Department of Building Construction and Design Institute of Architecture and Design
Vienna University of Technology
a project by
wherever needed about a thousand years from now 2056 six astronauts bringing people together and seeking for progress to get us up to the stars
Armin Ramovic | Gilles Schneider
from galaxy to galaxy
we are seeking for the freedom of movement in outer space. therefore, we see mars as a stop-over, where we collect information so we can improve and develop the technologies that we need to get to the point where humanity can travel freely from galaxy to galaxy.
mobility on mars
to reach our goal, we are providing a rover as transportation to move people and cargo from one place to another on mars.
with the possibility of attaching any kind of module to our rover, the only limitation is your imagination. this makes research on mars much easier with the possibility of taking your lab with you on the road.
R1 | steady mode M3 |
rover ready to move with foldables folded up (down left), wings closed front view (down right) and side view (up right)
possibilities due to the rovers spherical shape it can respond quickly to changes in direction.
the implementation of movable wings in every direction, such as being able to turn up to 180 degrees, gives the rover the ability to roll, level its height, find grid on uneven ground and even crawl if needed.
orange wing shown in moving and travelling mode,
red wing flipped around like used in steady and crawling mode,
gray parts adjusting distance and controlling suspension of the wings between rover and ground.
mechanics of the rotating parts W1 |
M7 | performing on rough terrain M6 | getting into steady position M5 | operating on uneven ground M4 |
finding grid to start exploring
living and working
for longer missions, there are modules available to attach to the rover, which provide enough space for a micro living unit containing two beds, which can be folded up to become a seating area with a dining table, a small kitchen, some cupboards and a lavatory.
another module provides a laboratory equipped with everything you need for small experiments on the road.
inside a living (left) and a laboratory (right) module R3
fuel cells
energy capacity for two days running time in moving mode (modules attached), about four days in travelling mode.
additional energy needed during e.g. a month long research mission, solar panels unfold in steady mode and charge fuel cells.
autonomous driving
rover uses newest technologies like autonomous driving, therefore humans will not be in charge of steering the rover.
this results in the possibility of letting the rover do cargo missions on its own, without human presence.
rover is getting ready to attach to the martian habitat
S1 | adjusting height, opening up wings and deploying modules S2 | receiving or delivering cargo from or to the habitat S3 |
usability of the rover
after a long day of travelling around on mars it is time to take a break at a villages‘ service station along one of the many crossroads connecting the various occuring cities in order to charge the rovers fuel cells and to fill the travellers‘ bellies.
travelling from one city to the other with cargo S4 | getting into steady position and unfolding solar panels S5 | space walk to collect samples for research S6 |
scanning and interacting with the martian soil
S7 | operating on uneven ground by adjusting arm lengths of the rovers wings
S8 |
hopping of the rover to take a break F1 |
the village core expands itself by time in a circular shape. the power facilities, as well as the landing site, sit further away from the village center in order to keep its security distance to the fragile instruments and structures.
connecting the habitat
the habitat consists of multiple inflatable structures, connected with an airlock among each other. most inflatables have bigger docking stations for the rovers integrated in their shell.
masterplan V1 |
1 2 3
landing site
power facilities
primary structures of the village secondary structures, add-ons, ... connecting paths between different sites
TIMETABLE connecting mars
step by step, more and more space agencies will arrive on mars and will start building up their community. since we depend as much on them, as they rely on us, we need to lean on their time schedule and start setting up a transporation mean as soon as they start growing a livable city for a various number of people.
that is when we come in. looking at the dates set from our companions we will start 2056 with our first villages and crossroads mostly on the west side of mars, slowly connecting the eastern and middle parts until we have a connected martian surface by 2120.
adventum – r. neumerkel, m. vecerdi P1 | ice age – a. brückler, e. hamzic P2 |
connecting martian cities C1 |
moving mars with the first villages set up, the carriage of humans and goods can start. our service will provide an increase in freedom of mobility and contribute to the advancement of research in space and thus the progress of humanity.
apoika – j. gündar P3 | terra mars – m. bula, m. ivanova, s. stoyanova P4 |
timeplan T1 |
a project by
Gale Crater
3D printed shell around inflatable vessel
Maria Ivanova | Svetla Stoyanova | Mykhailo Bula
The main objective is to establish a human habitat on Mars as a permanent base for a small group of scientists, with the possibility to expand over time and undertake the role of a second home for the human species. The harsh Martian enviroment with extremely low temperatures, frequent dust storms and unbreathable air has challenged us to look for tested practices and innovations, which will yield the optimal solutions.
