The NIV Bible and your church

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The NIV Bible and your church

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‘The NIV helps people to connect with God in a way they can understand.’ MA LCOLM DUNCA N

ABOUT THE NIV More than sixty years after the vision was cast — and more than 600 million copies later — the New International Version (NIV) is the most widely read modern English Bible translation in the world. That’s because the NIV delivers the very best combination of accuracy and readability. Hodder & Stoughton has been publishing the NIV Bible in British English since the translation was created forty years ago. We are committed to serving the church with the widest possible range of NIV Bibles at affordable prices. We hope you enjoy reading about these in more detail in this brochure. In the pages that follow you will find our burgundy and blue pew Bibles. The pagination for these Bibles, along with the Larger Print and Lectern editions shown in this catalogue matches the previous 1984 pew Bibles to within one page.

‘Faithful, thorough and inspiring. I cannot recommend the NIV translation highly enough for individual reading, group study or preaching.’ GAV IN CA LV ER


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THE NIV 2011 TRANSLATION PHILOSOPHY The NIV was always intended to be a translation which changes and develops in line with contemporary language usage and biblical scholarship. As you may know, the NIV was revised and updated in 2011 for the first time in 25 years. The majority of what has changed involves comparatively minor matters of vocabulary, sentence structure and punctuation. Other changes reflect advances in biblical scholarship over the last three decades. All these revisions aim to move the NIV from the English of 1984 to the English of the twenty-first century and are the decisions of the Committee on Bible Translation (CBT) – an independent and self-governing body comprised of renowned biblical scholars from across the evangelical spectrum, who meet annually to review the text. Further information about the translation and the work of the CBT can

‘The NIV retains its commitment to accuracy even while remaining accessible to the widest audience possible.’ PHILIP YA NCEY

be found at 3

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NIV POPULAR BURGUNDY HARDBACK BIBLE This handsome and hard-wearing NIV Bible is encased in a traditional burgundy hardback binding, with gold-foiled lettering on the front and spine. Inside, the Scriptures are set out clearly and legibly on the page in two columns, using a readable 9pt font which makes following along with the Bible reading very easy. 4

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Additional Features At the front you will find several pages of helpful information such as an alphabetical list of the books of the Bible, signposted passages for help and guidance and a list of well-known biblical characters and events. The maps on the endpapers show the changes in Holy Land topography from Abraham to Paul. The page numbers match those of the Lectern Bible, the Popular Blue Hardback Bible and both the Larger Print Bibles shown in this brochure.


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NIV POPULAR BLUE HARDBACK BIBLE This contemporary and durable NIV Bible is bound in an eyecatching printed case and is our most affordable option for churches. As with the burgundy edition, the Scriptures are set out clearly and legibly on the page in two columns, using a readable 9pt font, making this edition ideal for personal reading, public teaching and group study. 6

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Larger Print In every congregation there may be members for whom the text in our standard-sized pew Bibles is too small to be read comfortably. To meet this need, we have enlarged the text to create two NIV Larger Print Hardback Bibles, one in burgundy and one in blue. These editions are identical in design and contents to the standard pew Bibles, just with larger 11pt text.


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NIV LECTERN BIBLE The Bible reading will always be central to every church service, and to have the sacred Word of God open and displayed prominently on the lectern is important for most churches. The NIV Lectern Bible, bound in black, Persian Morocco leather of exceptional quality, is a beautifully finished Bible for lectern use. With gilt-edged pages, wide red, blue and black ribbons and leather joints, this edition gives the Scriptures the reverence they deserve. 8

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As with both the burgundy and blue pew Bibles, the text is set out clearly and legibly on the page in two columns, using a very large and readable 14.5pt font, which makes finding and reading the prescribed passage extremely easy.

The NIV Lectern Bible, which comes in an elegant black and gold presentation box, has thick, creamy pages with no showthrough at all, and the page numbers match those of the pew Bibles to avoid confusion. 9

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NIV TEXT SIZES This page gives actual size samples of the typesettings of the Popular, Larger Print and Lectern Bibles.

