1 minute read
IRL: The Business of Life
Open Tax Clinic
For adults. Register at bit.ly/3wmm5hR
Speak to a student attorney one-on-one about your tax questions. Clinic is supported by The University of Maryland Low Income Taxpayer Clinic (LITC).
Sat Mar 4 2 - 3:30 pm East Columbia
Protecting Your Personal Information Online
For adults. Register at bit.ly/3J2Fxrv
Learn how to protect your personal information online, including tips for staying safe in cyberspace, creating strong passwords, when it’s okay – or not – to share your personal information online.
Mon Mar 6 2 – 3:30 pm Central
Intro to College Savings with Maryland 529
For adults. Register at bit.ly/3WEAfG0
Maryland 529 makes it easier than ever to save for future education expenses. Learn about the features and benefits of the Maryland Prepaid College Trust and the Maryland College Investment Plan, and have your questions answered by a Maryland 529 representative.
Wed Mar 29 7 - 8 pm Elkridge
Did you know?
Howard County Library System has a Small Business Portal, where you can find all sorts of useful, practical information about starting, managing, and expanding a business. Visit hclibrary.org/community-education/small-businessresources
Career Support: Headshots for You
For adults. Registration is mandatory.
Sit for a free professional headshot photo! Headshot photos help you make a positive first impression and connect with others professionally. Register to ensure your 5-minute session with the professional photographer. Photos emailed to you.
Geoffrey S. Baker is an award-winning professional photographer who specializes in environmental portraits and endurance sports photography.
Tue Mar 14 1 – 3 pm Central register: bit.ly/HeadshotsAM
Tue Mar 28 6 – 8 pm Central register: bit.ly/HeadshotsPM
FOR CLASSES: Visit hclibrary.org > classes & events, and use the filters to narrow your search.
Our sincere thanks to the individuals, organizations, and businesses for their generous financial and in-kind donations to Howard County Library System. Every effort was made to ensure the accuracy of this list of those who made contributions between November 1 - December 31, 2022. Please call 410.313.7799 to report any errors or omissions.
UP TO $1,000
Cliff Crown
James Sturm
Thomas C. Watts
In Memory of Kathleen S. Glascock: Robert Owings Glascock
In Memory of Mary Lou Brittingham and Linda Lange: Milltown Quilters