A Century of Giving

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A MESSAGE FROM KIM WARGO Eugene McDermott Headmistress Dear Hockaday Community, On September 25, 1913, Miss Ela Hockaday opened the doors of her school on Haskell Avenue to ten brighteyed girls. From the beginning, she sought to create a culture imbued with four cornerstones – character, courtesy, scholarship, and athletics – so that the girls who graduated from Hockaday were prepared to lead. As we mark a century of carrying out Miss Hockaday’s original vision, over 11,000 girls and young women have entered the world prepared to lead lives of purpose and meaning. Our year-long Centennial celebration began in earnest this past September after much anticipation and planning. Hockaday students of all ages enjoyed a birthday convocation in Miss Ela’s honor that included a fashion show of uniforms straight from our archives. A few days later, students, alumnae, parents, grandparents, and community members gathered for our Centennial Kickoff Parade and Concert. We danced, cheered, and sang, as a drum line and display of fireworks added to our revelry. After marking the 100th anniversary of our first day of school, we turned our attention to another of Miss Hockaday’s key principles – that of giving back. As part of our Centennial celebration, Hockaday students, alumnae, faculty, and staff participated in our inaugural Day of Service this November, dedicating a day to working with 15 Dallas area social service agencies with the theme: Go.Give.Unite. Thousands of hours of preparation for this event were capped off by the thousands of hours of service performed by our girls and alumnae – truly demonstrating that Hockaday girls and women understand that we are called to serve our communities in order to carry out our mission. This year is one for celebration, and it is also one for gratitude. Generations of caring families and individuals have made Hockaday what it is today – one of the premier girls’ schools in the world. Each and every person

recognized in this Annual Report has made Hockaday a priority, and we would not be where we are today – poised to seize the opportunity and promise of our second century – without your generous support. Thank you for gracing us not only with your financial gifts but with your gifts of time, energy, and dedication. We pause at Hockaday each year, and this year in particular, to express our profound gratitude for your belief in our mission and for your unwavering support in our first century. In supporting Hockaday, you have continued to underscore the single-minded principle that propelled Miss Hockaday in 1913 – that the education of girls matters. We hope you will join us for the culmination of our Centennial celebrations during the week of April 7-12, 2014. The Party of the Century will be an unforgettable moment to honor Miss Hockaday’s audacious vision and to imagine the possibilities ahead for our School. Thank you for your gifts to Hockaday during this past fiscal year. Thank you for your steadfast devotion throughout the past century. Thank you for investing in our future as we celebrate, imagine, and create Hockaday’s second century. Warm regards,

Kim Wargo Eugene McDermott Headmistress

◊ Denotes New Trustee Jamiel Akhtar

Joyce Lacerte

Barbara Glazer Rosenblatt ’75

Angela Ards ’87

George Lamb ◊

Sandy Schmitz

Carrie Moore Becker ’89

Natalie (Schatzie) Lee ’55

Judith (Judi) Stewart

Patti Black ◊

Charlene Cline Marsh ’62

Juan Suarez

Kathy Crow ◊

William C. (Casey) McManemin

Allison Campfield Taten ’89

Robert H. (Bob) Dedman, Jr.

Nicholas (Nick) A. Merrick

Jacquelin Sewell Taylor ’99 ◊

Talley Dunn ’86

Peggy Black Meyer ’81 ◊

Jacquelyn (Jakki) Thomas

Tucker Ford Enthoven ’79

Maryann Sarris Mihalopoulos ’78

Julie Vaughn

Kelli O. Ford ◊

Jennifer Mosle

Courtney Wang

Kathryn Walker Francis ’94

Shawna D. Nesbitt ◊

Ann Whitley Wood ’82

David J. Haemisegger

Maria Martineau Plankinton ’83

Sharon Youngblood

Paul Harris

Miguel (Mickey) Quiñones

Rajani Kapu ’90

Margie Johnson Reese ◊

Suzanne Kim ◊

Betty Simmons Regard ’55

THE HOCKADAY SCHOOL 2013 – 2014 LIFE TRUSTEES Edward M. Ackerman

James (Jim) Hoak

Kathryn Priddy

Ruth Altshuler

Margaret McDermott

Ellen Higginbotham Rogers ’59

Rita Crocker Clements ’49

Paula Mosle

Richard S. (Dick) Rogoff

Margaret Doggett Crow ’37

Edith Jones O’Donnell ’44

Barney Young

Linda Custard

John Penson

Lyda Hill ’60

Margot Perot











Formation of the Alumnae Association on January 2, 1920. The Alumnae Association starts with the first 45 graduates at the invitation of Miss Hockaday. During the luncheon, it is decided that these graduates will organize an Alumnae Association. Maud Emily Tenison Stewart ’16 is the first President.











1931 The Junior College opens with a class enrollment of 15.



A row of cottages on Belmont is acquired for use as dormitories.

The Hockaday School for Girls is established.




Miss Hockaday purchases eight acres on Greenville Avenue and begins construction in the spring on the new school building. The cost of constructing the main building, which contains dormitory space for 52 girls, twelve classrooms, a study hall, sitting room, and kitchen, is $135,000. The new campus is ready to receive students by the fall of that same year. The newly formed Board of Directors meets on August 30, 1919 to establish the school as a private corporation. Miss Hockaday buys the first share. The members of the Board includes four members of the teaching staff and five stockholders: Miss Ela Hockaday, Miss Sarah Bassima Trent, Miss Mary Miriam Meredith Morgan, Miss Minnie Ruth Kerr, Mr. Mike Thomas, Mr. Rufus W. Higginbotham, Mr. Charles C. Huff, Mr. Charles Kribs, and Mr. Herbert Marcus.

Hockaday Trustee Herbert Marcus begins Hockaday’s first endowment fund with a check for $5,000.


The Board of Trustees is formed.

Hockaday celebrates its 25th Anniversary. The Board of Directors includes Ela Hockaday, Miriam Morgan, Sarah B. Trent, Ruth Kerr, Charles Huff, Charles Kribs, Herbert Marcus, Karl Hoblitzelle, Jake Hamon, and R.E. Vinson.

1934 1930

The School celebrates the ground-breaking for construction of the Junior College building on Oct. 13, 1934.

The Alumnae Association celebrates its tenth anniversary. To celebrate, the alumnae decide to have a portrait painted of Miss Hockaday by Miss Content Johnson.

1942 Ela Hockaday gives The Hockaday School to its Alumnae and the citizens of Dallas through the transition from a private corporation to a non-profit institution.




1962 The new campus dedication takes place on October 21, 1962, and includes five connected buildings: Esther Hoblitzelle Auditorium, Jonsson Hall, Alumnae Hall, and the Boarding Department’s Trent House and Morgan House.

1957 J. Erik Jonson, chairman of the Hockaday Board of Trustees, recommends that the school move to a larger campus.

1960 Ground is broken at the new Welch Road Campus in July.

1955 1951 1944 Enrollment breaks a new record of 183 students, with 108 boarders and 75 day students.

The Junior College closes. This is a decision made by the Board of Trustees, as they want to focus their attention on expanding the Upper and Lower School.


Lower School enrollment increases with the reinstatement of the 1st through 3rd grade, which brings enrollment up to 180 total students.

During Thanksgiving break, all grades move from the Greenville Avenue Campus to the new Welch Road campus.

1958 Karl Hoblitzelle and the Hoblitzelle Foundation donate 100 acres for the new campus as a part of the new building campaign launched to raise $946,500 for the new site.




The Alumnae Association purchases 245 acres on Belt Line Road for the School. Trustee Herbert Marcus gives $100,000 for an art building on the Belt Line property (which is never built and the land is later sold).



The Class of 1953 decides to establish a scholarship program to give back to future Hockadaisies. Every class member pledges to give the School $100 per year over a 10-year period.



1963–1964 50th Anniversary.








1980 Marcus Library is completed.



The Penson Gymnasium and tennis courts are dedicated on April 27, 1979.

The addition of the Hoak Portico as the new entrance of the School.

1982 Ashley Priddy Commencement Terrace is completed. Also, the groundbreaking for the Crow Science Center and the Rita Crocker Clements Lecture Hall are held in October of this same year.


1964 The Alumnae Association presents Hockaday with a check for $107,847 to establish an endowment. The Fanny Harris Hartman Fellowship endowment is also established by Dallas’ A. Harris family in honor of Fanny Harris Hartman ’42.

First Capital Endowment Campaign begins. This campaign is titled “Challenge for the Eighties” with $15 million focusing on growth for endowments, the building of the new science center, improvements for the fine arts department, Lower School addition and renovation, dining hall expansion, residence renovation, and classroom renovation.

1988–1989 75th Anniversary.

1983 Hockaday dedicates the Rita Crocker Clements Lecture Hall and the Crow Science Center. Designed to relieve and modernize previously existing classrooms and laboratories overcrowded by increased enrollment through the years, The Crow Science Center serves all divisions of the School. This facility includes eight laboratories, six classrooms, a computer center, storage and work areas, student lounges, and faculty offices. The unique greenhouse and animal room add new dimensions to the program in science.

1991 The Higginbotham Natatorium is named and dedicated.



2003 The Hill Family Fitness Center opens with new fitness equipment to be utilized by both students and faculty.

2001 The Ashley H. Priddy Lower School is completed.


Ground is broken for the addition to the Lower School, the first step in the $27.5 million expansion and renovation program that includes the Middle School and Upper School buildings as well as a new academic research center and wellness center.

2011 Lyda Hill ’60 makes a historic gift of $20 million for the construction of new classrooms and research space for science, technology, engineering, arts, and math, as well as faculty development. This is the largest single gift to Hockaday and the largest single gift from a living alumna among independent girls’ schools.


1998 The Hockaday Tomorrow Capital Campaign exceeds $50 million goal with $54 million total.

2002 The Liza Lee Academic Research Center opens for the fall semester.

2004 The Hoblitzelle Foundation gives $500,000 toward classroom renovation.






100th Anniversary. Enrollment stands at 1,087 and Hockaday announces that $55 of a $100 million campaign has been raised for faculty support, financial sustainability, construction of the Centennial Center, and dormitory renovations.









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$3,550,741 $6,694,041






DONOR LEVELS HOCKADAY CIRCLE COUNCIL $50,000 + PATRON $25,000 – $49,999 MEMBER $10,000 – $24,999 JADE $5,000 – $9,999 GREEN & WHITE $3,000 – $4,999 PLAID $1,500 – $2,999 DAISY $500 – $1,499 DONOR $1 – $499

Endowment and Capital Gifts

Current Operations

Endowment Gifts

Includes Annual Fund

General Financial Aid Faculty Salaries/Development

Total Endowment Gifts











$400,000 $3,550,741

Parents of Alumnae




Faculty and Staff




Foundations, Corporations and Organizations


Capital Gifts Capital Projects


Other Restricted Total Capital Gifts Total Endowment and Capital Gifts

Total Current Operations


$801,430 $6,694,041

*$182,935 from Parents who are also alumnae is counted on Parents line.


Total Sources of Gifts

Total Alumnae Giving



Includes alumnae who are also parents or faculty/staff,



matching gifts and self-directed foundation gifts

Parents of Alumnae


Current Operations



Capital Giving


Total Alumna Giving


Faculty and Staff





Foundations, Corporations and Organizations $1,232,712 Total Sources of Gifts


*$182,935 from Parents who are also alumnae is counted on Parents line.




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For a complete list of Memorial and Tribute gifts as well as Named Endowment Funds and Company Matching, please visit www.hockaday.org/giving.

Joyce and Larry Lacerte Nancy Penn* ’41 and Jack Penson







12 - 2 0 N OR

Kathryn Priddy and Family Amsler and Don Bell and Family Ann Priddy ’73 and Rhett Bentley and Family Kathryn Walker ’94 and Jim Francis and Family Beth and Charles Priddy and Family Dianne and Hervey Priddy and Family Robert T. Priddy and Family Betty Priddy Walker ’69 and Family Amanda and Brint Ryan Sandy and John Schmitz And those who wish to remain anonymous

THE CENTENNIAL CAMPAIGN Includes those who have pledged $10,000 or more to The Centennial Campaign as of September 30, 2013.

$20 million

$500,000 – $999,999 Adriana and Jamiel Akhtar Estate of Carol M. Frankenfield and Susan B. Wise ’61 Ann Graves Hoblitzelle Foundation Hockaday Parents’ Association

Lyda Hill ’60

Randi and Jay Hofmann

$1 million – $5 million

Jordan Family Foundation Anne Jordan Logan ’63 Louise Corrigan Jordan*’35 Carol Bond Jordan ’69 Claire Anne Jordan ’01

The Edward & Wilhelmina Ackerman Foundation Helma* and Edward Ackerman Paula Ackerman Menendez ’87 Samantha Ackerman Simons ’91 Rita Crocker Clements ’49 and Family Dan Bass Hong and Jim Bass Barbara Bass ’75 and Jim Moroney Bonnie Bass ’75 and Peter Smith Kathy and Harlan Crow

The Ralph B. Rogers Foundation Ellen Higginbotham ’59 and Richard Rogers Katherine Rogers ’89 and William Roberts Callie and Matthew Emery And those who wish to remain anonymous

$250,000 – $499,999

The Dedman Family The Robert H. Dedman, Jr. Foundation Rachael and Bob Dedman Nancy Dedman

Dawn and Tobin Grove

Kelli and Jerry Ford

Maryann Sarris ’78 and Frank Mihalopoulos

Marguerite Steed Hoffman

And those who wish to remain anonymous

Melissa and George Lamb Megan and Casey McManemin

Richard D. Bass Foundation Lucy Crow ’71 and Henry Billingsley Barb and Todd Bluedorn Meta Alice Keith Bratten Foundation Vivian Ding Susan and Gregory Echt Molly and Gregg Engles Regen Horchow ’80 and Jeff Fearon The J. M. Haggar, Jr. Foundation Isabell Haggar Lydia and Dan Novakov Marian and George Bryan The Hoak Foundation Nancy and Jim Hoak Kate Hoak ’90 and Will Power Mary Margaret Hoak ’03 Abigail Hoak ’05 Mary and Mark Hurley

Karen Sheinberg ’84 and Richard Pollock

Kim Wargo and Mark Cortez

Beverly and Joe Rodriguez

Nicole and John Weeldreyer

Kristy and Beaude Sahm

The Willingham Family Helen Biggs ’64 and Gene Willingham Jennifer Willingham ’84 and Phillip Williamson April and John Willingham

Betty and Brian Schultz Melinda F. Sellers Nancy Perkins ’51 and George* Shutt Rebecca, Rick, and Camille ’15 Szelc Anne and Van Taylor Jacquelin Sewell ’99 and Phillip Taylor Sherri and Glenn Thurman Dawne and Patrick Tribolet Courtney Wang and The Wang Foundation Sally Taylor ’53 and Barney Young And those who wish to remain anonymous

$50,000 – $99,999

Jiv Daya Foundation Kanika and Vinay Jain

The Bette Lou Albert ’47 Estate

Susan and Bob Kaminski

Ruth and Kenneth Altshuler

Suzanne and Henry Kim

Vicki Michaelis ’68 and Peter Bartholow

Michele Cain ’73 and Jack Lafield

Tucker Ford ’79 and Richard Enthoven

Laura and Eddie Lee

Entrust One Facility Services

Staci and Jeffrey Mankoff

Sharon and Steve Folsom

The Marsh Family Charlene Cline ’62 and Tom Marsh Estee Marsh ’87 and Luke Kellogg Charlene Catharine Marsh ’00

Carmen and Michael Gross

The Montgomery Family Paige and Monty Montgomery Susan and Bill Montgomery Sherry and Brooks Reed The Neuhoff Family Judy Austin ’60 and Tommy Neuhoff Michelle Neuhoff ’83 and Stewart Thomas Jennifer and Alan Neuhoff Amanda and Byron Neuhoff Flora and Tom Neuhoff

Rajani Kapu ’90 and Russ Haden

And those who wish to remain anonymous

$25,000 – $49,999 Mary Amiri and Aaron Afzalipour Julie Uhlhorn ’83 and Mike Allen C.C. Whittenburg ’75 and Stewart Armstrong Estate of Carol Lynn Sandfield Birnbaum ’69 Ryla Bouchier ’81 Nell Fullinwider ’83 and Shelby Bush Sharon and Scott Charlton Penny Tower ’72 and David Cook Jeanne Tower ’74 and Berry Cox Julia, Tim, and Madalene ’15 Danklef Leslie Melnick ’74 and Bryan Diers Joyce and Mike Ernst Kate Fullinwider ’92 and Charles Ferguson Julie Ford Kay Carter ’52 and Benjamin Fortson

Kristi and Ron Hoyl

Rosalind Redfern Grover ’59

Aminah Jatoi ’79 and Phuong Nguyen

Kimberly and Robert Hart

Dana and Thomas Lutz

Zoe and Todd Hart

Leslie and Nick Merrick

Pilar and Jay Henry

Minda and Gary Moor

Jennifer and Tom Karol

Jennifer and Jon Mosle

Kathleen Keith ’75 and Frank Lauinger

Paula and Jon Mosle, Jr.

Chandler Roosevelt Lindsley ’52

Caroline and Rick O’Brien

Anne Windfohr ’56 and John Marion

Barbara Glazer ’75 and Randy Rosenblatt

Kathryn King ’83 and Mark Marley




Judi and Glenn Stewart


Jerrie Marcus ’53 and Fred Smith

William G. Payne


Stephanie and Todd Anderson

Dee Ann and Marshall Payne


$100,000 – $249,999

12 – 20








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Quin Matthews

Cinda and Tom Hicks

Lauralea Peters Marley McCrea ’58

Lisa and Brian Hurst

Sallie McCutcheon ’57

Gwen and Paul* Johnson

Cindy and Alex McGeoch

Victoria Dao and Thang Le

Ixchel McKinnie ’86

Schatzie Henderson ’55 and George Lee, Jr.

Vinita and Muktesh Pant

Kathy and Jayson Limmer

Nancy Perot

Suzanne Perot ’82 and Patrick McGee

Pam and Brad Porter

Kaysie and Harold Montgomery

Chris and Dick Rogoff

Rupa and Raja Naidu

LeDee Kidd ’87 and Bill Sachs

Jane Taylor ’55 and Tom O’Toole

Nicole Ginsburg ’91 and Justin Small

Maria Martineau ’83 and Kip Plankinton

Sarah and John Wechsler

Betsy Hardin ’76 and Bert Rayle

Arianne and Jim Welch

Ellen Higginbotham ’59 and Richard Rogers

Nancy Purse ’82 and Richard Winston

Bobbi and Vic Sahm

And those who wish to remain anonymous

Julie Smith ’64 Allison Campfield ’89 and Mike Taten

$10,000 – $24,999 Oteka Little ’57 and Jerry Ball Manju and Radha Bandarpalle Linda Deal ’63 and Tommy Barrow Carrie Moore ’89 and Steven Becker Amsler and Don Bell

Jakki and Terry Thomas Janice and Gary Walsh Stacie and Mark Whitley Kate Jeffrey ’99 and Clint Williamson Ann Whitley ’82 and David Wood Sharon and Kneeland Youngblood And those who wish to remain anonymous

Mary Thuss and Oakley W. Cheney, Jr. Ann Colgin ’76 Christina and Kendall Cotten Margaret Anne Cullum ’58 Becca Nelson ’81 and Mark Davis Paula Rupe Dennard ’44 Lisa Fine ’75 Shelagh and Tod Fobare The Estate of Julia Dalton Hyland Greene Tania Regard ’82 and Kevin Hardage

For information on making a commitment to the Centennial Campaign, please contact Kathy Limmer, Director of Development and External Affairs, at 214.360.6579 or klimmer@hockaday.org.

