Hoboken BOE Agenda 1/19/2010

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VERSION I This meeting is being held in conformity to the Open Public Meetings Act N.J.S.A. 10:4-6 et. seq. Proper public notice of the meeting was published in the two local papers on January 16, 2010. If any Board member or member of the public in attendance believes that the meeting is in violation of the Open Public Meetings Act, the Hoboken Board of Education requests that they make a statement at this time. The Board wishes to make those in attendance aware that this meeting is being recorded on video and will be broadcast by the Board at a later date on CATV Channel 78. The Hoboken Board of Education is committed to preserving the decorum of the public process and is mindful that we live in the electronic age of computers, cell phones and other electronic communications devices. Nevertheless, we respectfully request that all meeting participants kindly silence their electronic devices during the course of the meeting, and if use of the device is necessary, we ask that you please leave the meeting room if you need to conduct personal business. SALUTE TO THE FLAG ROLL CALL



Recognition of the following Bloustein Scholars - Ashley Barron - Jordan De Jesus - Samantha Rotondi







Submitting for review and approval minutes of the following Board meetings: December 15, 2009 Closed Session I December 15, 2009 Closed Session II December 15, 2009 Closed Session III December 15, 2009 Stated Session January 4, 2010 Committee of the Whole January 5, 2010 Committee of the Whole January 13, 2010 Committee of the Whole



Submitting for review and approval as a SECOND READING: Student Attendance Policy (and Procedures) as attached.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend permission to apply for Hudson County Substitute certificates for the following applicants and to add them to our pool of substitute teachers. Christina Gualario Elsayed Hemeda

$80.00 per day $80.00 per day


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend, based on communication received from Carrie Ellis, school counselor at Wallace School, the request of a 8 week Family Leave without pay effective April 26, 2010 – June 30, 2010


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend, based on communication received from Jaely Ricciardi, School Psychologist at Wallace School, the request of an extension on her maternity leave from February 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend, based on communication received from Kirsten Buerkle, teacher at Connors School, the request of a 2 week Family Leave without pay effective May 13, 2010 – May 28,2010.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the following custodial transfers effective December 18, 2009. Vincent Munno from Wallace School to Demarest School hours 3p.m. – 12a.m. Edwin Johnson from Demarest School to Wallace School hours 3p.m. – 12a.m.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of Kenneth Turso, for the NJ ASK After-school Tutoring program at Connors School. This program will run from January 19, 2010-April 29, 2010 3 days per week 1 ½ hours per day at a salary of $33.00 per hour as per HEA contract not to exceed $1,980.00. Funding from line item #15-401-100-100-09-1903-000


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend a change in the salary of the following computer technicians to A+ salary guide due to successful completion of requisite course of study of the HEA contract effective January 1, 2010. Daniel Barron 8th step from $30,927.00 to $40,996.00 Ramon Vega 9th step from $32,562.00 to $42,211.00



Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend permission to apply for Impact Aid, Section 8003 FY 2011. The application is for Basic Support payments to help local school districts that educate federally connected children. Since 1950, congress has provided financial assistance to local school districts through the Impact Aid Program. The Impact Aid law (now Title VIII of the ESEA of 1965) provides assistance to local school districts with concentrations of children residing on Indian lands, military bases, low-rent housing properties, or other federal properties.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend JM as a January, 2010 graduate for Hoboken High School who has met the state required High School Proficiency Assessment and has completed all necessary credits needed to graduate.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of Toni Rotondo, to the position of Alternate High School Assessment Teacher (09-10) on an as needed basis not to exceed 40 hours for the remainder of the school year at a salary $33.00 per hour as per HEA contract.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of Corey Grassl, a School Psychologist effective January 25, 2010 – June 30, 2010 salary as per HEA contract 2nd step PHD $57,245.00 plus $3,264.00 School Psychologist stipend for a total of $60,509.00 prorated. This appointment is needed for a maternity leave replacement (Jaely Ricciardi).


