MASH – Part 1 - Deployable Emergency Shelter on Mars – Design Studio 2012/13

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Deployable Emergency Shelter on Mars

Department for Building

Construction and Design – HB2

Vienna University of Technology


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Deployable Emergency Shelter on Mars


Department for Building Construction and Design – HB2

Institute of Architecture and Design

Vienna University of Technology

MASH - Deployable Emergency Shelter on Mars

Published by Vienna University of Technology Institute of Architecture and Design Department for Building Construction and Design – HB2

Prof. Gerhard Steixner http://www.hb2.tuwien.a

Authors and Editors:

Dr. Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger, Dipl. Ing. Polina Petrova


Dr. Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger, Dipl. Ing. Polina Petrova, Dipl. Ing. Laura Hannappel, Dipl. Ing. San-Hwan Lu

Translation: Ing. Gabriela Adam

Original text and projects by the participating students

Copyright: Department, Authors, Students

Photo credits: HB2, unless otherwise indicated

Printing: Vicadruck Vienna

ISBN: 978-3-200-03039-8

Supported by:

5 The Design Studio The Studio Approach Project Team Research Activity-based spatial Analysis Deployable Structures Specific Features Workshop Austrian Space Forum Design Concepts Workshop Prototype The Project Emergency Scenarios Designproject Mars Dress Rehearsal Meeting The Prototype Prototype Development Field Study in Morocco Post-Mission Evaluation Content 07 13 25 57

The Design Studio

25 students of the Vienna University of Technology worked in groups on different concepts for a deployable and portable emergency shelter for Mars that finally resulted in one common project.


The Studio Approach


Mars surface infrastructure as anticipated for future human missions includes habitation, rover and infrastructure facilities. Exposure of an unprotected human body to the harsh Martian environment, caused for example by malfunction of the space suit or the life support system, can result in serious health damage or even in sudden death.

With regards to potential Extra-Vehicular Activities (EVA) due to science explorations and related safety issues to be performed on Mars, we recommend an additional crew support element. The primary feature of such an element shall be a portable and deployable shelter which can be employed in the event of an emergency that would require immediate action and where return to the base / rover is not possible in due time.

Objective and Design Task

The shelter shall be compactly packed, lightweight and be carried by one astronaut, similar to a “rucksack” or “suitcase” typology. It shall be easy to deploy and accommodate up to two astronauts wearing space suits, e.g. one injured astronaut and one helper astronaut.

It shall temporarily provide a breathable atmosphere for a minimum duration of up to 48h until rescue arrives (rover, other astronaut) or immediate emergency ceases (successful first aid, change of conditions).

Furthermore, deployment of a portable shelter will prolong EVA activities on Mars missions. Astronauts

could possibly stay in the shelter overnight (if required for an experiment for example) or use it to take a short break either planned or due to an unexpected issue.

The Studio

During the 2012 winter term 25 students in the Master of Architecture program developed a series of emergency shelter design concepts.

Based on our design brief for the deployable shelter we assigned the students to three research groups:

(1) Activity-based spatial Analysis: This group analyzed the relationship between the required human activities during emergency situation and potential architectural solutions.

(2) Deployable Structures: Students in this group concentrated on potential structure typologies for the shelter and related materials.

(3) Specific Features: This research includes selected interesting ideas and partial solutions for potential challenges of the specific environment.

At the same time, students developed their ideas into initial concepts. Following extensive reviews by the project team and our external experts the most promising concepts were chosen for further development and the first big-scale-models were built.

In total three prototypes were developed and tested. The second prototype was tested with the suit tester during the Dress Rehearsal Meeting in Innsbruck. The


final prototype was transported to Morocco to be tested within the OEWF Mars Analog Field Simulation between 01. - 28. February 2013.

Along the design process, we have evaluated the shelter concept concerning its usability, functionality and adaptability.

The structure of the booklet follows the work process.

