f r a n ç o i s e m o u ly is an artist and designer. Together with Art Spiegelman she edited the groundbreaking comics anthology Raw. Mouly is the art editor for the New Yorker, and publisher of TOON Books. She lives in New York City. j o n s c i e s z k a is the National Ambassador for Young PeopleÕ s Literature and the founder of Guys Read (guysread.com), a nonprofit literacy organization. He lives in Brooklyn, New York.
The TOON Treasury of Classic Children’s Comics Selected and edited by Art Spiegelman and Françoise Mouly Introduction by Jon Scieszka 352 pages, full color, 9 ¼ × 11 ¼" Hardcover with jacket ISBN: 978-0-8109-5730-5 US $40.00 CAN $49.95 Juvenile Fiction Rights: World English Pub month: September
Compilation copyright © 2009 Art Spiegleman and Françoise Mouly. Individual images used by permission. All rights reserved.
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The TOON Treasury of Classic Children’s Comics is an unprecedented collection of the greatest comics for children, artfully compiled by two of the best-known creators in publishing and the field of comics—Art Spiegelman and Fran• oise Mouly.
Finally! Classic Children’s Comics collected for kids!
This treasury created for young readers focuses on comic books, not strips, and contains humorous stories that range from a single page to eight or even twenty-two pages, each complete and self-contained. The comics have been culled from the Golden Age of comic books, roughly the 1940s through the early 1960s, and feature the best examples of works by such renowned artists and writers as Carl Barks, John Stanley, Sheldon Mayer, Walt Kelly, Basil Wolverton, and George Carlson, among many, many others.
F e aTU Rin G — Captain Marvel Dennis the Menace The Fox and the Crow Frankenstein Gyro Gearloose Little Archie Little Lulu
The Pie-Face Prince Pogo Powerhouse Pepper Sugar and Spike Supermouse Tubby Uncle Scrooge
Organizing the book into five categories (Ò Hey, Kids!Ó ; Ò Funny AnimalsÓ ; Ò FantasylandÓ ; Ò StorytimeÓ ; and Ò Wacky and WeirdÓ ), Mouly and Spiegelman use their expertise in the area of comics to frame each category with an introductory essay, and provide brief biographies of the artists. The TOON Treasury of Classic ChildrenÕ s Comics is essential reading for kids of all ages.
oVeR 60 sToRies bY— C. C. Beck Dave Berg Bob Bolling Dick Briefer George Carlson Jack Cole Jules Feiffer
Milt Gross Walt Kelly Harvey Kurtzman Sheldon Mayer John Stanley Basil Wolverton . . . and many others!
Photograph by Sarah Shatz
a r t s p i e g e l m a n is an American comics writer, artist, and editor. He is the creator of Wacky Packages and Garbage Pail Kids, and is best known for his Pulitzer PrizeÐ winning memoir, Maus. He lives in New York City.
“Wow. ‘Treasury’ is right. You have just entered the bank, the mint, the Ali Baba cave full of gold, silver, ruby, emerald, and diamond toons.” —jon scieszka, from his introduction
featuring all kinds of great stories by all kinds of great cartoonists .
selected and edited by
aRT sPieGeLMan & FRanÇoise MoULY introduction by
jon scieszka