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of Tonimarie Neto, teacher at Connors school effective January 19, 2010-June 30, 2010 salary 1st step BA $45,951.00 prorated as per HEA contract. This appointment is needed for a replacement teacher due to the retirement of Josephine DeGennaro.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of Holly Ouellette, teacher at Wallace School, effective February 1, 2010 – March 26, 2010; salary as per HEA contract 6th step MA $57,086.00 prorated.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of the following staff for the Spring Musical, Aida, at HHS. Funding from line item #15-401-100-100-07-1903-000 Meg Zervoulis Meg Zervoulis Laura Cornish Matthew Fick Marleny H. Alonzo

Musical Director Rehearsal Musician Lighting Designer Scenic Designer Stage Manager


$1,500.00 $1,500.00 $2,000.00 $2,000.00 $1,000.00


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend to apply for a mini grant to the New Jersey State School Nurses Association in the amount of $985.23 for the Calabro School.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the Hudson County Interscholastic Athletic League membership for the 2010-2011 school year for the Hoboken School District; fee will be assessed at a later date.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of Tyrell Dortch, as a permanent substitute teacher, for the In-school Suspension program at Hoboken High School salary $80.00 per day effective January 20, 2010 – June 30, 2010.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of the following to the pool of part-time bus drivers at a salary of $16.25 per hour pending criminal history review. Julian Pozo Gloria Laracuente


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the promotion of Lucy Ramos from custodian to engineer at Calabro School effective January 1, 2010 salary as per HEA contract from 7th step $24,741.00 to 7th step $25,408.00.


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of the following to the pool of Home Instructors for the 2009-2010 school year. Funding from line item #11-150-100-101-20-1092-000 and 11-219-100-101-201092-000 Howard McKenzie Roseangela Perez Yolanda Cleffi


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of the following part-time custodians to replace two part-time custodians who resigned for the remainder of the 2009-2010 school year. Salary $7.50 per hour not to exceed 19 ½ hours per week effective date pending criminal history review. Viola DeLanzo Jorge Rodriguez


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend entering into a contract With Young Audiences of New Jersey for an assembly “Piccirillo Science-Telling The Jungle of New Jersey” on February 9, 2010 at the Calabro School at a cost of $660.00. Funding from line item #15-000-240-500-04-0250-000.



Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the use of the psychiatric professional services of Dr. Robert Freeman to address the parents on the topic of Psychotropic medications on February 8, 2010 at Wallace School Library for a fee of $500.00 (Stimulus’ funds) Funding from line item #20-460200-100-18-0000-000


Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the appointment of Thomas Jerram, as Acting Fiscal Specialist for Technology, effective January 20, 2010 – June 30, 2010 at a salary of $450.00 per day not to exceed a total of $25,000.00. Funding from line item #20-460-200-100-18-0000-000


FIELD TRIP REQUESTS – January Agenda School/Dept.




Cost/Account Charged



J. Giuriceo

NJ Children’s Museum Paramus, N. J.

No cost to district



E. Dermatis

NJ Children’s Museum Paramus, N. J.

No cost to district



M. Carbone

NJ Children’s Museum Paramus, N. J.

No cost to district



M. Tavaris/J. Fitzgerald J. Vallejo

NJ Children’s Museum Paramus, N. J.

No cost to district



E. Perez

NJ Children’s Museum Paramus, N. J.

No cost to district



E. Dermatis

Liberty Science Center Jersey City, N. J.

No cost to district



L. Montoya

Liberty Science Center Jersey City, N. J.

No cost to district



J. DeGennaro

Stevens Institute of Technology Hoboken, N.J.

No cost to district



L. Erbe

Liberty Science Center Jersey City, N. J.

No cost to district



J. Dobish

Medieval Times Lyndhurst, N. J.

$1,328.00 15-401-100-800-05-0521-000



J. Dobish

Atlantic Highlands New Jersey

$1,400.00 15-401-100-800-05-0251-000




L. Evans Pittman/W. Apicella V. Cuocci/E. Barfield

Piscataway HS Auditorium Piscataway, N. J.

No cost to district



P. O’Haus/J. Ramos

Rutgers University New Brunswick, N. J.

No cost to district



J. Wilson/M. Patel

Classroom Management & Effective Training Totowa, N.J.

$308.00 15-000-223-500-07-0251



K. Tank

Bergen Performing Art Center Englewood, N. J.

No cost to district

Connors/Wallace/1/23/10 HHS

G. Fusco/L.Courtney-Martinez/ R. Morales

Hudson/Bayonne Lanes Jersey City, N. J.

No cost to district



V. Wingert/V. Phalen

NJ Marine Science Consortium Sandy Hook, N.J.



K. Dunne/K. Temple/ L. Berardi/M. Schmidt

Spring “Firebird” NJ PAC Newark, N. J.

$860.00 15-190-100-890-06-0250-000 15-000-270-512-06-0521-000 No cost to district




D. Howard

Staten Island Children’s Museum Staten Island, N.Y.

