Jewel of the Seas 7-night Southern Caribbean Cruise Compass - January 17, 2016

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Partly sunny Youhavejust embarkedon a journeylikeno other,whereall conventions of HighTemperature: 84"F(29"C) cruisingas you knowit havebeencastaway.As you get acquainted Sunrise: with the 7:00am Sunsei: 6:09pm ship,you'llfind that Jewelof the Seasois fiiledwith unexpected Gangway location ison DeckS,miOship surprises. In fact,you may not want to wastea singlesecondmore.Thereare mountains t o c l i m ba n dv a l l e y tso g o l f ,a l l o n b o a r dt h i sv e r ys h i p ,B u t i f y o u , dl i k e t o t a k e a breatherbeforeyou beginyouradventure, then readon for helpfultips.. preferablywith a pinacoladaan<la view of the oceans. Tonight's DinnerDressSuggestion





FEATURED EVENTS 1. SpecialtyRestaurants Takeadvantageof speciarity dirringpackageavairabre. chooseone of our 3 , 4 , o r 5 t i m e d i n n e rd i n i n gp a c k a g eD. i n ei n C h o p sG r i l l eo r p o r t o f i n o . 3 nightspackagefrom g7O.Don,tmissthis opportunity;dial73 or 74 or visitus at the chopsGrilleor portofinoon deck6 for rnoreinforrnation. 2. Jewel Day Spa & Fitnesseenter Tours- Win $800 come by,takea tour & seeail the revorutionary treatments& services you can choosefrom.Be sureto enterour free rafflefor the chanceto w i n $ 5 0 0 i n t r e a t m e n t sB.o a r d i n -g 7 : 3 0p m , R a f f l ea t 5 : 0 0 p m ,J e w e l FitnessCenter,Deck12. 3. VourPointsAdd Up In easino Royale collectpointsas you praythe slotsand win fantasticCasrno Royale m e r c h a n d i sceo, m p l i m e n t asr yp e c i a l tdyi n i n ga n de v e nc a s hb a c k s. i m p l y i n s e r yt o u rs e a P a s s ' c a ridn t ot h e s r o tr n a c h i neea c ht i m e y o u p r a ya n d redeemyour pointsat the Cashier, CasinoRovale,Deck6. 4. ShipwideWi-Fi & UnlimitedlnternetAccâ‚Źss Avoidexcessive international roamingfeesfrom your,service provicler. we havea selectionof plansavailable that will keepyou connected at sea from as low as $15per device,per day,(Based ona 2 device Connect sttan) to the Royalwi-Fi networl< todayfor moreinformationor visitthe icafe o n D e c k8 . 5. BeveragePackages-Limited Avaitability Don'tmissout on the chanceto purchase one of our manybeverage packageoptionsavailable this cruise.Act todayso you don,tmissout on the substantial savingsthesepackages offer.Theseareavailable for a l i m i t e dt i m eo n l v .

$afefye Security yvltfl thesafety routine onboard andyour l?nlallaeJgylletr 5ratton,whichis your-assigned place

meeting in l_s_sg'Itpty case ot emergency. oJr safetyfilm on yourslateroom _View television C,h a n n e2l7 .

SeaPass.Cards Pleasekeepyourcardsawayfrom cellularphones.monev crps & otnermagneticdevicesto avoidvourcardfrom b6ino oemagnettzed. Ki.ndly contactthe GuesfServices, Deck4, snouroyou experience troublewith yourcard,



Joinusforthisonetimeonlyeventcovering alltheinformation on ourportsof callduringyourcruise vacation, Wehighlyrecommend thatat leastonefamilymember attendthisimportant presentation, 5:00pm- 5:30pm,CoralTheatre, Deck5. f- Hgaringlmpaired Ine Lorattheatreis equippedwith a hearinqassistance system.Please askGuestServices on Deck4 for a receiver.


you havegot Drawingeverynightat 11:00pm in CasinoRoyale. to be in it to win it. $2.00per ticketonly.Seethe Casinostaff for details.

Tomorrow We will be in St. Thomas,U.S. V, l.



NoWwhenyou bookyour nextcruiseonboardby Day3 of the


cruise,you'llnot only receiveup to $500 instantonboardcredit, , u t y o u w i l la l s o R e d u c ed e p o s i tas n d5 0 %o f f t h e s e c o n dg u e s t b


be enteredinto our drawingto receivean additional$300 onboard credit!Seeyour NextCruise SalesTeam,Deck12,Centrumfor


details. FNEEFACIAI.REJUVE}IATION CONSI'ITATIONS Uplifting a n dy o u t he n h a n c i ntgr e a t m e n tisn c l u d i n n go n - s u r g i c a l b r o wl i f t ,i n s t a nlti p e n h a n c e m e natn, dv o l u m i z i nsgk i nt r e a t m e n t s . R e d u c fei n el i n e sa n dw r i n k l e o s r i n s t a n t lrye p l a c e s k i n ' sl o s t v o l u m eA. l l t r e a t m e n tasr eF D Aa p p r o v e a d n da d m i n i s t e r ebdy o u r S p aP h y s i c i aDnr .P a o l aA, m a z i n gr e s u l t cs a n l a s tu p t o 8 m o n t h ,

the RoyalCarlbbean Singers& Dancers the Jewelof the SeasOrchestra andthecomedyof

Jeff Jena Showtime: 1O:30pm CoralTheatre. Decks5 & 6 Please,no unattendedchlldrcnln the lftst thrcetows. Also,pleasedo not bilng any food Into the Theatte. Thankyou fot your cooperatlon,

C a l l7 2t o s c h e d u lyeo u rf r e ec o n s u l t a t i oonr j o i n u s t o d a yi n t h e J e w eD l a yS p ao n d e c k1 1 . -


R a i s et h e b a ro n s a v i n g w s i t h o u r m u l t ib o t t l ep r o m o t i o n so,u r pricematchguarantees travelexclusives, and tax and duty free s a v i n g sS. a l eS t a r t st o n i g h tf r o m8 : 4 5p m t o l 1 : 0 0p m i n t h e S h o p s is predictedto be busy,so arriveearly. onboardthis limited-offer D e c k5 . R o y aS l hops FREEWEICOiIE AEOARDARX'PACKAGE V i s i t h e A r t G a l l e r tyo r r i g hat n d r e c e i v a e f r e eW e l c o m e Aboard P a c k a gfer o my o u ra r t t e a m .D o n ' tf o r g e t o t e s ty o u rl u c kw i t h t h e " G u e stsh e W e i g h to f t h e N a n oL o p e zS c u l p t u r ec"o m p e t i t i oinn theCentrum o n D e c k5 t o n i g h tu n t i l8 : 0 0 p m . l t c o u l db e y o u .5 : 0 0 p m - 8 : 0 0p m ,A r t G a l l e r yD, e c k5 . SPA FTONEAND SAVEF{ORE G o o dt h i n g sa n ds a v i n g cs o m ei n t h r e e sP. a m p eyr o u r s e llfi k e neverbeforeand saveeverytime you comeback.Enjoy10%off yourfirstsignaturetreatment,20o/o off yoursecondand 30%off

DAYTIM EACTIVITIES AdventureOceanOpen House& Registration I t ' sa l l f u n & g a m e so n b o a r d- e s p e c i a l li yf y o u ' r ea k i d .L e a r na l l aboutour award-winning AdventureOceanprogram,meetthe staff 3 enjoya tour.4:00 pm - 6:00 pm, AdventureOcean,Deck12. Checkout the CommunityBulletinBoard Are you a SoloTraveler, RedHat member,a Friendof BillW. or LGBT? Whateveryour interestis,you can find yourgroupon the C o m m u n i tB y u l l e t i nB o a r dS . t o pb y C a f eL a t t e - t u d eosn D e c k5 a n d takea lookat the eventspostedor evenpostan eventyourself. Clubl8-21+Get-togethers M e e to t h e rg u e s t sa g e s1 8 - 2 1a+n de n j o ya c t i v i t i e s . CallingAll SoloTravellers We haveinformalmeetingpointsfor you to meetyourfellowsolo t r a v e l l e rM s .i x ,m i n g l ea n d s h a r ey o u ra d v e n t u r eO s .r s i m p l yj o i ni n t h e a c t i v i t i etsa k i n gp l a c et h r o u g h o utth e s h i p . ItalianCookingDemonstration J o i ny o u rC h e f ' st e a m ,f i n d o u t a b o u to u r s p e c i a l i trye s t a u r a n t s , P o r t o f i n& o C h o p sa n d l e a r ns o m eo f t h e i rl t a l i a nc u l i n a r sy e c r e t s . 5 : 0 0p m , P o o l s i d eD,e c ki i . (Weather Permitting: Intheeventof rain,thiseventwilltakeplacein the Deck4.) Centrum, GuessThe PriceCompetition y o u rb e s tg u e s sa t t h e p r i c eo f t h e P e t e rM a xp a i n t i n g Venture a n dy o u c o u l dw i n a b e a u t i f uwl o r ko f a r t l N o o n- 3 : 0 0p m & 5 : 0 0p m - 8 : 0 0p m , C e n t r u mD, e c k5 .

y o u rt h i r d .( A n i 8 %s e r v i c e c h a r g ei s a u t o m a t i c a lal yd d e d . T ) his


package c a n n o tb e s p l i tb e t w e e nt w o p e o p l eC. a l lt h e J e w e lD a y

SailAway Celebration C o m ed a n c ea n d c e l e b r a tteh e s t a r to f a g r e a tc r u i s ew i t h y o u r Stafl DJ Deeand fellowguestsas we sailaway CruiseDirector's f r o mS a nJ u a n 8 . : 3 0p m ( a f t e rd r i l l )P o o l s i d eD,e c k1 1 .

S p aa t 7 2 o r v i s i tu s o n D e c k1 l DISCOVER ST.TFIOiiASOH TOUR B e y o n dt h e g l i t zo f i t sf a m o u ss h o p p i n gd i s t r i c tS, t .T h o m a s e n c h a n tw s i t h a f a s c i n a t i nhgi s t o r ya n d n a t u r asl c e n e r yE. x p l o r e the i n C h a r l o t tA i s l a n d 'dsi v e r s eh e r i t a g e e m a l i eo, r s p l a s hy o u rw a y aroundat vibrantreefsor a gorgeousbeach.To bookyour tour for Deskor GuestServices St.Thomasvisit our ShoreExcursions on Deck4, your Concierge or via yourstateroomTV.

Karaoke What will you chooseto Wow youraudiencewith?A loveballad, o r a p o p u l a sr o n gw e a l l k n o wb y h e a r t ?C o m ej o i n i n t h e f u n . Deck13. HollywoodOdyssey, 9:30 pm - 11:00pm Karaoke,

TODAY'S MOVIE The lntern(PG-l3/12imin) that retirement 70-year-old widowerBenWhittakerhasdiscovered isn'tall it's crackedup to be.Seizingan opportunityto 9et back i n t h e g a m e ,h e b e c o m e a s s e n i o ri n t e r na t a n o n l i n ef a s h i o ns i t e , f o u n d e da n d r u n b y J u l e sO s t i n .


Jeutel of tbe Sea,s@

iallery pm- 8:00pm. 5:00 sandGames, Library 24Hours. - Slots pm- Late. rcRoyale &Tables 8:45 ..

?t0 ljcdl regulations theCasino & DutyFreeShops areunableto be openwhilein port

Deck5 Deek9 Deck6

- i0:00pm Boarding . Deek lZ 2 4h o u r s ... Deck4 national Ambassador .4:00pm- 5:00pm/6:30pm- 7:00pm ('uestserukeil . . . . . . . . ,D e C k 4

rsscenter(or;lzz) (oalo) tServices

(DialB9g9) A$istdncein loreignlanguages

ItyAmbassador 'lDaySpaOianz)

2:00pm- 6:00pm. - 10:00 pm Boarding

g,Centrum . . . Deek . . ,Deek ll

salon/ stean Roon and sduna/ reeth whitening ctink/Themal Acupuncture suite/ clinic/ Medispa ****(Dial5l) 4:00pm- 7:00pm. calFacillty . . Deck2 tdicalconsultations toa fee. arcsubject

Cruise Sales Desk ursNextCruise lnformation -' -

t d;itel;i,-abEi 3biii' &Shopping Guide lShops(oiat nsD

'." . .. ... Channel 19 : ir'ob'p;" irieiiailiirs . . . Deck 5 -

6:00pm 7:00pm(Diat 8986). - 11:00 pm Aftersailing

. Deck 5

,to locdlrcgulations lheCasino & DutyFreeShopsarc unable tobeopenwhiteinpoil

) Excurslons Desk 1:00pm- 7:30pm/8:30pm- 9:30pm. . , Deck4 -*.. fumAreao 24hours . Deck ll rool,l'laln po0l, Whlrlpools, Solarlum Solarlurn Whlrlpoolare located 0nDeck l1 I Station 7:00am'-10:00pm ....Deckll 1larium Areaisfot guests l6 yed'sol ageandabove. )tion:dwinginclenettv/eather childrcn nay usesolailunp1olbetween 3:00pn dndS:00Dmwith ; superutst0n, tgchildrcnin diapes/pullups/swinne$nay notusethepo1ls/whiilpools, evenit accompanied bya buardian 'lsandwhirlpools canbetenporcrilyclosedfor cleaning. I Pool& I Whhlpool wilt renainoDen24

:sDeckActlvities: :roduction to the RockCllmbing Wall d Signups 5:00pm- 6:30pm

. Deck 13

Openalldayexcept 6:00pm- 9:00pm Deck12

'herinfonndtion anddesctiption of onbodtdservices andpolkies,please rcadUseful tnfomationon k ofBehindTheName Tags,

ollowing Services andVenues are0pen24Hours: Libra16 Deck Tour B0okings, andGames, 9/ Express RCTV/ Emergency (Dial (Dial0)/ Fairways 9ll)/ Guest Serviees ofJewel Golf, Deck l3l Library, 9/royal cailbbean online,', Decks 4,5,Z : Conduct Policy guests, andenjoyment resafety, comfort ofallRoyal Caribbean International guest guidelines rvedeveloped certain conduct forbothadults andchildren. guidelines cover a variety ofareas including butnotlimited to: . Violent rking" Verbal abuse and/orunruly behavior offensive " Excessive, . Solicitation. age. Possession ofanillegal substance " Vandalism International thatanyguest alCaribbean determines isinviolation ofthese partyto leave wemaybeforced to asktheoffending lines, theshipatthe portofcall. rvailable ingPolicy policy, smoking effective rverevised ouronboard forallsailings departing public afterJanuary 1,2014, Under thisnewpolicy, allindoor spaces willbe withtheexception oftheCasino. IntheCasino, there : free, willbedesignated ngandnon-smoking areas, Additionally, smoking willnotbepermitted inthe oronstateroom balconies. 0utdoor smoking areas willbedesignated ooms r starboard side.

)DUCIIIG Tl|E AI{TI|El'| OF $AS newestshiptakescruising :re to be Wowed.RoyalCaribbean's staterooms, innovative entirelynew level,with redesigned ,ardfeatures, and all-newvenuesthat transformthroughout r u i s eB . e t h e f i r s tt o e x p e r i e n ct e h i ss h i pw h e ni t s a i l sI n 2 0 1 6 NewJersey. Visitthe NextCruise Bayonne, SalesDesk, 1a



Today we are in SanJuan,puertoRico TONIGHT'SDINNERDRESSSUGGESTION: CasuaI FOOD & BEVERAGE I{OSPITALITY DESK Our Restaurant Operatjons Managerwill be available todayfor any questionsyou may havein regardsto; - Dietaryrestrictions, allergiesand specialorders - Beverage packagesalesand inquriies .S p e c i a l trye s e r v a t i o ni nsq u i r i easn d r e s e r v a t i o n s . Guest preferences and dresscodes 1 1 , : 3a0m - 4 : 0 0 p m i n t h e T i d e sD i n i n gR o o m D , e c k5 . O r d i a l3 3 3 3 , Please noteyourseating printed arrdngements o:nthefronit ofyourSeapass" card. DII{II{G SCI{EDULE & AFTERNOON SNACICS


1 1 : 3a0m - 5 : 3 0p m

W i n d j a m m eCr a f 6 . .

. . D e c kl l

DlNl{ER 5 : 3 0p m - 9 : 3 0p m

"MojoDinnerMenu', M y T i m eD i n i n g.

. . . . . , D e c k5

6 : 0 0p m 8:45pm 6 : 3 0p m - 9 : 3 0p m

(Reservations recommended,DiatJ333during deskhours, 8:0Oam - il:JO am & 2:30pm - S:OOpm)

M a i nS e a t i n gT, i d e sD i n i n gR o o m.. . , . D e c k s4 Se.coldSeafing,TidesDin-ing Room. . Deiti a W i n d j a m m eCr a f 6 C a s u aDl i n n e r . D e c k1 l IiPECIALTY DINI}TG p m p m / 5:30 7:30 8 : 3 0p m - 1 0 : 0 0p m C h o p sG r i l l e . " S i g n a t u rSet e a kH o u s e " . . . . . . D e c k6 5:5U pm - /:5U Om/

:asebring socks,t-shirtandshorts/pants andclothingnustbe clry.A RockClinbingWail iver mustbe completedoncea cruisevacation.Childrenrnustbe 6 yea$of age ot olclerto 1b.Parentsmustbepresentto signa waiverfor childrenundet theageof 18and nust stay iuperuisechildrcnunderthe age of l3 yearc.Adults nust be able to fit into theXXLharness :limb.Sign upswill closel5 minutesbeforcclosingtitne).

s Coult



$35 coverper personapplies,gratuitiesinctuded (Reservat ions recommended,diaI 73)

8 : 3 0p m - 1 0 : 0 0p m P o r t o f i n o" F , i n el t a l i a nD i n i n g ' ,

. D e c k6

$25 coverper personapplies,gratuitiesincluded (Reservat ions recommended,diaI 74) pleasedilowtwotothreehoursfordinner. Dfess,'Srra/tCasual.Noshottpantsplease :ancellationswilh lessthan24 hoursnotice will be chargeda fee of gl0 pet person

SNACKS 5 : 0 0o m

l 4) R o o mS e r v i c (eD i a 5 A $3.95servicechargewill be appliedfor Room Service Light Snackordersbetweenmidnight and 5:O0am

Noon- 6:00 pm,/ 8 : 3 0 p m - 2 : 0 0 a mS o l a r i u m C a f 6 , . .,,...Deck11 3 : 0 0p m - 6 : 0 0 p m A f t e r n o o nS n a c kW , i n d j a m m eCr a f 6 D e c k1 1 Noon 3:00 pm/ SeaviewWok 0 m $ g . g g c t i n i n s f e e p e r p e r s o n.). . , . , . D e c k1 2 5 : 3 0p m - 1 1 : 0 p ForanearlydrinktheCafeLatte-tudes opensat ll:00amandthepoolBar am TheSchooner at 11:00 Bar,LobbyBar,Safarj Club,Champagne Bar, PitStopSports Bar,andtheHollywood Odyssey willremain openlater. 11:00 am - 9:30pm Caribbean Rum& CigarBar,SkyBar,Deck12 N o o n- 1 1 : 0p0m C h i lol u t B a rS , olarium B a rD , e c k1 l Noon midnight S p a r k l i nSgp e c i a lCs h , a m p a g nBea rD , e c k6 2:00pm late MartiniLounge, Vortex,Deck13 5:00pm - midnight BeerBucketSpecials, Pit StopBar,Deck6 WorldClassCocktail 9:30pm - 1:00am Lounge. l-tollywood Odyssey, Deckl3 Foryourconvenience the belowaredesignatedsmokingareas: OuterDeck,Deck5,11& 12,Starboardside. SkyBar(at thebar),Decki2 & CigarBar Casino, Deck6, Starboard side, Odyssey, Deck13,Portside. 0utsideHollywood Vortex, Deck13,Starboard Outside side.

DRINKOF THE DAY. SAN JUAN SAILAWAY A n i n c r e d i b lree f r e s h i nbgl e n do f o r a n g ea n d p i n e a p p ljeu i c e s h a n ds h a k e n t o c o m b i n et h e s u b t l eh i n t so f v a n i l l a n dc a r a m e l i z e d s u g a rf o u n di n C a p t a i nM o r g a no r i g i n asl p i c e dr u m ,t o p p e dw i t h g r e n a o r nu en . ly$/./5

TODAY'SACTIVITIES 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours

SlroreExcursionBooking.,.., ... . RCTV S a f e t y V i d e o 0 n Y o u r S t a t e r o o m T V. .C, h a n n e l 1 4 Shore Excursions Information. . .Channel i5 Port& Shopping Informatjon, . Channel 22 NextCruiselnformatron . . . . . . C h a n n1e9l Royal Caribbean Onlinesra. . . . . , Decks 4,5,7 Sabbath Service Sign-up Sheet, Guest Services , . . . . . Deck 4 Friends ofBillW andothergatherings, please refer to theCommunity Bulletin Board, Caf6 Latte-tudes . Deck 5 24hours C a r dBs o , a rG d a m e s & T r l v i a s a vLaiibl ar ab rl e y ., . . .D. .e c9k - 7:30 pm J e w eDl a yS p aT o u rasn dD e m o n s t r a t.i .o. n. ,s. . . . . D e cl kl Boardlng - 10:00 pm Spa& Salon Boarding 0penforAppointments, Jewel DaySpa. , Deck ll N0on M o v iT eh : eI n t e rC n ,i n e m.a. .. . . . . . . . . , D e c6k pm 1:00 Allstaterooms andsuites areavailable foroccupancy pm- 7:00 pm Complimentary 2:00 Anti-aging Skin Analysis wlthDr,paola Moquete MD,Jewel Day.Spa . . , Deck li pm 3:00 M o v iTeh; e l n t e r n , C i n e m a . ,......Deck6 4:00pm- 6:00pm Adventure Ocean 0penllouse & Registration, Adventure Ocean. ,. . Deck 12 pm 4:50 SoloTravellers GetTogether & enjoythe Cooking Demonstration, PoolBar. ,. . . ,Deck 1l pm 5:00 Italian Cooking Demonstration, Poolside . . . . Deck 11 (Weather Permitting: Intheevent o rain, thisevent willtakeplace intheCentrum, Deck 4.) prn 5:00 Relieving Back Pain Through (seminar), Good Feet Jewel Fitness Center.. , .. Deck 12 pm- 5:30 pm Destination 5:00 Presentati0n withyour Shore Excursion Manager, Kym, Coral Theatre. .. , Deck 5 pm- 5;30 prn A Jewel 5:00 DaySpaRaffle, Jewel Fitness Center .. . , Deck i2 prnpm Free 5:00 09:00 Acupuncture Consultations,Jewel DaySpa. , . . . Deck ll 6:00pm M o v iTeh: eI n t e rC n i,n e m a . . , . . . . . .D e c6k port& Shopping 6:00pm- 7:00pm St.Thomas Shopping Information, Desk, Centrum. .,Deck5 7:00pm- 7:30pm Complimentary Gaming Lessons, Casino Royale. , . . . . Deck 6 8:00pm Guest Muster Drill 8:30Bm Jewelof theSeas isexpected to setsail 8:30pm Sailaway Celebration withyourCruise Director's Staff (rightafterthedrill), Poolside, . Deck11 pm- 10:00 pm Liquor B:45 lasting andSale,. . . Deck 5 pm- 9:45pm Family B:45 Free Arcade, Challenger's Arcade . . . Deck lZ 9 : 0 0p m M o v iTe h: eI n t e r C n ,i n e m a . . , . . . . . . D e c6k 9:30pm SoloTravelers meet& enjoyl(araoke, Hollywood Odyssey . Deck i3 pm l ( a r a o k e , H o l l y w o o d O d v s s e y . , . . , D e c k i 3 9:30pm- 11:00 l0:00pm Fivereasons toshoponboard Welcome Raff le . . . . . , Deck5 pm- midnightLatin 10:00 Fiesta withDJDee, Vortex.. . Deck 13 pm l0:15 Club 18-21+ GetTogether withDJDee, Vortex . , . , , . Deck 13 pm 10:30 Welcome Aboard Show, for All Guests @ L o r aI ln e a t r e . .,. Deckss,6 pm- li:30pm Royal 10:30 Poker (g), Tour-Qualifying Round CasinoRoyale. .....,.Deck6 pm 1l:00 Paradise Lotto Draw Jackpot, Casino Royale. $880,000, . Deck6 pm-late 11:00 Double Points 0nSlots, Casino Royale ... ,, , Deck 6 Midnight M o v iTe h: eI n t e r C n ,i n e m a . , . . . . . . . D e c6k l : 0 0a m Curfew enforced forallguests l7 years andyounger.

fi ilustcArDDAlctrc GuitalMusic withEugene pm 11:30 am 12:15

Centrum, Deck 4

pm- 1:15 pm 12:30 'l:45pmpm 2:30

Centrum, Deck 4

2:45pm- 3:i5pm

Centrum, Deck 4

Sounds of theCaribbean pm- 4:00pm 3:15 pm- 5:00pm 4:15

Centrum, Deck 4 Centrum, Deck 4

Centrum, Deck 4

5:]5pm- 6:00pm 6:]5pm- 7:00pm

Centrum. Deck 4

Sailaway Music withDJDee 8:30pm- 9;30pm(after Drill)

poolside, permitting) Deck 11(weather

Centrum, 4 Deck

Dance Musie withRemedy Band pm 8:30pm- 9;15 Centrum, Deck 4 pm 9:30pm- 10:15 Centrum, Deck 4 pm- 1l:15 pm 10:30 Centrum, Deck 4 1 1 : 3p0m- m i d n i g h t Centrum, Deck 4 PianoBarEntertainmont with Kim pm- midnight 9:15 Schooner Bar,Deck 6 (withbreaks) Vortex Nightclulr Dance Fluslc withDJDee (Please note:Vortex Nightclub isforguests 1Byrsofageandolder.) pm - rnidnight 10:00 - late Midnight


Vortex, Deck 13(Latin Fiesta) , Vortex, Deck 13(Topl-lits & Requests)






6:0O anr



St, ThomaE,U.s"V.l.




