in Irvine Sun Family Campus
Boldly expanding Hoag’s world of health care excellence in Orange County.
Boldly expanding Hoag’s world of health care excellence in Orange County.
Women’s Hospital Pavilion | This facility will join leading-edge technology and compassionate treatment to create a destination for care spanning all stages of a woman’s life. Featuring:
• Inpatient wing with 24 labor, delivery, recovery, and postpartum suites
• 21 antepartum and postpartum rooms
• Neonatal intensive care unit with 17 beds
• Comprehensive Breast Center with MRI, mammography, biopsy ultrasound, and DEXA scan
Worship Center | This dedicated space for re ection will serve people of all faiths. With ample seating draped in natural light, the Worship Center will provide comfort and respite. Featuring:
• Resources and sta for counsel and guidance
• Garden access to Tree of Life sculpture, honoring organ donors
Surgical Pavilion | combine the advanced for surgeries with soothing that foster healing, rede experience for patients
• 8 operating rooms, room for simultaneous imaging and surgeries
• 24-room intensive care room and balcony
As Hoag’s Sun Family Campus in Irvine evolves each day, so do opportunities for philanthropy to make an impact on the innovative facilities being constructed to serve our community.
This building will advanced technology needed soothing surroundings rede ning the surgical patients and their families.
including a hybrid simultaneous diagnostic surgeries
care unit with a family
Uniting two health areas that often impact patients concurrently, the pavilion will deliver comprehensive care by specialized clinicians who are innovating the course of treatment and healing. Featuring:
• 70 inpatient rooms
• Two- oor cancer center with clinic and infusion spaces
• 24-hour urgent care for cancer patients
• 6 GI procedure suites with broadcast capabilities
Du Family Hospital Pavilion - Front Entrance | Named after a generous family who has supported Hoag’s Irvine growth, this pavilion and its new main entrance will be the “front door” of the hospital and welcome all who come to Hoag. Featuring:
• Grand arrival court with multiple valets
• Interior and exterior courtyards
• Hoag Cafe, serving various cuisines to accommodate diets and tastes
• 24-hour co ee bar with specialty beverages
At its heart, the Boldly Hoag campaign is about rede ning what comes next for Hoag patients, sta , the community, and health care more broadly.
Three interconnected initiatives de ne the campaign: elevating the patient experience, recruiting and retaining top talent, and designing and building the future of health.
Hoag’s expansion of the Sun Family Campus in Irvine is the start of an ongoing e ort to grow our capabilities and increase access to health care excellence for the people of Orange County and beyond.
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