parents by children
the new book P.S. I Hate It Here.”—Newsday
ages eight to sixteen about their adventures at summer camp are laugh-out-loud comical and will have readers
pr ais e for P.S . I StIll Hate It He re
reminiscing about their own camp days.
“Will give you and your friends a good laugh while you’re
More than 150 letters in each book cover all the imagin-
at the beach and the kids are away.”—Geek Mom
able scenarios of sleep away camp, from acing the cabin lice inspection, to rowing in the “ricotta” race, to breaking the bad news about a retainer lost in the wilderness. These
P.S. I Hate It Here
letters reveal that kids are wittier and more sophisticated
ISBN 978-0-8109-8295-6
than we might assume, and that the experience of being
ISBN 978-0-8109-8295-6
US $12.95
away from home for the first time creates hilarious and lasting memories. diane Falanga is a mother of two and was inspired to put these books together after receiving melodramatic camp letters home from her then-eight-year-old daughter. Diane lives on Chicago’s North Shore.
CAN $13.95 51295
s pecifications for Both title s 150 full-color illustrations 160 pages, 5 x 7"
780810 982956
P.S. I Still Hate It Here ISBN 978-1-4197-0279-2 ISBN 978-1-4197-0279-2 US $12.95 CAN $13.95
9 781419 702792
S13_03IMG_passPC1.indd 92
10/15/12 11:06 AM
S13_04SMH_passPC1.indd 93
10/12/12 3:37 PM
Hairshirt ■
By Pat r i c k M c E o w n
A bold debut graphic novel from an Eisner Award–winning comics artist s e lling points ■ Patrick McEown established a broad fan base with his popular, award-winning comics series Grendel: War Child ■ First-class graphic fiction with stunning, evocative full-color art ■ McEown has worked with other comics notables, such as Mike Mignola (Hellboy) and on high-profile projects such as Batman Beyond
s pecifications Color illustrations throughout 128 pages, 6½ × 9½" Hardcover RIGHTS: NortH aMErIca PUB MONTH: MarcH GraPHIc NovEl ISBN 978-1-906838-27-0 ISBN 978-1-906838-27-0 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
9 781906 838270
ohn and Naomi were childhood sweethearts—and then they grew up. Life took
them on very different paths, but accidents will
happen. When their two lives intersect again, they decide to have another go at love. But this is no simple romantic rekindling: Both John and Naomi are wearing the hairshirts of miserable memories and dark nightmares, which may be
also aVail aB le
too painful to shed, even if they hold each other tight again. Their terrible struggle is powerfully represented in beautifully nuanced art that reflects a soulless city, troubled love, and tense aimlessness. Patrick McEown is an Eisner Award–winning
Nao of Brown ISBN 978-1-906838-42-3 ISBN 978-1-906838-42-3 US $24.95 CAN $29.95
9 781906 838423
artist whose credits include the popular comics series Grendel: War Child and collaborations with Mike Mignola, creator of Hellboy. He lives in Montreal, Canada.
S13_04SMH_passPC4.indd 94
10/17/12 11:16 AM
Black Paths ■
By Dav i D B .
Award-winning fan favorite David B. tells a surreal tale inspired by a true story set in WWI–era Europe s e lling points ■ Stunning art from David B., creator of the critically acclaimed Epileptic and an acknowledged master and award-winning comics artist with a strong fan base ■ David B. illustrated Best of Enemies: A History of U.S. and Middle East Relations, also from SelfMadeHero, which received a terrific review in the New York Times Book Review ■ In keeping with recent noteworthy, big graphic novels, such as Craig Thompson’s Habibi, which use the graphic format to tell epic stories of a culture ■ Crossover appeal for readers of history and politics
s pecifications Color illustrations throughout
128 pages, 6½ × 9½" Hardcover hen the Austro-Hungarian Empire disintegrated after World War I, control of the Adriatic
port of Fiume (now Rieka, Croatia) was hotly disputed.
Enter “Pirate King” Gabriele d’Annunzio, an Italian poet who stormed the city with 3,000 Italian nationalists. D’Annunzio declared Fiume a free republic and himself
RIGHTS: NortH aMErIca PUB MONTH: MarcH GraPHIc NovEl ISBN 978-1-906838-33-1 ISBN 978-1-906838-33-1 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
commander. He envisioned a utopian city-state, but Fiume quickly became a surreal center of violence, looting, and decadence, with shades of the Fascist move-
9 781906 838331
ment to come. Acclaimed comics artist David B. uses this real event as a backdrop and seamlessly weaves history, hysteria, and highly stylized art into the tragic love story
also aVail aB le
of a beautiful torch singer and a young soldier haunted by the horrors of trench warfare. David B. (Pierre-François Beauchard) is a prominent French comics artist whose graphic memoir, Epileptic, was nominated for an Eisner and won an Ignatz Award, as well as top prizes at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. He is also the illustrator of Best of Enemies: A History of U.S. and Middle East Relations. He lives in Paris, France.
Best of Enemies ISBN 978-1-906838-45-4 ISBN 978-1-906838-45-4 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
9 781906 838454
S13_04SMH_passPC1.indd 95
10/12/12 3:37 PM
When David Lost His Voice ■
By J u D i t h va n i s t E n Da E l
A powerful graphic novel in the tradition of David Small’s #1 New York Times bestseller, Stitches s e lling points ■ Vanistendael’s previous work has been nominated for
adVance pr ais e
prestigious awards at Angoulême
“A book like a tone poem, exactly
International Comics Festival
fitting Shelley’s words: ‘a nightingale
■ Striking art underscores the
who sits in darkness and sings to
emotional power of the narrative
cheer its own solitude with sweet sounds.’ The painting and drawing
■ Timely topic makes this an important book for a broad
from panel to panel, page to page,
is lovely, light, and lyrical, while the subject is love, loss, and death and the mixed emotions each one of those summons. Vanistendael is particularly effective in pinpointing the naïve, touching way that children attempt to cope with something as irremediable as the idea of the
s pecifications
death of a loved one.”
Color illustrations throughout
—David Small, author of the #1
280 pages, 6½ × 9½"
New York Times bestseller, Stitches
Hardcover RIGHTS: NortH aMErIca PUB MONTH: MarcH GraPHIc NovEl ISBN 978-1-906838-54-6 ISBN 978-1-906838-54-6 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
9 781906 838546
he doctor’s report is final: David has cancer. Now the whole family is under the same
terrible verdict. David’s wife becomes progres-
sively consumed by the looming shadow of death while his daughters struggle to be as helpful as possible. Meanwhile, David soldiers on, not wanting the tumor to rob him of everything, including the chance to see his granddaughter
also aVail aB le
grow up. Vanistendael’s extraordinary art and sensitive text provide a powerful portrayal of a family preparing for life after unimaginable loss. Judith vanistendael holds several art degrees. Her semi-autobiographical book, Dance by
Chico & Rita ISBN 978-1-906838-29-4 ISBN 978-1-906838-29-4 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
9 781906 838294
the Light of the Moon, was also published by SelfMadeHero and was nominated for two awards at Angoulême, including the grand prize. She lives in Brussels, Belgium.
S13_04SMH_passPC1.indd 96
10/12/12 3:37 PM
The Case of Charles Dexter Ward ■
By h . P. lov E c r a f t
a Da P t E D a n D i l lu s t r at E D By i . n . J . c u l B a r D s e lling points ■ Will appeal to readers who bought The Lovecraft Anthology,
Alchemy and resurrection for H. P. Lovecraft fans!
Volume I and Volume II, both from SelfMadeHero ■ H. P. Lovecraft has a vast cult following similar to that of Edgar Allen Poe and has inspired modern masters, such as Stephen King and Alan Moore
pr ais e for loVecr aft
■ Adaptor and artist I. N. J. Culbard
“The Lovecraft Anthology, Vol. 1
has worked on several
provides the goods.”
SelfMadeHero titles and has a
fan base for his comics work
s pecifications Color illustrations throughout 128 pages, 6½ × 9½" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: NortH aMErIca PUB MONTH: aPrIl GraPHIc NovEl ISBN 978-1-906838-35-5
ISBN 978-1-906838-35-5 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
ith creepy, spooky art, and sinister, suspenseful text, I. N. J. Culbard brings new
life—and death—to H. P. Lovecraft’s psychological
9 781906 838355
Art of Selling Books See inside back cover
mystery of forbidden knowledge and pursuits. Young Charles Dexter Ward is fascinated by the his-
also aVail aB le
tory of Joseph Curwen, his wizard ancestor of the 17th century. Curwen was notorious for haunting graveyards, practicing alchemy, and never aging! Ward can’t help his fixation: He himself looks just like Curwen. In an attempt to duplicate his ancestor’s cabbalistic feats, he resurrects the fearsome Curwen . . . and then the true horror begins! H. P. lovecraft (1890–1937) was one of the most influential horror writers of the 20th century. I. N. J. culbard’s work has appeared in several anthologies, including Dark Horse Presents, Judge Dredd Magazine, and 2000 A.D. He has also adapted several classics for SelfMadeHero. He lives in Nottinghamshire, England.
The Lovecraft Anthology: Vol. I ISBN 978-1-906838-53-9 ISBN 978-1-906838-53-9 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
9 781906 838539
The Lovecraft Anthology: Vol. II ISBN 978-1-906838-43-0 ISBN 978-1-906838-43-0 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
9 781906 838430
S13_04SMH_passPC1.indd 97
10/12/12 3:37 PM
Sandcastle ■
w r i t t E n By P i E r r E o s c a r l E v y
i l lu s t r at E D By f r E D E r i k P E E t E r s
s e lling points ■ Sandcastle was nominated
A day at the beach turns deadly in this gripping sci-fi graphic novel
for the grand prize at the 2011 Angoulême International Comics Festival ■ The strong black-and-white illustrations and tense narrative will appeal to readers of comics masters such as Charles Burns ■ Crossover appeal to graphic novel, science fiction, and
“Five stars . . . a low key sci-fi gem
mystery readers
with heart!” —SFX Magazine
s pecifications 104 black-and-white illustrations 112 pages, 6 ½ × 9 ½" Hardcover RIGHTS: NortH aMErIca PUB MONTH: May GraPHIc NovEl ISBN 978-1-906838-38-6 ISBN 978-1-906838-38-6 US $19.95 CAN $21.95
9 781906 838386
t’s a perfect beach day, or so thought the family, young couple, a few tourists, and a refugee who
all end up in the same secluded, idyllic cove filled with rock pools and sandy shore, encircled by green, densely vegetated cliffs. But this utopia hides a dark secret. First there is the dead body of a woman found
floating in the crystal-clear water. Then there is the odd fact that all the children are aging rapidly. Soon everybody is growing older—every half hour—and there doesn’t seem to be any way out of the cove. Levy’s dramatic storytelling works seamlessly with Peeters’ sinister art to create a profoundly disturbing and fantastical mystery. Pierre oscar levy is an award-winning documentary filmmaker. He lives in France. Frederik Peeters’s previous graphic novels have received multiple nominations for top awards at the Angoulême International Comics Festival. He lives in Switzerland.
S13_04SMH_passPC1.indd 98
10/12/12 3:37 PM
The Complete Don Quixote ■
By M i g u E l D E c E r va n t E s
a Da P t E D a n D i l lu s t r at E D By r o B Dav i s
s e lling points ■ Don Quixote is one of the most enduring books of all time; this
A delightful and energetic new take on the beloved classic!
exciting graphic adaptation will introduce this classic to a new generation of readers ■ Stunning art work and an innovative palette ■ The graphic format makes this book immediately accessible to a broad array of readers
s pecifications Color illustrations throughout 296 pages, 6½ × 9½" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: NortH aMErIca PUB MONTH: May GraPHIc NovEl
ISBN 978-1-906838-65-2 ore than 400 years ago, Spanish author
ISBN 978-1-906838-65-2 US $27.50 CAN $31.50
Miguel de Cervantes (1547–1616) sent
his irrepressible optimist of a hero out to tilt at
9 781906 838652
windmills—and Don Quixote and his philosophical squire, Sancho Panza, still remain among the world’s most popular and entertaining figures, as well as the archetypes for the tall, thin straight man and his short, stocky comic sidekick. In this terrific adaptation of the Cervantes classic, Rob Davis uses innovative paneling and an interesting color palette to bring the Knight-Errant to life. This is sequential
also aVail aB le
storytelling and art at its finest, as we follow Don Quixote on his search for adventure and chivalrous quests—and he will not be defeated by such foes as logic, propriety, or sanity. Miguel de cervantes was a celebrated Spanish Renaissance playwright, poet, and novelist. rob Davis has drawn Judge Dredd and Dr. Who comics and worked as an illustrator for newspapers and children’s publishers. He lives in Dorset, England.