Further information:

MARS - NASA explores the red planet

Morocco Mars Analog Simulation

Department Hochbau 2 Publications


Project Team

Vienna UT

Project Lead

Dr.-Ing. Sandra Häuplik-Meusburger


Ass.Prof. Department HB2

Expertise: Architecture and Habitability in extreme environment, adaptable and flexible habitation design

Extended Team

Medical Consulta nts:

Dr. Simon N. Evetts , Wyle GmbH, Medical Projects and Technology Unit Lead, Crew Medical Support Office, European Astronaut Centre; Dr. Chan Sivanesan , Intern, Crew Medical Support Office (HSO-UM), European Astronaut Centre (EAC)

Consultant for Prototyping: DI Michael Schultes

DI Irmgard Derschmidt

DI. Polina Petrova


Ass.Prof. Department HB2

Expertise: deployable space frames and freeform deployable structures

Consultants for the AOUDA space suit: Dr. Gernot Grömer, OEWF; Daniel Föger, Analog astronaut, OEWF, Physics Student

Simonauts TU-Student team: Zuzana Kerekretyova , Nikolaus Gutscher and Kristoffer Stefan

DI. San-Hwan Lu


Ass.Prof. Department HB2

Expertise: building technology and design, complex builiding envelope geometries

OEWF Analog Astronauts: Christoph Gautsch , Gernot Grömer and Daniel Schildhammer

Florian Mathias Aigner Ottokar Benesch Tzvetan Dineff Nico FliegerDaniel Galonja Nikolaus Gutscher Katarina JosipovicNikolas KarhanZuzana Kerekretyova Thomas Kropatschek Rene Mathe Thomas MilchramMarkus MitrovitsBenjamin Mrowetz Aida Mulic Alexander NanuJosef ÖhrenederTanja PavlovicMarcin Puchalski Kathrin Rainer Markus ScherzKristoffer Stefan Nina TicaStéphanie Toussaint Kristina Zodl
Zanella Kux, OEWF


Based on the preliminary design brief for the deployable shelter students worked in groups on relevant research topics.


Activity-based spatial Analysis Research

The students analyzed the spatial requirements for two astronauts based on spatial maneuverability, human activities and interaction. The aim was to define the minimal space envelope necessary for the emergency shelter. This requires the specification of typical emergency scenarios which can be expected during ExtraVehicular Activities (EVA) on Mars.

Combinations of different emergency situations were analyzed regarding spatial requirements for the recovery (rescue) activities and the feasibility of these scenarios. This is strongly related to other design criteria like the maximum size and weight possible to be carried by one astronaut.

reach radius: standing


reach radius: sitting

reach radius: relaxed sitting

MUST - SHOULD - COULD front view side view front view side view
view side view
plan floor plan
front view side view front view side view front view side view front view side view front view side view front view side view front view side view front view side view floorplan floorplan front view side view floorplan floorplan floorplan floorplan floorplan floorplan floorplan

2D and 3D diagrams, analog simulations performed by the students as well as some inputs from the Aouda Spacesuit-Tester were carried out and analyzed during this research. The evaluation then served as a basis for the definition of possible scenarios using the shelter and for roughly determining shelter size.

for entering the
219 220 220 173 5 132 975 65 1545 65 65 875 1085 199 99 1035
Activity-based analysis with the Aouda-Spacesuit
shelter Movement analysis


Combination 1: all configurations

Combination 2: all configurations without transport

Combination 3: all configurations without transport without lying on „bed“


Combination 4: without transport without lying on „bed“ without removing suite



Combination 5: only sitting and crouching

Combination 6: only sitting




front view side view front view side view front view side view front view side view front view side view front view side view

Deployable Structures Research

An important feature of the emergency shelter is its compactly packed lightweight structure that allows it to be carried by one astronaut, similar to a “rucksack” or “suitcase” typology. On the other hand it should accommodate up to two astronauts (with space suits) when deployed by expanding to five times its initial size. In case of an emergency requiring immediate action it should be fast and easy to deploy by the uninjured astronaut.

