1 minute read




The prehuman phase starts after landing of the first rocket. All of the equipment exits and gets to the bottom of the Marius hills pit by the help of a lightweight crane. All set for exploration and defining of the position of the habitat.


After successful sending of the consistency information and samples, we can determine the floor stabilisation and suitable position. The aquaponics system in rover gets activated and is ready for the deployment, creating space for circulation and leisure on 80 m2 for the future inhabitants.

Module Assembly

While researching the life support system we got inspired by the water walls bag system (Ref. M. Cohen) which influenced our spherical form finding for the modules of around 25 m2. Walls of the modules would consist of the water wall bags pressed between the rigid outer structure with technical part and heating of the modules in the part below and storage space in the part above.

Transportation of modules would be possible with NASA athlete, which would be able to attach or detach the modules from the rocket and once arriving to the lunar surface being able to move.

After arrival, our modules would connect via preintegrated system and attach to the deployable structure with already functioning lab and greenhouse..

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