CREW three to four astronauts
MISSION LENGTH 28 days, up to three months
MISSION OBJECTIVE scientific research robotic operation research
LOCATION South Pole Aitkin Basin and cold traps on South Pole
CONSTRUCT I ON aluminium frame covered with protective materials
THE H ABITAT THAT FOLLOWS THE SUN Project by Günes Aydar | Emirhan Veyseloglu | Gözde YilmazThe Sundial Explorer is a mobile habitat, which is designed to perform early scientific research on the lunar surface. According to NASA papers, those lunar missions require human fieldwork. The Sundial Explorer shall make EVA missions with astronauts and the mapping of the lunar surface easier and safer.
Prior to concept development, the following mission goals were determined:
The first goal was to optimise the design for safe and efficient scientific research. While the Sundial Explorer follows a dedicated path, small autonomous rovers can be released for sample collection. The habitat includes a laboratory, in which collected samples can be researched further. The Sundial Explorer also has suitports, providing space suits for every astronaut.
The second goal was to optimise the use of energy and resources. The rover is designed to be self-sufficient while travelling. The Sundial Explorer is a mobile infrastucture. It will move between outposts to get life supporting resources for itself and also transport resources (e.g. water) from one outpost to another.
The third concept idea was the aim to constantly stay in sunlight in order to gather energy. In addition, the thermal tension on materials of the habitat can be reduced, which extends the operational time of the habitat.
Main Concept Ideas
Choosing Locations & Creating the Path
SPA BASIN SCIENTIFIC RESEARCH1. The first intention was to create a circular path, which would lay between the South Pole and the equatorial regions. But this would have prevented research on equatorial regions.
3. The Sundial Explorer will start with an elliptical path around the South Pole Aitkin Basin and Malapert Mountain, as they are seen as optimal locations for scientific research and water gathering.
2. By creating an elliptical path that extends to the equatorial regions, research on equatorial regions is enabled. Furthermore, water for life support can be extracted from the Malapert Mountain.
4. By rotating the elliptical path for further scientific research on different areas around the South Pole (water gathering station on Malapert Mountain), a pattern of a lotus flower is created. This way, a large area of the lunar surface is researched while staying in constant sunlight.
What is the Travel Speed?
A basic simulation on the optimal speed has been conducted, which resulted in a maximum of 10 km/h. This includes a spare time of five days that can be spent on additional EVA or maintenance missions.
Main Design Features of the Skeletal Shell
At least 30 m2 of solar panels ensure that the habitat will have sufficient energy. A 200 kWh power storage is installed for an 48 hour emergency or in case the habitat crosses to the dark side. The surface of panels can be configured and rotated into the direction of the sun to get sunlight in 90 degrees.
Radiators underneath the solar panels prevent the solar panels to overheat and are also responsible for cooling of the habitat.
The skeleton works as the carrier of all infrastructural elements, including the mobility and solar energy system. The skeleton is made of aluminium trusses, with a thickness of 40 cm (at least 28 cm)
Dimensions: 8,14x4,58x3,67 m
The hatch door has a big glass panel in order to give the crew the opportunity to observe the lunar surface and space.
The habitat is able to travel up to 15 km/h. A vehicle of 15 tons must have at least an engine with 1,75 horsepowers to ensure its mobilisation. Emergency situations in mind, every engine (8 seperate engines, one for every wheel) will have 1 horsepower (in total 8 HPs)
The suspension system is inspired by the Rocker Boogie suspension system of the Curiosity Rover. The Rocker Boogie system has been adapted to reduce the tension load on the skeleton.
Assembly on the Lunar Surface
Life Support System
The water obtained by the outpost on Malapert Mountain will be transfered to the Sundial Explorer every 28 days.
Water for crew: 1197 kg Water for electrolysis: 445 kg 80% recycling potential, tank must hold 1110 kg
CREW (28 days Report)
Oxygen consumption: 210 kg
Water consumption: 1197 kg
Nitrogen need: 210 kg
CO2 Scrub Tank 530 kg Grey Water
performed by solar energy
The grey hygiene water, urine, respiration steam from the crew and waste water from fuel cells of rovers are recycled. Recycling efficiency is 80%.
The hydrogen and oxygen, which are produced by electrolysis, will be delivered to the rovers, to be used in fuel cells, which are more efficient than batteries. Fuel cells produce water as a waste product, which can be used further.
exchangable seperator
lighting foldable screens
food storage
cooking equipment
folding chair
hydraulic table
lab equipment storage
experiment racks
water tank
life support system racks
folding chair
soft ceiling
personal item storage
composite panel
toiletries storage
algae bags personal item storage lightning hygiene products storage
urine recovery
hydro farm experiment
spare space suits
lab equipment storage tools panel
experiment racks
suit ports
tool box entry
exchangable rack system
CO2 N2 H2 tanks
H cell charge glove box entry
Formation of Ramp Departure of Rovers
The Window Sleeping Quarters
The Protective Shell Around the Living Module
pyramid textured blanket aluminum bumper 0,2 mm
kevlar composite 0.64 cm nextel fabric 0,3 cm spacer 0,5 cm MLI 0,5 cm
ALU pressure shell 0,2 mm polyethylene 15 cm ALU inner shell 0.1 mm
Comments by David Nixon
+ Compact and well-planned habitat accommodation.
