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Bringing The Community Closer Together
There is a strong desire to provide ‘more to do’ in the local area, to improve public spaces and the character local shopping areas, and to support new events and activities that will help to bring the community together
One of the most commonly expressed ideas throughout the consultation was to try to have more of the ‘daily needs’ in the local area - a greater choice of shops, somewhere to meet and grab coffee, and more places and things ‘to do’ that would increase community interaction and connection. Whilst it was widely acknowledged that the area already has significant open space reserves and recreation opportunities, there was a lot of feedback around the opportunity to improve facilities like seating, toilets and shelters as a way to increase the usage of community spaces. But the biggest, and probably the most strongly supported idea from a community viewpoint was the desire to have a high school built in the local area - with this being seen as one of the the most important issues and priorities for the future of the local community.
Guiding Principles
All future projects within Seabrook and Altona Meadows should, wherever practical, aim to achieve the following key principles:
2.1 Develop new initiatives, events and partnerships that will help to bring more of the ‘daily needs’ into the local area and within closer distance so that they can ideally be accessed without the need to get in a car
Focus on undertaking improvements and adding new facilities into important community destinations and meeting places in Seabrook and Altona Meadows, such as local shopping areas (where possible) and parks, to make them more inviting, safe and functional for the whole community
Engage with community leaders and local younger and older people to investigate opportunities to provide new activities, events and public facilities. Look for opportunities to activate underutilised buildings and spaces that will give people of all ages ‘more to do’ in the local area and help to bring the community together
Undertake investigations to provide an up to date assessment of the level of demand, feasibility and government position regarding the delivery a local high school. Continue to share the community’s sentiment for the delivery of a local high school and advocate with relevant elected officials to help generate attention and momentum.