C R U I S E 53
W E L C O M E A B O A R D Vision of the SeasÂŽ! Jo
help p l a n y o u r v a c a t i o n a n d t o a c q u a i n t y o u w i t h t h i s a m a z i n g ship, t a k e a f e w m o m e n t s t o r e v i e w o u r Cruise C o m p a s s : B o a r d i n g D a y E d i t i o n . It's f i l l e d w i t h t i p s on h o w t o make t h e most of your first d a y o n b o a r d .
BOARDING DAY PLANNING B e v e r a g e P a c k a g e s . Q u e n c h y o u r ttiirst o n b o a r d w i t h all-inclusive b e v e r a g e p a c k a g e s . Enjoy v i r t u a l l y u n l i m i t e d cocktails, plus a w i d e s e l e c t i o n of w i n e s & beers. Or, reserve a C o c a - C o l a " u n l i m i t e d s o d a p a c k a g e o r Royal Replenish Package f o r endless r e f r e s h m e n t . Visit a n y bar o n b o a r d t o purchase y o u r p a c k a g e ! I n t e r n e t . SURF + STREAM. B r o w s e t h e w e b , c h e c k e m a i l a n d share e v e r y u n f o r g e t t a b l e m o m e n t o f y o u r v a c a t i o n in real t i m e w i t h t h e SURF V o y a g e p a c k a g e s s t a r t i n g at $12.99 p e r day. Or, y o u can u p g r a d e t o a SURF + STREAI^I V o y a g e Package a n d also be a b l e t o v i d e o c h a t a n d s t r e a m y o u r f a v o r i t e TV s h o w s , m o v i e s a n d music, s t a r t i n g at j u s t $17.99 per day. C o n n e c t t o "ROYAL W I F I " o n y o u r o w n d e v i c e t o g e t s t a r t e d . M a k e t h e M o s t o f y o u r T i m e A s h o r e . Visit o u r d e s t i n a t i o n e x p e r t s ai t h e Shore Excursions Desk o n Deck 5. O u r t o p t o u r s sell o u t fast, b e sure t o visit us t o d a y ! A s k a b o u t o u r g u a r a n t e e . S p a T o u r s . Enter t o w i n u p t o $ 5 0 0 in s p a t r e a t m e n t s ! Tour t h e V i t a l i t y at Sea Day Spa o n Deck 9 t o d a y a n d learn all a t j o u t o u r full line u p o f s i g n a t u r e t r e a t m e n t s , massages a n d salon services. Tour t o d a y a n d y o u could be a winner! C a p t u r e Y o u r C r u i s e M e m o r i e s . Our professional p h o t o g r a p h e r s will be c a p t u r i n g it a l i - t h e m o m e n t o f a n t i c i p a t i o n as y o u b o a r d e d t h e ship, t h e smile o f i n t r i g u e as y o u arrive t o a n e w c o u n t r y , a n d t h e l o o k o f s o p h i s t i c a t i o n as y o u p o s e in y o u r m o s t f o r m a l a t t i r e . S p e c i a l t y D i n i n g . Try C h o p s Grille - O u r s i g n a t u r e s t e a k h o u s e , f e a t u r i n g Grade A p r e m i u m c u t s o f steak. O r c h o o s e Giovanni's Table s e r v i n g m a g n i f i c e n t Italian cuisine in a n i n t i m a t e a t m o s p h e r e . Izumi w a s d e s i g n e d t o inspire all i n t e r n a t i o n a l g u e s t o n b o a r d i n t e r e s t e d in u n i q u e Asian i n f l u e n c e d dishes. Or c h o o s e o u r C h e f s Table c o n c e p t f e a t u r i n g t h e p e r s o n a l i t y a n d t a l e n t of t h e Culinary Team In a smaller a n d m o r e e x d u s l v e s e t t i n g . A s k a b o u t o u r restaurant p a c k a g e s f o r g r e a t savings! C e l e b r a t i o n s . Celebrate a b i r t h d a y , a n n i v e r s a r y or a special o c c a s i o n w i t h a s e l e c t i o n o f g i f t s o r culinary d e l i g h t s d e l i v e r e d d i r e c t l y t o a n y s t a t e r o o m . Visit Guest Services, Deck 5 t o a r r a n g e s o m e t h i n g special. G e t I n s t a n t O n b o a r d C r e d i t T h i s C r u i s e V a c a t i o n . Book y o u r ne:<t cruise o n b o a r d a n d g e t u p t o $ 5 0 0 o n b o a r d c r e d i t t o use this cruise v a c a t i o n . C o m e a n d see y o u r NextCruise Sales t e a m o n Deck 4 , C e n t r u m
BOARDING DAY TIPS s t a t e r o o m s . Staterooms will be ready for occupancy at approximately 1;00 p m . Until then, we Invite you t o explore the ship. L u g g a g e . Aii luggage will be delivered directly t o your stateroom. If your luggage has not arrived by 8:00 p m , please contact Guest Services, Deck 5. S e a P a s s . * Your SeaPass" card is your onboard charge card. This card also Identifies you when you enter and exit t h e ship. M a i n D i n i n g R o o m . Your main dining room table assignment is printed o n t h e front of your SeaPassÂŽ card. Our Maitre'D will be available for any table or seating change requests between 11:00 a m - 4 : 0 0 p m today in t h e Aquarius Dining Room, Deck 4 . M y T i m e D i n i n g . Enjoy the flexibility t o dine whenever you want f r o m day to day. To take advantage of the My Time Dining program, between 11:00 am - 4 : 0 0 p m in t h e Aquarius Main Dining Room, Deck 5 or dial extension 6715. G r a t u i t i e s . A $13.50 g r a t u i t y $16.50 for suite guests, will be automatically added t o each guest's SeaPass* account on a daily basis. Guests w h o prepaid their gratuity prior to boarding will not have a daily gratuity charged t o their SeaPass* card. G u e s t A s s e m b l y D r i l l . Prior to sailing, a mandatory emergency drill will be conducted. This will help y o u familiarize yourself w i t h the safety routine and your assigned assembly station in the event of an e m e r g e n c y Listen to announcements for further instructions and watch t h e safety film on your stateroom television, channel 14. C h i l d r e n ' s F l o a t a t i o n D e v i c e s . For the safety and well being of children, children's s w i m m i n g pool personal flotation devices are available free of charge at the pool deck areas. Personal floatation devices are for use onboard t h e Vision of t h e Seas and cannot be taken off the ship". S t a t e r o o m c o n f i g u r a t i o n - If you have booked a stateroom for more than 2 guests, a sofa bed (only available o n a limited number of staterooms) or Pullman beds will be part of your .stateroom configuration. Please note that the sofa bed or the Pullman beds will be set up during t h e evening service of your stateroom by your Stateroom Attendant. For any inquiries regarding your accommodations, please contact your Stateroom Attendant.
A W A Y P A R T Y ! Join us at 5:45 pnn on Deck 9 to say bon voyage to Dubai at our spectacular Sail Away Party There will be music, horn blasts and unforgettable views.
R e g i s t e r t h e K i d s f o r A d v e n t u r e O c e a n * . D r o p b y A d v e n t u r e Ocean
Y o u t h E v a c u a t i o n P r o g r a m ( Y E P ) . Upon boarding,
o n Deck 10 f r o m 1:30 p m t o 4 : 3 0 p m t o d a y t o ask q u e s t i o n s , register
all c h i l d r e n u n d e r 12 years o f a g e are g i v e n c o l o r e d
y o u r c h i l d a n d m e e t o u r h i g h l y t r a i n e d staff. T e e n P r o g r a m s . From game shows and video game tournaments t o dance parties and rock climbing competitions. Ask your Stateroom A t t e n d a n t f o r a c o p y o f t h e Teen C o m p a s s . A c t i v i t y W a i v e r s . Visit Deck 10 t o sign t h e w a i v e r p e r m i t t i n g y o u a n d t h e kids t o enjoy t h e Rock C l i m b i n g W a l l . If y o u c o m p l e t e d t h e w a i v e r p r e - c r u i s e , y o u r SeaPass* card w i l l serve as y o u r entry.
wristbands corresponding t o their emergency assembly s t a t i o n . In t h e e v e n t o f a n e m e r g e n c y , t h e A d v e n t u r e Ocean Staff will e s c o r t all c h i l d r e n p a r t i c i p a t i n g in A d v e n t u r e Ocean a c t i v i t i e s t o t h e i r assigned a s s e m b l y s t a t i o n s . T h e w r i s t b a n d s y s t e m w i l l also a l l o w t h e c r e w ^o d i r e c t a n y c h i l d t o t h e a p p r o p r i a t e a s s e m b l y s t a t i o n , even if t h e y are n o t p a r t i c i p a t i n g in A d v e n t u r e Ocean.
A full v e r s i o n o f t h e Cruise C o m p a s s y*?ith a d a i l y r u n d o w n o f o n b o a r d a c t i v i t i e s , e v e n t s a n d news r e g a r d i n g y o u r Royal C a r i b b e a n cruise will b e d e l i v e r e d t o y o u r s t a t e r o o m e a c h evening.
Cafe Latte-tudes
Windjammer Cafe Park Cafe
All venues
11:00 am
Snacks & Bites
11:00 am 1:30 pm
Casual Casual
Snacks & Bites
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Centrum bar
11:00 am
Interior bar
10:00 am
Exterior bar
10:00 am
Schooner Bar
The Pool Bar
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will close for the Guest Assembly
All venues
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will close for the Guest Assembly
Looking for your btjLorooin a pa'-ticular restaurant or activity? Our interactive Wayfinder screens, located in most elevator lobbies will help get you there. Wayfinders allow you to instantly view a map of the entire ship and are available in English, Spanish, German, Portuguese, Italian and French. Wayfinder.
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Take advantage of preselecting one of the many PACKAGE offers and make significant savings onboard when purchased on Day 1. Offers include Beverage Packages at any bar. Choose your Tour Package at Shore Excursions. Or visit any of the individual venues listed below: VENUE
Vitality at Sea Day Spa Vitality at Sea Fitness Center Dining Room Seating Changes My Time Dining Reservations Next Cruise Sales Adventure Ocean Registration Shore Excursions Desk Sports Desk (Activity Waivers) Photo Gallery Casino Royale® Royal Shops
11:00 am Deck 9, Aft 11:00 am Deck 10, Aft 11:00 am Deck 4, Dining Room 11:00 am Deck 5, Dining Room 1:00 pm Deck 4, Next Cruise 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Deck 10, Forward 11:00 am D e c k s 4:00 pm Deck 10, Rock Climbing Wall 6:30 pm Deck 6, Centrum 9:30 pm Deck 5 6:30 pm Deck 6, Centrum
Book your NextCruise onboard by Day 3 you will not only SAVE BIG on your future cruise, but you will also be entered to win $300 credit on your SeaPass to enjoy onboard this cruise!
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WANT US TO WIPE OUT YOUR CRUISE BILL? We'll take $500 off! All you need is one bet on tables or slots to be entered to the draw! Visit Casino Royale for the best Las Vegas Style gaming, and to ask about our promotions and loyalty program.
if this is your first time on Royal Caribbean, or even on a cruise ship, you're in for a real treat. Cruising is like no other kind of vacation you've ever been on. Where else can you go rock climbing in the middle of the ocean? Or w/atch a Broadw/ay-style production one night and a Vegas-inspired show the next? This ship is jam-packed with excitement and today is the perfect day to check it ail out. Even if you're a veteran cruiser, you'll find there's always some new adventure onboard just waiting to be discovered. Go explore all the new offerings, or try something you didn't get a chance to do last time. As for those old-time favorites you can't wait to revisit, make it a fresh new experience. 1.
stay Connected - Unlimited Internet Packages Browse the web, check email and share every unforgettable moment of your vacation in real time with the SURF Voyage packages starting at $12.99 per day. Or, you can upgrade to a SURF + STREAM Voyage Package and also be able to video chat and stream your favorite TV shows, movies and music, starting at just $17.99 per day. Connect to "ROYAL \N\H' on your own device to get started.
Spa Tours The Vitality Day Spa invites you to join us for a Spa tour today between 11:00 am - 5:00 pm. You'll learn about our luxurious treatments, such as seaweed wraps, hot stone massages, detox programs, facials, teeth whitening and our salon services for all your beauty needs. Be sure to enter our free raffle for the chance to win free vouchers worth $500. The drawing will be held in the Vitality Day Spa at 5:45 pm.
The Sail-Away Experience The ship is moving and we can't think of a better reason to celebrate. Join your Activities Manager Tony on our outer decks for this fun sailaway experience! Music by DJ Dennis . 5:45 pm, Poolside, Decks 9 & 10.
Welcome Aboard Reception Don't miss this great opportunity to meet our beautiful Royal Shops on deck six, attend to our exciting welcome aboard reception and enjoy a glass of champagne to celebrate your vacation. The event starts at 9:30 pm in Facets Jewelry Shop on Deck 6.
Finish That Lyric Game Show So you think you know the words to these songs? Your Cruise Director, Angelle, will put you to the test. Join us for the music and for the laughs. 9:30 pm, Centrum, Decks 4, 5, 6, 7.
Oceans cover 71 percent of the Earth's surface and produce up to 70 percent of our oxygen.
DESTINATION HIGHLIGHTS TALK Join Heydi to learn about the cultural scene and highlights of Khasab & Muscat get all of the information you need to make the best of your day ashore in the Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6 at 3:30 pm.
Toast to virtually unlimited options on your vacation - wake up with premium coffee, tea, and fresh-squeezed juices, then keep cool onboard with nonalcoholic drinks and bottled still and sparkling water. Relax and unwind with premium and frozen cocktails, domestic and imported beers and a wide selection of wines by the glass. Ask any of our Bar servers for more information about this one or any other of our great value packages.
I^onday, F e b r u a r y 6, 2017 Departing Dubai, United Arab Emirates
TODAY'S FORECAST Pleasant with sun and areas of high clouds Temperature: 72°F (22°C) Wind: Moderate Breeze UV Index: 5 Moderate Sunrise: 6:59 am Sunset: 6:07 pm
ALL ABOARD: 4:30 pm GANGWAY: Deck 1, Centrum (Subject to change due to tides) TONIGHT'S DINNER DRESS SUGGESTION - Casual (Please Note that bare feet, short pants, caps and tank tops are not Allowed in the Dining Rooms or any of our Specialty Restaurant). ONBOARD ATM - ATMs onboard only provide USD. MANDATORY SAFETY DRILL - Familiarize yourself with the safety routine onboard and your Muster Station; your assigned meeting place in case of an emergency. View our safety video on your stateroom television channel 14. There will be a mandatory safety drill for all guests today at 5:00 pm. All bars and venues will be closed from 4:45 pm until the Guest Assembly Drill is completed. FLOTATION DEVICES - For the safety and well being of children, children's swimming pool personal flotation devices are available free of charge at the pool deck areas. Personal flotation devices are for use onboard the Vision of the Seas and cannot be taken off the ship. CHILDREN ON THE DANCE FLOOR DURING LIVE MUSIC SETS We kindly request that parents make sure their children do not run around or play on the dance floors during live music sets. This is for their safety as well as the safety and enjoyment of all our guests. GRATUITIES - A $13.50 gratuity will be automatically added to each guest's SeaPass® account on a daily basis to be shared among dining services, Stateroom Attendants and other housekeeping services crew who work to enhance the cruise. Suite guests will see a $16.50 daily gratuity. Guests who prepaid gratuities prior to boarding the cruise will not have a daily charge onboard. An 18% gratuity is also automatically added to beverages, mini bar and spa treatments. ENROLL IN CROWN AND ANCHOR SOCIETY (CRUISING TO NEW LEVELS OF ENJOYMENT) - We' re flattered. And deeply appreciative. After all, you chose us. If you enjoy cruising, discover the benefits of Crown and Anchor Society membership. Enrollment is free. You will earn once Cruise Point for every night you stay with us, plus double points when you purchase a suite. See your Loyalty Ambassador on Deck 5, Centrum. LUGGAGE DELIVERY - We understand the urgency of getting your bags and we're doing everything possible to get them delivered as quickly as possible. We appreciate your patience and understanding. HELPFUL HEALTH INFORMATION • Medical experts tell us that the best way to prevent colds, flu, or gastrointestinal illnesses - such as Norovirus, which can be transmitted through person-to-person contact - is to simply wash your hands thoroughly with soap and warm water after restroom breaks and again before eating anything. According to the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and Public Health Agencies around the world, Norovirus affect millions on land each year, in fact, the only illness that is more prevalent is the common cold. Symptoms of Norovirus include an upset stomach, vomiting and diarrhea. Should you experience any symptoms of gastrointestinal illness, do not go to the ship's medical facility. Call the medical staff at the following number "51" for a complimentary consultation and treatment, if necessary. A member of the medical staff will be seeing you in your stateroom. TOMORROW - We will be in Khasab, Oman
Discover t h e excitement of Khasab on tours that showcase the l<ey sights attractions and signature experiences that you won't want to miss. Khasab and Surroundings Khasab Dhow Cruise to Omani Fjords Safari to Jebel Harim Shore Excursions Desi<, Decl< 5.
ONLY 3 DAYS FOR A CHANCE TO WIN EXTRA $300! Bool< today and get double the chance to win extra $300 to spend onboard right now. Get up to $500 onboard credit for your future cruise PLUS 60% OFF 2nd GUEST, available only for those who book now onboard today See your NextCruise Sales Team, Deck 4, Centrum
Get the most for your dream vacation in Dubai, come and join your Onboard TEAM to discover to the best deals and events happening in the Royal Shops, We will help you to take the best decisions for shopping and save the most. Tour and preview will take place in the Royal Shops, Located on Deck 6. From 1:00 pm until 4:00 pm. All attendees will receive a free raffle ticket to win a fantastic prize
Book and receive any massage or facial today & receive a free 25 minutes extra with you treatment. Call 6850 or visit the Vitality Day Spa, Deck 9 to make your appointment, open till 10:00 pm tonight Ladies don't forget to book early for formal Night Hair up do or Wash & Blow dry as places are limited and fill quickly for this night.
From ice cream to smoothies, steaks to sushi, buffets to multicourse meals, you'll find a variety of cuisines onboard. From relaxed cafes to elegant restaurants, you can choose from a variety of complimentary and specialty venues that suit your taste, style and mood. Enjoy! Ask about our specialty dining packages and SAVE!
All your cruise vacation pictures for one all inclusive price. This means that you can pose to your heart's content all cruise long. Every time you see a photographer or a photo studio setup be sure to have your photo taken. Then come up to the Photo Gallery at any time to "trash or tick" your photos. At the end of the cruise vacation all of the photos that you chose will be given to you as part of your package. Conditions apply. Visit the Photo Gallery on Deck 6 to learn more.
Apart from all the classic table games and over 180 slot machines we can offer you many more ways to win some cash this cruise vacation. From a Lottery that is drawn nightly to Casino Tournaments. If you consider yourself a card shark then maybe our Texas Hold'em Sit & Go Tournaments are what you are looking for. If you play the slot machines insert your SeaPass card into the readers to accumulate Casino Points which you can swap for prizes and even free play! Casino Royale, Deck 5, we are full of fun and games.
Join your art team in the Art Gallery for an exciting raffle and preview an exquisite collection of art by world renowned artist that we will feature at tomorrow's Lightning Fast Art Auction. We will be raffling off Art, Champagne and $500 worth of credit and also we will be giving out free welcome aboard packets. All of this while enjoying a complimentary glass of Champagne 7:00 pm. Art Gallery, Deck 6.
CRUISE DIRECTOR'S PICK OF THE DAY SMALL BET, BIG PAYOUT For as little as one dollar, you can be automatically entered t o win the 1-Bet Raffle for $500 off your folio! Just place a bet - no matter how big or small - at any machine or table in the casino before 11:00 pm on Day 6. Make sure you insert your SeaPass card or present it to the Dealer. Make your bet in Casino Royale, Deck 5.
Royal Caribbean International Proudly Presents
Welcome Aboard Showtime starring
The Vision of tlie Seas Orcfiestra & Ttie Royal Caribbean Singers and Dancers Hosted by Your Cruise Director, Angelle All Guests: 7:45 pm Masquerade Theatre, Decks 5 & 6 Please be reminded that the saving of seats and videotaping of shows is strictly prohibited. Also, children in the theatre must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. We also kindly ask that you refrain from using your cell phones in the theatre.
Jazz in t h e Night featuring
your Royal Caribbean Singers and the Vision of the Seas Orchestra
10:15 pm Centrum, Decks 4, 5, 6, 7 & 8 DAYTIME ACTIVITIES
Adventure Ocean Open House It's all fun and games onboard. Especially if you're a kid. Learn all about our award-winning Adventure Ocean® program, meet the staff and get a tour of the youth facilities. Open House: 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm. Adventure Ocean, Deck 10. First Time Cruisers' Club & Tour Become a Royal Caribbean International expert on the first try. Join us, and other first-timers, to learn all the tips to make your cruise vacation even more enjoyable. 5:30 pm, Schooner Bar, Deck 6. Rock Climbing Registration You can climb a wall at Sea! Join your Sports Staff this afternoon to Register for the Rock Climbing Wall. Parents must be present to sign a waiver for children under the age of 18. 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm & 5:15 pm - 6:00 pm. Rock Climbing Wall, Deck 10.
Poolside M o v i e : The Hundred Foot Journey (PG - 2:02) The Kadam family leaves India for France where they open a restaurant directly across the road from Madame Mallory's Michelinstarred eatery. 6:30 pm & 9:00 pm, Poolside, Deck 9. Singles and Solo Travelers Meet and Mingle Traveling by yourself? Come and meet other fellow cruisers and make new friends to hang out with on this amazing journey to the Arabic Lands. 10:00 pm. Viking Crown Lounge, Deck 11. Movie T i m e : Tiie Da Vinci Code (PG13 - 2:54) A murder inside the Louvre and clues in Da Vinci paintings lead to the discovery of a religious mystery protected by a secret society for two thousand years — which could shake the foundations of Christianity. 10:30 pm, Masquerade Theatre, Decks 5 & 6. Welcome Aboard Adult Karaoke Awaken your inner rock or pop star as you step up to the mic tonight at Karaoke. Join your Cruise Director's Staff for some fun tonight! 10:30 pm -11:30 pm Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6.
Vision of the Seas Art Gallery 5:00 pm -10:30 pm Deck 6 Casino Royale 9:15 pm - Late Deck 5 Internet Desk 11:00 am - 3:00 p m / 5:30 pm - 8:30 pm Deck 6 Food & Beverage Hospitality Desk 11:00 am-4:00 pm Deck 5 Across from Guest Services. For queries regarding beverage package information, speciality dining packages and resen/ations, dietary needs, table assignments and general Food & Beverage inquires Loyalty Ambassador's Desk 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Deck 5 Medical Facility (Dial51) 8:00 am -11:00 a m / 4 : 0 0 pm - 7:00 p m . . . . Deckl NextCruise Office 2:00 pm - 7:00 pm Deck 4 Photo Gallery 5:30 pm -10:30 pm Deck 6 Photo Portrait Studios 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm / 9:30 pm - 10:30pm . Deck 4 & 5 Pool Towels 11:00 am-10:00 pm Deck 9 Restaurant Operations Dial 4245 / 4246 Deck 4 Royal Shops 5:30 pm - Midnight Deck 6 Shore Excursion Desk 11:00 am - 9:00 pm Deck 5 Steam & Sauna 11:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 9 ^a\\ot(DiaiO) Deck 5 Vitality Spa (Dial 11:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 9 Vitality Fitness Center 11:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 10 Sports Activities: Table Tennis 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Deck 10 Rock Climbing Wall* Deck 10 Registration 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm (Sign Ups Only) 5:15 pm - 6:00 pm (Sign Ups Only)
Please bring socks, t-shirt, shorts or pants. Clothing must be dry A Rock Climbing Wall waiver must be completed once a cruise vacation. Children must be 6 years of age or older to climb. Parents must be present to sign a waiver for children under the age of 18 and must stay to supervise children under the age of 13 years. Adults must be able to fit into the XXL harness to climb Sign ups will close 15 minutes before closing time. OPEN 24 HOURS: Arcade, Deck 10 / Book Nook, Deck 6 / Community Bulletin Board, Deck 5 / Emergency Only 6D/a/ 911) I Guest Services (Dial 0), Deck 5 / Operator (Dial 0) I royal Caribbean online*, Deck 6 / Shuff leboard. Deck 10 'For rules and restrictions and sign up requirements, please see the staff at the appropriate venue. Swimming Pools & Hot Tubs: Some of our pools and hot tubs may close at night due to daily cleaning and maintenance. Solarium Pool (Reserved for guests 16 years and above) Deck 9 Hot Tubs (Guests under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent/guardian): Guests are reminded that there is no lifeguard on duty The Solarium pool and hot tubs are an adults area only However, during inclement or cool weather under 16s may use the Solarium pool between the following hours: Noon - 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Children must be supervised in the pool at all times Please note that children in diapers or pull ups and those that are not fully trained to use the bathroom are not allowed to use the pools or whirlpools even if supervised by an adult As a courtesy to other guests, reserving of deck chairs is not permitted. Chairs left vacant for 50 minutes or longer may be reassigned by the Pool Attendant to other waiting guests. Royal Caribbean International is not responsible for the theft or loss of any items on deck chairs or other pool areas Thank you for your understanding.
NOTICES Smoking Policy - We have revised our onboard smoking policy, effective for all sailings departing on or after January 1,2014 Under this new policy, all indoor public spaces will be smoke free, with the exception of the Casino. In the Gas no, there w II be designated smoking and non-smoking areas. Additionally smoking will not be permitted in the staterooms or on stateroom balconies. Outdoor smoking areas will be designated on the starboard side. Alcohol Policy - We would like to remind all guests that the legal drinking age on board this ship is 18 years of age. No one may supply alcohol to a guest under 18 years of age under any circumstances. Any misconduct related to underage drinking carries serious consequences and we take that you please refer to your Guest Conduct Policy for further information. We want everyone to enjoy their time with us, so please drink responsibly Consumer Advisory - Consuming raw or undercooked meats, seafood, shellfish, eggs, milk, or poultry may increase your risk of food borne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. Safety & Security - For the safety and well-being of all persons onboard, some members of our Security Team will be wearing Body Cameras as part of their uniform.
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Monday February 6, 2017 I
DINIKG SCHEDULE AND AFTERNOON SNACKS BREAKFAST 5:30 am - 8:30 am 6:30 am - 8:00 am
Windjammer Cafe Aquarius Dining Room
Deck 9 Deck 4
11:00 am - 3:30 pm 1:30 pm - 6:00 pm
Windjammer Cafe Park Cafe
Deck 9 Deck 9
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
My Time Dining Option, Aquarius Dining Room Deck 5 For reservation call 6775 from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm Main Seating, Aquarius Dining Room Deck 4 Windjammer Cafe Deck 9 Chinese Theme Night Second Seating, Aquarius Dining Room Deck 4
6:00 pm 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm 8:30 pm
Note: Dining Room Doors Will Oose 30 minutes after Main and Second Seating Opening time Dining Rooms end Specialty Restaurant: No bare feet, caps, tank top shirts or bathing attire wiil be permitted at any time. Stiorts will be permitted for breakfast and lunch only Windjammer Cafe: No bare feet and bathing attire wilt be permitted at any time. Tank top shirts and baseball caps wilt be permitted for breakfast and lunch only.
SPECIALTY DINING 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Chops Grille ($)
Deck 6
A $35 dining fee per person applies. The best steak on the high seas. Dial 4444 for resen/ations.
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Giovanni'sTable ($)
Deck 6
A $29 Dining per person applies traditional family style Italian restaurant. The themed venue serves both rustic and stylish classic food with a familiar neighborhood feel Dial3333 for reservations.
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Izumi ($) Asian-inspired reservations.
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Deck 11 cuisine, (a la carte pricing) Dial 5555 for
Chef's Table ($)
Deck 4
Exclusive multi-course wine pairing dinner hosted by one of our many talented Vision of the Seas Chefs and Sommeiier. A $85 dining fee per person applies. Please allow two to three hours for dinner Dial 4444for reservations. Please provide 24 hours advance notice to cancel your Chops Grille, Giovanni's Table or Izumi reservation to avoid a $10 charge to your onboard SeaPass account.
SNACKS 24 Hours
24 Hours 11:00 am - 11:00 pm 9:00 pm -1:30 am
Room Service
Dial 53
A $3.95 fee applies to light snack orders between and 5:00 am. Dial 53 to place your order
Windjammer Coffee Station Cafe Latte-tude / Ben & Jerry's Late Light Snack, Park Cafe
Deck 9 Deck 6 Deck 9
Note: All venues and bars wiii be temporarily closed from 4:15 pm until the Assembly Drill is completed. Your seating arrangements are printed on the front of your SeaPass card. Our Maitre d' will be available today for any questions you may have regarding your table seating assignments from 11:00 am - 3:00 pm in the Aquarius Dining Room, Deck 4. The dining room management will again be available in front of all dining rooms from 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm and 8:30 pm - 9:15 pm.
MY TIME DINING Enjoy dinner in the Main Dining room on your schedule Choose whether you would like to dine early one night, late the next, it's up to you. Guests choosing i^y Time Dining must prepay gratuities. To sign up stop by the Dining Reservation Desk on Deck 5, Aquarius Dining Room or dial extension 6715 today by 11:00 am-4:00 pm.
BAR OPEN HOURS Casino Bar: After Sailing - Late Schooner Bar: 10:00 am -1:00 am R Bar: 10:00 am -1:00 am
Viking Crown Bar: 4:00 pm - Late Pool Bar: 10:00 am -10:00 pm
See your NextCruise Sales Team, Deck 4, Centrum
Raise a glass to big savings. Pay just one flat price and enjoy a wide selection of beers, wines and spirits, plus non-alcoholic beverages, for the duration of your cruise. It's the ultimate in convenience and value. Available at all bars, purchase onboard today
Book today for best possible savings and get up t o $ 5 0 0 onboard credit PLUS 60% OFF 2nd GUEST, available only if you book onboard today. Deposits starts as low as $50 per stateroom.
Hours Hours Hours Hours Hours
24 Hours 11:00 a m - 5 : 0 0 pm 11:00 a m - 5 : 0 0 pm 12:30 pm - 4:30 pm 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm 1:30 pm - 4:30 pm 3:30 pm 3:30 pm - 5:00 pm 4:00 pm - 4:45 pm 4:30 pm 4:45 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 -10:30 pm 5:15 pm - 6:00 pm 5:30 pm
Shore Excursions Tour Information Channel 15 Destination Channel Channel 22 Community Bulletin Board, Centrum Deck 6 Book Nook, Centrum Deck 6 Daily Trivia, Sudoku, Cards and Board Games Available, Book Nook Deck 5 Challenger's Video Arcade Deck 10 Vitality Spa Tours, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 ^ Vitality Fitness Center Orientation, meet your Personal Onboard Trainer, Vitality Day Spa, Deck 9 Guess the Price of The Peter Max, Art Gallery Deck 6 Tax and Duty free shops tour and preview, Free Raffle, Royal Shops Deck 6 Adventure Ocean Open House, Adventure Ocean . . . . Deck 10 Destination Highlights Talk with Heydi Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6 Teen (13-16 Years Old) Gym Waiver Sign Up, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 Sports Activity Rock Climbing Registration, Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 All Guests Aboard All Guest Services will be Closed for the Compulsory Emergency Guest Muster Drill Compulsory Emergency Guest Muster Drill, Listen for announcements Guess the Price of The Peter Max & Free Welcome Aboard Pack, Art Gallery Deck 6 Sports Activity: Rock Climbing Registration, Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 First Time Cruiser's Club & Tour with your Cruise Director's Staff, Schooner Bar Deck 6 A $500 SPA RAFFLE (must be present to win), Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 The Sail Away Experience with DJ Dennis and your Onboard Entertainment Family Poolside Deck 9
5:45 pm 5:45 pm
6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm 6:30 pm - 8:00 pm 6:45 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm - 7:30 pm 7:00 pm -10:00 pm 7:45 pm 8:00 pm 8:00 pm-11:00 pm 8:45 pm - 9:15 pm 9:00 pm 9:30 pm 9:30 pm 9:45 pm 10:00 pm 10:00 pm 10:00 pm-11:00 pm 10:15 pm
Poolside Movie: The Hundred Foot Journey (PG - 2:02), Poolside Deck 9 Royal Shops Guided Tour, Royal Shops Deck 6 ^ Complimentary Foot Clinic&Analysis, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 Complimentary Acupuncture & Medi-Spa Consultations Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 Up To 50% Off on Designer Sunglasses,, Royal Shops.. Deck 6 Ages 18 -20 Meet for Free Arcade (Self Led), Arcade,. Deck 10 $500 Champagne Art Raffle Deck 6 Complimentary Liquor Tasting, Royal Shops Deck 6 ^ Welcome Aboard Showtime Starring Duo Artmotion (All Guests), Masquerade Theatre Decks 5,6 Free Family Arcade, Challenger's Arcade Deck 10 Flash Sale, Free Photo Package Tier Upgrade, One Day Only Photo Gallery Deck 6 Learn How to Play Like a Pro, Complimentary Gaming Lessons, Casino Royale Deck 5 Poolside Movie: The Hundred Foot Journey (PG - 2:02), Poolside , Deck 9 Finish That Lyric Game Show with your Cruise Director Angelle, Centrum Decks 4,5,6,7 Welcome Aboard Reception, Royal Shops Deck 6 Meet The Designer Of The Kallati Trunk Show Collection, Facets, Royal Shops Deck 6 Raffle - Win your Liquor Back, Royal Shops Deck 6 Singles and Solo Travelers Meet and Mingle, Viking Crown Lounge Deck 11 Great Casino Giveaway Casino Royale, Deck 5 'Jazz in the Night" with your Royal Caribbean Singers and the Vision of the Seas Orchestra, Centrum Decks 4,5,6,7
10:30 pm 10:30 pm 10:30 pm -11:30 pm 11:00 pm - midnight 10:30 pm - late 11:00 pm 1:00 am The Viking
"iijU)utdoor Assistive
FreeTexas Hold'em Tournament Casino Royale Deck 5 Movie Time: The Da Vinci Code (PG13 - 2:54), Masquerade Theater Decks 5,6 Welcome Aboard Karaoke, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6 Welcome Aboard Dance Party with Vicky and The Holding Co. Show Band, Centrum Decks 4,5,6 & 7 Welcome Aboard Party with DJ Dennis, Viking Crown Lounge Deck 11 Live Lotto Drawing ($), Casino Royale Deck 5 Ciyfew for Guest Under 18 years of Age is reserved
are subject
for guests
to weather available.
the age of 18 years
10:00 pm
conditions. Obtain
at Guest
Deck 5
Piano Music with Henry Urmeneta 10:45 am -1:00 pm* 7:45 pm - 8:45 pm
Centrum, Deck 4 Schooner Bar, Deck 6
Poolside Welcome Aboard Music with N Joy Duo 1:00 pm - 3:00 pm* Poolside, Deck 9 String Melodies with Sunny Duo 1:00 pm-3:15 pm* 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm
Centrum, Deck 4 Centrum, Deck 4
SailAway Party with DJ Dennis 5:45 pm - 6:30 pm
Poolside, Deck 9
Popular Dance Music with the N Joy Duo 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 7:45 pm - 8:30 pm
Centrum, Deck 4 Centrum, Deck 4
Ballroom and Popular Dance Music with Vicky and The Holding Co. 8:45 pm - 9:30 pm
Centrum, Deck 4
Meet your Schooner Bar Entertainer Grahame Ashleigh Sinclair 9:30 pm - late* Schooner Bar, Deck 6 Jazz in the Night with your Royal Caribbean Singers and the Vision of the Seas Orchestra 10:15 pm Centrum, Decks 4 , 5 , 6 & 7 Welcome Aboard Dance Music with Vicky and The Holding Co. Show Band 11:00 pm - midnight Centrum, Decks 4 , 5 , 6 & 7 Welcome Aboard Party with our Resident DJ Dennis (18+) 10:30 pm - late Viking Crown Lounge, Deck 11 * Denotes with breaks included
NEW! CROWN & ANCHOR SOCIETY PROGRAM UPDATE! The Ultimate Value Booklets are now paperless! All onboard offers, for both adults and youth members, will be applied directly onto your SeaPass® card. Parents: youth SeaPass® cards must be active to redeem offers. Enjoy the ease of your electronic onboard offers while we continue to focus on environmentally sound operations.
