Liberty of the Seas 7-night Western Caribbean Cruise Compass - May 29, 2016

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Sunday. May 29 . 2016 Departing Galvest on , Texas

Liberty ofthe eas'



TODAY'S FORECAST Partly cloud y Hi g h Tem pe rat ure : 84°F (29 °C ) Sunrise: 6:21 am Sunset: 8:13 pm ( A lso available on Channel 17)

Welcome onboard the Liberty of the Seas. There is much to do, learn, see and experience on your cruise vacation. Enjoy a dance class or try your luck at a slot tournament. To find out what 's happening , when and where and to plan your time, check your Cruise Compass, which is published dail~( It includes the day's schedules, activity highlights and interesting destination informatlon. You'll find great offers - like a jewelry sale or a happy hour spa special - In the Cruise Daily Offers flyer, included with the Cruise Compass. Refer to both publications to make the very most of every hour and every day of your time on Liberty of the Seas. 1. libe rty Day Spa & ShipShape Center Tours · Win $5OO! Take a tour of our Spa and Fitness Center. Seeour revolutionary treat ments and services available for you. Enter our free raffle for the chance to win $500 in treatments and a special surprise gift! 11:00 am.- 3:15 prn, Liberty Day Spa, Deck 12. Join us for our special Raffle Draw, Fitness Center, Deck 11, 4:30 pm.

2. All-lnclusive Beverage Packag es . . . . Why not try the Ultimate Beverage Package, virtually unhmlt~ premium beverages to enjoy in every bar and restaurant around the ship! Choose from premium wines, beers, liquors, bottled water, soda and specialty coffees for only $67 per person, per day (18% gratuity will be added to total). Cheers! 3 Complimentary Gaming Lessons Learn how to beat the house. Or at the very least, look confident at the table. Come and enjoy complimentary gaming lessons today on all the most popular games - Blackjack, Roulette, Craps and more. Also, any time a table is vacant, our staff are happy to teach you the baSIC strategy of any game. Casino Royale, Deck 4, 6:00 prn - 6:30 pm. 4. Art Auction Registration & Mimosa Reception Swing by to meet your Liberty of the Seas Art Team and collect your complimentary gift pack while sipping on some bubbly! Browse through our world class Aoating gallery and have a firsthand sneak peek of what will be show cased at tomorrow's Grand Opening Champagne Art Auc tion. Pop by and tell us your favorite because wh~n you do, it.will land y~u 10 extra raffle tickets to be used at the auction! First time crursers, you Will not want to miss this! Art Gallery, Deck 3, 6:00 pm - 7:30 prn, 5 sample Uquors from Around the Worl d Join us ton iqht for a free liquor tast ing, where we'll feature different liquors from all over the world . What 's more, all liquor purchases made this evening will be entered into a draw for a chance to win back $50 off your liquor purchase. Royal Promenade, Deck 5, 6:30 pm - 9:45 prn, 6 Dine The Uberty Way! Reserve a night at a specialty restaurant for an intimate fine dining experience - or one packed with colorful personality. Pay one cover charge and order anything you'd like off the menu, or sample from a la carte menues at select venues. Enjoy Chops Grille, our signature steakhouse, featuring grade-A premium cuts of steak. Or choose Giovanni's Table, serving magnificent Italian cuisine in an int imate atmosphere. For the flavor fanatic, Saber Modern Mexican dining won 't disappoint. Johnny Rockets: authentic 1950s decor and a menu filled with all-American favorites including hamburgers and fries is always a hit.


What does it feel like to swim a stingray? How does a dolphin feel up close?

Visiting the ports of call is a fun and important part of your cruise experience.

Plan to attend our Destinations Talk to learn about our exciting ports of call

and some of the once-in-a-lifetime excursions that await you!



Let us wipe out your folio and pick up the bill for your vacation - twice!

For each 25 points you earn by playing the Slots you will earn an entry into

the draw! First draw is Day 4 at 11:30 pm. Cut-off: 11:00 pm. Second draw

is Day 6 at 11:30 prn, Cut-off: 11:00 pm. Need to be present to win. Casino

Royale, Deck 4. Remember, you've gotta be in it to win it!

ALL ABOARD All guests arriving today must be o n b o ard b y 3:15 pm



SUggested Dress Code: Casual Attire

SeaPass4 cash Account Umlts Please be aware that the creditlimit is $500 for guests with cash SeaPass- accounts. Once this limit is reached, the account will be deactivated. To reactivate theaccount, a cash deposit must be made on the account, or a credit card must be linked to the account Safe~ &Security Familiarize yourself with the safety routine onboard andyour Assembly Station, which is yourassignedmeeting place 10 case of emergency. View our safety videoon yourstateroomtelevision. There will be a mandatory Guest Assembly Drillat 3:45 pm. Please Note All bars andvenues will be closed from 3:15 pm until the Guest Assembly Drill iscompleted. Environmental Guidelines As we Follow local environmental guidelines, waste handling containers on open decks will be covered until approximately 7:00 prn, We kindly ask that you please use waste andgarbage containers located inside the ship until then. Luggage D:elIYefY. . ed .10 We appreciate your assistance on checki109 the Iuggage recerv your staterooms. Should youfind anynot belongin~ to you, kindly place it outside yourstateroom and dial "0" for assistance. We appreciateyourcooperation in this matter. All bags containing prohibited items will be located on deck 2 forward at the Conference Center between 6:00 pm - 8:30 prn.

General TIps

Please remember that magnetic andelectronic devices such as cameras, cell phones and purses or sunglass cases with magnetic clasps will demagnetizeyourS€aPass ' Card and youwill not be able to open yourstateroom door. If this does happen, please stop by the Guest Services Desk and theywill print you a new one. Satellite Connectio n

Due to our positioning and weather. satellite outage mayoccur during your cruise vacation.This will affectseveral services, inclUding Internet. telephone, ATM machines, TVbroadcasting and daily news. We apologize for anyinconvenience. Gratuities Theautomaticdaily gratuity charged to the onboard SeaPass account isshared byamong thedining & culinary services staff, Stateroom Attendants and other housekeeping and guest services personnel who work to enhance the overall cnnse experience. Guests who prepay their gratuities priorto boarding their cruise, will not have adally automatic gratUity charged onboard. Many of ourguests wish to rewardparticularly exceptional service during their cruise with additional gratuities,Guests may dosobyincreasing theautomatic gratuity amount on theirSeaPass"' onboard account at theGuest services desk or withacashgratuity at their discretion. Smoking Policy Wehave revised our onboard smoking policy, effective for all sailings departing on or afterJanuary 1, 2014.Under this newpolicy, all indoor public spaceswill be smoke free, with the exception of the Casino andthe Connoisseur Club on Freedom andVoyager Class ships. In the Casino, there will be designated smoking and non­ smoking areas. Additionally, smoking will not be permitted in the staterooms or on stateroom balconies.Outdoor smoking areas will be designated on the POrt side. Tomorrow: We will be at sea.

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