E8ssotâ‚Ź|Yo, St, Kltts

8!00 am

5l0O irin

wed '['hu


Oranlostad, Aruhn




Wlliomstad, Culacao




Soa Dsy


San Juan, Puoilo nlco


There'sneverbeena bettertime to becomea Crown& Anchor SocietyMember.TheCrown& AnchorSocietyis our way of rewardingour loyalguests.You'llearnone CruisePointfor every n i g h ty o u s t a yw i t h u s p l u sd o u b l ep o i n t sw h e ny o u p u r c h a sae suite. Enrollmentis free and automaticafter your first completed crutse.

Continental Shipping lNC.- 360SanFrancisco Street, SanJuanPuerto Rico 00901 Tel:(7Bi)725-2532Fax:(787)724-0339 - (787)565-0924 Daniel Threadgill - (787)754-6000 FBfSanJuanFieldOffiee - (787)289-2041 USCG Seetor SanJuanCommand Center 99PRD39:

l??E*o, A

prlearrnstmpaired vttatityA(tivitv (g)reeforthisevent/arlvttv @(rown&An(horso(ietyevent $ilustranuoancinu @ snovrs


DAILY PLANI{ER Jeutel of tbe Sea,s@



pm- 10:00 pm 5:30

andGames: Library Cards

Available allday

easino Royale (or;v Fitness zz) Center (oral Guest Setvices ot

5:00pm-late.., pm. 6:00 am- 10:00 24hours.

. . . Deck 5 Deck9

....Deck6 . . Dâ‚Źck lz . . Deek 4

International Ambassador Desk8:00am- 10:30 am/4:30pm- 6:30om,. Deck 4 (Dial Assistance inloreign languages 8989) loyaltyAmbassador 8:00am- noon. . . . . . Dee k B.Centlum J e w eDf a yS p al o i ; t : z ; 8 : 0 0a m- 1 0 : 0p0m , . , ..,. . . . . . . . . . : . D e clkl HatSalon/SteanRoondndSauna/Teeth Whitening Clinic/ThemalSuite/Acupuncture Clinic/Mecti-Spa *n**(Drat Medlcaf Facility st) B:00 am- ll:00am/4:00pm- 7:00pm.. . . . Deck2

Doctor's Hours

B:00 am- i1:00 am/4:00pm- 7:00pm

aresubject t0 a fee consultations "'" Medicdl

MyTimeDining Resetvations B:00 am- ll:30am/2:30pm- 5:00prn (Diat3333)

Desk NextCruise Sales

9:00 am- 9:00pm.

, Deck t2

( Please yourdDp1intment) dial0 toschedule

p0 r n, . . .. . P h o tG o a l l e (r D 0 m- 1 1 : 0 y ial3852) 5:0p Casual PorttaitStudios

Port& Shopping Desk Royal Shops Desk Shore Excursions

. . .. . . ., D e cS k

pm- 6:30 pm 5:30 pm- 11:00 pmDeck 7:30pm- 9:00pm&10:00 s . .e. .c, k, .S 7 : 3p0m- B : 3p0m( d i a l 8 9 8 6 ) , . . .D pm- 11:30 pm. 5:30 , ,. Deck5 7:30am- 9:00am/5:30pm- 8:30pm . ,Deck 4

Pool, MalnPool,lilalnWhlrlpools,Solarlum Solarlum Whlrlpoolare located onDeck 11

Towel Station

Roe k CfimbingWall

Open alldayexcept 6:00pm- 9:00om, Deck12 pry.,, , Deck13 5:00pm- 7:00pm(astsrqn up6:4s

(Please andclothingmustbedry) brhtgsocks,t-shhtandshorts/pants

Waterslide Tuxedo Rental


pm, 3:00pm- 5:00 9:00 am- 11:00 am,Centrurn .

. . Deck 12 . . , Deck 5

please andpolicies, anddesdption of onboard sevices readUseful Fotfuthetinl1mation lnformation on lhebackofBehind nrcNameTags.

andVenues are0pen24Hours; TheFollowing Services ToutBookings, Librar6Deck 9/ Expross RCTV/ Emergency Cards andGames, Jewe! Golf,Deck Guest Servlces l3l 0nly(oiatgns/ eiatol Fairwaysof Decks 4,5&7 caribbean online'"', Library, Deck 9/ royal FoodandDrinkAdvisory portofcall, ina foreign drink onlybottled water anddon'tinclude When eating poultry Make sure allyourmeat, andseafood anyiceinyourbeverages, arefully Wesuggest thatyoueatattherestaurants Avoid rawfruitsandvegetables. cooked. Map. recommended ontheback ofyourSltopping LiquorDistribution inourdutyfreeshoportaken fromyouatthe onboard Allliquorpurchased gangway t0 yourstateroom onthefinalnightof inourportsofcall,willbedelivered yourcruise vacation, Proofof Age (21)years ofageandolderarewelcome to enjoy twenty-one alcoholic beverGuests reminded notto provide alcoholic beverages arekindly to anyone Allguests ages. policy whoviolate anyalcohol maybedisembarked theageof21.Guests or under inaccordance withourGuest Policy. to board, attheirexpense, Conduct notallowed identification required. Photo

HARMONY OFTHESEAS yourEuropean Theworld's May2016. adventure starting biggest, boldest Unleash - withmore t0Barcelona nextsummer vacation evercomes slides thanany family perminute. Hurry, reserve Harmony's one-time-only othership,andmorememories VisittheNextCruise Sales Desk, Deck 12andreserve it today. European season.

Monday, January t8,2ot6

Today we are in St. Thomas, U. S. V. L TONIGtIT'S DlNhlERDRESSSUGGESTTON: Formal FOOD & BEVERAGE I.IOSPITA!.ITY DESK 8:OOam - tl:3o am / 2:3Opnr - 5:@0pm Weareavailable youmayhav-e todayfor anyquestions in regards to: ' Dietaryrestrictions, allergies and special orders ' Beverage package salesandinquiries ' reservations, inquiries andreservations ' Specialty Guestpreferences anddresscodesTidesDininqRoom.Deck5 O r d i a l3 3 3 3 . Please printed noteyourseating arrangenents onthefrontofyourSeaPass card Dfltt;{G sct{EEtfl"E & AFTERNOOhTSi{ACKS EREAKFAST 6 : 0 0a r n- 7 : 0 0a m E a r l yB i r dW , i n d j a m mC e ra f d . . , , . . . D e c 1k 1 7 : 0 0a m- 9 : 0 0a m T i d e sD i n i n g R o o mO , p e nS e a t i n g. , . . . D e c4k 7:00am - 11:00 am Windjammer Caf6.. . , . .Deck11 '11:00 ($) Solarium B:00am am FreshJuiceBar , . . . . . . D e c 1 k1 t rjlt{cti 1 1 r 3a0m- 2 : 3 0p m PuertoRicanInspired Lunch, WindiammerCaf6,,. ,..Deck11 "Saffron D!l{fr{ER DinnerMenu" 5 : 3 0p m - 9 : 3 0p m MyTimeDining. ,..Deck5


' TheSolariun Arcaisfor guests 16years ofageandabove. weathetchildren mdyusesolariunpoolbetween3:00pmand5:00pm cluringincletnent "Exception: with Darents suDetvision. -''Youngchilclren in cliape6/pull ups/swimne6nay notusethepools/whhlpools, evenil dcconpanied bya parenVguardian. cdnbetetnponrilycllsedfot cleaning. "" Poolsandwhhlpools I P\ol & | Whhlpool wiilremainopen24Houts.

Deck Aetivities: Sports Sports Court


6 : 0 0p m B:30pm 6:30pm - 9:OOpm

(Reservations recomnended,Dial.1333during (leskhours. 8:OOam - ll:30 an & 2:30 pm 5:00 pn) M a i n S e a t i n g ,T i d e s D i n i n g R o o m . . . Deck 4

Second Seating, TidesDining Room., . . , , Deck4 Casual Dinner, Windjammer Cafe . . . Deck11

Pledsenote that bare feet, short pants,capsand tank topsare not permittedat dinner in the TidesDiningRoom or any of our SpectaltyRestawants.

SPEdIAI.IY DIHING 5 : 3 0p m- 9 : 3 0p m C h o pG s r i l l e" S , i g n a t uSr tee aH k o u s e " . . . , . D e6c k 5:30pm-9:30pm


$35 dining feeper personapplies,gratuitiesincluded (Reservations recommended,dial 73) 9:OOam onwards P o r t o f i nFo i,n e l t a l i D a ni n i n g , , , .,, Deck6 $25 dining feeper personapplies,gratuitiesitlcluded (Reservations recommended,dial 74)) 9:OOan onwi)rds

's Chef Table 'Ultim ate D i n i nE g x p e r i e n c e " . . . ,D . . e. c k6

$85 dining feeper person applies,gratuitiesincludcd (Reservations recluired,for inctuirEsdial 73) DrcssSuggestlon:Fomal. Pleaseallow apptoxitnatelytwo hoursfot dining, Cancellationwith lessthan 24-hoursnotrcewill be chargeda fee of $lO.

ST{AGKs 24hours

5:00am - midnight 2:30pm - 6:00pm/ 9:00pm - 2:00am 3:00 pm 5:00 pm 3:00pm - 1l:00ptn

(Dial54) Room Service A $3.95servicecllargewill be appliedfor Room Service Light Snackofters betweenmidnightand 5:OOatn,



Solarium . . Deckl'l Cafe. . , AfternoonSnacks, CafeDeck11 Windjammer Seaview Wok . . . , Deck12 $9.99 dining feeper person,

Foran earlvdrinkthe CafeL,atte-tudes opensat 6:30am andthe PoolBaraf9:00 am.TheSchooner Bar,lobbv Bar,SafariClub, Bar,Pit StopSportsBar,andtheHollywor.ld Odvssey Champagne wiltrematnopenlater. Bar. 11 Bar, Bar.Deck12 Bar,Deck6 nqe. (T3

, Deck6

smokingareas: Eoryogrcorlvenlqncg -theb-elowarede5ignated '11 OutrirDeck,Deck5, & 12,Starboard sidel SkvBar(at thebar),Deck12& CiqarBar Ca-sino. Deck6. Starboardside, Hollvwood Odvssev. Outside Deck13.Portside. Deck13.Stbiboard OutsideVort-ex. slde. D R I N K O F T H E D A Y . S P A R K L I N GS O M B R E R O A s p a r k l i ncgo m b i n a t i oonf S m i r n o fvf o d k ap, e a c hs c h n a p p s , orangejuiceand spritetoppedwith the distinctsweetness of juice.Only$7.75 cranberry

EVENTSAND OFFERS NOT TO MISSTODAY! +O}IETI{II{G DIFFEREHT[T{ST.IffTTl$B e e nt h e r e d, o n et h a t ?E x p e r i e n cSet .K i t t , si n a w h o l en e ww a v on t h e s et o u r s : C a r i b b e aSnc e n i cR a i l& S a l l K T 6 3M o u n tL i a m u i gV a o l c a n oH i k e K T D 5H o r s e b a cRki d i n gi n t h e R a j n f o r e s t

ACTIVITIES AND ENTERTAI NMENTHIGHLIGH E N T E R T ANI M E N T A C T I V I T I E S YourCruise Entertainment Director, John,proudlypresents

Showtime W Headliner

V j s i tS h o r eE x c r . i r s i oonnsD e c k# t o f i n d o u t m o r ea n dt o s i g n upl RECEIVEUP TO $SOOOT{B@ARD EREDITII{sTANTI"V Now,whenyou bookyour nextcruiseonboardby Day3 of the c r u l s ew, e ' l le n t e ry o u i n a d r a w i n gf o r 9 3 O Oo f i n s t a not n b o a r d c r e d i ti n a d d i t i o nt o t h e o n b o a r dc r e d i to f u p t o $ 5 o o y o u r e c e i v e f o r m a k i n gy o u rd e c i s i o o n n b o a r dT. h a t , su p t o $ g O Oi n s t a n t l vSl e e y o u rN e x t C r u i sSea l e sT e a mD , e c k1 2 ,C e n t r u m . DIA}IOI{ESAT{DTANZAI{ITEffi TMVAGAI{ D o n ' tm i s so u t o n y o u rf i r s to p p o r t u n i ttyo s e eo u r e x c r u s i vrea n g e o f e x q u i s i tjee w e l r yt o n i g h ta t 7 : O Op m . F o ro n e h o u ro n l y ,o u r on exclusive boardTrunkShow,paragonCouture,will offerextra discounts. Thiseventis not to be missedand wiil not be repeated. ["OSEIT{CFIES WITH IONITI{ERMIEDE"fOX T h i su n i q u ea n t i - c e l l u l & i t ed e t o x l f i c a t i torne a t m e nrte d u c ecse l l u l i t e a n dt o x i nd e p o s i t sr n. j u s to n es e s s i oyno uc a nl o s eu t o 1 t o B i n c h e s .Comeandfind out how.Normally$159,Save$30 off for todayonly. C a l l 7 2 ,J e w eD l a yS p a t o m a k ey o u rr e s e r v a t i ofnosr t o d a v . PH@TOPACKAGESPEC[A!. A l l y o u rc r u i s ev a c a t i o n p i c t u r e fso r o n ea l l i n c l u s i vper i c eT. h i s m e a n st h a t y o u c a np o s et o y o u rh e a r t ' sc o n t e n at l l c r u i s el o n g . Everytime you seea photographer or a plrotostudioseturjbe s u r et o h a v ey o u rp h o t ot a k e n T . h e nc o m eu p t o t h e p h o t oG a l l e r v a t a n yt l m et o " t r a s ho r t i c k "y o u rp h o t o sA . t t h e e n do f t h e c r u i s e vacatioa n l l o f t h e p h o t o st h a t y o u c h o s ew i l l b e g i v e nt o y o ua s p a r to f y o u rp a c k a g eC. o n d i t i o nasp p l y . - SPECIALNVRES'frA[.fl RAi{TS T a k ea d v a n t a goef S p e c i a l i tdyi n i n gp a c k a g easv a i l a b l eC.h o o s e o n eo f o u r 3 , 4 o r 5 t i m e d i n n e rd i n i n gp a c k a g e sD, i n ei n C h o p s G r i l l eo r P o r t o f i r r o .n3i g h tp a c k a g elsr o r ng T O ID o n , tr n i s st h i s o p p o r t u n i t yd;i a l7 3 o r 7 4 o r v l s i tu s a t C h o p sG r i l l eo r p o r t o f i n o on d e c k6 f o r m o r ei n f o r m a t i o nD.r n i n gp a c k a g e s p e c i a lasr ea v a i l a b l e o n l yo n d a y1 a n d d a y2 o f y o u rc r u i s ev a c a t i o na n d f i l l u p q u i c k l y . __-"-

p[cTURET0{tSST[.'Dil@ _ O u rs p e c i abl l a c k& w h l t es t u d i oa r t i s tw i l lc a p t u r em e m o r a o t e i m a g e sd u r i n gy o u rp r i v a t ep h o t os e s s i o nV. i s i t h e s t u d i oo n d e c k 4 f o r m o r ei n f o r r n a t i oann dt o s c h e d u lyeo u rf r e es i t t i n g . hIVSTERVDCNHER "fHEATER A n i g h tf i l l e dw i t h m y s t e r ya n d i n t r i g u el .t , sa , , w h od u n n i t , ' i n t e r a c t i vdei n n e rs h o wt h a t i n c l u d ecsh a m p a g n&e h o r sd , o e u v r e s , followedby a 5 coursedinnerin portofinoRestaurant with wine. $ 6 5p e r p e r s o n( g r a t u i t yi n c l u d e d d ) ;i a l7 4 f o r r e m a i n i nagv a i l a b i l i t y . G u e s t ls3 y e a r sa n do l d e ra r ew e l c o m e .


A dynan'lic entertainer"

Oftenconnpared to Samrmy EavisandtsenVereen

TonyTfllman S h o w t i m e s : 9 :p0m 0 & t O : 3 0p m CoralTheatre, Decks5 & 6 Please,no unattencledchlldrentn the flrst threerows. Also,pleasedo not brlng food tnto the Theatre. Thankyou for yout cooperuilon,

DAVTIMEI\CTIVIT[ES Exclusive BehindtheScenes with the All Access Tour Everwonderwhatreallygoeson in the galley,enginecontrolroonl andbackstage? Now'syourchance to seeall thisanqso muc' moreon the "AllAccessTour".you,llget an all-access passandspendovertwo h o u r se x p l o r i nagv a r i e t yo f , , b a c k - o f - h o u s e , , aornebaosa r tdh eJ e w e l of the Seas, Thepriceis $150perguest.Spaceis limited. NFLFootballTrivla Havefun with yourfellowNFLfootballfansand resryour k n o w l e d goef N F Lf o o t b a lw l i t ht h l st r i v i aw i t h t h e c r u i s eD i r e c t o r , s Staff.5:15pm, Pit Stop,Deck6.

EVEN{[NGACTflV[-d.flES Karaoke What will you chooseto Wow youraudiencewith?A loveballad, o r a p o p r - i l as ro n gw e a l l k n o wb y h e a r t ?C o r n ej o i n i n t h e f u n . 10:00pm - 11:50pnr Karaoke, HollywoodOdyssey, Deck13. Shhhh!You'reInvitetl!Silent party! A partywhereeveryonewearsheadphones? l'hat,srightl I t ' sc a l l e da S i l e n P t a r t yb y B e l v e d e r W e . e s u p p l yt h e h e a d p h o n epsu, t t h e mo n t o l i s t e nt o t h e m u s i cy o u w a n r , t a k et h e r no f f a n d w a t c hw h i l ee v e r y o n el s ei s d a n c i n ga w a y . 1O:00prn - rnrdnight, Vortex,Deck.l3.

TODAV'S il{OVIES The!ntern(PG'13/12i min)7o-year-or<i widowerBenwhittakerhas discovered thatretirement isn,tallit,scracked up to be. TheManfrornU.hl.C.L"E. (pc-13/il6 min)Intheearty1960s, CtA agentNapoleon SoloandKGBoperative participate lllyaKuryakin in a jointmission against a mysterious criminal organization, (PG-13/121 Everest min)A climbing expedition on Mt.Everest is devastated by a severe snowstorm.

r \rllFrl

24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours



I lvl

I lEat

Shore Excursions Information.. Port&Shopping Information. NextCruise Information, r o y ac la r i b b eoannl i n e. s. .n. . .

. . . ,. Channel 15 .... . ..Channet 22 . .Channel 19 . . . . D e c k4s. 5 7 ,

Friends please of BillW.andothergatherings, refertothe C o m m u nBi u t yl l e tBi no a rC d ,a fLda t t e - t u d e s . . . . , , D . . .e. c.5k

pm- ll:30pm K a r a o k e , H o l l y w o o d O d y s s e y . . . . . . . . , , . . D e c k l 10:00 l0:00pm- midnight S i l e n t P a r t y b y B e l v e d e r e & D J D e e , V o. .r,t.e. .x D e c k i party, l0l0pm ClublB-20+ Meet andenjoytheSilent Vortex, l . . . . . . . Deck l0l5pm Salsa Dance Competltion, Centrum ..... Deck pm- 12:30 I0:15 am Latin Fiesta, Centrum . .. ,... Deck pm l0:30 pm- 11:00 pm i0:30 pm 11:30 pm 10:30 pm l1:00

24hours 24hours

g Cards, Board Games andTrivia Available, library. . . . .. . . ... Deck Sabbath Service Sign-up Sheet, Guest Services. . . . Deck 4

- noon Midnight - noon Midnight 7:00 am 7:30am- B:00am B:00 am B:00am


9:00am 9:15 am 9:45 am 10:00 am ll:00am

S p a n iMs o hrningShowwlthJames&Valeria.,.......,..ChannellB Up&Stretch, A Wake Jewel Fitness Center. FabAbs, Fitness Jewel Center

. .. . . Deck 12

, .. . . ,. . Deck12 ($),Jewel Form Pilates A Pure Fitness Center , . . . ... . ,.. . Deck t2 ThoJswelof theSeas lsexpected to anlvehr St.Thomas, U.S.V.l. Gangway Is locatedonDeck2, ttlldshlp. M o v iTe h: eI n t e rC n ,i n e m. .a. .

. . . . . . . , D e c6k

S u d o kCuh a l l e nSgceh, o o nBearr. . . . . .

, . . . . . . , D e c6k

SoloTravellers Mixandl"lingle, Schooner Bar.

. , . . . Deck 6

. . . . , , . . . D e c6k Explorer Academy: Ribbon Bows, Schooner Bar. . . . ... . .... Deck 6

3:00prn 3:00pm- 5:00pm pm 3:30 pm- 5:00 pm 4:00 pm 4:15 pm 4:30 pm 4:45 5:00pm pm- 7:00 pm 5:00 5:00pm- B:00pm 5:00pm pm 5:15 515pm 5:30pm- ll:30pm 6:00pn

6:00pm i:30pm- B:30pm 7:45pm- B:00pm 7:45pm- B:30pm 9:00pm pm 9:00 pm 10:00 pm 10:00

LiveParadise LottoDraw- Estimated Jackpot $881,000, CasinoRoyale, Casino BarHappy Hour, Casino Royale Bar.

. . . , . , . . , ,D e c k .... .. Deck

D o u b l e UDpolu b l e P o i n t s 0 nCSal o , R o y a l e . . . .D s itns o . .e . .c. .k Movie:Everest,Cinema.....


. . . . . , , . , . .D e c k


(weather of theCorll,bean permitting)

M o r n iT ng r i v iSa c, h o o nBearr .

