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Ba ck to the Basics Howard County C h i ldren ’sDiscoveryFai r
Saturday, April 22 10 am - 1 pm
Ages 3-5 with an adult
North Laurel Community Center 9411 Whiskey Bottom Road Laurel, MD 20723
Happy 20th Anniversary Pigeon!
For all ages. Ticketed; free tickets available 15 mins before class starts.
Welcome to the party! Celebrate Mo Willems' fowl character Pigeon. Remember, don't let him drive the bus! Stories, music, games, and a craft.
Tue Apr 4 2 - 2:30 pm
Play Partners
Ages infant-23 months with adult; 20-30 min. Ticketed; free tickets available 15 mins before class starts.
Stories, baby games, and musical activities.
Mondays 6:30 pm Central this event in celebration of howard county ’ s month of the young child is a launch into learning initiative sponsored by the howard county early childhood advisory council
GET BACK TO THE BASICS while engaging in FREE hands-on learning activities, interactive games, crafts, stories, and FREE dental screenings. Celebrate Howard County’s Month of the Young Child and help your child on the path to kindergarten readiness. For further details, call 410.313.1940, email children@howardcountymd.gov, or visit www.facebook.com/HoCo.road.to.kindergarten.