• A yearly effort (fall) • Unrestricted funds for the School’s operating budget • Helps bridge the 29% gap between tuition and the actual cost of a student’s education • Funds used immediately • Pledges and gifts made in one fiscal year (July – June)

Kathy Limmer Director of Development and External Affairs 214.360.6579 klimmer@mail.hockaday.org

Benefit (savings account) • A yearly effort (spring)

Make a gift online:

• Restricted funds for the Ela Hockaday Fund for Faculty Excellence in support of professional development (endowment)


• Investment in today and the future • Pledges and gifts made in one fiscal year (July – June)

Centennial Campaign • A sustained multi-year effort

Make a gift by phone: 214.360.6587

All inquiries are entirely confidential and create no obligation.

• Funding priorities: • Faculty Excellence (endowment) • Financial Aid (endowment) • Capital projects (construction and renovations) • Construction and renovation gifts are an investment in today and the future • Pledges payable over five years • Gifts to endowment provide financial stability while allowing the operating budget to continue to advance School programs and campus initiatives

Your gifts to Hockaday, both financial and of volunteer service, allow us to realize our Statement of Philosophy and Purpose, and to uphold the Cornerstones that are the bedrock of all that we do and teach. For that we remain most grateful.



To learn more about these and other ways to contribute to Hockaday’s excellence in education, please contact:


Annual Fund (checking account)






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12 – 20

Includes gifts/payments to Annual Giving, Endowment, Centennial Campaign, Other Capital and Designated Projects, and tax-deductible gifts for Benefit and Centennial Underwriting.


The Jordan Family Foundation

= 5 or more consecutive years of giving

= 1913 Society – donor has made provision for Hockaday in their estate planning

= Heritage Society – donor has given $100,000 or more to Hockaday

* = Deceased

Meta Alice Keith Bratten Foundation


Susan and Bob Kaminski

Tiffany and Mark Cuban

Suzanne and Henry Kim

Vivian Ding

The Estate of Bette Lou Albert ’47

Megan and Casey McManemin

Molly and Gregg Engles

Bickel & Brewer Foundation

Minda and Gary Moor

Tucker Ford ’79 and Richard Enthoven

Barb and Todd Bluedorn

Barbara Bass ’75 and Jim Moroney

The Communities Foundation of Texas, Inc.

Barbara Bass Moroney Foundation, Inc.

Regen Horchow ’80 and Jeff Fearon The Horchow Family Fund of The Dallas Foundation

Crow Holdings, L.L.C.

Nancy Penn* ’41 and Jack Penson

Kathy and Harlan Crow

Sandy and John Schmitz

The Dallas Foundation Nancy Dedman Rachael and Bob Dedman Robert H. Dedman, Jr. Family Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund The Gerald J. Ford Family Foundation Kelli and Jerry Ford Ann Graves Dawn and Toby Grove Nancy Nasher ’72 and David Haemisegger Lyda Hill ’60

HOCKADAY CIRCLE PATRON $25,000 – $49,999 The Edward & Wilhelmina Ackerman Foundation Helma and Edward Ackerman Paula Ackerman Menendez ’87 Samantha Ackerman Simons ’91 Julie Uhlhorn ’83 and Mike Allen Stephanie and Todd Anderson

Rosalind Redfern Grover ’59 Deborah and Jason Harvey Al Hill, Jr. The Hoak Foundation Jim and Nancy Hoak Kate Hoak ’90 and Will Power Mary Margaret Hoak ‘03 Abigail Hoak ’05 Aminah Jatoi ’79 and Phuong Nguyen Anne Windfohr ’56 and John Marion Paula and Jon Mosle, Jr. Pamela and Mark Okada William G. Payne George A. and Nancy P. Shutt Foundation

Hockaday Parents’ Association

Vicki Michaelis ’68 and Peter Bartholow The Victoria and Peter Bartholow Family Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas

Randi and Jay Hofmann

Richard D. Bass Foundation

Jerrie Marcus ’53 and Fred Smith

Kanika and Vinay Jain

Estate of Carol Lynn Birnbaum ’69

Nancy Purse ’82 and Richard Winston

Hoblitzelle Foundation

Nancy Perkins ’51 and George* Shutt Bonnie Bass ’75 and Peter Smith

Lauralea Peters Marley McCrea ’58

W. P. Carey & Co., LLC

Tom and Charlene Marsh Family Foundation

Courtney Wang and The Wang Foundation

Charlene Cline ’62 and Tom Marsh

Kim Wargo and Mark Cortez

Mary Amiri and Aaron Afzalipour

Sallie McCutcheon ’57

Nicole and John Weeldreyer

Adriana and Jamiel Akhtar

The Eugene McDermott Foundation

Alinda Hill Wikert Foundation

Ruth and Kenneth Altshuler

Margaret McDermott

Jenna Brasch ’82 and Seth Woodberry

HOCKADAY CIRCLE MEMBER $10,000 – $24,999

Atlantic Trust Oteka Little ’57 and Jerry Ball Nell Fullinwider ’83 and Shelby Bush Cynthia and Greg Cathcart Rita Crocker Clements ’49 Lisa and Clay Cooley Dallas Jewish Community Foundation

Megatel Homes, Inc. Merrick Family Foundation Leslie and Nick Merrick Maryann Sarris ’78 and Frank Mihalopoulos Jim and Lynn Moroney Foundation Jennifer and Jon Mosle


$5,000 – $9,999

Pam and Brad Porter

C.C. Whittenburg ’75 and Stewart Armstrong

Carolyn Perot ’86 and Karl Rathjen

Kloe and Cy Barcus

Laura and Jack Roach

Carrie Moore ’89 and Steven Becker

Beverly and Joe Rodriguez

Amsler and Don Bell

Ellen Higginbotham ’59 and Richard Rogers

Laura and Keith Benedict

Barbara Glazer ’75 and Randy Rosenblatt Barbara Glazer Rosenblatt and Randall Lee Rosenblatt Family Fund of The Dallas Jewish Community Foundation

Lucy Crow ’71 and Henry Billingsley The Lucy and Henry Billingsley Fund of The Dallas Women’s Foundation Lisa Blue-Baron

Graue Family Foundation

Lizzie Horchow ’82 and Dan Routman The Horchow Family Fund of The Dallas Foundation

Mona and Bill Graue

Amanda and Brint Ryan

Ann Bower ’67

The Estate of Julia Dalton Hyland Greene

Schwab Charitable Fund

Skye and Bill Brewer

Tania Regard ’82 and Kevin Hardage

Melinda F. Sellers

Sharon Blake Bromberg ’71

Stephanie Glickman ’86 and Eric Harmon

Peggy and Carl Sewell

Lucinda and Barry Buford

Roger Horchow The Horchow Family Fund of The Dallas Foundation

Ruth C. and Charles S. Sharp Foundation, Inc.

Sara and Jackie Burke

Nicole Ginsburg ’91 and Justin Small

Ann Showers ’46 and Roy Butler

Mary and Mark Hurley

Jeanette and Mark Smith

Paula Sammons ’74 and Robert Butler

Lea Lafield ’03

Rebecca and Rick Szelc

Katie and Matthew Calavan

Michele Cain ’73 and Jack Lafield

Catherine Taylor

Tamara Rorrie ’86 and David Campbell

Melissa and George Lamb

Jacquelin Sewell ’99 and Phillip Taylor

Oakley William Cheney, Jr.

Anne and Van Taylor

Jane Ritter ’58 and Charles Clawson

Dallas Women’s Foundation Peggy Simmons Dear ’58 James Dondero/Highland Capital Management, LP Donorbridge Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas Fidelity Investments Sharon and Steve Folsom Estate of Carol M. Frankenfield and Susan B. Wise ’61

Kathleen Keith ’75 and Frank Lauinger

Haise and Kevin Borgmann




20 UBS-National Philanthropic Trust


Dawne and Patrick Tribolet

Staci and Jeffrey Mankoff


Dana and Thomas Lutz

12 – 20



20 D




12 – 20


For a complete list of Memorial and Tribute gifts as well as Named Endowment Funds and Company Matching, please visit www.hockaday.org/giving.

Kelly and Brock Compton

Pat Hartt McAnelly ’48JC

Leslie Stoneman ’84 and Bill Cornog

Suzanne Perot ’82 and Patrick McGee

Christina and Kendall Cotten

Anne McLean* ’57 and John Williams

Jeanne Tower ’74 and Berry Cox

Lynn and Presley Mock

Linda and Bill Custard

Harry S. Moss Foundation

Maureen and Robert Decherd

Eleanor Herndon ’83 and John Munson

Vaishali and Samir Deshpande

Mona Campbell ’53 and David Munson

Kaleta Doolin ’69 and Alan Govenar

Charlie Nearburg

Janey and Steve Fallen

Judy Austin ’60 and Tommy Neuhoff

FGH Foundation

Vinita and Muktesh Pant

Rebecca Enloe ’85 and Barron Fletcher

Angier Peavy ’68

Kay Carter ’52 and Benjamin Fortson

Katherine and Bob Penn

Wanda and Richard Gass

Perot Foundation

Read Penson ’70 and Steve Gendler

Margot and Ross Perot

Shannon and Sam Gilliland

Nancy Perot ’78

Rebecca and Jack Goetz

Katherine Perot ’89 and Eric Reeves

Goldman Sachs

Christopher Rehmet

Greater Houston Community Foundation

Marybeth and Craig Reid

Larissa Batta and Pepe Guevara

Ellen Roeser ’52

Cinda and Tom Hicks

Chris and Dick Rogoff

Angelica Marin Hill ’93

Tara and Adam Ross

Sue Ann Bryant ’59 and James Holland

Mary Jane and Frank Ryburn

IM Art Happens

Kristy and Beaude Sahm

Elizabeth and Jeffrey Jaynes

Beth and Paul Savoldelli

Jeffrey C. Jaynes, D.D.S., P.A.

Marion Rooke Scanio ’46JC

Jennifer and Tom Karol

Rayetta and Hugh Schindel

Judy and Randy Kirby

Julie Smith ’64

Joyce and Larry Lacerte

Ann and Rick Smith

Schatzie Henderson ’55 and George Lee, Jr.

Texas Instruments Foundation

Chandler Roosevelt Lindsley ’52

Katherine Anne Thomas ’98

Anne Jordan Logan ’63

Michelle Neuhoff ’83 and Stewart Thomas

Rhonda and Fraser Marcus

Sherri and Glenn Thurman

Kathryn King ’83 and Mark Marley

Alinda Hill ’66 and Jim Wikert

The McAnelly Foundation

Margretta Wikert ’05

Sally Taylor ’53 and Barney Young Erin and Billy Young

Pilar and Jay Henry Mary Pat and Lance Higgins Margaret Estep ’84 and Thad Hill Linda and Phil Hodgson

GREEN AND WHITE $3,000 – $4,999 Amy and Kent Aftergut

Marguerite Steed Hoffman Margaret Oldham ’83 and Lee Jackson Carol Hurd Jewett ’68 Tina and Ed Johnson Marie and Hugh Jones

Audrey and Matthew Robertson Carrie and Ryan Robinson

Mauri and Chip Tardy Joan Liu and Walter Taylor Lizanne and Jim Thomas TIAA-CREF Fallon Browning ’77 and Robie Vaughn Amy and Les Ware

Ellen and Bill Katz

Carol Gantt and Henry Wells Elaine Whittaker

Harriet Shutt ’78 and Christopher Burrow

Dedo and Barron Kidd The Jane du Pont and Barron U. Kidd Family Fund of The Dallas Foundation

Jennifer and Chris Cather

Neelima and Rahim Kurji

Susan and Chris Cooper

Cheeway Soh and George Lam

Mollie Blasingame ’98

Shirley and Stuart Crow

Beverly and Randy Lawson

Susan and Gregory Echt

Cindy and Alex McGeoch

Bess and Ted Enloe

Joanie and Donald McNamara

Angella and Blake Estess

McNarosa Foundation

Nancy Gao and Lieyi Fang

Anna and Brad McPhail

Pam Campbell ’70 and Dale Foster

The Meadows Foundation

Carol Owen Funk ’61

Paige and Monty Montgomery

Wanda Gierhart

Daniel Naor

Nancy Hochstim ’83 and Michael Goldberg

Jennifer and Alan Peppard

Carmen and Michael Gross

Karen Sheinberg ’84 and Richard Pollock

Mary Kay Pederson ’61 and Clifford Grum

Mary Dzindolet and George Porter

Pat and Trey Gum

Kathryn Priddy

= 5 or more consecutive years of giving = 1913 Society – donor has made provision for Hockaday in their estate planning = Heritage Society – donor has given $100,000 or more to Hockaday

* = Deceased



Dawn and Mark Stout

Amy and Leslie Ware Foundation

Linda Deal ’63 and Tommy Barrow


Judi and Glenn Stewart

Shalini and Sanjay Joshi

Tracy Ruff ’92 and Sahil Bakshi


Betsy Hardin ’76 and Bert Rayle


Mimi Mason Wood ’57

Michelle and Houston Hall The Michelle and Houston Hall Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas

Ann Whitley ’82 and David Wood In Hee Lee and Sueng Yool Yoon


Vallette Graber ’79 and Russell Windham


Stacey and Randy Wilkins

12 – 20




20 D




12 – 20


$1,500 – $2,999 Lindsay and Jehan Akhtar Laura and Doug Archer Thalia Sarris Banowsky ’82 Ann Bateson ’63 Nancy Hunter ’75 and Peter Beck The Peter and Nancy Beck Fund of the Dallas Foundation

WHY DO I GIVE TO THE ANNUAL FUND AT HOCKADAY? Jenna Brasch Woodberry ’82 (parent and alumna)

As an alumna, I give because I believe that even though I only went to Hockaday for my junior and senior years, those two years truly changed my life. As a parent, I give because I believe that Hockaday is a leader in education at all stages, which is why I have had all four of my girls at Hockaday. The School continuously works to incorporate leading-edge technologies into the classroom, to update course offerings that are pertinent to today’s world, and to hire faculty who are insightful and energetic. I give because I know that Hockaday offers my daughters the opportunity to receive the finest education, while at the same time encouraging them to be the best that they can be. That’s what makes it so easy to give back to the institution that has given my daughters and me so much. Jenna Brasch Woodberry ’82 with her daughters Haley ’12, Emma ’15, Margaret ’20, and Abby ’25

Jeannette and James Colliton Yolanda and Harlan Cooper Carla and Greg Courtwright Betty Walker Creech ’63 Leslie Crozier ’75 Ana Katherine and Gene Curry Elizabeth Jensen ’95 and Sean Dalley Theresa and William Daniel Becca Nelson ’81 and Mark Davis Pat Ann and Bill Dawson The Decherd Foundation

Ann and Patrick Beytagh

Charron Ramsey ’53 and Peter Denker

Mamta and Sandeep Bhandari

Yvette Ostolaza and Peter Dewar

Gayle and Jack Blasingame

Judy and John Donovan

Kalita Beck ’77 and Ed Blessing

Patty and Mike Dorey

Heather and Mark Blinn

Elizabeth and Paul Dougan

Carla and James Bolden

Guadalupe Mora and Homero Duarte

Nooshi Jahani-Bolouri and Ali Bolouri

Melissa and Brent Dyer

Susie Strauss ’68 and George Breen

Leslie Whittenburg ’83 and Wicky el-Effendi

Belmore Hicks ’50 and Peter Bridgford

Joyce and Mike Ernst

Cricket and Lee Burton

Tammy and Josh Feferman

Christie and Joseph Cahoon

Lisa Fine ’75

The Cain Foundation

Lindsay Taylor ’88 and Mike Fiuzat

Donna and Rick Carlisle

Fluor Foundation Matching Gift Program

Amber and Travis Carter

Lisa and Joe Forbess

Tina Wang and Benby Chan

Mallory Fosdick ’01

Lynn and Mark Chen

Eloise and Joe Foster

Jane and Larry Chien

Katherine Lasater Freiberger ’46JC

Ginger and Ramsey Choucair

Leah and Jerry Fullinwider

Lacey and Kevin Cloud

Analicia and Mike Garcia

Mary Clutts ’76 and Timothy Gaumer

Gayden Family Foundation

Ruth Bakal and Michael Cohen

Amity and Keith Gillespie

Kimberley Elting and Stewart Cohen

Anita C. Gilliam

Susan Haseley and Craig Collins

Denise Zook-Glazer and Steven Glazer

Sue Gong and Honglin Guo

Sara Jaffe ’94 and David Ostroff

Reagan and Peter Lorenzen

Rajashri Patil and Amit Guttigoli

Mary Jalonick ’62 The Mary M. Jalonick Advised Fund of The Dallas Foundation

Shannon and Hans-Jacob Lund

Sue and Steve Haley Buffie and Andrew Halle Elisa Hammack ’76 Margaret and Barry Hancock Marilyn Augur Family Foundation Patricia Muller Handfield ’69 Mary Lynn and Christopher Hanna Holly Harris ’85 and Kye Harris Paul Harris Kimberly and Robert Hart Zoe and Todd Hart

Frances and Rick Jeter Michelle and Darriel Johnson Joan Erlich ’54 and Marvin Kaplan Rajani Kapu ’90 and Russ Haden Rachel and David Kelton Kay Fowler ’61 and Philip Kelton Mary Ruth and Kevin Keough Hyun and Chulmin Kim Anna Seo and Harry Kim

Kate and Jude Malican Mankoff Family Foundation Joy and Ronald Mankoff Robin Slater ’84 and Paul Martin Sally Horchow ’88 and Christopher McCauley The Horchow Family Fund of The Dallas Foundation Charmaine Denius ’74 and Gordon McGill Ixchel McKinnie ’86 Elizabeth and Darin McNeil

