October 13, 2010 Paula Dow Attorney General 25 Market Street Trenton, NJ 08625 Dear Ms. Dow: I am writing to express my concern about the upcoming special city council election in Hoboken on November 2. The inalienable right to vote is the bedrock of our democracy, and I am committed to fighting for fair elections for the people of Hoboken. We are concerned about the Michael Lenz campaign targeting first-time voters and anyone they have identified as opponents. The Lenz campaign and a number of blog surrogates are targeting residents by paying “bounties” for names of those who vote by mail, and using intimidation tactics intended to suppress new voters and those in minority communities. To complicate matters further, Mayor Zimmer has thrown her full support behind the Lenz campaign, using her office and its inherent authority in political coordination with the Lenz campaign. This calls into question the mayor’s ability to be an honest broker if issues of voting or ballot irregularities arise, or if public safety becomes an issue during this hotly contested election. In addition, Mr. Lenz’s position within the county administration political structure creates at least the potential for the appearance of a conflict. We believe your office provides the best opportunity for a fair election overseen by an honest arbiter with no vested interest. I urge you to make the presence of your good office felt in order to ensure that our state’s elections meet the highest standards of honesty and integrity. I stand ready to assist in any way possible. Thank you for your attention.
Tim Occhipinti Candidate, Hoboken 4th ward city council
Printed in House
Paid for by Occhipinti for Council Anthony Poulin, Treasurer