Kiki de Montparnasse ISBN 978-1-906838-25-6 ISBN 978-1-906838-25-6 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
9 781906 838256
S13_04SMH_passPC1.indd 99
10/12/12 3:38 PM
☐ 5 Continents Editions ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐☐ Royal Academy of ☐ Ta t e P u b l i s h i n g ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 100
10/13/12 4:40 AM
☐ ☐ Booth‑ Clibborn Editions ☐ f Arts Publications☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ V& A P u b lish in g ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ ☐ S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 101
10/13/12 4:40 AM
DaviD Bowie ■
e d i t e d by V i c to r i a b r oac k e s a n d g e o f f r e y m a r s h
i n c lu d e s e s s ay s by c h r i s to p h e r f r ay l i n g , h o wa r d g o o da l l , c a m i l l e pag l i a , a n d J o n s aVag e
V& A P u B l i S H i n G
avid Bowie Is is the first book that grants access to the internationally acclaimed artist and performer’s personal archive
of costumes, ephemera, original design artwork, and more, bringing it together to present a completely new perspective on his creative work and collaborations. It traces Bowie’s career from its beginnings in London, through the breakthroughs of Space Oddity and The Rise and Fall of Ziggy Stardust and the Spiders from Mars, and on to his enormous impact on 20th-century avant-garde music and art. Essays by V&A curators Victoria Broackes and Geoffrey Marsh on Bowie’s London, image, and influence on the fashion world are complemented by Christopher Frayling, Mark Kermode, and Philip Hoare on film; Howard Goodall on musicology; Camille Paglia on gender and deca-
dence; and Jon Savage on Bowie’s relationship with William Burroughs and Bowie’s fans. The more than 300 color illustrations include personal and performance photographs, album covers, performance costumes, original lyric sheets, and much more. Victoria Broackes is a curator of theatre & performance at the V&A. Geoffrey Marsh is director of the V&A theatre collections. Sir Christopher Frayling is a critic and writer and former rector of the Royal College of Art, London. Howard Goodall is an Emmy, BRIT, and BAFTA award–winning composer and broadcaster. Camille Paglia is University Professor of humanities and media studies at the University of the Arts in Philadelphia. Her books include Sexual Personae: Art and Decadence from Nefertiti to Emily Dickinson. Jon Savage is a writer and broadcaster. His books include Teenage: The Creation of Youth Culture and England’s Dreaming: Anarchy, Sex Pistols, Punk Rock, and Beyond.
s pecifications s e LLing points
300 color illustrations
■ Bowie has been an internationally acclaimed star for nearly 50 years, and has sold over 140 million albums
e XHiB ition scHe DULe Victoria and Albert Museum,
288 pages, 9½ × 12½"
Hardcover with quarterbound
Mar 23–Jul 28, 2013
cloth case and foil stamping
■ Features never-before-seen material—costumes, ephemera, artwork, and more—from the David Bowie Archive
■ International media awareness ■ Exhibition opens in London in March 2013 and will travel thereafter
iSBn 978-1-85177-737-2 ISBN 978-1-85177-737-2 uS $55.00 CAN $62.00
9 781851 777372
1 02
S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 102
V&A Publishing 10/13/12 4:40 AM
e is
The David Bowie Archive shows material for the first time—for a book published to accompany the headline-making exhibition at the V&A
Proin egestas, nibh a facilisis viverra ——————————————————— Proin egestas, nibh a facilisis viverra, mi felis sollicitudin mi, ac pulvinar justo dui vel felis. Fusce a lacus est. Praesent sed hendrerit ante. Nullam interdum enim ultricies eros tincidunt luctus. Donec elit felis, accumsan sit amet aliquet ut, cursus nec justo. Etiam egestas rhoncus tellus. Pellentesque felis metus, vulputate ut lacinia eu, ultrices et sapien. Nullam accumsan vulputate mauris, non elementum
▩↑ [14] above | Self portrait by David Bowie taken from “HEROES”
album cover, 1978 | David Bowie Archive, New York ▩→ [00] rigHt | Erich Heckel | Young Man (Ein Junger), 1917 |
Woodcut on heavy Japan wove paper | 355.6 × 279.4 mm ▩↗ [00] opposite | Cover of “HEROES” | David Bowie Archive, New York
V&A Museum | Barnbrook | David Bowie Book | Design Proposal | 30.05.12
V&A Museum | Barnbrook | David Bowie Book | Design Proposal | 30.05.12
Spreads | “HEROES” Spread
Spreads | Image spread
david Bowie is yearning for a future that will never come to Pass ▩↗ [00] above | Bowie taking the subway in Japan | Photograph by
Masayoshi Sukita, 1980 | David Bowie Archive, New York
V&A Publishing
V&A Museum | Barnbrook | David Bowie Book | Design Proposal | 30.05.12
S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 103
Spreads | Image and David Bowie Is Statement
10/13/12 4:40 AM
Traditional Jewellery in Nineteenth-Century Europe ■
by Ja n e p e r ry
V& A P u B l i S H i n G
s e LLing points ■ Features unusual pieces, many never before published
A beautiful introduction to the rich variety of European traditional jewelry
■ The V&A’s jewelry collection is one of the most varied and complete in the world ■ Traditional jewelry is once again highly fashionable
s pecifications 190 color illustrations 144 pages, 8¼ × 9⅝" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: uS And CAnAdA PUB MONTH: MARCH FASHion • JewelRy iSBn 978-1-85177-729-7 ISBN 978-1-85177-729-7 uS $40.00 CAN $45.00
9 781851 777297
aLso aVai L aB Le
raditional or “ethnic” jewelry—jewelry worn with traditional or national costume—was
highly fashionable in the 19th century and is now
enjoying a revival, This book draws together a selection of beautiful pieces, from Iceland in the north to Cyprus off the shores of Asia Minor, to
Medieval Jewellery ISBN 978-1-85177-582-8 ISBN$30.00 978-1851775828 US CAN $38.99
demonstrate the wonderful variety of this “folk” or “peasant” jewelry, made from a wide range of materials. Spectacular examples, many rarely seen and never before published, include gilded Norwegian
9 781851 775828
wedding crowns and extravagant golden crosses from Normandy, ornate earrings from Spain and Italy, and imposing filigree clasps from the Balkans. The book illustrates how the jewelry was originally worn with traditional dress and explores its popularity in the 19th century.
Jewels & Jewellery ISBN 978-1-85177-535-4 ISBN$35.00 978-1851775354 US CAN $42.00
9 781851 775354
S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 104
Jane Perry is a visiting scholar at the V&A, involved in cataloguing and studying its extensive collection of European traditional jewelry.
V&A Publishing 10/13/12 4:41 AM
Treasures of the Royal Courts T U D o R S , S T UA R T S & T h E R U S S I A N T S A R S ■
e d i t e d by t e s s a m u r d o c h a n d o lg a d m i t r i e Va
V& A P u B l i S H i n G
s e LLing points ■ Accompanies a V&A exhibition ■ Spans the lives of henry VIII to Charles II, a popular period (The
A splendid tour of the luxurious courts and lives of famed monarchs
Tudors TV series was a huge success) ■ Filled with sumptuous, luxurious objects
s pecifications 200 color illustrations 176 pages, 8½ × 10⅝" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: uS And CAnAdA PUB MONTH: MARCH ART • deCoRATiVe ARTS
iSBn 978-1-85177-731-0 ISBN 978-1-85177-731-0 uS $45.00 CAN $52.00
illed with portraits, miniatures, silver, arms and
armor, heraldry, sumptuous embroidery and tap-
estries, and stunning jewelry, this colorful book explores
9 781851 777310
the diplomatic, trade, and cultural exchanges between the courts of Britain and Russia from the reign of Henry
e XHiB ition scHe DULe
VIII to the death of Charles II. Through objects seen and
The Victoria and Albert Museum,
used at court, gifts of diplomats, and royal commissions,
the book presents an overview of privileged living
Mar 9–Jul 14, 2013
in 16th- and 17th-century Britain with texts by experts from the V&A and the Kremlin Museum. Illustrating a broad range of fine and decorative art from spectacular
aL so aVai L aB Le
English-made silver to jewelry worn by Sir Francis Drake and textiles that emphasize the colors of daily life at court, this engaging book illuminates the intriguing lives of Elizabeth I, Charles II, Ivan the Terrible, Henry VIII, and other famed monarchs.
Magnificence of the Tsars
Tessa Murdoch is acting keeper in the sculpture,
ISBN 978-1-85177-604-7
metalwork, ceramics, and glass department at the
ISBN 978-1-85177-604-7
US $40.00
V&A. olga dmitrieva is deputy director of the Moscow Kremlin Museums.
V&A Publishing S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 105
CAN $51.99 54000
781851 776047
10/13/12 4:41 AM
Grinling Gibbons and the Art of Carving ■
By Dav i D E s t E r ly
Back in print in paperba ck
V& A P U B l I S h I N g
s pecifications 70 color and 100 black-and-white illustrations
rinling Gibbons (1648–1721), the greatest of decorative woodcarvers, is seen here
through the eyes of a fellow carver, American art-
224 pages, 8½ × 11"
ist David Esterly. Gibbons’s flamboyant cascades
Paperback with flaps
of lifelike blossoms, fruits, foliage, birds, and
fish dominated English interiors of the late 17th
century, in palaces, churches, and great country
houses. Esterly’s own experience in limewood foliage carving gives him unprecedented insight into Gibbons’s methods. Unique photographs
ISBN 978-1-85177-256-8
illustrate techniques, while spectacular interior
ISBN 978-1-85177-256-8 US $35.00 CAN $40.00 53500
shots show the carvings in their original settings.
9 781851 772568
David Esterly is a professional limewood foliage carver in the Gibbons tradition; he played a key
“A marvelous study; erudite,
role in the restoration of Hampton Court Palace
genial and well-informed.”
after the disastrous fire of 1986. He curated the
—Independent on Sunday
V&A exhibition “Grinling Gibbons and the Art of Carving” (1998) and is the author of The Lost Carving. He lives in upstate New York.
Now in paperba ck
BRItISh GlAmouR SINCe 1950
s pecifications 70 color illustrations
E D i t E D By s o n n E t s ta n f i l l a n D o r i o l E C u l l E n
V& A P U B l I S h I N g
his unique and groundbreaking book presents dynamic photographs of 60 years of British
112 pages, 9¾ × 11¼"
ballgowns and includes designs by Alexander
McQueen, Bellville Sassoon, Erdem, Gareth Pugh,
Stella McCartney, and Zandra Rhodes. Britain’s traditional season of debutante parties, private balls, weddings, and charity events has long provided fashion designers with opportunities
ISBN 978-1-85177-746-4
to create elaborate, tour-de-force eveningwear;
ISBN 978-1-85177-746-4 US $24.95 CAN $27.95 52495
in more recent years, the ballroom has been
9 781851 777464
replaced by the red carpet. Though the context has changed, the ballgown remains a staple in many designers’ collections and continues to serve as
“takes us on a journey from the
an expression of status, protocol, and taste, while
first debutante balls to Alexander
simultaneously embodying elements of drama
and fantasy.
—Marie Claire Sonnet Stanfill is curator of 20th-century and contemporary fashion, and Oriole Cullen is curator of modern textiles and fashion, at the V&A.
S13_05DIST_passPC4.indd 106
V&A Publishing 10/17/12 10:29 AM
William Morris Textiles ■
by l i n da pa r ry
V& A P u B l i S H i n G
A comprehensive survey of the enormously popular textiles produced by the English Arts and Crafts master s e LLing points ■ Written by Linda Parry, the acknowledged authority on William Morris ■ Morris’s textiles are still produced—and still stylish—today ■ Morris’s prints can be seen on umbrellas, totes, scarves, wallpapers, carpets, and much more ■ Inspiration and information for decorators and designers in any field
s pecifications 275 color illustrations 304 pages, 8½ × 10⅝" Hardcover RIGHTS: uS And CAnAdA PUB MONTH: APRil FASHion • TexTileS
illiam Morris Textiles was the first comprehensive survey of the many hundreds of original, colorful
iSBn 978-1-85177-732-7 ISBN 978-1-85177-732-7 uS $60.00 CAN $69.00
textiles produced by William Morris (1834–1896) and the two commercial companies he founded and managed. To
9 781851 777327
this day it remains the authority in the field, and this revised edition has been completely rewritten, reorganized, and expanded with beautiful new photography. Morris expert Linda Parry provides new insight into the embroideries, printed and woven textiles, carpets, and tapestries produced by Morris & Co., giving in-depth information about their design and manufacture. The varied, often highly specialized processes involved are discussed in
aL so aVai L aB Le
detail, as are Morris’s working methods. Lavishly illustrated throughout, this is the unparalleled study of the subject. linda Parry is former deputy keeper of the department of furniture, textiles, and fashion at the V&A, where she worked for over 30 years. She is the author of Textiles of the Arts and Crafts Movement and British Textiles from 1850 to 1900, and editor of William Morris. Among the exhibitions she curated at the V&A are “Textiles of the Arts and Crafts Movement” (1988) and “William Morris” (1996).
V&A Publishing S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 107
British Textiles ISBN 978-1-85177-618-4 ISBN$75.00 978-1851776184 US CAN $97.50
9 781851 776184
1 07
10/13/12 4:41 AM
C.F.A. Voysey ■
New title in th e series
by k a r e n l i V i n g s to n e
s pecifications for e acH titLe 65 color illustrations 80 pages, 5 × 7" Hardcover with Cd
aL so aVaiL aB Le in tHe s e rie s
RIGHTS: uS And CAnAdA PUB MONTH: APRil deSiGn • deCoRATiVe ARTS V&A Pattern: William Morris
iSBn 978-1-85177-733-4 ISBN 978-1-85177-733-4 uS $12.95 CAN $13.95
ISBN 978-1-85177-584-2
ISBN 978-1-85177-584-2
US $12.95
9 781851 777334 9
nglish architect and designer C.F.A. Voysey (1828–1912) produced a wide range of
781851 775842
V&A Pattern: Indian Florals
textiles and other patterns over a career spanning 50 years. His style is character-
ISBN 978-1-85177-586-6 ISBN 978-1-85177-586-6
ized by bold repeats, natural forms, flat tints of color, and a pared-back simplicity, and
US $12.95
is quickly identifiable. Readers will delight in his patterns, which still retain their original freshness today.
CAN $16.95 51295
CAN $16.95 51295
781851 775866
Karen livingstone is director of masterplan and estate at the Science Museum. Her previ-
V&A Pattern: The Fifties
ous publications include Essential Arts and Crafts.
ISBN 978-1-85177-585-9 ISBN 978-1-85177-585-9
US $12.95 9
CAN $16.95 51295
781851 775859
s e LLing points ■ Follows the success of other titles in the V&A Pattern series
V&A Pattern: Digital Pioneers
■ Each book is accompanied by a free CD-RoM of the images
ISBN 978-1-85177-587-3 ISBN 978-1-85177-587-3
■ Classic design with gift and collector appeal, these books
US $12.95
continue to inspire and delight ■ Accessible, attractive, and well-priced
S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 108
CAN $16.95 51295
781851 775873
V&A Publishing 10/13/12 4:42 AM
“Beautiful and practical, the books are visual summaries of the most sumptuous parts of the V&A collections.”