+ Clever chassis unfolding methodology.
+ Good life support system approach (though harvesting water from lunar cold traps presents another set of difficulties).
- Hexagonal cross-section of habitat is not ideal for efficient pressure containment and would incur a weight penalty.
Comments by Miriam Dall‘Igna
+ Great and sustainable idea.
+ Clear diagrams help to understand the concept. Open questions: If the solar panels adjust to capture the best sun angles, how could the design enable that? How does the habitat connect to the chassis? It would be interesting to explore some design ideas.
Project by Baris Dogan | Iuliia OblitcovaCREW between 6 to 20 AstroScientist in two phases
MISSION LENGTH phase 1 : 30 days phase 2 : 60 days
MISSION OBJECTIVE astronaut training for deep space exploration
LOCATION South Pole, Shackleton Crater
CONSTRUCT I ON in-situ built dome, concrete-like structure made from regolith
MoonCampus is the first astronaut training center on the lunar surface. The concept of the Moon Campus is to train highly professional specialists to become “Astro-Scientists” - astronauts and scientists at the same time, able to perform complicated EVA missions, perform advanced research in the conditions of reduced gravity and other surface operations. The goal is to learn new skills, to retrain skills learned before in the real lunar environment and to prepare to go for further deep space exploration in the future.
The surface part of the MoonCampus is placed under a dome to protect Astro-Scientists in training from radiation and meteorites. The campus itself consists of training and workshop areas, living areas, sport facilities and VR training areas for learning new skills. Living together in the provided spacial conditions is considered to be part of the training as well. The open design of the MoonCampus allows every future Astro-Scientist to have access to maintenance and life support systems, in order to be able to control complex lunar bases themselves after the training. In general, a maximum of seven people will begin training to be able to perform simultaneous surface and research missions with three to four trainers supporting them.
It is very important to use the energy resources provided on the Moon and in space, especially exploiting the maximum of sunlight and solar energy. This and other benefits led to the decision to start the journey at the South Pole near Shackelton Crater.
Connecting with new infrastructure
Continuing expansion
Gaining new sources
Growing into a Moon Village
Looking into deep space
Using the gained knowledge
Producing and storing
Setting new goals
Preparing to go further
To infinity and beyond
Crew Capsules
Surface Training Pit 1
Sulfite Dome Protection against micro meteorites, radiation shielding
Opening in the dome for EVA missions
Surface Training Pit 2
View Point Workshops
Hygiene / Kitchen / Dining
Workshop Areas / Med Capsule
3D Printing / Scientific
The first modules are transported from Earth to the crater rim. Robots/ excavators/machines and food supplies are delivered from Earth.
They are placed underground to protect them from radiation. Connection to the surface and to the crater bottom is organised.
The modules are assembled on the Moon and are ready to expand to the surface, while the usage of regolith as a raw material is researched.
Surface Level
EVA missions
Control tower
Level 3
Crew capsules
C/P areas
Capacity: 6
Level 4
Guest capsules
C/P areas
VR area
Capacity: 8
Surface Level // EVA Missions
Rover rides on the uneven terrain
Robot manipulation on the surface
Cleaning dust from solar panels, suits, rovers, robots
Portable greenhouse observation
EVA suit walking training
-1 Level // Meeting
Trainees / Crew / Visitors
Outside Skin Concept
Carbon Panels
Aluminized polyimide
Multi Layer Insulation
Graphite-fiber reinforced epoxy
Sintered Regolith
-2 Level // Workshops
Repairing robots / drones / system
LSS maintenance
Medical operations
Scientific training
3D Printing in low gravity conditions
Geological test training
-4 Level // VR training
Learning new skills in VR
Practising learned skills in VR
Comments by David Nixon
+ Sensible adjacencies organization.
+ Accommodation areas providing both communal and private facilities.
+ Architecturally interesting multilevel accommodation approach.
- Excavating those underground volumes would be a major challenge and assumes the subsurface geology is soft enough for Earth-style mechanical diggers.
Comments by Miriam Dall‘Igna
+ Great architectural programme.
+ Clear diagrams and graphics help to understand the ideas.