Our priority is to provide a healthy and safe environment for the crew and to support their sustained productivity. One of the main topics for us is the provision of natural light, because it is an essential factor in maintaining mental health. Apart from that, the protection of the natural martian enviroment is key.
Using a hybrid structure, consisting of an inflatable vessel brought from Earth and implementing in-situ resources to build a protective shell, we aim to offer a smart, fitting and unique design.
The Gale Crater is a well known location with quite familiar terrain, thanks to the Curiosity Rover mission. It has access to a variety of topographies and its close proximity to the Equator has benefits, such as higher daily temperatures and more direct sunlight per year.
As safety is an important topic, we chose the large flat area on the edge of the crater as the initial site. The highly predictable flat plain is a safe area for launching and landing and also offers a diverse view of the landscape, as well as architectural flexibility.
TIMELINE HB2 | MARS SCIENCE CITY STAGE I STAGE II STAGE III year population 2030 2034 2040 2070 0 5 50 initial base expansion 1 preparation
Gale Crater location
57 TERRA MARS ? STAGE IV STAGE V 2100 2130 300 1000 1000+ expansion 2 expansion 3 possibilities in the future 100% ~60% ~40% ~20% 0% 100% ~60% ~40% ~20% 0% 100% ~60% ~40% ~20% 0% Radiation protection Vegetation Natural light
After careful consideration the Gale crater area is choosen as the location for the rst martian habitat. The terrain is quite familiar thanks to the Curiosity rover mission, which makes it a relatively safe place to land.
The rst rocket lands and brings robots with the purpose to build a shelter for the upcoming human mission.
After arriving on site, the excavating robot digs a hole, where the underground part of the base is placed. After that, the vessel is in ated and the two airlocks are added. Now the 3d printing robot can begin building the shell around it. While one robot is printing, the other sets up the solar panels, so the base can be powered.
Two years later, the second rocket arrives and brings the greenhouse along with a rover. The greenhouse is set and the robots start growing food for the future inhabitants. Meanwhile the shell is ready and nal preperations are underway, such as setting up all life support and energy production.
It is time for the rst humans to arrive and history to be written. As everything is ready for them, thanks to the robots, the crew of ve can now start scouting the area and developing their new home. It won’t be long until more humans arrive, so the crew has a lot to do by then, but they also take time to enjoy the view :)
year population 2030 2034 2040 0 5 1 2 3 4
As more people arrive, the settlement expands. People continue developing the greenhouses, as well as set additional buildings, which will temporarily serve as habitation quarters. New structures are built around the initial base and pressurized tunnels are used for connections.
As more people arrive, the settlement expands. People continue developing the greenhouses, as well as set additional buildings, which will temporarily serve as habitation quarters.
New structures are built around the initial base and pressurized tunnels are used for connections.
The new structures start to change their function and become common areas. More domes and regolith modules are added as the population grows, each bringing speci c functions and characteristics of a developing city.
The new structures start to change their function and become common areas. More domes and regolith modules are added as the population grows, each bringing speci c functions and characteristics of a developing city.
The settlement will produce it’s own water, food and air, but will still receive imports from Earth every 26 months, needed for its development and comfort for the citizens.
The settlement will produce it’s own water, food and air, but will still receive imports from Earth every 26 months, needed for its development and comfort for the citizens.
Years later the settlement starts to look like a real city. The third and last signi cant expansion forms a city with its own government. Industrial manufacturing keeps growing, as does food production. The goal of complete self-sustainability is closer then ever.
Years later the settlement starts to look like a real city. The third and last signi cant expansion forms a city with its own government. Industrial manufacturing keeps growing, as does food production. The goal of complete self-sustainability is closer then ever.
One of the further possibilities, if technology allows, could be to cover the whole city with a glass dome, providing a safe environment and allowing people free movement within city limits.
One of the further possibilities, if technology allows, could be to cover the whole city with a glass dome, providing a safe environment and allowing people free movement within city limits.
More cities will rise further in the future, but this one will remain humanity’s rst signi cant step on Mars.
More cities will rise further in the future, but this one will remain humanity’s rst signi cant step on Mars.
59 TERRA MARS 1 2 3 4
year population 2040 2070 2100 2130 50 300 1000 1000+ 5 6 7
year population 2040 2070 2100 2130 50 300 1000 1000+
5 6 7 8
The first two missions will be robotic-only and will prepare the base for the first humans. We will use the SpaceX rocket - Starship, as it is big enough to fit the necessary cargo. The first one will launch in 2030 and will transport the habitat over in two parts - the inflatable vessel, which will be put above ground and the underground unit. A 3D printer, an excavation robot and a construction robot will be brought to build the base and make everything ready for the humans.
