Adventure of the Seas 8-night Eastern Caribbean Adventure Ocean Cruise Compass - January 5, 2019

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Welconre Aboard

tte Aduenture of Ste Ecas

This cruise will be filled with boatloads of activities, wonderful adventures and unforgettable experiences for both you and your iittle ones. This

weekly planner will allow you to find out about all the amazing things happening in the Royal Babies & Tots Program. Ali playgroups feature wonderfully-fun, age-appropriate storytelling, creative arts, play, music, movement and more. The Royal Babies & Tots staff are excited to meet you and your children, get ready to play! Royal Caribbean lnternational hires highly qualified staff from all over the world. Royal Babies & Tots staff have University degrees, in Recreation, Education and other child related fields, and have several years experience working with children of all ages.

Whe*e do tfie youngest crulser get to play? All piaygroup sessions will take place in Optix, Deck



Day2-AtSea 9:15 am ..... ArtA hand full of Love Optix, Deck 12

l2:15 pm ..........Ba1|s & Optix, Optix, 5:15 pm ...........ABCs Day 3 - Labadee,Haiti OBtix, 5:15 pm ...........Adventure Day 4 - San Juan, Puerto Rico Optix, 5:15 pm ...........Story Day 5 - Philipsburg,St. Maarten Optix, 5:15 pm ...........Adventure Day 6 - Basseterre, St. Kitts & Nevi Optix, 5:15 pm ...........Animals

Time Art

Deck Deck

12 12





Family Aetivitles Do not miss any of the exciting activities and events that the entertainment team has for you and your family. Check your daily cruise compass for times and

Deck i2



Optix, Deck Optix, Deck Optix, Deck

12 12 12

Optix, Deck Optix, Deck

12 12


9:'15 am ...........Adventure Music 12:15 pm ......... Numbers & Colors

5:.I5 Fm............Story Time



9:15 am ........... Zooland 12:15


Ball & Wheeis

lf Families are not present during the first activity, the activity will be cancelled scheduled Please note:

PI.AYGROUPS For children under the age of three and their farnily. Parents, you can be sure your youngster will have

fun, and meet some other young cruisers. our Youth Staff will be on hand to facilitate a variety of fun activities for all to enjoy.

Day I - Fort Lauderdale, Florida 12',30 - 3:30 pm 5:00 prn - 6:30 pm Meet your Youth Staff Adventure Ocean, Deck 12 aft


YaGation: Royal Babies & I'iots

Royal Babies & Tots Staff


Tnis cruise


minutes of a

: ilies r fotr Fafil Royal Babies & Tsts Parent lnformation FamllyActMths

Royal Playgnoups

For children under the age of three and their family. parents you can be sure your youngster will have fun, and meet some other young cruisers. Our Youth Staff will be on hand to facilitate a variety of fun activities for all to enjoy.

Adyenturo Art Adventure Art will introduce a new line of creative projects

for toddlers. Adventure Art will build children's creativity, independence, and confidence through hands-on exploiation.


Please note that parental supervision is required during all Royal Babies and Tots playgroups sessions


Make a splash at the pool - but keep safety top of the mind, too. Although lifeguards are on duty, adult supervision si still required for chidren 12 and under at all times on the pool deck. By keeping vigilant, you'll keep your loved ones - and your memories - safe and sound.

Parents, you too can join in the fun and win Ereat prizes! Remember to look through your daily Cruise Compass for the scheduled events. Come and join members of our Cruise Director's Staff,. Sports Staff & Adventure Ocean Staff.

Adrrcntwe Oean TU We offer a specialTV channel with programming just for kids. Check out your in-stateroom content that includes shows for your child. lt will make downtime in your stateroom more relaxing and fun.

SySplulr We have a a Baby Splash Area designated only for our younger cruisers that still wear diapers. This is located next to the Splash Away Bay on Deck Il and it even has its own waterslide! Do not miss it!


SAFETY FIRSTWITH YEsTS. Play it safe at the pool, swimming smart and looking cool. Complimentary swim vests are available in three siz-es for children ages 4 to 12. Swim vests are located near the towel station on Deck l'1.

Toy lcrdlng Couldn't fit all the toys you wanted for your little one? Be sure to check out our Toy Lending Program which comprises of a collection of toys specificalty created for infants and toddlerl, ages 6-36 months. Parents can borrow and eichange toyi for a new activity every day to help growing minds learn through play. Available in the Aquanauts room in Advdnturebcein during opening hours.

E* a.r, aiit:

Adventure of tlte


WELCOT'IE ABOARD! Your cruise vacation will be filled with boatloads of activities, wonderful adventures and unforgettable experiences. This planner highliqhts the amazing things in our award - winning Adventure Ocean Program. lnformation includes: registration information, special events, hours of operation, and Adventure Ocean policies. The Adventure Ocean Staff are excited to meet you and can't wait for you to come up and play!


FORT LAUDERDALE, FLORIDA 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm.. Open House & Registration

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm,... Open House & Registration Evening Session B:00 pm - 10:0C l0:00 pm - 2:00 am.....Late Night Party Zone ($)


ADVENTURE OCEAN YOUTH STAFF Royal Caribbean hires highly qualified Adventure Ocean Staff from all over the world. All Adventure Ocean Staff have university degrees in Edurcation, Reci'eation or related fields as well as several years experience workinE with chiiOren of all ages. Your children are sure to have a fantastic time and you can feei safe leaving them in our care.

OPET{ hIOU$E & REGESTRATION Join us today to register for ou r Adventure Ocean program - registration is easy, simply cornplete a registration and medical consent form! Parents, please note that Operr House and Registration are not supervised drop off sessions. Adventure Ocean Staff will be present to register, connect anci orient with each family. Children nray be registered at any time during our open hours if they are not registered on boarding day **PIease note that forms mtlst be completed at Adventure Ocean and may only be completed by parents or legal guardians.

Be sure to check out the Kid's Daily Compass - lt has all of our session themes, locations and times for programming and will be delivered each evening with the Adult Cruise Compass to your Stateroom. Kid's Daity Compasses are a/so available at Guest Seryices, Deck 5 and Adventure Ocean, Deck 12.

Adventure Ocean is on Deck 12 Aft, above the Windiammer Caf6. Drop Off Programming begins DaY 1 at 8:00 pm - see you then!


9.00 am -



2:00 pm - 5:00 pm.....................Afternoon Session 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm.....................Adventure DtningEvening Session 7:00 pm - 10:00 10:00 pnr - 2:00 am.....Late Night Party Zone ($)



7:00 am - 5:00 pm....................,....,.....,.....,. Portzone Evening Session 7:00 pm - 1O:00 10:00 pm - 2:00 am...,.Late Night Party Zone ($)



9:00 am - 5:00 pm.................,.,................... Portzone

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm.....................Adventure DiningEventng Session 7:00 pm - 10:00 l0:00 pm - 2:00 am..,..Late Night Party Zone ($)



pm.......... pm......

Portzone 7:30 am - 5:00 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm..................,.,Adventure Dining. Evening Session 7:00 pm - 10:00 l0:00 pm - 2:00 am ..... Late Night Party Zone ($)




Portzone 6:45 am - 5:00 7:00 pm - l0:00 pm....,...,..,........... Evening Session '10:00 pm - 2:00 am.....Late Night Party Zone ($)

ATSEA 9.00

am - Noon..............................Mornin9 Session 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm.....................Afternoon Session 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm......,,,............Adventure DiningEvening Session 7:00 pm -'10:00 10:00 pm - 2:00 am.....Late Night Party Zone ($)


ATSEA 9:00

am - Noon..............................Mornin9 Session 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm.,...................Afternoon Session Evening Session 7:00 pm -'10:00 l0:00 pm - 2:00 am.....Late Night Party Zone ($)


*Adventure Dining: Sign up before 3:00 pm. Space is limited.

Iight Patty Zone (S) will en1oy Aquanauts, Explorers and Voyagers'10:00 pm group sitting every night starting at

LNPZ - Late

;ia;re ;oi", Due to safety and security regulations the children's club operates on a first come iriiierveO basis until it reacnes its miximum capacity. During each session if a place becomes le children are welcome to join.

2:O0 am. Late Night Party ends when the last child

leaves or 2:00 am, whichever comes first. The fee

for Late Night Party Zone is $7.00 per child per hour.

CRUISE VACATION ATA GLANCE AOUANAUT PROGRAIII:3 . 5 YEARS OLD Under the Sea Knights & Princesses Creepy Crawlers Dinosaurs Save lnky Sport o mania


A day at the zoo Trains

When I grow up little Chefs Superhero Time

Space Night Camp Aquanaut Litiie Rock Stars Pirate Night Birthday Party Pi Nisht

It is Royal Caribbean lnternational's Policy that all chlldren must be 3 years old by today and ful!y toilet trained to participate in Adventure Ocean activities. Please note according to LJmited States Publie !-lea!th, Adventure Ocean is a diaper and pull-up free area. EXPLORER PROGRA]II: 6 Adventure Ocean Favorites Beat the Suzzer Wild Wild West Ball Games Bonanza Double Dare Around the World *Sorne

. 8 YEAR OLDS Fast Food Frenzy

Sur',zrvor Nrgnt

Team Challenges

Boys vs. Giris Rock & Roll Night Sporls Night Be a Youth Staff Pj Night

Ship Challenges Build & Battle Carnival This or That

of the activities for Explorers & Voyagers will be combined and are subject to change.