No cost to district



F. Cohen

NYC to Titanic the Artifact New York, NY

$288.00 15-401-100-800-05-0521-000



J. Burrell/P. Ciriello K. Dominique

Great Wolf Lodge-Pocono Mountain Scotrum, PA

$9,000.00 11-190-100-610-13-0892-000




C. D’Elia/P. O’Haus/ G. DeLaRosa

Richard Rodgers Theatre New York, NY

$1,820.00 20-436-200-800-13-0251-000



M. Morales/J. Auriemma/ L. Acebo/A. Canonico/ W. Rutherford/T. Leggar

The Rink Rockefeller Center New York, N. Y.

No cost to district


Robert H. Davis Interim School Business Administrator 1. SBA

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the following facility requests: a.

Organization: Day: Time: Dates:

Facility: Purpose: Fee:

2. SBA

NuSport/Spike Leagues Tuesday 7:30 p.m. to 10:30 p.m. January 19, 26, 2010 February 2, 9, 16, 23, 2010 March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30, 2010 Hoboken High School gymnasium Adult volleyball For Profit – 11 days @ 3 hours per day = 33 hours @ $120.00 per hour – Total $3,960.00

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the following monthly reports of the Board Secretary and Treasurer: November 2009

(A-148) Board Secretary (A-149) Treasurer Report

3. SBA

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the Fire Drill reports for the month of December 2009.

4. SBA

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend claims for the month of January 2010 in the amount of $2,136,913.02.

5. SBA

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend payment of medical and workers’ compensation claims through third party administrator CompServices, Inc.: December 2009 Check #811 through #818 in the amount of $4,414.69

6. SBA

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the payroll, employer’s share of social security and unemployment, pay dates from: Pay 11 of 26 12 of 26 13 of 26

Pay Net Date Payroll 12/08/09 678,446.19 12/22/09 713,920.28 01/05/10 646,563.11

Employee Gross Deductions Payroll 246,985.96 1,214,561.63 246,871.86 1,257,492.38 243,395.84 1,182,651.62


Employer SH SS & SUI Total 87,062.19 1,301,623.82 88,377.16 1,345,869.54 96,138.46 1,278,790.08

7. SBA

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend a contract extension for the professional services contract with Donohue, Gironda and Doria, for the additional period from March 1, 2010 to June 30, 2010, at an additional cost of $58,900.00, by adoption of the following resolution: WHEREAS, at the Stated Session dated July 14, 2009, the Board awarded a professional service contract through a fair and open process pursuant to P.L. 2005, c.271 for Accounting and Consulting services, WHEREAS, the July 4 and July 5, 2009 advertisement requesting Statements of Qualifications for said services covered the period through June 30, 2010, but the original contract award stipulated a period limited from July 15, 2009 to October 31, 2009, and WHEREAS, in order to meet various fiscal accountability and compliance demands of the Business Office, including Grant Reporting, Board Secretary Reports, and numerous other demands, it is necessary to increase the length of period of contract of Donohue, Gironda & Doria to provide the level of Accounting and Consulting services required by the Business Office, and NOW, THEREFORE, it is requested that the Board approve an extension to the Professional Services contract for Accounting and Consulting services for the extended period beginning March 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2010 to Donohue, Gironda & Doria. Account 11-000-251-340-13-0259-000

8. SBA

Description Amount Extension to June 30, 2010 $ 58,900.00 November 17, 2009 addition 36,000.00 October 13, 2009 addition 14,400.00 Original Contract amount 20,000.00 $129,300.00

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend the acceptance of a $1,000.00 TV media grant from Rainbow Media Holdings, LLC for Hoboken High School, and authorize related revenue and appropriations as follows: Revenue: Appropriations:

20-1990-007 20-007-100-610-07-0890-000


$1,000.00 $1,000.00

9. SBA

Resolution Re: Modifications to Budget Account Allocations per Approved Corrective Action Plan to the 2008-09 School District Audit Whereas, the school district auditor recommended that the district review the allocation of expenses to various line item budget accounts, and Whereas, the Hoboken Board of Education approved a Corrective Action Plan including in part a response to said recommendation which indicated that the administration would review the allocation of expenses to various line item budget accounts and correct any items requiring a change in accounts to be charged, and Whereas, the assignment of budget line item accounts for certain employees necessitates a transfer of payroll charges from one line item account in the budget to another, Now therefore be it resolved, that the Hoboken Board of Education, after careful study and due deliberation, and based upon the recommendation of the finance committee, does hereby approve the attached list of payroll account line item transfers from the account originally assigned to the account now recommended, and Be it further resolved, that the School Business Administrator is hereby directed to make such adjusting entries and to make the corresponding appropriation adjustments to accommodate said adjustments, and Be it further resolved that, if said adjustments exceeds 10% of the aggregated budget lines, the School Business Administrator shall formally request the approval of the Hudson County Superintend of Schools, and Be it finally resolved that this resolution shall take effect immediately.