Designers Slipcased Set ■
by k a r e n l i V i n g s to n e , e s m é w h i t ta k e r ,
—RA Magazine
l i n da pa r ry, a n d a b r a h a m t h o m a s
tunningly repackaged in a limited-
edition slipcased set are three of
the most popular V&A Pattern series titles—
William Morris, Walter Crane, and Owen Jones—plus a new title that celebrates the innovative and inspirational work of C.F.A. Voysey (1857–1941).
iSBn 978-1-85177-734-1 ISBN 978-1-85177-734-1 uS $47.50 CAN $54.50
9 781851 777341
V&A Pattern: Slipcased Set #2
V&A Pattern: Slipcased Set #3
V&A Pattern: Slipcased
ISBN 978-1-85177-607-8
ISBN 978-1-85177-638-2
Set #4
ISBN 978-1-85177-607-8
US $47.50 9
deSiGn • deCoRATiVe ARTS
CAN $61.95 54750
781851 776078
ISBN$47.50 978-1851776382 US CAN $57.00
ISBN 978-1-85177-683-2 ISBN 978-1-85177-683-2 US $47.50 CAN $57.00
9 781851 776382 9 781851 776832
V&A Pattern: Kimono
V&A Pattern: Chinese Textiles
V&A Pattern: Modern
ISBN 978-1-85177-606-1
ISBN 978-1-85177-622-1
British Designers
ISBN 978-1-85177-606-1
US $12.95 9
CAN $16.95 51295
781851 776061
ISBN$12.95 978-1851776221 US CAN $15.95
ISBN978-1-85177-681-8 978-1-85177-681-8 ISBN
US $12.95
CAN $14.95
9 781851 776221
9 781851 776818 V&A Pattern: Novelty Patterns
V&A Pattern: Spitalfields Silks
ISBN 978-1-85177-589-7
ISBN 978-1-85177-635-1
ISBN978-1-85177-679-5 978-1-85177-679-5 ISBN
ISBN$12.95 978-1851776351 US CAN $15.95
US $12.95
ISBN 978-1-85177-589-7
US $12.95 9
CAN $16.95 51295
781851 775897
9 781851 776795
V&A Pattern: Pop Patterns
ISBN 978-1-85177-588-0
ISBN 978-1-85177-636-8
ISBN978-1-85177-680-1 978-1-85177-680-1 ISBN
ISBN$12.95 978-1851776368 US CAN $15.95
US $12.95
ISBN 978-1-85177-588-0
CAN $16.95 51295
781851 775880
9 781851 776368
V&A Pattern: Heal’s
CAN $14.95
9 781851 776801
V&A Pattern: Owen Jones
V&A Pattern: Walter Crane
V&A Pattern: Sanderson
ISBN 978-1-85177-605-4
ISBN 978-1-85177-637-5
ISBN 978-1-85177-605-4
US $12.95 9
9 781851 776351
CAN $14.95
V&A Pattern: Secret Garden US $12.95 9
V&A Pattern: Liberty & Co.
CAN $16.95 51295
781851 776054
ISBN$12.95 978-1851776375 US CAN $15.95
ISBN978-1-85177-682-5 978-1-85177-682-5 ISBN
US $12.95
CAN $14.95
9 781851 776375
9 781851 776825
V&A Publishing S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 109
10/13/12 4:43 AM
Diaghilev A N D t h e B A l l e t S R u S S e S 1 9 0 9 – 1 92 9, e x PA N D e D e D I t I o N ■
E d i t E d By Ja n E P r i tc h a r d a n d G E o f f r E y M a r s h
S pEcification S 170 color illustrations
ergei Diaghilev and his extraordinary Ballets Russes revolutionized ballet for
all time. From 1909 to 1929, the Ballets Russes
384 pages, 9½ × 12"
attracted avant-garde composers such as
Stravinsky, dancers such as Nijinsky and Massine,
and designers such as Bakst, Goncharova,
Picasso, Matisse, and Chanel, and even a very
young George Balanchine, all of whom helped to create true collaborations never before seen
ISBN 978-185177-749-5
in the performing arts. Now, this major book,
ISBN 978-1-85177-749-5 US $60.00 CAN $69.00 56000
published to accompany an exhibition that originated at the V&A and is now traveling to the
9 781851 777495
National Gallery of Art, Washington, examines the origins, development, and long-term influence of
E xhibition SchE dulE
the Ballets Russes, complete with costumes, sets,
National Gallery of Art, Washington
and performance photographs. This beautiful
May 5–Sept 2, 2013
book showcases artistic collaboration at its finest.
“this fascinating book should be
Jane Pritchard is curator of dance, and Geoffrey
on every ballet lovers’ gift list.”
Marsh is director of the Theatre and Performance
—Suzy Menkes, The New York Times
Collections at the V&A.
Carvings, Casts & Collectors the ARt of ReNAISSANCe SCulPtuRe
Italian Renaissance sculpture—the artists, the works, the patrons S pEcification S 170 color illustrations 384 pages, 8¼ × 11" Hardcover RIGHTS: US AND cANADA PUB MONTH: JUNe Art
By P E ta M ot t u r E , E M M a J o n E s , a n d d i M i t r i o s Z i ko s
V& A P U B l I S H I N G
his fully illustrated volume brings together new research by some of the world’s leading
experts, exploring the artistic production and cultural context of Italian Renaissance sculpture, from Lorenzo Ghiberti’s Gates of Paradise to the small bronzes of Giambologna and his followers.
The essays cover a range of sculptural materials and forms to cast fresh light on the artists, their creative and collaborative processes, and those who commissioned, owned, and responded to their work. Peta Motture is senior curator of sculpture at the V&A. emma Jones is a PhD candidate at the University of Cambridge whose research focuses
ISBN 978-1-85177-640-5
ISBN 978-1-85177-640-5 CAN $69.00 56000
US $60.00
9 781851 776405
S13_05DIST_passPC4.indd 110
on the commissioning of sculpture and workshop practice in 16th-century Venice. Dimitrios Zikos is an independent art historian who has published extensively on Florentine and Flemish sculptors.
V&A Publishing 10/17/12 11:27 AM
80s Fashion F R o M C LU B To C AT WA L k ■
by s o n n e t s ta n f i l l
V& A P u B l i S H i n G
s e LLing points ■ high-profile V&A exhibition
From the streets and clubs to haute couture, ’80s fashion in all its glory
June–September 2013 ■ ’80s fashion is very much in vogue again, and the V&A’s resources make this book definitive, comprehensive, and full of surprise ■ Includes work by big-name designers such as Vivienne Westwood and Paul Smith ■ V&A fashion books are authoritative and gorgeously illustrated
s pecifications 120 color illustrations 144 pages, 7¾ × 10½" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: uS And CAnAdA PUB MONTH: June FASHion iSBn 978-1-85177-725-9
ISBN 978-1-85177-725-9 uS $30.00 CAN $33.00 53000
n 80s Fashion, the V&A explores one of the most diverse and exciting periods in fashion history,
showcasing the work of some of the decade’s leading designers, including Vivienne Westwood,
Fiorucci, Leigh Bowery, Bodymap, Rifat Ozbek, and many others. Exploring the decade’s extraordinarily creative exchange between fashion and music, this
9 781851 777259
e XHiB ition scHe DULe Victoria and Albert Museum, London June–Sept 2013
extensively illustrated book shows how fashions seen on trendsetters in the clubs of the period were interpreted for a wider audience through
aLso aVai L aB Le
the striking photography and innovative graphic design of key magazines such as The Face and i-D. Casting new light on the designs of the decade, 80s Fashion includes interviews and previously unseen original material from designers’ archives.
Vivienne Westwood Sonnet Stanfill is curator of 20th-century and contemporary fashion at the V&A. She curated “New
97801-85177-405-0 ISBN$35.00 978-1851774050 US CAN $445.00
York Fashion Now” and cocurated the exhibition “Ballgowns: British Glamour Since 1950.”
V&A Publishing S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 111
9 781851 774050
10/13/12 4:43 AM
Now in paperba ck
A N A N T h o Lo Gy ■
by s t e p h e n J o n e s a n d o r i o l e c u l l e n
s pecifications 150 full-color illustrations
V& A P u B l i S H i n G
sing radical materials and designs that range from refined to whimsical, Stephen
128 pages, 8½ × 11"
Jones’s exquisitely crafted hats ignited a revival
of British millinery in the early 1980s and today continue to attract stylish celebrities. Jones has
also collaborated with legendary designers,
including Vivienne Westwood, Jean Paul Gaultier,
and Marc Jacobs. Published to accompany a touring exhibition, Hats offers an unprecedented view
iSBn 978-1-85177-747-1
of the world of millinery. Drawing on Jones’s own
ISBN 978-1-85177-747-1 uS $24.95 CAN $27.95 52495
archive and the V&A’s extensive collection, this vividly illustrated book examines the inspiration
9 781851 777471
behind hat design, the history of millinery from the process to the materials to the workshop, and the etiquette of hat-wearing. Stephen Jones’s work is in the permanent collections of the V&A, the Louvre, The Fashion Institute of Technology, the Brooklyn Museum, the Kyoto Costume Institute, and the Australian National Gallery. oriole Cullen is curator of modern textiles and fashion at the V&A.
Damien hirst ■
s pecifications 140 color illustrations 224 pages, 9 × 10⅞" Paperback with flaps RIGHTS: uS And CAnAdA AVAilABle now ART
e d i t e d by a n n g a l l ag h e r
F R o M TAT e P u B l i S H i n G
amien Hirst (b. 1965), once the enfant terrible of the so-called Young British Artists,
is one of the most controversial—and certainly the most famous—artist of his generation. His
work, which includes installation, painting, sculpture, and drawing, challenges the boundaries between art, science, and popular culture. Published to accompany the major retrospective
iSBn 978-1-84976-010-2 ISBN 978-1-84976-010-2 uS $39.95 CAN $44.95 53995
of Hirst’s work at Tate Modern in summer 2012, this book surveys 25 years of the artist’s practice, from sharks in formaldehyde to spot paintings to medicine cabinets to diamond-encrusted skulls,
9 781849 760102
making a major contribution to our understanding and appreciation of one of the most significant artists of our time. With contributions by a team
aLso aVaiL aB Le In-A-Gadda-Da-Vida ISBN 978-1-85437-496-7 ISBN$37.50 978-1854374967 US CAN $57.50
9 781854 374967
S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 112
of curators and critics, this superbly illustrated survey is a fitting tribute to Hirst’s headlinemaking achievements. Ann Gallagher is head of collections (British Art) at Tate and the editor of Susan Hiller.
V&A Publishing | Tate 10/13/12 4:43 AM
Turner’s Secret Sketches ■
by i a n wa r r e l l
F R o M TAT e P u B l i S H i n G
s e LLing points
The first book to reveal J.M.W. Turner’s long-lost erotic sketches
■ Elegant, cloth-bound, gift-size book ■ Gorgeous color reproductions of previously unseen erotic drawings ■ Bold new scholarship on a littleknown aspect of Turner’s oeuvre ■ The first book exclusively devoted to Turner’s erotic work
s pecifications 45 color illustrations 144 pages, 5½ × 6⅞" Hardcover RIGHTS: uS And CAnAdA PUB MONTH: FeBRuARy
ART he paintings of J.M.W. Turner (1775–1851) are
iSBn 978-1-84976-085-0
admired by art lovers everywhere. This book
ISBN 978-1-84976-085-0 uS $24.95 CAN $27.95
reveals a new side of Turner: his erotic drawings.
Until a few years ago, biographies of both Turner 9 781849 760850
and critic John Ruskin claimed that in 1858 Ruskin burned bundles of erotic paintings and drawings in a fit of embarrassed Victorian censorship, to protect the artist’s reputation. However, in 2005 Turner scholar Ian Warrell suggested that the alleged burning never took place, and that almost all of the allegedly destroyed drawings are actually in the Tate collection, part of the Turner Bequest. Here Warrell explores this little-known aspect of the
aLso aVai L aB Le
artist’s work in detail, placing the work in the context of Turner’s social and artistic milieu, contemporary preoccupations with art for public and “private” consumption, and the intricacies of the artist’s personal life and canonical works.
How to Paint Like Turner
ian warrell is curator of 18th- and 19th-century
ISBN 978-1-85437-883-5
British art at Tate. He is also the author of J.M.W.
ISBN 978-1-85437-883-5
US $24.95
Turner, Turner and Venice, and most recently Turner Inspired: In the Light of Claude.
Tate S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 113
CAN $32.50 52495
781854 378835
10/13/12 4:43 AM
A RT & V I S UA L C U LT U R E F R O M TAT E P U B L I S H I N G ■ These three innovative textbooks, published in association with Britain’s open University, offer a new approach to the exploration of art and visual culture. Through carefully chosen themes and topics rather than through a general survey, the volumes approach the process of looking at works of art in terms of their audiences, functions, and cross-cultural contexts. While focused on painting, sculpture, and architecture, they also explore a wide range of visual culture in a variety of media and methods.
aLL titLe s Paperback RIGHTS: uS And CAnAdA PUB MONTH: FeBRuARy ART HiSToRy
Art & Visual Culture: A Reader ■ e d i t e d by a n g e l i k i ly m b e r o p o lo u, pa m e l a b r ac e w e l l- h o m e r , and Joel robinson
Included to supplement the textbooks is an expertly compiled reader.
n essential sourcebook for students
and the only reader to cover such an
extensive time period, this unprecedented collection of primary texts is organized in three parts, mirroring the three Art & Visual
Culture textbooks. Included are extracts from Vasari, Panofsky, Ruskin, and more, on topics from sacred art to landscape design and the birth of modernity. Angeliki lymberopolou is a lecturer in art history, Pamela Bracewell-Homer is a consultant, and Joel Robinson is a lecturer in art history, all at the Open University.