VOYAGER PROGRAM Adventure Ocean Favorites Beat the Buzzer Wild Wild West Ball Games Bonanza Double Dare Around the World



Fast Food Frenzy Team Challenges Ship Challenges Build & Battle Carnival This or That

Survivor Niqht Boys vs. Girls Rock & Roll Night Sports Night Be a Youth Staff Pj Nisht

With parental consent, Voyagers have the opportunity to sign themselves in and out of the program while at sea. During port hours, a parent/legal guardian or someone 18 years or older will be required to drop off and pick up the children no matter if they are self-signers. *Some

of the activities for Explorers & Voyagers will be combined and are subject to change.

YOUTH EYACUATIOII PI.Ail (YEP) Parents, please ensure that your child was issued a Youth Evacuation Wristband and that they wear it for the entire duration of your cruise vacation. ln the unlikely event of an emergency, parents/ guardians are asked not to go to Adventure Ocean as child(ren) willdelivered by the Adventure Ocean staff to meet you at your assembly station. BEHAVIOR POTICY lnappropriate behavior will not be permitted during Adventure Ocean activities, Youth demonstrating such behavior will be issued up to two age appropriate time outs. Upon the third incident a parental conference will take place which include dismissal from Adventure Ocean activities. Each stage will be communicated to the parents.

EXCLUSION FOR ltLl'lElSS POLICY In the interest of health and safety, children that experience flu-like symptoms or other health related concerns are asked to visit the Medical Center, Deck 1, for clearance before entering Adventure Ocean.

JUl{lOR CRUISERS CURFEUU (tOO am) Those guests under'lB years of age must be accompanied by an adult or in their staterooms by 1:00 am each evening unless invoived in an Adventure Ocean activity.



It 's Royal Caribbean lnternational's policy that all children must be 3 years old by today and fully toilet trained to participate in Adventure Ocean activities. Please note according to United States Public Health, Adventure Ocean is a diaper and pull-up free area.

STAFF TO CHTLD RATIO rr5 (5-5) AND *25 (6-rt) Royal Caribbean is committed to the safety of all of guests; Adventure Ocean operates on a staff to child ratto, which means that there is a maximum capacity in Adventure Ocean and also that programming is on a first-come-first-serve basis.

PIAY SllART. SWlll Sl'lART. SIAY SAFE. Make a splash at the pool - but keep safety top of mind, too. Although lifeguards are on duty, adult supervision is still and under at all times on the pool deck. you'll vigilant, keep you loved ones - anad your By keeping memories - safe and sound. required for children


GOOD TO KIIOW INFORI'IATIOI{ LATE PICK UP POLICY Please be aware of session end times, Parents / Guardians will incur a late fee of $l per child, per minute starting at minute ]6. YOUTH SEAPASS CARDS Parents/guardians are responsible for all charges on their child's SeaPass cards. Those who wish to deactivate their child's SeaPass cards should do so at the Guest Services Desk on Deck


Our programming blends education with entertainment to form curriculum which creates an edu-tainment experience for kids. Royal Caribbean has partnered with some of the best in the industry to make this all possible.

ADVENTURE SCIENCE Join us in drop-off and family programming for Adventure Science, a partnership with High Touch High Tech, This program combines fun and hands-on science experiments hosted by our Adventure Ocean Scientists,

ADVENTURE ART Come see what you can create with our onboard art program - from finger paint and water colors to bandanas and sculpture creations, there is something for every size of artist.

IATE MGHT PARTY ZONE (S) Enjoy all that the Adventure of the

Seas has to offer while your kids enjoy our after hours program, the Late Night Party Zonel The Party starts at 10:00 pm and lasts until 2:00 am or until the last child is picked up; whichever occurs first. A fee of $7 per hour per child will apply.

Dmrlrc oPTtoNs Adventure Dining (Kids' Dinner) Join the Adventure Ocean Staff for dinner! On select nights, Kids' Dinner featuring pizza and french fries will be offered. Sign up required the day of dining. Limited space is available. My Family Time Dining - Pick Up (Starts on Day 2)

For those families on the early dinner seating in the dining room. Starting day 2 evening, The Adventure Ocean Staff will collect your child if pre-register from the dining room lobby so you do not have to leave dinner to come sign your children into Adventure Ocean! Parents, please bring your child(ren) to meet a staff member on Deck 4 outside of the dining room. We will be there only from 6:40 pm- 6:50 pm. Please inform your waiters so the children can be fed on time. There is no need to sign up in Advance, a Youth Staff will be present each night at the appointed time.Limited space available.



Autism Friendly Activities

We offer activities for children of all abilities, Families are encouraged to consult with Adventure Ocean staff regarding any special needs that their children may have in order to identify which activities are appropriate for their child and to discuss any possible modifications.

Autism Friendly Toy Lending Autism Friendly Toy Lending is available In our Adventure Ocean Youth Program on all ships. Upon request, we will provide a tote bag of autism friendly toys that may be used in Adventure Ocean or in their stateroom. Parents may select other autism friendly toys that are more appropriate for their child. Examples of Autism Friendly toys include: non-toxic crayons, markers, water colors, building blocks, dominoes, and picture books.


COKE'PACKAGE Drink all the fountain sodas you want for the entire cruise vacationl Srgn up at any onboard bar

Parents, you too can join in the fun and win great prizes! Whether it is an ACventure Ocean favorite, a ship classic, or a completely new experience, bring the whole family you're sure to have a great timel Refer to your daily Cruise Compass for scheduled events and join your EntertSinment Team for tonnes of fun! Please note: lf families are not p.reylt during the first l5 minutes of a scheduled Family Activity, the activity will be cancelled.


Family GagaBall It's the game the kids can't stop talking about. join thc.r.-r in a little family friendly competition, lust make sure you stretch before we start!

FAIdILY FRIENDLY SHORE.EXCURSIOI{S! Cruising can be fun and relaxing, but enjoying the beach, the city, historical sights and scenic views with your family is priceless. Visit our Explorations! Desk to find out more about these tours and begin making a collage of lorrg lastrrrg memoriesi

Family Scavenger Hunt Team up with your family and

try to beat everyone eisel

Family Bingo We have some fantastic prizes for you to win! One thing is for sure, you got to be in it to win iil

Enjoy some mother/daughter



WATIIT TO PLAY THE ARCADE? You can use your SeaPass card and purchase credits at the Kiosk if your card is activated to make purchases. Or

you can ask your mom or dad to get some assistance from the Casino Cashier or Guest Services on Dect< 5.

Family Science Come, turn into a scientist...are you up for it?

Family Muffalo Potato We have the supplies, you add your creativityl

Family Disco It's dancing time! show us your movesl .P/ease

check your Adult & Kids'Compass




DO ilOTIrllSS..,


FLOWRTDER, ROCKWALL, WATERSTTDES & MlNl GOLF Catch some waves, race to the top or spend your time on the green. Our Sports Team can help you try something new, whether it's boogie boarding, stand up surfing, climbing, golfing or a good old tournament. check out the Sports Deck on Deck 13 Aft.



specials or kids and teen spa parties. Dial j37l for more information and to schedule an appointment.

or age restrictions apply for some of fhese activities.


I 2o'19 1i"1"'vs1' M {auderdale, Ftoridd

lnod $r lrlyrntrl


of t!l. W.lGonr This cruise vacation will be filled with boatloads of activities, wonderful

adventures and unforgettable experiences. This cruise planner will allow you to find all of the amazing activities in our award winning Adventure Ocean Program including registration, events, hours of operation and our policiei. The Adventure Ocean Staff are excited to meet you and can't wait for you to come up and playl


The Adventure Ocean program is an activities based program specifically designed by child experts to ensure your child(ren), no matter what their age, have a fun and memorable cruise vacation. Programs are divided into different age categories: Aquanauts 3'5 years old, Explorcrs 6-8 yearu old, Voyagers 9'Il years old.

ie note: Due to safety and security regulations the children's operates on a first come first served basis until it reaches its capacity. During each session if a place becomes

TODATS ACTIVITIES 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm

5:00 pm - 6:30 pm

7:30pm 8:00 pm - 10:00 pm

** 10:00 pm - 2:00 am

..LArEXtefr P nrY zorc($,

Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per child applies from 10:00 pm. This will be charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night

ends at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first.


SilYltrl SilAnf. SirAV SrFE Make a splash at the pool - but keep safety top of mind, too. Although lifeguards are on duty, adult supervision is still required for children 12


and under at all times on the pool deck. By keeping vigilant, you'll keep your loved ones - and your memories - safe and sound.


