Basics of chiropractic treatment The chiropractic practice is a manual process which aims to the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the musculoskeletal system of the spine, upper and lower limbs, and their adverse effects on human health. A study of the INSERM published in 2011 concluded that in case of acute or sub-acute low back pain, chiropractic treatment is quite effective as compared to the effectiveness of the alternative treatment options such as medications, surgery, and physiotherapy. Chiropractic treatment was first developed in 1895 in Davenport, by Daniel David Palmer. The first chiropractic treatment was performed in the health care agency where Palmer worked. DD Palmer introduced this method in a religious light. The chiropractic treatment has been made legal in many countries but without proper knowledge practicing chiropractic is punishable under the law in most of the countries. The method of chiropractic treatment was officially declared in 1897 in the Palmer School of Chiropractic. A chiropractor is a practitioner who diagnoses the problems of the patients. There are some techniques used by the chiropractors to diagnose the diseases and if necessary, they also advice their patients to do some medical examinations which can help them to diagnose the diseases properly. The identification of functional disturbances of the spinal functional unit is done by various means by the chiropractors and who, checks the medical history of the patient thoroughly first and then they do the medical imaging. Sometimes analysis includes analysis of the posture and deformation, static palpation integuments, muscle and joints, dynamic motion palpation, muscle testing, orthopedic and neurological examination, and functional echo examination, additional laboratory tests, the infrared thermography and EMG surface test. The majority of newport beach chiropractic specialists also use instruments to make their adjustments e.g. technical activator or multi-articulated tables (technical Thompson or Chiropractic Biophysics). Chiropractors use a technique called Flexion which uses a very specialized table, particularly to address the disc which has been damaged. There are many chiropractors in the Newport Beach area but all of them do not have similar types of expertise and experiences. If you need chiropractic treatment then you should always choose the best one.