Open questions: Considering energy, how much electricity would be necessary to maintain the campus facilities? What is the strategy to bring in or simulate natural light? In terms of modularity and resilience, it would be interesting to detail how parts of the structure can be replaced.
CREW first base for two astronauts research base for six astronauts
MISSION LENGTH minimum six months maximum theoretically indefinite
MISSION OBJECTIVE research of the crater’s natural resources using the crater from top to bottom
LOCATION Philolaos Crater, North Pole
CONSTRUCT I ON regolith sintering and on-site additive manufacturing to adapt the existing lava tubes
Project by Theresa Brock | Mohammad Elzahaby | Sabrina KerberSummary
The crater research facility ‘Kraterhausen’ is located in a crater near the North Pole. Here, a lot of natural resources can be found – including ice water in the lava tubes at the bottom and eternal sunlight at the crater rim. A mixed team of humans and robotics research the possible uses of those resources. The research base is located in the natural lava tubes in the crater wall, so that the rock provides constant shelter from radiation and extreme temperature.
On the rim, the first habitation and surface base is located. Farther down, still in the sunlight zone, lies the research and human habitation base. Here, existing caves are made habitable by 3D printing layers of solid rego lith to maintain the pressure inside the base. A coating of silicon sintering separates the regolith layer from the habitation areas.
Farther down lies a second, mainly robotic, research base, where bigger scaled projects are manufactured.
At the bottom, ice water is harvested from the lava tubes and transported to the upper research bases via funicular rovers. Here, it is filtered and converted to drinkable water and oxygen. Using a whole slice of the crater wall, the crater’s resources are researched from top to bottom. The infrastructural route, which connects the various bases, is depressurised and requires the use of rovers or spacesuits.
Overview - Crater Bases
lunar lander/first habitation/surface base
top to bottom and inside out direction of construction, due to rubble and bed rock
habitation and research base
peak of eternal light permanently shadowed
robotic base
lava tubes with ice resources
Robotic exploration of the chosen crater area and existing lava tubes to analyse the site situation and adapt the plan. This helps avoid planning and sending bigger missions before suitable lava tubes are found.
Start of construction by a purely robotic workforce: adaption of the caves through drilling and additive manufacturing as well as preparation of the site for the first human habitat.
Completion of the habitation area and research facilities by a small human workforce in cooperation with robotics.
Habitated crater research by an extended team of humans and robotics with a top-tobottom utilisation of the crater face.
Possible expansion to different nations and projects as cooperation with the crater research as funded base for peaceful and ecoconscious co-existing in the crater.
lunar lander engine, storage
docking hatch for tunnel connection
layered inflatable:
flame resistant nomex 3
pressure bladders (kevlar) 15
vectran 3
thermal protection (mylar) 15
meteorite-safe kevlar 15
possible rover docking
Step 2: Inflatable habitat for first habitation phase during human construction 139m² (23m²/ P)
Step 3: Early habitat turns into surface base --> connected to tunnels, permanent use of lunar lander and inflatable
For human exploration of the unpressurised zones, lunar rovers (concept based on NASA‘s Desert Rats) are docked at the airlocks.
An athlete type rover (concept based on JPL‘s Desert Rats) is used to transport material through the tunnels. This six-legged robotic vehicle can be used for multiple purposes in uneven territory.
female/male adapters
polyethelene gloves
handling compartment needle velve gas/vacuum outlet/inlet
transfer compartment
pressure vessles
hand hold
entry hatch
suitport interface receptable portable life support system
hatch cover supports
Phase IV - Habitation Level | 71 m²
The main area of ‘Kraterhausen’, the habitable base, is split into two levels – a habitation level and the research level. Those two levels are connected through a two-story chamber, containing a greenhouse, which acts as a spatial buffer zone between work and leisure time and provides fresh vegetables but also has great psychological value.
The elevation difference can be overcome either by using the lunar stairs or the climbing wall, which acts as an exercise motivation in 1/6 g.
Section B
The research level accommodates various robotic machines, a filtration station and a large 3D printer. Here, the crater material is researched and processed.
In order to limit the payloads brought up from Earth, additive manufacturing is used. The main inner structure of sleeping accommodations, hygiene units, storage and food preparation are 3D printed on site.
Comments by David Nixon
+ Efficient combination of a lunar lander with an inflatable habitat in Phase III.
+ Novel approach to the use of crater sides for facilities siting.
+ Fascinating interior ‘cave’ architecture formed from lava tubes.
- Penetrating steep crater sides might result in rock falls.
- Ability of sintered tubes to function for pressure containment is optimistic and internal bladder linings would be wise.
Comments by Miriam Dall‘Igna
+ Great spatial arrangement.
+ Diagrams and drawings are clear and consider user routines and flows.
Open questions: Concerning toxicity, would pressurised areas need special wall treatment? Consider light strategy on deep crater area.