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Robotic exploration of the chosen crater area and existing lava tubes to analyse the site situation and adapt the plan. This helps avoid planning and sending bigger missions before suitable lava tubes are found.
Start of construction by a purely robotic workforce: adaption of the caves through drilling and additive manufacturing as well as preparation of the site for the first human habitat.
Habitated Research
Future Aspects
Completion of the habitation area and research facilities by a small human workforce in cooperation with robotics.
Habitated crater research by an extended team of humans and robotics with a top-tobottom utilisation of the crater face.
Possible expansion to different nations and projects as cooperation with the crater research as funded base for peaceful and ecoconscious co-existing in the crater.
Step lunar lander engine, storage docking hatch for tunnel connection layered inflatable: flame resistant nomex 3 pressure bladders (kevlar) 15 vectran 3 thermal protection (mylar) 15 meteorite-safe kevlar 15 possible rover docking
Step 2: Inflatable habitat for first habitation phase during human construction 139m² (23m²/ P)
Step 3: Early habitat turns into surface base --> connected to tunnels, permanent use of lunar lander and inflatable female/male adapters polyethelene gloves handling compartment needle velve gas/vacuum outlet/inlet transfer compartment pressure vessles joystick hand hold entry hatch suitport interface receptable portable life support system hatch cover supports
For human exploration of the unpressurised zones, lunar rovers (concept based on NASA‘s Desert Rats) are docked at the airlocks.
An athlete type rover (concept based on JPL‘s Desert Rats) is used to transport material through the tunnels. This six-legged robotic vehicle can be used for multiple purposes in uneven territory.