Black-and-white illustrations throughout 384 pages, 8½ × 11¼" iSBn 978-1-84976-048-5 ISBN 978-1-84976-048-5 uS $29.95 CAN $32.95 52995 9 781849 760485
S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 114
Tate 10/13/12 4:43 AM
Art & Visual Culture 1100–1600
Art & Visual Culture 1600–1850
Art & Visual Culture 1850–2010
AC A D E M y To AVA N T- G A R D E
M o D E R N I T y To G Lo B A L I z AT I o N
e d i t e d by k i m w. w o o d s
e d i t e d by e m m a b a r k e r
e d i t e d by s t e V e e d wa r d s
& pau l w o o d
his volume includes essays on key themes of medieval and Renaissance
art, including analyses of sacred art, Gothic
his volume interrogates labels used in standard histories of the art of this
period (baroque, rococo, neoclassicism,
he essays in this volume engage directly with topical issues around art
and gender, globalization, cultural difference,
architecture, the art of the crusades, and
and Romanticism) and examines both
and curating, as well as explorations of key
art at court. Key artists such as Simone
established and recent art-historical meth-
artists and movements and some less well-
Martini and Botticelli are included, along
odologies, including formalism, iconology,
documented work by contemporary artists.
with defining monuments of the period
spectatorship and reception, and identity
such as the Basilica of Saint Denis and
and difference. Key topics include baroque
Westminster Abbey.
Rome, Dutch paintings of the Golden Age,
senior lecturers in art history at the Open
Georgian London, the Paris salon, and the
Kim woods is a senior lecturer at Britain’s
Steve edwards and Paul wood are
impact of the discovery of the South Pacific.
Open University and a specialist in northern European late Gothic sculpture.
emma Barker is a senior lecturer in art history at Britain’s Open University.
255 color illustrations
255 color illustrations
255 color illustrations
416 pages, 8½ × 11¼"
384 pages, 8½ × 11¼"
416 pages, 8½ × 11¼"
iSBn 978-1-84976-093-5 ISBN 978-1-84976-093-5 uS $31.95 CAN $36.95 53195 9 781849 760935
iSBn 978-1-84976-096-6
iSBn 978-1-84976-097-3
ISBN 978-1-84976-096-6 uS $31.95 CAN $36.95 53195
ISBN 978-1-84976-097-3 uS $31.95 CAN $36.95 53195
9 781849 760966
9 781849 760973
Tate S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 115
10/13/12 4:43 AM
TAT E B R I T I S h A R T I S T S :
William Scott ■
by s a r a h w h i t f i e l d
F R o M TAT e P u B l i S H i n G
The Tate British Artists series, now in a new hardcover format
his book is a comprehensive introduction to the life and work of the important British
abstract painter William Scott (1913–1989). After studying at Belfast College of Art and the Royal
Academy of Arts in London, Scott began his painting career in 1946 while teaching at Bath Academy of Art, concentrating on still lifes of household objects. By 1951, the forms had begun to take on a life of their own, sometimes as
s pecifications
metaphors of erotic encounters between male
60 color illustrations
and female. Moving back and forth between
96 pages, 7½ × 9⅝"
abstract and representational styles, Scott gained
international renown and has been the subject of
exhibitions around the world, including a major
retrospective at Tate in 1972.
ART Sarah whitfield is an independent art historian,
iSBn 978-1-84976-082-9
writer, and curator.
ISBN 978-1-84976-082-9 uS $24.95 CAN $27.95 52495 9 781849 760829
Beyond the Page ■
The renowned children’s illustrator, in his own words
by Q u e n t i n b l a k e
F R o M TAT e P u B l i S H i n G
uentin Blake (b. 1932) is one of the best-known and best-loved illustrators
in the world, having created brilliant and iconic
characters for Roald Dahl, Russell Hoban, Joan Aiken, and Michael Rosen. He has won numerous awards, including the Whitbread Award, the
s pecifications
Kate Greenaway Medal, and the Hans Christian
240 color illustrations
Andersen Award for Illustration. In Beyond the
256 pages, 9¼ × 11"
Page, Blake writes about his works since 2000,
vividly describing his processes, his collaborators, his travels, and his various projects and commissions, including his “illustrated walls” projects for hospitals in Great Britain and France. Generously illustrated with 240 full-color reproductions of his
iSBn 978-1-84976-083-6 ISBN 978-1-84976-083-6 uS $31.95 CAN $36.95 53195 9 781849 760836
inimitable work, this is an unsurpassed collection of Blake’s achievements, which, together with his fascinating story, make it a must for aficionados and professionals alike. Quentin Blake taught at the Royal College of Art, London, and was head of the illustration department from 1978 to 1986.
S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 116
Tate 10/13/12 4:44 AM
Francis Bacon and Nazi Propaganda ■
by m a r t i n h a m m e r
F R o M TAT e P u B l i S H i n G
ritish artist Francis Bacon (1909–1992) was one of the most important artists of
the 20th century. Here, Martin Hammer presents
him as a “painter of modern life,” whose concern was to distill the feelings associated with living through the rise of Fascism in the 1930s, World
Examines key traumatic influences behind the renowned painter’s work
War II, the revelations of the Holocaust, and then the early Cold War period. Against a backdrop
s pecifications
of changing attitudes toward wartime memories
50 color and 50 black-and-white
and a gradual resurgence of interest in the war,
Hammer offers extensive evidence of Bacon’s
224 pages, 7⅝ × 9⅝"
use of prewar Nazi propaganda photography as
a springboard for painting. By exploring some of Bacon’s best-known and most compelling works, Hammer illuminates the artist’s aim to transmute challenging photographic sources into a reflec-
tion on the contemporary world.
iSBn 978-1-84976-073-7 Martin Hammer is a curator and reader in history of art at the University of Edinburgh.
ISBN 978-1-84976-073-7 uS $35.00 CAN $40.00
9 781849 760737
Art in Latin America ■
by i r i a c a n d e l a
F R o M TAT e P u B l i S H i n G
his is the first book to provide a thorough
exploration of Latin American art since 1990,
a period during which the Latin American art scene has grown in importance and influence. Iria
Candela explains the importance of contemporary art in this complex and diverse region, and pro-
The first scholarly study of Latin American art from 1990 to the present
vides a detailed study of new and unconventional art practices. Her original, in-depth interpretation of more than 100 works in a wide variety of media
s pecifications
focuses on disruptive and politically committed
70 color and black-and-white
works that challenge traditional forms and recog-
nize the need to strengthen freedom of expression
144 pages, 8¼ × 10⅝"
and democratization in Latin America. Among the
Latin American–born or –based artists featured
are Gabriel Orozco, Doris Salcedo, Ernesto Neto,
Francis Alÿs, Jorge Macchi, Santiago Sierra, Carlos
Garaicoa, and Allora & Calzadilla. iria Candela is assistant curator at Tate Modern. She is a regular contributor to The Burlington Magazine, El País, Exit Art, and Lapiz.
Tate S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 117
iSBn 978-1-84976-070-6 ISBN 978-1-84976-070-6 uS $29.95 CAN $32.95
9 781849 760706
10/13/12 4:44 AM
Another London ■
e d i t e d by h e l e n d e l a n e y
e s s ays by b e n g i d l e y a n d m i c k g i d l e y
i n t r o d u c t i o n by s i m o n b a k e r ■
F R o M TAT e P u B l i S H i n G
London as the photographer’s muse, 1930–1980
n the years between 1930 and 1980, some of the best-known photographers from around the
world came to London and made the dynamic city their subject. These artists cast their foreigner’s
gaze on red buses, bowler hats, and pearly kings as well as street artists, beggars, and buskers. This collection of 180 classic 20th-century photographs
s pecifications
highlights the city as a richly diverse metropolis,
100 color and black-and-white
full of contrast. From portraits to reportage,
from social realism to whimsy and humor, the
128 pages, 7½ × 9⅝"
variations in technique and attitude displayed
in the responses London provoked from visitors
chronicle the development of photography itself.
Helen delaney is assistant curator and Simon
Baker is curator of photography and international art at Tate. Ben Gidley is senior researcher at the Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society
iSBn 978-1-84976-025-6
at Oxford University. Mick Gidley is emeritus
ISBN 978-1-84976-025-6 uS $26.95 CAN $29.95 52695
professor of American literature & culture at the University of Leeds.
9 781849 760256
Daido Moriyama ■
The first and only survey of Moriyama’s work available in English
by s i m o n b a k e r
F R o M TAT e P u B l i S H i n G
aido Moriyama (b. 1938), one of Japan’s most influential photographers, has cre-
ated an innovative body of work, often depicting the breakdown of traditional values in postwar
Japan. Moriyama emerged from the Provoke movement of the ’60s, which challenged Japan’s rigid artistic formalities. He was influenced by his
s pecifications
contemporary Shomei Tomatsu, as well as the
200 color and black-and-white
work of William Klein, Andy Warhol’s silkscreened
newspaper images, and the writings of Jack
224 pages, 6¾ × 9"
Kerouac. His images have a gritty, high-contrast
black-and-white aesthetic, or “are, bure, boke”
(grainy, blurry, out-of-focus), and concentrate
on little-seen parts of the city to reveal the
fragmentary nature of modern life. The only survey of his work in English, this book beautifully
iSBn 978-1-84976-139-0 ISBN 978-1-84976-139-0 uS $39.95 CAN $44.95
9 781849 761390
reproduces Moriyama’s pictures and includes two newly translated texts on the artist: “The Myth of the City” by Koji Taki and “Reconsidering ‘Grainy, Blurry, Out-of-focus’” by Minoru Shimizu. Simon Baker is curator of photography at Tate.
S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 118
Tate 10/13/12 4:44 AM
A Bigger Splash PA I N T I N G A F T E R P E R F o R M A N C E ■
e d i t e d by c at h e r i n e w o o d
F R o M TAT e P u B l i S H i n G
s e LLing points ■ Accompanies a major show at Tate Modern, London
The first book to look at painting and performance as cross-disciplinary practices
■ Includes well-known older works as well as new contemporary examples ■ Showcases work that experiments with painting and performance in a variety of ways ■ Includes work by well-known artists
s pecifications 120 color illustrations 128 pages, 7½ × 9⅝" Paperback RIGHTS: uS And CAnAdA PUB MONTH: MARCH ART
iSBn 978-1-84976-020-1 aking its title from David Hockney’s iconic 1967
ISBN 978-1-84976-020-1 uS $21.95 CAN $24.95
image of a California swimming pool and Jack
Hazan’s docu-fiction film about Hockney’s life, A Bigger
Splash considers the specific ways performance art has challenged and energized the medium of painting from 1950 to the present day. Moving through more than half a century of key works in painting, video, and photography,
9 781849 760201
e XHiB ition scHe DULe Tate Modern, London Nov 14, 2012–Apr 1, 2013
this book features examples by artists such as Yves Klein, Jackson Pollock, Niki de Saint Phalle, and Cindy Sherman, along with new work and archival and documentary materials. Three essays, covering the evolution of contemporary practice, the issue of pictorial space in painting with reference to history, and the relationship between the theoretical concept of “performativity” to the issues played out within that high period of “performance art,” offer readers new ways of looking at the web of influence between familiar works. Catherine wood is curator of contemporary art and performance at Tate Modern. She is editor of The World as a Stage and coeditor of Pop Life: Art in a Material World.
Tate S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 119
10/13/12 4:44 AM
Alphabet ■
by k V Ĕ ta pac oV s k á
F R o M TAT e P u B l i S H i n G
Stunning, utterly original artist’s alphabet book, in a gorgeous slipcase s e LLing points ■ Inventive book design including pop-ups, flaps, die-cut pages, foils, and windows, housed in a slipcase ■ Internationally acclaimed, award-winning artist ■ An artist’s book for children
s pecifications Pop-ups, flaps, die-cuts, foils, and windows Color illustrations throughout 48 pages, 9½ × 9½" Hardcover with slipcase RIGHTS: uS And CAnAdA PUB MONTH: APRil ART iSBn 978-1-84976-141-3 ISBN 978-1-84976-141-3 uS $39.95 CAN $44.95
9 781849 761413
avish and full of fun, this book will appeal to adults and children alike.
Alphabet is an extraordinary, multidimensional journey into the alphabet created by one of the world’s most celebrated illustrators, Kvĕta Pacovská. With a rich concoction of textures, reflections, windows, and pop-ups, Pacovská takes the art of the picture book to new levels, absorbing read-
aLso aVaiL aB Le
ers of all ages in a playful and imaginative new world. Kvĕta Pacovská was born in Prague in 1928. In 1992, she won the Hans Christian Andersen Award, the highest and most prestigious international distinction in
The Sun Is Yellow ISBN 978-1-84976-064-5 ISBN 978-1849760645 US $24.95 CAN $27.95
9 781849 760645
1 20
S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 120
literature for young people, for her lifetime achievement in art. She is the author of numerous children’s books, including The Sun Is Yellow.
Tate 10/13/12 4:44 AM
Sydney Lee P R I N T S : A C ATA Lo G U E R A I S o N N é ■
by r o b e r t m e y r i c k
A R oyA l AC A d e M y o F A R T S P u B l i C AT i o n
s e LLing points ■ The first publication on Lee’s work, this book describes,
The first publication devoted to Sydney Lee, master British printmaker
catalogues, and illustrates all of his prints ■ Published to accompany an exhibition at the Royal Academy of Arts, London ■ Meyrick is a leading authority on British printmaking
s pecifications 170 color illustrations 160 pages, 8⅞ × 9½" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: uS And CAnAdA PUB MONTH: MARCH ART
iSBn 978-1-907533-40-2 his fully illustrated and annotated catalogue raisonné
ISBN 978-1-907533-40-2 uS $45.00 CAN $52.00
of the prints of Sydney Lee (1866–1949) offers a
long-overdue appraisal of Lee’s contribution to British art.
