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City of Hoboken SFY 2010 Introduced Municipal & Parking Utility Budget

Summary of SFY2009 Budget Results 


Total Appropriations


Amount Expended


Appropriations Reserve



Anticipated Revenues

Actual Revenues

Excess Revenue to Surplus




What does This Budget Do? 

Reduces the Amount To Be Raised by 8% From $60,442,000 to $55,611,214

Applies a zero base budgeting approach using historical date as a reference not a starting point

Accurately assesses what it cost to run the City’s operations

Supplies staffing in areas that will better serve the public health & safety

Reestablishes the Cross Town Bus

Addresses the need of parking and transportation within the City while increasing revenue for the City

Provides for a Capital Plan for Various Capital Projects neglected for years such as: Much needed Road Repairs, new public safety equipment and other items (see Capital Budget for details)

Supplies the Police Department with 5 new police vehicles

Technology upgrades including: Computers, network & other communication improvements

SFY 2010 Budget Summary 


Operations: Within CAPS Statutory Expenditures Outside Cap

$75,583,249 $7,723,750 $4,450,003

Capital Improvements $250,000 Municipal Debt Service $8,659,817 Total Deferred Charges $1,619,392 Judgments $100,000 Reserve For Uncollected Taxes $380,000

Total General Appropriations $98,766,212


Surplus Anticipated Miscellaneous Revenues: Local Revenue State Aid UCC Fees Other Special Revenue

$3,000,000 $21,762,189 $14,517,355 $577,781 $2,757,673

Total Miscellaneous Revenue Subtotal General Revenue

$40,154,998 $43,154,998

Amount To Be Raised by Taxes


Total General Revenues


Cost Drivers         

Health Care Cost Pension Increase Retroactive Pay Salary & Wage Increase Deferred Charges Salary Settlements Irresponsible Debt Management Decrease in State Aid Decrease in Revenue

$14,800,000 $3,266,918 $3,000,000 $2,900,000 $1,619,392 $1,500,000 $1,200,000 $505,000 $160,000

Discretionary Spending Analysis Total Budget  Non Discretionary Deferred Charges  Debt Service  Pension  Salary & Wages  Statutory Obligations  Health Benefits/other Insurance  Salary Settlements & Adjustments  Library  Other  Reserve For Uncollected Taxes  Total Non Discretionary 

Discretionary Spending

$98,766,211 $1,619,392 $8,659,817 $6,886,454 $44,186,158 $1,937,296 $15,985,031 $4,500,000 $3,350,000 $1,830,000 $380,000 $89,334,152


Explanation of 2010 and Projection of 2011 Budgets 2009



Total Appropriations




Less: General Revenues




Items in 2010 not in 2011 Plus: New Pilot Amount to be Raised % Decrease From PY % Decrease from 2009

($11,194,426) $1,700,000 __________________________________________________ $60,422,000

$55,611,213 8.0%

$42,716,787 21.4% 27.6%

Items in 2010 not in 2011

TAN Interest Salary Adjustment Salary Increase Pension Reduction Attrition Note Interest Savings Health Insurance Savings

Total Savings

     

$1,100,426 $3,000,000 $1,674,000 $600,000 $3,000,000 $820,000 $1,000,000


Salary & Wages vs. All Appropriations Salary & Wages Deferred Charges, 1.64% Other Statutory, 1.96%

Reserve for Uncollected Taxes, 0.38% Other , 0.38% Capital, 0.25%

Utilities, 2.24% Salary Adjustments & Settlements, 4.56%

Insurance Operating Expenditures Debt Service Pension Salary Adjustments & Settlements

Pension, 6.94% Salary & Wages, 44.74%

Debt Service, 8.77%

Utilities Other Statutory Deferred Charges

Operating Expenditures, 11.96%

Reserve for Uncollected Taxes Other Insurance, 16.18% Capital

Salary & Wage by Department Corporation Council, 1.12%

Clerk, 1.10% Mayor & Council, 1.09%

Uniform Construction, 1.72%

Community Development, 1.05%

Police Fire

Administration, 2.11% Other, 0.48%

Courts, 2.45%

Environmental Services Human Services

Department of Revenue & Finance, 3.17%

Department of Revenue & Finance Courts Administration

Human Services 5.41%

Police, 40.35%

Uniform Construction Corporation Council

Environmental Services, 9.38%

Clerk Mayor & Council Community Development Other

Fire, 30.57%

Comparison of Department Cost Total Equals $55,337,268

Community Development, 1.21% Uniform Construction, 1.41%

Clerk, 0.89%

Police Mayor & Council, 0.41%

Administration, 1.69%

Fire Environmental Services

Courts, 2.29%

Library Human Services

Corporation Council, 2.31%

Police, 24.74%

Department of Revenue & Finance 2.34%

Department of Revenue & Finance Corporation Council Courts

Human Services 2.79%

Administration Uniform Construction Community Development Clerk

Library, 4.89%

Mayor & Council Environmental Services, 6.05% Fire, 16.20%

County, School & Municipal Levy Municipal Levy $58,093,343 43.17%

Municipal Open Space $599,615 0.45%

Board of Education $35,242,372 26.19%

School Board Levy County Levy County Open Space Levy Municipal Open Space Levy

County Open Space 1,040,053 0.77%

Municipal Levy

County Levy $39,598,326 29.43%

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