DUBAI PORT AGENT CONTACT INFORMATION Wilhelmsen Ships Service - 24th floor, Executive Heights, Tecom C Name: Mohammed Shajahan Mobile #: +971 50 6251681 mohammed.shajahan@w/ilheimsen.com WSS.DXB.HUSBANDRY@wilhelmsen.com Name: Abdul Hamid Khan (Secondary) Mobile #: 00971 50 6251439 Abdul.Khan@wilhelmsen.com
^Vitality Activity
J3 Music and Dancing
\ Shows
^ Reservation required
($) Fee for this event
(f) Crown 8 Anchor Society event
Hotel Director
Captain Marel< was born in Gdansl< and grew up in Stettin - cities on the Polish coast of the Baltic Sea. Having a father working at sea as an engineer, he decided to become a navigator Graduated from Maritime University in Stettin in 1991, he spent 6 years working as a Bridge Officer on ships carrying grain, coal and liquified gas. Captain Marek joined the cruise industry in 1997 working as Second, First and Chief Officer for another cruise line. He joined Royal Caribbean in 2004, working his way up on board the Voyager, Vision, Radiance and Freedom class ships. Captain Marek loves his job, photography, and travelling. He is also passionate about music, having sung in a hard rock band years ago. Captain Marek would like to say "Welcome aboard and remember: Our mission is to make every single one of you feel welcomed, safe and ensure you have the greatest time of all!
Nibu was born and raised in Kerala, the southern most state of India. He acquired a Bachelors Degree in Commerce then moved to Switzerland to join the Hotel Management School of La Roche. After graduation in 1988, he started his career with the Schweizerh of Group of Hotels in Switzerland and later in 1990 came to the United States to join Royal Caribbean International in the Food & Beverage Division. After serving in several senior Food & Beverage positions, Nibu was promoted to Hotel Director in 2003. In that role, he has served on the Legend of the Seas, Empress of the Seas, Grandeur of the Seas, Splendour of the Seas, Radiance of the Seas, Navigator of the Seas, Adventure of the Seas and Jewel of the Seas before joining Vision of the Seas. He would like to wish everyone a warm welcome and a most enjoyable cruise vacation onboard.
Chief Engineeer
Cruise Director Angelle is originally from the quaint Dutch village of Gorinchem, right in the middle of the Netherlands. She picked up her love for dancing, performing and entertaining at a young age and was always eager to organize these types of activities in her school and work. When she was 18 years old, she decided to pursue a career in hotels throughout Europe, from the Spanish Balearic island of Mallorca to the enchanting Greek island of Kos where she entertained the hotel guests on a daily basis. In 2008, she met her husband Hugo and, like on the Love Boat, they decided to work on cruise ships together. They started by working on Royal Caribbean's then largest ship in the fleet, "Freedom of the Seas," with Angelle as Cruise Director's Staff and Hugo as Sports Staff After several contracts, they took a year's break to backpack around the world and were married in Bali. Their love of travel and meeting new people took them back to Royal Caribbean and Angelle was quickly promoted to Activities Manager and Hugo to Sports Supervisor. Recently, Angelle stepped up to Cruise Director where she heads a division of some 70 people including the Cruise Director's Staff, Adventure Ocean Youth Staff Musicians, Entertainers and Production Team. She will do everything possible to ensure you have a great cruise vacation here on the beautiful Vision of the Seas.
FERNANDO AMARAL Loyalty Ambassador Fernando comes from the beautiful Florianopolis Island, south of Brazil. He grew up sailing boats with his family around Brazil, and his future could not be different. After serving in the Army and graduating from a university with a degree in Hospitality, Fernando decided to join the cruise line industry in 2003, working in various departments of Marketing & Revenue. All the while, Fernando knows that his passion has always been speaking and interacting with people so he decided to join the Guest Services Division. During his free time, Fernando loves to spend time with his wife, go to the gym, scuba dive and play basketball. As your Loyalty Ambassador, Fernando is proud to welcome all of our Crown & Anchor Society members and also invite all new cruisers to join this fantastic membership program.
Robert grew up in Rijeka, the principal seaport and third-largest city in Croatia. He graduated from Technical High School and while looking at the ships in port decided to continue education in marine-oriented programmes. Robert completed BSc degree in 1989. The same year he joined the merchant marine industry beginning his career as an engineer. In following years he was gaining working experience, continuing offduty education and earned his MSc degree In 1996 at the Faculty of Maritime Studies University of Rijeka. Robert also worked in his local shipyard and later began working on various cruise ships. He joined Royal Caribbean International in 2003.and ever since has been faithful to this fleet. He served as 2nd Engineer on Legend of the Seas before being promoted to 1st Engineer and then Staff Chief Engineer. He has also worked onboard Adventure of the Seas and Navigator of the Seas. Robert was later promoted to the rank of Chief Engineer and joined Vision of the Seas.Robert is married and has a 9 year old daughter and 11 year old son. His family is very near to his heart and always on his mind. He wishes you an amazing cruise vacation onboard Vision of the Seas.
GEORGE KEANLY Food & Beverage Manager George was raised in Southern Africa of British descent. At the age of 23, George first joined Royal Caribbean and worked in the capacity of Sommeiier for 5 years on the Nordic Prince, Song of Norway Song of America and what was then called the Nordic Empress. He returned to land where he continued his career opening various hotels in South Africa and Zambia, as well as consulting for the famous Blue Train, based in Cape Town. After 7 years, the high seas were calling again and George joined another cruise line working as a Beverage Manager for three and a half years sailing around the world. In May 2005, George rejoined RCI in the capacity of Senior Beverage Manager and became a Food & Beverage Manager a few years later George resides in Croatia with his wife and son. George has worked on various Royal Caribbean ships in the fleet, and now, the Vision of the Seas is his home, and he hopes all of our guests enjoy their time in the restaurants and bars we have to offer
WE L O O K FORWARD T O M E E T I N G Y O U Š2012 Royal Caribbean International. Ships registry: The Bahamas.
Alcohol-Free Zone - We ask parents to please be aware that the areas at and around Adventure Ocean and the Arcade located on Deck 10 forward are strictly alcohol-free zones. We ask that you please respect our youth activities areas. Broadcast Television - Royal Caribbean International is proud to offer licensed satellite programnning available in international waters from broadcasters including BBC, CNN and local networks. Brief moments of satellite signal loss can be expected at any time - an inevitable consequence on a moving ship. In addition, some major sporting events may not be available due to blackout and broadcast rights restrictions. We hope you enjoy the widest variety of stateroom television entertainment available at sea, Entertainment Seating - Please remember no saving of seats. V\'e also kindly ask that all children sit with their parents. Gambling & Beverage Age Policies-The minimum drinking age for all alcoholic beverages on Royal Caribbean International ships sailing is 18. In certain circumstances where local laws permit or require. Royal Caribbean International may modify this policy which may also require parent/guardian request/authorization. Guests may contact Guest Services or refer to the Cruise Compass for specific minimum drinking age information on their cruise vacation. Guest must be 18 years old to gamble in the casino. Our staff has been instructed to ask for proof of age. Thank you for your cooperation. Guest Conduct Policy - For the safety, comfort and enjoyment of all Royal Caribbean International guests, we have developed certain guest conduct guidelines for both adults and children. These guidelines cover a variety of areas, including but not limited to: • Smoking • Verbal abuse • Violent and/or unruly behavior • Excessive, offensive language • Possession of an illegal substance • Vandalism if Royal Caribbean International determines that any guest Is In violation of these guidelines, we may be forced to ask the offending party to leave the ship at the next available port of call. Please make sure to familiarize yourself with these guidelines. A copy can be obtained at Guest Services, Deck 5 or in the Cruise Services Directory. Soiicitatlon is not permitted onboard as It is considered a disturbance to other guests. Guests found soliciting will be asked to cease the behavior and all collateral (if any) will be confiscated and discarded. Continued non-compliance will result in departure of the guest from the ship at the next port of call. Helpful Health Information - Norovirus: With seasonal viruses appearing in the United States, Europe and around the world. Royal Caribbean International, working in conjunction with the Centers for Disease Control, has instituted enhanced cleaning procedures onboard all of its ships. You will likely see some of these activities during your cruise vacation. Medical experts strongly suggest travelers pay close attention to washing their hands. The experts tell us that the best way to prevent colds, flu and gastrointestinal illnesses is to simply wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water after bathroom breaks and again before eating anything. Your cooperation and assistance with this matter would be greatly appreciated. Liquor/Tobacco Policy - Royal Caribbean International apologizes for any inconvenience but due to our regulatory and licensing requirements guests are not permitted to bring alcoholic beverages onboard: with the exception of embarkation day when guests are permitted to bring onboard with them up to two (2) bottles of wine (which are subject to a corkage fee) per stateroom. Security may inspect containers (including water bottles, soda bottles, mouthwash, canteens, etc.) at any time and will dispose of alcohol concealed in such containers. Alcoholic beverages that are purchased from onboard shops or in ports of call (which must be presented to security upon re-boarding), will be secured by ship's personnel. Alcohol secured by ship's personnel will be returned to guests just prior to the conclusion of their cruise vacation. Guests who are under the permitted drinking age will not have alcohol returned to them. Medical Care - Medical facility charges are based on United States Government Medicare Physician Fee Schedule rates. Guests who wish to be seen outside of the posted hours will be charged an additional fee of $30. The Medical Facility is located near the portside stairs/ elevators on Deck 1 aft. Tours of the Medical Facility are not permitted. Radios, Tape Recorders and CD Players - Please refrain from using radios, tape recorders or CD players in public areas unless used with headphones. Also, for the enjoyment of all guests, please refrain from the use of cell phones, walkie-talkies and hand-held radios during all show performances and In all dining venues. With respect to artists' rights, we kindly remind our guests that video and audio recording are not allowed during show times. Royal Caribbean online'" - Check stocks or e-mail a friend for a nominal charge. Twenty-four-hour access. Located on Deck 6. Save The Waves-Please refrain from throwing anything overboard either in port or at sea. Please deposit trash in the proper receptacles around the ship. We are doing everything we can to protect the ecology of the oceans that support cruising and are grateful for your cooperation. Smoking Policy - "For the comfort and enjoyment of our guests. Royal Caribbean ships are designated as non-smoking; However, we recognize that some of our guests do smoke. Therefore, to provide an onboard environment that also satisfies smokers, we have designated certain areas of the ship as smoking areas. All indoor public spaces will be smoke free, with the exception of the Casino. In the Casino, there will be designated smoking and non-smoking areas. Additionally smoking will not be permitted in the staterooms or on stateroom balconies. Outdoor smoking areas will be designated on the starboard side." Swimming Pools - Please be advised that the Solarium and Solarium hot tubs on Deck 9 are for adults only. All families and children are welcome to use the main pool on Deck 9. In case of inclement weather, the Solarium pool may be opened for families from Noon - 2:00 pm and from 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Guests under the age of 16 wishing to enjoy the main poolside hot tubs must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. In the interest of public health, children in diapers or who are not toilet-trained are not permitted in the swimming pools or hot tubs at any time. We thank the parents/guardians in advance for helping us to enforce these guidelines. If a lounge chair remains unoccupied for 30 minutes or more, our Deck Patrol has been instructed to remove the towels and personal effects. This policy enables all guests to share equally In the enjoyment of the facilities. Telephone Calls-Calls can be made directly from your stateroom. Dialing instructions are located next to your telephone. The telephone rate Is $7.95 per minute and charges will be billed to your SeaPass card. Friends and family can call you from home. Give them this number: 1-888-RC4SHIP or 1-888-724-7447. United States Department of Agriculture Warning - In ports of call, please remember to eat and drink safely. To avoid illness, drink only bottled water, carbonated beverages and beer or wine with no ice. Eat only cooked meat, poultry and seafood and avoid any dairy products and raw fruits and vegetables. Please be advised that guests are not permitted to bring any food off the ship. Any violation of this policy may result in a fine. Thank you for your cooperation. United States Public Health and Centers for Disease Control Regulation Information - Animal food such as beef, eggs, lamb, milk, pork, poultry or seafood that is raw or under cooked significantly increases risk to vulnerable and immunodeficient guests. Vision Day Spa and Fitness Classes - Any cancellations must be made 24 hours before appointment to avoid a 50% charge. Wake-Up Calls - Press "Wake-up" button, wait for voice prompt, then dial the four digits for the time you wish to awake, then one for am and two for pm. Enter one to confirm the wake-up request. For example: 6:15 am = "Wake-up" button (voice prompt) + 0615 + 1 + 1 1:30 pm = "Wake-up" button (voice prompt) + 0130 + 2 + 1 Youth Evacuation Plan (YEP) - All children ages 3-11 years must wear a YEP wristband indicating their assembly station at all times. If your children are participating in an Adventure Ocean program, our highly trained Youth Staff will take them to meet you at your assembly station. All children will be supervised until they are reunited with their parents or guardians, Children who do not already have their YEP wristbands may obtain them at the Guest Services Desk on Deck 5 or from the Youth Staff at Adventure Ocean activities. Flotation Devices- "For the safety and well being of children, children's swimming pool personal flotation devices are available free of charge at the'pool deck areas. Personal flotation devices are for use onboard the Vision of the Seas and cannot be taken off the ship".
Here's your daily Cruise Specials flyer packed w i t h offers, specials and promotions you can take advantage of during your cruise vacation. W h a t captures your imagination? Special savings o n spa services or duty free jewelry, perfumes and watches at the Royal Shops? You'll find it here. Look no further for information o n Casino Royale, where the promotions are as hot as the gaming action. Check out our p h o t o g r a p h y services and capture your fun-filled day as a lasting memory. A n d there is so much more.
Don't forget t o check your Offers Of The Day daily for great deals and special offers you'll love. Enjoy.
ONLY 3 DAYS FOR A CHANCE TO WIN EXTRA $300 Book today and get double the chance t o win extra $ 3 0 0 to spend onboard right now. Get up t o $ 5 0 0 onboard credit for your future cruise PLUS 6 0 % OFF 2nd GUEST, available only for those w h o book now onboard today.See your NextCruise Sales Team, Deck 4, Centrum.
Receive special savings with your tour packages • Arabian Gulf Highlights Package • Arabian Gulf Premium Package Visit St)ore Excursions on Deci< 5 to find out more and book today.'
SURF + STREAM. Browse t h e w e b , check email a n d share every u n f o r g e t t a b l e m o m e n t o f y o u r v a c a t i o n in real t i m e w i t h t h e SURF V o y a g e packages starting at $12.99 pe r day. Or, y o u c a n u p g r a d e t o a SURF + STREAM V o y a g e Package a n d also be able t o v i d e o chat a n d s t r e a m y o u r f a v o r i t e T V shows, movies a n d music, s t a r t i n g at just $17.99 per day. C o n n e c t t o " R O Y A L W I F I " o n y o u r o w n device t o g e t s t a r t e d .
SPECIALTY DINING Now serving: More delicious W O W S at a discount. Dine in our spectacular restaurant venues for less including Chops Grille, Giovanni's Table & Izumi*. 3 R e s t a u r a n t s : $75 per person 4 R e s t a u r a n t s : $ 9 0 per person 5 R e s t a u r a n t s : $105 per person Al la carte menu pricing includes a $ 3 0 f o o d credit. Enjoy Chops Grille, Giovanni's Table and Izumi
LEARN-TO-PLAY IN THE CASINO Get s t e p - b y - s t e p instructions f r o m o u r professional dealers before the Casino opens a n d g e t in o n all t h e fun and action. C o m p l i m e n t a r y learn-to-play sessions are held f o r our most p o p u l a r g a m e s Slots, Blackjack, Roulette, Three Card Poker a n d Ultimate Texas Hold'em. Join us t o d a y at 8:45 p m in Casino Royale, Deck 5.
10/20/30 TRIPLE YOUR INDULGENCE Book 3 signature t r e a t m e n t s f o r y o u r cruise vacation and g e t 10% o f f the first one, 2 0 % o f f t h e second one, and 3 0 % off the t h i r d one. Spa m o r e and Save more! Call us o n 6 8 5 0 o r visit us o n Deck 9, Vitality Day Spa.
Join your fellow art-loving guests in t h e A r t Gallery t o n i g h t t o g e t a sneak peek o f t h e a r t t o b e f e a t u r e d at our art auctions this week. Visit t h e A r t Gallery t o n i g h t and receive a FREE W e l c o m e Pack, c o m p l i m e n t s o f your A r t T e a m . R e m e m b e r t o test y o u r luck at t h e "Guess t h e Price o f t h e Peter Max" event t o n i g h t . One lucky person will w i n an a r t collection and it c o u l d b e y o u !
EARLY BIRD SPECIALS Sign up today and save $20 off the price of the All Inclusive Photo Package. The package includes all of your vacation memories captured by our professional photographers throughout the cruise. Offer valid until Day 4. Please visit the Photo Gallery, Deck 5, Centrum. Terms & Conditions apply.
W h a t does it taste like? Ever w a n t e d t o t r y s o m e t h i n g before purchasing? This is y o u r o p p o r t u n i t y t o t r y s o m e t h i n g new. W e offer cruise exclusives, additional savings a n d t a x and d u t y free purchases. (Liquor purchases will b e delivered t o y o u r s t a t e r o o m at the end o f t h e cruise.) Liquor tasting starts at 6:30 p m , Royal Shops, Deck 6. JE SURE TO CHECK Y O U R DAILY O F F E R S F O R T H E N E W OFFERS A N D D E A L S E A C H DAY. 99PRD47713
m VISIONS SEAS DUBAI-UAE Ship Docks at terminal Port Rashid - TERMINAL HOW TO GET AROUND: 1.
The distance between Port Rashid to Downtown is approximately 5 km or 3 miles. 2. The Dubai International Airport is located 15 km or 9 miles from Port Rashid. The expected price for a taxi Is AED 55.00 or U$15.00. 3. The Mercato Mall provide free shuttle bus service from the pier. This is available between 9:45 am to 4:30 pm. LOCAL CURRENCY: The local currency in Dubai is the United Arab Emirates dirham (AED). Please note the US dollars are also accepted in most of the places. The rate exchange from dollar to AED is approximately 3.70. PLACES OF INTEREST: 1.
The Burj Al Arab hotel: A monument worthy of the new millennium, this world-famous hotel stands on a man-made island linked by a bridge to the mainland. The hotel is located 25 km or 15 miles from Port Rashid. The expected price for a taxi is AED 70.00 or U$20.00.
...more at the back Royal C a r i b b e a n InternationalÂŽ
2. Burj Khalifa tower: The world's tallest structure, standing more than 160 stories. The Burj Khalifa tower is located 13 km or 8 miles. The expected price for a taxi is AED 45.00 or U$13.00. 3. Jumeirah Public Beach: The beach is located 8 km or 5 miles from Port Rashid. The expected price for a taxi is AED30.00 or U$9.00. 4. The Palm Jumeirah: A tree-shaped island built in the shape of 17 huge fronds surrounded by 12 kilometers of protective barrier reefs called a crescent. The Palms is located 34 km or 21 miles from Port Rashid. The expected price for a taxi is AED80.00 or U$22.00. 5. Jumeirah: Here you'll find one of the world's finest hotels, as well as the beautiful Jumeirah Mosque - one of the few mosques open to non-Muslims for tours. Jumeirah is located 12 km or 8 miles from Port Rashid. The expected price for a taxi is AED40.00 or U$11.00. 6. Desert: Experience the thrill of exploring golden yellow sand dunes in the comfort of four-wheel drive vehicles or on a camel. 7. The Dubai Mall: The mall is located 13 km or 8 miles from the Port. The expected price for a taxi is AED42.00 or U$12.00. 8. Mall of Emirates: The mall is located 23 km or 15 miles from the Port. The expected price for a taxi Is AED65.00 or U$18.00. 9. Mercato Shopping Mall: The mall is located 10 km or 6 miles from the Port. The expected price for a taxi is AED40.00 or U$n.OO. 10. Dubai Marina: The marina is located 30 km or 19 miles from the Port. The expected price is AED 78 or US22.0.. HELPFUL HINTS: 1. Royal Caribbean International tours come highly recommended for exploring our ports-of-call. 2. Take extra care to return to the ship on time. 3. Always take your Port Explorer and Cruise Compass with you when going ashore. 4. When dining in Dubai, most restaurant bills will include an additional 10% service charge and another 10% municipality tax. If a price is 'net,' this means that all taxes and service charges have been included. Also, when taking a taxi, it is customary to round the fare up to the nearest dirham.
Vision of the Setts'^ K H A S A B I SA C I T Y I N M U S A N D A M P E N I N S U L A ,
Khasab is a city in the exclave of Onnan northwest of Muscat. It is the capital city of the Musandann peninsula on the coast of the Hornnuz Straight between Iran, United Arab Emirates and Oman. Khasab was a city isolated fronn the rest of the region for long tinne. Only until since the contraction of the new road conning from the United Arab Emirates that Khasab itself started to develop in terms of infrastructures and and a more serious touristic interest driving companies. Khasab offers the perfect starting point to explore the unknown Musandam Peninsula and its special and unique traditions and culture.
Tuesday, F e b r u a r y 7, 2017 Khasab, Oman
Beautiful with some clouds; then sunny 72°F (22°C) Wind: Moderate Breeze UV Index: 6 High Sunrise: 6:57 am Sunset: 6:02 pm
^ - ^
Ladies Pamper Party Join us for a free Ladies Pamper Party at the Day Spa, Deck 9 at 4:00 pm Today. Learn about all the tricks of the trade on how t o look younger, take care of your skin and feel healthier. As well as get exclusive discounts for the rest of your cruise! All attendees will receive a free skin and eye treatment. Sign up required, Call 6850 for more information. Fashion Watch Sale The most famous fashion watches such as Anne Klain, Fossil, Stuhrling,Guess, etc. Plus the deal of the day when you buy a Guess watch, the second one is ONLY 50% of the price. All tax and duty free priced and backed with our exclusive Price Match Guarantee. ONE DAY ONLY! Sale starts at 5:30 pm in the Royal Shops, Deck 6.
3. Champagne Art Auction Fast! Fun! Fabulous! Fantastic artwork all show cased in one of the most exciting events of the day! Come & enjoy a complimentary glass of champagne while you admire the most exclusive artworks onboard. Be sure to join us for this quick-fire auction featuring artwork, prizes and much more.! 4:30 pm Preview, Auction to follow. Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6 Aft. 4. Captain's Welcome Aboard Reception The Captain invites you to a welcome reception held in your honor Captain Marek will be located in the Centrum for guests who wish to have their photograph taken together with him from 7:15 pm - 7:45 pm. The Captain will give a welcome speech from the Centrum Stage at 7:45 pm. Formal Attire.
WORLD WILDLIFE FUND FACT OF THE DAY: Sea turtles have lived in the ocean for 100 million years.
Nouvelle Nakhl Fort and Resort Fascinating Forts Walking Tour of Muscat 4 Wheel Drive Wadi Adventure Panoramic Muscat by Night with Dinner
Enjoying the relaxing atmosphere out on deck, feeling hungry but do not want to loose anytime in the sun - go to Solarium Wrap Bar and grab a tasty wrap freshly made by our Culinary Team - just so you can have more time in the sun! Open from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm today.
For details, visit the Shore Excursions on Deck 5.
SECRET AGENT NIGHT WITH YOUR CRUISE DIRECTOR ANGELLE After-dinner specialty cocktails and a license to thrill. You'll already be dressed to kill in your Formal Night attire, so join us for an evening of espionage following the show and a chance to win great prizes! Should you choose to accept, join us in this exclusive event hosted by your Cruise Director, Angelle tonight at 10:00 pm, Casino Royale, Deck 5.
APPROXIMATE SHIP CLEARANCE: 8:45 am ALL ABOARD: 4:30 pm GANGWAY: Deck 1, Centrum TONIGHT'S DINNER DRESS SUGGESTION - Formal Attire (Please Note that bare feet, short pants, caps and tank tops are not Allowed in the Dining Rooms or any of our Specialty Restaurants). FLOTATION DEVICES - For the safety and well being of children, children's swimming pool personal flotation devices are available free of charge at the pool deck areas. Personal flotation devices are for use onboard the Vision of the Seas and cannot be taken off the ship. CHILDREN ON THE DANCE FLOOR DURING LIVE MUSIC SETS We kindly request that parents make sure their children do not run around or play on the dance floors during live music sets. This is for their safety as well as the safety and enjoyment of all our guests. Thank you for your cooperation. CAREFUL WHAT YOU FLUSH Our waste disposal system operates using a highly sensitive vacuum system, so we kindly ask you flush nothing other than toilet paper and your waste down the toilets. Personal hygiene products, hand and bath towels, paper towels, food and other items will shut down the system, adversely affecting many areas around the ship. HELPFUL HEALTH INFORMATION Royal Caribbean International, working in conjunction with the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and EU SHIPSAN, has instituted enhanced cleaning procedures onboard all its ships. You'll see some of these activities during your cruise vacation. Medical experts tell us that the best way to prevent colds, flu, and gastrointestinal illnesses is to simply wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water after restroom breaks and again before eating anything. Your cooperation and assistance with this matter is appreciated. TOMORROW - We will be in Muscat, Oman
RovalCaribbc.in I N T E R N A T I O N A L
All dressed up and looking for another incredible place to go? Drop by our Formal Portrait Studios, available tonight on Decks 4 & 5 from 5:00 pm - 6:15 pm, 7:00 pm - 8:45 pm and 9:30 pm -10:30 pm. There's no obligation to purchase any photos taken, so feel free to strike a pose with your family and friends. Also visit the Photo Gallery, Deck 6 and find out how you can take home ALL of your professional photos for one great price!
^SHARE ONLINE YOUR CRUISE VACATION Keep your loved ones up to date! SURF the web, share photos and send emails for just $12.99 per day Or enjoy the fastest internet at sea for $1799 per day you can SURF + STREAM your favorite movies, TV shows and music as well as video chat. Connect to "ROYAL WIFI" today on your own device to get started. Social media guru? Tag us! #VisionOfTheSeas.
ENJOY YOUR WAY WITH PRIVATE JOURNEYS Our destination experts can personalize most any tour or create an excursion program just for you. The possibilities are endless and within easy reach, right onboard. Visit Shore Excursions today.
^WINES AROUND THE WORLD Join us for an unique voyage around the world tasting a selection of our delicious wines onboard. From California to New Zealand and beyond, our resident wine expert will explain each wine and grape variety You will also learn the art of wine evaluation to become your own wine expert, all in an exclusive, friendly and informative setting on Day 5 At Sea. Book Now at Aquarius Dinning Room on deck 4. $15 per guest or only $10 for Guest with the Deluxe Beverage Package. 18% gratuity will be added to each check.
Come and join us to the biggest unveiling, Kallati is bringing for you the 2017 collection in unique white diamonds, chocolate diamonds, yellow diamonds, Tanzanite and more. Don't miss this amazing event happening in the Royal Shops, Deck 6 at 8:30 pm,l Hour Only only. Shop early for best selection!
^SPECIALTY RESTAURANTS BOGO Join us to experience our Specialty Restaurants, Chops Grille or Giovanni's and get the best deal onboard with our eclusive BOGO. Do not think it too much and reserve now 3333 for Giovanni's or 4444 for Chops Grille, remember is just for today!
ACTIVITY AND ENTERTAINMENT HIGHLIGHTS TONIGHT'S SHOWS Royal C a r i b b e a n I n t e r n a t i o n a l P r o u d l y P r e s e n t s
Headliner Showtime star of the West End's Rat Pack
Gary Williams Singing the hits of Andy Williams, Franl( Sinatra, Luis Miguel and more. Showtimes at 9 : 0 0 pm & 10:45 pm Please note that there are many more seats available at the 10:45 pm showing. Masquerade Theater, Decks 5 & 6 Please be reminded that the saving of seats and videotaping of shows is strictiy prohibited. Also, children in the theater must be accompanied
by a parent or guardian.
We also kindly ask that you refrain from using your cell phones in the theater.
DAYTIME ACTIVITIES Tune in to The Morning Show Keep your TV on channel 14 every day for important information about the ports of call and fun events and activities, hosted by your Cruise Director, Angelle and Activities Manager, Tony. Don't miss it! Poolside Activity: Pool Trivia Challenge Think you know it all? Here's your chance to show off your general knowledge. Join your Cruise Director's Staff for four intense interactive game of Pool Trivia. The contestant with the greatest staying power will be crowned Pool Trivia Champion. 1:15 pm, Poolside, Deck 9.
Receive any of the following treatments and SAVE! Deep Tissue or Reflexology Full Body Swedish Massage, Spa Taster - 25 minute Back massage & 25 minute mini facial or Elemis Skin Specific or LT Hydalift Facial. Receive any of the above between 7:30 am -10:00 am. Today ONLY for $99. Call 6850 or visit Vitality Spa, Deck 9.
Poolside Movie: Lawrence of Arabia (G - 3:42) The story of T.E. Lawrence, the English officer who successfully united and led the diverse, often warring, Arab tribes during World V^/ar I in order to fight the Turks. 2:00 pm, Poolside, Deck 9.
Sports Activity: Party Line Dance The fastest way from point "A" to point "B" is a straight line, right? Not if it's one of the easy and fun line dances your Cruise Director's Staff will teach you today. It's going to be great! 4:00 pm. Centrum, Deck 4.
Choose 3 for $99 or All for $119 (Regular price $169.) This package is designed with great collection of treatments for the ultimate time out! • Hair Cut or Shave • Scalp, Neck & Shoulder Massage • Hand Massage • Eye Treatment • Men's Deep Cleanse Facial To reserve call 6850 or visit the Spa on Deck 9 Aft. Offer may not be combined with other discounts or promotions
Poolside Movie: Angels & Demons (PG13 - 2:18) Harvard symbologist Robert Langdon works to solve a murder and prevent a terrorist act against the Vatican 6:30 pm & 9:00 pm, Poolside, Deck 9.
Only if you book today you will get double the chance to win extra $300 to spend onboard right now. Today at 3pm on Deck 4, Centrum we will host Exclusive NextCruise Destination talk. Free raffle for those who join the talk. See your NextCruise Sales Team, Deck 4, Centrum
Putting on the Hits Game Show You will hear all the famous hits, but do you know who the artist is and would you be able to sing along? Come and join your fellow guests and your Activities Manager Tony for this Singalong event tonight. 10:00 pm. Centrum, Decks 4, 5, 6 & 7.
Art Gallery 10:00 am -12:00 pm / 5:00 pm -10:30 pm Deck 6 Casino Royale 6:00 pm - late Deck 5 Foods Beverage Hospitality Desk 9:00 am-12:00 am Deck 5 Across from Guest Services. For queries regarding beverage package information, speciality dining pad<ages and reservations, dietary needs, table assignments and general Food & Beverage inquires. Loyalty Ambassador's Desk 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Deck 5 Language Assistance Guest Services 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm Deck 5 Medical Facility (DialSi) 8:00 am -11:00 am / 4:00 pm - 7:00 p m . . .Deck 1 NextCruise Office 9:00 - Noon / 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm Deck 4 (Appointments Advisable) Pets at Sea ( $ ) 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm C Fantaseas) Deck 10 Photo Gallery 5:30 pm -10:30 pm Deck 6 Photo Portrait Studios 5:00 pm - 6:15 pm / 7:00 pm - 8:45 pm / 9:30 pm-10:30 pm Deck 5 Pool Towel Station 8:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 9 Royal Shops 5:30 pm - Midnight Deck 6 Shore Excursions Desk 7:30 am -10:00 am / 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm.. Deck 5 Tailor ro/a/oj Deck 4 Vitality Day Spa (Dial 6850) Acupuncture, Tooth Whitening Clinic, Medi-Spa 8:00 am-10:00 pm Deck 9 Steams Sauna 8:00 am-10:00 pm Deck 9 Vitality Fitness Center 6:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 10 Sports Activity: Table Tennis 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Deck Rock Climbing Wall* Deck 10 Open Climb
Vision of the Seas rNA'V/' â&#x20AC;˘
â&#x20AC;˘O ^
Park Cafe Early Riser Breakfast
7:00 am -10:00 am
Room Service
Dial 53
8:30 am -10:00 am 7:00 am -10:00 am
Aquarius Dining Room Park Cafe
Deck 4 Deck 9
7:00 am -11:00 am LUNCH
Windjammer Cafe
Deck 9
11:30 am - 3:00 pm Noon - 6:00 pm DINNER 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Windjammer Cafe Park Cafe
Deck 9 Deck 9
My Time Dining Option, Aquarius Dining Room
6:30 pm (Sign up at 6:15 pm) 'Weather Permitting 'Session Run Hourly: Maximum 25 guests per session). Please bring socks, t-shirt, shorts or pants. Clothing must be dry. A Rock Climbing Wall waiver must be completed once a cruise vacation. Children must be 6 years of age or older to climb. Parents must be present to sign a vi/aiver for children under the age of 18 and must stay to supervise children under the age of 13 years. Adults must be able to fit into the XXL harness to climb. Sign ups will close 15 minutes before closing time.