10. SBA

Resolution Re: School District Staff Allocated to Special State and Federal Grants for the 2009-10 Fiscal Year Whereas, the federal government requirements through administrative codes as outlined in CFR and the related administrative regulations of the USDOE and the state government requirements through administrative codes as outlined in NJAC 6 and the related administrative regulations of the NJDOE stipulate that each local educational agency receiving federal and state grants must approve by resolution of the governing body the names and salary amounts of personnel assigned to said grants for each fiscal year, and


Whereas, the Hoboken Board of Education receives federal and state grants as reflected in Fund 20, Special Revenues of its’ annual operating budget for the 2009-10 fiscal year, and Whereas, the respective grant applications submitted and the grant notifications accepted are detailed in school district records, Now therefore be it resolved, that the Hoboken Board of Education hereby approves the attached list of individuals assigned to personnel positions of approved state and federal grants for the 2009-10 fiscal year in the salary amounts listed for the budget accounts indicated and the grants described, and Be it further resolved, that this resolution be made available to any federal and/or state agency requiring a copy of the same for verification required by its’ auditors and/or staff members, and Be it finally resolved that this resolution shall take effect immediately. 11. SBA

Resolution Re: Authorization to Receive Bids for Construction Projects at Hoboken High School and Wallace Elementary School Whereas, the Hoboken Board of Education has previously approved applications to the State of New Jersey for a construction project entitled “Hoboken High School Repair Existing Curtainwall System” and for a construction project entitled “Wallace Elementary School Repair Electric Service and Parking Lot Lighting”, and Whereas, said applications have been approved for advertising by the state, and Whereas, the Mount Vernon Group Architects, Inc. have prepared the specifications for said bids, Now therefore be it resolved, that the Hoboken Board of Education hereby authorizes the advertisement for sealed competitive bids for the above two projects, and Be it further resolved, that the bids for said projects shall be scheduled to be opened on Tuesday, February 16, 2010 at 10:00 AM and 11:00 AM respectively at the Board of Education Offices, 1115 Clinton Street, Hoboken, New Jersey, and Be it further resolved, that the School Business Administrator is directed to place such legal notices as required in those newspapers so designated for said purpose, and Be it finally resolved that this resolution shall take effect immediately.


12. SBA

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend that the Board enter into a contract with Catapult Learning to provide on-site Title I after-school tutoring services to eligible Hoboken resident students attending the non-public school, Hoboken Catholic Academy as per NCLB, Title I, Part A equitable services requirement of NCLB, January through June 2010. Hoboken Catholic Academy – costs not to exceed $16,203.80 for student services and supplies charged to line #20-234-100-300-18-0152-000-8929 and #20-232100-300-18-0152-000-9276. 5% Administrative fee not to exceed $810.19 charged to line #20-232-200-30018-0150-405-9293.

13. SBA

Submitting for review and approval, I hereby recommend that the 2008-2009 professional services contract with On-Tech Consulting, Inc., Red Bank, New Jersey be extended for an additional six month period as E-Rate Management Consultant, for the Hoboken School District, for the extended period beginning January 1, 2010 and ending June 30, 2010. The Board has approved the following extensions on this contract: July 14, 2009 August 11, 2009 October 13, 2009

July 1, 2009 through August 31, 2009 September 1, 2009 through October 31, 2009 November 1, 2009 through December 31, 2009


14. SBA

Submitting for review and approval the following workshop requests: School/Dept.