N00n l:00pm 2:00pnr 2:00pm- 4:00pm

pm-late 11:00 pm- late 1l:00 Midnight

. ,l.TDheecakt5r e , @ H e a d l i n e r S h o w t i m e , C. .o, r, a Casino LiveEvent withCasino HostFreddy, Casino Royale . . . Deck ($), Casino Royal Poker Tour- Qualifying Round Royale.... Deck

pm- 4:45pm pm- 6:00prn 15pm- 7:00pm

Poolside, Deck 11 Poolside, Deck l1 Poolside, Deck l1

Muslc wlthRemedy Band

prn- 6:00pm pm- B:30pm pm- 10:45 pm prn- 1'1:45 prn

Centrum, Deck 4 Safari Club, Deck 6 (Captain's Reception) Deck Safari Club, 6 Safari Club, Deck 6

M o vTi eh:len t e rCni ,n e m a . . . . . . . . . . . .D. e c6k Table Tennis Tournament, Outside Windjammer. . . .. . . . ,.. . Deck li Explorer Academy: Jewelry Making, Schooner Bar. . . . , . . . . . Deck 6 Muslc wlthEugene A Free Footprint Analysis, Jewel Fitness Center . . . . . . , , , . .Deck 12 pm- 6:45pm Deck CentrUm, 4 l"lovie: The Man from U.N,C.L.E. Cinema, . , ,. . . ,.. Deck 6 pm- 7:30pm 7:00 Centrum, Deck 4 M a r t i n i C lP i nai rq(tu$ l e)C, h a m p aBganr .e. . . . . . . . . . . .D. .e. c6k pm- 910pm Centrum, Deck 4 T r i b oTnrdi v S i ac, h o oBnaerr . . . . . . . . .D e c6k Complimentary Dance FootPrintAnalysis, Muslc wlthCoco loco Fitness Center.... ... .. .Deck 12 pm pm B:30 Guess That Tune: Beatles Tunes, Deck Centrum, 4 Schooner Bar. . ..., . . i. .. . Deck 6 pm- 10:00 pm Deck 4 Live Acupuncture Centrum, Demo, Jewel Day Spa. . . . ..... Deck ll pm- 1l:00 pm Centrum, Deck 4 (Salsa P o oGl a m P Dance e so,o l s.i d e Competition) . . .t . , , , , . . . .D. e c1kl Deck Pm- 1215atn Centrum, 4 (Latin Fiesta) AllAboard Clinic: Walking PainFree, A Free Jewel Fitness . . . , .Deck Center 12 BarEntertalnment wlthKlm Free Medi-Spa Seminar: Non Facelift Surgical withDr.Paola, B:30 Bar, Deck Pm Schooner 6 Pm J e wD ea l Sy p a . , . . . . . . . .D e cl lk pm- midnight (with Schooner Bar, Deck 6 breaks) EveningStretch,JewelFitnessCenter,......,..,.Deck12 Nlghtclub Dance Muslc wlthDJDee N FFLo o t bTarlilv P i aiS ,t t o p . . . . . . . . . . . .D e c6k note:Vortex Nightclub isforguests lByrsofageandolder.) F a mA i l yr tA, d v e n t0ucreea n . . . . . , . . . . . D e1c2k (Silent i0:00pm- midnight Vortex, Deck'13 Party) Fine Jewelry Featuring Sale EFFY Royal Shops . . . . Deck 5 Vortex, Deck i3(Iopl-lits) Movie: The l"lan from U.N.C.L,E. Cinema ... . . . . ,. Deck 6 Bella Perlina Charm Bracelets I hoursale . .. Deck 5 Shopping Preview, Port&Shopping Desk, Centrum . . . . . . . . Deck 5 Captain LisLauritzen isavailable forPhotographs, S a f aCrliu b . . . . , ., . , . .D e c6k Captain's Welcome Aboard Reception, Safari Club., , .. . .... Deck 6 @ l l e a d l i n e r S h o w t i m e , C o r a l l h e a t r eD. .e. .c. k, .s 5 , 6 Movie: The Man from U.N.C,L,E. Cinema , . .. , ..... Deck 6 Gambling withtheCruise Director, Casino Royale. . . . . . . . . . . Deck 6 Mixology Demonstration withour0nboard Mixologist, C h a m p aBganre. . . . . . . . . D e c6k

Now,whenyoubookyournextcruiseonboardby Day3 of thecrr.rise, we'llenteryouin a drawingfor $300of instantonboardcreditin additionto theonboardcreditof up to 9500youreceive for making yourdecision onboard. That'sup to $800instantly! SeeyourNextCruise SalesTeam,Deck'i2,Centrum.

- 1001 Virgin PortServices Blackbeard's Hill,St.Thomas, U.S.V.|. 00802 - PortManaqer Janet Jalkins-14adden Tef:340-775-1151 / 340-775-1152 portagent@virg Email: - U.S, LocalLawEnforeement Virginlsland Police Fanelly Department, Alexander Criminal Justice Center. Tef:340 774-2211 99PRD39


prrcartnrltmJratred vttaltyntuuttv ($)teeforthhevent/aruv[y @(rown&An(horso(retyevent $itusicanouancrns W stows

TODAY'SACTIVITIES 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours

Shore Excursions lnformation. .....Channel i5 pm- il:30pm 10:00 Port &Shoppjng Information. .. . . , ..Channel 22 pm 10:00 - midnight Nextcruiselnformation,.,... , . . . . . C h a n n e l 1 9 10:10 pm r o y caal r i b boenalni n e. .s. .H. . . . . D e c4k ,s57, l0J5pm Frrends_ofBjll W.rnd0thefgatherings, please refert0 L o m m uB n iut yl l eBt iona rCda, f O . L a t t e _ t uthe am O e sDeck . . . .5. . . . . . . l0l5 pm 12:30 pm i0:30 Cards, Board Games andIrivia Available, Library Deck 9

24hours 24hours

Sabbath Service Sign-up Sheet, Guest Services,

- noon l"lidnight - noon Midnight 7:00am 7:30arn- B:00am B:00am B:00arn

9:00am 9:15 am 9:45am 10:00 am 1l:00 am

N00n l:00pm 2;00pnr pm- 4:00 2:00 pm ptn 3:00 3:00pm- 5:00pnr pm 3:30 4:00pm- 5:00prn prn 4:15 pm 4:30 prn 4145 5:00pnl pm- 7:00 5:00 pm pm 5:00pm- B:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:15 pm 5:15 pm- li:30prn 5:30

The Morning Show withJohn &l(atrina. ..

Deck 4 lt-l",r"tr4

pm- li:00pm 10:30 pm- ll:30pm 10:30

prn 1i:00

7:45pm- B:30pm pm 9:00 pm 9:00 pn l0:00 pm 10:00

Showtime, Coral Tneatre. @ Headliner . . . . , . , , . . , . . . . . .Dec Casino LiveEvent withCasino HostFreddy, Casino Royale ,.. Dr - Qualifying Royal Poker Tour ($),Casino Round Royale.,. ,. Dr LiveParadise LottoDraw- EstinrateclJackpot gBBl,000, Casrnolloyale.. .........D , (

S p a n ils" h l o r n i n g sw h oi tw hJ a m e&sV a l e r i a . . . . . . . . . . . . C l rlaBn n e l i1:00pm-late A Watre Up&Stretch, Casino Jewel BarHappy Fitness Hour, Casino Center. Royale Bar, , . , . . . . , . . . , , , . . Dc , . . . ,Deck 12 ll:00pm- late Fab A b sJ,e w eFli t n eC s se n t e r D o u b l epD U ! o u b l e p o i n t s O nCSal soitnso, R o y a l e . . . . D . .â‚Ź ... .....,...Dec1 k2 l"lidnight ,A PureForm (S),Jewel Pilates M o v i e : E v e r e s t , C i n e m a . . Fitness Center . . , , . . . . . , , . . , . . Deck 12 De TheJeu/elof theSeaslsexpected to arrlv0ln St.Thomas, U.S.V.t. S mrslcAHDDAflcn{G Gangway ls locatedonDeck2, Mldshtp. of thsCarlbbean (weather permitting) l"lovie: Thelntern, Cinema ,. . . , .. . ., ... Deck 4:00pm- 4:45prn 6 Poolside, Deck ll Sudoku Challenge, Schooner Bar pm- 6:00pm ..... Deck 6 Poolside, Deck tl SoloTravellersl'4ixandlvlingle,schoonerBar. 15pm- 7:00pnr ..,.. Deck6 Poolside, Deck ll MorningTrivia,SchoonerBar. . . . , . , . , , .D e c k 6 Muslc wlthRemedy Band Explorer Academy: Ribbon Bows, Schooner Bar. . . . . .. ... ,. Deck 6 pm- 6:00pm Centrum, Deck 4 7:45pm* B:30pm Safari Club, Deck 6 (Captain,s Movie: TheIntern, Reception) Cinema ,.. Deck 6 pm- t0:45pm Safari Club, Deck 6 lableTennis Tournament,Outside Windjammer. . . Deck ll prn- 11:45 pm Safarl Club, Deck 6 Explorer Acaderny: Jewelry Making, Schooner Bar. . . .. .. , ,. Deck 6 AFree Footprint Muslc wlthEugene Analysis, Jewel Fitness Center . . Deck 12 - 6:45pm Movie: TheManfromU.N.C.L.E. Pm Cinema. Centrurn, Deck . , , , ,.... Deck 4 6 paril(g),Champagne 7:00pm- 7:30pm Martini Clinique Centrum, Bar,.,. Deck 4 ,,. Deck 6 Tribond Pm- 9:10pm Trivia, Schooner Bar Centrum, Deck 4 . . Deck 6 Complirnentary FootprintAnalysis, Fitness Center. . . .... . . .. Deck Dance 12 Muslc wlthCoco l.oco Guess ThatTune: Beailes Tunes, Schooner Bar prn- B:30pm ... Deck 6 Centrum, Deck 4 LiveAcupunctufe Demo, Jewel DaySpa. J5pm- 10:00 pm . . . , . .. .. Deck li Centrum, Deck 4 P o oGl a m epso, o l s i.d e pm- 11:00 l0:15 pnr . . . . . . . D e clkt Centrum, Deck 4 (Salsa Dance Competition) AllAboarel Pm- 12:15 am Centrum, Deck 4 (Latin Fiesta) painFree, A Free Clinic: Walking Jewel Fitness Center . . . . . Deck i2 BarEntertalnment wlthKlnl Free Medi-Spa Serninar: NonSurgical Facelift withDr.paola, - B:30prn pm ;45 JewelDaySpa ......... Schooner Bar,Deck ..........Decklt 6 pm- midnight Evening Stretch,Jewel Fitness Schooner Center (withbreaks) Bar, Deck 6 . , . Deck 12 Nlglttclutl NFF L o o t bT Dance a rl li v ipai,tS t o p . Slustc wlth DJ Dee , . . , . . . . . . . D e c6k Please note:Vortex Farnily Nightclub Art,Adventure isforguests Ocean. lByrsofageandolder.) ., . . .. . . . Deck 12 - midnight Pnr l-rnoJewelrV party) Vortex, SaleFeaturing Deck t3(Sitent EFFyRoyalShops . . . D e c5k - rotc

6:00prn 6:00prn 7:30pm- B:30pm 7:45pm- B:00pm

Karaoke, Hollywood 0dyssey, .Dr S i l e n t P a r t y b y B e l v e d e r e & D J D e e , V o. .r,t,e. ,x Dr C l u lbB - 2 0M y ,o f t e x . . . , . . . . . D + e eatn de n j otyh e s i l epnat r t V S a l sDaa n cCeo m p e t i tC i oenn, t r u m . , , . .. . . , . . , , D L a t iFni e s C t ae, n t r u, m . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .D ,

Movie:TheManfromU.N.C.L.E,Cjnema,... . . . . . .D e c k 6 BellaPerlina Charm Bracelets i hoursale . . . Deck5 port& Shopping Shopping Preview, Desk, Centrum .,...... Deck 5 Captain Lislaufitzen isavailable forphotographs, S a f aCr li u b . . . , . . . . . , . .D e c6k Captain's Welcome Aboard Reception, Safari Club. . . . . ,.. , . Deck 6 Showtime, Coral Theatre. @ Headliner ...... Decks 5,6 l 4 o v i e : T h e M a n f r o m U . N . C , L . E , C i.n. .e, r. n. .a, . . Deck6 G a m b l iwnigt ht h eC r u i sDei r e c tC oa r ,s i nRo0 y a l e . . . . . . . . D , ,e . c6k Mixology Demonstration withourOnboard Mixologist, CharnpagneBar......... . , . . . . , .D e c k 6


Vortex, Deck 13(Top llits)

Now whenyou bookyournextcruiseonboardby DayJ of thecrutise, we'llenteryou in a drawingfor $3OOof instantonOoarO creditin additionto theonboardcreditof up to g5OO i...iuu for making Vf, yourdecision onboard. That,s up to $BOO instanttyiiee yourNextcruis( SalesTeam,Deck12,Centrum.

- 100lBtackbeard,s Hi|t,

st.tlton)as, r"v"'qJ'v" U"S.v,r. 00802 Yilcjltl_rJl"s_.ryiqes - porti'ilfis;; lape_t/^ag4s-Madden -t Tel:340-775t151 340 I I 5-1i52 p0rta Elnail: t$utqumcnt- U.S. police Virgintstand Department, l9ff-!9q Atexander Farrelty Lnmtnal Justice Center.. Tel:340 774-2211

99PRD39: !'EGEilDe prHeartngrmpaked ;[vitalityattivitv ($)Feeforthisevenvacflvrty Sl Husicanolancing Wsnows @(rown&An(horso(retyevenr

,9)fri,:'i!.,ri:'' -il'[+F, rr-J,AS[( flrNr [3til\L,TV O['r L3A{5;SF.'r-l.,i|j??ilirrj, sir,,ri(ilTTS,, C o l u m b ussa i l e dp a s tt h e i s r a n coJf s t . K i t t s n , c v e ra c t r - r a irlayn d i n g o n i t sp i r r r < . s a n dl r e a c h e sY,e tb y t h e t i n r eF r e r r cahn d L : n g r i sshe t t r e rasr r i v c d inthe r620,s, e a sl < n o w a t h i sl u s hp a r a d i sw n s s t . c h r r s t o p h eTr h. et o w r o f R a s s e t e r roen, eo f t h e o l d c s ti n t h e E a s t e r cna r i t r b e a n w,a so ri g i n a i l yp a r to f t r r eF r e n c hc o r o n y . l h e r ri n 1 7 2 7t ,h e B r i t i s hm a r c ilel a s s o t e r rt ler ec a p i t aor f t h e cr n t i r e i s l a n dr,t w a s r l g h ta r o u n dt h i st i m et h a t t h e w o r l cfle l li n l o v <w. _i t h s u g ; r r . I h e i s l a n d 'cso l o . i a h r i s t o r yi s a r s or e f r e c t cidn t r r ea r b a n d o n ef o<rit r e s s e s , c i t ys q u a r eas n da r c h i t e c t u rdael t a i l s' l.- l r e c l o r m a nvro r c . r r o easn c rl r _ r g g e d r n o u n t a i nasr ep e r f e cfto r h i l < i r rw g ,i t hs p e c t a c u l al rra n r : r a r l lvi rce w sf r o r nt h e c r a t er b a s co f M o u r rLt . i a n t u i g a . Surl,orf, se [:,ivect Yrlurse[". ' G e t i n s p i r e cr -i .r o w c a r ry o un o tg e t i r r s ; r i r ei rrrJa p r a r rw : ei t l rt h i sr n u c h naturalandartisticbeautv?l(eepi.rjournarrakca picturr:. captLire it i' y o u rn r i n d . ril\e r( ()NB0l\ti[) 'd.

Ynu l-atokGr:rrpyeotes A l l o f y o u rf o r m a n r i g h tp o r t r a i t as r n dd i n i n gr o o mp h o t o sa f en o w o ' c l i s p l aayn da v a i l a b lien t h e l ) h o t oG a l l e r a y l d S h o l :D , ccl< 5.

ffiAY 3

I illl;,iituarvre,2oi

'll'(o) t5 [rO [,{ECAS lr-npls'r T' PartlVcloudy l'{05111't"olngrerature: 82"F (28"C)

liurlrise; 6:44am

S u n $ e t :5 : 5 9p m

litMIDORr"n'lA N'r''Tlt.g ffNlGS ifo ti(iNtO\lil'l"OD/A\f ,,.c\ I l" I \.."/

Shil)'sArrivnl irr Irort: g:OOam (idnfrway oXrcllsg:l{0 arn All /|rlloarrl:4:30 pm

lkrriiqht's[)inner l])ressSuggestiolrs Sm.r11'Casr-ral (jr;thtgwaly' Location Gangway @xitsoff theshD are locatc.don Deck 2, rnidship. 'f he only wity to exit the ship is bv using ancl - tlie-e_ievators s t a t r c a s ense a rt h e D i r r i n gR o o r l s . Sc"'i,rpuss'" earcJ8, !>ronfol flitizenship l ) o n ' t l o r g e t t o b r i r r gv o u r S e a p a s s ' c a r d and picture rocn.Itltcatton or procttof citizenshiptoday wlren vou leave K)r 5r. Kttts.A secufltVcheckpointwill be set up at the gangwav for your sal.ety.

?" (louletti'tGeie()letr'l'Unll0y? Avoidexcess;ive interrrationtrl roanrin.c.l focs lrornVc_rur sr:rviceprovider, We havea selectionof startingat g'llipq day pel cievice(for tr,vodevicr: p l a n s t)h a t w i l l l < e e vpo u c o n n c ' c t eact ls e a .( . o n n e <t ;ot t h e f l o v i l \ i V i . F i networktodayfor rnorcirfoilrrtion or visit.the iCafco' I)ccl<7. 5" /\ Oulce-ira."at.,fl,.ifr-.tlffilc CUIimtu'y l:'xloc.rierit<tcr Jornup to l4 gLrc.sts in an exclusive errclave to savorrr gorrrrnct a five course, rnenu,l:verycourse1.)airs witlr;rwinccl.tosen yourenjoyrlcrrt to enharrc:cl o1, the dish,Dueto the exr:lrrsivity of thisexpcrienco Chof,sl;rblt:: fillsup quicl<lv. Dial'/4lor reselvatiorts. (if,it ll[iloas] 4. g'i0 Su6lerSale.'C:irr.'etli; T h o u s a n dosf i t e n r so n s a l ea r r da l lf o r o r r l yg l o . G e ta r n a z i r rggi f t sl i k e r beachbags,pashmina styles<:arves, bags,lrat.s lcw.lrv s<tts, an< m o r e .f h i n ko f 'a l lt h e g i f t sy o uc a ng e t f o r t h o s eo n y o u rl i s t ,y o u i n c l u ccl ei , . o n ' tm i s st h i se v e n ts, a l es t a r t sa l .6 : o op r n , a l lf o r j u s to n el o w p r i c c D l l o y aS l h o p sD , e c l5 <.

arflve. 'u Safoty i[r of fire Day 5 , p t a s t l n rgn t h r +p o o l i s f u n b u t t h e p o o l d e c k c a n b c c o m c , slrtrperyas a result.Pleitsewatch vour step in this area. Sc.ulruss'(lar(is P,lease kc.epyour cardsaway from cellLrlar plrones,rnoney cltps& othcr magneticdevicesto avoid yoirr card fron,rbein5; oc)rnagnetrzed. l(irrdlycontactthe GuctstS<:rvrr:cs Desk, r ) e c K4 , s t t o u l cyto u e x p e r r e n cter o u b l ew i t h y o u r < : a r d , -l !'iillstier{ito f:ho San ftlall /\i16lor[: fo purchas<: transfersto thc.Atrport, pleasc,(:ontit(:t GLrest Servrcesuntil Saturdav,Day 7 at Noon. 'lianslers cost {flB per person.

i2 IlvllliMOSsAS :sil.(]'t'ijlt AINllr) Z:AtOp[vri lf you are backonboardearly,cometry your luckirtour Casino. OurSlotmaclrines openat 2:OOpnrtodayanclorrrtablc.s nt 4:OOprn,Casino[3arspecial. $2 Mimosas and Clramtrragnc frorrr 2 : 0 0p m 5 : O Op r ni n o u r c a s i n ob a ro n l y l

lrt( )V7, \li " llr()li$il,{'tt( X Jl|;{ lr\lz.nirvri liii,l'l

Youcouldwin a ti:ntastic<:rur:;e vacatiorr tor 1wo r'.r entryon the RoyalPokerTour C h a r n p i o n s hoinpb o a r do f A L L L J RoEf t h e S E A SQ. u a l i f y i nrgo u n d se v e r yn i g h ta 1 l 0 : 3 0p m ,D a y4 a t 3 : 0 0p n r .

'l'i r ijll.756 .|7i1( .111, li,./\(i ti

DicJVouknow a 1a(:ecaroano ;jce arc dr,.;tlt approxrnratelV everV20 harrri:; in [.3lackjacl<i,That's whv it':; s o p o p u l a r T r yy o u rl u c l < t o d a ya l l n i q h tl o n ga t C a s i n oR o y a l el .,) e c 6 k ,. Seeyou there!

Sitoyill'f'oucti No rnatter where your adventuretal<csyou, yor..t catnalwavs s t a y I n t o u ( ; h .C h e c kc . - n t a ial n d s t o c k s i, l r e - m a i la f r i e r r d . ' I h i s s e r v r c er sa v a j l a b l e2 4 h o u r sa c l a y a, t a n o m i n a rc n a r g e . Ready1o log-ofl'?Then type into vouibrowser: iloggofif.<;rliuir ;/'t'l eori nfl lrngrairclrl f h c ' C o r a ll - h e a t r ei s e q L r i p p e d w i t h a h e a r i n ga s s i s t a n c e s y s t e m .P l e a s ea s k G u e s tS e r v i c e so n D e c k 4 f o r a r e c e l v e r 'l-otnorr()w We will be At Sea.

IR,toU;il tl(.,:liiiblhtrl;riri I I JI E R N A T I O N A I


yourself Pamper for 75minutes of pureblissandenjoythe following: Fullbodymassage, Rejuvenating MiniFacial ,Footand AnkleMassage,Scalp Massage. Receive All for only$149. Addon Hotstones or Bamboo on yourbackforanadditional $20.Don't missout,call72todayor visittheJewelDayspaon Deck1lto mal(e vourreservations.

ouEHcr{YouRTt{tRsT WITH Ol{E OF OT'RBEVERAGE PACKAGE Its not too lateto benefitfrom buyingour one of our beverage packages Pricesarepro-ratedfor the remainder of the voyage. E n j o yv i r t u a l l yu n l i m i t e cdo c k t a i lasl o n gw i t h s e l e c t e d h o u s ew i n e s a n db e e r sW . e a l s oh a v ea n u n l i m i t e C d o c a - C o sl ao d ap a c k a g e for Visitany bar onboardto purchasel endlessrefreshment.

sArfEB!G.."5800 ErG

you for your planningahead.Bookyour next We are rewarding cruiseonboardby Day3 to receive: Up to $500 instantonboard c r e d i tE . n t r yi n t oo u r d r a w i n gt o r e c e i v a e n a d d i t i o n a$l3 0 0 instantly. Buy OneGuest,GetSecondGuest50%Off,reduced and flexiblereservations deposits, SaveBig,BookOnboard.See y o u rN e x t C r u i sSea l e sT e a mD , e c k1 2 ,C e n t r u m . C${AliIPAGi{ E ARTNECEPTIOI{ V i s i t h eA r t G a l l e rtyo n i g hat n dj o i nJ e w eA l r t t e a mf o r a g l a s so f champagne, andtestyourluckwith ruffleprizes. Alsodon'tforgetabout"Guess the Weightof Alberta,NanoLopez s c u l p t u r ec "o m p e t i t i oi n t h eC e n t r u m7.: 0 0p m ,A r t G a l l e rD y e c k5 . RE5i,'[.TBASEDTRAII{Ii{G B o o ki n f o r a o n c ei n a l i f et i m eo p p o r t u n i t yo b et r a i n e di n t h e , i v eu s3 0 M i n u t easn dw e r e v o l u t i o n arreys u lbt a s e dt r a i n i n (gR B T )G w i l lg i v ey o ut h e m o s tc o m p l e tael lo v e rb o d yw o r k o uat l o n gw i t ha guidefor youto be successful takehomeexercise at home.$99for 3 S e s s i o n, $s 4 5f o r ' lS e s s i o.nB o o ky o u ra p p o i n t m e nttosd a y, D i a7l 2 s enter,Deckl2, / 3 8 8 8 o r c o m ea n dv i s i tu sa t t h eJ e w eFl i t n e sC IJPTO75%OFF $ilV[qTAWATC${E\fEI{T. "fODAV@D{LY watch N o w ' st h et i m et o c h e c ko u tt h e h u g es a v i n gast t h e I n v i c t a on a wideselection. sale,You'llfindgreattax anddutyfreesavings onboard.No Thesehighlysoughtafterwatchesarenowavailable matteryourstyle,thereis watchfor you!Salestarts7:00pm,Royal S h o p sD, e c k5 . FORhiA["PORTRAITS F o r m apl o r t r a i t as r en o w r e a d yf o r p u r c h a sien t h e P h o t oG a l l e r y . B e s u r et o a s ko u r f r i e n d l yp h o t os t a f fa b o u tg e t t i n gt h e e x c l u s i v e Getfour "8x10"portraits,photoframe,pictureof familypackage. wDa n d t h e s h i p ,c r u i s ei t i n e r a r ym, a pa n dt h e C r u i s e - i n - R e v iDe V yn s a v e$ 4 4 , 9 5o n t h e w h o l ep a c k a g eS! t o pb y t h e P h o t oG a l l e r o today D e c k5 t o o r d e ry o u rf a m i l yp h o t op a c k a g e


@Productlon Showtirne starring

TheRoyalCaribhean Singers& Dancers

Cityof Dreams Featuring the Jewelof the SeasOrchestra Showtimes: 9:OOpm & 10:45pm CoralTheatre, Decks5, 6 unattendedchlldren In the lhst thrce rows, Also,'please do not bilnq anv food lnto the Theatre. -' Thankyou loFvotit cooperctlon.

