Dave Roberts Tax Letter - Hoboken

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Dear Resident: Enclosed please find your current property tax bill. As we continue into this year, you will see that property taxes have stabilized due to forward planning and due diligence.


As always, I pledge to do my best to ensure the well being 'of our community and its citizens. Working together, we have made great strides in improving our quality of life while maintaining our social fabric which makes Hoboken such a wonderful and diverse community. With the support of the City Council we have accomplished much. Notably, we have approved a $52 million bonding issue to preserve our community hospital, Hoboken University Medical Center, formerly St. Mary Hospital. The hospital-has served -Hoboken and i-iudson County for motejhan acentury, serving tens of thousands of patients annually and employing more than a thousand Hudserr.County residents: -- . As you are aware, for years we have worked to create parks and open space, control development through implementation of the Master Plan, and overall quality of life upgrades. Again, we have been designated a "Tree City USA" community by the National Arbor Day Foundation. Most importantly, we need to directly affect the lives of future generations through our public schools. We have made great strides through linkage programs to greatly upgrade our science and technology curriculum. Now, we are poised to move ahead further with the appointment of a new Superintendent who will continne.to.move .... our.schools fOfward.,--------We have many opportunities and options for this year. I hope we can all work as a team to achieve our goals. Lastly, I would like to thank our service men and women who are working here and overseas to protect our freedom and way of life. As I have always said, it is an honor to serve you as Mayor and my door is always open to you. Sincerely,

4f2J&Jf Mayor David Roberts

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