Vangogh engels oil colour

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colour chart Van Gogh oil colour Zinc white

Titanium white

+++ 104 31 PW4

+++ 105 41 PW6/PW4

Azo yellow D

Indian yellow

++ 270 31 PY74/PO43/PW6 Cadmium red L

+++ 244 12 PY110 Azo red M

+++ 303 42 PR108

++ 393 31 PO34/PR57:1

Alizarin crimson

Madder lake D

++ 326 11 PR83

++ 331 11 PR83

Cerulean blue

Cerulean bl.(phthalo)

+++ 534 32 PB35

+++ 535 41 PB15/PW6

Permanent green D

Phthalo green

Titan. white (lins.oil)

+++ 118 41 PW6/PW4

+++ 208 42 PY35

++ 268 31 PY3/PY74/PW6

+++ 271 42 PY35 Azo orange

Azo red L

++ 276 31 PO43/PY3

++ 312 31 PO34

++ 269 31 PY74/PW6

+++ 210 42 PY35/PO20

+++ 223 41 PW6/PY154/PBr24

+++ 224 41 PW6/PO43/PBr24

+++ 211 42 PO20

Cadmium red M

Permanent red

Azo red D

Cadmium red D

Quinacridone rose

Madderlake L


+++ 314 42 PR108

+++ 372 32 PR254

++ 313 31 PO34/PR57:1

+++ 306 42 PR108

+++ 366 11 PV19

++ 327 11 PR83/PV19

++ 318 22 PR83/PR57:1

Mars violet violet



Cobalt blue ultram.

Sèvres blue

+++ 538 42 PR101

+++ 567 22 PV23/PR122

++ 536 21 PV23/PV19

Phthalo blue

Prussian blue

Turquoise blue


+++ 522 41 PW6/PB15/PG7

+++ 565 12 PB15/PG7

Fir green


Green earth

+++ 654 42 PG7/PY43

+++ 668 42 PG17

+++ 629 21 PY43/PBr7/PB15

Light oxide red

Indian red

Raw umber

+++ 570 11 PB15 Viridian

+++ 234 21 PY43

+++ 265 12 PY42

+++ 378 12 PR101

Ivory black

Lamp black

Letter behind the colour name: L = light , M = medium, D = deep

++ 267 31 PY3/PW6

Cadm.yellow D

+++ 222 41 PW6/PY154/PBr24

++ 267 31 PY3/PW6

Azo yellow M

Cadmium orange


Explanations of the signs from left to right Example: Azo yellow lemon

Cadm.yellow M

Naples yellow red

Raw sienna

+++ 701 41 PBk9

Azo yellow L

Naples yellow D

+++ 675 11 PG7

+++ 708 32 PBk9/PB15/PV19

Cadmium yellow L

Naples yellow L

++ 619 32 PB15/PY74

Payne grey

Azo yellow lemon

+++ 616 22 PG7/PY43

++ 508 11 PB27 Sap green

+++ 623 11 PG7/PY110 Burnt sienna

+++ 411 21 PBr7

+++ 339 41 PR101

Cobalt blue

+++ 504 11 PB29

+++ 347 42 PR101

+++ 511 32 PB28 Yellow green

++ 617 31 PG7/PY74

+++ 408 21 PBr7

+++ 512 21 PB29 M

++ 614 31 PG7/PY3 Olive green

+++ 620 12 PG7/PY128 Burnt umber

+++ 409 21 PBr7


++ 311 32 PO34/PR57:1

+++ 530 41 PB15/PW6 Emerald green

++ 615 41 PW6/PB15/PY3 Yellow ochre

+++ 227 41 PY42 Vandyke brown

+++ 403 31 PBr7/PBk9

+++ 702 31 PBk9/PB29

degree of lightfastness +++ = 100 years completely lightfast under museum conditions (47 colours) ++ = 25 - 100 years lightfast under museum conditions (19 colours) + = 10 - 25 years lightfast under museum conditions º = 0 - 10 years lightfast under museum conditions The lightfastness of all these colours has been tested in accordance with ASTM Standards D4303

Transparency/opacity 1 = transparent (14 colours) 2 = semi-transparent (10 colours) 3 = semi-opaque (15 colours) 4 = opaque (9 colours) 267 = colour number

1 = price series

= also available in tube of 200 ml = also available in tin 500 ml PY3/PW6 = pigments used

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