DAYTiME ACTIVITIES MiniGolfTournament T h e r e 'as l w a y sb i g f u n t o b e h a da t t h e r n i n g i o l f c o u r s eo n b o a r d . P i c ku p a c l u ba n d h e a dt o t h e g r e e no n D e c kJ. o i nB o , 1 ayno, u r SportSupervisor, Deck13. at 10:00am,JewelFairways, GuessThat Tune:ElvisTunes T h i sg a m ew i l lt e s ty o u rm e m o r yt o t h e n a m e so f t h o s ew o n d e r f u l E l v i st u n e s4. : 0 0 p m ,S c h o o n eBr a r ,D e c k6 . RoyalBingo I t ' st h e f i r s ts e s s i o o , l i s o na, n d n f B I N G O J! !o i ny o u rB i n g oH o s t A CruiseDirector's Stafffor the fun. , e c k6 . 4 : 3 0p m C a r do n S a l e5, : 0 0p m G a m e sl 3 e g i nS, a f a rC i lubD Pool Garnes w i t hy o u r J o i ny o u rf e l l o wg u e s t st o h a v ef u n i n t h e s u np o o l s i d e Deck11. CruiseDirector's Staff.4:45 pm, Poolside, Honeymooner'sGet-together J o i nu s a s w e s a i la w a yf r o r nS t .K i t t sw h i l es i p p i n gc h a m p a g n e a n d s h a r i n gm e m o r i e os f y o u rs p e c i adl a yw i t h o t h e r h o n e y m o o n e r5' s: .1 5p m ,V o r t e xD , e c k1 3 . EVtrNII{G I\CT'8V[T[85 '5Os&'6Os Rock& Roll Music ' 5 0 s& ' 6 0 s . J o i nR e m e d yB a n df o r t h e f u n m u s i cf r o mt h e 1 O : OpOm 1 0 : 4 5p m ,C e n t r u mD, e c k4 . TOEAY'S MOVIES

SH@PW["fHCONFIEEHCE SFIOPOT{TFIEMAP Guarantee shopping Be sureto takeyourofficialRoyalCaribbean mapashorewith you.All storeslistedon the maparebackedby a Pickup extramapson the gangwayandseeCraig 30-dayguarantee. g ards. & C a r o l i neea r l yf o r f r e eg i f t v o u c h e rasn dV I PS h o p p i nC WI{O D['N!T?FINDOTJT AT PORTOFII{O e .n d a l l t h e c l u e sl e a dt o A n e v e n i n go f m y s t e r ya n ds u s p e n s A t h e c u l p r i tC . o m es o l v et h e c r i m ea s y o u e n j o ya n e x q u i s i tlet a l i a n meal.Dial74.Guests13yearsand olderare welcome.Portofino Deck6. Restaurant,

Everest(PG-13/121min) A climbingexpeditionon Mt. Everestis devastated by a severesnowstorm. TheWalk(R / 123min) In 1974,high-wireartistPhilippePetit recruitsa team of peopleto helphim realizehisdream:to walkthe irnmense void betweenthe WorldTradeCentertowers. (PG-13/116 min) In the early1960s'CIA The Manfrom U.N.C.L"E. agentNapoleonSoloand KGBoperativelllyaKuryakinparticipate nh , ich a g a i n sat m y s t e r i o ucsr i m i n aol r g a n i z a t i ow i n a j o i n tm i s s i o n nuclearweapons. is workingto proliferate


rtGallery pm- 10:00 pm. 5:00 rrdsandGames: Library A v a i l a bdl eaayl.l. . , . rsino Royale Slots 2:00pm- late Tables 4:00pm- late

Jeutel of tbe Sea,s@ . Deck 5 . Dcckg . Doek6

(D/b/ tness Center 22.) 6;00am- i0:00pm. .Deck12 (olrr uestServices o) 24hours . Deck4 ternational Ambassador Desk8:00am- 10:00 am/5;00pm- 7:00pm. D e c k 4 (Dial8989) Assistance lansuases k forcign

ryalty Ambassador rwelDaySpalorar zz)

8:00am- 1l:00am/3:00pm- 5:00pm. . .Deck B pm, B;00 am- 10:00 , . Deck ll

HahSalon/Steam Roorn andSauna/leethWltitening Clinic/Themal Suite/Aculunctue Ctinic/Medi-Spa

****(Diat Facility edicaf st) 8:00am- 11:00 anr/4:00pm- 7:00pm,.Deck Zfwd consultations aresubject toafee " Medicdl Doctor's Hours 9:00am- 11:00 am/4:00pm- 8:00pm y TimeDiningReservations B:00am- 11:30 am/2:30prn- 5:00om (Diat 3333)

extCruise Sales Desk

9:00am- 9:00pm.

, , .Deck lz

(pleasedial 0 to schedule youtdppohtnent)

pm hotoGallely(D/b/.rss2) 4;00pm- 11:00 . . .Deck S casuatPortraitstudios 7:00prn. 9:00pm&10:00pm- 1l:00prn.Deek S crt& Shopping Desk 8:00am- 9:30am. . , Gangway Vatch channel 22) 7 : 3p0m- B : 3 0 p(rdni a3l3 9 3 ) . . . , . . , . . . . . D e c k s pm oyal Shops 5:00pm- 1l:00 . . . .Deck S roreExcursion Desk 7:30am- 9:00arn/5:30prn- 8:00pm.. . Deck 4 o **n Area )larium 24hours . Deckll alnPool,MalnWhlrlp00ls, Solarlum Po0l,SolilrlImWhlrlp00lare l0eated on Deckll

pm 7:00am- 10:00


. . , Deck tl

'he Areaisfor guests 16yeatsofageandabove. Solariwn lxception:duringindetnentwedthetchildrcnnay uses1ldriunp\ol betweeil3n0 pn d\d S:00Dn with 'rcntssupetvision Young childrenin diapers/pull ups/swinmers maynot usethepools/whilpo\ls,evenif acconpar)ied by )arent/guatdian. " Poolsdndwhiilpoolscanbe temponrilyclosedfot clcaning.

Activities: rortsDeck Sports Court RockClimbing Wall

0penalldaybxcept forscheduled activities (closed between 6:00pm- 9;00pm). . . .Deck 12 4:30pm- 6:30pm (t.astsisn up6lstnn) .,.Deck13

(Please biltlgsocks,t-shirtandshotts/pants andclothingmustbe dry)


3:00pm- 5:00pm.



, . . .Deck 1;l

,rfurtherinfonnation please dnddescription ofonboadseNices dndpolicies, rcadUseful lnfomation on Tags, ebackof lheBehindtheName

heFollowing Services andVenues are0peil24Houls: Library, Deck 9/ Express TourBookings, RCTV/ ardsandGames, Ernergency ql Fairways nly(oidsnllGuestRelations Desk@iar of JewelGolf,Deck13/ 9/ royalcalibbean online'n, Decks 4,5,Z brary,Deck - Royal Information Caribbean International, nportant Health working in forDisease withtheUnited States Centers Control andPrevention, lnjunction has procedures cleaning ottboard allitsships. You'llseesome enhanced of stituted yourcruise vacation. Medical experts tellusthatthebest during rese activities yourhands istosimply flu,andgastrointestinal illnesses wash colds, ayto prevent withsoapandhotwater afterrestroom breaks andagain before roroughly eating withthismatter isappreciated. Your andassistance rything. cooperation - Those guests 17years to ourYoung Ctuisers ofageandunder nportant Notice 'hoarenotaccompanied byanadultmustbeclear ofallpublic areas by1:00 am involved inanAdventure Ocean activity/ Teen unless activity. For tchevening guidance please Policy which refer totheGuest Conduct canbefound inthe rrther Directory inyourstateroom. ruiseServices lntoTheSealsProhibited Except Provided Otheruise iseharge 0f AllGarbage prohibit lawgenerally thedischarge anddomestic Convention ofmost re MARP0L Violation ofthese requirements fromships intothesea. mayresult rrmsofgarbage istoberetained onboard andplaced inthebinsprovided. rpenalties. Allgarbage IEAREEXCITED THEFIRSTEVERPRESIDENT'S TOANNOUNCE RUISE! Michael Bayley, andCEO, onboard theAllure rvethedatetosailwithourPresident l8th,2016. Thissailing issureto Journey, September theSeas ona Caribbean hosted andspecial VIPevents bvourPresident. activities 0Wvouwithexclusive todavandreceive Instant Onboard Credit and30%discount on )serv'e vourspace your Team, Deck 12 for fare! NextCruise Sales more details. See e cruisb


3 Tuesday, January 19,2016 Todaywe arein Basseterre, St.Kitts

TOI{IGHT'S DINNER DRESSSUGGEST|OIT{: Smart Casual FOOD & BEVERAGE HOSPITALITY DESK 8:OOam - !l:EO am/ 2::'Opm - S:OOpm Weareavailable todayfor anyqueitionsybumayGve in regards to: - Dietaryrestrictions, allergies andspecial orders - Heverage package salesandinqurries reservatlons, Inquiries andreservations - )pecrarry buestprelerences and dresscodes T i d e sD i n i n gR o o mD , e c k5 .O r d i a l3 3 3 3 . Pleasenote your seating arrangementsprinted on the front of yout Seapass,'card.

DINIhIG SCI{EDT'I.E & AFTERT{OO'{ SNACKS BREAKFAST y i r dW , i n d j a m m e r C a f 6 . . . .D. .e. c kj l Q : 0 0a m-- 7 : 0 0 a m E a r t B 7 : 0 0a m 1 i : 0 0a m W i n d j a m mC ea r f6... . . . : . . . D e i i t<i pl1!ng tloo11,,Oper;Searing l:QOarn - 9-:qQam Tid.e.s . . Qec.k 4 8:OO a m 1 1 : 0a0m ( g ) S o l a r i uFmr e s Jhu i c eB a r. . . . . . . u e c Kt l LUHCT{ 1 1 : 3a0m - 2 : 3 0p m C a r i b b e aInn s p i r e Ld u n c h W i n d j a m m e f e ; f .6. . - . : ' D e c k1 1 " B a s iD l i n n eM Dlttt'{ER r e n u " ('?O nm - O.?A nm MyfimeDining. ..,Deck5 J.vv





| |

(Reservations recommended,Dial3333during desk hours: 8:00 am - 11:30am & 2:30 ptn - 5:00 pm)

pm M a i nS e a t i n sT, i d e sD i n i n qR o o m. . . D e c k4 Q:QQ SecondSeatjng, TidesDinihqRoom. . . Deck4 V:19pm 6:30pm 9:00 pm CasuatDinner:Windiammei CSft:. . .D-etii11 ltpEC[AtlY Dgl{[NG 5 : 3 0p m - 9 : 3 0p m C h o p sG r i l l e , " s i g n a t u , ' e c k6 Srt e a kH o u s eD 5 : 3 0p m - 9 : 3 0 p m 6:30pm

$35 dining fee pet perconapplies,gratuitiesincluded (Reservations recommended,dial 73) 9:00 am otMards

P o r t o f i nFoi,n el t a l i aD n i n i n g. . . . . . . D e c k 6

925dintngfee per perconapplies,gtatuitiesincludecJ (Reservations recommended,dial 74)) 9:OOam onwards

Chef'sTabte "Ultimate D i n i n gE x p e r i e n c e."..

. D e c k6

$85 dining fee petperson applies,gratuitiesinctude.t (Reservations required,for inquiliesdial 7J) DrcssSuggestlon:SrnartCasual,Pleaseallowapproximatelytwo hoursfor clining. Cancellationwith lessthan 24-hoursnotice will be chargeda feeof glo,

str{AcKs 24hours 5 : 0 0a m - m i d n i q h t 2:30pm - 6:00 p-m/ 9 : 0 0p m - 2 : 0 0a n r 3 : 0 0p m - 5 : O Op m 3:00 rlm - 11:00pm

RoomService(Diat54) A $3.95 service charge will be applied for Room Servict: Light Snackordersbetweenmidnightand 5:OOarn.


. . Deck11

Solariurn Caf6. . Deck1'l Afternoon S n a c k sW, i n d i a m m eCra f 6D e c k1 1 SeaviewWok..,',..... D e c k1 2

$9.99 dining feeper person

Fordn earlydrinl(the Caf6Latte-tudes opens.at6:30am and the pool Bar at 9:00 am. TheSchoonerBar,LobbyBai,SafariClub,Charnpagne Bar,Pit StopSportsBar,and the llollywoorjOdysseywill remainopenl-ater.

SkyBar(at the bar),Deck12& CigarBar Deck6, Starboard Casino, side. OutsideHollywood Odyssey, Deck13,Portside Vortex,Deck13,Starboard Outside side.

D R I N K O F T H E E A Y . C A R I B B E A NT E A A perfectmix of Smirnoffvodka,Bacardisuperiorrum,gin, sweetbluecuracaoand sweetand sourmix toppedwith sprite, servedon the rocks.Only$7.75

TODAY'SACTIVITIES 24hours 24hours 24hour 24hours 24hours 24hours - noon Midnight - noon lulidnight 7:00 am 7:30am- B:00am B:00am

Shore Excursions lnformation. Port &Shopping Informatlon.

.Channel 15 . . Channel 22

NextCruise Information

. Channel 19

royal caribbean onlinesra Decks 4,5,7 Cards, Board Games andTrivia Available, Library . .,.Deck9 Sabbath Service Sign-up Sheet, Guest Services .. . . . . D e c k 4 TheMorning Show withJohn& l(atrina

. Channel 14

Spanish lulorning Show withJames & Valeria . . . . ,Channel lB

e p & S t r e tJcehw, eFli t n eC A W a kU s se n t e r . . . , .D . .e, c k 1 2 FabAbs,Jewel Fitness Center ,. , , Deck 12 TheJewelof theSeas isexpected to arriveinSt.l{itts Gangway Located Deck2, Midsltip. ($), U:00am 9:00am ,A Indoor CyclinS iewelFitness Center, , ,. , . , . Deck 12 9:00 am Movie: Everest, Cinema . , . Deck 6 9:15 am Lette Srw aPp u z zCl eh a l l e n g e , S cB ha o ro,n, .e. r. . . D ..eck6 10:00 am a ,c h o o nBearr. . . , . l " l o r n iTnrgl v lS . , . . . . . , . D e c6k l0:00 am 0penPlay Soccer, Sport Court ., . . Deck l2 l0:00 am MiniGolfTournament, Jewel Fairways , . . , , Deck 13 1l:00 am Explorer Academy: Scrapbook Worl<shop, S c h o o nBearr. , . , . , , . D e c6k N00n 1:00pm 2 : 0 0p m 2;00prn.4:00pm 3:00pnr

Movie; Everest, Cinema . . . Deck 6 LlilliardP o rl n a m e n t ,C Tou Slaufba r i .......Deck6 E l v i s F a c t s T r i v i a , S c h o o n e r B a. ,r..,.,.... ,D e c k 6 Free Footprint Analysis, Jewel Fitness Center. . .. . , . Deck l2 Explorer Academy: Beginners Napkin Artistry, SchoonerBar.,,.. . . .D e c k 6 3:00pm M o v iTe h: eW a l kC, i n e m a . . . . . . . , . . D e c6k 3:00pm- 3:30pm GetSlimwithout thegym,Jewel Fitness Center. 12 , , ...Deck 3:45pm Basketball Tournarnent, Sports Court . .. . . . Deck 12 4:00prn G u e sTsh aTt u n eE:l v iIsu n e sS,c h o o nBearr. . . . . . . , . D e c6k pm 4:15 0penVolleyball,SportsCourt. .... Deck'12 4:30pm Management Pain wlthAcupuncture, JewelDaySpa ....,..Deckll pm 4:30 AllAboard! ($),Safari Bingo 4:30pm- 5:00pm Royal Cards onSale Club. .. Deck 6 pm pool games, iB-20+ 4:35 Club Meet enjoy & 11 PoolBar.. , . . . Deck

4:45pm 5:00prtr

9:00pm Movie:TheWalk,Cinema..,. ...Deck6 pm pm 9:00 9:30 Chance ofWinning 5l(- First 25Carded SlotPlayers Onlyl ( $ ) , C a s i n o R o y. .a. .l e . . .


pm- midnightLatinFiesta 10:00 withtheCoco Loco Band, Safari Club. . . , Deck 6 pm- 10;15 pm G a m b l i n g W i t h Y o u r C a s i n o M a n. .a. g. .e. .rD e c k 6 10:00 pm 10:00 Mojito Making Seminar withMaster Mixologist $19.95, C h a m p aB ga n re.... .

. . , . . . D e c6k

pm- 10;45 pm '50s&'60sRock 10:00 andRollMusic, Centrum , . . Deck 4 pm- 11:00 pm TheCasino 10:30 Royale Giveaway Event. , .. .. . . Deck 6 - Qualifying pm- 11:30 pm Royal 10:30 (g)Casino Poker Tour Round, Royale ( W i na C r u i s e o r C a s h ) ,


pm l0:45 Showtime, Theatre. Coral . .. Deck 5 @ Production pm- 1l:00pm Salsa 10:45 Latin Dance Class, Safari Club. . ,. .. . . Deck 6 pm jackpot 1l;00 Paradise LottoDraw, estimated $876,000 pm- late l1:00 pm 11:30 Midnight 1;00 am

CasinoRoyale. ...,..,Deck6 Double Points onSlots, Casino Royale , , . , . .Deck 6 Solo Travelers Mix& Mingle withDJDee, Vortex. . , . . Deck 13 Movie: TheManFrorn U,N.C.L.E., Cinema , , , . Deck 6 Curfew enforced forallguests 17years andyounger.

,n riusscnr{DoArucrttG S Dance Music withRenredy lland pm- 6:00pm 5:15 Centrum, Deck 4 7:45pm- 8:30pm Deck Centrum, 4 pm- i0:45pm 10:00 Cenfrurn, Deck 4 ('50s& '60sDance Party) pm- midnight 11:00 Centrum, Deck 4 Dance Music withCocoLoco pm 7:45pm- B:30 Safari Club, Deck 6 (Private Party) pm- 10:45 pm 10:00 Safari Club, Deck 6 (Latin lvlusic) pm- midnight 11:00 Safari Deck Music) Club, 6 (Latin Sounds of theCaribbean 7:45pm- B:30pm Schooner Bar, Deck 6 '10:00 pm l2:15 am Bar, Schooner Deck 6 (withbreak) Vortex NightCIubDancing withDJDee (Please note:Vortex Nightclub isforguests lByrsofageandolder.) -1 pm pm 10:00 i:00 Vortex, Deck 13(Requests) pm- midnight 11:00 Vortex, Deck 13(Beatles Music) - late Midnight Vortex, DecklS(Topl-lits)

P o oGl a m ePso, o l s i d e , . . . . D e clkl Medi-spa seminar: Anti-aging Solutions withDr.Paola, JewelDaySpa .......Deckll 5:00pm RoyB a li n gG o a m eBse g i(n$ ) ,S a f aCr il u b, ., . . . . . . . , D e c6k SaveBig,BookOnboard. Seeyour Nextcruise SalesTeam,Deck12,Centrum ($),Jewel 5:00pm- 6:00r:m BodySculpt Bootcamp Fitness Center.... Deckl2 5:i5pm H o n e y m o o n e r ' s G e t - t o g e t h e r , V oDr et ec xk .1. 3 ,... - P0.Box44,Basseterre, pm 5:15 Various Trivia, PitStop. Delisle Sports Walwyn & co"LtdLiverpool . . , . . Deck 6 Row'Bassetcr(e St. l(itts. Tel: 1-869-465-2631 1-869-465-5686 / pm 5:15 F a m i l y S c i e n c e , A d v e n t u r e O c .e.a. .n. . ,. D e c k 1 2 - PodManager Donald Cable Tel:1-869-662-4872 Senior Coordinator: Jason Brazier, togistics Coordinator: 0lonzo Alexander, Entail:, 6:00pm M o v iTeh: e W a l k , C i n e m a . .,..,,...Deck6 a_alexander@del 6:00pm- 6:30pm Evening Stretch, Jewel Fitness Center. . . , . . Deck i2 - Wildey Parl( Unitcd States Embassy, Barbados Business andEastern earibhean pm $10Promo Wildey, BBi4006,Barbados, St.Michael W.1,, Tel:246-227-4177 Fashion 6:00pm- 11:00 Accessories Sale, Royal Shops. . . . Deck 5 - St.KittsPolice pm toealLawEnforccrncnt St.l(itts, Force Cayon Street, Basseterre, 7:00 Chantpagne ArtReception, Ad Gallery . . .. . Deck 5 Tel: 869-465-2241 Production 9:00pm Showtime, Coral Theatre. Decks 5,6 @ 99PRD39i

[COil LEcEi{Ds ;[

vitatlW iluslr anrl oanrtno @

pe rcalng ($] teeforthhevent/acuvity lmpalreri snows &An(hor so(letv evenl @ (rown

Jeutel of tlte Sea,s' flT's A NEW EAY" Ah{D A NEW CI.dAT{CETO M,AKE [T Y@[JR OWT{" Make The Most Of Your Sea Day Aboard The Jewel of the Seasci That's right. The most exciting place to be at this very moment is right here. Jewel of the Seas" is truly a beautiful & friendly shipl F e e l f r e e t o r o a m f r o m d e c l <t o d e c k a n d a s k y o u r s e l f , w h y n o t ? Do everything you have wanted to do. Or do nothing at all. Either way, we want to make sure you enjoy your day at sea to the fullest.

FEAT[.'REDEVEf{TS 1" Bar Flair Extravaganza J o i n y o u r b a r t e a m p o o l s i d et o b e d a z z l e d w i t h a l l t h e f l a i r a n d b a r t r i c k s t h a t h a v e m a d e t h e m f a m o u s .E n j o y f r e s h w h o l e p i n e a p p l ef i l l e d w i t h y o u r f a v o r i t e l i b a t i o n s .T h e f u n s t a r t s p o o l s i d ea t n o o n . T h e S a n g r i aw i l l b e f l o w i n g . D e c k l l , 2. Mystery Dinner "BA DA BlhlG BA DA BOOM,, Join Us To Solve The Mystery T h i s n i g h t o f e n t e r t a i n m e n tw i l l i n c l u d ea f u l l p o r t o f i n o D i n n e r w i t h w i n e a n d t h r i l l i n ge n t e r t a i n m e n tM . a k ey o u r r e s e r v a t i o n s t o a v o i d d i s a p p o i n t m e n t6. : 0 0 p m , P o r t o f i n o ,D e c k 6 , $ 6 5 p e r person. Call 74 for reservations. 5. Ladies Pamper Party T h i s i s a n i n v i t a t i o nf o r a l l t h e l a d i e s o n b o a r d f o r a l i t i l e " m e " t i m e . C o m e t o t h e F i t n e s sC e n t e r t o d a y a t 1 2 : ' 1p5m t o j o i n y o u r S p a M a n a g e r ,K a r i n ,a n d t h e t e a m i n t h e L a d i e s p a m p e r p a r t y . R e c e i v ea f r e e C o l l a g e nE y e t r e a t m o n t , C o l l a g e nn e c k & b u s t treatment, free Sunglow Mal<eOver, little tips & tricl<s lrow "rnd today to take care of your skin. Dial 72 to make your reservation a s s p a c e s a r e l i m i t e d ! l t a l l h a p p e n s a t 1 2 : . l 5p m t o d a y , J e w e l F i t n e s sC e n t e r ,D e c k 1 2 . 4" Grarrd Operring ehannpagne Art Auction Y o u r e x c i t i n g o p p o r t u n i t y t o b i d o n a r t w o r l < sf r o m p e t e r M a x , R e m b r a n d t ,K i n l < a d eT, a r k a y ,E r t e a n d h u n d r e d s o f o t h e r a r t i s t s f r o m t h e w o r l d ' s l a r g e s t a r t d e a l e r .A r t w o r k a n d p r i z e st o b e g i v e n a w a y . C o m p l i m e n t a r yC h a m p a g n e . 1 : O Op m , S a f a r iC l u b , D e c k 6 . 5. Caribbean Port and Shopping Talk Learn how to make the most of every moment in Aruba & Curacao.Find out where the best shopping deals are from Ellie your Port Shopping Guide.The first lOO staterooms attending will receivea free specialgift from Diamonds International.11:30am Coral Theatre,Deck 5.