Elizabeth Cullum ’98 and Jeffrey Helfrich

Patty Lott ’56 and K.W. Kirkpatrick

Barbara and Ric Middlekauff

Margaret Johansen Hirsch ’97

Diana and Thomas Klein

Paula Bosler ’87 and Bay Miltenberger

Hockaday Class of 2013

Melinda and Mark Knowles

Bill and Susan Montgomery

Jennifer Ostrow ’84 and Sam Hocking

Lisa Zhang and Edwin Kong

Kaysie and Harold Montgomery

Anne Dougherty-Hogg and Bill Hogg

Sun Goon Kwon

Morgan Stanley

Sylvia and Michael Hood

Jane and John Lancaster

Cecilia and John Morgan

Jerry Hosek

Joan and Marvin Lane

Kat Morgan ’07

Robin and David Howard

Kay Lay

Susie Weber ’63 and Ben Munson

Kristi and Ron Hoyl

Christie Kelton ’72 and Charles Leach

Anne-Marie and Jon Myhre

Jane Nokleberg and Lawrence Hum

Jani Hall ’82 and Jeff Leuschel

Susan and Aiman Naguib

Claudia McKinney ’68 and Layton Humphrey

Brett Cohen ’85 and Lester Levy

Rupa and Raja Naidu

Lisa and Brian Hurst

Patty and Mark Leyendecker

Ellen Levin ’65 and George Needham

= 1913 Society – donor has made provision for Hockaday in their estate planning = Heritage Society – donor has given $100,000 or more to Hockaday

* = Deceased


Jane and Mike MacAdams

Jennifer and Steven Harvey

= 5 or more consecutive years of giving


Julie and George Lynch

Mirjam and Chris Kirk The Chris and Mirjam Kirk Donor Advised Fund of The Dallas Foundation

Melinda Hartnett ’90 and Chris Ellis



Lisa Loeb ’86


Kathy and Jayson Limmer

Candace Good Jacobson ’63


Becky and Marlin Jackson

Randy Guba


Grace-anne and David Greenblatt

12 – 20

Kimberly and Neelesh Mehendale Deborah and David Michel












12 – 20

Neiman Marcus Group Matching Gift program

The Ralph B. Rogers Foundation

The New York Community Trust

Michele and Shad Rowe

Claire and Phillip Newman

Tiffany Borlaug ’88 and John Rubi

Mary and Rosser Newton

Angela and Tod Ruble

Judy Kadane Nix ’61

Nancy O’Connor and Steve Rush

Occidental Petroleum Charitable Foundation

Raheela Ashfaq and Hossein Saboorian

Sindhu Philip and Sanjay Oommen

Lynde Jones ’92 and Wilson Schoellkopf

Linda and Kevin Page

Betty and Brian Schultz

Elizabeth Loflin ’72 and Steve Parey

Shanon and Craig Schwimmer

Evangeline Paschal ’88

Lyle Foster ’97 and Field Scovell

Liz and Bruno Pasquinelli

Janet Spencer ’59 and Lewis Shaw

Sara Briggs Pauley ’93

Tricia Shimer and William Jouette

Susie and Corry Payne

Catherine Baxter ’82 and Andrew Sidamon-Eristoff

Dee Ann and Marshall Payne The Marshall B. & Dee Ann Payne Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas

Melissa and Brian Sipes

Holly and Carlos Gonzalez Peña PepsiCo Foundation Grace Kan and Alexander Pertsemlidis Ugo and Kitty Piccagli

Georgia and Doug Smith Spectra Energy Dolores and Mike Spence Debby and Webb Spradley Jackie Miller ’68 and Peter Stewart Cheryl and Mark Strickland

Maria Martineau ’83 and Kip Plankinton

Candace Campbell ’84 and Max Swango

Plukka USA, Inc.

Martha Maclay ’75 and Jay Sweezey

Dianne and Hervey Priddy

Vaishali and Dinesh Thati

Margie Purnell ’54

Jakki and Terry Thomas

Ricki and Andy Rabin

Jody Clarke and Scott Thompson

Shikha Sethi and Ganesh Raj

Amy and Pat Thompson

Raymond James

Phyllis Tonymon ’78

Sydney Reid-Hedge ’59 and Joel Hedge

Cynthia and Jean-Louis Trochu

Judy Walker ’54 and Coleman Renick

Deborah Beaird ’58 and Eli Tullis

Jann and Angel Reyes

Joe Urso

Darja and Mark Rich

Vineeta Salvi and Amit Walia

Charles J. Ritzen

Janice and Gary Walsh

Tracey and Larry Roach

Jane Sung and Mike Walsh

Katherine Rogers ’89 and William Roberts

Diana and Charlie Waring

Janice Robertson ’69 and Douglas Williams

Becky Miller ’88 and Bruce Wartell




12 – 20

Christy Alvord ’85

Becky Beasley ’61 and Roger Gates

Margaret and David Briggs

Peach and Beck Weathers The Weathers Family Charitable Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas

Pushpa and Sanjay Anand

Nell Orand Beck ’48

Greta and Chuck Brodsky

Melany Goodman ’89 and Garrett Andersen

Paula Oetking ’78 and Timothy Beck

Alex Brousseau ’04

Beth and Mark Anderson

Heather Brenz ’67 and Michael Becker

Susan Foreman and Chad Brown

Mary Eileen Flanagan ’83 and Mark Anderson

Marlyn and Mark Becker

Patti and George Brown

Nancy Fix Anderson ’59

Karen and Allen Bell

Marian and George Bryan

Monece Cullum ’94 and Steve Appleton

Louise H. Benoit

Agata Wieczorek and Matthias Brzesowsky

Andrea Levy Aranson ’65

Ann Priddy ’73 and Rhett Bentley

Annis Singleton ’52 and Frank Buell

Angela Ards ’87

David G. Bentley

Glenda Bulger

Mayda and Steve Armendariz

Elizabeth Bentley ’10

Pam Harris ’69 and Dan Busbee

Leslie Lipton ’86 and Clark Armitage

Virginia Bentley ’12

Kelly Robinson ’72 and Thomas Caccia

Mary Jane Arrigoni

Scott Berger

Jennifer Zhao and James Cai

Karen Halsell and John Ashton

Mandy Lee ’88 and Seth Berman

Claudia Calonne and Alan McDonald

Angela and Moses Asom

Jennifer and Matt Beshears

Capital One Services, LLC

Marilyn Augur

Trudy Slater ’50 and Chuck Best

John Cargile

Austin Community Foundation

Yvette Pabilona ’94 and Sumit Bhutani

Carlson Family Foundation - Matching Grant Program

Vicki and Emmanuel Bacuyag

Patti and Robert Black

Cissy Wall ’58 and Plack Carr

Kelly and Jamie Bagnall

Katie Blair ’70

Charlotte Hudson Carter ’99

Kathryn and Robert Bagwell

Katherine Bliss ’86

Mary Munger Cassidy ’47

Jay Bailey

Allison Geller ’95 and Joshua Block

Central Dentist PLLC

$500 – $1,499

Kathy Bailey

Laura Berry ’79 and Dan Boeckman

Jane Austin Chapman ’61

Melissa and Will Balthrope

Mary Lynn Bogle ’66

Sharon and Scott Charlton

Lainey Luckadoo ’68 and Rick Abbott

Sue and Bill Balthrope

Betsy Cullum Bolin ’52

Sofia Gonzalez and Les Charron

Martha and Neel Ackerman

Manju and Radha Bandarpalle

Norma Boren

Pallavi and Deepak Chavda

Walter Adams

Kate Mullen Banfield ’86

Linda Lott ’58 and Ronald Bouchier

Linda Hou and David Chen

Rehmat and Salim Adatia

Bank of America

Suzanne Attebury Boyce ’79

Chinese Medicine Wellness Center of America, P.C.

Alice Eiseman ’73 and Alan Adelkind

Amy and Matthew Banks

Shelley and Doug Bracken

Brent Christopher

Joyce and Timothy Adesanya

Namrita and Munish Bansal

Tobie Bradford

Violeta and Yuri Chuka

Neera and Manoj Agrawal

Jane Overstreet ’53 and David Barclay

Diane Bradshaw

David Clouston

Jennifer and John Agwunobi

Masha G. Barsuk

Peggy Black Braecklein ’44

Lisa Cummins ’82 and James Cohen

Madhu and Deepak Ahuja

Mita and Kushal Basu

Ben Branum

Marylinda and John Cohron

Melissa Thomas ’90 and Bret Allan

Rupsha Basu ’12

Kirsten Marsh Breckinridge ’94

Anne Schoellkopf ’50 and Henry Coke

Margaret King Alley ’38

Kathryn Munson ’94 and Gentry Beach

Nita and Rusty Brewer

Didi and Kent Coker

Ben Alvord

Anne and Rick Beard

Elaine Amacker Bridges ’55

Judy Cook

Arianne and Jim Welch Wells Fargo Carolyn and David Westberry Stacie and Mark Whitley Pam Pitzer ’68 and George Willeford Beth Gayden Williams ’87 Billie Williamson and Mack Forrester Jennifer and Tom Wilson Christopher Winn Sheryl and Alan Yonack Sharon and Kneeland Youngblood Joanne and Ming Zhang



Sarah and John Wechsler



Evy Kay Rhodus Washburne ’69



20 D




12 – 20


Mary McDermott Cook ’71

Jessica Werner ’96 and Doug Epperson

Penny Tower ’72 and David Cook

Katie Escoto ’04

Sherri and Tom Cook

Sandra and Henry Estess

Erin and Lawson Copley

Laura and Doug Evans

Coppell Adult Medicine Specialist

Dongmei Xuan and Hongbing Fan

Martha Woods Covert ’45JC

Liz Walker ’79 and William Farmer

Susan and Walter Cowger

Alison Pickens ’83 and Robert Farrow

Ruth Hogg Cox ’71

Carol Farrow ’77

Taylor Kepler ’94 and Tom Craig

Anne Sanger ’54 and Alan Feld Anne and Alan Feld Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas

Mallory Maclay Creixell ’80 Joan Berry ’87 and Robert Criswell-Merrilees Delores Cunningham Marla Custard ’83




Julia and Tim Danklef Maria McKinney ’82 and Brent Dau Kerri and James Davis Averille Browning ’73 and Stewart Dawson Lynsey and Jared Day Violet and Scott Deatherage Claire Dewar ’75 The Claire Dewar Fund of The Dallas Foundation

Kate Fullinwider ’92 and Charles Ferguson Melissa and David Finn Jerri Ann Young ’83 and Stuart Fitts Beth and Stephen Fitzpatrick Courtney Newman ’91 and Michael Flanagan Kerrie and Ross Forbes Melissa Korby ’90 and Douglas Fordyce Karen and Bob Foster Kathryn Walker ’94 and Jim Francis Christine and Bruce Fraser

Leslie Melnick ’74 and Bryan Diers

Cindy and Scott Freeman

Gayla and Michael Dobbins

Katharine and Mike Friguletto

Karen Drawz

Anita and Jeff Fuller

Carol Friedman ’63 and Robert Dressler

Bonnee Sharp and Marc Fuller

Dorothy Paine Duff ’63

Martha and Matt Fuller

Mary Beth and Sean Duffy

Ginny Elkin ’63 and Robert Fuller

Olivia Laney Edwards ’64

Laura Kalesnik and John Fundis

Louise Freedman Eiseman ’47

Karlene Beal ’61 and Richard Garber

Linda Elliott

Sandeep and Abhimanyu Garg

Alison and David Elmquist

GE Foundation

Sandie Eltringham ’90

Angie and Brian Gentry

Sue and Tony Eltringham

Rita Reed George ’56

Jennie Schoellkopf ’94 and Brian Emanuelson

Paige Hunt ’97 and Chris Gialanella

Callie and Matthew Emery

Brian Gierhart

Pilar Bescos and Munir Hazbun

Barry Gingery

Delores Heflin Hendrick* ’40JC

Jill Shorey ’80 and Brett Giroir

Rue Howell ’61 and Tuck Henry

Lisa and Larry Glasgow

Edna Brown ’54 and William Hibbitts

Christi and Larry Glasscock

Martha Reilly ’69 and William Hinchman

Global Impact

Thao La and Thomas Hoang

Debbie and Alan Gnutti

Iva Hochstim

Carol and Mark Goglia

Bethany Elliott Holloway ’98

Kerri Geller Goldfarb ’98

Helen Holman ’75

Michelle and Reggie Goldsmith

Susan Hootkins ’69

Christina and Richard Gonzalez

Tricia Hosek

Erlinda and Steve Goodman

Julie Hsieh ’94

Karen and Stuart Goodman

Lauren Hudspeth ’88

Mary Feldman and Nathan Graham

Scottie Buzbee Humphrey ’90

Caron Gitelman Grant ’74

Swanee Hunt Family Foundation/

Billie Jo Whipple ’53 and Jo Graves

Ashley Geller Greene ’92

Swanee Hunt ’68

Priscilla Chase Griffis ’71

Wendy and Minyen Hwang

Tasha and Nevin Grinnell

Jane and George Ingle

Cynthia Grossman ’72

Jamie and Gerry Isbell

Gina and Doug Gunn

Helena Jackson ’57 and Douglas Dunham

Kathy and James Guo

Barbara Jaffe ’69

Isabell Haggar

Dorothy Marvin ’62 and James Jagou

The J. M. Haggar, Jr. Family Foundation

Shelley and Rudy Jaramillo

Margie Jackson ’63 and John Haley

JDC Foundation Inc.

Jane Murchison ’48 and Frederic Hamilton

Lynnita and Craig Jessen

Joy Ji and Yong Han

Mei Tong and Lixin Jia

Catherine Battle ’91 and Chris Hanslik

Ling Hua and Xianping Jiang

Susan and Paul Hanson

Laila and Shiraz Jivani

Joyce and Steve Hanson

Marlene Mirkes Johnsen ’63

Aassia and Faisal Haq

Debra and Lyndon Johnson

Jennifer and Eric Harrison

Gwen and Paul* Johnson




Hunt Alternatives Fund


Elizabeth Cullum Helfrich ’98

I give to ‘pay it forward.’ I know that when I was a student, alumnae gifts allowed me to have an education that was above and beyond what my tuition covered. I want today’s girls to have the same ability to do all the ‘extras’ that make going to school at Hockaday such an amazing experience. Elizabeth Cullum Helfrich ’98 and her grandmother at Grandparents’ Day in 1991


Margot Holt Gill ’48


Steven Hays


Anneal and Cade Havard

Heather and Chris Gilker


Missy and Jeremy Giles

12 – 20











12 – 20

Jill and Sean Johnson

Ann Addyman ’61 and Sam Lawrence

Tiffany and Wade Jones

Dorothy Lay ’72

Laurie Jones ’91 and Manny Torres

Sharleen Ernster Lazear ’88

Lori and Bob Jones

Victoria Dao and Thang Le

Alicia and Raymond Joslin

Bradleigh and Glen LeBlanc

JPMorgan & Co. Matching Gift Program

Blair and Kirk Lechtenberger

Jane and Randy Jurgensmeyer

Mark LeDoux and Bryan Carr

Dipali and Vipul Kapoor

Laura and Eddie Lee

Dorothy Hawn ’63 and William Kearney

Sher Jiun Fang and See Taur Lee

Dorry Kee ’70

Yin Hu and Wai Lee

Urve and Mike Kiik

Kay Leftwich-Dohanyos ’68

Julie and David Kim

Carrie and Craig Levering

Kimberly-Clark Foundation

Laura Lewis ’95

Elizabeth Nicholson ’84 and Creston King

Linda and Buford Lewis

Wendy and Edward King

W. Buford and Linda M. Lewis Family

Nabila Cronfel ’72 and Roger Kinghorn

Anne Kniffen

Willow Sanchez Lewis and Peter Lewis

Peggy and Tom Knight

Yan Jiang and Guangchao Li

Laurie and John Korinek

Shari and Alan Lidji

Leslie Philipson ’77 and Bob Krakow

Jen Liggitt

Peter Kraus

Meredith Lightfoot ’88

Purnima and Sumit Kumar

Jessie and Lincoln Lin

Erica Gioia Kuppin ’00

Allyson and Hays Lindsley

Janet Kleinman ’55 and Jonathan Kutner

Ruth Lindsley ’75

Chena Civello and Joe La Barba

Michelle Morgan ’87 and Bill Lockhart

Tami and Clay La Grone

Gail Barzune ’61 and Peter Loeb

Sidna La Grone

Jennifer and Richard Lofgren

Sandy and Kent Laber Amy and Kevin LaDue Gigi Hill ’89 and Jim Lancaster Donna and Robert Landreth Aggie and Kevin Landry Kay Clark ’59 and Bob Lane Michelle Lanfear Britten LaRue ’96 and Jake Buckner

Foundation, Inc.

Kim and John Loftus Caroline Haynes Lopez ’83 Mary Kay Berry ’61 and Thomas Loupee Alicia and Ed Love Susan and David Lowery Tyler Lown ’00 Almudena Bernardo San Juan and Helmuth Ludwig

Anita Tarar and Jason Railsback

Ann and Cary Maguire

Mollie Monaco

Neelam and Puneet Rakesh

Deanna and Ward Mahowald

Ann Hardwick Moody ’51JC

Roxanna Khan Manning ’93

Katrina and Mark Moran

Jane Taylor ’55 and Tom O’Toole Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. O’Toole Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas

Barbara and Jim Manzi

Teddy and Howard Morgan

Donna and Kenny Marchant

Carol Davis Morse ’61

Becca Marcus ’96

Margaret King ’93 and Jed Morse

Jeri Fritz and Dick Massimilian

Judy Mortenson

Betsy and Scott Matheson

Michelle and Carl Mount

Tosha and Ken May

Deborah Batterson ’67 and Dennis Mullally

Teresa and Eddie Mayfield

Lee Mulos

Pat and Kevin McBride

Cathy and Dan Murphree

Sharon Coggan ’83 and Sean McBride

Lakshmi Nair ’97

Libby Crutcher ’86 and Murray McCabe

National Financial Services LLC

Charla Peavy ’66 and Vance McCracken

Kimberly and DeWayne Nelon

Linda Brack McFarland ’61

Kim and Earl Nesbitt

Janie Strauss ’72 and Cappy McGarr

Robyn and Brian Neuhoff

Meg Munson McGonigle ’96

Karen and Bruce Newsome

Jane and Charles Pierce

Dana and Greg McGowan

Sharon Reese Niebuhr ’93

Hilary and Mike Pluemer

McIntodd Partners, LP

Marian Higginbotham ’62 and John Niles

Julie and Hermon Pon

Ann Hubbard McIntyre ’74

Judy Hicks ’71 and Peter Noble

Susan Warden and Les Porter

Nan and Don McLeroy

Yuki Nomura ’86

Aruna Koney and Kishore Potti

Bridget Silverthorne ’81 and Mark Russell

Katie and Luke McLeroy

Jan Braecklein ’72 and John Norris

Lisa Treigle ’76 and Ed Pratt

Margaret Anne Ryburn ’02

Jennifer Josey McPherson ’68

Lydia and Dan Novakov

Carol Johnson ’75 and Edward Proctor

LeDee Kidd ’87 and Bill Sachs

Susan Bonner Mead ’65

Libbie and Bill Nylin


Sammons Corporation

Peggy Black ’81 and Dan Meyer

Jeannine and Jim O’Bannon

Diane and Maurice Purnell

Linda and Arthur Sarris

Microsoft Matching Gifts Program

Caroline and Rick O’Brien

Sharon Chao and Billy Qiu

Alvrone Scrinopskie ’49 and Ronald Sater

Vivian and Ron Mielcarek

Hyunsook and Junghwan Oh

Pam Hudnall ’72 and Keith Quarterman

Meeta and Amar Sawla

Jane and Ray Miles

Lisa and Fred Olden

Liz and Douglas Quinn

Suzanne Wada and Joseph Schaffer

Abbie Kellogg ’86 and Chris Milisci

Kay Woodward ’66 and Lyndon Olson

Karin and Mickey Quinones

Pat Glorig ’65 and Steve Schiff

Jeanne Graham ’66 and Dolph Miller

Jennifer and Todd Olson

Barbara and Stan Rabin

Maria and Matthew Schindel

Odie Rooth ’76 and Mark Milliorn

Olympus Corporation

Elizabeth Rader ’79

Jan and Wilson Schoellkopf, Jr.