OPEN 24 HOURS: Arcade, D3eck 10 / Book Nook, Deck 6 / Community Bulletin Board, Deck 5 / Emergency Only (Dial 911) / Guest Services (Dial 0), Deck 5 / Operator (Dial 0) / royal Caribbean online-, Deck 6 / Shuffleboard, Deck 10
Deck 9
Deck 5
For reservation call 6715 from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
6:00 pm 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm 8:30 pm
4:00 pm - 6:30 pm (last sign up 6:15 pm)
Kids Learn To Climb
Tuesday February 7, 2017 Today we are in Khasab, Oman
Main Seating, Aquarius Dining Room Windjammer Cafe English Theme Night Second Seating, Aquarius Dining Room
Deck 4 Deck 9
Deck 4
Note: Dining Room Doors Will Qose 30 minutes after Main and Second Seating Opening time Dining Rooms and Specialty Restaurant: No bare feet, caps, tank top shirts or bathing attire will be permitted at any time. Shorts will be permitted for breakfast and lunch only Windjammer Cafe: No bare feet and bathing attire will be permitted at any time. Tank top shirts and baseball caps will be permitted for breakfast and lunch only
SPECIALTY DINING 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Chops Grille ($)
Deck 6
A $Z5 dining fee per person applies. The best steak on the high seas. Dial4444 for reservations.
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Giovanni'sTable ($)
Deck 6
A $29 Dining per person applies traditional family style Italian restaurant. Thethemed venue senes both rustic and stylish classic food with a familiar
'For rules and restrictions and sign up requirements, please see the staff at the appropriate venue.
Swimming Pools & Hot Tubs:
neighborhood feel. Dial 3S33 for reservations.
Some of our pools and hot tubs may close at night due to daily cleaning and maintenance. Solarium Pool (Reserved for guests 16 years and above) Deck 9 Hot Tubs (Guests under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent/guardian): Guests are reminded that there is no lifeguard on duty The Solarium pool and hot tubs are an adults area only However, during inclement or cool weather under 16s may use the Solarium pool between the following hours: Noon - 200 pm and 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Children must be supervised in the pool at all times. Please note that children in diapers or pull ups and those that are not fully trained to use the bathroom are not allowed to use the pools or whirlpools even if supervised by an adult. As a courtesy to other guests, reserving of deck chairs is not permitted Chairs left vacant for 30 minutes or longer may be reassigned by the Pool Attendant to other waiting guests. Royal Caribbean International is not responsible for the theft or loss of any items on deck chairs or other pool areas. Thank you for your understanding
NOTICES Safety Onboard - For the safety of all guests and crew, there is no running, playing or climbing on stairs and railings anywhere on the ship. Thank you for your cooperation. Discharge Of All Garbage Into The Sea Is Prohibited - The MARPOL Convention and domestic law generally prohibit the discharge of most forms of garbage from ships into the sea. Violation of these requirements may result in penalties. All garbage is to be retained onboard and placed in the bins provided. Smoking Policy - To improve our guests' cruise vacation experience we have designated the following smoRing areas: Casino Royale on Deck 5 (partial as designated by signage except from 7:00 pm - midnight where the entire Casino will be designated as non smoking), open deck areas on the starboard side (right hand side of the ship facing forward) on Decks 5 and 9. Consumer Advisory - Consuming raw or undercooked meats, seafood, shellfish, eggs, milk, or poultry may increase your risk of food borne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. Safety & Security - For the safety and w/ell-being of all persons onboard, some members of our Security Team will be wearing Body Cameras as part of their uniform.
BOOK TODAY FOR BEST SAVINGS Book today for best savings, get up to $500 onboard credit PLUS 60% OFF 2nd GUEST, available only if you book onboard today. Desposits starts as low as $50 per stateroom. See your NextCruise Team on Deck 4, Centrum
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm
Izumi ($) Asian-inspired reservations.
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm
Deck 11 cuisine, (a la carte pricing) Dial 5555 for
Chef's Table ($)
Deck 4
Exclusive multi-course wine pairing dinner hosted by one of our many talented Vision of the Seas Chefs and Sommelier. A $85 dining fee per person applies. Please allow two to three hours for dinner. Dial4444for reservations. Please provide 24 liours advance notice to cancel your Chops Grille, Giovanni's Table or Izumi reservation to avoid a $10 charge to your onboard SeaPass account.
SNACKS 24 Hours
Room Service
Dial 53
A $3.95 fee applies to light snack orders between midnight and 5:00 am. Dial 53 to place your order.
24 Hours 6:30 am -11:00 pm 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm 9:00 pm -1:30 am
Windjammer Coffee Station Cafe Latte-tudes / Ben & Jerry's Afternoon Tea, Windjammer Cafe Park Cafe
Deck Deck Deck Deck
9 6 9 9
BAR OPEN HOURS Casino Bar: After Sailing - Late Schooner Bar: 1:00 pm -1:00 am Viking Crown Bar: 4:00 pm - Late
Cafe Latte-tudes: 6:30 am -11:00 pm Pool Bar: 9: 00 am -10:00 pm Solarium Bar: 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
R Bar: 3:00 pm -1:00 am
As you relax around the pool set back and enjoy a bucket of cold beer of your choice. Sign up in the Dining Room with your Head Waiter or any of our Bar Staff for the exclusive wine around the world senninar to be held on day 5 in the Dining Room, Deck 4.
MORNING AaiVITIES 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours 7:00 am 7:30 am 7:30 am-10:00 am 8:00 am 8:00 am 8:45 am 9:15 am 9:30 am 10:00 am 11:00 am-2:00 pm
1:00 pm 1:00 pm - 2:00 pm 1:15 pm 2:00 2:00 2:00 3:00
pm-5:00 pm pm pm pm
3:00 pm 3:30 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm 4:00 pm - 6:30 pm 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 4:30 pm 4:45 pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00pm 5:15 pm 5:30 pm 5:30 pm 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm
6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm 7:15 pm - 7:45 pm
Shore Excursions Tour Information Channel 15 Destination Channel Channel 22 Community Bulletin Board, Centrum Deck 6 Challenger's Video Arcade Deck 10 The Morning Show with your Cruise Director, Angelle and your Activities Manager, Tony Channel 14 Vitality Stretch Class, Fitness Center Deck 10 ^ Fab Abs Class, Fitness Center Deck 10 Early Bird Spa Savings $99 Treatments call 6850 for more information, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 Pathway To Yoga ( $ ) , Fitness Center Deck 10 Vision of the Seas is Scheduled to Arrive in Khasab, Oman Approximate Ship Clearance Sports Activity: Adult Table Tennis Competition, Starboard side Poolside Morning Crossword Challenge, Schooner Bar Ryme Time Quiz, Schooner Bar Nintendo Wii Baseball Open Play, Schooner Bar
Deck 9 Deck 6 Deck 6 Deck 6
^ Detox and Cellulite Solutions, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 J l ^ Free 2 Minutes Hot Stones Massage Tasters, Vitality Spa Deck 9 Poolside Activity: Pool Trivia Challenge, Poolside Deck 9 Beach Accessories Sale, Pool Deck Deck 9 Visual Quiz: Do you Know Your Country Outlines, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6 Poolside Movie: Lawrence of Arabia (G - 3:42), Poolside. Deck 9 Enrichment Class: Scrapbooking for Beginners, Schooner Bar Deck 6 NextCruise Destination Talk, Centrum Deck 4 Art Enrichment Series: 30,000 Years of Art History In 30 Minutes, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6: Sports Activity: Party Line Dance Class with your Cruise Director's Staff, Centrum Deck 4 Ladies Pamper Party, (Free collagen treatment for all those who attend). Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 A Complimentary Seminar: Introduction to Acupuncture, LIVE DEMO, Schooner Bar, Deck Sports Activity: Open Climb (Last Sign up at 6:15pm), Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 WWF T-shirts and Plush Toy Sale, Rock Climbing Wall... Deck 10 ^ ($) Body Sculpt Bootcamp Session 1 of 3, Vitality Fitness Center Deck 10 All Aboard Champagne Art Auction Preview, Live Auction to Follow, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6 Single and Solo Travelers Get Together for Classic Rock Tunes, Schooner Bar Decks 6 Champagne Art Auction, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6 Music Trivia: Classic Rock Tunes, Schooner Bar, Deck 6 ^ Complimentary Seminar: Reinvent Yourself with Medi-Spa, Vitality day Spa Deck 9 Kids and Families Scavenger Hunt, Adventure Ocean... Deck 10 Gold by the Inch, buy 21 inches and get a matching bracelet FREE, Royal Shops Deck 6 ^ Complimentary Wellness Seminar: Detox For Health And Weight Loss, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 Complimentary Gaming Lessons, Casino Royale Deck 5
Designer Costume Jewelry in Sterling Silver 50% off. Royal Shops Deck 6 J;:jComplimentary Footprint Clinic, Vitality Fitness Center Deck 9 Sports Activity: Kids Learn to Climb (6-11 years) (Sign up at 6:15pm), Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 Poolside Movie: Angels and Demons (PG13 - 2:18), Poolside Deck 9 Captain's Welcome Aboard Reception, Centrum . Decks 4,5,6,7 Pictures with Captain Marek, Centrum Deck 4
Kallati Exclusive Diamonds Collection Unveiling, Facets Jewelry Boutique, Royal Shops Deck 6 8:30 pm Free competition Spot the real Diamond of Kallati, Facets Jewelry Boutique, Royal Shops Deck 6 9:00 pm ^ Headliner Showtime starring Gary Williams, Masquerade Theatre Decks 5,6 9:00 pm Poolside Movie: Angels and Demons (PG13 - 2:18), Poolside Deck 9 9:00 pm - midnight Martini Special Rock MI6, Casino Bar Deck 5 10:00 pm Secret Agent Night with your Cruise Director, Angelle, Casino Royale Deck 5 10:00 pm $75 Sit & Go Poker Tournament $, Casino Royale Deck 5 10:00 pm Ages 18 - 20 Get Together, Centrum Decks 4 , 5 , 6 & 7 10:00 pm Power Raffle with any purchase today you can win $50 Credit for the shops, Royal Shops Deck 6 10:00 pm Putting on the Hits Game Show, Centrum Decks 4 , 5 , 6 & 7 10:30 pm LGBTQ get Together (Self Led), Viking Crown Lounge (meet at the bar) Deck 11 10:45 pm ^ Headliner Showtime starring Gary Williams, Masquerade Theatre Decks 5,6 11:00 pm $1/$3 No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Game, Casino Royale.... Deck 5 11:00 pm Live Paradise Lotto Draw ($), Casino Royale Deck 5 11:00 pm - midnight Adult Karaoke Hour, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge .. Deck 6 11:00 pm - midnight Michael Jackson Hour with DJ Dennis, Viking Crown Lounge Deck 11 1:00 am Curfew for Guests under 18 years of Age The Viking Crown lounge is reserved for guests over the age of 18 years after 10:00 pm" All outdoor events are subject to weather conditions. ^ Assistive Listening System available. Obtain receivers at Guest Services, Deck 5
Easy Listening and Dance Music with N Joy Duo 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Centrum, Deck 4 6:15 pm - 7:00 pm Centrum, Deck 4 10:00 pm -11:00 pm Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6 Easy Listening Piano Music with Henry Urmeneta 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Schooner Bar, Deck 6 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm Schooner Bar, Deck 6 8:45 pm - 9:15 pm Schooner Bar, Deck 6 Captain's Welcome Aboard Reception with Vicky & Holding Co. Show Band 7:00 pm - 8:15 pm* Centrum, Deck 4 Ballroom & Popular Dance Music with Vicky & The Holding Co. Show Band 9:30 pm -10:00 pm 11:00 pm - midnight
Centrum, Deck 4 Centrum, Deck 4
Piano Pub Entertainment with Grahame Ashleigh Sinclair 9:30 pm - late* Schooner Bar, Deck 6 Michael Jackson Hour with Resident DJ Dennis (18+) 11:00 pm - midnight Viking Crown Lounge, Deck 11 Top Hits with Resident DJ Dennis(18+) Midnight - Late Viking Crown Lounge, Deck 11 * Denotes with breaks included
KHASAB PORT AGENT CONTACT INFORMATION Wilhelmsen Ships Service Pranav Dave Mobile: +968 9507 9510 Email: WSS.SOHAR@wilhelmsen.com HUSBANDRY(a)wiihelmsen.com
Vitality Activity
J3 Music and Dancing
\ Shows
| » Resen/atlon required
($) Fee for this event
{§) Crown & Anchor Society event
Day 2 Khasab
AND RECEIVE SPEUAL SAVINGS ON YOUR CHOICE OF TOURS AND ACTIVITIES. • Save 5% per person w h e n y o u b o o k t w o (2) excursions
• Save 10% per person w h e n y o u bool< three (3) o r more excursions Visit Shore Excursions o n Deck 5 t o f i n d o u t m o r e and t o sign up!
ONLY 2 DAYS FOR A CHANCE TO WIN EXTRA $300 Book t o d a y a n d g e t d o u b l e t h e chance t o w i n extra $ 3 0 0 t o s p e n d o n b o a r d right n o w . Get u p t o $ 5 0 0 o n b o a r d c r e d i t f o r y o u r f u t u r e cruise PLUS 6 0 % O F F 2 n d GUEST, available only for those w h o b o o k n o w o n b o a r d today.See y o u r NextCruise Sales Team, Deck 4 , C e n t r u m .
VITALITY SPA'S BEST DEAL: TOP TO TOE Indulge youii-self f r o m head t o t o e f o r 75 glorious minutes w i t h all o f these t r e a t m e n t s f o r only $149: Full B o d y Massage, Back Exfoliation, Rejuvenating Facial, F o o t a n d A n k l e Massage & Scalp Massage. A d d H o t Stones or B a m b o o w i t h y o u r back massage f o r only $ 2 0 . Call 6 8 5 0 o r visit Vitality Spa, Deck 9.
When a picture just isn't enough, how about turning your favorite vacation m o m e n t into art? Visit the Photo Gallery on Deck 6 Prices start at $ 9 9 . Buy one g e t one FREE on selcted sizes. W h a t a great way t o capture your memories to share w i t h friends a n d family.
MIX Paper from
FSC FSC" C007828
FASHION WATCH SALE UP TO 75% OFF The most famous fashion watches such as Anne Klain, Fossil, Stuhrling.Guess, etc. Plus the deal of the day when y o u buy a Guess w a t c h , t h e second one is ONLY 5 0 % of t h e price. All t a x and d u t y free priced and backed w i t h our exclusive Price Match Guarantee ONE DAY ONLY! Sale starts at 5:30 p m in t h e Royal Shops, Deck 6.
IZUMI ASIAN CUISINE Traditional Asian dining w i t h a sushi bar and h o t rock c o o k i n g , using only t h e finest ingredients and flawless presentation t h a t is sure t o impress. F r o m a la minute m a d e Sushi t o t h e m o s t delicious seafood dishes o n b o a r d , this Asian fusion Specialty Restaurant is a d e l i g h t o f far. Please call 5555 f o r reservations.
Research has shown A c u p u n c t u r e t o be effective in t h e t r e a t m e n t of over 100 conditions. A r e y o u ready t o feel better? Do y o u w a n t safe and effective solutions? Come experience h o w acupuncture will benefit you. Book now for a c o m p l i m e n t a r y consultation w i t h Bruno Domingues, LAc. Call 6 8 5 0 or visit t h e Vitality Spa, Deck 9.
DOLLARS OFF YOUR NEXT CRUISE Earn as little as 4 0 0 player reward points in Casino Royale t o receive "Dollars Off" your next quarterly cruise! To register, simply insert your SeaPass® card into any slot machine and take it for a spin! Ask your Casino Host for more details. Casino Royale, Deck 5
SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE IN ABU DHABI Ferrari W o r l d A b u Dhabi Orientation w i t h High Tea at Emirates Palace A b u Dhabi City Tour and Grand Mosque Day in the Desert Visit Shore Excursions on Deck 5 t o find o u t more a n d book today!
auctions are events not to be missed. More than 600 works will be featured. Evening at the Harbor Times Square South
by Itzchak Tarkay
by Alexander Chen
Ladies in Waiting by Scott Jacobs
Fall by Barry McCi
Free work of art just for attending • Over four decades in business, our mission has been to make the experience of selecting and owning fine art as pleasurable as it is rewarding. • Our 40/40/40 customer satisfaction guarantee gives you the confidence and peace of mind to fully enjoy the art you bring into your life. • Since 1969, Park West® has assured the quality and authenticity of every work of art it offers. • With 40/40/40, a leading policy in the art world, you can exchange any work of art purchased for 40 months or return any work purchased for up to 40 days.* • Fa'- West ts your most trusted resouice for Lhe study, collecting and appreciation of fine art.
ART MILES CARD MEGA R A F F L E ntroducing your Art Miles Card: a fun way for you to enjoy events hosted by the Fine Arts team and get rewarded for doing so!
FREE Champagne FREE Work of Art FREE Raffle Entry FREE Pre-registration
Monday, Day 1, Dubai, UAE 7:00 pm Art Gallery, Deck 6 Midship Bring this flyer back to the A r t Gallery for 4 extra raffle tickets!
CX'er four decades in business, our mission has been to make the experience of selecting and owning fine art as pleasurable as it is rewarding. Our 40/40/40 customer satisfaction guarantee gives you the confidence and peace of mind to fuiiy enjoy the art you bring into your life. Beyond assuring the authenticity and quality of even,<thing we sell — as we have since 1969 — this art world leading policy allows you to return any work purchased from Park West* for up to 40 days, and exchange a work for another in the Park West' collection of equal or greater price for 40 months. Park West® is your .most trusted resource for the study, collecting and appreciation of fine art. Selection, service and value. That's the Park West® experience.
GATEWAY TO THE MUSANDAM A tiny enclave of Oman surrounded on land by UAE territory, the Musandam Peninsula juts into the narrow strait that separates the Persian and Oman guifs. Here the red-rock Hajar mountains meet the clear blue sea in dramatic fashion, forming an intricate series of fjords i<nown as khors. The sheer cliffs, imposing headlands, inlets, lagoons and bays that are home t o dolphins, birds and other wildlife are the region's primary attractions. Three tribes â&#x20AC;&#x201D; Dahoori, Kumzari and the largest group, the Shehi â&#x20AC;&#x201D; long lived in isolation in small fishing and mountain villages of the remote peninsula. In the 17th centu.ry, the Portuguese built a fort on the protected natural harbor of what is now the smail but lively port of Khasab, the main base for exploring the Musandam. In addition to boat trips into the khors, many visitors take excursions into the rugged mountains, the tallest of Vv'hich, Jebei Harim, stands more than 2,000 meters high.
The official language is Arabic,
A developing tourism destination, Khasab has fewer than a dozen restaurants which serve Omani and Indian specialties. Hotels welcome day visitors to their venues, and those on the hillsides outside the town center often have beautiful views of the bay. Stop in the t o w n supermarkets for bottled v^ater, cold drinks and an ice cream to beat the heat. Some markets may also carry fresh dates, a local staple. Tea is typically black and coffee served Omani-style, scented with aromatic cardamom.
Min fadiak Min fadiik
Thank You
'aSaykum (to a man) (to a v.'oman)
Ma 'a salarriah
E^sy 24-Hour Canceiiations* (^3) Guaranteed Return To Ship"
Destination Expertise
Delivering the Destination
"ours Involvifigfligfits,trains, special everts, ovemigfi! stays, hotel stays and Private Journeys miist -be canceiled W days prior to sailing to avoid cancellation penalties. Other restrictions mav apply. ' In the iinlikely event that your tour Is signihcantiy delayed, Vv'e'i make all the arrangenie.nts tor you io return to the ship at the earliest opportunity at no expense to you.
This tour is a great introduction to the port t o w n and the rugged beauty of the i^^usandam Peninsula. Visit the lyth-century Khasab Fort, a Portuguesebuilt stronghold, and ride along the coastal road to the Bukha Fort, with its watchtowers, DHOW C R U I S E TO OMANI F J O R D S
Ride a traditional dhow inside Musandam's iongest and most spectacular fjord, on a route that takes you past small fishing villages and Telegraph islandCool off with a swim in the calm, turquoise waters. Plus you may see birds and marine life like dolphins along the way. SAFARI TO J E B E L HARIM
Experience the rugged beauty of Musandam's mountainous interior as you travel by four-wheeldrive vehicle t o Jebe! Harim, the highest mountain on the peninsula. Landscapes along the way include terraced mountain villages, .Acacia forests and the dry riverbeds known as wadis.
PRIVATE J O U R N E Y S : Your Customized Shore Excursion if you are looking to explore a destination in a small and intimate group or wish t o personalize your experience, our Private Journeys are the perfect option. Visit the Shore Excursions desk t o learn more. NOTE: Shore Excursions vary by sailing and are subject t o availability.
Although often compared to the fjords of Norway, the dramatic iand-seascapes of the Musandam Peninsula were not formed by glacier activity. Here mountain valleys have flooded as the Arabian tectonic plate has pushed under the Eurasian plate. This movement is ongoing and as a result, the peninsula is slowly sinking. For centuries only reachable by sea, this remote corner of the Arabian Peninsula long had close connections with Persia. At the narrowest point of the Strait of Hormuz, just 29 nautical miles (54 kilometers) separate the Musandam from modernday Iran.
The bait a! qufi (house of the lock) is unique to the Musandam, Built as secure storage, the thick stone walls and single door were designed to protect the effects of the owners who would leave during the summer months for fishing expeditions and other seasonal work.
a m tewl Caribbean Cruisss u t Slips FsgElrj: The Bahamas. AH Sigiiis ficstmd WOm • HfflBBS
Khasab M u s a n d a m O m a n Cruise Port
H O W TO GET A R O U N D : 1.
T h e r e is a c o m p l e m e n t a r y s h u t t l e b u s f r o m t h e s h i p t o D o w n t o w n w i t h a s t o p at F o r t K h a s h a b p r o v i d e d b y RCCL.
D o w n t o w n is l o c a t e d 8 k m o r 5 m i l e s f r o m t h e P o r t .
T h e r e a r e n o t a x i s a v a i l a b l e in K h a s a b .
Please b e i n f o r m e d s h o p s will b e c l o s e d b e t w e e n 1:0G p m - 4 : 0 0 p m .
LOCAL CURRENCY: T h e l o c a l C u r r e n c y in O m a n is t h e O m a n i Rial ( O M R ) , p l e a s e n o t e U $ a r e a c c e p t e d in m o s t o f t h e p l a c e s . T h e e x c h a n g e r a t e f r o m US d o l l a r t o O m a n i Rial is a p p r o x i m a t e l y 0 . 4 0 .
Khasab Fort: This p i c t u r e s q u e , 1 7 t h - c e n t u r y s t r o n g h o l d was built by the Portuguese, w h o s o u g h t d o m i n i o n over m a r i t i m e t r a d e in t h e S t r a i t s o f H o r m u z . O p e n i n g h o u r s 9 a m - 4 p m Sat-Thu, 8 - l l a m Fri. E n t r a n c e fee A p p r o x . 2 . 0 0 U S $ . K h a s a b F o r t is 1.8 K M a w a y f r o m t h e p o r t o r 2 0 minute walk.
Jebel Harim ( t h e M o u n t a i n of W o m e n ) : S t a n d i n g at 6 , 2 6 0 f e e t , it's t h e h i g h e s t p e a k o n t h e M u s a n d a m P e n i n s u l a . It is 4 6 k m f r o m t h e p o r t a b o u t 1.5 h o u r s d r i v e .
Royal C a r i b b e a n International
O m a n i F j o r d : It h a s b e e n r e f e r r e d t o as t h e " N o r w a y o f A r a b i a " , a l t h o u g h t h e r u g g e d p e a k s in t h i s l a n d a r e b a r e a n d r o c k y 12 k m o r 8 m i l e s f r o m P o r t R a s h i d . T h e e x p e c t e d p r i c e f o r a t a x i is A E D 4 0 . 0 0 o r U$11.00.
Desert: Experience t h e thrill of exploring g o l d e n yellow s a n d d u n e s in t h e c o m f o r t o f f o u r - w h e e l d r i v e v e h i c l e s o r on a camel.
Royal C a r i b b e a n International tours c o m e highly r e c o m m e n d e d for exploring our ports-of-call.
Very little s h o p p i n g o p p o r t u n i t i e s
Take e x t r a c a r e t o r e t u r n t o t h e ship o n t i m e .
A l w a y s take y o u r Port Explorer a n d Cruise C o m p a s s w i t h you w h e n going ashore.
O m a n is a c o n s e r v a t i v e c o u n t r y , s o in r e l i g i o u s a n d o t h e r b u i l d i n g s m o d e s t d r e s s is e x p e c t e d . P l e a s e f o l l o w the following guidelines: W o m e n should not wear strappy sundresses, miniskirts, shorts or l o w - n e c k e d dresses in p u b l i c p l a c e s ( e . g . s o u q s , s h o p p i n g a r e a in t h e c i t y a n d interior t o w n s ) . Men s h o u l d w e a r shirts or T-shirts a n d long trousers; shorts or beachwear should not be w o r n e x c e p t at t h e b e a c h or p o o l area.
Please d o n o t t a k e p h o t o g r a p h s of locals w i t h o u t p e r m i s s i o n . W o m e n in p a r t i c u l a r s h o u l d n o t b e p h o t o g r a p h e d . It is f o r b i d d e n t o t a k e p i c t u r e s o f m i l i t a r y f a c i l i t i e s a n d in a n d a r o u n d t h e E m b a s s y . P l e a s e o b s e r v e the " N o P h o t o g r a p h y " signs.
S h o p p i n g hours: S h o p p i n g e s t a b l i s h m e n t s are o p e n f r o m 9 : 0 0 a m - 1:00 p m a n d 4 : 0 0 p m - 9 : 0 0 p m . D e p a r t m e n t stores, s u p e r m a r k e t s a n d s h o p p i n g c o m p l e x e s are o p e n t h r o u g h o u t t h e d a y d u r i n g R a m a d a n f r o m 9 a m t o 10 p m , w i t h a s h o r t l u n c h b r e a k all t h r o u g h t h e w e e k , e x c e p t Fridays. These timings could vary w i t h different shops.
CRUISE COMPASS Wednesday, February 8, 2017 Muscat, Oman
Vision of the Seas®
The blue minaret and dome of Muscat's most famous mosque may dominate the skyline, but there are several architectural marvels in town. The Corniche is lined with gold-topped cupolas, and Al Alam Palace is a modern must-see wonder. As one of the oldest cities in the Middle East, it's hard to believe that this capital city of Oman was only recently opened for tourism. But no matter how fast Muscat grows, the city is set on preserving its rich history and intimate feel. From the manicured parks and unspoiled beaches to the stone moat that still surrounds the area, Muscat is a vision in and of itself. The best views in town are from the mountainside forts of Al Jalali and Al Mirani. Once used as a prison during Portuguese occupation, the forts have since been converted into a museum. The Muttrah Souk, Muscat's oldest market, is a labyrinth of merchant stalls offering wonderfully unique items. Muscat is also a virtually untapped divers' paradise, with stunning coral reefs not far from the shore. Or you can always admire the coastal scenery onboard a tradition wooden dhow. BACK ONBOARD 1. Couples Retreat Massage Workshop Love having a massage? Here is your chance to learn Step-By-Step with your partner exactly how to do so from the professionals. Receive a take home Elemis Japanese Camelia Body Oil at the end of the workshop. Only $48 per couple. Sign up required. Today at llam - Noon! Visit the Day Spa on Deck 9, Aft or call 6850 to reserve your spot. 2. Designer Handbags This is a not missing event, you will find designer bags such as Guess, AK, Carlos Santana, Marc Jacobs, Steven Madden and more, All this brands with up to 50% off, you will find as well men leather accessories such as Fossil belts and wallets. Event will start at 6:00 pm, Royal Shops, Deck 6. 3. The Love and Marriage Game Show Join your Cruise Director, Angelle as she puts your fellow shipmates through the matrimonial test of time. Don't miss the laughs. 9:30 pm, Masquerade Theater, Decks 5 & 6. 4. Arabian Nights International White Party Wear something white and join your Activities Manager Tony, your Cruise Director's Staff and DJ Dennis Poolside for dancing fun under the stars! We will dance our way around the world! 10:30 pm - midnight, Poolside, Deck 9.
WORLD WILDLIFE FUND FUN FACT OF THE DAY: According to a 2015 WWF study, the world's oceans are worth at least $24 trillion.
DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOUR FAVORITE SPOT ON THE POOL DECK? Enjoying the relaxing atmosphere out on deck, feeling hungry but do not want to loose anytime in the sun - go to Solarium Wrap Bar and grab a tasty wrap freshly made by our Culinary Team - just so you can have more time in the sun! Open from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm today.
SHORE EXCURSIONS! There are so many amazing things to do in Dubai !! Wonders of Dubai with a Visit to the Top Dune Dinner Safari Panoramic Dubai Night Tour For details, visit the Shore Excursions team on Deck 5.
Partly sunny and pleasant 74°F (23°C) Wind: Moderate Breeze UV Index: 7 High Sunrise: 6:43 am Sunset: 5:57 pm
IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW TODAY SHIP'S ARRIVAL: 9:00 am APPROXIMATE SHIP CLEARANCE: 9:45 am GANGWAY: Deck 1, Centrum (Subject to change due to tides) TONIGHT'S DINNER DRESS SUGGESTION - Casual/White (Please Note that bare feet, short pants, caps and tank tops are not allowed in the Dining Rooms or any of our Specialty Restaurant). DAYS 3 AND 4: MUSCAT, OMAN - WEDNESDAY AND THURSDAY All guests must bring their SeaPass card and shore pass that will be distributed at the gangway when going ashore. All Omani shore passes must be returned when you come back onboard. Our staff will be at the gangway to collect them. As per local immigration regulations, there is a 5 USD penalty to any guest who fails to return said shore pass. TRANSFER TO DUBAI AIRPORT - $19.00 per person. If you have flights after 7:15 am on 13th February, please purchase your ticket at the Guest Services Desk before day 5, Noon. FLOTATION DEVICES - For the safety and well being of children, children's swimming pool personal flotation devices are available free of charge at the pool deck areas. Personal flotation devices are for use onboard the Vision of the Seas and cannot be taken off the ship. SAFETY TIP - Ships are different from buildings on land in many ways. Please keep some time to become familiar with your new surroundings. In some areas, you will find raised thresholds and ramps in your path. These are common when moving from inside spaces to outside decks. You will also find them in different areas within your stateroom. Watch your step while walking, and use handrails to keep steady. CAREFUL WHAT YOU FLUSH - Our waste disposal system operates using a highly sensitive vacuum system, so we kindly ask you flush nothing other than toilet paper and your waste down the toilets. Personal hygiene products, hand and bath towels, paper towels, food and other items will shut down the system. HELPFUL HEALTH INFORMATION - Royal Caribbean International, working in conjunction with the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and EU SHIPSAN, has instituted enhanced cleaning procedures onboard all its ships. You'll see some of these activities during your cruise vacation. Medical experts tell us that the best way to prevent colds, flu, and gastrointestinal illnesses is to simply wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water after restroom breaks and again before eating anything. Your cooperation and assistance with this matter is appreciated. TOMORROW - We will be in Muscat, Oman
EVENTS AND OFFERS NOT TO MISS TODAY DAILY SPA SPECIAL Indulge yourself by choosing any of these great Spa deals Today: Hydrating Mini Facial $35, Foot and Ankle Massage $39 Or treat yourself with a Back, Neck and Shoulder Exfoliation finishing with a warm oil rub and included you will receive a TAKE HOME Elemis Devils Mint Scrub ALL for just $89. To reserve call 6850 or visit the Spa on Deck 9 Aft. Offer may not be combined with other discounts or promotions. LAST CHANCE TO WIN EXTRA $300! Today is a last chance to win an extra $300 to spend onboard right now. Book a balcony or a suite and you will have double the chance to win. See your NextCruise Sales Team, Deck 4, Centrum.
Production Showtime Starring your Royal Caribbean Singers and Dancers in
"BROADWAY RHYTHM AND RHYME" Paying tribute to some of the greatest Broadway Musicals of all time, including West Side Story, Chicago, Dream Girls and more!!!