Something for Everyone in Aruba. Thecrew'sfavoritetours: AR71 Bestof Aruba A R 7 3 D e P a l ml s l a n dS n o r k e B l , e a c ha n dA q u aP a r kw i t h L u n c h A R 5 0 A t l a n t i sS u b m a r i nEex o e d i t i o n VisitShoreExcursions on Deck# 4 to find out moreand booktodavl



Youcouldwin a fantasticcruise vacationfor two + a entrvon the Jointhe fun only in the casinobar from RoyalPokerTourChampionship onboardof ALLUREof the SEAS'", 9:00 am - noon. Oualifyingroundseverynightat 10:30pm, Day4 at 3:00 pm.


ranuar' 20'2016 4 I..#'daY'



lgb ;i;lt:ft:t"ture;86"F(30"C) Sunrise: 6:46am

Sunset: 5:48om

I M P O R T A NT H I N G S TO KNOW TODAY Tonight'sDinnerDressSuggestion Casual YourPersonalProperty Forthe safetyof yourpersonal property, we kindlyaskthat you lockawayyourvaluables in yourin-stateroom safe. Thankyou for yourconsideration in thisimportantmatter. Sunscreen We knowyou wantto get out intothe beautifulsunshine. But the suncan be strongerthanyou think,so don'tforget that sunscreen. SatelliteConnection Dueto our positioning, satellite outagemayoccur.Thiscan affectseveral services, including internet, ATM telephone, machines, TV broadcasting anddailynews.We apologize for anyInconventence. GeneralTips Pleaserememberthat magneticand electronic devices suchas cameras, cellphonesand pursesor sunglass cases with magneticclaspswill demagnetize yourSeaPass'" Card and you will not be ableto openyourstateroomdoor.lf thisdoeshappen,pleasestop by the GuestRelations Desk on Deck4 and they will printyou a newone. Safetyonboard Forthe safetyof all guestsand crew,thereis no running, p l a y i n go r c l i m b i n go n s t a i r sa n d r a i l i n gas n y w h e r o en t h e ship.Thankyou for yourcooperation, PoolsideSafety Splashing in the pool is fun but the pooldeckcan become slipperyas a result.Pleasewatchyourstepin thisarea. HelpfulHealthInformation Medicalexpertstell us that the bestway to preventcolds, - suchasa Norovirus, flu,or gastrointestinal illnesses which can be transmitted contact throughperson-to-person i s t o s i m p l yw a s hy o u rh a n d st h o r o u g h lw y i t hs o a pa n d warmwaterafterrestroombreaksand againbeforeeating anything. Tomorrow We will be in Aruba.


ACTIVITIES AND ENTERTAI NMENTH!GHLIGHT: E N T E R T AN! M E N T A C T I V I T I E S YourCruiseEntertainment Director, John,proudlypresents

W VarietyShowtirne StarrlnE -



JeffJena and

Dynanric Entertainer c r e d i t f o r y o u r c u r r e n t c r u i s ev a c a t i o n p l u s a r e d u c e d deposit. -

EXGS.I'SI\TE JOEINilIEWAI.KERSEhIIITARAND TASTING.__ C o m e a n d j o i n y o u r R o y a lS h o p s t e a m f o r o u r J o h n n i e W a l k e r S e m i n a ra t 8 : 4 5 p m t o d a y . T h i s S e m i n a ra n d t a s t i n g w i l l n o t b e r e p e a t e d t h i s c r u i s e ,s o l e a r n a l l t h e r e i s t o [ < n o wa b o u t b l e n d e d s c o t c h f r o m o u r o n b o a r d e x p e r t , a n d b e t t e r s t i l l ,g e t t o t a s t e t h e f i n e s t u f f y o u r s e l f . P l a c e sa r e l i m i t e d s o m a k e s u r e y o u r e s e r v ey o u r s p o t . A l l a t t e n d e e sw i l l r e c e i v ea n e x t r a l O % d i s c o u n t . R o y a l S h o p s , Deck 5. TEETbf, Wt{!TEt{!i{G -SAVE $49

TeethWhiteningtreatmentand smilewith confidence! provento whitenyour smileup to six shades Clinically in 30 minutes,dependingon your startingshade.A revolutionary systemthat safelywhitensteeth and lifts stainsfrom porcelaincrownsand veneers.Effective, efficientand causesno sensitivity. Freeconsultations available. Resultsmay vary.Only 9'149. slilP WEDE W[-F[+ r.0t{t"[ffiiTED II{TERT{ET ACCESg

Decl<4. G@PROSA[.E C h e c l <o u t t h e l a t e s t G o - P r o C a m e r a sa t D u t y F r e e p r i c e s . n e w e s t m o d e l s f r o m $ 3 9 9 w h i l e q u a n t i t i e s l a s t .S t a r t f i l m i n g t h i s c r u i s e !T h e m a k e t h e p e r f e c t g i f t . P h o t o G a l l e r y ,D e c k 5 . C r u i s es p e c i a l ,w i t h a n y G o p r o purchase receive up to g4O worth of Accessories. D[AffiOilDAF{EEXOTBC CEi{STOS{E SEiIIHAR L e a r n h o w t h e i n d u s t r y b u y s a n d s e l l s d i a m o n d s ,w h a t e x o t i c g e m s a r e a v a i l a b l ei n t h e C a r i b b e a na n d h o w t o g e t t h e m o s t f o r y o u r m o n e y f r o m E l l i e ,y o u r p o r t S h o p p i n g G u i d e .E v e r y o n ea t t e n d i n g w i l l g e t f r e e T a n z a n i t es t u d s c o m p l i m e n t s o f T a n z a n i t eI n t e r n a t i o n a l . T h i s e v e n t w i l l n o t b e t e l e v i s e d ,s o d o n , t m i s s i t . C e n t r u m a t 2 : O Op m , D e c l <4 . T u n e i n t o C h a n n e l2 2 t o t e a r n m o r e .

TonyTillman Showtimes: 7:]5pm & 9:00om (Entrance for 7:15pm is on Deck5)

CoralTheatre, Decks5 & 6

Please,no unattendedchlldrcnIn the ftrst thrcerows. Also,pleasedo not brlng food lnto the Theatre. Thankyou for your coopenilon.

Wfne QuestAdultGanteShow Joinus for the wackiest, wildestgameshow on the highseas... lt,stheeuest! pm,SafariClub,Deck6, 10:'i5 DAVTIME ACTiVITIES RoyalBingo JoinyourBingoHost,Alison, fora funsession of 3 cashorizes. 10:30 amCards on Sale, 1l:OO amGames Begin, Safari Club,Deck6. PastaCookingDemonstratior.l Joinyourchef'steamfor thisfun,delicious activityandlearnsome culinary secrets. 11:00 am,Centrum, Deck4, BellyFloBCompetition Oh,theprestige. Theglamour. graceof thebellyflop. Thenatural Comemakea splash withyourCruise Director, John,for thisunique competition. l:15pm,Poolside, Deckll. ChaChaDanceClass JoinyourRoyalCaribbean Dancers & learnhowto ChaChaChal 2:00pm,Vortex, Deck13. EVEh{[NG AC"flIVflTIH5 Battleof the SexesGarneShow Thesurveymatchison.JoinyourActivities Manager, Katrina, for the funandlaughs aswedetermine onceandforall- whoarebetter. menor women? 8:00pm,Centrum, Deck4. DancingUnderthe StarsDeckparty JoinyourCruise Director's Staff,Sounds of theCaribbean & DJDeeandenjoydanceunderthestars. pm- 12:30 11:00 am,Poolside, Deckll. poolside, pm- midnight 11:00 snacks, Deckll.


The ManfromU.N.C.|-.E. (pc-13 / fi3 min), Thelntern(PG-13l121 min) (PG-13/121 Everest min), (PGl91 Mlnions min), Missionlmpossible: RogueNation(pG-13/13.l min)

OPEN HOURS ArtGallery Cards andGames, Library Casino Royale Fitness eenter(oialz:t


I N - T E R N A T I O N A L

Jeutel of tueSea,s@

6:00pm- 9:00pm 24Hours. Slots- B:00am- late T a b l e s - 1 1 : 0 0 a .m . .- l a t e pm 6:00am- 10:00

. Dcck 5 g .. Deck ....Deek6 . . Deek lZ


4 _w", y 2e,2016 Januar

roNIGHrs o'*JEflBd[?0t i?o=riloN;casuaI

Guest Setvices Desk @iaro) 24hours, . . . Deek 4 Jewel DaySpa(oialzz) pm. 8:00am- 10:00 . Deek ll lnternationalAmbassador DeskB:00 am- 10;00 pm, pecia am/4:00pm- 7;00 Assistance in foreignlangudges (Dialg9g9)

i0:00am- noon/ . .,D 3 : 0 p0 m- 5 ; 0p0m . . . . . . . . . . . , . . g Ce e cn kt r u m *o+* (Dratst) B:00 Medicaf Facility am- ll:00am/4:00pm- 7:00pm, . . . .OeciiZ NextCruise Sales Desk 9:00am- 9:00pm. . . . .Deck 12 ( Loyalty Ambassador

Please you appointnent) dial0 toschedule

Doctor's Hours

8;00am- ll:00am/4:00pm- 7:00prn

consultdtions "'- Medical arcsubject toa lee

PhotoGallery@tat JB54)

pm, 10:00 am- 11:00

. . . .Deck 5

Cdsual Poftrcit pm//:00pn - g:00pn .., . . . DeCkS Studios 5,00pm- 6:00 4 &5

Port& Shopping Guide 7:30pm- 8:30pm. Royal Shops pm. 10:00 am-'11:00 Shore Excursions Desk 9:00am- 9:00pm Solarium Areao 24hours. PoolTowels prn 7:00am- 10:00 llalnPool,Maln Whklpools, Solarium Pool, Solarlurn Whlrlpool ..


: tO:00 ffitlxiBti%3tgsF6:ti:,:: ::: : :.::: B33ll ?iHHafr "D;;iitl 8:00am- ri8g3fr am riOe^s'Dining'nibtn pp'",t-sbbtiris: 4

8 : 0 0 a m - 1 1 : 0 0 a (m$ l > o r a r r F um r e sJhu t cB e a r. . . . . . . D e c iki LUttct{ 11:30 am- l:00pm Qrg_sse.Jie 30,TidesDiningRoom,

Ar 4 " Deck r1:30 am- 2:30pm y^d..,tlt^Xi[ff?qh.rh's'piieo]LLjriih,'

W i n d j a m mCear f 6l - . . . . . - , , . . . ' . ...D . e c1k 1

. .Deck S . . . .Deck 5 . . . Deck 4 .,...Deckll . . . Deckll . . , Deek ll

'fhe Solailun Aredislor guests 16yeasof ageandabove. dwinginclement,,Weathetchildren "Exception: nay usetheSolailunplot between J:00t)n and S:00pn ( withparentalsuperuision.).


spEctA!.'!Y DltrffHG 5:30pm - 9:30pm '9_ttops ' s t g nCritte, atureSteakHouse,,

.... Deck6

Poolsandwhhlpools cdnbetenponilly closed for cleaning. t poot& | whittpoolwiltremainopen 24Hours. Young in diapershullups/swinnersnay notusethepools/whittpoots, children evenif acconDanied by aparent/guardian.

Sports Deck Activities: Sports Court Rock Climbing Wall Waterslide

Open alldayexcept 6:00pm- 9:00prn. . Deck12 (/asf i0:00am- noon s/gn uptt:lsan) ...,.....Dackll. 3:30pm- 6:30pm(bst sisn up6.tspn)..,.,..Deck13

(Please bilngsocks, t-shht andshorts/pants andclothing nustbedry)

ll:00am- 3:00pm.

. . . .OecltZ

Forfurtherinformation anddescription ptedsercadusetullnfomationon of onboardservices and policies, thcbackof Behind fheNaneTags.

TheFollowing Services andVenues are0pen24Hours: Express Tour Bookings, RCTV/ Emergency 0nly(Dlal 9lt)l Guest Relations (DIal0)l Falrways DesR ofJewelGollDeck l3l Llbrary, Deck 9/ royalcarlbbean onlinesil, Decks 4,5,7.

uess suggestlon:smart casuar.preaseartowapproximatetytwo 'i;; houtsfor - dining. -' Cancellationwith tessthan 24-hours noticewitt't:ieciirged; oi $r-0.


RoomService @iats4)

A $3.9^5 servicechargewill be apptiedfor RoomService Ltgnt 5nacRordersbetweennidnight and S:00 am.


.. Deck11 Sglarium C a f e. . u e c Kt l AtternoonSnacks, Windjammer Caf6D e c k1 1 ....Deck12

- Medical HEIPFUL HEATTH INFORMATI0N experts tellusthatthebestwayto - suchasa Norovirus prevent colds, flu,orgastrointestinal illnesses thatcanbe - isto simply person-to-person transferred easily through contact washyourlrands thoroughly withsoapandwarmwaterafterrestroom breaks andagainbefore eating anything. Symptoms ofNoroviruses include anupset stomach, vomiting ancl diarrhea. According to theUnited states centers forDisease control andprevention andPublic Health Agencies around theworld, Noroviruses affect millions onland eachyear. Infact,theonlyillness thatismoreprevalent isthecommon cold. youexperience youmustvisittheship's Should anygastrointestinal illness, medical facility fora complimentary consultation andtreatment, if necessary.


yourEuropean Unleash adventure starting May2016. Theworld's biggest, boldest - withmoreslides familyvacation evercomes to Barcelona nextsummer thanany perminute. othership,andmorememories Hurry, reserve Harmony's onetimeonlyEuropean season. VisittheNextCruise Sales Desk, Deck12andreserve it todav.

DRINKOFTHEDAY. PIRATES PLAYA A citrusblastof Smirnoff juiceand vodka, triplesec,orange Sorite$7.75

TODAY'S ACTIVITIES 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours - noon Midnight - noon Midnight 7:00 am 7:30 am- 8:00 am 8:00 am- 9;00 am 8:00 am- 11:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am 9:00 am- 10:00 am 9:00 am- 2:00pm 9:30 am 9:50 am 10;00 am ]0:00am- 10:30 am

Shore Excursions Information.

Channel 15 . Channel 19 royal caribbean onlinesM. . . . . .Decks 4,5,7 Trivia, Sudoku, Cards & Games Available, Library. . . .Deck 9 Sabbath Service Sign-up, Guest Services Desk. . . . . .Deck 4

NextCruise Information

3:00pm 3:00pm- 3:30pm

3:00pm- 4:00pm 3:30pm- 4:00pm pm 3:45

Movie: TheIntern, Cinema. , .. . , . . .Deck 6 yuntao Weight Loss withAcupuncture GaoLac, JewelDaySpa..., , . , . . . .D e c k i l ($),Chop's Lafite WineTa$ing Grille . . . . . .Deck 6 Complimentary Anti-Aging Skin Analysis withDr.Paola JewelDaySpa..... ..,......Deckll Explorer Academy: Card Making, Schooner Bar. . . . .Deck 6 GilmoreGolfChallenge,Jew weacyksi 3 . .e , ,l F a. .i .rD ($),Jewel ToYoSa Fitness A Pathway Center, . . Deck 12 ($),Champagne l"lartini Class Bar.. .. . .. . .Deck 6 A EveniS n gt r e t cJhe,w eFli t n e s s C e.n. .t .e.r, . . D e c k 1 2 Mixed Sports Trivia, PitStop.. . . .Deck 6

T h eM o r n i S ng h o w w iJt oh h n K & a t r i n a , . . . .C . .h. a n n1 e4 l 4:00pm Spanish Morning Show withJames & Valeria , . . Channel lB 4:00pm- 5:00pm , eFli t n e s s C e n t e r .D . .e. .c, k. i 2 A W a t eU p & S t r e tJcehw 4:00pm- 5:00pm FabAbs,Jewel Fitness Center. . . . Deck 12 5:00pm- 5:30pm ($),Jewel Indoor Cycling Fitness Center . . Deck 12 pm 5:.|5 Double Points onSlots, Casino Royale . ... Deck 6 Zumba Dance Class, Vortex, . . . Deck 13 6:00pm M o v rTeh: e l n t e r n , C i n e m a . ...,..Deck6 ABCPuzzle,SchoonerBar. ......,Deck6 6:30pm- 9;00pm W i n t e r W o n d e r l a n d S a l e , P i t S. .t.o. .p. . . . D e c k 6 Movie: TheManfromU.N.C.L.E., Cinema. . . .Deck 6 7:00pm Guess theprice oftheTanzanite, Royal Shops ,..,..,.... Deck 5 TheUltimate HairShow, Jewel Fitness Center. . . . . . Deck l2 7:00 $l0PortsofCallT-ShirtSale......,.......D e cpm k 5B:00pm F a m i l y D i s c o , F u e l - T e e n C e n t e.r....... D e c k 1 2 pm 7:15 Showtime, Coral Theatre. .Decks 5,6 @ Variety Shuffleboard Tournament, Sports Court. . . Deck l2 pm 8:00 B a t t l etohfeS e x eGsa mSeh o w ,........Deck4 C,e n t r u. m Travellers Solo meetforTrivia, Schooner Bar., . , . . . .Deck 6 9:00pm M o v iTeh: e l n t e r n , C i n e m a . ,.....Deck6 l v l o r n i n g T r i v i a , S c h o o n e r B a. .r..,....,.., D e c k 6 pm 9:00 Showtime, Coral Theatre . ..Decks 5,6 @ Varlety Destination Presentation, Aruba andCuracao, pm 10:00 Gambling withtheCasino Manager 2nd and Giulio, Centrum . . . D e c4k F i n aRl o u n dCsa, s i nRoo y a l e , . , , . . . , . . D e c6k 10:00 am- l0:30am Seminar: Introduction toAcupuncture with 1 0 1p5m 0ntheBigScreen Movie: Minions, Coral Theatre .Decks 5,6 Yuntao GaoLac, Jewel DaySpa. ,... ....Deck il 1 0 : ip5m AdultGame Show, Safari Club. , . . . . .Deck 6 10:00 ($),Jewel am- 1i:00am BodySculpt Bootcamp W TheQuest Fitness Center. . . Deck l2 '10:30 pm ll:00pm Royal ($), Poker Tour Round Qualifying 10:00 am- 7:00pm D e s i g nWe ar t cSha l eR, o y aSlh o p s . . . . . . . . , D e c5k CasinoRoyale. ..,...Deck6 10:30 am Special Trunk Show Jewelry Event, Royal Shops. , . . ,Deck 5 - Jackpot pm 11:00 Live Pamdise Lotto Driaw $881,000+, i0:30 am GoPro Camera andAccessories Digital Camera Seminar, CasinoRoyale, ......Deck6 P h o tG o a l l ear yn dS h o p , . . . . . D e c5k pm 1i:00 CasinoBarHappyHour.. ........Deck6 , a f aCr il u b . , , . , . . . . D e c k 6 10:30 am- il:00am R o y B a li n gC o ,a r dosnS a l(e$ ) S ll:00pm- 12:30 am D a n c i n g U n d e r t h e S t a r s , P o o.l,s. .i d . .e. . D e c k l l 10:30 am- ll:00 am Medi-Spa Seminar: Looking l0 Years Younger in10lVinutes - late - Do0ble pm 11:00 Double Up! Points on Slots, Casino Royale .Deck 6 withDr.Paola,JewelDaySpa . . . . , . , . Deckli Midnisht Movie: Mission lmpossible: Rogue Nation, Cinema, . .Deck 6 10:45 am Explorer Academy: Scrapbook Worl<shop, i : 0 0a m Curfew enforced forallguests 17years andyounger. SchoonerBar..... ..Deck6 ll:00am Roya Bli n g o G,a m eBse g i(n$ ) ,S a f aC r il u b. . . , . . . . . D e c6k 'll:00 am Seminar: Secrets toa Flatter Stomach, A Fitness S hrus[cAlr{DDANcINGS JewelFitnessCenter.. ,....,Deck12 (weather ll:00am Pasta permitting) Cooking Demonstration, Sounds of theCarilobean Centrum . ..Deck 4 - 12:45 pm ll:30 am Aruba Noon & Curacao Shopping HiShliSht Deck li Talk, Poolside, 2:00pm- 2:45pm Poolside, Deck 11 pm 9:45pm- 10:30 Poolside, Deck 11 - i2:30am Midnight Poolside, Deck 11 Noon Movie: TheManfromU.N.C.L.E., Cinema, . , .Deck 6 Guitar Music withEugene Noon SangriaSatellite,PoolBar. ......Deckli 1:00pm- i:45pm Deck4 Centrum, pm 12:15 Family Water Balloon Toss, Sports Court . . Deck 12 3:30pm- 4J5pm Deck4 Centrum, pm 1:00pm L a d i ePsa m p P 1215 e ra r tJye, w eFli t n eC s se n t e. .r. . . . . . D e c1k2 pm- 5:05pm 4:30 Centrum, Deck4 ($),Casino l:00pm Blackjack Tournament Royale . .Deck 6 'l:00 Dance Music withRemedy Band pm Opening Grand Champagne Auction, pm- 6:00pm 5:15 Deck4 Centrum, S a f aLroi u n g e . . . . . . . D e c6k pm- 7:00pm 6:15 Centrum, Deck4 1:00pm- 2:00pm Walking inComfort Seminar, Jewel Fitness Center. , Deck l2 pm- 7:55 pm 7:15 Deck4 Centrum, pm l:10 18-20+ Club Informal meet& enjoy theBelly Flop, pm 9:30pm- 1015 Club, Deck 6 Safari PoolBar. , . Deck il LatinDance Music withCoco Loeo pm 1:15 B e l l y F l o p C o m p e t i t i o n , P o o l s. .i .d. e. ... , D e c k l l 8:45pm- 9:30pm Deck 4 Centrum, pm ($),DininS 1:30 Champagne TastinS Room.. . . . .Deck 4 pm 9:45pm- 10:30 Deck 4 Centrum, pm 1:30 Grand 0pening Champagne Auction, pm- 11:30 pm 10:45 Deck 4 Centrum, S a f aLroi u n g e . . . . . . . D e c6k pm- 12:30 11:45 am 4 Deck Centrum, 2:00pm ChaChaDance Class withyourRoyal Caribbean Dancers, PianoBarEntertainment withKim Vortex... .,Deckl3 pm- 8:30 pm 7:45 BanDeck Schooner 6 2:00pm M i s c e l l a nD e oeuc sa d e s T rSi vcihao, o nBearr . . , . , . . . D e6c k pm- midnight 9:30 ($) lstQualifying Schooner Bar,Deck 6 (withbreaks) 2:00pm Royal SlotTournament Round, CasinoRoyale. Dance Music ......Deck6 withDJDee (Please 2:00pm 0ntheBigScreen Movie: note:Vortex Everest, Nightclub lSyrsofageandolder.) Coral Theatre. .Decks isforguests 5,6 pm- l2:15 2:00pm- 3:00pm Seminar: 10:00 Music) Diamond & Gemstone, am Vortex, Deck l3 (Pre-recorded Centrum . .Deck 4 pm- midnight permitting) 10:30 Poolside, Deck 1l(weather 3:00pm Guess ThatTune: Classic Rock, Schooner Bar.. . .. . .Deck 6 pm 1215 ($), am- late Deck Vortex, 13(TopHits&Requests) 3:00 Royal Poker Tourqualifying round C a s i nRoo y a l e . . . . . . . D e c6k

ptmarlnglmpahed (5)teeforthlsellent/a(tlvltv lcoilLEGEND: t,|uslcandDanrlng ;[ vltolityArtivltylt @Shows @ cro|{n&An(hors0(letyevent

Jeutel of tueSea,s' Eh{JOY [.IFE'SSWEETEST P[-EASU[EES IN @RAh{JESTAD. AR[JBA In the earlycolonialdays,the massiveFortZoutmanovershadowed the evenhada narnelongbeforethe town did,whichwasotherwise knownas "the townon the Bayof Horses". A few decadeslater,oranjestacJ finallygot its name (aftera kingno less),and with the discovery of gold nearby, it soonbecarne the bustlingDutchcapitalof Aruba.Nowadays, with its sensational casinos, lively gorgeousbeaches nightlife, and exoticdesertlandscape, thlsCarilrbean beautv is one nameyou'llneverforget. oranjestad is fullof colorfuloutdoormarketsand historicsites.lts pristine watersoffshoreareperfectfor snorkeling. And justa bit furtherout,you can divedownto someof the mostfamousshipwrecks-now luxurycondosfor tropicalmarinelife,But if yor-r'd ratherstayabovethe surface, thereareplenty of activities on landtoo.Jointhe caravan througlrtlreArubacountryside, passing stunningrockformations and olclgold mines.or takein the panor^"nic viewsanddesertsceneryfromthe golf coursewlrileyou playa roundor two: BACKOh{BOARD


2016 lHfis$:J,Tuarv2r,



"8,,;,o"0:], sii?,is,T[*3;i""''u r,o.lK] IMPORTANT THIh{GS TO KNOW TODAY ship's ArrivalIn Port:B:00anr lT\ l. Y .) Gangwayopens8:3Oam \.j/ All Aboard:4:30pm Tonight'sDinnerDressSuggestions _ Casual GangwayLocation (exitsoff thesh/i))are locatedon Deck2, midship, g,anSw,ay Ine onryway to exitthe shipis by usingthe elevators and starrcases nearthe DiningRooms. Seapass"Card& Proofof Citizenship Don'tforgetto bringyourSeapass,",tarcl, picture rdentifrcat_ion or proofof citizenship todaywhenyou leavefor Aruba.A securitycheckpointwijl be set up at the gangwayfor yoursaf6ty, Attention Please- Prohiblted!tems Thefo_llowing itemsmay not be broughtbackonboard snrp.prontbtteditemsincludemeat,poultrv.olant& animalprod.ucts, shellsand rocks,to prevehtforeign pests and disease(iryluding invasivespecies)to pTotect Fluman, Animal,and plantHealth.

l. LadiesNight OnetimeorrlyladiesnigltLa: ,heJewelDaySpatodaybetween6:00prn8:00prn.Relaxand let willbe guldedthrougna minif.rcial, enjoya fullbodyexfoliatiorr andfinishwitha glassof clrampagne. Limitedspacesavailable at $39 per pcrson.Dial72 to reserveyourspace 2. FrecrMoneyFor Slots" $2O/ 20 Casino i s g i v i n go u t g 2 Oi n v o u c h e rfso r f r e ee v e r y2 Om i n u t e sMl a k e s u r ey o u h a v ey o u rS e a P a s s * , c a i rrrds e r t ewdh e np l a y i n ga n dy o u m a yb e selectedas the luckywinner.9:00 prn - midnight,CaslnoRovale. Deck6.