These special features implicate a wide range of challenges and require an analytical study of different typologies of deployable structures. The students analyzed different deployable systems like pneumatic systems, deployable bar and surface structures, hanging films and bells. Basic kinematic concepts were worked out and specific case studies were simulated. All systems were evaluated in regards to design criteria like weight, stability, handling and reusability. The research which was carried out brought critical reflections to light and furthermore serves as a basis for future experiments with the ideas and techniques that were revealed.

Mixed system: mechanic, pneumatic
Pneumatic system Surface folding system Telescopic system Mixed system: mechanic, pneumatic

Specific Features Research

In addition to the study of deployable structures, capable of only changing size and volume, some other features of the shelter like functional and topographical adaptability were explored by another group of stude nts. In this research the topic of Mars topography and the required design features to withstand this surface were tested. In comparison to known earth surface typologies, the Mars surface most closely resembles Earth’s rocky surfaces. Therefore the shelter should have adaptable parts at the bottom, e.g. telescopic feet. In this manner, the

adjustment to the surface does not have to be all at once. By adjusting the telescopic elements leveling could be achieved on uneven surfaces. Another possible solution could be pneumatic elements in the form of spheres or tubes on the bottom of the shelter. These would be separately inflatable, thus enabling height adjustments in relation to the uneven terrain surface. To increase stability, adjustable pneumatic “thorns” can be added to the underside of the membrane to stabilize the shelter on the uneven Mars surface.

Adaptation to the ground by telescopic struts

Another important topic was the adaptability of the shelter in regard to functional requireme nts. Students also focused their research on the adaptability of the structure through changing its shape, which allows manifold different human activities to take place within its confines without increasing the volume of the structure. Different mechanical devices to control the shape of the structure consisting of either rigid foldable frame eleme nts, pneumatic muscles or cables, were tested and evaluated with focus on usability and simplicity.

point support / pads

linear support / hoses

Functional adaptability

Adaption to the ground surface by double-layered pads with connected external-chamber

Workshop Austrian Space Forum

29th - 30th October, Innsbruck

The team visited the OEWF office in Innsbruck (Austrian Space Forum) to get relevant technical and user-related information about their analog spacesuit AOUDA to incorporate that into the shelter´s design process.

Day 1: Dr. Gernot Grömer, OEWF’s chairman, gave a presentation on Mars’ atmosphere and avail able materials and machines. At AOUDA spacesuit lab, a demonstration on how the spacesuit is put on was given. All of the students were able to try on gloves and do exercises, such as tying shoelaces or operating walkie-talkies.


Day 2: The group did role playing to better understand the astronauts’ needs on Mars and what different alterations of the design would mean to the users. Furthermore, equipment such as a mini rover was demon strated. The group got to try everything themselves, to once again see things from the analog astronauts’ perspective.

Design Concepts

Several concepts were developed by the students in multiple design stages. The further progress of the design project Mars and its prototypes is on the basis of the concept „res[C]ue me“ (page 51) .


Deployment of the Spiral

Adaption of the Shelter

state 1state 2state 3
2. The suitcase is placed on the ground and unpacked. 1. The shelter is packed into a “suitcase”.3. The floor is inflated. 4. The spiral starts to inflate. 5. The spiral is inflated to the first stage. Astronauts enter the shelter. 6. Astronauts sit in the shelter. They can adapt the size of the shelter to the needed state.

Spiral System

As an inspiration for the emergency shelter design we took the spiral. It is a flexible form that can easily change its size in both directions. Both length and height depend on the required form.

We studied the behavior of a spiral under the infl uence of various forces and developed the following concept: The shelter´s deployability, collapsibility and flexibility is based on simple screwing and stretching of the spiral, which serves as the main structural element. It is a pneumatic tube made of airtight silnylon fabric. Depending on the air pressure inside this tube, the spiral´s density as well as shelter size can be controlled.