All Guests: 7:45 pm Masquerade Theatre, Decks 5 & 6
SURF + STREAM Take advantage of our best deal on the fastest Internet at sea! SURF Voyage Packages start at just $12.99 per day for basic internet access. Want more? You can upgrade to the SURF + STREAM Voyage Package and stream your favorite movies, TV shows and music, starting at $17.99 per day. Connect to "ROYAL WIFI" today on your own device to get started. MEET THE KALLATI DESIGNER Come and meet Jamie the designer of one of the most iconic brands in the red carpet KALLATI, together we can put all our dreams together and create the piece that you have always desire, With the knowledge that you will get from this event through the most mysterious secrets of our precious stones. With us you can save 40% of U.S. prices. Today in Facets Jewelry Boutique, Deck 6 at 8:00 pm CHOPS GRILLE STEAKHOUSE Join us to experience the " Best Steak on the High Seas" at Chops Grille Steakhouse. An intimate dining experience offering succulent steak with delicious wines and exceptional service. Please call 4444 for reservations. WINES AROUND THE WORLD Join us for an unique voyage around the world tasting a selectionof our delicious wines onboard. From California to New Zealand and beyond, our resident wine expert will explain each wine and grape variety. You will also learn the art of wine evaluation to become your own wine expert, all in an exclusive, friendly and informative setting on Day 5 At Sea. Book Now at Aquarius Dinning Room on deck 4. $15 per guest or only $10 for Guest with the Deluxe Beverage Package. 18% gratuity will be added to each check. SHORE EXCURSIONS Last opportunity to explore Muscat and have fun off the ship with one of our tours and activities. Mystical Muscat / Dhow Cruise / Walking Tour of Muscat Stop by Shore Excursions on Deck 5 for help choosing the right one for you. CRUISE DIRECTOR'S PICK OF THE DAY PHOTO PACKAGES: LAST CHANCE FOR HUGE SAVINGS! This is it. Today is your last chance to save up to $30 with one of our value-packed prepaid photo packages. Stop by the Photo Gallery, Deck 6, where our friendly staff can help you choose the photo package that's right for you.
THE LOVE AND MARRIAGE GAME SHOW Hosted by your Cruise Director, Angelle. 9:30 pm, Masquerade Theatre, Decks 5 & 6
Come Dance With Me! Back by Popular Demand
Gary Williams is back for a great dance moment. Come with your partner or find one on the dance floor. Star of West End's 'Rat Pack' 10:15 pm Centrum, Decks 4, 5, 6 & 7 DAYTIME ACTIVITIES World Wildlife Fund Quiz Join your Cruise Director's Staff for a session of fun questions and answers about the ocean and the environment . Check it out! 10:00 am, Schooner Bar, Deck 6. Apples To Apples Card Game The game of the fun comparisons, team up and try to get the green cards. Do you want to know more? Be there and enjoy. 2:00 pm, Schooner Bar, Deck 6. Myths and Legends Quiz Think you know everything there is to know about ancient Myths and Legends? Show off your knowledge by joining us at our Myths and Legends quiz at 5:00 pm at Schooner Bar, Deck 6. EVENING ACTIVITIES Poolside Movie: Lawrence of Arabia (G - 3:42) The story of T.E. Lawrence, the English officer who successfully united and led the diverse, often warring, Arab tribes during World War I in order to fight the Turks. 6:30 pm, Poolside, Deck 9. Music Quiz: Disney Do you think you can recognice the Disney movie by hearing a part of a Disney song? Tonight you can prove it! Join your Cruise Director's staff for this fun event. 7:00 pm, Schooner Bar, Deck 6. Majority Rules Game Show What is the answer to the question? We don't know, however you do! Match the answers to the answers of your fellow guests and you will be the winner of this Game Show. Come and join your Host Hannah from your Cruise Director's staff in this hilarious activity. 8:00 pm, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6. Evening Movie: Inception (PG13 - 2:28) A thief, who steals corporate secrets through use of dream-sharing technology, is given the inverse task of planting an idea into the mind of a CE0.10:45 pm, Masquerade Theater, Decks 5 & 6.
DAILY PLANNER Vision of The Seas
Art Gallery By Appointments Only Casino Royale Closed Loyalty Ambassador Desk 9:00 am - 11:00 am / 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Language Assistance Guest Services 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm NextCruise Sales 9:00 am - Noon / 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm
Deck 6 Deck 5 Deck 5 Deck 5 Deck 4
(Appointments Advisable)
Medical Facility (1)/a150 Photo Gallery Photo Portrait Studios Pool Towels Restaurant Operations Royal Shops Shore Excursion Desk Vitality Spa (Dial 6850) Steam & Sauna Vitality Fitness Center Sports Activities: Table Tennis Rock Climbing Wall• Open Climb
8:00 am - 11:00 am / 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Deck 1 6:30 pm -11:00 pm Deck 6 7:00 pm -10:30pm Deck 5 8:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 9 Dial 4245/ 4246 Deck 4 5:30 pm - Midnight Deck 6 8:00 am - 10:00 am / 5:00 pm - 8:00 pm Deck 5 Acupuncture, Tooth Whitening Clinic, Medi-Spa 8:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 9 8:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 9 6:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 10 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Deck 9 Deck 10
5:00 pm - 7:30 pm (last sign up 7:15 pm)
Weather Permitting Please bring socks, t-shirt, shorts or pants. Clothing must be dry. A Rock Climbing Wall waiver must be completed once a cruise vacation. Children must be 6 years of age or older to climb. Parents must be present to sign a waiver for children under the age of 18 and must stay to supervise children under the age of 13 years. Adults must be able to fit into the XXL harness to climb. Sign ups will close 15 minutes before closing time.
OPEN 24 HOURS: Arcade, Deck 10 / Book Nook, Deck 6 / Community Bulletin Board, Deck 5 / Emergency Only (Dial 970 / Guest Services (Dial 0), Deck 5 / Operator (Dial 0) / royal caribbean online", Deck 6 / Shuffleboard, Deck 10 'For rules and restrictions and sign up requirements, please see the staff at the appropriate venue.s
Swimming Pools & Hot Tubs: Some of our pools and hot tubs may close at night due to daily cleaning and maintenance.
Solarium Pool (Reserved for guests 16 years and above) Deck 9 Hot Tubs (Guests under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent/guardian): Guests are reminded that there is no lifeguard on duty The Solarium pool and hot tubs are an adults area only. However, during inclement or cool weather under 16s may use the Solarium pool between the following hours: Noon - 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Children must be supervised in the pool at all times. Please note that children in diapers or pull ups and those that are not fully trained to use the bathroom are not allowed to use the pools or whirlpools even if supervised by an adult. As a courtesy to other guests, reserving of deck chairs is not permitted. Chairs left vacant for 30 minutes or longer may be reassigned by the Pool Attendant to other waiting guests. Royal Caribbean International is not responsible for the theft or loss of any items on deck chairs or other pool areas. Thank you for your understanding.
NOTICES Discharge Of All Garbage Into The Sea Is Prohibited - The MARPOL Convention and domestic law generally prohibit the discharge of most forms of garbage from ships into the sea. Violation of these requirements may result in penalties. All garbage is to be retained onboard and placed in the bins provided. Smoking Policy - To improve our guests' cruise vacation experience we have designated the following smoking areas: Casino Royale on Deck 5 (partial as designated by signage), open deck areas on the starboard side (right hand side of the ship facing forward) on Decks 5 and 9. Consumer Advisory - Consuming raw or undercooked meats, seafood, shellfish, eggs, milk, or poultry may increase your risk of food borne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. Safety & Security - For the safety and well-being of all persons onboard, some members of our Security Team will be wearing Body Cameras as part of their uniform.
Wednesday, February 8, 2017 MUSCAT, OMAN
TONIGHT'S DRESS SUGGESTION: CASUAL/ WHITE DINING SCHEDULE AND AFTERNOON SNACKS BREAKFAST 6:00 am - 7:00 am Park Café Early Riser Breakfast 7:00 am - 10:00 am Room Service 8:30 am - 10:00 am Aquarius Dining Room 7:00 am - 10:00 am Park Café 7:00 am - 11:00 am Windjammer Cafe LUNCH 11:30 am - 3:00 pm Windjammer Café Noon - 1:30 pm Giovanni'sTable ($)
Deck 9 Dial 53 Deck 4 Deck 9 Deck 9 Deck 9 Deck 6
A $19 dining fee per person applies, gratuities included. Traditional Italian Trattoria. Offers tastes of flavor-rich Tuscany with classic dishes and served up family style. Dial 3333 for reservations.
2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Park Café Deck 9 SPECIAL EVENT Arabic Night Hooka Tent with Sisha Delight, Poolside ($) Deck 9 DINNER 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm My Time Dining Option, Aquarius Dining Room Deck 5 For reservation call 6715 from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
6:00 pm
Main Seating, Aquarius Dining Room 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Windjammer Café Easten Delights Theme Night 8:30 pm Second Seating, Aquarius Dining Room
Deck 4 Deck 9 Deck 4
Note: Dining Room Doors Will Close 30 minutes after Main and Second Seating Opening time Dinihg Rooms and Specialty Restaurant: No bare feet, caps, tank top shirts or bathing attire will be permitted at any time. Shorts will be permitted for breakfast and lunch only. Windjammer Café: No bare feet and bathing attire will be permitted at any time. Tank top shirts and baseball caps will be permitted for breakfast and lunch only
SPECIALTY DINING 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Chops Grille ($)
Deck 6
A $35 dining fee per person applies. The best steak on the high seas. Dial 4444 for reservations.
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Giovanni'sTable ($)
Deck 6
A $29 Dining per person applies traditional family style Italian restaurant. The Chemed venue serves both rustic and stylish classic food with a familiar neighborhood feel. Dial 3333 for reservations.
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Izumi ($)
Deck 11
Asian-inspired cuisine. ( a /a carte pricing) Dial 5555 for reservations.
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm Chef's Table ($)
Deck 4
Exclusive multi-course wine pairing dinner hosted by one of our many talented Vision of the Seas Chefs and Sommelier. A $85 dining fee per person applies. Please allow two to three hours for dinner Dia14444for reservations. Please provide 24 hours advance notice to cancel your Chops Grille, Giovanni's Table or lzumi reservation to avoid a S10 charge to your onboard SeaPass account.
SNACKS 24 Hours
Room Service
Dial 53
A $3.95 fee applies to light snack orders between midnight and 5:00 am. Dial 53 to place your order.
24 Hours Windjammer Coffee Station 6:30 am - 11:00 pm Café Latte-tudes / Ben & Jerry's 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Afternoon Tea, Windjammer Café 9:00 pm - 1:30 am Park Café
Deck 9 Deck 6 Deck 9 Deck 9
BAR OPEN HOURS Cafe Latte-tudes: 6:30 am - 11:00 pm Pool Bar: 9: 00 am - 10:00 pm Viking Crown Bar: 4:00 pm - Late
Schooner Bar:1:00 pm - 1:00 am R Bar: 3:00 pm - 1:00 am Solarium Bar: 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Last day for a chance to win $300 to spend right now. Get up to $500 onboard credit PLUS 60% OFF 2nd GUEST, available only if you book onboard today. Deposits starts as low as $50 per stateroom.
Join us at the pool area tonight from 8:00 pm to 12:30 am and enjoy original Oman flavors of herbs from traditional shisha pipes (Apple, Mint and Grape).
See your NextCruise, Deck 4, Centrum.
MORNING ACTIVITIES 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours
Shore Excursions Tour Information Channe115 Destination Channel Channel 22 Community Bulletin Board, Centrum Deck 6 Daily Quiz, Sudoku, Cards and Board Games Available, Book Nook Deck 6 24 Hours Challenger's Video Arcade Deck 10 24 Hours The Morning Show with your Cruise Director, Angelle and your Activities Manager, Tony Channe114 7:00 am S, Vitality Stretch Class, Fitness Center Deck 10 7:30 am S, Fab Abs, Fitness Center Deck 10 8:00 am Pure Form Pilates($),Vitality Fitness Cente Deck 9 8:00 am Sports Activity : Morning Run with your Sports Staff, Running Track Starboard Side Deck 10 9:00 am Complimentary Footprint Clinic, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 9:00 am Vision of the Seas is Scheduled to Arrive in Muscat, Oman 9:30 am Singles and Solo Travelers Get-Together (Self-Led), Café Latte-tudes Deck 6 9:30 am Extreme Sudoku Challenge, Schooner Bar Deck 6 9:45 am Approximate Ship Clearance 10:00 am World Wildlife Fund Quiz, Schooner Bar Deck 6 10:30 am -11:30am Whiter, Brighter Smile, GoSmile Consultations, Day Spa Deck 9 10:30 am -11:30am Whiter, Brighter Smile, GoSmile Consultations, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 11:00 am - Noon Couples Retreat Massage Workshop, Sign up required, Vitality Day Spa, Deck 9 11:00 am - 2:00 pm Nintendo Wii° Tennis Open Play, Schooner Bar Deck 6 AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES 1:30 pm Spot the Difference Quiz, Schooner Bar Deck 6 2:00 pm Apples to Apples Game, Schooner Bar Deck 6 3:00 pm Sports Activity: Classic Baggo Competition, Centrum Deck 4 3:00 pm - 9:00 pm Twilight Massage Special - Limited Time Offer Only $99 Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 4:00 pm Sports Activity: Party Line Dance Class with your Cruise Director's Staff, Centrum Deck 4 5:00 pm Myths and Legends Quiz, Schooner Bar Deck 6 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Complimentary Acupuncture & Medi-Spa Consultations Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm Sports Activity: Open Climb, (Last sign ups at 7:15 pm), Rock Climbing Wall .... Deck 10 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm WWF T-shirts and Plush Toy Sale, Rock Climbing Wall. Deck 10 5:00 pm - 10:30 pm Guess the Price of The Peter Max, Art Gallery Deck 6 5:00 pm -10:30 pm Thomas Kinkade Art Exhibition, Art Gallery Deck 6 5:15 pm Kids and Families Scrapbooking, Adventure Ocean... Deck 10
Ages 18 - 20 Get Together, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Dick 6 7:45 pm 1Production Showtime : "Broadway Rhythm and Rhyme" (All Guests), Masquerade Theatre Decks 5 & 6 8:00 pm Complimentary raffle "Guess the Carat Weight of Tanzanite", Facets Jewelry Boutique Deck 6 8:00 pm Kallati Jewelry Designer, Today all Collection with savings up to 60% off, Facets Jewelry Boutique Deck 6 8:30 pm Majority Rules Game Show, Centrum Deck 4 9:30 pm z) The Love & Marriage Game Show, Masquerade Theatre Decks 5 & 6 10:00 pm LGBTQ Get Together (Self Led), Viking Crown Lounge Deck 11 10:00 pm Bella Perlina Power Raffle Win your purchase back, Royal Shops Deck 6 10:15 pm ,civ Centrum Headliner Starring Gary Williams, Centrum Decks 4, 5, 6 ,7 & 8 10:30 pm - midnight Arabian Nights International White Party, Poolside.... Deck 9 10:45 pm Evening Movie : Inception (PG13 - 2:28), Masquerade Theatre Deck s 5 & 6 1:00 am Curfew for Guest Under 18 years of Age The Viking Crown lounge is reserved for guests over the age of 78 years after 10:00 pm "VIII outdoor events are subject to weather conditions. .1.71 Assistive Listening System available. Obtain receivers at Guest Services, Deck 5
MUSIC AND DANCING String Melodies with Sunny Duo 5:00 pm - 5:45 pm Centrum, Deck 4 6:00 pm - 6:45 pm Centrum, Deck 4 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6 Easy Listening Piano Music with Henry Urmeneta 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm 8:45 pm - 9:15 pm
Schooner Bar, Deck 6 Schooner Bar, Deck 6 Schooner Bar, Deck 6
Ballroom & Popular Dance Music with Vicky & The Holding Co. Show Band 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Centrum, Deck 4 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm Centrum, Deck 4 11:00 pm - midnight Centrum, Deck 4 Piano Bar Entertainment wit35yh Grahame Ashleigh Sinclair 9:30 pm - Late* Schooner Bar, Deck 6 Arabian Nights International White Party with DJ Dennis 10:30 pm - midnight Poolside, Deck 9 International Top Hits with Resident DJ Dennis 12:15 am - Late Viking Crown Lounge, Deck 11 * Denotes with breaks included
EVENING ACTIVITIES 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm
Leather and Sunglasses event, up to 50% off, Royal Shops Bella Perlina charms bracelets, Up to 70% off, Centrum Scotch and Watches Seminar, Facets Jewelry Boutique Hooka Tent with Sisha Delight, Poolside ($) Citizen and Bulova Watches with 35% off plus tax and Duty Free, Centrum Poolside Movie: Lawrence of Arabia (G - 3:42), Poolside Music Quiz: Disney, Schooner Bar
Deck 6 Deck 4 Deck 6 Deck 9 Deck 6 Deck 9 Deck 6
MUSCAT PORT AGENT CONTACT INFORMATION Wilhelmsen Towell Co. LLC Hotel Haffa House, Level 2, Office Block, Way No. 3338, Muscat, PO Box 61, Muttrah, Postal Code 114 Tejas Parmar Tel #: +968-22001200 Direct #: +968-22001203 Mobile #:+968-94302309 tejas.parmar@wilhelmsen.com
j, Vitality Activity
Music and Dancing
k Reservation required
($) Fee for this event
0 Crown & Anchor Society event
SPA PORT DAY SAVINGS Indulge yourself with 50minutes of pampering by choosing ANY 3 of the following, Swedish/Deep Tissue Back Massage Soothing Frangipani Scalp Massage Foot Massage Lime & Ginger back exfoliation Hand & Arm Massage ALL This goodness for only $119, Add Hot Stones/ Bamboo for only $20. Visit Vitality Day Spa, Deck 9 or dial 6850 to make your appointment. Offer may not be combined with other discounts or promotions.
THE EARLYBIRD GETS...UP TO $800! Today is your last chance to reserve your NextCruise onboard and be entered into our raffle to win $300! Plus, you will get up to $500 onboard credit for your future cruise! Where will you spend it? Maybe an internet or beverage package; a relaxing massage at the spa; try your luck at the casino; buy some photos or gifts at the Royal Shops and so much more! Visit the NextCruise Office, Deck 4, for more information.
DISCOVER ABU DHABI ON YOUR TIME Hop - oft the bus at any of the stops and them simply hop back onto the next bus to continue your tour. The Big Bus Tour is the perfect introduction to Abu Dhabi. This tour takes you past the major landmarks andhistoric sites, while the recorded commentary provides information explaining the history and culture of the city. To book visit the Shore Excursions Desk, located on Deck 5.
CASUAL DINING PHOTOS Here's a photo special you won't want to miss Buy two 6x8 casual dining photos and receive the third one FREE - it's a great way to preserve those special cruise vacation memories. Visit our friendly photographers and staff at the Photo Gallery Deck 6..
MIX Paper from responsible sources
FSC FSC C007828
rnm g
iloyalCaribbean INTERNATIONAL
$10 CRUISE CLUB SALE, ONE HOUR ONLY! Shop until you drop for just $10! Choose from Watches, belts, pashmina-like scarves, earrings, bracelets, evening bags and much more, just $10 each! Buy 4 items and get one extra item FREE, plus you will have the chance to win your purchase free. 7:45 pm Royal Shops, Deck 6.
PLAY SMART USE YOUR CARD! Earn free drinks, free cruise certificates, comps and so much more by using your SeaPass card to get reward points on the slots or tables. It's free with no registration required, See your Casino Host for more details. Casino Royale, Deck 5. Good luck! .
MEDI-SPA, FACIAL REJUVENATION Go home looking far more rested than you ever imagined. Ask about our visible anti-aging solutions for both women and men. Restylane''' dermal fillers and BOTOX' Cosmetic treatments are available inour Medi-Spa to reduce the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles. Call 6850 today for a free consultation with Dr. Gabriela Rueda , Medi-Spa Physician.
DELAY YOUR DEPARTURE AND STAY A WHILE Not quite ready to say goodbye? Neither are we. With our new Stay Awhile program, you can extend the last day of your cruise for a small additional fee. Remain onboard and continue to enjoy everything the ship has to offer and depart the ship until 4:00 pm on Monday. Deadline to register is on Friday by noon. For more information visit our Shore Excursions Desk, Deck 5, Centrum.
CASINO ROYALE FAMOUS SIT & GO TEXAS HOLD'EM TOURNAMENT - JOIN NOW For only $75 buy-in you stand a chance to win a great cash prize in our nightly Sit & Go Texas Hold'Em Tournament. Starts at 10:00 pm in Casino Royale. Limited seats available, sign up early at the Casino Cashier's to avoid disappointment. Casino Royale, Deck 5.. BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR DAILY OFFERS FOR THE NEW OFFERS AND DEALS EACH DAY. 99PRO47/1;
VISION HE SEAS MUSCAT OMAN Ship Docks at terminal Port Qaboos HOW TO GET AROUND: 1. Local regulation prohibits walking from the ship to the Port Gate. 2. There is a complementary shuttle bus from the ship to the Port Gate. 3. Taxis are available at the Port Gate and the price for a taxi to the Mutrah Souq, main touristic area, costs around U$20.00. Please note it is recommended to set a fixed price before taking the taxi. 4. The Mutrah Souq is located 15 minutes walking distance from the Port. 5. Hop On Hop off buses are available in Muscat. The price for this option is U$68.00. Please visit our Shore Excur sion Desk located Deck 5 to book your tour. LOCAL CURRENCY: The local currency in Muscat is the Omani Rial (OMR), please note U$ are accepted in some places. The exchange rate from US dollar to Omani Rial is approximately 0.40. PLACES OF INTEREST: 1. Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque: The Mosque is located 20 km or 13 miles. Inaugurated in 2001, this elegant sandstone mosque features contemporary Islamic design and richly decorative elements. Please note the Mosque is open for tourist only between 8:00 am to 10:30 am. ...more at the back
Royal Caribbean International'
2. Al Jalali and Al Mirani Fort: The Forts are located in Qasr Al Alam Street. The forts were built as prisons in the Rocky Mountains in 1580 during the Portuguese occupation, and have now been converted into museums. Update as of August 2012, the forts are now closed to the public. However, outside photography is allowed. Muscat's two mountainside forts. The Forts are located 7 km or 4 miles from the Port. 3. Mutrah Souq: Muscat's oldest market is one of the city's main sources of entertainment. The Souq is located only 1 km or 0.6 miles from the Port. 4. Bait Al Zubair Museum: Discover Omani heritage through this private institution's collection of paintings, photos, maps, weaponry and other artifacts. The Museum is located 5 km or 3 miles from the Port. 5. Royal Opera House: The Opera House is located 13 km or 8 miles from the Port. 6. Qurum Beach: The Beach is located 11 km or 7 miles from the Port. 7. Sutan's Armed Forces Museum: The museum is located 5 km or 3 miles from the Port. HELPFUL TIPS: 1. Royal Caribbean International tours come highly recommended for exploring our ports-of-call. 2. Take extra care to return to the ship on time. 3. Always take your Port Explorer and Cruise Compass with you when going ashore. 4. Oman is a conservative country, so in religious and other buildings modest dress is expected. Please follow the following guidelines: Women should not wear strappy sundresses, miniskirts, shorts or low-necked dresses in public places (e.g. souqs, shopping area in the city and interior towns). Men should wear shirts or T-shirts and long trousers; shorts or beachwear should not be worn except at the beach or pool area. 5. Please do not take photographs of locals without permission. Women in particular should not be photographed. It is forbidden to take pictures of military facilities and in and around the Embassy. Please observe the "No Photography" signs.
OLD-FASHIONED CHARM IN THE CAPITAL Set between Africa and Asia, Muscat had historically been a leading center of Persian Gulf and Indian Ocean trade. In the 16th century, Portugal occupied this strategic port, holding it for more than 100 years. After expelling the Portuguese in 1650, Oman emerged as an empire in its own right and the Al Said was the ruling dynasty. Yet well into the 20th century, tensions persisted between the coastal region and the inland tribes. A new era began in 1970 when Qaboos bin Said Al Said overthrew his father in a bloodless coup. Using Oman's oil wealth, the new sultan financed roads, schools and hospitals. and moved his court from the southern city of Salalah to Muscat. Today Muscat is a modern Gulf capital carefully preserving its past. The original walled town, Old Muscat is home to the sultan's palace and heritage architecture that includes Portuguese-era forts. Muttrah, the old port and commercial area, remains atmospheric, particularly in its bustling souk. A scenic waterfront corniche connects these historic quarters. Contemporary landmarks like the gleaming Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque — open to non-Muslims — and the elegant Royal Opera House Muscat are found in newer districts, their design inspired by Arabic traditions. From the capital, you can experience the beauty of the dramatic coast by boat or head into Oman's rugged mountains to explore medieval towns and oases.
The official language is Arabic.
Omani cooking reflects Indian and Arabian influences. Traditional
As•salam 'alaykum
recipes include hareer laham, lamb in ghee (clarified butter), and shuwa,
Min fadlak (to a man)
seasoned meat cooked slowly in an underground clay-oven. Mashuai is
Min facflik (to a woman)
a meal of roasted kingfish with lemon rice. In Muscat, many cafes and
Thank You
restaurants specialize in Indian, Turkish and Lebanese fare. Chicken
Na'am Laa
is common in popular dishes like the rice-based biryanis, kebabs and
Ma 'a .sal&nah
shwarma. Halwa is the quintessential dessert: the Omani version, whose base is wheat or tapioca starch, has a jelly-like consistency and may be flavored with cardamom, saffron or honey. Dates are another typical sweet, often paired with cardamom-scented coffee. Alcohol is available to non-Muslims at hotels and select restaurants.
Guaranteed First Off Ship
Easy 24-Hour Cancellations* ROYAL CARIBBEAN'S
SHORE EXCURSIONS Delivering the Destination
Guaranteed Return To Ship,
Destination Expertise
*NM involving flights, trains, special events, overnight stays, hotel stays and Private Journeys must be cancelled 30 days prior to sailing to avoid cancellation penalties. Other restrictions may apply.
I In the unlikely event that your tour is significantly delayed, we'll make all the arrangements for you to return to the ship at the earliest opportunity at no expense to you.
TOP SHORE EXCURSIONS FROM MUSCAT, OMAN MYSTICAL MUSCAT (MC0/) See the capital's mix of medieval, traditional and modern architecture on a commentated tour that includes an interior visit at the stunning Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque. You'll also stroll the labyrinth-like Muttrah Souk and go inside an esteemed private museum, both in the historic commercial quarter. DHOW CRUISE (MC06) Set sail on a classic dhow equipped with modern conveniences and decorated in traditional Omani style. Relax in the salon or take in the views from the raised outdoor seating as you cruise past such sights as Portuguese-era buildings and the sultan's waterfront ceremonial palace, Al Alam. FASCINATING FORTS (MC16) Head into Oman's mountainous interior to visit the fortress at Nizwa, the former capital, and the beautifully restored 17th-century fort in the nearby town of Jabrin. The tour includes lunch at a hotel. CATAMARAN AZZURA (MC57) Cruise to the Bandar Khairan area, a natural reserve whose coves, inlets and coral reefs are renowned for abundant marine life. The crew will drop anchor in the clear, calm waters where you can swim and snorkel. NOUVELLE NAKHL FORT AND RESORT (MC05) Perched on a rocky outcrop in the mountains, Nakhl was an important medieval stronghold. The restored site features sitting rooms, ladies' quarters, courtyards and more. This tour also includes a buffet lunch at Al Nanda Resort & Spa and time in the coastal village of Barkha. PRIVATE JOURNEYS: Your Customized Shore Excursion If you are looking to explore a destination in a small and intimate group or wish to personalize your experience, our Private Journeys are the perfect option. Visit the Shore Excursions desk to learn more. NOTE: Shore Excursions vary by sailing and are subject to availability.
Frankincense was traded on the Arabian Peninsula for thousands of years and to this day, it is a part of traditional life in Oman. Packets of the aromatic resin are sold in souks and shops everywhere.
There are more than 130 different forms of Omani music. The Oman Centre for Traditional Music, established in 1984, is dedicated to documenting and preserving this cultural heritage. The following year, the sultan founded the Royal Oman Symphony Orchestra, whose classically trained musicians are all Omanis.
Traditional dress for Omani men includes the curved dagger known as a khanjar, worn tucked into the waist belt. Generally limited to formal and ceremonial occasions today, it is a symbol of the sultanate, depicted on both Oman's national emblem and on the currency.
•2015 Royal Caribbean (wises Ltd. Ships registry: fhe Bahamas. All Rights Reserved 1504107 11M2015
Thursday, February 9, 2017 Muscat, Oman
Vision of the Seas®
Muscat, Oman's port capital, sits on the Gulf of Oman surrounded by mountains and desert. With history dating back to antiquity, it mixes high-rises and upscale shopping malls with clifftop landmarks such as the 16th-century Portuguese forts, Al Jalali and Mirani, looming over Muscat Harbor. Its modern, marble-clad Sultan Qaboos Grand Mosque, with 50m dome and prodigious Persian carpet, can accommodate 20,000 people. BACK ONBOARD 1. NextCruise Royal Suite Class presentation Join Marin, your Cruise Sales Manager on a journey where you will find out everything there is to know about our Royal Suite Class program. Free glass of Champagne for those who join us. Come for Champagne, stay for experience. 4:00 pm, Deck 4, Centrum 2. Spa Extravaganza, With $300 worth of Spa Vouchers to be won! It's all about you. Our professional staff will make sure you look and feel fabulous. Do not miss our Spa Extravaganza party were you will find complimentary treatments to assist in deciding which one is perfect for you. Free Sampler massages, complimentary Footprint Analysis, Health Analysis with our Acupuncturist and Pro Collagen Eye Treatments will be available. Let our Spa Specialists help you while you enjoy a complimentary glass of champagne. 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Raffle drawing will take place at 5:30 pm in the Vitality Spa, Deck 9. 3. Invicta Watch Super Sale Invicta has for you the biggest Sale of the cruise, and bring specially for you the Limited edition Royal Caribbean watches, don't miss this opportunity to save up to 75%. Sale starts at 6:00 pm at the Centrum, Deck 6. 4. Battle of the Sexes Game Show Let's find out once and for all, who is the better sex. You will win the bragging rights by winning these fun challenges? Join your Activities Manager, Tony, for this hilarious event. 8:00 pm, Centrum, Decks 4, 5, 6, 7. 5. 50's & 60's Rock & Roll Dance Party What will it be tonight? Poodle skirts or tie-dyed t-shirts? Come do the twist, sing along to your favorite tunes and step back in time to another era! Join your Cruise Director, Angelle and her staff for this great party. 10:00 pm - 11:45 pm, Centrum, Decks 4, 5, 6 & 7. WORLD WILDLIFE FUND FACT OF THE DAY: According to the WWF, the biggest threats to the world's oceans are overfishing, illegal fishing, unsustainable development, pollution and climate change. HERE ARE OUR TOP PICKS - BOOK TODAY! Discover the excitement of Abu Dhabi on tours that showcase the key sights, attractions and signature experiences that you won't want to miss. • Abu Dhabi City Tour and Grand Mosque • Ferrari World Abu Dhabi • Panoramic City Drive Visit Shore Excursions on Deck 5 to book today!
DON'T WANT TO LOOSE YOUR FAVORITE SPOT ON THE POOL DECK? Enjoying the relaxing atmosphere out on deck, feeling hungry but do not want to loose anytime in the sun - go to Solarium Wrap Bar and grab a tasty wrap freshly made by our Culinary Team - just so you can have more time in the sun! Open from 1:00 pm to 3:00 pm today.
LADIES NIGHT SPECIAL IN CASINO ROYALE Tonight is all about the Ladies! Casino Royale is the place to be this evening if you want to get treated like a true Royalty! Starting from 9:30 pm until 10:30 pm every lady that plays in the Casino will receive a Raffle Ticket for a chance to win fabulous prizes and a complimentary glass of champagne! The Raffle Draw will be held at 10:30 pm. MUST BE PRESENT TO WIN!
