Surprising Things That Raise Your Blood Sugar Levels If you care about keeping your blood sugar levels stable. Mani of the diet can be a balancing for blood sugar act. But if you do not care about your health sometimes blood sugar is out of control. Even if you keep careful tabs on what you eat and take your medication regular you can see a various benefit. A restless night of sleep, a new medication, an extra cup of coffee, and even hot weather can bring on an unexpectedly high or low. Being aware of everyday culprits can help you interpret your testing results and gain better control over your numbers. Here is read on to learn some of the important factors that affect your blood sugar levels. Apollo hospital Kolkata share some point that is not good for your blood sugar.
Symptoms Early signs include: Increased thirst Headaches Trouble concentrating Blurred vision Frequent peeing Fatigue (weak, tired feeling) Weight loss Blood sugar more than 180 mg/dL