Malia and Keith Mitchell

Jill Rosellini Ombrello ’00

Kerry and Bill Radford

Ed Schreibman

Heather and Preston Paine Leann Parey ’02 Hester Woodfin ’58 and Richard Parker Jaya and Srinivas Pathapati Anne Woods ’67 and David Patterson Margaret Peak ’75 Paula Peppard Annette and Steve Perkins Joan Hornberger ’59 and John Peurifoy Sally and Chris Pfeiffer Carrie Johnson ’91 and Marshall Phaneuf Laura and Brian Philips Max Piccagli

Aisha and Tahir Rana Laura and Kenneth Randolph Karen Netzer Ranen ’90 Radhika Ravula and Sridhar Ratakonda Andi Reddi Reed-George Foundtion, Inc. Shannon and Daryl Reese Monique Regard ’80 and Frederick Duffy Ann Rubenstein Reynolds ’58 Randal Rauscher ’97 and Keith Rhodus Darcy Ahlberg ’88 and James Ribman Loren Rice ’71 and Gary Flusche Heather Hays and Jeff Roberts Diane Gibby and Rod Rohrich Gaynell and Bob Rose Neall Grinnan Rose ’60 Kate and Steve Ross Therese and Chris Rourk Cary-Elisa Briggle ’83 and Bobby Rubarts




Joan and Ken Raff

Kristin Pittman ’97 and Aaron Ortega


Lyssa Orchid and D’Arcy Young

Prabha and Rich Mohan


Barb and Peter Mitchell

Jill and Brent Magnuson


Sue Maclay

12 – 20



20 D




12 – 20


ChoyLeng and Robert Scott

Daphne and David Sydney

Jinqiu Xu and Bin Wang

Xianghong Cai and Yankui Wu

Nan Brown ’63 and Steve Self

Lisa Syken

Kathleen Tsai and Yan Wang

Blair Johnson ’90 and Jack Wylie

Brenda and Chuck Serafino

Frederique Calluaud Szita ’92

Maureen and Pablo Wangermann

Jing Ye and Frank Xi

Jennifer Stewart ’84 and Michael Serber

Amanda and James Tackett

Sally and Peter Warlick

Liling He and Jerry Xiao

Bina and Shiv Sharma

Debra Brennan Tagg and Paul Tagg

Annette and Myron Watkins

Anne Yager

Julie and Frank Sheeder

Ling Zhang and Weike Tao

Jane Webb

Karen and Michael Yang

Shell Oil Company

Nilam and Mike Tapiawala

Hattie Weber ’11

Jane and Franklin Yau

Martha Davis ’58 and Art Shepperd

Allison Campfield ’89 and Mike Taten

Joan Weil

Amy and Gary Yeh

Gene and Max Sherman

Kim and Ron Taussig

Laurel Weill ’11

Stacey and Armando Yepes

Susan and Panos Shiakolas

Camille Taylor

Sarah and Russell Weinberg

Sharon Crutcher ’79 and Hal Yoh

Andrew Shimer

Cathy Wilmeth ’92 and Keith Taylor

Marianne Wells ’68

Rebecca and Martin Zacarias

Karin Brown ’95 and Mark Shoffner

Nicholas Taylor

Bill Wendt

Alissa Fagadau Zachary ’01

Pam and John Shultz

Pam Gourley ’79 and Bob Teeter

Jill and John Westkaemper

M.B. & Edna Zale Foundation

Lynne and Andy Siegel

Meg Allen ’88 and Christopher Temple

Carla Wheeler ’84 and Jeffrey Naimon

Angela and Luis Zambrano

Lisel Matheny ’92 and Michael Simmons

Robin and Jonathan Thalheimer

Mary and Phillip Whitaker

Laura and Pablo Zeballos

Allie Stemmons ’59 and Heinz Simon

Thomson Reuters

Agnes and John* Whitley

Di Dai and Harold Zhang

Stephanie Simpson ’81

Rajini and Mahesh Thummala

Katsy and James Whittenburg

Hua Yu and Min Zhang

Katy Crawford Slade ’99

Linda and Frederick Todd

Kaari Ana and James Wicklund

Rong Tang and Ruojian Zhang

Mrs. Jere Slay

Sara Ren and James Tong

Jan and Don Williams

Maria Wang and Yang Zhong

Alicia and Matt Slay

Susan and David Toomey

Candace and Wes Williams

Catherine Yuan and Albert Zhou

Carolyn and Kent Smead

Thuthuy Nguyen and Minhman Tran

Robbie Williams

Pippa Eltringham ’93 and Matt Zimmerman

Elizabeth Ostrow ’86 and David Smith

Andrea and Miguel Trejo

Kate Jeffrey ’99 and Clint Williamson

Peter P. and Bonnie B. Smith Foundation

Stanley M. Truhlsen Family Foundation

April and John Willingham

Kris and Marshall Sorokwasz

Christopher Turner

Mimi and Dan Wilson

Steve Spencer

Anne Shirley ’92 and Ethan Underwood

Tricia Wilson ’68 and William Stonaker

Betty Spomer

Padma and Balaji Uppalapati

Sam and Sonia Wilson Family Foundation

Birgit and Kurt Stache

Liz and Eric Van den Branden

Sonia Wolf Wilson ’52JC

Sandra and David Stallings

Grace and Doug Vanesko

Susan Pierce ’65 and Addison Wilson III

Lucy D. Steere ’69

Lisa Stroope ’83 and Mark Varel

Katherine and Bruce Winson

Cecelia and Dimitri Stein

Marilyn Matthew ’72 and Michael Vender

James Wohlgehagen

Laurie and Bruce Stevenson

Adrienne Wilson ’95 and Dave Wagner

Michelle and Peery Wood

Stubbeman Family Foundation

Caroline Walker ’98

Megan Manser ’89 and Brady Wood

Sue Swenson Stubbeman ’58

Mary Walker ’83 and Mark Interrante

Sarah Woodberry ’82

Lauren and Jason Sutherland

Jane Wallace ’43

Tina and Dale Wright


$1 – $499 Dawn and Todd Aaron Julie Abbey ’88 Lu and Richard Abbondanzio Becky and Thomas Abbott Nancy and David Abboud Nancy Leake ’68 and Marc Abelanet Ann Abernathy Cissy Northcutt ’83 and Craig Abernathy Sara and Jim Abney

Angelica and Leo Anguiano Bren and Edward Ansong Tyler Aponte Elisabeth Milkes Applbaum ’01 Carlos Arandia Liz Dunn ’86 and Rene Arencibia Peggy Arent Arkay Foundation Mary Jane LeVan ’58 and Samuel Armacost Matt Armentrout Catherine and John Armitage Melissa Armstrong ’98 Lucy Ann and Jack Arnold Carroll and Kent Arnold





Tricia Barr ’65 and Watson Arnold Frances Aronson ’68 Liz Arrington ’77 and Bill Rainey Linda Vance ’55 and John Arrington Ursula Goedecke ’51 and Rice Aston Marian Noelke Atcheson ’51 Jagathi Challagalla-Atluri and Rajesh Atluri Margie August Andrea Autrey ’06 Diane Gast Aven ’63 Beth and Don Averitt Molly Averitt Leanetta Avery ’98 Leigh Notestein Avsec ’00 Ivy Awino ’08 AXA Foundation Matching Gifts Brenda and David Axmann Laila Ayoub-Cortes Dana Wilcox Ayres ’92 Osik and Emil Babaian Alatia Bradley Bach ’88 Lynne and Raymond Baehr Linda Bailey ’57 Marcia Ungren Bailey ’51 Quito and Philip Bailey Mibs Bainum ’65 Baker Hughes Foundation Alex Baker ’05 Lori and David Baker Glynna Baker ’77 Marie Giles Baldwin ’44 Adele and Bob Balink Maura Ballard ’12 Francine Raborn Bandy ’59 Lindsey Bank ’09 Beth Bankhead ’89 Jamie Bankhead ’98 Raechel Banks ’08 Ellen Kleinman Banner ’59


Bonner Mead ’94 and Thomas Allen Carol Koch Allen ’58 Kay and Edward Allen Nicki Allen ’88 Peggy and Richard Allison Marietta Payne Allmond ’57 Alphagraphics Richard Altman Laura and Mike Alverson Virginia Coil Alverson ’96 Virginia Speck Amason ’88 Julie Hyland ’79 and Price Ambler Lindsey Hawkins Ambrose ’97 American Airlines Political Action Committee Sissie Johnston ’56 and Robert Amis Anneka Anand ’03 Nancy and Alan Andersen Cindy Anderson Pamalla and Craig Anderson Elizabeth Anderson ’99 Eva Anderson Karen Gilmore Anderson ’79 Natasha Anderson ’96 Suzanne Brown Anderson ’89 Elizabeth Anema ’86


Jessica Abroms ’94 Adaku Achilefu Julie Ackerley ’78 Kimberly Acosta Marti Acosta’86 Cassidy Acuff ’01 Cathy Acuff Helen Hopkins Adair ’50JC Ashley Adams ’98 Laura Adams ’96 Luyi Adesanya ’10 Alissa Adkins ’85 Anita Armstrong Adkins ’54 Chrissy Van Duyne Adkisson ’01 Judith and David Adolfson Jacqueline Gerber Adolph ’00 Anadil and Imran Afridi Jill and Philip Agnew Michelle Hampton Agostine ’90 Rachael Agwunobi ’12 Abigail Neisius Ahearn ’91 Jimmye Ahn ’08 Roheen and Mansoor Ahsan Mariam and Hassan Ainetchian Kat Akbari ’90 Janet Aker ’78 Amalia and John Alban Susan and Claude Albritton Lilly Albritton ’99 Devon Alder ’98 Heather and Jonathan Aldis Marzetta and Curtis Alexander Jennifer Brown ’65 and John Alexander Sarah Alexander ’11 Constance Alexandre Fran Engle ’87 and David Alford Leigh Allbritton ’90 Barbara and Mac Allen Betty McCarty Allen ’54

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Ivy Awino ’08

A lot of people in my life told me that the world was mine for the taking. My mom repeated that to me enough times to where I believed. Hockaday strengthened me, gave me the tools, and showed me how to wield them. I’m currently taking over the world as we speak. Hockaday believed in me. I’m just doing my part in paying it forward by giving back. Avia Wilkerson ’08, Ivy Awino ’08, and Taylor Hall ’08 at their graduation


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Kim and Nevin Bannister Emily Bao ’12 Alice Yang and Jim Bao Amy McElhenney Barbee ’74 Lindsay Barbee ’01 Debra Renee Barber Kendall Barger ’12 Caroline Barlerin ’91 and Hunter Walk Katie Barnes Sally Norris Barnes ’58 Shari Barnett ’03 Susan Skeeters ’69 and William Barnett Bobbie Barr Barbara Wertz ’59 and Jack Barrett Charlie and Grant Barrett Judy and Bob Barrett Sherri Griesenbeck Barrett ’89 Megan Lacerte Barrie-Schwarz ’02 Francis Ryburn Barron ’04 Joyce Cook Barron ’51JC Henrie Jo Rubenstein Barth ’54 Sarah Bartholow ’00 Connie Anderson ’62 and Michael Bartley Carol Stirman Barton ’52JC Maria Heyne ’04 and James Bascom Amanda Keen ’94 and Dave Basler Aline Bass ’10 Jennifer Acquaviva Bass ’91 Laura Bass ’11 Raguet Bass ’82 Loren Bassett ’88 Estate of Houston Trippe Bateson ’37 Galen Murray ’61 and Rick Bauchman

Mindy and Jeff Baxter Anne Franklin Beach ’63

Mary Bonner Seay Bertolami ’00

Cynthia and Brice Beaird

Cindy and Jeff Bibbee

Keturi DeLong Beatty

Helen Biderman

Sallie and Bradford Beck

Rose Biderman

Clare Donoghue Beck ’53

Molly Bierman ’05

Jean and Don Beck

Janet Bilhartz

Spindrift Beck ’09

Audrey Bines ’88 and Joel Bines

Abigail Becker ’12

Calli Birch

Joan Becker

Jennie Roberts ’54 and George Bireline

Laurie Smith ’75 and Walter Becker

Lockie Sue Griswold Bissett ’56

Lillian Becker

Annie Black ’07

Maddie Beckham ’12

Heidi Rath ’84 and Steven Black

Patricia Huckins ’43 and John Beckman

Diana Mills Blackburn ’49

Jane Beckwith

BlackRock Matching Gift Program

Christy Bednar

Joanne Blackwell ’01

Tracy and Mike Begland

Nicole and Foster Blair

Ralph A. Belknap, Jr.

Bennie and Rosa Blair

Kate Belknap-Bruchak ’79 and Marc Huster

Kathleen Smith Blair ’83

Rachel Bell ’06 Priss Benbow ’79 Lucio Benedetto Victoria McElhaney ’87 and Charlie Benedict Brenda Bennett Pearl and Cleon Bennett Nancylu Crosthwait Bennett ’48 Elizabeth Frost Benson ’02 Genie Higginbotham ’64 and James Bentley Laurie Berger and Brian Levine Alice Bergman-Cohen ’74 Robin Bernat ’83 Catherine Berryman

= 5 or more consecutive years of giving = 1913 Society – donor has made provision for Hockaday in their estate planning = Heritage Society – donor has given $100,000 or more to Hockaday

* = Deceased

Sagari Bette ’04


Ellen Brown Blix ’96 Mary Ann Block Cathy and Stan Block Beverly Baker Bloodworth ’47 Rebecca and Mark Blotcky Linda Rowland Blount ’88 Shannon Blount ’99 Elizabeth Thorne Blum ’69 Ruth Maginnis ’76 and Richard Blum Suzie Blumenthal and Scott Birnbaum Zoe Blumenthal ’12 Shirley and Matthew Bob Jeanne and Rhodes Bobbitt Fallon Bock ’12 Lawrence Bock Rachel Bock ’03 Vicki and Steve Bock Elizabeth Mayer Boeckman ’50 Gretchen Bohnert Susan Bondy Mia Bongiovanni ’99 Lisette and Mario Bonilla Amber Webb Booker ’03 Guyanne Tittle Booth ’49 Jennifer Fetner Booth ’94 Carrie Boren ’89 Julie Philipson ’82 and Todd Boren Debby Barnes Borg ’63 Barbie Joers ’67 and Bill Borlaug Raynette and Ned Boshell Anne Orton Boss ’62 Terry and Shane Bourek Carolyn and William Bourgeois Elizabeth and Thomas Bovard Caitlin Starrs ’96 and Robert Bovo Stephanie Friedberg ’05 and Kevin Bowden


Linda Schermerhorn ’55 and Gilbert Brown Markeeta McNatt ’72 and John Brown Beth and Michael Brown Portia Lyle Brown Karen and Warner Brown Marilyn Draper ’48 and William Brown Caroline Stevenson Brownworth ’02 Erika Bruce ’88 and Gary Moskowitz Kim Bruce ’78 Lilian Berindoague ’82 and Christian Bruce Nikki Bruce ’04 Cathy Bruff Janie Bruyere ’08 Elizabeth Bruyere ’06 Jennifer Bryan ’88 Tricia Bryant ’07 Virginia Maxson ’60 and Jock Buchanan-Smith Julia and Bill Buchholz Claire Bucholz ’05 Marla Buckles ’71 and Ken Schlosser Joy Bucy ’60 Michelle Stephenson ’78 and Charles Bufkin Kelly and Herb Buford Susan and David Buhner Stephanie Bulger ’05 Katherine Mathes Bullock ’97 Monica and Ron Bullock Debbie and David Burch Nancy and Darryl Burke Vanessa Burkman ’00 Morgan McKenna ’97 and John Burnham Diana Sessions Burns ’61 Lucy Paige Burns ’98 Suzanne Raborn Burns ’63 Mary and Don Burt Bettie Gay Burton ’58 Dawn and Mark Buschardt Tara and Alan Bush Veda Bush

Carrie Shepperd Butler ’90 Virginia Butler ’70 and Michael Healy Julie Wilson ’79 and Charles Butterworth Lynn Lloyd Buxton ’84 Cynthia Byars Sally Dinwiddie ’74 and Jay Byrne Carol Anderson ’52 and Ted Bywaters Laura Hillhouse ’48 and Robert Cadwallader Cafe Madrid, Inc. Peggy Cagle Mary Clare Jalonick Cahlink ’93 Louise Phinney ’56 and Josef Caldwell Rebekah and Scott Calhoun Jill and Michael Callahan Angela Hedge Callaway ’77 Laura Field Calley ’85 Mary Katharine Redman ’59 and Curtis Cameron Lisa and John Camp Shari and Bryan Campbell Emily Campbell ’04 Robert and Cindy Campbell Sese Campbell ’55 and Jim McElwain Taylor Campbell Mary and Regis Campfield Katherine Burch Canales ’96 Michelle Berry Capener ’89 Suzanne Suttman and Marcus Capetillo Mary and Tom Capps Leticia Guerra ’74 and Hector Cardenas Robin Carder ’83 Nancy Carey Sandra and Luigi Carleo Elaine Kimball ’53 and Samuel Carleton Mary Simpson Carloss ’46JC Christin Carpenter ’11 Marsha and Jim Carpenter Catherine Carr ’96 Nancy Monroe ’58 and Richard Carr



Brittany Blakey ’12

Emily Bowe ’10 Dorothy Bowen Box Tops for Education Leslie Box Nancy Boxall Jenny and Cary Brabham Judith and Clyde Bracken Shelby Bradford ’09 Peggy and Richard Bradley Susannah Bradley ’03 David R. Bradshaw Kevin Brady Brenda and Stuart Brand Christina Brandt Joan Goren ’62 and Anthony Brannon Jenny Branson ’03 Wendy and Hal Branson Lydia Smith ’82 and Ted Brasch Margaret and Robert Braun Monica Lira Bravo ’99 Chesie Hortenstine ’84 and Tommy Breen Natalie Breen ’10 Anne Brewer ’67 and James Kowalski Molly Brewer ’69 Karen Hinn ’62 and Robert Brinker Mims Brinker ’47JC Mary Lee and Michael Broder Angela M. Brodrick-Donohue ’83 Alex Brooks ’04 Katherine Brooks ’03 Kathleen and Mitchell Brooks Marti and Randy Brooks Flora and Stephen Brothman Carolyn Cox Brougher ’60 Susanne Broussard Bettye Dukeminier Brown ’49JC Marilyn and Bob Brown Lisa and Chuck Brown Sherry and Fred Brown