Parents, please ensure that your child was issued a Youth Evacuation

Band and they continue to wear it for the duration of the cruise vacation. We kindly request thal in the unlikely event of an emergency parents do not go to Adventure Ocean as your child(ren) will already be on route with the Adventure Ocean Staff to meet you at your assembly station.


l2:3O pm - 5:3O pm 5:00 pm - 6:3O pm Adventure Ocean, Deck 12

Open House & Registration Open House & Registration Family Disco Evening Session Late Night Party Zone ($)

Au t rm

Friendly Activities

Adventure Ocean Open House, Reglstratlon & Expo Hey kids and parents, come explore and learn about our award winning children's prdgram and-meet your staff for this voyage! Youth Staff Team will be available to ahswer questions and you can register to use the program'. Parents please accompany your childlen. This is not a Drop'off sesslon.

EVEt{lf,GSEsglOt{: GET TO KNOW YOU (8:0O pm - 1O:OO pm) Contract for Fun Nutty Nicknames {B Coloring is fun! fi* YEP Drlll (Youth Evacuation Plan) tln Neei tnXy Ouiiav6rite sime is... Sail lnto Stolytime: Just me and my puppy bY Mercer Maver .rLATE TIOIT PARTY ZOIG (S) pteal-e no=[Jifee oia, perttorii-per chttd applies from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. t-aie Nignt Party Zon-e wilt close at 2:00 am bi when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first' 5!?!i$JP,P'gii8'9Bl"ig,*?,',.',i5 [[i'.8J3J..3[p,g,i,B!,8t35!S,1""?SrliBf[.J,!h"t*]6['lg',..i]THii].?:xSTirf]d#J39?&1nfi,i':tv,lti'3I iielutiiect to tnange. 'SeaPass card ls requlred to plck up99PRD39s38


Adventure Ocean Open House. Registration & Exoo Hey kicis anci pai'entS, corne expiore anci iearn absut our award winning chlldren's gffifllBE and meet your staff for this voyase! Youth Staff Team will be

l2:3O pm - 5:30 pm 5:00 pm - 6:-<O pm

Adventure Ocean, Deck


to answer ouestions and vou can reqister to use the oroqram. Pare.nts ple'ase accompany your children. This is not a Drop-off




Gagaball YEP Drill (Youth Evacuation Plan) fi* Flinch

Crazy Tag

Contract for Fun Silent Speed Ball

Bonk Name Game Johnny Club *rr


*iLATE XtdfT PARIY ZO]{E ($)

Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per child applies from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night Party Zone will close at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first.

*Some Activities for Explorers & Voyagers will be combined. All activities are superuised by the Adventure Ocean staff and are subject to change.'SeaPass card ls requlred to pick up.


EForB 12:30 pm - 3:30 pm 5:OO pm - 6:30 pm

Adventure Ocean, Deck

Adventure Ocean Ooen House. Resistration & ExDo Hey kids and parents, come explor6 and learn about our award winning chlldren's program and meet your staff for this voyage! Youth Staff Team will be bvailable to answer questions and vou can reqister to use the oroqram. Pare.nts ple'ase accompany your children. This is not a Drop-o sesston.




YEP Drill (Youth Evacuation Plan)




Crazy Tag

Contract for Fun Silent Speed Ball

Bonk Name Game fil Johnny Club {rt

PARTY ZOT{E ($) Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per child applies from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at tlme of pick up. Late Night Party Zone willclose at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first.

With prentalconsent, Voyagers have the opportunity to sign themse/ves in and out of the program while at sea. During port hours, 18 years or older will be required to drop off and pick up the children no matter if they are self-signers.

guardian or someone



'Some Activities for Voyagerc & Exploren will be combined and are superuised by the Adventure lcean staff and are subjxt to change.'SeaPass card is requlred to plck up.


DAT2 OPETIXGHOURS 9:00 am 2:00 pm - 5:00 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm 7:00 pm - 10:00 10:00 pm - 2:00 am

Noon pm* pm**

IOTREG]STEREDYET? Parents and Guardians can register their children for the Adventure



January 6th, 2Ol9 At



Parents, ygu can meet the Adventure Ocean Staff at the Dining Room entrance (Deck 4 at 6:40 pm), so you can quickly return to your dining experience. Your children will be signed in by an Adventure Ocean Staff and escorted to the Adventure Ocean facility.




pAPwzorE ($)

Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per child applies from 10:00 pm. This will be charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Niqht

Morning Session

Afternoon Session Adventure Dining

ends at 2:00 arn or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs

Evening Session Late Night Party Zone- ($)



Please note the designated pick-up times for each activity session. A late fee of $l per minute, per child applies following posted closing

EATILYACTIY|TIES pm Famlly Mutfalo Potato fiJ Adventure Ocean, Learn how to draw in minutes using only lettters and numbers! Join the Adventure Ocean Deck l2 Team for this activity full of colors and exclusive designs created only for Royal Caribbean.




Play safe at the pool, swimming smart and looking cool. Comolimentary swim vests are available in the three sizes for children ages 4 to 12. Swim vests are located near the towel station on Deck li.

Famlly Bingo +fi

5:15 pm

Draarrm r,lr rrinn r^., af r.,,I WVr sr I Mr I r:, ut t, vt vut vpEt ^^^^i-^It r!, h^,... I tvul J,


Adventure Ocean...Deck l2 (Kids Prlzes)


Autism Friendty Activities

itoRr{rNcsEssro}* ALPHABET LAND ( 9:OO am - noon) A: Adventure Science Wacky Water D: Duck, Duck, Goose G: Guess Where lnky ls

K: Kniqhis S:SeaFass Card Making

B: Bingo, Bingo, Bingo E: Electric Shark Attack l: I Spy with my Little Eyes t-t:^-tt,.^r L. L|LI r rlut

Audition {dr* Bears


Circus Training Creative Creations: Circus Mural rlr* Sail lnto Storytime: The Circus Ship


Oxygen FuzzBuzz Ride

The Legend ol Rockei Ship Planets of Call

F: Fish Kites J: Jumping Jacks

Y: YEP Drill (Youth Evacuation Plan) rr*

AFTERIIOOilSESSIOIIT CIRCUS (2:OO pm - 5:OO pm) Circus Face Paintinq Tigers, Lionsind

C: Contract 4 fun

CreatiVe Creations: Groov-e D6tectors ff* Space Academy Training Adventure Sclence: Space Mud (G

Tisht Rope Walking Hoop of Fire Clown Says rlr*

Asteroids Space Walk Planet HoPPing tYl

It is Roval Caribbean lnternational's Pollcy that all ehiidren must be 3 yqars.pld by today ar-rd,fully.tqilet lralneq to p-qrticipate in A9ven; .AltaCtivitiei are supervlsed by our staff, and ariO putt-up-free ai6a.

ili"e'didin'SitiniiiEs.'pi;;i;'n"cjdE ti'at A?vEniirre Oie;n ii'd'didpei are subject to change. 'SeaPass card ls required to pacl( up.

it0Rllll{GSESSIOilT SHIP CI{ALLENGES (9:OO - noon) h ^L-rr---^ ldllel l9e t:rl Llie DUclL Ll Captain's Challenge


Adventure Science: Sounds of the Sea




-L-tt---19wdy Ll ld!lel lge

Safety Officer's Raft Challenge Fizzle Out



@ El

l---I 3o2tl I

YEP Drill (Youth Evacuation Plan) tf,l



Parrot Gagaball Sinking lslands

Adventure Science :The Power of the

Head itlCatch



l[5.1',[iti.1rl,, Extinction

Elephant Ball Cow Down

Adventure Art:

Fish Kltes


Jungle Art

Lion & Zebra

EYEHII|GSESSIOI{:SURVIVOR NIGHT (7:00 pm - 1O:00 pm) Human Knot lslands WallSit Balloon Stomp Long Jump Competition


Monkey in the Middle



Hockey by Numbers Adventure Science: Envi ron mentati on Station dr*

Over and Under

Clap Ball


Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per child applies from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night Party Zone will close at 2:00 am or when the last chiid leaves, whichever occurs first. *'Some Activities for Explorers & Voyagers will be combined.