State 1: The state with the biggest height and the smallest length - both astronauts can stand inside the shelter

State 2: A state between 1 and 3 - both astronauts are able to sit in the shelter

State 3: The state with the largest length - the astronauts are able to lie and kneel

The skin of the shelter is made out of multilayered stretchy fabric. It consists of an airtight inner membrane (Silnylon) and a midlayer - a strong fabric woven from Panox and Vectra fibers. On the outside the skin is coated with aluminum that protects the shelter from radiation.

The skin is flexibly connected to the spiral and can move around it. This movement is provided by stripes (made from the same material as the inner membrane) welded onto the inner side of the skin pulling over the spiral. The biggest advantage is that the size of the emergency shelter can be adjusted even when astronauts are already inside.

State 3 State 2 State 1
28 radius of the frame frame back seat floor plate center of rotation back seat leg area frame

Emergency Case

An important task during the development of the “Emergency Case” was to cover all possible scenarios. First priority was energy and oxygen support as well as stable positioning of the astronaut. Another necessary part of the development was an airproof shell, which could be inflated in case of emergency to provide atmospheric pressure and enough space to give first aid.

The deployment of the “Emergency Case” is conceived in a way that could fulfill the different requirements depending on their priority. To provide the most important functions - supply and positioning - the case only has to be opened. The shell can be closed to protect from radiation. In case of a damaged spacesuit or heavy injuries the shell can be inflated with 0,6 bar to guarantee survival.

The “Emergency Case” can easily be carried by one astronaut. It is made out of a solid, scratch resistant material since the outer part serves as the base for the shelter.

When the case is opened, the surface measures 310 x 90cm. It is only 10cm high to easily place an injured astronaut on top of it. Two back rests with integrated oxygen and energy supply can be pulled out.

The frame is assembled on the same axis as the bottom plates. It folds and pulls the cover over the astronauts. This shell can be inflated so the astronauts have the ability to move.

Deployment State
Deployment procedure with one sitting injured astronaut Deployment procedure with one lying injured astronaut

Deployable Stretch Shelter

In the folded state, the shelter resembles a portable suitcase. Opening the case deploys a solid surface panel (made of carbon composite or Kefl ar-fabric and silicone, protected by open-weave textile Nextel). The pneu is located between the inner and the exterior carbon shell.

The process of folding the pneumatic floor and exterior-wall elements is facilitated by the Mars atmosphere. Floor and walls are separately inflatable. Thus, the floor can be first used as a „scoop-stretcher“ and later on as a shelter. The expandable floor allows the astronauts to carry out a number of complex tasks. The shelter can be adjusted in height, so that both astronauts can stand. Other possible positions include lying back to back or one astronaut lying with the second one sitting next to him.

The backrest (place for the backpack while sitting) is popped out of the bottom plate and locks in the upright position. After it locks, the seat cushion is deployed, which allows for a seating-area of 30x40cm.


Top view
Detailed section through the floor plate
Longitudinal section longitudinal stabilizing pneumatic elements cross stabilizing pneumatic seat floor plate zip fastener stabilization with pneumatic elements middle joint folded seatfolded envelope
pressure chamber
group 2 of pneumatic elements group 1 of pneumatic elements


The packed shelter is 40x40x100cm and can be used as a seat for two people. The astronauts sit back to back connected to an oxygen and energy supply.

The envelope is deployed by using pneumatic elements. A fi rst group of pneumatic elements form a stable ring (Fg. Section). Using air pressure, a second group of pneumatic elements positions the ring diagonally across one of the astronauts, so he can close the zipper between the elements of the fi rst group. Once an enclosed space is provided, inner pressure is built up.

