How to treat piles at home

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How to Treat Piles at Home What are piles Piles also known as haemorrhoids. Piles are swellings that can occur inside and around the back passage and the anal canal. At the lower end of the anal canal is the opening to the outside, through which stools pass. At the upper end, the anal canal connects with the rectum. There is a network of small veins within the lining of the anal canal. The engorged veins and the overlying tissue may then form into one or more small swellings called piles. Piles are hemorrhoids that become inflamed.

Piles: Symptoms and Causes A hard lump may be felt around the anus. It consists of coagulated blood, called a thrombosed external hemorrhoid. This can be painful • After going to the toilet, a feeling that the bowels are still full • Bright red blood after a bowel movement • Itchiness around the anus • Mucus discharge when emptying the bowels • Pain while defecating • The area around the anus may be red and sore. Types of piles -

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