All activities are supervised by


Adventure Ocean staff and are subject to change.'Sea pass card is required to pick up"

Life Boat Challenge rkt Captain's Challenge Adventurc Science: Sounds of the Sea


AI sorgl

Bomb Squad Challenge Challenge Doctor's Rescue Challenge {r* YEP Drilt (Youth Evacuation Plan) {t* Fizzle Out

Gangway Safety Officer's Raft

AFTERilOOI{SESglOl{r STUCK lN Tl{E JUNGLE ( 2:00 pm - 5:OO pm)


Parrot Sinking lslands


Adventure Sclence :The Power of the Heaci itlCatch



Tribal Face Paint Steal the Coconuts


Elephant Ball Cow Down

Adventure Art:

Fish Kites


Jungle Art

Lion & Zebra

HUEIllllGSEISSIOI*SURVIVOR NIGHT (7:00 pm - IO:OO pm) Human Knot lslands WallSit Balloon Stomp Long Jump Competition Clap Ball


Monkey in the Middle

Minefield tf*

Hockey by Numbers

Adveniurb Sclence: Environmentation Station +lI

Over and Under

*rrATE ]{IGHT PAnrV ZOI{E ($): BALLS BONANZA Please note a fee of i7 per hour, per child applies from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Nighi Party Zone will close at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first. With parentatconsenL Voyagers have the opportunity to srgn fhemse/ves in and out of the program whrle at sea. Dyring pott hours, a parent/egal guarilian or someone tB ybais or otder will be required to drop off and pick up the children no matter if they are self'signers. -'Allactivities are superviied by the Adventure Ocban staff and are subject to change. 'SeaPass card is rcqulrcd to plck up.'*Some Activities for Explorers &Voyagers will be combined.



January 7th, 2019 Labodee,Haiti OPEH]TGHOI'RS 7:00 am - 9:00 am. 9:00 am - noon noon -'l:00 pm* 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm 7:00 pm -10:00 pm ** 10:00 pm - 2:OO am

Early Bird (Aquanaut Room) Morning Session Lunch

finished. Parents, you can meet the Adventure Ocean Staff at ihe Dining Room entrance (Deck 4 at 5:40 Fm), so you can quickly return to your dining experience. Your children will be signed in by an Adventure Ocean Staff and escorted to the Adventure Ocean facility.

Afternoon Session Evening Session Late Night Party Zone ($)

TATEPICTUPPOTEY Please note the designated pick-up times for each activity session. A late fee of $l per minute, per child applies following posted closing times.

Family Science {r# Adventure Ocean...Deck

.ADYEITUREDTtr{G Join us this evening for kids dinner with your Youth Staff. Child(ren) need to be pre-registered, signed up, by 3:00 pm as space is limited. Children will return to Adventure Ocean for activities when dinner is



PARTY ZOIE ($) 'i0:00 pm. Tnis Piease noie a iee of $7 per hour, per chiid appiies from will be charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Niqht ends at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whtchever occurs first.



note: Due to safety and security regulations the children's club :s on a first come first served basis until it reaches its maximum ity. During each session if a place becomes available children are

VESll$ SAFETY FnSf Wm{ Play safe at the pool, swimming smart and loolinE cool. Complimenta-ry

swih vests are available in the three sizes for children ages 4 to i2. Swim vests are located near the towel station on Deck


to join.

dE lra,.ut



a.%'.isy.3,,9[i,s#:t1;*.,m* naps?

, Autism Frienrlly Activities

(9:00 qm - nool)-

The King SaYs... tlrr Dragon's Treasure

i'3y5''sfl.o81il'iPJig38Bfr"E 8Jt'53i'H

Sail lnto Storytime: Do Knights take

ZOO (2:OO PM - 5:OO AFTERil@]{ gESSlot: A DAY AT -- THEenimaiSGtt6+n -- PM) '.Enlmirll-as[i zd'illtidii'Xniniats Sound Zoo! Animat Greeting

eaS EYEltll{GSEjSSION:SUMMER Goino on a Bear Hunt rfi euiiO'ms a Tent Miiinrfrarrow noast



Siorytime:1ei;i go to the Zoo by Ellen Weis dI CAMP AOUANAUT (Z:OO pm - IO:OO pm) Snake in the Grass

What Time is it Mr, Bear Advlnture science: volcano {ffI

Animal Actions {r*

Fishins Camp Muralffi

r{tATE trcHf PAnW ZOXE ($) pril'si: n-oli,a'i.'.liii ilrffi.]"'".r,5[ll1fSP',,HPd$13fri.|$.t:fiii:iiJ9.',.0"t&il?J[,.ttl"'s account at time of pick up' Late Night Party Zone that Adventure ocean

is a diaper and

puil-up free area.

'ari'iii^iiti.,i l,;; sr-odr;i'r,t,l

bioriiiiit, inoire iubiect

tb chanele 'sea pass card ls rcquied to pick up' 99PRD39538

ilORtltcSElSSbil: Pictionary Decipher the Code Arts and Crafts tt*

BEAT THE BUZZER (9:00 am - noon) Nintendo Wiio Station Stop the Bus Compass

Tower rfi

Jenga Line


Listorama Spud


AFTERilOOilSEISSIOI{:CARNIVAL! (2:OO pm - 5:OO pm) Station Assignment Face Painting fit Target Shooting

Soccer Shoot Out Ring Toss llr* Hula Hoop

EUEllll{G SElSlSlOl{: BOYS vs GIRLS (7:OO pm - 10:00 pm) Team Posters and Cheers fij Fetch lt Pulla Vine Basketball Shootout Adventure Sclence: Gravity Fillers fi{ Team Gaga Human Knot


King of the Court

Basketball Hot Shots Banners


Adventure Sclence: Slime


Minefield.{r* Roostel Tag lndian Chief Muffalo Potato Drawing Contest drf


Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per chlld applies from '10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Nisht Party Zone will close at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first.

'Some Activities for Explorers & Voyagers will be combined. *All activities are supervised by the Adventure Ocean staff and are subject to change.'Sea pass card is rcqulred to pick up.


Z!f=L= ilOnMXGSEgStOI{l BEAT THE BUZZER (9:OO am - noon) Pictionary Decipher the Code Arts and Crafts tE

Nintendo Wiio Station Stop the Bus Compass Tower


AFTERT{OON SElSSlOil: CARN IVAL! (2:OO pm - 5:00 pm) Station Soccer Shoot Out Face Painting tki Ring Toss fi* Target Shooting Hula Hoop


Et EilIXGSESSIOI* BOYS vs GIRLS (7:00 pm - 10:00 pm) Team Posters and Cheers ir* Fetch lt Pulla Vine Basketball Shootout Adventure Sclence: Gravity Fillers rr* Team Gaga Human Knot



King of the Court

"ffi BForgl

Jenga Line rf* Listorama Spud

Basketball Hot Shots Banners


Adventure Science: Slime fi* Minefield


Rooster Tag

lndian Chief Muffalo Potato Drawing Contest



Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per child applies from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night Party Zone willclose at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first. With parental consent, Voyagers hqu.e the opportunity to sign themselves in and out of the program while at sea. During port hours, a parentlegal 18 years or older will be required to drop off and pick up the chitdren no matter if they are setf-sigiers.

guardian or someone

rAll activities are supervised by the Adventure Ocean staff and are subject to change. 'SeaPass card ts rcquircd to plck up.




January 8th, 2019 Santuan,Puerto Rico

*ADUETfflNE DU{II{G Join us this evening for kids dinner with your Youth Staff. Child(ren) need to be pre-registered, signed up, by 3:00 pm as space is limited. Children will return to Adventure Ocean for activities when dinner is

Morning Session Lunch


Afternoon Session Adventure Dining

IiYTTI|EDilITG Parents, you can meet ihe Adventure Ocean Staff at the Dining Room entrance (Deck 4 at 6:40 pm), so you can quickly return to your dining experience. Your children will be signed in by an Adventure Ocean Staff and escorted to the Adventure Ocean facility.

Evening Session Late Night Party Zone ($)

EA}IILYASIMTIES 5:15 pm Family Art ttl Adventure Ocean...Deck


Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per child applies from 10:00 pm. This will be charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Nlgnt ends at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first.

oPEXrf,GHdrns 9:00 am - noon noon - 1:00 pm* 2:OO pm - 5:00 pm 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm * 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm 10:00 pm - 2:00 am **

Parents, please note that your kids will enjoy lunch at noon in the Windjamrner Caf6, Deck 1l with their friends and Youth Staff.Find us by dialing #8955


Please note the designated pick-up times for each

note: Due to safety and security reguiations the children's club ls on a first come flrst served basis until it reaches its maximum ity. During each session if a place becornes available children are

SAFETYFE TWIT}ISWTIYETT Play safe at the pool, swimming smart and looking cool. Complimentary swirn vests are available in the three sizes for children ages 4 to 12. Swim vests are located ne6r the towel station on Deck 11.


itoRillilG sEsslolt:

DR SEUSS (9:OO am -

Clean Your Room

Creative Creations: Green Eggs & Ham Sail into Storytime

activity session. A

late fee of $I per mlnute, per child applies following posted closing times.