Cost/Account Charged

1. Connors

a. 2/2/10

Christy Vespa Tammi Oberstein

Using Interactive Centers (K-2) Parsippany, NJ – Full day

Cost to District - $199.00 each 15-000-223-320-09-0257-000 Substitute teachers needed

b. 2/10/10

Renee Turonis

The Art & Science of School Nursing New Brunswick, NJ

Cost to District - $195.00 15-000-213-300-09-0257-000 Mileage travel reimbursement $.31 cents per mile - $105.00

c. 1/27/10

Francine Yu Veronica Ramos Kelly Sogluizzo

Incorporate Science & Engineering in Elem. Ed. Liberty Science Center, Jersey City, NJ Full day

No Cost to District Substitute teachers needed Substitutes paid by Stevens Inst.

a. 1/29/09

Helene Flood

Preparing Students for the Algebra I Competency Assessment – Piscataway, NJ Full day

Cost to District - $185.00 15-000-223-500-07-0251-000 Substitute teacher needed

b. 2/10/10

David White

Encouraging Students Toward Stern Monroe Township, NJ – Full day

No Cost to District

c. 1/20-22/10

Joanne Deni

Teen PEP Faculty Advisor Advance Training Princeton, NJ – Full day

No Cost to District Substitute teacher needed Mileage travel reimbursement $.31 cents per mile - $15.25 20-436-200-320-13-0257-000

a. 2/12/10

Toni Rotondo

Classroom Management and Effective Teaching of Children and Adolescents with Emotional And Behavioral Problems – Totowa, NJ

Cost to District - $164.00 15-000-223-320-05-0257-000 Substitute teacher needed Mileage travel reimbursement $.31 cents per mile - $21.70

2. HHS

3. Demarest


15. SBA





Cost/Account Charged

4. Calabro

a. 2/3/10

Saima Farooq

Investigations in Physical Science Liberty Science Center, Jersey City, NJ-Full Day

No Cost to District Substitute teacher needed


a. 1/19/10

Jennifer Lopez

NJ DOE Supplemental Educational Services Tech. Assistance Training, New Providence, NJ – Full day

6. Supt. Office

a. 1/20/10

Mary Tremitiedi Barbara Teller Damien Arnone

Combined District Test Coordinator Training Parsippany, NJ – 7:45 a.m. to 12:00 p.m.

No Cost to District Mileage travel reimbursement $.31 cents per mile - $15.20 20-234-200-500-18-0259-0000 8154 No Cost to District Mileage travel reimbursement $.31 cents per mile 15-401-100-800-05-0521-000 15-000-223-500-07-0251-000

Submitting for review and approval the following request for Out of State Travel for conferences, which require State approval after passage of Board resolution School/Dept.



1. Board Trustee a. 4/10-4/12/10 Frances Rhodes-Kerns

2. HHS

a. 1/27-1/28/10 Douglas MacAulay


Cost/Account Charged

NSBA Annual Conference Chicago, IL

Cost to District - $2,292.00 est. 11-000-230-585-11-0251-000

MSG Varsity Training Manhattan Edit Workshop, New York, NY Full day

No Cost to District Substitute teacher needed Mileage travel reimbursement $.31 cents per mile - $44.00 15-000-223-500-07-0251-000



9. SBA Attachment

List of Payroll Account Line Item Transfers



From Account #

To Account #

Entrup, Lucille Farina, Patricia Mezzina, Carmela Orta, Delia Raccuia, Madeline Taglieri, Claire Wendelken, Margaret

Clerk-Bus. Office Clerk-Bus. Office Sec.-Supt. Office Clerk-Supt. Office Clerk-Payroll Clerk-Bus. Office Sec.-Bus. Office

11-000-221-105-13-1098-000 11-000-221-105-13-1098-000 11-000-221-105-13-1098-000 11-000-221-105-13-1098-000 11-000-221-105-13-1098-000 11-000-221-105-13-1098-000 11-000-221-105-13-1098-000

11-000-251-100-12-1001-000 11-000-251-100-12-1001-000 11-000-230-100-11-1005-000 11-000-230-100-11-1005-000 11-000-251-100-12-1001-000 11-000-251-100-12-1001-000 11-000-251-100-12-1001-000

$ 52,748.80 57,404.88 74,543.82 55,701.88 39,982.80 58,399.90 63,438.96

Gullo Lynne Vega, Jessica Pala-Falco, Kimberly Cruz, Maria Ayala Bracero, Joanne LaBruno, Diane Lorenzo, Rosemarie Ramos, Maritza Santiago, Alicia

Clerk-HHS Clerk-HHS Clerk-Calabro Clerk-Demarest Clerk-Wallace Clerk-Wallace Clerk-Wallace Clerk-Connors Clerk-Connors

15-000-221-105-07-1030-000 15-000-221-105-07-1030-000 15-000-221-105-04-1030-000 15-000-221-105-05-1030-000 15-000-221-105-06-1030-000 15-000-221-105-06-1030-000 15-000-221-105-06-1030-000 15-000-221-105-09-1030-000 15-000-221-105-09-1030-000