The great advantage of this design is that one astronaut can attend to his injured teammate from all sides without restrictions to treat and stabilize him. Afterwards he can also take a seat and then start the deployment procedure. Now the shelter deploys around the two astronauts, with the smaller sphere providing a protected space for the injured astronaut while the larger one is spacious enough for the second astronaut allowing standing, squatting and sitting activities.

Deployment 2planets2people Scenarios: sitting/sitting, sitting/standing, lying-standing Structure of the box stabilizing cone for oxygen Nikolaus Gutscher, Benjamin Mrowetz, Stéphanie Toussaint
Sitting (left) and lying (right) position

2planets2people 2.0

This project is a further development of 2planets2people. The object of the suitcase is not implemented here. In this case, the floor and the seats comprise of inflatable pressure elements.

By reducing the solid components, the pack size can vary and therefore be more convenient and space-optimized.

The envelope consists of pneumatic element group 1 and group 2, which provide structural stability, and of a membrane connected to one of the pneumatic groups, which is the necessary interface between the interior and the exterior atmosphere on Mars.

The floor plate consist of a two-layer system. The lower layer can be adjusted to the ground by using four individually controllable chambers up to a maximum unevenness of 20cm. This allows it to adapt to a wide range of surfaces, thus expanding the potential scope of the shelter. The upper layer above serves as a base panel for the astronauts. Usage scenarios range from standing to lying while seats can be unfolded from sub-floor chambers. These adaptable seats provide a greater range of usages for the interior space. For example two astronauts could wait for help while lying down. It is also possible to optimize the prone position of an injured astronaut to avoid unnecessary pain.

Section and floor plan: astronauts wait sitting Section and floor plan: treatment of the injured astronaut pneumatic group 2 pneumatic group 1 floor plateinflatable seats
Model 1 :20 Deployment sequence

Deployable Shelter

This structural concept is based on an interaction of different folding techniques with the aim of compactability and ease of deployment. The support structure is arranged radially and forms rhombuses of different angles but with constant side length which allows it to be folded completely by pushing out or pulling in half of the nodes.

For strutting the rim of the structure four scissor-like arcs are connected. By folding them, each arc is bended 90 °. This, as a whole, generates a movement in three dimensions. The scissors form a box embedding the roof structure.The whole shelter is deployed automatically while infl ating by the internal pressure. Once set up, the structure maintains its shape even in case of pressure loss.

Functionally, the structure can be used in several different ways depending on the scenario. By opening the „poles“, the shelter can be entered from the front. The structural adaption is generated by activating two of the rim arcs. A two-chamber airlock-system is suggested for the entrance.

Additionally, instead of unfolding the structure simultaneously it can also be opened sideways. Adding a hatch on the bottom would allow a person lying on the ground to enter the shelter.

The same folding process also provides the ability to adapt the structure to uneven terrain.

Adaptability of the shelter according to scenario Floor structure Top view Axonometric view
Kristoffer Stefan

Air Support

The „air support“ is rolled up like a sleeping pad and has a pack size of 40 x 40 x 100 cm. It consists of a neoprene case and pops up using pneumatic hoses. The floor of the shelter is stabilized by 0.6 cm thick aluminum pipes, so that the astronauts have a solid base.

The „air support“ has six separate air chamber systems: A pneumatic ring (1) forms the primary structure and stabilizes the floor together with the aluminum tubes. Four separately inflatable pneumatic supports (5) can be adapted to various terrain conditions by changing the air pressure inside and stabilizing the pneumatic ring against extension from the inner atmosphere. A roof structure, composed of bezel (2), clip (3) and a pneumatic closing element (4), controls the air inlet through the valves between the pneumatic element. Only after the bezel and the clip are sufficiently pressurized, air gets into the closing pneu and closes thereby the air support.