GOPRO SA[.8. TI.{EPERFEETGUFT' Checkout the latestGoProCameras at Duty Freeprices,Newestmodels from $399whilequantitieslast.FREEaccessory valuedat g40.OOwith purchase of a GoPro,offergood whilestocklast,photoGallery, Deck5.

CASINOBARHAPPYI.IOUR Jointhe fun in the CasinoBarfrom 11:00pm - latefor the besthappyhour at Sea.Buy one drinkand get the secondfor 50%off on mostof vour favoritedrinks.CasinoBar,Deck6.

guestsvisitas cleanas whenwe firstarrive. SafetyOnboard Fortlre safetygf all guestsand crew,thereis no runntng, playingor.climbing on stairsand railingsanywhereon the snrp.I nankvou tor yourcooperation. SelfAssist

Transfersto the SanJuanAirport Topurchase transfers to the Airport,pleasecontact Guest,Services deskuntilSaturday, Day7 at Noon. Transfers cost918per person.

Tomorrow We will be in Curacao.

EVENTSAND OFFERS NOT TO MISSTODAYI T$iEBESTOF CIJRACAO Discover the excitement of Curacaoon toursthat showcase the keysights,attractions and signatureexperiences that you and your familywon'twantto miss. Flereareour top picks- booktodavl . CUCB C u r a c aH o i g h l i g h tasn d B e a c hl . - u n C U 8 9M i n iJ e e pA d v e n t u raen d B e a c l . r CU02Discover Curacao \YI/I'J WI\INT'1TOKru@WAts@IUJII' VOII,IR IDIIR]IV [-A[.OftJDIR\/ l n f a c tw e ' dl i k et o t a k ec a r eo f i t f o r y o u .S i m p l yf i l la l a u n d r b yag w i t hy o u rd i r t yl a u n d ray n dw e ' l lw a s ha n df o l di t a l lf o r o n l y1 F 3 0 . get 50%off on a 2nd bag, SeeyorlrStateroom Today's special, A t t e n d a nf ot r f u r t h e irn f o r m a t i oann da s s i s t a n cCeo, n d i t i o nasp p l y .

2@120.1?.0 60 Minutesof purebliss.., Tailormakeyour own spatreatmerrt c h o o s ea n y3 o f t h e f o l l o w i n gB: a c km a s s a g eh,a n da n da r m massage, foot and anklernassage, backneckanclshoulder e x f o l i a t i osno, o t h i n gf r a n g i p a nsic a l pm a s s a g eO. n l y$ ] ' | 9D . on't missout call72 or visitthe JewelDaySpaon deck1l to rnakevour reservation. c[TltuEttAt{D lp{vllcT'AwATctn SAEE_ l f y o u m i s s e di t t h e f i r s tt i m e ,n o w ' st h e t i m et o c h e c ko u t t h e h u g e s a v i n g as t o u r C i t i z e n a n d l n v i c t aw a t c hs a l e y. o u , l fl i n dg r e a tt a x a n dd u t yf r e es a v i n gos n a l lt h e s et o p d e s i g n ebr r a n d sS. a l eS t a r t s 7 : 0 0p m ,C e n t r u nD r ,e c k5 . T h i si s y o u rf i n a lc h a n c et o g r a bt h e s e savings. GEIIOURBEST@IFFER BV 8O@KIIN(6 \TOURh{EXTGRIII'IISIE ONtsO/AIIE TOD/\\r G e to u r l i n r i t e d t i m e B O G Oo f f e rs a l et o e n j o yo t 1y o u rn e x tc r u i s e , 8 u y o n e ,g e t o n e5 0 %o f f a n d g e t u p t o 9 3 0 Oi n o r r b o a r cdr e c i iitr r additiorrto up to I|j500Instantorrboarcl credit.Seeyor_rr NextCruisc. S a l e sT e a r no r rD e c k1 2o r d i a l' O 't o s c l r e d u lyeo u ra p p o i r r t m e n t . ----- G@IPROSl\tLttl Clreckout the latestGo-ProCameras at Duty f:reeprices.Newest r n o d e l fsr o r n$ 3 9 9w h i l eq u a n t i t i elsa s t .F I I E Ea c c e s s o rvya l u e d at $40.00with purclrase of a GoPro,offergoociwlrilestocklast. PhotoGallery, t)r:ck5. |j,.(flE[D COrol\lEctftgtD /{,itstc/,\ Avoiclexcessive interncttional roamingfeesfrom yourservice provider. We havea selectionof plansstartingat $15/day,per device,(for two devir:eplans)that will keepyou corrnectr:d nt sea. Connectto the lloyalWi-lii networl< todayfor moreinformation or v i s i tt h e i C a f eo n D e c k4 . sH@ppflfilGtPARlt\/ J o i nE l l i ey, o u rP o r tS h o p p i n g G u i d ea, t D i a m o n dlsn t e r n a t i o r r a l f o r o u r " D i a m o n dfso r B r e a k f a sst "h o p p i n gp a r t yf r o m 1 0 : 0 0a m - 1 1 : 0 0 a m ,s t o r ei A o n y o u rP o r tS h o p p i n g m a p .S l r o p t h e i s l a n d 'lsa r g e sst e l e c t i oonf d i a m o n dj e w e l r yl ,o o s ed i a m o n d s , dw a t c h e sE. n t e rt o w i n o u r T a n z a n i tJee w e l r v a n d g e m s t o n e as n grve-a-way.

ACTIVITIESAND E N T E R T A I N M E NH TI G H L I G H ] Eh{TERTAI T{MENTAETIVITfl E5 VoureruiseEntertainment Director, JohnBlair,FroudlyFresen

W Fn'odn*a'ff lomSffnow'e*n mei Starring

T'lheRoVail eunfihhean $firngens BiDamcers lr

\S/esfi End'to Bruffidwa!f, Featuring the.lewelof the SeasOrchestra Showtimes; 7:15pm & 9:00pm (Entrance for 7:15pm rson Deck5)

CoralTheatre, Decks5 & 6 Ple.ase, no unattendedchlldren ln tho lhst thrce rcws Atso,t rcasgctqnot Whg any food Into the Theatre. rnant you tot your cooperailon.

W LateNightAdultCornedy Starring

SteveShaffer m0 S h o w t i m e : 1 1p: 0 (or direr:tlyfollowingthe Love& Marriage GameShow)

CoralTheatre, Decks5 & 6

DAV"fr'I MH /\Clf ||V['1filE*; hlapklnArtistry Workshotrr L e ty o u rC r u i s eD i r e c t o r 'Sst a f ft e a c hV o ua m a z t n g napkin-folding techniques that aresureto impresseventhe rnostcriticalof <jinner guests.3:00 pm, Schoonerllar,Deck6. GuessThat Tune:MichaclJactrsoro Y o u ' v eh e a r dl : h e ma m i l l i o nt i m e s .N o wl e l ' ss e ei f v o u k u o wt h e nar-nes. 4:00 pm, Sclroorrer Bar,Deck6. floya!$llnEo B i n g oB , i n g oB , ingolll J o i ny o u rB i n g oF l o s tA, l i s o n1, ' oyr o u rc h a r r cteo w i n a t U i n g o l C a r d so n s a l e4 : 3 0p l n ,( i a m e sB e g i n5 : O Op m ,S a f a rC i l u bD , e c k6 .

F:Vrxfr{[ NG /\c]'l'llV fl1l'll F:$ FittishThat l-yrir:Galnc.Slrow J o i ny o u rA c t i v i t i eM s a n a g eK r ,a t r i n aa,n d s e ew h o c a nf i n i s ht h e l y r i c st o p o p u l a sr o n g sp a s t& p r e s e n tB. : O O p m ,C e n t r u mD, e c k4 . l"ove& MarriageGanneShow J o i ny o u rC r u i s eE n t e r t a i n m eD n ti r e c t o Jr ,o h n a , s h e p u t sy o u rf e l l o v shipmates througlrthe matrimonial test of time. 1 0 : 3 0p m ,C o r a T l h e a t r eD, e c k s5 , 6 .

TODAY'SMOVIES Minions(PGl91min) Everest(PG-13/121 min) TheWalk(PGl123min)

OPEN HOURS ArtGallery Cardsand Games, libtary Casino Royale


DATLYPLAI{NER Jeutel of tueSea,s@

A O O n m - J0, v vO A n m l

Deck5 Dqck9


24Hours. Slots- g:00am- late - i1:00 Tables am- late

Deek 6


4 _*"on"rday,Januar y 2r.,21116

roNIcHT,s DINJEfliil#Ees3t ?.,?ia =r,|oN:casua I

(oial Fitness Center z2) pm. 6:00am- 10:00 . . .Deck 12 GuestsetvicesDesk @iaro) 24hours, ... Deck4 Jewel DaySpalaalzz,l 8:00am- 10:00 pm. , Deck ll InternationalAmbassador DeskB:00 am- i0:00am/4:00pm_7:00pm. Ueitrq Assistance in lorcignlanguages (Diatg9g9)

Loyalty Ambassador

10:00 am- noon/

Medical (Dtar Facilft sr) l33i# liroo9,1i;;0ii v 44** ffi -;,ii'Dp"'i 1:ll,lililT

NextCrulse Sales Desk

9:00am- 9:00pm.

. . .Deck 12

( Please yourappointment) dial0 toschedule

Doctor's Hours

8:00am- 11:00 am/4:00pm- 7:00prn

"" Medical consultations aresubject toa fee.

(oial.rsj4) PhotoGallery

pm. 10:00 am- 11:00

. . . .Deck 5

Casual Plrttdit pn/ 7:00 Studios 5;00pn - 6:00 an - g:00pn .. . . . , DeCks 4 &S

Port& Shopping Guide Royal Shops Shore Excurslons Desk Solarium Alea* PoolTowels

7:30pm- 8:30pm. pm, 10:00 am- 11:00 9:00am- 9:00pm 24hours. 7:00am-10:00pm.

p0ol,Solarlum MalnPool,MalnWhlilpools, Solarlum Whlrlpool .. 'fheSolailun Area isforguests 16yea$ ofageand dbove.

. .Deck S . . . .Deck 5 . . . Deck 4 .....Deckll ...Deckll



: :: :::::BEEII ?ififi 6il::fiffijBi,i,flxrilgh8,"_gstu:lili:: ]l pL"g,gfl:t3lbllry: 8i88 sil1fl83,?f ii3T",?tffl :,#ilii !.ut'{cH 11:30 am- 1:00pm Ep-sge11e 30,Tides Dining Room, n

1 1 : 3a0m - 2 : 3 0p m

seatrng YpqrJ

" l''r.r "

" D e c k4

vriiHUS{','""J','elr8.l' i:! .ili:l' .. .p..r,rr

. , . Deckll

duingincrement "Exception: chirdrcn poor "wedthet mayusethesorailun betweetr 3:00pmdnd 5:00pn ( withparcntal supevision.). Pools andwhhlpools can betenp\nillyclosed forcledning. I pool &| whhlpool willremain olen 24Hours. Young childrcn indiapershull ups/swinners maynotusethepools/whhtpools, even if acconpdnied byaparcnt/guardidn

SPIECIAL'IY DIi{ING 5:30pm - 9:30pm C_lrops ' ' s r g nGrille, atureSteakHouse,,

.... Deck6

Sports Deck Activities: Sports Court Rock Climbing Wall

Open alldayexcept 6:00pm- 9:00prn, .Deck12 (/astsi?, 10:00 am nootl upil:4|an) ,.,... ,DeCk lg. D-rcssSuggestlon:Smart Casual.pleaseallowapproximatelytwc dining' ,iiit'-tiii'i'nii)Ii|ou,s notice 3 : 3 0p m- 6 : 3 0p m@ s t sui spn6 ' t s p m ) , . . . . .1. D wilbecha,sed 3 e c k caiCernii6i a re;:fti|.ror (please bring socks, t-shht andshorts/pants ancl clothing must SNAGT(S bedry) Waterslide 24 hours 11:00 am- 3:00pm. RoomService(Diat54) . . . ,Deck12

Forfurtherinlornationanddescilption pleasercadLJseful of onboardservices and policies, htlormation on thebackof Behind fhe NaneTags.

TheFollowing Servlces andVenues areOpen 24Hours: Express TourBookings, RCTV/ Emergency OnlV Relations @ialgll)l Guest (Dial0)l Fairways DesR ofJewelGolf,Deck 13/Llfiary,Deck 9/ royalcailbbean onlinesn, Decks 4,5,Z

A,$3.95servicechargewiil be appliedfor RoomSeruice Ltgnt Snackordersbetweenmidnightand S:00 am.

Tea,CoffeeStation . . Deckll SolariumCqfe.. ,... Deckll AtternoonSnacks, Windjammer CatdDeiji ti

- Medical HELPFUL HEALTH |NFORMATI0I{ experts tellusthatthebestwayto - suchasa Norovirus prevent flu,orgastrointestinal colds, illnesses thatcanbe - isto simply person-to-person transferred easily through contact washyourhands thoroughly withsoapandwarmwaterafterrestroom breaks andagainbefore eating anything. Symptoms ofNoroviruses include anupset stomach, vomliln6; and diarrhea. According to theunitedstates centers forDisease Control andprevention andPublic Health Agencies around theworld, Noroviruses affect millions onland eachyear.Infact,theonlyillness thatismoreprevalent isthecommon cold. youexperience Should youmustvisittheship,s anygastrointestinal illness, medical facility fora complimentary consultation andtreatment, if necessarv.


yourEuropean Unleash adventure starting May20]6.Theworld's biggest, boldest - withmoreslides familyvacatlon evercomes to Barcelona nextsummer thanany perminute. othership,andmorememories Hurryreserve Harmony,s one-timeonlyEuropean season. VisittheNextCruise Sales Desk, Deck12andreserve it today.

DRINK OFTHEDAY. PIRATES PLAYA A citrusblastof Smirnoff juiceand vodka, triplesec,orange Sorite$7.75

TODAY'SACTIVITIES S h o r e E x c u r s i o n B o o k i n g . . , . . . . . . . .R C T V ShoreExcursionslnformation.. ....Channel15 i9 Channel NextCruise lnformation P o r t & S h o p p i n g I n f o r m a t i o n . . .... . . C h a n n e l 2 2 4,5,7 . . . Decks Royal Caribbean onlinesH. please refer to Friends ofBillW andothergatherings, . Deck 5 Bulletin Board, Latte-tudes theCornmunity Cafd . . . . Deck 9 Library. Cards, Board Games andTrivia Available, 4 Desk. Deck Sign-up Sheet, Guest Services Sabbath Service

24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours - noon lulidnight - noon Midnight 7:00am 7:30am B:00am B:00am

i4 . Channel withJohn& l(atrina TheMorning Show lB withJames & Valeria , . . . .Channel Morning Show Spanish 12 Fitness . , . . . . , Deck Jewel Center Up& Stretch, A Wake 12 ,. Deck BodyConditioning, Jewel Fitness Center A Total ($), 12 Deck Fitness Center. Bootcamp Jewel Body Sculpt lL isexpected to arrivein Jewelof theSeaso Aruba. Oranjestad, is Located onDeck2, Midship, Gangway 6 Bar,, , . . . Deck Challenge: lvlusicals, Schooner Word Search 9 : 0 0a m 6 , . Deck . Movie: Minions, Cinema 9 : 0 0a m . . 6k . . . . . , . D e c B a r . . . . . Mornin Tgr i v iS a ,c h o o n e r 10:00 am 12 . Deck . . .. . ,. . .. Soccer Play, Sports Court am Open 10:00 am 11:00 '11:00 6 Bar. . . . . Deck Scrapbooking, Schooner Explorer Academy: am

Noon pm 1:00 pm 2:00 pm 2:00 3:00pm 3:00pm prn 3:45 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm- 5:00pm 4:00pm 4:00pm 4:30pm- 6 :00pm 4:30Btn pm pm- 5:00 4:30 pm 4:45 5:00pm pm 5:00 pm 5:00 pm 5:00pm- 10:00 pm 5:15 pm 5:15 6:00pm-7:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm pm 7:15 7:30pm 8:00pm 9:00pm

9:00pm 9 : 0 0p m pm 10:00

...,....Deck6 M o v iEev: e r e s t , C i n e m a . 6 . Deck . Casino Royale. Event, Casino $20120 - 3rdRound, Manager Gambling WithyourCasino ,......Deck6 CasinoRoyale.., pm- midnightLatin 6 Club... . Deck Band, Safari Fiesta withtheCoco Loco 10:15 pm Adult Show, 10:30 Love Marriage Game & @ . . Decks 5,6 Coral lheatre. pm Round, i0:30 Royal Poker Tour Qualifying (Win h )a s i nRoo y a l e ( $. ,),,. . . . . D e c k 6 a C r u i s eCoars C 13 pm . . . Deck Odyssey 10:30 midnightKaraoke, Hollywood D e c k 5 s ,6 pm T h e a t r e . . . . . C o r a l e i g hAt d u lCt o m e d y , i1:00 S L a tN 'll:00pm6 pm . . Deck Club. Class, Safari Dance Merengue Latin 1i:15 & Bachata 000, LiveParadise 1 l : 0 p0 m LottoDraw Jackpot $877, ......Deck6 CasinoRoyale. '11:00 6 , , Deck pm- closing Double Royale Casino Points 0nSlots, Up!- Double . . . . . , . . . D e c6k M o v iT eh : eW a l kC, i n e m a , Midnight 17years andyounger CLrrfew allguests 1 : 0a 0m enforced

, . Deck 6 , Minions, Cinema Movie: . . . . . Deck11 Tournament, Nextto Windjammer. TableTennis . . D e c6k T r l b o nTdr i v iS a ,c h o o nBearr . .... Footprint Analysis, FREE Seminar: A . . , . . . .D e c k l 2 JewelFitnessCenter.. 6 Bar. , Deck Artistry Workshop, Schooner Napkin Advanced , , . . . . . ..r, D e c6k M o v iE e v: e r eCs itn, e m. a 12 . , , Deck Tournament, Sports Court. Shuffleboard P i l a t eJse,w eFli t n e s s C e n t e r . . . , . . . . . . D e c k l i eorm A P u rF 6 Bar., . , . Deck Schooner lvlichael Jackson, Guess That'iune: 11 Analysis, DaySpa,. , . , . Deck Tongue andPulse Jewel Free LineDancing,SafariClub. .........Deck6 , . . . . . Deck11 Tournament, nextto Windjammer TableTennis ll DaySpa. . . Deck Jewel forMedi-Spa, WalkinConsultations AllAboattl ($),Safari 6 Club. . . . , , . . . . Deck onSale Bingo Cards Royal 11 . . .. Deck Pool Poolside. Games, Roya Bli n gG o a m eBse g i(n$ ) ,S a f aCr il u b . . . . . . , . . D e c6k Stretch Class, Evening A FREE . . . . , . .D e c k 1 2 JewelFitnessCenter., 12 . . . . . Deck Sports Court. 0nYour OwnVolleyball, 5 . . Deck blowout sale, ArtGallery. Thomas l(inkade . . t. o Dpe.c k 6 M i s c e l l a n e o u s F o o t b a l l T r i v i a , P .i t. S . ,.... . D e c k 1 2 F a m i l y G a m e s , A d v e n t u r e O c e. .a. n


E hrusucAilDDAncrilc

Music withCoco Loco LatinDance pm- 6:00pm 4 Deck Centrum, 5:15 pm pm 4 Deck 7:00 Centrum, 6:15 pm pm 11:00 6(LatinFiesta) Deck Club, Safari l0:15 p m- m i d n i g h t Deck 6 (LatinFiesta) Club, Safari 11i5 wtihRemetly Band Dance Music pm 7:55pn 4 Deck Centrum, 7:15 4 Deck Centrum, 9 : 1p5m- 1 0 : 0p0m 4 Deck Centrum, l 0 : 1p5m- 1 1 : 0p0m p m 4 Deck Centrum, 1l:15 midnight

wlthKim Plan0BarEntertainment pm pm 6 Bar,Deck Schooner B:30 7:45 6 (withbreaks) Bar,Deck Schooner 9:30pm midnight withDJDee Musie Vortext'lightClubDanee (Please 18yrsofageandolder.) forguests Vortex Nightclub is note: Tribute) pnt pm 1l:00 Jackson 13(Michael Deck Vortex, 10:00 pm- late Deck 13( topHits& Requests) Vortex, 11:00

Save When You Plan Your Next Vacation with Us. H o w a b o u t a l e i s u r e l yt r i p a c r o s st h e A t l a n t i c ?O r p e r h a p sa n . unforgettable journey to Australia?Or a trip through the Greek lsles?'Planyour Next-Cruisewith us today,and our destination experts wili help you find the itinerary that's just right Gdt uo to $5OO of instant onboard credit for your current c r u i s ev a c a t i o n p l u s a r e d u c e d d e p o s i t .

- Operation vanHeyningen Jacqueline 1' lnc.Rockefellerst(aat & Sons(Aruba) Maduro S.E.L, ArubaPhone297.528.2343/ Oranjestad, 5 Event, Royal Sh0ps...........,..........'..'.'..Deck Perlina Sales Bella Fax297.582.6136/ 6 Officeron DuIy297.733.0847 . . Deck . Cinema Movie: Everest, - POBox158'J.B. Antilles Netherland Curacao, L a d i e s N i g h t l n T h e S p a , J e w e l D a y S p a . . . . . . . . . . . U.S. . . D Consulate e c k l l General, - Tel:599-9-461-3066; afterhours 1, Willemstad, Curacao Gorsiraweg 5 . .. Deck Theatre Showtime, Coral @ Production Tel:599-9-510-6870 i2 .. . Deck Arcade Arcade, Challenger's Family Free - Polis Police / di Costa Vigilancia / Beach LocalLawEnforcement 4 .. . .. Deck Game Show, Centrum. Finish ThatLyric w/onr',Aruba'Tel:297-586-3003 Boulevard J.E,lrausquin Strandpolitie, or 297-586-9136 Decks 5,6 Theatre Showtime, Coral @ Production 99PRD3I

lcoN LEGE}ID:r[

so(ietv event ($) teetortrrts &Anthor event/actlvltv tmnalred vitalitynrtivifl @ (rown @ shows .9r Heartno $ HuskandDantins

Jeuel of theSea,s' EOLORFUL WILI.EMSTAD ISA BRIGFIT SI.{INIhIG STAR[f{ TFIH CARItsBEAT.{ SEA. Betweenthe naturalbeautyof the islandand the colonialtreasures of its historiccapital,curacaois perhapsone of the richestcaribbeandestinations. Eventhe first Dutchsettlersrealizedearlyon they had hit the jackpot.The saltwaterpondsbecamea majorsourceof incomeas the worldgot hooke<i on salt.Meanwhile, merchantportsfrom everynationcameto find shelter i n t h e n a t u r adl e e p - w a t ehra r b o ro f b u s t l i n gw i l l e m s t a dA. n d w h i l ef o r t u n e s werebeingmadeoff of the saltand slavetrade,the realwealthcamelater, with the discoveryof oil in 'l920.That'swhen peoplefrom all overthe worlri f l o o d e dt h e i s l a n dt,h e l a r g e sot f t h e N e t h e r l a n dAsn t i l l e s . Nowadays, willemstadis knownfor its oil refinery, culturaldiversity, and gorgeousDutchcolonialarchitecture, A strollthroughthis WorldHeritagesite is an absolutemust.Anothermemorableexperience is the famous.,floating market".outsideof town,the old plantationestatesarejust as colorful.An<i adventureis nevertoo far awayon an islandwith as manydivesites,caves and beaches as this one. Bact<Onboard


Friday,January22,2016 Willemstad, Curacao


!nllli[#'*]]. ;q,l::;r;,:s .,"4 I M P O R T A N TH I N G S TO KNOW TODAY Ship'sArrivalIn Port:8:00am Gangwayopens8:3Oam AllAboard:4:3p 0m Tonight'sDinnerDressSuggesUons Formal GangwayLocation Gglgryuy(u"itsoff the shrp)are locatedon Deck2, midship.Theonly wayto exit the shipis by usingthe erevators and staircases nearthe DiningRooms. Seapass*Card& Froof of Cltizenshlp Don'tforgetto bringyourSeapass"'card and picture roentrlrcatton or proofof citizenship todaywhenyou reaveror curacao.A securitycheckpointwill be set up at the gangwayfor your safety. Need towelsfor your adventuresashore?

l" FreePortfoliowith Purchaso B u ya n y f o u rp o r t r a i t ps h o t o g r a p hasn dw e w i l l g i v ey o ua n e l e g a n t portfolioto holdthem in absolutely free.Stopby the photoGalleryfor details,5:30pm - 11:00pm, PhotoGallery, Decl< 5. 2" RelaxationPackage Treatyourselfto a Pampering sessionreceivethe following:Backmassage, soothingfrangipani scalpmassage, handand arm rnassage anda pressure pointfoot massage. reflexology 50 minutesof indulgence for only $ 1 0 9D . o n ' tm i s so u t c a l l T 2 o rv i s i tt h e J e w e D l a yS p ao n D e c k1 lt o m a k e yourreservation.

guestsvisitas cleanas whenwe firstarrive. Attention Please- Prohibitedltems Thefollowingitemsmay not be broughtbackonboard ship:Prohibiteditemsincludemeat,foultry,plant& animalproducts,shellsand rocks,to preveht'foreign pests and disease(includinginvaslvespecr'es) to protect Human,Animal,and plantHealth. SelfAsslst

3. DESIGI{ER BAGBLOWOUT SAIE Snapup your brand-newdesignerbag;clroosefrom a wideselection of designerbagswith savingsof up to 40% off comparedto U.S.prices.Arrlve e a r l yt o a v o i dd i s a p p o i n t m e T n th, i si n c r e d i b ldee a ll a s t sf o r t o n i g h o t nly! 6:00 pm, Duty& TaxFreeSlropsOnboard,Deck5.