,n6r.uru, Autism Friendty Activities


noon) Duck, Duck, Seussl Cat in the Hat Hop on Bop Hopscotch

One Fish, Two Fish Hide & Seek

AFTERilOOil SESISIOI{: AROUND THE WORLD (2:0o pm - 5:00 pm) Leaning Tower of Pisa Fruit Salad Brazilian Football Save the Waves

Spain, Spaghetti Deep Sea Diving

EYENIHGgESSIoI{r LITTLE ROCK STARS (7:OO pm - IO:OO pm) Freeze Dancing Walk of Fame Creative Creations: Mirror Dancing {rI Name that Sonq


Musical Dots Jenga Dance


Mexican Hat Dance

Creative Creations: Fla gs Sail lnto Story time:The rainbow Fish Rockstar Moves

Adventure Science: Wow is Nowl Hot Potato Sing & Dance


*T.'.TE HIGHT}ARTY ZOTE ($) pleaie note a fee of iZ pCrtroii.-per child applies from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night Party Zon-e viill close at 2:00 am bi when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first. old by tgqay and full-y toilet trained to particlpate rn Adventure Ocean activities. Please note It is Royal Caribbean lnternational's Policy that all children must be 3 years -are ;All superviied bi our staff] and are subject lo change, 'Sea pass,card ls requlred to plck up. activities that Adventure Ocean is a Oiaoei anO Jull-up free area, 99PRD39s38

SESSIOI{: SECRET AGENT (9:OO am - noon) Mafia Creatlve Creatlons: Detective Badges Decode Memory Challenge Wink Master Protector Protect the President Spies


Bombardme.,E Mystery Handshake



lntruder Alert


Flreball Gaga Ball


Captain Says dE Head it,Catch it

Rooster Tag

Blind Pilot Crehtlve Creations: Stingrays Adventure Science: Get Buggy EYEXI]IGSESSIOI{: ROCK & ROLL NIGHT (7:00 pm - lO:00 pm) King and Queen of the Make your own star rft Domino Dancing {E Hula hoop Competition Line Dance DJ: Play my favorite song! Adventure Science: Meteorology Madness ttE

BOMB! Guess the Song


Freeze Dance Dance to alltunes Creat ive Creations: Guita rs


ATE tlcllT PARW z0ilE ($): TRASH THE ROOM Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per chlld applies from 10;00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night Party Zone will close at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first.


activities are supervised by the Adventure Ocean staff and are subject to change. 'SeaPass card is rcqulred to pick up.

}TORI{IHG SESIIIOI{: SECRET AGENT Creatlve Creatlons: Detective Badges Memory Challenge Protector Spies



(9:OO am - noon)


Gaga Ball

Mystery Handshake

lntruder Alert mE



3or8 I


Mafia Decode Wink Master Protect the President

AFTERI{@}a SElSSlOil: BE A YOUTH STAFF (2:OO pm - 5:OO pm)


Rooster Tag

Captain Says Head it,Catch it



Guess the Song Creative Creations: Stingrays Blind Adventure Science: Get Buggy EVEl{ltG SESSIOI$ ROCK & ROLL NIGHT (7:OO pm - 10:00 pm) Make your own star Freeze Dance King and Queen of the Dance to alltunes Hula hoop Domino Dancing Creative Creations: Guitars DJ: Play my favorite Line Adventure Science: Meteorology Madness {ri I{TATE ]IIGHT PARTY ZOXE ($): TRASH TH E ROOM Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per child applies from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night Party Zone will close at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first,

fii Competition song!




With parental consent, Voyagers have the opportunity to sign themselves in and out of the program while at sea. During port hours, a @rent/egal guardian or someone lB years or older will be required to drop off and pick up the children no matter if they are self-signers. 'All activities are superyised by the Adventure Ocean staff and are subject ta change. 'SeaPass card ls requlrcd to plck up.


Wednesday January gth, 2019 P bi lip sburg S t. M aarten

DATS oPEMtGHOUnS 7:30 am - 9:00 am* 9:00 am - noon

Early Bird (Aquanaut Room) Morning Session

noon - 1:00 pm-


2:00 pm - 5:00 pm

Afternoon Session

5:00 pm - 7:00 pm * 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm

10:00 pm - 2:00

Adventure Dining Evening Session Late Night Party Zone ($)


Parents, please note that your kids will enjoy lunch at noon in the Windiammer Caf6, Deck 1l with their friends and Youth Staff.Fiod us by dialing #8955


]ATE tflotT PARTY ZOIE ($) Ple:se note a fee of $7 per hour, per child applies from 10:00 prn, This will be charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night ends at 2:00 am or when the last child ieaves, whichever occurs firsi.


Parents, yqu can meet the Adventure Ocean Staff at the Dining Room entrance (Deck 4 ?t e4O pm), so you can quickly return to your dining experence. Your children will be signed in by an Adventure'Ocean Staff and escorted to the Adventure Ocean facility. LATE P[GI(IDFOIJCT Please note the designated pick-up times

late fee of

EAIIIILYACTMTIES 5:.l5 pm Family Scavenger Hunt


for each activity session. A

$l per minute, per child applies following posted closing


Adventure Ocean....Deck l2

SAFETY FEST WIT}I SWnl VESTII. Piay safe at the pool, swimming smart and looking cool. Complirnentary swim vests are available in the three sizes for children ages 4 to t2. Swim vests are located near the towel station on Deck ll.


1r0,7.r1", Autism Frie ndty Activi ties

Akos, I ilOnXHGSESSIOI* DINOSAURS (9:OO am - noon) Mr.



Play Time with Adienture Sclence: Jurassic Jr.


Dino Story ffl Sail lnto Storyiime: lf Dinosaurs Came Back... Dino Treasures


{lI Everywhere Pass the Parcel iil Party Hats Balloons

Playtime Dance


Hot Lava Rock Protect the Nest


Musical Balloons Creative Creations: Birthday Cake


EYEI{II{GSESSION: PIRATE NIGHT!(7:OO pm - IO:OO pm) Pirate Transformations Pirate Comnnands Mug Shots!



Pirates' Treasuie +fl Creative Creations: Pirate Bandanas Pirate Treasure Hunti .lE

Face Painting

Story time

ttct{T PAmr zo}tE ($}

Please note a fee of $7 per hcrir,-per chlld applies from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up, Late Night Party Zone will close ai 2:00 am bi when ihe last child leaves, whichever occurs first. It is Royal Caribbean !nternaiional's Poiicy that all children must be 3 years oid by today and fully toilet trained to participate in Adventure Ocean activrties. Please note that Adventure Ocean is a diaoer and puil-up free area. 'All activities are supervised by our stafl and are sublect to change. 'Sea pass card ls r"qulred to pick up.

IrloRlItNG SESSIOil: Adventure Art: Kite Design Limbo Dancing Build a Boat Challenge Dr. Dodgeball

TSLAND HOPPTNG( 9:O0 am - noon) lslands Last Surfer Standing

Balloon Volleyball Steal the Coconut Adventure Science: Fossil Fevertr* King of the lsland



Jellyfish Tag Freeze Tag Fainting Goat Tag Band-Aid Tag Tallest & Strongest Tower fit Popsicle Sticks Creations EYEl{lilGSESStOil! SPORTS NIGHT! (7:OO pm - IO:O0 pm)



Create your own Jersey Creative Creations: Team Posters


Ef sorgl

Crazy Tag Fetch lt Tunnel Tag Game

Kids. Vs. Staff Dodgebali

Adventure Science: Body Shop +f*

Basketball Shoot outs Fireball


*Explorers will be on the Sports Court, deck 13 aft from 8:3O pm to 9:3O pm, weather permitting" Children must be ryearing closed-toed shoes during tonight's activities to participate. I+IATE HIGIIT PARTY ZOT.E ($): SPORTS & CRAFTS Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per child applies from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night Party Zone will close at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first. 'All activities are supervised by the Adventure Ocean staff and are subject to change.'SeaPass card is requlred to pick up.





|SLAND HopptNG( 9:oo am - noon) Adventure Art: Kite Design lslands Balloon Volleyball Limbo Dancing Last Surfer Standing Steal the Coconut Build a Boat Challenge Adventure Science: Fossi I Fever*Irt Dr. Dodgeball King of the lsland A'FTERI{OOilSESEIOI{:TAGTACULAR AFTERNOOil (2:O0 pm - 5:OO pm) Toilet Hotdog tag


Jellyfish Tag Fainting Goat Tag Tallest & Strongest Tower


A [3orgl

PacMan Tag

Freeze Tag

Fetch lt

Band-Aid Tag

Tunnel Tag Game

Popsicle Sticks Creations

EvEillxGgESlllOI{:SPORTS NIGHT! (7:00 pm - 10:00 pm)



Create your own -lersey Creative Creations:Team Posters


Kids. Vs. Staff Dodgebal! Basketball Shoot outs Fireball

Adventure Science: Body Shop tiE PacMan

*Voyagers will be on the Sports Court, deck 13 aft from 8:30 pm to 9:30 pm, weather permitting. Childrem must be wearing closed-toed shoes durEng tonight's activities to participate .*'LATE lllcl{T PAnfY ZOI{E ($)l SPO RTS & C RAFTS

Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per child applies frorn 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night Party Zone will close at 2:00 am or when ihe last child leaves, whichever occurs first. With paientalcorisent Voyagers have the opportunity to srgn fhemse/res in and 6ut of the program while at sea. During port hours, a parentlegal guardian or someone 18 years or older will be required to drop off and pick up the children no matter if they are self-signers. All activities are superuised by the Adventure Ocean staff and are subject to change. 'SeaPass card is required to plck up.






