Hoboken 2010-2011 BOE Budget Overview

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FEBRUARY 9, 2010

Hoboken Public Schools OFFICE OF THE SUPERINTENDENT 1115 Clinton Street

.:- Hoboken, NJ 07030

(201) 356-3601

Fax: (201) 356-3641

Peter E. Carter Interim Superintendent of Schools pcarter@hoboken.k12.nj.us February 1, 2010 Members of the Hoboken Board of Education: It is with pleasure that I submit to you the initial draft of the proposed 2010-2011 school district budget in the amount of $59,762,551, a reduction of$2,250,642 or 4% below the current budget of $62,013,193. This budget was prepared consistent with the board's adopted budget goal of reducing taxes without impairing the educational program and provides for a reduction in local property taxes for the next fiscal year. This document is presented in three parts: first, an executive summary for easy reference to major budget items; second, a detailed budget reflecting the revenues and expenditures for the last audited fiscal year (actual), the current fiscal year (budgeted) and the next fiscal year (proposed); and third, detailed information with regard to historical trends in taxes, spending, revenues, staffing, pupil-teacher ratios, salary guides and other pertinent financial data. It summarizes the budget by object of expense, by program, by source of revenue and by staffing patterns. It also highlights the maj or reasons for the budget decrease. The budget makes the following assumptions: 1) -2) 3) 4) 5) 6) 7) 8) 9) 10)

A desire to reduce the local property tax levy Maximum use of available fund balances Reduction of five staff positions through attrition Continuing all current educational programs Fewer dollars from state and federal grants A zero inflation economy 8th grade relocating to Hoboken High School Connors program relocated to Demarest School during renovations Sufficient funds to provide for negotiated contract increases Flat state funding for general formula aid

I recommend that the board engage in careful deliberations with respect to this proposal and prepare alternative funding plans pending the receipt of state aid figures in mid March. The administration hopes that the board finds this document useful and helpful to those deliberations. We will be pleased to respond to questions from the board and the public at the appropriate meetings and will keep the board updated on all new budgetary information as it is received from the state and other agencies. Ve.2ztruly yo~


~F~ Mr. Peter

E. Carter Superintendent of Schools


Where Students Come First


Total Budget

Local Tax Levy

2010-2011 2009-2010 $ decrease 0/0 decrease

$ $ $

2010-2011 2009-2010

$ $ $

$ decrease 0/0 decrease Staffing

2010-2011 2009-2010

# decrease 0/0 decrease

59,762,551 (62,013,193) (2,250,642)

-40/0 36,761,743 (36,764,796) (3,053) - <10/0 461 (46ยง) (5)



Basic State Aid


$ inc/(dec)



Balance Appropriated


2010-2011 2009-2010

$ increase %



2010-2011 2009-2010


9,399,671 (9,399,671)

$ $ $

2,214,919 (1,414,324) 800,595 57%

MAJOR BUDGET INCREASES & DECREASES BUDGET CATEGORY AMOUNT INCREASE/(DECREASE) negotiated salary increases with employee associations $ 1,183,516 increase in employee benefits



increase in out of district tuition



reduced supply purchases



reduced purchased services



eliminate food service deficit



5 staff reductions



reduction in state & federal grants net total of decreases

J $

(2,866,559} (2,232,259)

total budget decrease




through attrition & retirements

from major categories


Revenue by Source 2010-2011

Local, State, and Federal by Percent

Total Federal 4%~


Total 29% State

Tax Levy 62%



Other Local 5%~


Budget by Objective of Expense 2010-2011 by Percent Debt Service

<1% Equipment


Contracted Services 7%

Supplies 4%


/5% Salary

Purchased Services ~


Charter & Non-Public Schools


& B


Budget by Program 2010-2011

by Percent


7% Instructional Programs



Non- Instructional 28%


Administrative Support

_ _



Staff by Category 2010-2011 by Percent


Technicians Security Bus Drivers 16%


Custodial/Maintenance 0

11 ex


Secretarial/Clerical 6% --------------------

Professional 9%


Administrators 4%


Classroom 12%



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