SANJUANPUERTO RICO yourtimesitting Don'twaste intheairport insanJuan. we stillhave availability foroneof ourtoursthatwilldropyouoffattheairport if youhave a flightafter 3:00pm.VisittheShore excursion deskfordetails.

CASINO$2,OOOWIPEOUTDRAWTODAV- tO:gOpM Get25 pointson yourSeaPass'u by playingon bothslotsand tablesand if drawnyou couldwipeoutup to 92,000off youronboardaccount.specificrures apply,aseseeyourCasinoHostFreddyfor moredetails.Tonight1O:OO pm, CasinoRoyale,Deck6.

Transfersto the SanJuanAirport Topurchase transfers to the Airport,pleasecontacr GuestServices deskuntilSaturday, Day7 at Noon. Transfers cost $lB per person,

Tornorrow We will be At Sea.

I N T E R N A T I O N A T ,

EVENTSAND OFFERS NOT TO MISSTODAY! ARTflSTflCAI.LV INSPIREDF[ilE JEWEI.RVAi{D CO!"@RED GEI'TSTOiIES FROFIPARAG@?{ JEWEI.RV Available onlyfor this Cruise, this exquisite fineJewelry looksso good on the outside;it will makeyou feelgood on the inside.Meetlrfanyour ParagonJewelrygemstone expertespecially onboardfor this cruisefor more information on genuine,naturalgemstones from this New Yorkdesignercollection Join us 6:00 pm onwardsin the RoyalShops,


Showtime W Headliner Starring

ThlsDynatnicDuocomesall tfrrewayfrorma smal!vif,lage calledLosAngelesCA. Thel-ligh-speed action-packed Cornedyot

Alfred& Seymour Showtimes: 7:15pm & 9:00pm (Entrance for 715pm is on Deck5)

UP TO $5OOI]{STAIIITONBoARDGREDIT Bookyour nextcruisewith us todayand you will receive up to $500 instantonboardcreditthat can be usedthis cruiseto spendon ShoreExcursions, RoyalShops,Bars, Internet, a lovelydinnerin our SpecialtyRestaurants, a pamperingin the JewelDaySpaor your photo luxurious Package. Makean appointment by dialing"0", Visitour NextCruise SalesDesk,Centrum,Decki2, LASTCI{AI{CEDUTVFREELIOUORSPECIAL Don'tmissout on our "2 for" specials on selectDLrty.Free Liquorand Tobacco, Youwill neverfind thesebrands this inexpensive! Don'tmissout as stockis limited!Royal Shops,Deck5, SCLEilTART AUCTIOF{ V i s i t h e A r t G a l l e r tyo n i g h tf o r t h e o n l ys i l e n a t u c t i o no f the cruise,Thisis righttime to makeyour offer!Easyto b i d l6 : O Op m - 1 0 : 0 0p m ,A r t G a l l e r yD, e c k5 , $fl9"99 WATCIflGIFTSETSSA[.8 STARTS AT6;00 PMHisand Herswatchgift setson salefor pricedfrom$80-$100), Ihe salestartsat 6:00 $19,99(regularly pm andlastsfor onlyone hour,Getthereearly,Royalshops, Deck5.

CoralTheatre, Decks5 & 6 please, no unattended chllchen ln thetlrctthrcercws AIso,pleasedo notbilnganyfood lntotheTheatre. Thankyoufot yout coopentlon,

W'70s DiscoInferno DanceParty Join yourCruiseDirectorJohn,the DiscoDivasand our very own MachoMenfor a DiscoInfernoDancePartylikeno other,Breakou thosePlatformShoesand,getreadyto "Shakeyour booty"! (Featuring bigballoons) (Centrum chairs willbemovedat B:30pmto accommodate thisevent,) 1 0 ; 3 0p m ,C e n t r u mD, e c k s4 , 5 , 6 , 7 , 8 & 9 .


LlneDanceClass:'70s& More '70sDiscoInferno Getreadyfor tonight's DancePartyandlearn thedances withyourCruise Director's Staff. 9:00am,Vortex, Deck13, HarryPotterTrivia you'veseenthemovies You've readthebooks, butcanyouwin thistestof HarryPotterTrivia? for thefun, Joinyourfellowguests 3:15pm,Schooner Bar,Deck6.

EVEI{IT{G AC-d'!VITI ES SummerBreezeMuslcConcert JoinvourRoyalCaribbean for thegreatsounds Singers of the summerl 8:10pm- 8:30pm,Centrum, Deck4. '7OsDiscoInfernoDanceParty JoinyourCruise Director John,theDiscoDivas andourveryown MachoMenfor a DiscoInferno Partylikenoother. Dance (Featuring big balloons) (Centrumchairswill be movedat B:30pm to accomodate thisevent.)

10:30pm,Centrum, Decks 4, 5,6, 7,8 & 9.

TODAY'S MOVIES TheWalk(PG-13/123 min) ln 1974,high-wireartistPhilippePetitrecruitsa team of peopleto helphim realizehisdream:to walkthe immensevoid betweenthe World TradeCentertowers. Missionlmpossible:RogueNatlon(PG-13/131min) Ethanand teamtakeon theirmost impossible missionyet,eradicating the - an International Syndicate rogueorganization. Everest(PG-13 / 121min) A climbingexpeditionon Mt. Everestis devastated by a severesnowstorm.


Jeuel oJ'theSeas@

pnr- '10:00 pm. t Gallery 5:00 . Deck s rrdsandGames,Library 24Hours, ... Deckg rsinoRoyale 5:l5pm-Late.,.. ..,Deek6 pm. tnessCenterroiar nr 6:00 am- 10:00 .Deck lZ testSelvieesrararol 24hours. ,.. Deck4 prn- 7:00 pm.. Deck ternational Ambassador8:00 am- 10:00 am/5:00 4 (Dial8989 Assistance inforcign languages GiestRetati)ns Desk )

ryalty Ambassador welDaySparorarzt

8:00 a r n- n o o n , . B:00am-10:00pm

, . . . .D e e k l l .,......,Deekil

Iah Salor,/SteanRoonandSauno/TeethWhltenlng Clittic/Theilnalsutte/Acupnilctwe Ctlnk/ l{etfFSpa

Facility sdieaf am- i1:00 am/4:00pm- 7:00pm.. . . . .Deck "*oo(Dtrtst) B:00 2 )ctor's Hours 8:00am- 1i:00 am/4:00pm- 7:00pm ' Medical consultations arcsubject tod fee.

8:00am. 11:30 am/2:30pm- 5:00pm / TimeDiningReservations (Didl3333)

rxtcruise Sales Desk

9:00am- 9:00pm.

. . ,Deek lZ

( Please yourdppointnent) dial0 toschedule

totoGalleryrorarravl PoilftitStudios

ryalShops roreExcursions Desk rlarium Ateao

5:30pm-11:00pm. .....Deck5 5:30pm- 6:30pm/7:30pm- 9r00pm/ 10:p 0 m- 1 l : 0 p0 m . . . . . D e c5k pm 5:00pm- 11:00 . . . .Deck 5 7:30am- 9:00am/5:30pm- 8:00pm , . Deck 4 24hours. ...Deckll

Whlrlpools, Solarlum Pool, Solarlum ilnPool,Maln Whlrlpool ., pm rolTowel 7:00am- 10:00

, . . . Deckl1 . . . , Deckll

'TheSolailunAredisfor guess16years ofageandabove. poolbetween duing inclenentweather childrcnrnayusesolarium 3:00pn and5:00pn "Exception: with parcnts supevision, an(lwhhlpo1ls canbetemponillyclosed lor cleaning. I Pool& | Whilpo\lwiiltenainopen Pools 24Hours, childrenin diapers/pull ups/swinne$nay not usethepools/whitlpools, Young evenil acconpanied byaparent/guardian.

Activlties: ortsDeck Coutt Sports Wall Climbing Rock

Open alldayexcept 6:00pm- 9:00pm. . .Deck U 5:00pm- 7:00pm(lastsisnup6:45pm) Deckll

(Please bringsocks,t-shirtandshotts/pants andclothingmustbe dry),




policies, please seruicesand dnddescription ofonboatd rcadUseful lnfonnation fuilheti\formdtion on backof BehkdTheNanefags,

are0pen24Hours: Servlces andVenues eFollowing press RCTV/ Entergency 0nly(Dial9lI)l Guest Services TourBookings, onlinesr4, Decks 4,5,Z catibbean ial0)l rcVal - Royal International, Caribbean worl<ing inconjunction rnortantHealthInformation hasinstituted forDisease Control andPrevention, States Centers enhanced ththeUnited procedures allitsships. You'll seesome ofthese activities raninq onboard durinq waytoprevent Medical experts tellusthatthebest colds, flu,and vacation. urcru-iie istosimply washyourhands thoroughly withsoapandhotwater illnesses strointestinal Your eating anything, cooperation andagain before andassistance breal(s errestroom isaDofeciated, ththismatter - Allliquorpurchased onboard inourdutyfreeshoportakenfromyou ruolDistribution t0yourstateroom inourportsofcall,willbedelivered onthefinalnightof the gangway vacau0n. urcrutse areSensitlve! rrnines isverysensitive, Please onboard donotthrow thatourtoiletsystem :aie'note paper remover wipes, c0tt0n buds, make-up towels, ladies such aswetwipes, vthinq paper your am0unts 0ftoilet asthiswillblock nappies orexcessive iitaryproducts, t0theentire vacuum system. letandcause disruption " Hearinq lmnaired Please witha hearing assistance system. askGuest isequipped Services Theatie eCoral Deck4forareceiver.



I N T E R N A T I O N T . L

yourEuropean May2016. Theworld's family starting biggest, boldest adventure eash - withmoreslides nextsummer thananyothership, to Barcelona ationevercomes perminute. reserve Harmony's one-time-only European Hurry, I morememories Deck 12andreserve it today. Sales Desk, son,VisittheNextCruise


6 ,r,o"u,January22,ze16

Today we are in Willemstad, Curacao. TOf{tGl.lTrSD!i,{NERDRESSSUGGESTIOi.{:ForrnaI FOOD & BEVERAGE I{OSP!TA[.[TY DEISK 8:OOam -llc3o am/2:BO Fm - S:(}Op|tt Weareavailable todayfor anyqueitions ybumayhav"e in regards to: ' Dietaryrestrictions, allergies and special orders ' B e v e r a gpea c k a g e s a l e sa n di n q u i i i e s " Specialty reservations, inquiries andreservations " GrJest preferences anddresscodes T i d e sD i n i n gR o o mD , e c k5 .O r d i a t3 3 3 3 . PIL'ase note yout seatitp drrangementsptinted on the front of your Seapasscard.

Dtlrfll{G sc}tEDUt E & AFTERTNOOT{S]{ACI(S EREAKFAST q:qQam - 1:QQam EarlyBird,CoffeeStation . . . Deckt1 7 : 0 0a m - 9 : 0 0a m T i d e sD i n i n gR o o mO , e a t i n g... O e c t4< - 1 1 : 0 0 a mW i n d j a m m d r C a fp6e.nS 7:00am . . : , . . . . . . o, ,e: :C. k. t t mr e s Jhu i c eB a r . , . . . , . . . D e C t < t t 9 Q 0 E m- 1 1 : 0a0m $ S o l a r i u F LUltc]l 1 1 : 3a0m 2 : 3 0p m A s i a nI n s p i r e Ld u n c h . W i n d j a m m e r C .a.f 6 , .......Deck11 " J a s m i nD e i n n eM DINNER r enu" 5 : 3 0p m - 9 : 3 0p m M yT i m eD i n i n g. . . . . D e c k5 (Resetvations rccommended,Dial3333during desk houts: B:OOam - ll:3o am & 2:JOpm - S:00pm)

6 : 0 0p m M a i nS e a t i n qT,i d e sD i n i n qR o o m.. . . D e c k4 8:30pm SecondSeatTnq, TidesDini-nq Room.. . Deck4 6 : 3 0p m 9 : 0 0 p m C a s u aDl i n n e rW , i n d j a m m eCl a f 6., . . D e c k1 1 SFECIA!.TY DINIl{g 5 : 3 0p m - 9 : 3 0p m C h o p sG r i l l e , " S i g n a t u rSet e a kH o u s e " . . . . D e c k6 (.?f1 rrvv

$35 dining fee pet personapplies,gratuitiesincluded (Reservations recommended,dial 73) 9:00 am onwards n m| Pf


6 : 3 0p m

- O '?A J,rv

n r n|



P o r t o f i nFoi,n el t a l i aD n i n i n g , , . . . . .D e c k6

$25 dining fee per personapplies,gratuitiesincluded (Resetvationsrecommended,dial 74)9:00 am onwards Chaf'c Tahlo

'U'ftiriat6b'lnins Experience". . . . . . . Deck6

$85 dining fee per person applies,gratuitiesincluded (Resetvationsrequired,for inquiriesdial 73) DressSuggesf/or.' Sma/t Casual.Pleaseallow approximately two houts for dining. Cancellationwith lessthan 24-hoursnotice will be chargeda fee of $lO.

RoomService(Diat54) A $3.95 service charge will be applied fot Room Service Light Snackordersbetweenmidnightand 5:00 am,

Tea,CoffeeStation .. Deck11 Solarium C a f 6. . . . . . D e c ki l AfternoonSnacks, Windiammer Caf6D e c k ' 1 1 SeaviewWok.........: Deck12

$9.99dining fee per person.

D R I N K O F T H E D A Y . M A R G A R I T AA Z U L margarita, JoseCuervo'Gold handshakenwithtriple sec,sweet& sourand bluecuracao, $7.75

TODAY'SACTIVITIES 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours 24hours - noon Midnight Midnight noon 7;30 am- B:00 am 8:00 am- 9:00 am B:00arn 9:00 am 9:00 am 10;00 am 10:30 an 'i1:00 am Noon pm 1:00 pm 1:45 pm- 4:00pm 2:00 pm 3:00 3:00pm 3:00pm- 4:00pm 3J5pm prn 4:00pm- 5:00 pm 4:00 4:50pm pm 4:30 pm- 5:00 prn 4:30 pm- 6:00pm 4:30 5:00pm pm 5:00pm- 5:30 pm- 6:00pm 4:30 515pm 515pm

Shore Excursrons lnformation .Channel 15 Port &Shopping lnformation . . Channel 22 N e x t C r u i s e l n f o r m a t i o n . . . . . , .C h a n n e l l g Royal Cribbean onlinesM . . . . . Decks 4,5,7 Friends ofBillW andother gatherings, please refer t0the Community Bulletin Board, Cafdlatte-tudes. . , . . Oeif, S Cards, Board Games &IriviasAvailable, g Library. , . , , . Deck

l l : 0 0p m ll:00pm-late pm- late l1:00 pm- 12:15 11:15 pm Midnight l:00am

Paradise LottoDraw-EstJackpot $gg2,000, Casino. . Deck6 D o u b l e P o i n t s 0 nCSalsoitnso, R o y a l e , , . . . ., ., i.l ; k 6 C a s i nBoa H r a p pHyo uC t a s i nBoa r . , . . . . , . , D e c6k 'B0s Flashback Dance PartywithDJDee, Vortex.. . . Deck 13 M o v iE e :v e r eC s ti n , e m. a . . . . . . . . . D e c6k Curfew enforced allguests 17years andyounger

TheMorning Show withJohn& tGtrina . Channel iq .F mulncEnDDAucu{G Spanish Morning $ Show withJames & Valeria . . . . .Channel lg FabAbs, Jewel Fitness Sounds Center.. of theCaribbean . (weather permitting) . .Deck 12 Indoor ($),Jewet pm- 5;00pm Cycling 4:15 Fitness Center . . . Deck 12 pm- 6:00pm Jewel of theSeas'isexpeeted 5:15 to arrivein Poolside, Deck 11 Willernstad, Curacao. DaneeMusiewith RemetlyBand Gangway is Located on Deck Z, Mtdsttip. 5,30pm- 6:00pm Centrum, Deck 4 '70s Line Dance Class: & More, Vortex. pm- 7:00pm 6;15 . . .. . Deck lJ Centrum, Deck 4 M o v iTeh; e W a l k , C i n e m a . 715pm- 7:55 pm .........Deck6 Centrum, Deck 4 MorningTrivia,SchoonerBar ......Decl(6 pm- 12:15 l1;15 am Centrum, Deck 4 (Classic Rock) B e a n B a g T o s s O p e n P l a y , p o o l s i d e . , . . . . . , . D eGuitar c k l lMusie withEugene Explorer Academy: Ribbon Roses, 5:45pm- 6:30pm Schooner Bar. . . . , Deck 6 Schooner Bar,Deck 6 6:45pm- 7:30pm Schooner Bar,Deck 6 8:45pm- 9:30pm M o v iTe h: eW a l kC, i n e m a . Schooner Bar, Deck 6 . . . . . , , . . D e c6k l"atin Dance t'{usic with Coco Loco OnYour OwnBilliards Play, Safari Club. . . , . . Deck 6 7:45pm- B;30pm Safari Explorer Club, Deck Academy: 6 Jewelry Workshop, Schooner Bar.Deck 6 - 9:45pm pm 9:00 Safari Free Club, Deck Footprint 6 Analysis, Jewel Fitness Center. . . , . . . Deck l2 Safari Club, F i z z l e o u t t h e F r i z z , J e w e l D a y S p a . . . . , . . . , D e c10;00 k l l pm i0:45pm Deck 6 pm pm ll;00 11:45 Safari Club, Deck 6 Movie: Mission lmpossible: Rogue Nation, Cinerna. . , . Deck 6 PianoBarEntertairunent withKim play,Sports Sports Activity; Open Soccer Court. . . . . Deck i2 - 8:30pm pm 7;45 Schooner Bar,Deck 6 H a r r y P o t t e r T r i v j a , S c h o o n e r B a. r. .. .. .. ,. D . eck6 - i2:30am pm 9:45 Schooner (withbreaks) Bar, Deck 6 Pathway (g),Jewel toYoga Fitness Center ... ,. . .. . Deck 12 Summer Breoze Music Concert with the Royal Carlbbean Singers G u e s s l h a t T u n e : ' B 0 s T u n e s , S c h o o nDeer B c ka6r . . , . . . . . . , pm8:10 8:30pm Centrum, Deck 4 AllAboarel! Vortex l{ightClubDance Music withDJDeo MiniGolfTournament, Jewel Fairways . . . . . Deck i3 (After11:15 tonight: Vortex 0m yrsofageandolder.) is forguests'lB R o yB a li n gC o ,a r d s o n S a l e ( g ) C , Sl ua bf a. .r.i . . ' , . D ..e . ck6 i0:00pm- 10:45 pm Vortex, Deck 13(Pre-recorded Music) A c u p u n c t u r e D e m o , J e w e l D a y.S . .p, ,a. ,. . D e c k i l pm- 11:15 10:45 pm Vortex, Deck 13(Requests) Roya Bli n gG o a m eBse g i(n$ ) ,S a f aCr il u b . . . . . . . . . D e c6k pm- 1215 11:i5 am Vortex, Deck 13('80sFlashback Dance) Evening Stretch, Jewel Fitness Center,. ... . Deck 12 i2:15 am- late (Top Vortex, Deck 13 Hits & Requests) LiveAcupuncture Demo, Jewel DaySpa. . . . Deck ll l(ids& F a m i l y S c r a p b oAodkvi negn,t uOr cee a n . . . .D. .e c1k2 Baseball Sports Trivia, PitStop. . . . . Deck 6

6:00pm 6:00pm 6:00pm pm 6:00pm- 10:00 7J5pm pm- 8:30 pm B:10

($)Watch I hoursale GiftSetSale, Royal Shoos.,. . .Deck 5 Movie: Mission lmpossible: Rogue Nation, Cinema. . , . Deck 6 0 ny o u r o wBna s k e t P b al al ly , S p o r t s C ..o . .u, .r.t, . D e c k 1 2 Silent ArtAuction, ArtGallery. . . . . .Deck 5 Showtime, @ Headliner Coral Theatre . . , . , Deck 5 Breeze Music @ Summer Concert withthe Roya Cla r i b b e a n S i nCgeenrtsr ,u m ...... Deck4 9:00prn Headliner Showtime, W Coral Theatre. . Decks 5.6 9:00pm Movie: Mission lmpossible: Rogue Nation, Cinema, . . . Deck 6 9;00pm (Ages Teen l(araoke i2 - lZ),Hollywood Odyssey. . . . Deck l3 pm 10:00 WipeOutDraw, $2,000 Casino Royale. . , . .. Deck 6 prn- 10:30 pm D a n c e M u s i c w i t h D J D e e , C e n t. r. .u.m 10:00 .,...Deck4 'ZOs pm l0:30 party, @ Disco Inferno Dance Centrum . , . Decks 4,5,6 pm pm Royal 10.30 11:30 Poker Tour(g),Tournament, Casino Royale . . , . Deck 6

dlr91$-v yoyrnextRoyalCiriOO"an qtan4ins Internationai lf^yqy,'t"vacatio n, here'sso methii si e 6e i;;'s eiiii

iiel' Eb o ut,

Book low now a,no a.ndget an Instant_onboqld p_o-ol! instant onbo6rd credit o1,Up TO $5OO that ccan an o oe eu o u r ccurrent used sed o on n yyour urrentR Roval o y a lC Ca a r i b b e a nc r utts e .

CltliseSales,Team wi[ be.hipp.yto yo_uwith vour Qq1 ! reservatio ns.Visit our p rofessionbl'-NeitChetp iuTs61i:am oni D e c k1 2 . pilgrim R0BERT SALAS Pharahien Layron, Zoetrum S.E.L (Curacao) Maduro & Sons Inco Maduro Plaza, P0,Box3304 Willemstad, Curacao, NethAntilles s_!Ip's 599-9-i33-1510/ ttl 121 13 lql.90!91e, 0perations: FAX: 599-9-733-i538/ 1539 DutyOfficer: 599-9-560-i352 Layron, Zoetrum: 0il 5999-515-7149 ROBERT SALAS: 011 59995ll0969 Pharahien Pilgrim: 011 59995601352 99PRD393:


vttatry nctlvltv pr rearing ano oanonu ($) teerorttrts tmpatred .F uustc evenva(tivtty &Anchor so(lety @ snows event @ (ror,ln

Jeutel of theSea,s'

January23,2016 DAY 7 AtSaturday, Sea

FNJOVEVERVI.ASTEUTOFVOURFIh{ALDAYATsEA It'snot overyet.Not evenclose.So beforeyou startpackingup your souvenirs, thinkof all the memories you haveyet to make.your lastday at seacouldverywellbe the highlightof yourwholecruisevacailon. And there,s s t i l lp l e n t yo f t i m et o f i n da f e w l a s t - m i n u tgei f t s ,s o a ku p t h e s u n s h i naet t h e pool,get pamperedat the spa,or maybeevenpick up a gameon the sports deck.As we sailbackto port,makeeverymomentcount.Thisis yourtime you cameherefor:a littleadventure, to find everything somemuch-needed relaxation...and maybeevena surpriseor two. Go Out With A Bang "

C l i m bt o t h e t o p ,l f y o u h a v e n 'at l r e a d yc,h a l l e n gyeo u r s e a l ft t h e R o c k C l i m b i nW g allO . r t r y i t a g a i na, n dg o a l i t t l eh i g h e r .