Primarily a painter, Lee was widely acclaimed during his lifetime for his virtuoso prints of landscapes, town scenes, and historic buildings, executed in a remarkable variety of sizes and media. From the Colosseum in Rome to the
9 781907 533402
e XHiB ition scHe DULe Royal Academy of Arts, London, Feb–May 2013
summit of Mount Snowdon in Wales and the windmills of Kent, England, he traveled throughout Britain and Europe in search of subjects both epic and picturesque. A leading authority on printmaking and a committed collector of Lee’s prints, Robert Meyrick identifies the precise locations of these subjects and establishes an accurate chronology of Lee’s printed work. Robert Meyrick is head of the School of Art and keeper of the School of Art Museum and Collections at Aberystwyth University in Wales. In 2001 he was made an honorary fellow of the Royal Society of PainterPrintmakers in recognition of his services to printmaking in Britain.
Royal Academy of Arts S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 121
10/13/12 4:45 AM
Anna Pavlova T W E N T I E T h - C E N T U Ry B A L L E R I N A ■ ■
by Ja n e p r i tc h a r d w i t h c a r o l i n e h a m i lto n A B o oT H - C l i B B o R n e d i T i o n S B o o K
s e LLing points
Celebrates the enchanting life of the world’s most famous ballerina
■ Published to celebrate the 100th anniversary of the founding of Pavlova’s dance company in England ■ There is no other book on Pavlova currently available ■ Features 150 photographs of Pavlova on stage and off, many never before seen ■ Portion of the proceeds will benefit the Royal Ballet School’s scholarship program
s pecifications 150 illustrations 208 pages, 7⅞ × 10⅜" Hardcover RIGHTS: woRld enGliSH PUB MONTH: MARCH PeRFoRMinG ARTS iSBn 978-1-86154-335-6 ISBN 978-1-86154-335-6 uS $40.00 CAN $45.00
9 781861 543356
he great ballerina Anna Pavlova (1881–1931) began her career with the Imperial Russian Ballet in 1909,
moved to Paris to dance with Vaslav Nijinsky in Sergei
Diaghilev’s famous Ballets Russes, and formed her own dance company in London in 1912. Like celebrities of today, she toured the world, endorsed beauty products and department stores, appeared in fashion magazines, and even made a Hollywood movie. But her passion was always ballet, which she sought to bring to as wide an audience as possible. Many of the works she brought with her from Russia are regarded as the foundation of today’s classic ballet repertoire. Created to celebrate the centenary of the founding of Pavlova’s English dance company, this book offers an intimate look at the legendary ballerina whose name still resonates 80 years after her death. Jane Pritchard is a dance historian. She is curator of dance at the V&A and cocurator of the exhibition “Diaghilev and the Golden Age of the Ballets Russes 1909–1929.” Caroline Hamilton is a freelance costume and dance historian with a passion for early 20thcentury ballet.
S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 122
Booth-Clibborn 10/13/12 4:45 AM
korean Eye 2012 ■
by l e e da e h y u n g
A B o oT H - C l i B B o R n e d i T i o n S B o o K
Contemporary Korean art, from an exhibition at London’s Saatchi Gallery s e LLing points ■ The first book to showcase the exciting contemporary art of South korea ■ Asian art is gaining more and more exposure in the West, and is a growing area for collectors ■ The art is fresh, diverse, and superbly illustrated
s pecifications 150 color illustrations 268 pages, 6⅝ × 9½" Flexibind RIGHTS: woRld enGliSH PUB MONTH: MARCH
ART orean Eye, a philanthropic movement founded in 2008 to promote contemporary art and
emerging artists, showcases an exciting collection of
iSBn 978-1-86154-336-3 ISBN 978-1-86154-336-3 uS $29.95 CAN $32.95
painters, sculptors, and photographers who are making an impact on the art world today. The selections in Korean Eye 2012 feature 33 diverse and innovative artists chosen from over 28,000 submissions by 2,000 applicants. A wide range of talent reveals certain shared approaches, including a methodical
9 781861 543363
e XHiB ition scHe DULe Saatchi Gallery, London Jul 25–Sept 23, 2012
precision and thematic preoccupation with technology. Curator Lee Daehyung’s accompanying essay explores the cultural significance of the artwork as it
aLso aVai L aB Le
relates to modern-day Korea and its relationship with other countries. Featured artists include Chul Hyun Ahn, Ahn Doojin, Bae Joonsung, Bahk Seon-Ghi, Chae Mi-Hyun & Dr. Jung, Cho Duck Hyun, U-Ram Choe, Chongwoon Choi, Debbie Han, Euyoung Hong, Hong Seung Hee, and Sooyeon Hong.
My Name Is Charles Saatchi and
lee daehyung has been lead curator for Korean Eye since its inception in 2008 and is the former director of the Asia-Pacific Development Society at Columbia University, New York.
ISBN 978-1-86154-333-2 ISBN 978-1-86154-333-2 US $18.95 CAN $21.95
9 781861 543332
Booth-Clibborn S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 123
I Am an Artoholic
10/13/12 4:45 AM
Reflections on Renaissance Venice A C E L E B R AT I o N o F PAT R I C I A F o R T I N I B R o W N ■ ■
A celebration of scholarly devotion to art in the city of light
e d i t e d by b l a k e d e m a r i a a n d m a ry e . f r a n k FRoM 5 ConTinenTS ediTionS
nspired by the teachings and research of Patricia Fortini Brown, a renowned scholar of
Venetian art and history, these beautifully illustrated essays by leading scholars address topics ranging from painted Venetian narrative cycles of the late 15th century to the rebuilding of the
s pecifications
Campanile in the early 20th century. This book
150 color illustrations
was derived from papers given at the Giorgione
312 pages, 9½ × 11¼"
Symposium held at Princeton University on the
Hardcover with jacket
occasion of Fortini Brown’s recent retirement. The superb study offers new reflections on artists as
RIGHTS: woRld exCludinG
diverse as Andrea Mantegna, the Bellini family,
iTAly And FRAnCe
Giorgione, Pietro Lombardo, Paolo Veronese,
Andrea Palladio, and Giovanni Battista Piranesi.
Blake de Maria is an associate professor in
iSBn 978-88-7439-634-4
the department of art and art history at Santa
ISBN 978-88-7439-634-4 uS $65.00 CAN $75.00 56500
Clara University in California and the author of Becoming Venetian. Mary e. Frank is an independent scholar in Venetian studies.
9 788874 396344
The World of Spirits in Pre-Columbian Ecuador s pecifications 257 color illustrations Bilingual: English and Spanish 232 pages, 7½ × 10¼"
■ ■
e d i t e d by i Va n c r u Z c e Va l lo s a n d c h r i s t i a n m e s Í a m o n t e n e g r o FRoM 5 ConTinenTS ediTionS
n an elegant 17th-century house in the historic center
of Quito, Ecuador, visitors can find some 5,000
Flexibind RIGHTS: woRld exCludinG iTAly And FRAnCe PUB MONTH: MARCH
archeological masterworks created in a range of raw materials by ancient peoples. The house, the Casa del Alabado, or House of Praise, passed its name to the museum, a fitting one for the space that contains a
unique collection of indigenous works of art, with some
iSBn 978-88-7439-596-5 ISBN 978-88-7439-596-5 uS $60.00 CAN $69.00 56000
cosmic energy and spiritual communication between
aLso aVaiL aB Le Charms in Pre-Columbian Ecuador ISBN 978-88-7439-591-0 ISBN$34.95 978-88-7439-591-0 US CAN $41.95
9 788874 395910
the art to a wider public, explaining the worldview and philosophy of these ancient people, in particular the importance of preserving life by maintaining the flow of
9 788874 395965
1 24
500 pieces permanently on view. This book brings
S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 124
the distinct worlds that made up their universe. ivan Cruz Cevallos is scientific advisor to the Casa del Alabado and president of the Alejandro Labaka Foundation. Christian MesÍa Montenegro is the director of the Pre-Columbian Museum Casa del Alabado
5 Continents 10/13/12 4:45 AM
e d i t e d by V i c to r p i m e n t e l
FRoM 5 ConTinenTS ediTionS
s e LLing points
Stunning works from more than 4,000 years of Peruvian history
■ Accompanies a major traveling exhibition ■ Includes historical and field photography ■ Covers a wide range of mediums from painting and sculpture to textiles, gold, ceramics, and more
s pecifications 320 color illustrations 432 pages, 9½ × 11" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: woRld exCludinG iTAly And FRAnCe PUB MONTH: FeBRuARy ART
iSBn 978-88-7439-629-0 ccompanying a major traveling exhibition,
ISBN 978-88-7439-629-0 uS $65.00 CAN $75.00
this ambitious volume showcases more
than 4,000 years of Peruvian art in approximately
350 diverse, exciting works. A large selection of pre-Columbian treasures, along with masterpieces dating from the colonial era and striking modern paintings and sculptures produced during the first half of the 20th century, offer new perspectives on the rich cultural identity of the country. In this richly illustrated reference, more than 20 international contributors explore
9 788874 396290
e XHiB ition scHe DULe The Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, Jan 30–Jun 16, 2013 Seattle Art Museum, Oct 17, 2013–Jan 5, 2014 Museo de la Nación, Lima Mar 31, 2014–Jun 29, 2014 (TBC)
the mythologies and rituals of ancient Andean civilizations; their perpetuation, concealment, or hybridization with Catholicism during the 18th and 19th centuries; and the rediscovery and valorization of Peruvian popular traditions and faiths in the 20th century. Victor Pimentel is curator of pre-Columbian art at the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts.
5 Continents S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 125
1 25
10/13/12 4:45 AM
■ New volume in the successful Visions of Africa series, the only series to examine African art systematically, tribe by
by h e r b e r t m . c o l e
FRoM 5 ConTinenTS ediTionS
s e r i e s e d i to r : c o n s ta n t i n e p e t r i d i s
tribe, in an affordable and accessible format
gbo art is famous for its diversity, inventiveness, and aesthetic quality. This wide-ranging survey
of art made by the 15 to 20 million Igbo people of
■ Igbo art, especially the wide variety of masks, is famous for
southeastern Nigeria focuses on the 20th century
its diversity, inventiveness, and
but also takes a look at the extraordinary 9th- and
aesthetic quality
10th-century bce cast copper alloy and ceramic finds that influenced Igbo artworks created 20 cen-
■ Features many unpublished or little-known objects and explains
turies later. Ceremonial contexts and meanings are
their uses, ceremonial contexts,
explained, covering art associated with individuals
and meanings
as well as communal works and ranging from personal decoration to architectural forms, from
s pecifications
household objects to cult sculpture, title regalia,
60 color and 18 black-and-white
and public shrines. Many little-known objects are
included alongside a generous sampling of the
160 pages, 6½ × 9½"
thousands of masks that are perhaps the quintes-
sential forms of Igbo art.
RIGHTS: woRld exCludinG iTAly And FRAnCe
Herbert M. Cole taught African art history at the
University of California, Santa Barbara, for 35 years
and is now professor emeritus. He has written, cowritten, or edited nine books and more than 60
aLso aVaiL aB Le in tHe s e rie s
iSBn 978-88-7439-632-0 ISBN 978-88-7439-632-0 uS $34.95 CAN $39.95
Kota ISBN 978-88-7439-607-8 ISBN 978-88-7439-607-8 US $34.95 CAN $39.95
articles on African art and curated many exhibitions. This is the first title focused exclusively on Igbo art since his 1984 book Igbo Arts: Community and Cosmos, now long out of print
9 788874 396320
9 788874 396078
ISBN 978-88-7439-587-3
ISBN 978-88-7439-348-0
ISBN 978-88-7439-587-3 US $34.95 CAN $39.95
US $34.95 9
788874 392971
ISBN 978-88-7439-573-6
ISBN 978-88-7439-350-3
ISBN 978-88-7439-293-3
ISBN$34.95 978-8874395736 US CAN $41.95
ISBN 978-88-7439-350-3 US $34.95 CAN $38.95
US $29.00
9 788874 393503
788874 394104
788874 394043
US $34.95 9
788874 393862
US $34.95 9
788874 394012
ISBN 978-88-7439-295-7
ISBN 978-88-7439-384-8
CAN $38.95 53495
CAN $38.95 53495
ISBN 978-88-7439-384-8
ISBN 978-88-7439-386-2
S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 126
ISBN 978-88-7439401-2
CAN $45.50 53495
ISBN 978-88-7439-386-2
788874 392933
ISBN 978-88-7439-401-2
ISBN 978-88-7439404-3
US $34.95
CAN $32.00 52900
ISBN 978-88-7439-404-3
CAN $41.95 53495
Baule US $34.95
ISBN 978-88-7439-410-4
US $34.95
ISBN 978-88-7439293-3
ISBN 978-88-7439-410-4
788874 393480
CAN $38.95 53495
1 26
US $34.95
9 788874 395736
ISBN 978-88-7439-297-1
CAN $38.95 53495
Bamum 53495
ISBN 978-88-7439-297-1
ISBN 978-88-7439348-0
9 788874 395873
ISBN 978-88-7439295-7
CAN $38.95 53495
788874 393848
US $29.00 9
CAN $32.00 52900
788874 392957
5 Continents 10/13/12 4:45 AM
Arts of Nigeria in French Private Collections ■
t e x t s by toy i n fa lo l a , h é l è n e J o u b e r t, a l a i n l e b a s
i n t e r V i e w s by a l e x a n d r e e s p e n e l
dubois and alain lebas
p h oto g r a p h s by h u g h e s
FRoM 5 ConTinenTS ediTionS s e LLing points
Superb works of Nigerian art from private collections, published to accompany a major exhibition
■ Accompanies major museum exhibition ■ Presents nearly 200 superb examples of Nigerian art ■ There is an increasing worldwide interest in Nigerian art, both tribal and contemporary
s pecifications 200 color illustrations 264 pages, 9½ × 11¼" Hardcover with jacket RIGHTS: woRld exCludinG iTAly And FRAnCe
PUB MONTH: FeBRuARy igerian art has long been sought after by
art collectors in France. Accompanying
an important exhibition, Arts of Nigeria in French
Private Collections explores Nigeria’s rich artistic
iSBn 978-88-7439-581-1 ISBN 978-88-7439-581-1 uS $65.00 CAN $75.00
production through a collection of beautiful works, including many arresting figurative pieces, in a wide variety of media. Internationally known experts provide texts that introduce Nigeria, its peoples, and its assorted cultures. The superb photographs of the works add to the value of this
9 788874 395811
e XHiB ition scHe DULe : Musée de la Civilisation, Quebec Oct 23, 2012–Apr 21, 2013
sumptuous volume. Toyin Falola is an eminent Nigerian historian and history professor in the department of African studies at the University of Texas. Hélène Joubert is chief curator and director of the African heritage unit at the Musée du Quai Branly in Paris and a specialist on the Yoruba and the arts and peoples of Nigeria. Alain lebas is a collector of primitive art and curator of the related exhibition. Alexandre espenel is the author of a major book on Igbo sculpture. Hughes dubois is a renowned art photographer.
