HV Chili Cook-Off for a Cause Contestant Rules 1. To enter fill out the information below and e-mail to info@hobokenvolunteers.com, entries are limited. 2. Individual or team contestant entry fee is $25 to submit chili. 3. One member of your team will not have to pay the general admission fee. 4. If you are entering as an individual you will not have to pay the general admission fee. 5. HV must receive your payment prior to the event! HV will reach out to you for payment. 6. Payment in form of cash or check made out to Hoboken Volunteers. 7. Chili must be brought to the Shannon in your CROCK POT by 1:30 PM Saturday 2/27. 8. You will have space to setup your chili on a table. 9. Each chili team must man and distribute their chili to general attendees. Please bring your own serving spoon or ladle. 10. You must label your chili with the kind of chili you made and spice temperature. Examples Include: A. Vegetable/Medium B. Beef Chili/ Hot C. Turkey Chili/ 4 Alarm Fire D. Chicken Chili/ Mild 11. You can also "name" your chili such as Southwest or Texas or give it a creative team name. All names MUST be considered appropriate. 12. Bring a list of your ingredients (not for display) just in case someone with allergies asks for a list, you do not have to list quantities of ingredients. 13. You agree to indemnify Hoboken Volunteers, its Directors, and Officers for any and all liability with respect to any acts of your own negligence, recklessness or intentional wrongful conduct. 14. By paying the entry fee and submitting your chili you agree to be bound by the rules listed herein. Name: E-mail: Phone Number: Fill out and e-mail to info@hobokenvolunteers.com