The second mission will bring the greenhouse and a rover. Energy will be needed for the base to properly function, and will be generated from solar panels and a nuclear reactor. The harsh Martian enviroment will be a true challenge for humans, therefore it is important for them to have all life support ready when they arrive.
With the third rocket, a crew of five people will arrive. They will bring an antenna for communication with Earth and additional supplies for their survival on Mars. The robots should already be finished with their job, so the humans can start researching Mars and developing their new home there.
Starship (Space X)
Height: 50 m
Payload diameter: 9 m
Payload capacity: 100+ t
For safety reasons the base will be 3km away from the landing zone. It will have two airlocks - one to connect to the greenhouse and one for the rover. The solar panels and the nuclear reactors will be at a safe distance, but at the same time close enogh for maintenance. An antenna will be nearby, so the crew can have a connection with Earth. Because the base is located on a flat plane area, future habitat development can expand in every direction and use the space in the most advantageous way.
Landing zone (distance: 3 km) Solar panels Initia base Greenhouse Rover Airlock 1 Airlock 2 Kilopower nuclear reactors Antenna 50 m 0 10 20 30 40
- preparing the in atable
- searching for underground ice
- setting up a power source
- start printing the shell
- collecting water
- prepering the life support
- making oxygen
- setting up the base
second robot mission
- research
- fuel production
- base expanding and developement
3d printer excavator construction and maintance in atable habitat solar panels
greenhouse rover moxie
nuclear reactor
crew antenna supplies
underground habitat unit Cargo: STAGE II
rst human mission
rst robot mission
Sunrays coming through the skylight will carry light all the way to the underground level. The shells openings allow reflected daylight to penetrate into the upper levels.
The 3D-printed shell made from regolith will shield the inside from radiation. The water-filled skylight will be used as extra protection. The underground level is completly safe, and will also serve as shelter in case of solar particle events.
Apart from the greenhouse, plants will also grow in the atrium, allowing the crew to experience nature on every level. The garden on the upper level will connect to the recreation zone. Plants can reduce stress and relax the inhabitants, while they also produce some of the nutrition for them.
As natural light is insufficient, additional artificial light will be needed. LED lighting is the most energy-efficient option.
As natural light is insucient, additional arti cial light will be needed. LED lightning is the most energy-e cient option.
Grey water from sinks and showers can be used to water the plants as part of the zero waste concept.
Grey water from sinks and showers can be used to water the plants as part of the zero waste concept.
The water vapor from the plants transpiration could be later tuned into clean water.
Recycling inedible biomass from plants and human waste will help to provide plants with water and fertilizers.
Recycling inedible biomass from plants and human waste will help provide plants with water and fertilizers.
regolith, combined with the addition of the necessary nutrients will serve as soil for plants.
Martian regolith combined with the addition of the necessary nutrients will serve as soil for plants.
62 HB2 | MARS SCIENCE CITY Working Medical unit Recreation Gym WC 80 3 0 25 0 3 0 25 8 20 0 1 0 12 0 10 0 Systems Command center 10 m 0 5
CO 2 O 2
Possible plants (grown in space):
brassica rapa
cinnamon basil
sun ower
zinnia elegans
The water vapor from the plants transpiration could be later turned into clean water.
63 TERRA MARS to greenhouse to rover kitchen/ dining medical/ bio lab sanitary work/lab gym recreation sanitary private ground level +1 level -1 level garden vertical garden vertical garden vertical garden circulation visual connection direct connection workshop
64 10 m 0 5 ±0.00 +0.90 Food stowage Working Medical unit Kitchen Command center Stowage EVA prep room Stowage Emergency clap-bed Primary airlock A B B Dining HB2 | MARS SCIENCE CITY 3D printed shell Aerogel Reflective Surface
The ground floor will connect to the two airlocks. The medical unit is close to the rover entrance, in case of an injured crew member entering from outside. The kitchen is close to the greenhouse and both have abundant storage space for food and supplies. The working area is also on the same floor.
The upper level consists of a gym and a small garden with an adjacent recreation area. The crew members will have the opportunity to go there to relax, read a book or even watch a movie.
The private rooms are on the underground level. They are completely protected from radiation and could also serve as a shelter in case of a solar particle event. Despite the limited space, the rooms are cosy, equipped with large beds, desks and a small wardrobe for each person. In addition, this floor holds a small storage space and a hygiene unit.
As plants need sunlight to photosynthesise and grow, humans need sunlight in order to thrive and be happy. Natural light causes our bodies to release adequate levels of serotonin and vitamin D – the key ingredients needed to regulate our mood, to maintain a healthy appetite, to sleep properly and even remember things better. In order to increase the comfort of the crew, we chose a specific 3D shell design, that allows for penetration of natural light, while offering protection from radiation at the same time. As an additional advantage, the reduction of artificial lighting will result in energy savings and provide more economical circulation of the self sustainng system.