5 Continents S13_05DIST_passPC2.indd 127
10/13/12 4:45 AM
S13_06CAL_PC3.indd 128
10/12/12 12:33 PM
Count down the days to Christmas with Hello Kitty!
All calendars are published in August unless otherwise noted
Pop-Up Advent Calendar ■
S PECIFICATIONS Advent calendar 12 × 12" RIGHTS: US AND CANADA ISBN 978-1-4197-0912-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-0912-8 US $14.99 CAN $17.99
9 781419 709128
ello Kitty can’t wait for Christmas, and neither can you! This delightful Advent calendar makes the holiday season even more fun than it already is. Hello Kitty fans
of all ages will enjoy counting down the days to December 25th with their favorite friend. Sanrio®, best known for global icon Hello Kitty and home to many endearing characters, is
a worldwide lifestyle brand founded on the philosophy that a small gift can bring happiness and friendship to people of all ages. For over 50 years, this philosophy has served as the inspiration for the broad spectrum of unique Sanrio products and experiences.
S13_06CAL_PC4.indd 129
11/8/12 3:08 PM
Celebrating the infinite cuteness of newborn puppies
2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R ■
By J . n i c h o l e S m i t h New!
■ Based on Stewart, Tabori & Chang’s charming bestseller, this 16-month calendar features life-size photographs of adorable puppies at six weeks old. It highlights the most popular breeds, including the French bulldog, Labrador, golden retriever, and Parson Russell Terrier. From their pink bellies and tiny teeth to their soft ears and oversize paws, this year’s worth of delightful pinups is irresistible. Includes a bonus life-size litter poster!
s pecifications 16-month calendar 24 pages, 14 × 12" Includes poster RIGHTS: World EnglISh ISBn 978-1-4197-0773-5 ISBN 978-1-4197-0773-5 US $13.99 CAN $16.99
9 781419 707735
ender’s Game
Get a look inside the world of the new major motion picture based on one of the bestselling sci-fi novels of all time!
2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R ■
By l i o n S g at e New!
■ Featuring stills from Ender’s Game, the much anticipated film directed and written by Gavin Hood, this official 16-month calendar follows the story of Andrew “Ender” Wiggin, an unusually gifted child who is sent—70 years after a horrific alien war—to an advanced military school in space to prepare for a future invasion.
s pecifications 16-month calendar 24 pages, 12 × 12" RIGHTS: World EnglISh ISBn 978-1-4197-0915-9 ISBN 978-1-4197-0915-9 US $14.99 CAN $17.99
9 781419 709159
S13_06CAL_PC3.indd 130
10/12/12 12:33 PM
Adventure Time
Surreally sensational! A new Abrams calendar based on the popular Cartoon Network show
2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R ■
By C A R to o n n e t w o R k
■ Heck, yeah! 2014 is adventure time! With Jake the dog and Finn the human, the fun lasts all year long in this colorful 16-month calendar based on Cartoon Network’s wildly successful show. Featuring artwork from the best of four seasons of stunning title-card paintings produced for each episode, the Adventure Time 2014 Calendar is, as they say, totally mathematical! Includes a bonus cubee.
s pecifications 16-month calendar 24 pages, 12 × 12" includes cubee RIGHTS: ContaCt Publisher isbn 978-1-4197-0668-4 ISBN 978-1-4197-0668-4 us $14.99 CAN $17.99
9 781419 706684 TM
2013 isbn: 978-1-4197-0354-6
Based on the FX network’s popular animated comedy
2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R ■
& © 2013 Cartoon Network (S13)
By A dA m R e i d / F X New!
■ Enter the daunting and dangerous world of the International Secret Intelligence Service and its incredibly vain master spy, Sterling Archer. This super-slick 16-month calendar, based on FX Network’s popular animated comedy on the bestselling comic book, highlights each of the main characters in the series and celebrates their favorite pastime: using covert operations and global crises as an excuse to undermine, sabotage, and betray each other for personal gain. Scotch, anyone?
s pecifications 16-month calendar 24 pages, 12 × 12" RIGHTS: ContaCt Publisher isbn 978-1-4197-0714-8 ISBN 978-1-4197-0714-8 us $14.99 CAN $17.99
51499 TM
9 781419 707148
S13_06CAL_PC4.indd 131
& © 2012 FX Networks, LLC
10/17/12 11:31 AM
Two action-packed calendars celebrating two of the most successful video games of all time
Super Mario Brothers
legend of Zelda
2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R
2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R
By n i n t e n d o
By n i n t e n d o
■ Everyone's favorite video game hero, Mario, is back in this
■ This official 16-month wall calendar is an
16-month wall calendar, featuring art and imagery from the world
action-packed trip through the fantastical world
of Super Mario. Embark on an epic adventure with Mario and
of Hyrule, featuring our hero, Link, in his never-
friends as they navigate the world of the Mushroom Kingdom—
ending quest to save Princess Zelda from the evil
and its flying turtles, pipe mazes, and piranha plants—to rescue
Ganon. Lavish illustration with images from some
Princess Peach from Bowser’s evil grip. Featuring Mario’s
of Nintendo’s bestselling games will appeal to
allies and foes, including Luigi, Bowser, Toad, Koopa Troopas,
the brand’s millions of fans around the globe.
and Yoshi, this calendar is sure to entertain nostalgic Mario fans and new gamers alike as Mario races to save the day!
s pecifications
s pecifications
16-month calendar
16-month calendar
24 pages, 12 × 12"
24 pages, 12 × 12
ISBn 978-1-4197-0779-7
ISBn 978-1-4197-0780-3
ISBN 978-1-4197-0779-7 US $14.99 CAN $17.99
ISBN 978-1-4197-0780-3 US $14.99 CAN $17.99
9 781419 707797
9 781419 707803
2013 ISBn: 978-1-4197-0219-8
S13_06CAL_PC3.indd 132
2013 ISBn: 978-1-4197-0214-3
/ © 2012 Nintendo
10/12/12 12:33 PM
Cult favorite classics from Topps! tr a d i n g ca r d ca Le n da r
Garbage Pail Kids Mars Attacks 2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R
2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R
By t h e to p p S c o m pa n y
By t h e to p p S c o m pa n y
■ Garbage Pail Kids—a series of collectible stickers
■ Edgy, subversive, and darkly comedic, Topps’s infamous
produced in the 1980s—combined spectacular artwork
Mars Attacks trading cards have inspired and fascinated
and over-the-top satire. The result was an inspired
fans ever since they were first published in 1962. Created
collaboration between avant-garde cartoonists and
by Len Brown and Woody Gelman and illustrated by such
humorists including Art Spiegelman, Mark Newgarden,
pulp luminaries as Norm Saunders, Wally Wood, and Bob
John Pound, Tom Bunk, and Jay Lynch. Based on Abrams’
Powell, this first-ever 16-month Mars Attacks calendar
bestselling book, this first-ever 16-month calendar features
features high-quality reproductions from the original
many of the most popular images from Series 1 through 5
transparencies. Includes 4 bonus collectible cards.
from 1985 and 1986. Includes 4 bonus collectible stickers.
s pecifications
s pecifications
16-month calendar
16-month calendar
24 pages, 10½ × 14½"
24 pages, 14 × 12"
Includes 4 stickers
Includes 4 trading cards
ISBn 978-1-4197-0818-3
ISBn 978-1-4197-0819-0
ISBN 978-1-4197-0818-3 US $14.99 CAN $17.99
ISBN 978-1-4197-0819-0 US $14.99 CAN $17.99
9 781419 708183
9 781419 708190
S13_06CAL_PC3.indd 133
© & TM The Topps Company, Inc.
10/12/12 12:33 PM
splendor of our solar system
Steampunk Bible
2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R
2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R
By J e F F Va n d e r m e e r a n d S . J . c h a m B e r S
By m i c h a e l B e n S o n
■ Thanks to the photographic
s pecifications
output of a small squadron of
16-month calendar
interplanetary spacecraft, we
■ Steampunk—a grafting of Victorian s pecifications
24 pages, 14 × 12"
have awakened to the beauty
aesthetic and punk-rock attitude
Includes poster
16-month calendar
and splendor of the solar system.
onto various forms of science-fiction
24 pages, 10½ × 14½"
Featuring the most amazing
culture—is a phenomenon that has come to influence film, literature, art, music, fashion, and more. Based on the ultimate manual, Abrams’ The Steampunk Bible, this intriguing 16-month calendar offers readers a wild ride through the clockwork
photographs from Abrams’ stunning
ISBn 978-1-4197-0739-1
Planetfall, this truly revelatory—
ISBn 978-1-4197-0820-6
and eye-popping—16-month
ISBN 978-1-4197-0820-6 US $13.99 CAN $16.99 51399
calendar uses its large page size to reproduce the greatest
ISBN 978-1-4197-0739-1 US $14.99 CAN $17.99
9 781419 707391
achievements in contemporary
9 781419 708206
planetary photography as never
corridors of a strangely marvelous
before. Includes bonus poster.
and very contemporary movement.
The Art of Andy Warhol 2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R ■
By t h e a n dy wa r h o l F o u n dat i o n
■ This must-have 16-month calendar from
s pecifications
the Andy Warhol Foundation highlights pop
16-month calendar
artist Andy Warhol’s most iconic images in
24 pages, 12 × 12"
combination with rarely seen ones. Quotations from the artist are interspersed throughout.
RIGHTS: ContaCt PUBlIShEr ISBn 978-1-4197-0875-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0875-6 US $14.99 CAN $17.99
9 781419 708756 ©/®/™ The Andy Warhol Foundation for the Visual Arts, Inc.
S13_06CAL_PC3.indd 134
2013 ISBn: 978-1-4197-0289-1
10/12/12 12:34 PM
william wegman calendarS William Wegman
William Wegman
Man’s Best Friend
2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R
2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R
By w i l l i a m w e g m a n
By w i l l i a m w e g m a n
■ This popular 16-month calendar features the most adorable of William
■ A perennial bestseller, this classic
Wegman’s photographs of puppies. Paired
16-month calendar features the best of William
with the artist’s charming drawings, these
Wegman—from early photographs of his
world-famous Weimaraners are more
canine collaborator and muse, Fay Ray, to
irresistible than ever. Includes a poster.
more recent photographs of the charismatic Chundo and Candy. Includes a poster.
s pecifications
s pecifications
16-month calendar
16-month calendar
24 pages, 10½ × 14¼"
24 pages, 12 × 12"
Includes poster
Includes poster
ISBn 978-1-4197-0742-1
ISBn 978-1-4197-0743-8
ISBN 978-1-4197-0742-1 US $14.99 CAN $17.99
ISBN 978-1-4197-0743-8 US $14.99 CAN $17.99
9 781419 707421
2013 ISBn: 978-1-4197-0314-0
9 781419 707438
2013 ISBn: 978-1-4197-0311-9
S13_06CAL_PC3.indd 135
10/12/12 12:34 PM
Treehouses of the World
extraordinary Chickens
2 0 1 4 C A l e N dA R ■
2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R
By p e t e n e l S o n
By S t e p h e n g r e e n -a r m y tag e
The greenest and most innovative architectural phenomenon of the 21st century
Celebrate the New Year with this extraordinary Abrams classic
■ Among Abrams’ top-selling
■ Treehouse architect and
s pecifications
master carpenter Pete Nelson
16-month calendar
has inspired generations of
24 pages, 10½ × 14½"
dreamers and do-it-yourselfers to go out on a limb! This popular 16-month calendar highlights 13 all-new treehouses from around the world—and the amazing stories behind them.
16-month calendar
Green-Armytage’s annual
24 pages, 12 × 12"
tribute to the world’s fanciest,
ISBn 978-1-4197-0745-2 51399
funniest, and freakiest fowl has gained legions of fans the
ISBn 978-1-4197-0744-5
world over. Featuring the most
ISBN 978-1-4197-0744-5 US $13.99 CAN $16.99
extraordinary of the extraordinary, this charming 16-month calendar
ISBN 978-1-4197-0745-2 US $13.99 CAN $16.99
s pecifications
calendars since 2003, Stephen
includes many previously
9 781419 707445
2013 ISBn: 978-1-4197-0316-4
unpublished photographs.
9 781419 707452
2013 ISBn: 978-1-4197-0315-7
Planet Golf 2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R ■
By da r i u S o l i V e r
p h oto g r a p h S By J o h n a n d J e a n n i n e h e n e B ry
The next best thing to being there ■ Sure to appeal to golfers of all
s pecifications
ages and stages—from active to
16-month calendar
armchair—this popular 16-month
24 pages, 14 × 12"
wall calendar highlights 13 of the
most spectacular golf courses on the planet. Breathtaking
ISBn 978-1-4197-0746-9
photography paired with insightful
ISBN 978-1-4197-0746-9 US $13.99 CAN $16.99
commentary on course design and history make this calendar the next best thing to being there!