Different inflation-scenarios create a variety of functional utilizations:

- Barrow/bridge: pneumatic ring and side pneumatic „feet“ are deployed

- Bench: pneumatic ring and supporting pneumatic „feet“ are inflated

- Emergency shelter: all pneumatic structures are inflated, minimal volume of the structure

- Emergency shelter: all pneumatic structures are inflated, additional membrane structure is opened: maximal volume of the structure

Plan: barrow

Sections: deployed shelter: minimal and maximal volume

Section, structural elements

1 555 2 3 4
Benjamin Mrowetz, Stéphanie Toussaint


The design `Bubbles´ is a preliminary concept for a transformable shelter. It consists of a continuous envelope made of `bubble-like´ pneumatic cushions. Parts of the shelter can be inflated according to the needs of the astronauts.

Pressurizing the shelter causes the outer shell to expand to its maximum voule. The pneumatic system for the bottom of the shelter allows adjustment to the uneven surface thus helping stabilizing the shelter.

Adaptability according functions

The deployment process Section, Floor plan Katarina Josipovic, Aida Mulic, Tajana Pavlovic, Nina Tica
42 Deployment sequence

This design concept refers to the fact that the parts of the emergency shelters in direct contact with the Mars surface must have different properties than the rest of the habitat. A foam rubber mat was chosen for the fl oor of the shelter as it provides sufficient insulation.

It can be rolled into a compact bundle. The membrane of the shell and all other auxiliary parts of the structure are rolled inside the rubber mat. Its shell is a pneumatic structure which is inflated automatically after the floor mat unrolls.

Concept , el evation Outer shell Sections: functional scenarios Florian Aigner, Alexander Nanu, Kristina Zodl
Folding sequence

Foldable Sphere


- the chance for technical failure is reduced by a simple folding system

- the deployment requires only the strength of one astronaut

- the direction of folding is determined by the rigid plates and therefore easy to handle

- minimal dimensioned in the folded state

- for technical and physical reasons the hemisphere is the optimal form for the shelter:

- it is the optimal shape which is formed by the pressure difference between the atmosphere inside and the outside pressure


- the system is composed of hinged rigid plates and can be folded and unfolded very easily

- astronauts enter the shelter before it is fully deployed

- the plates can also double as additional radiation protection


- the floor plates consist of smaller plates which are linked together by a membrane to provide adaptability smaller terrain differences

- the floor membrane additionally can inflate itself to adjust to larger terrain differences

Floor plan
Tzvetan Dineff, Kathrin Rainer


injured astronaut is lying rescuer is sitting

injured astronaut is lying rescuer is standing

injured astronaut is sitting rescuer is standing

side entrance bottom entrance

Jumper System

Rescue: [ 1 ] In case of less severe incidents, such as dizziness or panic attack, the shelter is entered through the side entrance. [ 2 ] For severe incidents such as pain caused by fractures, the shelter is opened on the bottom and raised to the side. The injured person may now be rolled up to the „second“ floor of the shelter. The rescuer then closes the fl oor again and enters the shelter through the side entrance.

Transport: To prevent cracks and other damage the shelter is kept in a shock-proof „tire“. This is towed behind and thus enables the use of both hands. In addition it can be used as seating option.

Shelter assembly: The big advantage of this design lies in its assembly. Once the „tire“ is opened the shelter can be removed quickly out of the safety container. In the folded state, this structure is under tension, which leads to an immediate unfolding.

Shelter dismantling: Through proper folding the shelter can be put back into its original position and stowed. For this purpose it is sufficient to pull on a cord.

Structure: Two highly elastic and resistant fiberglass rods hold the constructin in its tension state. The shell consists of a pressure and a sun protection layer.

Floor layer: This part comes into direct contact with the surface of Mars, and therefore has to be very resistant.

Rescue 1 - through side entrance

Rescue 2 - through bottom entrance

Shelter assembly - opening procedure [ shelter jumps up ]
[ 1 ] [ 2 ]
Transport - shock-proof tire towed behind Thomas Kropatschek, Marcin Puchalski

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