Pleasant with plenty of sunshine 76°F (24°C) Wind: Gentle Breeze UV Index: 8 Very High Sunrise: 6:43 am Sunset: 5:58 pm
IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW TODAY ALL ABOARD: 5:30 pm GANGWAY: Deck 1, Centrum (Subject to change due to tides) TONIGHT'S DINNER DRESS SUGGESTION - Smart Casual (Please Note that bare feet, short pants, caps and tank tops are not Allowed in the Dining Rooms or any of our Specialty Restaurants). TRANSFER TO DUBAI AIRPORT - $19.00 per person. If you have flights after 7:15 am on the 13th February, please purchase your ticket at the Guest Services Desk before day 5, at noon. GENERAL TIPS - Please remember that magnetic and electronic devices such as cameras, cell phones and purses or sunglass cases with magnetic clasps will demagnetize your SeaPass° card and you will not be able to open your stateroom door. If this does happen, please stop by the Guest Services Desk and they will print you a new one. ONBOARD AIMS CURRENCY - Our ATMs only provide USD. CAREFUL WHAT YOU FLUSH - Our waste disposal system operates using a highly sensitive vacuum system, so we kindly ask you flush nothing other than toilet paper and your waste down the toilets. Personal hygiene products, hand and bath towels, paper towels, food and other items will shut down the system, adversely affecting many areas around the ship. FLOTATION DEVICES - For the safety and well being of children, children's swimming pool personal flotation devices are available free of charge at the pool deck areas. Personal flotation devices are for use onboard the Vision of the Seas and cannot be taken off the ship. AVOID THE UNES - Save time and avoid standing in line. Place a credit card on your SeaPass° account today. Guests who are on a cash account will be required to pay at the Guest Services Desk, Deck 5, however those with a credit card on their account will be automatically billed. A copy of your SeaPass° account will be delivered to your stateroom to verify all charges before your credit card is charged. CHILDREN ON THE DANCE FLOOR DURING LIVE MUSIC SETS We kindly request that parents make sure their children do not run around or play on the dance floors during live music sets. This is for their safety as well as the safety and enjoyment of all our guests. HELPFUL HEALTH INFORMATION - Royal Caribbean International, working in conjunction with the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and EU SHIPSAN, has instituted enhanced cleaning procedures onboard all its ships. You'll see some of these activities during your cruise vacation. Medical experts tell us that the best way to prevent colds, flu, and gastrointestinal illnesses is to simply wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water after restroom breaks and again before eating anything. Your cooperation and assistance with this matter is appreciated. TOMORROW - At Sea
EVENTS AND OFFERS NOT TO MISS TODAY CASUAL PHOTOGRAPHY All dressed up and looking for another incredible place to go? Drop by our casual Portrait Studios, available tonight on Decks 4 & 5 from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm, 7:00 pm - 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm -10:30 pm. There's no obligation to purchase any photos taken, so feel free to strike a pose with your family and friends. Also visit the Photo Gallery, Deck 6 and find out how you can take home ALL of your professional photos for one great price! SAVE BIG ON YOUR NEXTCRUISE! Book your NextCruise onboard and save big with 60% off second guest fare, plus get up to $500 onboard credit to enjoy onboard! Plus, with reduced deposits starting at only $50 per room, why would you wait? Visit the NextCruise Office on Deck 4 for more info. FREE HAIRSHOW WITH RAFFLE The Vitality Spa is hosting a free Hair Show with Raffle, Raffle winner will be chosen before as they will be receiving an Amazing Restyling while the audience gets to see it all take place, right
Headliner Showtime Skills and comedy of
Steve Rawlings Showtimes at 7:00 pm & 9:00 pm Masquerade Theater, Decks 5 & 6
Please note that there are many more seats available at the 7:00 pm showing. Saving of seats and videotaping of shows is strictly prohibited. Also, children must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. We also kindly ask that you refrain from using your cell phones in the theater.
then and there. Get educated on the latest in Hair trends, Hairstyles and Haircare on your cruise vacation. Today at 3:30pm, Vitality Spa, Deck 9 $10 CRUISE CLUB SALE, ONE HOUR ONLY! SHOP â&#x20AC;&#x201D; until you drop for just $10! Choose from Watches, belts, pashminalike scarves, earrings, bracelets, evening bags and much more, just $10 each! Buy 4 items and get one extra item FREE, plus you will have the chance to win your purchase free. 7:45 pm Royal Shops, Deck 6. WINES AROUND THE WORLD Join us for an unique voyage around the world tasting a selectionof our delicious wines onboard. From California to New Zealand and beyond, our resident wine expert will explain each wine and grape variety. You will also learn the art of wine evaluation to become your own wine expert, all in an exclusive, friendly and informative setting on Day 5 At Sea. Book Now at Aquarius Dinning Room on deck 4. $15 per guest or only $10 for Guest with the Deluxe Beverage Package.18% gratuity will be added to each check. PORTRAITS AND CRUISE IN REVIEW DVD You ought to be in pictures! Which is why our professional photographers have been taking shots of you throughout your cruise vacation. See them all and pick out your favorites. For the perfect souvenir of your cruise, pick up a copy of the Cruise in Review DVD - where you are the star! Photo Gallery, Deck 6. JACKPOT LOTTO The jackpot now stands at over $990,000. All you need is $2! Come and play with us - Casino Royale, Deck 5. --CRUISE DIRECTOR'S PICK OF THE DAY INTERNET PACKAGES AVAILABLE With an unlimited internet package and ship wide Wi-Fi you can surf, tweet, post, and share to your heart's content for the next days. This is the last chance to avail of the special package price and SURF the web, share photos and send emails for just $12.99 per day. Or experience the fastest internet at sea for $17.99 per day, where you can SURF + STREAM your favorite movies, TV shows and music as well as video chat. Connect to "ROYAL WIFI" today on your own device to get started.
DAYTIME ACTIVITIES Poolside Event: Men's International Belly Flop Competition Oh, the prestige. The glamour. The natural grace. It's our popular belly flop contest. Make a splash at this unforgettable competition. Don't forget your camera! 2:00 pm, Poolside, Deck 9. Sports Activity: Party Dance Workout Have you been enjoying the dances at the Arabian Nights International White Party? Or have you missed it and wished you could still join? Well, you are in for a treat! Join your Cruise Director Angelle and get ready to work up a sweat! 3:00 pm, Centrum, Deck 4. Cash Prize Royal Bingo Just think of all the money you could win. And all because you yelled B-I-N-G-0. It's anyone's game. Cards on Sale : 3:45 pm - 4:15 pm Game Starts at 4:15 pm, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6. Music Quiz: 50's & 60's Sure, you know that song. You've only heard it a million times. It was a huge hit. But do you know the name of the artist? Here's your chance to find out. Join your Cruise Director's Staff and test your knowledge. 5:00 pm, Schooner Bar, Deck 6. EVENING ACTIVITIES Poolside Movie: Sully (PG13 -1:35) The story of Chesley Sullenberger, an American pilot who became a hero after landing his damaged plane on the Hudson River in order to save the flight's pasengers and crew. 6:30 pm & 9:00 pm; Poolside, Deck 9. 80's Dance Party with your Cruise Director Angelle Can you not get enough of the classic songs from the 80's? Make sure you come and join your Cruise Director Angelle on the dance floor where you will dance to all her favorite 80's songs. 11:00 pm - midnight, Viking Crown Lounge, Deck 11. Adult Karaoke Fun Hour Step onto a special karaoke stage and perform in front of a live audience. Awaken your inner rock or pop star as you step up to the mic at Karaoke. Join your Cruise Director's Staff for some fun tonight! 11:00 pm - midnight, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6.
. kc Art Gallery Casino Royale Loyalty Ambassador's Desk Language Assistance (Guest Services) Medical Facility (Dial 51) NextCruise Sales Pets At Sea ($) Photo Gallery Photo Portrait Studios Pool Towels Restaurant Operations Royal Shops Shore Excursion Desk Vitality Spa (91816850) Steam & Sauna Vitality Fitness Center Sports Activities: Table Tennis Rock Climbing Wall* Open Climb Adult Speed Climbing Competition
DAILY PLANNER Vision of The Seas
By appointments Only Deck 6 Deck 5 7:00 pm - late 9:00 am - 11:00 am / 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Deck 5 Deck 5 6:00 pm - 7:30 pm 8:00 am -11:00 am / 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Deck 1 9:00 am - Noon / 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm__.._Deck 4 (Appointments Advisable) 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm ( Fantaseas) Deck 10 5:00 pm -11:00 pm Deck 6 5:00 pm - 6:15 pm /7:30 pm - 8:45 pm 9:30 pm - 10:30 pm Deck 5 Deck 9 8:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 4 Dial 4245/ 4246 5:30 pm - dnight Deck 6 7:00 am - 9:00 am / 5:00 pm-8:00 pm Deck 5 Acupuncture, Tooth Whitening Clinic, Medi-Spa Deck 9 8:00 am - 10:00 pm Deck 9 8:00 am - 10:00 pm 6:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 10 Deck 9 Deck 10 9:00 am - 10:30 am (last sign up 10:15 am) 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm (last sign up 5:15 pm) 5:30 pm (Sign up at 5:15 pm)
9:00 am - 9:00 pm
'Weather Permitting 'Session Run Hourly: Maximum 25 guests per session) Please bring socks, t-shirt, shorts or pants. Clothing must be dry. A Rock Climbing Wall waiver must be completed once a cruise vacation. Children must be 6 years of age or older to climb. Parents must be present to sign a waiver for children under the age of 18 and must stay to supervise children under the age of 13 years. Adults must be able to fit into the XXL harness to climb. Sign ups will close 15 minutes before closing time.
OPEN 24 HOURS: Arcade, Deck 10 / Book Nook, Deck 6 / Community Bulletin Board, Deck 5 / Emergency Only (Dial 911) / Guest Services (Dial 0), Deck 5 / Operator (Dial 0)/ royal caribbean online, Deck 6 / Shuffleboard, Deck 10 "For rules and restrictions and sign up requirements, please see the staff at the appropriate venue.
TONIGHT'S DRESS SUGGESTION: SMART CASUAL DINING SCHEDULE AND AFTERNOON SNACKS BREAKFAST BREAKFAST 6:00 am - 7:00 am Park Café Early Riser Breakfast 7:00 am - 10:00 am Room Service 7:00 am - 10:00 am Park Café 7:00 am - 11:00 am Windjammer Café 8:00 am - 9:30 am Aquarius Dining Room LUNCH 11:30 am - 3:00 pm Windjammer Café 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Aquarius Dining Room 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm Park Café DINNER 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm My Time Dining Option, Aquarius Dining Room
Deck 9 Dial 53 Deck 9 Deck 9 Deck 4 Deck 9 Deck 4 Deck 9
Deck 5
For reservation call 6715 from 11:00 am - 4:00 pm
Main Seating, Aquarius Dining Room 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Windjammer Café Italian Theme Night 8:30 pm Second Seating, Aquarius Dining Room 6:00 pm
Deck 4 Deck 9
Deck 4
Note: Dining Room Doors Will Close 30 minutes after Main and Second Seating Opening time Dining Rooms and Specialty Restaurant: No bare feet, caps, tank top shirts or bathing attire will be permitted at any time. Shorts will be permitted for breakfast and lunch only. Windjammer Café: No bare feet and bathing attire will be permitted at any time. Tank top shirts and baseball caps will be permitted for breakfast and lunch only.
SPECIALTY DINING 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Chops Grille ($)
Deck 6
A $35 dining fee per person applies. The best steak on the high seas. Dia14444 for reservations.
Swimming Pools & Hot Tubs: Some of our pools and hot tubs may close at night due to daily cleaning and maintenance.
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Giovanni'sTable ($)
Guests are reminded that there is no lifeguard on duty The Solarium pool and hot tubs are an adults area only However, during inclement or cool weather under 16s may use the Solarium pool between the following hours: Noon - 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Children must be supervised in the pool at all times. Please note that children in diapers or pull ups and those that are not fully trained to use the bathroom are not allowed to use the pools or whirlpools even if supervised by an adult. As a courtesy to other guests, reserving of deck chairs is not permitted. Chairs left vacant for 30 minutes or longer may be reassigned by the Pool Attendant to other waiting guests. Royal Caribbean International is not responsible for the theft or loss of any items on deck chairs or other pool areas. Thank you for your understanding.
NOTICES Mind Your Step Thresholds may be higher onboard than those you are accustomed to you on land. Rlease use caution when crossing them, especially when wearing high heels. Discharge 01 All Garbage Into The Sea Is Prohibited vl ,••••- t'on and domestic law generally prohibit the discharge of most — ships into the sea. Violation of these requirements may result s-s - s _= is to be retained onboard and placed in the bins provided. Smoking Policy — 's7c4e cur g..es:s. cruise vacation experience we have designated the following smoking areas: Casino Royale on Deck 5 (partial as designated by signage), open deck areas on the starboard side (right hand side of the ship facing forward) on Decks 5 and 9. Consumer Advisory - Consuming raw or undercooked meats, seafood, shellfish, eggs, milk, or poultry may increase your risk of food borne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. Safety & Security - For the safety and well-being of all persons onboard, some members of our Security Team will be wearing Body Cameras as part of their uniform.
AVOID THE RUSH OF THE SEA DAY Book today and save big before sea day rush hour. Get up to $500 onboard credit PLUS 60% OFF 2nd GUEST, available only for those who book onboard today. Deposits starts as low as $50 per stateroom. See your NextCruise Sales Team, Deck 4, Centrum
Deck 6
A $29 Dining per person applies traditional family style Italian restaurant. The themed venue serves both rustic and stylish classic food with a familiar neighborhood feel. Dial 3333 for reservations.
Solarium Pool (Reserved for guests 16 years and above) Deck 9 Hot Tubs (Guests under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent/guardian):
Thursday February 9, 2017
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Izumi ($)
Deck 11
Asian-inspired cuisine. ( a la carte pricing) Dial 5555 for reservations.
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm Chef's Table ($)
Deck 4
Exclusive multi-course wine pairing dinner hosted by one of our many talented Vision of the Seas Chefs and Sommelier. A $85 dining fee per person applies. Please allow two to three hours for dinner. Dial 4444for reservations. Please provide 24 hours advance notice to cancel your Chops Grille, Giovanni's Table or Izumi reservation to avoid a $10 charge to your onboard SeaPass account.
SNACKS 24 Hours
Room Service
Dial 53
A $3.95 fee applies to light snack orders between midnight and 5:00 am. Dial 53 to place your order
24 Hours Windjammer Coffee Station 6:30 am - 11:00 pm Café Latte-tudes / Ben & Jerry's 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Afternoon Tea, Windjammer Café 9:00 pm - 1:30 am Park Café
Deck Deck Deck Deck
9 6 9 9
BAR OPEN HOURS Casino Bar: After Sailing - Late Schooner Bar: 1:00 pm - 1:00 am R Bar: 3:00 pm - 1:00 am Solarium Bar: 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Cafe Latte-tudes: 6:30 am - 11:00 pm
Pool Bar: 9: 00 am - 10:00 pm Viking Crown Bar: 4:00 pm - Late
SCHOONER BAR PINK SANGRIA NIGHT ($) Come and relax in Schooner Bar tonight from 6:00 pm to 1:00 am and enjoy the secret Indian receipt of Pink Sangria made for you by our Lead Bartender Joachim and Schooner Bar Team, for only $19.95!
MORNING ACTIVITIES 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours
Shore Excursions Tour Information Channe115 Destination Channel Channel 22 Community Bulletin Board, Centrum Deck 6 Daily Quiz, Sudoku, Cards and Board Games Available Book Nook Deck 6 24 Hours Challenger's Video Arcade Deck 10 24 Hours The Morning Show with your Cruise Director, Angelle and your Activities Manager, Tony Channe114 7:00 am A, Vitality Stretch Class, Fitness Center Deck 10 7:30 am A, Fab Abs, Fitness Center Deck 10 8:00 am A, Tour De Cycle, Fitness Center Deck 10 9:00 am -10:30 am Sports Activity: Open Climbing (Last Sign Up 10:15 am), Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 9:00 am -10:30 am WWF T-shirts and Plush Toy Sale, Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 9:15 am Crossword Challenge, Schooner Bar Deck 6 9:30 am Singles and Solo Travelers Get-Together (Self-Led), Café Latte-tudes Deck 6 10:00 am - noon Nintendo Wii® Bowling Open Play, Schooner Bar Deck 6 11:15 am Show Stoppers Quiz, Schooner Bar Deck 6
AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES 1:30 pm Enrichment Class: Ribbons to Roses, Schooner Bar Deck 6 2:00 pm - 5:00 pm Liquor Tasting and Tobacco Sale, Pool Deck Deck 9 2:00 pm Men's International Belly Flop Competition, Poolside Deck 9 2:30 pm Sports Activity: Crazy Shuffleboard with your Cruise Director's Staff, Sports Deck, Port side Deck 10 3:00 pm A, Complimentary Wellness Seminar: How to burn Fat faster Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 3:00 pm Sports Activity: Party Dance Workout with your Cruise Director, Angelle, Centrum Deck 4 3:30 pm Complimentary Hair Show (Raffle to be drawn, Winner receives FREE Restyle) Sign up required, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 3:45 pm - 4:15 pm Cash Prize Royal Bingo, Cards on Sale ($), Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6 4:00 pm Body Sculpt Boot Camp 2 of 3 ($) Vitality Fitness Center Deck 10 4:00 pm Enrichment Class: Beginners Scrapbooking Workshop ($), Schooner Bar Deck 6 4:00 pm NextCruise Royal Suite Class talk, Centrum Deck 4 4:00pm Complimentary Seminar: Back Pain Relief with Bruno Domingues, Licensed Acupuncturist, LIVE DEMO, Vitality Day Spa, Deck 9 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm Sports Activity: Open Climbing (Last Sign Up 5:15 pm), Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 4:00 pm - 5:30 pm WWF T-shirts and Plush Toy Sale, Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 4:15 pm Cash Prize Royal Bingo, Games Begin ($), Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6 4:50 pm Singles and Solo Travelers Get-Together for 50's & 60's Music Quiz, Schooner Bar Deck 6 5:00 pm Music Quiz: 50's & 60's Hits Schooner Bar Deck 6 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm Spa Extravaganza! Free Massage Tasters, Eye treatments, Acupuncture Consultations & Footprint Analysis as well our Free Raffle, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 5:00 pm - 10:30 pm Guess the Price of The Peter Max, Art Gallery Deck 6 5:00 pm - 10:30 pm Modern Masters Art Exhibition, Art Gallery Deck 6 5:15 pm Kids and Families Science Adventure Ocean Deck 10 5:30 pm All Aboard 5:30 pm ,1 Seminar: Go Home Looking 10 Years Younger with Dr. Gabriela Rueda, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9. 5:30 pm Sports Activity: Adult Speed Climbing Competition (Sign up at 5:15 pm), Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10
EVENING ACTIVITIES 6:00 pm 6:00 pm 6:00 pm
41 Complimentary Footprint Clinic, Vitality Fitness Center Deck 9 Invicta Watches Up to 75% off, Centrum Deck 6 Designer Costume Jewelry in Sterling Silver 50% off, Royal Shops Deck 6 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Complimentary Acupuncture & Medi-Spa Consultations Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 6:00 pm - 8:30 pm Complimentary Evening tea, Facets Jewelry Boutique Deck 6 Poolside Movie: Sully (PG13 - 1:35), Poolside Deck 9 6:30 pm 6:30 pm - 7:00 pm Complimentary Learn To Play Session, Casino Royale Deck 5 7:00 pm 'CS/ Headliner Showtime starring Steve Rawlings, Masquerade Theatre. Decks 5, 6 7:00 pm- late Lotto and Scratch Cards Special, Casino, Royale Deck 5 7:30 pm Bar Flair Show starring Your Bar Team, Centrum . Decks 4, 5, 6, 7 7:45 pm Ages 18 - 20 Get Together, Centrum Deck 4, 5, 6, 7 7:45 pm Cruise Club Collection $10 ONLY, buy 4 get 1 FREE, 1 Hour Only, Royal Shops. Deck 6
Effy New York Jewelry Designer in Sterling Silver, Royal Shops Deck 6 8:00 pm Effy New York Jewelry Designer Seminar, Get additional 10% off on top of the already 40%, Royal Shops Deck 6 8:00 pm Battle of the Sexes Game Show, Centrum Deck 4, 5, 6, 7 9:00 pm Poolside Movie: Sully (PG13 - 1:35), Poolside Deck 9 9:00 pm Headliner Showtime starring Steve Rawlings, Masquerade Theatre. Decks 5, 6 9:30 pm Complimentary Johnny Walker Scotch seminar and tasting, Royal Shops Deck 6 9:30 pm - 10:30 pm Ladies Night Special, Casino Royale Deck 51 10:00 pm Power raffle win $50 off your Bella Perlina purchase, Royal Shops Deck 6 10:00 pm $75 Sit & Go Poker Tournament ($), Casino Royale Deck 5 10:00 pm LGBTQ Get Together (Self Led), Viking Crown Lounge Deck 11 10:00 pm - 11:45 pm , 50's & 60's Rock & Roll Dance Party, Centrum Decks 4, 5, 6 & 7 10:30 pm Ladies Night Special Raffle Draw, Casino Royale Deck 5 11:00 pm 51/53 No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Game, Casino Royale Deck 5 11:00 pm Live Paradise Lotto Draw , Casino Royale Deck 5 11:00 pm - midnight 80's Dance Party with your Cruise Director, Angelle, Viking Crown Lounge Deck 11 11:00 pm - midnight Adult Karaoke Fun Hour, Some Enchanted Evening LoungeDeck 6 Midnight - late International Dance Party with DJ Dennis, Viking Crown Lounge .Deck 11 1:00 am Curfew for Guest Under 18 years of Age
The Viking Crown lounge is reserved for guests over the age of 18 years after 70:00 pm "All outdoor events are subject to weather conditions. ri".‘ Assistive Listening System available. Obtain receivers at Guest Services, Deck 5 I
Music Poolside with Resident DJ Dennis 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm
Poolside, Deck 9
Easy Listening Music with Henry Urmeneta 5:30 pm - 6:00 pm 8:00 pm - 8:30 pm
Schooner Bar, Deck 6 Schooner Bar, Deck 6
Easy Listening and Dance Music with N Joy Duo 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm Centrum, Deck 4 8:45 pm - 9:45 pm Centrum, Deck 4 10:15 pm - 11:00 pm Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6 Piano Pub Entertainment with Grahame Ashleigh Sinclair Schooner Bar, Deck 6 9:30 pm - late* 50's & 60's Rock & Roll Dance Party with Vicky & The Holding Co. Show Band 10:00 pm - 11:45 pm*
Centrum, Decks 4, 5, 6, 7
80's Dance Party with your Cruise Director Angelle and Resident DJ Dennis 11:00 pm - midnight Viking Crown Lounge, Deck 11 International Dance Party with DJ Dennis (18+) Viking Crown Lounge, Deck 11 Midnight - late *Denotes with breaks included and weather permited
MUSCAT PORT AGENT CONTACT INFORMATION Wilhelmsen Towell Co. LLC Hotel Haffa House, Level 2, Office Block, Way No. 3338, Muscat, PO Box 61, Muttrah, Postal Code 114 Tejas Parmar Tel #: +968-22001200 Direct #: +968-22001203 Mobile #:+968-94302309 tejas.parmar@wilhelmsen.com
Vitality Activity
J3 Music and Dancing
17 Shows
`Reservation required
($) Fee for this event
til) Crown & Anchor Sodety event
'it CRUISE COMPASS Vision of the Seas®
FOLLOW YOUR PASSION Now that you're a few days into your cruise vacation, you probably feel a little different. You're more relaxed, carefree and comfortable all around. And you're not the only one. There are all kinds of people from all parts of the world sharing of in your adventure. Some might even share an interest or two. It's true. There are wine connoisseurs, history buffs, health nuts, adrenaline lovers and dancing machinesjust like you-lurking in every corner of the ship. And for every one of these wide-eyed adventurers, there's a venue or activity onboard. So, if you're looking to meet other like-minded individuals, or just spend time doing things you're really passionate about, there's no better time than now. 1. Captain's Corner It's a big fantastic ship. Want to get to know her? Join Captain Marek and our Senior Officers to learn more about the Vision of the Seas and her crew at this informative question-and-answer session. 10:45 am in the Masquerade Theatre, Decks 5 & 6. 2. Designer Watch Sale - Up to 75% OFF Up to 75% off of United States retail prices on watch brands like Invicta, Citizen®, Bulova, Fossil®, Anne Klein®, and many more. All tax and duty free priced and backed with our exclusive "Price Match Guarantee". Sale starts at 10:00 am in the Royal Shops, Deck 6 3. Secrets to a Flatter Stomach Join Josip, our Fitness Director on board, on this Complimentary Seminar in which he will teach you how to get rid of that extra weight, from the places that matter, once and for all. 11:00 am at the Vitality Day Spa, Deck 9. 4. Grand Finale Art Auction This is it! Your last chance to win prizes, bid on fantastic art and drink complimentary champagne. You might even be the winner of the Guess the Price of the Peter Max competition or win a free work of art in our lucky draw. You must be present to win. Good luck! 12:30 pm Preview, Auction to follow. Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6. 5. Rockin' with the Captain and Vision Crew When will you ever see your Captain Rockin' with his crew? Well, tonight! The Captain has found some amazing talents from all around the ship. Come and watch this unique Vision of the Seas only event. 8:00 pm, Centrum, Decks 4, 5, 6, 7. WORLD WILDLIFE FUND FACT OF THE DAY: Sea otters sleep floating on their backs, If seas are rough, they'll entangle themselves in giant seaweed to stay stable.
DESTINATION LIVE TALK WITH HEYDI Learn all about the last two ports of call we'll be visiting on this cruise, with tips on the must-sees and must-dos. This presentation will help you plan a memorable day ashore. Join us at 11:30 am in the Masquerade Theater. Decks 5.
WANT US TO PAY FOR YOUR SHOPPING ONBOARD? Come play in Casino Royale! For as little as one dollar, you can be automatically entered to win the 1-Bet Raffle for $500 off your folio! Just place a bet - no matter how big or small at any machine or table in the casino before 11:00 pm on Day 6, Abu Dhabi. Make sure you insert your SeaPass card or present it to the Dealer! Stop by the Casino and ask our friendly Casino Host for more details. Casino Royale, Deck 5.
Friday, February 10, 2017 We Are At Sea
TODAY'S FORECAST Partly Cloudy 75°F (24°C) Wind: Gentle Breeze UV Index: 6 High SUNRISE: 6:50 pm SUNSET: 6:06 pm
IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW TODAY TONIGHT'S DINNER DRESS SUGGESTION - FORMAL (Please Note that bare feet, short pants, caps and tank tops are not Allowed in the Dining Rooms or any of our Specialty Restaurants). PASSPORT DISTRIBUTION All guests are requested to collect their original passport from our staff who will be stationed on each deck for your convenience. Deck 8 - Centrum Lobby, by the main staircase 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Deck 7 - Centrum Lobby, by the main staircase 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Deck 4 - Centrum Lobby, by the main staircase 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Deck 3 - Centrum Lobby, by the main staircase 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Deck 2 - Centrum Lobby, by the main staircase 5:30 pm - 7:30 pm Any guest may collect the passports for all the family members providing he or she has all their SeaPass cards. Please do not remove the stateroom number sticker on your passport. ONBOARD ATMS CURRENCY - Our ATMs only provide USD. TRANSFER TO DUBAI AIRPORT - $19.00 per person. If you have flights after 7:15 am on 13th February, please purchase your ticket at the Guest Services Desk today at Noon. FLOTATION DEVICES — For the safety and well being of children, children's swimming pool personal flotation devices are available free of charge at the pool deck areas. Personal flotation devices are for use onboard the Vision of the Seas and cannot be taken off the ship. CHILDREN ON THE DANCE FLOOR DURING LIVE MUSIC SETS We kindly request that parents make sure their children do not run around or play on the dance floors during live music sets. This is for their safety as well as the safety and enjoyment of all our guests. HELPFUL HEALTH INFORMATION Royal Caribbean International, working in conjunction with the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and EU SHIPSAN, has instituted enhanced cleaning procedures onboard all its ships. You'll see some of these activities during your cruise vacation. Medical experts tell us that the best way to prevent colds, flu, and gastrointestinal illnesses is to simply wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water after restroom breaks and again before eating anything. Your cooperation and assistance with this matter is appreciated. TOMORROW - We will be in Abu Dhabi, UAE. ROValCaribbean tmila UN TEA** TIO NAL
UNLIMITED INTERNET PACKAGES NOW AVAILABLE Keep your loved ones up to date! SURF the web, share photos and send emails for just $12.99 per day. Or enjoy the fastest internet at sea for $17.99 per day, you can SURF + STREAM your favorite movies, TV shows and music as well as video chat. Connect to "ROYAL WIFI" today on your own device to get started. Social media guru? Tag us! #VisionOfTheSeas.
TONIGHT'S SHOWS Royal Caribbean International Proudly Presents
WINES AROUND THE WORLD Join us for an unique voyage around the world tasting a selection of our delicious wines onboard. From California to New Zealand and beyond, our resident wine expert will explain each wine and grape variety. You will also learn the art of wine evaluation to become your own wine expert, all in an exclusive, friendly and informative setting on Day 5 At Sea. Book Now at Aquarius Dinning Room on deck 4. $15 per guest or only $10 for Guest with the Deluxe Beverage Package.18% gratuity will be added to each check.
SOMETHING FOR EVERYONE IN ABU DHABI BEST OF ABU DHABI: Grand Mosque & Ferrari World Orientation with High Tea at Emirates Palace Abu Dhabi City Tour and Grand Mosque Day in the Desert Abu Dhabi Yellow Boat Tour Visit Shore Excursions on Deck 5 to find out more and book today! TANZANITE AND DIAMOND SEMINAR Come and meet the designer of one of the most iconic brands in the red carpet KALLATI, Tanzanite is one of the most rare stones in the world and Jamie will introduce you to theTanzanite world. With us you can save 40% of U.S. prices. Today in Facets Jewelry Boutique, Deck 6 at 11:00 am. POINTS MAKE PRIZES Collect points as you play the slots and win fantastic Casino Royale merchandise, complimentary specialty dining, slot free play and even free cruises for 2. Simply insert your SeaPass card into the slot machine each time you play and redeem your points at the Casino Cashiers Desk Deck 5. MEDI SPA: ERASE VISIBLE SIGNS OF AGING Give your face a vacation by instantly and dramatically reducing the appearance of facial wrinkles and fine lines. FDA approved treatments including Botox Cosmetic, Dysport, Restylane and Perlane are all available from our onboard licensed doctor. Book your FREE consultation today with Dr.Gabriela Rueda on 6850 or visit Vitality Day Spa, Deck 9. SPECIALTY DINING HAPPY HOUR Come and join us tonight from 6:00 pm to 7:00 pm and take advantage of our Happy Hour receiving a 30% off. Enjoy our hautecuisine dishes in one of the Specialty Restaurants - Chops Grille, Izumi or Giovanni's Table. Dial #4444 for bookings. KEEP CALM AND BOOK TODAY! Get up to $500 onboard credit plus 60% off 2nd guest fare, available only if you book today onboard. Deposits starts as low as $50 per stateroom. Keep calm and book today. See Your NextCruise Sales Team, Deck 4, Centrum -CRUISE DIRECTOR'S PICK OF THE DAY LADIES PAMPER PARTY Join us for a free Ladies Pamper Party at the Day Spa, Deck 9 at NOON Today. Learn about all the tricks of the trade on how to look younger, take care of your skin and feel healthier. As well as get exclusivediscounts for the rest of your cruise! All attendees will receive a free skin and eye treatment. Sign up required, Call 6850 for more information.
Headliner Showtime Featuring Australian Master Magician
BEYOND ILLUSION Showtimes at 7:00 pm & 9:00 pm Please note that there are many more seats available at the 7:00 pm showing. Masquerade Theater, Decks 5 & 6 Please be reminded that the saving of seats and videotaping of shows Is strictly prohibited. Also, children in the theater must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. We also kindly ask that you refrain from using your cell phones in the theater.
DAYTIME ACTIVITIES Sports Activity: Morning Dance Exercise Join your Cruise Director Angelle this morning for a nice and easy dance exercise. It's a great way to start your day. Burn some calories as you are having fun with your fellow guests. 9:30 am, Centrum, Deck 4. Towel Animal Folding Demonstration It's a swan. Or is it a monkey? Whatever it is, how did they make that with a towel? Are all stateroom attendants naturally gifted artists or is there a trick to this? Join us to find out for yourself. 11:30 am, Centrum, Decks 4, 5, 6, 7. Poolside Activity: Copy Cat Game Show You know we have very talented crew members on board, but would you be able to do what they do? Watch your Bar Staff put on a Bar Flair and your Housekeeping Staff make Towel Animals and try to copy it to the best of your abilities. Would you be able to do a better job than your fellow guests? Check it out Poolside, 1:00 pm, Deck 9. Last Man Standing Sports Quiz Join your Sports Staff and find out how well you are able to answer these quiz questions under pressure. Will you go for your own thought? or follow the others? Come and find out at 1:30 pm, Rock Climbing Wall, Deck 9. Poolside Activity: World's Sexiest Man Competition Who's the World's Sexiest Man? Watch the men onboard strut their stuff at the World's Sexiest Man competition. Each man will get a chance to show off and wow the crowd with their dancing, with the top scorers moving on to the finals. The all-female judging panel will select a winner who will have bragging rights for being the World's Sexiest Man! All the action is Poolside at 2:00 pm, Deck 9. Enrichment Dance Class: Jive Join your Royal Caribbean Dancers to learn this fun rhythm, so you can dance to our bands! Come and give it a try! 2:30 pm, Centrum, Deck 4. Music Quiz: Hits of the 70's Do you know which 70's songs we are playing for you? Compete against your fellow guests and show them what you can do! 5:00 pm, Schooner Bar, Deck 6.
EVENING ACTIVITIES Poolside Movie: The Lego Movie (PG -1:40) An ordinary Lego construction worker, thought to be the prophesied 'Special', is recruited to join a quest to stop an evil tyrant from gluing the Lego universe into eternal stasis 6:30 pm & 9:00 pm, Poolside, Deck 9. 70's Disco Inferno Party Picture the Scene: A lot of people in the Centrum dancing to the greatest hits of the 70's. We start the party off with some great songs from the 70's and then your Cruise Director Angelle and your Cruise Director's Staff will get you dancing the night away. All the fun begins at 10:30 pm - midnight, Centrum, Deck 4.
DAILY PLANNER Vision of the Seas
By Appointments Only Deck 6 Art Gallery Casino Royale Slots Deck 5 9:00 am - late Casino Royale Tables Noon - late Deck 5 Language Assistance (Guest Services) 9:00 am -10:00 am/ 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm Deck 5 Loyalty Ambassador's Desk 9:00 am -11:00 am / 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm Deck 5 Medical Facility (Dta157) 8:00 am -11:00 am / 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm...Deck 1 NextCruise Office 9:00 am - 8:00 pm Deck 4 (Appointments Advisable) Pets At Sea ( $) 2:00 pm - 4:00 pm ( Fantaseas) Deck 10 Photo Gallery 10:00 am - 10:30 pm Deck 6 Photo Portrait Studios 5:00 pm - 6:15 pm / 7:00 pm - 8:45 pm 9:30 pm -10:30 pm Deck 5 Pool Towel Station 8:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 9 Deck 6 Royal Shops 10:00 am -midnight Shore Excursions Desk 9:00 am - 1:00 pm / 5:00pm - 9:00 pm... Deck 5 Deck 4 Tailor (Dial C, Vitality Day Spa (Dial 6850) Acupuncture, Tooth Whitening Clinic, Medi-Spa 8:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 9 Steam & Sauna 8:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 9 Vitality Fitness Center 6:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 10 Sports Activity: Deck 9 Table Tennis 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Deck 10 Rock Climbing Wall" 10:00 am - noon (last sign up 11:45 am) Open Climb 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm (last sign up 4:15 pm) Teen Speed Climbing Competition 4:30 pm (Sign up at 4:15 pm) "Weather Permitting `Session Run Hourly: Maximum 25 guests per session). Please bring socks, t-shirt, shorts or pants. Clothing must be dry A Rock Climbing Wall waiver must be completed once a cruise vacation. Children must be 6 years of age or older to climb. Parents must be present to sign a waiver for children under the age of 18 and must stay to supervise children under the age of 13 years. Adults must be able to fit into the XXL harness to climb. Sign ups will close 15 minutes before closing time. OPEN 24 HOURS: Arcade, D3eck 10 / Book Nook, Deck 6 / Community Bulletin Board, Deck 5 / Emergency Only (Dial 911)/ Guest Services (Dial 0), Deck 5 / Operator (Dial 0)/ royal caribbean online•, Deck 6 / Shuffleboard, Deck 10 'For rules and restrictions and sign up requirements, please see the staff at the appropriate venue. Swimming Pools & Hot Tubs: Some of our pools and hot tubs may close at night due to daily cleaning and maintenance. Solarium Pool (Reserved for guests 16 years and above) Deck 9 Hot Tubs (Guests under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent/guardian): Guests are reminded that there is no lifeguard on duty The Solarium pool and hot tubs are an adults area only. However, during inclement or cool weather under 16s may use the Solarium pool between the following hours: Noon - 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Children must be supervised in the pool at all times. Please note that children in diapers or pull ups and those that are not fully trained to use the bathroom are not allowed to use the pools or whirlpools even if supervised by an adult. As a courtesy to other guests, reserving of deck chairs is not permitted. Chairs left vacant for 30 minutes or longer may be reassigned by the Pool Attendant to other waiting guests. Royal Caribbean International is not responsible for the theft or loss of any items on deck chairs or other pool areas. Thank you for your understanding.