LATE ttotT PAnTY ZOffi (g) Pleese note a fee of $7 per hosr, per chlld applies from 10:00 pm. This wril. be ciar-ged to your Seapass account at time of pick up. Late Night ends at 2:00 ani or when the iast ciiiici ieaves, whichever occurs iirsi.

TYTI]|EDf,TG OPEI{XGHOI'RS 6:45 am - 9:00 am* 9:00 am - noon 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm 7:00 pm - 10:00 pm 10:00 pm - 2:00 am **

Morning Session

Parents, yo_u can meet the Advilnture Ocean Staff at the Dining Room entrance (Deck 4 qt.6j40 pm), so you can quickly return to yoir Oining experience. Your children will be signed in by an Adventurebcean Staff and escorted to the Adventure Ocean facility.

Aftemoon Sesion


Early Bird (Aquanaut Room) Evening Session

Please note desjgnated pic!;up times for each activity session. A per minute, per child applies following postLd closing late fee of gl-the times.

Late Night Party Zone (g)

FAI{IIYAGTIVITIES 5:15 pm Family Gagaballfr* Adventure Ocean...Deck


Play safe at the pool, swimming smart and looking cool. Complimentarv


swim vests are available in the three sizes for ihildren as;is + tol7. Swim vests are located near the towel station on Deck



tnoricares Autism Friendty Activities



SESSIOIG SPORT O MANTA (9:OO am - noon) Jump Basketball Shootout Qver,'Offier Relay Pass the Potato ttl Hish Jump Freeze Dancing i$ Obstacle Course Sall into Storytlme: f you ever want to bring an Alligator to School,Don'tby Elise Parsley AFTERXOOilSEISSIOIG FARm|NG FRENZY (2:O0 pm - 5:00 pm) Doggie, Where's Your Bone? Farm Animal Quiz Sail into Storytime


Ri.ln Chicken, Run

Animal Songs - Sing-a-long Copy Cat Barnyard

Rooster Tag Cat and Mouse

AnimalPuppets Bunny Hop

(7:OO pm - 1O:OO pm)

Color by numbers Watercolors Color tag Balloon Fun Sail into Storytime:Ihe day the crayons quit by Oliver Jeffers

Creatlve creatlons:Model magic wonders Adventure Sclence:Hydrophobic Sand art Dancing Dots

q.ATE 1{16IIT PARTYrclG ($) Please note a fee of $i

Late Night partv

zone,#ili1T"",T*i16Hi1r'3Plli'.t{T"',9,l?fr,il L193,',XiiJj,'J9..1.'..t&UPrT,;?:ou's

account at time of pick up'

It is Rcyal Caribb_ean lnternational's Policy that all children must be 3 years old by today and fully toilet trained to participate in Adventure Ocean activities, please note is a diaper and pull-up free area. 'All activities are supervised by our staff, and are subject to change. .SeaPass card ls lequlred to plck up.

that Adventure Ocean

ilORillHGSEISSIOI{: BALL GAMES BONANZA! (9:00 am - noon} Crazy Tag Balloon Volleyball


Adventure Sclence: Space Mud

Protect the President

Silent Speed

King of the eourt

Dr. Docigebaii





AFTERilOOI{SESS|O]{:GLADIATOR (2:OO pm - 5:00 pm) The Eliminator Gladiator Dodgeball Horses, Knights, Cavalier Adventure Sclence: Fossil Fever tr*

Gladiator Jousting Protect the Emperor Bombs and Shelters

Chariot Races Creative Creations: Shields Gladiator

RACE lNTo SPACE(7:00 pm - 1O:00 pm) Planets of Call Critical Light saber Asteroid Battle Jedi Space Adventure Art: Flying Saucers lArE mcHT PARTY ZOf,E ($) I l0l:S GtlolGr Please note a fee of $7 per hour, Ber child applies from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick


Mission Dodgeball

duels Ball

up. Late Night Party Zone wili clcse at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first.

Activities for Explorers & Voyagers will be combined. lAll activities are supervised by the Adventure Ocean staff and are subject to change. *SeaPass card ls required to pick up.

:seil -i,;r' +::at:a


#".,""e --. -q3# "ig,@;,

Zt=:-HORililGSES$IOI{: BALL GAMES BONANZA! (9:00 am - noon) Crazy Tag Balloon Volleyball King of the Court


*'k '3.'



Adventure Science: Space Mud fi*

Protect the President Dr. Dodgeball

Silent Speed



AFTERilOOilSESEIOI* GLADIATOR (2:OO pm - 5:00 pm) The Eliminator

Gladiator Dodgeball Horses, Knights, Cavalier

Adventure Science: Fossil Fever {E

Gladiator,rJpusting Protect th-i! Emperor Bombs and Shelters

Chariot Races Creative Creations: Shields Gladiator

HuEfiilt6 SEStStOtl:

RACE INTO SPACE(7:00 pm - 1O:OO pm) Critical Mission Planets of Call Light saber duels Asteroid Battle Jedi Dodgeball Space Bali Adventure Art: Flying Saucers ITATE XlGl{f PARTYZOiIE ($): tID€€HOICE Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per child applies from 10:00 pi'n - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night Party Zone will close at 2:00 am or when the iast child leaves, whichever occurs first.

With parentatconsen4 Voyagers have the opportunity ta sign themselves in and out of the program while at sea. Du-ring port hours, a parent/egal guardian or someane t8 yeais or older will be required ta drap off and pick up the children no matter if they are self signers. -Activities

for Voyagers & Exptorers witt be combined and are supervised by the Adventure ?cean staff and are subjxt to change. 'SeaPass card is requlred to plck up.





Join us this evening for kids dinner with your Youth Staff. Chiid(ren) ryed to be pre-registered, signed up, by 3:00 pm as space is limited. Children will return to Adventure Ocean for activities when dinner is finished.


Noon pm* pm*'

am pm - 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm pm - 10:00 10:00 pm - 2:00 am

9:00 2:00 5:00 7:00

Morning Session


Afternoon Session Adventure Dining

Parents, you can meet the Adventure Ocean Staff at the Dining Room entrance (Deck 4 at 6:40 Fm), so you can quickly return to your dining experience. Vour children will be signed in by an Adventure Ocean Staff and escorted to the A,dventure Ocean facility.

Evening Session Late Night Party Zone. ($)



Please note the designated pick-up times for each

late fee of times.

Famlly Build & Battle {rI Adventure Ocean...Deck l2

5:15 pm Adventure Deck


Ocean, Learn how to draw in minutes using only lettters and numbers! Join the Adventure Ocean Team for this activity full of colors and exclusive designs created only for Royal Caribbean.

aboard! Tracks


CreativE Creations: My Train

lloon Balloon Volleyball

My friend Thomas the Train Railroad Sing-a-Long Red/Greqn Light Sail lnto Storytime:Chooga Chooga Cho lrl




activity sesslon. A

$l per minute, per child applies following posted closing

SAFETY FIRSiT WTflI SWT' YEJSIS. Play safe at the pool, swimrning smart and looking cool. Complimentary swim vests are available in the three sizes for children ages 4 to 12. Swim vests are located near the towel station on Deck 11.

Family lrluffalo Potato rE

I{ORfl|]{GSEISSIOffi BUBBLES, BUBBLES & BALLOONS (9:O0 am Color Your Magic Bubble Bubble Wand Creation Bubble Timel Balloon Volleyball Balloon Grab Sall lnto Storvtime AFTEff{OOIISESSIOH:TRAINS & CARS (2:OO pm - 5:00 pm)



Plga:e note a fee of S7 per hour, per child applies from 10:00 prn. This char-ged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Laie Night ends at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whicliever 6ccurs firsi.

Friday January lltn, 2OI9 At Sea


EYEtIilCSElSSlOtt COWBOYS AND COWGIRLS (7:00 pm - 10:00 pm)

Races Room Money?