LECTERN 14.5pt | 320 x 235 mm


The Word became fl esh In the beginning was th the Word was with God e Word, and , and the Word was God. 2 He was wit The Word became fl h G od POPULAR 9pt | 197 x 130 mm in the begind b ro ugth is in hehiclo J O HthInNethWoe beginningeswahs the Word, and niwiGongthd .than3eTh msesalt lrethlain tiogs nshw ipere made; Father, ha w rd was with God, and mad nos th know the Word ithout him ine ghim n.ade th w as was God. 2 He was wi m at has th God in the begin- been made. 4 John the BaptistIndehi ning. 3 Through him all m w The Word became fl as lif e, ni an es being things were made; was d that life esh the M with Goou thesesialig b isno d dm In the beginning wa h ht of all manki inth the ingclowa sest s the Word, and wi tanhi s m re la ad 5 tio e n th nd sh at ip . ha 19 Now s shin The light the Word was with Go be th the Fa4the is was John’s testimo Inr,hihams ma d, and the Word en made. him known. es inthth wade s lif nydwh was God. 2 He was wi rk ne en ss , an s the light of all man e, and that life the Jewish leaedda th God in the beginwa th e ers c in Jerusalem se darkness - John the Baptist kind. 5 The light ha ning. 3 Through him all no t ov nt ervitco nies being prsies things were madesh m ts an inssi d thah Le e darkde es ; in toeasakit ne thes without him nothing ss, e Me an hi.m who he was. d the darkness 206He was made that hashas no Thdier d no ovwerthicos m 19 tNo t fai ew been made. 4 In him asl to conan am it.n’s testimo fess, waesaJoh sebu was ntt co frnom fesseGdod whose ny when fre e ly, TherJew was the light of all ma life, and that life 6the ‘I am e wa no s ish a t m th na lea e dan Me m ers csein nt Je s e si fro ah w nkind. 5 The light pri as .’ m ru Go sa 7 Jo lem d hn wh sen os . t 21 e H shines in the darkne e na est ca m s an They asked him, ‘Then e wa m as a witness d Le s Jo vit.es7 to hn ss, Heaskcahim mewh who aree yo aso ahewi wats. 20 He did has not overcome a it. and the darknessto te ness toAreteyo u? s ti fy non t fai co lrn n stify co toin u ce Eli cognfes rn jah in s, ?’ ce bu g t co th at light sedthat 6 There freely, ‘I am not the Me that lightn,fes , so that so was a man sent from th He ro th s ug si sa ah roughid,hi h him all might belie .’ ‘I am God whose no m 21 They t.’ al name was John. 7 He l 8 He him m ve ig ask . ht ed be him lieve. 8 He him, ‘Then who are you? came as a witnessself was not th ‘Are you the Prophet?’ Are you Elijah?’e light; he to testify concerning wan came only as a selfHe as no that light, so thawi t th e lig ht ; t tneHe ss sai he sw to through him all migh ered, ‘No.’ th‘Ieam came only as a ligno d, ht.t.’ t be witne 22 Fiss self was not the light; lieve. 8 He him- 9 Th‘Ar theyesalig nalto e etru yoeu the ly th light Proth ph . id,ht et? at he came only as a ‘W ’ es light to ever giv ho are you? Give witness to the light. y- us9 Th Hesan one wa an e antr ‘Noto swue cosw mere er to .’ the world 10 ind, g in tak e th back lig to ht 22 Final 9 The tru th . at He who to ev gi wa veoss elig ly s e light that gives light the se in nt us. What do you sa d,ou e wo , anydsaith ‘Who are you? Give eryto every- th y about yourselfht gh the world was one23w us an anrld one was coming into as sw er co to m ?’ 10 tak in e g the ba m ck in ad wo 10 He wa to Jo to e rld th hn tho . th ro se re ug e wh 10 pl h w ied o hi s or m in the words of Isald sent us. What do yo,uthe world did no in the world, and tho say about yourself ?’ t rec- inthth ug iah. He was e preopwhor him 23 Joh et,ld made through him, the h the world wasognise , ‘I am an He d n .re11pli th th e vo e to ou edca ice th gh inmthe of at on wh th world did not rechi wo e e ich ca rds of Isaiahwas in the wi llinw g orld was - s the owpro ognise him. 11 He cam n, bu derug phet, made thlro t hi‘Isam ness, owthe “Mm n di ak,e th vodice e to that which was12 straig no oft on h reececal hi htor ive th NIVBibles_Brochure_A5_FINAL.indd 11/05/2018 e l ing hi wa m y e . his own, but his ow 10 w fo r Yeint the wilde th ld e to all di Lo d r rd.” d n 13:37 whness, “ LARGER PRINT 11pt | 234 x 156 mm







Please find our prices listed below. To discuss your requirements, or if you would like to buy Bibles for your church, please email or call 020 3122 6074. We would be delighted to talk through your church’s specific needs.

God and b is in the closest rela ISBN with th e Father, has made hiTITLE tionship m known. Popular Burgundy Hardback Bible Jo9781444701487 hn the BaptistNIV denies being the Messiah 19 Now this was JoLarger hn’sPrint tesBurgundy 9781473651562 timonyHardback when Bible the Jewish leadNIV ers c in Jerusalem se nt priests and Levites to as k hi m w ho he was. 20 He di d not fail to coNIV 9781444701500 Popular Blue Hardback Bible nfe ss , bu t co nfessed freely, ‘I am not the M es si ah .’ whose 21 They asked him, ‘Then who witness Are9781473656673 e you?Bible NIV Larger Print Bluear Hardback you Elijah?’ so that He said, ‘I am not.’ e him‘Are you the Prophet?’ NIV Lectern Bible ly as a H9781444701999 e answered, ‘No.’ 22 Final ly they every- us an answer said, ‘Who are you? Give He was sent us. Wha to take back to those who t do you say about yo urself ?’ d was 23 John replie11d in the words NIVBibles_Brochure_A5_FINAL.indd of

ord, and he Word e beginre made; that has that life he light arkness




20 copy pack £200.00


10 copy pack £150.00


20 copy pack £180.00


10 copy pack £150.00



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If you are not quite ready to purchase a full set of Bibles, we would be very happy to send you a sample copy of the edition you are considering. Please email referencing your preferred Bible, along with your address and we will post a sample copy to you.* *Please note that the NIV Lectern Bible is not included in this offer. 9781473603400 NIVBibles_Brochure_A5_FINAL.indd 12


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