Operation Bounty goes to $2000 reward

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Last Friday, the vying campaigns for the 4th ward special election voiced concerns to the State Attorney General on actions detrimental to free and fair elections. With the November 2nd special election two weeks away, both the Hoboken Journal and Mile Square View share misgivings about actions potentially disenfranchising both the 4th ward vote and similarly its impact on all of Hoboken.

"Operation Bounty"* a plan to take vote by mail/absentee ballot fraud head on with a reward for information leading to the arrest and conviction of any individual disenfranchising the vote using vote by mail/absentee ballots in the Hoboken special election is obviously creating a backlash in certain quarters where fair elections are apparently not the goal.

The Hoboken Journal and Mile Square View have been hopeful for a clean election in November but now it's become clear, our efforts along with the citizens of Hoboken supporting fair and legal elections are being targeted as a threat to legitimate voters. We do understand that vote by mail is designed to potentially increase voter turnout as per Common Cause but we would like to point out that the intent of vote by mail actually means voting by mail and not by messenger where the delivery of the ballot can't be guaranteed or the potential for it being compromised is increased. We fail to see the need to have "couriers" in most cases deliver ballots by hand when the postal system is more than capable of delivering people's votes to the Board of Elections to be properly tallied.

Although the goal is clear to any objective observer who wishes to see Hoboken enter the 21st century with clean standards in its electoral process, others are seeking to misinform residents and the Attorney General that supporters of Operation Bounty are looking to pay for names of vote by mail applicants.

This is clearly erroneous in both judgment and fact. Details of applications for vote by mail are readily available to anyone from the Hudson County Board of Elections. Backing the Hoboken community for clean and fair elections and one that carries such importance as this one requires an appropriate response. With the additional recent pledges of support from Hoboken citizens, Operation Bounty is proud to now double the reward to $2,000. *“Operation Bounty� is not partisan and is not affiliated with any campaign, political group or organization. The goal of this initiative is not voter suppression but to simply provide an economic incentive for anyone witnessing anything untoward to come forward and present their evidence to the proper authorities, State and/or Federal.

Press Release – Not for Distribution Paid for by the Hoboken Journal and Mile Square View blogs

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