City of Hoboken SFY 2010 Introduced Municipal & Parking Utility Budget
Summary of SFY2009 Budget Results
Total Appropriations
Amount Expended
Appropriations Reserve
Anticipated Revenues
Actual Revenues
Excess Revenue to Surplus
What does This Budget Do?
Reduces the Amount To Be Raised by 8% From $60,442,000 to $55,611,214
Applies a zero base budgeting approach using historical date as a reference not a starting point
Accurately assesses what it cost to run the City’s operations
Supplies staffing in areas that will better serve the public health & safety
Reestablishes the Cross Town Bus
Addresses the need of parking and transportation within the City while increasing revenue for the City
Provides for a Capital Plan for Various Capital Projects neglected for years such as: Much needed Road Repairs, new public safety equipment and other items (see Capital Budget for details)
Supplies the Police Department with 5 new police vehicles
Technology upgrades including: Computers, network & other communication improvements
SFY 2010 Budget Summary
Operations: Within CAPS Statutory Expenditures Outside Cap
$75,583,249 $7,723,750 $4,450,003
Capital Improvements $250,000 Municipal Debt Service $8,659,817 Total Deferred Charges $1,619,392 Judgments $100,000 Reserve For Uncollected Taxes $380,000
Total General Appropriations $98,766,212
Surplus Anticipated Miscellaneous Revenues: Local Revenue State Aid UCC Fees Other Special Revenue
$3,000,000 $21,762,189 $14,517,355 $577,781 $2,757,673
Total Miscellaneous Revenue Subtotal General Revenue
$40,154,998 $43,154,998
Amount To Be Raised by Taxes
Total General Revenues
Cost Drivers
Health Care Cost Pension Increase Retroactive Pay Salary & Wage Increase Deferred Charges Salary Settlements Irresponsible Debt Management Decrease in State Aid Decrease in Revenue
$14,800,000 $3,266,918 $3,000,000 $2,900,000 $1,619,392 $1,500,000 $1,200,000 $505,000 $160,000
Discretionary Spending Analysis Total Budget Non Discretionary Deferred Charges Debt Service Pension Salary & Wages Statutory Obligations Health Benefits/other Insurance Salary Settlements & Adjustments Library Other Reserve For Uncollected Taxes Total Non Discretionary
Discretionary Spending
$98,766,211 $1,619,392 $8,659,817 $6,886,454 $44,186,158 $1,937,296 $15,985,031 $4,500,000 $3,350,000 $1,830,000 $380,000 $89,334,152
Explanation of 2010 and Projection of 2011 Budgets 2009
Total Appropriations
Less: General Revenues
Items in 2010 not in 2011 Plus: New Pilot Amount to be Raised % Decrease From PY % Decrease from 2009
($11,194,426) $1,700,000 __________________________________________________ $60,422,000
$55,611,213 8.0%
$42,716,787 21.4% 27.6%
Items in 2010 not in 2011
TAN Interest Salary Adjustment Salary Increase Pension Reduction Attrition Note Interest Savings Health Insurance Savings
Total Savings
$1,100,426 $3,000,000 $1,674,000 $600,000 $3,000,000 $820,000 $1,000,000
Salary & Wages vs. All Appropriations Salary & Wages Deferred Charges, 1.64% Other Statutory, 1.96%
Reserve for Uncollected Taxes, 0.38% Other , 0.38% Capital, 0.25%
Utilities, 2.24% Salary Adjustments & Settlements, 4.56%
Insurance Operating Expenditures Debt Service Pension Salary Adjustments & Settlements
Pension, 6.94% Salary & Wages, 44.74%
Debt Service, 8.77%
Utilities Other Statutory Deferred Charges
Operating Expenditures, 11.96%
Reserve for Uncollected Taxes Other Insurance, 16.18% Capital
Salary & Wage by Department Corporation Council, 1.12%
Clerk, 1.10% Mayor & Council, 1.09%
Uniform Construction, 1.72%
Community Development, 1.05%
Police Fire
Administration, 2.11% Other, 0.48%
Courts, 2.45%
Environmental Services Human Services
Department of Revenue & Finance, 3.17%
Department of Revenue & Finance Courts Administration
Human Services 5.41%
Police, 40.35%
Uniform Construction Corporation Council
Environmental Services, 9.38%
Clerk Mayor & Council Community Development Other
Fire, 30.57%
Comparison of Department Cost Total Equals $55,337,268
Community Development, 1.21% Uniform Construction, 1.41%
Clerk, 0.89%
Police Mayor & Council, 0.41%
Administration, 1.69%
Fire Environmental Services
Courts, 2.29%
Library Human Services
Corporation Council, 2.31%
Police, 24.74%
Department of Revenue & Finance 2.34%
Department of Revenue & Finance Corporation Council Courts
Human Services 2.79%
Administration Uniform Construction Community Development Clerk
Library, 4.89%
Mayor & Council Environmental Services, 6.05% Fire, 16.20%
County, School & Municipal Levy Municipal Levy $58,093,343 43.17%
Municipal Open Space $599,615 0.45%
Board of Education $35,242,372 26.19%
School Board Levy County Levy County Open Space Levy Municipal Open Space Levy
County Open Space 1,040,053 0.77%
Municipal Levy
County Levy $39,598,326 29.43%