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Draft Only For Discussion Purposes

Each of the 3 key themes include a statement that describes the general views, values and aspirations expressed by the community and this is followed by a series of Guiding Principles that set out the key improvements that the community want to see occur.

Arranging the vision into a series of key themes and principles provides a way to clearly describe the core values and priorities of the community, but also provides a framework for the community to think about the potential projects and initiatives that they would like to see undertaken to bring the vision to life.

Pride of Place and Local Identity

Bringing The Community Closer Together

A Place That Is Easier and Safer To Move Around


Pride of Place and Local Identity

The local community want to improve the tidiness, overall appearance of the area and strengthen the green character and connection to the creeks and natural features.

Whilst many people throughout the consultation said that they enjoy living in Seabrook and Altona Meadows, many people also expressed that they felt frustrated and even embarrassed by how the area looks. Dumping of rubbish and graffiti, poorly maintained residences and nature strips, and the need to improve the appearance of the main public spaces, shopping areas and gateways were all recurring themes. Many residents also value the ‘quiet’ suburban character, but on the flip side a lot of people also expressed a feeling that the area is ‘a bit boring’ and ‘lacks character’. The area’s access to creeks, beaches and natural areas is one of its most special and valued features, and there is a desire to focus on enhancing the connections to these features and increasing the amount of greenery throughout the local area as a way to strengthen the local identity and character.

Guiding Principles

All future projects within Seabrook and Altona Meadows should, wherever practical, aim to achieve the following key principles:

1.1 Develop new initiatives, projects and partnerships that will reduce rubbish and graffiti and improve the overall tidiness and amenity of Seabrook and Altona Meadows

Improve the appearance, quality and maintenance of the main ‘gateways’, public spaces and shopping areas within Seabrook and Altona Meadows to help lift the overall image and character of the local area

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