15-000-240-105-07-1030-000 15-000-240-105-07-1030-000 15-000-240-105-04-1030-000 15-000-240-105-05-1030-000 15-000-240-105-06-1030-000 15-000-240-105-06-1030-000 15-000-240-105-06-1030-000 15-000-240-105-09-1030-000 15-000-240-105-09-1030-000

40,132.82 33,683.00 33,683.00 55,701.88 50,898.90 30,228.90 50,898.90 33,683.00 35,772.88

Bussanich, John Reilly, Bartholmew Carvalho, Eileen Morales, Maria

VP-Connors VP-Wallace VP-HHS VP-Wallace

15-000-221-102-06-1051-000 recent transfer 15-000-221-102-06-1051-000 15-000-221-102-07-1051-000 15-000-221-102-09-1051-000 recent transfer

15-000-240-103-09-1011-000 15-000-240-103-06-1011-000 15-000-240-103-07-1011-000 15-000-240-103-06-1011-000

129,789.92 129,789.92 129,789.92 124,730.84

Vega, Edith Falco, Elizabeth Matthew Burakowski

Prin-Brandt 11-000-221-102-13-0000-000 Interim Director Sp. Svc. 11-000-221-102-13-0000-000 Network System Adm. 11-000-222-100-13-1052-000

15-000-240-103-02-1011-000 11-000-219-104-20-1000-000 11-000-151-100-13-1052-000

140,286.00 137,086.00 52,999.96


Annual Salary

10. SBA Attachment

List of Employees Charged to State/Federal Grants and $ Amount Charged to Grant

State/Federal Grant




Contract/Per Diem/Hourly Rate for Grant

Preschool Education


Carolyn Best Yvonne Jiminez Celeste Joyce Giselle Rodriguez-Flora

Prof. Staff-Pre-K Prof. Staff-Pre-K Prof. Staff-Pre-K Prof. Staff-Pre-K

$ $ $ $

Preschool Education


Jessica Peters



Preschool Education


Denise Valentin


$ 33,683.00

Preschool Education


B. Davis D. Allison R. Calnan R. Garrick C. Pennington L. Schizani J. Purvis

Fiscal Specialist Security Security Security Security Custodian Security

$ $ $ $ $ $ $

Preschool Education


N. Moyeno

Parent Involvement

$ 53,000.00

Preschool Education


G. Iervolino Fusco J. Matthews

Master Teacher Master Teacher

$102,756.00 $101,668.00

Title I


J. Lopez


$ 93,939.00

Title I


V. Cassessa

Prof. Staff


Tile I


B. Medina


$ 31,738.00

Title I


G. Rodriguez


$ 53,383.00

Title IIA


K. Sogluizzo


$ 46,972.00


81,936.00 61,606.00 73,043.00 70,075.00

65,000.00 10,915.00 10,915.00 7,700.00 10,915.00 62,192.00 9,250.00

State/Federal Grant




Contract/Per Diem/Hourly Rate for Grant



M. Carroll

Guidance Counselor

$ 3,300.00

Other Special Programs


F. Sacci M. Busanich

Teacher Sub

$ 51,436.00 $ 100.00 per diem not to exceed $10,000.00

Other Special Programs


J. Lopez

Prof. Staff

$ 3,250.00



C. Blue A. Corvelli J. Kenny C. D’Elia J. Wanko E. Cruz

Prof. Staff Prof. Staff Prof. Staff Admin. Teacher Aide

$ 56,500.00 $ 57,708.00 $ 56,137.00 $111,026.00 $ 10,000.00 $ 10.00 per hour

Family Friendly Ctr.


L. Fusco J. DePinto A. Andreano I. LaBruzza M. Rosenblum M. Ocasio

Teacher Teacher Teacher Nurse Teacher Clerk

$ $ $ $ $ $

33.00 per hour 33.00 per hour 33.00 per hour 33.00 per hour 33.00 per hour 27.00 per hour



P. Straker



500.00 per diem

ARRA Title I


W. Cimielewski B. Normandia J. Lopez R. Freeman

Supv. Instr. Supv. Instr. Admin. Prof. Svc.

$ 500.00 per diem $ 500.00 per diem $ 13,871.00 $ 500.00 per diem



Thomas Jerram

Acting Fiscal Specialist



450.00 per diem not to exceed $25,000.

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