Sack Clean your Who Stoie the

Jumping Contest Four Deserts lndian Chief

Biindfold Tag Riding Horse Obstacle Course Creative Creations: Sheriff Badges

fiTATE ilIG}IT PARTY ZOT{E (S) pleaie note Jiee of $7 per horii, per chitd applies from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charqed to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night Party Zon'e viritl close att 2:00 am bi when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first. .All activities t-njt l,jrenture bcean ij a diaper and puil-up free area.


supervised by our stafi and are subiect to change. 'SeaPass card is tequircd to pick up.

ilORl{lllcSESSIOI$ Youth Staff Attack


I,jJ:JlfE?S#fionship fit



Snowball Fights

Clean Your Room

Crazy Tag Tournament

Mafia Madness Airplane Challenge

Ahhh Vikinq AFi=nilOoilgEsSlOil: BUILD & EATTLE (2:00 pm - 5:00 pm) Build & Battle Tallest & Strongest Tower ttt Dismantle the Building Popsicle Sticks Creations fil Domino Track




Jenga Knockdown {r* Fetch lt

EYEIIIIIGSESISIOI*SUPER HERO WORLD (7:0O pm - t0:0O pm) Super Hero Mission Blast lronman: Stealthe Gold Superhero Amnesia:Who Am l? Super Hero Trivia Return of the Enemy Batman's Quest Kryptonite Crash Superhero Tag Protect The lnfinity Gauntlet Adventure Sclence: Staggering to the stars Creative Creations: Superhero ldentity Badge

qrrE ilqrr

DrRw zorc (sD scrENcE


Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per chlld applies from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night Party Zone will close at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first. Activities for Explorers &Voyagers wilt be combined. activities are supervised by the Adventure Ocean staff and are subject to change.'SeaPass card is requlrcd to plck up.


ilONHil{GSESSIOI$ LATE NIGHT PARTY IN THE MORNING (9:OO am - noon) Youth Staff Attack Trash the Room Gagaball Championship Bingo/ Fireball

lce Cream Contest

Snowball Fights Crazy Tag Tournament Ahhh Viking AFTERilOOil SHSSlOlr$ BUILD & BATTLE (2:OO pm - 5:OO pm) Tallest & Strongest Tower fE Build & Battle Popsicle Sticks Creations tta Dismantle the Building Domino Track


Spud Clean Your Room Mafia Madness Airplane Challenge

Jenga Knockdown Fetch lt


Et EtltcSElSSlOt*SUpER HERO WORLD (7:00 pm - 10:00 pm) lronman:Steal the Gold Super Hero Mission Blast Batman's Quest Super Hero Trivia Return of the Enemy Protect The lnfinity Gauntlet Kryptonite Crash Superhero Tag Adventure Sclence: Staggering to the stars Creative Creations: Superhero ldentity Badge

Superhero Amnesia:Who Am l?

'rtarE ta!6tir PARWrcnE ($I


Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per chlld applies from 10:00 pm - 2:0O am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night Party Zone wili close at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first. With parental consent, Voyagers have the oppoitunity to sign themselves in and out of the prcgram while at sea. During port hours, a parent/egal 18 years or oider will be required to drop off and pick up the children no matter if they are se/f-srgners,

guardian or sorneone rActivitix


Voyagers & Explorers will be combined and are superyrse d

rSeaPass card ls rcqulred to plck up. by the Adventure Ocean sfaff and are subject to change.





T]IAXK YOU FOR CO}II]IG TO ADYE]ITURE OCEAf,I On behalf of your Adventure Ocean staff we thank you for all the fun and wish you a safe journey home!

i-eTE ilEArT PAnfi ZOftE ($, Ple€se note a fee of g7 p-er hour, per child applies from ,10:00 pm. This chargect to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. tate tlignt ends at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs firsi.

IATEP!C[I.|P FOLICY Please note^-the designated pick-up times for each activity session. A late fee of gl per minute, per chlld applies following post'ea itosing



SAFE?Y FtEtf WIfl{ vEst1s. Play safe at the pool, swimming smart and looking cool. Complimentary

swim vests are available in the three sizes for ihildren agbs 4 to -


Noon pm pm**

9;00 am 2:00 pm - 5:00 7:0_O pm - 10:00 10:00 pm - 2:00 am

Swim vests are located near the towel station on Deck

Morning Session



Afternoon Session Evening Session Late Nibht Party Zone. (g)


Family Trivia dr* Adventure Ocean...Deck


AI 3os, IORXIXGSESSIOI{: IITTLE CHEFS (9:OO am - noon) Creative Creations: Chef's Hat


lngredients Relav Cooking Time!fi*

My Cereal Bowl Fruity Corners I'l E! om' 5:OO om) tft SiJ PERii ERO Tiplavtinie with'Suoerhero Tovi

5 Crispy Pancakes! Sail Into Storytime: Little Pea by A.Krousse rrt


AF-TEffia@l{ SESSIOIa:

Obstacle Course Race Find the Adventure Sclence:The Body Shop


Who has it?

Su6erhero Freeze Dance rt*'

Superhero Dress Upl Superhero Face Painting {r*

rour PJs PJs-tonight!) rontgnt (7:OO pm - 10:00 pm) EYENIXGSESSIO}{I PJ NIGHT-(Wear y_our

lreatlve Creatlons:.Teddy Bears Sail lnto Storytime fil Sleeping Bear Tag


Pajama Cat Walk Ants in our Pants Bear Hunt {E

Clean Your Room Musical Chairs

ntATE lilGltT PAnTYZOffi ($)

Please.note_a fee of $7 per hour, pe-r gIHd applies from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night Party Zone will close al2:00 am oi when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first. It is Royal Caribbean lnternational's Policy that all children must be 3 years old by today and fully toilet trained to particrpate in Adventure Ocean activities. Please note that Adventure Ocean is a diaper and pull-up free area. 'All activities are supervised by our stafl and are subject to change. 'SeaPass card is rcqulred to plck up.


lilORI{ltGgElSSIoil:AROUND THE WORLD (9:OO am - noon) Brazil - Toilet Paper Soccer Esypt - Mummy Wrap Canada - Hockey by #'s

Italy - The Pisa Tower Japan - Sumo Wrestling Adventure Art Flags fi*

AFTERHOOIISESSIOI{I THIS OR THAT (2:OO pm - 5:0o pm) Gagaball or Crazy Tag Flinch or Head ltlCatch Dodgeball or King of the Court It's a BOMB or Blob Tag

Bonk or Rattlesnake fir Protect the President or Splat


Greece - Grape United States - Basketballt(r* Adventure Science: Volcano

t Sofl


Bingo or Board Games fi* Minefield or River Crossing Adventure Art: Muffalo Potato


Adventure Sclence:Germ Jung le ilEXll{G SEISSIOI{r PJ NIGHT (Wear your PJs tonight!) (7:00 pm - 10:00 pm) Pillow Case Fetch it {r* Ouick change B.O-M-B List-o-rama Stealthe moon Stars Tag Movie trivia rlE Adventure Art: Pillowcases {ri Adventure Sclence:Staggering through the stars .{urE mGHT pARry zotE (sts DANCING BAIL Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per child applies from 10:00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up. Late Night Party Zone will close at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first,Late Night Party Zone will close at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first.



Activities for Explorers & Voyagers will be combined, 1All

activities are supervised by the Adventure Ocean staff and are subject to change.'SeaPass card is required to pick up.

a.ffil;f ;:, rl:a!. t. ta : :-"





El ilORXlllG SESSIOI{: AROUND THE WORLD (9:O0 am - noon) Brazil - Toilet Paper Soccer ESypt - Mummy Wrap Canada - Hockey by #'s

Italy - The Pisa Tower Japan - Sumo Wrestling

Adventure Art: Flags riE


Greece - Grape Stomping United States - Basketballtft Adventure Science: Volcano {rf



Gagaball or Crazy Dodgeball or King of the It's a BOMB or Blob Tag Adventure Sclence:Germ Jungle


Flinch or Head ltlCatch Bonk or Rattlesnake +f* Protect the President or Splat

EYEl{ltG SESSIOI{: PJ NIGHT (Wear your Pillow Case B.O-M.B



Bingo or Board Games +iE Minefield or River Crossing Adventure Art: Muffalo Potato


tonight!) (7:00 pm - 10:00 pm)

Quick change


List-o-rama Stars Tag Movie trivia {rI Adventure Science:Staggering through the stars

Fetch it +fi

Stealthe moon Adventure Art: Pillowcases *ft

HLATE XIGHT PARTY ZOI{E ($} DANCING BALL Please note a fee of $7 per hour, per child applies from 10;00 pm - 2:00 am charged to your SeaPass account at time of pick up, Late Night Party Zone will close at 2:00 am or when the last child leaves, whichever occurs first,Late Night Party Zone will close at 2:00 am or whdn the last child leaves, whichever occurs first. With parental consent, Voyagers have the opportunity to sign themselves in and out of the program while at sea. During port hours, a parentlegal guardian or someone 18 years or older will be required to drop off and pick up the children no matter if they are self-sigiers. Activities for Voyagers & Explorerc will be ambined and are superuised by the Adventure kean statf and are subject to change. 'SeaPass cald ls requhed to pick up.





of the Seas

See all there is to do during your cruise vacation. Look inside for a schedule of events while you're onboard - find something that's right for you. Come and check us out! Optix, Deck 12 Aft.

YOU DON'T WAilT TO iIISS... TEEN SPEED CLIMB . BE THE CHAMPION! Are you a risk taker? lf so, don't think twice and head on up to the Rockwall on deck l3 for a teen speed climb, show the shrp population who is the one with the real skills! TEEN ONLY BOOGIE BOARDING Come out and join us for our own private Teen Only Session at the FlowRider. Don't forget to bring your bathing suit and towel.