Susan and Brett Blakey


Dee Johnson Blakeney ’79

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Peggy and Web Carr Karen Votteler Carreon ’81 Alicia Carter ’97 Carol Carter Kay Wolens Case ’77 Lisa Casey ’88 Terry Pearlstone ’58 and Stephen Casey Megan Cassidy ’08 Sarah Cassidy ’10 Taylor Cassidy ’06 Martha and Frank Castillo Mary Cates Beverly Cavitt Macol Stewart Cerda ’86 Anne Uribe Cespedes ’78 Zohra Chahal ’09 Patricia Lewis ’57 and Tom Chambers Karen and Fred Champlin Clarissa Walker ’73 and Warren Chandler Cathy Chapman ’81 Dru Heinzelmann ’78 and Craig Chapman Frances Parker ’49 and Stan Chapman Jean Fleishman ’67 and Kenneth Chapman Barbara Philen ’52 and John Chase Mariam Chaudhry ’03 Carrie and Rey Chavez Shenghao Chen ’12 Sonya Mirbagheri Cheney ’00 Betsy Barnard ’60 and Dennis Cheroutes Mary Chestnutt Sahara Chhabra ’10 Stephanie Hardy Chloupek ’91 Sally Choi ’12 Priya Varada and Deb Choudhury Chowpaknam Family Healthcare Center Jutamas and Griengsak Chowpaknam Gretchen Chrane Andrea and Mark Christie

Jacqueline Christman ’07 Alissa Christopher Jessica Chu Natalie and Wilson Chu Carolyn Turman ’65 and Thomas Chubet Tom Clack Jessica Clark Kim and Ben Clark Kim and Bob Clark Laura Fisher Clark ’00 Mary Clark Mitchell Clark Vicki Clark ’78 Lisa Baker Clarke ’81 Lynne Page Clarke ’84 Jill Robinowitz ’84 and David Clay Sam and Todd Clement Cindy Creson ’70 and Andy Clendenen John Clendening Sarah Clossey ’87 J. T. and Matt Coats Trish and Jerry Cobb Devonie Johnston ’99 and Mac Coble The Coca-Cola Company Sharon Weed Cocco ’87 Allyson Cockrum Mace Coday ’83 and David Gearhardt Carol Albano ’74 and Stan Coddou Kyllan Brown Cody ’98 Richard Cofer Elaine Russell ’47 and Wesley Coffman Pat and Lee Coggan Jessica Cohen ’92 Lisa and Adam Cohen Lydia Conklin ’65 and Bruno Cohen Amy and Evan Cohn Anna Brelsford Coiner ’62 LeRey Coker ’83

Ida Wesson ’41 and Colbert Coldwell Sally Meltzer ’57 and Robert Cole Bonnie Jean Coleman Frances Coleman Pat Nelson ’56 and Jack Coleman Megan Coleman ’04 Elizabeth Oldham ’85 and John Collett Christina Collins ’05 Christine Collins ’97 Kim Bockhaus ’86 and Chip Collins Vicky and Bruce Collins Valerie and Randy Colson Betty Weichsel ’56 and Howard Compton Laura Compton ’06 Rachel Compton ’09 Squeaky and Paul Connolly Rachel Conrad ’04 Alyssa O’Reilly ’96 and Christopher Constant Lana Constantine ’98 Effie Ladopoulou ’57 and George Constantinides Hillary Peters Conway ’95 Tiffany Coons ’03 Carolyn Herkimer Cooper ’84 Ann and Brad Cope Alaine Fay and Charles Coppin Ricardo Cortes Sally Beaney ’83 and Marc Cortez Jane Haltom ’57 and Ernest Cote Marla Cotten ’89 Carol Craig Cowan-Lanyon ’58 Mollie Cowger ’12 Elizabeth Cowle ’10 Berry R. Cox Family Foundation Betty Ann and J. E. Cox Betty Taylor ’52JC and Thomas Cox Lelah Price ’54 and George Craig Katy Crow Craig ’04 Sandra and William Craig





Csilla and John Dennis Leon deOliviera Diane Taylor Depoi ’75 Valerie DeSantis Designs By Lucia Designs For Living, Inc. Ginny Desmond ’98 Anne Daughety ’77 and Brian Dethrow Nina deVassal Sharon Herkimer ’74 and Bruce Dewberry Rebecca Dean ’74 and John Dewey Nancy White DeYoung ’49 Lisa Meadows Di Leo ’54 Diageo North America Nidrah and James Dial Giovanna Diaz ’12 Lara Guerra and Matthew Diaz Caroline Dickens ’12 Kate Williams ’99 and Nathan Dicker Dorothy Dickmann Carolyn and Robert Dickson Taylor Dilbeck ’10 Jane Wallace Dillard ’49 Jasmine DiLucci ’10 Aurelia and Catalin Dinulescu Marisa Diotalevi Kelly and Cameron Doan Becky Garner ’65 and Maxey Dodson Lindsay Dolan ’08 Andrea and Cal Donsky Marti and Jim Doran Richard Dorey Laura Douglass ’97 and Paul Dostert Carmen Doubrava Marsha and Alex Douglass Katherine Downey Dorothy Oldham ’60 and Charles Downing Carol Lee Luscombe ’75 and Marc Downs Colleen Downs ’05


Melissa and Jason Curtis Hannah Cyr ’12 Elizabeth Schoellkopf Dal Piaz ’91 Dallas Volleyball Chapter Laura Starks and Joe Dannenmaier Kay Dannenmaier ’12 Sherri and Alan Darver Mona and Nilesh Dave Allison Taylor ’78 and Mark Davidson Hilary Sommer Davidson ’80 Tricia Drum ’91 and Ken Davidson Evelyn McLaughlin ’42JC and William Davies Alan and Joan Davis Betsy Davis Mary Anna Carrington Davis ’77 Olive Falvey ’44 and Bond Davis Stephanie Stokes ’92 and Alan Davis Gloria Gobble Dawley ’56 Robin and Will Dawson Liz Day ’04 Laura Day Arlene and John Dayton Laura and Jesus De la Fuente Amanda Mayhew Dealey ’68 and Lawrence Speck Christi Thompson ’90 and Walter Dean Natalie Dean ’04 Teresa and Frank Dear Chandrima and Raj Deb Serena Carr DeBergh ’00 Audrey Decherd ’05 Cassie Evans Decker ’00 Paul Decleva Stephanie Hazlewood ’94 and Tom Dees Nancy Kalow ’78 and Daniel Dektar Darleene White DeLee ’49 Becky Seale DeLoache ’78 Leigh Dealey ’92 and Jim DeMarco Angelika Dennis ’12 Izabella Dennis ’03


Mary Scott Crain ’01 Merilyn Wood ’69 and George Crain Megan Cramer ’98 Mira and John Cranfill Suzanne Barbee Crawford ’58 Wayne LeMay Crawford ’54 Angelia and Clifford Creeks Dorothy and Clifford Creeks, Sr. Cathleen Crews ’00 Linda Ashby Crites ’57 Erin McBride ’88 and Patrick Crocker Katie Croft Jennifer Hazlewood ’90 and Mike Cronin Don Crook Sue and Caven Crosnoe Kitty and Tom Cross Delia Staley ’58 and Mike Crossley Helen Johnson ’69 and H. E. Crow Marie and David Crowe Anne and Mike Crowe Evie Crowley ’99 Bobbie and Geoff Crowley Jaime Crowley ’03 Ferne and Rick Cruise Annie Crum ’98 Leanna and Manny Cruz Nelly Cuenca Betsy Best ’73 and Bennett Cullum Brannon Cullum ’00 Margaret Cullum ’01 Margaret Anne Cullum ’58 Sissy Best ’75 and Allen Cullum Victoria Montgomery ’99 and B.A. Cullum Connie Constantin Cummins ’57 Lillian Huang ’90 and Matthew Cummins Bridget and Austin Cunningham Barbara Currey ’81 Nan Currey ’79 Ginny Wright ’79 and Rick Currey

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Sharon Holman Drakeford ’65 Nicki Drawbridge ’06 Jess Drayton ’04 Nanditha and Kumar Dronamraju Deborah Dubsky Betsy Slater Dudley ’55 Elizabeth Duffy ’96 The Duke Energy Foundation Angel Duncan Cookie Amacker Duncan ’58 Kathryn Kennedy Duncan ’86 Lauren Dunlap ’05 Emily Dunlay ’07 Lissa and Jon Dunlay Margaret Dunlay ’05 Candy Curtis Dunn ’68 Carrie Nelson Dunn ’94 Ellen Dutta ’88 Susan and Dodd Duvall Carol Plum ’72 and Cappy Eads Suneese and Derek Eagleton Nan Dickinson ’62 and Jack East Adrienne Easter eBay Foundation Charlotte and Rich Eberhart Aline Easley ’51 and Joe Edwards Ann Allen Edwards ’46JC Martha Fuller ’72 and Mark Edwards Sarah Coppin ’97 and Michael Edwards Dale Ness Eggers ’63 Julia Eggleston ’10 Gano Scurry ’66 and Mel Ehlers Francile Foote Ehricht ’37 Debbie Eichner Andie Eikenberg ’11 Nancy Hall Einhorn ’80 Barbara and Burt Einspruch The Barbara and Burton Einspruch Philanthropic Fund of The Dallas Jewish Community Foundation

Betsy Reed ’84 and Richard Eiseman Olivia Carleo Eklund ’00 Rebecca Nycum Elder ’99 Elli el-Effendi ’12 Martha McDaniel Ellsberry ’44 Melanie and Chip Embrey Emily Embry EnCana Oil and Gas Inc. Hannah English ’04 Sarah Jane English ’53 Susan and Scott Enriquez Candyce Eoff ’89 Mrs. Alan Epstein Katherine Fowler Ernest ’89 Megan Ernst ’11 Muriel Wicks Escobar eScrip Maria Delgado and Sergio Espinosa Carroll Estes ’55 Kristi Kay and David Estes Elizabeth and Weldon Estes Nora Elder Eubanks ’52JC Carey Leigh Evans ’08 Gracie Everitt ’98 Exeter Trust Company Sue Shirley ’91 and Britt Fair Missy Gunn ’72 and Carlos Falchi Nancy Fallen ’92 The Fallen Family Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas Mary Jane Ehricht Fally ’63 Frances Tarlton Farenthold ’43 Linda Lindsley ’73 and Robert Farnsworth James Farr Mary Underwood ’75 and Jay Farrimond Adrienne Faulkner ’81 and Nigel Chalkley Elizabeth Ann Harrison ’44JC and Thomas Faulkner

Tricia and Don Fay Mary Fearon Kathy Fechtman Faith Miller ’56 and Edgar Feingold FelCor Lodging Trust Barbara and Ernest Feldgus Sarah Wilson Fenton ’99 Cantey Hendricks ’65 and Pat Ferchill Lauren Beth Ferebee ’04 Cissie Shivers Ferguson ’65 Kathy and Jason Ferguson Mary Tally ’55 and Mead Ferguson Kathryn Balink ’94 and Ron Fernandez Jessica Ferrell ’97 Courtney and Wortie Ferrell Julia Fesperman Fidelity Foundation Cara Veatch Fierro ’91 Allison Fijolek ’10 Brandi Finazzo Becca Fine ’08 Christi Finegan Judith Finegan Lois and Ross Finkelman Shannon McCutchin ’89 and Brendan Finucane Anne Fischer ’99 Caroline Fischer ’03 Barbara Fishel Alexandra Fisher ’08 Alison Fisher ’98 Peppy Wright ’58 and Nelson Fisher Samantha and Todd Fisher Barbara Fix ’64 Harriette Flachmeier Gretchen and Christie Flanagan Susan Schermerhorn ’64 and Michael Flanagan Ardell Taylor Fleeson ’69

Callan Blount ’02 and Benjamin Fleming Delene Fleming Liz Florence ’09 Donna Dee and Curt Floyd Hunter Folsom ’12 Alex Foote ’11 Cate Veatch ’94 and Jeremy Ford Marjorie Winn ’52 and Frank Ford Pamela Forducey Nancy Foree ’57 Irene Stalcup ’85 and Leonardo Forero Farrah Forke ’86 Ann Wilson ’73 and Phillip Forsyth-Smith Soume Daulat ’91 and Paul Foshee Sherry Neill Fowlkes ’56 Jan Woodward Fox ’68 Landy Elliott ’92 and Alex Fox Barnali Guha and Richard Framjee Meredith Russell ’99 and Tyler Francis Emily Frank ’11 Hilary Frank Kelly Ruff Frazier ’96 Dana Haltom ’54 and Lee Freese Coco Freling ’12 Richard Freling Lucia Frenkel ’78 and Lawrence Dick Veronica Frenkel ’80 Alison Frey ’88 and Tres Frey Monica Lofgren Friberg ’57 Ety and Charles Friedman Angela Fritsen ’81 and Eric Albers Molly Dewar ’79 and Henry Froelich Katherine Carwile Fry ’40JC Diana Decanini and John Fuentes Marilyn Schuelke ’52JC and Robert Funseth Margaret Lewis ’46 and Austen Furse Robin Zopolsky ’94 and Jason Gabriele Sara Frankfurt Gail ’99 Jennifer Gaillard ’87 and Paul Gorgei

= 5 or more consecutive years of giving = 1913 Society – donor has made provision for Hockaday in their estate planning = Heritage Society – donor has given $100,000 or more to Hockaday

* = Deceased





Rachel Grabow Emily and Jerry Grady Fran and George Graffy Fallyn Gray ’01 Lucia Aikman ’72 and Michael Gray Georgie Fulton Green ’53 Katy Cottingham ’87 and Chuck Green Suzanne Green Orlando Greene Cathey Silverberg ’64 and James Greenfield Paula Sheinberg ’90 and David Greenman Suzi Flaxman ’61 and Jack Greenman Abby English Gregory ’00 Adair Schneider ’51 and Paul Gregory Richard Greisch Susan Grier ’78 and Kevin Gillette Henry Griffin Loysanne Griffin Gail Griffith ’77 Louise Allen ’59 and William Grigsby Megan Grinder Megan Gross ’12 Shirley Fleishman Grossman ’39 Adrienne Gruben ’86 Marta Gruntmane ’08 Lynn Brachman ’70 and Steven Gryll Jian and Tony Gu Bo Sun and Yuqiang Gu Mary Grace Ashton Gudis ’78 Kristy Gudmundsson ’11 Kathy and Peter Gudmundsson Claudia Guerrero ’00 Mary Kay and Larry Guevel Win Guilmette Vicki Gullion ’64 Elaine and Carl Gum Karen and Brent Gunter Stephanie Hanson Guseh ’03 Linda and Don Hahn


Jackie Girard Girl Scout Troop 3203 of The Hockaday School Diane and Hal Glaser Laurence Glasscock ’07 Glast, Phillips & Murray, PC Phyllis Glickman Val Glitsch ’72 and Gary Inman Shannon Glowacki Meri Lynn and Brian Gobran Stephanie Gobran ’10 Jane Stamper ’61 and Ernest Godlove Debra Davis ’74 and Greg Goeks Caro Emerson ’78 and George Goettee Shari and Steve Goldberg Floylee Hunter ’41JC and Joseph Goldberger Leslie Pullman ’71 and Fidel Gomez Libba Good ’96 Dianne Goode ’05 Judy and Phil Goodman Trude Goodman ’98 Emily Goodwin ’89 Laura Bloom Gordon ’81 Rita Hill ’72 and Daniel Gordon Ariail Fischer Gores ’65 Christopher M. Gores Erika Gorodetsky ’05 Courtney Nichols Gould ’88 Peggy Lubben ’61 and Robert Gould Susan Schaenen ’59 and Richard Gould Amy and Danny Gow Irene Gow ’08 Natalie Gow ’12 Meredith and Michael Grabham


Lisa Gala ’91 Claire McCracken Galetti ’82 The Arthur J. Gallagher Foundation Luis Gallegos Anna Galt ’68 Caitlin Garcia ’12 Jesus Garcia Victoria Garcia ’93 Judith Hill ’51 and Edward Gardere Leslie Gardiner Jamie Ginsberg ’85 and Bryan Garrett Marissa Lau Garrison ’04 Kitt Garton ’06 Barbara Gass ’11 Joan Gass ’08 Jamie Porter ’87 and Gregory Gaunt Laura and Kurt Geisler Susan and Micheal Geist Rhonda and David Gentry Grace Hill ’55 and Richard Gentry Carolyn Connell ’57 and Robert Georgeson Liz Georgoulis ’85 Marcela and Michael Gerber Meredith Gerlach ’11 Kathy McLane ’87 and Michael Gersch Gordon C. Getter Laura McCulloch ’74 and Everett Gibbs Lydia and Tom Gillespie Betty Davis ’51 and W. H. Gilmore Grace Mathers Gilmore ’54 Colleen and Scott Gilmour Mandy Ginsberg ’88 and Madhu Rajendran Regine Ginsberg*

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WHY DO I GIVE TO THE ANNUAL FUND AT HOCKADAY? Linda Elliott (faculty and past parent)

Giving to Hockaday is a way to show my gratitude and thanks for all that the School gave to my daughters. The wealth of knowledge they acquired, the relationships they formed with their teachers, and the forever friendships made with fellow students cannot be measured in dollars. But by giving to the Annual Fund, my contribution may help provide current and future Daisies with the same opportunities.