S13_06CAL_PC3.indd 136
9 781419 707469
2013 ISBn: 978-1-4197-0294-5
10/12/12 12:34 PM
Sea Glass hearts
2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R
2 0 1 4 WA l l C A l e N dA R
By J o S i e i S e l i n
Revel in rich color all year long
Experience these treasures of the sea
■ Revel in rich color and great
s pecifications
s pecifications
■ On rare occasions, sea glass
16-month calendar
design throughout 2014. Based on
16-month calendar
takes the shape of a heart, the
24 pages, 12 × 12"
the iconic Pantone chip and color
24 pages, 12 × 12"
universal symbol of love. This
RIGHTS: World ISBn 978-1-4197-0916-6 ISBN 978-1-4197-0916-6 US $14.99 CAN $17.99
9 781419 709166
2013 ISBn: 978-1-4197-0348-5
system, this sophisticated 16-month
wall calendar is a must-have for anyone with a passion for color. PANTONE® and other Pantone trademarks are the property of Pantone LLC. PANTONE Colors may not match PANTONE-identified standards. Consult current PANTONE Color Publications for accurate color. Pantone LLC is wholly owned subsidiary of X-Rite Incorporated. © Pantone LLC, 2012. All rights reserved
beautiful 16-month calendar, based on Abrams’ luminous
ISBn 978-1-4197-0917-3
book Sea Glass Hearts, features
ISBN 978-1-4197-0917-3 US $13.99 CAN $16.99
the sand-worn gems most
treasured by beachcombers.
9 781419 709173
2013 ISBn: 978-1-4197-0334-8
adVent caLendars
Norman Rockwell’s
24 Penguins Before Christmas
C h R I S T M A S A dv e N T C A l e N dA R
A 3 6 5 P e N G U I N S A dv e N T C A l e N dA R ■
te X t By J e a n - lu c F ro m e n ta l
i l luS t r at i o n S By J o ë l le J o li V e t
■ Behind each of the 24 die-cut windows in this Abrams holiday favorite, children will find one, two, three, or even more penguins! A miniature book giving door-by-door explanations, all in silly rhyme, is included in the package.
■ This timeless treasure features
s pecifications
s pecifications
25 illustrations by Norman Rockwell,
18 × 11"
11 × 13¾"
America’s most beloved and
Includes 8-page carol booklet
Includes 4-page booklet
universally popular artist. Sure to
become a holiday tradition, this
avaIlaBlE noW
avaIlaBlE noW
charming advent calendar and bonus Christmas carol booklet promise to bring the Christmas spirit to your home this year and every year after.
ISBn 978-0-8109-9581-9
ISBn 978-0-8109-9555-0
ISBN 978-0-8109-9581-9 US $10.99 CAN $13.99
US $16.99
ISBN 978-0-8109-9555-0
9 780810 995819
CAN $19.99 51699
780810 995550
S13_06CAL_PC3.indd 137
10/12/12 12:34 PM
Pantone: Color Cards 1 8 ov e R S I z e d f l A S H C A R d S ■
By Pa n to n e
i l lu s t r at e d By a n d r e W G i B B s
s pecifications Full-color illustrations 19 cards, 6½ × 5"
hese flash cards are an engaging invitation for children and parents to explore color
together in a whole new way. This 18-card set
Flash cards
focuses on 2 tones of each of the 9 basic colors.
Lollipop Purple, Starfish Orange, and Grasshopper
Green are just a few of the dazzling shades in this
CHildrEn’s • ConCEpt
collection. Each card features a solid color, such
isBn 978-1-4197-0626-4
as Duckling Yellow (Pantone 1215), on one side.
ISBN 978-1-4197-0626-4 Us $14.95 CAN $16.95
When you flip the card over, additional colors in the same color family (yellow) are introduced in
9 781419 706264
the context of an illustrated pattern, and the child is prompted to pick out Duckling Yellow. These
praisE For Pantone: Colors
innovative flash cards are both practical and
“. . . [A]n evocative exploration of
stunning, making them an irresistible addition to
the nuances of color, in a polished,
any child’s toy box, bookshelf, or wall.
eye-catching package.” —Publishers Weekly
pantonE revolutionized the graphic arts industry with the launch of the PANTONE MATCHING SYSTEM® in 1963 and is today the premier color authority in trends and a consumer brand.
Hello in There! A B I G S I S T e R ' S B o o k o f WA I T I N G ■
By J o W i t e k
i l lu s t r at e d By C h r i s t i n e r o u s s e y
s pecifications Full-color illustrations 28 pages, 10 × 10½"
his oversized interactive book is a heartfelt look at the wonder and
excitement of waiting . . . and waiting . . .
and waiting for a new sibling to arrive.
RIGHTS: World EnglisH
The charming protagonist is so eager
to step into her role as a big sister that
CHildrEn’s • ConCEpt
she’s starting early! She sticks close
isBn 978-1-4197-0371-3
to her mama so she can sing songs
ISBN 978-1-4197-0371-3 Us $16.95 CAN $18.95
to her sibling-to-be (loudly, of course) and explain all the great things waiting
9 781419 703713
in the outside world (Cupcakes! Strawberries! Swimming!). Quaint line drawings and lovely patterns lend
An imaginative and encouraging book for every sibling-to-be
a breezy, light-hearted atmosphere to the story, and a variety of playful flaps add gentle humor, showing the new baby blissfully tucked away in its mama’s belly. A joyful and celebratory Jo Witek is an author, journalist, and screenwriter. She lives
ode to the growing family for any
in France. Christine roussey is an illustrator who lives in
sister- or brother-to-be.
France. This is their first book in English.
S13_07ALSO_PC4.indd 138
Also of Interest 10/17/12 10:42 AM
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story of mastering life skills, and of the sometimes tender,
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sometimes stern relationship
Booklist Editors’ Choice
Nikki McClure is a self-taught cut-paper artist known for her calendar
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teacher and pupil. Cat lovers
static—an amazing feat for such a
Mama, Is It Summer Yet?; To Market, to Market; and Apple, and
of all ages will connect to this
deliberate, painstaking medium.”
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mentee relationship.
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ences and tracing the evolution of his
style. His work often called attention
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PaGeS 2–3 From Beautiful Whale, © Bryant Austin PaGeS 4–5 © William Klein PaGe 6 © Barbara Nessim PaGe 7 © Louis Vuitton Archives PaGe 8 © Ralph Wenig PaGe 9 Cover: Courtesy of Sony Music Entertainment; top: Ripped & Torn magazine image © Ron Burt; New York Rocker image © Gary Green PaGeS 10–11 © Mark Laita PaGeS 14–15 © Bryant Austin PaGe 16 © James Prosek PaGe 17 © Darryl Cunningham PaGeS 20–21 Illustrations by Caroline Adrieu PaGeS 22–23 Clockwise from top left: © Matt Dangler; © Matt Dangler; Sophie Anderson, Take the Fair Face of Woman, and Gently Suspending, with Butterflies, Flowers, and Jewels Attending, Thus Your Faerie Is Made of Most Beautiful Things; © Matt Dangler; John Anster Fitzgerald, Fairies in a Bird Nest PaGeS 24–25 Courtesy of Thomas O’Brien and Aero Studio PaGe 26 © Steve Gross and Susan Daley PaGe 27 Cover: Erhard Pfeiffer; top: Mary E. Nichols and Jaime Ardiles-Arce; bottom: Mary E. Nichols PaGeS 28–29 © Nick Bradley PaGeS 30–31 © Audrey Niffenegger PaGeS 32–33 Cover and p. 32, left column: © Yann Arthus-Bertrand; p. 32, right column: © Brian Skerry PaGeS 34–35 © Cynthia Copeland; coloring by Frank M. Young PaGe 36 All images © & ™ The Topps Company, Inc. PaGe 37 © William
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1 41
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a lpH a B Eti Ca l i n d E x
24 Penguins Before Christmas Advent Calendar 137 7 Laws of the Golf Swing, The 28 80s Fashion 111 Adventure Time 2014 Wall Calendar 131 Adventure Time Encyclopaedia, The 91
Damien Hirst 112
Legends of the Blues 37
David Bowie Is 102–103
Magni Modernism 27
Designers Slipcased Set (V&A
Man and Sea 32–33
Pattern) 109
Anna Pavlova 122
Sydney Lee 121
Diego Rivera 139
Marijuanamerica 85
Terra Nova 18–19
Economix 47
Mars Attacks 2014 Wall
Things to Do with Domo 82
Extraordinary Chickens 2014 Wall Calendar 136
Calendar 133 Merciless Book of Metal Lists, The 84 Modern Mediterranean 64–65
Another London 118
Faeryland 22–23
Multiface(t)s: Swarovski 8
Archer 2014 Wall Calendar 131
Farmhouse Revival 26
Norman Rockwell’s Christmas
Art & Visual Culture:
Fashion Insiders’ Guide to New
1100–1600 114–115 Art & Visual Culture: 1600–1850 114–115 Art & Visual Culture: 1850–2010 114–115 Art & Visual Culture: A Reader 114 Art Doodle Love 55
Calendar 132
Mapping Manhattan 83
Calendar 130
Alphabet 120
Calendar 134 Super Mario Brothers 2014 Wall
Did I Do That? 90
Ender’s Game 2014 Wall
Aero 24–25
Mannahatta 18
Steampunk Bible 2014 Wall
York 20–21 Fashion Insiders’ Guide to Paris 20–21 Francis Bacon and Nazi Propaganda 117 Garbage Pail Kids 2014 Wall Calendar 133
Advent Calendar 137 Norman Rockwell’s Treasury for Fathers 42–43
Traditional Jewellery in NineteenthCentury Europe 104 Treasures of the Royal Courts 105 Treehouses of the World 2014 Wall Calendar 136 Trout of the World Revised and Updated Edition 16 Turner’s Secret Sketches 113 Unfinished Painting, The 12
Out of Line 40
Van Eyck in Detail 12
P.S. I Hate It Here 92
Vision and Art Updated and
P.S. I Still Hate It Here 92
Expanded Edition 41
Pantone 2014 Wall Calendar 137
Wee Wonderfuls 76
Pantone Color Cards 138
Weekend Sewing 77
Art in Latin America 117
Gluten Is My Bitch 74
Paris Street Style 80–81
When David Lost His Voice 96
Art of Andy Warhol 2014 Wall
Good Riddance 34–35
Past & Present 62
Why I Fly Fish 58
Grandmother Remembers 30th
Peru 125
Why Knot? 86–87
Pierre Hermé Pastries 72
William Klein: ABC 4–5
Planet Golf 2014 Wall Calendar 136
William Morris Textiles 107
Planetfall 2014 Wall Calendar 134
William Scott (Tate British
Calendar 134 Arts of Nigeria in French Private Collections 127 Bake It Like You Mean It 50–51
Anniversary Edition 61 Grinling Gibbons and the Art of Carving 106
Bakeless Sweets 54
Hair Shirt 94
Primal Golf 28–29
Ballgowns 110
Hats 112
Punk Press 9
Barbara Nessim: An Artful Life 6
Hello Kitty Pop-Up Advent
Puppyhood 2014 Wall
Bazooka Joe and His Gang 36
Calendar 129
Calendar 130
Artists) 116 William Wegman Man’s Best Friend 2014 Wall Calendar 135 William Wegman Puppies 2014 Wall Calendar 135
Beautiful Whale 14–15
Hello, I’m Pregnant! 60
Raven Girl 30–31
Beyond the Page 116
Hello in There! 138
Reflections on Renaissance
Bigger Splash, A 119
Home Made Summer 70–71
Black Paths 95
How to Be a Cat 139
Roman Polanski 45
Bordeaux Legends 73
How to Fake a Moon Landing 17
Sandcastle 98
World Tour 7
C.F.A. Voysey (V&A Pattern) 108
How to Read Contemporary Art 13
Savory Bites 59
YSL: Prêt-à-Porter 88
Carvings, Casts & Collectors 106
I Scream Sandwich! 75
Sea Glass Hearts 2014 Wall
Case of Charles Dexter Ward, The 97 Complete Don Quixote, The 99 Crab Monsters, Teenage Cavemen, and Candy Stripe Nurses 44
Igbo 126
Serpentine 10–11
Kaffe Fassett Quilts Shots and
Shape of Knitting, The 63
Stripes 56–57 Knit to Flatter 66–67 Korean Eye 2012 123
Cupcakes and Cashmere 46
Legend of Zelda 2014 Wall
1 42
Calendar, The 132
World of Spirits in Pre-Columbian Ecuador, The 124
Calendar 137
J’aime New York 52–53
Creating the Worlds of Star Wars 38
Daido Moriyama 118
Venice 124
Wonderbook 89
Sh*tty Mom 46 Simon Leach’s Pottery Handbook 68–69 Star Wars Storyboards: The Prequel Trilogy 38–39
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CatE g o ry i n d E x
Activity Book
I Scream Sandwich! 75
Mannahatta 18
Things to Do with Domo 82
Modern Mediterranean 64–65
Crab Monsters, Teenage Cavemen,
Serpentine 10–11
YSL: Prêt-à-Porter 88
Savory Bites 59
and Candy Stripe Nurses 44
Trout of the World 16
Creating the Worlds of Star Wars 38 Art
Roman Polanski 45
performing Arts
Alphabet 120
Art Doodle Love 55
Star Wars Storyboards: The Prequel
Adventure Time Encyclopaedia,
Art in Latin America 117
Kaffe Fassett Quilts Shots and