DINING SCHEDULE AND AFTERNOON SNACKS BREAKFAST 6:00 am - 7:00 am Park Café, Early Riser Breakfast Deck 9 7:00 am - 10:00 am Room Service Dial 53 7:00 am - 10:00 am Park Café Deck 9 7:00 am - 11:00 am Windjammer Café Deck 9 8:00 am - 9:30 am Aquarius Dining Room Deck 4 LUNCH 11:00 am - 6:00 pm Park Café Deck 9 11:30 am - 3:00 pm Windjammer Café Deck 9 12:30 pm - 2:00 pm Aquarius Dining Room Deck 4 11:00 am The Art of Making Sushi in Izumi Deck 11 A $ 30 charge applies per person, includes preparation, presentation and sushi making techniques. For reservation, dial # 5555. Noon - 1:30 pm Izumi ($) Deck 11 Asian-inspired cuisine. (Menu items are individually priced) Dial 5555 for reservations. SPECIAL EVENT 2:30 pm - 3:30 pm High Tea in Chops Grille ($) Deck 6 A $ 75 dining fee per person. A gorgeous excuse to catch up! Please dial # 4444 to confirm your reservation. DINNER 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Windjammer Café Deck 9 Thai Night 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm My Time Dining Option, Aquarius Dining Room Deck 5
For reservation call 6715 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
Main Seating, Aquarius Dining Room Deck 4 8:30 pm Second Seating, Aquarius Dining Room Deck 4 Note: Dining Room Doors Will Close 30 minutes after Main and Second Seating Opening time SPECIALTY DINING 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Chops Grille ($) Deck 6 A $35 dining fee per person applies. The best steak on the high seas. Dial 4444 for reservations. 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Giovanni'sTable ($) Deck 6 A $29 dining fee per person applies. Traditional Italian Trattoria. Offers tastes of flavor-rich Tuscany with classic dishes and served up family style. Dial 3333 for reservations. 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Izumi ($) Deck 11 Asian-inspired cuisine. ( a la carte pricing) Dial 5555 for reservations. 6:30 pm - 9:30 pm Chef's Table ($) Deck 4 Exclusive multi-course wine pairing dinner hosted by one of our many talented Vision of the Seas Chefs and Sommelier. A $85 dining fee per person applies. Please allow two to three hours for dinner. Dial 4444 for reservations. Please provide 24 hours advance notice to cancel your Chops Grille, Glovanni's Table or Izumi reservation to avoid a $10 charge to your onboard SeaPass account. SNACKS 24 Hours Room Service Dial 53 A $3.95 fee applies to light snack orders between midnight and 5:00 am. Dial 53 to place your order. 24 Hours Windjammer Coffee Station Deck 9 6:30 am - 11:00 pm Café Latte-tudes / Ben & Jerry's Deck 6 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Afternoon Tea, Windjammer Café Deck 9 9:00 pm - 1:30 am Park Café Deck 9 6:00 pm
Safety Onboard - For the safety of all guests and crew, there is no running, playing or climbing on stairs and railings anywhere on the ship. Thank you for your cooperation. Discharge Of All Garbage Into The Sea Is Prohibited - The MARPOL Convention and domestic law generally prohibit the discharge of most forms of garbage from ships into the sea. Violation of these requirements may result in penalties. All garbage is to be retained onboard and placed in the bins provided. Smoking Policy - To improve our guests' cruise vacation experience we have designated the following smoking areas: Casino Royale on Deck 5 (partial as designated by signage), open deck areas on the starboard side (right hand side of the ship facing forward) on Decks 5 and 9. Consumer Advisory - Consuming raw or undercooked meats, seafood, shellfish, eggs, milk, or poultry may increase your risk of food borne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions.
BAR OPEN HOURS Casino Bar:11:00 am - Late Schooner Bar: 10:00 am -1:00 am R Bar: 10:00 am - 1:00 am Solarium Bar:10:00 am - 6:00 pm
Safety & Security - For the safety and well-being of all persons onboard, some members of our Security Team will be wearing Body Cameras as part of their uniform.
Cafe Latte-tudes: 6:30 am -11:00 pm Pool Bar: 9: 00 am - 10:00 pm Viking Crown Bar: 4:00 pm - Late
NOW OR NEVER, GET YOUR BEST DEAL TODAY Sea day is best day to book next cruise. Get up to $500 onboard credit PLUS 60% OFF 2nd GUEST, available only for those who book while onboard. Deposits starts as low as $50 per stateroom.
Ask our bar staff for special offers on beer buckets from $25 to $30, and see our Bar Servers on the tables in pool area and ask them for carved pineapple special for only $12 and enjoy your afternoon by the pool in Caribbean style! Service charge will be added to price!
See your Next Cruise Sales Team, Deck 4, Centrum.
Today we are At Sea
Friday, February 10, 2017
Destination Channel Channel 22 Community Bulletin Board, Caffe Latte-tudes Deck 6 Challenger's Video Arcade Deck 10 The Morning Show with your Cruise Director, Angelle and your Activities Manager Tony Channe114 7:00 am 9, Vitality Stretch Class, Fitness Center Deck 10 7:30 am Fab Abs Class, Fitness Center Deck 10 8:00 am Pure Form Pilates($) , Fitness Center Deck 10 9:00 am - late otto and Scratch Cards Special, Casino Royale Deck 5 9:00 am Sports Activity: Adult Table Tennis Tournament, Beat your Sports Staff (Sign up at 8:45 am), Poolside Deck 9 9:00 am rts Activity: Aua Aerobics, Poolside Deck 9 9:00 am Tour De Cycles), Fitness Center Deck 10 9:30 am ports Activity: Morning Dance Exercise with your Cruise Director, Angelle, Centrum Deck 4 9:30 am Extreme Sudoku Challenge, Schooner Bar Deck 6 9:30 am Lose inches with lonithermie Treatment , Vitality Spa Deck 9 10:00 am GOld By the Inch, Buy 21 inches and get a FREE matching Bracelet, Royal Shops Deck 6 10:00 am Brain Buster Quiz, Schooner Bar Deck 6 10:00 am Body Sculpt Boot Camp 3 of 3 ($), Fitness Center Deck 10 10:00 am Complimentary Seminar: Pain management with Bruno omingues, Licensed Acupuncturist, Live Demo Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 10:00 am Royal Caribbean Tees 2 for $20, Pool Deck Deck 9 10:00 am Designer Watch Sale Up to 75% off, Royal Shops Deck 6 10:00 am Come and participate in our Treasure Hunt, Royal Shops Deck 6 10:00 am - 10:30 am Complimentary Morning tea, Facets Jewelry Boutique Deck 6 10:00 am - noon Sports Activity: Open Climbing, Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 10:00 am - noon WWF T-shirts and Plush Toy Sale, Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 10:30 am Royal Caribbean Logo Selected Items 50% off, Pool Deck... Deck 9 10:30 am dt, Seminar: Quick Fix Wrinkle Solutions with Dr.Gabriela Rueda,Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 10:30 am - 3:00 pm Links Of Luxury, Buy 21" Chain & Get A Matching Bracelet For Free, Outside Windjammer Deck 9 10:45 Captain's Corner, Masquerade Theatre Decks 5 & 6 10:45 am Enrichment Class: Italian for Beginners, Schooner Bar Deck 6 11:00 am Seminar: Secrets to a flatter Stomach, Vitality Spa Deck 9 11:00 am Kallati Diamonds & Tanzanite Seminar , Royal Shops Deck 6 11:00 am Kallati Diamonds & Tanzanite Sale, Royal Shops. Deck 6 11:00 am to 2:00 ;-)m Clearance Sale Up to 75%, Biggest clearance of the Year off, Pool Deck by the Bar Deck 9 11:30 am Buy 2 clearance handbags and get additional 10% off, Pool Deck by the Bar Deck 9 11:30 am Highlights of Abu Dhabi & Dubai , Masquerade Theatre Deck 5 11:30 am Towel Animal Folding Demonstration with your Stateroom Attendants, Centrum Decks 4, 5, 6, 7 11:30 am - noon Complimentary Learn To Play Session, Casino Royale Deck 5
S tr
2:30 pm 3:00 pm
Blackjack Tournament ($), Casino Royale Deck 5 Enrichment Class: Napkin Artistry with your Cruise Director's Staff, Schooner Bar Deck 6 Martini Seminar ($), R Bar Deck 4 3:00 pm Seminar: Love Your Lips, Dr. Gabriela Rueda, Vitality Spa Deck 9 3:00 pm Deck 4 3:30 pm Family Helicopter Origami and Flying, Centrum 3:00 pm - 4:00 pm ($) Wines Around the World, Dining Room Deck 4 3:45 pm - 4:15 pm Cash Prize Royal Bingo, Cards on Sale ($), Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6 4:00 pm Live Paradise Lotto Draw , Casino Royale. Deck 5 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm Complimentary Acupuncture& Medi-Spa Consultations Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 4:15 pm Cash Prize Royal Bingo, Games Begin ($), Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6 4:30 pm Sports Activity: Teen Speed Climbing Competition (Sign up at 4:15 pm), Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 5:00 pm Sabbath Service (Self Led), Conference Room C, Deck 4 5:00 pm Music Quiz ; Hits of the 70's, Schooner Bar Deck 6 Evening Stretch, Vitality Fitness Center, Deck 9 5:00 pm 5:15 pm Kids and Families Gaga Ball, Adventure Ocean Deck 10 Complimentary Footprint Clinic, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 5:30 pm EVENING ACTIVITIES Deck 6 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Complimentary Evening:tea, Facets Jewelry Boutique Deck 9 6:15 pm . Ages 18 - 20 Get Together, Poolside Deck 9 6:30 pn-t- . ' Poolside Movie: The Lego Movie (PG - 1:40), Poolside 7:00 pm 'JHeadliner Showtime starring Duck Cameron, Decks 5, 6 Masquerade Theatre - '. • Rockin' with the Captain and Vision Crew, Centrum .Decks 4, 5, 6, 7 8:00 pm , Guess the Carat weight of the Tanzanite, Free Contest, 8:00 pm Deck 6 Royal Shops Big Band and Ballroom Dance Party with the Vision of the Seas 8:45 pm Decks 4, 5, 6, 7 Orchestra, Centrum Poolside Movie: The Lego Movie (PG -1:40), Poolside Deck 9 9:00 pm Z Headliner Showtime starring Duck Cameron, 9:00 pm Decks 5, 6 Masquerade Theatre LGBTQ get Together (Self Led), Viking Crown Lounge, Deck 11 10:00 pm Deck 5 10:00 pm $75 Sit & Go Poker Tournament G, Casino Royale Deck 6 Treasure Hunt Competition Raffle, Royal Shops 10:00 pm Deck 6 Power Raffle when you buy a watch, Royal Shops 10:00 pm Decks 4, 5, 6 & 7 10:30 pm - midnight 170's Disco Inferno Dance Party, Centrum $ /$3 No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Game, Casino Royale... Deck 5 11:00 pm 11:00 pm ' - ' -„, Live Paradise Lotto Draw ($), Casino Royale Deck 5 Deck 11 11:00 pm midnight Classic Rock Music Hour with DJ Dennis 1:00 am Curfew for Guests under 18 years of Age The Viking Crown lounge is reserved for guests over the age of 18 years after 10:00 pm "All outdoor events are subject to weather conditions. Assistive Listening System available. Obtain receivers at Guest Services, Deck 5
Additional 10% off in all our Clearance Watches Royal Shops Deck 6 Noon Complimentary Ladies Pamper Party, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 Noon -1:00 pm $1-Mimosa Happy Hour, Casino Royale Deck 5 Noon - 6:00 pm Casino Royale Happy Hour, Low Limit Gaming Tables, Casino Royale Deck 5 12:15 pm Kids and Families Muffalo Potato, Adventure Ocean Deck 10 12:15 pm Singles and Solo Travellers Get-together for Lunch time, R Bar Deck 4 12:30 pm Grand Finale Art Auction Preview, Live Auction to Follow, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6 12:45 pm Family Selfie Scavenger Hunt, Poolside Deck 9 1:00 pm Grand Finale Art Auction, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6 1:00 pm Poolside Activity: Copy Cat Gameshow, Poolside Deck 9 1:00 pm Complimentary Seminar: Arthritis and Pain Solutions with Bruno Domingues, Licensed Acupuncturist, LIVE DEMO, Schooner Bar, Deck 6 1:30 pm Last Man Standing Sports Quiz, Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 1:30 pm Royal Slot Tournament, Qualifying Rounds &Final ($25), Casino Royale Deck 5 2:00 pm Anti-Stress Adult Mandala Coloring, Schooner Bar Deck 6 2:00 pm Sports Activity: Party Line Dance Class, Centrum Deck 4 2:00 pm Poolside Activity: World's Sexiest Man Competition, Poolside Deck 9 2:00 pm Wellness Seminar: Walking in Comfort with Good Feet Vitality Spa Deck 9 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm Sports Activity: Open Climbing, ( Last Sign ups at 4:15 pm), Rock Wall Deck 10 2:00 pm - 4:30 pm WWF T-shirts and Plush Toy Sale, Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 2:30 pm Enrichment Dance Class: "Jive" with your Royal Caribbean Dancers, Centrum Deck 4
Poolside Music with DJ Dennis Noon - 1:00 pm
Poolside, Deck 9
String Melodies with The Sunny Duo 12:15 pm - 1:00 pm 5:15 pm - 6:15 pm
Centrum, Deck 4 Centrum, Deck 4
Easy Listening and Dance Music with N Joy Duo Poolside, Deck 9 2:45 pm - 3:45 pm Centrum, Deck 4 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6 9:00 pm - 10:00 pm Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6 10:15 pm - 11:00 pm Easy Listening Piano Music with Henry Urmeneta 5:30 pm - 6:30 pm 7:45 pm - 9:15 pm"
Schooner Bar, Deck 6 Schooner Bar, Deck 6
Popular Dance Music with Vicky & The Holding Co. Show Band Centrum, Deck 4 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm Centrum, Deck 4 9:45 pm - 10:30 pm Centrum, Deck 4 11:00 pm - midnight Big Band and Ballroom Dance Music with the Vision of the Seas Orchestra Centrum, Deck 4 8:45 pm - 9:45 pm Piano Pub Entertainment with Grahame Ashleigh Sinclair Schooner Bar, Deck 6 9:30 pm - late' Classic Rock Music Hour with Resident DJ Dennis (18+) Viking Crown Lounge, Deck 11 11:00 pm - midnight Top Hits with Resident DJ Dennis (18+) Midnight - late
Viking Crown Lounge, Deck 11
* Denotes with breaks included 99PRD39330
S, Vitality Activity
Music and Dancing
'CIV Shows
ft Reservation required
(S) Fee for this event
*frown & Anchor Society event
Day 5
DELAY YOUR DEPARTURE AND STAY AWHILE Not quite ready to say goodbye? Neither are we. With our new Stay Awhile program, you can extend the last day of your cruise for a small additional fee. Remain onboard and continue to enjoy everything the ship has to offer and depart the ship until 4:00 pm. Deadline to register is on Friday at noon. For more information visit our Shore Excursions Desk on Deck 5
DOUBLE YOUR CHANCES TO WIN THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS! Buy a Scratch Card for a chance to win $25.000 and receive 2 chances to win $5000, or buy two lotto tickets for a Jackpot over $980.000 and receive extra two chances for $5000. Casino Royale, Deck 5.
LIGHTEN UP YOUR SMILE WITH GO SMILE This non-invasive treatment will improve your smile, up to 6 shades in only 30 minutes! Pain free, sensitivity free, and super effective! Free consultations available. Usually $149, today only $129! Call the Vitality Day Spa on 6850 or visit us on Deck 9 to make your appointment. Smile with confidence!
SHARE YOUR ADVENTURES WI-F13 DAY PACKAGES Keep your loved ones up to date! SURF the web, share photos and send emails for just $12.99 per day. For $17.99 per day, you car, SIJRF STRE M your favorite movies, TV shows and music as well as video chat. Connect to "ROYAL WIFI" today on your own device to get started.
Paper from responsible sources
M.' C007828
$-/ RoyalCaribbean
PRESERVE YOUR CRUISE VACATION MEMORIES AND RECEIVE A FREE GIFT Here's a photo special you won't want to miss Buy four 8x10 photos and receive a FREE folio frame A,- it's a great way to preserve those special cruise vacation memories. Visit the Photo Gallery on Deck 6.
EUROPE SUMMER 2017 Book your next European cruise holiday onboard to get the best price and the best stateroom or suite available. Plus, when you book your next cruise onboard you will get up to $500 onboard credit to enjoy! See your NextCruise Team on Deck 4, Centrum.
DO YOU WANT TO WIN A WATCH WORTH $495 The Royal Shops Gives you this great opportunity, for every $50 you will receive a Super Shopper Raffle ticket, which will make you participate in the Raffle to win a watch worth it $495, don't miss this great opportunity. Come today and enter to win Royal Shops, Deck 6
SHORE EXCURSIONS You can already plan your future cruise and book your Shore Excursions too! If you book your future Shore Excursions onboard you can receive up to 10% discount on your tour tickets. For more information, stop by the Shore Excursions Desk, Deck 5. Take advantage of this promotion only available onboard!
AROMA SPA OCEAN MASSAGE Do you suffer from poor circulation, low energy levels, fluid retention, arthritis or fibromyalgia? If you answered yes to any of the above, sign up for our seaweed massage. This treatment includes a detoxifying seaweed wrap with a 50-minute body massage. It will cleanse impurities from the body, and release tension and toxins from the muscles and joints. 75 minutes for $195 or 100 minutes for $259. Book today and pay $195 for 100 minutes! Treatment include scalp and foot massage. To reserve call 6850 or visit the Spa on Deck 9 Aft.
WASH AND FOLD LAUNDRY SPECIAL Fill this bag with socks, underwear, shorts, T-shirts, swimwear and pajamas and we'll wash all of it for only $34.99 for the bag. (Pressing is not included In this package). Simply complete this form and leave the bag with your Stateroom Attendant. Items in the bag that are not included in this package price will be cleaned, pressed and charged at the regular laundry rates. In case of any damage or loss, liability is limited to seven times the price charged for Wash & Fold of said items. The laundry is not responsible for color alteration or faults in the material. Unless an itemized list is sent with your laundry, our count must be accepted as correct Any claims must be accompanied by this list and must be made within 24 hours. ESE Llene nuestra bolsas con calcetines, ropa interior, pantalones codas, camisetas, trajes de bano y pijamas, y nos encargaremos de laver, secar y doblar todo ipor solo $34.99 la bolsa! (Nose incluye planchado en este paquete). Solo Ilene este formulario y deje la bolsa a su Asistente de Camarote. Los articulos en la bolsa no incluidos en este paquete de precios seran sometidos a limpieza y planchado al precio regular de lavanderia. En caso de algun dano o perdida, la responsabilidad se hmita a siete veces el precio que se cobra por el servicio de Lavado y Doblado de dichos articulos. La lavanderia no se responsabiliza por alterations del color o fallas del material. A menos que reciba una lista detallada por articulo junto con su ropa limpia, nuestra cuenta debe considerarse correcta. Cualquier reclamo debe venir acompanado por esta lista y debe hacerse dentro de 24 horas.
DEU Fallen Sie unseren Beutel mh Socken, Unterwasche, kurzen Hose T-Shirts, Badekleidung und Schlafanzagen, und wir werden all dies far nur 34.99 US$ pro Beutel waschen, trocknen and zusammenlegen! (Bugeln ist in dieser Pauschale nicht inbegriffen). Fallen Sie einfach dieses Formular aus.und geben Sie Ihrem Kabinensteward den Beutel. Gegenstande in dem Beutel, die in diesem Pauschalpreis nicht inbegriffen sind, werden gereinigt, aufgebugelt und zu den regularen Waschereitarifen in Rechnung gestellt. Fir den Fall der Beschadigung bzw. des Verlusts ist die Haftung auf das Siebenfache des Preises beschrankt, der far den Wash & Fold- Service der entsprechenden Kleidungsstricke veranschlagt wird. Die Wascherei haftet nicht far Farbveranderungen oder Materialfehler. Wenn der Wasche keine Liste der einzelnen Kleidungsstucke beigelegt wird. ist unsere Zahlung als richtig zu akzeptieren, Diese Liste muss etwaigen Ansprachen beigelegt werden. Ansprache massen innerhalb von 24 Stunden erhoben werden.
POR Encha a nossa balsa corn meias, roupas de baixo. combine*, shorts, camisetas, e pijamas que lavaremos, secaremos a dobraremos todo o lote por apenas $34.99 por bolsa! (0 servico de passadoria nao este incluido no pacote). Basta preencher este forrnulario e deixar a balsa corn o seu camareiro. Os hens colocados na sacola que nao fazem parte do preco do pacote, serao lavados e passados: e sera cobrado o preco regular do servico de lavanderia. Nossa responsabilidade por perdas e danos 6 limitada a sate vezes o preco cobrado pars laver e passar os hens citados. A lavanderia nao ĂŠ responsive! por alteracaes de cores ou defeitos no material. A menos que uma lista de hens seja enviada junto corn suns roupas pars laver, nossa contagem deve ser aceita como correta. Qualquer reclamacao deve ser feita em 24 hares e vir acompanhada por essa lista,
ITA Utilizzi l'apposita sacca per riporre calzini, biancheria intima, pantaloncini, maghette, costume da bagno e pigiami e noi Ii laveremo. asciugheremo e piegheremo per soli USD 34.99 per sacca! Questa servizio non include la stiratura. Completi questo modulo e consegni la sacca all'Addetto di Cabina. Gli indumenti riposti nella sacca che non sono inclusi in suestiofferta saranno lavati, stireti e addebitati alla tariffa normale di lavanderia. In caso di danno o smarrimento di capi, la responsabilite e 'imitate a sette volte costa del servizio di Lavatura e Stiratura per tali capi. La lavanderia non e responsabile per alterazione dei colon o difetti del materiale. A meno che i capi di lavanderia non siano stab inviati insieme ad un elenco dettagliato, nostro canto a da ritenersi corretto. Eventuali reclami vanno inviati insieme al suddetto elenco entro 24 ore.
FRA Remplissez votre sac de chaussettes, sous-vetements, shorts, T-shirts, maillots de bain et pyjamas et nous les laverons, secherons et plierons pour seulement 34,99$ par sac! (Le repassage nest pas inclus dans ce forfeit). II vous suffit de remplir ce formulaire et de dormer le sac a votre Steward. Les articles dans le sac qui ne sont pas inclus dans le prix du forfeit seront nettoyes, repasses et factures aux prix normal de la blanchisserie. En cas de degradation ou de pert, noire responsabiliti est limitee a sept fois le prix facture pour le service Wash & Fold des articles concerns. La laverie nest pas responsable des eventuels Maths materiels ou alterations des couleurs. A mains qu'une liste Malik soit jointe a votre tinge, noire dicompte est repute correct. Toute reclamation dolt etre accompagnie de catty liste et deposee dans les 24 heures.
Name/Nombre/Name/Nome/Nome/Nom Stateroom/Camarote/Kabine/Cabina/Cabine/Cabine: SeaPass Number: Quantity
. POR - -
Pig iama
Socks (pair) Calcetinas
Meias (par)
Pantalones Cortos
Kurze Hose
Traje de bano
Roupa de banho
Costume da bagno
Maillots de bain
R°Pa Interior
Roupa intima
44-[RoyalCaribbean 4.0
Biancheria Sous intima vetements
Cantidad Anzahl Quantidade Quantity Quantity
GRAND FINALE ART AUCTION This is the auction you've been waiting for. Experience the very best of the collection, along with many new works up for bid in the final auction of the cruise. FREE Work of Art FREE Raffle Entry FREE Champagne Day 5, At Sea 12:30 pm Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6 Aft The winner of the 'Guess the Price' contest will be awarded a large format work of art. Bring this flyer and receive 4 extra raffle tickets.
FI\E ART AUCTIO\ Our auctions feature fine art from some of the last century's most influential artists. Hot by Linda Le Kinff
Lavender Day by David Najar
Window on Lagoon by Fanch (Francois Ledan)
Tea at the Club by Itzchak Tarkay
Free work of art just for attending • Over tour decades in business, our mission has been to make the experience of selecting and owning fine art as pleasurable as it is rewarding. • Our 40/40/40 customer satisfaction guarantee gives you the confidence and peace of mind to fully enjoy the art you bring into your life. • Since 1909, Park West has assured the quality and authenticity of every work of art it offers. • With 40/40/40, a leading policy in the art world, you can exchange any work of art purchased for 40 months or return any work purchased for up to 40 days.* Park West is your most trusted resource for the study, collecting and appreciation of fine art.
Vision of the Seas® EXPERIENCE THE TRADITIONAL AND MODERN SIDE OF ABU DHABI It's hard to imagine that just fifty years ago, Abu Dhabi was a small fishing and pearling village. For centuries, the T-shaped island in the Persian Gulf led a relatively quiet existence. With the discovery of oil, the capital of the UAE was quickly transformed into a thriving modern metropolis, luring investors and tourists alike. Yet despite its newfound wealth and rapid development, the city has never forgotten its cultural roots. Amid futuristic skyscrapers and ultra-luxury hotels, Abu Dhabi's many museums and mosques pay homage to the region's rich heritage and long history. For a glimpse into the not-so-distant past, visit the Heritage Center where you'll see a reconstruction of mud-brick houses, bazaars and the traditional desert encampments of the nomadic Bedouins. The Qasr al-Hosn, a watchtower that became the royal palace is another interesting historical landmark worth visiting. Extreme adventurers will enjoy the thrill of the off-road driving experience, known as wadi bashing; or skiing the massive sand dunes of the Liwa Oasis. And the famous Al Meena Souk is a must for scoring unique items like an authentic antique carpet. 1. Bonus Lightning Art Auction You asked for it and you got it! One more mystery-packed Lightning Fast Art Auction. Action, excitement, great raffle prizes and free artwork for attending. Why, you ask? Why not? 7:30 pm, Preview, Auction to follow, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6. 2. Discover a New You with Acupuncture Discover the wonders of an ancient treatment to reduce the effects of stress, relieve chronic pain, reduce migraine severity, assist with weight loss, and more health benefits. To find out more about how Acupuncture can enhance your well being Walk in Clinic between 6:00 pm & 8:00 pm at Vitality Day Spa Deck 9,Aft. 3. $19.99 WATCH SALE, ONE HOUR ONLY! Men's and Ladies boxed watch sets originally priced at $85 each will be on sale for only $19.99 each! Do not miss this one time only sale today in the Royal Shops, Deck 6. The sale will start at 7:45 pm, Ask how you can win your purchase back. ONE HOUR ONLY! Shop early for best selection. 4. Dancing with the Staff and Stripes Competition Tonight your Staff and Officers will be putting on their dancing shoes and strutting their stuff on the dance floor with your fellow guests in this fun dance competition. We need male and female partners for our Staff and Officers, so sign up at 7:30 pm, the contest starts at 8:00 pm, Centrum, Decks 4, 5, 6 & 7. 5. International Crew Parade of Nations This is a Vision of the Seas Exclusive event that features the"Vision of the Seas Crew Family". Don't miss it! 10:00 pm, Centrum, Decks 4, 5, 6 & 7. WORLD WILDLIFE FUND FACT OF THE DAY: Between one and two million people depend directly on the marine resources of the Caribbean Sea's Mesoamerican Reef for their livelihoods. SHORE EXCURSIONS! Traveling lets you see places and do things you can't back home. Talk to the Shore Excursions team about your style and interests in order to find the experiences that are right for you. Visit the desk on Deck 5 today!
LAST CHANCE TO WIN $500 Today's your last chance to enter the 1-Bet Raffle! Head to the casino and place any bet and you'll automatically be entered to win. One dollar is all it takes to win $500 off your folio - just make your bet at any machine or table in the casino before 11:00 pm tonight. Make sure you insert your SeaPass card or present it to the Dealer. One lucky winner will be announced at 11:30 pm tonight! Place your bet TODAY in the Casino Royale, Deck 5
Saturday, February 11, 2017 Abu Dhabi, UAE
TODAY'S FORECAST Pleasant with sunshine and patcy clouds 80°F (27°C) Wind: Light Breeze UV Index: 7 High Sunrise 6:59 am Sunset: 6:15 pm
IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW TODAY SHIP'S ARRIVAL 8:00 am APPROXIMATE SHIP CLEARANCE 8:45 am ALL ABOARD: 7:30 pm GANGWAY: Deck 1, Centrum (Subject to change due to tides) TONIGHT'S DINNER DRESS SUGGESTION- Casual Attire (Please Note that bare feet, short pants, caps and tank tops are not Allowed in the Dining Rooms or any of our Specialty Restaurants). FACE TO FACE IMMIGRATION All guests are required by the Abu Dhabi Immigration Authorities to go through a face to face immigration inspection between 9:00 am - 11:00 am only. This is a mandatory process to all guests onboard, whether you wish or not to go ashore. All guests must carry their SeaPass card and original passport when going through Immigration Guest with the Shore Excursion - If your Shore Excursion departure time is before 11:00 am, please meet at the designated time and location shown on your ticket. If you have a later departure (after 11:00 am), please proceed to immigration at the Terminal between 9:00 am - 11:00am. ONBOARD ATMS CURRENCY - Our ATMs only provide USD. HOLD STEADY WITH HANDRAILS Even on the calmest of seas, the ship may shift unexpectedly. Use the handrails located throughout the ship whenever we are sailing. CHILDREN ON THE DANCE FLOOR DURING LIVE MUSIC SETS We kindly request that parents make sure their children do not run around or play on the dance floors during live music sets. This is for their safety as well as the safety and enjoyment of all our guests. Thank you for your cooperation. CAREFUL WHAT YOU FLUSH Our waste disposal system operates using a highly sensitive vacuum system, so we kindly ask you flush nothing other than toilet paper and your waste down the toilets. Personal hygiene products, hand and bath towels, paper towels, food and other items will shut down the system, adversely affecting many areas around the ship. HELPFUL HEALTH INFORMATION Royal Caribbean International, working in conjunction with the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and EU SHIPSAN, has instituted enhanced cleaning procedures onboard all its ships. You'll see some of these activities during your cruise vacation. Medical experts tell us that the best way to prevent colds, flu, and gastrointestinal illnesses is to simply wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water after restroom breaks and again before eating anything. Your cooperation and assistance with this matter is appreciated. TOMORROW - We will be in DUBAI, UAE
EVENTS AND OFFERS NOT TO MISS TODAY ELEGANT PHOTOGRAPHY All dressed up and looking for another incredible place to go? Drop by our Formal Portrait Studios, available tonight on Decks 4 & 5 from 5:00 pm - 6:00 pm, 7:15 pm - 8:30 pm and 9:30 pm 11:00 pm. There's no obligation to purchase any photos taken, so feel free to strike a pose with your family and friends. Also visit the Photo Gallery, Deck 6 and find out how you can take home ALL of your professional photos for one great price! NLIMITED INTERNET PACKAGES NOW AVAILABLE Keep your loved ones up to date! SURF the web, share photos and send emails for just $12.99 per day. Or enjoy the fastest internet at sea for $17.99 per day, you can SURF + STREAM your favorite movies, TV shows and music as well as video chat. Connect to "ROYAL WIFI" today on your own device to get started. Social media guru? Tag us! #VisionOfTheSeas.
Production Showtime Starring your Royal Caribbean Singers and Dancers in
"BOOGIE WONDERLAND" Donna Summer, Abba, Soul Train and Earth, Wind and Fire are all examples of when music was fun. Let us take you to the disco era!! Showtimes at 9:00 pm and 10:45 pm Please note that there are many more seats available at the 10:45 pm showing.
SCRATCH YOUR WAY TO $25,000 Get your lucky scratch card from the Cashiers Desk for just $5 and start scratching your way to winnings of up to $25,000. See your Casino Host for more details. Casino Royale, Deck 5. SHORE EXCURSIONS There are so many amazing things to do in Dubai! Modern Dubai with High Tea Dubai Big Bus Sightseeing Tour Bedouin Breakfast by 4x4 For details, visit the Shore Excursions team on Deck 5. YELLOW DIAMOND EVENT AND SALE! Don't miss this great opportunity to learn more about Yellow diamonds and gemstones. Join Razvan Kallati Designer in this exclusive talk and sale, VIP discounts will be offered to the attendees. Event starts at 8:00 pm, Facets Jewelry Boutique. Royal Shops, Deck 6. CHOPS GRILLE STEAKHOUSE Join us to experience the " Best Steak on the High Seas" at Chops Grille Steakhouse. An intimate dining experience offering succulent steak with delicious wines and exceptional service. Please call 4444 for reservations. NOW OR NEVER Last day best deals, book today as tomorrow will be too late. Get up to $500 onboard credit PLUS 60% OFF 2nd GUEST, only available for those who book onboard today. See your NextCruise Office on Deck 4, Centrum CASINO CHIP REDEMTION All of your Casino chips, tokens or cash tickets must be redeemed before the end of your cruise vacation, tonight. Visit Casino Royale, Deck 5 to collect your winnings!