Linda Elliott in her classroom











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Kathryn Manion Haider ’57 Carol and Tom Hairston Betty Anderson ’70 and James Haisten Katie Johnson Hale ’94 Jane Halebian ’76 Kimberly Haley ’88, and Mark Coleman Bruce Hall Cathy Hall Jessica Hall Hall ’83 Delores and Jim Hall Carolyn and John Hall Mackenzie Hall ’12 Shirley Young ’84 and Mitchell Hall Laura and Thomas Hall Lee Haller Gina Lee Hamada ’84 Annette and Ronald Hammond Shelley Hampe Tsitsi and Jonathan Hampton Eleanor Hamric ’59 Michelle Handy ’93 Nicole Morgan ’88 and Rip Haney George Hanlon Patricia Kerby ’55 and John Hanne R. E. Hansen Cameron Hardesty ’03 Cindy Sprague ’70 and Steve Hardesty Sue and Brent Harper Beverly B. Harris Donna Cason Harris ’54 Erin Harris ’06 Joanie Harris ’73 Kate Harris LeRosa Harris Mary Harris ’12 Mary Ann Stell ’66 and Jim Harris Hunter Harrison Julia Harrison

Julie Harrison Margaret Nicholson Harrison ’43 Skylar Harrison ’08 Lexi Hart ’92 Lisa Rubin ’97 and Richard Hartman Jessica Hately ’90 Cynthia Groebe Hatter ’78 Valerie Hatter Sandy Haviland ’02 Kenneth Hawkins Kris and Larry Hawkins Susan Hawthorne Jana Hayes ’75 Paula and Jeff Hayes Becky Hayes ’72, and Joseph Newman Ellen Haynes ’81 Elizabeth Yancey Haywood ’53 Barbara and Jim Hazlewood Ling Li and Bin He Rong Fang and Shan He Rosemary and Dennis Heard Alexa Hutchison Heck ’78 Allie Heck ’12 Barbara Lawson Heil ’00 Bettina Hein ’92 and Andreas Goeldi Betty Lemmon Hein ’48 Deborah Heines ’04 Ariana Viroslav ’87 and Michael Held Maribel Helland ’09 Marisa Helland ’11 M.T. and Steve Helland Jay Hellmuth Elizabeth Sheen ’82 and Charles Helm Jean and Minor Helm Karen Helms ’78 Ravenna Mathews ’41 and Henry Helson Ann and John Henry Carlyn Henry ’89 and Mickey Mandelbaum

Channing Henry ’90 Jill Henry ’62 and Zhdan Rudnyckyj Madge Green ’67 and Robert Henry Rebecca Smith ’60 and James Henry Marilyn Nichols Henslee ’46JC Sandy and Tom Herbelin Karen Herman Mary Hernandez Dealey Decherd ’65 and David Herndon Emily Herndon ’90 Madelyn Herndon Margaret Herndon ’86 and Kurt Scheiner Worth Anne Stites Herrell ’97 Alma Herrera Alexis McCrossen and Adam Herring Nancy Crabtree Herrman ’50 Blainey Maguire ’84 and Marshall Hess Missy Heusinger Meei-Feng and Ray Heydari Serena Heydari ’12 Karen Lastelick ’82 and Tim Higginbotham Anne Hunter ’45JC and Edward Hill Holly Hill ’56 Pam Hill Hockaday Alumnae Association The Hockaday School Social Committee Kathryn Hodgkinson Charlie Hoedebeck Augusta Hoffman ’10 Ellen and Rob Hoffman Kathy and Jon Hogan Katherine McEntire Hoggan ’92 Kimberly Neff Hogue ’81 C.J. Hoke ’09 Carolyn and Don Hoke Carol Harrison ’60 and John Holden Elly Sachs ’82 and Michael Holder Andrea Burpo Holle ’82

Khairunissa and Noorallah Jooma Buffie Taylor Jordan ’84 Carole Bond ’69 and Chris Jordan Leah Jordan ’93 Louise Corrigan Jordan* ’35 Mini and Roy Joseph JPMorgan Chase & Co. Mrs. Gene Judge Bru and Coe Juracek Carol Stotler ’77 and Thomas Jurcak Ann Frances and Cliff Jury Elizabeth Thompson ’86 and William Just Margaret Ann Bundy Kahn ’66 Robert Kallos Wister Howell ’46JC and George Kampmann Patti and Paul Kane Jungseog Kang Terry Kannan Becky Kaplan ’00 Alison Henrion ’88 and Andy Kaplinsky Sheniz and Ike Kara Elizabeth and Fehmi Karahan Olivia Karahan ’12 Veronika Karasek ’99 Nasreen and Asad Karim Elaine Low ’80 and John Karstens Catherine Poag ’73 and Jack Kasprzycki Teresa and Tony Katsulos Carrin Clark ’62 and Jerry Katz Jackie Swango ’87 and Allan Katz Angela Keefer ’05 Mary Wilson Keener Susan Keeney ’74 Mary Louise Keever Carol Keith ’82 Jennifer Wilmeth ’96 and Ashley Keller Jennifer Keller ’91 Merijean Shelton ’63 and Robert Kelley





Suki Penson ’66 and Paul Jarzemsky Claudia Jasin ’86 Murle Jaynes Kelly and Darin Jeans Emily Jefferson ’49 Sissy Jeffett ’78 Marilyn Mason Jensen ’60 Suzanna Dryden Jensen ’98 Margaret and Mert Jessen Donica Folse Jimenez ’79 Benlin Mei and Changnian Jin Gayle Johansen Mrs. Phillip G. John Autumn Dahlberg Johnson Courtney Jones Johnson ’97 Elizabeth Tucker ’90 and Kenneth Johnson Jennifer Johnson Katherine Campbell ’99 and Brad Johnson Marietta Scurry Johnson ’57 Marshall Johnson Mary Kate Lawson ’98 and Erik Johnson Mimi and Steve Johnson Ruth and Laird Johnson Sally Johnson Tamara Hedge ’81 and Alfred Johnson Tom Johnson* Wendy Faunce Johnson ’57 Whitney Johnson Margaret Jones Williams Anita Carleo Jones ’03 Denise Jones Denise Kimberling-Jones and Tom Jones Donna Jones Elizabeth Jones Ellen and Jerry Jones Lisa and Rodney Jones Paulina and John Jones Tracy Bruce ’80 and Brian Jones


Blakely Hull ’07 Isabelle Brown ’50 and Sam Hulsey Reagin Forman Hults ’70 Alice Yiu Hunt ’80 Caroline Rose Hunt ’39 Lynn Skipworth Hunt Jan and Richard Hunt Ailsa Heard ’94 and Piers Hurley Kathy Hurst ’86 and Kevin Rudder Susan Tucker and Jim Huth Mary Ann Jackson ’49 ’51JC and Ed Hyde Jane Hyman ’57 IBM Corporation Cristin Illes ’99 Sandra and Rick Illes Jennifer Inge ’68 Becky Love ’66 and Ray Ingle Debbie Ingram ’78 Claire Inselmann ’11 Trish and Bob Inselmann Melissa Wilmeth ’98 and Ehsan Iraniparast Cathy Irwin ’75 Jennifer Fabian ’64 and Michael Isaac Wayne Isom Monica Israel ’08 Teresa and Bob Israel Courtney Elliott Itson ’94 Jean Nunn ’46JC and Mercer Ivey Khris Jackson ’00 Noell Jackson ’86 Elisabeth Loeb ’89 and Peter Jacobson Susan Cochran Jacques ’82 Erika and Nelson Jaeggli Marisa Jaffe ’91 and Jeffrey Sirlin Achala Vadlamudi and Ravi Jakkampudi Kimberly Kircher James ’98 Cate Anderson ’80 and Gregory Jarrett Meredith Casey Jarrett ’99


Gwen Moore ’86 and Stuart Holliday Katie Hollingsworth Marcy Holloway ’72 Emily Holman ’05 Karen and Robert Holman Nancy Holman ’01 Claudia Ward ’89 and Hank Holmes Cyonna Holmes ’09 Paula Branch ’53 and Joseph Holt Jeannie Hood ’04 Suzanne Frensley ’57 and Richard Hood Holly and Ben Hook Alice Early ’58 and Allan Horn Mary and Dan Horn Melanie Horn-Foster Emily Horton ’12 Suanne Miller ’63 and Doug Horton Janet and Tom Horton Shirley Hosek Charlotte Hoskins Anita Parker ’78 and Robert Howard Elizabeth Cleaveland ’84 and Todd Howard Martha Lacy ’60 and Donald Howe Kay Butler ’74 and William Howell Dianne and Scott Howells HP YourCause, LLC Shan Shan and Chung Sen Hsu Judy Hsu ’88 and Renato Bosita Sandi Hubbard ’83 Susan Hubbard Beth Sabo Huddleston ’78 Jean Happ ’51JC and John Hudson Frieda and Bob Hudspeth Sally Darden ’87 and Brent Hudspeth Holly and Phil Huffines Monica De Anda ’97 and Burdette Huffman Hollie Huggins Susan Reynolds Hughes ’56

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We give to Hockaday because an excellent education is one of the greatest gifts that we can give to our daughters. It is a privilege to be a part of the Hockaday community, and in this community we have been able to see firsthand the dramatic effect that an enriching environment for students and teachers alike has on the educational experience. While Hockaday may only be home to our daughters for a relatively small part of their lives, the impact the school will have on them will last a lifetime. We want to do our part to ensure that the Hockaday experience continues to offer the best in facilities, faculty, and educational opportunities.

Christie Cahoon and her daughters Claire ’22 and Anne ’25

Brenda Englehart Kelly ’58 Whitney and Joseph Kelly Louise Faulkner ’75 and John Kemp Nancy Cook Kendzior ’63 Anne Kennedy Mike Kennedy Neina Kennedy ’81 Sarah Kennedy ’08 Trudy Garrett* ’48 and Thomas Kennedy Kathryn Koch ’80 and Mark Keramidas Amy Sanders ’86 and Kevin Kerber Paula and Irwin Kerber Sabrina Kessee Katie Tart ’94 and Scott Kibler Julie Logan Kidder ’83 Elaine and Bob Kiehnle Stephanie Kiehnle ’05 Kristina Kiik ’02 Elizabeth Kilbride Lily Kim ’11 Yony Lee Kim ’92 Anne Giles Kimbrough ’43 Sarah Walker ’98 and Matthew Kinard Kinder Morgan Foundation Alice King ’82 Eugenia Hudson King ’83 Jessica Cobb ’81 and Dean King Peggy and Bernard King Suzanne Hofmann ’54 and Allen King Dorothy and Howard Kirby Allie Kirchhofer ’11 Laura Kirchhofer ’08 Maggie Klancnik ’92 Christine Brown Klayman ’96 Patricia Kleckner Cynthia Philipson ’76 and Ben Klein Susan Shelburne Klein ’53 Trish Mairs Klestadt ’76

Kline Family Foundation Caren and Peter Kline Susan Jones Knape ’71 Alice Cramer Knapp ’50JC Jennifer Knott John Knott Jack Knox David Koch Vani Konda ’93 Margot Konig ’10 Esther Sullivan Kottwitz ’78 Michael Kottwitz Kama Boswell Koudelka ’81 George Koumoustiotis Sheri Price ’81 and Robert Kowalski Eleanor Krahenbuhl ’06 Jessica Kramer ’88 and Robert Sullivan Megan Kramer ’89 Linda and Steve Kramer Marlyn Mayo ’82 and Dan Krampitz Becca Krishnan-Ayer ’09 Melinda Ku ’06 Tricia and Wayne Ku Kay and Ekkehard Kuner Lauren Kupor ’00 Amy Smitherman ’89 and Michael Kusic Jane Austin ’57 and Paul Kyte Toni and Chad Lacerte Stacy Michaelson LaCorte ’91 Christine Lagow Tammy and Tom Lahutsky Betty Lai ’09 Michele Olivier ’83 and David Laird Dianne and Frederick Lake Jennifer and Fritz* Lake Katy Lake Roberta Pearle ’72 and Christopher Lamb Leslie Aldred Lambert ’01

Danielle Lamotthe ’12 Donald Lamotthe Emma Lamotthe Kim Lamotthe Claudia Lampert ’09 Carole Landisman ’84 and Clay Reid Kelley Lane ’82 and Erling Sjovold Eleanor Laney Shiela Haffar Lannen ’91 Christine and Joseph Lanners Lynn Drum ’93 and Mark Lanyon Caron Cable ’75 and Daniel Lapinski Sandra and Jose Lares Alexandra Larrave ’08 Jenny Fronterhouse Larsen ’82 Sharon and Peter Larsen Julie Rhoda Larson ’93 Lucy and William Lau Marion Abercrombie Laubach ’99 Jeanie and Rex Laube Nancy Neill Law ’52 Jennifer Law-Henry ’02 Ann Lewis Lawrence ’52 Dana Lawrence ’90 Mary Margaret Powell Lawrence ’65 Sheri Ann Le Elizabeth Darver Leak ’02 Lauren LeBoyer Christie Lee ’10 Juanita and Ed Lee Neal and Ron Lee Susan and Woo Lee Jeri Leer ’77 and Richard Biebel Cindy Lefferts Dianne and John Lefferts Patsy Harper* ’51JC and Jim Leftwich Lynelle Purcell ’70 and Clay Lehman Patricia Freeman Lehrburger ’49

= 5 or more consecutive years of giving = 1913 Society – donor has made provision for Hockaday in their estate planning = Heritage Society – donor has given $100,000 or more to Hockaday

* = Deceased



Ann Sharpe ’50 and Emory Mason Olivia Gouger Mason ’42 O Elizabeth Sartin ’95 NOR and David Mastronardi Renu and John Mathew Meshea and Timm Matthews Pam and Matt Mattingly Maxwell Family Partnership, LP Coral Maxwell Kay Lumpkin Maxwell ’61 Marilyn Mayer Eleanor and Bruce Mayo Nancy and Larry Mayo Virginia Savage ’61 and Lee McAlester Meredith McAlister ’06 Susan McGinnis ’86 and Timothy McAllister Julie McArthur ’88 Tina Weichsel McBee ’55 Kim and John McBride Sharon McCally ’78 Francille McCarthy Carolyn McClain McClain ’70 Janet and Derek McClain Megan McClain ’04 Lydia Connally ’77 and Fred McClanahan LaTasha Jarrett and Jonathan McClellan Jan and Al McClendon Jennifer McClung Jill Roberts ’74 and William McClung Sally Wall McCollum ’55 Mary Wyatt McComas ’53 Susan and David McCombs Emily McCombs ’10 Leslie McCombs ’07 Janie Williamson McCormick ’60 Karyn McCoy Meagan McCracken Erica Wright McCrary ’95 Elizabeth McCue ’00


Marjory Lyman Barbara and Mike Lynn Dorothy Lyon MacAdams Financial Group Pilar Macdonald ’03 Sarah Washburne MacMillan ’01 Beth Barraco Macrini ’99 Tina Maddux Joyce Madkins Karen and Mitch Magee Michelle Harvey Mahlo ’90 Iffat Mai ’85 Elizabeth Enloe ’86 and Michael Malakoff Mona and Raj Malik Diane Dubsky ’96 and Maurice Mandel Harvey Mandel Claudia Grandjean and Greg Manganello Judy and Evans Mank Cinnamon and Richard Manley Alexis Manrodt ’09 Morgan Manser ’05 Jalene Gibson ’72 and Mark Manske Judith and Tomas Manson Mary Mantz ’78 Daisy and Manuel Manzanares Lindsay and Matthew Marchant Elizabeth Marley ’06 Kate Marley ’08 Dianne and Michael Marley Betty Lee Marquis ’48JC Shirley Steere Marsh ’68 Alyssa and Keith Martin Shaye Lynne Martin ’08 Arturo Martinez Elaine Martzen ’04 Chris and Al Marucci Carol Young Marvin ’65 Nancy Moore Marwill ’46 Carol Marzuola ’82


Robin Stephens ’80 and John LoMonaco Ed and Janet Long Grace Long Margaret McCullough Long ’03 Monica Long ’96 Kathryn Lookadoo ’05 Sallie Bell Jackson ’59 and Nowell Loop Renea Ryland and Tom Loose Larisa and Roman Lopatko Kassie Lorenzen ’08 Carolyn Smith ’66 and Bill Lorimer Corey Lott Susan Sibbitt ’57 and Wayne Lott Laura Lovelace ’87 Jennifer Lowden Jackie and John Lowe Julie Goldberg ’58 and Michael Lowenberg Elaine Lowenkron Donnetta Lowry Elaine and Ray Lozano Rongrong Lin and Bing Lu Linda Kao and Joseph Lu Nancy Kaplan Lubar ’59 Suanne Eisen ’68 and Michael Lubin Catherine Orr ’68 and Tom Luccock Yung-Fang Ludford Rebecca Oakley Ludwick ’63 Theresa Hou and Siwei Luo Stephanie Duong-Ly and Kevin Ly Aimee Lyde ’89 Desiree Lyle ’98 Guy Lyman Advertising, Inc. Guy Lyman


Kristin Van Cleve and Michael Lelevich Linda Lee Leslie ’59 Lisa Roten ’77 and Robert Levitt Jennifer and Marlon Levy Larua and Walter Levy Christine Lewis ’03 Ellen Gores Lewis ’93 Cyndi and Jerry Lewis Betsy Winters and John Lewis Meredith Leyendecker ’06 Ying Hu and Jun-Sheng Li Michelle Li ’12 Nicole Lidji Vincent Liguori Vina Lam Lillvis ’93 Carolyn and Howard Limmer Haifeng Shi and Binhai Lin Tianni Lin ’12 Heather Linburg ’02 and Barrett Linburg Martha Ann Knapp Linden ’52JC Lynda Yost Lindh ’55 Kirsten Lindsay Chandler Lindsley ’82 and Laurence Boyd Liz Lintel ’05 Nini Rowe ’66 and Garry Lion Betsy Liu ’04 Anna Xu and Jerry Liu Laurie Liversidge Allan Livingstain Michelle Wilson ’65 and William Locke Rayna and Michael Loeb Mary and Richard Loftus Laura Bonnett Lohr ’85

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Ellen McCullough ’99 Sue Williams McCullough ’58 Lydia McCutchen ’99 Bibi Barrow ’80 and Robert McDonald Elise McDonald ’09 Elspeth Hunter ’91 and Kevin McDonald Sabrina Norris ’76 and Kevin McDonald Amanda Miers McDowell ’76 Emily McDowell ’03 Ginny McDowell ’05 Mary Susan McDowell ’08 Cathy McEachern ’87 Jennifer McEachern Caroline and Dan McElroy Paula McFarland ’51 and Bartlett Anderson Ann Abright ’66 and John McFarlane Joan McFarlane Kathryn McGarr ’03 Dawn McGuire Catherine Roberts ’51 and James McHaney Brandon McInnis ’88 Carol Aldenhoven McKay ’57 Paula Ballard McKay ’78 Ann Harris McKelvie ’66 Mary Beth and Greg McKenna Margaret Elizabeth Perry McKissack ’02 Karen Sledge ’77 and Richard McLain Marie McLean ’05 Janie Castleman ’67 and Jack McNairy Linda McNeil Graham McNicholas ’70 Nancy Kungsakawin Meagher ’98 Anna and Victor Medina Erika Meeske ’93 Poonam and Nihal Mehta Julie Golman ’66 and Robert Melendi Eric Melin Constance Melrose ’72 and Mark Beatt Melissa Melville ’76

