Lorraine Cella Principal Hoboken High School Resination announcement

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Hoboken Public Schools HOBOKEN HIGH SCHOOL 9th and Clinton Street

Hoboken, NJ 07030

Lorraine Cella, Ed. D., Principal

(201) 356-3703

Fax: (201) 356-3704


January 14, 2010

Dear Students, Staff, and Parents/Guardians of Hoboken High School, I write today to inform you that due to various circumstances, I have resigned as principal of Hoboken High School. My last day here is undetermined at this time, but it will be no later than March 15, 2010. First, I would like to thank the students of HHS. You are by far the best group of students with whom I have worked. You are bright, creative, passionate and accepting of each other. You welcomed me here with open arms and together we accomplished a lot. I wish each of you success now and in the future. I will miss you. Thank you for being part of my life. Next, I would like to thank the entire HHS certificated staff. We worked hard to accomplish our goals and to establish solid programs building on the strengths of the past as we moved to the future. I thank each of you for integrating our new programs into your daily work with students. I am extremely proud of our work together. The awards and honors we have received over the past two and half years are due to your dedication, excellence and commitment to HHS. I would also like to thank our extended staff of techs, clerks, custodians (Harvey, too), security guards, and cafeteria workers. We could not have achieved excellence without each of you. Finally, I would like to thank the parents of HHS students. I have enjoyed meeting with you, speaking about our programs, and engaging in conversations about ways to continue to improve HHS. I thank you for your support and your interest in HHS. As you know, HHS is a phenomenal place. Parents, if any of you wish to sit with me over the next few weeks and chat as I make a transition plan for the next principal, please do not hesitate to call for an available time. Students and staff, as you know, my door is always open. With warmest regard,

Lorraine Cella

Where Students Come First

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