CRUISE DIRECTOR'S PICK OF THE DAY VITALITY SPA FIRE & ICE MANICURE & PEDICURE SPECIAL Using a combination of a cooling mask with the relaxation of a hot stones massage, our Fire & Ice Manicure & Pedicure will leave your hands & feet healthy and your nails looking beautiful. Today only $120 with FREE Elemis Collagen Eye treatment. Upgrade any nail service to include Shellac 14-Day No Chip Polish for only $25. Call 6850 or visit Vitality Spa on Deck 9. Offer may not be combined with other discounts or promotions.
Masquerade Theatre, Decks 5 & 6 Please be reminded that the saving of seats and videotaping of shows is strictly prohibited. Also, children in the theater must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. We also kindly ask that you refrain from using your cell phones in the theater.
DAYTIME ACTIVITIES Rock Climbing Wall Bring your cruise vacation to new heights - literally. Soaring 200-ft above the sea, the Rock Climbing Wall is something to see but, more importantly, conquer. Open Climb 9:00 am - 11:00 am, Rock Climbing Wall, Deck 10. Visual Quiz: Name That Flag Quiz Attention know-it-alls: You're in for a treat. Your Cruise Director's Staff will be testing you on your flag knowledge skills! This will come in handy for our Parade of Flags tonight! Come along and see which flags you recognize! 11:15 am, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6. Movie Quote Quiz You must have seen this classic movies and you must have heard these classic quote's, but do you remember which movie it belongs to? We will put you to the test in todays Movie Quote Quiz. 1:00 pm, Schooner Bar, Deck 6. Family Human Bingo Do you like to play Bingo? And do you like to join in Scavenger Hunts? Then you're in luck today! With our Human Bingo it is up to you to fill your Bingo Cards with signatures of a special kind. Are you up for the challenge? 3:00 pm, Schooner Bar, Deck 6. Music Quiz: Songs with Colour So you think you know your Music Quizes? How about this one! Any songs with a color in the title could be part of this quiz. Can you think of some already? Come and join us today to find out if you were right. 5:00 pm, Schooner Bar, Deck 6.
EVENING ACTIVITIES Premier League Matches Do you love your sports? Then join us on the pooldeck to see your favorite matches! (atmospheric conditions permitting). 4:20 pm Arsenal Vs Hull City 6:50 pm Manchester United Vs Watford 9:15 pm Liverpool Vs Tottenham Hotspur Poolside, Deck 9. Adult Karaoke Fun Hour It's time again to let your inner Singing Star take the stage! There will be another 1 hour of pure Karaoke fun with your Cruise Director's Staff. Come and join or just sit and watch. 11:00 pm - midnight, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6.
Art Gallery Casino Royale Loyalty Ambassador's Desk Medical Facility (Dial 51) NextCruise Office Pets At Sea ( $) Photo Gallery Photo Portrait Studios Pool Towel Station Royal Shops Shore Excursions Desk Tailor (Dial 0) Vitality Day Spa (Dial 6850) Steam & Sauna Vitality Fitness Center Sports Activity: Rock Climbing Wall* Table Tennis Rock Climbing Wall* Open Climb Rock Climbing Challenge
DAILY PLANNER Vision of the Seas
By Appointments On;ly Deck 5 9:45 pm - Late Deck 5 8:00 am -10:00 am / 5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Deck 5 8:00 am - 11:00 am /4:00 pm - 7:00 pm ...Deck 1 Deck 4 9:00 am - Noon / 2:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Appointments Advisable) 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm ( Fantaseas) Deck 10 7:00 pm - 11:00 pm Deck 6 7:00 pm -10:30 pm Deck 5 8:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 9 5:30 pm - Midnight Deck 6 7:00 am- 9:00 am / 5:30 pm - 9:00 pm Deck 5 Deck 4 Acupuncture, Tooth Whitening Clinic, Medi-Spa 8:00 am - 10:00 pm Deck 9 8:00 am - 10:00 pm Deck 9 6:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 10
Saturday, February 11, 2017 Abu Dhabi, UAE TONIGHT'S DINNER DRESS SUGGESTION: CASUAL
DINING SCHEDULE AND AFTERNOON SNACKS BREAKFAST 6:00 am - 7:00 am Park Café Early Riser Breakfast 7:00 am - 10:00 am Room Service 7:00 am - 10:00 am Park Café 7:00 am - 11:00 am Windjammer Café 8:00 am - 9:30 am Aquarius Dining Room LUNCH 11:30 am - 3:00 pm Windjammer Café 4:30 pm - 6:00 pm Park Café DINNER 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm My Time Dining Option, Aquarius Dining Room
Deck 10 Deck 10 9:00 am -11:00 am (last sign up 10:45 am) 11:00 am (Sign up at 10:45 pm) 9:00 am - 9:00 pm
Deck 9 Dial 53 Deck 9 Deck 9 Deck 4 Deck 9 Deck 9
Deck 5
For reservation call 6715 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
6:00 pm
Main Seating, Aquarius Dining Room 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Windjammer Café Tex/Mex Theme Night 8:30 pm Second Seating, Aquarius Dining Room
"Weather Permitting 'Session Run Hourly: Maximum 25 guests per session). Please bring socks, t-shirt, shorts or pants. Clothing must be dry. A Rock Climbing Wall waiver must be completed once a cruise vacation. Children must be 6 years of age or older to climb. Parents must be present to sign a waiver for children under the age of 18 and must stay to supervise children under the age of 13 years. Adults must be able to fit into the XXL harness to climb. Sign ups will close 15 minutes before closing time.
Deck 4 Deck 9
Deck 4
Note: Dining Room Doors Will Close 30 minutes after Main and Second Seating Opening time
Dining Rooms and Specialty Restaurant: No bare feet, caps, tank top shirts or bathing attire will be permitted at any time. Shorts will be permitted for breakfast and lunch only. Windjammer Café: No bare feet and bathing attire will be permitted at any time. Tank top shirts and baseball caps will be permitted for breakfast and lunch only.
OPEN 24 HOURS: Arcade, D3eck 10 / Book Nook, Deck 6 / Community Bulletin Board, Deck 5 / Emergency Only (Dial 977)/ Guest Services (Dial 0), Deck 5 / Operator (Dial 0)/ royal caribbean online•, Deck 6 / Shuffleboard, Deck 10
SPECIALTY DINING 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Chops Grille ($)
'For rules and restrictions and sign up requirements, please see the staff at the appropriate venue.
Deck 6
A $35 dining fee per person applies. The best steak on the high seas. Dial 4444 for reservations.
Swimming Pools & Hot Tubs: Some of our pools and hot tubs may close at night due to daily cleaning and maintenance. Solarium Pool (Reserved for guests 16 years and above) Deck 9 Hot Tubs (Guests under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent/guardian): Guests are reminded that there is no lifeguard on duty. The Solarium pool and hot tubs are an adults area only. However, during inclement or cool weather under 16s may use the Solarium pool between the following hours: Noon - 2:00 pm and 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Children must be supervised in the pool at all times. Please note that children in diapers or pull ups and those that are not fully trained to use the bathroom are not allowed to use the pools or whirlpools even if supervised by an adult. As a courtesy to other guests, reserving of deck chairs is not permitted. Chairs left vacant for 30 minutes or longer may be reassigned by the Pool Attendant to other waiting guests. Royal Caribbean International is not responsible for the theft or loss of any items on deck chairs or other pool areas. Thank you for your understanding.
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Giovanni'sTable ($)
Deck 6
A $29 Dining per person applies traditional family style Italian restaurant. The themed venue serves both rustic and stylish classic food with a familiar neighborhood feel. Dial 3333 for reservations.
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Izumi ($)
Deck 11
Asian-inspired cuisine. ( a la carte pricing) Dial 5555 for reservations.
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm Chef's Table ($)
Deck 4
Exclusive multi-course wine pairing dinner hosted by one of our many talented Vision of the Seas Chefs and Sommelier. A $85 dining fee per person applies. Please allow two to three hours for dinner. Dial 4444for reservations. Please provide 24 hours advance notice to cancel your Chops Grille, Giovanni's Table or lzumi reservation to avoid a $10 charge to your onboard SeaPass account.
NOTICES Safety Onboard - For the safety of all guests and crew, there is no running, playing or
SNACKS 24 Hours
climbing on stairs and railings anywhere on the ship. Thank you for your cooperation.
Discharge Of All Garbage Into The Sea is Prohibited - The MARPOL Convention
Room Service
Dial 53
A $3.95 fee applies to light snack orders between midnight and 5:00 am. Dial 53 to place your order.
and domestic law generally prohibit the discharge of most forms of garbage from ships into the sea. Violation of these requirements may result in penalties. All garbage is to be retained onboard and placed in the bins provided.
24 Hours Windjammer Coffee Station 6:30 am -11:00 pm Café Latte-tudes / Ben & Jerry's 3:00 pm - 4:30 pm Afternoon Tea, Windjammer Café 9:00 pm -1:30 am Park Café
Smoking Policy - To improve our guests' cruise vacation experience we have designated the following smoking areas: Casino Royale on Deck 5 (partial as designated by signage), open deck areas on the starboard side (right hand side of the ship facing forward) on Decks 5 and 9.
Deck 9 Deck 6 Deck 9 Deck 9
Consumer Advisory - Consuming raw or undercooked meats, seafood, shellfish, eggs, BAR OPEN HOURS
milk, or poultry may increase your risk of food borne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions.
Casino Bar: After Sailing - Late Schooner Bar:1:00 pm - 1:00 am R Bar: 3:00 pm - 1:00 am Solarium Bar: 2:00 pm - 6:00 pm
Safety & Security - For the safety and well-being of all persons onboard, some members of our Security Team will be wearing Body Cameras as part of their uniform.
WHISKEY SEMINAR IN R BAR ($) Let yourself to be indulged into an amazing trip through the flamboyant flavors of this iconic beverage, From Scotch to Bourbon, Rye Whiskey to Single Malts and Blended. Julien, our Awarded Mixologist on board will make you an expert Whiskey Connoisseur. 3:00 pm, R Bar, Deck 4. i
Don't leave the ship before you book your next vacation. Get up to $500 onboard credit PLUS 60% OFF 2nd GUEST, available only for today for those who book onboard. Deposits starts as low as $50 per stateroom. See your NextCruise Sales Team, Deck 4, Centrum. FEAR HERE
Cafe Latte-tudes: 6:30 am - 11:00 pm Pool Bar: 9: 00 am - 10:00 pm Viking Crown Bar: 4:00 pm - Late
TODAY'S ACTIVITIES 01111.1111.111111111111111111111111111.11110111111&_ 9:00 pm
MORNING ACTIVITIES 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours
Shore Excursions Tour Information Channe115 Destination Channel Channel 22 Community Bulletin Board, Caffe Latte-tudes Deck 6 Challenger's Video Arcade Deck 10 The Morning Show with your Cruise Director, Angelle and your Activities Manager Tony Channe114 7:00 am ,Q, Vitality Stretch, Vitality Fitness Center Deck 10 7:30 am A Total Body Conditioning, Vitality Fitness Center Deck 10 7:30 am - 10:00 am Early Bird Spa Savings $99 Treatments call 6850 for more information, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 8:00 am Tour De Cycle ($) Vitality Fitness Center Deck 10 8:00 am Vision of the Seas is Scheduled to Arrive in Abu Dhabi, U.A.E 9:00 am - 11:00 am Sports Activity: Open Climbing, Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 9:00 am - 11:00 am WWF T-shirts and Plush Toy Sale, Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 8:45 am Approximate Ship Clearance 9:15 am Sudoku Challenge for Breakfast, Schooner Bar Deck 6 10:00 am - 2:00 pm Nintendo Wii® Golf Open Play„ Schooner Bar Deck 6 11:00 am Sports Activity: Rock Climbing Challenge, (Sign Up at 10:45 am), Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 11:15 am Visual Quiz: Name That Flag, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6
Qv Production Showtime: Boogie Wonderland,
Masquerade Theatre Decks 5, 6 Premier League: Liverpool Vs Tottenham Hotspur (atmospheric conditions permitting), Poolside Deck 9 Complimentary Gaming Lessons, Casino Royale, Deck 5 9:15 pm - 9:45 pm Ages 18 - 20 Get Together, Poolside Deck 9 10:00 pm 10:00 pm Watch Gift Set Super Raffle, Royal Shops Deck 6 10:00 pm LGBTQ get Together, Viking Crown Lounge (meet at the bar) Deck 11 $75 Sit & Go Poker Tournament $, Casino Royale Deck 5 10:00 pm International Crew Parade of Nations, Centrum. Deck 4, 5, 6, 7 10:00 pm 10:45 pm Production Showtime; Boogie Wonderland, Masquerade Theatre Decks 5, 6 11:00 pm $1/$3 No Limit Texas Hold'em Cash Game, Deck 5 Casino Royale Live Paradise Lotto Draw, Casino Royale Deck 5 11:00 pm 11:00 pm - midnight Dance Through the Decades Party with DJ Dennis .... Deck 11 11:00 pm - midnight Adult Karaoke Fun Hour, Deck 6 Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 5 11:30 pm $500 One Bet Raffle Draw, Casino Royale 1:00 am Curfew for Guests under 18 years of Age 9:15 pm
The Viking Crown lounge is reserved for guests over the age of 78 years after 10:00 pm **All outdoor events are subject to weather conditions. % Assistive Listening System available. Obtain receivers at Guest Services, Deck 5
AFTERNOON ACTIVITIES 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 3:00 pm 3:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:20 pm 5:00 pm 5:15 pm 5:30 pm 5:30 pm
Movie Quote Quiz, Schooner Bar, Deck 6 Enrichment Class: Basic Greeting Card Making, Schooner Bar Deck 6 Family Human Bingo, Schooner Bar Deck 6 Whiskey Seminar ($), R Bar Deck 4 Sports Activity: Classic Baggo Competition, Centrum Deck 4 Premier League: Arsenal Vs Hull City (atmospheric conditions permitting), Poolside Deck 9 Music Quiz: Songs with Colour, Schooner Bar Deck 6 Kids and Families Trivia, Adventure Ocean Deck 10 Seminar: Herbs That Heal with Bruno Domingues, Licensed Acupuncturist,Vitality Day Spa. Deck 9 Ferrari World Watches, Royal Shops Deck 6
Diamonds and Gold Jewelry Under $1000, Facets Jewelry Boutique Deck 6 6:00 pm Elemis Puffy eye treatments: Join us in finding solutions for your concern. Vitality Day Spa Shop Deck 9 6:00 pm High End Sterling Silver 50% off, Centrum Deck 6 6:00 pm Seminar: Non Surgical Facelift with Dr, Gabriela Rueda, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm Complimentary Evening tea, Facets Jewelry Boutique Deck 6 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm A Walk in Acupuncture & Medi-Spa Clinic, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 6:30 pm 0 Complimentary Wellness Seminar: Relieving Back Pain with Good feet. Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 6:30 pm Gold by the inch, buy 21" and get the matching bracelet free, Royal Shops Deck 6 6:50 pm Premier League: Manchester United Vs Watford (atmospheric conditions permitting), Poolside Deck 9 7:00 pm - 8:00 pm Complimentary Footprint Clinic, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 7:30 pm All Aboard 7:30 pm Bonus Lightning Art Auction Preview, Live Auction to Follow, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6 7:30 pm Dancing with the Staff and Stripes Competition Sign Ups, Centrum Deck 4 7:45 pm Watch Gift Sets from $85 to ONLY $19.99, Royal Shops Deck 6 Bonus Lightning Art Auction, 8:00 pm Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6 8:00 pm Complimentary Raffle Guess the Carat Weight of the Yellow diamond, Facets Jewelry Boutique Deck 6 8:00 pm Dancing with the Staff and Stripes Competition, Centrum Decks 4, 5, 6 & 7 8:00 pm Kallati Yellow Diamond seminar, with Rasvan, free raffle for attendees, Royal Shops Deck 6
MUSIC AND DANCING String Melodies with The Sunny Duo 5:30 pm - 6:15 pm 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm 8:45 pm - 9:15 pm
Schooner Bar, Deck 6 Schooner Bar, Deck 6 Schooner Bar, Deck 6
Easy Listening music with N Joy Duo Centrum, Deck 4 5:15 pm - 6:15 pm 6:30 pm - 7:15 pm Centrum, Deck 4 9:30 pm - 10:00 pm Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6 10:15 pm - 11:00 pm Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6 Ballroom & Popular Dance Music with Vicky & The Holding Co. Show Band Centrum, Deck 4 7:30 pm - 8:00 pm 9:30 pm - 10:00 pm Centrum, Deck 4 10:30 pm - 11:15 pm Centrum, Deck 4 Centrum, Deck 4 11:30 pm - midnight Piano Pub Entertainment with Grahame Ashleigh Sinclair Schooner Bar, Deck 6 9:30 pm - late* Dance though the Decades Party with Resident DJ Dennis (18+) Viking Crown Lounge, Deck 11 11:00 pm - midnight Top Hits with Resident DJ Dennis(18+) Viking Crown Lounge, Deck 11 Midnight - late * Denotes with breaks included
ABU DHABI PORT AGENT CONTACT INFORMATION WILHELMSEN SHIP SERVICE (BARWIL ABU DHABI RUWAIS (L.L.C.) PO Box: 44805. Mansoor Manayamthodi Tel #: +971 2 6733229 Fax #: +971 2 6734744 Mob #: +971 50 4569563 mansoor.manayamthodi@wilhelmsen.com 99PRD39330
A, Vitality Activity
JjMusic and Dancing
icp Shows
k Reservation required
($) Fee for this event
Q frown & Anchor Society event
Day 6
RELAXATION PACKAGE This Vitality Day Spa Special features a Swedish or Deep Tissue Back Massage, a Scalp Massage, a Spa Facial and Reflexology Foot Massage or Lime and Ginger Back Exfoliation. 60 minutes treatment, today only $109! Book yours now calling us on 6850 or visiting us on deck 9.
DOLLARS OFF YOUR NEXT CRUISE Earn as little as 400 player reward points in Casino Royale to receive "Dollars Off" your next quarterly cruise! To register, simply insert your SeaPass' card into any slot machine and take it for a spin! Ask your Casino Host for more details. Casino Royale, Deck 5
Don't miss your chance to book your NextCruise 30% off your cruise fare, plus receive up to $500 onboard credit and a reduced deposit! itineraries are available until April 2018. See your NextCruise Team on Deck 4, Centrum, for more details.
CASUAL DINING PHOTOS Here's a photo special you won't want to miss Buy two 6x8 casual dining photos and receive the ihii d une FREE - it's a great way to preserve those special cruise vacation memories. Visit our friendly photographers and staff at the Photo Gallery Deck 6..
Paper from responsible sources
FSC. CO07828
$19.99 WATCH SALE, ONE HOUR ONLY! Men's and Ladies boxed watch sets originally priced at $85 each will be on sale for only $19.99 each! Do not miss this one time only sale today in the Royal Shops, Deck 6. The sale will start at 7:45 pm, Ask how you can win your purchase back. ONE HOUR ONLY! Shop early for best selection.
PLAY SMART USE YOUR CARD! Earn free drinks, free cruise certificates, comps and so much more by using your SeaPass card to get reward points on the slots or tables. It's free with no registration required, See your Casino Host for more details. Casino Royale, Deck 5. Good luck! .
MEDI-SPA, FACIAL REAIVENA' TION Go home looking far more rested than you ever imagined. Ask about our visible anti-aging solutions for both women and men. Restylane' dermal fillers and BOTOX' Cosmetic treatments are available inour Medi-Spa to reduce the appearance of facial lines and wrinkles. Call 6850 today for a free consultation with Dr. Gabriela Rueda , Medi-Spa Physician.
SHORE EXCURSIONS We are pleased to inform you that you can now book your Future Shore Excursions onboard this cruise.Don't Miss Out On An Incredible Value For Your Next Cruise Vacation. Visit the Shore Excursions desk on Deck 5 or the NextCruise desk on Deck 4 for details.
LAST CHANCE TO WIN $500 Today's your last chance to enter the 1-Bet Raffle! Head to the casino and place any bet and you'll automatically be entered to win. One dollar is all IL takes to win $500 off your folio - just make your bet at any machine or table in the casino before 11:00 pm tonight. Make sure you insert your SeaPass card or present it to the Dealer. One lucky winner will be announced at 11:30 pm tonight! Place your bet TODAY in the Casino Royale, Deck 5 BE SURE TO CHECK YOUR DAILY OFFERS FOR THE NEW OFFERS AND DEALS EACH DAY. 991-'14D4//1:;
VISION T% SEAS ABU DHABI - UAE Ship Docks Port Zayed Cruise Port CRUISE TERMINAL'S FACILITIES AND SERVICES: 1. Tourist Information Desk. 2. Money Exchange & ATM. 3. Coffee shop 4. Souvenir shops. HOW TO GET AROUND: 1. Free shuttle buses are available outside the cruise terminal starting at 9:30 am to the World Trade Centre Mall. The shuttle to the mall is limited and runs once per hour. 2. Abu Dhabi City is located 8 - 10 km from the pier and the .approximate price for a taxi is 35 AED. 3. Hop On Hop off buses are available in Abu Dhabi. The price for this option is U$66.00. Visit our Shore Excursion Desk located Deck 5 to book your tour. LOCAL CURRENCY: The United Arab Emirates dirham (AED). Please note the US dollars are also accepted in most of the places. The rate exchange from dollar to AED is approximately 3.70. PLACES OF INTEREST: 1. Sheikh Zayed Mosque: The 6th largest mosque in the world. There are guided tours of the interior several times a day. Note that there is a dress code-- quite strict for women; less so for men (who can even wear shorts; albeit beyond the knee). The Sheikh Zayed Mosque is 22 km away from the port. ...more at the back
Royal Caribbean International"
2. The Corniche: Abu Dhabi's spectacular waterfront stretches for 6 km from the Breakwater near Marina Shopping Mall almost up to the Mina Zayed port. It has a walkway for the entire length, and certain stretches have sandy beaches. There are also many activities like go-cart riding, playgrounds and even stages for shows. 3. The Qasr al-Hosn (AI Hosn Palace): The oldest stone building in the entire city of Abu Dhabi. Abu Dhabi's symbolic birthplace, Qasr al Hosn is the emirate's first permanent structure, which was home to the emirate's ruling Al Nahyan family. A permanent, free-to-enter exhibition at the Qasr al Hosn Centre tells the story of Abu Dhabi and its people through the city's oldest building. Opening hours: 9:00 am - 8:00 pm. 4. Ferrari World Abu Dhabi. It is 30 km away from the pier about 40 minutes by taxi. Opening Hours: 11:00 am 8:00 pm, 7 days a week. Entry fees for Adults are AED 275 and AED 230 for Kids under 1.3 meters. 5. Marina Mall: This mall features a 100 meters high viewing platform, an ice rink, a bowling alley, a Cineplex, musical fountains and hundreds of big name brands and stores. A true Abu Dhabi landmark, Marina Mall's many restaurants and coffee shops make it possible to spend a full day here. Located 20 minutes away by taxi from the port. HELPFUL TIPS: 1. Royal Caribbean International tours come highly recommended for exploring our ports-of-call. 2. Take extra care to return to the ship on time. 3. Always take your Port Explorer and Cruise Compass with you when going ashore. 4. Beachwear - Shorts are only considered suitable for the beach (for men and women). Normal western-style swimsuits (one or two piece) are acceptable at all beaches. Topless or nude sunbathing is not allowed. Men and women should always wear a shirt when away from the beach.
CAPITAL OF THE EMIRATE According to legend, Abu Dhabi â&#x20AC;&#x201D; the "Land of the Gazelle" in Arabic â&#x20AC;&#x201D; was founded when a young antelope led a wandering tribe to fresh water on an island. Once a simple settlement of barasti (palm) huts, coral buildings and a ruler's fort, it was more village than city until the discovery of oil. In the years since, Abu Dhabi has rapidly become a modern metropolis of high rises, upscale malls, and high-end hotels that inevitably draw comparisons to Dubai. Less glitzy and more traditional than its neighbor, it also serves as the capital of the UAE, of which it is the largest and wealthiest. The city is built on islands and its Corniche, an 8-kilometer waterfront stretch of pathways, recreational areas, cafes, restaurants and beaches, is among the most popular areas. Tourism-oriented Yas Island features attractions like the Ferrari World theme park, while Saadiyat Island includes an emerging cultural district. New buildings continue to reshape the skyline, yet the leading landmark remains the magnificent Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, a gleaming symbol of Abu Dhabi. Discover other aspects of the emirate on excursions into the desert or to the ancient oasis city of Al Ain. USEFUL WORDS & PHRASES
The official language is Arabic.
Abu Dhabi's culinary offerings reflect its long history of trade and its diverse population. Rice, often prepared with nuts and saffron, and seasonings like cinnamon, turmeric, limes and dried fruit are typical of traditional recipes. Popular dishes are al harees, meat and wheat slow-cooked in a clay pot and served with ghee (clarified butter), and al majboos, seasoned meat boiled in water. Fish is a mainstay on the coast. Other Arab-Middle Eastern fare is widely available, from simple shawarma shops to elegant Lebanesestyle restaurants, as is South Asian cooking. As they have in Dubai, famed international restaurants and chefs have opened their doors, with top-notch options for French, Italian, Chinese and other cuisines. The sale of alcohol is regulated but wine, beer and cocktails are usually available at bars and restaurants within finer hotels.
Hello Please
As-salarn 'alayk vm MTh fat:Yak (to a man)
Thank You
Min fadlik (to a woman) Yes
Na am
No Goodbye
Lea Maa salcimah
Guaranteed First Off Shit)
Guaranteed Return To Ship
Easy 24-Hour Cancellations"
Destination Expertise
SHORE EXCURSIONS Delivering the Destination
lours involving flights, trains, special events, overnight stays, hotel stays and Private Journeys must be cancelled 30 days prior to sailing to avoid cancellation penalties. Other restrictions may apply. I In the unlikely event that your tour is significantly delayed, we'll make all the arrangements for you to return to the ship at the earliest opportunity at no expense to you,
TOP SHORE EXCURSIONS FROM ABU DHABI ABU DHABI CITY TOUR AND GRAND MOSQUE (UD01) Discover local cultural heritage on a guided tour of the spectacular Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, one of the world's largest, and the Heritage Village museum, which highlights Bedouin lives before oil. PANORAMIC CITY DRIVE (UD28) See Abu Dhabi's key sights and landmarks from the cool comfort of the motor coach. This narrated drive stops for photos at the Sheikh Zayed Grand Mosque, the colossal Emirates Palace hotel, and the Abu Dhabi Theatre, whose location offers great skyline views. FERRARI WORLD ABU DHABI (UD13) Get your thrills at the indoor theme park dedicated to the iconic Italian sports car. Rides include super-fast roller coasters and a track where kids can drive scaled-down Ferrari Fl race cars. The "factory" illustrates the production process and showcases more than 30 iconic and vintage models. DAY IN THE DESERT (UD03) Visit the camel racetrack for a short photo stop before an off-road drive across the UAE's desert, including its dramatic dunes. The tour will stop for a picnic lunch in this starkly beautiful landscape or at a Bedouin camp. FULL DAY AL AIN TOUR (UD02) Explore prehistoric life at the inland oasis city of Al Ain. Visit both the archaeological site, featuring 5,000-year-old tunnels and Bronze Age tombs, and the museum that displays artifacts from the excavations. You'll also attend a camel auction at a livestock market and have a buffet lunch at a hotel. PRIVATE JOURNEYS: Your Customized Shore Excursion If you are looking to explore a destination in a small and intimate group or wish to personalize your experience, our Private Journeys are the perfect option. Visit the Shore Excursions desk to learn more. NOTE: Shore Excursions vary by sailing and are subject to availability.
Falconry is a longstanding desert sport. The Abu Dhabi Falcon Hospital was the first public institution in the UAE to care exclusively for falcons, drawing patients from around the Gulf region. Its veterinary staff examines and treats more than 11,000 birds every year.
The landmark Capital Gate tower is nicknamed the Leaning Tower of Abu Dhabi. The 35-story building was built at an angle of 18 degrees, far greater than the famous tower of Pisa, whose flawed foundation caused its tilt of 4 degrees.
Major museums created by renowned star-chitects are key attractions of the Saadiyat Island master plan. Slated to open in 2016 are the Zayed National Museum, designed by Foster + Partners, and the Louvre Abu Dhabi, designed by Jean Nouvel. Also under construction is the enormous Guggenheim Abu Dhabi, designed by Frank Gehry. 2019 kola; (anneal' Guises Ltd. bros registry: the Bahamas. All Rights Reserved 151)170%. 01/0712015
Vision of the Seas® HAVE A ONCE-IN-A-LIFETIME ADVENTURE IN DUBAI You'll find no shortage of things to do. In this town, the "sevenstar" hotels and glittering shopping malls are as much a part of the attraction. Where else in the world can you find a mall with an indoor ski slope, or a dinosaur park? Just as imaginative are the city's man-made islands. Hop on a speed boat for a closer look. And if haven't made it to the Bastakia district, check out the quieter, more traditional side of Dubai. Shopping anyone? There is nothing you can't find in Dubai. Everything is for sale and depending on what you're looking for, you can score some unbelievable bargains. Need a new digital camera? Al Fahidi Street is where you'll find the latest brands in electronics at duty-free and tax-free prices. A visit to the Gold Souk is a must if you're looking for a fine piece of jewelry. (Don't forget to bargain!) And for the hottest fashions, head to the Bur Dubai area or any of the shopping malls. 1. We Saw You On Deck 6 In the Photo Gallery All of the photographs that we have taken onboard this cruise vacation are now on display in the Photo Gallery, Deck 6. Open from 5:00 pm to 11:30 pm, Remember that this is the last chance to pick-em-up. 2. Last Chance to Get Up to 60% OFF - Fine Jewelry Sale Take advantage of our vast selection of fine jewelry at the Royal Shops onboard. Choose from rubies, sapphires, diamonds, emeralds and Tanzanite— all at prices below those you'd find onshore and for today are up to 60% off. Stop by and meet one of our trained Fine Jewelry Specialists for professional buying advice. 7:00 pm, Royal Shops, Deck 6. 3. Happy Hour at the Spa 60 minutes of pure indulgence: Back, Neck and Shoulder Massage, Rehydrating Mini Facial, Scalp Massage with Hair conditioning treatment and Foot and Ankle Massage. All of this for just $99! Between 8:00 am - 7:00 pm, Vitality Day Spa, Deck 9, Aft Call 6850 or visit us on the Vitality Day Spa on deck 9 to make your appointments. 4. "What's that Beatles Song?" Game Show Can you name that Beatles hit? Join your Cruise Director's Staff to find out! 8:30 pm, Centrum, Decks 4, 5, 6, 7.
WORLD WILDLIFE FUND FACT OF THE DAY: Fourteen percent of the world's coral reefs are found in the Caribbean Sea.
DISCOVER DUBAI ON YOUR TIME Hop - off the bus at any of the stops and them simply hop back onto the next bus to continue your tour. The Big Bus Tour is the perfect introduction to Dubai. This tour takes you past the major landmarks and historic sites, while the recorded commentary provides information explaining the history and culture of the city. To book visit the Shore Excursions Desk, located on Deck 5.
STAY CONNECTED Just for $19.99 Surf or $27.99 Stream - stay connected during your last day of your Cruise Vacation. Post & Share all those amazing moments that you've experienced with your family and friends. Any question? Ask our Guest services team for more information or connect your device to Royal-Wifi.
Sunday, February 12, 2017 Dubai, United Arab Emirates
TODAY'S FORECAST Considerable cloudiness with a passing shower or two 79°F (26°C) Wind: Gentle Breeze • • ••
UV Index: 4 Moderate Sunrise: 6:56 am
Sunset: 6:11 pm
IMPORTANT THINGS TO KNOW TODAY SHIP'S ARRIVAL 8:00 am APPROXIMATE SHIP CLEARANCE: 8:45 pm GANGWAY: Deck 1, Centrum (Subject to change due to tides) TONIGHT'S DINNER DRESS SUGGESTION - Casual (sundresses or slacks and blouses for the ladies, sports shirts and trousers for the gentlemen). DEPARTURE VIDEO CHANNEL - In order to ensure a smooth departure in Dubai, tune in to Channe118 on your stateroom TV to learn about the departure process. FLOTATION DEVICES - For the safety and well being of children, children's swimming pool personal flotation devices are available free of charge at the pool deck areas. Personal flotation devices are for use onboard the Vision of the Seas and cannot be taken off the ship. AVOID THE LINES -Save time and avoid standing in line. Place a credit card on your SeaPass* account today. Guests who are on a cash account will be required to pay at the Guest Services Desk, Deck 5, however those with a credit card on their account will be automatically billed. A copy of your SeaPass" account will be delivered to your stateroom to verify all charges before your credit card is charged. ELECTRONIC COMMENT CARD -In Royal Caribbean's continued effort to Save the Waves, we are no longer delivering the Guest Satisfaction surveys to guest staterooms. All sailed guests over the age of 18 who have provided us with their email address will now receive an email invitation to participate in an online Guest Satisfaction survey on the day of departure. You will have one week to complete the survey, after leaving the ship. The survey works on smartphones, tablets, laptops and other computers and takes approximately 7 - 10 minutes to answer. HELPFUL HEALTH INFORMATION - Royal Caribbean International, working in conjunction with the United States Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and EU SHIPSAN, has instituted enhanced cleaning procedures onboard all its ships. You'll see some of these activities during your cruise vacation. Medical experts tell us that the best way to prevent colds, flu, and gastrointestinal illnesses is to simply wash your hands thoroughly with soap and hot water after restroom breaks and again before eating anything. Your cooperation and assistance with this matter is appreciated. FAREWELL MESSAGE - As our cruise vacation draws to a close, we wish to express - on behalf of the Master, Hotel Director, Officers, Staff and Crew - our best wishes for a safe return home. We trust you will have pleasant memories when reflecting on your sailing experiences and sincerely hope to see you on one of our Royal Caribbean International ships in the near future. We have been friends and shipmates for 838.4 nautical miles. TOMORROW IS DEPARTURE DAY
EVENT AND OFFERS NOT TO MISS TODAY MAKE YOUR LAST DAY SPECIAL End the perfect vacation with the perfect meal. Book your table today at Giovanni's Table, Chops Grille or Izumi and say farewell in gourmet style. Dial 3333 to make your reservation. —GET UP TO $500 PLUS 60% OFF ON 2ND GUEST This is the deal you don't want to miss! Get up to $500 onboard credit PLUS 60% OFF 2nd GUEST, available only today if you book onboard. Deposits starts as low as $50 per stateroom. See your NextCruise Sales Team, Deck 4, Centrum. LAST DAY SPA SPECIAL Indulge yourself by choosing any of these great Spa deals Today: Hydrating Mini Facial $35, Foot and Ankle Massage $39 Or treat yourself with a Back, Neck and Shoulder Exfoliation finishing with a warm oil rub and included you will receive a TAKE HOME Elemis Devils Mint Scrub ALL for just $89. To reserve call 6850 or visit theSpa on Deck 9 Aft. Offer may not be combined with other discounts or promotions. CHANGE SEATS, PRINT YOUR BOARDING PASS Catch up on email, post your vacation memories, or make arrangements for your voyage home by purchasing a Single Day Pass of the SURF package for $19.99. Want to video chat or stream one last movie before going home? Purchase the Single Day Pass of the SURF + STREAM package for $27.99. Connect to "ROYAL WIFI" on your own device to get started.