Tiffany Newsom ’89 and Jason Melvin Shirley Young ’70 and Roger Mendelson Jessica Gagnon ’93 and Mario Menendez Carole Tart Mennen ’88 Marilyn Merkle Katy Miller ’82 and George Merriman Jennifer and Steven Metzger Christie Little and Bruce Meyer Carmen Miller ’42 and Ludwig Michael Carol and Frank Miele Myra and Phil Migicovsky Anita Escobar ’80 and James Miles Elizabeth Jekot and David Miller Anne McCord ’59 and Dick Miller Barbara Miller Bette Wolens ’50 and Bennett Miller Bradford Miller Debra Doss Miller DeeDee and Bob Miller Emma Miller ’06 Evelyn and Jimmy Miller Joshua Miller Kathy Kucera Miller ’60 Patti Terry ’71 and Dan Miller Shirley and Bob Miller Peggy Flaxman ’71 and David Millheiser Lanie Milliorn ’09 Merritt Milliorn ’07 Mira Mimini Nahid and Mike Mirbagheri Jenny Mitchell ’11 Tricia Mitchell Jackie Claudet-Mitterer and Michael Mitterer Jillian Mock ’10 Dora Calhoun ’48JC and Edward Moffitt Shane Kajani and Karim Mohammad Marjorie and George Moll Chris Molsen Amy Williams ’73 and Jules Monier

Alison Gaylord ’83 and David Monnich Myth Dahlin ’48 and Bob Monnich Lou Ann Levering Monroe ’74 Ann Montgomery ’05 Daly Montgomery ’12 Dorothy Thompson ’44 and James Montgomery Elizabeth Carter ’50 and Amzi Montgomery Marian Miller Montgomery* ’43 Mary Blake and Will Montgomery Ruth Ann Montgomery Susie Moody ’63 Amanda Fisher ’98 and William Moore Ashley Moore ’01 Caroline Moore ’11 Elizabeth Moore Jenny Lynch Moore ’70 Mary McCarthy ’79 and Howard Moore Shelley Moore ’04 Susan Jackson ’89 and Geoffrey Moore Susannah Moore ’94 Vicki Vandeveer Moore ’72 Michelle Lloyd Morales ’99 Deborah Moreland Jean Allen ’52 and Charles Morgan Lisa Kramer Morgan ’82 Emily Morris ’98 Carolyn Winans Morrisey ’80 Diane Kemp Maresca Morrison ’72 Terri Lough ’70 and Otis Morrow Shannon Morse ’88 Vicki Fischer ’74 and Edward Morse Katherine Mosle ’12 Sara Mosle ’82 Electra Biggs Moulder ’63 Christine Muelsch Bipasha and Ashok Mukherjee Moira Muldoon ’91 Carie Mullens ’11

Debbie Howard ’93 and Michael Munir Karin and Angel Munoz Lucy Reid ’06 and William Murchison Patty Murphree ’03 Anne Murphy Sue Murphy Elizabeth Muse ’10 Irene and Peter Muturi Brianna Myers ’12 Meenakshi and Harish Mysore Shannon Nadalini Liz and Richard Naftalis Carolyn and Charlie Naile Nidhi Monga Nakra ’93 Sandra Pabst ’55 and James Nance Peggy Nathan ’58 Sarah Lowe ’91 and Dan Nathan Allison Swayze Navitskas ’94 Arax and Ramon Nazarian Teresa and Bryan Neal Suzanne Propst Neal ’78 Randall Neely ’09 Alice Shelburne Neild ’58 Megan Neligan ’12 Maura and Patrick Neligan Michael Nelms Judy and Perch Nelson Shawna and Tom Nesbitt Susan Claire Cook Nettle ’58 Vivianne Neuhoff-VanBuskirk and Scott VanBuskirk New Life OBGYN Lynn and Joe Newman Nancy and Larry Newman Jan Martindale ’61 and Thomas Newsome Stuart Newsome ’92 Ng Family Trust Maya Roel-Ng and Tony Ng Judy and Chau Nguyen Ainslie Taylor ’76 and Philip Nibert





Anar Rathod Patel ’00 Julie Boren ’59 and Allyn Patrick Pat Patterson ’57 Christine Paul Julie Paulson ’69 Laura Payne ’10 Ivory and Stephen Pearson Mary Morgan Peltier ’74 Suzanne Meek ’53 and Thomas Pelzel Tita Peña ’12 Victoria and Clay Pendergrass Caroline Penn ’07 Jennie and Jim Pennington Cecilia Perez-Verdia and Tom Pereira Kathy Perry Rene and Andrew Perry Personally Fit Carol and Jon Pettee Jennifer and Kent Petty Margaret and Dick* Phelps Nancy Philipson ’80 Sonia Topletz Philipson ’51JC Jan Phillips ’94 Jeanne Phillips Maggie Phillips ’11 Patricia Phillips ’66 and Charles Simon Charlotte Piccagli ’10 Eleanor Piccagli Stacy and Lawrence Piccagli Lora Pickar Kenney Dixon ’63 and John Pickens Andi Pickle Jan and John Pieper Pigment School of the Arts, LLC Monica and Emilio Pimentel Lizeth Pineda ’99 Felicia and David Pitts Caroline Grady ’90 and Waddy Platt Ann and David Podeszwa


Lesley Russell O’Leary ’02 Katie Oliver ’12 Nancy Dressner ’76 and Lance Olivier Allison Hazlewood ’96 and Eric Olson Jeanne Olson Brenda O’Neal ’85 Lindsay Opoku-Acheampong ’12 Winnie and Obeng Opoku-Acheampong Alyson Montgomery ’88 and Alan Opsahl Oracle Corporation Olga O’Reilly Cate and Geoffrey Orsak Karen Whitaker and Clement Osimetha Lynne and David Ostrow Barbara Belknap Owen ’35 Olubunmi and Isaac Owoyemi Erin and Marc Oxford Sam Ozeck Sylvia Pace-Owens ’55 Anisa and Saleem Padani Sue Verhalen Padgett ’52JC Joyce and Monte Page Soo-Kyung and Michael Pak Aparna and Anindya Palit Joni and Scott Palmer Susan Tobian Palmer ’68 Dunja Panic ’09 Emily Patterson ’59 and Anthony Pantaleoni Chanda and Dinesh Parbhoo Carolyn Lentzsch Parcells ’97 Leigh and Scott Parks Hayden Ellis ’87 and Reagan Parr Caroline Parrack Rosemary Parravano ’08 Linda Arnold ’72 and Trey Parrish Marita Bemis ’67 and Angelo Parrish Trish Payne ’72 and John Parrish Elise Black ’85 and John Parteli Paige Pate


Leigh Ann Wood ’80 and Bill Nicas Susan Taylor Nichol ’88 Linda Nichols Lanita Shaw ’84 and Jeff Nickerson Carol O’Brien ’47 and Robert Nicoud Kat Niemi ’10 Sharon and Les Niemi Meg Gooch ’73 and Dennis Noble Monica Nobles Lynn Nolen Heather Tobert Norden ’02 Gail Goldstein ’58 and Gary Nordheimer Lynne Norris ’03 Ruth Ann Norris ’55 Mary Helen Helen Norvell ’49 Libby Norwood Liz Noteware ’88 Sarah Nouri ’06 Sasha Nouri ’08 Isabell Novakov ’98 Elizabeth Novinski ’09 Brenda and Greg Novinski Katherine Novinski ’07 Alex Nowlin ’10 Melinda Nunez Ann Stewart Nunn ’55 Betsy Buchanan ’55 and Julian Oates Barbara Brown ’90 and Steven Obert Holly O’Brien ’12 Jennifer and Sean O’Brien Kelly Oby ’98 Reese Ochsner ’99 Jennifer Burch ’98 and John O’Connor Tess O’Connor ’03 Ali Rutherford Ogburn ’04 Wendy Moore ’89 and Edward Oglesby Dunni Ogundipe ’12 Taeri and Jonathan Oh Ann Ojeda

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Anne Catherine Savage Podolsky ’00 Stefani Westfall ’84 and John Podvin Robert G. Pollock Barbara and Richard Pool Pamela and Clyde Pope Caroline Porter ’12 Cindy Porter Ruthie Newberry Porterfield ’74 Christie Posner ’90 Sugie Dotson Poteet ’72 Casey Potter ’03 Camille Pearcy Potts ’78 Barbara Andrau ’58 and Richard Powell Mary and Bryan Powell Barby and Van Power Alma Doll McCutchin Pratt ’86 Dolores Price Marjorie Reynolds Prichard ’49 ’51JC Monique Wedderburn and Ken Pugh Veenu and Rohit Puri Kimberly and Maury Purnell Tonja and Jim Pyle Jane Liu and Chuan Qin Jennifer Qin ’12 Lauren Proctor and Juan Queralt Glenys Quick and Robert Vaughan Marie Quintana Nina Quirk ’12 Linda Lloyd ’72 and David Quisenberry Alexa Racioppo ’99 Katie Radford ’10 Farrell Rafkin ’06 Marcia and Bill Rafkin Ken Raggio Shar Dubey and Partha Raghunathan Sue and Jerry Ragsdale Mackenzie Ramey Kirsten Ramsay ’91 Zoe and Michael Ramsay

Anna Ramundo ’10 Berniece Randolph Melanie Rasansky Mitchell Rasansky Ann Aston Ratelle ’80 Connie Schedler Rathman ’53 Heather and Randall Rattan Aamer Ravji Melissa Burkholder-Dealey Rawlins ’93 Stephanie Ray ’07 Wendy Marcus Raymont ’56 Amparo and Julio Raymundo Raytheon Company Patsy Read ’70 Katy Reddin ’04 Christen Levering Redlich ’03 Lainie McLain Reed ’72 Ana and Roger Reed Victoria Albaugh Reed ’80 Carol Bright Reeder ’65 Tess Reeder ’04 Katie Reese ’97 Cecil and M.T. Reese Janet and Gary Reeves Betsy Calhoun ’48 and James Reichert Caris Reid ’01 Claire Reid ’04 Diane Reid ’66 Alyssa Reiman ’04 Penelope Taylor Rembe ’58 Paloma Rendon ’01 B. Coleman Renick, Jr. Olga and Jesus Renteria Nidia Renteria ’12 Karen Gilbertson ’82 and John Reoch Caroline Reppe ’11 Patricia and George Reyher Torie Reynolds Catherine Barton ’78 and John Rheinberger

Stephanie and Tommy Rhodus Barkley Adams ’57 and Robert Rice Myrtie Rawlins ’57 and James Rice Kimberly Fahrenbrook ’89 and Jason Rich Carol Schlinke Richey ’44 Allison Richie ’05 Linda Julian ’68 and Chip Richie Emalyn Ruth Mason ’65 and Elwood Rickards Jere Jeffrey ’63 and Jim Rickman Jennifer and Robert Ridout Sarah Ridout ’11 Jessie Risman ’09 Vania and Tommy Ristianto Marisa Ritter ’91 Nancy and Wayne Ritter RLG International Jeannette Roach Angela Berry Roberson ’86 Brooksie Gilliland Roberts ’64 Janet McNabb ’69 and C. Roberts Jan Roberts ’69 Claudine and John Paul Roberts Karen Roberts Laura Roberts ’12 Ramona Curry Roberts ’49JC Tina Joers ’60 and Scott Roberts Janet Robertson Kelsey Swingle Robertson ’05 Ruth Hancock ’49JC and Poole Robertson Chana and Ralph Robinowitz Alison Edens ’90 and Darryl Robinson Judy Hollingsworth ’60 and Jack Robinson Lesley Woodberry ’78 and Mark Robinson Wendy and Randy Robinson Gayle Glass ’54 and Michael Roche Betsy Rodgers ’91 Leslie Hyland Rodgers ’82 Kim Roe ’77 Nancy Cohen ’69 and Joel Roffman

= 5 or more consecutive years of giving = 1913 Society – donor has made provision for Hockaday in their estate planning = Heritage Society – donor has given $100,000 or more to Hockaday

* = Deceased




Charlotte Wolens Schuman ’56 Jody Polk ’57 and Jonathan Schwartz Margaret and Roderich Schwarz Audrey and Louis Schwimmer Becky Butler ’71 and Morin Scott Beverly Hill ’68 and Phillip Scott Elisha and Jason Scott Patricia Scroggins Betsie Tart ’86 and Jim Sears Carolyn and Bill Seay Tammy Secules Rudolph G. Seeberger Isabelle Seeman Sara Speer Selber ’75 Kathleen Johnson ’89 and Mike Self Greg Sellers Dorothea Bresslau Severino ’58 Maria Reyes Shadle ’88 Betty Browning ’73 and Ernest Shaheen Amina Allaudin and Kamruddin Shams Jing Xiao and Paul Shang Marcia Regan ’77 and Don Shannon Deepti and Neeraj Sharma Julia Simon and Bernard Shaw Nancy Shaw ’78 Jan and Frank Sheeder Julia Tyson ’89 and Sam Shelburne Sonja and Michael Shelby Jeanne Weil Shelton ’63 Fang Liu and Weifeng Shi Jean Son and Howard Shin Helen Clayton Shingler ’77 Victoria and Greg Shinn Kathryn Shinn ’11 Sandy and Richard Shirley Thalia Shirley Elaine Flache Shiver ’65 Sonya Shor


Joyce Sanders Matthew Sanders Charlotte Collier ’65 and David Sanderson Betsy Bush ’65 and Colin Sandison Nancy Kisten Sandland ’46JC Roslyn Sandlin ’08 Stephen H. Sands Mary Sanger ’63 Jane Santa Cruz ’05 Jeanne Santa Cruz Laura Sotelo ’93 and Roman Santellana Monica Haver and Patrick Sargent Flis and Rich Sassella Katie Satinsky ’09 Julie Glover and Mark Satinsky Sarah Satinsky ’07 Aisha Sattar ’93 Judy Camp ’60 and Henry Sauer Claire Curry Saunders ’81 Mildred Ford Saunders ’47JC Stephanie Saunders ’78 Nancy Wynne ’83 and David Saustad Patrick Savage Rhea Sawla ’12 Janet Garvey ’66 and Joe Sawyer Pat Saxon Ruby Sayed ’88 Deborah Lawrence ’88 and John Schafer Frances Schendle ’02 Darla and Carl Scherz Patricia Penrose ’57 and Bob Schieffer David Schieldrop Cristina Dugan ’93 and Eric Schmidt Lyn Fleishman Schmulen ’66 Martha Ann Sanders Schneider ’43 Autumn and Shane Schnitzius Anne Newman Schoenhard ’95 Jean Erwin Schuller ’56


Devon Rudberg ’04 Helene and Joe Rudberg Justin Rudelson Brian Rudman Jody Plotkin Rudman ’86 Claire Ruffini ’08 Carol and Tony Ruggeri Anne Russell ’73 and John Lumbard Jennifer and Thomas Russell Judith Fogg Russell Louisa Shade ’52 and William Russell Miriam and John Russell Neille Mallon Russell ’68 Rachel Russell ’10 Abbie Ryan ’05 Cynthia Ryan ’93 Carole and Frank Ryan Nathalie Ryan ’91 Lou Swain Sabo ’51 Sabre Holding Leila Safavi ’12 Fery and Max Safavi Kerry and Joe Salatino Adrienne Salick Dixie Carter ’82 and Sergio Salinas Jenna Salwen ’90 Karee and Greg Sampson Clara Sanchez Rhonda and James Sanchez Karen Sanchez Cindy and Phillip Sanchez Charlotte Sanders ’86 Debbie and David Sanders


Cynthia Reaves ’77 and Terry Rogan Brittney Rogers ’96 Sherry and Rex Romano Channy Ronchetti ’08 Judy and Colin Rorrie Kendra Rorrie ’91 and Daniel Smith Thuylinh Nguyen Roschangar ’91 Catherine Marcus ’88 and Will Rose Sandra Rose ’53 Nancy and Mike Rosellini Dana and Josh Roseman Mary Willingham Rosen ’48JC Betsy Rosenberg ’78 Sally Wagner Rosenberg ’74 Anna Rosenblatt ’06 Barbara Glazer Rosenblatt and Randall Lee Rosenblatt Family Fund of The Dallas Jewish Community Foundation Molly Rosenblatt ’08 Barbara Glazer Rosenblatt and Randall Lee Rosenblatt Family Fund of The Dallas Jewish Community Foundation Ana Rosenthal Rosewood Foundation Susie Thomas Ross ’64 Margaret Rote ’11 Vicki Vanston Rothschild ’68 Regen Routman ’12 The Regen Routman Fund of The Dallas Foundation Judy and Bill Rowan Dana and John Rowlett Donna and Byron Rubin Susan Spires Ruch ’70

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Liz and James Shorey Kelly and Brad Shoup Yasmeen Akhtar and Nadeem Siddiqui Lisa Siegel Robyn L. Schwartz-Siegel ’99 Christine and Sig Sigurdsson Tissie Whatley Silberberg ’40 Patty Silva Lisa Ginsberg Silver ’80 Mia Silver ’21 Temma and Herbert Silver Kelly Rahe Silvers ’95 Alice Simkins ’64 Cindy Simmons ’96 Deborah Simmons Anna Simon ’07 Marilou and Jim Simon Lily Simon ’11 Jay Simons Kitch Risser Simpson ’74 Leigh Sinclair ’72 and Arlan Preblud Phyllis Bywaters Singer ’57 Emilie Sintobin ’09 Darlene Sjogren Beverly Beard Skelton ’44 Courtney Skerritt Randy Skinner Julie Ann Sklaver ’88 and Aaron Kamins Rebecca and Neal Sklaver Jane Matthews ’57 and Denys Slater Nancy Showers ’54 and Lon Slaughter Tina Slinker Sue Howell-Roberts ’44 and Charles Sloan Virginia and Ken Sloan Deborah Slone Tymesia Smaw Anne Smead ’08 Alex Smith ’10 Ann Suggs Smith ’51

Anne Schwitters ’92 and Christopher Smith Caroline Smith ’08 Diane Smith ’78 and William Connell Emmy Smith ’04 Heather May ’93 and Jay Smith Iola and James* Smith Jackie and Terry Smith Jessica Smith ’07 Jessica Smith Johanna Smith ’63 Kate and Kevin Smith Kay and Stephen Smith Lenora* and Glen Smith Lynne Smith Margie and Mike Smith Mary Alex Smith ’08 May and Frank Smith Patricia Cordonnier Smith ’52JC Martha Mossman ’65 and Wilbur Smither Stephanie Smith-Wilkey ’62 Ilene Smoger Mary Kay Holmes Snell ’54 Kristal Snelson ’89 Bob Snook Isabella So ’12 Minoo Sobhani ’03 Margaret Flanagan Solomon ’85 Karen Soltero ’92 Suzanne Lunn Sommerville ’57 Mary Breithaupt ’94 and James Southard Harriet Brown ’61 and Knut Spanberg Sally Edmondson ’52 and Ben Sparkman Lori Heape ’79 and Vance Sparks Katharine Meyer Speaker ’00 Jane Wilson ’60 and William Spears Victoria Spears-Johnson Amy Spence ’87 Merrie Nell Spence ’95 Barbara Ann Houser ’54 and Roger Spencer

Marian and Jack Spitzberg Kathryn Spitzberg ’96 Eryn Lugger Sporl ’91 Rachel Spradley ’06 Sydney L. Spradlin ’83 Kate Squiers ’09 Allison Squires ’05 Pam and Richard Squires Caro Alexander Stalcup ’57 Elia Stanfield IB Stanley-Ikhilioju ’00 Laura Jean Stargardt ’08 Laura and Brandon Starr Karen and Jack Stecher Shelly Suggs Steele ’62 Anita and Jacob Steephen Grace Steere ’70 and Mark Johnson Leigh Ann Moranz Steere ’81 Kaili and Ed Stehel Ruby and Jessie Stennis Caroline Stephens ’09 Robin and Stacy Stephens Amy Rhodes ’80 and Hugh Stephenson Tracy and Jeff Stern Susan Tocker Sternberg ’61 Ann McKnight Stevens ’63 Tia and Anthony Stevens Jan and Gene Stevens Carol and Dan Stevenson Helen and Frank Stevenson Louise Stevenson ’05 Alice Stewart ’74 Jenny Stewart ’99 Rosemary Ramsey Stewart ’93 Jennifer Stimpson Andre Stipanovic Meredith Stites ’99 Bettye Lunn Stocks ’54 Jo Oakley Stone ’56





Peggy Black Meyer ’81

My annual gift to Hockaday represents not only a personal expression of gratitude for what Hockaday provided to me, but also a belief in the great value of a Hockaday education and all it will make possible for future generations of leaders, mothers, and civic volunteers.