Geton the dancefloor.Learna newstep.Showoff yourmoves. Graba partner.Or do a Iittlefreestyle,


FinalArt Auction D o n ' tm i s so u r G r a n dF i n a l e A r t A u c t i o nw , i t h p r i z e sa n da r t w o r kt o b e g i v e na w a y M . a x ,M i r o B , r i t t oA , g a m ,C h a g a a l l n dm u c hm o r e T . h i sa u c t i o n featuresthe verybestof the collectionand manypreviously unseen,new worksup for bid.Fun,freeart,and freeafternoonchampagne, prn, 1:OO S a f a rC i l u bD , e c k6 .

2. Re!axationPackage Treatyourselfto a Pampering sessionreceivethe fellowing:Back m a s s a g es ,o o t h i n g f r a n g i p a ns ic a l pm a s s a g eh,a n da n da r mm a s s a gaen d pressure pointfoot massage. a reflexology 50 minutesof indulgence for only $'109. Don'tmissout call72 or visitthe JewelDaySpaon Deckl1to makeyourreservation 3. ehopsGrilleSpeeialLunclr J o i nu s t o d a yf o r a s p e c i al lu n c hm e n ui n C h o p sG r i l l e$. 2 5p e rp e r s o n . Verylimitedavailability. Call"74for reservations or moreinformation.


Thankyou for sailingwith us! Sincerely, CaptainLisLauritzen Master, Jewelof the Seas'

t b4 r,, On behalfof the officers, staff& crewonboardJewelof the Seasmaywe wishyou a safejourneyhome!We hope to seeyou againonboardJewelof the Seas.or another RoyalCaribbean International shipin the nearfuture.



fi*,^,-".*psr-atuve: -'5 Sunrlse: 6:57am Sunset: 6:2]om

I M P O R T A NT TH I N G S TO KNOW TODAY lonight's DinnerDressSuggestions Casual DepartureTalk A very importantdeparturetalk will be televiseo throu.ghout the day on channel18and may be viewedat your letsure.

SeaPass-'Card On departuremorning,all guestswill be requiredto punchout throughthe SeaPass'" kiosksat the qanqwav prior to leavingthe ship.Pleasedo not discardlpait< or delaceyour SeaPass'"'card, as you will needit when departingthe ship. Liquor Dlstribution Al1liquorpurchasedonboardin our duty free shopor you at the gangwayin our fjortsof catl,will take.n.from be cleliveredto your stateroomthis evening. Airline BoardingPasses Kiosksto.printoff yourboardingpassesfreeof charge areavartabte at the entranceof the SanJuanLuisMunoz International Airportfor yourconvenience. ElectronicCommentCald In RoyalCaribbean's continuedeffortto Savethe Waves, we are no longerdelivering the GuestSatisfaction

Don'tmissyourchanceto savebig on Swisswatchbrandssuchas certified pre-ownedROLEX, TagHeuer,Tissot,Lamborghini, Frederique Constant and Alpina.We includethe brand'sinternational warrantywith purchase. 'lO:00 am , RoyalShops,Deck5

CASINOBARSPECIAL.$2 CHAMPAGNE DRINKS Enjoy$2 Mimosas and Champagne at our earlybird "SlotsOf Fun,' special. Onlyavailable at the casinoBar,9:00 am - noon.


Tornorrow We will be in SanJuan,PuertoRico"

EVENTSAND OFFERS NOT TO MISS TODAY! ACE"!PUNCTURE EE.IN!E you pains Do have aches and that traditional t h e r a p y i s n o t a l l e v i a t i n g ?S c h e d u l ey o u r a c u p u n c t u r et r e a t m e n t t o d a y . M E D I S P A C L I N I C Give your face a vacation by instantly and d r a m a t i c a l l yr e d u c i n gt h e a p p e a r a n c eo f f a c i a l wrinkles and fine lines.FDA approved treatments including Botox Cosmetic, Dysport, Restylaneand P e r l a n ea r e a l l a v a i l a b l ef r o m o u r o n b o a r d l i c e n s e d doctor. 6ET OTIRBEST@FFER BV BOOKING VOURI{EXT CRINISE @ilBOARDTODAV Get our limited time BOGO Offer sale to enjoy on your next cruise.Buy one, get one 50% off and get u p t o $ 3 O Oi n o n b o a r dc r e d i t p l u s g e t f r e e V O O M o n s e l e c ts a i l i n g si n a d d i t i o nt o u p t o $ 5 O OI n s t a n t Onboard Credit.See your NextCruiseSalesTeam on ' O ' t o s c h e d u l ey o u r a p p o i n t m e n t . D e c k1 2o r d i a l PA&{PERPARTV I.ADEES T h i s i s a n i n v i t a t i o nf o r a l l t h e l a d i e so n b o a r dt h e J e w e lo f t h e S e a sf o r a l i t t l e " M e " t i m e . C o m e t o the FitnessCentertoday at 12:15pm to join your S p a M a n a g e rK, a r i n ,a n d t h e t e a m i n t h e L a d i e s Pamper Party.Receivea free CollagenEye treatment, Collagenneck & bust treatment,free Sunglow Mal<e Over,little tips & tricks and how to take care of your skin. Dial 72 to make your reservationtoday as spaces p m t o d a y ,J e w e l a r e l i m i t e d !l t a l l h a p p e n sa t 1 2 : 1 5 FitnessCenter,Deck 12. DWDNOW AWAC["AB[.E BNREVCEW CRqJESE A Cruisein Review DVD lets you show everyone a l l t h e i n c r e d i b l et h i n g s o n y o u r c r u i s ev a c a t i o n .l t ' s packed with highlightsof Ports of Call,fun events, food, interiorsof the ship,great entertainmentand pm in m o r e ,O r d e r y o u r st o d a y ,T i m e :1 0 : O Oa m - 1 1 : O O the Photo Gallery,Deck 5. YO{'RGRI.IISE MIOMOC T'@ P{JRCI{ASE [.ASTGHANEE Due to custom regulationstoday is the last day to purchaseyour cruise photo. Pictureswill not be availableafter the cruise. Take home your cruise photos in variouspackagessizes,Ask your friendly photographersfor details.Photo Gallery,Deck 5.


Showtinne WFarevuell Featuring

of your ManyrT'lennbers Fasmily of Entertainers. RoyalCarlhhean of thisGreatCrulsel Don'tmlssthe FunFlmale Decks5 & 6 Showtime: 7:45pm, CoralTheatre, Please,tro unafiended chllclrcn In the llrst thrce rcws Also, - -bleasedo not bilns anv lood lnto the Theatre. Thankyoufortou-rcooperatlon.

WCabaretShowtime Starring

Slngers TheRoyatCarlhbean Showtime: 10:30pm, SafariClub,Deck6

DAYTIMEAC]I[V[T[ES permitting) Walk for Wishes(weather Whenyou purchase a Wishesat SeasT-shirtyou helpsupportot partnership as wellas offer hc Foundation with the Make-A-Wish n ge d i c acl o n d i t i ' s t r e n g t ha n dj o y t o c h i l d r e w n i t h l i f e - t h r e a t e n im A n d i f y o u w i s hj,o i n u s f o r t h e W a l kf o r W i s h e s . , o o l s i d eD,e c ki l . 9 : 0 0 a m - 9 : 3 0a m T - s h i rdt r i v e P Deck11. 9:30am Walkfor Wishes,MeetPoolside, TowelFoldingAftistxy Demonstration You'veenjoyedthe fun towelanimalfoldsin your stateroom, now learnhow to wow yourfriends& familywith yourStateroon Attendants. 10:00am, Centrum,Deck4. Flnal RoyalBingo! I t ' st h e f i n a ls e s s i oonf 3 c a s hp r i z eg a m eB - l - N " G - O ! , ec i lubD , a f a rC 1 O : 1a5m ,C a r d so n S a l e1, 0 : 4 5a m ,G a m e sB e g i nS I O CupcakesDecoratingDennonsttation with our PastryChef! Enjoythe fun of decoratingcupcakes 1 l : 0 0a m ,C e n t r u mD, e c k4 , permitting) InternatlonalFaradeof Flags(weathor Over50 nationalities work& liveonboardthe Jewelof the Seas'" Enjoythis paradeas membersof the officersstaff& crewwavef Deck11. frornthe manydifferentnations.i2:05 pm, Poolside, permitting) World's SexiestManeompetltiost(weather Staff& cheeron yourfellowguests! JoinyourCruiseDirector's '12:30 pm, Poolside, Deck11, permitting) ZurnbaClass(weather 15millionpeople.The mostpowerfuland exciting 180countries, 1:00pm, Vortex,Deck13. to burnsomecalories. Class Jive Dance dancersand learnthe stepsto the fut Joinyour RoyalCaribbean dance- Jive!2:00 pm, Vortex,Deck13. Crown& Anchor RoyalCaribhean& NauticalTrivia You'veenjoyedyourcruise,now test yourknowledgeoJour nauticaltrivia!3:00 pm, SchoonerBar,Deck company&-gen6ral

ACTIVITiES EVET{ ING BlgBandDancing Dance to theBigBandwiththeJewelof theSeasOrchestra' pm,Safari Club,Deck6, 9:30pm - 10:15 NightKaraoke Farewell at theI & fellowguests friends Havea funtimewithyourfamily, Dec Odyssey' 9:00pm- 10:30pm,Hollywood nightof Karaoke!




lrt Gallery iards andGames iasino Royale

6:00pm-9:00pm, ,,..Deck5 Libraty. ....Deckg Slots 8:00am- late Tablesll:00am-late.... ......Deck6 ifiessecnlet(Dial72) pm 6:00am- 10:00 , , . .Dcek 12 (Drbl iuestServices 0) 24hours , . . . . Deck 4 ternational Ambassador Desk9:00am- noon/ 5:00pm- B:00pm . , . . . , ,Deck 4

Jeutel of the Sea,s@ DAy


Sarurday, January2s,2016


Assistance (Dialg9g9) in foreignlanguages GuestServices

oyalty Ambassador ewelDaySpa(Dral72)

9:00am- noon/ 3:00pm- 5:00pm. pm 8:00am- 10:00

....Deck B,Centrunl ... Deck fl

HairSalon/Steam Rootn andSauna/TcethWhitening Clinic/lhemalSuite/AcuD,ncture Clinic/


*-r*(Dial5l) ledieaf Facility Doctor's Hours

B:00am- i1:00am/4:00pm. 7:00pm, B:00 am- il:00am/4:00pm- 7:00 pm

DiningRoom,Deck5. Or diat3333, lidesnote yout fLera;e

seatingarrangementsprinted on the front of your Seapass.OI74



"'r Medicalconsultati,ns drcsubjecttoa fee.

lyTimeDiningReservations B:00 am- 1l:30 aml2:30pn - 5:00pm (Dial3333) extcrulse Sales Desk 9:00am- 9:00pm. , . . .Deck 12 )lease dial0 to forappointment) OpenSanJuanMorning 7:00am- 9:00am Deck12 '10:00 y (DiaI 3B52) hotoGallet am ll:00prn, . . . Deck S ott&ShopplngGuide(DIalB946)i00pm-6:00prn. ....Decks oyalShops 9:00am-i1:00pm. . . . .D e c k 5 6m :00pm horeExcurslons Desk 10:00an mo- o n / 5 : 0 0- p . . . . . .D e c k 4 olarium Areao 24hours ,...,Docklt M a l n P oM o la, i n W h i r l p oSoollsa,r l u m P o o l , s o l a r i u m .W o oelc k l l , ,l.r.h. .l.p. D 10:00pnl...,.. PoolTowel 7 : 0 0 a-m . . . . . . .D c c k l l 'fhe Solailun Areaisfot guests 16years ofageandabove. 'tException: duringinclunent wealher children nay usesolatiunplol betweeD JI, pn an(tS:00nm with Darenb suDervision Poolsandwhhlpools caubetemponrilyclosedfor cleaning, I pool& | Whhlpoot wil rendinopen 24Houts.

11:30 am - 1:00pm

30,TidesDininqRoom. Qrassolie

Noon- 1:30pm

Decktl Grille Clrr:ps "stgnatureSteakhouse',, .... Deck6 g2S

' Deck 4 11:30 am- 2:30pm Xff?.,3S3\fr$iied Lunah Windjammei'CbT6..,.:'.'i.., dirtingfee per person applies,gratuitiesincluded ( Reservations rccon nended, dia| 7rt)

p!_ryflrlER "Pomodoro DinnerMenu,, 5 : 3 0p m -9 : 3 0 p m M y T i moei n i n g . . . : : , . 1 . .

.. Deck5 '{it::|i':",iif ::;m?ffi!;?,t!;;'o',1",,,sdeskhou

F;?8ns si0:'t'$H*fr{if{aisjfiif8 6:30bm- 9:00rrm e; rB,,Eflr

spEc[a!"TV Diltfi{G 5:30pm- 9:30pm C_lrops " S t g nGrille, a t u r e SHt eoauks e , , . . .... . . . D e c k 6

Young chitdren in diapers/putl ups/swimnegnay notusethepoob/whirtpoots, evenif acconpanied byaparcnt/guadian.

)ortsDeck Activlties: Sports eouil Rock Climbing Wall

Open alldayexcept 6:00prn- 9:00pm 10:00 am- 1l:30 am(astSisn IJptni amt, , . Deck lJ pm- 6:00ptn(rasfs/9/tUps:4spn). . . . .Deelt'\l 3:15

(Please bilng socks,t-shirtandshortshantsandclothingmustbe dty).


1l:00 am- 3:00pm.

. . . Deck lz

policies, please Forlurtherinlonnation anddescriptiln ofonboard seruicesand readlJseful lttfonnation ontheback0fBehind TheNatne Tags.

rcFollowing Services andVenues are0pen24Hours: ruds andGames, Library, Deck 9/ Exprcss I'ourBooldngs, RC'fV/ Enrergoncy nlI @iat Relations cDl Guest Desk of.Jewel Golf,Deckl3/ eiatOl Fairways brary, Deck 9/ royal caribbean onlinesn', Decks 4,5,2

(Diat54) RoomService

A $3.95servicecltargewill be appliedfot Room Service Aght Slail.( otdgtsbetweenmidnightand S:00 arn.

lea, LorreeStatton 5 e a v r ewwo l ( . . .

$9.99 dining feeper person

. . Deck11 . . . . D e c k1 2

Solariurn Caf6 AfternoonSnacks, Windjammer Cafe

lntoTheSealsProhlbited scharge 0f AllGarbage Except Provlded 0therwise prohibit reMARPOL Convention anddomestic law generally thedischarge ofmost garbage rmsof fromships intothesea. Violation ofthese requirements mayresult in garbage placed rnalties, All isto beretained onboard and inthebinsorovided. - FunFacts,About - Crew ?ieers Vislbility TheOffieers 0nboard members within e hoteldepartment arealsoofficers ofdifferent ranks, ranging fromi/2 stripe to ;tripes. Thehighest ranl< isstillhelpbythecaptain with4112 stripes. Didyouknow atwithinthewhole cruising industry, therearecurrently only4 female captains? ryalCaribbean hasthepleasure ofhaving 3 ofthe4 female captains command our ,autiful shios.

- Accidents glass letyFirst!Flease NoGlass Bottlesin Poolslde involving broken ra dangerto youandyourfellowguests. Therefore, wekindlyaskthatwhenyouare thepoolareathatallbeverages inglass bottles bepoured intoa plastic cups. Thank inthisimportant r foryourattention safety matter.

D R I N K O F T I { E D A Y - ! . U S HM I N T L E M O N A D E MoninMojitomix,combinedwith Smirnoffvodka, garnishedwith freshmint and lemon.Only97.75

TODAY'SACTIVITIES 24hours 24hours 24hours

Royal Caribbean onlinesH, .. . Decks 4,5.7 3:00pm Crown &Anchor Royal Caribbean &Nautical Trivia. NextCruiselnformation ...,....Channel19 SchoonerBar..... .., Deck Cards, Board Games, Trivias &Sudoku Available, 3:00pm Librarv.Deck9 Open Play Volleyball, Sport Court ,.. .. ,.. . . . . Deck I 3;30frm- 4:00pm Seminar: younger HowtoLook i0 years in10minutes, - noon .14 JewD e la S y pa Midnight . . . . . .. D e c k TheMorning Show withJohn & Katrina . . . .Channel pm- 5:00pm A P a t h w ay ot og(a$ ) ,J e w F 4:00 - noon i t n e s s james e l C e n t e r . . . . , . . . . Dl e c Midnight Spanish Morning Show with &Valeria . . . .. .. Channel lB pm 4:00 F l i p C a m e r a S c a v e n g e r H u n t , s c 7:00 am- 7:30 am A Wake . , . , , .h. ,o, o , ,n.Deer cBka Up&Stretch, Jewel Fitness Center . . Deck lZ pm 5:00 Guess lhat Tune: Movie 7:30 Love Tunes, am 8:00am FabAbs, Schooner Bar. . . ... Deck, Jewel Fitness Center . . ,. . . Deck i2 5:00pm- 5:30prn E v e n iSntgr e t c h , i F ew i t ne el s s C e n t e r . , . , . . . . . . . . .I. . . B:00 am- 9:00am A Indoor ($),Jewel Cycling Fitness Center. . . Deck tZ 5:00pm- 6:00pm M a r t iCnlii n i qPuaer2t( S )C , h a m p aBganre. .... . . . . . , , D e ci k B:00 am-'ll:00 am Double Points onSlots, Casjno Royale .. . ... . . Deck 6 9:00am M o v iTeh: eI n t e rCn i,n e m a . . . . . . . . . . D e c6k 6;00pm 9:00am- 9:30 am Walk forWishes (g),poolside. M o v iTeh: e W a l k , C i n e m a . T-shirt Drive , , . . , . . . .D e c k r .. Deck ll pm 7:45 9:00am- 1l:00 am D o u b l e P o i n t s o n S l o t s , C a s i n o R.o, .y.a. .lD ee . ,c k 6 Showtime, Coral Theatre. W Farewell .... Decks 5.I 9:00pm 9:00am- noon M o v iTeh: e W a l k , C i n e m a Madness $2Mimosa attheCasino Bar. . . . , . . . . . .D e c k { . .... . . Deck 6 pm Farewell 9:00pm- 10:30 9;30 am Body ($),jewelFitness Sculpt Bootcamp Night l(araoke, Hollywood Odyssey. . . Deck Center 1, . . . . .. . . Deck 12 pm pm 9:30 9:30 10:15 am Walk (r,veather BiqBand forWishes, Poolside permitting).,...,,.. Dancing withtheJewel oftheSeas Orchestra, Deckll S a f aCr il u b 9:45 am . . . . . . . . , . D e c{k Visual Challenge: Celebrities, Safari Club. . . . , . Deck 6 '10:00 - l0:15 pm pm Lucky Pull Draw, Casino Royale .. l0:00am .. . Deck { Towel Folding Artistry Demonstration, Centrum, ,. . . .. . . Deck 4 pm 10:30 Cabaret Showtime with the Royal @ Caribbean l0:00am Singers, M o r n iTn rgi v iSac, h o o B n ea r . , , , . . . D e c6k S a f aCr li u b . . . . . . . . ,. D e ct k 10:00 am Designer Watch Sale! Save upIo75%, Royal Shops. , .. ,..Deck 5 pm 10:30 Merengue Dance Competition, Centrum . . . ,.. Deck, 10:00 am- 10:30 am A Seminar: Back Pain andArthritis Solutions pm l0:30 R o y a l P o k e r T o u r G r a n d F i n a C l e a , s i n o R 0 y a | e . ...,..D . . ,e, c k ( withAcupuncture, Jewel DaySpa .. ,. .... Deck il - midnightLatin pm i0:30 Fiesta featuring a Merengue Dance Competition, 10:00 am- 2:00pnr L a sDt a y $ 1P0o r t - o f -TC-aSl h p o o l s i d e . . . . . , , . . l irtSale, Deckll z Centrum . .. Deck l0:15 am- 10:45 am Final Royal tsingo (g),Safari Cards onSale Club, ,. . . .. , , Deck 6 pm ll:00 Live Paradise Lotto DrawJackpot cun'errtly at9882, 000 10:30 am- 11:00 am A n t-iA g i nSgo l u t i o n sD wriP .t ha o lJae, w S e lp a. . , . . . . . D e c1k1 C a s iR n oo y a l e . . . . . . . . D e c(k l0:45 am E x p l o r e r A c aC de am rM dya:k i n g , s c h o 8o an r .e. .r, . . , .D . e c6k Midnight ( Movie: Mission lmpossible: Rogue Nation, Cinema,. . . ... Deck l0:45 am Final Royal (g),Safari Bingo Games Begin Club... . . .. ,. Deck 6 1:00 am Curfew enforced allguests 17years andyounger il:00am | (t Cupcakes Decorating Demonstration, Centrum , ,.. Deck 4 li;00am Seminar: Detox A Free forHealth &Weight Loss, S HusrcAr{DDAHor{G fi Jewel Fitness Center.. , .. . . .. ,. Deck lZ il:00am- noon Sounds (weather of the permitting) Seminar: Carlbbean Detox forHealth, Energy andWeight Loss, JewelFitnessCenter,..... 11:00 am- 1l:45 am .;...Decl<.|2 Poolside, Deck 1l pm pm 11:30 am (P/ease l(id'sTalent 1:30 2:15 Show srbn upbyt0:30 Poolside, Deck an), ll Adventure Ocean pm- 315pm .... Deck 2:30 lZ Poolside, Deck 1l pm- 4:15 pm 3:30 Poolside, Deck11 Noon M o v iTeh: e l n t e r n , C i n e m a . GultarMusle withEugene . . , . . . . . .D e c k 6 - 1:30 pm pm- 6:00pm Noon BBQbythePool.... 5:15 Centrum, Deck4 . . . . .D e c k l l pm- 7:00pm pm 6:15 12:05 International Parade Centrum, ofFlags, Deck4 (realher permitting) Poolside iI5 pm- 8:00pm . ., Deck 1l Centrum, Deck4 pm- l:00pm 12:15 Ladies Pamper Party, Jewel Fitness Center . .. . Deck 12 PianoBarEntertalnment withKlm pm 12:30 World's Sexiest Man Competition, pm- 8:00pm 7:15 Schooner Bar, Deck 6 P o o l s i d e ( r . vpe ar m t hi et tri n g ) . . . . . . . . . . . , D e c k l l 9:30pm- midnight Schooner Bar, Deck 6 (withbreaks) pn 1:00 G r a n d F i n a l e A r t A u c t i o n , S a f a r i C. l. u. .b. D . . e. .c k 6 latinFlesta witheoeoloeo pm 1:00 ZumbaClass,Vortex... ...Deck'I3 pm- 9:00pm 8:15 Centrum, Deck 4 l:00pm l ( i d sF &a m iPl yr i z e B i nAgdov,e n t O u rcee a n . . . . . . , , . . . . D 1e 2ck pm 9:30pm- 10:i5 Centrum, Deck 4 l;00pm- l:30pm (g),Casino Blackjack Tournament Royale. . . . Deck 6 pm- 11:15 pm 10:30 Centrum, Deck 4 (Latin Fiesta) 'l:00pm2:00pm Seminar: Walking inComfort, Jewel Fitness Center. . . . . .Deck 12 pm- midnight i1:30 Centrum, Deck 4 (Latin Fiesta) 2:00pm JiveDance Class withyourRoyal Caribbean Dancers, BigBandDanclng withtheJewel oftheSeas 0rcheska Vortex.. .,.Deckl3 pm- l0:i5pm 9:30 Safari Club, Deck6 2:00pm A d v a n cNeadp k i n A r t i s t r y , SBcahr o . .o. .n, e . .r. . . . . .D. .e c k 6 Cabatet Showtlme wlththeRoyal earibbean Singers 2:00pm- 2:30pm RST Royal (g)Casino SlotTournament, Royale.. ...... ,. Deck 6 pm 10:30 Safari Club, Deck6 3:00pm ($)- Last Royal Poker Tour Qualifying Round, CasiR n oo y a l e . Vortex NlghtClubDanclng . . . . . , . D e c6k withDJDee (Please 3:00pm note: Acupuncture Vortex Nightclub A Seminar: andChinese isforguests Herbal 18yrsofageandolder.) Remedies, Jewe Dla S y pa pm- 1i:00 pm 10:00 . . . . . . . D e c1k1 Vortex, Deck 13(Beatles'Tribute) pm- late 3:00pm l { o v iTeh: e W a l k , C i n e m a . 1l:00 . . . . . . . . .D e c l < 6 Vortex, Deck13(Farewell Dance Party)


!.E@ENDg pr aalvttV anrt oanclns ($) feeforthls lm0atred event/a(ilviry &An(hor so(tety event A vmtttv @ (rown $ uusk W snows leartng


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