Hoboken BOE Agenda for 2-9-2010

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VERSION I This meeting is being held in conformity to the Open Public Meetings Act N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et. seq. Proper public notice of the meeting was published in the two local papers on February 6, 2010. If any Board member or member of the public in attendance believes that the meeting is in violation of the Open Public Meetings Act, the Hoboken Board of Education requests that they make a statement at this time. The Board wishes to make those in attendance aware that this meeting is being recorded on video and will be broadcast by the Board at a later date on CATV Channel 78. The Hoboken Board of Education is committed to preserving the decorum of the public process and is mindful that we live in the electronic age of computers, cell phones and other electronic communications devices. Nevertheless, we respectfully request that all meeting participants kindly silence their electronic devices during the course of the meeting, and if use of the device is necessary, we ask that you please leave the meeting room if you need to conduct personal business. SALUTE TO THE FLAG ROLL CALL








2010 Annual School Board Election Submitting for review and approval the necessary preparations for the Annual School Election to be held on Tuesday, April 20, 2010. Each item to be approved separately and to have effect immediately and or as directed by legislative statute and is subject to change by legislative statute and to be governed in accordance with N.J.S. A.: Title 19.



Establish that the Annual School Election shall be held on Tuesday, April 20, 2010, for the election of three (3) Board Members for a term of three (3) years and (1) Board Member for a term of one (1) year and to submit to the electorate the amount of local taxes to be raised to support the 20102011 school district budget.


Establish that the 36 polling districts be open continuously between the hours of 2:00 pm and 9:00 pm and as long as may be necessary to permit all the legal voters then present to vote.


Establish that pursuant to Title 19, voting machines shall be used at all polling districts.


Establish that the nominating petitions may be obtained from the office of the Secretary of the Board between the hours of 9:00 am and 4:00 p.m., commencing Wednesday, February 10, 2010 and ending Monday, March 1, 2010.


Establish that pursuant to Title 19 that the closing time for filing of nominating petitions is Monday, March 1, 2010 at 4:00 p.m.


Establish that pursuant to Title 19 that challenges to a nominating petition must be filed in writing with the Secretary of the Board by 4:00 p.m. on Tuesday, March 2, 2010. In such cases, the Board shall immediately notify the challenged candidate, and make a determination of the challenged petition no later than Thursday, March 4, 2010.


Establish that pursuant to Title 19, the last day a candidate may withdraw from the election, or amend a defective petition, is Monday, March 8, 2010, at 4:00 p.m.


Establish that pursuant to Title 19, the drawing of names for ballot for positions of candidates on the voting machines be set for Monday, March 8, 2010 at 5:30 pm in the meeting room of the Board of Education located at 1115 Clinton Street. Such drawing shall be performed by the Secretary of the Board and the results of said drawing shall be certified by the Secretary of the Board, to the County Clerk, no later than Tuesday, March 9, 2010.


Establish that the Secretary of the Board and/or the County Board of Elections is hereby authorized to supervise the Annual School Election in accordance with the Laws and Statutes of the State of New Jersey, Title 19.



Granting the Secretary permission to lease polling places where necessary for the Annual School Election on Tuesday, April 20, 2010 and to pay appropriate rental fees to each of the owners.


Granting the Secretary permission to provide a list of election officers for each polling district. Election of officers for each polling district will consist of the following: 1. 2. 3.

Judge of elections Inspector of elections Two clerks of election if the respective election district contains more than 900 registered voters and with the possibility that additional Spanish speaking clerks may be needed.


Establish the rate of compensation for election officers for the following dates at $100.00 plus an amount not to exceed $25.00 for any worker who will be responsible for the transporting of election registry books. 1. Election Day, April 20, 2010 2. Instructional workshop


Grant the Secretary and/or the County Board of Elections the authority to publish in various newspapers all notices required by law to be published pertaining to the Annual School Election and to issue purchase orders for printing materials and supplies to be used in the Annual School Election.


Granting the Secretary permission to request that the City Clerk of Hoboken keep their offices open until 9:00 pm on the weekday evenings of March 26, 29, and 30, 2010 and the County Superintendent of Elections on March 30, 2010 from 4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., for voter registration and transfers.


Establishing the date, time and location of annual public hearings on the 2010-2011 school budget.



Submitting for review and approval minutes of the following Board meetings: January 19, 2010 Stated Session January 19, 2010 Closed Session February 2, 2010 Committee of the Whole

The HSEA Negotiations Committee of the Hoboken Board of Education hereby recommends to the full Board for approval, the tentative agreement as expressed by a Memorandum of Agreement signed by the committee members on the first day of February two thousand ten, appearing whereon is the percentage of salary increase in the amounts of 3.2%, 3.5%, and 3.8% for the years covered in the agreement (’10-’11, ’09-’10, ’08-’09) respectively.



Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend, based on communication received from Julius Binetti, teacher at Demarest High School, acceptance of the notification to the Board of his retirement, effective July 1, 2010.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend, based on communication received from Raffaella Peluso, school social worker at Wallace School, acceptance of the notification to the Board of her retirement, effective July 1, 2010.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend, based on communication received from Francesco D’Amelio, music teacher at Calabro School, acceptance of the notification to the Board of his retirement, effective April 27, 2010.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend, based on communication received from Catherine Marra, F/T luncheon aide at Hoboken High School, acceptance of the notification to the Board of her retirement, effective March 1, 2010.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend, based on communication received from Michelle Holmes, bus driver, acceptance of the notification to the Board of her resignation effective immediately.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend, based on communication received from Yesenia Flores, school psychologist at Brandt School, the request of a 2 week Family Leave without pay, effective June 3, 2010 – June 17, 2010.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend, based on communication received from Illene Vaughan, teacher at Wallace School, the request to extend her Maternity Leave without pay, for an additional 2 weeks from February 26, 2010 – March 15, 2010.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend additional compensation of 22 hours at $25.00 per hour not to exceed $550.00 each for Carlos Roman, and Jean Roman for district-wide duties performed above and beyond their regular working day. Funding from line item #11-401-100-600-230521-000.



Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of Andrea Howard Raeford, a Special Education teacher at Connors School effective February 16, 2010 – March 29, 2010, salary 6th step MA $57,086.00 prorated as per HEA contract. This appointment is needed for a maternity leave replacement (Adela Sanchez).


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of Kunal Patel, a teacher at Connors School effective February 10, 2010 – April 23, 2010, salary 1st step BA $45,951.00 prorated as per HEA contract. This appointment is needed for a Family Leave replacement (Stacy Ntansah).


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the Board grant permission to Dr. Vincent Aniello and Mr. Al Mauro to provide professional development workshops to staff, and parent workshops as part of the district’s parental involvement program at a cost of $1,000.00 per session (1.5 – 2 hrs.) not to exceed $10,000.00 from the balance of the 2009-2010 grant period ending August 31, 2010. Funding from line item #20-234-200-800-18-0890-000-8660 and #20-234-200-300-18-0892-000-8938 (The above represents the Administration’s response to parents’ needs and requests for support).


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the transfer of Victoria Casella, clerk, from Demarest to Brandt School, effective immediately.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the acceptance of the 2010-2011 School Calendar which contains 180 pupil days. (The calendar has been reviewed by the President of the Administrators’ Association as well as the President of the Teachers’ Association).


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of the following staff members to the Behavior Modification Program at Connors School for the 2009-2010 school year. This program will run from 7:25 am – 8:25 am; Tuesday – Friday; beginning February 10, 2010 – June 11, 2010 for a total of 64 hours, at a salary of $33.00 per hour as per HEA contract not to exceed $2,112.00. Funding from line item #15-401-100-100-09-1903-000 Kenneth Turso Kevin Metcalfe



Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend permission to apply for Hudson County Substitute certificates for the following applicants and to add them to our pool of substitute teachers. Michelle M. Crilly Mechan K. Cuthbertson Jaya Madhian Jacqueline D. Protopapas Geoffrey P. Renaud Anthony J. Soares Jason A. Tecza

$90.00 per diem $90.00 per diem $80.00 per diem $80.00 per diem $80.00 per diem $80.00 per diem $80.00 per diem


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of Vanessa Rodriguez, as a permanent substitute teacher at Calabro and Brandt School, effective February 8, 2010 – June 30, 2010 to teach Computers and Spanish respectively salary $80.00 per day will be recommended for elementary teacher when certificate is received from the Department of Education. Upon receipt of DOE certification, Ms. Rodriguez will be recommended for a salary adjustment per HEA Guide.


Submitting for review and approval, the establishment of a temporary (two week maximum) part time clerical position for the purpose of the improvement of the early childhood registration process in the district (30 daytime hours @ $10.00 per hour dependent upon applicant….12 evening hours @$27.000 per hour).


Submitting for review and approval, the removal of the cap ($120,000) from the per diem accumulated, total salary of the Interim Assistant Superintendent. The cap will adversely affect the education of Hoboken’s public school children by causing the premature departure of the Assistant Superintendent.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the establishment of a temporary (two week maximum) part time nursing position for the purpose of the improvement of the early childhood registration process in the district at a cost not to exceed $1,500.00 ($200.00 per day x 7 days).


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the Board enter into a contract with Giant Steps Teen Drug Abuse Program for services effective February – June 2010 in the amount not to exceed $5,800.00


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend acceptance of the Hoboken High School Emergency Response Team Protocols and By-Laws.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the promotion of Robert Millizzo from custodian to engineer at Brandt School, effective February 2, 2010 salary as per HSEA contract from 3rd step $23,115.00 to 3rd step $23,460.00.



Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of Jared Ramos as Choreographer, for the Spring Musical, Aida, at HHS; remuneration shall be $2,000.00. Funding from line item #15-401-100-500-070251-000 (Aida will be presented on March 26, 27, & 28).


Submitting for review as required by contract based on communication received from Joanna Ariyan, teacher at Connors School, the request to extend her Family Leave without pay, from February 1, 2010 – September 1, 2011.








Cost/Account Charged



J. DelValle/A. Fernandez/ A. Flores

Imagine That Florham Park, N.J.

No cost to district



B. Monetti

Imagine That Florham Park, N. J.

No cost to district

Brandt/ Mile Square



Liberty Science Center Jersey City, N. J.

No cost to district



K. Kelly/A. Gomez

N.J. Pac Newark, N. J.

$140.00 15-401-100-800-05-0521-000

Hoboken High


V. Chodos/J. Deni

Hoboken High School Gym Hoboken, N. J.

No cost to district

Hoboken High


J. Wanko/C. D’Elia

IZOD Center East Rutherford, N. J.

$600.00 20-436-200-800-13-0251-000-7993

Hoboken High


P. Ohaus/J. Ramos

Rosa Parks Performing Arts School Dance Performance Lou Costello Theater Paterson, N. J.

No cost to district



V. Wingert

Liberty Science Center Jersey City, N. J.

No cost to district

Connors/Wallace 2/4,2/11,2/18,2/25 Hoboken High 3/11,3/18,3/25 4/15,4/22,4/29 5/6, 5/13,5/27 6/3, 6/10

G. Iervolino-Fusco, L. Courtney-Martinez R. Morales

Basketball & Track Field Practice Brandt School Gym HHS Field

No cost to district

Connors/Wallace 3/2/10

M. Perez/A. Casciano/R. LoPresti Liberty Science Center


No cost to district

Hoboken High

J. Cordero/P. Williams/C. Pasculli/ A. Jervis/G. White/L. Martinez

OUT OF STATE Brandt/Hopes


C. Ruberto

Staten Island Zoo Staten Island, N. Y.

No cost to district



S. Sansevere/G. White F. Canino/J. Bussanich

Rockefeller Center N.Y.C

No cost to district (District bus to NYC)


Robert H. Davis Interim School Business Administrator 1. SBA

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the following facility requests: a.

Organization: Day: Time: Dates: Facility: Purpose: Fee:

2. SBA

Hoboken Little League Sundays 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. February 14, 21, 28, 2010 March 7, 14, 21, 28, 2010 Hoboken High School gymnasium Practice Non-Profit

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the following monthly reports of the Board Secretary and Treasurer: December 2009

(A-148) Board Secretary (A-149) Treasurer Report

3. SBA

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the Fire Drill reports for the month of January 2010.

4. SBA

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend claims for the month of February 2010 in the amount of $2,315,365.90.

5. SBA

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend payment of medical and workers’ compensation claims through third party administrator CompServices, Inc.: January 2010 Check #819 through #823 in the amount of $10,657.20

6. SBA

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the payroll, employer’s share of social security and unemployment, pay dates from: Pay 14 of 26 15 of 26

Pay Net Date Payroll 01/19/10 782,671.85 02/02/10 659,818.34

Employee Deductions 291,933.68 241,239.88


Gross Payroll 1,436,086.84 1,201,479.60

Employer SH SS & SUI Total 111,770.70 1,547,857.54 98,564.58 1,300,044.18

7. SBA

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the Board enter into a contract with Catapult Learning to provide on-site Title I after-school tutoring services to eligible Hoboken resident students attending the non-public school, Mustard Seed, as per NCLB, Title I, Part A equitable services requirement of NCLB, February through June 2010. Mustard Seed School – costs not to exceed $25,859.00 for student services and supplies charged to line #20-234-100-300-18-0159-000-8932 and #20-232-100300-18-0159-000-9279. 5% Administrative fee not to exceed $1,293.00 charged to line #20-232-200-30018-0150-401-9292.


8. SBA

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend entering into a tuition contract agreement with the following private school, for a Special Education student and related services sent out of district, from January 25, 2010 to June 2010, with an amount based upon tentative tuition rates. Account to be charged: 11-000-100-566-20-0870-0000. The estimated costs are as follows:

9. SBA





90 Days

Palisade Regional Academy







Total $21,038.40

Submitting for review and approval the following workshop requests: School/Dept.