Peggy Black Meyer ’81 as a student



Mary Maxson ’67 and Donald Thompson Melissa Thompson ’80 Nancy Philen Thompson ’56 Shannon Saalfield ’89 and Jodie Thompson Barbara Pitzer ’72 and Michael Thornton Laurie Spurgin ’63 and James Thornton Carol Thumlert Kristin Thumlert ’01 Vickey Thumlert Abby Tice ’04 Katie Tice ’08 Cathy and Peter Tippen Tiana Tippen ’08 Karen and David Titzer Meghan Titzer ’02 Earle Todd Tangie and Robert Tolbert Andrea and William Toliver Jane Gill ’59 and Gareth Tolman Abbie Mullen ’88 and Todd Tomlin Alison Toth ’94 Dawn and Kenneth Toudouze Libby Toudouze and Leslie Ezelle Karen and Robert Towler Kathy Townsend Jill Sachson ’90 and Billy Trattler Ann Benners ’76 and Ed Travis Ann Trenary Olivia Trevino ’07 Benita Trinkle Liza Trinkle ’98 Brie Sabin Triplett ’74 Presley Stokes Troyer ’82 Truist, Inc. Margaret Mills Trulock ’66 Michelle Tsai ’12 Teresa and Steve Tsang Jo Fisher ’55 and Dennis Tuck


Jane Mitchell ’53 and Morgan Talbot Anita Taleghani ’01 Claire Tardy Tory Tarpley ’11 Shirley and Peter Tart Cynthia Tassopoulos ’09 Sylvia and Marvin Taub Rosalie Taubman ’45 Joe Tauscher Adrienne Nitsos and David Taylor Alison Taylor ’59 Betty Olmsted ’54 and John Taylor Billye Sherman ’47JC and Robert Taylor Carol Hill Taylor ’63 Richard Taylor Barbara Parravano Teaford ’03 Byrd Fuertes ’62 and William Teague Cathy and Todd Teiber Marilyn and Terry Teitelbaum Kief Tekle Regina and Roland Tenorio Allene White Terrell ’53 Linda and Lawrence Terry Tory Ray Thatcher ’98 Betty Barton ’49 and Richard Thomas Blythe Holder ’58 and William Thomas Connor Thomas ’11 Heather and William Thomas Louise Bird ’41 and Alex Thomas Natalie Thomas Pat Nobles and Todd Thomas Sandy Thomas Teressa Thomas Valerie Parks Thomas ’99 Denise Smith ’80 and Melvin Thompson Jamie and Steve Thompson Kimberly Thompson Mary Broday Thompson ’70


Amy Meyer Stoneham ’01 Tracy Stoneman ’79 Paul Storey Fredda and Joe Stout Jenni and Shane Stout Sally Seay Stout* ’56 Cailyn Straubel ’12 Olga Strauss Suzy Lynde Strauss Joan Watzek Strickland ’58 Beth Brand ’87 and Mark Stromberg Chandler Stubbs ’12 Kelley Studdard ’93 Xiao Pu and Suresh Subbiah Christie Browning ’95 and D.J. Sullivan Gayle and Vincent Sullivan Lanette Sherman Sullivan ’52JC Betsy and Marshall Summers Kimberly and Shad Sumrow Melanie and Shane Sumrow Jeanette and Dean Sung Carolyn and Wingate Sung Cheryl and Sunil Surana Shayne Suttle-Roberts ’78 Jeri Sutton Joan Hendricks Swalwell ’50JC Susan Swan Smith and Ken Smith The Swan Smith Family Fund of Communities Foundation of Texas Barbie Burden ’66 and Kenneth Swanson Edith Jarrell Sweeney ’42 ’44JC Gail Swenson ’54 Lindsley Harris ’69 and Smokey Swenson Caroline Sydney ’12 Neil Syken Naomi Meier and Jason Sykes Nancy Malone ’57 and Richard Symms Claire and Deno Taglioli Kay Takenaka ’88

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Betty Barrett Tucker ’50JC Kristin Tucker ’99 Erin Turner ’12 Kelly Turner Meg Boggess Twombly ’62 UBS Foundation Katherine Greenlee ’80 and Tudor Uhlhorn Cindy Upchurch Laura Johnson ’78 and Michael Urbis Anna Eastham Valdez ’53 Lindsey Shaw Valente ’97 Cynthia Valk ’60 and Anthony Vasalin Lizette and David Vallejo Leslie Eaton and Mark Vamos Julie Kutner ’83 and Rene van de Zande Suzy and Ed Vanston Elena Zavala and Manuel Vasquez Julie and David Vaughn Sally and Pat Vaughn Hilda Vazquez Isabel Vazquez ’12 Elsa Vela Paula Murray ’77 and Will Verity Verizon Foundation Marianna Verlage ’09 Sharman Beasley Vesecky and Stephen Vesecky Carol Alexander ’57 and John Vesey Meredith Vesledahl ’02 Robin Grier ’82 and Paul Vettoretti Bobbie and Andres Villareal Sally Villarreal Holly Mullins Vinella ’78 Susan and Mike Viracola Lynn McEntire Vogt ’66 Debbie Perez Vohs ’95 Linda Schoeneman ’64 and John Vorhies Nancy Ann Sheldon Votteler ’50

Grace Bradley Vyvyan Janet and Jim Wadkins Margaret Wagers ’70 Lucia Hartgrove ’54 and Dick Waggoner Caroline Snell Wagner Barbara Brasted ’82 and Scott Wait Tracy Walder Ashley Walker ’05 Betty Priddy Walker ’69 Charlotte and Tom Walker DeAnn Thomason ’78 and Ronnie Walker Elliott Walker Nicki Walker Sharon and Bob Walker Joan Collonge Wall ’49 Denise Mabry ’65 and William Wallace Hillary Wallace ’09 Anne Wallach ’01 Carolyn and Dick Wallach Nan Walters Dorothy and David Wargo Charles L. Warnberg Terrell Potts Warnberg Suzanne and Mike Warner Lenox McClendon Warren ’99 Carol Wasden Leslie Maclay ’74 and Hugh Washburne Laurie Watel ’85 Kathy and Michael Waters Marjorie Waters Nancy and Mark Waters Doris Watson Jean Oliver Watson ’51 Marilyn Munger Watson ’58 Keegan Watters ’10 Tracy Spellings Watts ’81 Lisa Waugh

Cindy and Paul Weatherall Meg Weathers ’00 Rachelle and Bob Weathersby Dorothy Collins Weaver ’64 James M. Collins Foundation Harriet Tabb and Kenn Webb Shawn West Webb ’77 Cynthia Lavender Weichsel ’53 Dorothy Taliaferro ’78 and Ben Weil Laura Weil ’11 Risa Weinberger ’75 Allison Weiner ’04 Kelly Dunnam Wellborn ’84 Mary Wenner Heidi Werner ’96 Ann Marie Wesneski ’00 Aimee Wessel ’03 Ann Lawrence Wessel ’68 Mary Teresa Israel West ’02 Thomas West Zara and Larry Westbrook Andrea French ’86 and Jess Wetsel Cate Wetzel ’09 Catherine and Jack Wetzel Jane Wetzel Patty Pope Whaley ’48JC Barbara Castleman ’62 and Steve Whipple Flory Bramnick and Dan White Joanna White ’65 Patsy Murphey Whitman ’48 Robert Whittaker Mercedes Baker Whittington ’49JC Polly Dossett ’82 and Jeff Whittle Athena Wickham ’98 Shana Intille ’88 and Barry Wilcox Sue Grosjean Wilcox ’52JC Megan Wilde ’98 Rachael Wildes ’08 Mary Ellen Wilensky





Andie Eikenberg ’11

I give back because I will never forget how Hockaday shaped me as a student and a young woman. I was taught that it was okay – even encouraged – to be bold with my ideas and work hard to achieve my goals. ‘Empowering.’ That’s how I would describe a Hockaday education. Andie Eikenberg’s ’11 senior photo



Rachel Wyatt Zabierek Peggy Wagner ’68 and Richard Zadina Krystal Mahaney ’77 and Jack Zahniser Ethel and Eugene Zale Molly Zale ’02 Jennifer Zavaleta ’06 Martha Zavaleta Claire Zhang ’12 Yan Ma and Songlin Zhang Li Tan and Gan Zhou Hua Xue and Jianping Zhou Annie Zhu ’12 Jin Li and Jason Zhu Amy Springer ’85 and Damien Zinck Sharon and Jeremy Zissman And all those at each level who wish to remain anonymous


Sandra Cooper Woodson ’56 Catherine Woodward ’81 Lynn Woodward ’68 Jan Hancock ’70 and Tom Wooldridge Nan Works ’71 and Steve Leary Maggie Works-Leary Beth Wortley Carol Williams ’63 and Charles Wray Susan Kurth Wrenn ’70 Pat and Bobby Wright Sharon and Perry Wright Dovie and Frank Wu Bonnie Boynton and Creed Wyatt Merry Munson Wyatt ’93 Kay Wills ’84 and Jon Wyma Jayne and Gene Wyszynski Bin He and Yiqun Xie Shuxiang Wan and Lin Xiong Hiromi and Masashi Yanagisawa Nina Yanagisawa ’12 Julia Yang ’94 May and Morley Yang Lisa Campbell Yarbrough ’87 Val Mack Yarbrough ’77 Joanne Hong Yen ’03 Margaret Yonack Lana York Janet Yoshii-Buenger Melanie and Christopher Young Danielle Chen and Jerry Young Linley Young ’85 Mary McEntire ’76 and Keith Young Melissa Young ’76 Serena Young ’82 Arden Youngblood ’10 Devon Youngblood ’06 Laurie Younger Margaret Qi and Xuewei Yu Jo Ann Yzaguirre


Nancy Nunn Wilhelm ’74 LaDonna and Chesley Williams Dara Williams Emily Williams ’12 Gary Williams Hayley Williams ’10 Staci Williams ’77 Traci Williams ’77 Jennifer Willingham ’89 and Philip Williamson Helen Biggs ’64 and Gene Willingham Dorothy Willis ’77 Sue Barnes ’56 and Don Wills Elizabeth Ardrey Wilson ’64 Judith Wilson ’57 Kendall Burney Wilson ’82 Kitty Burge Wilson ’42JC Peggy Wilson Rebecca and Ben Wilson Sandra Sweeney Wilson ’60 Sherry and Robert Wilson Tresa Wilson Barbara Bidwell Winn* ’40 Chandler Rice Winslow ’02 Ellen Needham ’77 and Donald Winspear Jennifer Thoman Wisinski ’84 Joann and John Withers Susan Starker Witherspoon ’73 Helen Witt ’03 Carolyn Kemp ’67 and Tom Wittenbraker Heather Wolf ’08 Claudette and David Wolfe Sharon Wolfson Dorothy Ann Stacy Wood ’52JC Frances Wood Katie Wood ’11 Ray Wood Haley Woodberry ’12 Rob Woodmansee Gina Woods ’79

12 – 20




20 D



12 – 20


Based on giving to and participation in the 2012 – 2013 Annual Fund Campaign


Education, for me, is about enjoying life. When you learn something new, you broaden your experience – you are opening yourself to opportunities, activities, and people you didn’t know before. When you are faced with a difficult situation, education can support you by providing the means for success as you master the challenge. When your world seems to slow down due to illness, aging, or simply closing a chapter of your life for whatever reason, through education you can discover, a new path, a new adventure, a new friend.

Mary Clutts ’76 and Tim Gaumer in Washington, D.C.

Top for Contributions

Top for participation

1972................................ $61,320

1957.................................... 84.4%

1960................................ $58,225

2012.................................... 70.2%

1986................................ $38,498

1978.................................... 59.3%

1982................................ $35,400

1948.................................... 56.5%

1983................................ $26,741

1952JC................................ 55.6%

1978................................ $24,694

1954.................................... 53.3%

1958................................ $22,261

1953.................................... 50.0%

1975................................ $21,620

1958.................................... 49.2%

1984................................ $20,075

1977.................................... 47.2%

1989................................ $18,526

1982.................................... 46.9%

1959................................ $17,493

1972.................................... 46.1%

1962................................ $16,475

1988.................................... 44.2%

1988................................ $16,277

1963.................................... 42.9%

1957................................ $15,257

1998.................................... 42.2%

1969................................ $14,950

1989.................................... 41.8%

1999................................ $14,944

2009.................................... 41.2%

1953................................ $14,740

1937.................................... 40.0%

1998................................ $14,602

1961.................................... 38.5%

1961................................ $14,375

1955.................................... 37.3%

1980................................ $14,228

2008.................................... 37.2%

Through a strong physical education program and the

preparatory education for girls of strong potential and diverse

challenge of competitive sport, Hockaday seeks to develop in

backgrounds who may be expected to assume positions of

each girl an enthusiastic spirit, a healthy body, and a sense of

responsibility and leadership in a rapidly changing world.

responsibility for herself and her actions.

It is the purpose of The Hockaday School to foster a

Through a continual exposure to the arts, Hockaday seeks to

community of concern and friendship, and to instill in every

engender an appreciation of beauty and joy in self-expression

girl a love of learning, an understanding of herself and the

that will bring added enrichment to each girl’s life.

ethical principles which guide her life, an appreciation of excellence in all its forms, and a commitment to what is right

Through constant emphasis on moral and ethical values,

and good.

Hockaday seeks to nurture a courteous attitude, a sense of

Through small classes, creative teaching, and an approach

and a harmonious and mature character well-equipped to

which emphasizes the process of learning, Hockaday seeks to

make responsible choices and withstand the pressures of

discover unique aptitudes and awaken the intellectual curiosity

today’s society.

grace, respect for the ideals of human worth and dignity,

of every girl.

Guiding Our Work: The Four Cornerstones Miss Ela Hockaday’s founding principles continue to imbue

Scholarship: the search for knowledge that brings a wise

the culture of the School today. The Four Cornerstones are the

understanding of a complex world; scholarship fosters a

foundation by which Hockaday students live and learn about

creative, discerning, and resourceful mind.

the world around them.

Athletics: the endeavor to lead a healthy, active, and balanced

Character: the pursuit of a moral and ethical life; character

life; athletics embrace challenges and inspire one to be a

promotes self-assurance and the strength to withstand

modest winner and a courageous loser.

life’s pressures. Courtesy: the quality equated with dignity and generosity of spirit; courtesy is the outward expression of respect not only for others, but also for oneself.


Meg Allen Temple ’88

I have always heard folks say there is something special about Hockaday girls. You can’t really put your finger on it because the Hockaday experience impacts each student differently, but it’s true – Hockadaisies are different. Top notch academics and athletics make Hockaday one of the best schools in the nation. The focus on the other Cornerstones — courtesy and character – is the special sauce. It is what sets us apart. “Giving back is a misnomer – for me, giving to Hockaday is an investment. An investment in our children and our community. The world needs more Hockadaisies!



The Hockaday School, founded in 1913, provides a college




Statement of Philosophy and Purpose of The Hockaday School




12 – 20

Meg Allen ’88 and Christopher Temple with their daughters Mia ’26 and Libby ’27









Kim Wargo Eugene McDermott Headmistress

To learn more about these and other ways to contribute to Hockaday’s excellence in education, please contact:

John Ashton Head of Upper School J.T. Coats Chief Financial Officer Jason Curtis Director of Technology and Information Resources Linda Kramer Head of Middle School

Jen Liggitt Assistant Head for Enrollment Management and Strategic Initiatives Kathy Limmer Director of Development and External Affairs

Kathy Limmer

Cathy Murphee Assistant Head for Academic Affairs and Provost


Randal Rauscher Rhodus ’97 Head of Lower School Tina Slinker Director of Physical Education and Interscholastic Athletics

DEVELOPMENT AND EXTERNAL AFFAIRS DEPARTMENT Melissa Thomas Allan ’90 Director of Communications and Marketing Keturi Beatty Director of Stewardship and Planned Giving Abigail Clark Communications Officer Emily Embry Archives Manager Judith Finegan Gift Manager Holly Hook Centennial Director Neal Lee Development Information Manager

Meagan McCracken Parent Benefit Liaison and Hockaday Centennial Coordinator Sasha Nouri ’08 Major Gifts Coordinator Caroline Parrack Annual Fund Coordinator Mackenzie Ramey Associate Director of Alumnae Relations Stephanie Rhodus Volunteer Coordinator Amy Spence ’87 Director of Alumnae Relations Laura Starr Campaign Coordinator

Director of Development and External Affairs


Make a gift online: www.hockaday.org/makeagift

Make a gift by phone: 214.360.6529

All inquiries are entirely confidential and create no obligation.










3,200 500 1,500 50,600 MILK CARTONS



















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APRIL 7-13 CENTENNIAL WEEK and CENTENNIAL WEEKEND Festivities will be held in a Pavilion by Lower School.

APRIL 8 Upper and Middle School Fine Arts Spotlight Performances

APRIL 9 Lower School Centennial Musical

APRIL 10 Centennial All-Student Luncheon Upper School Spring Play (St. Mark’s)

APRIL 11 Centennial Alumnae Day Centennial Luncheon honoring Hockaday Alumnae Upper School Spring Play (St. Mark’s)

APRIL 12 Centennial Alumnae Affinity Breakfasts Centennial Daisy Dash 5K Centennial Family Picnic and Concert The Party of the Century

APRIL 13 Upper School Spring Play (St. Mark’s)

MAY 24 100th Hockaday Commencement

The Hockaday School 11600 Welch Road Dallas, Texas 75229-9000 www.hockaday.org


Curt E Jayne 2511 D St Sacramento CA 95816-3116

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