NOTE: Teens do not need to register or sign rn to partrcipate in the Teen Program. Teens are free to come an go as they pleasel

WELCOMEToTHE TEEN PROGRAM OPEil HOUSE & HOW TO GET INVOLVED! Why not check out the greatest Teen Center at sea! Teens, don't miss out on all the cool things we have for you. Come up to deck 12 aft and see where your new home is for your cruise vacation. Check out the facilities this afternoon and join us for the 411 at B:30 pm on Day L See you there!



. ...::.n::.t:.T:':

Starts H ERE and




.*.: .o::.*.0::.




lnappropriate behavior will not be permitted during Teen activities. Teens demonstrating such behavior will be issued a warning by the teen staff. Upon another incident a parental conference will take place and potential dismissalfrom the activities. JUI{IOR CRUISERS CURFEW There is a curfew for all of our junior cruisers (under the age


It's the first night and this is your chance to meet all the teens from around the worldl

PRO]II PARTY Wear your formals!

BACKWARDS PARTY Create your own party!

of 18) not accompanied by a parent or guardian as of l:OO am. Junior cruisers participating in programs provided by the Teen Staff onboard are an exception.


TEEI{ PROGRAiI Teens participating in shipboard Teen Activities hosted by the Teen Staff are free to come and go from such activities as they please, lf teens are not present during the first 15 minutes of a scheduled Teen activity, the activity will be cancelled.

FAREWEII PARTY fime to say goodbye to the rhythm of the

Dance it all!


CHECK THIS OUT lolv2-Atsea

DAYI - Fort Lauderdale, Florida January sth,2019

.1O:OO am

'Optix, Deck 4:30 pm Decks 4 and 5

Mandatory Emergency Drill At the sound of the emergency alarm system, please proceed to your assembly



.Table Tennis, Deck l2 a

.2:00 pm 'Optix, Deck 12

5:OO pm - 6:3O pm

Open House


Optix, Deck

Come and check out the Teen Facility and meet your Teen Staff.

8:30 pm Optix, Deck

9:30 pm 13

'Optix, Deck

Optix, Deck

Pictoword That looks like.


Murder Mystery 12

]s:oo pm

. Sporfs Court, Deck 13

.8:00 pm . Windjanmer Cafd, Deck ll '9:00 pm -9:45pm ] Sruaro B, Deck 3

Do you know your "D's" *Seapass card required.

1O:45 pm

Sardines Hide and Seek.


.4:00 pm

Teen Sports Choice (.Weather permitting)

Sporfs Court, Deck


.Optix, Deck

Mix and Mingle and the 411 Bring your SeaPass card with you!


The clues are... Teen Baskteball 3 on 3 Are you ready to score? Teen Dinner *Meet in OptixTeen ONLY lce Skating(l2-I7) Bring your long pants,long sleeves and



Majority Rules a

The game show!


5th, 2019

Band Scramble He is... Table Tennis Tournament Time to show your skills!






to equipment availability/Waivers nust

be signed by parents/guardians

SeaPass card required!

1,0,,, lI:30 pm International Party! Optix, Deck


. Optix, Deck


A great way to start your vacationl *SeaPass ca rd requ ired !

Cartoon Trivia Do I know those ones?


aaaoaaoaaaaaaaaaaaoaaaaooaaaa a



DAY 4 - San Juan, Puerto Rico


January 7th,2019



8th, 2019


l0:00 am Optix, Deck



II:OO am - 5:00 Optix, Deck




Teen Basketba!! Open Play 'Not hosted by theTeen Staff

Optix Lounge (Not

Speed Climb Competition *Socks and dry clothes are required. RockClimbingWalL Deck14 Waivers must be signed by parents/ guardians before 4:45 pm at the wall Teen ONLY Boogie Boarding Session 8:O0 pm - 9:OO FlowRider Deck Waivers must be signed by parents/ guardians at the FlowRider Desk

pm 13




Sports Court, Deck


cad requircd!


Sign up with your Teen Staff!

10:45 pm Movie Chill Night! Optix, Deck t2 Wear your PJs




tf teens are not present during the first t5 minutes of a scheduled

Stop the bus

Optix, Deck


11:00 am


Optix, Deck



a a

hosted by the Teen Staff)

Looking for a "cool" place? Optix is open just for you. Some games available.

10:00 am



5:OO pm

,)t E


Game Controllers are available at Adventure Ocean Aquanaut room. ' l\,lcl i,rts !:t! ltj, T.,=r, .jt ;it


Sporfs Court, Deck



Video Games & Card Games!

All About the Bass Trivia

Optix, Deck l2

Brand mel


Teen Volleyball Open Play rNot hosted by the Teen Staff


Optix, Deck l2

l:00 pm - 5:00 pm


Optix, Deck

5:00 pm


Sports Court, Deck


9:00 pm

a a

Optix Lounge (Not hosted bytheTeen Staff) Looking for a "cool" place? Optix is open


a a a

a a a

Name the tune before anyone else! Logo Trivia



o a a a o a a



iust for you. Some games available.

Challengers Arcade, Deck

1O:OO pm

Optix, Deck


13 12

Teen Dodgeball Competltion *Seapass card required. Alr Hockey Tournament Take the gold home tonight! The Weakest Link! We know, you know itl

l1:OO pm Latin Party! Optix, Deck 12 A bit of urban style at sea! *SeaPass card required!


a a


activity, the activity will be cancelled. Activities subiect to change.

DAY 5 - Philipsburg, St.Maarten

DAY 6 - Baseterre, St. Kitts & Nevi

January gth, 2019

January IOth, 2019

lO:OO am

Video Games & Card Games!

IO:OO am

Optix, Deck l2

Game Controllers are available at Adventure Ocean Aquanaut room. 'i., a, , l- il.'. f:=T..:.-ii Optix Loung e (Not hosted by the feen Staff)

Optix, Deck

ll:OO am - 5:OO pm Optix, Deck

open 5:00 pm


Minigolf, Deck

Looking for a "cool" place? Optix is just for you. Some games available. Teen Minigolf Hole in onel


8:00 pm

Optix, Deck

Time to express yourself using art! Teen Dares I dare you to.

9:OO pm

Optix, Deck Optix, Deck


10:00 am

Mind benders

Optix, Deck


No cluel


lnjustice Tournament The iastest is

1l:00 am Optix, Deck 2:OO pm

Teen BinEo Good Luck

Optix, Deck l2 3:00 pm Optix, Deck 12 4:OO pm Optix, Deck l2

Director's cut

5:15 pm

Sporfs Court, Deck

8:O0 pm Optix, Deck


9:30 pm Optix, Deck 12 10:30 pm Optix, Deck l2

E lf


Ready,set,Actionl 5 second Rule Think Fast Teen Sports Choice -Sea Pass Card Required Karaoke How well do you sing? Celebrity Heads Who is that?

required !

Scrapbooking A colorful way to gather memories

Optix, Deck l2 lI:00 am Optix, Deck l2



Charades Act it out.

2:OO pm

Name that Flag

Optix, Deck 12 3:OO pm Optix, Deck l2 4:OO pm Optix, Deck l2 5:00 pm Sporfs Court, Deck

How many of these have you visited?

Capture the Flag


8:00 pm Windjammer Cafe, Deck

9:00 pm Optix, Deck Optix, Deck

card required!

11:30 pm Black & White Party! Optix, Deck t2 It is tirne to say goodbyel *SeaPass card

1O:OO am

We are so similar.


Can you guess the narne of the Movie?


lO:00 pm

It is time to say goodbye!



Perfect Match

ll:30 pm PROM PARTY! Optix, Deck t2

Battle of the Sexes Who run the world? Are you smarter than a Teen Staff Testing your Skills. Cinemoji


Optix, Deck l2


Teen Staff)

Looking for a "cool" place? Optix is open just for you. Some games available. Teen Soccer Sign up with your Teen Staff! Amazing Race

Are you that good?



card required!

January llth ,2019


1O:OO prn




5:00 pm Sporfs Court, Deck 8:00 pm


I1:I5 pm Backwards Partyl Optix, Deck *SeaPass

Game Controllers are available at Adventure Ocean Aquanaut room.

10:00 am Teen Basketball Open Play 'lt Sports Court, Deck 13 1I:00 am - 5:0O pm Optix Loung e (Not hosted by the Optix, Deck

What's the app Do you know this brand?

Optix, Deck 12 9:OO pm Optix, Deck 12 lO:OO pm Optix, Deck l2

Video Games & Card Games! 12


Conquerl Super Smash Bros Who's the best? Teen Basketball Free throw Sign up with your Teen Staffl Teen Dinner *Meet in Optix-

Ultimate Trivia 12 12

Find the answers. College Games Time to start practicing

ll:15 pm FAREWELL PARTY! Optix, Deck t2


It is time to say goodbyet *SeaPass

card required!

teens are not present during the f irst l5 minutes of a scheduled Teen activity, the activity will be cancelled. Activities subiect to .hur$E.o*oorr*

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