Cost/Account Charged

1. HHS

a. 3/17/10

William Apicella Vito Cuocci

Behavior Interventions That Work Newark, NJ – Full day

Cost to District - $199.00 each 15-000-223-500-07-0251 Substitute teachers needed

b. 3/23/10

David White Mary Pat Carroll Evalee Batistich

Rutgers Counselors Day Program New Brunswick, NJ – Full day

No Cost to District

c. 3/9/10

Isabel Bruno Geidy DelaRosa

Using Technology Projects to Strengthen Content Area Learning – Newark, NJ – Full day

Cost to District - $199.00 each 15-000-223-500-07-0257-000

d. 3/29/10

Kirti Tank

Reaching Disinterested Students Newark, NJ – 9:00 am to 2:00 pm

Cost to District - $179.00 15-000-223-500-07-0251-000

e. 4/20/10

Evalee Batistich

Rutgers Business School New Brunswick, NJ

No Cost to District

f. 5/21/10

Paula Ohaus

Theater Day for Teachers Montclair, NJ – 8:15 am to 2:00 pm

Cost to District - $120.00 15-401-100-500-07-0251-000






Cost/Account Charged

2. Brandt

a. 3/4/10

Beth Tomlinson

Stimulating Change for Gifted Learner West Windsor, NJ – Full day

Cost to District - $182.00 11-190-100-320-18-0000-001 Substitute teacher needed 11-110-100-101-02-1086-000 Mileage travel reimbursement $.31 cents per mile

3. Wallace

a. 3/4/10

Alyssa Corea Denise Vallejo

Stimulating Change for Gifted Learner West Windsor, NJ – Full day

Cost to District - $182.00 each 11-190-100-320-18-0000-001 Substitute teachers needed 15-120-100-101-06-1086-000 Mileage travel reimbursement $.31 cents per mile

4. Demarest

a. 4/1/10

Anabel Gomez

Using the Response to Intervention Model Totowa, NJ – Full day

Cost to District - $215.00 15-000-223-320-05-0257-000 Substitute teacher needed Mileage travel reimbursement $.31 cents per mile

b. 4/19-4/20/10 Damian DeBenedetto

OSHA 10 Plus Course Newark, NJ – Full days

Cost to District - $160.00 5-000-223-320-05-0257-000 Substitute teacher needed

c. 5/19-21/10

Damian DeBenedetto

D&I Student Training Plan Course Edison, NJ – Full day

Cost to District - $240.00 15-000-223-320-05-0257-000 Substitute teacher needed

d. 4/2010 5/13/10

Thomas Fitzgibbons

Law, Ethics & Governance for All Leaders, Monroe, NJ – Full day

Cost to District - $300.00 15-000-240-800-05-0250-000






Cost/Account Charged

5. Calabro

a. 3/20/10

Celeste Joyce

The Art & Science of School Nursing New Brunswick, NJ

Cost to District - $155.00 15-000-213-300-04-0000-000

6. Special Svcs

a. 3/19/10

Jennifer Dunst

Infants & Children in the Courts: Reflections and Solutions – Belleville, NJ – Full day

Cost to District - $50.00 11-000-219-320-20-0257-000 Mileage travel reimbursement $.31 cents per mile - $8.68

7. Connors

a. 3/4/10

Linda Erbe Cheng-Yen Hillenbrand

Stimulating Change for the Gifted West Windsor, NJ – Full Day

Cost to District - $210.00 each 11-190-100-320-18-0000-009 Mileage travel reimbursement $.31 cents per mile

b. 3/2-3/10

Christy Vespa Renee Turonis Loreto Martinez

I&RS Training Tinton Falls, NJ – 2Full days

No Cost to District Substitute teachers needed Mileage travel reimbursement $.31 cents per mile 15-213-100-500-09-0251-000 15-000-213-500-09-0257-000

c. 3/2/10

Judith Beckmeyer

I&RS Training Tinton Falls, NJ – Full day

No Cost to District Mileage travel reimbursement $.31 cents per mile 15-213-100-500-09-0251-000

d. 3/3/10

Stefanee Wolfsie

I&RS Training Tinton Falls, NJ – Full day

No Cost to District Mileage travel reimbursement $.31 cents per mile 15-212-100-500-09-0251-000

a. 3/15/10

John Bussanich Louise Boscia Maria Morales Mary Tremitiedi

NJ ASK DTC Training Parsippany, NJ

No Cost to District Mileage travel reimbursement $.31 cents per mile 15-000-240-500-09-0250-000 15-000-223-500-06-0251-000

8. Connors Calabro Wallace Other


10. SBA

Submitting for review and approval the following requests for Out of State Travel for conferences, which require State approval after passage of Board resolution: School/Dept.




Cost/Account Charged

1. HHS

a. 2/24/10

Kate Dominique

IB Diploma Coordinator Meeting Yonkers, NY – Full day

No Cost to District

NSBA Annual Conference Chicago, IL

Cost to District - $2,292.00 est. 11-000-230-585-11-0251-000

*2. Board Trustee a. 4/9-4/12/10 Frances Rhodes-Kerns

*Revised dates



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