Arts of Nigeria in Private French Collections 127
Trilogy 38–39
Stripes 56–57
The 91 Anna Pavlova 122
Knit to Flatter 66–67
food & Wine
Barbara Nessim: An Artful Life 6
Past & Present 62
Bordeaux Legends 73
Beyond the Page 116
Shape of Knitting, The 63
J’aime New York 52–53
Did I Do That? 90
Bigger Splash, A 119
Simon Leach’s Pottery grApHic novel
Star Wars Storyboards: The Prequel
Carvings, Casts & Collectors 106
Handbook 68–69
Crab Monsters, Teenage Cavemen, and Candy Stripe Nurses 44
Roman Polanski: A Retrospective 45
Daido Moriyama 118
Wee Wonderfuls 76
Black Paths 95
Damien Hirst 112
Weekend Sewing 77
Case of Charles Dexter Ward,
culturAl studies
Complete Don Quixote, The 99
Another London 118
Marijuanamerica 85
Good Riddance 34–35
Beautiful Whale 14–15
The 97
Francis Bacon and Nazi Propaganda 117 Grinling Gibbons and the Art of Carving 106
Trilogy 38–39
Hair Shirt 94
Man and Sea 32–33
Igbo (Visions of Africa) 126
current events
Raven Girl 30–31
Serpentine 10–11
Korean Eye 2012 123
Terra Nova 18–19
Sandcastle 98
William Klein: ABC 4–5
When David Lost His Voice 96
Norman Rockwell’s Treasury for Fathers 42–43
design / decorAtive Arts
pop culture
Out of Line 40
C.F.A. Voysey (V&A Pattern) 108
HeAltH & diet
Bazooka Joe and His Gang 36
Peru 125
Designers Slipcased Set (V&A
Gluten Is My Bitch 74
Did I Do That? 90
interior design
Things to Do with Domo 82
Sydney Lee 121
Pattern) 109
Treasures of the Royal Courts 105
Mapping Manhattan 83
Turner’s Secret Sketches 113
fAmily / relAtionsHips
Aero 24–35
Unfinished Painting, The 12
Grandmother Remembers 61
Farmhouse Revival 26
Van Eyck in Detail 12
Hello, I’m Pregnant! 60
Magni Modernism 27
Vision and Art 41
Hello in There 138
World of Spirits in Pre-Columbian Ecuador, The 124
Mapping Manhattan 83 Why Knot? 86–87
William Scott (Tate British Artists) 116
Multiface(t)s: Swarovski 8
Faeryland 22–23
Traditional Jewellery of NineteenthCentury Europe 104
Wonderbook 89
science How to Fake a Moon Landing 17
Art History
Art & Visual Culture 114–115
80s Fashion 111
How to Read Contemporary Art 13
Ballgowns 110
Marijuanamerica 85
Reflections on Renaissance
Fashion Insiders’ Guide to New music
Why I Fly Fish 58
Venice 124
York 20–21 Fashion Insiders’ Guide to Paris 20–21
Vision and Art 41
Primal Golf 28–29
David Bowie Is 102–103 Legends of the Blues 37
Hats 112
Punk Press 9
Fashion Insiders’ Guide to New
Paris Street Style 80–81
Merciless Book of Metal Lists, The 84
Bake It Like You Mean It 50–51
William Morris Textiles 107
cAlendArs 129–137
York 20–21 Fashion Insiders’ Guide to Paris 20–21
Bakeless Sweets 54
World Tour 7
Gluten Is My Bitch 74
YSL: Prêt-à-Porter 88
Beautiful Whale 14–15
J’aime New York 52–53
Man and Sea 32–33
World Tour 7
Home Made Summer 70–71
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10/15/12 12:11 PM
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g o lf a s s o r tm e nt
97 8 -1 - 61 76 9 - 07 1 - 6
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 92 1 - 0
3 copies Home Made Summer neW 978-1-61769-015-0 (HC) US $35.00 CAN $40.00
3 copies Primal Golf neW 978-0-8109-8360-1 (HC)
2 copies Home Made 978-1-58479-946-7 (HC) US $40.00 CAN $45.00
2 copies Fifty More Places to Play Golf Before You Die 978-1-58479-474-5 (HC) US $24.95 CAN $27.95
1 copy Home Made Winter 978-1-61769-004-4 (HC) US $35.00 CAN $40.00
1 copy Golf Magazine Private Lessons 978-0-8109-8482-0 (HC) US $29.95 CAN $38.95
SHIPS 3/6/13
ToTAl ReTAIl: US $220.00 CAN $250.00
US $29.95 CAN $32.95
SHIPS 4/15/13 ToTAl ReTAIl: US $159.60 NCR
SHIPS 2/11/13
ToTAl ReTAIl: US $154.65 CAN $179.65
h ow to r e a d a r t a s s o r tm e nt
s to n e r a s s o r tm e nt
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 926 - 5
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 92 3 - 4
3 copies How to Read Contemporary Art neW 978-1-4197-0753-7 (HC) US $39.95 CAN $44.95
4 copies Marijuanamerica neW 978-1-4197-0408-6 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
2 copies How to Read a Modern Painting 978-0-8109-4944-7 (HC) US $37.50 CAN $42.50
2 copies Pot Culture 978-0-8109-9440-9 (HC)
1 copy How to Read a Painting 978-0-8109-5576-9 (HC) US $37.50 CAN $42.50
2 copies Reefer Movie Madness 978-0-8109-0312-8 (HC) US $18.95 CAN $22.95
SHIPS 2/11/13
ToTAl ReTAIl: US $232.35 CAN $262.35
US $19.95 CAN $25.95
SHIPS 3/11/12 ToTAl ReTAIl: US $157.60 CAN $185.60
lov e c r a f t a s s o r tm e nt
to pp s a s s o r tm e nt
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 924 -1
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 92 2 -7
SHIPS 3/18/13 ToTAl ReTAIl: US $169.70 CAN $193.70
U n d e rwate r a s s o r tm e nt
n atU r e a s s o r tm e nt
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 925 - 8
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 92 7-2
2 copies Beautiful Whale neW 978-1-4197-0384-3 (HC) US $50.00 CAN $57.50
2 copies Man and Sea neW 978-1-4197-0823-7 (HC) US $50.00 CAN $57.50
2 copies Trout of the World Revised and Updated Edition neW 978-1-61769-023-5 (HC) US $35.00 CAN $40.00
1 copy New Earth From Above: 365 Days Revised 978-0-8109-8461-5 (HC) US $32.50 CAN $37.50
2 copies Fifty Places to Dive Before You Die 978-1-58479-710-4 (HC) US $24.95 CAN $29.95
1 copy 100 Places to Go Before They Disappear 978-1-4197-0003-3 (HC) US $24.95 CAN $29.95
SHIPS 3/11/13 ToTAl ReTAIl: US $219.90 CAN $254.90
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AvA i l A b le to r e tA i le rs o n ly
SHIPS 3/27/13
SHIPS 8/1/12 ToTAl ReTAIl: US $139.65 CAN $153.65 3 copies The Case of Charles Dexter Ward neW 978-1-906838-35-5 (PB) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
3 copies Bazooka Joe neW 978-1-4197-0632-5 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
2 copies The Lovecraft Anthology: Volume I 978-1-906838-53-9 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
2 copies Garbage Pail Kids 978-1-4197-0270-9 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
2 copies The Lovecraft Anthology: Volume II 978-1-906838-43-0 (PB) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
2 copies Mars Attacks 978-1-4197-0409-3 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
SHIPS 3/11/12 ToTAl ReTAIl: US $139.65 CAN $153.65
Don’t miss our ChilD Chil D ren’s Assortments in the ChilD Chil D ren’s CAt CA tA log
ToTAl ReTAIl: US $157.45 CAN $182.45
10/29/12 2:49 PM
AD U LT A sso r Tm e nTs fo r S P r I N G 2013
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fa s h i o n a s s o r tm e nt
97 8 -1 - 61 76 9 - 0 6 9 -3
97 8 -1 - 61 76 9 - 070 - 9
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 920 -3
97 8 -1 - 61 76 9 - 07 2 -3
4 copies Did I Do That? neW 978-1-4197-0678-3 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
3 copies Paris Street Style neW 978-1-4197-0681-3 (HC) US $24.95 CAN $27.95
3 copies Bake It Like You Mean It neW 978-1-61769-013-6 (HC) US $29.95 Can $32.95
3 copies Kaffe Fassett Quilts Shots and Stripes neW 978-1-61769-016-7 (HC) US $35.00 Can $40.00
3 copies Just Can’t Get Enough 978-0-8109-9433-1 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $22.95
2 copies I Want to Be Her! 978-1-4197-0401-7 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
2 copies Sugar Baby 978-1-58479-897-2 (HC) US $29.95 CAN $35.95
2 copies Kaffe Fassett Simple Shapes Spectacular Quilts 978-1-58479-837-8 (HC) US $35.00 CAN $42.00
1 copy The Great American Cereal Book 978-0-8109-9799-8 (HC) US $19.95 NCR
2 copies The Little Dictionary of Fashion 978-0-8109-9461-4 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $25.95
1 copy Pie It Forward 978-1-58479-963-4 (HC) US $29.95 CAN $32.95
1 copy Kaffe Fassett: Dreaming in Color 978-1-58479-996-2 (HC) US $40.00 CAN $45.00
SHIPS 2/11/13
ToTAl ReTAIl: US $179.70 CAN $203.70
SHIPS 2/11/13
ToTAl ReTAIl: US $215.00 CAN $249.00
h o m e m a d e a s s o r tm e nt
g o lf a s s o r tm e nt
97 8 -1 - 61 76 9 - 07 1 - 6
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 92 1 - 0
3 copies Home Made Summer neW 978-1-61769-015-0 (HC) US $35.00 CAN $40.00
3 copies Primal Golf neW 978-0-8109-8360-1 (HC)
2 copies Home Made 978-1-58479-946-7 (HC) US $40.00 CAN $45.00
2 copies Fifty More Places to Play Golf Before You Die 978-1-58479-474-5 (HC) US $24.95 CAN $27.95
1 copy Home Made Winter 978-1-61769-004-4 (HC) US $35.00 CAN $40.00
1 copy Golf Magazine Private Lessons 978-0-8109-8482-0 (HC) US $29.95 CAN $38.95
SHIPS 3/6/13
ToTAl ReTAIl: US $220.00 CAN $250.00
US $29.95 CAN $32.95
SHIPS 4/15/13 ToTAl ReTAIl: US $159.60 NCR
SHIPS 2/11/13
ToTAl ReTAIl: US $154.65 CAN $179.65
h ow to r e a d a r t a s s o r tm e nt
s to n e r a s s o r tm e nt
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 926 - 5
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 92 3 - 4
3 copies How to Read Contemporary Art neW 978-1-4197-0753-7 (HC) US $39.95 CAN $44.95
4 copies Marijuanamerica neW 978-1-4197-0408-6 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
2 copies How to Read a Modern Painting 978-0-8109-4944-7 (HC) US $37.50 CAN $42.50
2 copies Pot Culture 978-0-8109-9440-9 (HC)
1 copy How to Read a Painting 978-0-8109-5576-9 (HC) US $37.50 CAN $42.50
2 copies Reefer Movie Madness 978-0-8109-0312-8 (HC) US $18.95 CAN $22.95
SHIPS 2/11/13
ToTAl ReTAIl: US $232.35 CAN $262.35
US $19.95 CAN $25.95
SHIPS 3/11/12 ToTAl ReTAIl: US $157.60 CAN $185.60
lov e c r a f t a s s o r tm e nt
to pp s a s s o r tm e nt
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 924 -1
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 92 2 -7
SHIPS 3/18/13 ToTAl ReTAIl: US $169.70 CAN $193.70
U n d e rwate r a s s o r tm e nt
n atU r e a s s o r tm e nt
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 925 - 8
97 8 -1 - 41 97- 0 92 7-2
2 copies Beautiful Whale neW 978-1-4197-0384-3 (HC) US $50.00 CAN $57.50
2 copies Man and Sea neW 978-1-4197-0823-7 (HC) US $50.00 CAN $57.50
2 copies Trout of the World Revised and Updated Edition neW 978-1-61769-023-5 (HC) US $35.00 CAN $40.00
1 copy New Earth From Above: 365 Days Revised 978-0-8109-8461-5 (HC) US $32.50 CAN $37.50
2 copies Fifty Places to Dive Before You Die 978-1-58479-710-4 (HC) US $24.95 CAN $29.95
1 copy 100 Places to Go Before They Disappear 978-1-4197-0003-3 (HC) US $24.95 CAN $29.95
SHIPS 3/11/13 ToTAl ReTAIl: US $219.90 CAN $254.90
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AvA i l A b le to r e tA i le rs o n ly
SHIPS 3/27/13
SHIPS 8/1/12 ToTAl ReTAIl: US $139.65 CAN $153.65 3 copies The Case of Charles Dexter Ward neW 978-1-906838-35-5 (PB) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
3 copies Bazooka Joe neW 978-1-4197-0632-5 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
2 copies The Lovecraft Anthology: Volume I 978-1-906838-53-9 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
2 copies Garbage Pail Kids 978-1-4197-0270-9 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
2 copies The Lovecraft Anthology: Volume II 978-1-906838-43-0 (PB) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
2 copies Mars Attacks 978-1-4197-0409-3 (HC) US $19.95 CAN $21.95
SHIPS 3/11/12 ToTAl ReTAIl: US $139.65 CAN $153.65
Don’t miss our ChilD Chil D ren’s Assortments in the ChilD Chil D ren’s CAt CA tA log
ToTAl ReTAIl: US $157.45 CAN $182.45
10/29/12 2:49 PM
Fine-spotted Trout
Arctic Char, Loch Brodainn
Spawning Dolly Varden Char
Sea-run Brown Trout
Atlantic Salmon
La Truite Zébrée
SPRING 2013 Amago
Sea Trout
Sharp-nosed Lenok
Marble Trout
Fine-spotted Brown Trout
Sonaghen Trout
Brown Trout
Cutthroat Trout
Adirondack Brook Trout
Longfin Char
Brown Trout
Softmouth Trout
Non-marmorated Brown Trout
Large Arctic Char
s pr i n g 2013
115 West 18th Street New York, NY 10011
SpringAdult_PB.indd 1
10/30/12 8:46 AM