65 Stowage Secondary airlock A TERRA MARS
Melas Chasma
2120 2030
6 3D-printed in-situ fluid interior space
Julian Graf | Alma Kugic
a project by
Architecture on Earth plays a critical role in the way we live, but the conditions on Mars are unlike anything on Earth (high radiation, thin atmosphere, seasonal dust storms, etc.). With these challenges, building on Mars reaches a higher level of importance, since buildings are like machines that keep humans alive and well. Planning in advance and developing a sustainable process that minimizes energy, space and resource consumption is therefore of great importance.
The main idea of the project is to build a selfsustainable habitat, which eventually developes into a city. Ab-Origo (lat. from the beginning) is 3D-printed in-situ and robotically assembled. Structures are thought to be resilient and interior layouts tuned to mission demands and mental health of the crew.
2022: scouting for a suitable piece of land and resources pop.: 0
2026: sending a ship with basic structures that allow humans to live on Mars temporarily and starting to build a habitat pop.: 0
pop. = population N E S T I N G 2 I N H A B I T I N G 3
2030 : starting life in the temporary habitat and starting the production of sustainable nurishment and power pop.: 6
The project will be built in the southwestern Melas Basin, which is part of the vast Melas Chasma, the largest valley on Mars. This location has been referred to by experts many times as being one of the landing spots best suited for the first human mission to Mars, most recently in NASA‘s „Landing Site for Mars Rover Mission“ workshop in 2020. Not only is it one of the locations with the highest natural air pressure on Mars, but there are also many regions of interest containing various resources closeby.
many regions of interest high natural air pressure probability of underground ice high range of diverse terrain
2120: connecting multiple structures to start the formation of a Mars city pop.: 150 +
2040: expanding the settlement with additional living quarters , labs , greenhouses and power supplies pop.: 50
Melas Chasma
E X P A N D I N G 4 C R E A T E L I F E 6 5 C U L M I N A T I N G
Whatever a future Mars society may look like, people will spend most of their time indoors. In order for the crew to stay mentally stable over a long period of time it is of tremendous importance to not feel trapped in a confined space. That‘s why one of the main design principles was to create a fluid spatial programm with spaces as open and connected as possbile. The habitats‘ functional areas are separated by different levels rather than walls. An open space encourages crew communication and contributes to good mental health.
The rooms are arranged in a certain spatial hierarchy, with the most private rooms being placed at the end of the spatial chain and the more common spaces simultaneously functioning as hallways. This way, no valuable space is wasted and necessary havens of privacy are created.
landing the prefabricated airlocks and preparing the site
constructing a framework
3D-printing the interior by making use of the framework as track
covering the construction printing a cover of martian regolith around the habitat
1 2 3 4 5
inherent stability aerodynamic
covered by 3D-printing buildable without humans
fluid room programm
visual links between different levels
logical space hierarchie configuration according to radiation
Sleeping quarters are diverse in shape and offer a variety of living spaces. If necessary, the wall between quarters 1 and 2 can be removed, and the room can be used by a couple.
To convey a certain feeling of privacy, the underground floor is divided on two levels, where the center serves as a small common space, with sleeping quarters and a bathroom surrounding it.
The entrance level serves as a distribution space for working and non-working areas. The working areas, the laboratory and the communications area, accessible via
stairs upwards, are situated right next to the entrance. The dining space is placed in the center of the habitat, close to the kitchen and the passage to the greenhouse. The recreational area, mostly used for fitness and relaxing, is divided by a patrician wall that serves as a ladder to reach another rather quiet area; the gallery.
72 section
structure starting to grow around habitat
structure forms city vertically
closes on top to form an artificial atmosphere
HB2 | MARS SCIENCE CITY light light light gastro gastro
In his famous concept „Ville Spatiale“ Yona Friedman proposed a grid-like megastructure to be placed over the existing structures and thus forming a new habitable space. The projects‘ expansion concept works similarly: The starting base expands over time by adding further habitats with additional functions like greenhouses, a seperate gym, larger laboratories, etc. Then, a habitable regolith megastructure slowly starts growing around the village, forming a vertical city on its way. In the last step, the megastructure closes on top to form an artificial atmosphere, englufing the village and forming the Mars Science City
Weak points are intentionally added in the 3D-printing process of the initial habitats‘ interior structure, supported by the outer grid. This way the inside can be reconfigurated
landing site power reactor 3km 3km 75