ACTIVITY AND ENTERTAINMENT HIGHLIGHTS Royal Caribbean International, Proudly Presents
ROYAL CARIBBEAN SINGERS 8:00 pm, Centrum, Decks 4, 5, 6 & 7 DAYTIME ACTIVITIES Riddles Quiz Join your Cruise Director's Staff today for a very confusing quiz. Will you be able to solve these riddles? We have found some of the best riddles and we are putting you to the test to find the answers. 10:00 am, Schooner Bar, Deck 6.
Nintendo W1iTM Bowling Open Play What's your game? We've got plenty for you to choose from. Form your team and get into the action. Everyone welcome from grandmothers to kids. But beware; Nintendo Wir is addictive. 11:00 am - 2:00 pm, Schooner Bar, Deck 6.
Tri-bond Quiz Challenge Find the conection between three words, beat everybody else in the room and get the prize of the day. 5:00 pm, Schooner Bar, Deck 6.
EVENING ACTIVITIES MEDI SPA: ERASE VISIBLE SIGNS OF AGING Give your face a vacation by instantly and dramatically reducing the appearance of facial wrinkles and fine lines. FDA approved treatments including Botox Cosmetic, Dysport, Restylane and Perlane are all available from our onboard licensed doctor. Book your FREE consultation today with Dr.Gabriela Rueda on 6850 or visit Vitality Day Spa, Deck 9.
Premier League Matches Do you love your sports? Then join us on the pooldeck to see your favorite matches! (atmospheric conditions permitting). 5:20 pm Burnley Vs Chelsea 7:50 pm Swansea City Vs Leicester City Poolside, Deck 9.
Big Band and Ballroom Dance Party with the Vision of the Seas Orchestra Join our amazing orchestra for this great chance to dance! 9:15 pm -10:15 pm, Centrum, Decks 4, 5, 6, 7.
CRUISE DIRECTOR'S I° OF THE DAY KALLATI FAREWELL SALE Today is the last day that Kallati is onboard the Vision of the Seas, come and join us for the end of season Kallati sale were you will find hot buys in Tanzanite, Yellow Diamonds chocolate diamonds, white diamonds and more, this is your last chance to get the best deals of the year. Sale starts at 6:00 pm in Facets Jewelry boutique, Deck 6.
Farewell Family Karaoke Last chance to take the stage and belt out your favorite tune. Will you be the next Karaoke Superstar? Probably not. But it sure is fun trying. Adults only. 10:00 pm -11:00 pm, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge, Deck 6.
Evening Movie: Lights Out (PG13 - 1:21) When her little brother, Martin, experiences the same events that once tested her sanity, Rebecca works to unlock the truth behind the terror, which brings her face to face with an entity that has an attachment to their mother, Sophie. 10:30 pm, Masquerade Theater, Decks 5 & 6.
Vision of The Seas Art Gallery 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm Deck 6 Casino Royale Closed Deck 5 Deck 5 Loyalty Ambassador's Desk 9:00 am -11:00 am/5:00 pm - 7:00 pm Next Cruise Sales 9:00 am - Noon /2:00 pm - 9:00 pm Deck 4 (Appointments Advisable) Medical Facility (Dial 5n 8:00 am - 11:00 am / 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm :Deck 1 Pets at Sea ( 5) 8:00 pm - 9:00 pm (Fantaseas) Deck 10 Photo Gallery 6:00 pm -11:30 pm Deck 6 Pool Towel Station 8:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 9 Royal Shops 6:30 pm - midnight Deck 6 Shore Excursions Desk 7:00 am - 9:00 am / 6:00 pm - 7:00 pm Deck 5 Vitality Day Spa (Dial 6850) Acupuncture, Tooth Whitening Clinic, Medi-Spa 8:00 am -10:00 pm Deck 9 Steam & Sauna Deck 9 8:00 am -10:00 pm Vitality Fitness Center Deck 10 6:00 am -10:00 pm Sports Activities: Table Tennis 9:00 am - 9:00 pm Deck 9 Rock Climbing Wall* Deck 10 Open Climb 9:00 am -11:00 am (last sign up 10:45 am) Technical Bouldering Session 11:00 am (Sign up at 10:45 am) *Weather Permitting "Session Run Hourly: Maximum 25 guests per session). Please bring socks, t-shirt, shorts or pants. Clothing must be dry. A Rock Climbing Wall waiver must be completed once a cruise vacation. Children must be 6 years of age or older to climb. Parents must be present to sign a waiver for children under the age of 18 and must stay to supervise children under the age of 13 years. Adults must be able to fit into the XXL harness to climb. Sign ups will close 15-30 minutes before closing time. OPEN 24 HOURS: Arcade, Deck 10 / Community Bulletin Board, Deck 5 / Emergency Only (Dial 911) / Guest Services (Dial 0), Deck 5 / Operator (Dial 0)/ royal caribbean online'', Deck 6 / Shuffleboard, Deck 10 *For rules and restrictions and sign up requirements, please see the staff at the appropriate venue. Swimming Pools & Hot Tubs: Some of our pools and hot tubs may close at night due to daily cleaning and maintenance. Solarium Pool (Reserved for guests 16 years and above) Deck 9 Hot Tubs (Guests under 16 years of age must be accompanied by a parent/guardian): Guests are reminded that there is no lifeguard on duty. The Solarium pool and hot tubs are an adults area only. However, during inclement or cool weather under 16s may use the Solarium pool between the following hours: Noon -1:00 pm and 4:00 pm - 6:00 pm. Children must be supervised in the pool at all times. Please note that children in diapers or pull ups and those that are not fully trained to use the bathroom are not allowed to use the pools or whirlpools even if supervised by an adult. As a courtesy to other guests, reserving of deck chairs is not permitted. Chairs left vacant for 30 minutes or longer may be reassigned by the Pool Attendant to other waiting guests. Royal Caribbean International is not responsible for the theft or loss of any items on deck chairs or other pool areas. Thank you for your understanding. NOTICES Discharge Of All Garbage Into The Sea Is Prohibited The MARPOL Convention and domestic law generally prohibit the discharge of most forms of garbage from ships into the sea. Violation of these requirements may result in penalties. All garbage is to be retained onboard and placed in the bins provided. Safety Onboard While using the stairs, keep in mind that you're on a moving ship, which may set you off-balance. The movement of the ship can also make it easy to spill beverages. Do not fill cups of coffee or hot water all the way to the top. While inside your stateroom, maintain clear walking areas free of obstacle like suitcases and other personal items. When getting out of bed, use the in-room lighting to find your way. Consumer Advisory - Consuming raw or undercooked meats, seafood, shellfish, eggs, milk, or poultry may increase your risk of food borne illness, especially if you have certain medical conditions. Safety & Security - For the safety and well-being of all persons onboard, some members of our Security Team will be wearing Body Cameras as part of their uniform.
For reservation call 6715 from 9:00 am - 4:00 pm
6:00 pm
Main Seating, Aquarius Dining Room 6:00 pm - 9:00 pm Windjammer Café Indian Theme Night 8:30 pm Second Seating, Aquarius Dining Room
Deck 4 Deck 9
Deck 4
Note: Dining Room Doors Will Close 30 minutes after Main and Second Seating Opening time Dining Rooms and Specialty Restaurant: No bare feet, caps, tank top shirts or bathing attire will be permitted at any time. Shorts will be permitted for break fast and lunch only. Windjammer Cafe: No bare feet and bathing attire will be permitted at any time. Tank top shirts and baseball caps will be permitted for breakfast and lunch only
SPECIALTY DINING 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Chops Grille ($)
Deck 6
A $35 dining fee per person applies. The best steak on the high seas. Dia14444 for reservations.
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Giovanni'sTable ($)
Deck 6
A $29 Dining per person applies traditional family style Italian restaurant. The themed venue serves both rustic and stylish classic food with a familiar neighborhood feel. Dial 3333 for reservations.
6:00 pm - 9:30 pm Izumi ($)
Deck 11
Asian-inspired cuisine. ( a la carte pricing) Dial .5555 for reservations.
6:30 pm - 9:30 pm Chef's Table ($)
Deck 4
Exclusive multi-course wine pairing dinner hosted by one of our many talented Vision of the Seas Chefs and Sommelier. A $85 dining fee per person applies. Please allow two to three hours for dinner. Dial 4444for reservations. Please provide 24 hours advance notice to cancel your Chops Grille, Giovanni's Table or Izumi reservation to avoid a $10 charge to your onboard SeaPass account.
SNACKS 24 Hours
Room Service
Dial 53
A $3.95 fee applies to light snack orders between midnight and 5:00 am. Dial 53 to place your order
24 Hours Windjammer Coffee Station 6:30 am -11:00 pm Café Latte-tudes / Ben & Jerry's 9:00 pm - 1:30 am Park Café
Deck 9 Deck 6 Deck 9
BAR OPEN HOURS Cafe Latte-tudes: 6:30 am -11:00 pm Pool Bar: 9: 00 am - 10:00 pm Viking Crown Bar: 4:00 pm - Late
Schooner Bar:1:00 pm -1:00 am R Bar: 3:00 pm -1:00 am
LIKE US ON FACEBOOK After your cruise is over, you can still stay connected to Royal Caribbean. Like us on Facebook at Facebook. com/Royal Caribbean, or scan this QR code with your mobile device. Share your vacation photos on Facebook and tell us how we answered it Royally.
Sunday, February 12, 2017 TODAY WE ARE IN DUBAI, UAE TONIGHT'S DINNER DRESS SUGGESTION: CASUAL DINING SCHEDULE AND AFTERNOON SNACKS BREAKFAST 6:00 am - 7:00 am Park Café Early Riser Breakfast Deck 9 7:00 am - 10:00 am Room Service Dial 53 7:00 am - 10:00 am Park Café Deck 9 7:00 am - 11:00 am Windjammer Café Deck 9 8:00 am - 9:30 am Aquarius Dining Room Deck 4 LUNCH 11:30 am - 3:00 pm Windjammer Café Deck 9 2:30 pm - 6:00 pm Park Café Deck 9 DINNER 6:00 pm - 9:30 pm My Time Dining Option, Aquarius Dining Room Deck 5
Join us on pool deck today from noon to 4:00 pm and check out our selection of wines around the world on special discount up to 60%.
TODAY'S ACTIVITIES 9:15 pm - 10:15 pm
MORNING ACTIVITIES 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours 24 Hours 7:00 am 7:30 am 8:00 am 8:00 am
Community Bulletin Board, Centrum Deck 6 Daily Quiz, Sudoku, Cards and Board Games Available, Book Nook Deck 6 Challenger's Video Arcade Deck 10 Departure Video Channel 18 The Morning Show with your Cruise Director Angelle and your Activities Manager Tony Channe114 S, Vitality Stretch Class, Fitness Center Deck 10 Fab Abs, Fitness Center Deck 10 Pathway to Yoga ($) Vitality Fitness Center Deck 9 Vision of the Seas is Scheduled to Arrive in Dubai, UAE.
8:30 am
Tae Bo Class with your Sports Staff, Viking Crown Lounge Deck 11 8:45 am Approximate Ship Clearance 9:00 am -10:00 am Complimentary Footprint Clinic, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 9:00 am - 10:00 am Complimentary Medi-Spa & Acupuncture Herbal Consultations, Vitality Day Spa Deck 9 9:00 am -11:00 am Sports Activity: Open Rock Climbing, Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 WWF T-shirts and Plush Toy Sale, 9:00 am -11:00 am Rock Climbing Wall Deck 10 9:30 am Crossword Challenge, Schooner Bar Deck 6 10:00 am
Riddles Quiz, Schooner Bar
Deck 6
10:30 am- 2:00 pm 11:00 am
Nintendo Wii Bowling Open Play, Schooner Bar Sports Activity: Technical Bouldering Session (Sign up at 10:45 am), Rock Climbing Wall
Deck 6 Deck 10
10:00 pm 9:45 pm 10:00 pm 10:00 pm -11:30 pm 10:00 pm -11:00 pm 10:30 pm 1:00 am
Big Band and Ballroom Party with the Vision of the Seas Orchestra, Centrum Decks 4, 5, 6, 7 Last LGBTQ Get Together, Viking Crown Lounge Deck 11 Ages 18 - 20 Get Together, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6 Super Shopper Raffle, Royal Shops Deck 6 Farewell Family Karaoke, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge Deck 6 Request Hour with DJ Dennis, Viking Crown Lounge .....Deck 11 Evening Movie: Lights Out (PG13-1:21), Masquerade Theater Decks 5 & 6 Curfew for Guest Under 18 years of Age
The Viking Crown lounge is reserved for guests over the age of 18 years after 70:00 pm "All outdoor events are subject to weather conditions. • 41\ -\Assistive Listening System available. Obtain receivers at Guest Services, Deck 5 "?
11 MUSIC AND DANCING Easy Listening and Dance music with N Joy Duo 6:15 pm - 6:45 pm 7:00 pm - 7:45 pm 10:30 pm - 11:15 pm 11:30 pm - midnight String Melodies with the Sunny Duo 5:15 pm - 6:00 pm 6:30 pm - 7:30 pm 8:30 pm - 9:30 pm Piano Melodies with Henry Urmeneta 7:30 pm - 8:30 pm 9:30 pm - late
Centrum, Deck 4 Centrum, Deck 4 Centrum, Deck 4 Centrum, Deck 4 Centrum, Deck 4 Schooner Bar, Deck 6 Schooner Bar, Deck 6
Schooner Bar, Deck 6 Schooner Bar, Deck 6
1:00 pm
Sports Activity: Family Bean Bag Toss Competition, Centrum
Deck 4
2:00 pm
Visual Quiz : Tricky British Dingbats, Some Enchanted Evening Lounge
Big Band and Ballroom Dance Music with Vision of the Seas Orchestra 9:15 pm - 10:15 pm Centrum, Deck 4
Deck 6
3:00 pm
Sports Activity: Party Line Dance Class, Centrum
Deck 4
Request Hour with Resident DJ Dennis (18+) 10:00 pm -11:00 Viking Crown Lounge, Deck 11
4:00 pm
Enrichment Class: Scrapbooking Workshop ($), Schooner Bar Tri-bond Quiz Challenge, Schooner Bar Kids and Families Bingo, Adventure Ocean Premier League: Burnley Vs Chelsea (atmospheric conditions permitting), Poolside Designer Watch Event, up to 75% off, Royal Shops
5:00 pm 5:15 pm 5:20 pm 5:30 pm
Deck 6 Deck 6 Deck 10 Deck 9 Deck 6
EVENING ACTIVITIES 6:00 pm 6:00 pm - 6:30 pm 6:00 pm - 8:00 pm 6:30 pm 7:00 pm 7:00 pm 7:50 pm 8:00 pm 8:30 pm
Kallati farewell Clearance Sale, Deck 6 Facets Jewelry Boutique Complimentary Evening Tea, Facets Jewelry Boutique Deck 6 Last Chance Art Sale, Art Gallery Deck 6 Costume Jewelry up to 60% off, Royal Shops Deck 6 Jewelry Clearance last chance, Facets Jewelry BoutiqueDeck 6 Last Day Manager's Specials, Up to 60% Off Royal Shops Deck 6 Premier League: Swansea City Vs Chelsea (atmospheric conditions permitting), Poolside Deck 9 "Salute to the 70's" with your Royal Caribbean Singers, Centrum Decks 4, 5, 6, 7 "What's That Beatles Song?" Game Show, Centrum, Deck 4
Farewell Dance Party with Resident DJ Dennis (18+) Viking Crown Lounge, Deck 11 11:00 pm - late * Denotes with breaks included
DUBAI PORT AGENT CONTACT INFORMATION Wilhelmsen Ships Service - 24th floor, Executive Heights, Tecom C Name: Mohammed Shajahan Mobile #: +971 50 6251681 mohammed.shajahan@wilhelmsen.com WSS.DXB.HUSBANDRY@wilhelmsen.com Name: Abdul Hamid Khan (Secondary) Mobile #: 00971 50 6251439 Abdul.Khan@wilhelmsen.com
Vitality Activity
•cp Shows
sp Reservation required
($) Fee for this event
C) Crown & Anchor Society event
Day 7 Dubai, UAE
• Save 5% per person when you book two (2) excursions • Save 10% per person when you book three (3) or more excursions Visit Shore Excursions on Deck 5 to find out more and to sign up!
UP TO $500 CREDIT Did you know by reserving your NextCruise onboard, you will not only SAVE BIG on your future cruise, but you will also get up to $500 onboard credit on your SeaPass to enjoy onboard.! See your NextCruise Sales Team on Deck 4 for details.
VITALITY DAY SPA FACIALS Help your skin look and feel amazing with one of our amazing Facials. Set up a complimentary consultation with our certified specialist to book the perfect one for your skin type and get 30% off any Signature Facial. Visit the Vitality Day Spa on deck 9 or call us on 6850 for your appointment.
When a picture just isn't enough, how about turning your favorite vacation moment into art? Visit the Phntn Gallery nn nark Prices start at $99. Buy one get one FREE on selcted sizes. What a great way to capture your memories to share with friends and family.
Paper from responsible sources
FSC. C007828
ROYAL SHOPS SUPER SHOPPER RAFFLE Put some power in your onboard shopping: Spend $50 or more in any of the Royal Shops and get the chance to enter in our Super Shopper Raffle to win goody bag valued at $500. For more information, just ask any of our retail staff. 10:00 pm, Royal Shops Deck 6. You must be present to win.
IZUMI ASIAN CUISINE Traditional Asian dining with a sushi bar and hotrock cooking, using only the finest ingredients and flawless presentation that is sure to impress. From a la minute made Sushi to the most delicious seafood dishes onboard, this Asian fusion Specialty Restaurant is a delight of far. Please call 5555 for reservations.
ACUPUNCTURE Research has shown Acupuncture to be effective in the treatment of over 100 conditions. Are you ready to feel better? Do you want safe and effective solutions? Come experience how acupuncture will benefit you. Book now for a complimentary consultation with Bruno Domingues, LAc. Call 6850 or visit the Vitality Spa, Deck 9.
INCH OF GOLD You won't find this special anywhere on land. Imagine, 18kt. Gold Bonded and sold by the inch. Every piece comes with an Unconditional Lifetime Guarantee. Purchase 21" and get a matching bracelet free. Styles start from just $1 per inch. Royal Shops Deck 6.
WE SAW YOU ON DECK 6.... IN THE PHOTO GALLERY A of *Vs,. v-thr,Feseve-srsl,t-',II VI LI IC 1...011ULUILAIL/11.) 1.11UL VVC 11UVC LUMCI
onboard this cruise vacation are now on display in the Photo Gallery, Deck 6. Open from 5:00 pm to 11:30 pm, Remember that this is the last chance to pick-em-up.
VISION HE SEAS PASSPORT DISTRIBUTION Day 7: Dubai, United Arab Emirates All guests are requested to collect their original passport from our staff. For your convenience, we have setup a station on each deck where you can collect your passport from. Deck 8 Deck 7 Deck 4 Deck 3 Deck 2
Centrum Lobby, by the 7:45 am -10:00 am Centrum Lobby, by the 7:45 am -10:00 am Centrum Lobby, by the 7:45 am -10:00 am Centrum Lobby, by the 7:45 am -10:00 am Centrum Lobby, by the 7:45 am -10:00 am
main staircase main staircase main staircase main staircase main staircase
Any guest may collect the passports for other family members provided the guest collecting the passports presents their SeaPass Cards. DISEMBARKATION DAY: Monday - Dubai, United Arab Emirates All guests are requested to have their SeaPass card and original passport in hand when disembarking the ship. Any guest wishing to disembark the ship before 4:00 am, will be required to provide a Clearance Card to Ship's Security at the gangway upon departure. This card can be obtained from the Guest Services Desk, Deck 5. Royal Caribbean International'
THE bt$1
ULTRA-MODERN METROPOLIS OF THE GULF The city of Dubai dates back only to 1833, when members of the Bani Yes tribe settled around the mouth of Dubai Creek. Once a modest center for fishing, pearling and sea trade, it has been dramatically remade in the last two decades. Twenty-first-century Dubai is behind only Hong Kong and New York in its number of skyscrapers, many of which are global landmarks of architecture, design and engineering. It is the Middle East's hub for finance, real estate, and tourism, renowned for sumptuous hotels and resorts, luxury shopping, world-class dining and entertainment, and an eclectic array of attractions that ranae from an aquarium to an indoor ski slope. But Dubai is not all glitz and glamour, with heritage districts like Bar Dubai, the city's oldest, and the traditional commercial quarter of Deira. Or discover its Bedouin roots at museums, cruises aboard a traditional dhow, and excursions into the desert.
The official language is Arabic.
Dubai's dining scene is notably cosmopolitan, with fine dining at top hotels
Hello Please
chefs. Their ranks include Japan's Nobu Matsuhisa; France's Pierre Gagnaire
Min facillk (to a woman)
and Yannick Alleno; Indians Atul Kochhar and Sanjeev Kapoor; and Brits Jamie Oliver, Marco Pierre White, Gary Rhodes, Silvena Rowe, and Jason
Thank You
Laa Mae saiamah
and upscale restaurants, including venues opened by foreign celebrity
As-Salarn 'alaykum Min fadlak (to a man)
Atherton. If you opt for Emirati cuisine, main courses typically feature fish or meat such as iamb, often with rice, and seasoned with spices like cardamom and cinnamon. Camel, a special-occasion dish, is on menus year-round. Khameer is a stuffed bread with a sweet or savory filling. For dessert, try ligamat, a dough deep-fried in ghee (clarified butter) and served with date syrup. Lebanese, other Middle Eastern, and Indian fare are also popular. A 15% tip is customary when dining out.
Guaranteed First Off Ship
Guaranteed Return To Ship'
Easy 24-Hour Cancellations' ROYAL. CARIBBEAN'S
SHORE EXCU1SIONS Delivering the Destination
Destination Expertise
lours involvina flights, trains, special events, overnight stays, hotel stays and Private Journeys must be cancelled 30 days prior to sailing to avoid cancellation penalties. Other restrictions may apply. 1 ln the unlikely event that your tour is significantly delayed, we'll make all the arrangements for you to return to the ship at the earliest opportunity at no expense to you.
TOP SHORE EXCURSIONS FROM DUBAI DUBAI CITY TOUR (DA01) Discover Dubai's unique blend of traditional and ultra-modern on a narrated drive that showcases architectural achievements; landmarks like the contemporary-styled Jumeirah Mosque; the historic neighborhood of Bastakia; an 18th-century fort; and more. WONDERS OF DUBAI WITH A VISIT TO THE TOP (DA56) See the marvels of engineering and design that have transformed Dubai, including the luxury hotel properties of Palm Island Jumeirah and the fantastic fountains of Burj Khalifa Lake. You'll ascend to the 124th floor of the world's tallest building and visit a traditional souk. BIG BUS SIGHTSEEING TOUR — HOP ON/HOP OFF (DA54) Tour Dubai at your own pace and according to your own interests on a hop-on, hop-off bus route. From the doubledecker bus, take in the sights while listening to recorded commentary about the city's and emirate's history. This excursion also includes a cruise aboard a traditional dhow on Dubai Creek. DUNE DINNER SAFARI (DA15) Enjoy an evening of traditional entertainment and a feast in the desert, under the stars. Travel in a caravan of 4X4s, stopping for photos, to the campsite. There you can ride a camel, get your hands painted with henna, see musicians and dancers perform, and relax in a Bedouin tent before dinner. BEDOUIN BREAKFAST BY 4X4 (DA62) Experience the tranquil beauty of the Dubai Desert Conservation Reserve in the early morning light. Travel in a four-wheel-drive vehicle before transferring to a camel for the final approach to meet a Bedouin. Hear about nomadic life and Islamic culture while enjoying Futoor (breakfast) with your hosts.
PRIVATE JOURNEYS: Your Customized Shore Excursion If you are looking to explore a destination in a small and intimate group or wish to personalize your experience, our Private Journeys are the perfect option. Visit the Shore Excursions desk to learn more. NOTE: Shore Excursions vary by sailing and are subject to availability.
FUN FACTS Traditional dress is standard among Erniratis. The anklelength robe worn by men is called a dishdasha. Women typically wear a jiliabeeya, a floor-length dress, topped by the black abaya cloak, in addition to the hijab (head covering). Visitors and expatriates are expected to dress modestly; some malls have dress codes. •
A Ferrari and a Lamborghini are part of the official police fleet in Dubai. These powerful sports cars enable officers to catch speeders who might elude a standard vehicle.
Although better known for high-end malls and luxury boutiques, Dubai still has many souks and markets. Among the most famous are the aromatic Spice Souk and the glittering Gold Souk, both in bustling Deira. the city's traditional commercial district.
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Pights Rerovt,d 15041010 11/03/2015
AS YOUIJAPART Dear Guest, On the day of departure, feel free to relax in our designated waiting area, or if you prefer, enjoy breakfast in one of the below dining areas. Be sure to leave enough time to meet in your assigned departure lounge shown in the reverse side of this flyer. Once your luggage is in place in the terminal and the gangway is clear, we will advise the departure escort in the appropriate waiting lounge, to escort you to the gangway. Your luggage will not be available in the pier terminal until your number tag has been called. Breakfast will be served in the following venues: Café Latte-tudes, Deck 6 1:30 am - 5:00 am (Breakfast Sandwiches,Pastries & Speciality coffee)
Windjammer Café, Deck 9 Aquarius Dining Room, Deck 4
5:30 am - 8:30 am 6:30 am - 8:00 am
ELECTRONIC COMMENT CARD In Royal Caribbean's continued effort to Save the Waves, we are no longer delivering the Guest Satisfaction surveys to guest staterooms. All sailed guests over the age of 18 who have provided us with their email address will now receive an email invitation to participate in an online Guest Satisfaction survey on the day of departure. You will have one week to complete the survey, after leaving the ship. The survey works on smartphones, tablets, laptops and other computers and takes approximately 7 - 10 minutes to answer.
4 EASY STEPS TO CHECK OUT Step 1The Night Before • • • • • • •
Please remove all old tags from your luggage except for any personal identification. Attach one of the numbered tags, delivered by your Stateroom Attendant, to each piece of luggage. To ensure that your luggage is received in a timely manner in the terminal, place the luggage outside your stateroom between 7:00 pm and 11:00 pm. Make sure that you do not pack your flight tickets, passport/proof of citizenship, medication and also remember to keep some clothes for your departure. All liquors purchased onboard or confiscated at the gangway will be delivered to your stateroom in the morning of first Dubai. Hand carry all fragile items such as liquor, laptops, glass souvenirs, etc. Take a moment to view the departure video on channel 18 for an overview of the departure process.
Step 2 Departure Morning • • • • • •
SeaPass accounts: Accounts are automatically billed if you have registered a credit card. All cash accounts must be finalized before departure. For your convenience, accounts established with a credit card will remain active for any last minute purchases. If you have any questions regarding your account, please contact Guest Services Desk on Deck 5 before 8:00 am. Your Stateroom mini bars will be checked prior to your departure and any consumed items will be billed to your stateroom. All items with security for safekeeping (i,e knives, iron etc) will be returned in the gangway. Stateroom Safe: Please checked your stateroom thoroughly before departing and make sure their you take all your personal belongings with you. Please leave your stateroom safe unlocked. Departure waiting area lounges: In order to provide our guests with a smooth departure, we kindly ask guests to please wait comfortably in their designated waiting lounge. (Note: announcements regarding departure formalities will only be heard in the assigned departure lounge). Please have your SeaPass card in hand when leaving the ship.
Step 3 Baggage Claim •
Once inside the terminal, proceed to the baggage claim area designated for your luggage tag number. Royal Caribbean International staff will be available for assistance and questions. Remember luggage tends to look alike, please be sure to check the personal name tags on your bags prior to claiming. Under no circumstances should you accept a parcel or any piece of luggage that does not belong to you.
Guest with disabilities needs requiring wheelchair assistance should meet in the " R" Bar, Deck 4. You will be escorted off as your tag number is called. Wheelchair assistance is provided from the R-Bar to the pier terminal luggage holding area only, and will start at 4:15 am. Please be advised that this is limited service and the approximate waiting time is 45 minutes and that there is no wheelchair assistance during self assist depature. CONSECUTIVE CRUISERS Guests continuing their cruise vacation onboard the Vision of the Seas, who are participating in a Shore Excursions please proceed to the designated waiting area printed on your tour ticket. Guests remaining onboard please meet in the R Bar, Centrum, Deck 4 where a Guest Services Officer will meet you and escort you to the Gangway in order to complete formalities. DUBAI CUSTOM ALLOWANCE • Gifts value should not exceed AED3000. •400 cigarettes, or 50 cigars, or 500 grams of Gifts whose value doef tobacco. • 4 liters of alcoholic beverage or 2 cartons of beer, each consisting of 24 cans not exceeding 355 ml for each can. IMPORTANT Luggage Tag Number Chart on the back of the flyer indicate approximate times that number will be called to depart the ship depending on clearance of the vessel by the local authorities. Please note the following lounges which have been designated for you to wait. Local authorities regulation state that all stairways and landings must remain clear, in order to process a smooth departure from the ship. Announcements regarding departure formalities will only be heard in the assigned waiting areas. Your luggage will not be available in the pier terminal until your number has been called. Please note leaving the ship prior to your baggage tag number being announced may lead to an increased waiting time in the pier terminal. All transfers with Royal Caribbean have a certain luggage tag number and order accordingly with your flights details and for these reason the tags can not be changed.
Royal Caribbean International'
4 Transportation / Shore connections Please make sure you have your voucher or your ticket in hand. •
Guest with purchased transfers to the airport - collect your bags from the baggage claim area, then make your way to the buses that will be waiting
Guest on Royal Caribbean International Shore Excursions - collect your bags from the baggage claim area, then you will be met by your tour guide
Independent Guest — collect your bags from the baggage claim area, then proceed outside where there will be taxis available.
outside and transfer you to the airport. for instructions.
DEPARTURE MORNING In order to ensure a smooth departure, we kindly ask all guests to familiarize themselves with the departure information below. The departure times listed are approximate and are determined by the guest flow inside the terminal. Please wait comfortably in your designated waiting lounge until your time is called. A member of our staff will be there to coordinate and assist you with your departure. DEPARTURE TIME
Self Assist
Self Assist Program
Deck 01 - Mid Ship
4:15 AM
Suites & Pinnacle Guests
Deck 01 - Mid Ship
4:15 AM
Airport Transfers - flights from 7:15 am to 8:00 am - Terminal 3
Deck 01 - Mid Ship
4:15 AM
Independent Guests - Own Arrangements
Deck 01 - Mid Ship
4:30 AM
Airport Transfers - flights from 8:01 am to 9:30 am - Terminal 1
Deck 01 - Mid Ship
4:45 AM
Airport Transfers - flights from 8:01 am to 9:30 am - Terminal 3
Deck 01 - Mid Ship
5:00 AM
Independent Guests - Own Arrangements
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
6:00 AM
Airport Transfers - flights from 9:31 am to 11:00 am - Terminal 1
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
6:00 AM
Airport Transfers - flights from 9:31 am to 11:00 am - Terminal 3
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
7:00 AM
Shore Excursions
Schoner Bar - Deck 6
7:00 AM
Independent Guests - Own Arrangements
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
7:15 AM
Independent Guests - Own Arrangements
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
7:15 AM
Independent Guests - Own Arrangenents
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
7:30 AM
Independent Guests - Own Arrangenents
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
7:30 AM
Independent Guests - Own Arrangenents
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
8:00 AM
Independent Guests - Own Arrangenents
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
8:15 AM
Airport Transfers - flights after 11:01 am - Terminal 1
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
8:15 AM
Airport Transfers - flights after 11:01 am - Terminal 1
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
8:30 AM
Airport Transfers - flights after 11:01 am - Terminal 3
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
8:30 AM
Airport Transfers - flights after 11:01 am - Terminal 3
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
8:30 AM
Airport Transfers - flights after 11:01 am - Terminal 3
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
8:45 AM
Airport Transfers - flights after 11:01 am - Terminal 3
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
8:45 AM
Airport Transfers - flights after 11:01 am - Terminal 3
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
8:45 AM
Airport Transfers - flights after 11:01 am - Terminal 3
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
8:45 AM
Independent Guests - Own Arrangenents
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
8:45 AM
Independent Guests - Own Arrangenents
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
8:50 AM
Hotel Transfers
Masquerade Theater Deck 5
Thank you for sailing with Royal Caribbean International. The Captain, Officers, Staff and Crew wish you a safe and pleasant journey home. We look forward to your next sailing with Royal Caribbean International.